. . s . - . - . - ; - . . . . 'PUBLISHED DAILY, i orf I0 j, Dawson rpi Euiisirrs, neat et.; in advance.... .,.....M........t7 CD Three months. In advr ? $ SL Mowrina Sta will be delivered li r-y , "he City et linsa Cn perrc.r. " Wea.ci neper. OfflV Of Chief Clonal OELcer. Washington, Uarch 0-4:25 P. 21. J u u orobftble Ufat the cloud and. rain Will, ' VrtTav be more or less broken up from the ?nJle States to th Mississippi valley. Fresh - 1 ,horiv winds trt probable tor the lakes and "?f.-ith 11-bt winds on the Atlaatlc T vEW AVKal1TlHSaiUiBVA-JU,ljl i iKiMBs'ikikR'a ftoTBooi $ttre p Market treet:pianos andothVf ilWcaflnat rumehts 'The True Story x$Zim&Xi PHiixir, NawMANrrNpUce ia'BrupteyV I w. Shbnck, Bherlfroilee to Ctocrmia-4 81on Mercnania,wwr ,. . Mo'kso' &s Co.; City ClothleraA splendid gtock of Shirt. , S. 1 TRaMosT-Fropossi for carrying - the mail- 3i 'Mw Oldham & CuMMiso-Peaf , ried-j Apple and Peaches. .Vt, ,, '.I'Xlr.H .:: . :r. A. D. Brown A large and hndsom stock of millinery. - . W R. Fretch French flour makes nice white bread: X A U ti. A JL ti JL n A. Smith FnrnltnrenBeddlng and Win Tt I. I .-uo pen r. vnaru com manaea Dv.Ajapi. i . ; '..; r rr; i :, si. j- i p. li.n. II h Hionnn I f vionnn i i -TheLyd Thccx trcrpe of blonde StTS! On motionffiSn tha .bill to - b o!. itW i?JH8Kw ORfliHa rH : ' ' burlesaneri are. tlj :-fistaJ4 by the Jw,he bMqieaday.Vlttt: mend the act to incorporate the Planters UviwLi f i-n.h k.v, n7T nriPOTSrS GANS )? Charleatoaprea v-, .. J oy: .unkvn After: con.MeraWe Railroad Conrpany Jl; .iM-BHO-WS-fTP - ? I .-. - - enltr haneeadeel ttt rlslittniWand ?Hfcl : feditsnfivpral .i , r , ' A , VlYPf , ' .sUc. GUITARS. M 4theCltyCoHrtWterdaTmornlivw ? -a potion ot.Mr, .Carrie, the bill to al- i,- -, .. intsx-Av i ? m-.wX itroA..A i t .VIOLINS, V v r8ppr6pkteiy dip H UJSxchangc Corner, s .t Affl.OTMcgsuiu ' We leam that Pe if trVrt Ar a icarrau ncrcarjo.reinotea.- When Capt," "wxj f 4wi iww, saenj9B . 2tit SiUrt twM?)..!j;??f !wr ; ;.r .., . , heinsbekger's , : J? t:mtk iSeteXof THEESTand.HAKDaO STOCK f nartrV , - k Mn.io Sto' -T;U j eCntattaifelDhlaL Ta. antt-that fn, therS r,l j W, IbOOTME kflHT AT DAlfi alSoWM- dow Shades. Ice cream at the rink to-night' ' ' r r ii U .4k i!.t. PrDoaala v ix, Lt.. 1.- Col. Fremont, Engineer and Superintendent, advertises in thi issue that proposals for car rying the mall for one yeajf between th 'je l office and the depot ol the wilmlDjton, jwiar. loite and Rutherford Railroad will be recelTed at hla office until ;i2 $$b$y$ji lYedh'esay, ,the5tta day of April. Htetlna; of Snbacrlberau A meeting of the subscribers" to the 'pro posed Wilmington. and.SmUhri lie ateainex will bo held at the office of Messrs. -James & Mearei, Sooth Water .street, this evening, at o'clock,- for the; ;bn'rpose' or effettln aw organization.- A fall, and prompt atteadanee The Way t Treait Cltlldreii Children shoold-MTer be- forced to- eat; 4o cram cliildren wHt foodliiiben tieJr.ippeiUe doea not crave it; 4e -slmpry " murder.