MOBNiNG6iSTAK. PUBLISHED AT WILMINGTON, N, k C t B ttrjff. ii. ncuN Ann. .t SUBSCRIPTION s OS"1 By Mall $7.00 per year; or S 60 for six month. "... .i i. -V lUverad to subscriber in any part of the ityat is oents per week. v v TELE VETtlc juATTOT. BY TELEGRAPH. TtiEi MORNINa -STAR. - . 'Sunday Telegrams Condensed. The cotton movement at New York for tlia .week shows a contlnaed falling off in receipts although the total la still very large andlndU cates a crop greater In extent than general es- , timates. In contradistinction to the decrease in receipts this weekthere Is a very large la-, crease la exports and the total shipments to Great Britain and the continent are the largest for any week this season. The great accnmn latlon of cotton at the seaports and intertor towns, notwithstanding the enormous Increase in exports over last year, , has completely de moralized trade and caused a marked depres- " tlon in all quarters. The decline In the price of cotton for the week on tbe value of the tota crop represents a shrinkage of about thirteen millions of dollars. "The great difficulty with the cotton trade Is that speculators uav been 'overtrading on the advent of peaco in Kumpe, and hence when peace is declared tin- Market takes a sudden plunge downward. Ii.. irat bulk of speculators were fortified uinst Eeacc by having a large amount of cotton on and, and as soon as peace came some of them started to realize, wblch was the commence ment of the present depressed condition oi affairs. ' In plain terms there was too much company on the bull side of the market. Re ceipts at all ports for the week 126,935 bales, "against 180,661 last week; total receipts since September 2,917,616, against 2,189,513 the same time last year. Exports from all ports for the week 141,873 bales, against 64,523 the same week last year; total exports for the expired portion of the year 1,848,306, against 1,228,014 the same time last year. Stock at all ports 659,708 bales, against 568,764 last yean stock at interior town 123,285, against 101,384 last year; stock at Liverpool 764,000, aeralnst 292,000 last year. Amount of American cotton afloat; for ' Great Britain 294,000 bales, against 286,000 last year. Amount or India cotton afloat tor Eu rope 659,708 bales, against 568,764 last year. At the South considerable rain has fallen dur ing the week but this has not had any effect on the movementa of cotton. A Paris dispatch says that not a German BOioier remains in raris. ine evacuation was completed at noon on Saturday. r According to a Washington telegram Mor ton, Sumner and other extremists will resist an early adjournment on tbe plea that it is un safe to leave the loyalate unprotected until ; December. NOON KEPOBTS. From 'WaalilArton. Washinotox, March C. xiscKLLiinEors. The impeachment of Gov Clajton, of Ar kansas, has been abandoned. Clayton has definitely declined the 8enatorshlp. Victor Emanuel in writing to the Emperor Wilhelm, expresses surprise and indignation over the hard terms Imposed upon France. The Germans allow trians bearing French troops to enter Paris. French prisoners heretofore held for Germa .. ny and the neutral powers are returning to France. - . From New York. New York. March 6. A special to the Teleqram from London. says a dispatch