DOMESTIC nABUBTtt. BY AHTICir". -Stocks stronir and tint vr rr . a : ! ftBwi ? GINO Gunny,. ...... yd GoY'tartndy rJl: States e!raed fcYTiy nooiaeri;;.:.;;uJ S Hog fiouna,...Aiiaii -o!:utcambhip!;' AWJ . JJLMiUJlJatZr.01 AlL iJ Jnirf -:- :..;, r ,i .nf jaioinwi las UTJiftUI W-v ft a ftrl av v W Commercial. !Uft. t. - v'i J . ' v...tX Ul tA 3f it J, M f h.u Floor a shade firmer. Wheat very firm. Uatr. s.JSSSS'I flA2.dt,...,..each 500 ml oi3.-..,-vach l"TH a Cil:" - "uAuiuajsu3 AND DBALEBSU7 Freights beavv. ; wV? 4 r-'V It-a'JZ -jeoiuuxi ; 'JTsir roaVao!l!-ifcvenin. SstrrriffortFcaVoiiiw WASHINGTON, Jan. 11,- J InanewL timi tula , l,ui.irftMiftMiMkj:3-jVnjQ-V TayaettnCpnltiiiatioa u0rgan.i : STA 47 O 66 'X9 s TT7( 37i at 7 ITs TnrfttiT?:if f i i;rvl .5? S3 Arkansas. uwnm ocuwr iram m ii,xeaaage ateaay lonjraixnt UXJw. snort RlgaV rtilMBffc-,--- .-. - -5Cfi .-..-r- I " g - - j - T Tl- i i t 1 TO 1 ??erI7heDnm fca Artf -strong. Gold "rf- .JMUl-i:0''! toady Cotton dull add heavy;' tales off, rTT I n -r n'l 7 :il Akwoiu buuu&u vxWi5fwi i -.fitfiS 3: i f ,.t rs impeacsmeBt, aas no eonpon oql Dew Issue 61. Loulslaoa 6's 65; Collel has elected W. i n e6lss7rs orth Carollni - I ftJ!ilil I . iMU-.iuff J! ".f t rderirmeeUQradvefBS to Gladstone occarred in Lbodoo last eight. i '-Gtmhiereiai: -lasw .Major 'Perry Follerr, Collector of Customs ' Cotto'dldttll mnd EeWesS.W -'faiW'ft1 1 voac:oa'a ; administra- 15X ciUs:' Floor 'tTDchan red. VYhUkct tiiP cbaoce. Tb Alnmnl etYU A disorderly meeUosr ad veres to Gladstone last Dig iv Collt fl,Wr7rt3 acr voacsaa'i mamlnlstra' ttMajn Floor 'tTDchaned. . Whiskey tiiP iiiTi,.? xt seuieaaiuic.WDts. closing firm. . Wheat CONQRissiONlL. . - J wrcKaisr ana nuseiuea y inter red and am lIoTTiia.Tt.ii PAmmUf.. 1 1 . i. ,1 ocr YYestem fi 60. 'Corn 1 cent better su?mUUn7l?mittCe ?J. Afr!5?ltf H SSiiS 'L. P?rtly specolaUw ;.rX; y: jr. Pn xnrpenune qtnetrrnosii. Anil T&Xlmv -j. ? Harhisbcbo, ,T:i i XI. JohmCoTDde, wembrCcKrcsvfv imthi Btats, is dead. He died of heart dlsrase. NiwYor Jan. 11. The steamihipjTllIe de Parts' arrtred th An Alirw'air correspondent a St wtm nfQrmed by a Cuban fleer of apian organ il' thlr U-A.V-. "l am ateady.1 Freights stead n f 5 iv .,.' klSr.vTa m03erateM demand family, $5 60' 575. Cdrft- is qolef aridT nhchanged. ' Fork'. quUtaud vedi 20'Lard I steady find fo uuuenw uemuia v (sii4 cents. ; isacon has onlj a limited Jobbing demand shonlderi 9X, clear sides U cents. Whisky la qolet auduchanged. ' - 8t Louis, Jaovll. . onr acUve soperfine Winter $4 253$i5a arm ai wrasse cents. Whiskey stead izettto ttlw ateainer )ceaji''QtteelraxiiI Corn U ICJJC)n the 