MORNlN Q ;r STAB, p"'' iTOg ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ; v 1, .the lniury nufie-track of tEe temnesL In V'- 1 , .B loZD PUXrMOjriiTr-J BAL&A1&" UijU W n 1 1 1 1 .1 - hu . w xjljlb ruiiuuifrju lire r m aw mi - 9 e j m m . mm ; r-mm v a Correspdui'tent-i ftnisf Soot 5 ,111 sUcs of their rP"'?' J' VVe cannot undattake. itJfelttiu.1 re)tc(ed c0 nmnnlcatlons. A aa . i-i UJi,.jki vt n t T I V rti IVODA TW l . tT7T T TV TIj Certain dipTomattccorr published which shows the part taken by England In the. negotiations for peace at Versailles, prpglie, who arrived io Lon don oa the 24th ultimo, addressed a- note to the Foreign Office romphuningiofc: the indifference wards France, ana asking tain a prolongation !cf.lhfiat(Mstlcr am!" miuction ot,the lqmnity(fromJbAoner Otis pecuniary exaction. . Granville de clined to interfere as' to ihe aroiisiice, but telegraphed the same day toYersaJlles & representing that It; was Timpossib'efd(r : sell, the British leprweptatiyatraftUles, J : iAsVv-lilX 1 ,!3fit TJE" THft VEGET AfcLE bandard remedy for Con el . - - . . a " 1 i -, x a. m m li r . im. m m. m m 11 . l l j i t 1 lAiuguuiutibU!' ifuunncr veucr. ' vu iiiAa Die., in MOfffan COUntvj TlHnm'a hnn : - IJT. T-' w I B&OS. A CO- Boston. . 4. ' J fences and forest were, blown. down, and ?The7fthOTtoto UjOIjO L JlL'Ig,. TI severalpersons badW iniured; At Helftna laAt flfteen yearstoy KaUway Conductors, En- S S 18 8 S 5 O.lJ 1 & SI Ark., the 8ame J.fteroooCiv'uuVricaner'Wf1 nZJxrLJrZ la JSZ jaaotv uy iuc tiiy, iitiiDOatig- a nurnDer 7 . ' ,t a z I prepajea wxiucaisu CiaeB prun ponauu and profitable. Persons of either sex easily to the business. Boys am of houses nd dn?rif'nhprvrirmr'a Tr.v- jft strength, steadineaa, durability aad.accaJ-mployment at home, the whole of the timeor other points on the welt' tank' of "tile claB ln alltIie88respects,todecidetheqTies. earnfrom 53o,to $5.per ening, and a pro river " rCl" 1 1 T - r T 1 T tion 118 10 11x6 real value of these time-keepers. I portional sum by devoting their whole time 4 . . ; t L J. I.E. X Jf J JL PasseOfers 'betwdij1 Charles- girls earn nearly as lis notice business. such i ton and Aususta afrlalkinff about the IZttlZlJW iii!f l t.. e A. j . I PWMiV.W5.vRii v,iyrji(aj I ior iue rrouoie oi writing, particulars, a peautllUlighU Pl W JllDJasaijdand ; Tue anperior organization and greaf eiteiit valuable sample which willrdo to commence work on, ap j?vPy &t4i2Wf'&teNW ,0cmpanion--i6 oi the largest and best family newspapers ever published all sent free by awoarVs-5 Augusta, matjix. fronts the South CareKaa Railroad, and iother watc'niereiy t5ayTfOmr25 tdtojrcmtLaD WgU alS & CO., every indicaU Jajtjthia tjearrwp will rior their watches -fy- : ttt- u vruiuu iuipmiuiag.uo. tao I nave some oi those large famous peaches i hesetlmDleceabombh' every imocov-v.Ji UivnaiJi.-ai exbiUteil j' EAgUnd.