' v A I "run :i:."-?tr , PUBLISHED DAILY, v. J K ' w it. bHia ?t lit? n , V 1 v ' six 0iontn,u v one viHMH,'H(MMHUMI I (9 PCtkmat'zl : ' ' :'n.- X. , V.........'....;.....;t7 . 75 it of tho CitjM rm - - vc-Tc: , i I - 1 1 it " . ; j .... -rw - 1 : 1 - " W I I , . f w - -n . . . .. , - ..: . . - - j..- " -. A. at . . t 1. .- II, . i J I K J W ! - "r : t i 7 j : J I - I f '.'II ? 4 1 i r t? i i- m i -t, x v I itajTiasoa, iKWJ v -tUUytouar funeral axd O itnaxw noUc atillj inavtUrav nfrau a , wi -a paid for 1 advce otnurwtse tun rat a . . -CI. ... HO i R. FBBNcffMiQrt Frcsli C,: ! - A Cabd of Thanks to 5apC Utfartt A)'r I ) VI To Book BlAVrioSrxillg: A cotDpetlTit 6 (lot tbc use or a nuuog c, xs- wantctltit tue Staii Book Bindery and(jjJpn1fYl mallbl iM J i T The nllpwln; jsa Jit r. uqaiailabie letters maini'ng Va'the posVofflco In." tit 'cly : rum Henry tJ, Carraway, Dadly, N. C.; M. Johnson,': UarYeir a' store, N. Cl; CoV Me Kcithan,' Jay aetillepN .C Jamea , EjertDn Mara Blofj 6t,-JILi ft 3&XiwU,. , WMte-. TilIevN7, &;!W4SYUfc,jw Col. Dudley, no address; A. M. Welsli, Cardenas, Caba, Schooner Nellie Star. i'ity Conrt.. The following cases were disposed of jester day morning: : Isaac Smith, charged with disorderly con duct, was found not guilty and dUcaarged. Sandy Johnson, charged wlh disorderly conduct, was found guilty and required to pay tho penalty and coata.iZ ,7 Supreme CmrtZelaloiis. r , . , ' We find the following Supreme Court deck- Vions in VtoSaMdi ??r'?V?0: Johnson WSe4brry.frcVCumb. land. Former order , rerersed. to distributed A. Rowland and wife . . Joa. Thompson, t. tj . . a a frum Robeson. Judgment affirmed and cause . . v- ' ' ; . ; - remanded. N. Boydcn Bank of Capo Irear from Rowaor Err.rAot1rttwse.):i " s i j . X t V . m - j -.- i i.b.i...v lllll.iJr 'r ... .-I The monotony of the usually quiet -but en- distorbed, on Mondaj moroloy, bj tha dbeor-1 ery that anothptflrstrclass wiunui9cv5( tyupijr. ""T iv. Wiibin M limits:- iTh- boldness committed and auitythSrjIr j-Yf f by the pVomptiYudi Mfr wTitCff ttrtiWr wrtl nrougnt to gnei ine rneucooicpiace m ine store of M. PtaUrsba,w htclt at thictlme JWaa' in charge of Mr. Larkln-Af, Bandiy plgbl, when in the acta ettrtog,thw latter geotkf man placed hU pttekTftbocfciOntatala $65, uudcr the bead;"oUIbe.'(;lllso.oiA adjoined the 6tore and the next moroiaruo go up mid went to wait on his customers, 'leaving the ,K3ck'et book undeKhtsp1lld. 6evetr!er-4 .... . - ' i .W-r sun uuu (uii)iic);iiku civuuu wo (iwiii otuu i a colored boy, by the name' Of Bradley" Her I nn, seized a favorable oPWty..g into the rouai oatxafed Utc , pocket jbool I from its place of concealment and made off with it without attracting the . pbervation of any one in. theiSto.tShortlj altr,!ilr Lai- kins went to look?fvr hUpVckVt book, "and it " . t ... r .... t was gone. Saapicion ImmediAlelf -centered upon the missing boy tokl awoftleer waa forth-1 