'5 f7 V correspondent mutt not whte on agreed to adjourn on the 1st of March. The Great; System :CciidiVc.tri r1- .,.: - y i ?i--.-.;...Vv,.'.-i.-- I."" d,uJ( We cannot undertake to return ejected ' '"tea ftc;W3or fT - of Marion --VCIVIIIINGTOIY, N. C. ' tU Town Co.. . , . - , - -MllX Us ,.f . , J1 J. T is THE rmaDlcatlona. - DLJSl DLUUJ rUlili 111 Li liiij liLUt v . Lniniic:onai. t i Avi A .'-.Aik. ' ' -. f ' 's"! Thcro wcru t..untv lour deaths r zy ivr frj. in Cl v- VnV , X, i- UeaJ'U8 aEIEE TO JAMES J)AW50Nk 80 ia vuai.ca tor tba weeki ending j Jan a - . ."B.h . 21st, ot which 5 vrcre white and.ip col- " itlr- BAjrm. TroMnieww. ''TjafaSBMANiioir quaiit. The Germans of the TTest -'are-' taoYte; i force against Grant and Vis adsishtra tion. The German of ScXouis, irrcrpto tiTe of party, held large and very VatUur siastic mcetingngH 5hen ,ostant, to proteat against tke,, connivanc" if the administrationia ; tho' lWnt baying and Belling arms in' thi$ctotbty far transmission . to - tfranca, - "A series' of resolutions was unanimously adopted, which expressed .in "Wong language , the t.av,nr of the Germans UDon this snbiect: tuitbv .-. . ,.n,... .,v..fMyyj tion that the administration should per mit Becond-hsrsd -:tjn T jvhic'Iv M been carried bj i ., " 1 ' , . I danutt uui uit war; kM.uv huiu -fum iuv goTernmeot arsenaioa aeat ? to ,4? ranee the oresent war .owween u. ranee ana i, Prassia. The traffioin wblch tbeadmAia.-1 trauou Tra.r ;T,rr nounced by. the tpakra. iA .TeaoliiU6n. vasalsoidlotfbytfiejgj ments and purpose ot the meeting Jb ct .. I nmelltnrn - . "'"fi view ot influencingud&kctiriwof-ti-feu cL-ssor ot Senator Drake, and also to nhe. . t nr4f rtiftr wi .f . i-i- 1 United States Senators ,na ipretoreM viiw". th wt Ar'innA5 tA tireim Cobgrmfisnfbt I2.00Q.726, whileats.outstanng instruction and guidance. : 4nsk were tl,01100andTtsiriiscellaneoui . i- r - ? liabilitieawere I3.fl89-723; .. . . THE EXPRESS BUSINESS HQTA Maine CentriMlaih railroad tor one to refuse com Dames i must carry for all alike da equal terms.- .. J ... , . In this case tne, raiirQaa .company Uau . made arrangements With ine isastero jx- press Companr tocarrv ecsa maUerfor them, "and during: the.: contract of - four years, not to carry 11 lor auj owj 1 earner. ue vu.uik.BOT MhVM"?; " leiral. both under a statute-" df iMainisfj D .a. , 4, . v -a. - - v. at common law. j'- '' ?-t: Not long since t ho 'Supreme Court of Pennsvlrania mkde a decision 10 the same - eftect:oljtc nohfgv'i& . ' On Saturday night ot last , week, a re th at she had called .to. pay ner retfpecta, ! ..... .. . 