rflE MOIiri IT Q 0TA13, , V.,'. - -. PUBLISHER DAILY, f rtf BEBHABD, Editor and Prop. Otric Dawson Bank Buildings, Front 8t.; VP&T. inadTnoe..fc,.jf..;..,U..7 6o 0nnntbs7w advance. i J BO SSfi in advance......... a ca . :v BATES OF, AXMfTKtTISraa l. . ,v One Square one day, ..'........ if 2 , : ; two days,.. a; u . three days..................... W - " .. . loaf lava... ...... ............ rr ' 1 n m 1 fi-r da vs.... t 00 " t one ,... Mf Contract Advertisements taken at pro ' porUonately low rates. . . . v llarriasrfts. TJotthrx. Eellrrlotts, - runeral ana yiw FJ'ZxE2iYS&S?r- VoL Vn-I7o. 120. WILIiniGTOII, IT. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21. : 187L X7holo Uoi LOGS Obituary notioes ivill be insert! at half rates wna paia iot m aaTanee ; otnervtss ran ni 1 LUJii on dfiHUUla.' ! - jim'.f- X. . T, .--II.'. , VV V JT N1 ks na . lax r-s; 'In' I 1 I!'''-- nETEOBOlOUICAI. BCCOHf February 0 187L n.w Ther- - mom- 'Wind, eter. eter . 80:24 47 Vwlresb 80:14 JO Sverybak 80:18 65 3 W bris Time. Wealher 732 A.M. Clear.. Clear. Clears 4:32 P.M. 11:32 P. M. Mean temperttare of the day, 55. V 'N b. Ralnrall on the 18th aboald read 0:28 inch, Instead of 28 Inches. ;. Barometer corrected for Temperature' and Elevation. .' - i EOBKKT 8KTB0TH, J . v . ;8erg?t 8i(nal eerrlce U. 8. A. ClIURCn DIRECTORY. 8t. Jatea (EpiU), ... ;. C QuiDquajfe'Blma, Feb. 19: ; . Morting Prayer at 11 A. M. Evening Prayer at 5 P. M j : - Sunday School at 8X P. M. Ath Wednesday; February 22 " ' ' Mornlne Prayer at 11 o'clock. , Evening Prayer at 5. o'clock. ;., LkNTKN 8KVICXS. Joint dally aerrlces at Bt.1 James and 8t. Joan's Parishes throoKhont Lent nntll Holy Week: - ...... . . .Daily, Morn to sr. Prayer at 7 o'clock on Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday at St James'. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8t John's. Daily Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock on Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday at St. John's. On Thursday, . Friday anl Saturday at St. James'. . . - MEW ADVEBTI8EHEHTM. Hsimsbbrqkb's Live Book 8tore, 89 Market street Pianos, Organs, Ac, Ivisok, BlxxxmIh, Tatlob fc Co. Now Keady; A Short Course of English Grammar. A. Popb. W. A W.; and W., C. & A. Rail roads. . . C. D Mtebs & Co., Ho, 7 North Front st English Crackers Fancy Groceries. Georgk R. Frinch & Sow. Boots and Shoes for Gents. Grbbm & FuLmrBK, Apothecaries and Drug gist Garden Seed. J. F. Gaerkll fc Co. Fine Horses for Sale. City Court. The following cases were disposed of yester- Amos Lucas, in old offender, arraigned on the charge of &belng a defaulting witness," was required to foot the penalty and costs. Handy Williams, charged with disorderly j conduct, was found guilty and required to pay the penalty and costs. V v ' Ilea. Jeffersos. TVls. Yfe were shown, on Sunday a letter from Hon. Jefferson Davis, dated at Memphis, Tenn., and addressed to a promlnent colored tmrhor nf t.hla ptv vhn xr.a traiiiut mamk .u,.v ua ..v the war: -The letter abounds in kindly expres-! sions of Interest Jn his present and future wel fare, and concludes with the assurance that he will pass through this city some time In April next, when he will meet him in person. Celebration. The Howard Relief Fire Engine Company celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of its ex istence as an organization, vesterdsv. bv a pa rade in