I "V"-: ' -V' ' - S"isesnawja . , HATES OF ADYEHTISIIt G I, , OneSauareone day, $1 00 . . " two days,......., l 60 t PUBLISHED DAILY,: ' ; WM. II BEIllfAliDmiicr aL J Iropvy it4 , three days,... ........ ...i..... S oo .1? it -- (oar days...................... 60 - , . u five days, too " one week, I 60 Contract Advertisements taken at pro i Orrion, Dawson Dank Euildlns, Trout St. One y6rt advance.., mt months, in advance 3 60 ( I portlonately low rates. ii Three months, In advance. 00 Karriaa-es.rjes.thA. Religious. Funeral and Obituary notices will be inserted at half rates One moma, inauruico... 73 The Moasnca Star will be delivered In any XTf TTTTT -T Jfl 0 irt of the City at Cexts per week. . V Ul. V Al Us;.- M WILIHUGTOIT, II. C. THURSDAY, APRIL' 20. 1871. :Uholo lib. 1,115 wnen paia ior in advance ; otherwise fall rates 'i part Ta&KS Ciih on demand. '- " J t r, METEOUOLOUICAL CECSSDt . -. :: April 19, IS7W - -V v Time, Brm aoa- . Wind, Weather : eier ; eter. ? ' ' T ':' . ' '; 7 A. M. 80:134 CO sw fresh Cloudj.,- 2 P. M. 80:05 w .73 . W brisk Falr. t, ; 9 P. M. 80:08 70 w fresh Fair. t '- ROBSRT 8MTBOTH, ' Serx't fiianal Servlc U. B. A: .1. Weatlier Report. Office of Chief Bljraai UQcer. -Washington! Apr 119-4:83 P, It is probable , that the' storm will, move" northeastward and that the winds will abate on the lower lakes.' Clear and partially cloudy weather is prob ble for Thursday on the soath Atlantic and Quit . ' , i ; ",-. .f, i 1 fF MBW'lAlwa;a&TlBBlfafTM.i';-' tisissBBKOSB'a M Book Siort. Jlarkot gtrect Among1 my booka.v. "V."4r 'iuA't-l V j. S. IIiQBra Aacllou sale of very choice Plants." ' T. D. iMnxEM, Jr., Secretary Steamer tb the Seashore. - -A ' - F..W. KKRcnNEa.Fiour, Tea Z TobaecoC Shell Lime. ' Green & Tlanxek, Apothecaries and Druj- gUts Seeds of various kinds. v? ''" . C. D." Myers & Co., No, 7 North Front st. Coffee, Sugar, Cream Biscuit, &c. . , I ;. S. L. Fbemont Sale of the steamer Gener al Howard. .' ;,. . .. r 0. II. Blocker,-1-Urited . Stales . Internal Revenue Notice. ; ' : lion. Z, B. Tance. 1 - An extra from the offlce of the IfeJXw &erald published at Wadesboro'. Jofet at hand, informs us that the disabilities at .Senator-elect .Tance have been removed, and that he has gone on to. Washington to take bis seat. - This informs' tion pur cotemporary derived from a gentle man just arrived In Wadesjboro' from Char lotte. It Is rather singular.that thV telegraph made no mention of this fact. Iuqaeet. .'..... .;..;..,.. , . . Coroner Hewlett summoned a jury yester- day and held an "Inquest over 1 the body of Jerry Townsend, the colored man -who' died on Tuesday morning from an accident at : the depot of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad. Verdict that deceased came to his death accidentally by being caught between two Railroad cars. . . . Fair naid Festival To2riarbt.' We would remind our rcade:s that the Fair and Festival, to be held 'under the auspices of a few young ladles of the First Presbyterian Church, will come tff at the City Hall this evening. This Is the first entertainment of the kind we have bad tbns far this season and we hope it will be liberally patronized. We are assured that those who are found o.f in sulting in the luxuries of lite can do so on this occasion and at the same time 1 et the worth of their money, ( . ' . Odd Fellowship. The R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States has decreed that the 26th of the present month I shall be set apart and observed by the mem bers of the. I O. O. F. throughout the country as a day of general thanksgiving, in grateful recognition and acknowledgment of the good ness of God In the preservation and prosperi ty of the Order. This same day,. it will be remembered, is to be the occasion of the ceremony of laying the corner stone of the new . Odd' Fellows' Hall now In process of erection in this city. Tbe Barber Pole. Hundreds of people