i - PUBLISHED DAILY," ; . " " three &ysv...-"- - ftnp ftTa... tin orrioB, Dawson Ba rs. rroat Et, 1 flTI dSfSlMHMtMMlMH one weekr in advasc ................ .....,.(7 C3 s n Three on ID B - nntht lit tdTinCa . " ' 1 -lit Xt'"-r fix pVts?) r 1 month, in ad vane j , ;j i Uarrlajrea. DcaQis. "ELellrioba. rtoier! aaa irhA MOSS"" o i. j i. Jjlt the City at Alrrr-j - ! ! i ry l I v I I 1 TV SCO. 1. Va. lines . le art gf ETEOBOX.OGXCAX. nECCIlO. Time. 7-S2A.M. "4-33 P. M. Ili33 P. M. Barom eter. 4 S0:24: S0-.U 80:14 TheR mom- Cter. e5 74 67 Wind. 3 Light 3 Brisk. 3 Brisk. Weather Fair. . Fair. Clear. "Thermometer at 2: SO P. M., 77 deg. - Mean Temp, oi aay, u neg. t . Barometer corrected for Temperature, and Elevation. T. i f A n A' T - RoBxa 8xTBora; t i Serjct Slirnaserrlce U.;fl' A.-; Weather Report. fioj .VX l ; Wak DiPiKTMKirT.Tf Office of Cblpf 8tgnal Officer, V Washington, March 16-43 P.ilf J The following la a synopsis of the" "weather reports for the peat 2 hoars t frri.i i u mil! The area ol the lowest barometer, which w'a An Wednesday eveulne la Iowa, and Illinois: tow covers Lake LIuron. The barometer has fullea daring mo aay aiong me Aiianue coaat. with flr weather on the. sooth Atlantic, And cloadi and ram on me miaaie ana east Atian tic Freanwiua ... oeaJ nets.' - v t Gardsalr operations ara gclc2n exten- 5crPotj!lfft if appfaaredanOTymoasly in thel mottCQTOmPBACimBT. 1 Geo. Allan Eutherford a baa been . heard from ftgajn. 'i'iU-.,. v. The Board of Conhty Commlsslonera meet thla erenlng TBT Ifflt f MAOIC IXTJT1;T BIG AKV St .,. 111, nhrlati'i' VftwMi rrinVr -nnt VItrw1 1 ifrtiiif naHri Prsorinmartid and took I r-3 ! fInTite4l Onataw.lVi&At liausbeii Ae,tTirrvw nfcA enMi;i AYnreBaimt Tfe I ? 'VrtTtw.fnnr'RpnftfoTaTiresfinf-. 1 -i v 1 v x . . vKoxth rroat Si. I. mOmUxJtt&Jitrpni&.t$ alwaTaentertaioEdtjf .bitiu And it J aretnaent in behalf! of the managers, ot J ymeTHeJUetwx, j&MBcAfMx a'uasx if isthcretoreTareal pleaanf e to 113 to re-I which thi3 reporter; doea not even attempt h . -i j--. J .t..::'j 1 iBjJn?lUUo:otMajWGrUwoa4lAcharg?Uei publish the aulhoratite; contra-) a syhopsia, as it waa reported Mr&rftml j s i t-BttC011 IjJwCOXI- J-;!!i'fr f-A BOXc's ii. CL, X'iL had Ckter laddies, 41 K Unas, smosea eiaeaaiiuetfwtuuani Toraaieby - - - 1 mar i6-tf " S7, 23 and 29 North Water.St. . 'a B1.4e8BprtorCoirtWh. 'AlMttfi SriSSraT, hP?. to .ee Ihe erf orth Market, bat ween.Froatiand ll getting 6 boa fancyrblocV; through and tingly drawn charity -we arcf Collector of the poH' X tfl'fiarrOKnr. respondent ot the CltvrtCoart Tea. GMdy, fiKthafWHallfittoaipttfi- of Coll AtkinsoitJ cuDvinsr in iUdeliyery three honra and a.1 fno QTJ- ClflfiT nVlll05?firJ two:.:i.treekaV ago, 1 half, and listened to throughout attentiTe-j j - 7 r: ; 4-j on vt,,Tf ic-iJ nr 1 w t , --1.