AfORmNG STAR; I VirrcpBdte'tft4i1r not 'write on A,- ("inn't undertake to return rejeoted -i;0'iltCluX'! (ON ulfE MOIiXTNG s ,;, l is LA m. IRAN THAT OF liNT Ben Wade haa .enTmpg aCiecb- to the mulattoe8 of Ban 'Domingo; ,jlta point was to persuade lfio ,culled.folkan tp come under the American flag; "for" said he, "jour goTcrnmen$ unable to protect the citijaa in. all their rights In the tumulU which arise,-the -people are dragged into controversies in which they have little interest, and ovtr . which they have no control. Leaders spring up, and lor their own personal ends' enkindle strife,' wage war against thejr neighbors, rob the inoffepsive, and force the citizens irom their bomes." That is a fair, picture of negro goveromenVeTery wbere': Yfii It is supposed by Grant & Co. that such peo pie, X ho are ira able to govern themselves, will make an admirable political ;elejnent to help us whites govern ourselves. ' , REVOLTING OUTRAGE. Sunday before last, being . .the ; anniyer saiy of the Proclamation of the Republic of 1848. the Heda of Paris held a- mass meeting oa the Place - de, la Bastile. . A dispatch says the demonstration was dis orderly, and terminated in a scene of re volting atrocity. A police agent, who at tempted to interfere, was seized by- the crowd, fastened to a plank and thrown in to the Sefnewhere, af tor struggling some time, he was . drowned. . As long as rTie . could be seen' above the surface he was pelted with stones by the crowd on the quay. A magistrate, .who attempted to save the unfortunate man, was threatened with the same treatment, aaWw 1 f&ally ' ' ' JIOMCEQPJL TIUOI) 0 CTQRS, The homo3()patblc physicians of'lbe country are yefy: indignant at the Action of the Conimissioner of Pen'sToqs in 'dis missing all pension 'surgeons, who believe in the efficacy of infinitesimal . -dosea,C i-nd adhere to the octnoe of -M Simile iimili but curantuT large delegation of ,4oc tors, representing, many different homce pathic medical societies, recently went) to Washingtoi'and Called ;upoy the lfgsi dent for redress in the matter! President Grant referred, them . to ', the Secretary : of the Interior, who exprewei hia disappro val of the Oommfcsioner'a action and pro raised to take the subject into considera-tion.- SOUTU AMERICA IN SUPPORT OF TUB POPE - -. ' - By correspondence from Guayaquil we Icarnlhat President Moreno, of Ecuador, has forwarded t a Florence an-official pro test against the , action of King yictr Emmanuel towards the Pope. , "The paper is couched in the most decuive .words of devoted zeal to the Chair of Peter. The early missionary labprs of Pio Nono in Peru havejendcared him personally to the South American -peoples, - independent of his position- as Head of the Church. M88aURIrJQLITIC8. Senator SchoTz Bas' written a letter to a - r - . - ' : . . i ; . friend in Missouri, in which he oppoee the propoaiUon to call, a . convention toJ amend the State constitution.