- - HATES OF ADVERTISING I One Square one day, . $1 00 it r . twodays,.t. ...... ......... 1 60 v. three days...... .. ... SCO . " , " roar days,..,......;. 2 60 u , .flTedays...... ........ 8 00 . : , .one week, v.............. I 69 ' r Contract Advertisements taken at pro portionately low rates. Marriages, Death. Religious, Funeral and Obituary notices will be Inserted at half rates One year. In advance ..$7 00 Six months, In advanco. ... ............ 60 Throe months, in advance........ S 00 One month, in advaneo.. ..'..-.. . 73 " The Moawiwo 8ta t will bo delivered in any Tft 1 1 IT "KTn 07 nart of the City at i ift-.x Cxsts per week. I V Uk V AAA V f wiLninGTon; h, c.; Saturday, april 22. i&ti. wnon paia lor in advance ; otherwise ran raw j Tim zionrriNG btau J PUCLICIIFD DAILY, Will. H BEKA:::, IItoraml Frop'r. Orrioa, Dawson Lank Buildings, Front St. . , . --m. .(-. NX weteoi:clc:caz. nccso. - L- April 1, 1871. v.V ' Time. Jter c::i' iT"'inJ- leather - ctcr. " ; " 7 A. M. 20-.C3 . T3 TV GenUe Cloudy. 2 P. M. 29:87 s 78 3 Erlak Fair, ; " 9 P. M. 29:90 70 SW Brltk Fr Mean Temp.-of day ,7.1 dee. Rainfall On the 20th Inst 0.21 Inch. v.Vl it,; . ; f .4 RoBBRT 8BTBOTH, Serg't 8ie nal Service U. 8. A. ... W eat tier Sport. T r-, wab Department, 1 , i Office of Chief 8!rnal Offlcer ' : Washington, Apr 1 21 4c35,P M. J ; It is probable that on 8aturday an .increase of pressure, with clearing up weather, will be experienced on the lakes and In the - Eastern States. Partially c-oudy and clear weather on the south Atntic and Gulf 8taUs.. , ; t , THECITY. Hkinsbergbr's Live Book 8tore,' 39 Market street-Amongmy booksl " ' " ' "" ' ' 4 t rT m Vi t q . pnnr -T J. C. Mann, Clerk of Superior Court-Le- gai Notice. - v ;r.; .,,,4. v; :; L? Qambill, New York Notice to Carpen- , terB- .1 t f-f : " i ' .1 I Silas N. Marvin Important Notice to Tax Payers. , ; e. . . ; ; smith s uuHAM-Baiumororour, a p. . J J j .kl ..n..ra.t 1.. k. a 1 llUttU IrUO nuioiiwsuigu, uuuoi (US HVBU VI "Wants." Lightnings Freaks. ..,,,. Darlne the severe thunder storm which oc- mrred on Thursdav nieht. between 8 and 10 I . ,A ...i o'clock, the lightning struck a tree between two dwelling houses, which were only about ta .... iA..t.4 Ka. r'"i tween Sixth and Seventh streets,, and tore it into fragments, throwing a portion Of the bark into some of the adjoining lots. A dog, which roust have been iu .closo proximity to.the tree, was instantly killed Persons In the two houses . .... . . .... . 1 alluded to felt the shock !to such an. extent that they thought their own buildings or chlm ueys had been struck and were tumbling down upon their heads. -; The chimney of a house on Second, between Ann and Nun streets, was also struck ' by the electric fluid,' which run down and communi cated with the lathes in the celling, setting them on lire. Fortunately, the family had not retired and the flames were speedily extin guished. t City Court. y The following cases were disposed of yester day morning: " Robert Phlnney, charged with disorderly conduct, was found not guilty, and Aa- charged.; t : , ; Robert Phinney, charged with using rude .and insulting language on the streets to a wo- Iow New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Georgia, .aIT Anlefana a r WlaAnnBtn 14 a riifapa tr thA I man. Judgment lor me penairy ana costs, wlih a bond of $100 required for good behavior for twelve mouths. Appealed to the Superior Court. " iAllen Slngleteryr charged with petty larce ny. Continued over. , , Samuel Reese, charged with petty larceny, Defendant found guilty and t required' to give seenritv in the sum of 1200 for his appearance I at the next term of the Superior Court, or be committed for trial. ' ... Oar Chip Basket. The King of Ashantee has $3,331 wives. ' Philadelphia la talking of female street-' car conductors. We pay England $15,000,000 in gold an- nually for spool cotton.