.4 1 - i 4 J1WI11H,I jrKJ itJLJLvr . THE VEOTt juAU U,. Y 7 i ftTIT cot BY SIGIiJPH ; .4 -TO THE HOMING STAR NOON nEPOOTS. ; 1 vt a v - f, - t ' ii . x T. ; From Washington. . VOBSIW JtISCBUtT. . ,, ,. ir , r The Germans bare abandoned tbe .selgfl of. Cambral.. VAAivA lb txys I - The French hare Inundated the conntrv around Donay and Arras.-.- i ' -t--i:4 The German amy in th'nprth of Fiance Is eatlmawdateaooo:'.:;';;-V. VT; ' The bombardment fWRWMc" pended. Tbe Prussians attribute the Till ore to a heary fo. , .. . .. A French amy-corps ds too',cleie 6n tne Swiss border, . .' , . y, n v The headquarters of the south are at Bau "SSdis'patcb dated Treir'anl 2 sayVtha Germane, alter maaiojra reqotoltlon fur (arty thousand francs, shot four inhabitant -and carried off the mayor aud three couucllmen. The name bf 4he place, at whteh this was l mic was omitted. - .. Turkey declares 'serai officially -that r.' v forth he.wUl rely upon herself for piM-ilon, and not upon' the Interests and jealguiicsbf the European .powers. irarrlson with the honotsrof war. The- attack on 8U Dentals' and -the disaster of the' 19th is supposed to be the caQse of the proposition . The Germans regard Fa v re's teems unsdmlasa " ble.;Trchu Is sick and Vlney commtnd. The dispatch adds that the terms of surrender will require tithe lor: consideration. Tbe French demands are toJ large. ' ' 1 .''!' 'H- oj ; The Timet says editorially that If Favre re fuses to capitulate on tbe German terms Bis marck has the acceptance of them by Napoleon and the Empress, and threatens to restore Na4 poieon. The conference has again adjourned for a week. '"t , 1 " - n J IXMESTIC. ; ;,,;v A heaTyanownbrth'ward interrupts the tra: Tel and mails, f r: i v ; ' - 1 1 , The Kansas Legislature has elected Alex. Caldwell to succeed Ross in the Senate. The elements competing the reconstruction h. commute are so Inharmonious that tbe com mittee Is virtually .dissolved. ' No measure proposed can be sanctioned by a majority, abd there is no disposition . on tbe part of the chairman to call a meetin of tqe committee. The Ylnnie Reams statue wm formally no veiled last night, and the public was pleased. f ' COITOKKSSIOWAI ;'; , J- Sbnxt This body Is discussing ' petitions and memorials ,r Ilousx The House ts discussing bounties. FarelrnNena. ' ' , . London, Jan. 26. Advices'of the 23th says that the presence Of Favre at Versailles Is unconfirmed. Jt was re garded doubtful on the 'Change, and Consuls fell ott 4 ; ? -f ; I' 1 A week's adjournments! Conference-ls at tributed to the abaence of the French repre sentative. '; " : .rr : ' r . Still further advices announce the capitula tion of Longwy with 4,000 .prisoners, and 200 guns. - ' . : i i . - Blsmark has been appointed Chancellor of -i the German Empire. - OUR MOII r REPORTS. from y: oiii.'yGoN. 4 i V7Asar50T0J, Jan. 26. SBJiAtt-The cbnnlUee . on - nottofflces ra portedjtheblll for trl ging lh9t Mlssuwlppl-atl uoonvuie. , ; ... t The bill Inert:,: t j was passed and goes to the Prt ::'.-..t.,- ltlnol?ea an in creased- expenditure 0 cf 21 vtf millions of dol- AMI V. Tbe bill aboll8hlnz tbe "Income tax was passed by a vote of 27 to 25. Mr. Blair voted n . ' 4 J-s'- -Hi' - This la a trtnnrph ?of Commissioner "Pleas-1 anton Treasurer BoUf well and Delano; 1 Vbte Versailles onthe 24th,-sayne that!Jiiles Fa Vre i w v XIJRCj l,AillT . is there ropoeln to surrender Paris auL tht f,,VV x.KA.1 xJ-viUX Mcx. t mucn tntxrapucaiiy t A do rosin; 82 do tar, 186 bales cotton; 10 do UocaxIndian approprlaUonaidlwussed all I.yarn; 171 bush pea nuts; 81,000 feet lumber. 