MOKJM JJM (Jt eiTAK. , - vttritT.Tbtrinrk - at wit miwiipaw w r ;.; By WtX. Ili (BEUR AltO. . SUB 8 0 BIPT ION I rvJBy Man, 7 to per year $ or 3 60 for six UfcSi-A months.: : .' V i j Delivered to subscribers in any part of the city at IS eenta per week. . ''-; . THE VJCI1 aiATfST. BY TELEGRAPH. THE MOOIXG STAR " - ' ; . - ' ,t " ratr Bsr:iOIITS- ':. :" i frOM ' Washington. '.' V il t WAsaiwoTOU, Jan. 28. 'vV TOBKIQN MISOKLLAKT. ' Vv.-. The -JJonapartlats are very, active. Plefrl, Vandal, and G?eral (Floury are at Wllhelm sbohe." -i t; -' '- ':.' ..-' . s :..; By the terms of the rapltxtlation the National Guarua captured at Longwy will out b held as prisoners. . . - ',,'V - Courier pass constantly net ween C eet hevtstand WUbeUhhe and Versailles. : The Marion Emerson, reportrd on flr vjias burned tot1be water edge. , A small j'.Uioa of .the cargo' waa aaved t:'4.':ii'17.vt.:to;.T'-. ,,.,... - CON-tRBSSIOHAX. The IXbuse (a enuaged to debate. There Is no session ol the oenate. ' J 0! '.v;' -.?'''!: t;"'-: ;l i;:!-':-, From New Tsrk, ,;;7;1 ;:?: -rut U.,'itWM au.,t.1;oq i , .j., ,, ....... w .xunatvnu. Vj The Herald' $ peclai Wltb Paris dates to the 23d. which savs that on 8ai orday night a crowd of citizens of -Bell -Vlll 'and '"other qoarters, who had teen threaten I g mischief since th fall are of the Sortie on the 10th. . gathered in numbers, sod having arrived at tha prison of Maza8, wurrD ioren, Miner ana tuner poiitt: cat prisons are lnearcerted, alter various lot ous demonstratlnsgatheriiig courage In the absence of opposition made a regular attack noon the Drlaon and beat down the irate with bludgeons, stones and iron oars.' The jailor ana turnaeys nea lor. ineir lives, leaving tne jsii tree to the inmates, till they round Floren, MUHen, and 1 their companions, .who 'were borne forth In triumph amidst cries of "Abas yavre 1 Abas Trochu I". V . V ; . After pradlnif the, streets the. ruffianly 'crowd stopped, and Flonren made, a descent upon the ilrtWle of the 2oth ' aygrandUemtnt, comprlsjng the turbulent quarters' of Bdl Tllle, St.- Larareau, -Per la CbaUe and Cha- -TonnR. Into ldinir tn enthlKh the hwurlnnitrtArs oi a revolutionary movement, 'which it was hoped .would extend over the whole ' city -r However, as the parade failed to draw any large numbers of fotlowers In active co-operation and finding that those willing to plunge into a revolution were badly armed and almost destitute of ntnnnitlon, the rioter Mbandoned their raovenieritB. Before disereing, Flnren called upon all present , to make au oath to meet on Bundayst noon, ( at the foot of the Hotel de Vil'e and there demand posseeeioo of the Government in the name of the 'pejplc-r-The riaters took the oath ? wittfi great vehe mence and excitement, and then they broke up into groups and returned to their homes. ' - -t - -r' V; I lJ tZ:': 'i'lXxw'.YaBX, Jah. 28Noon. :: 0613 110 Mont7asy at 6(7. cent pro mlnm. " 8wl!ng 'Gxchanire-loug109 sbAri sight UOH - United Stales Becurltle-5-2(rs. coupon, 109J 8 ocks are generaUy atcady.antj rather strong." Governments are - strongtbhf dull, and currency bonds firm. Southern' se UMl-l w. J J r v. CbrwuKrtiaZ. a shade flnnee..