- Grre cLildrenan aoundauce! jbjtaatdoor.ezeVcise fun and frollu ; maa regular In lhelrAhabIsv ind teed them only upon plain, nourishing iooa, ana ney win never neea complain o their lac of appetite " ' We learn tbst lt ls the Intention of on r SmltbvlQf fflsod', endeavor ia! effect a' pni' chase of the old trnck .of , the Wilmington, Hook and Ladder Company who? they shall lave procured their new outfit. This Is a good Ideai' tnl flie"iil4 -il.todirAYipri.io' raise money 'cnongh .to , porchase mam trood : . band engine. No. town of . any size ahoold be without tbis essential , protection from the Ke offl re.: i r ... T rvi e ti t o. a-r J Gentlemen carry ladles to' the rurjt 9 X SATC3 OF ADTCHTiaUia I One Square one day, ,...,.m,HH. $1 CO a.-" iwo aayii..tMMM...u..... . l bo " three days,.,.. 1 00 . "fonrdars. 60 -. : r livedjiya,................'! 00 J, ' ! ! VMk ..-. ..i-,- a BO ; 1 : U ; Contract AdYerUaexnent taken at pro , I portion&tely low rates. , ,v r-Tha CaTC;;rU tr firsirlcV -huelv In SaTannah.' -1 ;.;'.;'' irt: -j;;. er ' i i inin ill ii ii un uHnuna. llarrl&irea. TVAth. Rellnriona. fmifiTal and Obltoaxy noticea will be Inserted at half rates wnon p&iu ior in advance ; otherwise foil rates will depart wltaln a 4aj or two for hi detf- nation" v ---""" ' Apropos of the grasi uFsace Festival" hare; y aea.'lt:rUted-ttiU .'eighty ? dif ferent military and civic organizations have aigulfledi their iaisat&m of taking pari; Jn the great German peace celebrstjop In, New Jork on Easier Monday.' C2M:. J'mt' "-p r Vilas ucjrA:Brown;who wa o badly burned- short ttmtoceJ2t4 after itrem'e suffer! ngojj thez7tE N. C. She wa an elUmabla lady and former- I ty a rtgldtfel of thU tlty,-where she hf fcin reiaiivc ana mena. or xne pass twenty nve or more years she hat been K worthy, useful, acalons and benevolent member of the Metho dist E, Church, 8outh. : UITE3 ABX JXAXUJI 71 KITS. : W.tinMlifr.i "L?f B.4tJ Hlffhta ot tnnrriPf? mon. Vof fZ-Z : . u . . . i I 1 ' ... - . - Pianos J Pianoo ! ! ; t i! I I . ( a 5! dropped Mtern ofhercpnsprt, . tb, ej Cftarfa, being found that ther eoald be kept free by application of thipnmpi ? . Sher will1 probablyf OB wwca op louvcny 'W-iaorrov mornwg, All which though t i t f . . ;-?H.f-Jai V7 w . .Z Cto motion ofJAlr.Dargafafc bill authors! fi 4 AST 4 A Bl a 1 S M Samm a I LaiS BW V kltfllBU . BIUUU11U' . UUH lUUUI -M.X III , Sfl 1 F 1 T 4 . a - m gat-iniMinai ama.w aiu I'TIMTr I , ' W - 7 r rw T School i Showine bow ths 'French bov lieran KMi.ii the Fight, t)oa8tiiig was punished ajid. Justice , K- '. Anna - ... f fTn-r To f . - . . - W- 1 the I aop, Wayne antt.otner counties -was taken r ' i " ' rppaua passer-its several aaings. J ' fw aa vs nuu.;utii march SMt -. , j s HJEINSBEBQER'S... . ' Iv 1 -t avii'.J--Vi4-BrKrAm!n-i'Hf -trTad rr I : ! : ' - '"-iTriiim ilv.ii.iit twnATTora ' fil r . - -v . r - i i - ----- a- si k a jiii 11 ia a ij. r- -v 1 1 - x m - rvi r-i ' : n . u rv 1 tne cargo, exceptthe spirits or turpentine, i'; u!7-r J: .