1 and .u- ... l-t,l 'r.?iWii rmrfArt Yrtnrrt-hft P company Qarrylog express matter ! mu'y creaung a. vommissioner oi insur- ;VAnWr fma-ri' ?uargeu witu certain auues;oi in wr per3ononenng at, uu uy i una ub pm-uaw we operauoas at com pa stiB wuum B- " 'v-rfod DeaierB Tbroaajnont tbe Slate was shown the way to the eatables, ' and 1 " , - - , . , ... i i i i - 1 mnM,. after a time,1iatingai . - . . i: ..ii ii..r "refreshments as to excite enriosity,' the ' hostess descended to the dining, room to l, .scertaiD methigmore ooocerning ber, , j u. i.j, k. J wnen it was aiscoTcreu ... j i fpprw atyiea or f taken her leave by the back gate." baring lechaaie Tol House and General Hard-f .aaeo uerjca.yujMSv ft t fti,,, -rfciirta, VilalGlasa. A0-, for sale at1 previously possessed -herseUof. a numDcr i articles oi aiiver.wttru utu ni opwuot a . t k. r M a anAni forks, salt holders; napTkbiiljigs, &c 'XT TH il irffc rr OIVZJ)rJwa0x. 1 . r. -t . nit I v r-V-.-w, a errTl rfth7liil 1UNS, TKTOI, fX) WD KR, SHOT, POTV A new setUJJedhe AJp0 Jfjrt tjP der Flasks, Game Bags, 8hot Beltav Cart- and put tbemsein JBis legate., thinking Jiafflonw aion. "fey-ljap, pressed WrsttoVseyerelyf iod th4coo-' sequencejs.a large porUon pr lie Armenians Uavej aepecated, andt do, manded from the Porte a distinct iurisdic; mjmon. property. One effect; will be to produce mans. l7 JJiXi U iUli .vaau. " m n arm nrt ! An imporlant rnqtremeht js in iprogresa in Ohio. wUirh tends to, a Dhion of tb n i. t. ti-VUm tirK:;.oi 1 Baptists and Oampbtllitesor "Christians,'! 1 u mat Btatc,.! ianer avo,wireo hundred 'and -fifty cbtirclres -kand80,000 members, snd Wirald maktf pa' fMldlblo- accession to tbe Baptists. AT CampbeP isi.. 1 . .... V.vji . 't8 nave submitted a numoer 01 propow- L'jjj !rkrT JV, tions upon . which t is thought;, both, - I f -jr h ' S i :- W parties could unite. - -.- .- 1 MI e-fy A W0RKIW DENOMINATION Within a little more' than, eight yeaHfCas ln ifachinery of every. description, Ac Tha W 1 1r.1L.jl j i vj nu rfiAvtuvvuvvg vs mvuuvu Ltiiiy erected pewjyjhliyjarch edifices s TOSa.01 DWIllAVa,V.aZ50,V IJ r giTti frprltt fjip.i l50 il'tY1'' ' ""f r 5' same a creat enUrrreneat by Geo.-Prancis gift fiCifftmtip larsr -. - - - 'V. , 'V: rJ. T- Tbo Marion Crescent sava : Od I a Larsday evening list ;theitehen belong- ing to Mrs. Gasquea hoase;on Main 8tM caqgnt nre.TDsTrcYttelf irtmntidned t?ithout esdoslrdamaV p.oases two colored peraDnainoar,t6w The Tae HoBae The Charleston rNews. .sava t Li engineers. ' it . I i The Somter Watchman ava ? The corn hn4rfff Atr JftViiinh TTt7tateArh I ' " ' v -ww vav-vv w va Nit I a lew nignts ago, eariyio the night, uuuuicu I.UBI1C1 111 k mni . . 