-' tie thinks the people of Missouri' "are . o unsettled politically at present to have a fair idea of what they need; but reeommends that a committee of the ""XeMslaiure be'-np-pointed to vae;etthaknent8 &j are desirable for consideratioQ. " Sail- THE HOUTSBRN-PA CIFIC ... - WAY BILL. The oppysitioa ,1a the Senate to the House ruo4ifieatiofTbUj. ft so great that it is feared bjits;friediia that tbe measure will be losC1 The bill as it now stands. wifli the brahclifes'fcoiiiff, provides a gran ottbirteo millions, of acres of . public landii-l4rjrelievtdttat all Jan grant. Bieamsnip aa fipg.pM suosiay Bcnemes ?, 7 p aSWH(MSSSaMtHBSlkMBHSS!MSBSMMrSkSMk4 S&mki Otrtstde1 Paris. A. foreign, paper of .recede dabs" ''contains the followingraphic Vactouhi. ,df,the scenes around ' rahsT '" Its cbrrespondent says : . ' - i1 Jj . . , HTo-day"Jjhavi j uddeo;bal-rpund Paris. " Lagny Is sWaroiing' with "German tradesmen, hungry Tor business when, once they can get intq Paris, which is not yet allowed. Ereryroad is .thronged with the iababitants of tiro country orrotinding Parit, poarig t of thtrcity ld Srhich they have so long beesiimraue4i,:1yiry see liopelesaly.atlujeir ahwteitttilwmea, or wo men .timidly aiking.i permifiaion-i of. the Germans to be allowed a corner in their own Louse wberejo to shelter their 'chil (,re.nJ ? ,havetseen a , French . nobleman, visiting their own 4 chateau asked as : a gues T)y, the .t .Qerniap. .occupants to annk a glass of bis own wine, and proffered a' shake-doWn . to ; one A of his own bedrooms.. I have . aen aelicatejadlea, with Jewels on their fingers, grubbing in the fleldalor froet.ed ; f egtta b'ea, while the nursemaid ,stood; in the rear wiU tbe bbibn;.. Widr, and the rather moved about piplngtrp !scraps of wewood to daiap hearth in tbe jredateato Veaecnf thestubefled rmer gazing' "dreamily on tbe: battery emplacements, cumberingliii fielda, and at the ahell-cratera behidd-them,-asVif the .IWf iW&fi 8pClrl acDarationa'.ind Faces have nassed tint : Wosrl 1 upon, prk faces ol Proch ladieaUside carnages, with ? tightencii tnuscle? &nd eve ) flashings full, !6f -Viren passion the German sentry atop pecf iheth In the ruined village, in the' rohgh' Teuton man- ner, and demanded their? papers! XTiifire wer i .v( .... Jocni i. oi.. r men. ' Trw ."'with i knitted brows and BUppreaid va5ry cle- spair wort in it !n kiaIi fMnM vt K0 picture baslta bCher aide: thanks to French j i?ifi ...... . adaptability and lteht henrtrlnftss A familytndsits wine shop empty, and the roof oft In a couple of hours things v arc patched up somewhat ; the buried bottles are unearthed ; an4 a .bsjalc traxlcover the, counted if jgbjngon, '.Another family turns up in an qmnibusj with Impediments, including an assortment of babies aud green umbrellas, only to find its home ten anted by Saxon soldiers. ,Pack-closer is thet orderwith the Tentons. Room is 51?! ,?,rrtehrr1 v I' - i- -1 :maTTul", , wnat Jroawurst soop.ia Jtke ; and tha old B""" "''B marvelousiy Tike confferiF. The non-de- i ii? t - V - ? va;rj- ea in tne pins oiLBporung3auire .plhers ib dress coats. I met a voutksr . man on a Velocipede." '' ' " ' : ; M1SCELLAK EO CTS. . THE J A CIO Guaranteed to excel alt others in shane and material. Be sure to ask for T HE J AC OB I AXE, .-J!D ACCEPT K0 4TIIJEB. Every. Axe;TV7arraritecl ! For sale at - 'NATH-'L JACOBI'S ; - Hard ware Depot, .No. a Market And dealers' Throachoht tbe State. A complete assortment of i i -j Plows, itfr in stock, and for i sale lowat N. JACOBI'S, No. 9 Market St. JT& Spades, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, and all .flCj Agricultural Tools, and a full supply c t 'Ot-ta most approved styles or Mechanics Tools,. House and General Hard waror Paints, Oils, Glass, Ac, for sale at ardware Depot, No. 9 Market St. -V 8 ADDLES. HARNESS. WHIPS. omi LAtBa,HAawKsa LEATHER, 0 For sale at NATH'L JACOBI'S Hardware Depot, 9 Market St (1 UNS, PISTOLS, POWDER, 8UOT, POW T der Flasks. Game