- . total membership of 58,577 an Increase . of diana. Is there no way to stop this emi- Physicians recommend j: billiards as a 4333 since the previous year. gration from North- Carolina ? healthful exercise for young ladies.'' ,'. : -. ChaS. K. ebb, an .aged 111 a- Mile. Nilsson has invested fl30,000 in Attempt to Break Jail Frustrated 8on and highly respected citizen of Hali real estate in Otis and A rch streets, Boston. . Three of tbe prisoners confined in our jail, faX n tnat piaco on Thursday morn A physician claims that 10,000 women I have heen saneezed to death hv coraets dnrlnff I the last five years , A Cleveland lady gave her child hair oil tr a nnrxi, ...t .t- k.. i .. vi v v 1 Uli; IUAV UU Ir IV TTVI IV VV4 J UOV AO I well. '' I A Jury In Indiana a few days since, I awarded a damsel onl nineteen cents dama- gea for breach of promise, although she clalmt ed $20,000. -The strongest propensity' I nature, says a slanderer, is to want inf I. i.a1.!. . ..j k. ...i .... t. I """ " uCih iiruDsntw Geo. Francis Train wound up a lecture at Baltimore the other day with the following toast to the ladles : Women They should every one be united to a man." . Prepare ror Hot Weather. Now Is the time for those who wish to pre-, serve the health of the j city during tbe hot summer 'months which are approaching to commence the in portant work of cleaning out lots, sellars, &c., and using the proper disin fectants. It Is bad policy to wait until the hot weather is upon us to perform this duty, as ptlst experience has shown, and the sooner it Is attended to the better it will be for every body. After the work of thoroughly cleansing the premises is performed and the trash and filth thrown into the streets for tbTe city carts to take away, go or send to the City Ball, where tbe City Marshal will supply applicants with carbolic acid sufficient to disinfect the sellars and lota and thus render them compara tively pure and wholesome. Our city has been blessed with unusual good health for two or three years past, but this fact should not cause us, in onr fancied security irom the dis- eases which other cities are subject to, to neg- lect the precautions which are so essential to the preservation ofhealth and for our protec- t(on from the neatllencea an4 dlseiaaea which are so common In many other localities. A'r:; 1 - ( A Chance for Carpenters. , By notice in another column it will heieen " 'g fltUng and ereoUng ajooden shed over a cot- ton press on Nail's Wharf, in this city, said . "bed to be 6Q feet wide and 100 feet In length, flee advertisement. IU -aUUVT I Ux-at' Coir, v , . No police arrests yesterday, . Rev. EL . 2:r Ashly, Superintendent of Pnbfic Instruction, is In the city. " . ' . . . . : ' t, - A colored female patient was sent to the : " ' :r.i, A letter was received In this city yester- day from another ;,. pf jjhe viclms f the late Texas' fever,' who 'states' that'he is Tory mhch dissatisfied and that he shall retbrn to Wllmlnzton at the earliat possible moment. - - w ine uermaa procession le ww- xonc.-ai, To: Drive Away Bedbara- V -the late peace celebration, was a little ahead of , An exchange gives the following: as ; a stire onre.CIt stretched over adistance of fifteen way to ; drive bedbuirs from r old bedsteads : '"ur -,ucl IWUK" fc"ttU fcUO CHU" route over which .It marched. It contained I : ' 1 .7 45,000 men, 12,000 horses, 1,200 carriages, 130 bands of music, 20 drum corps, 600 wagons and other trade "vehicles. lminft-ton and Smitbrllle Steamboat The New Board of Directors of the Wilmlng- ton and 8mithv)lle Steamboat Company inet at the Purccll House last evening, when Col. ! S. L.-Frembnt was elected President and Mr. j). Mearcs, Jr., Secretary and Treasbrer or the Company. ? f ; ; Tne Committeei composed of; competent mechanics, machinists. &c. aDDointed to ... . , ... . I examine the Steamer Waccamaw, reported her j condition to be even better than "was anticl- v'-'H-. which haa alreadv been ordered, and a few I slight repairs on her hull, sbe will be a first- class boat. oat, staunch and7,perfect In' every shape of a petrified cork :vith fa .pet . .and -especially ' suited : to the nfied mushroom attached. ;-'- - Ci, - respect purpose for wb)ch ebe Is' designed Her decks, saloons, Ac, will be put in pro- Der order and she will be famished with awn- . .... .. ... 