ATORNESTG a STARi friday, : -Felir'aalrjti 171 3Hna r j l is LA Ai jfkjftTUA f or ANY ih V'f a YYKWM'ArMIiiiPWh&jl 7 'A CINTiiE AHI.TjimCATmLJC The Liberte publishes an appeal" from Father Hyacintbe; o the f&totflpfcisfjtoaL in which ao fj3ivtlmtiiwoABystems of absolutism wbteb'Twelghea -1 upon the Church ana tne iemporalKjrond baye.psss- TT 1 !. . .-I .'. ! I trclurious one. Fittbp validity of tbo last V enccUcals Wd syllabus, and describes Vhem as unworthy of a free and great people. He also'l'dis aPPvf?5i erajrfbjhal power, auu wisnes to aooiisn priestly celibacy. i'6iaHylie! Father expressed wish to remain in the: Rpman Catholic faith. WfCATHBR PBEpIQTION$J The War DepAjrtmeat coucl gded to yield to the pressing demand made; . upon the Signal OfSce by skip owriert and com mercial men, for. the daily: publication of the weather for a limited period: of time. and will begin l'tlie",Wor'-during the presnt week by issuing daily, 'from the Signal Office in Washington, a synopsis of existing weather throughout the country, and the probable changes during the suc ceeding twenty-four Murs. . This synopsis will be based, upon the thee daily reports now received, and vrili be prepared, by; competent authority. : ArracgmentS 'are made, to giTethera well and speedy circu lation. . , , , A RELIO OF MARIE ANTOIimTJTE. -A coort dress of the unfortunate rJfreTLph Queen, Marie Antolnetteaielent royal PP,1, tojB--4a jPfered for sale isVOlmrlestoB. Tfci Xtetifter' says it was arcased afterw'liba'5grxa; gentleman who Was at college at the time, and his parents planting Tn San Domingo The Queen's wardrobe waStiut UDldraate.' and he. parchaae'd aeVerai pieces 'iirr yirellepj After his; deatlxtb'ey; were divided amongst his children; and the Court Dress referred to fell to a daughter, whd wishes : to dis pose of it to ameliorate her cipisaaces. QUEEN VICTORIA WtiaBBl A New York World special irom Lon don, Baturday; sayer: , 'The Qnecn; piecededTl)y';?the Tiorse guards, in passing tnrough White Hall, to open Parliameot to4a, was reted jrith mingiraera aad'isea,-the1 taHterVre- domlnAtio.) The ;jheer,were chiefly giV ea by ,Grnvina., Extraordinary police precaution preTehted disoxder.T"" "TV fl-RSiWAL. Miss Emily Ifaabrij hi ' :Virginia,o( well known throughout the UQitedSlates, has recently, jurneclcfrom iEuropvnd 'will soon visit $fejr Yotk,. taj arrange : for thb publication 4f arjous; novels and other works, tha rcssult of her long residence abroadr Wtfil 4 1 'present VngageiTupoJ a boy's 'Life ot Robert E. Lee.n " 7Z The Department orthe Seine, in France, has elected Thiers to thfTTationarAssem- whetber jTi3o53j555e the re- be conjecUired5')t',L;""??iis;ju.'; xsiinoj; ,.vi:f on I From tbeuskriUe Bannen Feb: T.'I 4f - Dr -;rft93eft; Wrested atuNov 339 South haTyr.diedW"3pck) last ereninff undethj3aSL necnl&r'Jiir, cumstancesw, bqrlf WrpreTioia to hdanisw nj.tasd'flten' t 'Wi1 resi dent of tfxnc the Decatur depot, who lay very Ulvtin flammatory rheumatism.-v Afterjetvkn? wuro TtJsiruLiuus wiui uw paueni, nev . got mto his tarfferftnd started iitsrstfl ward.1 -j TsrSMVi . nng, overtook him, proaably -efcre he yards, inAfheJateto talked calntx an d.u IteUy , aftenhlvvstiAlJ wnom ne met Dy tne street aide as Be entered his buggyitill sat; sfark and stifT uP"ght upon bis seaihe' reins clutched in his himAs; tigppgZy Tlan xX bpon Htherof ns allSaaa jhAt tbpae who met. t4toJe aSiebldeiawbttDe 'ace pi the drivetthat njada ibem shudder a nurry on aiatle faster t Death looked! outfroto those lifdesteieamiVr Jo guided the k's . , aiamaster7f clopr, and those thin Me3 WfirfitAa, Snt?. udder P'-aps,and hasten invol ia.n7 wrward. ,VJ,rj ,r(i ,,,..'1 t.imfi in?! J0 drw.up at the familiar hitch P9t 0,11 no master descended and be th. i"g ll?e 1,ne8t but he Bot n9 answer to gnals, hwUoft'repeated. Nota muiar vplcawhlcb.fead.