- " ' .. ' . . -'. v . 7 .. "-: . "' 7 : : . - , ; ' ' ' .' '- ' '-. "'"r'-'.:'':- - - : v .v "7-'.',. 7 : , 7V; V;vt-V -. "' -77':;;:y; . :.' W 'V ,:.v.-7. ..V'v..'7r: . ..-" . ' '' . - T - ' r . -; : y. . ... .. . . . . Vf:.-- ( . - . .'.?" .. . , '- . , - i. - ' . - , ' . " . . .- : 7' ;!! THE STAR, ' PUBLISHED DAItY WJf . il. BEBNACD, Editor and Propr. Offiob, Dawson Bank Btdldlnsra, Front St. mo ycarf advaBce:....;.!.....'.."- 00 (inn AriiiLi . tin mouths, in advance.... Three months, in advance..... 00 po moatli-in advance. ., 75 . Tlio UoBHtKO Stab will be delivered In any part of. the.CJlty at Fxrr jCnrra per week. METBOROJLOGICAi. IIECORD. r'' March 27, 1871: ';'-' '-; u ': n..rt Ther- i ' . , Time. eter? raom" "In1- Weather 73X11. 29:G7' f64 SW Brisk Clearing 4-3:3 P. M. 20:68 69 NWFr'ih Fair, up 11:83P.M. 29:80 . 54 N Fresh Clear. Mean Temp, of day, 65 deg. . " . : Barometer corrected for Temperature aod Elevation.. -7:7;, ::rM V'. ! - i KOBBRX SEIBOTH, ! : , Serg't Siarnal service U. S. A,' " '; ""Weatliier Report. , i U ' if- '! Taii 'Department, EST, 1 er, y Office of Chief Slsrnal Officer, Washiogton, March .274:35 P The fullowins; Is a syqopsis .of the weather report for the pas tweatyloar hoars : . The area at the lowest pressure, Which was Sunday evening, In Kentncky Is now over Mas sachusetts. It has in its progress been pre- cceded by rain and snow and brisk northeast, and northwest winds. Cloudy and falling weather lias prevailed to-day on the lower bices and in the eastern States. Clear and par: tially cloudy weather with .rising, barometer liiis prevailed from Ohio to the Atlantic. The pressure has remained stationery from tbo Southern and Gulf States to the Ohio river. Falling barometer with increasing temperature aud light southeast winds with clear weather are reported from the Mississippi Valley and westward.- " " - It is probable that the" storm now prevailing in the eastern States will clear a way on Tues day with brisk northwest winds on that coast. Fresh and gentle winds with partially ' cloudy weather will probably prevail on the Gulf and South Atlantic, and cloudy weather on lakes Ontario and Erie. It is probable that another sionn is approaching from the extreme north wst. " N9BE rqbr's Live Book .S tore 39. Market; . 1 , c-t Pianos 'and other Musical Instruments The True Story.'..' - T. 1 1 " " I I '. 0. SELLia-.TFor Sale,; Steam Saw and Gijst Mill.'- WW'. PuE3BiTEUN.Sp'glABLE3-In fld;pf Second Presbyterian Church; .- ........ ... Gkbbn!& FLANjiEn," Appthecarips and Drug gists. Pharmaceutical-Preparations.- - - - - -- T. C. DaUossaTTv'fiecreVaryMeeU Hook Aj-Laddcr Co.j'No; 1.'- "Peach FBSTWAU-Meeting .'ext. native-born - itwi9U cltTzcnsI r wbai . ran, Ac I:;.::;;-:- . .1 tCbi pcy JJar jjss, convicted in .the City vCourt yesterday morning of stealing a ham 01 meat iron a grocery on fliarnet eireci, was ocuu iu t'ho U'brk House yesterday a't'ernoon so-erve out the term of thirty days. Pompcy has nl ways been considered one of the UgMs (which ' m y bo' (alien as'rathei? paradoxical ; when his color Is called: into consldaration1) of ; the Ke- pdbllcan pArty In-this' Cltyi. ' In fact,: his ser' v'u-es around the polls on election daysr . taken iar connecttoavwith. his. powerful ; influ.enco,, liave jaa iy, entitled him to the appellation of "one of IhopiUdraot ihe'party. But, follow ing the example of cnheYprcrinlnent'memberF, such a LlttleIIeld,Swep3on, Jonets and others, he let his avarico got the better, of 'hls judg-, tnent, and he ftolc theham. Ala's, poor P in- 1'-T : ; '" A i ; - NOTICE. :'; :c'":'f.v:; '..' ;-'.- Agency New York Associated Puess, Vilmington,,N. C March 23, 1871. Masters and Ageatsjqf svesseIs"wiU confer, a favor on the undersigned by reporting '.to thim Itromptly all marine disasters occurringatauy point on the" North Carolina coast, in order th-.it the intelligence may be transmitted by lil(.'graph at the earliest possible moment. . , WM. II. BERNARD, tf Agent New York Associated Press Our Chip Basket. , A Kansas midwife seized on a child for debt;;.'1',; 7 ; - ;;' '" ; . Sunday-promenading is the New Yoik style. , ....