fritoirT notices, trttat vfeet, -fecSnotlce, tributes of respect, r' k ijfj ,n of iKeHUCTMiK tht city last week g'lcBreduUl -h,vh will make thetiW,:ttwfelmty.. York and New Orleans seventy-seven Jn .bet on thtf timtf6Ttmmm before stated, Uhe Richmond and but a committee, says the CuronicU. has been PE5tItactilir wAtt&iTidfcH dent of the Richmond and Fredericksburg pad, and AWlm toT make trains lesve Richmond two hoars later jpj noying deUyat the capital Wy bV!avol3a the Mesws. Qarper.fOTtylttl75dTtJiioiea for their pcrlodlcaTs..jft fou.thoua4-wl'e.ICrY;'6r mike arranrej,u wua jaacioesapeaxei A , ti.ttLtv i&3rzexi Atty wvernor t mat ana v-m Hi; toiM4:M unrnM nnin 4 I ...M.vj)WiA,o''"1f about font wTuuii.oU2to Hasaar ril ' 11 V-.ftWfitnHvnm r puuty-fr-and wasoae.hundredjdglifs. He is said to have wnxigSjflejLonyxeatone five days, at the WKTol wliieUSlWTtiem to retain . i.Sbrhey were ceived the toity4tvtoliuiidrSaim?I)a ring the time he was engaged oo them, he was iW tW! Trsrf3dO .Til. fcjnfie lion. ily ppcr.lcideaimCtlxIA6astatitly, herj on the.en- ings of UetVajwH4thv-is ot Southern iSltfJilCiXICoCiSi Inid5k.tCke'waa: eifuHtlJ TthV Varth .rtri-.irAi. 'f fTV.iT 7A . circles, andjprgd4 natre sa raricsj tiani ropic and benevolent todvemenlL and has for the fsmmi : dten&tam about to iM3i!SSSA- bek aaqess&s a feauer in Tancsrrn in VVWafLUffi yj'T TJf tribute tegra-Pawjnl'Chry . . . . . - . . - a upon asThe IWW?lrVfvftl. 8UteS i.mortcOTpsi5a?iSrti.' nl t,mmmm . Of course QoTCTrarffirytaTrte a carpetr bairtrer Twa ih. wraearJatiinakrtf I irre8tibie4 iBj.tii .nfSBfi Peace." Thtt-Ss the adical . ,mod-of rT . . "Jk f LI crfST- PREOA VTIO&1 z"r'.. . XT. J . . i.T 1 'II ft. ouraay,n iheir final presentment, sug getted, amohg other tblrsgS, in view of priety ot;tJaetatyaa of w. ordi,naflcemp tunng bufldings. in which opexaUycs. are 1 mployed, to provide suitable tire escapes for the protaSo! gnesu 'M ToM3aAefi&1 deposed td iirot!t fey Wmybrlof Richmod. ti .asiTJT.Tr wrw ; . AbssEdmonla Lewis, the yg .sculp-, be,, hw retuae. She takes Uh her a coottninirrl toxhisel a life-size tatus of sMt&fqz&ih for the Unioii The ianr? inZCtABAnCMl lrom ne eaerai. wovemment, ClnVoW York. Itia thus tfeaiiW .S5 'liSSftM M loTth.T-IT t V jfTp rrr ft f j r ga jwwer should lenSanitS .I ojnty ilpdU ilddry ifc was to the interest of foreign ot faaaticwhi-Hc r'Tcunert3 tx.weTs leld'iieVW it was their women and . i ,i ib't fro TiFiT4Tr"winBi which ws wouia jsttb to con l w A lWrt ,1711717;.