-AofkwrMrtik Pr ckedjbicti, ears ahd Jerked the ieinj ed away. e TOuemaifc?.'rttt;leint Vr7,; ' VUTix nloved br tbi" wiisaM' if-IhfiTnii iiW r;Xheioltowing was, ioantk m tne 3ce P inf. !tT. -;MJliidyyr ofan editor by ebttutry sheriff Eait?tfg and points UVHWn Tper,ia Terj, pUmptw& tt S in France- is a'ttreluriatn: -r--n,H'o I contains toomneh rnlitioi matfor nan no res sense, rat iW rit;tf lac er o?er the tfash toara. 'lVhal l could it WS? n7??tf1ooks gel XrU'tModxxi he doesn't move, and she ays, perhaps he wnta-something, and then hm lnn nnf. (a the street, looks up JotA hex ixissY and says, lilliA SLati t No unawer Anxiheh Jhe bends forward a utile, and , the light shines fuller on the nffure m nere; ir is lier liiisVaM.ftttt he ii iMMUM tuu,Mi4iiiinwr' anci sue grasps mm oj iuejftjuanqs,?JsUM.:cutcbing the reins ; they are cold and stiff. He is deadj Through the assistance f several geni 6093050:61 pofigriattalrtn intq thebodse,etr CoraeerL-ISeiwMild an inqutsjtAYer.Ws remajBjkv TMe jj)rjtrtrn. cu a Teruxci inai ue came to nis death irom disease or tne ueart. Ttnlit.trftl matfi nun jjlerWonx have it; it it contains boo little' iney won v nave itj ttbe itype is too large, it dontJcdnVaih44enou2rh readins? matter; it thettypertoo annUtktrcsn't; read, if; ifwe ubrkn ' teleprrreporfe ioiks say tney are nothing but lies; if we omit tremnejr say.. weuJ&aranp enter prise, Suppress tbem fbf noliacal effect if we nave in aTew jokes,.foTks say we are nothing but a rattlhead; if We omlt'okes they say we ara; old fossil; it ; rw publish original matter, they damn us for not giv-J ingtben original elections; if vfe pNttblisb . wginal rejections' iolka y ? jwr ar iaxy tor not giving them what they have not read in BOmeotUer paper; if we 'givv a man complimentary notices, we are - cen sured for being partial; if we do not, all nands say we are a great hog; if we insert an article which pleases the ladies, men become jealous; if we do not cater to their wishes, the. paper U not fil to be in their houses; if we attend churcn, they say it is only for effect; if we do not, they decounce us as deceitful and desperately wicked ; if we speak well of any act, folks say Uhat we dare not do otherwise; it we censure theylcali'usa traitor: if we remain in. our office and attend to business, folks say we A i i. 1 !,. 1 me wu piuuu iv miagie wuu oar iciiowS, A New-JV&ier Boate fra9;tli Weal A very important project! advanced by .voKnei ruuioraoi xexas, tor anevf water route between the Mississippi river and the Atlantic seaboard, is now under con sideration ia .the South" and finnth wpaf The design ia to iakedvatxtage of the se ries of lakes, tnarahyjands, and rivers be low New Orleans, and connect them, part ly by canals aad partly by re?ging, so as to form Acanatyor, tnore'properly. a wa- wji-iiuc iruw roll out 1HP9 oeiow jxew vrieans amn2.tne, UUU coast Oroagh rfda!St,Oroliq and Cbarks&nv? total length is 800 miles, and the costT is es timated at i $1000,000.: n' j uuhmit -jBTuijwioaiuieenng aa vantages. Only tty oat of thef