' " ' ' ' '. " ' : " "" ": ' ; " ': .'STriaiJJus.mtjjs.:-: y-, itAiii ltOAD .iaj05- Kva ; v; Naw. Tobk. Jan. 11 Noo OOUr - aBTIOI.T.' raioxs. i i TO PEE BY' TELEGRAPH: THE HOMING " ,' ' Nw York, Jan. 14. . . . The Herald special, dated London 13th lost, ' announces that a Vienna despatch or the 12th aays Austria will Initiate peace and that peace wo aWk V. va A I at In 'aAh A a a ma ' Wol trim LA hV Bern staff, , The preliminaries are that France . mmm.. surrender one iort,iweniy war euiyo, one thousand millions t balers and a strip ol land four miles broad on the left bank .or tbo Rhine and destroy all the. forts within -twenty '.v miles ol tha;. river,. Prussia la to guarantee ' two millions of rations to Paris daily. All the theatres tn the United State are la- vlted to aid the Holland testimonial In New York by simultaneous performances, Thursday . afternoon, January 19th. ' The New York thea tree hate agreed to do so. - ' J? ! ' The .Herald -special from Havana says the 1 schooner Wanderer, whlcb broniht a cargo or slaves to Savannah In 1859. ;waa wrecked off t.h north coast of Cuba. The Captain and the ; ere w were saved.1": -V. W A special from Versailles on the 10th, at 5 r o'clock in the afternoon, says Pads was burn-. Ingln several places last night.' The confla grations furnish el, excellent marks against which a brisk fire as maintained from south- ' ern and sduthwestern portions of the Prns&isa works. . , . .;' .',. . A convict In the Auburn penitent., has confessed the Rodgers murder. KodiiTi , was killed and robbed while sweeping the pave ment la front of his house. ' : ": . Foreign Hews. . 7 I 4 ' Bb RLiN," J an' 14.' Two hundred1 thousand reinforcements are in motion for France, - which . will make the force there about, a million. ' ' : ' ; :.y Front" TTasliiiyrtoB ' : ' ; . .i .t ?.,t ;i ch-t .Wasbutotoiv, - Jan. .11 ; " r,:r'TV - HMscBLLiNou8.'-.V ; '. '. Dr. 8. F. F. i Howe, Superintendent of . the Perkln'a1 Blind Institute. ,haa accepted the third place on the Dominican commission and the expedition Is now complete. 1 . CQN9RES3I0HAU flouss.i The'sessloh so far haa been occu pied with discussions on various appropria tion measures. . ;.' .f "; ; . 8KU.TK. Not in session to-day. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, Jan. 14. ; , ; : MiacxiXAJJBona. , -rr r : The National Council Union League, headed by Gov. Geary, called at the White House to- day.. ;. ,;-. ; ,: ... , .. Private dispatches announce that Logan has been nominated for the Senate from Illinois, vice Yates, by the Republican caucus. Logan received 93 against SO scattering votes. , " From HaasavehtisettM. ' . . i . . : r . .... j Boston, Jan. li. t Massachusetts Fenians are preparing an ova tion for those coming on the Cuba. From Tlrfftnla. t- ;BiCHMoD, Jan. 14. Woody Buffio, a colored convict to the pen itentiary, has been Sentenced to be hung on MayT Slat, for killing one of the prison guards. A .vturdlct of 2,000 damages was given in the Circuit Court to day, against -the Richmond and Dahvilie RaUroaJfor six hundred 'boxes of tobacco destroyed at their depot In Danville vj m oantt n i,rsKung comeueraies two weeks before the surreodec of the town. " i J- XTrom Qeorglaw fiiT-V-' ? . The despatch from Washington,' published iu ui xv. x. xicrwt vi we ivu, in-wnicn threats f ntAK r - W Was Wt V V luQ major oi ' Davunuui : no JCUOWledge . whataver.taf the alleged threats and does r not even mow AJZTzanowaKi. i