2rd.. i H .JP.f a ri 1 at 88W Cts'Tohiteifohilhabvtnif nnKan of CsareJetrltT'iJed InlBe Oet?n Qa"en f FrorUloos flrns,' Pork-419 BOi t Lard, quiet-. I almnlag tibon thst yf i nivi IV - f .. . . r ana ammooilW3T.;;;h ; ''''JkJWniow;iilU. - troopaareiPTpected tq go abroad as lias-1 J rionf tt ry aUYe but Ilfm.' WneaV firm. sengeYs and during the Tojaee seize the steam-1 Xr.n I .in falr demand-white 8l83 cenu. DUtH), ...... COTTON TIl..z. L-ft-8.1"?!- bunch Haottereli 1-k OJ' ' p-0"hern'----.-Pl)bl I Family "',W:i?fi . . Carolina b upcr,.. bbl ! ' Eitrn bo hKii 17 Ct 18 1 20 a 1 30 H 7 ia : 15 .1 so 10, 15 60 .16 00 1S 00 4SfiO 14 00 15 00 05 0 00 . 5 fi 95 5 73 6 CO fi 00 6 5 6 75 11 00 00 00 11 25 00 00 00 00 , ' - " ft . I rXIHE djsagTesJab reedy tone entirely, over. JLcome in thw instrument: The verdict is- wuuutuuuo. no ouunnn tM worui Loeana) ll :vJfrjQOw scale xnedJnm-elzed 1 octave 5fostE3 are now rewlyfkt Vw wices !j.b?.5f S??0?' rfli JJ hMtra vii. fti.vy cjiXu. rUU18 UniliMV. . tia artAn Patapsco Uuano,. . '. C 2000 a I f Bantu's rhosphUte, - t , RhCKie. etasu Mairarts v . , Kavassa Guano,,. .200Q fes Lister SuperphoaphAteT WooUtOnU AmoinnlAi f oxj Wilcox, Gibbs A Co's Ma- 1 9ft??J-V' 70' 00 6' wwy jiiiftj uii rt.--i.f AQaaine 3 iper Phosuh.' rXiumo'dSanerFbcphftfcbMi AnimonU'dAlKaUneSu- . meat we hare eve maemJ vnKi Mjeaaer oi ucu 20, says ","Aa'U1' reed instrument The pe fw-KM evcrvwhnrH whn hum Rfr-ffftf3 stening to its beauti- VT . Trt 111 ueir unqualified t X PSl7 conceoe t II 1 The great i ments, n&a elvit tnt it - the sale of our instrn to reduce onr nrtaAa far FniSTkCIJaJSS troxn ten to twen j Chesapeake Phosptiate. " ClraModaJe,' inprphps-ft bate. 00 65 00 75 OH CO 00 as no 7. nn i 00 DO 65 0 lri" fu w "featy-iiTO per cent, less than any vTftH .r other nouaeocirlhg the t ime clasaf m I mental In th United aUatea. WT J T"0 vw ftw:u uv 80 60 70 00 00 CO 40 00 00 00 CO GO 00 00 e& 00 er. ivnuinrnmr a- rorK uin rood duniiui t ftDMiMvi ?; n.. . 1 1 00 CO 70 00 00 00 7000' 1 f 0 00 60 .... rnoflMMi Tela PbonnhAtPP t m mMuC i 1 nrt Raha . ! . M w WP0t4ODO itsl: i-ilr10" "Sf nPn inaxlnv pf "quick sale and small nmfltj -vn mo t"2i iZ tiTTft. -rrIrr-r' -it- -- iaj lumisn our 1 'WJiWWUJUA a a&suLsw. ft. t -arts! ; iTji,. Tr.fw!Trlaot'v liriJiL LEAVE i WOItlTH'8 HTHAJTUr aich laHsf ;tly; boo odjJiCAAGN filfcH'.! mLH iKpF iriyE NEW XOBK,TJ .... . - . hT ! i:rWi.l but I ;rM tUjO0 hi4 c leavn rr.: train v. b. WOfliingion 'i' Rr?nTsr train V ,S. 1 ' r ft . "'J ..... . da at &oo . .. i.aytraVnsieavmVwir!:- ' 1 , sailing rtfKStflfrs Jlfli&l'fl mow , WUauagtw,, Columbia 1 ui.j.UihHhfta xjn. ujnAviflu UU i US' WILMINaTOrW t 1 .3- JOa-jo-i' ;ft obloenWthe Hofnerarrlvea shipped SleVof S IO0O tlesl the stores and deusrted for a CnbanrW - ,e8 01 "5,UUU alea.. leparted for a Cuban norO t.u j j . ....... i : wnnart t 1 oaies; coastwise 1.Z44. rlZt2-........:.T 4ivt 8 lock 78.061 balea.