STAR. TB.E ,MORNmG ; STAR NOON REPORTS. . n2zWiwtuaQWi March 14. The Republican of thU morning ,hs the fol lowing r , . MXb Secretary of War yesterday tsl vraphd to General, Terryv commanding the PP"t mentor the South to tend at once all tbs available troop to Cheater and York counties, South Carolina, to assist In putting down tho insurrection and.malnUlnlng peace . t Recently arrived Irish exiles bare innooneed the lormatlon of an Irish Confederation to as 1st to achieving the Independence of Ireland. Politic and religion are excluded from theor- Arkansas politics assume a new phase.: Ueatl Got. Rlcnarason nss resnruea oecauso wvofc retary of Stats, one of Clayton's mej, waa elttted Lleutenant-Gorernor and Clayton ia acmia in the arenalor the "position of united States Senator. A special -the; Mernpbl Avalanche accosts Johnson of selling oat. i SaHATB. A resolatlon to adjourn to-morrow waa defeated by a large majority, r s . A petition of the cltizena of Dominica,' pro testing -; against annexation, to , the "United States, waa presented by 8nmnen Its rt cep tlon waa refoaed. -- . v i IIocsa -rTlie proceedings so; far; hayJjbefsn - I f, " Tjittis, March. 14. i The Germana will deliver the Norther Derail roada to the JTrench os. the 15th. r o r t.: n The tnaleontenta of the Nattorial Qorard t Mont Martie hare surrendered all tho cannon; they had in their pobsoSBlon;'-1. . ' Thecltylstranqnn. ' 'ir-1' fi'.ZLC' . , . - - London, March 14. Trade af Rouen has been resnmed.rThe Ger mana billeted ft larsreJnnmber oftroopa upon the inhabitants of Rouen in consequence ,jot the display at a Tanners house or emblems o mourning during the recent review. ' The Emperor Napoleon ia on his way to Cheeclholm. .; r-.-ii; .z ...' ' t-' ' ' ' -j ;'? ':ly.- Havana, March 13. ' Reeent Insurgent proclamations are signed Cespedes, President," and "Ignatler Agra-mato,GenaraWii-Chietn- - ,-r- i t The Marquis Santa Lucia lost an aim In the recent engagement. ' Berlin, March 18. A decree sallies, Nancy and Rhelms: The Germans have, relinquished control of the occupied provinces in respect to religion and edncation, bat retain the managemept of the railroads and telegraphic service. ; The North German official OcuttU says that unless France protects peaceful Germans re turning to their homes and. avocations, repri sals will be made, JJ? i S OUR NIGnT REPORTS. FROM WASHINGTON. '. " Wasbinotov, March l .. C0NOSBS8ICJ9AU Sknate. Sherman called 8nmner to order while the latter waa reading his Dominican petition, upon the point that foreigners conld not petition Congress. Colfax sustained the point of order. A bill was passed authorizing the issue of new for mutilated bank notes. Pratt occupied the balance of tho day with a speech on public lands. " House Sypher introduced a resolution, which passed, directing the Secretary of War to survey the ship canal, connecting the Mis sissippi Riverwith the Gulf of Mexico. - Beck's general amnesty bill was resumed.' Upon the motion to reconsider the vote by which the bill was referred to the Judiciary Committee, the effect of which was to pat it on Its passage; Beck accepted the amendment excluding from Its benefits certain clasaea, at the same time explaining that without these exclusions the bill had no chance. - - The exclusions comprise members of Con- ress'who abandoned their seats for the rebel ion, officers of the army and navy over twenty-one years of age who Joined the rebellion, members of Conventions which adopted ordi nances of secession, who voted for tne same. Quite a lengthy debate ensued, when finally the bill failed by a vote of 100 against 83 not two thirds. The Ilou&e then adjourned. ' : . , . . ,. , MISOCLLAWBOUS. The joint committee caucus of the Radicals recommend substantially the adoption of But ler's Ku Klux bill. It