ne entire state' ment, s?4T tbistltt Is concerned is unfound ; uCABLlff lI8rATCHES. . V.r- u: LoiroOH. Jan. 13. The Dnke of Mecklenburg telegraphs from Montford, department :of .Lorinthe, oa the 12th that after a severe engagement atJ3t. Car neiil, reached the river near . Bavigna - and Levergne, seven mllernorthjeastJrooilwMans . with a, amall lo&s.UVTe Jjaya Uke,mo.Uioiiiand val a am aiM - -Pixieys 'cWiar!?joVt opiolon that the continental demand fofsptclo m nit last nntll thtt n1 nf (ha nraaaXf ..u.' after which overland shipments -will satisfy: It Extraordinary efforts, a re being mada tolplace .4 the entire British navy In'a sea wdrtoy "cwfidt- tion. The vessels repairing and approachidg 'completion are hurried by order of tbe'Adml 3.90 PrM. A lelesramrlnstn'rei'vH mm . VejfSg4Uesbrtpgj.theittrK)rlant newitbathe ujiucb iuu cuBDier-aunos arouna jrort Jdount Valarian are la anch. close proximity that a ... vwuiuu I muuicuuiriij.eipeciea. . 4 PM. Lemans is taken and Ishovri6cbu Diea dt me on ana " liitn fma.ian . great qnantlty pf ws?have been captured . T ... iw. T t r ... . . OT The Armvtof theTJoire.thtfitdnAnr vnn. 1 PSftt11 fedj. Wtle within fadn wae heard all flay. The i entire population Ajemaoa .crowoea xbb: Iionsalope, the sn burba of the cjty and all the thoroughfares Although the people Are accustomed to the war ui canpon mere never was Keen such nny- which wak tm-the east of Lemana. . was pZ.1.. T, u Dy me vanguard of the fT?"10' hlch emerged from ibe woods on ... " l". J?11 e- French: ' Upo the ?i JlStSfS teif45 01 the French &5fel&fe he artll- . madeTuIh7aeVe4ran poaitlons trpotf the right iA leSgaA mora narfmt Una k..i- "'"Mi i A been formed by be French ,armyv rTbe artll- ' iKSrtXStf 'amSrnitlon and the Rifaiitry with .100 ronaCf to- ttiti man: fh supply trains mtn tconvswently x.Bted near n4 the real bky.workJgaiiT r, - Ilbofcattle-fleldwas 4Sier and t&lwo ; hrtatea-occapied heights 'OppmlU eaeHth7? ; The French line was remircular anJeJSed: - Powered ty 13 iDchaaofiSuow.i- do ,to sita hvlhUf the Prussians held an almost .h3 liar position.' - - --',ur Shortly after ? JBCX tSVfrnssians began a fnrioua cannonade from the woods near the cavairyV4ha4oU coaccaiin tlr polii4n ffiMttir.op$ f f re massed Tvith the evident lu00?1 Prussian -artillery waa al SS'lttad'4 "Mo-o Prussians became if' ,Tberrehch1idvancedr'witIt eoual'tai ; TholmaeS h?r ' Frencbfwere CwvD(i f 011 3d nd the M!fcS-'T.. but nearnoon . nolonser able tohoTdthTe g,?,Sfl2!lft i tn hftM il I ' ttUU iaB rencn. ta' PosiUon, began b revrcau. -Meanwhile the ded rt7 i ' the ground.; Thi f :AWtfcjf and the carnass of war wTa f ",wJth Wood, thousand. Frr-b had; fall J.e,!lQlr V?ifteD wben the whole 1 rench army ZlZ H LP&, It la errcte that ancthe'r Yntil'Ltrt- BTraicmenxswre maae regaraiag .ut : asraltast "KWramt)wskl ''8aT)ervisbr t Hat Tteverrae' f or-GerihrH yti.. -y .Money easy at 67 cent prem. 8terling I Exchaeze--lofci't,,itt 11 t-:rt slghVlia. I but Inactive o2'a. registered--1085: v coupons, jviu AAVvillv4i w v v mawa tv r but inactive 2'a, registered," 108X; coupons 109V. Southerns dull. . Stocks steady, j t Flour quiet but firm". Wheat quiet andun-1 chanaeL . Corn acarce and Arm. - Port ; ataady at f 20. s Lard firm. Cottonatrong and la gooa demand, with ealea of 8,000 bales-middling nplanda 155 -cente'Naval fitores steadler Bplrlta Turpentine 48K centa; 8tralned.ftpaia ta. jFrelih1 ateadj.:.....