full uniform through all the principal I itreets, accompanied by a baud of music. Their beautiful steamer, the 'A. ! Adrian,0 to gether with the hose ? reel, were handsomely decorated with wreaths of evergreens and al together made a; handsome appearance, at tracting ranch attention along fthe line of march, 'rz t ; ,'".Tv.. The festivities of the. day were closed by a ball snd collatloB ati night, 'which was; no doubt very much enjoyed by the company and Invito! tMc: i; . A Hove la tt kUa-lii ireetlen We learn Uiattheemploeeaof the Wllmlng ton, Columbia asd Angnste Railroad (formerly Wilmington and 'Manchester) have organised themselves Into ' a . co-operative r Association, and their eavlcg FnAAnMipMi rtv frt fjs4 tit liAw-Jt Ak-rm InmA to hold TnieeUng Wednesdiy" evening, at Hibernian rt.Tli fot; the purpose of guUrly " - . ". organizing themselves Into a co-operative as sociation, of joint stock : cMnpsny, with the view of eptnlng ar coopsiTe'storeat'sn early day, and to make arrangements for open- Inc hnnV rA.'"lh4r1tlrTi to ' the ' Wnltal .tock. vTaflnvlto interest lA the matter to! aa' T I--'f ' ;Beara efAMermm 1 . 1: ' The Board oard met In regular semi-monthly set- lon las A ordlnaSceepealing the Srd sectioa of an ordlaance euUtled."An OrdlnaneeicWemiug 1S71 WA fWVWt :-t-fi 'oviKVf- , a 111.- 1 1 r 1 m . . . S . Rumley; .rrjftjr, .abated'; to; confer with the PresldWandeaparinUndent of the W: W 'K.f relative to Bridge cros,me,iaporf bridge said road' The ported ; on safe the city fftructed without delay. Report accepted. A prbposlttott of j Crtj UKlelp MXrada Wood street from the centre of Rankin street to the centre ot Miller Ultteti k6t6rdpg o a plan furqlabed by Jsmes'ifcrowniras prefer red to the Mayor and Marshal, with power io Petition for a gas lamp" at'the & -E.1 orper of Dock and Fifth streets, was referred tal&e Committee on Streets snd Wharves. ?JL .' Petition for a gas lamp oo the, corner of Han over and Second streets was granted; fi. A petition from a number of Commission Merchants la relation to -the iak e1 sales In excess ot $U0,0pO was xe,fsrrtd,to Special Com nittes on Real EsUta and Bpeclal Taxes. .. i A commanLatlon from ths Mayor asking ud spurned to oeetl bii, next uu..UK kUSJ.i.wT1. u.v vj"..kUw ' 'PrnrM.'nr h( itv jar. Asno, : month's tSppMSs of rgrocerie. Jointly, A.TTr' 'L'V eZZZL bUy of Wilm by the operation "about "T per cent. i-T in that no appropriations made mrtu he could resold tion a an amendment to theameod- Managers hea f had read, lrom the present,"&c. waj-ortefedtb-bV spread aent t; .'..-.y s j, w j5!-i vt , : a Sentinel, tbe proceedings of a meeting as ponths mlneteeTa tzaivrrr : -Besotted by the Senate ol Nortb. Carols above, in which, amoflg other things, they ; 'rr 8uudaj Sunday was terUitriv the lovalleAtriav nf I - "rf f rrx. .- , ine njat man In the rlzht ptace A hus-1 band at home la the evening:. 