-i . -OMX .,.:?.,;-,!"VV 'a -CHABuesTON Jan. 11. b.S 2f t?f ria the militia a alea, Btocl 34.608 Ulea; a corn, in store,........ ceipU L838 ExporU to 8pain 885. Coast Oata,;.;..;......;!! Sr0'' . bush ' iSanalltoa 3ukv4 kavislttVrHtUit W 4 rumo. but oould not afford to pay the dealers "J1 In tbe neighborhood of Lontrroy oiifSntlll,lth Inrcaunebt of uivet iieatr the Belgian border. J "uVUZn1? ?Ddo.D Mwt that the Lonapn conference' la likely to consider X!tSer?05'0. pei,Cii & raris sorrecder OCR iVIGDT,EPOUT8. Y J X 3 H 7WA4arNOTON, Jan.Ml.-i VISCXIXANKOCS. Snn?" .out to convey be Do-, "iLUr,w,.cr oren ordered to , XI0 o wsujoraera. r - r The postoffice committee have agreed to re port fsTorablT upon the an Francisco'and . VA;. yiSJrw 'camsbip lint of $300,000 per annum. llODI I ii Ortn &iver iinr.. VVlT.TiTiajrrr.mT A n r I r'fton . " ftuitvn .vTA A Illa.!ft 1 . f .'"'"'r V STAR OFFICE.. Jan 11. . SPIRITS TURPENTINE Sales of 70 casks at 44 cents ; gallon for 8onthern TiPir. r aeuverea. . :i "ft- uhibvi (w um.'Bt i 40iorotraii ed, $1 & tot No, 1 and $3 75 tor raie. ' CRUDE TURPENTmE.-Salw'bfftSObbls at $3 for Soft and $1 80 for Hard. : ; v : ' I TAR. Sales of 46 bbls. at tl 55 a bbL COTTON.-Sales of 101 bales as follows: 8 at 00 00 00 00 4en iMt m ftS jm ftftv 1 is worth, hence a n rlanu nfunJ 00 00 70 oo I people have been obliged to do without. ' 1-f' We eu fnrahh Hm . b.w. so oo -A oo on, J Fortes from e7s tn arriftiri!?0? la m on from SiQ tj 9 vi . w rTt-r:"-" anos .JuifJft. aox: 8BT TO AKT ADD&XS&. . JnnesSAFtf t. j h x a W. a TRKM AINkI -100 O't oS' . o oo ooo. .0 00 00 70 '' T 1 00 i ts -1 I CO - l 25 i m 110 00 115 00 4 -liiiJ i I North (iuwMii n . . 11 X ; tftRVVmnrLMt'saJeM W 2,?" ?MM 00 0b o 00 00 J r ff.--vr...M.Mftl WW woo. I,' 71-7: tns-17SBl!ft 00 1 25 00 WeIndir-rr 00 i ; ft L r. o -w. ii-i . j-uye ij cents per lb. Aari iAfg ixfjlo viti - rTWWii WTnr ft . ' n?n7i.VMrt 18 01 So Oft ft??"'"' aaaonedJ fift oo rs no . , .:T 3 THE BWDAL CfllHBEB. uaays ror TtJB-rnesf7nii ff3aA su. i I Hirwrt-A " Xft . at 13, 16 at 13. 43 at 13tf and 85atJ14 cents ITJjittZuVl to nE?fi "i-,1AliSLfKlJN'ifi'-;t clal Evil ttttr Abalal ia w o S3 00 natlMaa-Ki tft95'na UnXbrtui St "12 1 fetter envelODes. Tree nfrhBrrA ft ( 0 uu MWtU.OOIB- lxSiiul'laV.! c-uoa, bbis.........fe teamahlp line with a subsidy annum. 