with put upon tts iraeJftewwufKe'aU'to nhniit half nn lmrir ffir tiff Kin Afnfh(ttt'l 1 'JJ -W- i i 1 1 1 1 1 mi t nM mnnc v ifm i.i nn i h iim i 1 1 w r . u w v " v n , ..w i was taken before JusticeW. J. Blrens, and I We learti that thd"4 Tas fever has broken ofiuteeawrn emigrated tottoorgtowitiriie pope I of bet'Wtl still, all Uit'earM in monwonlth tbat .nwealtbtU'w.oo.; K.rWfiAllt UlkiathAftaa la onf own wn immei o.atvevfi'Twarav.QflTviititiv wiis-'niiiy- Mn.Wil kl.'im?. ' lthatfioV6TweaW8n.fiiTftWa isrww w1UxlnfiUtfrttspiMdlfatioBs ar 1 pi,n iffii 1 !itv ii;oj r i(T jik r;i l aui certainly tery vw?oeragiarTWw 01 a "oeupr; day WfrnjftffJt1t : iUrtf ause.? iu Mitu iqmipiiui wAJllwa m tVHf7 jwwpj" sldeat it bW problematical whether jthey will retriatn fbVnconslderafl.e lcnKt::a rlmnirn m itiMto tailfM Ifltti eTa b 1 ii n i ii - nie DroBTTCi or a bfiriit iaiure- id us oria . taut WpokHiiiinftfwrt iimfe2QifeT MODday.aight ho. was-Drought to iwatiiy ana 11 4vks, uier- opoap. . lodged l-.jaitij.V ; ' term xfif i r l ; nay iiave accumulated; to gel there, nave soon na(fe ineiflrVy.k'a dts appointed, detitota and broken' In splrQ (jm- peieiy cured of their apoauioipvw mn f iflrcriqn. n97i5 eI rrOTyr 1 , the allurements which may Je held MuV wtXxIa Of2fl?fife OIlsMar- down onee more ioucJtr.o)d trleve if possible what they have venti-e. . Theft li-'woA vlcbiP ' ersified soll ln tfiocPurt&ah'caa e fouo- ...uB ijtBemceaBie, ana wmie capuai la, neHd - ed for that purposvJaborJaequaliy tadis- . w - ' - . ' 1. pensahje. Th-3tlm5 U nrrinr.e4 it t!not botl nad.apifcto4!1tittx xwioerr.ii our peopw wouRT'trtJiy reaiiz -ci,anqgp .to wock. in ine rigntriv 10 IKhAatUikfiVU.MUi. M. nihUi StntU obUMtUBMMl uon,jooJuac -sj, j.,i., iM: .iii.j.i I , 'rrirf By . -wr.TT ''KKiS'Si l sSiPffWR "b'tf ' - " :im i. 1 T ' - 3 C.rtrs CTd in Charleston on K"".Afall snnnlr i TfrvK?r,.it ' t -rJC- ' ' I tf ' .1 ' . , ' . wr-j "ww.vu b . lining- (um rerriry cri cIj a .ttafta of April. z:raTrzsi t:ini:ttc:?piay of Aurora "S iaths '2'crtbcrn I vca jast night, i IlccJaX. f r-ior put in bis a&t.C i.oa Monday eTenlng. na Buverusea. r ;. , i -JThe; lernard-Rlchlngs Opera Troope Jju-e toopeJia.brlef engagement In 8avannah dur irrg the present weak. .v- : :l Therejvaa a conBlderabfe i Tall of snow up the, C. & 3. R! adWjIondar. and, aN JtQLOirtlifiline of the.Wilmlagtoujiudl faaldan t,rrr .7. : - rfRdthaurgot appeal to the people of the? South for aid for the sutfefing people of KFranct,q be fobiiundcr our -telegraphic I nead". 1 w' "t'"i David Statute was arrested yesterday, by policamaq Nash, on the charge of. stealing ( a pair of 6hoes.' He was locked up for a ; bear log thta taorntag.'