ItA "" -" . - T.TT Tuesday, Mnrch'14i; 18Tlr J. r t;urrcioJenU "ruust ' not wrjte on jj-Wea of flj-elV ptperfr ; Jin IS IJLKrA-lUAN THAT OF ANY XQMX CAiiQLi:;s. , : There are seven vacant 8eata:,io,nhe8eo-. ,te t the United UUtes atf at .present constituted. -. They: are. tbose of -i Gold thwaite, of Alabama.l6ljecUdUT.V7on account of alleged .illegal constitution of State Legislature ; Yancet North Carolf- na, objected to on account of.constitntional disability, and Blodgettor - Georgia. whose credentials - Hre the ground that' he imnA rr lanf tha T.ant.l.ln.a .--Ai requv Jriri last preceawg ino Tacaucy. ine scats pi Messrs. McDonald,5 Arkansas; and Ravels, have declined the.Beats . to .which they were elected. ;Tho opposing candidate ja r L Tkn'Qitx .1 S.. U . t uouru iUOUwuw uw a diversity ot professions among ; its metni 1 bers as the House, - The - record j a ju. forty-five Senators to the law. rtThere are . . - J " ' . four editors, eight merchants, two bankers, two mioistcrs, two manufactures, one bi ; f farmers, one is a farmer, two are planters, and two soldiers byducation. -; -- ' Vsni Drlunna PiiMffij h01. ... att w..v..- - wj,.., every indication i that strenuous efforts ill ttd. to increIU. IU prodicti of Ix,;..-ThaIoId planters intend to, extend their acreage under sugar, and many -will abandon cdt- - . s. i 'i'. eon culture ana turn ineir atioatioa wiua owt Tn manv narishearnUnllljas swcets.m my pansueajTiAnuz aa alre'ay CCmmeaced labor has been secnredV eiyKght-wagii are paid, so strong is the .competition i fa labor. Aswe i feared Jl it has1 been" fount thatthe;coJd:,sbeU;.diiring t i . ! ' . 1 ".1- ' " J ' js I Ul'.l K'cak iimirj iu lue bcvuvuv, duu i . ' I H,led a great deal of uWk' ' TO. will seriously affect the yield ot i next -seasqnj I and it is brpbaUe. that tho largV:.Jncrease in aDiicipateajDv r.una "agncanartt uareau i -will be deferred. , , ;. .-"r i: .. .-' 'AjV-s: I " . . .MM. i;u i :', I FIGHTING BBTOND ' THE,; A rather singular incidents occurred, in the Senate ; fon the; ,4th :btMarch. 'Exj Senator Baulsbury,: of Delaware, whose term had expired on. thai ' day and i who happened to be In his bid seat after the nev Sen ate was organized, upon the read ing of a lying protest .ajgainsCthe. seating ot Judge Goldth w5te,' oD Alabama, rose and commenced to denounce the infamous documentwhjh by a membethathV waVVo "longer a Senator 1 "Embarrassed by nis " positiOB fBMt H the lotmsion, and retired.. ,; Senator pj not, I though 4he bad his eay," and. it contained 1 an unwelcome truth.1'' :... 'O.t' wnAr THBJ mwcu SOLDIERS TkitTrAntti rr! annora nf tju a r in Hpr. many are signing their names to a petition :AaLA to theNationaKAssemblr at Bordeaux, in whicbvdeclaring upqu , their '..r-. . . . - I. I honor their purpose; to obey what govern- i ment FWDce shall choose,1 they 1 demand ' . i . . t . .a -I. - 1 1 U 41.- . I mat wo governpen. suau uo wo wu Ca- pression of the will of.the?Frehcli people. r r - I They therefore request an appeal to univer-i a am . sal suflfraare in' -order1 to . decide - the two: following questipns Ft,, moo arch J or1 republic;; second; thenamej bf. tnemon-i arch in case of the ; monarchy belng suc- a leaning towaads Bonapartism. . .. . - .MaaMBiaMayawBnaMHaasHBSBi- attvi J " , a. EARTHQUAKE... -i t;; i A. telegraprncrspatch from 1 Boston1 "."f "f. 