8trairberrrr tines and peachr trees are in Dioon in icr&e ox the ctxdens of this citv. ; - llirv Jm nrmttiT An WAn ontari cripple, was sent to thePoor nousayester4ay. iA'colbred-inale patteiUrarrlnted w.' missioa w enier tne uiiy uospita. yesterdsy. The deer chase, -which wss to have come off at the Fair Grounds yesterday, was post pened until the latter part of the Week. - Amos Lucas and Handy Williams both colored, were sent to the Work House yester day, the former for eight and -'the" latter for thtrty days. ' In response to several inquiries, vre an nounce that tbe drawing of the Alabama Im migrant Association will take place at Mont- gomery to-morrow. :i :! -,c k , 1;: . ,j 5 Wo learn that an Interesting religious re- viral was commenced" in the Fifth' street M. I E- church on Sunday evealng, there being six nenltenU at the alter. . The female members of the First (colored) Presbyterian Church will have a tableaux and festival in the Armory room at the City Hall thl. and tomorrow . : . . In the Senate on Saturday Mr. Norment Introduced a resolution in favor of Henry oiggBt ror services in capturing sck mc- Laughlln, a notorious murderer and thief, and one of the Lowrey gang. There wUl be a Concert and Exhibition at Red Cross Street (colored) M. E. Church on Jn Wednesday night, the proceeds of which will be appropriated to a fund for the purchase of a Library for the churchy An inquest was held on Sunday over the body of Nellie Dry, better known as Nellie Cazaux, a well known colored woman who died suddenly In this city on Saturday last, -rr 1 1 j ..it. & 1 I Verdict death from natural causes. Msj. J. C Mann, Clerk of our 8uperior nAnrf .n .Tno-- r PrMmtA who ho hPn rnnnfl to hi. room with a vere illness for appearance on ear ?Va , 'Sm,n. some weeks past, made bis appearance on our streets for a few moments yesterday, A beastly intoxicated colored man was picked up on the streets yesterday and carried to the Guard House on a dray. He was too drunk to know anything of the circumstance. In his pockets were an 1 empty bottle and a twenty-five cent greenback, the latter of which just paid his drayage. --The' lertnra nf Rtahort Olbbona for the I benelit of Mt Olivet Council No. 9 Friends of Temperance tekes place , at the theatre .this evening. We are , glad ' to learn that there have been numerous accessions to the Conn much good In the community., .; ' .: ; . '..s . We have been requested to state that our oiUzeos, and especially M la&e, Who" Wish to visit the Rosenvlok Gardens at Magnolia for IU vusv vt auaaiua tuvu wnu vvtwtiu jv erSf Ceaia prooTire rctoro tickets Joir "Oa I Newbury, iproprietor or the .gardtas. Parties can leave at 6 o'clock A. M. and, after dining at reduced rates at the Mlddlston Ho- tel, can return to the city In the afternoon.' Tlae Coaeeit. ' I The grand eoertofvoealandinstnimental music came ofTat the Theatre last eveningana Some doubts may be.entertained of the ef was attended by alarge, select ianiiapprecla- flcacy of the bill, but I;bope the' Senate "tlve aadlencev; ,Cwing" to.the drowded: cPudl- m passives it Is the best We can do in tlod of oar columns and . the -.lateness of the. the interest Of the Btate ? especially, as I hour we are unable to enter upon any extend- am told by the Treasurer; that the Sheriffs ed notice of ths concert Suffice It to say at of Wake ahd'New Hanover cotinties alone present at least', that the. appreciation ot the efforts of all concerned was evidenced bythe niwnvi. j a I the Misses Wllsonand MisaBurr-was simply, charming and would compare .'ravorawy-witn mat OI tne moss ceieorawo. TucauBia wia.uaro Solo, and professor Grabaii. In his xecifitlon W? e PtoJP fect.mastere.or uivbit''Mtn WV thft-'nrAdned called KI.V' fhJvMw1nMl! called 1911111 B kS HIUO nwivu vmwj f" LrsxiuWof rSt jsowfcrof welua font yearey tkaasaddenly: iecoTeredat.The I . - ' . . ' r-iH't .f.,' I .v a ..vtnt. unH trn tin trttn her now, - itCaWS .0,1 s li'tt-j- vd' ba-i-0l'orihe.Btar;. 