from Paris states the city Is in great excitement in consequence of the deter mined action of the Revolutionists party. The Revolutionists bare entrenched themselves at Mont Martre with a battery of guns, and tbe government has brought up troops In line to resist any attack tbe revolutionists may make on the city. Reports of the organization oj the Revolutionists are very much exaggerated, but the fact that there is an organization of a very formidable character is too obvious to be nied. Foreign News. Bordeaux, March 5. Picard has arrived, and the transfer of the Assembly to Fontaineblea is probable. Several radical members have left and gone to Paris. Disquieting rumors are curent regarding the state of Paris. A council of ministers waa held at five o'clock this morning. Private telegrams hence to the Department are xorDiaaen. , . . Pabis, March 5. -Reports of the disorders are false. Quiet prevails, and it is expected that negotiations for a definite treaty will commence at Brussels on the 10th of March. The government ia readv to nav five hnn dred million francs to free the vicinity of Paris irom ine uermans. Regiments of the line will quit Paris, and forty thousand picked men will form the Pro viaiooal Corps. Yebsxilxxs, March 'St ; The second army has commenced the home ward Marcht 1 Londok, March 5. The Napoleonists deny the intrigue of the Emperor and will await , the decision of the people. London, March 6. Tbe Times' Versailles Special says: The prescribed limits of France are being rapidly evacuated by the Uermans. Tbe movement is to be concluded quietly and orderly. MontValerean and all other forts around rans win do evacuated on ine Tin; Kouen on the 12th, and the left bank of the Seln e on tbe lyth. f Forty thousand troops from the provinces are now mar chin z into Paris. Their resDec- tlve staffs have arranged that the incoming of mo xrencn ana ine outgoing oi tne uermans shall move by different routes to avoid the cnance oi a collision. OTJH NIGDT BEPOBTS. FKOII WASHINGTON. WasHijtoTox, March 6. UUCXLLAXXOUS. Among the puis which passed the Senate but failed in the House, was one relieving some six uousaaaaouuierners'oi uteir political dls abilities. . t Congress appointed about one hundred and sixty millions orer the four millions subscri- i bed to the National loan already reported. - The President has recognized Dennis Dono hue. Consul for Great Britain, for New Or leans, and the district comorlsinz Louisiana. Mississippi and Arkansas, to reside at New Or- ' leans, and H. T. A. Ramals for Maryland. Ten nessee. West Ylrginla, Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri, to reside at Baltimore. Th Supreme Court of Vlrgluls, reruns West Virginia Involving Jurisdiction over Jefferson and Berkley counties decided In favor of West Virginia. f r IbT; P. Oaroett, a confiscation case? the ' court decided the right of appeal from tha Su preme Court of the District to. the 8upreme Court of tha United Rt.t. r tft-Xonatlon case, where the lower court excluded the defeat w.n tne aeienaant was within the rebel lines Tha court holds that the liability to & ITl It tnvnl mom. tne rlghtto defend. This decision was nnanU mous. The Uwyers thln this decision will open all the eases wherein the defendants hv reason of war was beyond the reach.! tueirV cesses..'