-.;;., rj:-. a . - i NW YoK,Jan. 13r:EyealBgrf?I. Money cloaed with a hardening tendency at m t cent nrem. Sterlinir Exchange 1091 67 ... ir w w , " 11 rvlf .hnn 1 u. o. o-zu necuruies or xoo, lOy. i Southern securltiea . very - quiet, but steady. Teoneasee C'a . new 63). vV North' Carolina a 45: new 23. South5 Caro lina Aa ' UA. naM : l Hlnlr fit-atAmat' lftani ..MM V V MV W WNIPUa'WMIWUJWVr .vwmv has Increased over three and a .half millions ; st ecie has increased over .two and a half mil lion ; deposits , has increased over eleven and a ha f millions ; circulation haa decreased a trifle ; legal tenders haa increased one and. a half million. ;V rv v i r u-;i.e?,tT . r .;i ;.r : - t' Commercial, -.f .ii. ;-..; i Cotton strong, and active salea of 5,300 bales at lfH cts. Flour-r-Southern active and a trifle better: common 16 S0(6 70 good to choice -extra $6 758 sa Whiskey, quiet and firmer at93)w cents. Wheat dull and unchanged. " Corn 1 cent better. Mess Pork qaiet old $19 602L 12 Beef tn fair de mand. , Lard tlrmr kettle 12X13 eta. Tal low steady. Freights quiet , , 'jLl?:ri- Xt -Tn .CfclBLEStOH. Jan. 13. ; ' Cotton firm. Middlings UXU. Sales Nett Lrecelpt&i 1,615 . bales, ales 500 bales. Stock 36,743 bales. . ' : a. . . ...... i . . : ; . -. i-.:.' ..f :..:-.. ;Jt SAVANNAH, Jan. 14. , Cotton' steady. - and in fair demand, Mld dllugs 14. Net receipts 3,424. Bales 800 bales 8tock 78,760 bales. , FOBKIOR KABHITB. : London, Jan. 13Evening. Consols for money 9294.' TJ. 8. five-twenty securities of 1862, 90. . -? Sugar, afloat firmer. :.' ; vs f : - - " LVKRp6oJaa. 13 Evenlagi -Cotton closed steady and unchanged. Sales 10,000 bales; for the week 79.000; . for export 7,000, for speculation 11,000 8tock 545,000 bales; American 234,000. Receipts 95,000 bales American 63,000. "- ,,.v.: .Corn new 336d. a Pork : easier. .Lard 69a. Red winter wheat lOslld. . ,f Lxtxkpool, Jan. 13 Evening Consuls 92d. TJ. 8. Bonds 8QVL r Cotton unchanged Uplands 7K7Kd; Orleans 8d. Salea of 12,000 bales; for export and specula tlon 2,000 bales. Brradstufis firm. Common Rosin $6f9. Yarns and Fabrics v steadr. Stock cotton afloat 800,000; American 290,000. ' Cotton Statement. . By Telegraph. New York, Jan. 14, 1871. Nett receipts' at all United States porU.100.390 Mjwrmourwi Dniain........ 54,535 To other forehrn nortu o q Stock on hand at all U. 8. ports. :...V.546,895 ' Election lai Wllmlnarton. i Oar friends in WilmintTtnn nr nf i together agreed a to the true cauae of their faUareJrlheflate ejection., Frauxlu lent.YOttasrl jonthe.Tjartinf Ttftfli'rula have nodoubt was the grand cause of de feat We presume" the Journal abb1 Star were too -wide awake to allow French, the Big.Ingun." to,. vote women in men'a clothes as Major Smith said he did in Johnston. The 8tar charges that Conser- vattvea-voted nheHadieal tickets TTnae such -should ever be-dialled vmikpi-riiffv- rDcmocratanXheyhoaW,' be: baqdei uvcr w vyauwweii, rrenca anqtiowe. We cannot see how Ctonserf atives can yote the Radical: ticket, aJjd retain, the coafldeftca : 3 a J . a a ana jipecir.5 tnose wnon they.thus be- vkc , ho uare receivea many letters fr6fi Qreenkhnrn''i,rni.,inf. the names of certain. Conserra tires for pubA the late election. We have not RPPn nrnner " - " ..ww a.ubo. iuajur OUllblJ, He know, has been liberal i irivlntr frM n.t. ses on his pat, If Conservativea think pjyjwrxcnange neir Jtign CfJ strf gg sow As Greely said abotttc-eceasion.ii iJ ar.rig W9JjMJ1 f.?yiej should be alJowedJo,eiuov:UiA peace,,i Bat something tqost fce .wrong,. some where in Wilmington.' ' We hope our friends will be ableta enlighten us on the rtr i-rr.TT" v fiPffilTaURPTINESaies', bf 80 eaaks rtfi4 cealf 'KaltonrJor Seathera : packages. at$3focfioftandSl0 fnnati t y i ' !. w-a.A , a. Lai a i; A V It.