-! c-w 1 con bu inio tub tiicruLuin ' urwrKr. -7 rnsM 1 iv ut lub cuun zluia u izlto liuwu ui uuii .W.ater, Btedman, Hooj .a.nWaddell,tJftdg:Uj S.v byterians hatead need qf any such means j sdnsin the? lobbies and -'gfilleriet;:ln'two4i i! the aid French, Wm. AViWrtght,aaga lMwar4Cattti bt 5trariare:as miarexjresentataon: and false-. J oi.thc later,i many of the.ladies. ot .our Ort I of the painter's brush. , " tyyt'Khti hnlnfgttattBAr R&b'-TidebH bood, and it any one shonldrboonnwitrl City graced .the .occasion with their fair -If? Srrriww tw KTrrli.NT Muricr! 4 Henderson Uxendlne, the notorious Kobe- lco ,u,AiBpuer;Dprsos Mg- ijw-jww,i p"8- a ;, T. -w', , ... ' -7 x-r cj i u . rs. - I '.tii . wvKkA .mi ... J idVicS CbnW Cottt. Hatrr ti"ltumlev?1 cbantyre are: bound ,td suppose, thecorr , ' It is understood that Mr.Boyden will ! . ximKCiDKB vinegar. ; Observer- was.1 he should 1 follow for- the; defence ! to-morrow. H Mf. I - X t ..i-.. tWfiVr . ( i Brik'tf. dlycipt'tfie-ra,'''j6sfe ! We male up thq tolfowing summary of In the National Savings T? james; ortheytfmlngYo l-' tlje proceedings of theH JiegTalatrire from hUttSoBam the report in nrfVt,;,v lai, at toe rate oi six fkb J. D.JMwsndLr. J.lL.. ITiumin. . -r.r.i.-rii .-...-n avwimc ' - '1 - - - aniin i fj. - - KTEH1HQ SESSION 1f CASKS CANNED PKACHES, JLVT s ana s pouna vans. rlada-haTttpreyalKd alone the At. w:exutea at i-nmwrton wmut. . ,T4,v,,fe.u... iiZZhII snj iZM .U w ti flmSk Ant?n?r fir fhA fefn -W-i .WWVr, WVnWc v 5 : .t. The temDeraturehaa-Increased verr leraay morn me was mat or -Mooen uaxweu, r: ; " ' ' ncj;?ot -rf.',,; w.. -'--.t.Tfw i..j .rr . ciosibS tnei wwrMaj.wi Pidly on lake. Wleand'OnUrlo; but 1. de- chawith ordeUyi.oadK.w , ' iS?o5 SS 1 UISLATirfe SUttMARY; ' half pf the managers.-2 creasinjEin vne ana aouw., .ajuuor fohnd nit etilty Ind barometer and rising temperature are reported from the KocKy aiounuina. ooumeaaieriy . s Deposits made winds have prevailed on the Gulf, but tes Dock Btreet, are aow repfaced by fresh northerly winds, x from Fresh winds and clearing up weather arala- I VJ . f : . - - Icompanled.the party.: i v ?t n --ii dicated for Friday on the Golf, the aoe aa i we are req.qeated to remind our readers iThe steamer soon got-undef way and pro i Haeth,' the toor man's riches, the rich man's bliss, is found In AYE&'S MEDICINES, after a fruitless search among other remedies. A word to the wise ia sufficients . march 15-tf for sale very low by . ..... . i r. j-. . i ( DBOSSET CO. . v ' I v ..... , ; ..:-." the middle Atlantic coast; TTC I that there will be a cock flghtat Hilton to-day. ceeded near the works, where she came to Sn-J fresh wlnda on the eaat Atlantic aa weri - . ; v.:,L. v. . . .... ... .. .. . -a-.., lakes, and freah winds on the upper urea. 7e learn that quite a number; expect to be I chdr and the paYty departed In the bonis and present and that muclt. sport U anticipated, landed on 3eko?STlalaad, -where thogood al- ' Tlilmeky spcwUlpta:priifltof $300. Vcady accorliahed wananffeai totho most I -S?.t5t IA?cr i 3rUrir mo. TuESDATr March H, 1871. ' Bill to amend HOTEL ABEITALS. Natiohai. Horaii Hbubkh Joitbs, Propr. " R J Nixon. Topsail Sound; Mrs 8 A McMil lan and daughter: NC;L Malalr, Washington,; yille.': Passed second a act w incorporate vuc I Jj ij; u z Temple, Alabama; j VV Upencer, !C6inpady "of 'Fayette- Rockingham. N C: H A Crawford, J A Little, - W ! 