'x! rTT "I -,T Trr V. i This" is the"? third 'br lburtn time earth - . . quakes have occurred in-NewHampshre, 1 just before p(ectipnsj b!nt.tBeydo noi fleetn lectipps to do any good;3?.llt 1t A THICK-LIPPED MEMBER. TheWiahinfrtnn corresnondent of. .the ; a - . 1 KllltlmA.. yT .41 . altimore Wsneaking ot the swear-; ,Dg in ot the- newjaeajbera fJongressi says : The appearance bi ttieWW eoiaers was quite encouragingjvTb0 betjpi Mw among the lob ot ;fhe;few3Ttemaini4g -uawsgs a;carBcW)agrW .w f the negror whoie Hps covered the whole surface of the" tfdf ot the1 endi&ouF Mie wlich he kissed with greafeertaei!?iO'A j Among the billw' whifeb tle Ilouse' daring the.late from the Senate relieving between, 5,000 6,000 SoHtWrVftizeV obiected . to - onl "tt'tfe" "!?? i Jt'f-"- aeyerai; weeKs agou, retrained Irom men- is not v elected as tionin2? him by name. t for. fear that nit jr r r had Ellis bronaht from Sinsr Sincr in a M Our new patent tewwlnder, or keylesj tilntorft. thoaphthev .write themselves aslL . j i 1 ruj I is already a decided success, and a great - r - , secret manner mu.piawju m me j?itiua.uu .-.ti w(nn.tnh 1 the production of thia important stapbi taougnt wat tney. naa .enougn eviaence : . r t- r . ' r to make ontra case aeamst Forrester. . but M. M A . M - - KJ . from :th -a Araw JtavJHtiy Hay i . abihtiesimposed by thofwirteenth amendj ifSAT-' '' States. 7- &t-J ln&by FKBCHER. 1 Tho A-jsssiitnoTrn to-'t!io Polio j Fnlluro ta. rind raoaxli Efrldfnce I 'A'atoVyVis' btoHshedbr; PmomfnV jwuiuai vcaieruay in regard to th NAthan murder, in which 'mention was made of .uuW uUu40usueu iacnnat'a pro- essional . burglar namedi" Forrester had the renort wera Jtrprv nprlw '.inrMur. nnrt ere totally nnince. a IrecentUensational andnighlyrspiced j account of Jthdia- covery ot tbe JNathan murderer, nub usueu -in tne same newspapers, -f -; ! The ,Tt0s.inDoanced ..the couQnement :r.i Jl r i il 1 f I wu" uJl weiet, ,i,ue pians 01 urh. 8appossed to hav6 some fcowlSgHt ASJlnihihl !!ere MwniottOMiaaaww.penons, j0Qrdan who8e suspicions fastened on w..tny to th lite.-fl.ifvrinilant'th.t Ellis liad said, on hearing of the Nathan ntnrii'' nlHw.4 BIH.' PA.. i E?!""00'; ."crack" the house or Mr. Nathan, Twenty- third fetreet; 1 :-T 'v -'ri..-uV. . Mr.Jordan prompUy obtaincd a writ of street station bouse where hewas kept in e most rlgia sec Waion.v, Before Mr. confession from Ellis, he died, leaving to ru.&" Rna jUQge cowling,, nis mostiqumaie i itiend, together with two other gentle- - cT at IS tfS.t cfnardedind close did hepierve-his plans that if was not AintU after his death that Mr TTpM Tiia rhier detent! va and i ::Zr k.: iV. fWequenV successor became aware that he entertained any suspicions against El- lis or Forrester; X " 'f" t After keemngElli. berefor six weeks tlVPtt' nnpntinna. JL.Will not. DO anv harm I -tr . . , . . . k.i Pllia h'ao hcan rnn .1effi5rV et since he- re-entered the prison ' doors Vat Bing - Sing, - At one time the detectives Drove him feuiltt under1 thelaw.