.: :,. s r. -n - .. TZi - Army moyementa The reKlments loneest An lint, nn fh. tt. i . 7ufcCBfc "wuuet it in ug luu YCQ to the department-of -the- South rendezvousing at Louisville.1-V f ' v'" The 7th Calvary also transferred to the de partment of the South. The 6th Cavalry was transferred from Texas to Missouri. Charles-' ton ia made headquarters of the third artille ry? - Among the appropriations are $175,000 for Court Honed and Post Office buildings. '' It Is understood that the President Is oppos- euto the proposed early aojouruuicut. B Sftl rKa Hon Mftin i n rrn matter settled. Ti n. v.trs.i tii ka anDointed Assessor oi the 2d "Georgia District,! and Henry Glfver. it tntirtheTreasurershipof the western Atlantic twuruau. - I : rs v Frm lAaiafana. C v . :.. - Nkw Orleans, March tS. Tha State Fair bnlldlnes were ' burned this rrornlnsr. Loss f 80.000 insurance $50,000. Powers statue of Washington belonging to the Biaie was aesiroyea. . Pat 8weener was struck with a brickbat and killed. John Holland fell from a float and killed. A child ofMr. Glrond was run over by a street car and killed. - " From Maeaaenuseti. i.t c"C ;,?:-iBo8TosrMarch.0. An earthquake occurred last night in New Hampshire. , , James Flak sravo hail In the sum of $20,000 to answer the suit bsouiiUt against him, by Gorman Grav for an unfilled cotton contract made In the year 1869. ' From Now York. ' New York, March 6. A special telegram fo the World, dated Versailles. March 6. says : Numerous conver sations held at Bordeaux and Versailles, with the denntiea to the National Assembly, in cluding Grevy, Gambetta and Favre, compel the belief !that a civil war will soon occur, endln? in the Orleans restoration. An extensive emigration from the ceded territory will occur. Larze bodies will come to America. . DOMESTIC MARKETS. . Naw Yokk, March. 5 Noon. FaumcidL Government Securities steady and not very active.. Stocks active and not much change since Saturdav. Money 4 V cent, premium. Gold steady at 111. Sterling Exchange long sight 109; short sight, 110. 'Commercial. . Floor 56210 cents better. Wheat firmer and auiet. Corn held hieher. Pork quiet at til 75. Lard dull bv 8teanrl2Tai3 cents. Cot ton unsettled Uplands 14 cents; Orleans 15W cents. &les 7.000 bales. Spirits Tur pentine steady at 54 cents. Rosin firm at $2 65 3 70 for Strained. Freights dull. Naw York, March 6 Evening. financial. Money active among brokers at 4($o per cent Sterling Exchange quiet at lWH(d 109. Gold 110(3111. GovernmenU quiet and steady United States 5-20's of 1862, 111K- Southerns closed dull. .TennesCe 6's old 64 ; new 64 ; Virginia 6's ex-coupons, old. 65 ; new issue 63; Louisiana 6's 69; new 62: levee 6's 73: 8's b3: Alabama tt's iuu; O's 67: Georeia 6's 83 rs 90; Notrh Carolina O's 48; new 27. South Carolina 6's old 71; new COX. ' Commercial. Cotton irregular and heavy. Sales 6,900 bales at 149 cents. Flour Southern nrm; common to fair extra, $7 10A$7 70; good to choice. $7 75(219 Whiskey 9293W cenU Wheat firmer; winter red, 11 65. Corn 12 cents better Southern and yellow 8890 cents. Rice quiet at 838?i cents. Pork steady at 21 75. Beef quiet. Lard steady. Spirits Turpentine 54 cents. Rosin strained f2 65$3 70. Tallow quiet Freights quiet. Charleston, March 