1 I Ws4asKaa M 1 f'Al U U MAtfa ' M MKflA Maninff ' H'aiion to BBLSBBLS, and KITS MACKKBEL, . JgQ BBLS. MULLET, . :.f Forsaleby' r - , - - , T. W. KEBCHNEB, mar l-tf 7, 28 and 89 North Water St. NKW ADVERTISEMENT. v HatNsBkRaxa's LWe Book 8 to re, S3 Market street Laws of Baslness. r . ! f l BUawa v. w vvu ls u iiawaenw ab. savMavi We learn that one of ourpromlnent Re- Inexperleneedi The r work hast alreadyJ been' thj d readinff' "1 r ' - Jr.Shoe Heel; N A 8te4man, . Jr.; Robeson puciican Ajaexnjett naa rweaur. mrnw irvu. rjz 7 "TJ-T - T. -V f r; ; Mr. Troy moved reconsideration of the c. Thos D Dawson, Petersburg, Va; L TGray; Ixjsw xorx, Dnnginj: wim mm a mrau cocme, M.i..in.,u.nWi. r,' vote Dy wnicn toe diu laiiea' to pass us i Syracuse, i. housemaid and. ehambermald. y having dls- jnemmeiiscn third reading, and moved to postpone the ft. CIotLInff, Silk Hats, Ac. pensed with all his colored ;h?lpn .How will !held bypUes.drlven as deep asipoiaiWe Unto, further consideration rthe' Motion nntil HEW AD VURTISEMENTS. rreTauea. l r f ze the commissioners of 1 -mi ivt Tna TTnuoa 1Y AAAAAAAAg UVAA A.W AAU UOVi Mcsson & Cot, City Clothiers Spriagi f Tftj friftnds and anhporterl fellah' that 1 1 the bottom. Part of this -labor i baa boen ; .Thursday night" Prerailed Krarmiisaea uuaer tno erreacestiuimcumea. in1 u iu autuunw me cuu ...si & nrv v.lb, aak t:i m r: . f . rwr i im w isiimibisiiiim n'ltm i J. E. LlPPITT A CO. Wilmington ICO o-.ml-m fr . V.o- of their P-enntna Dnr. i"'lwo' UBCP "u " urFBa? nv"T T. " . T1 .TT . - r - . . .. . . - . : v .1 e " . We are Ilonse. i. i ham Smoking Tobaceo, X Black wcllv successor 1 urhamV, C and pul poclally for their, trader; No better smokjng fTnmAiissbl AVetters The following unmallable lettera remala'jn - . . f . i tit i t I r the posiomce oi ima cuj: u. . "HuJf I tobacco can be had. ham, N. Y.; J. K. Illnda, roreatviue, s. U ; I a v v : , Miss E. D. Kaine, Cedar Creek N. C. ' .'"j wimlairtow. Uffc ,'VV.a. ' v , . -. A meetlqspf the Stockholders of SkntinSf Award If lent. ., Vri Mnntir Af ; UHa.' ingresua. inesana nas lormca ou tuR.sea.-. ingnPaSSedurPut 6n third Teading, and VUIOAM U WU1AS LIUrkAU A DVIM4 UWtU ii I pftS8eQ m a . . a. M m. ftas I - 1B0M THIS DATE THE PRICE OF ICE i rednced to ONE. CENT PER POUND. Tickets can be ha-1 at onr office. mar 17-1 1 J. E. LIPPITT A CO. Ject,wldi wbere.thewaten.waa from..c30 to 7 Bili to amend sections 9 and 10. of an feet deep six months ago! The most dlffieo.lt act of 186a-50, in relation to the West- Passed . second And mington ' N. 0. Life Insurance' Company the WH ;'partofthewrEhs';b ern Turnpike road.