- .u. .rlCna felt there wen ciUsH feiciples to WjnDi V aaa lor j-Tr-vf pen wan J""-r- . u, dec 29-tf JTail,andtU0. iUepivUrasm &f u, "TlAjiV tjzuA ::;wrp u.dcriptionaof fortealjinaf arouoAtirrfered wHb? Jrt .TtharBnpieiuant "vse in some inhospitable waste or wit- which remains behind, no matter how ? .r- fore ire;. V'aU see ot advice bou; to ccr'".ard. resr - Hwrdtr-.Ar-r f Tonax JeremiahrT - isslonga courge to Sou iri, suffered ninas ot the hangman, on the13th fcst.. at the flpt. lTen iidM .The St Louis IMha-alaVounfonhe ex ecution, gives tbpeech di ihe condemned man which concludes L with the following younsriaea ana dots. well ordhn Ldokf i'mialre ,8CnCbld, about to boJaunched into the other world. What has brought me to this? Lei'tne'tteflyoTl'd- lit these sky ana tne oearinz ot pis ruined me. It you do notwA-tobelfil-prisooed. And in the end brought ta.. the acaffoid, don V irink - liquor,' don't carry firearms. WheH 2 JkskJMiikUentiemen, haLU orsnve me. isots. dont keep bad company ; I bid farewell siaciiae omciatea as unai ,C". asem nd Welearnfhe araenrtnls;iWere;n4n ouslv accented, and the. chairman dele- fated to proceed to Raleigh to inform the tact"-The meeting ad- thti lltS -iit-sad will on that day proceed UcUclu t President in the place of Andrew 'Jackson Jones, a Board of Directors in.thej place of those appointed by GoV.-Holden, and a Treasu- psjbaggerfrom Nev Jer8ejHe mh faq a carpet Daggers. carpet UHggera. 4dwwithTwij JobsiMeDwiaW Ool. Richardson, twoo!4iis Directors. were in the city qoay-and Saturday list endeavoripyTt t 'f;; advice and Assistance from .ttto enable met by the gentfeijniir representing the bUckheIdersm(hrti3i trvmaiHrrtGtrated. J The GoTerrfu4ryKyrtferTed the cbarter and tbfrpimeisss.ftf4ae Stock- tne wnoie proceedings were in accordance1!" a iXiexiogtoD liwji owtwwwi -oin f 5tn fts,.sayaT. -,...-r-.T , ,.:.t tc'c i i. v.uua vy. ju. viiaj caiiea-at our omce ivcaliei Richmond he has abandoned r6iievf bfsl Uifc - long principles, nor wiTllieabaSoF UBtiUIKewf whltr and' black, are ealfjatbjthe.' oopoesi.Granr troopUfOi4bo - jStecaf among whom they lived.. Until tncy were : W hisky and the bearing ot pistols bare ice mercitui uoa to t WA meeting of the Stockholders of Ibe estern Rflroa-tjomDanT ifaahelCMn was calletl W consider 'the tafeiffi T lgSg5WMMw Tn rj7r.7rr iT-iTi r-rriT,-7i jr-.TrsK-i ; .;T : .: . , n . . ,-, t, biv to tne cnaner ot toe comuanv. IT H"1J A IT T J ! K l a "TIC.T.I dar been in sympathy with the RepnbncaoT,! JiaaUI Xlf - 3i - 1 lajrTre"nDpselneTnTfWuction of ujyimuy. vun. OUi l Ori yir ttitT'.mxxianenium corner' imttml' Sroipii14110"" fori thnktr Preafdencf -Grbeleyr OrTT f Mimi sac aicAB m. - - - m a wii. v j.