MORNING . STAB- Sunday, AprilS, (871. I, KgT Correspondeqts mast pot write on botb sides of ttelr paper.; , . t ; , ' '.. We cannot undertake to return" rejected ,,i,i:nnnlcations. . ' Tins oatavATJOx c uux morning STAR TS LAK(&1IIAN THAT OF ANY tHER DA.TL Y NEWSPAPER , PUBLISH- rx Nonm Carolina i u FI8K. JR. . .V. The famous man or Erie wa3 onco a resident of Boston and fs now the Colonel 0f a flashy New York regiment. He recently, desiring to visit tbe scenes of bis jouth in state, addressed a request to the Mayor and Common' Council of Boston that the freedom and hospitalities of tbo city be extended to him and his regiment promising to derfay all expemu himself. The petition was indignantly tott to pieces and treated "with every; mark of contempt Fisk, Jr., was astonished and indignant, and is said to . be revolving some terrible vengeance. As lie is .both Commodore and Colonel, has a navy and an army,'it is apprehended that he will , t . village both by. land jind "sea. ,Vhat he' will do with it after subjngating it is the question. The New York Times suggests that the most dreadful punishment he could inflict would be to make its citizens Foreign stockholder in ErU. ''. "' DON'T PRESUME UPON THEIR IN TELLIGENCE ; ; The Cincinnati Enquirer, in advising against bogus Ku Klux reports sometimes set on foot, as a . matter Tpf fun, . by our newspapers, says : "Southern "editors must know that nothing is too absurd or pre posterous in that line that will not readily be believed by the Republicans North.r It it should be seriously published that the Ku Klux hud outraged and then swallow-. cd the moon, the Republicans would wait with in patience for nighO ?eeJf the moon had not actually disappeared. Their credulity is wonderful.? "' 'J; r - : , . ' CLOSE ELECTIONS. , Iq 1839 Marcus Morton Democrat, Av as , r ir t ' ".i. i I Wiiuogn uuTviuvt yJi ioocnvHuaua uj uuc i mainr ftr Tn IRdmflwprrl Trent oWliir was elected Goveroor in Maine by 63 votes over John Fairfield, 'Democrat" In 1854 Henry CIayr..for . .President,, carried Tennessee by 113 Y.otcs over James K, Polk. . In 4848 Secretary Ford beat John VVeUer, Democrat, for Governor ot Ohio, by about 250. In 1850 Horatio Seymour lost the Governor's office inNevr York by some 250 votes and in 1854 be tvas beaten again by just about the same figure. AN , IMPECUNIOUS BONAPARTE. Pierre Bonaparte, tv ho killed .Victor Noir, in Paris, lives at present on his tarm in Belgium. He is said to be in such needy circumstances that he is unable to pay the mortgages on that farm. His property in Paris has been seized, by ( order of the courts, he not having paid to the heir of his victim the 25,000 francs damages to which he was condemned ly the high court which 1 acquitted him" of the criminal charge. , f Snlclde In Washington. Mr. Otis S; Monlton, proprietor ot a la dies' and. gentlemen's saloon in "Washing ton, committed suicide on Tuesday even incr. bv cutting his throat. A Dhvsician him, admonished his wife that it would be unsafe to leave him alone, yesterday says : The 'Patriot of Aoout V:oU o ciocK his wile suggested' fhflt tVtVWnil1rl talra n urollr in. irhinli V. n. I , 1 ',. . .v.r,s ....u iUr , uuiwii, ....v-..vl,.l. Skauo iwvisou; lor the "Walk. X ., ! : I w nue sne-Avas; atent, be Went down aim aricnes.