- Passed. )any-was foirocojtj j third, readings, -v; h .'-'U' hm'rA TfrAatAftHtehftTanftfthfiTitf friir'iWhen' .sBill to incorporate Christ's' This eveniner the second weekly distribution I .i i t AuroriU" tmier thu man&irenieat of ProL'l -- w . i.vw ,iuv4.;U I ''wif'jvi VVa. AKci,Vfii Jill.; lief Society- of irewbern. - n,n MmH AfT.t thcuw HalLIt Tabonfi i j!l Ql ' ? r f .r. . . .. .. ',iftfu.- - ' '.itii-i!fli ,oM andthiroi readings, t T JV . .7..t . l Z- i w. T. u. uarr was caiiea 10 me cnair anu o. 1?.;vvi rimf iav .... rBill -toanthorize the be remembered that. addition tothe:regu-J l " a I -x v.,-, . BEHf'3 FORHISHINff GOOBS, SPRING CLOTHING, Passed second IN ST ORE and ON THE WA T. lar awards, there will be an elegant gold pen cil competed for by. the4 gentlemen. -Many Udies are ex'pected'to be present, and. the oc casion, altogether, '"will doubtless be a very pleasant one. :The mutlc qu.'the'harp'and violin, by the Italian boys, will not be the Iciut among the attractions.-, retary, The first baslaeaa la ordertwas' the ac- ;party:rciuTne4 to: Tabled te South vluev where Col.' Reese' went' ashore eeptandt tfiecuaHra Utely.anlended ; by tomatett :n. theGeneraT Assembl after which the foUow ye fmnbacwMIee . ,; , ; - .j - i4..i Tt it. ...... .i.a r it; to make aoundlnza on the rlD or Caswell bar ' - ' : -r 0i;i: w-' i'ix,- ' I Here the ffrea test benefits of lth "work '.was i.Mr. J 1 . ....... tit I , I - Wilmington : W. u. rrpy ana j. u. uiuiama, yv? rrvrr.mTu-.rrrzri r rr -saR 't-t; i ... Mr Rn aalcpd to be allowed to take . ;r, shows 1A Powell, of Sampaon, . and. ;W A. Alien, oi I -."-r for want of sufficient number young to 8ht!rif oJ5a?Sf BUSINESS and BUESS SUITS, IVL XXTU X I - I ; : . ; i -7 ... - THE AEWEST STYLE. , SILK HATS, SENATE.. ' WnMESDATv Mach 15. Latham a bill to amend the charter 17-tf i . .. . a Market Street. Celebrated Tobaccos : J.iLLIAMS WINE SAP, " ' : GKAVELYS A AAA, ' Thomas' El Dorado, j , Spice Victor. Twist; Lbrillard'a Pride of Virginia,1 ; ! ' : V:t" 12, 7arid4;V';:' 1. PIOOTT, Tabe4Blsf, No. 13 Market Street. , ;- WitMiHOTOK, N. Cn March 11-tf - , w . ; ; j ; H. BURKHIHER, Wholesale ani Retail Dealers ia " TOBACCO, SHUFF, SEGiES Mi. PIPES) No. 6 Market Street, -' A Cotton Receipts. A careful estimate of the cotton this port for the past and present year a decided improvement, i For Instance, there I Duplin. ceipts for the year ending September 1st, 1870, j ;The meeting then adjourned. amounted to about 63,000 bales, while from that period up to the present time, whlcbr lis but a little more have footed up 53, less than for the 15 feet has been known for several years, i f . After thei'e gratlfylnjt evidence br the' w$a. suspend. ' -: ' . - . r. AIr, Dargan moved to suspend rales ana lee st lut. ,rt jy -i iy l dom of the present worfethrty'partooXof take up bill abolishing special court of ';:';'? r-w w elegant eetiaUos ifamisDAd by tfeaira'0MX I Wilmington.! Failed; for want of a suffi- r , . - . . - I ...... V ' m . . s a teiii a. vn ks a snnma nr m nrn vrauu i ww .m v v - mha ssnain w r n vo vtisfm i Pionr. Tin m risr viii i nrr i Kii.Miifini i ij irr?