- The be- lief, however, that he is - the man bas ai-. - - - most strengthened into a' certainty.-iV. "J A:c OrB I -iAX E ! Guaranteed to excel all others in shape and material ,3a ask for r r r ; , T n y cryrAerAVarrbnted,! Vof sale at i ' nath'l ; JACOBisrA s i ic.; Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market st; And Dealers Tbroaffhont the state. A complete assortment of Plows, now in stock, and for Btuouiwuii n.tfiiwm oi i -r N.l MflPKfiL KL. I a large and well assorted stock of i .s Soades, Shovels, Forks, Hoes; and all cAJ8upply- Mechanics' Tools, Honse and General iiara- warn. TB.lnta. Oils. GlaSS. 40.. for Sale at General Hard- , for sale at , ; . , -dMiO-'tfT. VNATH'IV JACOBl'S J 1 Hardware Depot. No. 9 Market St. "" I v ; : . - am a r?ifr:7.wiVi Tic SADDLES, HABNESS, WHIPS, FoesaVeatrNATH'JACOmjs ' 1 - i if .to TioAnt a Mdrt(t fit - C1UNS, PISTOLS, rOWDER, SHOT, POW t derFlasks,fianie Baga; Shot Belts, Cart- ridges, ., a complete .J'tWI l , - HOTICE i'i :.-'r.,l,i j"'.tiV- ' . ... ..' HrTYi-TTTCTTTl Itttni7.ih3rn ! iSflk&lVttV been ordered by the city pukixciuc - Chamber of Com- i ot tue purpose of acting on meunmwoi .u.vv,nv xsnpanyreeeatiy i a. juiirouix. ua.rBec-y. A. J05rON,1fa.rSee'y. , v. a; Marih Htm Q iiA'i r; ; s Wjucibqtok, Wihnmon;6arden? D. KLEIN, Proprietor, ; mHI9 FAVORITE BESORXia nnjtor 1 ha MnrriTriHr. rem miimiDUbO 11 iw I atantlv on hand, amohff. which ay be I " n.on 4Tw Tnte'tiicAArrfiTiAW '.!J In fActiVeYferythffier haabeenaxranMito - - v - v v - - v 1 ' m.m M4 MttoUmte to the comiort anu .wuuoi w- :l'-Z1-2L'1iV- ont.ortiUnment ' . TY Tn norl i r ' t ii.Al W J w UXwt-i . . Mjf "wrA rt''w-..fc:.i "AVINU receivea buiuvu V ong been suspectei. of Leinghe sassin the strength, steadmeldnfaSbtyUdaccui 1 bflclfo; uy tne po ice. The ..-rebort noticl . the 1 nf thA WjtltViam wn. nr ontar , 1 for the spare momenta. Easiness new. Urht. 1 - attAiftnt; trtJ-f-Qfa Aui,...: - . T 7 TT"' -1 and profitable.: Persona of either sex. eaalfcr 1 "xxr-n- w.-vC.Cu.nie.i-wira3 ciass m i-nese respects, is ueciae tne ques- earn from 6 Jo. to$5 per evening, and; a pro- it" on Wiiuaav Jiorrester, thnU2li the eonfes- tionastotherealvalneof theae tima-tftenftraJ portlonal sum by devottnsr their whole time 1 ! . siwir ,n INU1 4 V iU US SUppOSBU WBOTge Xil US, I ri nf k! ki.lM I . - ' t I ' ' . . - - " ' I v.w w mij . iu uuuieruus jiurgianes, i now speasingior themselves in the pockets of l ma tnight. i make.r either intentionailv or I th& neoniAA tirnof ni4 t rTm.rrtA of t.hfii-rl inadvertently. The" Statements made in suBerioritv over ail others ' ' ' f , t frn tA ''hot - lk ; Vnnt'priffiftipnt to , J 1 1 ''.WJ't-.' 'v- I - ,t: 1-: -: .i'TH'iVl .l.W-..!..i.';-Jrs:V ' i m i . 1 1 . '.'.ULA l 1 ' ' Wr AD VERTTBEMENTS. The extensive nse'of these watches for the last fifteen years by Railway Conductors, Eni-I erlneersan ExDressmen.themostex&etmcrof I rinee. nn i?Tnreaamen.tT.Tnnt-rt,t,nf Uatch.wearers,iuthoroBeniTdemoa.trIed - z t . r More than 500,000 of these watches are The superior organization and great extent I of the Companys Works aWaltham, enables them to produce watches at a price which ren- derseomoeUtlon futile, aid those who buvanv other w atch merely pay