authorizes the Preal. dent to employ troops to suppress disorders without tha reonl&itlon of R t a t a rnvnmta establishes an elaborate code far the trial and punishment of Ka Klux by the Federal Court, any one of the band ia made punishable for the acts of Indicted members; damagea irom such bands are payable by the counties wherein the damage ocean; Jurors shall take the Iron-clad oath. The report was discussed three honra In tha caucus. There was strong opj ositlon to both me muuary ana jaoiciai ieatarestf the bill in the ' Senate caucus which adjourned to 10 o'ciock iu-uiarrow wiinoux action. ' The House caucus meets to-night to consid er the reoort. - . . . In well Informed circles ft is believed that the 8enate caucus will order the bill to h nut upon lta passage without material modiflca- uons. The Senate has confirmed Crane ter at Athens. Oa. . f . , . Unas. T. Benjamin baa been annotated rnrt of the Southern Lovallat Clalmn nomtTiU.inn I ine loiiowing nominations were made to tne oenaie u-aav: ' waiter N. Smith. AUt.nk Attorney-General; Win. KcMlchael, Solicitor of Internal Revenue Bnrean; Conank Marshal iwimcrn Lwi,ric oi jtionaa; Myers.- Annrais- I v usitumuus b AioDiie. ;. i rnvate deapatcbes from Little Rock, Ark., Worth & Worthy Cape-Fear Steamboat corn report the election of Gov. Clayton to the U. I pany, Express Steamboat Company, Williams s, "n. i . From CJaaadsw ' Tobohto, March 11 .There is an Indication of an early opening v uw utruon nan. IJkTrmm. W.r and Huron has been opened. Welland Canal opens on me ivia oi April. ' From Virginia. : ' : i . ? BiCHicoHD, March 14. r w . A a a. ine Aieariaiauire to-aav elected jnn xxt Johnston, Conaervatlve, U.S. Senator, bv one uuuiwg nu w imj casi or wonn R x ciikui, us Mcpuuncau nominee. - CABLE DISPATCHES. -; K;t. t' -d:- Bxsum, Maren 14. rne government has demanded the Imme diate reply whether the decree expelling- or- mana from France had been annulled. Favre aaaea time t reply, whlclrwaa granted. . Herr Fabrici has been sppolnted chief of ad- ministration, -ana-baa occupied the. French Bbcssxls. March 13. . The returning French prlaonera leave their arms handr of the Belgians n or. rBTEBSBTjEO, March liX '("a secret treaty1 betweet w y.. i i - L"00.01. i?c?f treaty1 between nm is omciauy denied, ? j:j T wwwvaw a a. a .The final meeting of the Black enea An-gn tA.n ws; -oea. confer- 'The Paris and Lyon. raUroad" A. In the hands of Its former manSraSt row. .v.; i -.,fr, H6I w-raor- riJSyj1 P)Lcmen have been mobbed. Th. press urra atrlnirent The Chicago. March 14. ' Pemblni dates .to. the 28th ult. report anoth er revolt blithe part of 4he,Candfan troops, and the sitnauon u nueriy lawless. NW Tork, aiarcu a. : The Grand street railway stables In Brooklyn have been burned. Tlflj horses perished In DwaaDnrveaa mlUionalra of Flatbnah, j.P?"MlTSm!rted ahldde, Causer agea w jwin,vi7wife'. death. He left exceed ffiils si report ofthe.arrest of the Nathan mnrderer at Nantucket It is supposed to be a case of mistaken identity. rram New Hampinire. r. 'i a j-7 vf U Hui j. u rjoscoimi' March 14V ..The election returns . Indicate that the, Re publicans bold their own. Later. The Incomplete vota of .Concord in dicates a plurality for Bell, Democrat, and leaves tho result la doubt.- - ;' ' ; ' ' - ! r rti;j u o.iNnvr Yon, March. 14 -Noon.. ' Money 4 acntTSSnm'.': Gold steady at i X oterllnar Jtxcnange long r, nui 109K; short sight llOX- Governmeuts very dall. Stotks opened steady at the old quota tions. .. f,.V'. . Commercial. Floor nnchanged. Wheat firm. Corn firm.' PorksteadyMesst2t 60T21 75. Lard quiet steam 12K12J. Cottori quiet but firm Uplands 14 cents; Orleans 15 cents; sales 2,000 bales - 8pirits Tnrpentlne steady at 63 cents. Rosin quiet at 1 3 7 for 8tralned. Freights steady. v . Nbw Yoke,' March 14 Evening. ' t'';.i'" . Unanetal i "'i'-:"):;t Money. 