.: 0 "i ' Co 'r. furs Mrw. Qcnjauiin Clark, wbowas severely .injured Jtn attack frp a party vof. robber at Bladenb6rorvoq Saturday 'evenfng last, is said tooe Improving. ; .fl;,i)i The jonng folks" are growl ngexci ted over the near approach ofStf Valentine's Day and the fine display of Valentines on exhibi tion at the bookstores. - The bill allowing the Wilmington, Char lotto and Rutherford Railroad to withdraw certain bonds from the, rtate Treasury, passed its several readings in the Senate on Monday. A new church edifice a in process of erec- Iv..u 1 VZ n ! wmca wm now U. lu'- b caP"" Oiurch. - The congregaUon for whose benefit i i being erected has increased with almost "nprecented rapidity within the past lew youths, mosUy under the ministrations of ReT,Ir; KIK " , . Tr . ' During the debate in the House of lie-, . " . , , . . . presentatlvtsv on Monday, in reference to the ,W reUtion to salaries and feesof SUte .fJffJ;' frobxtbisi crfujityjedarejiitbitlunder he niwimil 'oAnat.llultnit Jrv1nrr1 child rin hull t --,: perfect right to attend the common schools set apart fpjwbUe.chlldren. ctr Claims. . , juiiowtog s a statement oi ine amount 'of all cialnls allowed 1rtbv ComryJouamisi. rtonera trttxrSepfe lsViS7&V tourist, Jjt " ; 1871, jtj fpC8....t.'....... $3 083 86 aktoWeMiliir.'Slllllli itiullKl i ?ok'7l 'Jjf fff". V J CoimlMioM'3.V';.7.iK,i:.' 126 26 Cnmer' fees...; ji.'.:... ...... .,.4 3-9 60 H'lSI ; ' " : ' li3 O0 ReDi&tratlon. Poof House. : ;'l,U. "409 77 y?0!! pauper. ' H vorK hlonse. ..................... . i WJH ,Ks Elections.... .U. .;;..;......'. V2 80 Jarora.-reUrrveoire 463851 Officers, or Conrt. ..- jJ ,Som,,tt,w CouD,y CoUrt J? g flolW itor,afee,.k;..v..1v.....4 . 25ft 00 Oovtices;; Wea.v';.;'.:.;.;....rd.. - : lg:80 officers' costs (Constable).. ' 295 80 Attorneva fee.. 500 00 County CoaaiissUBers .............. .3 6D ; .nf'iir. r . . m ikt ki I ..'.''t "flit ('' I! -I -fro' -;.- L : '. 1 . . - - t . . . - 'jarjcemrppprtion oi u '.'Alaraefnrpppii .thalx?t was alloiRed I to ry ld.davmj; .j'cr.va PJmr ' . r V TTi 1 i" U iTJi J I !. i r ini .o;Tlw T - d-k j ! :i j r.iot3fflxubaHiaon3f$2firi ,.00 , I e n M n A .1 . f a . .. . 1 . . 1 i.jh iiui'cir.tX iiii5aa 1 ,(u;-"ix. . , ... , P1 irleb;CemKiiwoina,-rwho,ran: a ri.lSS?? needle into fier leftfodt,-ifyeamgb; by ciT:tMf"mi.TOPamft i m rpmnvtu id nnsuiDviuD. x. j. .. i yTxVf fc vr-TnI ?T,S" fwa'y' , f ; rj jxni tum fereatj tmprftftdd lecf Oreh,n fcrted in JrtjtTepte-id 10 . L tw.' A H iui&&nv aig. 3j6btMeanTLfieoIb 1 orea. iiQmueiuuiu uvt iuiuubw- i ment ior iiiex.ii jl ur ; TteMT-Ye W pYesent ftfthrrdltiWubliq schools three for white and three forced- hWWk.e4af,PWWo linyfatreetji i street jail, tna arein aflesWie fno: deperaoo coumtwwg iu 1 t a. . . s . , . . - . u are Brfcfc&Eitjntf T ZIOX. Lth, Ovtwir UuV WKVTT.rcJlrf't khow ev. sX. 1 trJ.. MnJ W afff CT)nfl- dautrtal QdtoCwliriBeUored iti the equal; lfnot superior, to any nnufactared in this country Kegs of 25 loa kepV inatockforthe Especial benefit of "weekly papeiKJasb; orders abiici Uted.' . v -1 tf -. l nil We the the report m tfrv&ntinel : ' :y ff "' ::' "' SENATE. j- ' f"-t- ' Monday, Feb. 