from 23 to SO per cent. more for their watches, than is necessary.' :rr.t!rleCe8 com e7er7 lmprVe: meat that a long experence has. proved of reat practical use. Having had. the refusal of t uhf ata l.i.nUi. In mn-Wtn. tt I jrTW.w.w,-.8K. were flually adopted Which severe tesUog by the mos$ skilful? artisans in our works, and - Amoner the many improvements we would 1 Pcularizo:, The invention and use of a centre-pinion of 1 peculiar construction, to prevent damage to toe tram Dy tne or ea cage or mam-springs, is original wito me American v a tea : torn; wno, naving naa tne rernsai or au other JK2 "r""""SA"Yt"r big thet best and tauiuesa,,,. 4 yd.- lkrdened and temnered halr-anrlnM. now I uunciNujjr ttuuinwu tt aiAuumaCi9 w uo Watchmakers to be &e best, are nseo in all grades Watches, i. All Waitham Watches have du of -Waitham . .. s.;i r . dnanrnnfMna Protecting the movement (mm dust, and Ini- 1 fSS - 5SSSK52? SSS I iwatcn im- 1 thn American market, and by far the cheapest -1mrgTXea8 with the above mentioned improvemeats auraouuy ana convenience, vaioaoie. The trademarks of the various styles maje ' iKffl&tew, Ma88v - axhioas Watoh.Co-Adam. St., Waitham, Moss. J : 4 Walthah Watch Co., Waitham, Mass. P. 8. B artivett, Waitham, Mass. Wm. Eixkrt, waitham Mass. ri Dora Watch Co., Boston, Mass. yrAy'y mnm oanf j onirarlrfraa nn mmHmtHnin- ' . . ... Geare4 Aa-enta- for American. Wateh C.t 182 II roadway (JSevr York. . FOB i ..iJ:"? P.:sf :a-u Ot;:;aw -I. ,:W I.-.O .. SIX-CORD IIV AMi NUMBERS, ii ' From If 8 to Ho. 100 Inelnalve. FOIt SALS BY .'f'i ix:.- WTTaiyw. FAbrnnrv 16. 1871. tioidieri o isiii; 'A'nopuiio pension euiuicra of the war of 1812 having become a law, I shall be reaay to- iorwara- wrm pjiiiiv a soon as the necessary instructions are issued by the Department. Address for particulars No. 413 Seventh Street. fv JLI ,H. ti. S. FITCHS Family Pbyal 'elanr SO pages, sent by maJl free. Teaches now to cuie all diseasea of the per son : skin, hair, eyes, complexion. Write to 714 Broadway, New York.' J -sr. fTA. nflRi , HORACE WATERS, ft Hindi Ulml .' 481 Broadway. N. Y.. win aisposo oi yjno xxiuiureu. fiAiusi joalu n.wH rVnaiirai Af o1- flrctIoju mutArs. iacjudng Waters', at xxtxkmu.y.low raicxs, roa cash, .pnxrao this kobth, or will take a part cash and balance in monthly or quarterly j ,inAjninuiu UfJ I io.WVkot fiVl A it.aa 1!ianrinnBM. Tdro-Aot. 19th Year. 603 Acres. 18 Greehouses. Largest Asaortmenfit-aAll si zes.' Best Stock! Low Prices! Wouid you. know What, When, How to Plant I Fruit, Shade, Everrreen Trees, Boot urarts, Seedll Llings, Osage Plants, Apple Seed, Karly Rose PotaWsTlhrnbs. Hoses. Greenhouse an Garden Plants, c, A Vf I tabla Seeds l Finest. Best Collection Sorts Sable Seeds I Fines and nnaMtv. Send and quality.1 Send id cents- for New, 'Illus- t rated, descriptive uataioguew pages, oenu stamp, each, for Catalogues of Seeds, with plain directions 64 pages: Bedding and Gar den Plants m pages, ana wnoiesaie rnca. List-24, pages, -d dress. F. JaVPHffiNIX, Blooulillnokyt j ( A. B. F ARQTJIIAB, PrtfSf ! of .PeaMytysnia Agriealtaral Works, Manofactarer of Ijaprered - YORE, Pxam'A. ; 'Mcx5ffi?a5rma." soLrogrEiwEEPS, ' DIC&SON BWEEPOi J ad CRAPEhS. O JtSis ws' STEEXi. PLOWS. SHOVEL j t. PLOW BLADES. ' . CULTIVATORS. Hobsb-Powers. Thbesh-' Cend for ttnstratcd Catalogue. ; "if fro r s VjJT-- u fcbl73nent-( ,.r-W . 