45 perfcent. premium. Sterling Exchange 1WK(S109K. Gold lUXi" Govern ment seenrities dull and steady flvo-twentiea f 'fia. H2Vv Tennessee 6'a.: 64: new 64. Virginia 68. 67; new 67. Louisiana bs 68; new 68; levee 6's 73W; 8's SW. Alabama ffs HW; 5's 59. Georgia 6's 80; 7s 00. North Carolina 6's 47; new 20. 8outh Carolina 6's old 77. North Carolina bonds weak; Vlrglala'a atrong; South Carolina's active but not so strong. Commercial. Cotton qniet and Arm. Sales 2,963 bsles at 14K cents. Flour Southern dull: common to fair extra, $77 60; good to choice, $6 50$9. Whiftkey steady at 93 cenU.-. Wheat qniet and nnchanged. Corn 1 cent better sells at 87 cents.. Pork a shade onner at zi o. Beef quiet. Lftr4flrtri. Naval stores steady. Tallow firm at 8$9$ cents. Freights heavy. " Charlxston, March 14. . Cdttoronlet.'!' Mlddllnga lZm3K cents. Net receipts 1,114 bales. Exports to Grest Britain L 092 bales. , Sales of 200 bales, r Stock 25,879 bales. foreign ttAttkirrs. London. . March 13 Noon. Consols for monev 91K. U. 8. 5-20' s of 1862. . ... .... . livkrpool. March 14. rtoon. Cotton steady Uplands 7K72t'd; Orleans 7K7X1- 8ales of 10,000 bales., . . London. March 14-r-Evenlwr. Consols for money 91l. U. S. S20s of 1862, 91K- l,r'n 1 - " u ":ft'i,; ' J- Liverpool. March 13 Evening. Cotton Uplands 7(27: Orleans 1K& 7Kd. Sales 10,000 bale; for speculation and export bales, . Market closing nrm. , Yarns and fabrics steady. COM:MEIIOIA.JL,. WIIiMINGTOIC MARKET. 8TAR OFFICE. March 14. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. No sales report ed. Last sales at 49 dents $ gallon for South ern packages. ROSIN. Sales of 2s3 bbls at f3 25 for drain ed and $4 75 for .Palo - . . f,-r f .7 CRUDE TURPENTINE-Salea of 400 hhla at $3 Sp for Soft and 3 10 for Hard. ' V ! TAR Salea of 135 bbla at 91 55 per bbl.. COTTON-Bales of 186 bales as follows i IS at 11, SO at 11K. 23 at 12, S3 at 12& 25 at 1 47 at 13, 18 at 13"X, and S at IZX eenU 9 ft. Qaotatlona of cotton Is aa follows : Good Or dinary 13X1K; Ordinary '10KU; Low Ordinary JSlSenta( Middling 13X13 cents Th: "? " ' '"' ARttlVXD.-, r , 14 Scbr 8amuel. Whortoni New River. Ed wards & Hall with 86 bales cotton, 25 bbls fish, 250 bushels peanuts. U -J Steamship LuclUef Prlee, Baiiimore, A D Cazaox.. . , , , Stmr A P Hurt. Skinner. Favetteville, Worth & Worth. . - N German Bark Aaioat. Loanlnes, Fall Riv er, Maa., Wlllaf d Bros: - r . CLEARED, . :...,:. 'A H 14 Steamer A P Hurt- Bklnner. Favette ville, Worth &. Worth..' i '.. ( ' Ol RKCEIPTS. .1- PER RIVER STEAMERS. do tar, 8 do tnrpV lhale cotton,-to II B Ell- era. worth worm. A Alderman.' Bumn .ce Strauss. ' - a ft-, i vw-MxlMI Per RteamahTb El' Cld.-Geo Mvere. ; Aaron & Rheinstein, Mnnson & uo,ueorge it jrrencn A Son. Geonre A recK. 12 d Ptewman, u.u Blake; M O Fowler &Co, A Ahrens: Smith A fitranssr Oea VV Stones JS WIlllanlsNJacohl, J v ljippiu a, v;o, u d narrow, x xxciuoucrg- en unaa i urauj, a jneuuic, a at uhkui, a Mnremaon. wooten'B jxDreBB.x jver tu ner, DeRosset & Co, Wm Patten, Edwards & Hall, H, BuTkhlmer, Hart & Bailey, Vick , & Msbane. David A Weill. H Brunhild. F M Acoatini. JnoDawson. A Bhrler. James Ander- son oE CO, uorvuie co xayior, vvuiara nrus, Mitchell & unggins, u a cmitn, ueo rnomp aon. W D Smith & Co. Dawson. Teel & Hen- nine. LonU. DSvis & Co. C D Myers & Co. W Goodmsn, 8 Bear A Bro, Adrian & Vollers, A Ashalti JGHeysr-vHelde Bros, J;& H Samp son, J M Hardwick, Ureen & jfianner, w 11 Dart, P W Kerchnsr, M M Katz, G W Middle toll, I Metta, Dice Robinson, Green & Walsh. Th:reaPertmer. ri;;' - Ir .KAwBONE J AIM i LVICK&UEOAN "T?.W LANDING. EX' SCHOONER i Li "XT TIT ftfirwft'".- e.ooaJiat.Mdnee rates,-& .'!;;. 1 IJo. 17.. IlaxfeetiStreet, .. - ! 'iwtf -lcd-tf.