1 lngs to protect passengers from the sun. It is proposed to have her ready to commence her regular trios bv the 1st of June, but lV bvanv - ' . '. 'v. . : " unforeseen event she should not be in proper order by that time another boat will be put on temporarily In her place. i . .. : We understand that about $2,000 is yet re uuirea oy me company w ineenue uecessary 1 it . . . -. 1 expense Incident to the enterprise." ;We hope oureitlzens will premptly make up the amount, as it can hardly fajl to be a good Investment. ;, Knights :oI Pythias. : ' ' , r ( . The Supreme Lodge Ktights of Pythias pi the World commenced Its fourth annual ses sion in Philadelphia on Tuesday. , The whole morning hour was consumed in admitting new I members. Ih the afternoon the Supreme Chan- ceiioraname onpreme Bcnoe reaatueirre, ports. . The Supreme Chancellor, : in his message, mentions the rapid growth ofthe Order. New lodges have been constituted in Minnesota, v erne on 1, ixorin uarouna, AiaDama, Missis sippi, Missouri, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, St. Johns, New Brunswick, Maine and .Michigan. New Grand Lodges have, been organized In. late strife in the Order, and severely criticizes the conduct of the late Grand Chancellor of PennsylTtnla, and also that of the "Gr nd Lodges of Maryland and District of Columbia." The 8upreme Chancellor has received appll- cation from a body of coloredSmen, asking fo j,a charter, which, according to the constitution, waB refused. The 8upreme Scribe, ia.hU report, gives a full and clear account of the present condition of the Order. It exists In thirty-two 8tates, and in New Brunswick, la the Canadian Do- mlnlnn Twcntv.twn Rttp h.iva Oranr) 1 . ."""' . . . .. .. r ixwges, tne others being unuer tne . airect ju- risdiction of the 8upreme Lodge. On Peeem- ber SlsL 1870. there were 615 lodees. whh a I namea respectively uonn wavis, as. A.ogau , ana Peter Cooper, the first two being white men, concocted a scheme 10 break jail,- which nniiM lil.n h..n ..(nil into .TUint nn il-J - Jt . moruiDz duuw us uiueiy uiscoverv or me , , ... jaiior. ib cui( iuBh iavis, ujt.buuio uicuno vuer, nau prucureu a piece ui wiro wnu 1 wnicu itruica me iuckb loiervcuiuic uuvwecu 111 . ..1 I- 11 1 1 I I l. A 4i i.,...., themselves And freedom aad had already "tried "j ' 1 .7 a, flioverKd and lead to a full exnoae of the . . i .-ii. ... whole plan concocted by the three worthies mentioned. They were thereupon deprived Of the little liberty which had previously been allowed them and measures taken to prevent any future attempts on their part to escape by placing them in irons. . . x f Itnalo of tbe Fair and Festival. . The articles remaining over from the ' Festi val and Fair held on Thursday night In City Hall were disposed of last evening, In the fxsntroom occupied by the Library Associa tion. The room was crowded with visitors of L.ii. at.s a a -a tti. 1. a oom sexes ana yeryiiumg-weufcou uar uum cakea " ' TAktno'evervt'hfniy Into consideration - - ' this has probablv been one of the most sue- la Vll. for . number of d tt. young ladies malnlv instrumental In frettlnor It - . . - up and conducting it throaghout deserve a great geai oi creui ior wnat tney have accom- pllshed. - Skatmr lAst ifierbt. . , . rnere was a, large attendance air tne V"7 Hall last night, it being th.e occasion of the regular weekly disuibuuon. or awards at tne skating rink. The lucky skaters t were Miss Ellen Stevenson, on the part of the ladies, and Mr. Henry Clark, of tbe Southern. Express Cammn?. nn thi rvark of (a .nt'oman v ' ' Besides the skaters there was quite a nam her of spectators, who. seemed to enjoythe amasemsnt quite as much as those who were engaged ii it. . . . , v ;;T close the present skating season and the rink wmthen be closed until next. October. Lot- ers 1 the sport will take notice and make helbett -fits of their time. v : if iivrwsnf vlfri If n anooi fnll KW Annnlmr Xne Itiie iirtS I U UI9 U(T HS UlUBb U