Baas. Shot Belts. Cart ridges, Ac, a cooaplete assortment, . Jf or sie at f-- Axii'jj j Aouiii'a --tfeck-tf . ' OLD NOETH STATE. C. BACON, LARDAND BUTTER, For sale. Choice. Duplin County Hams at 18 eta in lots. Lard at 18 cts M .... T ' Mountain JButter at S3 centsf feb!8tf By EDWARDS ft HALL More Fresh ; Goods, AT THE NEW GROCERYl , SMOKED BEEF-TONGUES, SMOKED BliEF, SPICED BEEF, Chocolate, Gelatine Extracts, &c- W. R. FRENCH, Cor. Market and Second St. feb 24-tr J. F- Ccjrrell & Co., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cor. Prlneoso and N. Water (its., ,r , (Up Stairs), Wilmington, N. C. v aN8lGNMENT8 of Cotton,' Naval Stores, and Country Prodnce generally are res; peeti uuy aouciMMi. Partielav attention ftvsn. to the sale of Beef Cattle and Live-6tock of every descrip tion. . , , - . We have secured the, eery ices of Mr. MVTJ. Finlavson. who will be" pleased, ,to see his o!d friends and customers. ' ; liberal adTancWmadepivionsigimerits. ;;rp Sheriff. Vv Richardonr ot Colnmbus Ck).; Col. L. A. Powelji.cWt: C; E. E. Bur-j russ, Esq., Preside First National Bank, WIlmntS..C ' . teb!7-tf i . . .'.I. ...' : T,TMUH.-G ! - , 4iV'KTThwiA&TOA,GlC7 "WITH ,Q pover.oJroolcpsiwbysalettomeniade by the Green'S wanip Company, I will sell by n, nertn iarunna, uu sy ox uaron, itui, ine tanas in me woniT ui in m1A HlRta. to wit : On tract containing ra sores, or mereaouubs, nujuiuuig s??.ii&siri?,ssrB,,'iis; AMw'VMVI ss- 0 w nAA v - -"- - . i The onSMM interested 4s the shingle business Is especiallv invited aoitais large" tract, which is very valuable for Cypress and Juniper timer. " t TBRM3 OF SALE CASH., ffAMES DAffSOK. Collard 7 Seed' .Wanted. 100 LBS. OF yCOLLAllD BEtI WAMfED lmmodlately al Pb. -WBiaHT'S DEUG STOKE Ilojasses !; npses ! 1 fl O 3BtiSi6iAssEs0 gHHDS. CUBArMDgAEB . For sale by. - iJ- ; :,-.. - InarS-tf ' - F. W. KERCHNEbJ fBI AXE! tne city ox numingto Wednesday, tbe 8ti a rauowinic j NEW J AnVTTOTITOTmTSPT V JSdS J ibjyifgv ' MiittlV-fVi W.THflr- i ' The extensive use of these watches for the last flfteen years by BaUway: Conductors, Bri dExpressmen. the most iexaeting of. watCQ-wearer8 haathoxOngM-deTaonstrated tD6 treatn 8tMd.i.dnrainity arid accu ray OI ino watch. To satisfy that : .v-j-vu,, u w vviu? uo u u- .Mtherealj-ahje of Ihestime-keepers. Merlhaiuoaitoej of these watches are now speaking for, themselves la the pockets of the people a proof and a guarantee of their: superiority orer ali others J TVspetiowgaidU)B great extent of ,th Codsimay 'W'orSwaiif althizaenables em. 9 jporoduce jfeatchea at apriMhjcft ren ders competition futile, and those who buy any other watch mererjntay X rom 25 to SO per cent, more or their Fajfclt than is necessary. ,- These time-pieces combine every improve ment that a long, experience haa proved' of .rZ . nating in this country or in Europe, only those wereflually adopted which severe testie by the most skilfuU artisans in our works, and long use on the part or the public, demon- Bt.rat tntw.nnmt.iai .f Among the many improvements wo would particularize : The Invention and use oxn centre-pinion of the train by the breakage of main-snrints. is original-wlth the American Watch. Company, wno, nanng naa tne refusal or all other con trivances, adopted. Fogg's patent pinion as be ing the best and faultless. .Hardened and tempered halrtaprinars, now universally admitted by Watchmakers to be t he beat; are used in all grades of Waltham watcnes. "V. All