-. ivlsn hn v" 'AVcfVi,.4'lV, lrt j ' ' ,t . V; ';r yas washedMthe deckfwffl be saved;1 ;H do.EMONEESSioisra j :L, u .Mu iUK,3 yi; cs ;n-4 "' - ; KukJ of course 'the Vcanuts-wWbo'lu'a ;On motion ot Mr. Bellanry the act in- iW H I'TE.BKES S:&0 ODS Mi! inTOIII-bteailier 1 " - ItiiA damased -condition, , 4 corporating the town ot.Whitakers, Edge- ?t . . . wwe t.jjx:i .7i.aiT.rjf;(j-i(Jy.y fteUWto 1 btrSci??pit 3 POTATOES, JUDEE,oCAHDY. v fjfe time tCHlav.N maJeft FavttevlUaat7,'rfoelt K, TyrT. Tr. :"-.' - ". ' : ... - .... .- - - 1 - - . rno nrnreitinwm T.m nrnnnria a ea ' i r- r il 1 w. i nzin? xaa commissioners oi-a.n3on to le-rvtr1 , unuu- -,-.dn . mtnlitaaiHriina irar. Actual -.maAtnfr. !Ann.a.Jr i .. 1 " -... - 1 1 . 1 ' c.it,Mn n,iii i. . . : :v ' r7T: 7m . ra specwiax,- was iaaeopnp ana -pasaectr!?' j f m Ker enters, psartsols-"1"" . catmrperepot ;LjA DIES ITDEK gJRMEgJS, . ; i tvctriuitu, vruuuuru, . number of ressels InbeWvr awaililnAvo-' adai'lakiipkndpadsnrlo aoai j ;ln) ABP1K iglo- 11 " llftliil'ii' Bd'dil21' flflir; f U abte-ii?s?to tcVaai?' Tne! vnrtifjfr.ancl 'tfiitaf'-Bill cohoerninirTthn aervicna .ofcrthe -AU 5., ! W-S &Wm?mS ff : . V:myU' .?U"Uk .' VAUV,trrm s t 'a - y -r -i 1 nave neejiairainsLUiem;iOEneTjastflav ortwa 1 turucy vrcne . z7t7- 1 i .. t ... .,,n-x;4.f.. v v.. . : t . w.n traMaa naimak-;-WiwJL v. It wi riprted fen tbe "whw . f . aj-mi. noon,.that;thie Bchr,.N Oaivjhadbeexi. !-BtflY' - I 4eAererMe-i8ua4lyeit4il"4 ' t 1 -w.- 1 1 'ill t Vi n.--... .i. iirieiLedl fV f u" w ' pthcrthan those of the Attorney .Oendralr- r .iww.i-wy mvs . . . . 1 af vxtw L rjrew South WaUratreet;' 'k?'t?lftfls,T5 1 ::T .nl yV-i fter amendment, bill passed. IseVeral- inililn-rr aka Faie store. marchffl)tt . - ,, .. jV-jrl j I ol.Wllnilwrtoniaet;aV.Engea BaUon.Wed- 1 Wrearftta5h'Sbncerf ONE PBICEf teems caSi! ,isl " NflTirP! r ' WW neadaynlghC. OnmoUon, ttlH UrFa,ttTVf at;theiain'chW4 .trtreHat onca?a vP'-y. k gESHQ:' ? waacal adtottefr., Wednisaay evening netteHoU XtovLOitMi.lQilm ,tha biliiio o SRCyW1 M';i ..On motion the ioHowlnx gentlemen were mi ablethellNorthwesterti NdrthrCarblinA U, 1 8 -i c a2r SSiKSSS - W ' eleeted;.:tteald i - EfJISITIT RailroadXiompany to Complete itsroatitd :Bikrch,8tivi JEsriatorse,;- lJaSi i N'?-r' Von Glan TL Marcus, R. Ehrbeck, li' yonefa i malteSof Sal&esiitftb, ccnsblidate ,J1 1 IrS f li aJaaahw-'a afihl 'theVWgitheVt JJlth anyttpaBy ithe.United.fit3fifflcCc the all iifiads of Couulrydnc.; n ",- 0'- ' AW mAttm; k AVwt.rtlif --vi: rP?-,?pttt m x wwr-,"--. 8,',1 fngfeii Ordered'-to. berengroasedY and aeent The Undersigned hertbyres-nottee of Ws , j , ,. , . f ( i ..On motion the following genUemen ware ra- j , "SENATE- : s fn thn Hoi -r 2 a-t-i- 2ptPOlntmeiatrrAs8igre,,in,,.the'.case of r . v o- - " ' ' onested toct a BecfiUHwi :A.