1 . . .. j i it J; $2 PER LINE, -,w,.?r wlu tnsrf-t (!, m..if ".ib -IB.. ... , 1. . C rfn ThlrtV-thre First-lass ? 1 North Carolina Newspapers, Including Five 'JDailies. H We relterlAepiJDllsberi of "tnla, paper, td known. . tISTiGENT'FKEE. ,i AddressoP. AoEtaC it CO., : .u ; i r- Aavrttslna racents.i f s T jfos. 40 Ok. 41. Par K Alow, Hew xorhT. par!ticuiars, .and; inslrucflona sent . bv f 'frii h. n aed of Permanent. orOll table ularS) iana jnsxructioue bui wi uiu. 1 rV ' sttnsov Ac I Those in aeea 01 permanent,, prouuwwur, EMP 1 6 YIjITI JTT FOR AliL; 1 1 . a n v - pen, WEEB. and ex bdU penses, to sell our new and nsefnl dw- 1 reveries: 1 Address B. 8W EET A CO., "Mar 1 I - t. s , ,. ..... . ,- .'.'- -. ' " " - a nrm itnoL: liannfaotarers of cnean J Jewelry. Circular .sent free. a. So. .Attle ro, Mass,. v.' f-rr riv';" a a. ,. i .i ' - 1 . " . J ' ' . ' M ' - A OB Aafa af VAAfl VB afW I - giitsv AampleaokaiEp JWftMAN l.nci ' i .A Tot sale lry ' - I LJESarSt -eSr$TO.??S&S??;! marlitf r0 F. W;KEBC1OTR. ( -NEW: AD VERTISEMENTS. I 1826 ;WS3raSPSSBSHSLi 1870 wnsumpiien-r ; --"OWMV -oeuer." . ijliXLKU l & ' j P"tf'?f'tt" SSS "8 1 r--' .T "JT t r .rvf.'.r?. rKfifr r rx rr r. v r. ' rt r;'c r i rr I-. ;i52ikTiJffi!5 iii i-i ini w-Mm . i n i 1 1 inn Mil i m uuuw w t n min ht.u ti t. to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice y send their address, and test the business. make the on paralleled offer : To such aa not well eausnett, we will send si to pay; tne irouuio oi writinz. uu particulars, a valuable sample which will do to eonunence SSnee3esffa newspapers ever published all sent free by i, " waoit yuxu. pimt- B. C. ALLEN ft CO., Augusta, Maiitb. l'.. , III Mill , PSYCHOMANCT-Any. lady or gentle-, ina cal own tag1 Pa? CHOMAlfC,eASCLATION, or 1 SOULCUAiiMlKG. 4U0 pages; cloth.. Full in- bUULtJUAJUUKU. 4U0pag Btrnctionsio use this power over men or .ant. or Writing .Mediu Divination, SpiritnaU JiSa npiecopv frees - As no capital is required, all desirous of genteel employment should send for the book enclosing 10 eta. for postage, to T. W. BVANa I ) A CO., 41 South 8th Sc., Philadelphia. Pcay c. naymg tnea in vam every seMiure! which hi wfii Tsend f See tSSe0!- low - sutferers. . Address J.x JI. TUTTLKi 78 I ..,.. 4 i . BEATlf EDICAI BOOK and French vjl : crea ior iAaies ana uents. sencrree connatCouVo, Stamps. BVX APAJiTJfi A CO., Jin- march Z-S&Fiw a- BUSINESS;GARD, ; SratrT. . " j. w. sorsov. Cotton Factors aal Coim V ' , -r' ........ "T . REFER TO JAMES DAWSON, Esq., , . i a. BAirKSB, WlXKIHGTON. A. APaiAH. ' ! '.VI H. VOLItSBW ' ADRIAN & VOLLERS Cor- Front and Ioclt 8ia., wiXmjjtg: to h n.;.c. TITHOIJESAIiE GROCERS, IN ALL its branches. ..COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well by calling on us and examining our Stock. . ;nbvl9-48-tf i:' r . 