7iU?pU5Ct0r 01 ' oaton" ' t -Brunswick, The judiciary committee of the nouse heM x5.:Hir,oruiBttte Ureen' jetteTme,A ARRIVED L11ML wnit-llia tM.Ift. I . . nronna. l . " -J. ft. X4VUk Mnrcnison - v kiAUBLuit u congress a arae number of nmmti r..- -.mTTZ 11-Sti a CLEARED. ...... arge numbsr of renorta fmm- 'mrm-Mr ...x. iDciiai)lxl8laz Of outrsgea In the South- ana in a DrUi. lacssaa recommends that some Johnson-. "r".,,7c w secure protection. Stmr D MnrehWj Garrison-- Vmvtt ...SanDo-lnso Joint resolotlon rllle. Williams AnT.8 ayette- aaopwa mere is rood reason to believe that I Br iirhr fiosaex, Beckv J&Uaiikaa." WlBihr peL sea to. - ft ; .T " -rs aff c '-saau for RccEirn. ler. i war-a r bhlaMatn. O ... W m T T r " iftonseea. "... mi - ' ftwa .'..........ft.ft..... V rl PXANUTS- D1Sn city Mess,;Tjr:rr.. A .fTbbf Prune.... Aikki fKaatlndliwr?..- i&S1-' ........Vbushl a flr aa a . . c r m a AA s if . r I III. T I i-iJi . ftM "L K. IlAiikAA - - asaa a b LJ1H W SV iw, t f . rauuuL. nnfv t-a " csv w i. D I . : rJJH fWfiT oU? cl)30:rc2 ol tj i iFrive atnMviiie A'--J a. m p .r; v nt TrTenaui.: iArriVe. irn5ftSSfci:?r?evv sii p.s DAY EXPRESS TRALN (Dailv i -ft-? hjt1..i.....i...:::::: aSS- TH" ' f iTOMTB -swAshi. I iavos'::"-'"'i-2' ;?.,-..(' . ( ;.. J. c-. ( , r . ..-. t ,J "J"" lorence...... ... : l .i - t. ll.' T - 11.' . -..iff hj .WW 25 i 60 ft 1 00 2er:ar envelopes, rree of charare. - u mtn ot..rCliadelnh1a. Pa. S;ll eravian .Guano, S J M fiO "rON8' GITARANTEED ' Live L V bush Rico, ft ? SUOA ftB-Cuba,. rwno luce A. Cottee, .. c. k t t .mnnnJ TOftJNorthern'V.V.V.V. . urn m " dHLl&ontracv.... v. aim..,,,. 122fiftffKnVpping,t;:.r" i jaui rruua.ftftft. aacxi 1 fcO aeekli An as. rM i a a,. I Vftta. w Hocw.-The dlDiomsUe and con.n... HsriissTft "itu f&J.tT ODriftrt! IftlltiaMat. l.r . J -.. toft-ftft'a.lTt Dl r ' S?i?rf'8tobWr0sfn,:c1is i "ireiwcs iorue ueuer protec A dUI waa Introduced MraHhtnr ni.. ... a oui was introduced perseribiog rules for I -the trar-Tct'tlin cfciddT ri B n;inV.Mu.". .rQ men of f Jhe arrjcultural cmitteTaV. intS'to - . VVUUUT, caSKAwa.Jal committee and the matter wm UT They are Necessary. . a r . jr North (Jaroilna. ern,.ft.'S 0 00 180 I Oil A ftM ft ft. I Jat-tf Wi o uoo DO Of F 00 00 00 00 ftpOOO': 8 00 1 25 -v . . f k ur Baie nv 00 00 h xn so o a 7 a ijf oo :.' 5o 75 O A 1 40 00 oo 12W IS UXO 15 4 ?14 iil4U WKO ir 15 15 6 8 by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. X XX SHIPPING PUBLIC ! rjf JLI the 10th of January. 1871. tha Wahmi. nueamboai Comoanv wlit'DlacA " o. A. M 5,1 yi 0.