6, 1871. Senate Bill ton, Charlotte withdraw, certain ury, was taken After amen Hiivi f Senate ns-alligh ppurt ofJtopamejDt. ' After a(l'UJTiaxent of .Cpvirty Pref idept Warren called th&8enate to-order. :il i , HOUSE OF. REPRESENT4TtVES. : MjOPAT Feb. 6, ,1871. v By Mr, Chamberlain r A b U authorizing the Diemal Swamp Canal pcuiapafjy t . is sue -eight per cent toojdsilreferred;"';-,1 ; By Mr.'McNeni : . A bUTto preteht he sale of liquor 'within tbteef milei ot lfont pelier Church i n .HobesoA Coufaty referr- On motion'of MrjMafief; therHio .nmend the act regulatinghf"iiapbe'r'; of applying for par dons', .was iakeri hphd passed its several readings. ' Jw ' :! ' '. , . On motion if Mr. Xldbinson. the t for the benefit of the Eastern J)ivislonof the Western NC. Railroad wftskefrtt.1 . ; j ", Mh.Hou8ton moved toniena by 'saying that representatives of - stock ;8upcrited byj'contractorf, who taye; "not iSpricliip their contracts; shallOnly VWetirttad 'lro vote upon the amount of; )itoK"ftrt;isrhich hey '.are entitled ip. work 'actualty 4.9 adopted, ' V ; .'., ' ' 't , ', . Alter some debate the.; yeas rand Tnays were called and the bill passed its; second reading by a vbte of jeas 54, pays 3. : , The ill. provides. thatVaiockhpIders mav. on 30 days' notice' kiVen' by ' three 8rockhoTders, meet in Salisbor, an'd ; for L causes satislactoTy to tnem, reinov the present Board ofitfrectoia and the Direc tors elected bt .th&'IglslattjTewho .aref namea in tneoiu, ana. tne directors eiect d'by them, may -elect new bfers to j take i harue of th Road bntil the next annual meetinff.1 ; 11 l. ' ' v' 1 '" Mr." Justice arose, ro a question oi: prvi-1 ikge. , He said,- in tegsrq tp the report, pt the Special Commiitgp ii6jpt mvea tigate the issue of boniia-to the Western Division pi je" Western "Nbrtb, . Carolina Railroad Cmpanj,;tnat though a- mem Imr nitha PrtmmitlPH hi hurl nY' YmrtM? be f s-i- r vr .r-.,w..4 incr dcki')If thtComtoitterrlrted facts! f hich he believed they had done as far islh'iere'aSlel TtWgrfeutid Efficient to ihipeacfiny Governor, &c. i "" Mr.- Rbbinsotfaid thatasthe precedent of ameo(nhf lEe'arttcre3 of impeachment bad been estaSiished, heronld suggest to the-geiitera'Mf.rmtic that he offer a t h article,' ctivering'1 the ground of this Unauthorized issue1 of hforids, i&c. ! ; ' . wi il. t!v.... i 1. f i j " .l!. i. . : . a nam 1 1. concern i air uie iiitunu v.! uciuk . - . . ketp and consrdrred. ,., ti ' :l , Alter QmA4ittleJ,debate.,the. Yeas, and nava wercealled. and theybill; passed , it secoad j-eadktgiby.a vote pf j?ea;4A -nays t Oomoiicnof.Mri Bnn,.tb buvm re latian.ta theaataries-and fees Pt Btate offi cers: traatakett&s't ivr .hti-?io evij ' e The ouesttaairjBCrepioatbei Amend-; mentm MriiTeocAjctuvAtjutsewii&iy- in tbe 8uperintcnilenil.otJluitotruc . .. . 