24 aay. -r:-r"S5:: ,5nt t.u - r I l'f ii ' nctu.airxotrs. , The Ice Id tfc$ bay Is' -unequalled- for many receired.;;vr, Ji ' - i- . .ttaniamn - &aji;;:m Jlew Tort..::.1: 11 An account of a redfal inowl-'tfie AiMl r A3 boura behind from aorthV aduth and weat- Dr. W.' AT,6Ii;Hhe 'tfcouaaboldnlaU has been tontlcted of anUdxhtert andW4 tenceato 'seteueiratmtrhKmciebC -There I ' CACLE.pISPATCnES. ai iLi O i .LoarxnT,, Jan. 55.,, A special telegram to all tbeevealnr toar. nals confirtt the d&jpatcliesi published ; by the morniug press w me surrenoer oi jrans.. -; The arreuderon ,the termn ' SDirccited . bv Bismarck Is epproTed here by the press unani mously ' imtZal i.M pyr!-"' X - The committee of the defence has entrusted to e avre to make tbe beat terms he, can but to ui mo vuuuicb iv a ciose in any case. 'There b a general airreement in bfflplal Lp"tr cles that .the end la 'momentarily athahd so S,rfite ernmentls known to favor the restoration of oy inuueniui residents approying ithia ' terml The Echo speaks . tlon of the surreod senger wno uas arnyea irom Verallles rats tr surrenaer sijfneo dt jrayreA Bismafclf. r t u i um iwiBxiwis KVTerBmeii oa , submitted u hih.i ivj ,vHitfviiga arenewu of the tobacco monopoly.- P, , " . - CorEntioKf, Jan! is. . The .Minister. jot war.1 in rsttpdonrnir ina budget. Krcrrtsed blsbelfef that the confrtian ' a . SW , . M WW r-BTiii afA I elected Pnncinal of th "N"w PantlB ml inorruncnumsuldlacreditsthe' report boro, has been compelled by declining M&mf&tth health to retire from the profession ot the urisi tfv.f LWBOa..25. . law. He will leave Greensboro and "take pe waa. anerous.; 8mall powers. C, passing " through Scotland NexiiL Tar ;eaceablT 'indined, m jhl be Torcei boro' FaJkland, for their independence.'-ii.. r " "'vt,.r.;a . r. r. ;- --. nowtTer, into war 1 M-?w.Jr9Mv?n-;23--Noon- J j 'jrtaannaL--3 7 .' ,J ; . . Stocka doll and heaTy. U. 8. Ooy'ta very broog, espscauy-jio(.i7a2.: Btatear - ecurl Mol4Nirit,W, AJoocj ?&7VnLxte"eL coaDDm i? ? It..!: . ... . coupons i,,; or0, registered 9. ' l'Ai.i tbwamawtat iV' :;,:.K'l'i '"5- Flour dull nfl Tii.i.-jr') mLi tV-rV S?5lS?to 'wcnwitea: Whtat heaVy Corn w -m u dc Denied JVnrlr - - - echned.' 'Fork" flrm--raek w m us tit yjQy team 12KQ13-cta. lai Etenli '-Xi .ioT' ,B ,f nt 109X; short Orleans 1CH ct mtm torvs-Turpentlne f ki,led a Gettjsburg, haye, gotten a iar 8 S? .Sed:r.ihta tlWl SVSf IS fi Cjtefr .j v- Vr J with timid bid ladles.--That's naosbtt. rltiea 5-20'a of 1SC3,- iuu?. 1 Tennessee us i v iri ; j .a v r I.." j . t i , 61, ljomsiauao a oo; new wj: leveeus xi i 8'a rbCaroMna O's 45 MW-'2?, Sou L. a. JL; : ." CornmerpaL . ; - tft1es of 4.800 bales. .'FlOSrarerq WXiMX W I Tocommon to gooa extra; gooui" aberwesterntl66(l57. Corn dQ"-n S385cDts. Coflee is in rWStrS;? 13W(ai6V cents. ' 8u4arflnn. Molaalesieasler Bolrltl TTrpcBtlne quiet but flrm.1 Rosltf ton-?ettled-str5lSi Tallow 8X0 erits.i FrelahU dnlLo 1? .u-.y . .V fV?f-.J ! rOKVaQZW fl"T4nf tint Cotton quiet but firm middling Uplands 15 Cfcfits. Sales of 2,l(XHJett t i i f . ! .K....X?PfRLESTON,!ni CottAB-HDalddlinst Hpjands. 15 ; centsrtalef f oi cw owsa. ri V. , r'iKi U.1? . r - . . . . 