- . i . j i-i r . rt.A Aad alwava..beeu atrpnxL.lfceTaiaveri ll liflie?i i i. Mi 4ti j. i . , oj tfc a v--- -a l T ii ii'LMTtfiYf t ddosisoi tUv&fa&tfk&tf a iix-o-.v WakeCo., N.Vi' a w a, a a a as a mm wb a a a t 1 - thfiS '-TTnlar favor nov .. . "drf Iatrfrae tsi tka IIa JiaJaKJJMA. - mi lu.niwr.ip.. i-r. doun'lnerjiW authorities in the dMaU&&96Mfb&U Vh o th mzvgjzzi eMl election in this StatVberabnat erai eieewon in inis d tare personv ot near, the polls in Appoquinimink Hundred and! several btrr vpUDjr ipfcoe SUte, claiming t6 actCiSarShlla k unaerT 8uii ' . n . rt . J and! assuming the right to interfere with IOC laWIUIlJ CUUSCU CICVWUU VlllWlS Ul WTO disargeotteirutic, nvisejd the passage waflaw making such an of- leaqe a leiooj puats24vuDf do lorieu te Of the right of suffice, with auck ftih-th r MnaiaiJ1CU-X4LtuM fakay -dei expedient and proal feeypplication ot ita rtio visions to all who mav secure, so- . . . s V r-f - V Cf .'IT j . 3K3t?VsVS4 the, : Jwtf Klni his fi&dtffiye'w Urleans.Gen. Fen- '41eton, of Lexington-Vawsaid : r- A 'few hours bfbiAhlcwncnsoene at Appomattox O. H., Geo. Lee sent for Genfc vfJj. u ' jt-.-xzaJ& Arilil ; , r. jirr a - . , C- i v xae aesperaie conauion 01 auaira. ia id f 1 A a Cat .1 tint Mfmm T n o i n' ru T " i? " tot-rtaking into conLLxi5taUhe limit- ed means at our command ana tne unnm- ite resoarccfl 01 tnepower tnat opposes ug- lhave B4aijl.eved we could suc- iga power saouiu icuvisjiuti r,ii 1 .1 u 1 - - - jTi -Tnr1 yr7"'.' : Tj "h .u- j.-ab .-i smeUrf well . . .... . iWvt'-itrM 1 ir"irn rmiuiif ir nuw ki nctirl t setv. : -' 'ne? sl A.trd iagitqi,.;:. ,: rh 4L,Lb:.aSiell may be entirely destroyed by the distilla tyff " th l"jrrinassusdanabt Aw ticles cleansed withlturpentie,thus treated are to be heated h?tf tub to u temperature ol about 140 degreeipby which, according to 41af4arneftftl ftf?f!:!rtrdtee: krer iAterT32HT;r1 UstTitira t tM iitiJ-iUt7e6ni theii-tirtilost .art," knowitft UsBaswaaiJKhen they lUAuuiKuvureu aspnaij .pavement. Jinerai i i uia ospaaii pavement which ia said to .be impervious to water, unchangeable un-J jdeft!fderr?$3n uwbu, w num Vtf5L muguer kuaa grtiu te, easily handled and taken opv desirable, aHflwJiieSliaaO nir&gft ret;jbtM nnnk; which, abtmrill'is cheap, - Jj Pbnfiliis Ibr lfnwi; a;ain1ialir:ln tnaU wooden toavementa. The interstices bHweea thtthWktrWKHUf &ir&.r 71 r rttiiii-iii.n -niiT'r Hardware Dapot, No. 9 Market t rti'l " 1 Mi i-yiwrno to -stock.