6. Cotton easier middlings 13f 14. cents; net receipts l.VJo bales ; exports to ureal Brit ain 2,426; to continent 14; sales 800; stock 31,- 571; exports coastwise Kio bales. - , ' Sxvxnuxh, March 6. Cotton dull and depressed and accurate SSKS'.SBff .iStfSlS4S5iJS! 2,422; sales 1,500 bales; stock 86,123 bales. FOREIGN SfABKETS. London. March 6 Noon. Consols for money 91$. U-S.vS-ars of 'G2, 92. -r- FRAHK70RT, March 6 Noon. Bonds United States 5-20's of '62, dosed at 9 "... ... Livebpool. Aiarco &. oon. Cotton flat and irrejrular Uplands 7Vd Orleans 7d. Bales 10.000 bales. Ked winter wheat lls.tsa. corn new 86a.Sd. ' - LATER. Bombay cotton BhiDments for three weeks to 4th of March were 20,000 bales. Breadatufls firm. London. March 5 Erenine. Consols for money 915. U. S. 5 20 of 1863, LITerpool, March o javeuine. Cotton dull and tends down Uplands bare ly 7Xd: Orleans 7Hd. Sales 12,000 bales; for speculation and exports 4.000 bales. Pork 93s 6d. Turpentine 37s 6cL Sales afloat and load ing at Mobile ? 1-I6d for middling. WILMINGTON MARKET. -jTAR OFFICE. March 6. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Sales of 18 casks at 50 cents per gallon for Southern packages. ROSIN Sales of 00 bbls at $3 10 for Strained, 1,090 bbls at 12 15 for Strained, 550 bbls Low No. 2 at $2 15 and 800 bbls of No. 1 at $3 25. Market firm. CRUDE TURPENTINE Sales of 843 bbls at 3 25 for Soft and $2 10 for Hard. TAR Sales of 508 bbls at f 1 55 per bbl. ; COTTON Sales of 3 bales at 13, 6 bales at 13: arid 2 bales at 12W cents $ lb. Market doll. CORN Sales of 1,800 bushels at 91 cents. Market firm. PEANUTS Sales of 600 bushels at $2 80 foExtra. U JU IVf .RUSTIC. ARRIVED. 5 Steamship .Pioneer, Wakoly, Philadel- --Steamship Fanita, Doane, Barry Bros. New York, Fayettevllle, t 8tmr K E Lee. Skinner. Williams & Murchison. Str Juniper. Worth. Fayettevllle. Worth & Worth. Bcbr Annie, Smell, Jacksonville, Edwards & uau. Schr Ontario. Bloode-ood. New River. Ed- wards fe Hall. ' Schr B M Pllton, Pilton, Little River, N C, DeRosset & Co, with 1,800 bushels corn. CLEARED. Williams & Murehison. ; wriJftmTi.BnPer Worth, FayettevUle, HUltUUI IlVlbU. i SBJCCKH'TH. PER RIVER STEAMEKb 8tm U E Leo 185 bbls roslnt 15 casks snlr its, 16 bbls turpentine, to Williams & Murchi son, JUiwards & Hall. - Stmr Juniper 6 casks spirits, 200 - bbls rosin, 6 bates cotton; to Worth fc Worthy Love oe jsiocaer; - .. Schf Annie 82 eaaka anlrlu. FXl hhl '' rnln v bales cotton, ;,150 bushels peanuts, to Ed- k Schr Ontailo SOO bushels peanuts; '5 bales wivu, w ddib nsn, xo Jfidwards Hall.' Per Steamship Pioneer. D M Benne& Co, .Rev 8 Loomis, H Kordlander, XV 11 Bernard, C B Mayer, Aaron & Rheinstela, Ellis &Conn, "B WellCwJacob, Lyons, Gaa Company, JW 8 Edwards & JO, if W JLercnner, wiuara. uros, Mitcneii a uusrcinB. u a naves at ajo. u jw.c- Kav. Jno H Hill. W H Carev. H Brunhlll. I Macks, N MoQtt, J A McKogenA JChloa, WTKonesran. B fc'L WellL Jno C Eever. Chat D Myers & Co. Adrian fc V oilers, J W LlrJpitt & Co, B M Barber, M Dillingham, J 8 Robinson. Mo AT3t Bros & Co. WBSunley, B Brown 6c Co. W M Stevenson. Brown ' & Anderson, R F. London, H Hataff, JA Clifford, W J..Benton. A IVNeff. A Wright, A E WrlehU A Deo m eland L O G Paraley & Co. i wjcates, n 4 Bcaroorougn, uawson, iee4,K Hennlng, J D LovejSprunt fc Hlnson, F Rob erts. J T Soloman. W &WRR Aet. W C & Company. Peotte't S B Line. CaDt Fear B B uompany,,., : v r: .