1 1 1 1 M linBrarniT 1 fortification bill, and agree to reciimmend jflfcJiERAl. -commission Horcbanu -an appropriation -ofy $25,000 0? Fort ! -.tl! WATfiSTfiEfiT, Moultrie and a like Wmfof vFott Rttmter. ' : : Wilmington, N. V I act left him without a bushel of corn on Wjich to feed his1 family or stoclcT -v ABOiner. Another TnahrAnnR i4imnihV''hM ii-1 .lapaied. ; . - I The Monitor Mutual . Fire Insurance iCamnanv of Rnitnn this timft civp, n, th iWai4t a4Wl0i r k necessity ot insuring insurers, nonooo trxr rT m am. vw , .1 Massachusetts has a HTstfm nt nn..' aioiB were ciosfifl nn nnn its ntTiirfl ptnntc T -,rfc7---,-jiivl'uI.V:X. I fcfiS f "1 " Z Tl " . Irnm thrt fnlllM nrwimM nf flineo rnrnnr. bill has been; mfrpdaced iflto ibe As-' whteh. ndif ldnal citizens are deep- ly interested yetofwhich.it is almost im We , for , the ;. indWidnal . 1 to . ju.lge 1 Qeth(5r,thcy,be trust won hj.Fet. Index. T ANFOFTS .1 - ;MlUbJ4.Att UUUt. v - . t GuaranUedto e.J allotheri in shape and mawriaAiftaure koasif or tcdfI v w mw I ri rr.fr ' 1 . t -v a l nr-'nri a ui i .i'i:ii''UMki.i. 0.f gpectl6qnd ptibnereboft. and it wilUbe v l wen 11 iy sucQ or omer means a cneca i i janiuf .T ii U'rMiaiiiiAaiit . pj JiiniKi'N -No. 9 Market 8t. -! t7age anSct well aouci" stock oi -CSfefef r.ry, lepricaHMTUl TooUand a ririiwppl 1 3111 " '1 K I IF k all I . - lt''tei?xWEVS ava nu u w ArvuvM v sasti vw K7itw : r a riTvr.ES." H XrtVPfss ' " w'wips. -44 t vvvfli i.f Dtrtii Js I V ForiaTe at ITATTliiAjQJIBva ; I ' "v"'j T.acrKyi.-'-TT.r.. 1 i . . v. . ' jnolaSS ioAvmroawaopcUTBDOViA OfLILil mwawkf,TXVM. tetj JL,000 BARBELS FLOURT ' A'ff W WiABaw muwm: , 4;00, BALES JBLAT. jbtn" i aEjrxttAt'sTocx or For sale TeryJowtby ; WILLARD BROS. I.. - Jjwai - w ' O. TAXBOTT. C. H. TAXBOTT. A. TAXBOTT. lpALltoT rTiiiiiofn t a sons; oece ors to-'i albott & Bro.)r i OCUOKlIAClllNG WOB1 Cor. Gary. A Seventeenth Sts Richmond, Va., v..aff xAruTAcrtmERa of ' - ; ; . BlCJl OF " 4 r Tj x nfatPi1V t ":: f 1-' PoViabIefitaifonarjr istenm Englnev, nBUr Saw aad tirlat Mills, II T- bKFSlTS! J T . . PblllUa n BABBELS FORK;: J .J- 1 O A'CXWES D 8. BACON; ' 1 ; fitircat saloy 0 f ? jan jj.tf ' neitOSS fi'W.Hl " DeROSSET A CO. f H. TOUIS ADRIAN & VOLLURG , "- -s r - r vyr r" ana hock his., 'tt l-- . TZul g on ua and examining our Stock. .:A . . mm o x r . . ....... u ' ' ' At;' V. r,"; '" . torwaraansfgooaau.- r. Orders solicited And promptly flUed sepiai-u ' ' rf' ' v v - . B, V. HAUL. l.v Sujrijji- . ' ' ; r DEApT AXL KINDS OF.'.'.V ,1 TAVf .fetK V?ttxiriti l v w w a. 1 wr-ivu u lit una iMBMntuthrimiitii ommi..m ' WUmmgton January 4,1870, -.V tf r: w' BAW- j . 3. scott. I T3 A 8 s & SCOTTr. " .. ;.' :j (Successors to BaaC riniaon Co:,) aMAA.. a. vr m . M . 1 Korth WatflrRt. Wiimfnm v n fjArfhrnri'5 nrriiviin'w OrinrOp bUllimillg, : COttnisaiOH iHEBGHANT!i And inn.fAA.. r .w. mZLnZw . ,.001 ,. -r"L TANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN iXL Hardware. Guns. Stoves. PuniDs. Kero. me uu, a in ana aneeL iron. . t : KUUII XAU DUN tU AT 8HOR.T NOTICE Agent for FAIRBANKS SCALES, -No. 19 Front St,. Wilminsrtou. N. C. June 10-tf WC Frederick. 