-Whet is a cent hleher.T t orn quletbntf firm, r Pork dull at f23 CLard quiet - Cotton dull and nominally lowrUplaods 15WOrlfans16 cents; sales Of 100 centa,8piriu Turpentine quiet at 43 centa.- -TVwin unsettled alralned $2 30(512 ZX FrekbUauU';,:, ..v : -11 r z ' i " Washtkotow. Jsn 2& It bat been - snowing 'steadilv in this cltv aloce S, o'clock: I c ti v it a - ' A London dispatch . from Versailles 'states that.theshelUjromjbeGerman batteries are falling near the Church. 'of Notre Dame. ; ..Ir jiwt.Tsraw";: Tng noyx.w'nne towing th OudMHT, from LoodonuphebSyrexptoded - her boiler, by wnicn ine q reman was auiea ana: seven per sons Injured!'- 'iiJ -jr. .-i-zrn A 'special to 'the r TeUffrom, dated London, Jan. S3th, says that It U generally believed, 'tboncb nnoacUlly cottflrmedahat terms of eapittiatloa have bewn submitted by Favre; the aileired term are freely diacoaaed at the dab Mdia.caclal Circles-ri Yrj lf trszu? '.Iic"I Tha steamp WcybsepeV kjsrrlTpa.-, - ., Tbjfot,9WtB, b-.iie:daui of London, yes tardy TV, ivcerpd at li icockixo daj r i.-.T'. TTue Uermanjl. hava; appeared- bejore Man- - Ttt,lrimHn. are rTOncentraimg at St. vQuemea and AalcnaahcVhave reappeared be fore Cambrai: : : .:: -;. -Tha French have capltfreOb3son;';"t: The i Lrnpress AngustarAwho Jbss ;been placed In th hospital at expoeed to the fire.?T' '.f rX" - " ' '- ' A suit has tfees' commehclel "tli'e.TJ. 8. clr cult eourf by the oCcers of; the southern' as ocUtlon far the: relief jof the 'widows tftfd or phahi of 'the southern states agaalnatNathtn Brltunuwin Sail to morrow M The Etollaod Is delayed anointuble f to discharge-bar cargo. TheXondoft eaUeHofcdayI J?rH3 51'J'i rwa &3ao4 . Island tj't'.vr The seamerUtUv7of the; JtingatiW f ilie. iras tairnd:wbUTvlyogat.her yrharf, 4 A Versailles, correspondent. of -xha "London aTmat, .writes under; data i of. Uw?y35th, - that Favre returned .from Paris yesterday Jind had another inteirlew.wnh. BlraarcJc,uJaholher emeute h reported as Uavlng occurred In Parts Thatpeoi)lepnred In larg tnnm'ner bef.rre ttie GovefnneDtmorortle,'act-oTapauylag' i SiZi? lVLr "lo r,, " Ths rising "k"EH!:,,!.1. !!y,trOQP who fired -npon-the tb SrJ f ' te ?rti, W the , command f ; ia army from th TirvaM.. . .w" Villa ao4 t red npon t'-' T Xu ntel than ' - .',ir - z . 4 c nT wl!'' fc rei vera w;;id a-i euu A" 1 V'-rtours ir" t V " , TV " 1 ' then , ....... . " , v - : 7 . uorse. uuuj.ucra io recot or 3.o09 1 n bon ds Ttie Dt-nVcVia Ad A-lnkfeVpfieaa-yqo Congress aalpf the,repeatof Jibe Income tax Trr"7 WNMI were auud aad wound ed.? ittfisi flfl'N . . p tw-. " ..: i w rr.3 -yVj poaoaraei 00 the 24th Th IreneU hare rrvl4 fM- ' i ' Later advices frora-Paris T state the, govern ment haa stationed a lare fprce of . troops and artlllerv Innlare at ; the llottl de -Villa. The Cottrt martials are 4oabled, and the clabsl closed, The fienocratlo tr-at Xerieyihs , t sua LiecamDai suppressoa. . 'TKinn ,it t.t f annonnees tue marriage of the Princess Louise with the Mar- I ; buiaLorne Is fixed for te JJlstof Marehi jk. The. Italian Senate has adopted 4 olutjon ; for the removal of the apItoI to Borne on thr ?