l51icartcU I -f ViTiTtt Hnirfl-a. In W1ImlTotnn rm f ' - I j:' w-'x 1- ' t-u x i' i!' -Hn. but thinks rebuildinor on" the burnt I day after the fourth Monday n nml.'a 1110 uuur UI rwum 1,1 wu uu- --"V r " .,, -u 1861, to answer thocomplaintof n woman s thairttmnt to . distnets will be shortly resumed. - tlff; If tllt Defendant shart fail important Tax Payers. n. , ; v , The VGaUiboi-b" Messenger : The attention property, owners la; called '3. The gentlemen most' prominently to the bet tbattbe;time for taking the fix lists mentioned in connection with the" ' Presi wlll expire on the 1st day of May, and that all dency of the' A.-& N. C R. R. Co.. are Col persons who fail to .list their taxable real c6tateb orbcfwetftatUmewmiequlredto- pay a donbletax.: .The Ux listers will be on hand at the City Hall dally (Sunday excepted) .ui thatday; also Tuesday and Friday even- lngt from 7 tQ 9 o'clock; The Importance of promptness on the part of tax payers is evi- dent to all ' 1 . . m CI'-- - 7 - "Take ereen tomato Vines, rut them into a 1 v..t A. - . U - ' I Vl F.vv possible; then stain the bedsteads where they Inbablt with the tulce. fill the crevices with 7 . : - the pieces of vine ; lay leaves under the ends j of the aia-t.'" If this a nrotofA twir K'vonp I ir :uls Prac5ced twice a year SPIRITS 5 OF TURPENTINE. v-'-1 ::!. r r. r .. Sampson COUDty ..Will BOOD h a road steamer. ; ; : -Tho Junior Editor bf the Hills- bordtonZtfr is indisposed. !: ! Plolftf mill ovn Km VU C L IWlbV )l ill OWII UOTO n railroads Centering at her doors. desirable building ots o the . 9h of May. 0 J -r-Newberu has'.a cnriosity aa Reffistration'closcd in Haleieh on Thursday with the following result : I iiru.4.. uii . fii.. j nrn ... . 1 uuues, 011 : voioreu, .400.-; -a-: The'Hook and Ladder Coin- pany of Raleigh indulged in target shoot- inrrnn Thnrarlftv r . , J- . The fine mare of J3. H ' Bunn. 1 Eso.: ol Battleboro'. was stolen from his )l 13attleporo', was su stables last Thursday night. Tl, TTn?f fif.tM -n;ef,.if c , juli..-Rrooka nrPR?iinff rrnn,M . jk u w m vvva u butvj jiobi iLb n KTroherf? n Wnnrt.r nTt ' 1 - AH CAucri xvaieiKU tuiewaiK- ed into a" trentleman'a dmine xboai and I carried off a set of cane bottom chaira.-i:--' Large nnmbere of the apple trees in Forsyth failed to, blossom this Spring, but the peach crop will beun- usually large. . The fishermen ot Bertie are 8elling shad ai ten and fifteen cents a piece and herring from $3 ta $5 per thous- an(j Gen. Ves8ell8, late ot the Union army, is in Newbern. He it was who captured Plymouth from the Con federates. ;.; : The Fayetteville Eagle "under stands that the cotton factories of that t(mn afe solid men of r . ' . , : . , ' Ked . wIir Pr?ac,hi5,e Commencement ermon at St. Johu'sTemale College, Oxford, yhich takes place the last of May. Election in Newbern on - the 1st of May.; The Times' appeals' to the colored toters not to project' too many ex cursions for that day. ; v" ; : W. M. " Coleman, Holden's Attorney General, has returned from Stettio, Prussia, where , he was Grant's C038UU ; ; . -nni- ti.i .i i ,. T7" 7 - .-j-i. a lie exu tuerioru v 7Uiicuwr sayg : A. party ot one hundred emigrants left Randolph county OlDh COUnty last Week for In- mg, 13th inst. t tie was a practical printer and edited and published a paper in Hali- I fax for twenty years. . So says the Batle- hftrft' !J n.n17CA . I m. -r. - . r ' . . , 1 i hft rtaieio'n ftenttneL ms; I " ri : . T J - jYe nad trie pleasure 01 meeting in our city aunug iiie preseut vyees Aiex. jusHce, 1 xjsu.. ui ncnuciu, iu iuc en uvuicut ui ca- I . . r TJ.MiKMaM Im . V. n a., a mm. t 4 h,.irK ;.-'TT" h.'rf eellcnt health. ; 'Hef reoorta the effect ot - - - a ' - r- ' . 1! " o : . that the ' Executive Committee: of the 1 -North rnrnlinn. AffrinnDnrnl flojMtv"Will j IN onnaroimay Agricultural o soon have the premium list . for the next J? air- reaay ior , puniicaiinn, anu tnat numerous -.copies will be- distributed through every section of the State. The Sentinel says : JWe can vouch for the lact that the premiums will .1 e as liberal as tbe means at the couimand ot the Society will afford.. Xct all the industrial pursuits be well represented at pur next Fair.. : , Male of Pnblle Property. nnttP hftndhHU nntfrl olnt fnron we notice nanuoiiis posicn auout town, reading as follows : v . ' . . I ki. IT W MaMha fin J J -f lUTA-n- . v - "J..,u- rr.0.""