-C. WINDER, V ; i i"! IttrlAn am -1 . . am-v war i Ull C . I nWrOITPlMj Mil,. BOA lK Cnanora of Onhoiini A a lOil. I . . IDWi I Tbursday;.;T.:Jan. SthtTrk'ayVjal JekW VaI akftA a aa a . v . - . ar a t - i iiri a aaiivn w v wm k fiedayi. ...... .May 2 edneiday 171 xuursaay June 1 HlTiftnranre at low rates For Jrrelsrht. annlV to Dfoudav. Tuesday,-May; Wed'sdav.. - Thursday, Jnne friday, , : Jnly J r"aay ,Feud Saturday.... ..Marrtr-sr r H F1!6 at the bead oftheSi.t -"l? ? ti. .klhckwtchajloW$lo.,:v ' f'ftl. a'. l.OT nn f7 ' f .' I" It 1 . i . a . . a i -j W: . LJ JAlfES. : AAna'ral Third Street, Philadelphu '-"r-ftit; a -Mil .Ifi .j;..,;-u ..JiaWiiiSTo. ind2.Vw" VhTrS TOnnecion witn the trains on the Wilm naton. zontL uoiumoia A Angueta Kailroad. . 1 ronags$t,the The attention of Turpentine men OA nn I iu:a lilver IS eanaoiallvaallixl m thi. fi l w - a . k. . " r 00 r inducements will ha niTnnwi Vn.afn mm t anown. V ft W l 00 on ft 00 00 llrtriHaTtrtF iTTokw i' aTN -andaftkb TrZTTJr?J??J-i! :MM UA .e, 1 J going Southiif irlt0J TiiwiinmiTAUJaOAsmm and the public renerallv.- for t w Q 1 f 0 J vTr, T3T J rureeu Post copy. ain deo29-Sm. sraiiv.-for th?i alr,JJPX:rJ v- WhTStiDV totoingtori. profession is keptogflfon vf . 1 ' J " f bl4 00 fO 00 11 m 11 00 oo 5 10 ts 7 60 t 60 - aan- atrva 125 400 8 00 00 : ooaaaoTBD daiit t ams dawsoh. Gold , ftfTS1 " v. v ssUftiae. 110 106 KEEP "WAEII, Bx Keeping on nana a jrood supply of vi.-M .- iu.. t tvniU:flz - GRATE OK STOVE boAlT which, wo deliver to any . part of the eity on short notioe. dec20-2w. '.vw WORTH A WORTIL. VvodAIjo not; Arftannsome. fitting -BdOfOB SHOlS1 Ja .required, to -eom- 3 .1 .Piltq,.r, u "f-;.ii.j.ftft..j jl . nv rerfeet- -fits at - low t:u--.J x )x.',-.;.:t?rti ...... .prices b.r-M ?iiP.f to tho .commiue1 a- The H olntiona iftTV'?-x .r. ariciurare and uhn . - 1 "0- ?lment lo the MUNAU tra. . T i j . Sew Tarb. fftaria?. Court : ks. .rrw .Te decision in colnmirett i OEO- FRENCH at SON. ' 9 Domiaica r es f Janitf .tr-.A ic;""" rn,nl st 7 EOLEBBEATTIIO ftft.. . . w ' I w . yegetaoie Liver K Pui VeMr. SSVtfan(f v -vT 'Vfc MV-'I County onas it, iVtl ll feUonsof UmStomach! w iiTS1?to-----''--'79 . Bilious Attacks, : Ja? f, -Jf Stock, (Par 100). 40 r; ? 'f flammaUon ot u "tv-a-tfc.auttoaa f 601- k , . f X'mTSPEPSlA OR lirnTOTffi'rtrtilftr1 r.. the nrevsJllng nuuady of ciVillxed life Sion'eTbyelrr, in the Uver, billsWucta:iiL tJHl AWs If LT .1 , , iisr-T-.-.-TT-rT'"T,ft km iif Tills rrrw JL rasunuonMendayaanuary WthiMfl.' pection wiWvflu5SiSffoT Wher.wgl.givineonn-M F1TT LUII Tl f 1 utuwonwwauu Dxaachesau.'tiimiA Jni 1.; . vJJoaW.& Tuttloa, w sWev 8f 4o aA' indMT w nux stna iwmsbln.fn. 4 f..ww Kooms, by IMy.iw-efelfor Month. 1UV:. me isiar ai'i n.