&ef mlulstry coucerning the Kulett5lVS dependeuce of the Pope and the Liberty 61 in Church. .,i.:l. DOMESTIC -HAIXIIETS. Nbw Yokk, Jan. 28 Evening. ' " "" - J MnindaL fv -. j Money .closed al 60.. cent, premium. rttHriinjr lieuaojte loug sight '109: short algnt iUgUoid llOJi; Uuued Butea5 secn-riiica-o-ao a -of 10wi. ,'lenneaac- fits. Wja.'-' Virginia o'a-ex coupon oo; ww- wm D'aDUL-. Alabama tfs y6;Ts69. Norih,Uar0lil4 oa 4dk, n$w 3.outU Oaroliua 6'a t50. Bank auitcmuut la as IoliO ; waus-ui JJv 5U0.UUU; " deposits 'dec lMwedi -over , w500,UW5 nMrM..vrf tiui tuxk lesral tenders Ut- ereaaed over a50,UUU.lrvUiatl.oa has devreastd a trifle, " v-; r . -.-a-- r.- :.- . . Commercial. '. .ia:ys,:ccn i rvwtnn HntiAaitM ; ti .liluO balsa at 155 eta. y.uur flrm aaperllBett i0?lo $6 .5 1 auue auU weieiu vouiujo tu cuvice.;Wra W'TS W 7. SU.' Wheat . aecldedly iMJf tW. 1 5c$; new BprihgwiureTreo and amtxrveaat.' eriTal'OU to li'Ot. Corn firmer-tuixed.wt g .nKfiuU ceii'.a. ' Pork Arm and q mev at Boel ateauy. LM 4UU t V6 , Clo aiwim lJi cia. f Groceries quiet ahd nrui. ' ! Cotton firmr Middlings 14X cenu? iei hf -4 ceipis 4,887 bale. Kxprta U urea wjii 4.UUJ oius coatwlse i,tW.Ulea, ;ea ofXWW 0ae.TovH;a. , ,4 .J,fJdl3-j Cotton is very firm' ana' LtKher." Aimaiing UX its. ' Net rece.pOl toalea. s IXiSS a,45ii bales. Balei3UUJhalea.V. StOcJt :i0 Daiea.Tas: -ri l---' I " T7ri I; WI'-''itR?i 1 ...-:. r,.,04JJO.TiMORjs, Jan. 28. i Flour firm lamiiy active. v huics bu low grades have flecilued. Cora Bieady'-'whiUi carce. " Pork tXX&KSi 25. ' iJacouj hOUiacn IWia.ia ceuu. Lai a 13 cents, a Whiskey, 3 i hlu atyoXa97 cenu. 7':.J::;o:f'Titv;c::-'. u.-j.t. FOJUCIO V MAItllETS. , j, j JaaJ2S Evenlarj ?a' Consols for money 9 W.' American, secur-, ties o au'a of laea, , - -no ' . Livauroox., Jan. 28, P. M. j, i Cotton closed buoyant Upiaudai .88iwi Orleana O&tgoftd. 2u;v .yt ; utiUrJ iJat: liVl c BPIRITO TURPENTINE es'of at44 cenu gaUoji lor ( IkmUiern, pack- KOdIN Sales of only 232 bbls st t3 for Low Ho. I and $2 50(3 50 for No. 1, ' as In quality..-.. T . twf.-f. t J CRUDE TURPENTINE-iSalei of t00 :bbls at $3 10 for Bolt and $2 for Hard;! . i J f : irS - TAR-Sales of 65 bbls at $1 65 $ bbL; , ' ' i COTIO. Sales of 55 bales as follows: 7 at 13, 9 at and SO at 14 cents 9 ! 'sJOlrXlJLANr Jt2a,? rdi 28-8tmr D - Murchlson,' ' Garrison, Tayett Vilie, WUllama AMnrchUon., j atmr North Btate, Green, Fayetteville, A ohnson. " i- --.' ttr i Brig c B Kennedy, Dodge, Providence, Q O Barker &T3o. i C; rr TTT;','''r ? ocnr eulater,' Wattai Portland Jla, J n fMiarihonrii Jk tin. H ;tili4ir Jill. CLEARED. ' 28 Stmr D Murchlson,' Garrison. Fayette- vlli. Williams AMarchlson.! ji Stmr North Bute, Green, Fsjetteville, A Johnson!" -. ' " .. - ., 8cbr J M Richards, IrripgNew. Jork, Wil liams & Murchlson. '" ) Br Bch r M aria J - Moore," Scott, . Port an Prince, Harrlss 6t HowelLi !t. L ttteamship Rebecca Clyde, Cbllds, Baltimore A u Caaaux. u. t.-j-.x vf;c-ciu nm ' i iaw ' ix '7 sloj22do tar S3, bales tOttoft' A Jotrcicm,i Smith fc 8t auss, A Aldermanr A1 ! Stmr D-Murchts6d-3 cakstpts. Zft- bbls rostil, 43 bales cotton; Love- ocke2,r-! Wil liams & M orcbiahs. i Mt, EXPORTS Nw :Tobx Schr Richards 2.438 bbls ro- iln, ITS .ales cotton. . Baltikobb 8 8 Rebecca Clvde 141 aaks Ipts, 1,002 hbls rosin. 