-.tpT rwitliAtken flor , , ljlTfl fommW vana asking Gr'inviffe'io ob- . : - Ve practical; usf: r w. , ii JL maa can matte u.,uuu a montn, secure i pgrlrawprpdr; ;owniaM3ineesrad-mdepetidene by-otii feavini had iharefueal of inKL'PCHOM ANCX. SCUIA'f ION " ' ' - I 0."S ITT TIT A r r-VT 1 - fl run U n MAn . .Txv-V. - IFvilT m viri jxi-v, ;wt -tot or Z Any lady. or genUe- neir ;ain-M wrlyeveivinvefttionlnwatcbtnaltmgorigW .natlng UHhW oonntX7drinuropeKonlythose. male at will, how to M eimeri o, become Xrancw were Aually adopted whicht severe testing by r writing Mediums; uivinatiox, bpimuai - . ... , . ,- . , rl 1- ism, Alchemy, Philosophy of Omens and tl??m.?.st 8fa?1 .attteanS J otir' works, antti Dreams, Brigoam Young's Harem, Bt rated to be essential to oi eot andf endur-; Oju sold ; price by mail, ln cloth, 2 paper $1. No tick. Any person willing to act V ft JiIIktn .:..-v. ii Hli cover. Among the many improvements wo would rcc. as no capital is required, all desirous or 4. . . genteel em pioymennsnouia senarortneoooK, particularize: .. . . ; enclosine&lOots. fortostajtetdT..W.KYAlJ The4avjeUMaaiTi3crof.abenlrjtptD & CO., 41 South 8th Sr.v Philadelphia. 1 u peculiar construction, , to jprevent damage to tne tram oy tne Dreasage or main-: ricai INSTXRANOE TTOTIOEa z.tvl9$:.xtntjv el allium edi Ij ufe rnoimMicE co. i7i - tocBd nss-i C7r r X HIS COMPANY ISSUES aU the Ordinary Life and Endowment PoUcles at LOW BATES PBEMIfJMwlttot-cptf j .... .n v.Oii i-.u : i .'jjtijj' travel or residence ; 2 ;fqsart.-,fit sr:T.vo)?4 i- To place Life Insurance withim the reach, of ALL, it has adopted a aystmjHgKTHLY payments, peculiarly adaptedjtothe abilities ot those working lor i diaries or wages, n ' The Assets of 4be CDmpanj are- invested i 8oiidpeQuritie8,wWcharealllnersbbe Annstronff &Go Bonnet Triinminr nn elvetSibnona. ; uoHHv oiiKi, ssiini svna v eneu. Blondsi Vetta, Cpes,ttnehenQWer) Feath-t .eri:Orname straWBokw , ,4ata. irfmmed,; and) titlHfi..lavs 1 ' :.i u Shaker II ooda, Afc.ApJiejft'? i:;no3 I "Offer the LaTigos$took tcobe fotrad; iathlj: country, and unequalled In choice variety and, j -VrderasolfeitedVan fiferc'.lattlentldi.1 , We offer the lollowing advantages tO'Im-; snrers jj j.,'., j " I I "well-known busirtqssrnrfi wr tcs tnat herecervea tneaispfttcnoo f iuataaieeo:taexoeiaiouirainsuape.nntt ongiMuwinuwAuwawaAwnpany, ,X3l discretion, causing nervotisdebnity, pre-' i -n . j r.t 1JL. . fj..' fji. material. Besure 10 ask for w having had therefnaal .of thr ,00 matnredey,ikc.,hav&g tried in vain every - vji.; 1 r .-sV w-Z I ate to admit of.hls; Interposition iri;nhe T rYpt; f; A "f1 AfinATE;;A'r iPT'W11 advertised remedy, .na. a -simple means of 1?",;; XL than anv other Life V j'iu 1, -l- J A U: 15 1 A A IS, ingthfi best and iauUless, l.r. sel r-curor which bo-wUl send ne to-hta fel- JiXpenses less tQan any Oilier Jjlie negotiations, but expressed the beliet thar , ! tAKiiACCKlTr o' otueb? I -Hardened. and tempered ibAfa!-tiprings,onow: low-sufferers. Address J. H. TUTTLE, 78 .v r-i.-x... Count Bismarck received a"' duplicate of Q Axe, arranteti I :?W5se2 ;lja8Sa; ,rit,-n? iBp f ' i . 