1 .N.1 Frederick. ' FREDEKICIt At SO., COTTOJI FAtTOBS AND GENERAL v COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' nXo. SS rvortli Water Street, . WILMINGTON, N. cC -Jan 18-tf . Ji A NEOUS; CONSUMERS, OtailerS 1 aild JObberS STJPPJLIJED WITH TOBAGGO GOODS,. BY I. PIC30TT, Tobaceoniat. WTvr- TlovTitav . CVi rr Xl M w ajca Mvi i wuuui .- Wi-&Kl2i& T, k m iv -Jr ViT J 0peVy6oeenpied ov Wowell and"is m hopes hia'frienas will not forget him. f cieantowela. Share razors and eood work- meir. v ' - - v- i Shaving! - n - )IU1 1 2-1, 1 Al lnl 1 ITlI lTlPTitlTl liarnfiTl. . a i . s - c-i. ? : 1 , ' T ' tTT-PTO DiA v " TOIS FAVORITE RESORT is now open tor I JL the Summer. Refreshments of aU kinds constantly on band, am-nz which may he I mentioned r.AGftit.BREB. ALE. ICE CREAnf . STRAW i -rfir':'! dtn 1 r- : .v : ; . ...i.i r ?.---r x: tllU 1 " W I. I I M E' lll'll. Tn. fact.' erervthlrig haA beat: nrrA-ngftd to contribute to the comfort and entertainment -if visitors, and the Proprietor earnestly so linltv the nubile oatronaee. -A. . may 31-xi v Molasses and Syrup, r ; a- - i f Muscovado Molasses and Syrup, !PfVf ooln of1, tra lrkvr nHnna TStt t . '.WILLABll BKO - - VXJA.U LA-LA liCaUAVAA- UUlfLCl, -' . A SUPERIOR ARTICLE of Mountain But- ter, at thirty-five (35) cents per ft. ' . ALSO . t'-'.V.. ASHLAND FlaOf Ra noy 22-tf l eDwards a Hall. Our Best. have just received '.another shipment " ''.;.' V'.. Of that " "' SAME CHOICE BUTTER, ; jan 2Wf- , C. D. MYERS A CO. g m Ni? wem ;: Is selling at cost Silk Twist, Linen Threads ! Machines repaired. No. 9 So. Front st. Jan25tf ' i irWill Core AH--Disease' 112 i :4 i sultlns from XlzsArlZz9&.'-it 1 J - W" M. .ft,-' ...., ' 5 - t.' , ..... .....,,,t If. KEEP, YQTTE BLOOD .gBJEn H V; , . . j r ?, ... . .i r - cestlTe Orfir&na tn J" Hes.Itbjr Gib. j i dltloi id , Ton- Will HeTer u i . -ft "! , ''.' I KUZ':':'z'' I 15U lilJb Y 0 Ult JjlAjUiJr JJY. USING Tin - V - ; - " : I UlCai AUlCrttUlO iilirLlUTUIiillai ;. K0.SK0 0! T IS THE MOST PERFECT. VEGETABLE i comDOund of alter&tlvoa. toniM. WllnrAtina f and diaphoretics, maldng it theAinot e Live." iHTiifunu.nr. rHniiVRTinir. s.nfi njnnn. 1 wiseasw, i.ry9ipew, pwa, .xwnpies,; jana Geneial Debility, Palpitation, and Fluttering at tne Heart, consumption, Asthma, Syphilis, J and SyphlUUe Affections, Inflammation of tbe Bladder -and Kidneys, . Pains, in: the .Back, I Dropsy, Female Complaints, Ac To the broken 1 wn female U give. life and energy, bjre. storing thelo-tpoifersof nature, when healUa 1 vlgo rating effects on the human system. Per- J sons, all weakness and lassitude, by using the I KOKOO, at onco became robust and fun pi I ner&y er ixsinnuenoa.. UMueewnonavo pale complexions, and are darkf about the eyes, blotches and pimples on the face, rough skin or freckles, ard. axe out of apiritv! should nse a bottle or two of KOSKOO. It will cieapse your blood, remove the freckles and blotches, and give you animation, apark 1In8eyes, fine spirits, and a beautiful oom- nifinrm. -ITT it.. FOR 8AI.E BY J. W. LIPPITT A CO., AND ALL DRUGGISTS. nov 21-eom PIMI0S! 0RGA1TS1 NO. . 