- it ' Aa.iv,M . a t a. 1' ..! Wilt UU tAViauir wa.wi O - JQ TUI D X ff U VVI WWUM A 1 w aaw rruviv i vavuw - tuu , - , i. .H.r. whA ii vi - ' ' . Mr. Mnrnhv. ft hill ta amend an act to bales, or only about a, wu , , i.. I . ... oiu.tf irt;-'i. ineorrjorate the Medical Society of North enUre previous year. This is -1, !,. ilu' 1.. iilnVntfis" Carolina: referred. - Laws of Business pWR ALL THE STATES OF X11JC UJNXUJ4, with forms and Directions for all Trans- ' ' - ' ' : - '- ' : ' actions, by Theophilns Parsons, LL. D Tor sale at HEINSBERGER-3 march 16-lf (. , .:- " ' ; 'i, :' . pijrn of tto " INDIAJI CHIEF.' inarch 14-tf , .r. ;,'..-. ; ,: ;; . r t Live Boole-Store. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. ETiirk T wain's . .-. (BUBixsilvx:). .-, . (j . in ma iraiipnTPmpni nr nnsiiTinHei bl in thhdl. ...w,vu..r. w. . . "." , I MQtletaenr tn another eoamn, iwwiu oegowa i we bevsara . :r: 1 that the price bavin accordance wtfh .a pre- crowd. A nrettv ornament may be obtained by ana, ".?7r 7. rrrr Tiri- For sale at mar 16-tf HEINSBERGER'S Idve Book Store.. rndlirg an acorn by a piece of thread tied per pound,, not only attributable to the Increased prodne. ' - -th . ef ,ce for Messrs. J. R ing It. daea:breeW4'Velock, uon Of tne staple ?nw seeuoo oi wie pia, i - A - :i,i-Tlrtlmtton-nri llouae; I when the alraaKf ereiuratanedraU -aboard. I UTr. aSlmAP nrMP.nt.Ar1 a tninnrltv rennrt . ... -f n.-.. - . . . . .... i.. . . . . ... i ... i il ui- 1.1. i A -.k rii.ii aieamea lowara aome wiiu hjotwi i ma uui ku nucni nio vuuo ui vjh x v- I J: -v;. .-. - - ' ceaure. ithmf nartw'tfcraiift. ta fiiW l iJiii to authorize tne exenange oi cer- GrH wold, Cant. Usher, and, iu fact, his officers tain bonds issued bjr the State' during the i. .i.m. . inh fpAm the snrfaee of I ' - - ' ' 111 1 Mowurew, otvuitu IUU1IU Ik TTI..U I . .. . n I .1, I.!.. It tl.. some water contained. In a vase, tumbler or ir.ZV lJrIL'.U - f h - Linhey-to recbnsicTc a Mmln fAr " VOL" Areoi(nniw h.u8wu me jei un. . , , tinn'hrVthatablei'" iveck; , It will n: burst opened .null day morning, ; It la -aid MWtPW Bii&& h?'- lT .M .U The President annbunced the arrival of roots will seek the water, a sfrSlKht and taper- "tn .mleriew , wtth the J . If you want a situation, advertise lnour new the how for the sitting of the Court of lag stem, with beautiful will shoot upward and present .a. -. , iXL ...n I . wt . 4. V. A ... ! i. '-ri-r-trv I estimates that f the -two hundred and odd to ,vie with " , , A y'Y l r'-' A xr" I IviWc' ' rtnostlnnt nn lha mflflfin AT MP , -1 WUUUO. WUV0MVUII.VU . U V. W V M V . ih-'and to lay'the mo- ' M The Great Fertilizer. Li - - REPKESEOTATIVES. ? Wepnesdat, March 15, 1871. -1 r . .. . ; : l - 1 . . I ..'i .s those of the- oak. ". The -water should he tnousanu fvu. r'-'f.