1 1. ' 1 . 1 nil vmi 1 1111 tti tvn t r n m vr a 1 ur.Trrni 11 t it 11 -i 4 w . , . . rt 1 r 1 . . r t r finally fixed. J T Ana 1 Dealers iThxoufftaout in i State. - Ai wnitWt; tvori itavnVaf.Anf 'Aotmi ; VJl Secrets ior Ladies and Gents. Sent free ..UI ; . ' 'rjrtL lir ,V " ," I ' f o r 2 stamns. lm. BQNAPAKTE A -CO.. Clnnl conaati, t)hb.o li IJ U XI 0 march &&S4w -I protectinsr ihenio ening the necessity o' the frequent cleaning complete assortment of a Plow;?, so v ln stock, and for sale law at ; N. J ACOBl'S, DEMOCRATIC-OAim? IK uXW. Tlic New. Yolk1 WatttTaays : T1 AS..1 nf.ih. mn Atitlh'al '4VlrtlfVTT' V ':ou,v.:. ''.Vr.rVTnl ... A large ana well assorted stock of ut tiitt inip.nnr.iu..LiiB oiiiio -icdihuoy ii xisib. duiucs. ouurif t uim, uwo. hu uu i.i - . 1 . ... 1 , , ,1 lW . . 4 1 m.l.. .1 1 11 f 1.11 . ... f... M tr 'I nn I . J. . 1 -l . Mechanics Tools, House and., General .Hard ware, Paints, Oils, Glass,' c , Tor sale at ' il i !'H ) J f ; i : ! ' ' HATH'L J ACOBl'S :i;'.:i.Hardware Depot, No. 9 Markette gentrally favorahle'tolthe Democr VfSo wains are handsbnie; arid' "af roy '1e?i(fs :oif Meehani with 2,000 (najority vfor. the-''Demp;ratic oandidutc for Mayiv i gain of over t,9PP. ' r 1 JjJLi' lTfr-,a J- aihM'ttf1 fact jent-frofn dust; and le .necessary in other watches ' Ournewpateutftem-Wfnder, or keyless watcn iisarreaav a atciaea auocess ana a great im provement on, any stemwtedlnr watch in the .Aiaertcan .Tnarjcei ana-uy. lar tue cneapesc watcrr or its quality nowoirerea to tne pnouc To those 11 ting in por ions or tne unitea estates where 'watchmakers do not abound, watches with i the J above i mentioned improvements which tend to ensure accHraoy; cleBinliiieas; durability and conyeniencepmnst 'provefin- .ax' .i". .'.incil .(.. ;AxixjUtjf'X."g. .TOraoH, r. JtyXJCBSar: Liberal h moaefri ot & pajindnts moii Premiums. so. Tile' trademarks of toe various' styles 'made '. ; a t. ..t.xA m. vtr tha n.-TTnn.rt v Ar ihMows ' v '-'. "."I Cfc TALBOTH, 0 i jO. Hi TAll?lV q'; "1 A .T JUtBOTT " 1 t8trecMrsteTalbottBt. SHOCKOKMACHJNX.WOBKB. Cor. Cary ft seventeenth BtSBlehmond, va., tiu oi fnrHAxjAcTnaa8 0A-.:.TA:sd ioitabi C: stailwbarv ftteam luitla . .Vmmm. ,aad-alL kiad ot TDbaCCO' Fixtures. Wrouirht Iroa work, isrsss anairon. i vaeiav saw. sin, : 4ll lraali - Castings, Machinery or every aeaoriptiont o. Jan ?6-84Fly .11 i. jt.qr. ,y.i. r.rr Cl.fci .in over liovemoT tionman s uiaju.iiy ion November." iv. r This does.qot Joolf jlike Uklfig'an step backward in the great Empire State, AvqaiOATr Watch Cq Waltbam Mass. V AHNi watch (jo, w ait Dam, juaas. A he aiOAH w atch uoa (jrescent St., vv aitnam, SADDLES." HARNESS, WHIPS, - - . - t . ' . . : ilA Hardware DeDOt. Market St i JtL yttl U''lJ- J.'.l "Mass:'tA&OW Policies iNM-FvrfeilffiziAtevtAF ; men t of ; a'rjh)a:ptomm 7 (flli: Mass. which may now beregarded- nKiViof fr; tfi a .afnarTr! rtfiH ninf . Hardware Depot, No. 9 Will CUttUlU IUC lClUUVTttliO Ul IUC I 1 " , .." ' l1 '." 