- 4?TA' X alalAa.a . oaicB-or-iio oois at fi r-tbL-- ov,v l i UiH.-r8ale8 brfJ3 Mies' aa' fotlfta "1 k 13, 10 at; 10.rt;l"natiivcet aT?yvyp. Strut TV - fnw'riTa'nn n.nt.n. v.i...i 'J-! . UBMUVU CIVCIlLe. our jne, owwarvjsajrassa island, Navassa 14 Steamship El Cid, NktTersonNewTork, Barry Bros, Ai-yl ' tearhah1iBahlteM.i f rhul u-..! more,,& DjCaraux.., : -m. --atnir-irtiBUtef reenyFavettevtlle, A " . 12 ,..rT .frtimti. rosin. 20 halaa .Wtl. rrT" .WOiS i ma auitB ' i z i raita an.. non lh. Blocker? TSrafcfa-.nnn.-W Bmlth & StVansr -rm Nxw ToRKteaoMhlp(iFJCillca ts,182 bbls turpt, 829 do rosin, 807 bCae tton, 800 boslTpeibVtsJbblHrled frnit. 8chr F Merwi AiJt sri tkW- va.i o k-i axiMOBB-Hsteamahlp Rebecca Clyde 74 ama. kto ki. a.i ..am ... . t,a . . 13 f 18 ft 00 00 ' . . . . i . aooiuerH,...............i j Hog Bound,. .aV.i...;....Ttt r37V4-r llama... ....9 fi 19 O . 3 14 (J 15 H G : 13 . Sides, .'....TiVr.-.VtB .fiVirt,iMTMi . 59 A BAlUlKLbCpirii 7Wptm.w. - ; Second Iland,..,,.,...V.each . i . Naw N Vort.V i. v- nA4.li :no . 213 a 75 ft a oo 50 t S 75 d 00- IB (XT 0 2 0 14 00 25 ft 0 'New City... ............. each 'aVrirK4MU.JUwjt.ii. jjOAij wuiningxon,....t. m. orxnern... P4TO W k IWiUW. T . -J ' A. . Auniiuuiiuie, rt..; OHJBK8&N orthern. Facv. 16 cj ; : is 17 fH State t.atrfU.;,.... (TOJSf-Java,.... K LaKUHVriaW...oeooe isrua St. DomlnsroM V ft C072iV MEAL-.. .'tVhush 25 ; 28 1 10 0 1 15 aT W a rm n V ar rw m m 14 14 ti "ly 1 ii i ?n S'-Mackeref. N. l.'h bt is oo t ja 50 U OO 16 15 00 oho't'o oo ,t9 .9x ,iB 50 5 95 5 75 fj 8 00 6 00 6 5f5 ' 6 75 11 00 - 00 00 31 25. 00 00 00 00 7D0 O 7 50 koo a ta oof Flne.........,.al,w.a...f9 hhl Super. Northern,.. ....wbbl : Extra Do. " . bbl Family v bbl ; N. Carolina baper, Mbbl 1 " ,Kxtraf.Ml.W bbl " 44 Fainily,.,.Vbbl T&RTIUZKRS-K " i x - Peruvian Guano-,, fl ooo lbs i Pacific fctaano, WtOOOfcs f i Patapeoo Gnanoi;. .fi aooo fta r , Baugb'a Phosphate, . . . I ' Rhodes' StaauManure, u XT Navaaaa Guano, . . . 2000 fts THilater' Snperphoephate. i:M ! Woolston'sAmuioniat'd " Bone-Pliospb.ofLiime,' ' i vfUoox,Gibb8ACtfAt.ii i .:- nipulated Guano. : jfti t " Phjsnix Guano, ' " '63 60 '75 (&M 5 00 t 75. 00, 63 09 70 tXJ 5 00 79 OO' ooooowo . 10 eo so oo . tit 'i lift'- H'H-i ;70 00 85 00 50 00 70 00 : r. A 'it 4 .& l j "'.B.ijarouiM' txme fuos- t -fi..phate,:';Jofi i;H.'a It". I i , Alkaline Saner Phosuh. ' on CO O 40t)0 CO S S 00 . '"Ammo'd Super PhosphM ' Ammonia'aAlaaUl2ie8u-i4 . per Phosphate... . ; , Chesapeake Phosphate, ,( Crofl.sodaJoa BTinemhos. , nhatfl....... CO 00 A SO 00 i s Atta Vela Phosphate..,. , to 00 a 60 00 , urouna iwno ....... ..... " Done Meal;;. ......... - ; . -. Flour.......,..:.,.. Complete Manure....... Whann's Phosphate ... j ; Wando - - .'....,.. , Berger ft Data's Phos. - pnate. . . ; . . .-. ; r. . .7?. . 0LUK.i.. .............fj ft QRAIN f . , 2222: oo eo a 67 oo 00 00 O uooo 00 00 a 70 oa eo oo 00 6a- Corn. In Store,.'.. A 56 Its Corn, Cargoy...;.... M fts CorntHewM..,:...n buah Oatayaaaa..aaa. aaaaa..) bUSh Mfl tyii' r 50 "0 1' BO' !'l t5 1 40 - Ilia afkn S.a ,!A iS.fJ,A",;,"'MM,,M.,,r fc ajLJ jcaawirn,.,. ,w iuu za - North Rlver,;..