-fl tarf 1 i. --i.loctl6-tf . j a rTtn.n,B . MSS 0 inatruwmjt, arj; T i:ff t a "aFVa. -nnoipai. -z?ZX9 ItfWHy.A iVfACCaiOi dec SO-2aw2V A Txnn SLvj: 30iOrham.;.vM;. North Carolina Lexington. Farmers'.. 25 Mlnenre AS aiercnants'.... 20 Charlotte xo Wilmington so uwumerciai..... 15 FayetteviUe.. 8 Roxboro;.;;;;;;;;;;;lo Washington 0 f'.nrnrhn UlXElntMa Rnni. IT Bad Taattr tn f,. rwpiwuon or the eart. In- aw MHiULBvvvuivus mmnaro'na or urine, Pauirm the regionsjof the- rney. a hundd other 8inral ; These PlLLSpossess that becullarrl-f av a vw w nni'aTiwsl w a a . . . - i. u 1 I rvismisuk ajAad jSiXJULitATn. nnn atiwinu! Mmers APlantera' 1 zJIS and-toid bwela7wuieh S vvftuiuoivn,t.ftft v l iTi r ft-ftjuiiwes, auu iu Green8baro MutuXn 0 I, and vigor to the whole irate a. iuuri,wui inonsand dollars for:thr to 1 .. a t M tiysfactorTmoSg "gg"' ;HteSxwrf Ex. ' aiflftf, Dili ro.T ! li f -rifiaw i;- W1 ' Bd.r.cadie SOOBbla Molaase-, grriimincton.ftan.-18-tf . -i . ; ad. i ffs.riri,Tf ayaa:rT:n;r.Mrti. r: rr , y L r. U3 0 inrtlA i u i7 jji fe e a parting ne. m Bioa. The Liver is one 'of IS.; tZZZZ: Thbnias-lllo..M440 ffii?J7l and when it becomes de- 5 .Kfc .t v. I ,z;Jirri : iny ' cuon, the bile H.ft.. i3.-T1rw uu " ""e was no ei- 't-L- 'sjl iBlBiavthatrV. j iCrW"6 5w 8tate with which. theUn.Ua CLlt. s twrernmentiwas iSffi 2 U the yeset'wasreleased Had the' Uber thrlM...J dismissed. land th Utter UrereNre : . . r ' 1 . ' NxwBtBJr, Jsn. 11. A fire on Pollock street destroyed the vnu copal Churr. P,er A KvvlcA TffSSutSi ana wery. Lof: L. rrtxLois siitr ThTusand "1 Taursday S ,an.l f.ati.fday. even- a r .. BBwuy. Anursiiav tCfw,aaMMf - mt muni ft.JLift.-i , . . -lUTf l t,fr.lWjl I . 1M tolrn niX'praotice When notffae made forladmission. SCALE OF. TTfi Admission 50 censjjorti:at!e9 r nts el Church. P-er A .7-TZrf'r and Ni v I r -JrJV-;A .vviX4re no nt.yti,vt L..rix. .Lossairfv ihA...n4 aoiurs.-Ie2rti rrt. 'The Chtfrch was not Insured? ' ' ' . raa SJtarrTanA,- ' 1 - -a. .1 --ai Iir pgtAffSi JnHlL trl!. .rocd br 11 ve thousand dollrs for AnU, hopOTSS i . "... , , - un.y oy tne white children. "lfc,:nu3 I ; UOOD rOII 110 III Children under 12 years of a. nifi.l.f ..i The management reserve the right to reus .1. T-rffUT'ft. ftttf . . . 1. - iM IIDTUT nv . . . Uliala by I A , 'A0.i t ri r t I hittdT Bapp,y 0f Tllr5. 0-. constantly on BATES OP FltEItalXT,! .0 -A-ft- I is crowded oaok Into thVblood. to soninir ti r-i teiJf01?. woUeiTaengor7and To Niv v rum- Crude Turpt per bbl Spirits Turpt. M Cotton.,-. .ljHbate Cotton Gojodj bale ffiajDBead. Pa Kuts str.busk t 'IV v wwmcB wuuen ann enroreea anri inflammatlpnisseiup. DKSSvS PerSteamerlJjSlctio ft anVtMMlaae. 