-'..' t . . Aristocratic ladies in London wear black silk hose. : . - A lazy Yankee Js trying to invsnt a ma chine to play checkers. The twenty-fifth anniversary of . the Pope's pontificate Is in June. 1 "-J ' Marying a woman for ber-beanty Ms like : eating a nightingale forHts singfBg -y j; It took seventeen, old maids of Qaincy, 111 , to keep one little beauty from running awny and, making a. female minstrel out of her- sdf. ,Qur German fellow citizens prpposecele bratlng the'trldraphipf Prussian arras'.andtho restoration of peace by a grand 'Peaee -Fcstl- .val,V to come, off on Easter Monday, the '10th ui iijjni. oi ni purpose 01 xaKing me mat ter into proper consideration's ! meeting of all tbyhatfvc'&nfnOiffmini.ef the'-iity' Is'--called, to be heli at ihe tST0(piib;jGa.r.denr! this ,". of tc'rn6on,''at'$ oclock. "A"fiill attendance - is v rcqaested;::-? '-.w; x;i frjurJju.oJi ''i!: ji.a Easter JHonday will Jbe observed by Germans Kcncrally throughout theUnited., States ; as a day 0 rejoicing. Public AddresN. , - Rtv.,8. 0. Alexandcr,;.EvongclisV76f;Wlf; mlnton Presbyter', will address his friends in the Presbyterian Lecture room this evening ai 5 o'clock ou the subject or hiJ WorK n uns low and adjoining counties, and i. generally on 1 1'5 Agricultural, and 1 prbU uftlre Interests, of that sections . -..'' 'WW W -j '" ' U;''j' :iiy Cdnrt. I T The following cases were' disposed of yesr day --n ,i:. .-.w . . .it .1 Robert Phineyi charged, wilh disorderly con duct; case continued until Wednesday. 'WW:tA Sandy Stewart, charged with forcible" tresf i Wus iounapoi guuty aua aiacnargea.- 1 Otnoe Ilnrrta otmroroil irtth tipttv lar(tnv gullrvand7rreaulred 'topav ihe penalty and 'cOsts ji ' ' -. ' . v'" f V ' '"'T'" ' "- '-lA'-'" -"'-7TT". ' ': - - :;vv--'wy.i&ESvV-'.. ': ' v J. ; . . ' . . . ' . - " . -BATES OP ADTEBTIgraOJ W AID ATl-T'f .rm a ttv: - -il "A. - V I I t. II III I X1H I - , I I ' Uk. 1 If 'II . . 1 I 1 i - - 'i.'i. ;.:.; I. W 1 - U:7;i-;!&. Voli VniMo. 5 Saturday "next is M All-Fools Day.M Church-goers were treated to a shower on Sunday night. t ... " . ''''.'... . The pressV type and fixtures of tho Ashe vllle'Ar? are offered for sale. ' " Grosgrain' silks are Imported In every shade. , ; ... r ' We learn that a revival Is Jn" progress In the Mt E. Church at Fayette vllle. 1 7 'WW- The Davenport Brothers thoroughly mya llQed the people of Charleston. - r The Lydla Thompson Blondes commeuced an engagement in Charleston last night. A called meeting of the Hook and Ladder Company? Is - U be held - this etehlng, at 8 o'clock. ' ' r :'' ' v The Geueral Assembly of the Presbyterian Curch South, meets in Huntsville, Alav on 18th May next. W ' W.- . . , 7 i;.'"7 W There were six peraous conflrmed at St. J ohhs Church Sunday night, four of the mim ber being males and two females.'' j5 : '; ' The colored Methodist church, known as the Christian Chapel, located on the corner of Seventh and Church streets, is to have a hell. -. A parly '. of ladles and gentlemen-had a very pleasant excursion flown the rlveTyester day on 1 the'Revcnue Cutter Seward. " . City Marshal Canaday informs'us that cows will be allowed to run at large In the streets on and after this-date, until furthe. notice. . "vv " ! . . .... ! In accordance with the expressed desire of a large number of the citizens of Raleigh, Rose and Harry Watkins have determined to re main two nights longer in that city, i j j. ' Several porpoises were observed In the river opposite the Fibror;Wprks on :Sunday nfMrnonn 'tinrino' hren forced UD br the heftVV I i ::., : t urrniiir itrp.vniimcr m nwi As'stated before, several Temperance ad dresses'wiirbe delivered at Fifth Street M. E. Church tiiia evening and, the." public are; io .vitedto bopresent, , ; ': The blll C'onccming the Special Court of Wilmington has, on motion of .MaJ McClam mybcen rhade'the special order In the Senate for this evening.