1 4 d1 AAA i Dr tear J Wit b itiutjplliiaz exiaean3i -t bsectir;iifithekajBiTjr the B-per- makeup thitoHowinVsurnxnarr ol fZrli' IIWM1I proceedings of ftoejrifllAiare froni this paper there ; mHnuscribiiai.keDt ".an No, 25' :aHow'inffi Wilmtne fPwWtWJVto J ? anaBatherfbrdlria.o MZ&imiWm& B;P$?r iondsrro;SttBjrreas ie.9neTa?55lOTgfc; nn r wonm rje anreacnot trust to taKo it away : 1 25 Wrbiia4b4 ertrpVoyrnenJ etf,nasdstak Trnr trM3tvi40WuceitaBy5travejiing3xpwn t "J . . . The amendment of r?eWhi,J aa r Mf. MCAieeLPlIw tue Pt?n. mfrJ1CfMW8rJerintendent !a A'tWmAWM - pi 1 a rcrrn rrirvf n mmrpii in ki dkh n tUfl worn "coiorea- lrom ine anpstiime. Dudley-, ColattdrpfeCTdnhe.ElJik-irJg out. ' - " - ' ' - ' -J - ' rfl ..I ihaa A a 1 1 ein f Ik A i ' . 15, nays 64. Jilt k ta.X 23T aa'J bfe IIIQII COTJBT OF IJHFEACflMEHTJ 9 Chief Justice announced and took the ' onSiNaUoial HoteTgUi ft .im . .' -w ? tf j AJk c -jsr 1 tnbtm lo 1 ai. ima uwiw "-w 1 . . v. .n Kna1 lo at- nnmnnor VV.rf nf Jan tljl TV1 .'ut. Rora,.ff,r,'wv?rr i i ni admissable ;;;; ; : . !,::L: ! . . , . - e . 1 . - - - ' Mr Robbing of Rowan, called ayes ;aad N. aav,BstslnE" nax& j$iuiii.i-tu .ta s: 1 r T - . . . tt?oi, writs d te re urns n Jtej&A ?tm?llA aifftiea'it1 competePiy1, i. , , i.r- ! Mr. Graham said'lt was for the -PumoU sa, toMUtamaffr- 20.000 i - . "r ii ir fii w- i(i i f i m t i i" ri i pat. . c a . .Bk rallying rn-octAmation r6f ' QeS. ' Wl- Kirk v Mr. Edwards sworn : Lives in RaJeigh, a Prinser.fas employed a the' late Standard it fflceo! s fiaya tbef pToplatnati'm above shown was printed yi:hat.( office; but donTt knnw irnn 'hrringriLthe' paper there ; thinfeit came from iher Executive office ; gerfal1yaft rwnttW rasTructions on them ; knows the Executive's Clerks"; file ; thinks he knpws Gov. Hold en's hand lifting' sfifitmoried'' ;fdn prd'daco msnu- scrips ; !.coaMnT ao ic s a& na; no icon-; trol of files at this tiflie ; 'Was hot nOW enm- oil hia tot?herto.p1tt)afekM6n tfi flle. ttjtfcp1tt)afen?Moii tfi flle. CaptaitflsaArGZ Rlvei'iworn sides Yshtngt6n qouptyi rTjn. j - Lawyer Knows rkj since the, wy Kirk resided in .Jpnefbprpl5'ehp wayeari. ' 'Resided ibere-.tesuperyjjea About the 80hOi June. tp a count f oL Ten nessee, irk. left, for Waihingtooriiy about the middle ofJionev,returoed.'ie latter part ot Jume aeain left: was absent ihetftili s pecemberV- dnH Wy-where he was goitfgf std 'he had i been' 'in VNonb Oaroliad, oo- bis ret riroi Since 1898 KStk reside1 irrt'Teeasee1,' TJre'rioislysi-i- COPhty-'-1 -; aty ztw:m to Objectiotf -if as ber made hyMrBdyden theAritness answering quesrtoiis-as : to itkVcharacter lbere: i u III Kitk Chief Just ce : TTift.eT3eee6rap,e tent, and ropafLbe pfjaneWil phaicter. j era! characier; be is a noiojeiqusly meitjjkss returned in a lew day Sj .and left again, 1 , Bf rgen is not there no'wi , Knows H. C. . Veart oltf lie1 resided; iP Washington Co : ; knpwB hfehferatlynowiJ S.lS. -Kirk pr flfeers: didn't knbwliis General i cnaracterreroTe tn war; WuaX r say I bo- 1 quirtfct during the rebellion1 he was Polo people of middle Tennessee. 