-. "". """J 1871.1 Will Sell tO the tUChest Oldfler at m . T-r " J .' 1 t 1 " tne uourtuouse aoorm.uumDeriana uo., iJFjrT5i2 1 77 s . n : j - vt. tne xingme AAOuse anu usara- aaouso on QUiespie street ; the Flour Ware Honse and at corner. SDrine street : the Eneine House on Burgess street, levied on as the r . a . w m 8atf execution in mv hands for col- - lection aalnat t.h- nnmm;.J eionert of the Town of Fayetteville. ' MWJ VI . WUU ,. VVIM1A4M . a , .- , . 8. T. CARROV ' " . i , U. S. Marshal. " - By D. 43. MacRae, Deputy U. 8. M. April 10th, 1871. - , f?Al30 " 0B6 ' exactly similar in reference to the County of Cumberland by same of- So S the Sr, 0WZ. Tf5 i , T 4? Square); the County Jail anaJaillot gurleStSi Smef anHt! James Square, levied on as the property of the County of Cumberland to satisfy executions issued from the TJ. SI Courts.- Fay etteville Xtyk. L. W. Humphrey, Major John Haehea and Col. John D. Whitford. U- ' HSAI.TK, 1 .the poor man's riches, the rich man's iblisa, is found in AYER'S MEDICINES. after a fruitless search among other remedies. a worn to tne wise is sumcient. ' "They cure !' What cures WATER'S CHER RY PECTORAL for a Cough. AYER'S PILLS for a purgative, and AYER'S SARSAPARIL- JjA. ror tne complaints that require an altera tive, medicine. r--"f.-ijai our c ' !. ' There is no Keressity For txor bread. rolla. blacnlta ornastrv. when housekeeners use Dooeby's Txast JPowdxb. seKeepers use dooeby's xxast' ro . perfect tmritv of the articles enl Thft nArfMt. nht-ltnr ortVlo. .ntnff into its compoaitioa insure the same results """"sKei cannoi.. t e cnauenge comparison witn any Yeast Powxler in market, knowing full well that no other similar article is put up with tte 8ame care preCision as ours. -Wegive I5"uu wcigub, auu guarantee quaiuy nna quantity as represented. For sale at retail by 4irooeraln quantities to suit. . ' r Tu Th Sat HABBIBD. On t.hft AVATifnor nf fhA IQfh Inotonf r Rf Bartholomew's Church, PitUboro, by Rev. IL j B. Sutton. Sector, assisted; bv Kev. Georee Patterson, Rector of Stv John's Church, Wil mington. Mr. JOSH T. JAMES: of Wilmlnir- ton, to i Miss MARY- COWAN, daughter of j iienry , a. jxmaon,. jc8q.,.oz. nttsooro. no cards.-"' SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. PROPERTY OWNERS WILL TAKE notice that the 'time for taking the TdT T.iat for t.ViA fHtV will cJoaa on the 1st dav of May.and their attention is particularly called to the athsection, of the City Tax Ordl- nance. viz: : n . ; ',AU PMOns failing to list thelr.taxable BeaJ Estate Dy orbefore thelst day of May, 1871, shaU pay a double tax thereon ThetaxUatarswiUbolnatt-Tidanca at the Cltv Hali fi-om a o'clock. Ai M 'to s o'clock. P. I M.. eVerv dav. fSundaVs excented.1 Also. -Tuesday and Friday evenings , from to a o'elock,P.M. : :: ( fv;. . . . . - 1 Not one fourth of the property holders have , m r . "I as yet listed their taxes. ! The month of Apri1 1 is nearly ended. Thb ikpoktanos or promp : attkstion is xvidbnt. .i-r. .v 00. apr22-3t - : . SILAS N. MARTIN. '.NEW AD V ERTISEMEKTS. - WANTED An Agent in Wilmington for the Northwestern Mutual L.lTe Insu rance Co. Address, . i - . ; '- F. A. PAGE, State A gt, ' 1 april2m ,. . v;.;:"" .;-haleigh,N.C.s., Just Received K( RWlo rUk? tVT; f Tn;0 uio.t vuvibio jjiauuD i n- i more Flour, 20 Bags Prime Rio Hnffpp 20 Bhlfl Rritrar A B fe C onee, AJ i)OiS ongars, J. p. oc Vy. -,;-s c- tQi, Molasses, Salt, Syrup, Soap, Starcll, Crackers, Tea, ic. Also on cbnslgnmetn, 10 ,TOBS. VIRGINIA BUTTER, , j. : 800 LBS CHOICE N. C. HAMS, Small size for family use. All of which wUl be sold low for Cash, vi At No. 5, South Water Street, ; aprl 21-tf SMITH ft OLDHAM. Notice to Carpenters. "lROPOS ALS will be received at my office. XT 115 Broad St., New York City, until the 1st of May, 1871, for furnishing, fitting and erect ing a wood en shed over. a Cotton. Press on INutt's wharf, foot of -Red Cross street, in thd I 0ity of Wilmington, N. C: Said shed to be of the following dtoetwioiisviz :, sixty-six (66) Tho mo? n hSonirflrwl -with tan. : Bald shftd to The root to be covered, with tin. Said shed to be built of good pine lumber and finished within 15 days from May 1st, 1871. . ; ; Terms Cash on completion' of sned. f I reserve tlie right to. reject aay or aU hids. : id? i'v.