-nrt for L t.C sruiTTOttvanctafulBTiply oi the most approred styles of Mecnaazaaf .zotaa, -uoas aad General Ha ; waryaiJtktaOils, tUass, Ac, lor sale at ? TTardwara IXpoty Ke. Market 8t. I cm. aAxpaa,,ti lawisi jaTag,Aoj a. m lardware Depot, 9 Market 8trrU;tiTenwristfltsr UNS, PISTOLS, rOWETR, SLIOT, TOW- rui i-llaKl ware Depot, Ho. Market ts declMf uaeBUJuMf ixa- aenOiXi3rasd W63o&i LJ-':.. ( . KiHiri Ni4 iNrNievr stmBTimTiPi1 3 i iwwJyawwiA4ii' JonelO-U kil bp ,,,,,, u ITfTW4 lintpf 1 Mflflffm? nHflrTtPM x il liJAlM4 11 . , r ivr:' ' X : . 7 iA3r YKAVAuau uuiujcs. - riNB MULES. PfmrvWP- . . . - - w erer offered TToblle?al le. UrAis rr180' ptform Spring Wagons, nearly V K . A S4pDLI4Tand BBIDLES, and a lot of - vriQei imngs too numerom to mention, ail of - . . . . . . - - Vf .5HI ,LM!i&J2Z j . .. j. i. a c- - ..- c, J. 'mmpmm der Flas fosnBaswjaol Cattal Cart- ires, ate, a complete aasortmenW for oil at NA rHti. jHWr .. i i .. ...t ...,t iTm .-nia.iiL .o o.w 4i: m. lk lonoi33iaUi 3Ji.feauprizeof ijOySY-.V; v ' i!Lg"IyHf iriaeof looafc i ll . L J leetJefc- otfTT IXUS f :THld orij RcLa 'nraaaaA'fiiaWSrit'lii lioTi Jari mSZZ:? ? ...inutwMda'inia 1 fWol Vf? iMcai eiiu 10 m . IT "TrSJ 1 1 ---TT 7 nTi T M tl jifrt it. w wi f "SW UAXtbS UUUXUJSt AAaiiUf aa ..- I-. .. . : twcTrn.. I 1UU Bl.UBS!irOttTtf RtVlfii'HAT, ForsalebyT . 'W!ULWAMs:XHmcHlON.r : - -I I I : 1 T ill 1 lMnr T9n H r TrI51i U WJ 'iluiflrtta tvfeMiiUnul hu.j wwuwin-u tiuiwia iu u wu v-,irr 77T t. ' H 1 OEJJEBAI. BUP'TA OFFICE, ;r j ,: t :i ,7 t.u , k , e: j WILMINGTON, x. c Dec. 28th. 1870 1 TMM harlna, wIjws Twitlnh:!neaa4irer JDf aiawn ia uompanyrWUL"wnfnTBf iq, at tbo OSce tVs build ins of; thai W A . R. R Company, .cornerjof Red Cross and id1 1 r-r.MrtOKre- lnt.fcrirarTehoieei ta storeand to arrive. '4 cFor sale by marlS-tf WILLARD BRO vk. V ... .. ' 4 3 C ..., , . stfuiulare nr C?rw tlenaal DeTaaasnmstr '1TCmi t ' Xtvr, wttbt DftnKs. g lH ilmii&B wytesa. it ? i a -- S -' - Pir 1 1 vu n ; W 14 JKwmVaor f eiiofcui-brovi tpotsrotlittfifec iatti tlier pan el tn fe4y delwis, tfi moot hi latent fcette'iliiiy;cke, a uodm a soav atoxaacn, witn m saianm of ta fcod ; a bloated Or full feeling; abbiot tXveatpm acii koa aioeai vanTaapainatnaj&aatdas, back, rJbMt1 and atbrtmidfrt y tjn- l atlpaUon of .the Qwexa, pOetLflatjil4n6.oold. T ' ' i, ; . " - . . aea of imp xremitieaBou i j ki? i The Liver is one of the tnost ftjfOtiJtiit;"rtr g t4;J4r thelwhotet" process f Lealttjyjfenaceof tte fjtiaftsl W&e;n C jT-rr J.tT : " Tn-T? . . laai econtrmy are inter