1 ENEB1L COMMISSION Merchant VX ...... VORTil WATER STREET, . Will give prompt personal attention to the 'sale or shipment. of Cotton. Naval Stores, uenerai rroauce, etc., etc. Also to receiyinj ana forwarang goods. - " - Orders solicited and promptly filled. sept23-l-ti ' ... J. 4. KPWAiDS. I B. T. Edwards & Hall, ' DEAL IN ALL BINDS OF i pATrvrrD ir PnATirrP' I UUU XV 1 It A rKUil V Kj Mi 9 And keep constantly on hand a full line ol Grocer! ces at lowest cash prices. - Wilmington, January 4, 1870. ' tf W. B. BASS. JT. eOOTT. -gaSSA 8COTT, (Successors to Bass, Finlayson Co.,) Cotton Factors and Commission Mer ' " " " ehanto, ' ""."i North Water StC, Wilmington, N. C. Befer to E. E. Bnrrusa, Esq.. President First National Bank, and Messrs. Ilnlayson ft Bro niAiuAugkoa,. v., isept 6-tf s. NOBTHSOr, JW H. Northjbop. C'sl r V ST; A. CnomraV' . Al UA LUIUIJ VX t n m I n i HH . I AT COOSIISSION . MERCHANTS And Proprietors of the Wilntlna-ton Ht..m nw Milia.Xrilmitiartnn.iv. cl Q ' T, V ' market furnished. special attention given to tne purcnase or sale of corn ana peanuts. oetly MANUFACTURER .: AND DEALER IN Hardware, Guns, Stoves,' Pumps, Kerow sene ou, Tin anq sneet iron. -' Hoofing done at short-notice,; ... Airanft Tar FAIRBAXK'S nniNaViFront ; June lo-tr J . OABRXLL. K. 0. STAVAXAHP. ' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, s . -- - ' 1 - Cor. Princess and Jf. Water Sts., VMS. &.co:aiBmtn TiCRRnVAl, a.ttntinn to-the sale or S shipment ot Naval Stores, Cotton, Ac.; and. prompt returns maUew.s '.pnaria em NFBXDBBier. -" W.C fbbdbbick. .FUEDEUICIt & SOX, 7 J COTTOM ' : FACTORS - AaD GENERAL r- - COJBiMISSIOS jaijaciiAJTrs, ,'tNo.' 2a jiortli- Water Street,- TfTIaIJIGTOWlf . C. ' Jan 18-tf -.- t " - i . 1 -; ' Sugar and Coffee. 20 HHDS. DEMABABA and P. R. 8UGAB 1llfl BBLS.'REFINED SUGAR, ' -w - f Tfyt tTA X . w . T APTk OA&.aiU, AAfIlA. tl guyra and Mocho Coffee. J For sale by marl2-tf , F. W. KERCHNER. Coriil nTTQTTwTA' . ' i'. -.- " '-. y . r PRTMWHITE CORN, For sale by ; imar mrjt F. !W. KERCHNER. i 1 i A TOIl auACKS. A victim of early in- any' Xjl discretion, causing nervousdebility,pre- INSURAHC7IJ0TKIESit Joa.iipCiOTiii- - TTlit i vTYTflTTT-i r ttwti a "r . - 4 vt , o ivorui Jrroni Direct, Wilmington, Ti; 4 T HIS COMPANY ISSUES all the Ordinary mftf. OF. FBEMItJlI . wtthont '. restriction as ;'to travel or residence. 1 :. ' To place Life Insurance within the reach of ALL, ft has adopted a , system of MOKTHLY payments, peculiarly adapted to the, abiHties ot those working tor l alaries or wages; ( 1 . . TheAssetgof the Company are Iyrtedto soUdsecnritles.whichaYeaUmterestatinS. We offer the lollowing advantages' to la- surers -d Mome Uompa&y. control led OV V: - ' rX. . -I well-known business men. . - Expenses less than: any, other Id e T'i V'--'" A : . lOTD D ftU V . a U tl UlVlUenUS Will Ut? correspondingly large."' ; Liberal modes payments ; of Premiums. Policies Non forfeitable after pay ment two jan n nai premi oms. Policies Tncontestible for any canse after payment ot Five An .UUUIrL ICUilUUiD. Wo refer to' the folio wing Stockholders and Policy Holders ; ,f . ;' A. J. EeRosset, ' . "E. Murray," Williams & Mnrchlson,' . W WIL Bernard . RoVtHVCbwan; t y; JosA EnlehaycL: Judge R. 8, French, I. B Grainger) . i wm. A. Wright, F. W. Kerchner,' Harri8s & Howell, ' 7 ' Northrop A Cnmmlng, James Dawson, WnlardBrog.; vBob,t"Stranget " Silas N. Martin, ; Worth Worth, E.E. Burrlss, nlng, Dawson, Teel A Hen- '' Sprunt 4 Hinsbn Adrian Toilers. H.B.Eilefs', JOHN W. ATKINSON President. JOHN DAWSON, Vice-Presidenti A. JOHNSON, Ja.,' Seoretary. S. D. WALL ACEl, Treasurer," WiLHnraTOK, N. C, Varoh'17-U. iaoiasseSrJbiourosa: 0r HHDS. NEWCBOP CLAl QlJU MOLASSES and n. p. sy: 1 jO 0 OB ABBE LS FLOTJbT" 400 BARRELS MULLETS. 