1 I8th of February, Inst., pnte a fesrfolrkd L ... ( T I i cotntof Kne wiUUm of, Prussia, nowJCmi psrorbITIjQermaaj,h domiolons uigf-i 'KiQ JtortbSc RITEB AMD HABIHB HKWS. - v i'Tv MoarUT, Feb. 20. r The name of Holmes Hols, nesr Martha's Vineyard, Massschbsetts, well known to navlf gators, is to he changed .to.Vinsyard Hayn : i Hfff'.X, f-;o-f SENATE. 'fii3.r-.: ;-.r .,i,-tii7 ui;j j;iFBiBATf Feb,17j 1871. , The SpecW Order, being,, Mr. Speed's resolution relative Jo 0ov...Caldweli;smes-i iwaatakeffPt).' -vA-" i TbeimBdnteni of Mr, Graham,, of Or- anire. was takejnjBPr .? "-tt '" ' Mr McClammy onerea tne xoiiowmg c - f - i . 1 1 .z k...M.t.A. I everappeareq on car uuimi ,fr. V- . jt i-j .-t . . Tn r , . o , uawtnorne..coiorea, movea to iav n on i .... ... , . -, . a repetttioq ataa early day,-,.1 I f . The yeas and, niys were called and the 7?, ... x . in i . ii it i asaiaiT t - cm - - j - ' - w ' j m. iCHAS, DiMYEESACO ; of ifi !....:- h. uonortne peopieandthe accompanyiog aocumenta be returned to Hia Excellenrv I by the Speaker of the House of Represen- tatiTes who is requested ; to inform thd I ""'ww us wuuo iuu utawsi ossein- OIJ uaa no aisposiiipn 10 treat ma -news J?tb. "P"? -!n. the 55! Sf yet in the opinion of this General Assem-1 biy, the communication' ' aforesaid . is im ' Cross examination ; Know of no meet proper in tone as well as substance, uncall- ing to pat down whippings ; it was lin ed for by the . occasion, unwarranted by derstood !that i f this meeting was? beld , law and without precedent in " the - annals ot this Btate. - ' . - V- n '.; u: Alter iurtber discussion, the resolution and . amendments were , laid k npen ' the table. p - -i -V i : a Resolation directing Senators ia -Con-1 gress, and requesting Representatives in thesame body, to use their influence in srettinsthe disabilities' imposed bVthe fourteenthamendmeat removed, ; Passed? Hymao, col.,' only voting in the negative. sgatave.' ' KesolutiOn appointing ' committee 1 of three on part of House and two oa part of Senate to examine the Treasurer's book?, native to the debt of the State, prior to J.Ji and amount Of deU contracted Sfaa J7A "l?? to PV on the missidiiers' to appoint alrioance Commit- tee lor tneir respective counties, "With cer-1 tain powers. 7 rassea eeoona reaamg. p. IT. rnl. w..w - a 1 ;; I mi. hut uvigu w- iuiiiuu, tuai ' muu committee snairnot receive pay -jot more than twenty days In one year; -Adopted, Mr. Speed offered an amendment that no member of the Board of Commissioners should serve on the Fiosnce Committee. : -Bill then paseed its-third-reading. - : aj .- i5ii-? gVfrwv : PeK lfi" 4 Mr Ir "Olds: a resolution' relative lo revenue ir vius, aresoiuuoa rciaiijeio rBTeuno , proposed an increase of $5 per cent, law, op last vears tat to be levied thisear: mvLiu - i.'