- ' ' : L. GAM BILL, 1 aprI123-2t 115 Broad Si, New York. SUPERIOR COURT,. NEW, HANOVER CO.: I Vnnrv T? R-dtw T1 CS i TI tT" . N Enwnr R. Bkihk, Plaintiff, aoainst SUMMONS. againa iTuvnuivmnitt. Tftnit.A -;. I w fc 1 J r " ' the state of north Carolina, j aowwtf JLrAlonao C. Rembaugh to appear at the 1 j j are nereuy cuiunwaueu lo summon f V . . . . :. 1 . . . . rXr, Alonao C. Rembaueh to appear at the v. a a a n m - v 1 a- kh next term of said Court, to be held at the the 14th Mon KKS; the said Plain - I to appear at I fhof - ra a f ha Ulo inlffr a 4-V m ma . i uouiitiiutju ui vuw uuLuuiautL, tugemer wibii the costs of this action. ... , I ' "i tnts summons maace ono return to ine Clerk of said Court for .the i County of New I Hanover. Uiven under my hand and seal of said Court. tmszistaay ox April, itwi. ' . t :.; , .... v ; J. a MANN, W&IOHT St EDM AN, . C. S. C. Plaintiff's Attorneys. ' "" ' '. ' . ! .';-. i. : . j ..april 22-law6w Sat if Among My B ooks ' E. J, HALE & SON, Publishers N. Y-1S7L . .i WHEN this bundle of egotisms: Is bound up together, as they may be one day, if 1 no aociaenb prevents tnis tongue rrom 'wag- I (rin?.ar this i jt fmni rnaninv. thm niiihnn you, very likely ; so it would to read through MM .11 W A, mm . i I aaUWCU B JjCbLcrH.' IrUIIl Df elUnlllP; TO fill a. or to eat mi a whole ofaW. hntf klM.fm occasion mav have a relish a din Into tbo I -w-MY-nwMM MHanM. ' 1 1"1? f", i .a p or : !SiStS' '.-; ?.! . rv .c? For sale at . " UEINSBERQER'S aprn 19-tf , Live Book Store.' . MISOETiTi A NEOUS.' . At French To-Day ! BUT THE SAME LINE-' OF Slaiiiaii Gotbs, JiiiaM'-Iiinoi- Can be bought cheap. There is no use look- &"1m.- itv- V ' It can'tbe found... Dr fact, French offers the , TRY his TEAS,lhey arer Som'etnini? Bxti -? .5B;..1S, 4 - "W. B. FRENCH, april a-tf ; Cor. Market and Second St. SPECIAIi NOTICE. C A R E F U L L jy . 1-. -..... . i .... . ... 1 . . . 1 ... ii .j' Aioe snd Fvr. j ;t The only preventive known" for Chilis ' and Fever Is the use of Wolfe's Schiedam n -v ;.;; t Schnapps... u'.U-U 0 ' olfe's Schiedam Schnapps Is good for Dyspepsia. ,.; .: WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM , SCHNAPPS ' ' '.' .' Is a preventive or Chills and Fever. . . Wolfe's Scbiedam Scnnapps : ; togood for all kidney and bladder complaints . . WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS . ... ; ,4 Is used all vcr the world bv phyalcians in t- : their practice. ..;!!:. : U s - r. Wolfe Senletiam Schnapps " : 1 ; ; Is good for Gont. .y-r t- , : Sl WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS 5 ' la good, for aU Urinary, complaints. . ;r:'"vTolfes Sehledam Schnapps " n! 18 recommended by all the Medical Faoulty. ' .WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS ; u Is good for Colid and pain in the stomach. ' Wolfe's Sohlodam Schnapps ' : - Is imitated and counterfeited, and purchasers : will have to use caution in purchasing. I beg- leave a call the attention of the reader, ts testimonials in favor of tho Schnapps : . I feel bound to say that. I regard your Schnapps as being In every respect pre-emi nently pure, and deserving of medical patron age. At all events it is the nurest Tossibifl article of Holland gin, hereto:ore unobtain- !.vmWnW!n4,,y PhawTiaceuticalChemisjNewtYoik. . Louis viLts, Kt., 8ept. L I feel that we have now an article of rjin suitable for such cases as that, remedy is ad apted to. r . i . . . DR. J. W. BRIGHT. eomplaints, etc. w.uwjm w r . VUA vhaw bat 1 jui ,.?ake. T?a ; pleasure In bearing highly