Waltham Watches have tlust?troof caps, protecting the movement from dust, and le--ening the necasaity or the rrequeat eleanins necessary in other watches. Our new patent e tem-wlader, or keyless watcn is already a decided success, and a great im provement on any stem-winding watch in the American market, and by far the cheapest watch of its quality now offered to the public. To those livlnsr in portions of the United (States where watchmakers do not abound, watches with the above mentioned improvements: wnicn tena to ensure accuracy,. -cleanliness, durability and convenience, must prove in valuable. - - The trademarks of the various ttvles maJe by th Company are as lollo ws : AirxaicAN Watch Co., Waltham, Mass. Ainr. watch co., wait nam, juaas. American Watch Co., Crescent St., Waltham, Mass; -i '; w. AFFLKT02T, TttAOV A Co., Watthi lam, M Mass. AMSXICA9 Watch Co., Adam j3t Mass. rValtham, Waithak Watch Co., Waltham, Mass. f ! P. . Bartijstt, Waltham. Mass. Wm. Eixsav, Waltham, Mass. Uomb Watch Co., Boston, Mass. Examine the spelllofirof these names care fully before buying. Any variation even of a single letter inditeaAOOunterfeit. For sale by all leading Jewelers. No watches retailed by the Company. An illustrated history rf watch-making, con -talnlng much ruaeXul information to watch wearers sentto any address on application. ROBBXXsl Jk APPIXTON. General A cents rr Aneriean Warcb ' -.. w.T?l'Wijw jisra.f ..... FOR . and Machine Sewing. Hand J. & P. COATS' B E S T SIX-CORD IN A tli NUMBEUS, From No. 8 to No. 100 inclnslve. FOB SALE BY "i'if All ireaiem la Dry Goods and Motions. WASHiwoTOKjJFebruary 16, 1871. Soldiers of tl 2 : JTaTLblll to pension soldiers of the war of 1812 having become a law, I shall Jereadfotwardjforffla of .apj wJoniVlbenecessatt Instructions by the Department. Address tor ppiicanon as jire lsgueu par t men t. Address tor particulars miY. imj w m. aw. Agent, . No. 412 8eventh Street. S. FITCH'S Family Pnysl XJ elan ; Teaches how to cue all diseases of the per son : skin, hair, eyes, complexion. Write to 714 Broadway, New York. k (toot nfffip .0?5JIdTF' wi'l dispose of One Hundred Pianos, Melo- Dross, ana organs or six nrst-ciass matters, including Waters', at ixtbiwelt low pricks, fob cash, ntTsnro this mouth, or will take a part cash and balance in monthly or quarterly installments. , B LQO)0CIIf GTON fJUUf SUB8EB Y. 19th Tear. 600 Acres. 13Greehouses. Largest Assortment all sizes. Best Stock !low Prices! Wouid yotr know What, Wheaj Hoveta-Plant f d ruit, snaae, JLverereen xrees,' noox-uraris, seeojings, usage Plants, Apple seed i!ari Koee Potatoes, Shrubs, Roses, Greenhouse an Garden Plants, Aa, iL Flswcr sjMr.Yege insie seeasi jrmest, uesc collection sorts and quality. -Send 10 cents for New, lllus-. trateo, uescirptive catalogue so pages. ena . plain directions 64 pages : Uedding- and 6ar- nen Giants sa pages, ana wnoiesaie trie List 21 pages. Address F. K. PUCE MIX, Bloomington, Illinois. - Proprietor of Ponnsylvania Agricultural Works, Manufacturer of Improved YOliK, Pknh'a. DICKSON SWEEPS," 7 CDLTIVAOBS, nro Machikicc. s!ebl7-3m-ent , We will insert 8A.syS4)arment O IS E Dl 6 N T ,H In Thirty-three Pirsteiass " North Carolina , A ewspitpers, Including Five Dailies. We refer to the publisher of ikfe baper, to ,,m nn. .iMHt. 1. w.i knnn. ... uia m. aM- m. jt m a ... 