-. .-.r- o Per Steamship Rebecca Clyde.-Edwarda nail, A v cazaux, - Dettosset s uo, wiuara nm niMn Toal Jtr TTanhtni fl TTo r4 ' W11. liams A Murehison, H Brunhild, F W Kerch- ner. Rump & Meyer. Pescbau. J 1 Metts, Adrian & Voile, rs. G A Peck. A' A-Ilartsfleldv O u Mvera s Co. M jacobL, i.f o i opnanx. s Co. J C Hever. A Johnson. J 8 Robinson,' L Vollers. Vick & ; Mebane. Smith & Strauss. 'Murray fc Co. N' Abrens, H Marcus, Held I I - . ' mf-m via a. a. - tfl W n T croa, jj ngoit, kj jb oteamuoat , jo i. w Strauss. Journal umce. w uarr. Mitcceji & Hoggins, P Heinsberger, Worth & Worth, 4 U 8tevenson. People's 8teamboat - Line, J B Hnrglns, P Newman, G Boney & Son, Falrley, vassa Guano Co, C Schulkcn, W D Smith & Co. Merrrman fc Newberry. I B Kelly.' Green & Walsh. W & W R R Aet. W. C & A.R R Agent. - : MISCELTiANEOUS. j Domestics ! Domestics ! ROCKINGHAMSHEBTINGS, t For sale by march 5-tf DeBOSSET A CO. GREEN & FLANNEB, Moli,kb'3 Norwegian Cod Llvei Oil. This axiety ear E asses ail other medicinal i ver Oil Li the two essential properties : readiness of as similation with the organism and extreme susceptibility oxiaauon. Puaa Bat (imported) for sale in bulk and bottles. Rxa.dy-Ma.dx Mustard Plabtxrs A fresh supply Just received. Lyon's Inseo - Powder lor the destruction of insects without poison. CARBOLIC SOAP, for domestic use, at GREEN & FLANNERS', 47 Market St. suad Car. 4tb and Hano ver Sta. march 5-tf Philip Philips, THE POPULAR AUTHOR AND SINGER. WILL GIVE An Evening; of Sacred Hong, AT FRONT STREET METHODIST CHURCH, h Friday Evening, Blajjvjcli lO. Bmltn Ameriean Oran will fee Used. MB Proceefis for Christian Pnnrases. TICKETS 0 cents ChUdfen 25 cents To be had at the Boot Stores and at the Door. march 5 tf NEW STORE, No. 17 Ilarket Street, w WILMINGTON, N. C. B W EI L A. WEILL, Agent, Wholesale and Retail Uealern IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY. GOODS, ' Boots Notions, Clothing, and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac. We respectfully InvlU WHOLESALE BUY ERS to examine onr Extensive Stock before purchasing, as we are abie and willing to w - . ' ' ' Offer Saperlr Inducements. febli-tf Fertilizers. gQ TONS PERUVIAN GUANO ; O K TONS GUANAPE GUANO , CO Warranted No. 1. XUTtfS Challenge" Soluble Phosphate ; COTTON W : GENE R A T O R ; Lanrelffll Tarns 'MeetiiiB. ; For tale by febl6-2m Momn & co. Pickles ! Pickles ! CA CASES PINT, QUART AND ' HALF UJ GALLON P1CKLKS. jQ bBLS. AND HALF BBL. PICKLES. L-s ror sale by roar5-tr F. W. KERCHNER. i)d(lQdaireD 4 "I7IMRBACINQ. an historical cal rev reviw.i.the JLU Temporalities or tne livered by . -- . r Pope,- will - ' ii ' - RT. KETi JAUES filltBONS, I; IpST' ChnrclvoB Wednesday, March I iJ, ;' w w ax toe JMOK stores marl-lt 7! STEAMSmF? "J BALTLHEE illD' TniMGOT ; VVceUFy Ctea rtjph i ll-I n ef Composed ofy the. First, Glass staaiaaJpa liXJCIJXE- - PRICE, Commander, . - .. .AND , -vv-.. EEBECCA CLYDE, Commander. The Steamship nEBECCl CLTDE 7TLL UBAVE WORTH'S WHARF at the 1 foot of Mulberv street, for BaltiBion on FRIDAY, March 10th. ';' -'.. r . . i ' - . ,4 Tor Freight engagements apply to