-ii-y.i.i siwo A- iA;WEILLfv Agents YVliolesalp nod ITctnll TDealer IN it U. - a STAPLE MD FAET. ;DHY,; GOODS, Notions, Clotblnc, Boots and I Slides, Hats and Caps, Ac, : 1 1 ' Si j'i' ( 'I ' :' - 'We respectfully inyite WHOIiKSALE BUY-; ER3 to examlno bur KxtWslVe.'isofclc before 'purchasing, as we are able and willing to - Offer Superior Indnecmeatt. ... fbl4tf Sbmothing You Ought to Have NOW READY ! Harpers Typograph ; BOOS OF S(HffiIEIIS, An ExcanaeLT CHaxr AiyAi.uAxMAjnjAX OF IKTORKATIOW AHD ElIOlST EXXKTLAB or t ITTannucsa WofKrjr Black COLOBS', BRONZES, BCT TOR t ran van or , PRINTERS, AMATEURS, PUBLISHERS, ' BUSINESS MEN, AND PEOPLE OP . ; .TA8TE GENKBALLY, NEARLY an entire year has been consumed in unremitting labor and superintend ence to produce this book. The press work alone (done almost entirely with type forms made up of the choicest and latest produc tions of the foundries, etc.) amounted to 615, 000 impressions, to produce a limited edition. The book is fresh, elegant, demonstrative ef new Ideas, thoroughly practical for utilitarian purpose, and at the same time fit to be pre- Bervea iu any library, it is printed on nign grade paper; contains upward of three hun dred Imperial octavo pages ; has larger sheets infolded, and numerous embellishments,' etc in addition to the regular matter. Price to subscribers until January 15th,187:, (after which an adVanoe will be made), for the Kneral edition, printed on white paper and und in super cloth, with bevelled covers, scarlet edges, $3 per copy. " A small edition of 290 copies printed on ex tra flesh-tinted paper, ana elegantly bound in calf or Turkey morocco antique, loper copy. Alt orders- must be accompanied with the Cash, a P. O. Order, or Draft on Cincinnati or New York, payable to the undersigned. 38 cents to be added it the book is to be sent by malL i i C. O. D. orders must be accompanied with tl in cash. Collection charges will be added to price of book. Parties desiring their names beautifully stamped on their books will send 00 cents extra. : . v ' '-.. Those wishing farther in formation concern ing this volume will please address (with auunp) the publisher, . . OSCAR II. HARPEL, Typographic Designer and Printer, .-63 wei est Foutth Street, Cincinnati. -febLtt TO THE nnvnfivtrA ' TiWVlV vl 1 SHIPPING PUBLIC ! . NOTICE is hereby glvenf that on or about the 10th of January, 1871, the Pioneer Steamboat company win. piace on tne r-ee Dee River a Firat-Class Passenger and Freight steamer, which will make regular trips above and below the Railroad Bridsre. runninsr in eonnecilOA with the trains on the Wilmington, Columbia A Augusta Railroad. The attention of - Turpentine men along this River is 'especially called to this fact, as inducements will be offered heretofore un- known. dec 29-Sm. 0211 TJMiM f Oill-v TTa 4-m I hllK HfltQ I DllK HQ.IQ a SUK HATS ! S P R I N G STYLE S JUST RECIVED bt EXP RE SS! THOS. H, WRIGHT; f :No. 9 North Front St. march 1-tf - 300,000 Founds '; OP THE "TjIOR sale on reasonable terms at the Ca JL tFear Chemical works. Castle street, mlngon, D. M. BD1E. Chemist. CftTJe Fear unrl mark iverfl- vfrr- Citr iUia PvJfc mvmd, mTTn omx -imn TTmrnm o a 1 1 Jlt XAX3LiU.jl. Jit X X J i 4 OA Illy . .: ' Capf. II. PADDIfcOIf . IS now running regularly between Wilm In g-. ton and Point Caswell, leaving Wilmington Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 11 o'clock A. M., and Point Caswell Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at o'clock A. M., touching at all intermediate landings for pas ftengcrs . or freight Fare, $lmeala extra. Freight charges very moderate. For freight or passage, apply to Captain on board. - , . . Iscpt 21-SAFtf For Family Use : BAGS and HATS' of theUHOICEST MOCHA, JAVA, LAGUYRA . 