anted) aaa la adflUucm, 'the bile, being orowctod backf ia roabsorbed, Wdcarried Into tie blooti pols6ning Iti JiT . . a . m - a a giving qpLmea, sSTStyxiaa xo-wuiowiteBS-oi the oatn)eldti, Bfliotttit9s,-anncl achoi les!ppdeBcyi! ibe! whole, to tiypecbondzidb de&llrirfa,- Aa tb MMtife natural jmraatitiferwMcb-'tKewtief niauer, Stheie U i ehttt-8ejron 'ty.'tlio these eirehnisUiWcsr .iW,tUintW euoeesaful. iate a heawiy acttonfy appropriaMi seme. egg W' I upunmanonu set up. oibMVSiiacBAie 1 KOohaaaHireet aiitft6VeifDl action trobfl the torpiAUyMd, cogeBtlQn. of. thz unportant I srlsearti ad4Hhie aoootmt is snperioxloany other meAicine yet prtjmght. to the. latino of jlie pub'lkek rln these various derageinentsef the liiverii fall dose theKoexoor jAquldtlw takn regilarly. witha, ye w taf its alterative 'effect aporn the Lier, gratfuaJly restoring it. to ItaXonaer healthy, aotiom - - T J. 5 ALL DSTJGGISTS. ,ll it ? a j octn-eam i w to 'o -.!d t?.....'.. -luzcri CHABLES T.' HOWARD. . PRESIDENT. , ' ... -ii .A-O .'..t-,- t XOTTlST. '-'' CO j; CC! 3" WT SPLENDID 9(jnEitK-OLY 20,000 NUMBERS .1 t 4 . . . ... . . ' .. ti i tlAPTAL. PIUXB. .......... 't'i ,1. . 4 ., !.. wi tu d n . TO KK DRAWN NEW ORLEAJfS 02f r i . iv. at-1 Iht f - ftATUBBA Y.Janaarr J, 19TI - 3 r t f arc ca j r.r-t t:i SCHEMB-r ... ! -i? 20,000 iatai3ss 1 s.. rizeof 20,00--ls.- . 20,000 Srlaeof 1ffi'54 -. 1 prize or wr-jsv;,-,. 7,000 J5i,e- .isiiS..........- 6,000 ; riM of 4,0 wti-wVAaM- prize or s,ww- W.'AV; .U.TOO f??I Prtxeof JOM 1S..V. t ip'tiee-f- .lteri: ::.v-i:'V 35-i'l 'fflKicmU ....... iKifswa; .'Aaa.-ir - j iiizeof 1,000 1 UliAOUX A. WW B . . . a 1-priae 4 i prize pfl 000 Lfej pVizeof ljtoo iprtte ff a ijW 4 5.i 60 Dtlass o rxw oae.r5.itii'.........i.2 ts.OOu' priaes oi 20jl JB.;...-..r.,uj"65;f0 .Li0 prises, ancmnttn toci At., itfifcifi X XVC bB, . Bmnw IM HIDDOIXiaiL. e J iTTlZie8 payawe without Ma-i 5'ifV 1 'i Mi ;. &ejid rbiCIciLtmS rd OryOurLefter. ' 't . ; DaWPtt EToV A-L ANI A RBLS riNE APPLES, & h ' ".ii rr i ' -r " T 25 11 inuLakzA i tiBOC-sri ji .oven ererything elserXbr Christoias. i dec24-SftFtf . - HE IDE BROS. flflru90t W bck jgost&e Kilewi; fc 1 INSURANCI-NOTICEa ZtvtJaa v.i . ,. "'X ., I vV:a 8.Jtil-t" jJonn Dawson, v '.wo y - . '..:.t':: laaepnnsoivrjia 7 , urj, v. mupuj Capt.X S. Giaiaftx;! ttlK Idlers, t Awl aoW T-wniaiia::'a-"jr , aJtr. .s-:-o z- v . a u - pr. . jl. Anderson.. ...Medical Dlrectoti f .Wright and QMfiUdTnan.. Attorneys. u. ttoaaaw.. .eeiwptrnsingiagaau fti8 rinefpaf 36ttpe WWC&&MW. Xv:- A'il H'.L'iJ.'T-tv-l",-"v-vVV