-. xaisf v?ne came ((Own stairs: and tot serine htfthe hilVc.Ued ,1 'L. XT' " . '.. . - I uim, uui xcuciveu no repiy ;. neariog some one breathiogbeavHy jclosfn ip-the base l: rt 1 1 n4 -v" I .a'aIo ma X A. t I.'"t . I i113 vnt& juui.iu,., me,-f Daseoient, article oi Jtioiiana'gin, nereto:ore unoDtaia- xni cut his tbrbatr fr6mat to kar with a able, and as such maybesaielv prescribed by ldrrr. oVl. Vr JL i i physician. ; j '.DAVID L. MOTT, M. D., , . large Carmzfcnire, SHnff the WlndDlDe Phiw ocentical Chemisi New YmV. ouo ncuk iu ij Biairs, uui aji ueiug, ,f !.SPhpsipDS" Wftremeay menxpniQcaiarrnai dark, was rf aid lo go down, faod' called .cQmpMts,. etc, f .,. -i. ia:. 1 : for assistance. -One of-Tthe! boarders an- Iegretpiarelbearinghlghlycred uvoroA 0m cf r u. "V ' 1 ltab-etestimofiy te-itseffloacy as a remedial ered t he call, stfnck a light, and went ajfent in ths- dieases- for. whtoh you recom into the basement, -and- iouud ' Moulton nBdit.--HavIhg a natural tendency to the V -- ;'' nnifeMui vJmpaitMlii.. As two civil enirlh'eers' were at work in the wilds -ot 'Micbigan a coiiplej of weeks a8 eighteen or. twenty 'miles -from any camn. ftnn nt hpm ,1,1 tn fiarxif hf .1 r7. . . ." "vi"' w ?r',', Hie Stner UaU beCOtne insane-- Rimnioinn .whfcliwas made certainty when his com- p4fii9n came to hrin and .aid : wish ffiSSresultedhtheeonc ypu woajdlilHo my revolver and the axes, sion that the sample contained no poisonous fotl carci vci near killing vou with them 2Y 'harmful admixture. Itavo been unable to t ivi.!..,1.V. .-J ' 1 j discover any trace of the deleterious sub last nijjbt. I got the revolver and cocked stances which are sometimes employedlnthe it at yourJiead three times, but something adulteration of liquors -1 would not hesitate tnl m.'nftt tn Vill Tnn t5rh tht Mit tn uf9 my.self "or to recommend to others, for toiamenotto Kill you witn tnat, put to medicinal purposes, the Schiedam Snapps" get.the axe, and then I was commanded ? excellent and onobjectionabie vafiety of not to kill yoa then, but I am afraid I will if vnil drm't hide theoi.' and Ond knows I ilnnV tr, Unr ll 'Tkl. ..a . "UJ ": very pleasing information, aud he did be9" persue him to the his camp. Jt ailing tois ne leu. him, . vr ent back alone, procurect assistance, and the' v - , m . a a. a i " untortunate man is now in an asylum. Juvenile Anniversary. A. Concord, N. H:,'babycelebrated her first birthday anniversary Monday after- , noon by a party at which the Monitors? there were assembled some thirtv ladies ana gentlemen, aged from eleven weeks to tjireo years,' "embracing .the 1 elite ot our city." At five o'clock, refreshments were servea at two long tables, aronnd which iwcnty.four "high chairs" had, been Placed, and the usual viands were most lavishly served. Prominent on the bill of fare were eincftThrt.o1 iar.m nA 4 v.: 7 "-.'l"P""k" t uiovuib uuo lncn in niflmprpr Rnri vuoice cane oi similar dimensions. -Ttoe Ha" max Bill Hot Heeded. : That able Republican jpuroali tbe New York' Post- has, some. more- sensible '-words in regard- to ;th'e Ku Klaxr bill, tind, gives some irrefutable Woof that it's not needed. Of thirteen Governors of! Southern States- ten are Republican, one isa Conservative, and two afe Democrats' We find, the writer says, tharfrom Alabama, which has a Democratic Governorand ffom Virginia which has a u Conservative" Got ernor, no Ko Klux outrages are reported. Tennes see, since the last election, has been quiet. Missouri, in which a special" amnesty act was carried at tbe . last election, is quiet. But, as the disorders occur in those States only which have Republican Governor?, how is it that those Governors dq not call upon the President, as they have the con stitutional right to , dq In addition to this the leading Republican papers of the country are opposed to it; and if the Pres- ident should iign.thla