first 1 three- hundred and eighty miles will require actual canal insf"and only one lock will bereanired for tbev entire drstancei;- The remainder of tfca route is, equally feasible. . .The ground is; level and soft,'wad tbi expense will be a mere fraction of the -cost bfthe Erie Ca n,ali while the advantages to . commerce will be far greater, as the hew rdote trill be open to navigation durini?' the entire year; not being liable "to be frozen u p. 2v". vorce jUraateO. tX-- CoXoxa j-" 1 TT V tlef The Shubuta (Miss.1 Ttm chronicles a very rich divprx5aseiathaUounty, that for brevity; cheapners aadlitpatch. beats and Jennie Chapman, hspekjop.'JrjfHll each other, and that Juardt tired of tae old Vfoman and courted Misa Linda, .who promised' to share his "bed ' and "board, provided-lie wnldretr n divorce1 'frottr Jfapjp cJiotbcreforerhaslenedto te omce,ot t. H. Ulay, one CT Alcorn's col ored msgflsMtes?- aueffered-'brnlfi dcalars tor a diverce; Clay -pocketed th 'five' and wrote out the following certifi cate.of divorce: . . Miss .Xlndy.r! this is to certify that James. Chapman and Jenny Williams has tnis day separateDefortime, and you and him are at lrbetry'to Sftarry when you yfWroT : ':: SM"r t'otmiiA , T, O. ULAT. B This "is decidedly the 'cheapest 'and tpeediest divorce: ever: obtained inn the :;, ... , ,, , m -r luheports have ilx rJrcul satr h MISCimitANEOTJS; ( GuAranfeMoexeeTalfb and T H E JfO-TO2!? A X E - f rorsalaat.nTr .;HATH,JACQBIfl ,warDepk 8t- And Dealer JhiMtybat, ths : State. nansssasanv jl iw w o sjv WW lil D swa. uiu tu&. r . Ns. 9 Market St. i . A large and well assorted , stock of IvCC Pdes.ShO,Yrprks. Hoes, and all I -arrtuiparaI Tools,'and a full supply af.1 JO of-tha most approved, styles of Mechanics lcs fools, Huase an4..Gan?hal Hard. , Pain&4 CUsvAlassroi,iokr8ale at f ware. i V NATHWACQBP5 4 t Hardware PepoVNa 9 Mar6J 'iiTbN"5 1 8 ADDLES,' 'HARNESS, WHIPS, flora LXATaxa, uaiibs r.aATasjt.o . . Hardware Depoy 9 Market 8trf wnnfri rr Idgea, c., a complete aasorxmeui- - ,lQral4 at v- i. KATH'L JACOBrS p : t t .lAaruware vcpyii, o, '.H....V r .r-.v ficxvJ ' A -mis tic r ma ow:itiik frkhcii -waiu WliL BK HttD II ,. 190,000 Tickets, only, numbering fromiiottb.i ; i;.a.v MiaPimPff t fjooo. jo iu i ' :atrJv::'.iE.-.U ,3'i7-i;l . agfi O.O OO Worth r 11 j uaiiy ana rainy appralsea, will ba viren to holders of Tickets, whether absent or b?ritu?5preseati!ltn . THIS'affltCibrtoHej rhieh ls tm , W1 qiuestiojQably the largest and. .most aia able -coneettarv limomr' JQweir-lrt Hb Vorld, comprises IfiM aetto and -iipafate articles, all In Dlamcnda, xanging in yalae from 155 to-lee.eoff, eachy which arecatalogned . Que Imperial Settr-Jtireastpin and Earlngs warranted iM ftrufxt in America, worth... S6U.000 One Magninoent KaU .aett-KrantntfiL coo One Solitaire Diamond worth..tl8000 une ia?rmaaeat betsaaaoUfiairo Diamond ; : One SeautiruXiadyl Sett-Cluster Breast. PiniEaccif aadBrWeta. worthUtj. .15 000 . 