- Wronskt; v t c,-r.JS Tfvifrw s-V '-Yf - 1oi?tK t' u 1 i, ""Meyer earr'ofNewBanOver--county; in noririorl tlftnAa 1:mAa f It 4''!i t o " . 1 v . '.U- c r WiCDiraabAY ' ITajK-h-iO Billib aJUliori;the:cdmmissIonci8 ooC 'tbe Cape Pear Dlstrlft of Worth Caroijnaana tUaniL6tl llOOUD i 'ft VIUGa I f.'J ,V J..BoudenotadJ. a Koah. . x .,.;u ej-r: .a J nvU ss:t ?flpl?t n raftcotltorw.tVi 1 -. 6Tilr'-and -whOha4 been a'ndgedaBanlmiptonls 'own Jj'tL l.' vpff)) u:r vnrj few appropriate rem rka; eiplaln iJr U pur- being a " bill for tbPeoittiarvr was takeii ;ipg.y htyn iva mi u, t t-od iJtiGh'iV m il" .fjt!4j.,?l ANNKp. .BEACHKS,.'... v iJ, l t 'poses and almai'ntfas "fto"weili,tetar Jn.fF3d the House-it fewdays at) Cmotiou'-ofr MTTrciy,5;tlieibill rwas ; Jjin;! 1 vj oJ"aJip j , u ws? I j il" 'rvn?? . fciV ob !! a ? ftijj! Brnhelm,4fhopUrttred1ohe most elaborate -t? Blll'pisSeiJ Its febd1 reading. fT' - !piaTlfrfiprcial:jnh!cr:for 11 0 Wfi HiVftJll,; StorG v t"P rlDEU B0TJtJ5lV v. d n ':.kjfH -';:! -olDcace. .iteMvriAtn-.jthunjii ,r,- Mr. "Speed ofie)ceda , ftittendnvenfl'thai' n ; . tsjjoan " - -.r t aTPiOM ONB OF -Lakgbvt manu' l"a1'6 lf f..ntn' eidil9&8T&M -fat;.;:, ::t HOTSE-tOFF J!iw Wl u W j .w ,W bifewvaJ " v ' .L L T. Jv- - fctvicehallbecivtwor-awardedrw' any '7 j ftod ! h,1 --Tt bar 7:-vji:'it bca bc"-Mtoriejtinthis,cou.ntrA-.a TllirnnTTl TftrlflrPfl ' VV Ehrbeckndcgentlemeu.-a motion tto memUr.'0rthe-&iMP sej fca vl o, ,U hU.4J .tJ.OOaCCOv, Vt .. toxnakethrnw-eatary arraemetrts fbr tlie srodiheltMrrSBMdOpledPf lMr.jFeBchJ.i-.rmlmiOB ibafcAfe . t f., .CTSnjSSMJFaU ft 3 l eomlng: calebratloa. vAlso:a .cemniittee of : The bill then passed tttftMrd reading. 1 ter Monday .-.'next no pen U4ih .paid; ejr-; :-rne acT'maB:e''ef whlieh . krVtanecieaiislbi ..Vlrfiiflia jhTobaCCOaUi . a 5;,;i1 three from each Ward to solicit ,aob9cipUona .. . - -bp&cIAI, OHbiill.' " J ' ' "cpto theMaJiageraofloapcachmeat, and , oid ecaclaid . a'-Wtisssb '-'W.i " . ; ' . ,r F'H'j to aid in defraying the expenses of the same. -JLr:A ItL'i iJU ilLi H Speaker.nf the-Hoiiseiofi.Reprcsefltatiycs thpsa looking to pcpA0myurmty.,aad J8117 Jrf-; vV ' -On motion, a committee wa appointed to n22 SlSttSit and.the iMntbta oMto Bena V Itelheiaalstar. bf'e OcpJaed 12??' ViS??- a motioata wsp.end the roles, itfaUcdnd. egaace buxthiseShbrtsvy -ff ' ' fT;Si' 'lfi..t t. ;if H: the M.yrandMarshalof;tha feptedf theresolntlon,aotexed. ? eLy, Vgffgp &'SBffi ' , the peeee Jubilee: . . Eh failed to'p&Iti tfcbndtod MfeU, tJ p ;,, . ft,V '! , - Amotion, the Executive Committee waa By MrV Cbrleia Tesolmioauthbriang Uhictfwalaactto , foFftjH WgrPW CXQTmEBS. 