there are who do not understand why the barber uses the red-striped pole. It originated from the fact that, some centuries ago, it was customary for barbers to -.v- t.. -u , ,,uie, wiiu mernaie wlndhu strln s of while nnd red, represented Ihe bandage of the phlebotomized victim. In the course time the apothecary excelled the hurber ao u blood letter; but the old sign ofl the craft was retained by the latter after the function which gave It significance had ceased.! it may be added parenthetically, that they (the barbers) still do a little bloodletting occa sionally " '., ; , Steamer to the Seashore. The Secretary gives notice In this Issue that a meeting of the present Stockholders of the Wilmington and SmUhvUle Steamboat Compa ny, as at present organized,' together with all new subscriber and friends of the enterprise, will be held at the Commercial Exchange, this .-.uk, ?vwck, to complete the organl- Ml,un UMi e,e.cl : uard of Directors, Ihi Is. h;rtcrprtse,ln.w!,!c- we sbould ali lel deeply inlerVsted, s Vrpr facilities for reaelihiij the -loro ami Inhaling Us refresh "K ore zed oui iti tlic h it, humoier months lias loug' bceu Veid as one of the great deslder aiunuofour city. U-U - ; HaldMln, the Clolhler. . .; ' " . Ainun the moH aiicceasf at business men of ago U Baldwin, .the Clothier, corner, of ('iial and Broadway New York, a man who "ever irtauds back for a little printer9 1 ink. It 1 through llsinflaence and his ..own -ludoml-tablo energy and perseverance that i he has achieved success and rendered bis name almost "household word" throughout the United States. ; Baldwin leads the Retail Clothing trade In New York and he Invariably sticks to tha on prlu system permits no tricks of trade to enter into the selling of goods hires no c6aamlssioned salesmen, and has no bills to collect hi.no. t, t.a n tt U IVr h. f.? wmw . Mv VUVI WVIff UUki tows in retail clothing; on an average, than May one house la the United States. . v By the way, Baldwin Is making preparations to largely extend his business, and with that view he has added to thearear ot hi' ware room a large store adjoining hUalready com- t modlous buildings. . m - - Local Catav-:. ,r. : J T 2- Testerday was plersant, bntbreezj. 1 A correspondent gives ris sonie details lu jfe ' L vn. .n. i. nn it. Ath. f"enc? to bon of i Geo- .Applewhite. The oyster wUlalDff, "kep me In my lit- r - i No akatlng to-night, but Hold yourselves in readiness for Friday night. , , .'There was ho session of the City Court yesterday morning, a. there were no cases for trial, r ."".'.'. .. : - 'i Tbe "Heathen Clfnee!;-bis ibe" fet mnsle and is played beautifully on the "sque dunk." .r - r. v -: y . . . . : .:, . . v . ; : Trimi clean and fill during the morning aU the lamp, tensed daring : the evening.' Human safety demands it." . Higbie will sell another lot ef fine plants at auction tbU morning: . A portion of these were raised hi "Wllmlmxtoff. ' V';S;' ' V, I Prof.. Briggs, LHtle Georgia' ,nd Mr, McClure leave Raleigh. or.Charlotte at the cx pi ration olhls w'eek where they are going to 'establish a'rlnkr i - l -- '; , M.easrsuroniey. Morris, Auctioneers, advertise in this Usue thai they will sell on Wednesday next, the 26th Inst, thecommo. dlous sternwh'eel steamer " General Howard, Bee advertisement.: O . - John Davis and Lena Quince were before Justice IlcQuIgg, yesterday morning, on the chargo of utterly ignoring the mairtal relation: They were found guilty and, in default of security committed to jail to await their trial at the next term of the Superior Court. ' : mala'handlwork on exhibition at the Catholic Falrtow In progress at Charleston" Is a harp made of wax. bv a Slater of Merev in wu mmo- tou wlth a wreath of green. BPn Tia vpb trnnmf n the design of which is pronounced very pretty and carried out with much skill and taste. ffeeilae; or the Slockboldere of the ' WHmtnirton -mma Onslow R. II.