bill,, giving him as Undoes, enormous, dangerous and . uncon stitutional' powers and sign it in the.face of. tbe remonstrances of Southern Rennb- Ik . . i L llfftnq wnnM ha tint, faalra t. t ,A soo iuw vt oiauv, , condemned before public opinion as grasp- ing after the most dangerous and tmcon- stitutional powers, aad that without the shadow of an excuse, his own party in the States in which Jt is pretended rthat this legislation is necessary,- opposing it I ML3CELL ANEOUS. - THE J AC OBI AXE! Guaranteed to excel all others in shape and material. Be sure to ask for T H E J A C OBI A X E ,. AND ACCEPT NO OTHER. Every Axe Warranted I . For sale at ; NATH'L JACOBI'S ; J , , . Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St., ; And . Dealers Thronghont tbe State. A complete assortment ot Plows, nov to stock, and: for coin in r . vr TAVmVa sale low at N-JACOBPS, rrgrrrm , No. 9 Market St. a large inn wen assortea stocs oi Spades. SlioveN, Forks, Uoes, and all Agricultural TooIh, and a full supply C 9x of the most approved styles of Mechanics' Tools." House and General Hard ware, jraints, ,vms, uiass, c , lor saio at - .V-'-, S"NATilL JACOBI'S Hardware, Depot, No. 9 Market St. SADDLES, HARNESS, WHIPS, I cobs i.katou, iiawhesb leathkb,c i,r. DOT8aleaJB PiAXH'lj J ACl 11 a wopuiti JutuiLcb Ow 1UNS, PISTOLS. rODER, SUOT XOW uer r iasKS, tramcwags, mioi uena,' uan riages, Ac; aeompleteftssortment, - t or sale at nath'Jj jauuhi' ... Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St. dec XS-tf SPECIAL NOTICE. ' CAhJEFULLY. -. . '". J Agne and Fever; ..- The only preventive known for Chills 'and Fever ; is i the use of Wolfe's Schiedam Sohnapps. Volfc'j Sclilednui Schnapps . - Is good for Dyspepsia. . WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS . Is a preventive of ChUls and Fever. ' .Folfe Senledam 8htinppi Is good for all kidney and bladder complaints WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is used all . ter the world - by physicians in ineir practice. Wolfe's Sebiedam Sebnsppi Is good for Gont. WOtFE'S S6H1EDAM SGHNAPPS Is good for all Urinary complaints. Wolfe's Sebledam Schnapps Is recommended by all the Medical Faculty. WOLFE'8 SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS ; Is goodtor Colic and pain in the stomach. 1 Wolfe's Sebledam Schnapps I Is imitated and counterfeited, and purchasers will have to use caution in purchasing. ' . t testimonials m ravor or tne sennapps : x feel Douna o say that i regard your Schmapps as being la every respect pro-emt rVt"',0 :"rtr rfh. rr" . in -i r n ' .- - rr fr.- ! . yMWSS - tnat.remeqy 73 a apteaiio. .s - - r : '-i ilt J . W. BRIGHT. I port ant remedies in-ehronic catarrhal affec- ftnfaiatus. Withmuchresbeot.vourobedlent servant, ' Chas. a. Lbas, M. D , New. York. w Pms Strkst, N. Y.', Nov. a, 1837. Udoipho Woltb, ksq rresentt xxak8ir: I have made a cnemicar examination samnle of your " Schiedam -sennapps," with I tha intonr nf riAfnrThlntngr if nnnfnrei&rx or injurious substance had been added to the (signed) ' ckls. beEly, c Chemist. CHSMICA.L AHD TkCSHIOAI. LaBOBATORV. 18 Exchawo Placb, New York, Nov. , i867 Udolpho Woub, EsQrJear r?The under. fveoare fnliy tf&SZ 1 J V BUU K V&I schnapps," selected by ourselves, and hav fond tne same free from all organic or lnor- ganio snb8tancesr more or less .tnjerious to health. . From the resnlt of our examination we consider the article one ol superior quality, healthy as a beverage, and effectual in its medicinal qualities. Kespoctlully yours, 5 Signed) . ALEX. TRIPPLE, Chemist. : , FRANCIS E. ENGELHARD, M.D. For sale by aU respectable Grocers and ! r;?.f?r rrT -oty wm.o rra marxl S&FSmos-ent 23 Beaver St.. N. Y. '. . .,- , ' . i-m V A11&J KIA i A N XAJ U b. PrirA IRVR HoffPf . YYAUr"i. 1 "IJBESHLY ' GROUND. " We 'warrant this X3 Coffee strictly prime. We, "will receive I remilar weklvHhlioaentSJEv i CHAS.T). MYERS CO., 7 North Front St. ap 20-tf jW' ADVERTISEMENTS. 