.s V.'V.. i - I iae uni reiaung 10 ine penneniiary oe- 1 g ibe special order , was aimottneed by fhe Chair . ftTinronrifttcs' SIS OOO' tft nav contfactota lor J work pit Penitentiary. I ti. -a zl o-j fucof I The bill passed its reading, year' 21 nays 8 " i..t .?. ?a "inotlon of :ylea'u: .. Jrf, ded, brdefed to be engrossed and trans- mittArl 'tn'ihtr TTonkflL A ' i to ;5o-- I pk. raAki nn ; cin-ikw. :-v"? r "fCt-rrr wortn ana Uias upon joint committee r.0 ascertain inaebteaness of the Btate. v mmwuj ouereu uu givcu, me jioswu Mr. HcCljtminj askedjeave to ihtfoduce tion announced that they would rest lor rorklnflAn-rrrttoo-rt rrronf!' "leoirinrt the Present. ' the Treasurer to inform: the Senate wheth er.f?5 Coe- P081.0118,? P?4 f& still drawing their salaries.! Mr. Jones moved to take tip bill rela tive to delinquent sheriffs. . Mri- Jones said: i--;--X(i,:i0 . k Mf v Rresidenti I move tbat the' riileB be suspended in order to take, up and: put unon its several readings the ' House Bill relating to judgments agatnsts the sureties of defaulting Bheriffs. It-48 weir known 1 of that a bill Mssed at thtf last WittdoA of c ' ' - . m ' - - - -of . '-m L- -..i:.- wi .r I IKT,: AamUr Knia r i;nn.),u to cafa parties, this bill was so eviscera to certain parties '"thi4 bill was so evisoera- td aato1ea'il:donbtfnl vhflthar ludo-- Tnfcnt-iatfllw fafcen avafnat the. tirtf of .1 j.t..m.. ti..J4t. -u,i rv;n - - are in arrears to the Btate nearly, if - not qwtj (tlOO,KK)) -onrhundred thousand third readiDgs. - t.. a; ,r!0 - , - . - - r ; - u "HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. ms fl .-J-.. V io 1071 At bill to ; authorize, -the incrtnn in make a ennvevanrn ingipn W? inaKe a conveyance fee. siaaporCert I tt- ltowloat totel yeas; . " af Arndwrna Wd&iiti rAVL the speeiai arderi fen next ti week i at 11 OClOelCirj i6v 9rii fii ;tt tisli d&c:ig d:!T r i After Along debate tbe- motion of Mr. Stradwick to poatiMMie 1 was pat . and: re Reeled by a vote otyeas S8. nays 45.-;. .i taSyeonaeni Mr. HerriaiBtfodncedstbill cBtaeBd the: GoMUtntixm ottha State by !0HslrijiirecttoBr6VartM 1 - . . n ... 'ByeoBseatMf. Jasttce offered avbin-.to ascertain the just Sad legal debt of North Carolina : referred. HT as.Jw!;,: -it r La .The Chief usticeappeared' and ' took tne unair. . Theo. NL Ramsev called, and. sworn : Tie certified to ibe files of the SmttneUht 1R7nvhihUAd; . ' .The.Mapagers3 theii ''offered to put" dn evidence tbe original of the bhofiher to sboviibe cause ot the bitterness asaiast fthnfrn itv AlatTittOftfti k HjkuI kX 1 Mr. McCorkle objected,, on the ground .of.itatopeteeylr ' Tytr9A Chief Justice allows the Shoffner bill to be fwd.,,f ..lt,s YiiMvrnr c: 7. McAlisler're-called : There was a publwSpiBeetiAgini A1P&bc banoni8th:caanar,ld70: thinks jeise mrant. presided; If read vthe proceedings in l the Sentinel soon after that meeting, and i .1 i.ikir ! mey were correctly repuncu; POTnggaBP-BPgnraag. or 1liousneas,' Constipation of theBowels, Ti T XT fl. A fl Tl Q -n;ir'TnlMt0tn -Wni-inwifltom "NT Scrofnlons diseases and Skin diseases, as X.XVJL X. ,V--Vf jJL; kJ Bill to consolidate the JNorth western JN. i;rnT1t- WtnrjleBiJBlotcheaand Boila.-Itia ' a suspension of the writ of Aabeai eorpiti.1' c ; n ? ,.n . Col McAUster? Vptv nnn .ftir th death bt Outlaw it was proposed to call a meeting to express condemnation of the aci: on inuraaay jc eaerauriroops axnTea in u ran am; quite a crowa, there, .out no r wa8 hldi idnot go; I wished to.free toactaiidnot.be at the point of bayooets.' the troops would not come ; the object of the meetin&r was to condemn lawlea acts: most of the whippings were before the meeting was held : none since the passage rQf the Shoffner act: both parties partici- pated in the meeting, to some, extent: a 1 large number . of Conservatives present ; Mr, Albright, Clerk of vthe Superior Court, was in the f meetineO was