60 : 1. uu afc&vr a: ama 300 CASES of the BEST Canned Fruits, - v ' .Vegetables, Lob3ters, Pickles, Ac P A OKIID- IW& MKR I O A . i.JUTAt; ' L: . CHAS.D. UTERS Jfc CCLiZ marl2-tf i North Front street. sssMpjsSfewsfc p sisSBfaTT Extract: Catawba Compcnent PdrU-Fluid' Exttaet Bhubarb i . ami .Fluid Extract, Catatoba Grape ., ifOR LIVER ' COMPIiltNTS;4' JAtrNDICK, i BILIOU8 - AFFECTIONS, 81CK KKB ' VOUS HEADACHE, COSTI7ENE8S,ETa ! PURELY NEGETABLK, CONTAINING NO MERCURY, MINERALS or DELETERIOUS H i TbWe Pill's are the most delightfully fcleas- nnt niirirft.ti'va. snnersftdinar CMtor OIL salts, magnesiia, etc - There is nothing more accept-, able to the stomach. They give tonfianu oanse neither nausea nor arrfpinff pains.' They n.rA mwinfliiwl of tha finest inaredienlt. , Altera few days' use of them, such an inrlgoration of the entire system tases piace as io appear mi raculons to the -weak ana enervated, whether a.ria1np from imnradanM or disease. U. T Helmbold'a Com oonnd Flnid Extract Catawba Orapo Pills are not sugar-coated, from the fact mat sugar-coaiea nus uo nw uimwB wu pass utrouaa ia wwnacn wiuiumuwumgi conseauentlv do not nroduce the desired ef- fwL ( THE C1TAWBA GEAPB PILLB. belnor pleasant in. taste and odor, do not necessitate tneir being sugar-ooatea. .jti&iva. CENTS PER iH). ' r? E IIENBY T. UELUBOLD'8 HISHLT COJrCJtStTRXTXD OOHPOrSD ;' FJuUID KXTBACT 81B8APABILLA Will radically exterminate from the system Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Sore, Uieeral Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Bead, kers, Running from the Ear, White 8wellingsf Tumors,' Cancerous Affections, Nodes, Rick- ets, uianauiar awetungs. jMignc sweais, ttasn. Tetter, Humora of all Kinds. Chroulo Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have oeen estaDii&nea in tne system for years. Belnar nreoared expresaly for the above eona- nlalnts. lta , blood-rmrifylnflr nronertlee are greater than anp other preparation of Sana pamia. it gives tne complexion a ciear ana healthy color and ; restores the patient to a state of health and purity. For purifying the blood,- removing all chronic constitutional dlweaaes arising iom an impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy lor the cure of Pains and Swel ling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the Troat ana Legs, Blotches. Pimples on the Face, Ery sipelas and all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, and Beautifying the Complexion. Price, $1 60 per Dotue. ' ' ' M ' ' ' ' IIEXBTT. UELnnOLD'S , CONCENTRATED - FLUID EXTRACT BUCntI, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes In which it has been given. Irritation of the Neck of the Biaaaer ana inflammation of tne Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Re tention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brickvdnst Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Dis charges, and for enfeebled and delicate con stitutions of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms t Indisposition to Exer tion, Loss of Power. Loss of Memory, Diffi culty of Breathing, weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of VUlon, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the 8kin. Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassi tude or tne jtiuscuiar system, etc. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen o twentv-nve. and from thirty-five to flfty-flre or in the decline or change of life ; after con finement or labor pains ; bed-wetting ia chil dren. B IIRLMBOLDS EXTRACT BUCHU is Diu retic and Blood-Purifying, and eures all dis eases arising from habits of dissipation,, and excesses and imprudences in life. Impurities of the blood, etc, superseding Copaiba in af fections for which it is used,- and 8ypnintio Affect lens in tnese diseases used in connec tion with HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH. " ' LADIES. In