45 Setts and Separate ArtfcieLadi(fln ig of Diamond Jewels, ffpBarjjs-r-wortii ftoffl..",,..".3Q0 WaieaehJ 250 Settl And Separata Ariicl3& ,.,si7. setts, and. setuirate Jevtls&fldAf rjamaos; KmeraMs. Turquoises, 7 .VrrSw!raW!B worm ironr.. ...... r. ................... ,455 to SiOO each. Kvery.Geai i -warranted by' a Wholesale pianaond llooe, second to nonaja. extetence. to be genuine, and of the finest quality t the setting of each j, warranted to Jbe t he best 18 carat gold, and all accurately described . : The sraportion twenilie Uinsaad Tifllc ets is theft iqpat laTorahlaj It Jla jeuered, ever presented. ts'i tsij tr-t i i .So article .will be issued .without a specific TcTae Aamea of the distinguished "gentleman uw uiaBuou.ia am viODuniasioners aact Offlcexs are a guarantee Of tJieocraoter andnjaagem6nbT of. -this operattonrpaud a pledK9 of ARthat Ja fa.aadonoxaUe -In addition to .ur personal: refexenoaa,i our Agents wiUlttraiah satiaf actory. local guaran fcees.'rm, : - vr.rl of-x- .etc:ibr-j lis &ua-(sr a Taken altogether, we eonfldeHtly assertthat a better, clearer and more artcaetive oppor tanity was sever offered, in a flnanetat sense ; nor in a better cause, morally considered; for .the profits are a great contribution., lo, hu manity. - - . r r ' " : No Tickets will be sold after the da above specified:' 'A definite and limited number has been allotted to each city. Agents in an Principal Cities, to whom orders fremindirldiaa&xnab be ad dressed. Liberal commissions allowed to Cluoevt Orders for Tickets accompanied with laapneyi or-' application for infoxmutfon; ad dressed to our office; SiaBroadway.JTewptOrk Otty will x eeetve. prompt attentloui5 f : , , ea. ALBlCttT PIKE,TVashfngton City; ;-. CmGeneral orraho'jr.T., Trustee. ' E-fllETSOy Jt.'-.! .. . xrr - " Hr'TJ. 'T ; NEW XOBKPKaspN AI RETBENCEa : Thos. A. Hoyt Ho Vice President Bold Thos. A. Hoyt Hoyt A Gardner.Baakers.-- rf Nav Ynrlr Evans. Gardner A Co.. bffl andUi ttmaAmv New York. U Hon. Jno. E, Warar53 Walt SWNew York. Anderseff. Starr Jb CO-VBroAdwinr. N. Y. uaTHAn ' a; ' cohbw; : (LATE OF CHAEI.E8TdN.V - ' 1 ESPECTFtn.LT informs the cltisens of M.'wviuniofftea tana - Borroundins- eonntrv i.hat he has opened a largaad weiF assorted all ef superior manufacture, at the atara Vtt 29 Market street, where he will be pleased to ojmuiii nis swck ro uuyers, reeling Aseurea that It will, both in nrlces andBtvIes.cnTn nn.rA favorably -with any other in the city, , Busi ness win do conaactea in ine mosc nonorame manner. -orty-nme years ouslness experi ence in, the citrDf Charlestcna.niUfies him in beliavtaaxJiaaaa laTuLrv coxaxtatsnu to .meet the demands ol Southern trAfleAll are invi to&SltJjf&VK . ill JhjJCpHEN. febit-St . ; -A j ."TjISESH SCP- --1 - -'S i piyjasi re ceived at "the : . Agency, 0 "No. 9 Sol f Front Nit - street. febltfl i.O- .1 S AS?. Jrx JJEILU ltlort&rasre Sale. jyi mMit kpRTGa;3wiTy XJ power of foreclosure by sale, to me made by the Green Swamp (mprtrytI..will sell by public auction, at the Court House door, in the city of Wilmington, North CroliBwon Wednesday, the 8th day of Ma' , ljhe foU"" -'T4wntRjcv ri:k, hv - i?5 tolottrnmiaQd-gusta extending frpm Bolton to the .Cjjtmty Line. One other tfacfi&thOTeeit Swamp, on the East side o? Waccamaw River, containing tills large tract, wniea f arrvauanlc for Cypress and Juniper timet?"' T.OTOA &i WSZIIW .OV G O iMiMO K a T O B A O CO ? f-sft ,cx i'-efntoTiii ait ttliflliMil :.-jiitqa tofts- H. BURKHIMEB Sign or tnV " lTCDIAJf CHlEFi' Bacon, Fork, &c. B ; - ,i ;s iql Peaches Nailsy Annas, ClaejI.'".' HooplrOTUifioda, Wrapping jpja; an 1 ' Ratf7lmr.iul Tlecu Jinda. .Sm vA r- IT . f e J4f r - 27. tS and xXNOxth .Water St. ! A RE sold, bm at T 'North FrVlfet St. Try jL"baTrey birrrWe jrlv4 samples at ' : feaaattlHiAcivimCO.'8, - Z9,ooQAcresoc.theuts, ii- Ui: iollpeljoaaBntasied ii Shlnae bnaineas ia eaaedallv In-vltonf in ACON, POTK,FIDUB, BUS AR. COFFEE, e. MOlaaBea. candv. Cheeaa. -Crackers- TaWI. . , Aux. Sraxrrr. j.,w,raBp. v- jAicxa.Br bust. BQITi rfr. f wf:, W,aaa4juMy Cotlp Factors ait CiiiaissiOu.lIeitots ;Hvftiin naa4jaaxfjixui tj. RETEB, TO JAS. DAWSON, Ksq., - WT Qajntsa, .Wiurarorov.