- ""T, r - r ,7 Barque vnaxne were arresiea yesveruay, aw tuc 1 " ' r - v, . r-i.At .. ny9 In iVa I lusuiuto ui iuc Vaj;i..u, ... . Guard; House. for sale Reeping, tuey naving . . . . - .. I evinced a disposition; to leave the vessel. n , .u.. ..-- rtt . r. t- 6ioners, twemy-one in uumoer, passeu mruugu t . . . - i S . 1- t I this city on Sunday night last en route to I Washington City., It Is 6tated that they land- ed at Key West, Fla. ,;v , , , . rt .'? i '.: :, L The case of Alfred Williams, arrested on Friday last an a peace warrant, and whose ex amlnatlonVwa to ave taken plac i before Jus- tice McQulgg yesterday, morulng, was post poned until this morning, ,'on'fa ccout of the absence of witnesses. 7 ". "We notice that the unsightly woodeq buildings on South side' of Princess, between Front and Water streets arc being torn down and removed. This.wlll be an Improvement to that particular locality even If they should not be immediately replaced by new and sub- cfonttai hniMinwa.- ' ... m r i f - m " , - , , . - . "I able to announce the fact that "Chief Justice" Merricklll deliver a lecture at the church on the corner of Fifth and Red Cross Streets on Thursday evening next. ' Of course no one will be so reckless as to' miss such an intellectual treat. His subject will be VAIoral Philosophy." ' Tem perance. Mount Olivet Council Friends of Temper- , -.-....-f.j a t Q fltnrlahinrr auto id jcuisosu n " t'J " WUUIUUU, uivWU.U- ... ..j cfate members are connecting themselves with the order at nearly every meeting, and the - . guuu icouiuuiium mv, f i"- fh. ohiinirn nf unnfiBisncfi and the lives Of -"-"'" . many of Us members. ' ' 1 , Sociables." " B, Mm. to .n adrtuemcnt io thi. i.- -sue, lb wilt ob eeeu tuub iuc m ui t. ..-. 11..1 U- 1-1 r V.a T.a: bvterlan Church design giving a series of Zlwl XLu:-,'LziA Pp;a. LmonuW;oociaoie8 w ov --V bytertan Church, In the Northern part of the city.-The nrst entertainment 01 tne series ... . . . rxTr j i- will 111 be given.to morrow (Wednesday); even- gl 'at 7Koclock, at the Masonic Hall, it be- .Lr -l ui.u.'i.... ing Jog .the- purpose of the ! ladies to provide a supper v and l rcirashmeQtSi forvthe occasion For terms .of- admission. &c, ace advertise-' m'ent' V"' "W:-ZIa. U JUVEit AND MAUINE NEWS. iiSl -J-? y.i ? v .' trip to Elizabeth City fjnd other portsln North 'Carolina8; nhd'eV 6mtitid-iizCspiiU W. T. a valaable addition .. to the .North Carolina trade. V :j W,'.. Vi;.. V '' -' o wto:da;, report, t&.t the B, vva, ids i mrque. -aiwt . (German) name unknown and -the Scbponer . , . . . '; - 'PWl WWlE"1? f feet at the time the,, Cumberland IefX Tayette- .thU rnorblng, about 8 o'clock j - , ?v . - i J l ' into con- me marriage .... rt .dlvorca'coutd be applied. - - 4UV";"' , -c col., Hargrove, lmnViJUJ on, Aiorgan, oi r,-.;-7, "... . r, , , -.'-i ;-;.;. -The Baltimore .of. Saturday says:-, - jIot gomery7 Morgan of ; Wake,sonl; TTroV The steamship iViA (7aro?in is.another new. Reavis, col Smithy OL-Halifaxol., 4, 7r veasefhlch will to day sail, on heriflrat clrer;-U':Wmis- cot ii,.- . fi Tin7.T'nnti!nTJ . ri 1 . ' r Frltchard, formerly 0 the Einrna Dunn, in the live 3 T ANlV MtTSIOAI INSTRTJlfRNTS of all kinds eametrade. She is a sta inch propeller of 64 ment trial of. K;WwJones,r Judge ;of:thq ;;) ir!uFor0 at. ,ft - : ...... tonS,140 feet long, two-masted, and schooner econdJadi oraSf rigged.. She carries oat a fall .cargo of assort-. w?3 aaopica:'unacr ; .uum f ,,, --r. .. - v, . ; edmWchandlse:The-iVbrfAr h Rinaii-a .i,impt i :mnf iv, 111111 hiii- uruve i" . . n - . - j til I - -' XY 'lUO BaiUC i itavii",;pvuuiua i , ILEUHGTOH, H. 'ft, TTJEBDAY-JABCH ;:l3B.f.