- SPIRITS VX VUitrEN TliMiu. .. -.wwcii, arose lo.a.qucs- , t ; L'Jm' Ii i. mntJfAm' Carolina, the eolored-people, only get about j u.l,' fKr.;r tion pi pnvelege. denouncing an editorial chanKl .tnondAndyeC-thecmoredt U0littC SbVill iodayra. headed. "Send, for tfie water of the same warmttr.- B1U of charcoal J" , aVJTnw'mr CharlottQv 1 itOIiaVO a Com- pknera" ' - I ' . i .daedtoltwmprevenithewat.rifrbmsour- f:;- j I mercial College. :f. t . -M ir.s. If the leaves tyrn yellow, put a grain of -i'tV paitriekSs-'Dav.'it: --i5 ir---i?iiy t.;j f ; 7 i Jiilil'T Ctc R irlif Irlfoi S-li r A privUeee-ia regard, to the same: matter. nitrate ammonia, in the utensil which holds This day. dear 6 all .irishmen, vwlll, s"we , r,- i mc waierana u.wui, renew, ineu axorituicF. i nave already me Marion Star. ... ,:ruir v rr On xvw their handeome regi The last lssna pf. the illarlon (S; C.) Star l tte priqcpai streeUjto i bepreceded bfl ntams tha following rom inia aaw nr. TomasCathollc) Ho had seen a number of articles in that I r am rxin mnflASn1fk ftknaa WS . 4-Vtia -8ecietyf bf'thUertyf Tn jrj 'uuw legislature. ie wisnea to. Enow 11 mere JlalVpJjw2i! Gen Dargan;of Aasoa, is the handsomest .WtBoraaiFay..ii, which- tbe;Xiegiala- ... . . -i mnri .in uie cwuiubl i . .f ,..,..,.,.,ti. i.m i tnra (inin nrmprL irasir i .. . ; -, .,- . If IAMUFACTUB0BY i 1 AVtAlTCN, WHANN S C "' IwiCKScwbANEJ I D. KLEIIT, Proprietor; FTtHIS PA VO BITE RESORT Is now open lor ' X. the Summer. Refreshments of all kinds constantly ' on - hand,' among which may be meatiowea . , Sl mt LAOER BEEB, ALE, ICE CREAM, STRAW -' BERRIES, AC. ' Bowline Allfey Attached. I&:faet ererythtnX'haa been arranged. t contribute to the comtort And entertainment of visitors, and the Proprietor earnestly so Ucits the pnblie patronage. " ' ' """ i Resb to 25 Bbls N.' 0. Family Moar, 500 Lbs Choice -N . U. Hams, iaBbls(Joflee,vo u 10 Bbls Sugar, ;; , ; 25 Boxes Candles, r lO.Bozes Cheese,.,., "WJ 1 1. With a choice assortment of Craekers, Tea, Spices, Wooden Ware ; 0 Bhls Fish .j. . on consignment. ' " '-; - "'''r Pojr sale low for cash.,; m.ihiov:i Jthl :, feb28tf . ; r . vwnv rT TxTT . r m. - ; WaingtontN1 HALL'S W LANDING, EX SCHOONER ii. r x 1 1 1 c x a i o p o. r ic:; r VL1 TrVrvrn ' '' " fTlHB' UNDERSIGNED,; ' practical: r V j S. Y. W. ; SIMMONS, - v Xfacturer, has lor the past; 1J y ears f ,ri- - ; i 7 t , 1 1 . .- 4 I jS V sy- -r . s - - - - Wngg to eur helm, talent and that energy and newspaper ' -enterprise loQbtless.wlll mks oar . paper- populai tomes here not witbeut journallatle tion. hftinir been enraared; editorially on one l Btab, vuMilnr If ' ... ; - . .1., ...iniL-". r.'r--,. ivivj -i f - .r r. n I Fvv. .-; :rr..rf Ai ; alio .a VYHUZPtjib w . tions or .Messrs. . Jones, .ot uaidreu which, r rerewsisu. y. ; ,r serted that GenrVinwljtclrnthe A8he: He said be did, not think r. He we were p.easea w ,c yf -. positiorv ;pkPrJiKpaT tide referred to, more objectionable tfpuU- A. stedmao,rfr.,iormeriy a-ocaix,aifcrui t j!, TjjgtitotionttUi.