400 BALES HAY. .; , ' AVD A OKBrXXiX STOCX Or GROCERIES. For sale very low, by ' ' ! ' - WIIiLlRDBBOS.: Corn!, Corn! 12000 BUSHELS COBN For sale by feb 23-tf WILL ARD BROS. Syjrup. 3V. i rir - ct-ft -.-T o; H0GSHF,AlB3- OtQQ BABBELS NEWCBOP CUBA AJiD aOQ .Muscovado Molasses dSyrnp.r 1 .For sale at Very 1W prices, y tit j i.1 , ::'!.', ' rv2i5- ,VylljLABD;BBrv1 i EicellEice! ana very .enowot wjwh aj r . , . j tib Foe sals' hit no VI. -.4' rwT r no'ifi.-; t4 U! mar 18-tf ' ' rWlLLABJf BRt4; Receivea yi JIExpressj : . ,,rTPS LATEST ST.YESQF. SPRlNtr HATS arid? BQNjnSTS. i -1. 2' ' if- i L . , i a a Tk ;i .march 7-lWs. EBcJuMnare Comer, 4 ? Moniitain :Bntterj f A ' ...... 1 u.-.wl ' . allil iiA. JC ' A SUPERIOR. ARUCLS of' Mountain Cut ter, at thirty-live (35) cenWpif '?;. ': SIIlAAND-jdTO ?:;'iF6rsaleW,VJ-'"'i4U:",1r laovta-tf " EDWARDS A HALL A '1,1 r1jl JrS -- "?1 Jlil'l u .,Bacoh,Butter- nPir tARDr' T;'Ttms:i 'XT'- i. - " riTlXTRA LARD, U- " -jbIconsides and shoulde-W V-HHOICB BTJTTEK, ? U fir; ? 3 W aTK.SH niUH. , . 3 b,iakllBi"aid,lte sale cr-5 'if -IV i; i nriL-a. rJri.:ljiVt? TWT1C2SET A COi JliaiLilA AjrUAr - - " " "I 1 -V. pa--.. am ' TSEOPUCS FATOBIYB JOURNAL, ThTB noat Interefctlxifir . Storte 4 1 t TTlLEKLYl jr. ! A PRESENT there are 8Ix Great Stories lOL running' through its columns; and at' least un stout is naair js vxkt ona. ; ! New subscribers are thns an re Of havingtne commencement of a new continued story, ' no matter when they subscribe tor the ; cmjo rtr-i ' 'it's, w ;r p it k w ssjc; Each 'number of the NEW YORK! WEEKLY , contains several beautiful Illustrations, and . double the amount' of reading matter,' f any. of its class, and the Sketches, Short Stories, ' Poems, etc. are by the ablest writers of r America and Europe. The m Ux.-. ? i 1ST E W T, 0 TX KE K'f i does not oonflne its usefulness to amusement, but publishes a great quantity of realy. in structive matter, in the most condensed form. , Ttlt - ....... : '.,: '.e: -. I0BK WEEKLT 3EPABTMHTS have attained a high reputation from their brevity, excellence and correctness. " " J v The PLEASANT PABAQBAPH3 are made up of the concentrated wit and humor of many minds - 1 1. f i . ' . The KNOWLEDGE BOX is confined to use fnl information on aU manner of subjects. ( The NEWS ITEMS give in the fewest words the most notaDieaoings-ari over tne worm.v Ttie GOSSIP WITH : CORRESPONDENTS contains answers to enquirers nponajllmagi nable subjects. , yr;""-in ' f . !?- --o . a h An Unrivalled literary Paper NEW Y.QXK" WEEKLY Each' issue contains frem EIGHT TO TEN SHORT STORIES AND 8KETCHES, and half a dozen POEMS, in addition to the SIX SE RIAL 8T0BXE8 and the VARIED DEPART MEN.TS... . i s .., SPEfclMEN COPIES SENT JiBEeJ-W "' The Terms to. Subscribers1 1 r T One Year Single Copy....... u. ..