1 Questions1 Ijy Sena'tof Moore r Do'-you 1 knPw' of 'y'6.ur knowledge if Krrhrniovd pts'T4mily tdriojrtb" ;Calroimft( in r June "Answer r Dont know: 'think he movfcd I 1 1 1.5 17 'xiii-i't Jt iT . I uis laujiij a icw uiura in lire uuuutry lruui i tr WtriM. LScke.sworti : Rettdef in Ashe- Vrlle?N; C.fani 'a laWver noWS KIrk bv lepaiaiion oniy; ne is reprxea 3 a-croei, 1 tnerciless ,tha!n;;;hfsr rePptatioh cfurlhg' the T war'wtis'mbfe of a pltmderer in his opera :r"Wra? H.1 Murdock! swdrn :: Resides in Raleigh, N.C.;'am Insurance A'senfl knee KiTk in East Tennessee iti 1867 andlSCS.; he? resided ihere : his reoUtation' had: bv Was a;verV 'Vioreiat- .man - andverV' crifel. "Mr. "Wi: J.' Edwurds swp'rh c'ls'a Printer : jjnpci buuwu cays iu -nraa uruugni iu1 iw 8tandardroBic& itt June. It'fs Gor. -'Ho!-' den's handwriting. Looks at the procla maticrtditiflesit'as the1 same'1 as the Governors manusCrfptr' ' (Bntti Paprersbowf .!nW' CoL Cocke recalled I'Has sett, these! TCr ZSIuI-T i J "7- iv -'.t - A ir I ' Mr. Johnson, Pne of, the Board! of Man-1 'aers svrorrrf :-..,. c nr ; - 1 HA6! ai6f tos prolamaliOB it in tne campaign last summer : saw inemL Ttilf.fflA atfciM Wfi him f . . - . . '' : I Wtoroieeftllrr friepjtot r - vyOurx nen, at a PTIHE UNDERSIGNED desire to take ft, vnnDirnmiiiirnafiTBTvannT-nnaT.inTnaana ae glng valaable srr - WtteWmi'W.' nITIIvrR. in I JAM. ICS nf RHirJnhnnnatal tTTTAK'f6lT5derwritersof , , Master or Brii B. L. PERBTTAR!t foFUnderwriters NewTf fclilaiphTufajid Baltiinore. rjdvfttlSil a lo vtJa gaiaunixi r A .. L 1 ' ILtL.t - t f. J. ,t J.J HJI1 11 nr pKA3iminK lot cnappea oiiaaadct ana UBevJBnrjHSj jto. 'ftXlK. OoTBnnAtLuND (BStJJSlJCSi In 1 :i JPiCW t VH 7 i . ..J.. . j .i. kr..ft. m m v f t I EES II STJPPLT OP 'friiTJJ-ieiti A :-.-' CHfXall.ITT and GREEN TEA . . , f - k -, , T ' ' v rir r. iJ . I jd.M . t I I gj A . . while h?watetKemtfaberebb PAiiY.BocWngham, N.c, : was a ertel man; hb was a terror tolhe , Ttimo SbeeUnrs are follv eanaU if .ot an- inM hStct'VV TATTTl yteaozaiuiieuypeoQrieoeaiy ana neer;miy Mnrtiiri nv (aTr. llahAi ann.nu cnarge or ine ueTonae erdi mu lag Wt i- VTTftaMnr wr guarajate ot the .rnest liberal, atnwigeT " Inlet Bax.jw hen, reenUv aground there witlt "T tth ... Tri.urnr nTqr. -ITTt. 'Qctttwakd inTLn5ngiiBWer W Wil- . yrp reapectfnUydnvltWHpI.ESATE,Biry- Wexitarn theiiirfaiocereib ,SB 1mIne ?teT1? 8i IT BtloP tJiatthftia-but&iof lb maaj'in-J , v ffb-lliy; 'JI ""fh; ! stances where thelr)fj6jhe. ii miw rjt: ao 'JJOT J 1 79 J . .. AtlIljy I 17 1 I I i v . ; V? .lfltV r - - V fff torf M3 t"' NEW ADVERTISEMENT.. . .... f Carolina Buttor. feb mw : :;' -; 1 yrpgtH a wosTHi w. 1. i R. REPBCTFULLY CALL THE HE AT ana oc: tmtlOB of tne citizens of wnmtnrton anrfont ooovrjinenag ffaaer&uy.io we W arenow manufacturing tiuit we eat up in packages as desired, which we Pff lem