-r-le'ITo?l;b95 vcuperatiTe Asselatlon. i; . , 7 We are Informed by one of the members that the "First Co-operate 8tore". association of this citv have enough stock anbarrihed to ea-i ftbie them to eommenM nnmATi. , hnt that 1 tBe election of permanent officers will not take place until the arrival of the charter, which is .. - . . s .,. . - , t.EGisi.ATiT5 summary. We the iollowingmmary o the proceedings of ihe Legislature . from the report in the Sentinel: . -V SENATE -,-.. I v i . I KVENnra session. - , Fbisat. March 24. . j I On motion of Mr-' Alien" the f vote -Viv r which the charter of the hank-of Meeklpn. burg failed to pas3 was reconsidered and bill passed sereral readings.; : . ' - r House resolution authorizing Treasurer Jenkins to borrow two hnndrfirt thonaand I dollars at 8 oer cent" to sunnlv a rtencinrw i in the Treasury passed under .the:operaV.c.?PPal tiorl ot the previous question;?'.- - - Sati7rtjay Marr.h 1871 ! i I The bill providing forthe reduction of th RtAtft deht hpintrthftinhfttltHtonffprpi by Mr.' Worth, which - passed Its second readies yesterday, was taken up:- and the bill put on its third reading" ' .. .i :. ; A Mr. (iraham. ot : Uran&re. renewed his i rr)inohnt withdrawn - I f Question on the amendment of Mr. Gra-1 u-" . . j -j i-j i nam, m urnoge, was put auu Huupieu. : I Mr. 071116 bfleredian amendment, that after surrendering all of theassets oil the1 State, -the State; would make no further provision for' any other debt. 1 ; -Mf TTUmm no : iilmittl ;n: anhoHtnto iV th hniA anMtpr '.iirtfii.iironpri ot ionfh in ita niitoin'oj' i', ,;K? f i : : lMr. Cowles submitted'' an ' additional amoni4mpnt rrnninnn hnnd - nf treaeiirAr I ..-j k: usn r faithful discharge of duties.- AovtedMP'VVr The Senate agree upon five as the num- berof the commissioners. .i I : w ! y . ' ThermiDointment-of fhe commission Vas left to the President-' Of-the Senate arid'; Speaker oftheHouseV,?. vt. ' i ". questloii, and it p8si,. ;?mvr passage 01 Buppicuicntw i hu; creaunK ronia wun- iu mveswgaie .c,, "t-" , .. ""T fnn1' unmintimv . Xr.r t Hnlai warn on. I peuueu uu iuc; " ; .FV8 WYerai i j 3 ii utn ? - Si. . "S'V,, :W i -'WWWlWW f ,.1DUIU oiiowiog iue i reaBurer to Dor- uul aiiowiug me i reaBurer io Dor- , , , .. oney Was taken up ' and passed its reading. -! ' - ton .. " notion of Mr. Love were sus- ' secon(J On motion pended, and Senate bill 493 was taken up and made special order for Monday next. On motion or .Mr. AlcUiammy; House bill appointing a committee to investigate the Treasury department, books, was taken up, and passed. ; 7' "1 ''"':-i" zi ; r Mr.' Murphy Introduced a concurrent resolution mat me ufenerai AssemDiy aa- ! journ tine die on April 3rd, at ' ft A. ; M. Lie3 over. HOUSE OP REPRESlATIVES. By Mr. Sparrow: A bill to-providd for the registration ol receipts in certain Cases ; placed onxjiienaar. ? t- i urj 11X1. ULMlU?f 11UUA .A1V9 UUAViai J ; VwUl mittee, submitted a report in the case of uuugo xj. I?. tfvuw,:i&wuiuHuiug fciio T..WrA Ti1 W - Taaab . finAAtVitnAnHinn fhft adopting 01 me resolution jmpeacoing mm of high misdemeanora'In office. j : On motion of Mr. Dunham the bill to BUHff- mo v;utwiiiitioivici v iiiioou county to issue bonds was taken" Up and passed its second reading yeas 65.najsl2. uu munuu wi iu.. uwubu. mo uiu ; ouu pUmental to the act creating, .a;commis- I BIVU ivr Mauiiuv . iuiv . iuai i: i vt butiuir j 1 A .. TPU-i Un . . J J-n -- Mr Johriatonl of Buncamber offered an - ameadment which, forbids.any. witness 1 wno migub uc Buiuiuuucviiuciwn vuouui t mi(tn hnm: nlpnrlinor t.hft rlorht nr. nt.f-.ftr. . vv,w f- tr "L -Or- - r-r-r-. neysto ithholdconfidentialccpmraail -si.t- -.. Imimu ! muabiuua uiwo uwo-:-u v ; cnr.:- w - i',r sii'-'j :T 10 .irr pi p moUon of Mr. J UAlWo M 1 I1UKSUUU WBB UlUUCUir. .'i.V'l,- . ! , : -1 - - t -. . - l. Nelirs amendmenti.which. ,;Mr Stanford's amendmenL.limitinff the MtMtimrim itnfactsowhichiiame.totthe wp &g knowiedge before the commission I . . . - . . .. . ... Jf tfae !raud. wa; adoptedan.d ?the3H then passed its' several reading?; ' r, .: 4fxr. ' a ,W; &iperi TkloffJif too a toVpn'nn in fl inrlnnt-prl hr.ii vottyofyeas76;na5sl3.:T3r,A . ! .The