4 ; -'-Cocsojs v&i. nonas wk. raoKiori oywis r ' J-riinriFboti,' Jan: 35-Nooo. 2 1 !, Cotton bnoyanU-Uplaildsdr Orleans 8;i sales of 15,000 bales. : BreadatufTi easier, y. : l 1 Lxteb. Cotton active Uplands 8(8 Or Yn ft va8d. -Sales- will urobably reach 20.000 bTies". Cotton afloat from OrleansJ load-1 id u Decembar, 8d for mlddllnjrsJ ; , . . !. LivrntloLrJaft.'; 25-ErenInff.11 Sales 20,000 bales', for pf culatlon ihd exprt 5,00a L ealeaiitt Tnwday 4,000 bales naorehaa prtyvlooaJyreponed.1 batatloadlngjat JHobile, fur nnddllng.mMoblle,afloai, rm., ,N. O ? i -'Vtiti 'l. HTAROFFIua; Jan 2C; r BPIRrtS TURPENTINE Sales rported f of dnly 20 bbls at 44 cens;U rvCRUDEURPENf INE-Uales ; of SO bbls at" 3 for 8oft"and 80 for1 Ha'rd.,n.: 3 .ROilN-TSiles of 1,131 bbls at f 4 25 for'Paie $5 00 for Extra Pale, and $1 75 for Strained.. "( TARr-Sales of 93 bbls at tl 65 bbl. , -'cOTfd&leaTJbaStf at the follow- in flruree : 18 at 18; 5 at IZH l 0 4t 13) ; 9 ,atl3K 1 sod 76 at 14 and 21 at HJrf" cent $ R. ARRIVED. iii-'I? 26 Steamer Jnnlper, Worthy Fayetteville, Worth A.Worth. - .: ": . . ,- . Br Bark J W Bares, Davison, Cardiff, Harriss A Howell. . U Jr v4(v , r.:.. v f- ' cleared, 26 8tr Little 8am, PadUon, Point Caswell, A 'H VnnRokplAn 8chr D V Streaker, Vangllder,1 Baltimore Harriss & tiowell. 8chr Nellie Doe, Richardson, Boston, 6 O Barker & Co. , RECEIPTS. PER RIVER 8TEAMERS. 26 Steamer Juniper, with SO bbls spirits turpentine, 690 do'rosln, to Worth pentine, 690 do rosln, to wortb & Via rorth. n. B. El lent. Br Bark S W Bares, with railroad iron, Har t ss fc Howell. 1 COASTWISE. BiXTTMORx Schr D V 8treaker 300 tons of railroad Iron. -: - ii Boston-G G Barkrr & Co with 107 bbls of spirits turpentine, 489 do crude turpentine. 1900 d ) rosin,-300 do tar, 15 .bales cotton 405 .bushels sanuts. . C U KU'D IHfi' a-ajatv 4,:U;: Fram the Port of Wilmlnarton, If. C. 3 for Wfk n.Htif Ian. ! Alh. 1B71. do crude turpentine: 3.511 do rosin: 1.321 bales cotton; 19 do sheeting; 225 bush pea nuts; 2000? feet lumoen .W.alngle5 ,6,IX juniper uuiib; pass maze. BOSTOS WW bois spiriu turpentine; 509 do crude turpentine; 1,865 do rosin; 100 do pitch; 0 bales cotton; 999 bush pea nuts; 19 pkgs -taidw. , - ("Mt . - : ,s r :f 7, Baltimore-242 bbls splrlU turpentine : 898 'I empty ale bbls; 11 pkjrs mde: 300 tons old j Iron-n'0 rT' tx 's ff r h1 ' ' " r " 1 f t'r-n :- Mivt if i -r- Tjie Tarboro'-Tramp f s OTrtr ot repair. Gov. Yance was in Raleigh 4 "e entered upon its third jroliime. - The .pbarlotte OUerver. has entered opoo it fifth v61auj&;l'. -r? The X Southerner thinks thei Carolinian will not be resumed" in Tar The jailor of Cnhiberlaiid id al-; iuwcu uu ceuu per uay ior Keeping priSj oners. - ; --. 1 . -... .1 , GoyXfald well lAs issued h'is proclamation -offering a reward.of $5,0CM)! . it KP Rattle; aq:Hectnred 1 ,n Kaleign last Bight ou.the subject pt -i- Prof. Svlvester Hassell, late ot illiomofin TlT .iff rt -r.rt . ti.g' tuun TT": vm. r: Jkuui j rwuiuo oi sjrreeua up nis residence to iiillsboro. . a 'till l' -.--i. T' 2"'" s ' s I A .Dill has been introduced in "A tne Legislator for rther coDstrrictloh of a ratl Margerettesyille ?on theSea Board and Roanoke1 toad "in KTnafnrt "N" ! -The PeterBbnrcr -Vourter-AVR It -18 . Dow .On ' foot; Ln nreriinl 7.A : ft . t1At "ilroad to be run . from Petersburg 5 to Oreenshpro,rNr C.-e.rbute-ianatvia Dinwtddie.;U4Jj uydton, CUarksyille,' - va 9x091-0, . v. ann tnrouffh-Caawell 1 and Alamance, Jbv Courier undemanda that a subscription St $300,000 Iron? two i-Vircinia: counties can bo relied -nnnn - Virginia,. counties can, I tbe Pr0Po8ed. road.' W ; il5tKaa TflCori TheRotberford ..VtnZiczior I oiytTrt TrinV.lM '' tfi, . a- boys.;, ytm-really- out, to-b; satisfied with ne quietus4 aljy :tber;rway;CI why is it Klux. )tr.,, ' I TUT Institute. ""v u ; s: ! ?. I rVpninia rkAiwAiinfa nil -. t no rvirfA'" - i 4- t'OCfOiV' Nokih (Jaboiwa, lares Hog llound,.... . Jrama. : 1M AM5ide8........ ............. .13 .Slignlders, New New York......... each 2 75 0 8 00 2 50 0 2 73 28 29 8 00 10 00 . 02 14 00 23 ti 80 New uity....... ....eacn BEES WAX ................. ft WUmlneton... ..W M. - .w ijuriuciu.n.i.ta. , TbXTTTEJl North Carolina, W lb 7Att)ISperm, ft Tallow...... Wft oo :-. so Adamantine a . iAiR ft .J f . J8 CHaESif-ltortheni. Facy. ft lJairy. 20 0 23 17 O 18 30 0 85- ...... .............. v dAliUO. E,W'ii rf M. . AAA U.C V A I ( ID C28? CORN ifJSAE-?..lt.:.V tottshf- 1 1 COTTOIf TI1ZS 6H : 7 12 ft 15 Htjl Oi l fA( fJSH MackerelVNo. 1,. W H bbl 15 50 0 M 00 IS 00 13 50 Mullets oui ft 60 O , 9 00 ; 0 W (j 0 00 N. C. Herring... bbl Dry cod,:..r.., .v Fine. ...........,M,.vnfr bbl A super. Northern,....;.' bbl 5 50 0 5 95 5 75 0 6 00 6 00 0 6 S5 6 75 0 11 00 i'fiv.Kxtra uo. - v uoj v. Family DDI . Carolina ouper,,.... Dbl 00 OO0 11 25 bbll 00 00 Q 00 00 Extra... -, " - ' Famiry....'Wbbl 7 00 J 50 VeriaaUitikL.1 tAfta 80 00 Q S5XQ l bbll 7 00 7 50 ;;V.Pacillo Guano, ...... 2000 fts 65 00 0 75 00 .-.-JPatap8CO uuauo,...!H jwuu ns 65 00 0 75 00 s 0 eo oo 65 00 0 70 00 65 00 0 75 00 'Baugh'a Pbosphate,' "-- Khode8' Stan. Manure, it i IiojNavassa uuano,...w axw ns ,s. - Xister SuperphospUater - V' WoolstooAmrtoniata Guano,... w 2000 lbs 65 t us Bone Fnospn. oiumo. " 70 00 eo w . 0Wilcox,Gibb3 & go's Ma- J 10 nipulate Gp.anf,i Tf" 1770 DO 00 'Ophofnix Goantef w - ,lyTB0 M 070 00 rv-B o. Carolina lionePhos- 'DUate. . 1 00 C0 40 00 CO U0 0 60 00 W 00 0 65 00 . 00 00 70 00 -00 00 Q 70 00 : CO 00 O 60 00 00 00 0 60 00 0U 00 0 40 00 00 00 0 45 00 00 U0 0 57 00 00 00 0 67 00 00 00 0 70 00 u 'Alkaline Super Phosph.- : . . Ammo'd Suoer F noapn- , " a i . Ammonia'd Alaallne Su- " ' ; per Phosphate.. .... i "-Chesapeake Phosphate, - CroascKiale's SuperDhos- . iphate;..:..;.;..;:.. vu u Atta .Vela Phosphate. ... ' 1 r 'Ground Bone ............ " Bone Meal......... " ' . -i.FlOUTi... ........... , , , Whanna Phosphate .... M 'Wancjo v' ...... . ' Berger A Buta's Phos- - r' tte .....yib )00 Q 70 OQL 60 00 0 00 00 , 16 , 20 Corn,' In 8tore,........f 56 fts Corn, Cargo, .... 66 fts 'Corn, New..........;. bush Oata..............-..;.bnsh Peas. Cow,. .......... . bush HXDS-Green...... $ ft Dry. .......V ft flL4 r Eastern, lOUfts North. River V 100 fta 'HOOP IRON .V ton 110 00 0115 00 ZtARDNortnern, w - North-Carollaa,.... V ft LIMB- V bbl LUMBERRirxK Last Bales, Wide Boards,..;... . f) M ft . .Scantlliig- ..Mft ' Flooring, $)Mft Citt Stmam Saitsd Ship fitali, reaawed...V) M ft . Pnmrll P1TM PlflnV 13 1 ft .15 0- 18H , 1 40 0 0 C0 00 000 00 00 .01 00 0 00 uu 00 00 0 00 00 23 00 0 25 00 21 00 CJ M 00 West India Cargoes, accord- , in5rtoqnaiity,.......iairt Dressed JTloorfngf, seasoned. Scantling and Boards, com. mon.... .........V af ft 820 85 SO 00 00 15 00 0 20 00 AfOXuiASJ8Onba4hhd3 1 gal AS 40 40 43 25 2S Cuba, DDis....... ...... v gai Sugar House, hhds.,.'..ti gal ? " bblsM....gal Syrup, bbls-... .....,.r.fJ gal NAIZS-Cnt. id to 20dM ft 2.1 0 250 60 0 825 0 . SO 0 SS 0 1 40 0 00 0 1 00 5 5i 83 65 1 50 00 P4S-Kerosene,....: gal Lard, W gal v,, . Linseed, y)gal Bosln,. V ral PEANUTS bush POTl IXSU8wet..M;,(a bush ; Irish, Northern,. .......V bbl PORK Northern 0 00 0 260 0 60 OrOCO TSOOQ 00 24 00 0 25 00 00 00 Q 00 00 oo oo e oo oo r City Mess Vbbl 5 TUlp, ......... DDI riUUO ..txaV UUI Bump, ........ bbl RICE Carolina, ft East India.. ft 09 SO 00 00 o 00 o 0 00 . 9 00 1 25 15 ;oo I 60 1 40 00 Bough, ft bush ROPE lALTMura,. ri& bosh urerpoo,..-... ...... w aacx American, w sack SUGAR Cuba,...... f ft Porto Bico, V ft . ; A.-Codee.Mr... . ft c v .!.:..........feft -1 to 1 35 a oo a ma is una " ho iK 1SWO " 15 Q 1514 Cruabed, .V ft )AJP-Northern,i ....ft i Wilmington V ft OCT 8 . .:Vl A An SSLy&XJiS-Contr act,.u; . V M Common. ) M 8TA VE8-W. O. BbL,....;..V M m ? a 00 m rm m vi nn ou w v. w w 00 00 Q 00 00 14 00 CO 00 11 OT O 13 00 , 9 00 Q 10 25 7 80 Q 9 50 ;5 W O 000 1 25 d 4 00 800 Q 00 K. u. una.............. Crtress....4.... TIMBER Shipping,....; mm crime,.. ........ k? MuiJrair, Inferior to Ordinary... . ITHisirjjyi-Northern,....y gal 1 1 . ,Nortb Carolina. 7,V sal WILUIMUTON 8IONET UABKET. ' OOaaSOTBD DAII.T BT JTAJCX8 DAW80H. ? SBXLIHO. 11A Gold,............:..... 108 : Silver,.. ............102 , 106 Exchange sight on Northern . , Citiea,. i.... Vc. dls. KTraange su aays on norm-; ern Cities ........1 ftodis.: N. C Bonds, old, 6 fto.MM. ...,40 -.. -.Dou. 4 new 6 o.M ........... -27,, - - : Do. - finecia Tax Wn 20 tW.WRR.Bonds7f)c(GoldInU) 91 , -, Wilmington Cltyjtonds 8 Vo. 75 " " 2.fto....- 70 v ' : i,: ; -...V,,. 5 .4ld60... 65 - S i W - -H . ,new8 Vo-;i70GoldInt New llanover County. Bonds XlQ . , , t i years) 6 ftc (Gold IntO.?.;-..:.; 6d ' ' New aaiiover. County iSonds(5'' . r' years) 6 a (Gold Int.)......... 70 W, k W. Rail Road 8tock, (rar 100) 140 . Vf.,C". R. RaU Road ' ( 60) ' 8 Wll. Gas Light Co. : 60) 65 x t. t . -.v-;',t BA3TK BTXXS. ; Cane Fear;.. ........80 Graham... ...... ...... 1 North Carolina.. 50 Farmers',. , t . , . .,25 Lexlnston. Miners' A Planters',,. aiercnaats'Ji.. . .'.zu WadesborO .4....1...15 Commerce....... 5 -Charlotte.... ....... ..30 WilmingtQn.f..,.ji80 Commercial. 15 Fayetteville ..U .8 .Greensboro' MutuaL. 0 (11a.PAnrtfti ' TanceyvUle...... o' Thomasville .10 Rexboro1...... ...... .10 i'yVashington...... 0 r THE CAROLINA PAKMER, , -!fV! A FIRST-CLASS WEEKLYv- . - cAGlilCUZT$UL6t ;;.i;rl i- - ptrnttssiD at - -"--4 i" ' ;.:r'1 wriMiJifiibjr', H';'-e;";'.'-.f,v AC.......... ....$3 6 per year L '-a3-.ArVEBTiSEKS will find the FAEMaaan .wlth the'Farmers and Planters of tills sec tion. .-. THE CIIEAPEST'DAILT JAPER ITHE STATE ' . .. . SUBSCBIBE TO . '- - . TIJEf MORNING- STAR,- Pdbllsbed DailyH IVllinington, N. C. A the following, low rates of subscription : : ForThreeMonths,.;..:.i.wir;;:.$2 0an i For 8ix Montha 3JtV For one year.... , ...,700 ' .The-Start contains full reparts oLtbe Wil mington Markets, Latest Telegraphic ' Re ports, Local and State News, and General In telligenee. - ' . : :;(':' . ';- Wll. A. BERNARD, Editor and Proper, - J xA y---: ", , BjLlJUiillg THE MORNING' STAR BOOK BIN D RT is complete in all its appointments, and;, is in charge of one of the most skillful .workmen In the State All kinds of Rindinar J executed heattvrancanlv turd whp.dltianslv. may2s-2av.tr w w" - inT . , . CARDS nrlnted in.tho mnat: wIas-m tt7lf r uiuuk ana mon suing lionse,' ' ,J 00 0 1 05 0 00 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 00 ? 7O0" 80 100 0 125 , a H 16 0 00 1,50 1 60 1 25 0 1 40 MIJSUELUANEOUai ;b " to pjanaiCTrs, 4 A 11: NEW TOHK, AnR. 15tll, 186. JJJO W - ME" Tv CAli' YOUB ATTKN- &0TS. TO MT PjaEPAIt JJTIOJf OF . -y .... - . r i: i Compound Extract Buchu.3 orcne, ; LONG LEAF, X'';!'