433 . BBOOME' STBEET NKAB BltOAD WA F, N. T. C. M. Twniaine & cBro., atANUFACTUREJtS AND DEALERS IN PIANO FORTES. AND AGENTS FOR THE , Bordett .Combination Oxcas, - , CONTAINING . Greatest ; Success of tho' Ago,! rriHE disagreeable rsftdne entjlrely. oyer- 1 come in this instrument. - The vertlici is mv ' . . . -- .!--. j .: STSSrSSSSSSSVVSSl PIANO FOKTK3 are howreadT. at low prices toreash. v ' -r TT.?"S?!fi?f, of S Y8 of the BURDETT ORGAN: ..... I 'it is by far the mostrrect reed instru The CTimcMii Xear-ef Oet.8df eay: c' - We had no idea that n-red ltrriiittai 1 yiySlfTJJr 1 annroval. but nnnealbrtnljoneedha mi ntrains. not obit trive u-tDem -DnAniiiflMi banda without a rival.. i - ' ---; The great Increase m-Se Sale of our instrn mntfhiRbiAtia' red nen oar nrleesftor - - Zi : v . r-:rf.-f?.r.'ff; ;.-.,..7 trom ten to twefity-aTaperoenKleaathanany. I ments) mentsiin tne united JStatea . -. upon th maxhni.of Qaick profitai' we ma iti.k the eclaA.ToWcet, lo furnish our f II MMV I W MTWM aale- and gmau I same time, a BDecial obiect t?11618 Jf1tow?a?e J ; r j -. .. t. iruiwKji4uiiM4a - 1 w.Rroii r v - AATEEb fIL FEAHS. Hany famUies have had a deaireobtam aild Bla( aHYCT lMtet fanaeooia-notagartoi navhe deaierai'rA T . . f ' r 1 tJmt wcuid cost more to keep in repair than it is worth, hejicelarge claaa otour-musio lov ing people have been obliged to do without. w e can rurnisu ewweven-vexavw ruuw Fortes from $-275 to $95- Second-hand Pianos from $40 to $25(L. New Cabinet , Organs, $45 to $i,ooc. - -;- - - - - - PRICE LIST SENT TO ANY ADDRESS. " ' rA! '' fcTREMAlNBT::: june S-SAFtf. -: W. B. TRKMAlNlfi. : I Clayed -vr ?-aw fx - - 200 P0gshadsv , V: r r - v 1 r?wJ-Le Foir Sale i ivOW FOK CASH, by 2 - 4r Pf- d. G. PARSLET A CO, .. -j; ; a Wilmington, K.C. , '- ' . - ''r5lf: J janmf - 1 - feh t34TH r'-vHf 'Wa1aTa4X BSOit- Alex; tlGllnsr " axifiier 1 ueonre w- Williams- T. II. McKor. i l V V 1 T.tf; Kerenner. - - JaW.Atklns.r:.;;iv;ir.U..;.'.Pre8ide John SawaoB.:. . .VlOrFxaa1deiit. i "I: wr- iv. j. j m i--miin mwii I llirniTlxiT-. w. fi. Kena., General Supervising Agentl The Principal j JW30e of i thf - Company , 13 located.in TrUmingtoa; C.,v No; 0 KOrCb ana enaurmg paaia, onier corner atone being lasting aniundenUble aejcaxriiy,. KquiU aoleJustandJUrtoib Traatee capital m aaaiuonr to jus'Aasetsy The people of North GaiQilnajtro here pi Company, the objectof whioh Sa to bulla up our domestic prosperity and give to the State a BtiongAna-pabllo-eplrited fln&nclal institu- ; I tion which Will fostferouxipCTmfay Jftteat eater its benefits among; our. home: peo Pl by, retaining and investin&4armoaey. - w . , . - . - . - , - j j Tn a IVIlm n4it I IfA II 1 -1 