- i f ' JSVtlmikotoh, N. C, April 19. The Stockholders ol the Wilmington and t0nslow R"road Company m' t at 4he Com- merciu jbxenange, to-cuy, ai, it o cioca. On m tlon," Capt. D. R. Murchlson was called to the Chair, and Mr, , Wm. A. Walker was requested to act as Secretary. -: ' - Mr. Wm. A. Walker tendered his resigna tion as a Director, which was accepted. On motion of Gen. Win. MacRae, Resolved, That the number of Directors of this Company be Increased to nine. On motion of Maj. C.'W. McClammy, Mr. Christopher Stevens, of Onslow, was nemioa ted and unanimously elected to fill the vacan cy caused by the resignation of Mr. William A. Walker. . , On motion of Gen. Wm. MacRae, Messrs. A. A. Wfllard and B. G. Worth were nominated and unantmoosly elected as additional Direc. tors. - -'. . ,. . ';-" On motion, the meeting adjourned. ;V: 1 D. R. Mdbchisok, Cb'mn. ' Wm. A. Walkxb, 8ecryl . - 1 1 , DIBKCVORS . MBKTIKO. ,? . c ' immediately after the adjournment of the Stockholders meeting, the Board of Directors of the Wilmington and Onslow Railroad Com pany met and transacted the following busl- ness : The city Directors, with Mr. B. Q. Worth as Chairman, were appointed a Committee to so licit subscriptions in the city and wait upon the city authorities to ascertain what amount they wonld subscribe to the, work,' with au thority to employ ' any ' one they may 'deem proper to assist them. Maj. C. W. . McClammy was authorized to solicit subscriptions in the cdunty of New Hanover, and Mr. Stevens in the county of Onslow. ,;. Mr. B. O. Worth, Mr. A. A. Willard and Mr. F. W. Kerchner were appointed a Committee to wait upon the citizens of Onslow, at Jack-. -.onville, on the first Monday In May, to secure th0 8aDmptIon o( that coonty and any others th.t ma.ba offered. ; The President was , requested to communi cate with the President of the Planters' Rail road Company in reference to the connection, of the two toads. : , The meeting then adjourned to meet again In Jacksonville on the first Monday in May next. . '.. '- ;. . . Wk. A. Walketi, Sec'ry. Bar and Biver Improvements. 'A party of gentlemen went down the river on the Revenue Cutter Seward,, yesterdsy. for the purpose of Inspecting the operations for the improvement of the Bar and River. ' Ar- riving at their destination the party embarked aDd gpent about ah hour - on the beacb'J e training the, works, which they found pro pressing very, favorably. The steamer also stormed for a hort time at Smithville. where the excursionists spent .a brief season very agreeably. The main .object had in ,view-the sounding of Ihe Bar and Rip was not ac complished in cons.'qneiice of ..he roughness of the sea.' '--.J ',,,.,: i ( . .The entire party, however, I iexprt ssed then. IrM hlffhtv trraW HJ iv. . bw..vw . s-v. mm mi urusrrcsa luus faT attained in the Important work upon which so much j of .filming ton's future prosperity and growth as a commercial city depends. Worth Knowing ... r - v From six to ten drops' of ihe concentrated soluUon of chloride of sods, In a wineglass of , ,i V i , 6 pure spring water, taken Immediately after ,. .K1r.fi,.. f .A.n1. .1-4 w .u 44.v.W4UaMV wuijinsu, will sweeten, the breath by disinfecting the stomach, which far from being Injured will be benefitted by the medicine. -; If necessary, this msy be repeated in the middle of the day. In . some cases ouor arising irom carious teeth is coWnea .ttb th. ,f th. .tom.cb. ' If th. some cases odor arising from carious teeth Is mouth is well rinsed with s teaapoonful of the solution of the eholoride In a tumbler of water, the bsd odor of the teeth wlir be re eeth wlir h t. moved:. ;. '':' t-.;,i .