price as low as they oaa be awmlia win we oner beawmtiM elsewhere, jfor the same gt ades of flour. ..We shall endeavor always to procure the pFJEfSAT, and iadoijng.Bis hopa-to pa able toaupply tfi AU lour sold by us will bo' -,, 'r- ' J ' ' GUAR AH TXXp AS REPRESENTED,' aoq If not satisfactory, the same can be re turneaajtainoaey.maaaea,: :.u; i j mTCSEirXtJ&GiNa, i Proprietors IfeManl's rioorlng MillsK - ?;:.t! t: ' JTOB.S and 10 Ndrth Water t. A 4an 29 nodjev gun, Wed rxi., ,(V,j ; . j FEBRUARY 14TJUL. fT4LK NtlT or SANTA CLATJg; STOCK X lng. Plate or Bag. Old Valentine, just as p Kxtasanyaalnt we read of, la at Jumd wtth hjs JoJly jooktaK red t bis sfdea buzatlnjr from tangnter; throwinirobt M- faandf ells bt boa ooaa, aia rxjoui npus or nuxtn, ana bis eveatais of love. Just at film in tbe f - - . LlVlf "BOOK STORI" li!" ! c L : h .. ; i .1 ' " . . . : every string in love's sweet lyre ialIIUOiiwioUringp ' (r, and dew aiviMght, and flre, . kee the MMil-flower cmwinrj ' '' feottf ' - t r.'r M.-.-i'i '',ilEIltgBkfe'QEBS!. AU8UELL AN EOXTS; f ... tZZT'X ' " -7jr-"7 " X oIUIil - Oi mjJQQ ! i,.JL ALE5.4-1 SHEETIN-G , MOM. THE JIBW 4 nerior. to any aimiar eood. naannhctnred either North or south, and are offered to the trade aslbwrlowCTtbanheV caJi ie pur- febmseniatrieRnrMikta.l hr . ' IIEKI INx ICT . III..! M4ft J ' .... ' " . ureatraasaianuiaoiunngimpany. At LOW . We offer to-the pa h-- llo the largeeti stock: 1 aad mosfijvaripd as-- sorthieiBt or" ' J, wmm 1 in. the city aud attir lowest t rices. . , . ' f , GEO.R. TOEMjpp afcSO,i 29 North Froot St. febl-tf HEW STORE, ,' R ,' Ho.17 Harket Btrcbt lUf ton. hentotnetradlngoommanitygeneraur and respectfully informs them that B. WElllL wliiopeBV'.oxrv : jvvi ?ql TnrMnAT. 'HOwT9CSn a-ew " , ii. -. -1. a tbe new aaAbeaiitifal Store, o. 17 Market Ktr&KpW t.tq- , ndi r.,.,... i cuLiin LUfluuiajiuBuiiciiifliiiii.uiiiiin .... t 'yiiWftt'S'bPPJ ! 14 lTdrth: 8ew-4fTbla ewo ouneemeot, they: ibeV i i aeWJea Eespectfuily, . . f ..'l-ei Y-rHfw1it!?ci .... I I , , ";-WftlA'' f 'Jlk sMM&ii&iV con?rorTor tn plrte Ntaina my frinaa of the wen-known, lloer- WL1 f . i ?i : .... . . J feb5-U : ,sr.S8jKtNorJtb Water Bt. '. I'lnuxJnXaour! :1 ri.mnLii iJ Wl KERCatsTEB. sF-V - EXTRA BB APT BAGGING, N i Jr ti .r -,t -x CrT3!a L-7'1ETZiItV'13tS1 r:JJlit'.. r-ii?fi isera .:h;f.- ... 1 . . jx .-.. ' .jv, LEADIKQ ATrjB VpAU?T, ;1 U .;'- !'frV- i OCSIBTDra Ofi f jf.T" TAXKKTKO LADIES' JLK1 1ll3ri!Uf MV n f-? v;i.v irwiiiinwoa oia w- 1 Tickota; irc&t Bewdsi; H ' Tickets to be bad at Ifjr. fieoeVgeek Store. 'Ifioia otIwvf tf"' ' AThe muaio4petng mmiK'1 aurea that tbia coacartwyi pe-eecozKl to none hmtAr.. n f.4.. T " ' 'Vd. (fedTtd 1 '..-" QH111D- DliCasiWlIR11 : C3EIu3, TICriJIA OF iiniS eJllJICtX;. AB, 190,000 Xtokete, only, ust berinf frenrtio 100,. . CO), will b sold for the entire series ataoantixig to $1,140,000.' . ts4pep lCffraj eer v la. present, without ivBervatlon.