40 b.w. w xrk. ftc TO $1(1 PPD, niY S2o vyj xu iiu a uu wiix 1" "ief?jp llSSSSSr JTJ. ta 810 ser ty in their own localities. Pull particulars and instructions sent by mail. Those in need of permanent, profitable work; should address at once, u&uuuju OTianun a UO., Portland Maine. :- EMPLaYMENTFORALL (So A S A LAItT WEEH, -and ex 1 1 rtAnnTto fell onf new and useful di cbvriesTtuldress H. SWBB CO.Mar- lij RMKlndamtTials-naaeMewsDaoer. SO cts. per year. Send ta$;tyt.tyymA!pSJ!tT - J ; ' ' ' ' ' ' I , I. 1 III I 1 a nrLKTl R AbfiC Mamnfacturers of Cheap ) Jewelry jQjreuiar aent free. i.So. JLttle- )ro, aiass. ;,s u. :;., - S "0O per McurtC in 1 lit- - - fiii. lsts. 3 Sample p&ckajrtf 04 sent oy -mail ti nnn nnfnDi 01 ea isanuf. au s GKMAK MEDICINE CO., Chester, Ohio. J ;. .j . ft . i mm iPU-LMOAltT-BAXSitt. 'l'hetawiaj-dremMyfprM3ot-gh8,- Colds, ja,t?u ;uuOBtonj ; TCTHEWOBKlNU CL 8S-Wvar hbw prepared to furnish aU elaasea-with joonstant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the snare momenta, -.fusinesa new, ilzhty ana projgtable , Persona of . ei ther sex easily earn from fi-jc; to $1 per evening, and. a pro portional sum by-de voting-thefr whole ttoe to the buaines.i Bayu and girl s-earnnearly as jnuch as men. . Uiat alL.-wbo nee thia,-noUce may send thfiraddreM. and test tbe business, we makatho vnparalleled offsr;-To such, as are not well satisfied, .we will aend $Vr to pay for the trouble of writing, particSiIars, a: vainable sample which will dr to cotmnenoa. work on, and a copy of The IopM IMtrnry ww(-n-Hvivne vii me. aargest anja pesi,iamily newspapers ever publish ed-alfent free by mail, Header. If qu want permanent, profit-ablw-wk, -address- . r . v" ; y; . E. wALUSJf jji CO.y AyaTJStA' MAiya. . T3TClllIANCYAn-r lady-or gentle Jl mat can make $1,000 a month, Beeurathclr own happiness and independence, by obtain ing , -PifCHQMANCY, FASCINATION,' or SOCX CH.AliMJ.NG. 4U0 pages ; cloth. Pull in structions i o use this power over men or ani mals at will, how to Mesmerize become-Tranca or Writing Mediums, Ulvinatiou, Spiritual ism, i Alchemy, Philosophy of ' Omens and Dreams, Briguam Young's Harem, Guide to Marriage, Ac, all contained in"t his book ; 100, 0 Jo sold price by mall in- cloth, . $1 2 paper corers, i. one. Any person wui intt to act as agent wlllreceive aBampiecopyof the work free. 'As bo capital is required ; all desirous of genteel employment should send for the book, enclosing 10 cts. for postage, to T. W. EVAN a a rn.t n ath'gth ATOITjr QTJACKd-A victim of early in discretion, causing nervous debility, pre mature decay, Ac having tried in vain every advertised remedy, haa a simDle means of self-cure, which h will send free to his el- w-eutiferrs. rAddress V ;aTlJTTXlC 78 Nassau?st.,ew ror; - l" ?- pRElTMEDICAL BOOK and Freneli JTr Secrets tor .Ladies and Gents. Sent free for 2 stamps. 1;b. BONAPAKTE A CO., Cin connati, Ohio. , march 2-S4P4w . : ' y '" 1 ' "J ! r ..... n At.kt. SPXTjjtT J. w. HTjrsox..'.VtJLE&eraTjirr. j . . r Cotton Factors an J Comissioii Herchants . IlEFKlt TO JAMES DAWSON, Esq., lUjfKKa, WlUf IXSTOS. June 17-tf .,. , a. adeuk. . - a. VOLtaBP ADRIAN & VOLLRS Cor. Front and Dock ts. y-IIOI.ESALK OUOCJBBS, IN A1X its branches. COUNTRY MKRU11ANT3 will do calling on us and examining our Stock. novl9-48-tf mofixtt & co., EX EISA L COJIMISSION Merchants X NORTH WATER. STREET. Wilmington, N. C, Will give prompt personal attention to the salo or snrpment or cotton, Mavai stores General Produce, etc., etc Also to receiyinp ana xorwaraing gooas. Orders solicited and