- June 17-tf , . i Tri T'f i k i l, ...i, ;; ... i,.. a. votxva Cor, rowt ahVl boplt Si.;.: irqi.ESAi "eftOCKRfro'vis Va'i.1 Its branches. - ?f- ... .'.r--.-.,- J CODNTEY M KKCHANTS will lo well bj ,i - i ' " - caumg on us ana examining oar Stock. t t ... i . - VOBTft.WATJlE.STttEET,' " s,'-' . T- WllmlM... w v Wtil give prompt personal attention to the aala or shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores, r i wuo, tc., etc. Aiso to recelvinp and forwarding goods. "." ." ..',.-, . AT Orders suuMtd ovi firAmnfin ni ;t septss-tt ,"T;r r " r. . , ' . j. anwAsoe..... . a. . BAIX. if I' 'a 1 - Edwards Hall , Sroccrsf ana ICqmmissiqii :?KeMaiits. DEAL IN -JELLi KINDS Ol - - ' .cdujr TJIY P JRO xi XT , And keep constantly on hand' a fuU'ime ol 'Z r ?oeerices at lowest cash prices. r ; Tiiogton, January 4, 1870. . - tf K.BAS8. J. . SCOTT. .ff A 8 8 A jC O T T , t (Successbrs to Bass, Finlayson & Co) v Cotton Factors and Commission Mer ;'; ', eh ants," . r . . , , North Waterfit.,Wilmiiigton,N. C. Refr to. E. E. Burruss, Esq.. President First SftHL311' d Messrs. Finlayson ft Bro., Wilmtogton, N. C. - .; - sept e-tf ? .Tp! .- - ! w NOBMBOr. T ; . . WlGf A. CUJOUKEU. ii-ovl: Northrop" & CiimTrii ti C09I1XISSIOX' JtlEXtCIXANTS, And Proprietors or the ' Wilmington Steam Saw Mills, Wiliiii.fften,Bf, c. GLSGOES of Yellow Pine" Lumber for any market furnished.-:- - - Special attention given to the purchase or sale of Corn and Peanuts. ' : ioeti-iy - A. H. Neff, r-j ; SJ . MANUFACTURER AND r" DEALER- IN Hardware, Guns, Stoves, Pumps. Kero sene Oil, Tjh antl Sheet Iron. ROOFtKQ DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. Aext for FAIBBAHTK'S SCAIJ5S, No. 19 Front St., Wilmington, N. C. JunelO-tf N. Fbbskbick. ; . , w. C. Fbsdbbick. Z FREDEKICIt it SOJr, COTTON . FACTORS AND GEXXBAL i !' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, '.N'o. 23 Worth -'Water. Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. v ; Jan 18-tf r MISCEljiANEQUa SEW CHOP Cu ba: :r.1o lapses , IN BRIGHT: KEW PAdlCAGES, For 'sale by ' v' 1 - ; v - t" feblS-tf F. W. KBRCHNE R.? r SSpmething You Ought to Have Haxpei'sf Typofff aph: ; BQdK OF'SEEGIIIEnS; VI yv & u -.j - - v. . ,-r-n: !" ' AV ExatKDIWJLYCHaAP ASJ YAXVABLSMAiriTAX. 5 : , o IXiK)aia.TicufabEldlaxIxxiiri,Aa, , 6 , LsTTxxrBxss1 Wouk- nr Blxck V.- CpixBS--BaovzKs, bct roa OS -i r- ... , , . .. .J I V; " . :A-.TBa"TJSS 0. .. PRINTERS, : AM ATECRS, PUBLISHERS,' V; BTjsiNESSMEN, AND PEOPLE OF ' ; " tastI generally. fCTE ARL.Y. an entire year has been consumed JJi -launremitting labor and superintend ence to" TirnanM thl hnot. TtnYiTaMviwh alohd Cdott almost entirely with type forms jnadfl jy -of the, ehOisest and latest jrodnc- .Th nawJdeas.thorotifhly'practical fc pjarposes, and stubs' same time ntto. be pre? set fed In any library: "It is printed on high grade paper; contains' upward of three hun drad Imperial sotave pagae has largeg sheets Infolded, and numerous embellishments, etc. in atidta an totne ragmar matter.? 