40 UEEKS FOE OHE DOLLAR! TBE AMERICAN RURAL, HOME, trom April 1, 1871. A First-class, Elgbt-pac, Agri cultural ana .Family- Weekly. Speci mens Free. . . HOPKINS A WILCOXl . i . v. , i . Rochester, n7Y. AFBEE OALLEST OF ACT. D. Ap pleton & Co ,'New York, will send to each new subscriber to Applktos's Joubhai. re mittlng $1 for ons year's subscription, Tkh Supekb EKGBAviirGS, suitable for framing, from palnttagsby the most eminent American artists, so that each new subscribe! receives Gbatis what would cost $ 0 in tbe print shops. Full particulars will be i arniahea on applica tion.. - .f. X -t . APPI.ETOX'ft JOUKJfAI Is published Weekly, ad consists of 23 4to. pages, each number attractively illustrated. Its con tents consists of-' Serial -Novels and Short Stories, Essays - upon History and Social Topics, Sketches of Travel and Adventure, and papers upon all the various subjects that pertain to the pursuits and recreations of the people, whether of town or country.1- Price $1 per annum. S3 for six months. lO cents ter nnmber. D Applbtos & Co., Publishers, New A NEW STORY BY A SOUTHERN UjL AUTIIOK. A Serial Story of surpassing UJL. AUiMUK. ASerlalBtOrV interest, bv the author of VaTerifl AvimP.r" which the press have so highly extolled, will PPear in Applxtos's Joubvax, No. L 3. New aiWSS? - 1 scriptioi price ti per annum, or $3 for six I moniDS - .w,raBimwi,ji. x. DR. H. S. FITCU'S Family . Physl. cianx 90 pacrest sent by mall free. Teaches now to uie all diseases of the per son ; sKin, nair, eyes, complexion. - - Y rite - to 714 Broadway. New York.' .. . . ; Send Yotir Sons To a Practical School, that will train them for active, useful life, and a 'successful future. The Institution that best accomplishes this, and is largely patronised by the South, is Eastman College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Ad reBS lor particulars, II. 6: ASTm: AN, LL.D., President. BLOOMING TON (II.Ii.) KUBSEBT. 19th Year. 600 Acres.; IS Greehouses. Largest Assortment ail sizes, lies t stock! lxwr rices! Wouid yon know What, When, How to Plant ! Fruit, Shade, Evergreen Trees, Boot Grafts, Sedllngs Osage Plants, Apple Seed, Early Rose Potatoes, Shrubs, fioses, Greenhouse ana Garden Plants. Ac, Ac Flower ana, Vege table Seeds r Finest, Best Collection Sorts and. quality.- Send 10 cents for New, Illus trated, Descriptive Catalogue 90 pages. Send stamp, each, for Catalogues of Seeds, with plain directions 64 pages: Bedding and Gar den - Plants 32 pages, and Wholesale Price List 24 pages. Address F. K- PHCE N IX, Bloomington, Illinois. . EMPIiOTAlENT, Business for All. Best Industrial -page Newspaper. fiOcts. per year.. Send stamp for copy. TA.TEN1 STARt Boston, Mass . BUILDING FELT work and inside instead of plaster, floor cov ering mats, Ac. C. J. FAY, Camden, N. J. T7T"VrEGAR, how mac In 10 hours, without v xj.1 arugs. Jartuuuar iu cents F. Sage, Cromwell, Conn. mr25-3m-ent r ' W. KDWAIlDS, Can8elo-(Law, V 461 Penn Av.. Washmetou. D. C . elves special attention to claims under the late Act or Congress for examination of claims of loyal citizens Y States lately in rebellion. Charges reasonable. .. , ,.u A. B. FAROJUIIAR, s ' , Proprietor of Pcnasylvania Agricultural Works, ManoTacturer