a grealLliMtroment laPtho achiarement- of domestio prosperity, jmd. Ila 1 Increaaiag e ita strength aailtawrwcry'dayr fts rates are on an average aa Jow as any flrstrlasa Company its conditiona are llberali ita payments prompt. ... roded upoathe AjAflaprple, it in surea security at the outset Its OJHeiW and ntandinsr and excellence, whose leoutationa : and means are pledged to the success of the institution which baa already been so emiH nentty successful, . . : .t Do not neglect the opportunity, of .insuring in a Home Company, and participating ra , its advantages. ' -. 4 , Policies all pammTti T1S I U0U forfeitable after , two, years ; incoti- tpstflliip aftpr 4rn vpars ' v Dividends declared annually i :a, JNO. C. General Agent 4tti Judicial, District. OFFICE WITH THE COMPANY, No. 5 NORTH FRONT STREET. nor 15-tt mSUEAlICE 1 Fifty million Dollar Capital w i inn .fii ar a rW The Matnl Ufe laniraac:CMa,irr r jiew-xerK, tnevajrgeav i- .--:jsijr:ln' tisv Walrlii" "t. ;t AssetsT 112,000,000, being $1200,ooq larger- than ! anyoOerX3oiaptoy. 'i: 'f -.- Cash Drvmavna, paid in 1889, $3,698,830, belag $2,088,171 larger than any other Company. r. -- i PiedmoiifeCfc Tne Boat Snceeaafal mad Wealthiest . iBianaea Camaaat inths iSratn.. " era States, Assets $2000,000. rm)Ti irn lriOTUT nnilPiUTT , itJiUj MjJJIAIIJhIi tUwiJlHiliOr m ,a W$TT?. .!"frfl UTI : t ,; . , l . v r a.. T..nn.A. imwn Arir'u flnnMnental 5 Tnnfimn . Corhnanv of :M 1 ..,... -pyi J ' OOT I rtf9vvf"'Vv"r?7??7?r 1 ihitnim . t. nanmanv of Hartrord.' v 1 , Assets, atoc,w I ' rwnr.-ir m- lh. 4 .-,! it 1 rr-v?""v :r ; ;v7 ;. . r, 1 i-v FoT eTerydeseriptionollnsalmee I ,v , Atmly to nArlS.ij I . Y I ? , JtntTH WTTTIWH ITTTVaflW 4 ienerai Asrenw rrontand.wate if occu-tz 1 vn-nAv vnnniTir wumTuriT between Wll itt ing- stwetri rtniW :1 ton and PointCaawell, leavtog Wilmington Tuesdays, Thursdays and atnrnaya,;ar II bHsleelliA.lfH ad-Poiat..Caawen Uenaays, WaxinoauiaYA and Fridava at-D o'clock ,A UL.1 touching at ail miermeaiate mnuuigs iur pas engers er. frvight, Farei.aieala ; extra. s-rTtrht charsrea very moderate. " -"t I- For freight or passage, apply tooCaptalnron .ioardTiiiI;Ji . .hi ?,y jsept iVSAFtf ;? -UHijli .litM lilJbi 1 cw-.ii fresiiage,4 i:'3: Camphor Ice with Glycerine; I . ps jf ClTKATa 0MAOKWlA, 1 w fXAVoar4 EXTaAcrra, .i iJanlMf '.'5 i."J !V L i 1. ..- .'.'-i 'ii'u 1 tTHB PEOPLE'S FAVORITE JOURNAL. The nest j:tcrcs:ing Ctorlea v' i fl ii ArealwayatWbo fbnhd la 'thW ; A X ruEsjuxt r mere re ciX(Varcavl'iin9ea'rj;? x3L running tbrorTb Us 'eolur;f-n.,ai. least Ova Stokt is Laatnr EvaaT I r . . u. . rNew subacribers axe thus.Bure Cfl mnsHthe ' commencement of a newcn)tlnr lry lop-1 ttmtter -whim tVnhiHhlf.r the 1 'J'4. .vt-far contains several beautiful illustrations,' andVv . double tbe amount of reading -matter .f.anyy4''121 Of its