1 . 4 r 1 UNS. PISTOLS. POWDER, SHOT, POW. VTiderFlasksVQamo Bag Shot Belts Cart? JACOBPS Market St. rHAM watch Co., Waltham, Mass . BAOTXarrr, yr amial Uase. am. j Vttwbv VaTa 1 4-V. o rtr Xl a act REFER TO JAMES DAWSON, Esq., ,J -a June 17-tf PIAHOS IOEGANS ! 7 . NO. 45' nitOOME STREET' BBOADWAT, ir.'Y; KEAB 0.11; remaiiie & Bro succes3 State to retireithe HqnlIlosQpciCohkbjig one of the most Radical Senators in Con- gress.):,yj i lWwitiiw ji'.w4.jtw TUB WILD' HUNT FOR OFFICE. The Washington Pitriot says the scram ble for office was never.jbefore so disgrace ful as at the present time'and among 'the most ardent seekers' ' after. place -are - Sen- .aiDiB uun.iwjjiwBuuimM nuww lama..-. r.r: i vrrv TiA'Drn'DO pired on the 4th Instant; iM&j ilrquitei K CXA'JN rM , X JllOe a list ot these gentlerren, '.nearly' ali;0f ; 1 ivand agents f'or thB whom exoect ihe Prealdentitu rjrovlde for , ;.v' ,-iLriL,i. sl them. Mostof them are. anxious cto.;o -. r i "i'-'j - L. ; t:; l aoroad auu as a tuuscuueuve, jscywoi ic- calls of persons now deeming, themselves- secure are expected - ;ine lactitnanuese persona have, been repudiated at home 1 as not seem to have any weight or effect, Wal1 P. 8 Hoxa Watotc Co., Boston, Mass? ' - Examine the spelling of these names care fully before buying. ; Any variation even' of a Binsleletter. indicates a countetfeit. ' For sale by all leading Jewelers, No watches .1 1 rAnUlustrate4hi8toryofwatclHmaking,con taining much tusef oi information to . watch- wearers sent to any. address on application.! General Asrents foir American Watcbi 1 rfTT'IIOIJEAr.B QOOCERS, III AU FoiicieaSiftfe for.; an jcause ! -irV"rodticee the largest net licreaseof' ; or any manure, whea fairly tried, ! for par-- j 1 -rt TJTTTD' ..i. f Cape Fear Chemical Works, i ebl6SFtf 'i J ' f WilmJtogtott,'N. C. ! LARGE ARRIVALS OF -after payment oi FivArt- -;i ! v : v. jbt iiKcKa.rampf ....;: . ALSO. Co., 12 Broadway, If ew Torli. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN " '' .'I '1 . " 'tN f?- -j. i.j ;.v--::-v ?fs j 1 -'. Hand - and Machine Sewing. f 4 J J Its branches.1. , :." ':" ,; t f. : : COUNTRY MERCHANTS wlU do weU by calling on us and examining our Stock.' ; ' ' :novl-4a-tf ' , - --i , ; We refer to the folio win g Stockholders and Policy Holders : . . . i A. J. ReEosset, , T ; E. Murray, i Williams A Mrchison, t. H. Bernard, . , Rob't H. Cowan, , VV Jos. A. Englehardj! Judge R. S. French, ' ! B..GralhgeTi: r Wm. A. Wright, ; A: F. W. Kerchner, Harrlss & Ho well, ; . ' : WUlardfiros4- ' ; Northrop Cximmmg ' 'BohVtrange, James' Dawson ...SJQaa N; itortin, E.E.Buxriss, fining, . . WortJi.A.Woxtlir-4 k:1 E'ASi'KO'T, Q F march 9-tf j- AT " HKIDE BROS., No. 6 South Water street. ; iv.- Carjeiter SBiiriBtt'stetopTeients. MOFFITT afe'rCO. GENERAI. OMMI8SIOX Merchants , v. t HOKTH WATER ; STREET, . . 