promptlv filled. sept23-l-tl t. J. SDWARDS. B. V. HALL. Edwards & Haf), Grocers and Comusion Mercliants. DEAL IN "ALL KINDS OP COUNTRY produce, And keep constantly on hand a full line oi Grocerieea at lowest cash prices. . " Wilmington, January 4,1870. ' ' 'tf w. s. BASS. J. J. SCOTT. T ASS Jk SCOTTi (Successors to Bass, Finlayson & Co.,) Cotton Factors uad Commission Mer cbants, North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. Refer to E. E, Burrsss, Esq President First National Jianfc. and Messrs. Jlnlayson A Bro., ilmington, K. C. sept 6-tf S. NoRTHaor.- W. IL NOBTHROF. Wm. A. Cumming. Northrop & Cumming, COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Proprietors of the Wilmington Steam Saw Mills, Wilmington, N?C. V-'iARGOES of .YelloW Pino Lumbcsr- for .nv market- furbished. r bpeclal attention given to the purchase or sale of Corn and Peanuts. oct4ry-s - ' K ' ' " Ai'H. Nefif, TaVT. JXA. ilaidwaie, Guns, Stoves, Pumps, Kero sene Oil, Tin and Sheet Iron. ROOFING DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. : Agent for FAIRBAKK'S SCAf.ES, No. 19 Front St., Wilmington, N. C. June 10-tf N. Frederick. W. C. Frederick. I IIEDIISICK & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. SSJprUuWer Street, Janis-tf " ... ir MISQET.tiA NEOUB. SelHiig Odth IN VIEW OF CHANGING OUR BUSINESS we offer our entire.stock of Confections, Fruits, Nuts, Ac, - i'tty. Wood and WillowWare, Crackers and Canned Goods of every description. A large lot of Apples and Planting Potatoes, at such prices which cannot Ait to give entire satisfaction. W e have on nan d a larjre stoclr of well se lected Goods In our line and intend to give our customers the benent of our low rates. ' i : '?: '' ': HEIDE BROS No. 6 South Water street. feb sett CaniiCLl Goods ! We CASES LOBSTERS, jZ f BOX CHEESE. 50 50 250 ,4o . SOAP. TUBS BUTTER, f. xaoTsalety r mar5-tf F. W. KEECHNER. INSURANCE HOnOEa! .iUt't'iltl - ti CiliTremaine MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN S'e'boin Organ, CONTAINING Carpter' & Boiteffs Ke? IffijroTeients. Greatest Success of the 'Age ! rrtllK disagreeable reedy tone entirely over .vJcome in this Instruments The verdict is unanimous. We ehallenge the World to equal let- Our new scale medium-siised 7 octavo PIANO FORTIES are now ready, at low prices for cash. . The New York Tndgpeddent of Sept. 16th. ays Of the BUBDETT ORGAN s 1 j "ItisbyXar the most perfect reed lnstru ment we have ever aeen.' . The Christian Leader of Oct. 2d, says : -. ' , ' " We had no idea that ; reed Instrument could be brought to such perfection.'' : . 1 The-, preaa and public everywhere! who have had an opportunity of listening to its beauti ful stratus, not only give it their -unqualified approval, but unhesitatingly concede that It stands without a rival. ' j The great increase in the sale of our lnstru ments, has enabled us to reduce our prices for FlitST-CLASS PIANOS, j from ten to twenty-flve percent, less than any other house (offering the same class of instru ments) in the United States. While we act. upon the maxim of "quick same time, a. special object, to furnish our QTunnnen wixa intruments in no way iniertor totha ..if. j Best in the Market. EVEKT IIITBVMEHT FULLY CtfJAR AJtTXED jt OH SIX TEARS. 