many affections peculiar to Ladles, the EXTRACT BUCHU is unequalled by any other remedy--a8 in Chlorosis or Retention, irregn lari'y, Tainfulness or Suppression of Custom ary Kvaenauons, Ulcerated or Behlrrns State o the Uterus, Leucorrhcsa or Whites, Steril- ity. and for all complaints incident to the sex. rhether arislnjr from Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation It is preaeiibed extensively oy tne most eminent rnysicians ana Mia wives for enfeebled and delicate constitutions. of nout sexn ua au aites (anenaea wiu any oi h& aboTe disea8ea 5 ymptoms). . H. T. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cttbes Diskasxs Avsnro rnox IxraunxKcxs, Habits or Dissipation, EtoW in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate,, thereby removing instructions. Preventing. and Curing Stric tures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and In flammation, so. fr inent in this class of dis eases, and expelling all Poisonous matter- , Thousands who have been the victims oi In competent persons, ana w no nave paid heavy I fees to be cured in a short time, have found they have been deceived, and that the gents," been dried up in the aystem, to break out In a more aggravated form, and perhaps arter siamage. Use HELmBOLB'S EXTRACT BUCHU for all vffections and Diseases of the Urinary Or gans, whether existing in male or female, from wnatever cause how Ion ANDF1 Henry T. ITelmboid'g ImproTed BoselFash. cannot be surpassed as a FACE WASH, and will be found, the only specific remedy in every species of Cutaneous Affection.. It speedily eradicate 4 Pimples, Spots, Scorbutic Dryness. Indurations of the Cutaneous Mem brane,'elc, dispels Redness and Incipient In flammation, Hives,' Bash, Moth Patches, Dry ness of 8calp or 8 kin, Fiost Bites, and all par noses for Which salves or ointments arernaed : restores the skin to a state of purity and soft ness, and insures continued healthy action to the tissue of its vessels, on which depends the aggreeable clearness and vivacity ofcomplex ion so much sought and admired. But how ever valuable as a remedy for existing defects of the skin, H. T. Heimbold's Rose wash has lonar sustained its principle claim to unbound ed patronagevfby possessing qualities which rend l a Toilet Appendage of the most superUtive and congenial character , combin. I mg in an eiennt nrmaja tnoee oromlnent reaulsltes, satetv and -efficacy the invariable accompaniments of its use as a Preaarvstiva and Refresher of the Complexion.- It Is an excellent Lotion zor diseases of a Byphilltio Nature, and as an Injection for diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dlsai- Sauon, usea in connection witn tne iKXtraots uchu, Sarsaparilla, and Catawba Grape Pills. in such diseases aa recommended, cannot be surpassed. PRICE, QMS DOLL A R PER BOTTLE. - t v? , Full and explicit directions accompany the medioinea." . -u . Evldenoe of the moat responsible and re- jiaoxe. cnaractsr zarnisueo on appiioauon, Vlth hundreds of thousands of Jiving wit nesses, and upward ot 800,000 unsolicited cer tlloatesand recommendatory letters,' many of which are lrom the highest sources, in cluding eminent Physicians, Clergymen, Statesmen, etc Tho proprietor has never re sorted to their publication In the newspapers; ha dAs not do thla from the fact-that his articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped up by. certificates. Henry T. Heimbold's Genuine Preparations..- xni'j Delivered to any address. Secure from ob servation. ' Established upward , of twenty years. Sold by Druggists everywhere.- Ad dress letters for Information, in confidence to HENRY. T. HELMBOLD, DruggistndjCnem- 18E. . '.