called, excused HrrfSelfin a few rarksrhe it a Ttermbli- can: Dr. Moore. J.E. Boyd. Lonff and I others, published after as Ku Klnx.l were present. - v ' '" "i '' The Managers then' offered tbe - .tele- grams from the Hmsboro, office, - being the dispatches of Bergen to the Governor; Hancock to Burgen; ;Hunnicntt toar- 8H Burgen to Hunmcutt-all ju relaUon gram from Secrete Richardson to Josiah Turner, Jr., mquiring about the firing on sirs. Turner, and : .his reply ; also CoL l.V." tt x--.L m t vuuMictii;riu uuu. ousiau a uiucr. 01. 1 jjeave was granted, . ana aocumeuts were read. )V. :, - WW) i : The managers then offered, from, flies of the hentinel, to prove ,ibat the Governor bad a knowledge ot .the outrages, tortures and cruelties of Kirk and Bursren. The defence objected. The Chief Justice de cided it Was competent,1 and a telegram o.a w n k- c.d from Balisbuiy, JN to the 8enttnel,vrw then read, giving an account off Kirk's arroaia in Iraavcoll frnnntv r""' """': f- The Managers-also read a telej legrsm to I pcnwtt. uuit-oviu, irom niusuuru , Einng anfaccount of the arrest of citizens ot Alamanrft. ann th- hunminr flf wm. I ot Alamance, and the hangi Patten t: also a telegram to VJJm .T;L:, 7 rl"LTlT. -Bm Vr Mr. Moore, announcing his arrest VJ LaeuVHannicntt, Apg. 5th. Horn W.'H. BatUe,'C. F. Young, Bena tor"I:-' Grab-aml wenTthen sworn: and after w.u.u'--ia.J... a. ix.Z " s""w vc Ui su.r. iwuuidh. ox xvowan : oruer iuai : - a ' . a- n : 1 . -a it it . aoj the respondent be allowed till the 23rd ol February to open the case. ni Mf. McCorkle.'stated that upon : inquiry be' bad ascertained 'that the defence has so far' subpoenaed 80. witnesses. Mr. Warren moved to strike but . Thurs day and insert Tuesday next. " The question being on the amendment of Mr; "VVarren,-fixing Tuesday, the yeas ana nays were aemanaea, ana tne motion Was lost, yeai 15 'i ; nays 26. , . if ' 'A a A -.a mt.H' -: Th nrtRstirm tYtenr rtftinor on th nrlcinal Wderl allowihff the defence till Thnredav nexi tbe motion Prevailed and the order aoopted' ' : MrJbnesthen moved that the Court adjourn tiirThursday; at 11 Al M. The I motion Wwvai ted knff the Conrt adionrned. w:,.'.,-- - : - AYEa'8 AGUE CUBS never fails. 1 so . Tans AYIR'S PITJLS for all the purposes of a purgative, ror constipation, xnaigestion. Headache and Lirer Complaint.' Byanirersal sveoord ther.are the best of all purgatives for Fer vTostghs srd Threat Dlsocdera use Brown's" Bronchial Proches,,, havinjr imrved tneiB emtaencyoy a test or many years. " x nave never onangvu uy muu roBpecuag them from the nrst, excepting to tmnk yet better of that which 1 began thinking well tl.OOd Rxwabp is offered by the proprie- I oal Uiacovery for a mediolne that will eqnal it JU xne CQ oi aii loose aea8 wr. wnwa.H 1a rMnmnumflmt ' ltnonff wnle are severe. acute or lingerina: Cougha, Coasnmption In ita sui ITKBTTSEMBlsTSi - Seed-Garfleii; Seed ! Axvtnmm' Btrtvt JuSTlHcn ;;RY!:E.rp'itiE'iVA:- lL't 4.tfriwvety-ra-ainw3 f'fSI'lJ'w - w ?,i : fiM V 'rv JT -;:;:47 Market Street; Branett Store, cor. 4B and 'Hanover. feb 2l-tf jfinetorses ior aie,( iTovZ Prop' nolasses. A. 111X03. DDLS. ti Ji:;t ;a Br T CROP ;,;;- u.oiac3e3. 1 fl? 1'"wO J.