1; 1 ?;lLsuriC-A..juo i . r, gJveo powtr to appolat all the necessary sob- rertalri "-parties arUtiryC: to, mfent'ot the public 'o'ebt;,i S I on:--waii--iT3i sv bhl ri Cif A"R -!rE F ;U- li L ' Y' " if-'v.y .commltteea;- -! Wr&.ofrAi Mrfa p" lfBfa" T j Sfc ,f" vl pfi I . T " L VV uiumw unu uiy my BuyuV',,,4.v',f V' 1 'lUIUElUU, UCIU nt liUUiC H null. UU KBUUWMaV I TV " 4'" J I" "vnn. v vuuu wu ; , , ft'lr man " Kn m wm immprmiin ann rnptrnir iAi..nin .fin.nknn f i a'iIaa - r sranimr tmhivuth .rki t ovnn:rwuA . i ibtw wuioiowui iiwrot ouucuuu ... ... . . . - . . . - t .. ... T- (. -. night. A: XJLr S SmliliTUla a . . . - .i-Th nsaal qaletsut Joi'Stoithallle,' tstt-ltttlst'l pasted its flrst reading: V " ; , ' On motion elty by lbs eta,' wh latarmpted aboatSp yo jwoyiiap a eysiem ot-dudiic .it-i.retnna t( Select e WeVraesoay afters by "the alarm 4 artionn; the State. !;(Ppvidcs; ; Uiat J, inghajn. . jr.: NOTICE. Aoknct Naw York AseVmrwD pRw,'f i witmingxom.".n.i aiarcaza, irx;7i.:i Mniters and AjfcnUof 'f eesT' wRl coiile? favor on tbeunderslgned by reporting to him t promptly all marine, dlsastera pccjrrJjQgjit any point on the North; . vrj?Vii$a oa.$4 Id. order that the Intelligence may 'be transmitted by telegraph at the earliest possible moment. tt Agent New York Associated Press Appointment, ,v v-. -v r -a The Wades6of laylmkrevlspcclal. 1 j pleased to announce to onr people that Hon. A M. Waddell has awarded to. Anson the dis tinguished honor of appointing to a cadetshlp at Annapolis, Ma James IT. 8mUh. of this towji. We, wjtb oth"rs,.VccomVfnded Mr eoiith from a knowledge that there was iome tliing ia the bovV.V which tbrroir:h cultiva tion would 'develops We re3o:ce In 'his 4 the: Srmerintendent shall apoOrt ... nr .,, ,!.- ,. , 'vt;-- school rand, to fheTespective counties, ao- several 1? STi w ?u T,a coirdlirgo thenberf children in ? the 'ioTn hiQmstances,bnt Its effect Is greatly Intensified M.erai-rrintieir5 ipi-v cisi 7T ap- "Hntmeot, audhppc, in hi whole future ca reer, ue will attempt to reflect honor and cred it on bis native county. - AWniniv Mi,irit9.Qt ri sV i Kort iavw-i a vlmaU 1-m vM4uMt "efc va; tvii"r.V s-.awaayV v iv j roTMtlSaur -Sii e00uetm?; I following gentlemen were appointed an'Ex-L- oh-Bear,- M.- 8tyi ubgs J5I Teer 1 the e of Wolfe's Schiedam' Wolfed Schlinlairi Schnnpps geojJoxjDwpepsla fjV.r '..51 -; -SGniXDAM - SCHkAPPS ' 1 ' 1 If. I . " whetj; cofrgt ajpQinveo. iocau.on me werpansanaJBOiicit t -t WOLFE'S BCH1KDAM fiXJHNAPPS IhejwUryHtiidTwhefeahw -t , ' ' ; i ' i T"TTlJ77aVrr, ITttTrftTirayr: frr .-t - L,i-i,-ff' ji MtWAU ViliKriailjyilliN AO. of tbtfelebrfttlo and to ask their oodpera- "T"" rarely heard. TJpoerthe alarm bafng-glven the JemcTal from, mentbfrs .orthe bar of .n Zirr ---.nr r;lr -.fil-.v ,..v; itien-andXparticipatlqq in jthoameas foUqwsv "' tr- Jr:: ? C, ' f ' - town was soon lncommpUon, andttvas found Mfilmingloo read once,' ano .referOT. " zt twjBSjJ(mtfgmiim ist .tno- OUt WardA: Adrian, H, Hntaff. Chas, Bissen- . wolfe'e Settledam Scbnappe ' &M Sgg; gSy :fw: -- afp; .ac f-- - Ml that nnth withstanding tha moatatrenn. !:f)P7"il v.i J fc '"A V'TrJH' -W3- v'fll"--,. . ".HA a abt.