march B-tt , t A. D. CAZAUX. LOKILLARD'S STEAMSHIP LINE --for' . ..; NEW YORK, SAILING TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS FROM NKW YORK, AND WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM WILMINGTON. THROUGH CONNECTION WITH ALL RAIL ROADSKADlNG OUT OF WILMINGTON. INSURANCE ONLY l- PER CENT. NO PASSENGERS TAKEN. For Freight apply to BARRY BROTHERS, Agents. sept I6-U Philadelphia and Southern Hail Steamship Line. THE FAST AND FAVORITE STEAMSHIP PIONEER, Capt, WAOELIT,' 1 If ILL RUN THE FOLLOWING. 8CHED YY ule between. Philadelphia and WUmlng vullf fl. v. J Leavmg Wilmington, 1871. Leaving Philadelphia, 187L Wed'sday, J an. 11,6 am Thursday, ... M Jan. 5th istn Friday ..Feb.8d ,. ,4 Saturday March 4 xnnrsaay 3 Friday, Feb. 10 ii tl Oi it . " March 10 Saturday, " .25 " Sunday. Aorll 9 is Sunday April 2 16j Monday, " 24 " Wednesdav 17 a uuoubt ,.... iuaj iTiesuay, amy -Wed'sday, " 24 " Thursday, June 8 " i 22 " Friday, July 7 x nursaay i one J , ' 15 Friday 80 Insurance at low rates. For Freight, apply to WORTH & W ORTH, Ageats, . WUmlnartonN. C. W. u. JAMES, ueneral Agent. 13d South Tnira street, rniiaaeipnia. lane-tr PLIMPTON'S Patent Boiler Skates! TERRITORIAL RIGHTS FOR SALE FOR the following territory : Booth Carolina (except-dty of Charleston), North Carolina, Maryland and Virginia, (ex cept cities of Richmond, Norfolk anct Peters burg), West Virginia (except White Sulphur Springs), Delaware and District Columbia. Address, GEO. H. BRIGGS, feb2-tf Wilmington, N. C. ACLow. Prices. IgQQO BUSnxmN3 PRIME WHITE SOO Bales Eastern Hay, SOO Bbls Flour all grades, ZOO Bas Rio and Laguyra Coffee, 150 Bbls Refined Sugar, 200 Hhds and Bbls Molasses, 7S Bbls Crackers Soda, Sugar & Lemon 100 Boxes Dry Salted Sides A Shoulders 23 Hhds Smoked Sides and Shoulders, &0 Bbls Pork, " '$:gyjZii, ' ' SOO Kega Nails, - SOO Bars S weed's Iron, m leo Docen Painted Buckets, ' W3 loo Boxes Potash and Lye, 2S0 Boxes Candles, . SOO Boxes Soap, 100 Bbls Glue, ' 5000 Peanut Bags, 4 - . r t 200O Sacks Salt,, f 1 100 Tons No. 1 Peruvian Guano, 25 Tons Guadnape'cxano ' 50 Bales Sheeting and'Yarns, Ac,.&c. ' ' . Foraaloby , ' .'. .. WILLIAMS MURCHISON. feb 23-tf ft SHIPPING PUBLIC ! TCT'OTICE Is hereby given that on or about JA the 10th of January, J871, the Pioneer steamboat ComDanT will oiace on tb Pm Dee Klver a Fire t-C lass Passenger and Freight steamer, which wfil make reeujr trips above andoetow th Ballroad 'Bridgerannini In conaeUoa with the tralnsoa the Wnmintrton. Columbia A Augusta Railroad, - The attenUon'of Turpentine .men along this i krver; Is eepecLcad(tothl8l(aet as inducemeata.wll be offerod, heretofore -un- J; J MIBGELLANEOUS lUimeiy and CMldrenfr 'A U'W V f BOOTS AND, RALLS For Misses, Chli ren : - and Infants., f UAH styltetfl ; -,j .' lc,,v.AUgrades,V.