cred-1 Rn n. TOimuMul agent in the diseases for- which yOu recom- ..SKX i.611.?? ' tnA iuuwu9i euiiiKOBiniui ' ck Biiicnii 1 UH?reB OI stimulation, I regard it as one of the most im-H w vtM.vt aw wud VSA. UUU iUVISb portant remedies in chronic catarrhal affec- tlons. particularly those of the erenlto-urinarv apparatus. With much respect, your obedient servant, uhab. a. akas, ai. a) , now lork. 26 Pink Steeet, N. Y Xvf, io7. Udolpho Woue, Esq , JTreseni : Dear Sib : I have made a chemical examination of a earoplft Schiedam Schnapps," with theTntent of determining if any' foreign or injurious eubstance had been added to the simple distilled spirits - v - The examination has resulted in the conclu sion that the sample contained no poisonous or harmful admixture. 1 1 avo been unable to discover any trace of the deleterious sub stances which are sometimes employed In the adulteration of liquors. I would not hesitate to use myself, nor to recommend to others, for medicinal purposes, the Schiedam Snapps" anexceuentaisdonobjectionable variety of ..XBIgnedJ" gm--- vry rwpeouauv yours, S. A. SE Alii, Chemist., C HEMIC AX AND , Tkohtticai. Lisnm Tnotr. la ExcHAjro FiiAOB. Nkw xoax, Nov. 25, 1867 Udolpho Wolfs, Esq.; Dear Sir : The u 8igned have carefully and thoroughly Ly?a ample of your " Aromatic chi unaer- ana- chiedam Schnapps.", selected -by ourselves, and have found the same free from all organic or inor ganic substances, more or less injurious to health.' From the result of our examination weeonsider tne article one oi superior quality, healthy as a beverage,' and effectual in its medicinal Qualities. l especially yours, ; (signeaj ALEX. TR1PPLE, Chemist. FRANCIS E. ENGELHARD, M. D. For sale by all respectable Grocers and Druggists. r : : , , DDOLPHO WOLFE'S EST., mar 21 S&FSmos-ent . 23 Beaver St., N. Y. MISOEIIaAJNEOTJS."" PIANOS ! ORGANS ! NO. , 435 BROOME STREET" NEAR BROADWAI.N.T. 1. - - 1 C.-Mr Tremame & Bro., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN . PIANO FORTES. AND AGENTS FOR THE ' KnrriAT.r. nnrYininnT.inn Cirtr&n': 1 1 .Twr: , t--o j CONTAINING Cameid8L& BmM'J New toproTeMls; Greatest .Success of the Age ! 1 , . . . r " '.- - .. r- , f I Fll U W1 lion (rvano n A YAAv-n -rv A An tiwAln vaw 1 jLtsuiuo uiw lUBuuuioKiii alio voruiBt h unanimous.- We chaUengo the World toeoual l in uur new scaie nieuium-sizea octave PIANO FORTES are now. ready, at low. prices for cash. The New York Tndepeddcnt of Sept. 16th, ays Of the BURDETT ORGAN : "It is by far the most perfect reed Instru7 xnent wo have ever seonu The Christian Leader of Oct. 2d. savs : i 44 We had no idea', jthat a reed instrument could be brought to such perfection." i .The pi ess and public everywhere who have had an opportunity, of listening to its beanti- V1 atMilna nnsntnlit fffva 1t. -fViAfv nnAnnllfl as I approval.-but unhesitatingly concede tffat It i stands without a rival. : v i i i ., . i The erreat Increase in the sale of our Instru' ments, nas enaoiect us to reduoe our prices for I - . sa-vaA. riAaus, : I W-MAWft Other I uvu I mental s) in the United "States. , I 1X7 Vt -11 A -mtLm oAf n-nAn fho Vn a vim aasisf1r ii aiaav vvw.wwv- wvu vuu iMaaim va - sales and small profits,''' we mane it. at the same time, a special object,. .to fnrnish our customers with intruments in ho way inferior tOthe. :r ( ,--.. Best in the market. , f . . ETEBY ISTBUMEJIT FTJLLT OTJAB AWTTEED rOB BIX TEARS. Many families have had a desire to obtain a Piano, but could not afford to pay the dealers aproflt of from $100 to $300, neither do they wishto purchass a cheap made instrument, that would cost more to keep in repair than it is worth, hence a large class of our music lov ing people have been obliged to do without. We can- furnish- New 8even-odavs Piano Fortes from $275 to 1950. Second-hand Pianos from 40 to t250U New Cabinet Organs, ttf to tl,000. ............;rs PRICEXIST, SENT TO ANY ADDRESS. ! . C. M. TREMAINE, W. B. TREMAINE., : junea43J;Ftf - " Flour! Flour ! - 700 BABEELS FL0UB V ! ' 'v - - For sale by-' '' .