- mats mainfltceht ttklhcTie,' which1 7 JL; e.eatieeabiw the lajrte-ijend ren$Teu- aois couectionr ox uiamoaa weweiy "pa the . vorlA, Comprise: ante sk1 . ietwte articles, all in DUnMituU. ranging in value from $5J to t0,ewA7whleb areeaialogded aafoUpwsf. n, - dne Imperial tBreaatpin and Earing-. warranted the fine in America, "worth . v.tftt.000 ne Maguifioetit PaU. 8ett-7Breetp4n h-nr-t T BrmeeietavweVtki n45iji7 00 2llSPSt?Ti'ryu?bfb woitllv 00 One Reiital re ftian&oad King, worth .'.418 000 One Megnlfipra . eett .of Joitatre iamoj.d StUd, Wnrtb . .;.': . . ; . .7. . : ,V. . .. . . .10,C00 ..Dee fteaavlf ui JLad y, 8-iUttner, etreeM. pn. Earrings and Bracelets, worth...... 5 two ,.15 tkrtte and: teparate; AmckeUCrl lf hd Jewels, axwi iCatto4 binenOda; fenotses, from?. , 4 . . i t U I v.t to oO eeh. Every Gem is warranted by a .Wholesale Diamoxkd Iloae, seooiMl to inme in existence. tobgenJUxe and of theJLnestrinaaitT; the setting oreacnta wnrknted to be tber beat is Tick- presented. -T NMwrtlcle wm wJUmmarftlirat Ir s rer JwffioWtSf iJ" diatakgaite3Mnn ;teavoojri"Lci: rtTranKrers r5id5in il'o . Taken eltogetnbr, e e cdofldently assert that id bvttrjderBr farx ttorexa-eatg imomoi. . levpr onrerea, tn Cnaeclal sen e f oaltnMTCooe44efTror s'peWed'eorTtoS bWallottod W er3 ttell irf r li f AgeuH in mi rruiciptu uiues, to wnc riera from indlvidaai8rjonttts9iwiaMtt or dressed. Jdberal. .romi 8iQUS Crabs. OKtef foi 1 okvaeoo- money, or applications, for intermtion..ad rreaed to a offlosrioiway,ew-i ork uon tfviw r.Ai4,j;najat.,iju,vT: M.V1CT06;P1ACE, ? ' ! . DoaMJ aueral of Traneef NTRTTMUce. r.w ti.tt fcXyi t woo :byil ico:LH VPft9tden6pl CPljtotrfc pewrk. , Kvanstiarnae; VKew:annE.iaoi S . Ward. 53 Wall 8t., New JTQrk. o3 JFbi?7i3snoO po ficlfcmst) it:roB .i lo-) 3lt9 1 viMiUilS'v5B ' lu'fr LCt ,9UJj32fci;0IttiqC0D fi enw IQll ill lo uoiiiCKf isbJsiiiy sdj isdlyjyvll tl i-.ia ,Ly dsraJJ 0CgBcfJipJeJd Lwi . r b-acb boo asd fad Edonaltni yuaxfl udc?i ??si ia ettf Wtt7ldr.M fff erji. Ol XrC3-ZSiZSE3(i DalfSt. n; .itrgadcIA to .7eebn?J'tr.giavog ; D odT eitlffuirrsnoo .cmra lacrrrnc ;t?jn!t lT3Tq iTctdjwjiiisirsTi Lif5o vhdOo roiif coo Jjnhjfl&JUfo . PTwu vnnn "iftnl I Tl JUBU JU1U Dn ..kA. I'ji ,rffl.'9 wj! e att? Mjirtyt ed ot r. COAlV-IraAJII3Kijrrbne ywtPtrao7rj di oo qfsrjti.ag-arfX). LUU. Mil LI..' V "i t,fl..i,.i.T.f..'...l f ),S,t1 lAHQ;D pf thp TEBt Flfc EST GU AUT Y, Ail j naily todJSjJWfappraJ ; vrllr5 be given i to tutldm Dt Ticket! wbtrtaer abesaa r earat eia. ad ait ecewrateia omcrioeil . The proportion between the T3 ma and etKjl'A'WHi to-amy, awe n4w j-r 'Te?"? stanr Agents willfuraLjh stiAiactory ldcaJraaran- allowed to tSfiaaaetXwltii 'ixnierWStw4&a 5a4 'ti'b-lltorilar . " ? V I HB Kb kunra m uuuin 1 i M a iufiw ; Taluatle olantatlonon UtJ fTrad, 8 will be TfcMfct or a vtiiuM k Aleterma. ot 3 V a 3 il :i"n 1' t if "Hu .4 a. iui. m it; r it t fit" if f 4