-., -v - " ' At low-prices. ruin? iKs&:'m:'tJ:i't;;-ui s( .r- ; ' ; SO JVorlb From Hi, mar4tf 1' 5 ' ' V't. . o. h. vauerr. vaisoTT; mAJLBOTT dS SONNET, : Cor. Cary A Seventeenth 8t8 Richmond, Va., Portable St Stationary SSestm Eitsines, . . . m - ; m . a v . dranlle Presses, and ail kind of Tobacco rixtures, wrougut iron ytdtk; otbbb ana iron Castings. Machinery of every description, Ac. Cape Fear and Black1 Bivers. THE STEAMER LITTLE SAM, . Capt. XL. P. PADDISON. T8 now running regularly between Wilmlng- X ton and rointcasweUtieaving Wilmington Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, at 11 o'clock A. M., and Point Caa well Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at ft o'clock A. M. touching at all intermediate landings for pas sengers or freight. Fare, $1 meals extra. Freight charges very moderate. w . For freight or passage, apply to Captain on Louisiana Sfate Lottery company; i Incorporated Angnst 17, 1808. CHARLES T. HOWARD ..PRESIDENT HlNGIiE NUSLDEB LOTTEBT. SPLENDID SCHEME ONLY 20,000 NUMBERS CAPITAL PRIZE... 50,00O. TO BE DRAWN AT NEW ORLEANS ON 8ATUBDAT, Marcb 29, 1871. HOWARD, SIMMONS 4 CO., CONTRACTORS. SCHEME 28.000 Kiiniters Ticlet Only . $20. 1 prize of 150,000 is..... 50,000 is. 30,000 1 prize or - so.uuo 1 prize or 1 prize of 20,000 is. ..... 20,000 10,000, 13 10,000 9,ooorls. ; ,,ooo 1 prize or 1 prize of 1 pnzd of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prise of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 piize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of . 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 60 prizes of 817 prizes of 8,000 is .. 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,003 4,000 3,000 2,000 7,000 6.0TD 5,000 4,0 X) 3,000 2,000 1,000") is. is. is. is. is. Is. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 rare...... 25,000 l.UUO 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.C00 1,000 1,000 coo are. 200 are. 25,000 63,400 88 Approximation prizes. 12,600 440 prizes, amounting to ..$ 280,400 Whole Tickets, $20 ; shares in proportion." Prizes payable without deduction. Orders to te addressed to j CHAS. T. HOWARD, l. Lock Box 692, PostrOfflce, New Orleans. , Send Post-Offlce Money Order, or Regis ter your Letter. march 4-tf Fresh Arrivals. 25 Bbls N. C. Family Flour, . 500 Lbs Choice N, 0. Hams, . 10 Bbls Cofiee, 10 Bbls Sugar, 25 Boxes Caudles, 10 Boxes Cheese, With a choice assortment of Craekera, Tea, Spices, Wooden Ware ; 60 Bbls Fish on consignment. For sale low for cash. CANNON, OLDHAM A CO.. No. S Water street. feb28tf Wilmington, N.C. The Cape;Fear Guano XS a complete Fertilizer, representing bona and meat in proper proportions, to perma nently improve the land. ' M.BUIE, ' 'Chemist. febl6SAFtf The Cape:Fear - 7D4S produced the largest net increase of c o tto n i' or any manure. When fairly tried. For par iiuuiua auuici9 u. ju.. jUjLm vnenusT-, t , . Cape Fear Chemical Workaj ' feblSSAgt " Wtilmington, lJra TBfEHESTt SILK TWIST, LINEN THREAD SPOOL COTTON. NEEDIES, OIL, Acn Soldby I 7 .t f. iV fU: i T'GVA.fNEWELLt .' AgeptYor Singer Sewing Machine, No. 9 South Front street." Machines sold on installment, and rented. manu . ... Corn !a Corn iQgr lit AHA BUSHELS. CORN, For sale by . ; Fldor Raiiroad Company. 4. Offics Cum Eiroivsaa G-v v e of Schedul e, Aiye atWJflmington titl. Ja fj' S. L. FREMONT - EngineeranclSnperini4.,'1 .Wxlmington,Jan.22.-571. nn,"'"'''t . rt GENERAL SUPTSOF Wilmington, Columbia d gsta R. E. Company. "H.wvoToir.N.c:, March srt eof; Schedule. 