-.a.fi 100 fts ffOOiSOiV ....... ....w ton 110 00 (ill oa 14 iSD Northern,.. ,j & North Carolina;... it TTM ..'.a fl bbl T.ITMRRR Ritb T o a. aa.la. a 40 co.? Wide Boards,,. fRM ft DaaiMaW, . 1 t l . afa .w 0 00 4fl 00 oo ; flooring,. ...... U ft 00 00 ft(K 00 v Shin Sttrtt. resa trad 'A if ft. avV- nA r rVi ) -Bough Edge Plank,.ftMfU av w v. a w 11 to O WOOi ib OOQ 20 00 ' Dressed Ftooring.eeasoned, an av i a . w WW O 85 00 .15 00 M 00 ; ' flcantltng and jaottrU,-com - -uhjuu..... . ..... ...,f aui . ' Cuba, bbls v. ..... .f gal t ougax juouae, nnoa. . . w gaj 4? bbla7I.a..raJ wt?e w ... i SyTOp,bWs-..,,'.,..,...i. gal ' we iw; :t,t53'5'i irJULB-GMilCt. tO 20O....... V ft OiZ-S Kerosene.. ..v.... t. r&l - 80 Q S3 ?W S;x 65 1 40 O 1 60 ! ..l?al unieeu, ; rKai 0 60 060 O 4 00 . CitvMeas, ......tbirs4 05 O 25 00 1 Prune..v,H,",,"M' Rump...... ... bbll ft ..A I oo .09.00, &u uuiav ........tK B Bough,... ...Tr..frbuah 6TAX,rAJuin,ji.aj;..i..;it)aah Liverpool, sack American, aaaVjaack 00 ct oo - 0 00 O 1 25 7 i5 I.T75U 00 1 60 Q 1 60 1 35 Cf 1 40 aU AaaaVUOa 00 00 i, ; . w - aa UAlu. a .a u . .. 1 n . n , A A " A.-,enee,.i....i.,.'.T.:. B. " r . u a aa ad . Cruaaed.. v. ............... 15 O -1 fiOAX-Northex3Xa... Wilmington, w ft &&TxV&iaS-ntrla.T... M Common......... u vr o 4 oo a 6 00 S 60 O 8 00 80 00 00 00 oo on oo oo 4 00 tO 00 II 00 U 13 ( RO. Hhd.,.. r13.! : V Ml hit W O .10 25 1 7 60" O 8 60 iinerior w jrainary,...w M 5 00 6 00 1 25 4 00 too a oo IrWJSJGfflNonhernir.ia gal North Carolina, ft eal .WANTS. Advertisement "ill Exceed in live llTtAft insernndeivheada aix.Jnaertlpns, !.! 75. No adreniaemenU ta, auMwaseanaiea8paiaTorin advance AlJ.X4ye i.WV IT von wont o a 44 r. ... i oarant eoojrs u 5far.a An-w.yJ wan anyfcind.of k,. ' ' U"!l' LOST AND Advertisements not i'ceedinSflf eTiinea aaaa Lei uuuor iuis neaa bx jtslII ottj-J r 6 jtilar aavertising lates. One initfrfibn, CO veniii t alx insertions, 91 75.' NovertiaemiQ Tiv ken at these ra.tes unless palfor (a? ffdvahee. XwAlWFCikvat XJ - or found anythinor. ahd .wiah ' to now it, Advertise it under tfcis beadiCoilv half rate-charged for advfrUsemenSS VZ ceed4pg five lines-. , T,, rt L f.V Jrvj-f' -.iviiiuiuii laws. VHt3 ulBeiXlon. nil l'a,nai ' ... .... , sxaMTiaon., W W-io advertisements ta- jAniKW9 ruyism.aukKB wet rtw in advance. JD -valnable pUntaUon on MiddlSonnQV miles from the city, known a the MotT tract, deo23-tf . ' C W. OLDHAM. Ex. TT-J.:i T"V a VO ixuiiinn.1 i inn no 1 n L"" TI' VVaVUf r, HE PUBLIC' ARE rf ttRlCRY wn-TTr I t 1 maw h..a.. v..; -:: - " l fama . ...ul.i..US BUTTfiMr-North Carolina. W- , Northern;... .7,2.. .vtt ft t. i ' W nSTnn TnranlVa mv WX lrvtLUU f I ! IJ Wllmlnrtiiii. on w'aX1 Mr,,r a... :.JL' atlirr , cases of the llv I rT7nnTT7Zll 737' ro-TTa.' "r"""' ! I naauaaUiia, PMOMOBIMB. remedy at 1 (k,Mntt hat'aT il JllJiJ&P14 for dT?.T!lll'.C.t'to The reader must b mwrnMhaa. Vmil " ' ort v -,rMl - t-m o?iJ'fl .AosaatajCfii. - I wxa ...! ... j u .4 a.e.u i. li to tb(boiUly. eam;ind ulrArpiti edW i"i l -rVr) i A l aK' S-t.aa.aaaa. f?tall OWerS. : Jt r g.N.tuvmfa U on wooatei, between Fourth ,and Xiftb I WLr mmj floreMteroe!io'unQ aafmyiresli i witn iavsnniie oi my vnemieal Warehoan I ,fc" i"5. Trsirrn.T-TTTfY i ... -" jj jftirriai'r,''A'M' ! ?S??SL7 HallrAentCffiL MiPto.ir alfent X ?Wvemhte.ha beenarranM tX BJICHJGAIf i ; :1 I thut V. . Z ' " m.u-, , - . . - - i.-ar ? 1 ; T- !TA- --!