1 Price to subscriDers-natil January 15th,187i, (afterwhieh aa advanoB will be aaade;,T or the general edition, printedn white paper and boand ia super- cdotfc, with bevelled covers, scarlet edges, aa per copy. .!. ; A small edition of -5Qx2QDies. nrlnted on exi tra flesh-tinted uaDersaulelesaBtlT bomd Ib calf or .Turkey &aoroccoantfqjie,aiaperoopy. Auoraers must-Dviascompsniea wits tne Cash, a Pi OPOrder, or Draft on Cincinnati or New Yorfcj uavaole. to . tks tujadaraisiied.a Sat cents to bo added, 1 .tho bopls la to be seat by mall . .,-tx . ..i' r i s r, i C. O. D. orders must bat laeeomnanted wlta csai ,,....7BJti!i 4JT3 j-y - A tl in cash." Collection charares will ba added. to price of ook....:" " ; Parties desiriag their names beautifully stamped' on their books will send 60 cents extra. n -ja?"a ytvcij ""j&.-.-.ii wc Those wishine further lnforantlnn ivmMm. ing this volume i will pleaasjaddresaUwith stamp) the publisher, f.wc;; c f ; rpographlo Designer and Printer, 68 West Fouistrget, Cincinnati;-' : febl-tf IS GETTING PROVERBIAL FOB . KEE '-ing -the best of everything. -He is con stantly receiving something fresh and nice.' c&Mlqraiafrga at low flifniealor, cash 1 . Call to-davjand sret , j sAfiaaUaireU o ii x .- ..... x North CaroUaa HamsJ And the finest it Scuppernong wine ever offered I ' to the market - y - i Call and see for yourself aVd f ? ' '3- - FRENCH'S, feblltf m Cor. Market and Second sis. wunwvwnwproauce a iiunte ecuuoil. B DOOk is fresh, ele'sraht. demonstrative of r utilitarian INSURA2TOE"NOnCES. life msuiiiincE co. .r.TLt JJHA58 rn rr 3 trn AntUorixed Capltn) 0lOCa,pOO. jaJirrr4tB.aiiaa,ft : Jno. W. Atklnsoa,' r-'v ? -John Dawson, Alex. Johnson, Jr i. : t & ll.lurphy, ? t . Grainger, '-S'ttl&jBllerai"' Georgq WXi.-P 1 OFFIOEBBi - . .-j.-j Jao. W.' Atkinson, :. i;il'..iVI ..President! 4 John Dawson.....i.:v..;.,... Vice-President. S; p.yf allaae, .V,U.,Tresurer. 'Alegc. Johnson, Jr..V.;...V.Secretary Dr. B."Ai Aliderson.M.JvMedical Dlrectort W. A. Wright aj a M. Stedana.AtUmMrrs. Hon. Elifirul-Wright, i 1 .V.tnsuliing Actnary. W. R. Kenan, ; : : . General Supervising Agont. - ' The Principal-' OlBce -of 'the Company' is located in Wilmington, N. C, No? 5 North Front Btreet. i;su-:-.vr!oi!'.:w This Company Is founded upon upon a firm and endurihg basis, tt4 ohiefporner stone being lasting and undeniable security, ; EquiU able, fust and liberal ih its operations, its suc cess has been rapid Its list of poUcj-hold. erg embraces the llrstTnen ;bf Wilmington and Korth Carolina. Its Capital Stock; lorms a guarantee capital in addition to its Assets, which . are .constantly being increased by profitable investments. . -' The people of Kprth Carolina are here pi seated with a secure, reliable and liberal Home Companythe object of. which Is to build . up our domestic prosperity and give to the State a strong and public-spirited financial institu tion which will foster our pecuniary interest and scatter its benefits among our heme pep pie by retaining' and investing oar monev here at home and placing W in possession of its. advantages.. J ustiee towards ourselves urges a retention of our means at home. . , The M WHmingtoii? Life is a great instrument in the, achievement pt domestic prosperity, and .is increasing . its strength and fa-gor every day. Its rates are on an. average as low as any flrst-claes Coinpany ; its conditions are liberal; its payments prompt. : ' " J V ' Founded upon the amcash principle, it in sures security at the outset. Its Officers and Directors are business men and financiers of standing and experience, whose leputations and means are pledged to the success