1 1 Willgive prompt personal i attention to the sale .or shipmeatt-of Cotton,'- Naval Stores; SIX-CORD IN AaVAU5IBERS, elTtS'Qetc' AlsotoreeeivmF sept23-l-tt:--.' -u;. r. - iv ---" ; & P. COATS' Dawson, Teel &-.Hen-- ; Sprunt IJinson, H. B. Eilers, " ' Adrian & Toilers. ' i JOHN W. ATS8bNf rteidenW JOHN DAWSON, Vice-President. A. JOHNSON, Ji Secretary, ; ; S. D.. WALLACE Treasurer.! Wilhihqtoit, N. C, March 17-tf : , ThevfireAt, Medical Discovery! Dr. WAInt'S AIAFORNIA. yi n egar ;;bitters; si Hnjioieds of ,Thouian03 nkt f- Bear testimony to their Wonflsr, loear; i i folCaralrfs Effects. , , , v, ,Jg " IIS WH AT ARE THEYJi i9 O Qreatest Success of .the Age i J v tl . f w. iVAR IiLB BT1- All Dealers- In Dry Goods and Motions I The foreign monarchy party in Spain cliim a sure maVrift'fulha jBowiDg elec- 1 THE disagreeable reedy tone entirely over come in this lnstrnmeat The verdict is unanimous. We challensre the World to equal i r. i Onr new scale medium-sized 7. octava f ' 9.' i , KDW ASDS. B. . HALL. Edwards ,& ,HalU: Grocers and MilmHentofe ;? DEAL IN ALL KINDS TOF , Molasses, 3our; &c Ori H1ID3. NEW CROP CLAxEI v VloA O UP V MOLASSES and N.' O: SYRUP. WAKHrtirdTos. February iel 187L .S 5Wdra p 1P1 2 ; 'the till to' penalonld iers 0 TT gp ' F R O Iti TfT C E . of Uie warxtfJ8iaijavingoeo9m.iw, T be reaajr .to ww; i rJKr' And keen constantly on .hand a full line oi 1, 400 400 BARRELS FLOUR- BARRELS MULLETS. BALES HAY.-' rt -t t r-VI.xMAre?YriJA,i'KIrC"'ii MO"Vt"''Jr:rA,'r2 Grocerices at lowest cash nrices. . ; . a o - - ions ior memQers,.oi uie-uri , uiu loreasn.- by the ipartmentuuresBiw irwuui . -- .-v- : Cr'ii -l - - ...... y The New York ItuUpecUUtnicx WPW"". B,.Wr.i)UwaiA, abbdi, ...y yvummgwH.yOTuary i. JL V1.4LJ il T rV H'TH K ' J ' llV W ;- the army in their pay, and all thet young of the BURDExX". odur&jiVj 5 I . 1 -No. 412 Seventh Street. L5ZHElr JC Xl U Hi Xt . V' 'J i r ' .L , It is by far the mostwirfece teed instrn w. b. bass. j. j. soott. . . - men.dislranchi8ed, a yicry fos the party mentwebaveyersn.. w ts -p-K. H. S. FITClTs Family Physl- a, a h ki o x-r -i l ')T ..Foi aale arery low,hy ' ,.i,i wQ rfpl .e-Ofcrijian-Xi4fcf'of oettMajai" Jl tanj 190 ;pages t sent bV tnaU . ree. T , ..B,J?f .; , . 1 , i i v WILLARD BROS. 111 power may reasonably be . expected. . we had no idea tmit.a reed..to8trnment ffeSmkw to io ah diseases of the per- -X' ''- V, , .. inn27tu ' s ' But What Will SUCh JCWln lnn0 wuu The pi.es9 and Iul1? ' Broadway. New Yorfc - - W.tVn toraaif fintnfssaa Vev ff l Iai 1 t? Pcace and progressjor Spin, or,d9- .Sv'Sea i " . s - - . - l - . i.J-.v . ; TJ , Com ! UOmJ fit Asl lpfS?qV -Elk' !- M-m trfi: , A in -'I".' if V-. J;'; N6T a vile ful strains aotoaly givei al. out unnesiLaun -; a 1 tnmnlf anrl .jrliannntpnt . .Most I armroval. bl quievuuc, - " ;r:r ";; IfiSids without a rlvaU- likely the 'latten ., 1 ne a r pre ud, jealous people, and will not rest ments, hi content while a orejgnEHuCe 8its in the .aHeuC.