$ S 00 One, Year Four Copies (2 60............... 10 00 une rear fiignt copies Those sentlinar S20 for a Club of Eiaht. all sent-at one time, will be ientitled ta .oopy free r uettersrup ot viuds can, atterwara aaa Single copies at2 Bfl each. A . r-, ' BiiiHiJiii a Dunn) riupimiuni i-, No. 69 Fulton Street, N. Y. Sept 15-S&F6D10-V . 1 lllWm rr". Hundreds of -Thousands OS Bear tertiinonr tTietf Wonder 0! H.P WHAT ; ARE THE Y ? ?3 WAS) Sd s- . . 1 ' ... SB fr- "Ofl CPS -THEY ARE NOT A VTLE el FAN CY1D R ! N K',sif Mads of Poer JIbi vVhlsker, Prewr Spirits andRcfiise Liquors doctored, spiced ad sweetened to please the Uate, called Ton cs,"App(ert;M Retorer,, c, that lead the tipp'lcr on te druakenncss and nun, bat are :j j a true, Medicine, made from tboNaUye Roots and ' Berbs of California, free froni alt Alcohol ie Stimulants, TUyaictlieBttiaTnjrOBf ; ' rUBlFIEtt aa4 A.IFB GIVING .PlfclTU - ' .nw --.. p.nATlvu' and TlVvlarotMOr Of ' .. i . .n nfT all nnlanhAnAtllAUer a&d restoring the Wood to a hcaitny conouioa.,. w j. Pon can tae tliwe; Bitters israingxtoilreo; ci tloa and romaiA lone nawelL hn'rs r.'. t Fr Inflammatory a4. .CItyUea ;U ajttlmn) ad- GeetrBFe': I"1 Cestleev Dillousi. ttemtttesf a4,laMJir to! nkittont FBTer jDlaeaees of the BloeA ' Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, tjwe Bit i -J cr UaVJ -oeeni iuost wJte,l, i : finds Pl- -caM; arSaaaedi fcjt Vitlatea: llleoa ynic. -' gesaiy - pffltees ly dersns-ewant VI M'tesirVeVisaJ :J!?!rfc rVjPEl8IA OR'INDIGRaTfOJJ Iffa -KiiiWMie. Psltf 1 the SlMMildsi tkBtgbS'TltfW- -U x..v t-t tkl Oheet. DixsinwrtiSeBt- Ertotatteas 11ms Stomach, Bad UU in UiS Mtxiu uumm a , tacks, ralpltttlon of tho Heart.. Iaflanxmatloh o. ,toUki'rM jitlwregidia ttMrKldaByW 'aJiBtilrcdtK?? j'Xfr611' .prlnetJOf Dyspepsia. ' e 'Xa.U m. i t!i Rtnmrli and fitlmaiate vae & torpianyerVatioV.whlr : ! ' Rait Khcna, Blotclics. bts; Pimples,' PttsWle. Bolls, Carbuncles, ninsr-TTonns, Scald-Head, Sbro ; . yes.ErydDclfu. "aeurCi BlKJoloratloas of s tho BjarirHiKuW'a&ft- DUeases of the' Skin, of ':f wnaWvcriaai dreatar.c, arallteraUy dog tip rJ rufcafrllat8f ltteBfseBl fbortttos by fjfirf's,e f ttcs fitters.' 4 One .eottla .la .Saab vc ctertn boaylneo the amet lncredlo ! curatlySeffecUJ r-j!J-W5w r. j Is r r. ' l Che!te'Tlttatid Btoedwaenaveryoaflnd ' r lmpartneabBTBttos thromga thai tkla inFlm- . pies, ErapUons or Sore. f cleanaoU whes you "4i M 'obrtructedr WffttfattM Jf , ; eleanao itwhealtlsfdut. 'JSEiX ; -Hen toB wfcea. ".Keep the-Weed pare sad the .l&ratteimtoBs PIN TAPE and other WORMS, lurMBr la iJ 1 fee system of so many thousands; are effectually. i; 'destroyed and removed. For f all directions , read carefoUy the cuxular around eachbottle. '! wArIMMistolV B. B, MCDONALD . , . CO, Droggtats and Qea. Agenta. SaaJTraaclaoo, cl .and 82 and S4 Commerce Street, New YorB. The Capo : Pcar Giixiiio Is a complel'FeTtillxeT, representing bone and meat in proper proportions, tO 'perma aentry Improve the la&d. v j friijiti'ntj febiesArtf Chemist. .Cotton' Yarn, -H- t-:ti. "... .Tf-ryfljair dt.oi lo!J 5i. lil - it aug" 7-tf -i t i .WILLARDBROg. u - 7 a c - IP ' . . ... . ..- ift?9 :t ,':i

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