48 . balea cotton: 10 do yarn; 570 bnsheltpeaautsy 72 do cow peasv 11 Cords wood, 52,721 leet lumber,. 8 pkgs mdse. TVwi- i rr.1R iwrrffSih -1 Hft w - m-aivm wwaaa aai a V . iUVVI Ti I task spts, 5 bdls tar, 21,649 feet lumber; 40,Q0 aningies. . wit.ij'ifiji i . ; . .-iytutii,cit' . f J-;prS :;V9 70I- --eBattleborpn says Ibat ab eflTort Is beinmade' Enfield to get"qp.'',4,p00.;' fttk.;iori; the. purpose ot building, a jmale acadamy about ; $1500 naYeTalready been subscribed. r rrr - . - TK6:Vld Wo understand .that t white attache of a .freight traln'6niheWItm1nirtbn rtao! Was' badly mashed r in ibis .place a couple, ot bioniings-Bince f being fcauguf between1 pe tender ana a box carto vfmch-there jwas no bumper be wa3 caught pcioss the SBhoulders; and severely turVbnt not dangersli MIt3QBlitAIHBQlg&U OFFERS HIS I Gyr.SSIONALlSEBVlCES; to the Citizen Of Wilmintm r. IMMMien and aoe, N. Vf. corner of Front and Walnut Streets . , . 1 A nn n"TARD. ttAGQINXi; lUUU Hx A Mannfacturera Prlcea. O A TU? cnpicE, butter; . v---: K .... KiTkihTtt rAiit4 J Jan CSAf, .f j,r.': r J T j Tr f paROSSVT . co. Oftfi B3LS.' UL0LASSL3, - . . twUv'f f-a .T .M-rii; '4xf-A rTfVI5L8, and IHID. GOLDEN:SYRUpLfi FOJt TABUS USE. . j.:.:iA. ; vr.ta.jjv.X. -- tronsTxT3tLM bx ,im ,-to:l'iiarf ;"' Jan 28-tf , ;t ,v . . v: sB08Unf irC)w ' -" '-r--- ''-:-" -.'.a- jv.;- :.V ! ' - . ' PER RIVER STEAMERS. Stmr North 8Uie7 casks sns.H'BWrfb 1 4DrBI3I7&ifjCDB3 . .... , . , r- , & ,-' ' f V liarrriixirr MISCELLANEOUS. Tho tlcct bri J;ho; Heads G. G. GRADY'S with attractloua inpoiatcf aerlt far supe rior to any ever presentea in ine Arena. Nothlnsr bat flrat-clasa Artists in every de- I WT liiucui r wu auu gum jr vud a Dial iu ua I proresTion. a. very ueiau periecc. - 1 TjIefcePJdTrlTTrlJest Teapets'J rtel beat fcymnans ! The? best Four Clowns! kndl Style, riving the masses an opportunity of rlBSaCIiASS AIIEBICAIV -CIKCTJH. I -In all its pristine splendor,, . f - A -1 y , ; if I O L A . EE C CTBT D A"-KE N A : v " . " - . s.' " " " TneceieDrat tie peiebrated Two and.' Four Horse Rider 0 -Ti j' i -.01- J ;i.; i i, Wr tf0n Wn i.'.V;'- Mf..vB..B.pi j v : ramiLi j i Baby Jolla, Bias SUnnf e Perry 4ID win ntrednee at each tfinten alnment her won o'aenoiiyeaiicaica siina -Mare; -' r 'M X. wariSi-wTTw w a-n rv v n c f a- 'j IClUJii SULilJf KttBUlUKIOt it (v! The reuqwned Trapae Performers, Tumblers ! . THE BELMONT BROTHERS. From the i Him drOtn t. . knAntar. r TWrri It. Prussia, Champion Tumblers of, the World, uu ions vfuiu - aiuuui juvuiera as the Wild Comanche Indian, Shlpwnekea allor. Old Solvents Pete Jen Id a. etc i Master FRtNK MOKGAN, be wonderful j MatT G KO RG E ANDREWS, the great Con tortloni-t, orTndia Ro br Roy. IDO PEDRO sMARTlNEZthe ChamUIon F-0It GREAfDOTiOWNSi f x v -uw w XI O. i . - vnKijr.3 jvklu. a -aiinraii unrnm it fiJCs HOWARDSecondiwnand Comedian. ikuuuii k an nun r Trick Clown. rORTEfAUST, Negro Clown. -r J gnd Pwformances, AFTERNOON , and I UeuauY.Uan. O I .- -I HZ I suyavuMa - F 1 1 I twmm mmm. :.