7.t Toaa Ma on tbis DAT EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Wilmington (Union DeDoti . Arrive at Florence......... "epot)- :' A. y Arrive at Kingsville " A. v Leave Kings ville... if p ii Arrive at Florence P. M Arrive at Wilmington ?4j p-v p. u NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUNDAVe . .. . EXCEPTED.) AU Leave Wilmington -Arrive at Florence... "". .Arrive at Elngsville Leave Kings ville Arrive at Florence Arrive at Wilmington :"P A. M . :18'.S 6:10 .. M JNO. C. WINDKU march S-tf WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE ,, AND RUTHERFORD RAILROAD. i -- .Hi i 1 DC Schedule for Eastern Division. Generaf aeriiilenfleiirs Office, WILMINGTON, N.C, Feb. 16, 1871. PASSENGER TRAIN leaves Wilmington dally (Sundays excepted), at. ...7:00 A.M. Arrives at Head of Road 40 P. n Leaves Head of Road, in Anson Co. .1:30 A. m". Arrives at Wilmington 3:30 P. M. Passengers leaving Wilmington on Mon days, Wednesdays and Friaays make clou connection with Stages at Head of Road, and. stopping at night in Wadesboro', arrive in Charlotte the next evening. Through tickets to Charlotte, $10. Five hundred mile tickets can bepurchiwed at theTlcket Offices in Wilmington, Lumber ton, Rockingham, Laurinburg and Wades boro, for fifteen dollars. These are especially us6ful for business men and families. Two regular Freight Trains per week will leave Wilmington at 75 A.M. on l uesdaysand Fridays, and arrive in Wilmington on Mon days and Thursdays at 5:00 P. M. . S. L. FREMONT, febl7-tf Chief Engineer and Sup't. MISCELLANEOUS. PROVISIONS. 1V TTEAVt' CITY MKSS PORK, DRY SALTED Shoulders, hhds. and boxes ; Dry Salted ' Sides, hhds. and boxes ; Smoked Western Shoulders, hhds.; Smoked Western Bib Sides, Breakfast Strips; Hams, covered and naked. . ' LARD Pure Piimo Natural and Extra, in tierces, barrels and tuba. EXTRA FINE TABLE BUTTER, tubs. BEST FACTORY CHEESE,. Sundries. COFFEES Java, Laguyra, Rio, all grades FLOUR all grades ; SUGARS all grades ; MOLASSES and SYRUPS-aU grades; - CRACKERS, all kinds, in bbls. and boxes ; RAISINS ; Choice Lem . ons and Oranges; Bottled Ale and Porter, English - and American, in cases and bbls.; Chewing Tobacco, caddies,, quarter and naif boxes Catawba Wine, ChoiceSjippr- nong Wine, California Hock Wine, . Clarets, Raspberry Syrup, Black berry Brandy, Jellies, Essences, and Giocers Drugs; Lye and Potash, and a general assortment ot Liquors, Groceries, Segars and Tobacco, For sale, at wholesale only, by novU-tf ADBIAM TOIXE CLIFFORDEH0lJSE, SAMEIiE. ROOM, Tun, CTT. TflTHERE SUPERIOR 8EGARS AND B0J . VY TLED LIQUORS can always be baxi, v connection with that Superior Brand oi MICHIGAN A CHEWING ' TOBACCO. (-..4:,r- uA. ii . " ! Also, Furnished Rooma,' by Day, Week or Monti . octl-tf- y: ' J. Ai CLIFFORD, PropT- INSURANCE ( THE undersigned offers to the Citizens d Wlimlnsrton indemnity against "rhi f Marine losses by insurance upoa .... .!irtnit Ghano: J Inst., TRAINS on ttta a'tteM WUmimrtOn at 6K A. v -!V:?ad Will fM " "C-.TJ1 terma in. the following leaaing quip SECURITY INSURANCECOMPAST York CONTINENTAL INSURANCE wyoVfc NORTH AMERlCAir F .t 'cMPV york. NORTH AMERICAN F. L COMPANY,, ANDES INSURANCE COMPAN,. HOME 1 INSURANCE cb.1, of Ri-hniond, i Vpohi desirable ' risks we carry T "g,,' witaratea as low as those of any reliable v prudent Companies. " -ix ( j h Jokk WILDER ATKINSON, enerFaaud '1 : 'i - - mar S-tf ; F. W. KERCHNER. -I

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