following votes. against the resolu-. tiori r Bryanot Jones, liunn, col, iudiey, By Mr. Sparrow A j-esolutioDjrequir- ing the Speaker to appoint a Board ot, rnoadurra t T n ft rSPTULrl" 1 1 nTArlTlin CT T nftl , f - v m bodv nf thflnctinn nf thfs Housa in regard ltd '.Jones' caseJ IThQi (resolution was I adopted under a suspension? ot the rules. blution impeaching Judge Jones;; He safd i ; a .lcaixkd MEBSTING OF THE MEMBERS h -,,30 aotwint :.thetA :otJSI Am a m T " 1 -A. 1 ' - - 3 uouse ft long-iisr-ot ouwagsj" been committed bJudgMffP jj. warin was in - favor of reducing ; -theiew of members tft.$S: or; $t per "tday and stay here all the). summer, 5it,ner L cessary, that these infamous officials might 1 . ' , Lii. .,1. i i-r- . De properly ana jusuyaeai wim. fewn rm t h i-0ATnrftT.iTft nr i r.nTJii iv OTmoRPii .io ine muiiuii lu i euuutm i iT si nnnRV. v a imi ttentiancii is uuaireu. r 1 ...1 . .vr44t.imii. unmtrnv fri;r.i-i.'F t . ' i. w . vm w . . . I--- V-"-J r-r-w ' " - ... . ,1 . 1 ' r.T- . -. - - 1 . .. ..... . v (f' w ' 1 -. . i I ma w M1 1 J . - - -w . i , Mr. Phillim was in fWnr "nf V- nrtv investigation of the matter In reference to allusions that were made in regard to Judge Pearson's habitual intoxication, he 8aid that thfi Chdf Juiticft .infirmities in f bem town olT over the fo M to&.J That the Judge in despite of thia well known infirmity, had 4nchP at 0f'fh9 Supreme Court,- and IT fflSJ Justice almost had a chaitered right : to indulge this infirmity. , He wanted this investigation to go on and. was opposeg lu iecuusiuentuuu. oou. v -. Mr WithoFo oii -i:-i-t'nL, v - v VMAavfV -. tuo - ui V T U tion on his motion to reconsider. The call was sustained and the motion to recon sides was put to a vote and adopted. 11 MrJdnep, of Caldwell,' moved to reconT sidet.tha YQte by ; which ; the resolution was auopieu miorming me oenate 01 ine action of the House in the case of Judge Jones; was adopted, 'The yeas and: nays u . yvc u yeas najsv. 4. . atibnf the adoption' ' of the resolution seuuiug.amessage to tne eenaie in reier- ence ,jo tue action or . tnevnouse in the Judge; Jones matter,1, was; postponed for thetconsideration, of the per ; diem ques- r i: . v 7, ;r : T; j ...:uv,uw1ju mcu ucu a iraumuuu 93.01 ApriU.at S3 per day. ' , ui m- E'Hr? i&Wead by Saying $1' tier aav. - . . mu j . . .-jwhw w.Vut ?u fIM' f MJW9Rie,JI,yeaB 51,nays 27. ; r ;,r 7- 7 ,UOT "uu ,fcue,u J bcwuu icauiuif.v . . . - motion of Mr. ; Johnston' of Bun- l.COmbe.the.rules were suspended m order - v ;...? . .inirqTeaa lnrf- Mr.: Robinson moved to amend hv mak- a? previous question oeingcairea ana ..uaineq,.?;uaiioi was :iaKen ana ine re- ."Otuiion,; as amenaea, passeu us tmrq r?allPg 7 TfW" 62v .nPa7? 81-i 7. .jf -iirnl.., ',, ;;.,.,-,.: ivv -j' At the last term oi (Jnilftrd a;white maD; and hi s accomplice, Gili nerro were tried for the mnrder of an eld neorro manJ and sentenced to be ' o . ... . hansed. Parker is an inhuman wretch: The , murder was perpetrated bV' aid 'of ' k .;5 V- -d-v-i,- dogs who were set on the victim by Park hi,i ,4- , -f .-4 -f, , .-1,-.-1Jf.,.f : c,i n'. .m, - v ; .1. : , 1 The ayettevilIeiZe says.; Anm. hn WPPr 8AtnnfhirMm W P.Wi I Cotton still comes to this market and finds I ready sale at ther current prices,' Much of I the cotton now brought" is ol inferior qual-. ity, and buyers have .to grade it and pay j accordingly. There . js but seldom ; any classification in; the Fayetteville markelt -: 1 one bgure being bid lor the whoIe wagon load. f'-' !- Oriel ot our exchanges has :the following: Holden, after all the ruin be has wrought, is figuring : in Washington- -City in grand style. ; He rides ? up an d down Pennsylvania Avenue - behind !.flne horses,' with servants' fn livery, J while he: should be breaking 'rock -' and : making priCK witn onoemaKer ionn in met. peni t Ml m t 1 T.l- r. il - tentiary.';'-:i";ii 'r W'7 'fw"-!:V j rrTt The Newberh 'imes .says: The I , r-l Jl r . ; L ' 1 circle in ueu&r wrove pemtiery,. wuereui the Confederate dead are interred, owing to the care and attention paid it by the I Memorial Association,. is .no wa presentibg 1 o neauuiui appearance, naviu? uu.eietcaub border of, boxwood. and : being, tbicklv 1 planted with - flowers. 