- - -i LS? t '.LP -Poi rormanct t eOmmence at 2U and 8, P. M. I a amiss ion, 73 .cents t. Children under 10 years nf age, B0 cents. C.TAXBOTT. O. H. VAUTT. . A. TAXBOTT. iXipf8nw ote- alot ABro'.f -' -l sr w a at a ar saaasi r bbi. i 1 BHuvaua navuiaE wobhs, Cor, Cary Mventeemh 8ts Richmond Va I .;?; JCJttjAOTuaxRa.o.:j. :,. J -1 r! 1 , Savble M fitawlcnamvw htum Carlaaa. I t ettlstr Svr and ra rlaS i unlaw r . Al y- - ttramlie a'reaea, and all Amd of Tooacco fixture., wrougbt irowrWork, Brxss &ndlrtn Casvinan. Maeninery of every desariatiotn, Ac. f jani9riMtKyt,oflntrrj sn ,. j ZJliitsai s t u-V a a34,v j a-J -sn.-fci tumi " MJ rjiy4iAUj i- the ibteamboa ,Dee Kiver ajrirst-ClaSsPassensr rand Prelirht (8teameY,-whteh' will make Tegn4..r trips above and oeinrtheRailroadf Bridge, 'rnnning in oonnecilon with the trains on the Wilm niton rains on the WUmMlonl ttililrcAdIV 1 1 i. ' A - . ' Turpentine men along rvMmmoia Angu-ta (.' The Atteh'tiOU or1 i;-. r -r iTvtT4 VWJ,:' Lv-r" I (l&aucemenU will (be offered ineretofars nns I !lmoarn.i rrnjit': ri -.. vtii. m niAii9oj(Mj A, . j zonal In " aOcliitiro: i Frtmch'U irpAKE pleasure in informing their friends ! X - and thh poblso tha. they have removed to No. 82 U arket street, south side. Having a large and commodious store with a deslra , ble loc&UsM. they liopo to be able to aeeom 'moaate tbeir natron a with .nrh vnnd.M.M ; to be round In a first class Dry Uoods House, j Remember thg,remova. NEW STORE, NO. 82 MARKET STREET, :b aa a aOiss : au o j " ' ---. - ' McINTIRE A FRENCH. rpHE CHANGED CROSS; f r , X Tbehasow.oT the;Rocls.nM uL . . - Hrmtia foi the Church on Earth m nymnafpr.the Land of, Luthej j . vifymns for ail Christians 1" Thonshts of Peace f vr-n jV.5?KlTo'lay an Porerer. For sale at -' llEIN SBEROKR' . ;oa fiMELODKONS: .. ..." fi ' L t I ' 1 For sale at Tlc-nsXZTSBERGER'S Live Booi Etordj V-r?t"?t Mi l? 3 t , ...... I i i I' ' am-v sf I CE IsTierebv clven ibAt oW ftr .Mnt' diate in action, and more strengthening than h of' Januarv. 1871. th PinWr anyor the preparations of Ba k or Iron.. u ' Com Dnv will . vjlaecT'rak ' kb . PmaII I anil4TiUJ-- 14.. ti l.-Wf : .' V :'' : V? f .T.r .,r f ?. 5' f.' i.:.:'M..-::I.V IW ME TO .CALL TOUB ATTEN-! - :- .- - . -, - TIONtTO MY ; : f r i PBEPAUATION OF J Compound Extriact Bucliit: Si. A.'. .i : 5, 'STi- V .T.i'.J-Tf f ' J TTTR mMPniVKNT FAKTa AK1S i nuciiu, LOSG LXAF, V, ; 't::"-' '1C 0 CITHERS. . ' . .,i.3iwJJimiPEB BEBBIES. JnninAr RAvrina. hv iatiiiui ion: tt frm a. Una ITIII. VUDeOs SXiriidOCl OY aipi&OeuieuV WiUU anlrlts obtained from Juniper Berries 1 very ttle 8ugr la used, and a small proportion of spirit, it is more pautaDie tnan any now in - Bacbu,- as. prepared by Druggists, Is of a Aturk coior. a ft is a tlant - that nsits Its fra by Druggists, is of a oMuwu.uutAi enis. intJ Docoaniur prepoxniiuu pruumi- nai at ine email esiQuaniu voi ineomer in gredienta are acrted, to prevent fermentation t npon inspection; it will be Kund not to'be' a T,.P0 Pharmacopoaa, nor ia 4t a 8 rup ind therefore can be used in cases where fever or inflammation exist. In this, yon have the-knowledge of the ingredients ana tne moae or preparation 1 Honinar that von will favor it with a trial. and that upon inspection it will. meet with tout aoorouatlon r n. j -1 ri a a s - ... . . . . - - - . . ? 