- ., ... j p , Only Depots : H. T. HELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, No. 694 BroadwayrNew tot. 104 South Tenth 8t. PLlladelphis, Pa. v h BE W ARB OF COUNTERFEITS. Ask fer HKNET T. HKIMBULJ'B ! Tntt RS OtUer. June aW3Fly;Wed: w originating, ana no matter ox g standing;. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR FTY CEKT3 PER BOTTLE. iSTEAMSHIB fMNES. BALTE03E MD'niMIGTOIl .-v Vicckly Qtoamchf p Line. Composed of the First' Class Stekmships, IiTJCIIiliE, PRICE, Commander, Cairo i-'.'.ss Sit EEBECCA CLYDE, JBXt C. CIIIIJDS, Coiatxcuknderv ; " The SUanWhlp tU WLi1 '! 1 TITTLL LEAVE WORTH'S WHARF at the wV foot of Mniberv street, for Baltimore, For Freight engagements apply to march 12-tf : A. D. CAZAUX. ; v LOELLLARD'S i STEAIIBIIIP LUTE ! bNJEW YORK, . L SAILING TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS FROM i NEW YORK, AND WEDNESDAYS ; AND SATURDAYS FROII WILMINGTON. THROUGH CONNECTION WITH ALL RAIL ROADS LEADING OUT OF WILMINGTON. " - INSURANCE ONLY PER CENT. NO PAS8ENGEKS TAKEN. For Freight apply to BARRY BROTHERS, ' ; f Agents. sept 16-tf Philadelphia 3 a n d Southoxn Mail Steamship Line. THE FA8T AND FAVORITE STEAMSHIP 0 PIONEER, Capt. WAKELET, "TT71LL RUN THE FOLLOWING SCHED ff nle between Philadelphia and Wilming ton, N. C. : Leavmg Wilmington, f - 187L Thursday,... Jan. 5th " . -19th Friday Feb.8d " " 17 Saturday,. .... March 4 Leaving Philadelphia tan. - Wed'sday, J an. 11,6 a m Thnrsday 9fi i rriaay, u !Marchl0I - M - 18 Sunday..... April t .4 16 Tuesday.- May 2 Wednesday 41 - 17 Thursday June 1 isaiuraay, - zo uunaay, - April y Monday,: r 34 Tuesday, May 9 . Wed'sday, " 24 Thursday, Juno 8 " " -15h Friday SO Friday, July 7 Insurance at low rates. For Freight, apply to Wilmington. N. C. W. L. JAMES, General Acat, 12 South TV fiAMAAM. W f I VUAUI AKbUbOt xnira street, inuaaeipnia. Jan6-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Louisiana State lottery C01V1TANY. .... , . i Incorporated Augnst 17, 1808. CHARLES T. HOWARD.'......, 'RESIDENT. HINOLE NTJITDEn LOTTEBT. XL SPLENDID SCHEME ONLY 20,000 NUHBERS CAPITAL PKIZE.... .$50,000. , CLASS D TO BE DRAWN AT NEW ORLEANS ON HATUBDAT, Marcb 25, 1871. HOWARD, SIMMONS & CO., Cohtkactgrb. SCHEME 20.000 KuiliersTKclets; Only $20. - , 1 prise of 50,000 1 prize of 80,000 1 prize of 1 prize of 10,000 , 1 prize of 9,000 . 1 prize of 8,000 1 prize of 7,000 1 prize or " 6,oco 1 prize of. 6,000 1 prize of 4,0 JO 1 prize of 8,000 1 prize of ; S.000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize ox r 1,000 i8.........,...;.......$5o,ooo ISces e4s)je-e 30)000 IS.............. 80,000 iS...................... 10,000 is. . 8,000 is...' .......v. 6,000 IS........ 7,000 is 6,000 Ifle e is.:.... ..4. ..: 4,000 is..... 4.. S.000 is ......,,.... 2,000 r i prize or -i,ww i prize ox lpilzaof 1 prize of 1 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 4 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 rite of 1.000 I 1,W0 " 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 f-are 25,000 l.WW i . ' ,1,000 1,000 AAA 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 1 prize of 1,000 lnrizeof LOO0J w uriwn w w . u7...... ...... ,725,000 Si 7 prizes oTZ.wa are aa Approzifflatioa prizes... ia,600 440 prizes, amounting p.r......U..i.$ 280,400 Whole Tickets, pO ; shares In proportion. Prizes payable without deduction. Orders to t e addressed to - . ; j CHAS. T. HOWARD, Lock Box 692, Po8Wffloe, New Orleans. i Send Foet-Offlce Money Order, or Regis ter your Letter. . ,v march 4-tf SILK TWIST. " i -LINEN THREAD. - NEEDIJSS, OIL, V UU, i J uiO. Al NEWELL, ' Agent for Singer Sewing Machine, No. South Front street. Machines sold on Installment, and rented ! or. Vlh&,7cldonRa7road Ovricn Chisv Eneinas n Sxip'T , 1871. ' Tir AHDAFTXB SUNDAY -r . KJ inst.,TRAIN8.on tlltf Wilmington at 6tt A M. and ihMiT1!1 eav tcTt Wilmington 4:1(1'. The day train will nnt l i 1 j' ' ' : ;; - """n Way, - , -j ... 