ia 4?t?M fH.vj ajfrti9fH ! Tats CFay4aajadeiluon troapa aad -hiftfrn!f 'Va9ls.''flia ohief-oortW tUmV able, just and liberal lTUU OpUoItaap w i eesseahaa bernlCL,4ta last of olicj-hold- M .t1im)1Ca imm Af WflMlnrff Att .. I ITiLw&Ww.i'.v.vWiij guateecapf Wo4RQiihi9,iiji iaasewt j. wieueosjafieiiig.4 lThepeoi?lertmiCar6ll:h sen ted with a secure, reliable and liberal Home 1 rTT,v4n, ihW.'Wr which ia t hniM nil tfa whtohiwiU foateiw:iT5eui4arf iMtieat. Land scatter its benefits among oxirhc4:iao.-iti Pie jsaiMLaRftt vesting our money braatheme.-andplacaoslnpoesaaaionof lta . ... 1 avMisagw win it c. tnLrr srauee rowaraBoorseiTes urges axeieirsioii is aikimjCnre flr8Viamnany itt wnolu are Uberali itBimvnieabLcrosrintr: ci .nocx3 .ItJoti j rttencsroBipv: ci tnoqxa eri fcjtjty-j uoa - itsOmeera and id' fliandere of sjpif tAttmtiOfJLi r whose 1 epntations i in:i rw? fid r' MJU tuaui itta w a.Vr r v rf -i : ottt n omn?nr nrosnenr v ana cave latne xaie 4"PW WaVrpf J-tyg: nv mirfd?0 WtSSSotoM W -institution which has already been so end- Do:aei tttlert the-ar taoiijr M lnsttrtijg'l laj-s jpeCompany, and participatJng to -its t advantages. Hnrs :i: Policies r ail jparUcipatiBtfltt'l -Dividends decl&TtSdAlWraally.'' - 7. ''1 f.U-.r ill'1:?: General Area) $M jTAcrieJal Platriei. OFFICE WITH THE CO MP ANT, No. 5 NORTH --1 1 ' f - Fjny iUloiiIipllair i1" Represented. f ;u ,t!-1 Tba Mutual Idfe Iatinranee ConafMuiy mew TorJc tne Xra:eaa Caarv. pny fat tlaVefi;fni1(."f'5,fc- Assets, ti,000, being 12 larger, than - - -'c' any otfier Company. ' ,r:4KUtnii! CUBb; DiYlDWMTOaid in 1S69, $3,688,830 betag 17,083471 larger than any other company. TuVit'aVuaf. erp Btateai, ,&h 2 fire M'MBMraiiPiite Korth Amerlcainfl P. L COM P&tjiam P; 1. Company of I u W Home Insurance Ckmpanyn3lERSr jnona....i... jusi3rfiw,ww For every description of Insurance, General Arent. ; t .Princess SL, between Front and Water. 1 ftCE 14-tf r- -; I: - g 1 3mffi 20 TTape Pear, and Block Eivers. Tib: s hutAk&R iHMk&9 now running regularly t ten aaa retntuaaweu, let aesdavs Thursdays' and. olocte A ana Point1 C Wednesdays and Fridays at tock lebarlresTerr moderate. For freisht or passarew axmir ta rjaUinvxbf l04rd- fttlwPiaWi 5 , ! . ..VUli vUlJL' X UTila. r , ... 1 ASSORTED N r:iu) fti--rt -",-f-'r Security Insurance Company. of NewS,,,JUsetsf, J , . . aivahu wiwfcaviwta ju vvih -JX. aw . fcj v ' I j ' vJ XJWJaOfcalsH4Wa;eaeaf:.aflM ' 1 ' aaaa. Nlng- IS iL'hug 7-tf "WILLARD Bfl OS 1 at . TTrifo h t ..nk AAAVXXU-a AI awr .. .it . , w ; SHELL ALM 1 . .:!. i BRAZIL OR BUTTER NJJTS t 71 J AND PECANS,-i ' .f,.