-!ii .5 ,':;!;:': iBRIGHTiNEWl: PACKAGES: ...f-t p -rr-i.' V'.A7 0b -' ' T, ? ' mns TTRST 1MTCLRTATION of the season. , JX. Xo landing fromchr; " Donna Anna.1! TT . T T fT V T- fit D A For sale very low from wharf. ? .febM-aaclOL ,WOBTB; A WORTH. Fancy GroceHes, EtcrwlXInd, "CTRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMEBIC AN. . . THE FINEST QOODS-r-LO WEST PRICES Ar- .5 ... -I T S?v " uiayea iiij.AWiiiu. . WIOIINGTOIf AWD.WELDON ' : ,! -" TYilmlncton. ColamblA d Au- ; eixsta Kailroads. j (Ice Seal. Freiibt anl TicM A(pt, . WiuctNGTOir, N. Cn Feb. 18th, 1871. ""U.".aiL ........ J if i ' JS3 SCHEDUIJ3 OF CQNXMEG1TON; WITH PEE DEE BITEB , IiAUDlKdS. . i TTNTILTUBTHER NOTICE the . Steamer U HALCYON will run as follows on the Pee 14 River:. L606 Mody8 (on arrival ifdlaSfa EeturninK Leare Cheraw Wednesdays, and 9919 withup Passenger Train for WJlr . Leave Pee Dee Bridee Thursdays for lower iandinsrs. Keturainsr Arrive at image Saturdays. . A. POPE, ; feb 21-St Gen'I Fi eight and Ticket Ag't. NOW READY t A M Course' of Eiiflisli firaiM,1 By SIMON KERLh A. 1L, AUffUor of First Lessons in Entrlish . Grammar." " Common rTo School Grammar." u Composition and i Bhto )i".,c. One vol, 240 pages ; Price. 7$ cents. this book Is the result of much study, ex nance and reflection : and no pains have This book is the result of much stndy, ex- w " oeyona au jusi erounaa ox cnucai censure. The oondf tinn and vtLnta ii vanoedstate ot philological scienoe, and the work has been modifledaccordinjrlv. so as to 1 place it in the front rank of new and improv- ed productions. . The following . are some of thepoints to which special attention is in-1 vited : 1st. The book is. small, yet it Is suffi ciently comprehensive in outline; and not de ficient in necessary, detail. 2d. It consists of anoral course toUoWed bya course of Text; In accordance with that method of teaohinr Into whicli the best schools have graduaUy fallen by experience. 3d. The classification throTurh- out is new, original, ana proDaDJy tne most 4th. All thlnars relating to the rame subject nave oeen mougnt toetner ; wnile all trashy qnacke incumbrances, all useless generalities, and a: $ry oi expedients, nave oeen caretuny ed. fith. The book excels in method. exciudi clearness pithiness; brevity and complete- neas ; in its definitions, illustrations and exer- cises : in practical utility and adaptation to d ac the schoolroom; and it is strictly naiire,-aot an imitation or .la tin or ureeic uramimars. We shall be pleased to have the work enter. siyely examined by teachers, and for U teacners, ana for tnis pur pose wewuisena it, tree or postage, on re ree j pri ceipt or hai tne aoove price- IVISON. BL.AKBMAN. TATXOB A CO.. US and 140Grand St.. New York. feb21-2t NEW STORE AN ENTIRE STOCK OF " Hew arid Fresh Goods - .W'-"' JLUU1S, -iiaVl tX UO.f OF 203 Church Street, N. Y. Have opened a branch house at 23 Market Street, where they will. keep, constantly on .hand, a a LARGE STOCK ot ' STAPLE AND FANCY , BE AOXrM ADE COTHING, CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, JE ANSt 1IATS. : BOOTS. SHOES, i! K6ti6n6 and everything contained in a First-Claaa. JJry..oodB Hoose .nn We will be able to sell you Goods as CHEAP . ... . t.'j. .. . ; . .: . .i: it . j i t as they can be purchased at any . r . . . .. . .., i NEW TOSH JOBBDrQ nrs, as our goods are; purchased , front, first hands in large quantities, and ;as v.. , n;iA:. v.j ! THE FIRM RESIDE LST NEW TORfi, ,: . will have all the advsattagesTOf the market 16 ',hi'ic?. ,We shall make a SPSCLAUTT, .., bbaDT-Made CMraiJGanA,,::t..,.:.rTr. " :GEKTSVFUBNISBaGOOr8; and guarantee to suit everybody sd southern. Cheaper tban any other Ilocsd, In all our Goods, ve fumxutlee to give yon perfect satisfaction both in price and osaiity, Ifcax & H. F1SHBLATE & BBQ. - will superintend our bvslnessr in ils: city. They retnrn their .thanks . to Xh jublio ,for their i'patronage, and By kntt and strict attention to basiaees, eollctt the eontbiuanee of the sanre"""!"'