8. L. FREMONT w,,..l.Zn?ne!r anS SuPinten,v. , Itl Wilmington, Columbia & a R. R. Com W.or, N. C, March I'll. .. Change of Schedule, AFTER. THIS DATE THE FOLLOW iw rpadrj11!! 11111 bV TrSS . . DAT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington (Union Depot).. 4 :u)A , Arrive at Florence ,n ,A- Arrivet KlngsviUe..-. J Leave Kingsville... ""J-'Sp'S Arrive at Florence..; - Arrive at Wilmington !!!!iiaSp J NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUNDa Yd EXCEPTED.) Leave Wilmington Arrive at Florence Arrive at Kingsville. 7:lur.fc .1:43 A. a Sii'C A. Jl 8:4'. 1'. m Jbeave jungsville Arrive at Florence. Arrive at wu;;;;; I;J s ; : JNO. march 8-tf C WINDER, Gen'l Sup't. WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE ',:-i . AND V RUTHfeRFOftD RAILROAD. Schedule for Eastern Division, ' General SnperMenflenrs Office, WILMINGTON, N. C, Feb. 16, 1871. PASSENGER TRAIN leaves Wilmington dally (Sundays excepted), at. ...7:00 A. M. Arrives at Head of Road 40 R.M. Leaves Head of Road, In Anson Co..f :30 A. M. Arrives at Wilmington ; 3:30 P. M. Passengers leaving Wilmington on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays make close connection with Stages at Head of Road, and,' stopping at night In Wadesboro', arrive in Charlotte the next evening. Through tickets to Charlotte, $10. Five hundred mile tickets can be purchased at the Ticket Offices in Wilmington, Lumber ton, Rockingham, Laurinburg and Wades boro, for fifteen dollars. These are especially useful for buainess men and families. Two regular Freight Trains per week will leave Wilmington at 75 A. M. on 1 uesdays and FridajEB, and arrive In Wilmington on Mon days and Thursdays at 5;00 P. M. S. L. FREMONT, feb 17-tf . Chief Engineer and Sup't. MISCELLANEOUS. PROVISIONS. TTEAVY CITY MESS PORK, DRY SALTED Shoulders, hhds. and boxes ; Dry Salted Sides; hhds. and boxes ; Smoked Western Shoulders, hhds.-Smoked Western Bib Sides, "bhds. Breakfast Strips; H&nw, covered and naked. LlARD Pure Piime Natural and Extra, Jn ; tierces, barrels and tubs. y EXTRA FINE TABLE BUTTER, tubs. JbEST FACTORY CHEESE. Sundries. COFFEES Java, Laguyra, Rio, all grades FLOUR all grades ; SUGARS-all grades 5 MOLASSES and SYRUPS all grades; CRACKERS, all kinds, In bbls. and boxes ; RAISINS ; Choice Lem 'y. ' ons and Oranges ; Bottled Ale and Porter, English and American, In ' . cases and bbls.; Chewing Tobacco, caddies, quarter and half boxes j Catawba Wine, Choice Scupper t. nong,Wine, California Hock Wine, ' j Clarets, Raspberry Syrup, Black 7 . berry Brandy, Jellies, Essences, v ? J.- and Giocers Drugs, Lye and "v Potash, and a general , ' .. assortment ot Liquors, Groceries, Scgars and fi : ;, , Tobacco For sale, at wholesale only, by novll-tf .' (ADRIAN Sc VOLLEB ; :..! hnn THE CLIFFORD HOUSE, SAMPLE ROOM, f! ,'!;!.nf..THI CITT. XITHERE 8UPERIOR 8EOARS ANDBO J YY TLED LIQUORS can always be baa, connection with that Superior Brand or - : u MICHIGAN CHEmiiaiTOBACCO. :- Also, , ''Furnished Rooms; 1y Day, Week or Monti octlBtf "."'J.'AiCLDTFORP. 1W mSITEAlICE ROOMS. rflHE undersigned offers to the Citizens d JL Wilmington Indemnity against riis Marine losses by insurance upon terms in the following leading Companies SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY Yorkf CONTINFNTAL tRSURANCE COMPAN NORTH AMERlOAlf F. L COMPANY, fc NORTH AMERICAN F, L COMPANTfor, incinnstl. FIR.EMAN'8 FUND INAUB lANCE COs r; -! f f :-i r : i . i Of San rxvn"" HOME INSURANCE CO., : TTiwn lnalT-ftVlA risks H of BK-hmonu, Upon desirable risks we carry nd with rateeas low as those of any fi i-tB.aa nw m tbose ot any jnrudent Companies. i A-Jggf ILDEB ATKINSON, ent, itreet, j.,.- - . - i.xi.- Ho, S North Front .1 a Hi I 9 - KBerKM. 1 " 1

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