of the institution which has already been' so emi nently successful.; :" . .;; , '; .;;; Do not neglect the opportunity oif insuring jt Homu Cuuipauy,vnd partlcfpattng'TTr its advantages1 li : i4 Fbitdfes" -all'- prtrcipatingj-ribn-forfeitable aftur two . years ; incon testabie after live years., ; ; , j Biyidends declared annualljr. ? . C. JAMES. General Ajrent ttar Judicial District. OFFICE WITH THE COMP ANtn6! NORTJBC '? ' " ' ' FRONT STREET. , :' nov 15-ti MISOET J i A N3SQUS. ? Holasses, Hotix; &c. Q7li HHDS, NEW CROP CLAYED CUH A OVlIU MOLASSES and N. O. SYRUP. 1,000 BARRELS FLOUR. : - 400 BARRELS MULLETS. 400 BALES HAY. ' , AJTD A SaXERAL STOCK OV' GROCERIES. " For sale very low, by '"' ' ' V ; - WlLLARD BRbs , jaa 04UIV ;..-.. . ,r;r;; Hoiiittaiii Butler 'A SUPERIOR ARTICLE of Mountain ' But- - ' ter,ht thirty-five (35) cents per J. axso ' ASIIXAIvD ytOUIl, ' -:: -'"For sale byi"i',''c::' " '' ': ' nov tfc 'Jf V:- r EDWARDS 4 HALL. - Hats, TJmarellas and ; Canes J Huts of the XAtesl Style v r( ' J r7 T R E !lE I V E Di ' ALSO, A.NICE ASSORTMENT OF .,. . ''-,! , :.r- "' ; Umbrellas and 1 Canes.' - THOiL H. WRIGHT," ' !1 THi Ha!TrsVT an SS-tf .. . , No. 9 North. Front . Com ! Coimi t;,;:t, .ac; FaVsale,.- ;; . f eb 2Stf, , . . ,WILLAR1, BRO&. OHOGsr : " j 1 f;;, 4)OQ BARRELS HEW CROP. CUBA AND iaOO M4acao Molasses auASyrsp. ; . For sale at very loWimces; bys; t?-, csw. :,:,,,!:.;Itice!,Bice!ir", XUUi LBS. NEW RICE,- fresh and very choice, in store and to arrive, ! 'VTor'saie bv-J5'" 'J' -r-J 5:4WOiri : marlS-tf.; ' '.' rf.irptLitof1; C. O. J); 0E DEBS tobaccos; CIGARS Ss. pipes; si-' ' j . TIM. I .;a.-figott; TaVaeeanfst. ' febll-tf SUESCIUBD AT ONCE " ;i ; JfOB tiub - .t: ;V".i-.':.X.'-.'.-.; i ?ffi& taV6?tveournal. The Most i Interestins , Stories Are always to be found in the j ' "new Work A T PRESENT there are; Six Great 8torles JlV. running through Its columns; and at least Oaa Stout is Basra EvsatxM oomu ; New aubseribers are thus sure of having the eommeucement of a new eontianed story, no matter when they subRcribe ior tjie :J '' NSW' Y 6 RVx ilir &E K t T I Each number of the NEW TORE WEEKLY contains several beautiful 'illustration, and double the amount- of reading matter - f any of its class, and the Sketches, Short Stories. Poems, etc., jire by the ablest writers of America and Europe. The N E W Y O R - K W EE ELY ooes not confine its usefulness to amor ement, but publishes a great quantity of realy in structive matter, in the most condensed form . The . . . . . . KEf 10BK,,WEEQ.I JEPABHEKTS ttaljaed a high reputation from their prevlty, excellence and correctness, i . The PLEASANT PARAGRAPHS are made up of .the concentrated wit and humor of many minds . .,; zzr; ' . The KNOWLEDGE BOX is oonflhed to use ful information on all manner of subjects. The NEWS ITEMS give ia the fewest words the most notable doings all over the world. ; The; GOSSIP WITH CORRESPONDENTS contains answers to enquirers upon all imagi nable subjects.' . ' , An TJnri vailed Literary Paper E'W;-Y ORK WEEKL Y Each issue contains from EIGHT TO TEN SHORT STORIE8 AND SKETCHES and half adpzen POEMS, in addition tothe SIX SE RIAL STORIES and the VARIED DEPART MENTS. .. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE.'- . THe Terms to Sabseriherss ' One Year--8ingleCopy..;;.....i..........t 8 00 One Year Four Copies (2 60. 