- gly concede that it vuoWGRACE WATERS, '481 Broaaway, irM flUTW 1 aiCI BU, Tl UUUUKVU,1V.VI .... I 4 4. M Refer to E. E.'Burrnss, Esq.. President First l!i&UUU ;sept6-tf ii BUSHELS CORN; For salby seat of supreme povret in Madrid. i-iTiCj . FOREIGN MISSIONS o FIEST-CLASS PIANOSiri from ten to twenty-flve per cent, less man any other house (offerihg the same class of instru ments) in the United Btatea, H' J1 ill",. artasb, aud balance in monthly or quarterly I s. Nobthbop. W. H. NoBTscaor. taijmeniK - . ; r - Wm. A. Ctnamro. par ms feb 23-tf '' ! i WILLARD BROS. sales and small Pfs we maxb it. at vne 44ty-' infHal obiect.- to furnish our f . . ; 1 vV t ' J "t" ""r'thni.Tnonta lkjuiarav inferior WWittyMmwwi-wBwwrBu. to nominate. AtrJBancrpft:; as minister to -r-v.Tr.i, ?fi-h&. - ' ' -' - i : 1 i, ? .- k y -' - r3 I WiiiWiiiTAw.'iit'Tii .w'lTBSEnYJ.f N riTTTirATii'-Ar. .ii-TnTriiTlfy!j m . - l9thTeatt 600 Acres.-13 Oreeliouses. Largest mMmsNrnivriirFitrirAVTS 3:ty V Molasses aSy? 71. k 1 TU6 rresiaent on vyeanesuajueuiucu 8ttme timej-a epeciaij wju i"'"VV;iXt WAnAtwrni Know. What. When, How to Plant! And Proprietor ttkhwiimmrto Shade, Evergreen Trees,-jRoot Graf ts steam Saw Mills, Wilmioeon,W, C. OGSHEADS. the new German JEmpire runder the law just pas&td. Judge Ortb, ex-Congressman, va9 assured that he 1 would receive . this positioD,a,but, was ip vtujrn. .tendered .the mission ' to Brazil," wbich Mr.r Bid w -xf iinssuuii, lias jusb icaij4uvM."- "M'" ' Orth promptlyjdeclineM leaving at once tor his home in Indiana. Apct in the Market. EVEBY INSTRUMENT FULLY GUAR ANTEED 1X. TEAKS. T7 ftwri iiesthavo had a desire to obtain a flt or rrom siw mj ow, bbiuici . 0 Piano, a pro 'iBh !oAiivhATirA a larcre class Of OunmsiolOV- svMf."o Pnhvlvnii Aflrlcultnr! Works. SehaveheenbUreW i.)Tiro mu famish - new Tseven-uctavw- jtuuu It is said that the' Beneyolent Mr, .v. 'i i n 1 JL. .i:i."'. ' AtliA. .3 rt r rvn ,--! . ',. J TT-iL. JiJ Pbictet list; Stent toiantd;drbss.? sssbb? nes3?"-1' Lnmber ,OT any 9- Special attention given to the purchase or sale of Corn and Peanuts. oct4-ly ..- , .. . .. . AVTtFicSTUHER Alfr5 DEALER IN iXL" Hard ware,' Guns, Stoves, Piinips, Kero sene Oil, Tin and Sheet Iron. ROOFING DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. : Agent for FAIRBANK'S SCALES, -No. 19 Front St., Wilmington, N. C. junelO-U ria-CV fifl i'iifrl J . OABKBLL. , . , . B. C. STAVALABD. Garden Plants fto. Ao. Flower ami vege iahiA Hia ! Flnftnfe. Best Collection Sorts and quality. Send lo.ceBts;for' New, , Illus trated, Descriptive Catal6gue-J-90pageSi Send stamp, each, for Catalogues of Seeds, with ninin HirPf tinns 64 nacres : Beddintr and Gar den Plants-3? pages, and, w0lesale'ice la. Mnnnnv&do MolaSseS' and SVTUP. ' ' ' T For sale at veryowrjces, by WILLARD BRO mar iMi, : j .. -. . s. HEice! 61000 LBSl NEWa RJCEi fresh ' and very choice, in staaaanrt to arrive. For sale bv ' .t ' & WILLARD BRO marl84f -.1 tollahed Stel -v DJCE50N SWEEPS,: BaLra ri. -r ;. f."