-a on ;Hut mauv bthers that had1 appeared in lnonraanctnm yesterday. He appears; question in regard to ihe privilege qnes- ana the ar- than that we offer for sale at reduced rates. mar U-lm . -TICE AMEBANE w . t a t i mi -D-va ".4. , CHAS. D. MYERS best or Sperm. rrom tne lattei . arranu . - gum, ana as cr iDie as ,tne s :'tv:x The beat rttdrei innet tell it . J -f J . I It is almost transparent. 'Uwnnt-every., ;,r4 , fr&Llon i &n ft may t-retTrnea,at.Ani x. :. 't -tt ' ' nonoA. if not satisfactorv. 'Actual extierli -V 4 . r-n - mnta has demonstrr -.c 1 ba fact that one ell- ' marlS-tr "7 North STOntSt.1 rtr&&lfJ?l:jlfrJtt natier for thV last two vears. Hethousht toijLJwflW;H.,xv4tt -W!?..fKr! mSSS-sfe;.!.1 ,?j'mm2 I... -. . - I A.It!nn HIUM.MU QlUr . OI LI1V -11U QD I ... i . .1 !Ji.j; r. .t. Strictly Pnine ing with Hall's Spermla as good as. two wl,th any other oil.': i nxU.eT.m ,ii;- . :..f' This Oil is efreefarry adapted to the ae-cr . AOOOnlOUVes, IT 11 V7HWI VU II 1 '1 rift RKAMI ' wTlAKrofG:"EAOTS.J-j- liarek' s.CmA 1 mnrn bx. iiiiie wuoieHuuio nuuiu nucu "wic. with his experience, lOTionmausui,-wo i irt"j" ' .T-.y - ; roouffn. loereis eyiuen!Buuiuicu.T,uTOu- 'r,v - 'a . . .-, ; . Wv detelned to make the one Of 'the! of gnecesS attendIm,,: ;victIirjAof thft.mirBerSwrtjvalweli; IlrT8 WW. ost Donni.r n.nrW in ths South.-Further r i ; tI t..u-.-i:vr.v-r1-:. '. Fas of Davis.' ? "-W .ftfusu -; .f ,; . .- ; WmmPnt U nnTtea.rT f time will trOVe Our I --. :TJlt .i'.t.t.V.. I T-mrrn- VTrMM. RftVft kTWniji.."i.i. -"rr-.- Rt.n. I v At lctpi'mtn.4l.T. i.UUk hniu will txa aOOAAtA. I - r , I ' r , TO .Vlfitl : 'K'A V'-7 W :anT.&Zn 'f Tlio . fttf llfV Of thfl li-J.-f J ,,t rimJUon' TtA rtXrOQ- r HUtf lO-tl We to ail. ; We ask tir friends to aid us Inur iS'sm State as very .-muchlbebluviiiwith their : fii the charges a'galnst Judge 'Watts. ; Uprise." il ?:On!mbti6norMr'Ashe;theto - 1, to suicide. -; v -V - r t UtiihU. t n1 nresent W-TwittSaWer-ma fAi-tba'llArlfovi of tarTmachinenr - MaJohniqn; colored,' was arraigned be. mentals .mooted. ; - - ' Tn tthVWern 15,000 tT-OT , . 1 'ore Justice W. H. Merrick, yesterday, on the I . A Missouri girl hasn't spoken to her pa- , r jf !V -JW. fbUl by sections.; , 7' I ' : - ,.? I - ..l --Lrj : :lv! eof .breach of tbe-peaeev The ease was' rent, for five years. :r t "'ter the reading and adojon of sev- rjo ( e of an exceedingly trifling character, being -Most of the .fashionable cplora are named .dlomaiiii.of he,Coort of.'Im- sections, Mr. .Gregory moved that Forsaleby. : w,' .riSLln two Colored -.fVerr-blooav evthts:i,; tAt- itA A . A -t lSV?.? In the when the House adjourn it adjoura.to meet '-2 5?H .1- ,af eebelngbetS UreeWstahU.1; B0 seltor the defendant, one of our moat conducted by a fair loungda tinued.Toe 1 Eminent lawvers remarked that he could Ten yonug laoy. compoaiwrs enjoygow cwas CODCraae. iv m." uo niifrrWrl' ',, , ; "tttttt-. js-- -t,- JraSSa&t ,lti,wWi.T. 