7, The 1 appearance renects muca creaib on loose navins me matterin chargeoj,-J;riJO r-i '".T! i'.r-r - 41, r J - !- : - 'i -f: .-.' 'fe.1f ."f;T;j L VX 4 I Nxtionaii Hotel Reuben JoHES,Prop'r-! : . . Kin v n - msx -m wi ta w m rm PhieVhlVP" I A D imams, oiaueu coaaiy, ma xvrcxines, I 11 IJ ielana. ri XI VV La XerTT. X.lluei AOCK. ,1 - . . r- nt xtAJ,. mo.i.'.t.J W Leak, Rockinghanr? WiE Barnes, R.McMU- l lani;' W-J.Brown. Lamberton. IT u Uibson. JOel Ballard, iaurei tun, jn u; m wooten, vvy AJgSftK I T . 7 T E .Eldrid, Bladen Co. i::rr;;.. 7';:,. " .U I 1:. .ijbi: PW.OOp Reward will 1 Tvrlfttor or Dr. liereeTa Alt. JiiXC or? taOlaern 18 equalit in curing all the" diseases for which it is rectmrmended. ' la the cure of severe arid 1 JNJW A1J VJliKTiri;M.lliiNX.' ei ,j rl 'UVXJITAliisT'" j J t-j--' vyir -rrToV .THBi TRUE STQUY I adiu a. iuu je AvraA jlt ssj w sh jwvmva a. ftnnnmmiTVTTavfp 1 win i irv VTTPnp a f a 1 o-wi - AM.aMM v a Viavt VtAan 1 the Flffht. boasUng was punished and Justice maixjh2S-tf i ; A xW iviu u HuaJ - MK uf . jiv- I'-iju "".,.1! 1 i:;.i.Tr! MEETING OF THE NATIVE BORN SinerKalr ;i o'oiock.for the ptirrjose of taking into co -TV.' Germans of thli citv will be held ' at tl.e irnoon m4 Into consicl- I eration the propriety of. celebrating the tri- . 1 nmnn or frnmi& nver iTRnce. auu'tua reawr' ationof peace,Fv a "Peace Festival on Kas- " -r: -"4 1 Olive: Wm Jurov. sampson count v. nine. ;upwrr..aw- Cad KobeSon;Elethobeth: R W-,Thornton..G was adopted. w Bnhman. W B Stanton. Fayetteville: J, .UlfttlAB (..UlAHAB ll. I. .c: X 10.11UO ii!X lOiilUO ' TOLTNR. 1TOW4J)YERTISEMENXS. PHABHACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, .-' xASTxricTtmsn by " ' ! ! ' ; , GREEtST FLANNEL . fpHE ATTENTION OF DRUGGISTS,1 PHY a- mciang aaa ueaiers is soucitea to oar r reparations. Our faculties for manufactwr leas rate than they can be made for, except on a very large scale. They are made with scrupulous exactness,, and are in everv re Bpeoc laenucai with what we dispense over KxteactVanUia, - Elfx. Caluaja, ' " 1 " and iron, Jamaica Ginger. ; . ': . i - ' Almond, . ; TOO.n POWder. Florirla WotiiV.- Catuphor Ice with Glycerine, Chlorate ?ota9h, Lozenges, Ac., &.n. t .:. y- j march28 tf . FOR "SALE! .1 A TWENTT.FIVE lRST!-lXVli'.li JtX. Steam Saw and Grist Mill, In running or- der at Islington, immediately on Black Riv er, SO miles from Wilmington. A v'The Engine runs one 48 inch Clrcnlair Saw, fnewj together wtfh one pair Stones (3 feel). There are no Saw or Grist Mills' iri that sec tion1, which abounds, in Pine and CypressTlm' berj and the .'River being- always nayigabte from this point' down to "Wilmington, renders this a desirable location for the business; ' '7For terms apply to'-- i 07 "f; 4 march 48-2w x.iV a woTe-o , "W w WftMIUi Presbyterian Sociable. THBtADIESOF THE 'PRESBYTERIAN Chureh propose to give a series of Month ly Sociables, to aid the Second Presbyterian Church in the Northern part of the city. 1 ' ibb uiBt enieriammeni, will do given at Ma sonio Hall, Wednesday evening at VA o'clock supper and refreshments will be provided for me occasion. xiCRexs aamittmg a gentleman and lady 25 cents r or, Five Tickets for 60 cents. can be had at the Isook Stores. . Thei public are invited to attend. march 28-2t: - ------ i. i t: iii.., r DurliiainTbbacco ! f IHJdJlflB '"OBACCOl Ui t XJt'--'Pounds," Halves Sind Quarters s oVirgiriiaT Tobaccoj ix:-. t i iVenosjSEx ceo. "i ' ( .? -i n 1 -. - I... - ) .' Canned Goods ! S Cider ! CANNED TOMATOES', 4"V,;f ' 'v! "j fj. PURE CIDEBBOTTLED, ' ' For sale by - - - - . ' : 1 1 marts -tf: V- DEKOSBTT fiy CQ. . Corn ! Flour 1 i 000 "BTJS 8L'cpp? ; in 0 C A BARRELS FLOUE; .f For sale hv : '"'' " E. W.RERCHNEtt'; - mar 26-tf : ' J27, 21 and 29 North Water,St.,tl Hay ! ; Hay ! OA A BALES' HAY. OUU y:; r. For sale by r . ' mar 26-tf tfttuiEd 29 North Water St. Wilm'ston fe W?Idon Ri U. Co., - SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 0 1 ' VTixKiiroToirN o.j March 24th, 87j,' i; '"r'.' ' ' ..ci-5x fir .JL-ns. 