1 Many families have bad a desire to obtain a a profit of from $100 to 300, neither do they wish to purchase a cheap made instrument, that would cost more to keep in repair than it is wortn, nence a large ciass ot our music lov ing people have been obliged to do without. We can furnish New Seven-Octavs Piano Fortes from $275 to $950. Second-hand Pianos from aiO to C250. - New Cabinet Organs. 145 to 11,000. j PRICK-LI8T SENT TO ANY ADDRESS. C. M..TREMAINE, W. B. TRBMAINE. June 5-3&Ftf OrBHDS. NEWCROP CLAYED CUBA tJKJVJ MOLASSES and N. O. SYRUP. IsOOO BARRELS FLOUR. 400 BARBELS MULLETS. 400 BALES HA?. AXD A exvV&AL STOCK OS GROCERIES. For sale very low, by W1LLAR.D BROS. jnaS7-tlJ p?- Mountain Butter I A SUPERIOR ARTICLE of MountfibafTJut- aTL ter, at thirty-five (35) cents per lb. J ALSO ASIIIAJ$I FJLO tilt, For sale by -nov 22-tf,. EDWARDS & HALL. Corn ! Corn 12000 BU8HELS corn- For sale by feb 23-tf WILLARD BROS. Molasses and Syrup. 490 HOGSHEADS. OsQQ BARRELS NEW CROP CUBA ! AND mUxJtJ Muscovado Molasses and Syrup. For sale at very low prices$y WILLARD BEO ' 1mr 'Sin . . t Rice! Eice! 61O06 LBS. NEW RICE, fr psri" and very choice, In store and to arrive, i For sale by - ? inarl8-tf WILLARD RRO HOW TO KEEP Peace in Your family ! GO TO FRENCH'S NEW STORE j AND " lay In your supyly of NICF, FRESH GROCERIES. He keeps the best ot everything and sells as low as any house in the city. He nas in store Nice Mountain and Northern Butter, Smoked Beef and Tongues, and the best Green Tea to be found this side of China. Don't forget the place, j COR. 2ND AND MARKET STB marStf - ! Gold and Currency TAKEN FORI OF C. 0. D. PTJRCH ASEES, SMALLEii profits, BT ; . . PIGOTT, Tobacconist. march 1-tf Notice. Wilmington ITorth Carolina LIFE JlISUEANCE - ... - . : -fn CO. A MEETINOrOFiTHE 8TOCHHOLDERS TV of this Company has been ordered by the fcrito bs held in this city on THURS DAY theieth Inst., at the Chamber of Com mere, &t H oVMock, F. M- for tqe purpose of aeUnjr on the Charter of the Company recently enacted by the General Assemoiy. . A. JOHNSON, JSn 8eey. Wiucikotok, N. C March 5-tm illSOKT Ji A TEOU8. SUBSCRIBE AT OICCE ', ' --fob thb' " r mm m rm I PEOPLE'S LWS FATORtTE JOURNAL. The Interesting h 81rt Are always to bo found in the KIC W . YORK -WMEkL Y ! -.- : it.-i v :r.;i.; m.: ftwf;U AT PttESENTi&ere. Ki'lJrlOteat Stories running : through 'rtsctdixjnnat and : at least Oita Stokt is BEQtrir Kjmrt Moitth. - New subeOTlbert sow thus SttrooThaVnigthe ' oommeneement of anew oontlnued story, -no .matter when they subecribe lot the tr, .. N R W iT O R K "W-E ExIl -T ! . Each huniber of theNEWqkWiJcLY contains several beautiful muat?itfwsbnd double the amount ' of xcadinjf" mtrtter any of its class, and the Sketches, "-ShOTtr-Sfories. Poems, etc, are by the ablest' writers of America ana Europe The. : . . - -rs new y o Risiix" does not confine Its usefulness to atnufeTnent, but publishes ; groat- -quantity ot realy in structive matter, lnxhemostcoitdensedrrorm. The '. ..-it.. ; . :.'vr.V. 'v 'Ja- ; have atiained a highoputtionifrom' their brevity, excellence ahd corvecinegs . The PLEASANT pARAURArilJi.&re tnade op of -the concentrated. wit and; humor .of many jnlnda oi ' jA',i The BJS.OWLEDGlIlOXis:(td-U use- rui laiorm auon ni mannex or.-atGCoeacs - - xn v t i a na.giv lajtocrjerfpwor the mOst notable doings' aIVoyerzthe world. giv jbjthe;wp8jtwrd s The GOSSIP WlTlf: CbHKEPrtfTtJEN TS eon tains answers to enquirers upon all lmagl- nable subjects. An Unrivalled XJtcrary Papr 18 THB NEW YORK WEEKLY EachissuB contains frfim FTOTrT ti'tttm SHORT STORIKS, AND SKETQUESjrad half a dozen POEMS, in addition to. thelsiXSE-" RIAL STORIES and the VARIED JMCPART MENTS. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT irEEE.-C Too Term to Subscribers t Oho Year Single Copy t 8 00 une xear D our copies (2 60. 10 00 One Year Eight Copies Those sending 20 for a Club of Eisrht. all sent at one time, will be entitled to a copy rree. Getters-up-ort7iuDs can atterward add single copies-ajiiJ.W each, v i STREET SMITH, Proprietors, no. 53 Fulton Street, N. Y. sept 15-S&F6mo-V TIic Create Medical : Diftcoriry ! Dr. WAtasara'a; a&xv$PSsx a si- HuMreastf.q$':.: ? " Bear testimony to tltolr Woder , . oa Jsr oo itautirative Kuccts. gaWHAT ARE THEY1? to o 51 TEEi AXE XOT A VILE esF A N C Y j - - Made or Poor Huki, Whlskeyi - Prowr Spirits and Refuse I.iquors3e33P2ei and sweetened ta pleass th taste,. 'celled " Ton ic8,""Appctlzcr3," Restorers,'' rC,V thst lea4 tUo tippler, on ta irnnkcnnc8s andjala, bat are a trao .Uedlcluc,niulaXroinUcNUTaXUraUDd Herbs Af California, freo CrwriiLill.AIfOlrotlo iiJimlanis.T,Uo?wotlictltTBA!rMtl.OOD PURIFIER and LtSPtJlVtSaj&RBIN ClPLEa parrot lridvatOfaTTIwetsraeator or the ByBtcra, caryl!vs CH aaiclloaobajaiiCter sod restoring tiio blood lou MUWf owrtlttiasi ... 2o person can take tlioso EUtwiAcicxfraiftiA tlrec tlon and roniaialon aftwclU L::;.i-:r-::I v;-' For Iiifl:imitiuory mid CUarwn Rh-ea-raatliflaud;ijOMt, Dyspcpniu r Indl cestloa, milouH:Rmktlt juiAJstcr ttiitlcnt Fevers, Dincnacit HifXlLe Ulaed, layer,, ltiducyp., uu.l Illadder, theso 1IU- -y;rs. hari-bwi r.iosj r.ucQossfol. HiicUis ctfHca 5 caused 1 YiflafccrfiiJowiv viticU is generdtly prodneeJ ly flrttncrrcmeiit of the Dijrestlve Oi-frauH. I V8PEP8IA O It 1 N DIG E8TI0K. ITeaduoiW. r&ift ia tiveaiderSrCoagbft, bright new'of t;40ChMt4DHaiafjBa lEHsUtlWl of the ttoni3c:, T.ftd tasto la the MaUtnUKi At tacks; TaTpHsit'.oa Vs iloartr ftffia&Uiia.tlo of Vie Luussiruli in t5?eTvgioBi TUwKMiir,and a hTradrid otiscr pajnfu! ; patArM,-nro ;ths iff sprtnssdf Dyspepsia. - ' ' i '':r-i ; ' TU'-y l3vlorata t.:io Slopiach and pttiailts the torpid nt cr?iad bown;tch"renartliempf an- '.''ennaafca edcijr 'y -cicslwhwdsn . : jkparWcs.' an laipsrTaTicy m wTjrlgor ta t'uc wliolasyStein." " ." ,'"' r!". FO It SKIN DISEASEaiEtapjPTetter, EjJl Khcaui, Dlotciics." Bp'oK,' nrnplca." Postale. Boils, CartJunclcg.-Rrne'Wwma, Scald-Head, 6or Eyca.ErjSiw1'. 3MXlJ)iCSfUon of ' thtf 6kf.i,!fier Ai UAsscs ttlo Skin, or wliaterer ftam-atare, are literally dug up andcrrteduUr Uia Bstcaa, s. short time by the "ute of thesi fetters. Dns settle in sach cases will convluou tho noit lncredulooa of their curatloflefU. -.j ClcdnseMia" Vitiated Blood wheneTer you find its lmpurtfleSrntnmgU the skin iaPim. i plee; lrSMaf4sdutiTeeV-sJal'n yu i : and trrtrseudaaa,14s44a iaUM; - elessstf itta ttlsaLysnasa:rul tell yon when. Keep the Wood pars and the nealth of the eyste flfPi' , FIN, TAPKas fcw WOllUjMtrUag la hesysOTreTfhfrta.'rf? destrorcd aiidreftistW ts fWjPrseaos. read earcfallytbciialsr srejind csekbsttls. - j. WALTER; PrpprietoiiHMW?OSALl CO DrmgisUU andjCeo.'Agtt aa rrsncUco. Cai , aad 33 nj Mftwairee 6b, Vw Tsrk. OTJ TAY ALL PBUtHHSTS. 1 4MO TIT U JgRS. Jan20-tf r.iifTjV j.) .:,:;' ',iH.'"qu'tiT ' JOB XlJllHEirfl . OPPOSITE NATlONAtivHOTEL. HAlB CUTTlNQ-..;. .......... M : SUAMPOOMIK........... f25 M ;. JaB23-tf , v -r: ,-; ,. T . , Cottoli yarn. 50 BALES, ' frSC-fV.! CAW 13Vf iO ISO:-..- ASSORTED NUMBERS, Poraaieby y ?. -ti.c,- e . aug7-tf WTLLAR1 'THE' 111 . :!- ' :. 41