10 00 One Year Eight Cepiea. .. so oo Those sending 20 for a Club of Eight, all sent at one time, will be entitled to a- copy free.? Getters-up or Clubs can alt erward add simjle copies at 2 COeachw STREET 4 6MITH, Proprietors, No. 66 Fulton StreetfN. Y. sept 16-SAF6mo-Y t The Gra; Medical piscoYery ' Dr. WALKER'S C AXXFOBJIA . VINEGAR- BITTERS, .si :"HRRdred3 of Thousands; tSa Bear testimony tthUr Woador '. n set fal CurailTe Effecu. Sffl p yy h ATverTH ey? s 0 tQ P 3 r o AS 'fcSl' "SI FdtNC 0 R I N X'f Pfr ' iitV'oT. 'itun,ViiVhiaasjrf'.!' Prit ; . Spirits osd Itf fniMLiqayradoctoresplced' " andiyeetfned,ti pitasi caWd.Ton' ica'. A'ppeo.V.Rcit lead .tippler a t9. drwnacWawt rula, tR r . atraa Uadi(nia4(romflisatrRote . JIrftf o CaWornla, free fr fiX I A IcaWlU " . , fcUmaliwua,:TVoy W UieHUEAT BLOOD .. PURlFiett Uu4 OIVINU PftLN CJPJLIlairr RiHaoftandJvJtorar tho SystcnifWTylrfg offa)lpiCBapnttRr and rpstarlag: w,llw to a lieaUfcs Mtdiltoa We pnwfa can. tafcs ttea IHttera Urv - ;tloaaatrciaalal6faouwdli uil 'ove di.::, i, , i:JPsvIaflattttatory-attAC1ireBtsItaea matisiaadHl:.CUa4 SrswqMdav'irr' laal-. :aUaWiBltta tteaaUiei a4 tataa- ' " 'nilttsflcFtfveH Dlscaasd af laa BlMl, ib r,i Kiaasrs abawaaasrv saassitt. i- I era- most rfaoWut r SadbCtn- "'eaaes'eNr eaMd br YltUted BLvsV-wMca.. is gcHeranr7 pradueed deraiRMHeal f Us 'DlirestiveOrkaas.1''' ,cUiici3:&8fO ; DT8P1EF6I A fnf 'mDIGESTtOfNi 7 ' - llcadslctie. Pakl Ift'tla fehotrtdar. Cftflbil, Tlf ht. l' ?MofWcttelitl2!nea r1" ho Stbtrtrld tuWffo Mmth 'Billons' M isc KB, i-atpiiniioirvi ni near, uiuaiiuumuw o :kb, 1 Hipitaiioirwi iiic wear, muraunvwii w i Lvngs.Palu la"ftnsttgioti bnhelcrfaey,'aa4 andre'd -other patnntf r"rl'th , thol J ' a Manured . . n. " .. ':u:;j.n They Invigorate 'the dtbmacn and Ktlmalata tbe c wrpldlifetanaawia,whlifliidrtMBbf aa- tnalted efficacy 1 a' linifay t tilofca of att - lapl'c, and Imparttagf WeWttW andilgottsi tlic whole system. jL to'.L'wtt j: ' 'on 9K1W pi0Ea8tErnpaent.Tttr, 'C J Pntt Taietra , Vfochcto. SpoU, Plmplea,' PoaialM. BolhT; ebonclea, RIngoS,-6ealdVfiead; Sore ? ycs; Eiyrtpclw. Ifcf.'.ScuVft; Dfiicolorstlona 'f 1 tb ila, llntnori andrtrtsae8H(f ie 8khv of waitcVCT'oatn 4 or mitttre,- sfe teraliy flnr y anMaimbdf aht r tills tvBtem hi a abort thno fcr cascS frlU tfotfrlnce thejnolf iactcdaloue of tnelr cnratlTO effects. Cleanse a,patedoo4vbne7er7oannd Its Imparities bursting; through tho skin inPtm tflett tnrptloai or Sores t cleanse U when yon ivHaaa tic ebstrtoked-ana atufgisa'to.taa veins; cleansi It waealt U foUL aad yow fseUnt m n .sail ryo wasni Kaes tis sloe aaa aa taa oiiaealth-bfthasysuiawniraiiowt mnu i;':o?Fii(, TAPE had other WOB8 tarktagls Ik; tL system X a teany thao ails, are etfsfttaally ; ' destroyed and removed. For fall directions, read carefully tho circular aromd eachbottle. J, WALKEb! Proprietor.1. R. H. MoDONaLD CO., Drtigit and Gen. Ajents, ,8an Fraadsco, n Cal and SI and 81 Comnjerce StreeT, TXtfr Tork. .'Jaa2?-tf "ji.-jj'-si.ji W:-ljittisd fir'-j ' TUB JtaiDAI CHAJtBEXL, ! V t gssays gsrTssisiB Kass,1 at CI rasA flks-.vrA-i:.n elal Evils and Ahukwt," Which interfere witb'Ifarrtaare with sure means of relief for the Erring and Unfortu nate, dlaeased. aad debilitated. Sent ia sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. r ,l,,r; . , . "Address, HOWARD SAK1TARY AID ASSO CIATION, No. J Sopth Ninth 8 U Philadelphia, Pa. fnov 5-5m-ent Cotton Yarn. rra bales. Oil ; ii USSpRTEpjRUMBERS j: . ,,-STa' 5a-.-a.v... Sffif JMSZ '3 '-For sale by ang7-tf , WILLARD BROS,