-Vo''- rtt4 .r . .Ifolfe'e. Setaiedam Selmamiia ,rnr rd.TFPjKhe'tnJe;w WlAf ' Uhafi &1B, CX,'"'p I 0, tvm fipBIEpA 8r;HirAPP8,.. (! v ill sifelyWHih Tieraoni . fo' .WtrbiOTivirJ-aihifi Jasrsrri tiJJ no vGtroilwr eldaitrcM Xs good lor Cojlo and pain in 'tne stomach.,' Z?WGfi'l i'.9'tf43 ZAJit-9 I .ugwvi.n! wi. tKa s09 . el?1- aii uiaw.. la imitated anaeounterTelte'd, and purchasers or Mr. iieasley. tnoplll to. I toniake tDioini iretonaSi;a'ralfie?Tax . Wiiiqtoh.NC., March 80th.-a871 -wluamTeuaeeamkM Xn Tarchaslna.'i iih . r- -a i s a i ? J - i : . i k' . - . . i j . . - - a . . i k i i : i - . . j - - i - - - - - . ..... .. . . Ji i. - , : - ; the building was ventirely- aiesrro natsiv Ihe-rttUTeaaearlT1! moved. The loss U estimated at from 8800 to J &c.vnderr 9i,uuu, wna no insurance. I z JzS i ii. m i m mmmmm I wm I n m m m . w mm m i . . m t . -v-. . . . i . i. : . . - I Ii4aauimm ri a rU .nA 1 VvtAnfiiAn To 1 1 tfo H I I . . r t - t T J . " . ....... . a a ssprk tromebbr.y rtetar: hrthe VE YM secone.tory ,.rs .--Tisoaa lrwnpUjOBertvPkA cJ- ' a If: i r Voting at the rink to-night for the month w.aili y;;;. mnm Harder f si KetliodlaS XXlntster. A friend In th la d ty . sends 1 ahe fotlowln item : ' - . Rev. R-P.naTlea, SxMcthedUt Mlaiaterof lueL-uue kock conference, was muraerea Dy a man named Bovd. near Lewisville. Ark., a short time sluce. The- W4$Um Methodi says some little dispute hsd arisen between them in the morning; -bat. .bad. been amicably settled, aa snrmoaed br Daaiea. who went to Boyd's bouse to dinner. Starting home after uinsery Jooyevaocompaniedf him atahert sua tance, the two conversing in as friendly a man lier as tbev had ever don, when anddsnlv Boyd dropped behind, tfrewrapistol and com uienced firing. The shot was fatal. Davla ex. plrlng theyerxlngaycjpc A Useless staid Iajif;r.as Plaatt.' f A gentleman" Informs as thstthemnnetoe ii to be foptm3apSC44i3ar. Kest shade trees ptho cltj tls saldbihpse. who ought VoknW'thai this plant will finally result In kjiynjf any t??erta JtbVJi! be attached. This seems to be evident from the fact tbai lAn4vercise.wVee & Wtle toe Is found on a tree, and has hsd time to nn- dergothe pWci df 4 WrfrpyjohSrhlch H? atl wiumea 10 it, ilia i ugrsdnsuy Deqomes atrip ped of its follsge. To preVent the destruction of ottr'besunrurhsdeO(rees-'ouia IPnbt1 je'J well to WmVvrthttM- hadow;. and the "substance" also. ; The mis. tletoe preys mostly npon theoahtrees. Speeui- STeileVIr Ai; U sfA V 3. , We wonld respectfully call the Attention ot Patrons to the fact that. we are required to euie promptly for onr papers every Batur aay, and to enable us lo do this requires, like tn VV1 o r aerore, mat the city subscribers oai! k wl11 flf th0 money ready for the fn n. V inconvenience ana loss Iffl- hav -o aend more than once for so "Jko'DBubch, j Agent 1.a m vaa alllMna wMSMTfai was tfiafs maKIa I EC a CI Bu A tUUiaJtilb V . , . ta ff4 r "rx m.T f Tin ' a, V a - " -r ..!. .L. I'll ! T V-bl'vrwTTfl1T1'wtationn&-MKlr4T?Mir and praUe-ortbj eflorta, fcyjttivraTage nM&Tt7 