- I n..ia.M.lll U1C lilt: AlLULtlfll. ... . I i. , . , . t- ... I I" ' f . ..,;.( ti ,-l ( : 1 7u ta-vrao,n,to.a eontribu the cbinTo m n; AlXO W MB TO i CaVtl. JfOlJtt: AXTJSK I 'tO J(-Vi Itt'i,';. iJ;;Wi -ft . ... I V'.TnECbMPOlrEST PARTS 'ARa uaiAaa a,.i i i u, , juJi'tvvw j!.- Ui.f.'7i tf'X'-! iift.t'ij.It 9&.fl3stTJiar.i a aH -fVxu.tJ.sJt a.toi J ?i?'-' '. 5-i.iw.t.a-itiv.-i .'j! '1-4 A'Ai-'i. I -nrti ,.i&4?in--Tj it i v " ...... :.. . : V6Ditab pjRxr aka noir.i-ira ch if, 3n -vacuo; Juniper Berries; by distillation, to lorm afiae Brln. Ctlbfihaj ATtmAtArf hw dlanlinanumt -.v. .1 ftr ouuura rrom auniper Uerrles ; very f1 8T,?f ed, and a small proportion of spirits obtained -from 'Juniper Berries; very n? Ve quantity of Abe other, in I " rouiouva arcnumw, to prevanije.rmentat.on - - w ubvu.ui vosu wncra terer or innAnimauon eiiat. In .thiaC yn Jjave 4,he -knowledge Tof theaglint Hoping that you will favor it with a trial, itn a trial, meet with taaa iua uaju aVXag UvLlCriA l Will i w I am, verv respectfully, Chemist ' I ' 5- '. jnvilIiMill.::.!! ;u ! ... ... From tlie- ; 1 !ri Liu Inrfcest ' Mannlaetnring ' id? tii. . ..' a . t r . ta. a.-' - ' bo be font nrMKA1 with Ilia alia CaOUUUlj M an a featuring! Oiteiniatsl Ktnth and llmwn atraata TVi4lo.lnh4 EX- i IS THK EHA3plIFldFiaUNlVERSAL IaASSITUDK. PBOSTltATltlKXc) i.t... ThecpnstituUon,oncean"ectectwflh Organic vu uu juaiwuio 'rate the system, which . "T J a. wwu abiv cjoesAxr jjo treatmea. suj sumption or insanity enanea. ux.iuiiuuaajTn ara.i;iar jejUTh JaCT ' OJT- BtTCXTU, InafflecUonspeeuliArtoFeniales. la nneq ace. is iinqaaa aa in Chlnm or newouc mm?tooo4'' B.Jairrepare!Drngg : mv,;j vr!f:. .;. -ot oacS ti ro oo ark eoler. ,& 1 anriaat that amitsto fra, , j dvuh lirfe v. f: ... ' BVium uiuiviuiei, waTuiK a uarK ana mmm. i 4111 ,1 &.3Jtonloot ingredi- - "SSm.:v - nil un a ui.ii ia 1 a w TirMnnii T.inTi TtTAnm -ww aMUuana . . - a ivi vi 2iwu lueiiwuuu. uwmue iouna not co De a V' w I Tino. nrf. an m a1 In Phtminnnna . 70 00 1 q ... .:r . "" " a x u s wiiBHaLa aa . inm 1 w wm m ri iih niun m finoAa 1 am acquainted with Mr. DL. T. Hxuaoui i .Jlf - he occupied the Drag Store opposite my resi- .rrrrXl' '.: deifce, and wa successful in conducting the I . Leasing Wilmington, bUBlneRA WhfiTWnthfnr Hwii yt;f hnan annallv i ! .1871. t ,'i il' him 1 'tikva'Wan AmiKW 4m 1 Lua 1 ... 3 j Btrenrtnen ana mvigo Customary Kyacuations, Ulceratedor Scblrrua I Wilmington, JaBul84.f State Of tha Dteraa. and all Mimni.int. f riviT-w- dCht tO the ez. Or thalAa1lkA iiSrohanoa a , , . MOO ff llft4i( .U lta.' 1J . U - 'fair !?'-' C. 1 4. . . f , . . - -v-? " -av mLWfflJiffiik aiseAeaiiMfij.ablta.f dlaibation,at B"iou8 Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, in Iiweexpenae.IlttatQ or no change in dJeCno I nammation of tae Lungs, Copious Discharges Inconvenience or exnoanre; .viTnhiAMUartna. r of Urine. Pain in tha rwp-lnna nf tha innJ. ITTT-r-yw mum w awjaiuaara HI. UieuJIO inconvenience or exposure; completely sober - eases. rrfun I drntY XnCa flAA O liiseafctvthee, whether exist, ing in male or fe male, from wkatisvanj onue Arlirlnafrlni n . n n. . All . w maiinmi aaaat aav. m.-uciu ... In I1 1.1- ing. lti pleasant in taste and odor, 'limme- an v .rial. aai i. a n I 1 1 iai a i.rw.- - j , -- T"fi.yM.ftg Tf IH wa-ai- , Those suffering from broken-down or delj- i above diseases require the aid of a xi Kaiu nuijDSH iaXT JtAli -rliC Cf 1U I ... . i . r per bonSeTbVB bottle fof fT. IJelel I EKUQ DV ltttloraiUa avanrmrhan. Mot I u,y ajauress. je8criDe symptoms iri all 'com- munlcatlona.7 IHSJBlOly.;'- - ".'