---i-f'-i- CUI1EI1S, I' ' if: - JUHjPER BEBBIES. Mooa ov PRKPiUATiojr. BUcho. In vaeuo. Juniper Berries, by distillation, to form a fine gin. cudcds extracted oy displacement wita spirits obtained - from Juniper BeTries s very livtle sugar is used, and a small propottien of .spini. i is more paiataDie inan any now-m Bnehti, as. prepared by Druggists IS 6fla dark color. It is a Plant that emits its -Tra, gmnce; the-ctionof a flame d troysthls' (lta nouTfl pnncipiei, leayinir a aara ana siotin- us decoction. ' Mine is the color of ingredi ents. The Bnchu in my preparation predomi nat s ; the smallest quantity of the other in gredients are added, to prevent fermentation ; upon inspection, it will bo found not to be a Tino ure, as made in Pharmacopoea, nor is it a 8yrttp--and therefore can be useoVln cases where fever or- Inflammation - exist. 1 . In this, you have the"knowledge of the ingredients and the mode of preparation ' :' Hoping that you will favor It with a trial, and that upon inspection it will, meet with your approbation, '... T With a feeling of confidence,' - A 1 am, yery respectfully, H. T. HELM BOLD, Chemist ft Druggist, of 16 Years' Experience. ' ''..' ' " . : V . .. TFrom tlie Largest Mannlactnrlna; ' . .Chemist in the World. . NOVEMBER 4, 1854: "I am acquainted with Mr. H. T. BxucboLd ; be occupied the Drug Store opposite my - rest depce, and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him I have been favorably im pressed with his character and enterprise." Firm of Powers & Weightman uaM.aA..MMw- f ' n A mm lata j Ninth and Brown streets, Philadelphia. HELMBOLD'S FJLUIP EX TRACT BUCHII IS THE GREAT SPECIFIC FOR UNIVERSAL LASSITUDE, PROSTRATION, Ac. The constitution, once affected with Orgranic Weakness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and inyirorate the system, which 11KLM COLD'S E TRACT BUCUU invariably does. It no treatment is submitted to, Con sumption or insanity ensues. . . , UELXBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT OF '. BUCUU, In affections nliar to Females, is nnqual- led . by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis Retention, Pauifulnes, or suppression o: stomary Eyacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrni or I MU91UU1MV UTWUaU''Ul UU1MIUV1 svhuiii. .Statu of the U terns, and all comDlainta inei- I dent 10 tne 8ex or the decline or change Of I 1116. Heliubold's Fluid Extract Bo chn and Improved 'Kose Wasli Will radically ( exterminate from the system diseases ariinsr : from abits of dissipation, at little expense, litt le or no change in aiet, no inconvenience or exposure ; completely super ceding those unpleasant and dangerous reme dies, Copal va and Mercury, in all these dis eases. Use Belmbold's Fluid Extract Bncha In all diseases of these organ?, whether exist ing in male or fe ale, rrom wnaieyer cause nrioinatinflr. and no matter of how. long stand- inc - it la Dleasant In taste and oior, imme diate" in action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Ba k or Iron . x- Those suffering from broken down or deli 0 5 cate constltutionSi procure the remedy at '. Once. The reader must be aware that, however slight may be the attack of the above diseases. It fe certain to affect the bodily health and. mentalpowers.- : , .vr .. -;'-;.-:,-';; 4 All the above diseases require the aid Of a Diuretic HEL" HOLD'S EXTRACT BDCHU Is the great Diuretic ' Sold by Dauggists everywhpre. Paica 41 25 per bottle, or 6 bottles for S3 50. Delivered- to any address. Describe symptoms In all com munications. . Address II. T. 1IEI.MBOI.D, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, ' 694 BROADWAT, New York.' N b n efa re G en u in e Unless done nb in steel-engraved wrapper, with fac-shnile of myChemical Warehouse, and signed .' .