! i. ; ggiftM rwnpt CCLTIYAIUlttS; L. (IA Vlr' :iUo".X i".!'i l.' ivei 4 ..:?' a "J 1 Juneft-SAFtf W. B. TREMAIN Broad w ay a poor organ-grinding Union soldier, with only one leg and one arm. gave him tr jpa iphlet on-depjJonging, and recommenAj riVWKPARTlfruLAfclti The BostoncBwfe telli Df -a man in Troy V constaiitg on hand, among, whlehay be tSi GAREELL & STANALiVNI), Wilnington mms FAVORITE RESORT is now, open or , 1 the summer. jeirwujcii.o kinds FOR-S2 PER tlNE, ;rin Thirty-tnreo irsi-ciH - GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. : Cor. Princess and IT. Water Mfts., .jl. Wilmington, N. C. "THE LATEST STYLES OF f. , 7 i ; . : S 6 .' ft-:.''.;- f " i 1 1 '. . ; i'. I : t ERSONAL attention given to the sale or ehipj-sant t A aval otores, onon, c and promptTetums made 1 I l....ini...i mf Wimll H I . rnnV nnt tfi CTTT AW I ' .' icu a uuarvjuiiMuoByMorwvv-v,- i LAGER BJfiJSit, A-t.f.VS i "Vjsi-iTl (( QJUJ.U4I;W4Afi'''P'AK'-, off his earr'When vp6ople15-ger..t9 " ' "berries, ..Aoi i. io ;:ni.t t? t toeindWtfrire ,rz?:r? partieulanjobpot trifles they ought Bowling Alley cna ? ia&p rat bit l)e that t quit baarigg and go lcicplflg t&tte The Tornado in nV Wost- A, Beeonnt of tbe, Damaice Pastaiiis'i ,'. ,t. ! 1 ' St IJouis, March 10 The losses XifK&fliiii&ifti PI tor- nado pn Wedhesdaylafghrwere much i, ex; I J' "ggerated. A more' careful.esti mate pjaca r cm ai aoout tne ioiiowing ng elevator, fix ftfWV iliAliFrrv '10,000: the Stl Ixuirand 7Vah Jpad, between $30,000 and $40 t o. APrvthlne haa been arranged to contribute to the comfort and; fen?tainent of visitors, and the Proprietor eajpestlsr so licits the public patronage; , ; LIST' SEIfX FREE.; '. Address ttKO. JP- BOWEtt A CP., Aavertisinr Aicents. ; , : N os. 40 & 41 Parfc Row, New Torh. N. FBBDERIOK. - ! -i ' W. C. TBBDBBis. FREDERICK;: SON, COTTOSl FACTORfl .A.W"CESERAIi COMMISSION MERCIIAJBTTS, n Jan 184f.: i'l't Vs, : t ; .V TT, At, mareh 7-1 w-i ,) L O - X: 7" - ' ( ?A.' 1; BROWN'S, (Eebana-e Cof aer. ;i 'Jill It is a Good Thing SVUthwestern read, $I5,o00f the Chicago He guarantees his Flour white and sweet, ms aM Alton, $50,000; the Ohio and Miasir- ? Teas and Coffees' ire the bes to t. JpW,- $30,000; the Toledo and Wabash, "weeo $75,000 and $100,000.-Ui-. The steamer Mollie Able, is . much more Jjured than at first reported. " She is al y'9t stripped of her ; upper works,aod 0,000 would hardly repair her. t he loasra trt 'wUrnt .rannrtt ' ftA lately giveo but as some sixty; 'dwtniag- 3n8e8 ot more br ' less 'Value, -, were'eitbejr f .,"jea or damaged, theJpsscan naraiy au short of $100,000.. , The rajlroadpmr th : .Me bnaji repairihg damages, and "e citizens are endeavoring to gather op fotmd inH-ew ?ork.' 'His' ..vii' goods are bonghtv ; I j'l f'arn low, and sold- ; ; " For a SoiU Advaieo f n Cost. : AT- - .tl'T rf-UO ' " r ,. i ' i y -i s 1 ' march M4ftx iCo. Jl"k ana Swond St. Wnv! Hav! Hay! mar!2-tf or saio mjt F.W.KEECHNEft. $5 10 -$10 PER'1 DAT;iSI?aS"!Su Sartlcniars and ; instruetions sent by mail, nrhoqe in neetL of permanent, profitable worlrj shonld address at oncetifionui!. btiou CO., Portland Maine. t; .nmt ' jj - ; -V . Jr. . wn wssicirri anAx S30 -pos cbveries. Address u.; 5"x.x.j. w., shaMjjsh QtitahU T sulnili for All. ' Kj Best Indasirial tf-page Newspaper. Wets. pTF year.. J Bend stamp for : copy. fATEXT in vn nnnnL Manufacturers of Chep Jewelry. ,CwnlaTueae. f o. Ajwe wrp, Mass.A T;'-rr .:mf w i i MEDICINE CO. Chester, Ohio. - MISCELLANEOUS.