- r. J "F. W.KERCHNER.' v aprilioir ; 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. AUCTION SALEHw , r--:i , , - , - ' r Il LY, net loneer. By ;! Crouiy :fi:nbrris. Carrlates Bnrcies, Beeksways, liar- ctess dte , at Anctiost I WEDNESDAY next, 26th innt., at 10 KJ o'clock, A. M., we wilt positively seU at Exchange Corner, 1 FIE CAItRfAQE.tV v--i. ) 5 DOUBLE BUGGIES, ;,. v i SINGLE BUGGIES, J 1 TROTTING BUGGYj1 " 1 -'iSULKEYf 1 sett of fine Double Harness, gold mounted I . , 'Single1 "'' sliver S. Fine Lap Robes ' ' 12 Blankets, . . , 1 Hvery Cokt, v i Side Saddle ! j The above mentioned vehicles "were manu factured by McCann, of Baltimore, are new, . (never having been usedi - and of 4rst cities workmanship. The whole to be sold without reserve todose consignment. -, Wilmington, N. C, April 19, 187U. ts M. C1TON17T, Anctlouecr. ...'f;".r-: - 1 1) By; CItONLY A , MORRIS. " General Howard," WITH on WITHOUT MACIIINEItY, with everything appertaining and belonging tU O' N WEDNESDAY NEXT, 26th Inst, at 10 N o'clock AM I will sell at Exchange Cor- ; ' ner, to the highest bidder, the commodious I ' I stem wheel steamer , I . ' t . h ' ; B 1 ' i i t :,; ffT1 lit! to ner, as sne now lies acrae. wnarz or me wii- i ,t ; mington, Charlotte and Rutherford R. R, Co. 4 ; 29 44 Depth of hold.... w-u . Tonnagej.. ....... ...... r lit 63-100. ' ;f a wo xungmes in goou oruer. vyimuer id j f i Inches diameter i 6- foot stroke. Ubier deck I H r . saloon . and passenger accommodations are 1 ,' : spacious ana comfortable. : Lower deck and y ; J ; hold for freight. -1 t, T E R M S A T S A,L E EneJ and Suo't W. C. &' R. R. R. aprn zu-eoats xi :hSatTu :r "JJEAVYjCITY MKSS PORK, DRY SALTED , . o : Shoulders, hhds.. and. toxes j Dry Salted i , , Sides, hhde, and boxes j Smoked, Western Shoulders, hhds.;, Smoked Western Rib Sides, hhds.; Breakfast' Strips ; Hams, 1. covered ana naKea.jM. n:; i (; LARD Pure 4 Primev Natural and, Extra, in tierces, barrels and tubs. . , ' EXTRA FINE TABLE BUTTER; tubs.v J BEST FACTORY CHEESE. I ' J T : COFFEES Java, Laguyra, Rio, all grades - FLOUR-aU grades ; 8UGARS all grades ; V; ;. i . 1 MOLASSES and.SYRUPS-all grades ; i r - - (. r CRACKERS, all kinds, in bbls. and ,v J 1 . V boxes ; RAISINS,; Choice Lein- iwh 'f " ' ons and Oranges f Bottled 4,! :i 'J ; ' ; : Ale and Porter, 'English .;iht , . and. American, In j, ' ' -.7- . (- eaies.andbbls.;: j ) Chewing Tobaoeo, caddies,' quarter and half j j ' , ooxes 1 Catawba 'Wine. ' Choice . Beunper- 1 1 1 1 pong Wine,! Calilornia . Hock Wine, . Clarets, Raspberry Syrup, Black- berry Brandy, Jellies, Essences, !,! and Grocers Drugs, Lye and ; ; r . . Potash, and a general ,w " .. - . assortment of Itlqnors, Groceries, Segars and t ' For sale, at wholesale only, Ty i ( f v april7-tf ,; AiYRkAN TOIXERB. J I ' Furniture, Bedding anu!i'; SHADES o UR STOCK for the SUMMER aad SPRING n J TR. ATlK 1 DAW tVimn AtPw IiaVinor 111 A l&TBto I ;. . ' . , i jrurnuurs narenouse in tne BiaieanaaiwayM i t the largest stock on iaand. . we can offer in i , I u .. ... . if, , I dneementi to the public that cannot be com t ' . . , , . V M -before making purchases. i ' ' D.' A. SMITH, Granite Building, march il-tf ; v:. . South Front St. Sheeting I Sheeting ! QIX (C) BALES ',J? .h 1 4-4 ROCKINQlf AM SHEETING For sale by april 21-tf DaROSSET A CO. FOR GALE OR RENT JD to let. advertise It under this head. . I ; the advertisement does not exceed five line' only half rates will be chaijred. j ; , i -f Bdi vu ui.a inst large snvt JD valuable plantation on Middle Sound, f ' miles from the city, known as the Mott trad! " win be rented or sold on resonable terms. Fo paitlculars, apply to .-- - , dec?3-tf ' C' W. OLDHAM, Ex. f, Bale at ' WM. H. BERNARD'S truu tt iva i ail l. av. ; .Vi '. ; .PrintuMr and FublishliiK na uenerai hook cjuubiv, feb7tf : Dawson Bank Buildings, Front st To hagisthatxs and CONSTA BLES. Peace Warrants, State Warrant lHvA WarrftTita. RAarf1i Wtimntj. ... A..ff' .t It;; : m "it . !; A. 3 m l YS.W 1 il l vvy'- i f i'fHl it l; . -V. it-:1 r"

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