1 1 am. very respectfully, . h. t. 11 rlm nnT.n. , Chemist Druggist, 01 16 Years Experience. i w lf . .Chemist In tbeWfrId.jU..- .1 .iiAl3u Ij zi iOd rSXli 2 .NDVEMBEB1 4?1854. t giit.i 11' U am acqnainted with Mr. H. T. uxlxbold t neorcupieit the DTUgstre oppoHite my, resi' dence, and wat euccesaful in conducting thai DUBiness wnere others baa not been equally ao before him 1 have been favorably im pressed with his character and enterprise." VILLI Ala VT KlwaTJULJ, Firm of Powers Weightman, hemist8, Ninth and Brown streets, Philadelphia. UELMBOLD FIuTJID EX- TRACT BVCint .1 fn was. ivir$ft vv w 13 THE GREAT SPECIFIC FOR UNIVERSAL ,. ..s . k ' t, v , - LASSITUDE, PROSTRATION, Ao. Tne constitution, once affected with Organic 1 weaki.esa, requires the aid f Medicine t 1 . . . : - y "vr "--" ' to 1 - nELMBOUTI'S FEUID EXTRACT OPj 1- Brcuu, Iea oyany otner pr.parauon,asm Cbioroals, or Retention, Psdnfulne-s, or Oppression of vasouary jsvwniaiiiB, uicerateaor acairrns State of the Uterus, and all complaints too. dent to the sex. or the decline or chnr. of dent to the sex, or the decline or change of me. ' . 4 Helmbql4?at,Flnld Extract Bn- li cbti ,; uiivl Improved ' 7 "k ' -. r r r f.t V, Will radiually exterminate from the System diseases arising from abits of dlssfpatiomat little extvense, little or no change in diet,-no inconvenience or exposure ; completely seper cedlng those unpleasant and dangerous rem&t aies, vopaiva ana siercnry, m an tnese'OM eases. . . ,. . .. Use HelxnboId8 Flnid Extract V- -.- vk.,-i. .. .. .-MBv. - Bachn jn n diaeaaea of theaorMsa. whether axiaU in. ltU uWnttn taat Anrt tn.imTtiA. Those suffering from broken down oi- deli Mtutlons; procure the remedy, at . .once."'' -..--; , ."- -' 1 A ' r fTf?r? W n-f i 't Tr.l; "' Thereadei must be aware that, however slight may be the attack. 01 the above Q tSeases. it 6 certain. to. affect the bodily healttt and it fs certain, to. affect the bodily health: and mental sowers. - . t Jat'. Ail the ahove diseases requtre thee aid of a DinretiC r H EL1 BOLD'S EITRAfiT BITCHTT f is the great Diuretic t . , . ' - 4.,, - vJ f i ' :' . ' V. . .. 8old by. Dauggtsts everywnere. .Piacs-tfl 25 per botuei CHf-ib)ttleSutotA iDelUered to any address. Describe symptoms in all com- sanmtionsv K . -.-.tii T- a . A, Address "it i-o..iH''i:;i.,i8f.'t; MA: n. jr. iiEXMnoLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, r WBRDADWAf, New? York. - : cn craro C cnu in o Unless done no ia steei-enarravM .-vnniwV. ? frith "fao-slmile of myChemieal Warehouse! --. .ctuLiV-'tl aAf-l'Lt A ctl iiO't'iO v i : ' " . V. - .. .- N . ' ir;;'.v..-.". .... . A'."f.?i-r j' -' jnne2&AFly Wed a --'H . "t " I 5 J 4.' .7;rrl Composed of the. Fir?t ,lasa Steamships Jj;U V J- - JL4 jAIi f : . ! . , lo t -f.TT'. . i.yj.X t.:i4fi ttCftT;?f j AND; " 1 Vv REBECCil .CL xDE,' : DAHIEL C. CniLDS, ' CoCtfaler. - The SteamahlpnEBrCCA CLTDfi ! ; TTTTLL LEA'UB WOBTE'S WHARF at the YV foot of Mulberv street: for Baltimore, I nn gRLDAY. Febra&rv ard ' -r-.L 1 . For Freight engagements apply tcV F - 2 - ? f i 'i-j-xf . w i! j - jit ; ' v'n-.i - 'l ijan29-tl.,; ;--f v .:i,A -B.;X1AZATJX ,.l f.V. -';U.i 8TE AIISHIP ..tln.E :to miSi .'NEW, NGTTJESDA1 w 1.. 