hJlibl -ef the fl:r.thrcffh which thar amibut k I BENCH'S Flour makeaaeo white oJla i . . , ...i - r ...... . , ..i nmnTiiM waa Tn if pn nn nnn- naaspn ira the;syfr,0 Teral reaqiar? TT TrTfT .The fenpwtsit thell-t Uii" rtaliiniai Jn Wttjr iiramauaojiryei-i pjecbanics (on oonviction of which" party M liWattefL Spw-tV to berinrprjsopforfn?!, oidbtilrt PSSsnl dsboroVf NC.V4iteseveralTean" v.ilffa-,f cob Art. lire. Abraham Jiseoln; has turned ter !i3isiWilrelxfith3'i orf Hi t&l3d f ir-FR:..f?W3W8fcilfi t mt . a K . ' f ir . a . -4 ;-4kJ ttt iy..-jif"ii tt 4ttij')iti'i nfl-iitLff - i k ' r.-e --a nil r- six rsrii i m m wm iTfrumii in.i li inn iiacz m a ( ' ' .'-i - - J.l??dtW 9d3 liu-VhWis hjiTf Jew H I- TT .t rai Id Irf W'eW tiatt 1remd' vonrJ 0 , !3 ; 4i ji' Ti. I.RtrirA.v'aa.4 h1n 1a,Wrv tfiaTWvtt, nnuiml.: .a IV m. "H-tm , , r-rpriiin.ir.rT-y?- 3f nntly pure, land deservingef medleaipatron. "''.'". Proposals for carrying the mail for able: and aa snh. inlay be Baflelypresfcrlbed by 1 p lysicians., , . DAVID I MOrj, M. D.v , . ; v ; ria rpharmaceutical Chemist New Yorik. ',?- hdtie yer wwnlth.lPastolBcV and - UiLiX:..! -. rr-ZTT: : vtivW 'ii-i t,he Depot ot the Wilmington, Charlotte andj5- ajrarticleof gin aultable, fojsu oases M ' j lintherfnrd Ra.Uroad. -wJUAiaracelvecl at? this that remedy is adapted to. - " ' v mTelMl U oonoVnwl'dneldYi, flie J im edr aou iiiBfW. BEIGHl. i , ' r ... r 'ITfllllllll.IIILM. CLLha i frkejoyerfesponblejjllbard- ji take great pleasure in bearing highly cred . i iuurB.iuuiunv.u; imcubwj. u n iu um if Ji,ffui1 hgent in, thej diseases. fo hich you reoom. ,t week are. lsuendltv Having1 a-natural tendency.tw thevi :i;-i if " "i ft 'i r r, . London from the Contlaeit-rrrrillibtillshme .taA and erista elation r.t -v.t? 4. o ro3lat ladrsv bnis net ?,i.9ia"aAS," "OTST i X-BknEYlfcJ SH.wr -.- :r-"f V? Vr?"-r'MTr?i ., 0 -.Alnn f Mr Tlnnlmm fKri-Klrt - k L! JL'HWO !trWl IfclHSin 91B!iU OJ Jfl MacUnUythwUteata d.-ilf n,l4 v j The Dtea tssCtsta endauntedTm)- thJrr'g . f nwSo fcJnsb nli poet to pickup tba threads of ttel arznmelt nr-.--;; io ai.r.4;cv fmtktf tx 4MsfPi V ?AiJ'?r.i UvwrTnuv s--ol and -mvwWmI fw4heiwmrrera h U-:one hundred women lh&itTn.ts I fc2'.wt!. jai!Jramo- otIT, Ail present hours of delivery and.recelni. I jtowpwa " ?rrrf f , I i ' .;. ; V1 WXNT V- XrtifilSedfelhretfr ". Ci r?M .l-:iii; nonaTc rr?fWf rsi ions, particuJ arty those of th genitourinary-'1 L' .1 f.flOfni.UUaiXIAJtv.04nn9G . . . 0-h--...Wl V . irn-K.M.K.iat7: rmit a. i . . - - .. . .as a i ai i i i istf a- w - wai M ' " w - f V TJooLBHe WourKKeQ , Present i DA? 4 ,t h 't naive mage-a cnemicaiexammaiiou i a 1 1, rOTTonrs" BeniBtxamrfBcnnapps,- wiia : - l ; , ni Riliiifib DSFtiiAT. oiSiii the.intcntoC eexnininflr.an7. jok n. a 7. . , . , .Idaj-rious -Buostance inaa Dcen aaaea w.ine- f i -iQli ort-'SLl Y'iiVTOnipledlstmed spirits. " 11 - I Sl, rKLllri SU ITI flT.1 T.11 TA iTfie examination has resulted in the