-:;it l..'vu---.i'.Ptr,IT loklT3wi' - ''-.Jogt opened to-day, k At dec 80-tf CH AS. D. MYERS & CO.. 7 North Front St. NEW AND PmJLIV BOOKB. : OABDSE ConjUQAL CXS3 J; icai ueterioratlon. u. ixeai Disease menu dren and its Canaes. 111. at Waat Are to Marry. IV. Is Continence Injurious t V. Par aonal Pollution. VL Injorlons Ets of Cx. ff VII Urt-jc, : l, XConoep tion and their Conaeqoenoea. Vlll IafanU dda. IX. Conjngal IU.:i.nona Daring Men struation. X, Dow.d9-'-'Te'vJ Old. XL What May be lAAie. "1 v i CavarTll ; Bound, irnAmxuTX!A.r.jATS: 1 L Modern Wonrenj'-aiKr'V LAt ia fald' et Them. AeCAOJ&risla cVxvhv&SfcSjl, Price z. jieuJi. IL The LQTfr,sIJbrf.r7wT1rrA-ri and rarsioA c uectad.Xr -t apt isJtRnar;T-i JmiioaJct.2.i hrJt - - .aoorfs T, TV? i.-i "-;; :ov I'f V T" 1 . V WW- o . ' . i m . - t J5.W -3rv.Jaai -Li'J '."tffSTCnl!! i THE PEoriE'a avoiiivi jTrrrinral. a Most Itrtl5tKi'S,StoHe ti4,, 4f5Jif :- AT jy H7 vi n tt rrr-u uirr ikaiotu I ,tfa H- -t A VfrrnaaJf iifMei cA , - i 1 1 . 1. m t nragW 0 wuiuivuwiutuL vraks mow n nil lamrmi utrY - warsr 1 ttetwfcen tstCi 'UjuiTW,fiisyii .AWseetJia in ..K..Tore'ili -TuiTliiirrftsIrM Jllia. trii.iS23?ffwit!waJiaA cr apoU "ST""Te ra"wW ane mejaeomaensed form. i tr .iri .rryr! r jy ad al r r. a.dta BtSftlSSR brtTSee ruTrSSSl$ the most notable doin&rs all ovftiww-1' The GOSSIP WITH CORRESPONDENTS An TJnrlTalle ITIejrsur JP9e. N EW. YORE EEKLY .soaTuxiaiii: C ! ben "o-iSwJii'i cfcU i'ltlicoqg tlaiovat 3vq Oneeajrllelkwrjt One Year Four Copies (2 60..... IU7 .JialTT CailX C3n3A 1l31Ull 1? iliaw Jttutoa ttee&.afji aebfl Tnvamtv. LcaS: viiJ 3i.iir r.. ;iU OJ I. 0 ai waiU ttiwt uau333oa ewiaJ " &&A foliK lo tW jr1&ir23rmieB ; 1 r. rr aaaaTitiiTanwTTTwr"TT r un a noiJ IEST AltABK i rl.rv;; 1 FAAswiri e?lgw . w,U-rTlrr r-; e . . -vov I. .'Tt. stay nsTxiir, tt j; . ir Of the above1 nUldd piti.4 ifTr 1 Si ITTTF I I VI if V W a doxen WKMr fcdioTi1-t n tr: ' RIAL BTORIKS And th n . W JTTtfT4. WTT Xi - - L T X 4 . t Li maletySS5ca ft lwffffTrrTriiy rtoqvtMl 2aa i.isoitJ JJU JJ Jjeii.lJt4fcU4JilillJIMI,P asa iy eaaa SipOffiafflyclSsSg 1 mmiM"3 aaw ae4lr eJ Lam ;:launoo si atll ict lLo A a Cte5iiin3cao9 adj oi Unvitn atw iq. 4rvJLT BALES HAT. kiodai baa aiatlsslTa ; e i. Aja A gsssUit Vwrrftncra ssucll ilT 6 Ro6rlfBrc For sale. v aI vt aaa- a. WW mm t 1 iitxicddWMJaW.liJatclcii he: on Etzr . xiTjiiJ as Jiia i& itc.wiT . .M . - -a H'W N ..' r-V ' . . . a . . . OF TVLLIXIJICTOir, X. . 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