'i:u;ii-:ria . '' """'Ii""""1 .- . - I I '.Jiv'l ON AND AFTER THE; 1st DAT Of APRTL the price of Cross Ties will be reduced to twenty-five cents each; m. :ui.uzi i By order of ubetehhenii ! b:orf 7--. .fi " j aii j' ofl.t . . . ; josepb: a. parkier, mar 25-1 m 0 iroT : 7AssiStan.tiSunj'v HewCropllMbla in. 7 r )-ttn rrov. ic;fl m ..i '" ii.l S. IJ 1(! l.Vuim-.-rl: Un 5;JJ :! l!'.i-ffT,;Tl-, .V I r:;s-i :fl IUU " y H OFNEW CiiL 41-V-4 .4-!s Jif'i '. ?rr;Trt orfi , rr--.f of'.-'.T.' Anr ar.v'E.r'&ri,'hoid"2f.':m ni n.-. f jji-itJ -L-jsvitia ,3w.Vf1( rii,;,a;n .11- , . , ... .... - .. t - OP VERY SUFEUIOK OUAL1T1T. i ('t r, .f .Tn sit. landed and for aia3e'bv-':'i- I 4 larl .ss36?.r -:!;'-'ii-ii ..-il '!.'b mar 2G-tr - " wiLOjAnuuitua. i j 300 HKDS. 1 -"'f I ,s a. TTTTTlTTfre' CVtTT1 ti b r ... A.. - 7; ' ; a '.'9jf -jfO nJ I u? ' 1 J ,- For sale by v .r-j?iiifi v .r(n Mrf- - 1 ! ! mar 26-tf will ard hr Q,11, TTrto I nir tTTof o I .1.. l- 'ill'.i4r.'! '?'.''ii"1-i."' 5 riOiii..:; VJnx; f-JJuST RECIVED BY il fJ..n nih.-rai znut&ta nafs-i ;- bw'- ' ' -'- J!i;i ;? . va;lt iifriTns TT. WTRTOIlTi - . 'in tmM T-1 I 1l- . ..... I , . ' r three days,.,.,.... TOO r.' ; - 10 nr days,... .....'...'.... J SO ft .., ".one week, 8 60 Contract Advertisem ents . taken at pro portionately low rates. - v MMTiagesi6aths.' Religious," Funeral and Obituary notices will be Inserted at half rates wbon paid for in advance : otherwise full rates will be charged, y : " n. . ;: .-. . .xasMB-vasa on aemana. ; - - ,,... MISCELLANEOUS, Very Handsome Dahlia, .f .. "AND B u o j h s o v; p u : j t d 9 iitat TtTrrirTvy 'j7'r ' , ELEGANT' TlE&pxwz and Fufni8hing Groodi i generally. NOW OPENING JA LARGE tOT OF5 1" i:v;; ' 'r- ."j.-t- . r.n i- . , C ASS j ti ERES A fJ D J E A fIS . ' v ' by TiTEf yIkd Very low'.'3 f i f. u mar 2J-tr ;;Tlie;; Carolinalldssenger, , . - PUBLIsriED EVERY " FRlDAt; i!0 J.. AT'-GOLDSBOSO; NJC. mi ;itOT . mPRaYl ;:AAJJ3AArGE ! AjNxwspapib qe. tub Pbksewt Times, - i J- IHTESDED-bRTaH PKOrtl HOW OW EjLRH, ' j including .- Farmers, Mechanics, - Merchants, ProfesBional Men,Mand all raanncr'of honBt t . folks, and; the wlvea Bona and .daucbtcrs of all such. . " " rL,.i.,j - qw&V two BQL&atsa & pirait GIFT W. a nanddme. ' FOplCET . 2lA7Wof$dl$T.fr-' 'CA1Z0EI2TA , J' ntdiriinq alsd a1 Gdlhidar; and the time of ' Aofi'r ?m5r3Cb in 1 1 every1- County throughout tke fi6ate.S ' D'; ; S"OiB(ortlt Carellntan tihould bo ' r.lflsottlal.i Map:' - , The Messenger is prc-emlnehfly a readable u Familx Paper, (nowinJts'?tlhvolaiiiiiMid, . as a vehici or news, has always held tho ? -flrstr&nk amonr Southern Journals,! Its ntws -. on every topic of lnterc6tpolitlcal, literary, i ' social,-opmestic aad foreign Is alwaya fttBh," ahnndant,. various and. accurate, comprising tho whole circle- f enrront-intcnienoe al tvays rendered with fuch promptitude and " rmlrlt; that the paper hasa large analncreains 'i:' Emulation.. r f r , - ,ASi AN ORGA"OI,J6tlNIOv: . .' ."itTira- MEMEoEh ;ib' fearlflps,' trenchant In 4 dpniitablc. ardent in-Us advocacy cf sound ' Bcmocratttf prificiple; tmpparin ln--Itflide-.,1 nuhclaiouof poliUealobuEcs and corruption; and not'cbnflninpf its filmieeidn to mere poli jyf jtics. It taks a-vidQ. range, touches upon a reat variety of eubjects, and alms to bo a feafo 11 guide of .public opinion on, all topics which en gage jjublic attention. It gives conspicuous . prominence to State newa 3d niarketreports ,. Canvassers Wanted- in. Evert CotrNTr. ' 3n ty i ya BEND YOUR MONEYS :iT )in Post Office orders, wherever, convenient. If not, thfctf register the- letters containing jompnej.. Addresaj,, : u Iff. Dj ....... k.JVUlIS, A BON1TZ, Editor A Prop'r. v GotnsaoRoVN. C. j i x 0JJ twtiiji. lit Ih "" 'Ji-' ' A'8i-'an'dl-'VVei'.fry'';' ' The' only'' preventive': known for Chills " and fforfli" la 4 Via .