.v '-xr-a'a: '1 - '''""' " M9I ..J JS10AP-yAT.H.ir.TMfc- SftW oaaajiiiJmkirodiHmO r .'a . 7 ?! "'I I 7 'Ai aaa.u 1 .11 MjEKr; HUr7 "103 SUAlio AflUP"1 n. j 11 : 11 i . iKxva r ' . I r r, , a t nab I 1 a M aaa a. m . - : - i t i IVcot:!; 3 wa in o no A .n composed, of the First Class Steamahipa ...i (,PitlCi; Commandeka , AND. i v i vv n i sj v The Steamship BEBECCAhCJLTZIE; I rpLU KAVH .WOKTB WHAltr at the '"M ' . . ... yjaa . . n a: an uu f(t AT Mnlhonrst.raat.. 'lir TtaltlVnnM For Freight engagements pppiy to ; JanJS-ti.f' T i . I 1 , i 1 A D. CAZAUXju. ST.EAnSHIP HUE m uii r.' i 'NJSW'TOKK, '-.X'YI Mitm TTJESDAT8 AND FBIDAT8 FBDM ' jNIW.TOBK, AND WEDNESDAYS AND" ' SATITrda vr iri?nw WtT.-arTvn'pr.itf' N' '' . .., ..n ...... , .,'.,V-, TSSOUGK CONNECTION WITH AJLL BAIU BOibS-lElbiKG. OUT VT W11.M1NGTGN. i IJMjUi A An CiS NIj X X- PEK GENT. i mt ' NO PA3SENGEES TAKEN. ; r For Freight apply to" (! ve i : r BABBT BltOTUKR8, r.il ? ; : .A Rem 8, sept 16-tl . - -1 z r r. r- : ; . ? Philadelphia i a n d . Southern THB FAST AND FAVQBITE STKAMSHIP i . . ..- , , . i .1 1BDIl I 1 . PTTTU . TTTTC : TnT TAnwn anavn. m . vw. . ..... wuv . a. v pyii mil' ale between Philadelphia and WllmingV . . -: ' 'I . Leaving .Pnihvlelpihlai! Wed'adav. Jan. li a a m . T,'4,a; I Thursdav. .... .u aa. ulu T r.v wtn fTh rsday vT I '; inusr, jreD.JW'1 it ' j -: ? .4 j Saturday,,,.. larch, 4 I . ) . U . 1 Saturdavl ' i ' - ' 25 : " I O J . T . a o uuuay ........ Apru .,z SundayvAApril' a-js Iti Monaay, " 24 " Tnesdav.' "Mrv 9 - Tuesday... ...... May; 2 I W1nar1av- - I7 I TtinraHav! .Tnna 1 Thursday, June 8 " - .-. J J 7 insurance at low rates. t s ? ' at va aiub, akjju liV - WOBTH 4 WORTH; Agents x a nunina'AiTHnu. . . ' u.. vienerai .. Agent, lse o Aiiiru sneer,' irnuaaeipnia. uaxrawav & Uleaijor; fTTEtli' TYvitTV a t.f .TSri :Al'tarra ' w trrr,t " "- vmm. . Alb A. a? a. o JaaJ O JUllJJ X offering the best inducements toour citi a .im i ronkge ui i laininan I hand! fa the mostfastidioua. fdecmf A: Loan1 Wanteds 1 TmrtlAa: Aaair rk luiia XV four ($4,000) thousand dollars for three t( 41 TM eMM i"a,4ali"a.ai - . . five Tears areirrhtTver MntLntPMir-fTr-imi .JJiA - prorlrenf7' 52? (City P. O. Box 8S. . Vegetable Javer Pills. TXT8PEPSIA OR INDIGESTfON. This Is 1 J thenravRllino- naiadv r ariiif tr nl and bbo?fof whtcnfeilef: ta nivkva an Yf final UVJ.Krvd;t,".?:- i 'iiarntai ULloii of the'stoh. B-TaSeTn Mnntv I "" "'"""a w aiaiuu, uwoiuus UJBODIIrEeH 1 or uiine, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys. Tbese PILLS MWthatnAATiiiaiiTWa.A a . . f . ' . t rr"" - wa wa th Xi 3 01 life and vigor to th- urttiesi -antd- -frrnsavf i t, i.iiwwnTTTn arvBVAvm LIVJfiR UOMPLAINTj i - PIONEER. i am. . v a ki.k v. DUVI a nu ue puouo generally, zor tneir pat at'the PurcellHOuse. EvervTh&nef i U thf) TVTOfftfiarlriTV bAntfwnntantW uuiBvu, nuu atunuiatrng 4nx)wela, rwbich renders OUSNESS. Jj.v La aLmostimpoitaiM I -"mu me. xne uvena and fLhv I fT7C'fP I T . . . - i mdi liiverruu bare adinvt&ninXwirL ful action. npoilthevl4Ter,and M&thl f" o"" reueve.i Torpidity and Gcacw unportant organ, f In obsUaatA er. lArirnt ani mAai...i jiniar Hountainr.Butter. tt.T v. lil4 A'8,WlM But- .V -a" i FV.-J UlJat. ca J " ' aaar . . - ... a . a . ! . . 4Ft laleat vWu-etia 'nSdVmf w1fflliviWDVaTtt.'r!w -Tia.mfj.