- fllbtmtaiibrBTitteri A SUPERIOR ARTICLE of Mountain But. 20 Sugar and: Coffee. HHD9. DEMARARA and P. B. SUGAR, nor . f .51 4Si5tB ffcASBif hall. --. -! - l 100 !BBLS.tBEFlNXD SUGAR, jl For sale by mar i2-tf ; "'t'A 4 SACKS BIO, JAVA, LA- X V. gnyra and Mocho . Coffee. F. W. KERCHNER. JTG STYLES "Si FANO Y D R I N KJT Midtf of Poor ' its tnVriVrMskey ?ror Spirits niwrRef" Llr aoto,Ia nd sweetened to pleafto tle t" eW; , ' IcB'Appetircrfl.'BeBtorert," ie.4hk 1st-' the tippler on-tdjlrtrnkcuncBB and .-itjijj'; ' atrne 'Me'dielneiinade from T.?5? . 1 Herts of 9PiSSSffi? ,RtttontaW?bc rt ttBSK??J ' 1 kuKiFiEn ? ' it perfect Pcnotatpr ntt 2jff j : tl4Sjrtfui.cftryJijg 'pfffcll..tooneas martef tod whoring flinlcodtdakcaiaiy-eoBanl6B Vo;J , .pcnonijafttake.tbMQ BHaccprdln . tioivandxemitfaWa Tv " ' . , For JnflvaUery and Ctooalq e- sesttoo, BUIoaalUiulUeut. andUfer-, . .. ullatcat FsTOTPt Mo?-5 JIoW1 Liver, KWlneys, and BladdejM Bl . . prslTP'Jen Vs4se?aV.:BlW-r is; iiewrsUfi erodneed , by -4eawtsVj?fr;rii DiBestlve Orsrans. ' r -J1YSSA01NMC1KS!IJION, v lie&daoUe. Pala la the Bhouldray OeatfW.LTMr' ; ij ncsa'aCwghwtiDlitaiS.He0'' . .- i ' tat Buanacft, Bad tosia ia. wc m . i : tacta, rftipitottoaof.ttwHawt Iaa"oa P j ;; thoUiasa,Ptiaaheregtoa of 0KlaIr,aid( j - j; bonArsd aHiCF palAXst -iWlaHPW i Wpif lrSPf .if flf? Tu'krrlgbraU tliimiscaitkTnilUtas. tprpid liver and we!i. wltBdertliif wuanefteatesVeaWa hnimrltles. W lipartlBg new life arid ylgrt tuewlioleaystem. ' FOR SKIN piSEASE8,EruptloM.Tetter. 6aUEhemm,B1oet'ep.' Plmplea. Portale PolU, Csrbancle. Ulng-Wormi, Scald-Head, Sore , , Eye.ErTBlpela,ltctt. 6curB.,PUcoloratlons flf . ' v..- r nAtare. are literally dm up. , W"TV'' ' i , r- ' - and carried out of the 7 f,mfM2 the we of thceo BUterJ. One bottle Is case, will co.arfacp U.f fort laofedulon. of their nLVudlea B1oh si-sej yos and piesEraptlona of 8orei fj' Suoa wben. Kssw the blood pnr. and the , . .v TtfS and other WORMS, latMSf la earefalll tUa circular aronsd eabottlB, p ( ((. ' j WAlOTIWletoT.;B. m WD0? CU . td O " M Commerce Stmt art YaflU OU BY AU. DBUGGISTS AJTD DTlT.XTSy janW-tfvT Kio - - - Corn ! Corn ! - M A OTTSTTItTJl 13.UUU . pRIME WHITE CQRN, I For sale by . . - - n- mm a 1 Land Plaster ! ' ' 200 vSbed XEACHXAND plaster, .Foraale by -1 CHTLDREN'S BOOTS AND BALLS They ' are neat and .Vr ."pretW. "CAlili TAH I 11iA1i IDJaJll marll-tf ' - j- TKe Ctino Fear GnanQ' and meat 1 props proporuoma, i w p- m . s a. j .t .... . 1 'MAVI . . f.. rw v i r? r'.riKi i i si fin BAliP aJssortkd humbers, 7?n aug 7-tr wnaApi bos. ' ' ' . "- " is '

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