-ion OTrtlfa'a SnlilaHiini 13 ....... ... t. -A ff j u 1.. r... fit : ,Wof e'8 Schiedam SchiiappH 0 UUli 1U1 lCICJBUt. WOLFE'S 4 SCHIEDAM SClllAP.PS Is a preVentlvebf Cbiiis'and Fever. jWolfe'a'ScAleuam, Sctinftpps Is'good'raJklny' no WOLFE'SSHIIliaAM BCIlNAPPS - Is-usid an WthetworMobyphyaicians in ( ' " wAiJ.(, J I'iWOlaTE; SCHlEXAlf BCJLNAPPS is gooa Jfpri au 1 Urmarji r-j;omnlants. Ja recomniendeA by.ajl h.ej Med teal Faculty, J2i 9iWOIJra3 BGHIEDABLCHNAPPa - gofld for fioljo- and palu in the , stpmach. "ff OWolft's Schtf da (Schnapps v ; -:- ?! Is Jmitated and counterfeited, and purchasers .4 , -' u : will have to'use caution ua purohasng. j .' 1 bee i'eave'tocalAhateniibn of'th reader .'toaestiiaoniala.inavr; je.Scliaapps : r rfeelflboun.d, to 'sayv.that I , regard your cnrNAPp?as bein 1 every respeotr jpre-emi- Taeuuw pure, Ana Aeservingoiioeatcai patron age. ' Ar all lerveflts-' itr Is1 the purest possible ameM 01 Jtiouana- guy .nej-eto;ore,unoDtain-able, and'as Such may be safely prescribed by pnyaicianavtf 3-1 jjjav jjj 1 ju.ua a, aL. u.. .. . Pharmaceutical ChemlsVNewYoiik. - ;njnfsvt Qui i s f"-ii b ijno" 'J A.0U7SV11.1.X, J4.Y., aepi. 1. i xeei mat we nave now an article Of tin euttabte foranch cases ah that remedy Is adapted to. . . "Tscnnappa" is aremeay lncuroaiccaiarrnai xompjaints, etAjj;. j,CriOTj v fif ; J : , -1 take, great pleasure in bearing highly 1 itab e testimony to Its emoac? ea a sem cred- medial agent in.the. diseases for twhich youreeom mehdit. iHavma'nktural tenaenoy'to the mucous ;;uraGep'( with, a.. 8li2ht. -decree of .K r 1 stimulation, 1 regard it as'oho of the most lm . port ant remedies tochrnX&4faTthAl affec tions, particularly thoqe oXJthegenito-urinary apparatus. With much respect; your 6bed lent servant yCQASA. Lhab,,MDj New York. r ii 5rf 6PSjaaaT, N.T.,Nov.21, 1887. UDorpHo Wot, Ee(J ; Present .'Dkab Sib : I navBrrmade jft '-TpnemioaA esaminaugn or a samDle of vour " Schiedahi' Schnapps," with fthfeiintent oC dermfning lit fthyj fQreign or injurious euostance naa oeen aauoa tome simple distilled epirrwj Jo foUh 0 ea . The examination has resulted intheconcluj sion that the sample contained fad' poisonous or harmful admixture. I have been unable to stances which areometlme employed in the adulteration of liquors. I would: not hesitate to use myself j nbp to feobmmend to others, for medicinal purposes, ther-semeaamsnapps" as an excellent and onohlectionable variety of Lli ffhi: ? .'"Very-Tespecifullyyours, - . (Slgned)l 'i CIiASA. SEE LY Chemist. . .Chemical aitt Ts'caiNibXrJ' JLBbttATOBT, 18 ' .. rr. . . . ..r TExCBASd'PWAOBV'NEWiYOttNOV.SS. 1867- Udolpho WeurKf Esa t.JDar, r .The under lgaea.nave caretuiiy ana .tnorougniy ana- ,z6d a samplfrof yoro ArematIcSchiedanr Schnaobs. selected .bv'onrseivesv and have ipupa, tne same xreo irom aii organ 10 or mor- V ' . i - - , . 1 . L game auDstances, more oriess injurious 10 fame auDstances, more oriess injurious 10 ealth From the resultr-or our? examination rwe consider the article one ot superior quality, healthy as a beverage, ana effectual in its medicinal qualities.1" kespoctiully yours, (Signal " TKirpii m, v r .vn-4-Mfiiat.ciwaii'T unn nr T For sale b v alrresnec i by airrespectabie- uroccrs ana Drnggists tr.di)Z J 2. irtmi L . UDULl'llU VOi.lTijj'S JSSX.. 3 mar ?! F3mos-entr J f 33. Beaver St., N. Y. iTTIOB SALE Oil JlEST-That large and Jj' valuable plantation on' Middle' Sound, 8 miles from the cityy known aa the Mott tract. W111.DQ renvu urauiu uu iuaiiiuiu wimoi m If; 1 M':7. r,-1; i'f-'i j' V 1 . lI M ) f i Nil: v . 1 !; !' 7 u; 1. i'i .Mi f'l. t ! t.':3' 7 iif ' ' ' I.' . r. i "t I'V;, f.! il ! . I (..'I 1,1 4;t;' ' ? 'v '1W.7-i L'- V.. ti . 'l; 1; -1 k; t 8 .T . lv. v.i' t ' 45 ffi. 1 1 w sr- It 7 ; ....... I - ' ' .,-.' . .... - (