-' ,'.; v -' H. T. HBIiMBOIiD. june 26-8AFly Wed tSTEAilHIP: VXIHTSr' BALTHOBE : A1TD T7HUI1I GTOIT "1.. : 1 Jj : I.Hj'1-1 PEICA Commander,-: & . "DT7HT?nn n iiftv ii7rsvs DAjril4 C CJHMS. Convmuad:iv .1 7 1 ... ' VV foot of. Mulberr street, for Baltimore,' 4 FRIDAY." January 27thJ i3a-i . , tf J -Tor Ilrt fingamentiapply i) '.iT- r jan22tl ' .-1 ' . f . - . . - . ry. LOKaXBAKD'S; m 8A1LINQ TITESDATS AND FRIDAYS FEOM -!.;; .rvH Jr,- fi M ..vnEW IUKK. A NU WEUNKSDAY8 ANI1 ,TEBOrjGH CONNECTION W1TU AUU BAIL ' BOA DS LEADING OUT dyAriLMlNGTOJf. y INSDBAKCE ONLY 1-41.PEB CENT. i: NO PASSENGERS TAKEN. ' for. JFrelght apply to ; ' ' . B ABB Y BROTHERS, septl6-tf i'p , -:..;y;v.-. Amenta, : Fhiladelpliia a n d ? Southern Mail SteaznsMp, Xiu THE FA8T AND FAVORITE STEAMSHLT PIONEER, ;. Capt. WAKEUT. ; J TTJILL RUN THE FOLLOWING SCHED W uie between Philadelphia and Wilmlng.' ton, N. C: -- '"' ';-' i- Leaving Wilmington, 187L : Thursday ...... Jan. 5th " 19th Friday......... .Feb. 8d . . t . . . 17 Leaving Philadelphia, 151. Wed'sday, Jan. 11,6 a m Th rsday , - Friday, 'Feb. 10 i. M March 10 Saturday. March 4 Sunday. ....... April -A 2 " 16 Tuesday, ..May 2 Wednesday " 17 Thursday...... June 1 44 44 .15 Friday vyf 80 unnay, - Apniu " Monday, !24 u Tuesday, .May 1 9 M" Wed'sdav. " !24 Thursday, Jnnet 8 " 22 Friday, July 7 Insurance at low rates For Freight, apply toy . WORTH. & W OUTH, Agents, W. L. JAMES. General Agent, ISO South xnira street, 1an6-tf fiCarraway & niHB UNRIVALLED ARTISTS ARE STILL 1 ; offering the best inducements to our citi zens, and the publio generally, for their pat ronage at tne rnrcen tiouse. -Everythin aroer tainine to the profession is kept constantly on profession is kept constant: on hand, fn order to give oompla aatiafaetioa to the mot fastidious. - , 11 " fdec 17-tf Skatiiig Assemblies. rr removal. 1 The present Ball ac commodatlons being 'entirely too limited to meet the demands of the throngs, pt l aW irons or tma iavorite popular amusement and exerdse.themaif' agemen : take pleas ure in , announcing, that . I CUT HAtt has been secured for Roller Skatlngr and will be opened on Monday Afternoon, Jn..l6th. PRIMARY ASSEMBLIES every Monday, Wednesday, Frldajr tfhd Satuxd.afteinooria, from 4 to s oxueojc.. zj . -im --f 1 REGULAR ASSEMBLIES every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday night from 8 tO 10 O'clock. ? ' -.i4.,--.i4..: ,.."i4; : r " ,;. . ( SCALE OF. PR1CE8 tr,J 'f' 'f--1"-'''; Admission to Primary Assemblies, 50 cents,' incluiing use of Skates. - Admission to Regu lar Assemblies, 50 cents ; use of Skates. 25 eta. Children under 12 years of age, half price. jan 15-tf, Vi t jfo. H . ;03Ji ? O Jf SOIIETHIITG'ITEW' J NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SELECTIO - Bridal Presents, Engagement BJnga . -(. Ladies' and Gent's Fine Gold Watches, the best assortment of 801 id Gold Jewelry In r tlfcttylolllsttverild pitidVire, -:vrvV -"f-.; -a . r.t. j.-..r ..... ...... . . , i . ..'