1 s: SAILING TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS TROM: iTEW YdBK, AND WEDNESDAYS AND. t SATURDAYS FROU WIUIINGTON '1 THROUGH CONNECTION WITtt ALLrAUj- "roads Leading out or wiLMiitGTON. " lURANCE OKt iWKf'1' -NO PASSENGERS- TAKEN For Frelght'appry to BARRY BROTHERS, aept!6-tf - ' :-S H i' - . . Agenis. iiiuaacipiiia:wf,a-n a soutnern I ..".I ' " ; . ! ; j TThH T' "ihh Line. ! THE FAST v AND FAVORITE 8TEAMSHIP. ; : .... : - --..-- -" . PIONEEK, .-I i . .a TTTILL RUN THE , FOLLOWING 8CHEB nia batween PhUadelnhU and Wilminr! ton,x. v.i Leaving Wlmlngon, Leaving Philadelphia, 1 ' 1871." Thursday,. . . ..Jan. 5tb Wed'aday, Jan. 11,6 a m. Friday .....Feb.8d Friday, TAn in - Saturday ...... March 4 ? wMareaM i 18. Saturday. jka , ' Spril 'OAi ft " 16'Monday, Tuesday......... May ,iTeeday,l May . Wednesday 17 1 Wed'aday, - C24 Tnarsday......jnne i lTUnrsaay.-Jane 1 " v la T . ' - 4 " Friday i ..-. j nS0 1 Friday, Tjuily r 7 ; Insnranoe atlow rates. . ' i awuwfhft ni.x i j JanS-tf ... '1 ...-; ? : t - ""fc 1 Caiiraway & Crlciipori)! THE UNRIVALLED ARTISTS ARE STILL offer tng the best Inducements to our citi zens, and the public generally, for their pat ronage at the Purcell House. Everything per taining to the profession is keptconsltantly on hajad.ih order to glye. trnple eaUsfrMJiion to the most fastidiottaU u 4ao47-tf REBIO VAIii Th preach tlTallao eommodatlonv being entirely, too limited to meet the demands of the throngs of Pa trons ef this favorite popular. amusement rami exeredsekthe 4agenaett. ftakei pleas ured in. announcing UHI fiii T W IV A T.T. has' been secured' for Roller Skating, and win be opened on Monday Afternoon,' Jani 16th. ..- PRIMARY ASSEMBLIEaVor. .Alonday, Wednesday Friday anSaAxtrAayafternoons, from 4 to 6 o'clock. ' - . REGULAR ASSEMBLIES every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, from s to 10 o'clock. . . . . j v., sclLa bFpH6E8;r Admission to Primary Aasemhlies.! 60 cents. Including use of Skates. Admission to Regu lar Ass'moiies, ou centtus or e rates. s cts. cnuaren unaer it years orage, naif price. j wu aa- SOUETHniG IIEV7. A NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SELECTION of Bda Prts;i Ladies and Gent's Fine Gold Watches, the best assortment of Solid Gold Jewelry In ' the City, SolidfiilvBr and Platad Ware, , something new in Charms, j 36LD, SILVER and STEEL SPECTACLES .-..'.' - i ,. 1 FRENCH and AMERICAN CLOCKS, ' '. -J: 4 . : : BOYB WATCSE8, anda.4 :' Earse Variety of Fancy Article r Clocks. Watches and Jewelry , repaired and warrante d."C GEORGE HONNET, oct ,:iHEIIp3nn.OTaBr;3r llo. : 6 CoutH atcr1 C I8v waa TTEEP TONTXirrtrOW H AND ILArGE Plain aad FaMy Candles; AascrrtedJfntsv CO- xoanuts BaJaina, Figs, Ao , Canned Frulbi eTrF.???,1 jflHesiPreaeWes; . Suulfi Crtli?fapco71 1 1 S -', Champagne detJ , 1ymegftrts Craclsers, okedrrliMs-i : kerel,,in Cbls. ajkdfUts; Floor,i:ultx andi V Lard, and everythinar usually found. in a -tirst-ciIass1 j d b B f n tfrr' dtr s s - ... - ' V 1 I J-A-J-lv ...... ; gfft-.'ww.-v, . - .'.'if itf . k'-.