. . -: . ... ... . - f Wb 17-nalw -'srT: E N GLIS lln'OB AC K EE 6 j . fi- EYEBY KIND. - CJUGAR WAFER . a m -ra DTTBlTIZ FRUIT BISCUIT. Ac., Ot AS D. MYERS OO ( v 0 i i North Front vimtV ftebJ14f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PIANOS, v 7VVvr&MLODEONS, .Jor sals at. febUtf, ; UEINSBEBGKR'8. Family BiWe. E EC KITED this day a large stock of Tamf. lymoiea. , . IIMNSBERQER'S Live JJook Store, febUtf ; . . - STANDARD WOhKS.i I : At y I : ' HEIKSBEBGSBS. For Gentc. A ft 11 assortment of DTessBoots&Slioes ' embracing all the . -new styles for Spring wear. GEO. 11. FRENCH sSk SON, 'SO Nortb Front SI. feb21-tfi':T-r..' i ut. PEREEIPT0EY BALE J : ; . TT "I '''""' a. a. V&III& D18 . 1168.1 Stfl.t6 " AM,ty" . ATsAUOTIOK. CRONliY, Anclioneer. By CROLT MORRIS. J ON Tuesday next, 21st irsti at 11 o'clock . A. M., we will sell, at Exobange Corner, THAT VALUABLE O T -44x140 F E E T Situated upon east side . of Second 'between Princess and Chetnut; street, upon , i. wbicnrtherS is a Three (3) Story Brick .Dwelling ' . . " . Containing seven rooms. Out-houses of Brick. , . ' . '. TEXM3 AT. SALE. 1 feb l-eodts Th 8at Tn r. . -.r-. -i . ; ijPie Cape Fear Guano JL8 a complete Fertilizer, representtng bone and meat in proper proportions, to'perma- nently imp rOT the land," n: fM-Vi- I'M t-.T Dl'M.BUnc, febl6SAFtf T Chemist. 0LBH0RTH STaTR i:. XT. C. BACON, LARD. AND BUTTER, . J3 j.. Forsale. " Choice Duplin County Hams "at 18 cts In lots. " 74 ;:' f.i-:iard't,l8cts''1''" ''. " " Mountain Butter at 35 cents, f". . - . ( febl8tf - By EDWARDS A HALL PEOVISIOnO ! DRY IDES AlTO ( STtOUL-' OA HHDS. SMOKED BIDES " 150' B s5fr -.v.bP?,: - For sale By H;.'::ani ;.,..jvr;i!T WILLIAMS MURCH1SONV' "1 l- . i 1,1 ,febW-tf, HEIDE BROTHERS; v No. G Oouth Water Ot-f ftMr wtkJri?'- Jffr vrr?f 3-r"CK) bar. c!'i.H;; JEjLAyE JUSTjRECElyEpA LARGE LOT of ...:PLAir CANADIAN G ARDENJP. nb u! i-kxiii!LiiiAtnhi Hit 1 1 V Waner. Wreoerlee sutel Csafttetlsaarlss Fruits,, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, Crackers.. ;. (vchampagn Oder and Vnegaf, and 1 . other articles in their le, ,P. , Keep on hand, everything to Jo, JOnnd, io, a FIBST-VIiASS SOUBlMfi XXQUBE, Vfebltf 'H."itiT -For i Txrenty Ycaro 0,UR' 1ST ABmiTMEN Tias' been ' PAT RONLZED.WWUmingtoniana. vf ; f l O SPRING STCfjJha; by our, partner E. IarU uanet, JT. T. Cart bo Dpunrht of Uo at feblS-tt cit 0tBiera. r.r. 400 . BALE.K CHQICsT QUALITY,' r !t . Tot sale byra rci ti i..ml.2U) jf) lo J"' f feb ia-tf : WILUAM8. A BURCIHSOKi FOR? OAL C OR " 'I 1 "' - ' ' ' ' n i.'itte TjlOU BALE OB REBJTVThat Urge and JD valuable plantation on ' Middle &otmd7 8 miles froaa tAe-etty w m the tlott tract, will be rented or sold on reaonable term. For aeo-ir . .; 4 it r1:: C.WpLPHAM, , ?; WTED-A OOOD Boot and' Shoe Ms f us r oker.i Steady work aaq prompt; pF y4nunedlaUy,to. f. AS. L, COOLET , , IJti- " ' 'BroeHeeliN.C1 III 4 ' jj! !' -.' V

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