., X J.t ... i""-7?! Ltro " 1 in 11 something now iri Charms, GOLD, SILVER and STEEL 8PECTACLES ; FRENCH and AMERICAN CLOCKS, : BOYS' WATCHEjnd . iw Clocks, : Watches and Jewelry repaired and warranted.a . ; . . ' ' . .;4l GEORGE HONNET, '.t.. fy-1-'' No. ss ibtf tei'&tm fc, bctMy;';, " .fWllmlnjrjaai "jifi HEIDE "BROTil t3IiS KE EP" CONSTANTLT ONT H AN DL4RG Plain and Fancy rnlesV-Art.7 ' coannts, Eaislns,"Tigs, ftcCannedFrntta f : of every description, Jellies, Preserves; . . Snuffars.aBd Toba Notions, , Stationary1; ao., Ac.Koffe Tei,- , . - Sugar, Champagne viaefrr: a . Vinegar, Crackers, Smoked Herring, Ma& aerei, in bdis. ana aiisj khu, any. Lard, and everything usually found in A FIRST-CLASS J O B B'l N Cf B? b USE. - . i i in it . . rXKIHOTOir, H . C.. M arrh 'AB ASD AFTER THE 1 it 1, rfit F-tJXAX EXPlLESa.TllAIK iTkn; . cLri. .wn.i- jlhiyv iotence......... ii.no T ; . Arrive t!Citis-iii7 .V",1i-?? 4- jJ I 4UUTOMI TY UlUlIIBT.riTl m.i i. NIGHT EiPBESS TBAINl (Daily , !vSVv,,!!i-"""'M. 6:3o p . rTttiilV":.' 1:43 A. V, ri.pVjfaa vine.....- 9... t- r;- r? .... u.iu x . IVI 111 " -WWW JNO. C. WINDER n .wim;;. ' enrsnpt. I 1TOi'. CVDec 27,1870. Jlk""!" ":l3S5a ' i ni" .. 1 I HOTICEi ft)nMand aftei 'the lOtb of January proxlmd, pai engdrsoln South win take tbe Tralna at UBS0gaPebotltaeKa 55? '"T16? V. V'ipn Depot, " uwnuiuaueu aner tnat date. M 'dec 2tf ! : i' ? JNO. C. WIN DEB, Bnp't. i iMf r OKSKBAX SUFIR OFFICE. : C. P.'th, 1870. ON and after Monday, Jaauury 2d, persons avlng business with the Treasurer of this Company will apply to J. W.-Thomnson. R8 q , at tne omce in the building of the w. & . S. B ComDanv. corner-of Red nmaa ar,i W. Front Street. - JXO. C. WINDEK. dec29-tf . TFllminfion, Cliarlotte and RUTUERJFOItn RAIL Bi.. r I - Change of Sohedule. WILMIXQTOIf, N. a, Jan. 21, 187K Q sent ; AND AFTER TaiS'DATE, the Psjn seneer Train will run the following edule : ' Leave Wilminerton at 7 o'clock A. M aad arrive at the bead of the Road at 4- o'clock P. M. Leave the Head of the Road at 6:30 A M., and arrive at Wilmington at 8:30 P. M. daily (Sundays excepted ) ' : . , t- ; . Two regular Freight Trains per week will leave Wilmington at 7 j05 A. M. on uesdaysand Fridaystand arrive, in. Wilmington on Mon. days and Thursdays at 5:15 P M. : Through tickets to Charlotte, $10. ' N ? -. :,-S. Ii FREMONT, janSa-tf Chief Engineer and Suprt. Wll. & -Weldon Railroad r: Company, T Ovvicx Chiif JCseinxxa A Gik. Svp't, 1 Wilwiibtok, N. C, Jan. 21, 1871. T ri , tx '-y' ' r: Change.of . Schedule. u Vlf AND AFTER SUN DAT, THE 22nd V lhst., TRAINS on this Road will leave Wihniagion at 60 A. M. and U:53P. M., and arrive at Weldon at 8:05 A. M. and 8:00 P. W . Leave Weldon at IOiOO A. M. and 75 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 4 :lt A. M. and 6:45 P. M. . ' : The day train will not run on Sundays. R '- . - : -' l' "" ' S: Lw FREMONT, i - i t Engineer: and Superintend en 1 Wilmmcton, Jan. 22, 1871, .. . l MISCELLAXEOJJ8: " ; ' " 1 '- Vi" -- r CLIFF02D-H0U8E, J SAMPLE ROOM, -riTHBBK SUPERIOR SEGARS AND B0T W TXXD LIQUORS an always be had, in connection wih that Superior Brand of ftwutTtm Tmi anna L ViUI 0 XAI M, A ViJXAUWV. t i ' i .Also, .. jJFnrnlshed Rooms, "by Day, Week or Month. octie-tf ' . j;Ai CLIFFORD, PropT. t ustra uream uneese. ?- K7 For our Fjpmily Trade, rrpf' Boxes Factory' and Dairy Cheese, at 1 V.fi prices below the market. At C. D. MTBRS ACQ'S, jan25-tf TJTorth Front street. AxetfAxes, BdXt S IOilNG AXES, i Janf- RW.KERCHNER. Cornand; Pork ! tVtO ' 1 A AAA BUSHELS CORN, XViUUV 1 mf 1 C BBLS POBH, J.UU 4 .. For sale by Jan26-tf F.W.KERCHNER. rf" : Tor sale try'' . : :;"! f Jan sitr - ' "i 1 W. kERCHNER. jPrr-BElTJ.rP. COBbT 'IXecently of TcttaiiTnie, "Si C, A .v mj . vf nc w TVJF. imd oface, N, W. corker of Front aW waJtint streets. n 'iv'