-. : J - . :'' m ". ' '- No one can be Independent.,. The world la like a watch-dog, which fawns on you or tears you to pieces. Staootint; of Gconre Applewhite, i He savs that on Sandav morning six men want down t0 tho vicinity of Applewhite's house' be- fore day and bid in the swamp; rAboutS P. M. Applewhite went to the house with a very large bag ontls ! tboulder 'About 3 o'clock flBffl'uul ulb: "fj- A ino S i11 ! I swamp, wnere. three oi ; ine men were con- cealed; the oth three being concealed at the t -li iw-i ,v it.iJ t .tl v Oootbing ke it in the world. ' - ' r from theHttle trestle work ap to., the house. 1- . i- ,.1-t , - .- .. , Tha arraneme'nt between them waa - that If r Mr.lW, W . JElmS,. and Old Clt- either party fired the other party waa to ad- vance. When Applewhite got within twenty running back. - Theynred and brought him 1 down .He got up and iun again; and while doing so he met the other party coming up, They fired and brought him down again: but, notwlthatandln the severe wonnda L r.. double-barrel iran at them ano then succeeded I Inerawllnsrlnto the awamn:;Thamen then left blm for dead; bat picked up hts hit" and bag and took them Id his - wife,' and they were found in hishouseby the Sheriff's - party r the next day, the bag containing about twenty shothoies through it. : ' v - The Sheriff's party on Monday found "the I spot where Applewhite was shot and traced bim by the blood . which: had run from , his wounds to bis. wife's honae, bat could, obtain noclueas tohls whereabouts, or as to whether be waa living or dead. His wife would 1 give no Information on thesnbje. -' ;'-T 4 11 was ascertained by the party who visited I n0Q,e that the goods tarried there by Ap-T pwwnue in the bag were a portion , of those I sioieu irom vaps. yv. riummer. oumcieni ctuucu was tiieu siiuicu iu pruye rop wxen i dlne's complicity. In the robbery, ast he had several articles in his poesessipnwbich he. claimed as his own, but; which i were, fully Identified as being ; the property of Capt. I Plummer: '- '' -;'"'-' '' "'-''.;-' I Our correspondent further states that Sheriff McMillan notified John Sinclair, the owner of JJinn thi..h ArvAi-i.u. ,sroV that'lf she was not. out of it la two days he " J l - wonld arrest him (Sinclair) aa an - accomplice ed to do so anyhow. ' , -ri r .. Tblnr v.rrthJ. lnt nnn.lrottn. a , - j n j , . tn nt it prooaoie . mat, aiwiougu aesperateiy l wounded, Applewhite has again succeeded in escaplug : the fate he bo richly deserves. A few days moro will sol Ye the mystery.- - tVilmlnffton Building' Association; ' ' At tbe"regular monthly meeting of the Wil mington Building Association, held , at the Commercial Exchange last evening, 76 shares of stock were redeemed at the following fig ures : .Twenty five at $98; five at $93 50; thir teen at $99; 8vo at $99 50; and, twenty-eight at $100, being an average of about $99 04 per share. . - .- - ' . ; " - '- Oar Chip Basic At. "t Why is herb soup the best of all soups f It Is soup:herb (superb). C i At least half the plants in the world have beautiful flnwera. ' : : ? t ' Avoid debt. f He that pays doWn will not be called upon to pay up. Lectures are now promised on "Scientific Dressmaking.. . . V'. Mrs. Mary E. Lynde, of Milwankle, has been appointed by Gov. Fairchilda member of the Wisconsin State Board of Charities and Reform. : ; . - . ' -" ' ' ' A Newark clergyman recently spoke of a woman haying the "pearl drops of affection glistening on her cheeks.'" He meant to say she cried.' -. '. '.; . .' ' , A convention of the German teachers of the United 8tates la to be held in Cincinnati during the first week of next August. - Tcach ers are expected from all parts of the Union. . Miss. Francis E. Willard, of Evanston, 111., a writer of some celebrity, has been ap pointed President of the Evanston College for I ladles.1 ! ;" " V ' '. '' ' IIIVKB ASD MARINE NF.WS. J - " ; Wedijesdjt, April 19th.' ' ', The Captain of tile Henrietta informs us that Just previous to hi8yessel bing-s truck by lightning, on Sunday morning last, noticed in yesterday's paper, several of his men were standing by the fore mast when he gave them anorder to takeln the flying :jlb, but, owing