1 1 gesUon 1 of this lmporfoTnlxftl, ifti JA 9t aW rwllaftr 'o so iVTK IS i Ws be .Q 00 r 00 00 o H i ' Prepared v ' i - , 1 . a' v -v- aa aiaaa Aa I o$tr'w awu, da,: w " ' - W n -w - e Turpt per bbll 0 Od'o.iso .iiToiaovo-0 till v OTjfttjnl .J ni 'h 6tif .':i;iit;F jhr: .At nio-ii .lisyrr' . . . PaRossKTca s -28C cru rt nj' ww thek-a aoil-i TlFrjLSKLECTlOifof BridsisMa; f igattas' Rings, JKZf ECTEI) ,BXi BXPREBBT&DAYik h ,SnrW t)t skideweiry in . loo wv HI oo e1 1T "Hlixrti; V Tar...... spirits Turpt. Rosin .... .... i . cotton... :r- Cotton woods f) bale Pea Nuts.......... Lu mter.. . i .:., j ; To BlLTiMtna. Crude TuniL v hhil n iv n - a wrlta TurplUll' 1 Otoi Ii o oo n 40 ttn--;:-.v-:!l??al M 1 t fa.m.jtfinnsu OO. A IS - ji j niMTn'BT I . Crude Turpu. W bbl Tar i.... pinu Turpt. Rosin ii00? W ft. 'WJOM flbng. e -itfao 0 00 Odd 0 00 0 00 . oo 00 . -oo 00 I I atVBSftV.M aa w .1... a 1M V rriutIW..a,Nov.29th,1870. 'ooo 0 OO .., JM o 00 i oo AmiJr oo Yi av- ta VV V f , .ta a j 4a. no m r w- t UW I aT - .tjj. U ill L "T as If 82 00 6 i S- ! HRCQH TaCBMftTdnaT-fVPT I sale at tlie Tlaxeli office at aio aaeh ft. ft.K I 1JW P-C l iJ I D ft- A -r w. jvrrgzftffijr dac: , .Faeer and Superintendent. r-T1 1 " fl 1 . ureu, nave it re-bound at FlbiirJ Flour ! BBLS. IN ItHi ! aoifl ver and Platad Ware. . something new in Charms. SfMut l!ril io Ffiu -tlt Isj nuufo: nrirrw kOLD, sILTeb and tek spictacles e-;ii tj'JJ .?.,. .J- Aaol!if.i.i io . iis.-fj'RRvnTTadi IVTorniir m Antro i i t - r irr - ai mn 11 i n rsi aaa u. L-Oll iWVtl A .f Rnmi Winvnnro . a . - : fji -BlTOJJJf... - ' r ., ... t I r ... . . .OBACCOS. "froj joj: Ift Variety 4f Fancy Article H -t;,.Sf r' ;CloclrYitrasXn oVftV .U? r'Wwark!estwa ' -mtfnij ..ft fjnj: ftj .... , , .. aa" a . aTi-ra.Iil I w-aFa- Wwara a a LI peoqrjo .fft . .TJrsifJ i?yiooi 9Zu-9tit, -sua biJ?03 iVWurUi l9Ct?ay; i ..i. .TTlIminrtoa. y. C. ajW w t A ta a a - - - - a . B i ","aiWAw4- logjam -l -1 -aoo oj Va, DAiV AT ty w- f. .v if." l t -r a-ji i b m . i r- t . -ft. ft.... E . r . . I r '.TAATAIftiawasi lju "jjfffHj nsiv TI1T1 1 TiTT-fiTI 01,f ATI:. tojaj r:ilkarkerer rTOIS FAVORlTlTCSOtiooi.'foi' " " TkAiCow iloid ? JeaiVJitamiy on hn mrrrtatabssaay be ' V4aifcAipS,Xo f-W-7 "aX 4.Jifxn.l : Wlumrr.Tn, v tltv, w.k io. ftCOWlIliV' AIICv AlfeCllI. I. rpHE ANNUAL MEETISa of ha teekJ fAetIkVverythiiii 'Deeft'ftcSaiiad to a pi is r w iftUB minranAa t - rHH-H- BERNARD'S . . I Prtette n5..tod;, J M thia-city on Thursdi I! .U' lan-tf .ir ',! w -jot I!.! . 4 i'dni -sr..-- 'f ' 'I

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