-::ij Ptljse rriHis PATOeitkeSoivim. hdt' rti 4& , a t w tt. rm w a. nmn a Ana nf th. Z. Zri '"v jl 1 -wiaiui aio TBETiTni,3,lfA6.e-,"sa tu i-mir feJ 1 a y XJL.ED LIQUOItS can always be naa, iu Si 5VLaVa ? . x;aiiraa; A QaW s . ( L Clianuo of Schedule. Iare Weldon at loio is!S K M Arrive at WUmingtS f-.A Md.7 p- S' at. The day trmiSox oL :i5"' feave Union Depot at octoek. rth , . An Accommodation and Freight v , leare Wilmington at 10:30 ?Jf hain days excepted,) Passenger tkiS Wilmington 8 aL m. matp m iftving GoldsborQ foraJeigh. 8 COnne,yon S&i It Affw at fi:lf closely withthe Tarboro Branch traVi, S?1 Paefenger Trains leaving WUm?T.I?; Kl8Lt Weldon on. MondU. . wl ""Kton and days, also connect eloseiyTiTh Taa5U- - 1 v I ii V" " ; it, J S..I. FREMONT, i ';-v .';,! t ?lttet and Superintn,j..,., Wilmington. Ang. 16th. 1870. r, ; GENERAL SIJPTS 0FF1($7 Wilmington, Columbia 5r u - J gista B . E. Company. - ? : 5RRSs!.'':-! if 101. iii.n ON AND AFTER SUNDAY THF iVn stant, Paasengers fr the W S i a 'A' Rwill take the train at the W A v n p,ot, and the following Schedn & V '3???S. BAIN (Daily ) ttl ii?ainn DePtl A il Arrive at Florence.....,...;... . , Arrive atKingaviUe V." a m f.' $ Leave Kingsville...... . li.'an i 5 Arrive at Florence 3.1 Arrir at Wilmington........ a. p ' ijAJf (JJa,y j 7)TlllnlBt0tt w- a. ii. s HJLPBES3 TBA1N, (Dally.) ijS ! 50awVp"'"V 11 05 r- M arrive at w. W. B. B. Depot 6:12 A. M .'" ii' :' may 19-tlr JNO. C. WINDER, wen'i sup';. Wilmington, Charlotte a,. KUTHERFOKD ft All. ROil. ill IHIHl... -rf ' ' -ai I ii vn SiT3 Change of Schedule. j ?' Mra CMef EBa anil Gen. Sup't : :n ; Wilmington, n. c, Oct. 28, m n And afteb November 3rd. the Pas achedule Train ' wlu 11111 tfae following Leave Wilmington at 7 o'clock A. M., and arrive at the bead of the Road at 4 o'clock P. M.- Leave the hetfd of. the Road at6 A M., and arrive at Wilmington a.t 8:00 P. M. daily (Sun days excepted. y louu Tw4,yht-Sraia per week wll leave Wilmington at 75A. M. on i nesday s and Fridays, and arrive in Wilmington on Won. days and Thursdays at 505 P- Through tickets to Charlotte, $10. -Si I. FREMONT, j pot 29-tf :;, .. , . L: Chief Engineer and Snp't. ; Superintendent's Office, wii. uoitimEia & Aiiasta H. B. Cg. i k ; WIlaMIKGTONv H . C. May 25 T 1870. fS AND AFTERTHI DATE, PAS8EN V KC13 guillg QOUIO Will 1 A Weldon Railroad Denot e efe 8.S0 A. M. and 60 P.M. JNO.CWlNnRR. WINDER, Gen'l. Sup't. j may2.vtf :j Poet copy. GENERACTSTrPTS-OFFICE, a Wil ColnmhU Ar A T);irn. I - 1 a . a a , . aauui uuuj d : . TI "WILMlNQTONrN. C. Deo. 27. 1870. ' NOTICE. " On and aftei the 10th3 of January I proximo, paa-eneers rtoIdz South will v I take.the Train ttt tTntrtn TVrtiv- VonVno Rt. . . . UDU I. K , .1 fl I T w N If $ KnT VTT , aa a . . - " - i- .' . I .... . : w OENEKAL SUP'TS OFFICE, WILMINGTON,, ,g.4 J)ee.S8tb, 1870. f N and aftr Mnndg Jannan M naroona bavinii'bneineBwlth 'tnt, raanrer of Thompson, of the W. Cross ana .."T V. . fr.J JNOl C. ! WINDER, H .deo29-tf " 'I'.rL:!;?.: 'li-....., Sun't. I . - - - " ". h- - - ' I' ' ' -. - "O"' .waaiaal H HUUU M ' Omc CHiillroriM "fi' "... raatf-'i-f.v.. 170TICE. alifmal ii'' irji a. in x i JJtn a XVaVaVX-a IV L.lXJa,KlA7X lOi'" JL . Kail and ft tage, over this Hallway, are for Bain na . V. m ipi.w.. ma .a.a l Tix' LwiwlS S- FEEMONT, ?c t,,!-llngmeer and Superintendent. ' A"i S-".- irwii-' I aa-a.-.- M - . . ?1. 7fv MS I'"" '( 1 gfjjJjP l I'l.'ll H " i. i ' ' t 10:-- of vlsitbecPro 'I. r r ''V"V'