to the noise and confusion, prevailing .at the me the7 mlsunderstoyd.Uljn ank.run aft. wheD Jnst.avthey, bai don so, thoelectric sirnciciue jorcmast end uunea the greater portion of It wlh tie Mil - Into the seaL - Had the order he gave been' understood hy the.men and an atternnt been made to ex ecute It he has no doubt that they wonld have perished to a man T :. i' in ; Habit, if not necessity, make it a Hair Dres- slnK indispensable to many., xna new vigor. which Dr. Ayers Laboratory" issues, is one of the most deliahlful;we have ever used. It restores not on.y the color, but Kloss and luxuriance to faded and grey hair. e . r .-- I I'nrff' I Pnnrn nnt I.Ha Morbid HdWMMTS Of the Blood. dose pt two or ax rii, ana you Will UA SJ MVMV wat cww w There Is no Necessity For poor bread, rolls, biscnits orpastry; when nouaokeepera use Doourvs xxast Jfownxs. tS 8?gjg5&n fgSe tffrrSSS VmVLni,drfetorionsBap.owre can. not. We chaUenjre comparison with any Yeast Powder in market, knowing full well I vuuvm. -xiuuu rU01 IS PUS UP Wltn i the same care ana precision as oars. Weeive guuu wuKum atuu BiumuwQ tjuaucy ana quantity as represeroeu. m or saie at retail by ieai retail D ITu Th Sat vtrocerv m ii uin umo w luut HOTEL ABBITAUS. National Hotkl Riubei Joxss, Prop'r. 4.11 lO'D T..nVn(i fitv T) f Reno. RAORR-ji Barden. J J Hulyter. Fremont: J Ell Gregg, Mars Bluff; J T- Jones, A B Cage, Q W Hugglns, Nichols. B C; Joseph jessup. jouu B wesupr JNew Jersey; u i iaia wln, W C MoQt, WhltevlHe ; J B McKlnnou, Shoe Heel; C H Morgan, U A; W C Win stead, Roxboro', N C; J J Bronson, A Bron son, Sampson co; E Smith, Robeson co; O R Kenan, Frank Fountain, N C: D D Barber. Columbus co; F M Wooten, WC&RK R. SPIRITS OF . TURPENTINE. , f Anson Superior Conrt meets nexiweelci'F..llr;:--;:i;;-Av;'i-. L The squeduuk has' ' reached fWeldon.!jPoor Btone ! :' l. ;S Gen; John ; A.fY)buDghas been nominated as ,t he Conservative candidate for Mayor of Charlotte. nAl TnKn W Rl, -of "-,l,?a r v v f State, baa invented and obtained a patent fora fire escape. It is claimed that there. izenandbne who did .., much , in former ESTrHtfVSJ? - xuo mouui kiry views Bays ; rrti Tl av- . A IT . The wheat crop throughout ;this,; entire country is looKin oeiier inan.we ever re member haying seen it at thig time of Xht 7" Ifc P8e9 a.Wy yield. ' . - The Weldoiiiir7enc savs i 'From every quarter we hear that the farmers are making CTery, posaible, exertion toWATdS ,we,. planting-or tneir, crops.. ine gpoa wcaer of the P? -.o weeks has been ?JI S. i V V ; v r a ' The Raleigh Telegram- learns ttn Craig Tohyer, aTogitive from n Mor gan county,' Kentucky, was arrested in Alleghany county,' in this state, a few days since and committed to jail. He is held subject to the ; requisition ; of the Governor bt Ken tUcky. ' 1 b s H q f--.Th Hillsborb JiecordeKayB that a tew clays ago, uouert w. uaDDs residing near Beidsyille, tlockingham County, in the very face of his wife - and other witnesses, eloped to parts unknown to histrow, with a irail Dut lair, damse oi iue ueiguuoruoou wuo slcuo . uia , aueu uons wnue sojourning m ine lamuy. . ; On Saturday last a fire broke ou in the woods not far fiom this place which done a great deal of ' damage 'to many of the farmers: We understand the fencen was burned from around several farms and many houses were in good dan- cer.of beincr consumed. It was with great dignity that many of thenr were saved. iL - So pays the Mount Arrr Jvhc; : --t; . WHITE.In this CitVat nighty OfDygen- tery jiioise r only cnua ox o . a. ana uarrie w mie, ageu 1 year, iv monma tuiu jo unys. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend the funeral this (Thurs day) morning, at 10 o'clock, from the residence of her parents on Chestnus 8t., between Fifth and Sixth, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. ' -From onr home our darling Ellie, - ; ' jcariy nas Deen cauea away ; , , . . But the angels aay another " ' Joins our heavenly song to-day ; NEW AD V ERTISEMENTS. M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. By CBONLT A MORRIS. ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, 26th inst., at 10 o'clock A. Mm I will sell at Exchange Cor ner, to the highest bidder, the commodious stern wheel steamer General Howard,5 it WIT1T OB WITHOUT MAC11ISEBT, with everything appertaining- and belonging to her. as she now lies at the wharf of the YV li- mington, Charlotte and Rutherford R. B. Co. Lentrtliover all...... 168 feeU Breadth of beam..................... 29H rDthof hold. S Draft,.... Tonnage......... .14 alG0. Two Engines In good order. Cylinder 19 inches diameter; 6 foot stroke, upper aecK saloon and passenger accommodations i are snacious ana comfortable. Lover deck and hold for freight. - . : - v " : .... t -: T E R M S,, AT S A L 33.vT i f-v--.f.'' "-it.'. ;8. L. FREMONT, - ' Eng. and Snp't W: C. A B. R. B. : april 20-eodts Th Sat Tu ' To Peaniit Planters. ArrA tons shell lime: : ZCUXI Just Arrived. V, 'Forsaleby -"'''-';' -' ' ' ' ,.. " "; y:::;':';:;;'- ! Fi Wi KERCHNER, ; '; ' ap 20 if "' ':: ;x7,' 28 and 29 North Water 8t. J ; STEAlIERf 0 S1BE SEASHORE. ; A'MEKTING OP TnB PRES3NT STOCK-. holders of the; Wilmington and - Smithville Steamboat Company, as at present organised, together with ail new snbsoribera and friends of the enterprise, and especially of all who desire to visit the seashore at the close of the long hot summer days,' returning next morn ring refreshed for the duties of life, win beheld at the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, evening, 'joth ipstant, at 8 o'clock, to complete the organisation add to elect a new, Board of Directors. - . By order of the Preside. t ' A. - april 20-lt it 1.;;" ; .. i f ' Secretary. ? - Pure Java Cofiee, TTiRESHLY GROUND. We warrant this JD Coffee strictly prime. We . mill receive regular weeuy shipments. .: CHAS. D. MTEES CO, J .ap 20-tf ; 7 North Frona Bt. W! OFFER, FOR FAMILY USE, the rmost extensive variety of ' ' : TEAS, COFFEES AJn SUGARS. ' Dor larre retail trade Justifles ns in making our prices Low to Cauan Buyers. . . . t CHAS. D. JITEBS A CX april.20-tf T North Front street. GG CBEAM BISCUIT, " . 1 ' ' CUAS. D. MYERS A CO, ap 20-tf i 7 North Front Street. J Ai nt ' . a a JJLUU HUiX UI XXUXltUa J S. HIGBIE vm seU THIS MOBJiLNG, The largest collection ever offered here Also, ICO Very Choice Plants from a famUy leaving the ctty. 'la'-s'-'.;-"?' laprfl tout1 ft NEW AD VEETISEMEKTS. Seed ! Seed ! Seed ! Mixed Lawn Grass Seed, 'OECHARD GEUS3 SED, Canaiy Seed, - ' '' -v , ; , f r - . y - , t i . FKESH IUBNIP SEED, ! COLL ARD SEED, &c., &c i GB&EN A FLAKlTElt, - J I '' , ' Chemists suid Drnggists, j' ; april 10-tX , ' . . WilBiingten,' C. Tea ! Tea 1 Tea ! l! CUKSTS OOLONG TJEA, ::5 jQ LUE3T8 11ISUJ TA,' . - . Foraaleby . .,, v-'V;- : "v V" ' ; 'vW. kebchnjck, ; apri 20-tf ' ; ' Slj 28 and 29 Korth Water StJ Flour! Flour! "t O'A IJfQQ BARRELS FLOUR, ; - , For sale by' ?! -"-v- Jit ; - f;.:vr--;v ;r; w. kerchner, ; aprU ' O tf ' : ' S7, 28 and 29 North "Water St. 1 Tobacco ! Toljadco ! M'fiOXS TOBACCO, :' -r.. " CADDIES TOBACCO, . ''-;'? For sale, by -...:, :; .! . .'. - , F. W.KEBCnNER. , april 20-tf , j , 27, 2 j and 29 North. Water St. H0TICE U. S, Internal Iteveuiie, ; AS8ESSOBr'S OFFICE, 3d DISt., If. C-, l Favxttxvi lx.x, April 1st, 1871. HEREBY gire notice that I will be at my bfflciinviettovilie;' n. c.t from ihe : , , - - - "- ' 20th to ttoe 3011i of Aprif, 1871, . for the purpose of receiving antLdecldtng ap peals relative to any erroneous or excessive assessment that may have been made by As sistant Assessor, on the annual list of United States Internal Revenue Taxes, Licenses Or Incomes. All appeals to be made in writing, stating fully the cause of complaint. - ; ;-' . : r v O. H. BLOCKER,' .. ap 20-St Assessor Int. Rev. 3d BisU - v ; Among 12y Books,'i E. J. SALE A SON. Pnblishexs, N. t' 187L "I I THEN this bundle of esrotisms is bound YY up together, as they may be one day, if no accident prevents this tongue from wag ging, or this lak from running, they will bore' yon, very uxeiy ; so it wouia to reaa uxomgn " Howell's Letters," from beginning to end, or to eat nn a whole of a nam , but a slioe on occasion may save a- reuan ; a aip into ine volume at randum, and so on for a pgge or two, and now and then a smile, and presently a gape, and the book drops out of your hand, ana. i you- and so, bon soir. and pleasant dreams to UCXnXKJLT. 1 ! For sale at HEINSBERGEBS Live Book Store. i april 19-tf YABIETT STORE ! i YAEKTT: STORE ! 42: Market Otreet. il-V L. FLANAGAN v'v vvki.v invTWor a XT a TT l iMt, i.i. - k. nt aim ij i m ml r n. m m ini.ii. the largest, neatest ana oesc seiectea stock of .ti. i y t , , .'riL''' ' ' l4:ft2.2-, i'i T'- 'wiii, tnaii a murooga xonwieuge oi iuo uubuw and long experience can afford, which wUl embrace a' fine selection of the newest! and. most fashionable styles Of ' ' l y1 ' 1 " French - Pattern Bonaiets and flats, .Straw Goods.' Biboone, Bnehes, lAces, Crapes, Blonds, Silks d Sattnsvi In 'jckt "jyv-j. and t the greatest specialty, of all, vn AI.SO, ALARGE ASSORTMENT OF ; ( Fancy Goods,' including Lace Shawls, Parasols, French Corseis, Hoop Skirts, Silk Mittst : Kid u loves, nest Dranaa ana moat ue slrable shades; Linen and Lace Sets,; -n i: ; "l Collars and Cuffs. best material; ; ; . n s.. r. 'i -; Kmbroiderings Edgings, - ' M.'-t us ; ptifflngs,' Unnlings, Bows, Tidies and Slipper Patterns. Zephyrs, Dress Trimmings and. Buttons', - I Fringes and Vailing Materials, and ' 1 THE GREAT HEADQUARTERS FOB HAIB- ' . ' . FIXINGS IN THE CITY i. v ; Chignons, Cnrls, Switches, BoUs, Bats, Ac and great variety of ot her goods well known In the city that arekept, but too numerous to mention. ';'J . ','-' ... ' Tnrief y Store, 42 Harlie t Bt. ,: 1 . -'' --:. ' L. FLANAGAN. aprllS-lmnao 8 W. . ; ,'. - , - . X7. CK & Q. G. Thomas, " ': ' PUVBICIAHS, '! OClce, on II&rLict Street, one '....i JJoor Cclow Fonrtli. : v - april 14-lrn - r-y- Fiair and FestiyaL V A FEW OF THE. YOUNG LADIES Of the fWTrfOT PEEnTTEBIAg CXXUBCII will bold a Fair and Festival at the CITY vrar.T on Thursday evening, 20th instant. t ; april liT '-"in .n-rf AUCTION SAIjES ; ;v Bl. CKONLY - Auctioneer. 1, 4 i'! Carriaxea, Denies, Iloekavwaye, ITmr- ' Mr' e.'t' erU' At 'AnUoa I'tW . i''!' ON WiDNKSDAY next. 96th InaU, at 10 o'clock, A. M., we will positively sell at Exchange Corner, , . rvl( :'lW..:i.-;i Ay 1 FINEjCAERIAGK, 1.' 4RO V ( it,'.. fv 3 DOUBLE BUGGIES, 2 SINGLE BUGGIES, n- C;- - -- ', - : I TROTTING BUGGYi f-rti :,3 -1 SOLKEY 1 sett of Fine Double Harness, gold mounted 1 i.SIngle':cn!. i''altvr:f:i 2 Fine Lap Robes, '' ' 1 Livery Coat, ' 12 Blankets, -'"-- 1 Side Saddle, : , ; i .. -. : ' ! ' . t s ' ' ' - - - .'. i !- - j ' t . j i - The above mentioned vehielee were . manu factored by McCann, of Baltimore, are new, (never having been used) ; and' of first eless workmanship. The whole to be sold without reserve to close consignment. - ' t r; WUmlngton, N. cTAprU 19, 1871. ; ts jSPECIAJi NOTTOE. 1 : . . . -; ' "" .." ..... 1 - ' 1 CAREFU LLYi .The only preventive known' for Chills and i ever is ine use or woire's scniedam ! ......i. ., . vSchnapps.(v -,,v , .:r,,i;t,a- Wolfe' Scliledom Schnnpps ; ; . i i i - Is good for Dyspepsia.' o ; . --H't. ' WOLFED, SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS i Is a preventive of Chills and Fever. " Wolfe's Sehledam &ennappa - Is good for all kidney and bladder complaints WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCQNaPPS' lit used all:. ver the world by physicians In ., , their practice. .i i'I ;.wlfes Sebledam Seknapps f , . - , Is good for Gout. , WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS t Is good for .all Urinary complalnln. . .' i, ' ' .; . , . '. i ii.'' ' . ; Wolfe'a Sehledam Schnapps , , Is recommended by all the Medical Faculty. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS. . Is good tor Collo and pain id the stomach. , Wolfe'a Schiedam Schnappa Is imitated and counterfeited, and purchasers v : ' will have to use caution in purchasing. ' I bear leave to call the attention of the reader te testimonials in favor of the Schnapps : . 'I feel' bound' to say 'that" I regard, your Schbajpps as belna in every respect pro-emi-nently pure, and deserving of medical patron. . age. At all events it is the purest possible article ot Holland gin,- heretofore nnobtaln- aoie, ana as suen may ne eaieiy presenpea oy physicians. DAVID L. MOTT, M. D., xrnarmaceuucai uaemu j, e w z oi k. LoiriBVttLB, Ky., 8ept. 1. I feel that we have now an article of gin suitable for such cases as that remedy is adapted to. DB.J.W. BRIGHT. ; Schnapps" Is a remedy in chronio catarrhal complaints, etc: , : v. , , . . ; I take great pleasure in bearing highly Cred itab e testimony to its efficacy as a xemedial agent in the diseases for whioh you recom mend it. Having a natural tendency to the mucous surfaces, .with a slight degree of stimulation, I regard it as one of the most Im portant remedies In chronio catarrhal affec tions, particularly those of the genito-urinary apparatus. With much respect, your obedient servant, Chxs. A. Lxas, i A!. XJ , , New York. 26 Pl Stssst, T, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1867. I1. , Present t Dsax Six : I F V ; - Udoivho Woura, Esq have made a chemical examination or a sample of your Schiedam sohnapps,M4with the intent of determining If any foreign or Injurious substance had been added to the simple distilled spirits. . - i . The examination has resulted in the conclu sion that the sample contained no poisonous ' i 1 1 t.t i i in luixuui m. mi. i& w u ucnu uii&ui w or harmful admixture. I k ave been unabl e to i aiseover any jcrace oi vne aeieterioua bud- y ; , i : nancea wiuca are romeumiiB eiupioyeuiuiu stances which are i adnlteration of liquors. inors. . L would not hesitate .. fh ifie I as an excellent ana pnoDjectionaoie variety oi i gtn; very res Dect fully yoi p-ours, , (Signed) . CHAS. A SEJpLY, Chemist. ChMECAX 1 AJTI TaflBLHIOAt LAB084T0BT, 18 Ezoaua PlackJ Nxw Tork. Mov. 25. 18S7 UnOLrao Wours, .Esq s Dean Hrt. The under signed baVe carefully and thoroughly ana- ri? f .1 lysed a sample of your; Aromatie Schiedam i Schnapps," selected by ourselves, and have found the same free from all organlo or' inor- ganio substances,' more or less injurious to ealth. - From the result of eur examination we eonsiderthe article one of superior quality, ifeTp3pcs healthy as a oeverage, ana eueeiuai in m For sale by all respectable grocers and tppAv. tJDOLPHO i WotFE S AST., mar 21 SAF&naos-ent s 23 Beayer St., N. Y. " M1S0ELLANEOUS. f" DollartiStea Brass Boiler and Lamp. All complete by mall, post paid, on receipt of 1 SO, by , 'J , . , , COLBY BBO'8 CO., ' apl s-tf " " " '- : " 608 Broadway,' N. Y. Receiving Daily : v.' :i . , ; LARGE LOTS OF'.. F I N E A Nin 6 O MTM ON Smoktns and Clicwins Tobacco 'V ! iAND SELLING THEM AT ' - li isDUciG D Pill CE s . j n , nirixKniUErx, ' ' ' ' .prll IS-tf . . Ko. ft. ll&zket ft. foh o a l g o n n c n t. -T7HB BBS T-If yon have a house on farn JD to let, advertise it under this head,, the advertisement does-net exceed five line only half rates will be charged, f . - XTIOB SAXX3 OB BIrT-That large ana Jj valnable plantation on Middle &oana, a xni?es from the city, known as the Mott tract, wUl be rented or sold on resonable terms, iror pargegara, apply to , OLUUM. Ix. TUB ONLY PERFECT DOLLAR ENGINE, with Silver Plated Fly Wheel. Piston. C 1 in.ir t..kinff steam at both ends. Steam chest. Iff if-: w 1 r I If ) i' j- ; -i V ' i' i ;i; H t " ft ' ': I A' ; 4Sv

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