ctass, and tbe 8ketches J8brt'-6t6r4e r' Poems, -to., are- by tb ablest- iwtra w cnol) America and Europaw The ;t4 ..eaijcit w.vedi N E W"; Y tiRKMmtrZi 'Aoes not confine ita naefnlnesa to axqucement , . ijm nuDiisnea ft an&nvuv. t rrniY m- ..... . truetire matter, in the most condensed form; ; ,il Ali(B - - A . iut.tJ v1 have attained a high'rcptiOTCfrox thtdr'i The PLEASANT PARAGRAHSr-ara made t , ,4 tnl inform a tlOTVo all matmTrofwMeota. v" rt The- NEWS IT&SIS lerrva tn the Caweat words -i? i. ne xn houbm aomga an uiwjut wm 1a; -.-j ; r WJB JfcXbSrMJI AMWX h n f , contains aj&swers to enquirers upon alllmarl., . fll-Cf y'ikL: J'-'en :J -M;l . : Ast Pmrlvmll JblAairaury IS THB NEW Y b K it E1f;y Each issue contains fma EIGHT TO TEN SHORT STORIES AND SKETCHES, and half, aoxew POEMS, in addition to the RTXieK- ' AL STORIES and the VARIED DEPART- hr SNTS.'. :.3iti-: f.t.. i.ftAii uflT 3h 8PEC1MEN COPIES 8NT' FREE."t ' AT Be:Teor81Ii92e Copyi.;u;U.v... S Wt-rtcJ One-Year-fFonr Copies (? woo,-, , Ono TearEight;CepMM...wvT.MM SO, 0 , , Those 8cndiiig"i; foT n ClaVof Eifrh ali ? " cencat one ume, wuv oa ennueu to a cot free. Getters-up of clubs can afterward add 'single copies at)2 M each. .-' ,0; ; &TRKT.& 9M.ITU, Pjt)prIetor8,f.; No. 65 Fulton Street, N. Y. aept 15-SAF6mo-V.swt( t-ji'i The Great JjjtedkojrJtowriTJ 2.b f-L-iii7j Si" v BeaTtttmonytotlietrWtjader. ortf V-J" -S "':' IfESAr oAftr tMEVfSv v 5 g ,ff. vv--! i .u-jr?!st::d -.-Ji Si ir ; : ' . r..,'r xor. . ,. fl v Xn M w I f fit OS " n . I.H:qYSJ!5!';. ' 8lrlt aaHfa Lla'aara 4ctaptUp4rr( ! i ' -' . aiwaxitaimd to nleftM th tsst. CAllfid M TOO . '-! lc. Appeal erV-Restorers" 4 Uut le4 the tippler sa to droakeiuiesi and rain, bat are ) V pa true Mce,mavdfromtliNtrrlUtod;.. wm ... A... .-. .IlilMkalla' ' " Stinalaata. Tacy are tbeGttKATHLOC ' PCEIFIEatal UFHUiTinurui CIPLS a perfect RenoTatof anilnvlgorator of '. the System, CArrriaf etf an peiaoaoaaiaatUr and restoxia tt .hlOQdptahalthy condiUon. No aanoa eaa UKe taasa Bitters aecordlag to direo..- aaltteat Fevers, .-pUe-aj-we I, ,,,( LiTir. Kialaers. as4Xaler, tlvBM BiU r ters nave bean motaacesfal. 3" Pt eases, ars aueoa pj 9 uiaiea frViW- Broidoeediiv deruurement of tba . fteadaoheyTaiata tas EacaaTt;isagygpy r? iv aesi of f& caatc; inxiiaAM;a jraiaaaaaa sC (Z . 0 tSfiU, raipitAUOB OX U Heart, 1 n 11 mm ' ,t:i tin LaBgs,Pla la tatolaiwrargT.TafBnMaaa i tlrretand sewal;walliS?aA I f jjWIIPW...l.. P. "'l ' ,1' its VmiiftrllJiAaiift'- throne-ft tlaeskla laPta 3 pieirCrcfaot'-r CMiifiaanaiit wasvyom; t . , r tod 'ityouAaa-tiorj 1 felesasa waaattlfoml,"aa4jWTisl3awm ,, i UU-oa.Hffl-.c EjwjittttVbloo par and tts 1 hlthcf tea rrtteairffl follow ,ht J i taf sxstsm ff as suay tooaanMr rMlr7r: V. J!wejsaaKJP:m -; carefully tha eiwaMfaroaad ? rr?' : ! J. 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