conclnj I . j fT VJ"f " ' . rn4. thi tu BaHrnlecoataliied no poisonous ' I ? . : Lll:d srf) euolci , f" HWJ""' L ! -r ... . -t ,-r f torneytwlll oOar begin to wall in jhoro wnni , j "muoa ot JJxulelneouvl-.J f- r,J,"V dhamA cmimso t" carred laal week, asked of hi parenta U the VUvVtTiat i,'"1 4Kou S f .tSa- t vk?fff2J-fl lortf iuuZt!j tt cc .choouwfop yfbfeTM ;Rlkfeax dldntonWash>o?abirthday.V ; thCciSjSlJtSab ; , - I A 8prlngflW, I1L, brideold her lover to Fricinjirccii Uwi iu rVjrjs STOCK forthSTjmrERand SPRING another artrl for a black allk-draaa. and so IvuiwlM juJ 'f-?'tii siir "l rft 6ia .oir tj.a ea?f Tj- itriM l'ia ni vaJ A " iiyA?T6Ub the&;iL i They have discovered ontWest thatlt ls jX; thespeclai aritabt&xlbh iJOorj , itneements to tne pxihiUUiat cannot be com- pbt Kobdf) .M emjfoy nlrgra. ifefdr0t wittSrffealn'wnnf 'AoffioTteE&l schoolteachers, ior ins reason wat iovs axuurs the,adbouadf rations &aeadiaenU.hfivJ7 ri -f.iint-m. lMtnk?ni avid ol fnaiab and eionemenUar prettx likely to occur be- rirerions Question Was crrdaed ftd he Wore hjg jnhaVe ol tohoorl Ween'tbeacheVAnd vthe head- boy in thn UUptfitfifii D. A. SMITH, Granite Building, first class. ' - I 53, nays 43. . I tnarchJl-tf . South Front St. a ' 1 . . . 1 ' one nnn ore a women in tne uniwa sutsa r taAitinn -rertiti thtf r-nTJin-rr bvv - arenowftiauyin2iaw4 .ayosiiinsmaair Tuiajor jwljjiiiiau.. t,-h best nayifl tub viii. - 1 j..riiiw . ' - . - . ..... . . 1 : I w- . T . . - 1 ' . - ' - - . ' n'i . ' -. r. - I . f . . I. . J . . . . ....... . .v.- . - rfr I H UUUllDt J - ...... . I HI 1 .uj.tjiu;.i;rj JiiMe.jnniw Arnong the pieces to be performed wil be sdtniatrpV selected by. ourselves and have! Pthe'lhinouS OinaANAtlOAbimm.and fbuod the same rre WILL BE GIVEN AT THE sample e.int ... I Rl S3Jiu f harmfni rimiTturfi. I bave -been-unable to . r 1 ftimYver1 hot trace 01 xuf uowwiiuus iuit .fr1 tAneea wWchareomettoeserT)leyedinthe, 1 liquors, jl weuxa not nesiiate r. i . . . . naiaJrlTlltAt'h.tlon Of i i TiCKETHrJ Cents ! 10 ot auu ai me jhjuk 1 ukuuc&i. u uuvuivm, A,f.VrT:" .fi 11 JaT-w. -n t.inliTmiini Pt.ini.. Niw.Yme. Nov. ti, 186T . sign havercarefulty and -thoroughly ana- a sample oryour Aromauo Bcmeaam eadACOBtfS', Wa'fimlnwt1 QentfenUmAteufVbV - we consider the article oneof sarriorouality,' -", ai),ij iuXiii.it? healthy as a beverage. and effectual iaU. r. 1 1 . caiiat ana -a ntrmper oi-musical rasirumcnw. L fn , r, 1 1 ti - krDectrullv vours. I The ANTII, SLIGHELsf CHIllf, &c!j V Wicaed h atEENELU Am. 1L vrmkbobe intidfeed ilieferap'leoei.. . 'vaANCIS KENGEIJIIARD. If. D. lS"" V r.n. nM,n 't '1 . if .W"1 UDOL.PHO WOTjTETS EST.. . I f assi shb f . a. f t . JJ . - . . o -kT - s , il rr s t rr r i.. fttra IITTDSland BUL.S. 5. ii; omujr, 1 w w - --.r-a nr-riv n ciT.i! n irtrm"T-.TTia.t aar-a aad i ii hA .ui a m warmAnM tfimil. MOT i 1 id I sbSlsalailMOW xtofa lod tSSuSlSri ' ' I mar2-tf WILLIAJIS MUKgiuau. r -.aeo.-9-M v "tw 7 I -