'i:-vv;r.v TSSSS2ff?? '"ibreicUof th. mm Julie Merrick t$OIM)MWIm- tnuVM-fn; ;rfmfl7JSi.S9S; ' BYraraoisstos. ' '' : ' v' Vwm6 , .! tpr..W..D cmi.T.r.WockU.0rt.P.UUrI ?,iiWi'k.J TTSSSgS&- K ""MtociUm.td-dlUr. woolda't tbit A Chicago womin etnu ner HTelinooa w . We.wer0 .bt frem home, two week. -Mr.eiich5iitli.eliJr.-i ..!:).!! ; ; t lT. tC Tl! f !'"-.' I "nui.nu..j .. .uhtk frool of re iwre. a Bw, .AtiC,Kii.'thVHof oLJOlm' Wilder 1 .hi. hi,ii k. introdncBiI . UU i : -""V I -?HH.iH Is ?mJonderstandlnzof the law." remarked into which she a carried. vtAs purse la at once AktkillsbnVreatye, to an ftprcssion about to suppress allgamea of chancer referred. ... o JJS masniqhaix ;oun.eL MThefi saldthe Wef made up, for her and aha la aentbomen "RfM jm S'ZS y with all the pomb'oaUy 'wtlchcould be -liaclri k- . --" his father, the venepble Episcopal Bishop V-,ft 'iKll i&Lf&gJ from 8 to 5 o'clock tor broebttftKl t V jT'ai .n,,. rphns Elisaealo pluribufi of North ColihApOfiared in our col r,.A Ullor the cpllecuoa.ot. taxes, being 'ST , LApna Ezcumrvn-t. Mto bear, -P.. fcrwd to Jl nl Jelbom. atthetimc, th finished lessi:ot thj. ornW tnrat same place and C . P' course the counsel foi- tfie de, to kU irrespective iof . Sahh5d naveatated that althongh6 the samewas taken npcanfcon8idered 5 iKnirs,torLaaJe8andChlllru,r I waed intiotdefi and the Justice re- hand mateaa oi tne "Pt . - r aiwia.tivk; PbriiirTeTnhla t , Alter the .adoption ,otYari0Tts. amena-l : r faUii Lss ::,jamesil brown.' 'reaMary JohOTo4 riv. geeorltf in the the wrong person: omnibus, to kUs all promts, lli. Z the . original ments, thobill passed lUf secoii reading. I : inarS-tf-I cfra toperintendenfc ;;. '' i I mA nClMtrn wl. 1 nfitlfv bim. h will t" Tird S " . 1 . 4 . . n : jrailons free of ah eharge, if they wl- jrtve It .v." 1 l f n ) alAlrteat Uheissaiisaed thatloii I I Y nAAVrA-. if. A rkiiafda Railroad.' . n TarOCHA, J A VAr XAQU YRA. Miannr . nma cmtl It T)imDljn STTA iOai CHAS. D. MYEES (XX, T Co., WetUyille, N W. LPres. fir-'- uroa&raus sua. uor, ociiigu"'if V Delivered to PayettevUle and Wilmington, 7 Worth'Pront street. '- t t f ; 1 inr : 7j m.t at s nr 5ii on bv the bbU ao eharie zrm r" . r. - m .n. TAT tirfflLl Xl U1IJI IWi J& w B WW chaxeeTornifir. lV.G..??r 't .Tayetteviue.a.c. Trl 8un Wed -. - , Dilk Hoto !. Dillr nata ! SILK HATS ! 8 P R I IV CI3 T T lV S 1; i-..'t:f"Vl;( V'f.t x. JUST RECITED BY . rll ... .. f.-.v-'.-.- - "X EXP R E S S li, ' THOS. H,,WRlGHT. ... , narchl-if ' v a North rrontSL , FOR OALGO REnf! 7oa baxe on:xtxiaT'--That laire and JC- valuable plantation on: Middle Lound, 8 miles from the city, known as the Mott tract ba rented or vMd on resonable terms, if or V 4-' forher.ppearTnce at Court, ; ) cupusly ercbus, to kiss in the dark. Aft-.. . - v7 ;i v :r: iIK, Sr4 uli ' ;:) . ' ' ' ., i . . ..... - .. ... . . ... . j .. .... . ; 1