-: Alt. Crista & -Conipy, Wir.xijraTOH.C.V Ma5h 11th !,,.' atant, Passenger Vor .the M.. c a . V k will tare ;tne train at ihe W. A W ' 5 liipoVana the following Schedule Vi? ' ? DAT EXPRESS TRAIN (DaUy ), Leave Wilmington DeDott..." . Arrive at Florence..,..,....,... " li'-iS a' t arrive at Kingsville..... , s-iio t' v ware lUDrsTui .11-40 Y Z Arrive at Florence . ' . V, , $ Atxivnat Wilmington............ ,. " UIGHT EZPBES8 TRAIN. mn,. , I 1 a-r a . ' " M111" W. R. R ' Arrive avx iqrence... ........... 1: A. 2j lve Kin rs ville. 8:4ft Arrive at Florence 11 -or p'fi Amv? at w, k. Depot 6:12 a" v 4 may mr,v -; :. ; ,. . GenM Sn7,?, ' ENEItAL SUPTS OFFICE, TOli.C61nmbia',& A. Eail r WILMINGTON, N. C, Dec 27,1870. I70TIGE. On and nftei- the 18th of janflrw proximo, pas engers going South win take the Trains at Union Depot. Mipr c traln frm Water Street to Union Depot. - vx wv.i iuau UUIC, deo2tft vr JNO. C. WINDER, Bnp'u p:;.CpMa?S.Mpsta R. E. Co.. aaauA JU BfJr'TB OFFICF, - jWILMINGTON, N. C, Dec. 2th, wo. n..umm ONtod after Monday. January 2d, persona havlnr business with the Treasurer or thiscmyrwiHawiVto Esq. at theofflce in the butl W.. Company, corner o J. W. Thomrtsrm ulldlngof the W. Front Street. or nea cross and JNO. C. WINDER, Sup't. dec2d-tf 7iliniiicton9 Charlotte i BCTIIEBFOnD RAIL RO "Saw V - -nr. Cuiange. of Schedule. 3- mjM m Man. sim : f WILMINGTON, N. O, Jan. 21, 1871. TN AND AFTER THIS DATE, the Pas V singer Train . wili run the following Leave Wilmington at 7 o'clock A. M., and arrive at the Vead of the Boad at 1 o'clock P. M. Leave the Head of the Boad at 6:30 a M.. and arrive at Wllmmgton at a0 P. M. daily (8nn days excepted j. : Two regular Freight Trains per. week will leare Wllmlneton at 7S A. M.on r ufeadara and Fridays, and arrive in Wilmington on Mon. aT8na Tntrrsdays at is P M. : .Thronxh, tickets to Charlotte, $10. rj'K 8. ,L. FREMONT,, Chief Engineer and Sup' t. Vi. i Wcldon Railroad Company, 0?vica Chixf Exonraas A Gbk. Sup't, WiMctxeTos;, Ni C.i Jan. 21, 1871 . '3 T. Chance of Schedule. ATM i ABD AFTEB SUNDAY, THE Sznd XJ ins tM TRAINS on this Road will leave .Wiluiinirion atCKJO A.M. and 1L53P. Al., and arriveat Weldon at t:05 A, Al. and 3:00 P. M. Leave Weldon at l(h00 A. , Af. and 7:85 P. M. Arrive at ; WjUmingtoodt A, Al. and 6:45 P. The day train will not run on Sundays. :y":i , ' i&i-i ;.;.'. 8.1. FREMONT, 4. ;V.Engmerand SuperfntenVit WUmtngton; Jan. 12. 1871. iti MISCELLANEOUS. CLHT0EB HOUSE. SAMPEE sKGOM, nt-rJtlA 'JlilJt M',,tTIWV-':'- TTrrTEkB SUPERIOR" SEGAR3 "AND B0T-,VV- TLED LIQUORS can always be had, ia emmectiojr'witb that Superior Brand of GHBUllITOBACCO. . ,- : ' ;'oAiaoy,4 . Furnished Rooms, by Day, Week or Month bci U&-'tfAi CLIFFORD, PropT. ?,inir fr'5Y.-."tKi? i snrfw .a--notice.,'.;,i" sntrif t c-!T?Trr?r . I tin-1 ?nTr.t ,!'. ., '.r; HA V ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL wholeaalo and retail i..Lt'i-rrrr RAILROAD iilLv V f' t?LORTLT.' A BDS, - .sv? u'jivr.tVi.fs JOHN DILL'S, afftt l' ' ? I .'tkj:' MILLER'S and GI AL A AXE'S Slsrav iaf tb ' IN DIAM CHIEF Jan.S7-tC ,;' Cuy :It : Try KJ ;I???i.O' 1 . w.V. ion can maaw - v . 1 t i: r V , ; out M a soliea ow A I mds t.isl S " !?2.5ioc, fctl BRONZING IT., a MX th.4.. Jfc:lV tTiONZt FOlt SALE BY - Janl94af T. :