of Improved YOUK, Pzkh'a. STEEL PLOWS, SHOVEL PLOW BLADES, CDLTIVATOES. Hobsb-Powxbs. Thkesh- V' 'Ttau... TTfl f i 'II I M ITU Art Ai ccna lor luusuucn vkuuosuo. feb!7-3m-ent . - - - COTTON MACHINERY for Bale Cbeap S,0CO Danforth Spindles with patent 86 in. cards and full preparation. Nowrum ing.and in flrst-Tate order. Address MAC HINE KY, care Messrs. Geo. P. Kowell & Co., 41 Park Bow, New York. - 1827 A RARE OPPORTDHITI. M For Sale. The oldest re lar Boot and Shoe Establishment in the tate. The sub scribers, alter a successful business of 44 years, oner lor sale tneir entire stocK ox isoot.s, onoes, Leather Findings, Ac, together with their Store, Fixtures ana Goodwill of the establishment.- Any person wishing to engage in a Safe and Profitable business, will find this an opportunity that rarely occurs, n or any in formation, by mail or otherwise, inquire of the rrpprietors, u. a u. is ka.ij.liu i , r. o. tsc sox 250. Wilmington, N. C. AAA A DAY in very best business ever of taZiJ fered aerents. For particulars ad dress, with stamp; Mooas A Co., Ill 3d Street, -iioaisviiie .y. - - ' ,. Fragrant ene SMso-nci VIA d1 rima kn1 oil Irlnrla nf fllrtf Via arxl -i j i rr-rt oLn jM I tontty, without thejeast mjury to the finest fnhrJ antiltHTnunmrtiifa anil TToniw flnnda TtaniAiiL FnoitiiTKtrouxsi Co.. S3 Barclay St., New .fork, 4 La Salle 6t , Chicago. 1826 lVWl 1870 Consumption. "Nothing better. CUTLEK BBQ3. & CO., Boston, i - . 1 .. -t 1. Agents I Read This ! WE WILL PAT AGENTS A SAL ARY of $30 per week and expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell our new and wonderful inventions, Address, M. WAG NER & CO., Marshall, Michigan- , febl7-6m-ent ; ' . 1 ' ' a : J A' VOID QUACKS. A victim of early in J, discretion, causing nervous debility, pre mature decav. Ac.'haviusr tiled in vain every advertised remedy, ha. a simple means of self-cure, which ho will send iree to nis lei-low-sufferers. Address Jv II- TDTTLE, 78 Nassau St., New York. mar 30-SAF4w ent ;at in - .-I ' . A. " "BxvO Exchange .Corner, THE LARGEST and HANDSOMEST STOCK ' . .: "" ' " of . . .. ;- ( evler brought to this city i . . ALSO . . . s . W H ITE DRESS Gr O U JJ D . , - , ui jurery iiescnpuou. Corsets, Kia O loves. Hosiery, Hand- J..yW ... 4 ...... :i..'4... fcerelflel. Parasols, . , LADIES UNDER - Gr AKMENTS, ash a sruurniD assobtmehtof ; LINEN AND LACE COLLARS AND CUFFS ' ' AND SETTS. -" ' , Also, every article usually kept in a. First-Class Millinery and Fancy Store. TERMS CASH ! A. D. BROWN, march 31-1 m Excbans Corner. -BUSINESS CARDS. J. w. htbsoh. r Jima btsuvt. SPEmiT&HTIIOOII, Cdttoa Factors' CoiiisM RKFEU TO JAM ES D ATT SON, ESQ., june,17-tf vouw ' ADRIAN & VOLLERS V ; Cor, Front and IocX: it8. W ILM1NQ TON-, ?. yr'IlOI.ESAIE QBOCTERS, IN "aLI. Ita branches. . . - COUNTRY MEKCHANTS will da well b calling on us and examining or Stock. A ovl9-i8-tf MOFFITT & CO. GENERAL. -COMMISSION M erehantt . - VOfiTH WATEfi STREET, WUmlnrton; N. C,' WU1 give prompt personal attention' to the" saxo or Boipment or uotton, JSiaval 5torep, General Produce, etc.i etc Also to receivinp and for warding .goods. - " -S3" Orders solicited and promptly filled. sept23-l-ti . , : . . KDWAKDS. ... . J s i . : : HAIX. Edwa rds & Hall, Grocers ; and - Commissioi j - Herchants. DEAL IN ALL HINDS OF ' v." U W T It x PRO PUCE, Ana &eep constantly on nana a mil line oi GrocexiGe3 at lowest cash prices. .Wilmington, January 4, 1870. 4..- , , . tf S. NoKTSaor.' . Wr H. Nobthkop. Northrop & Cumming, , COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Proprietors of tbe- Wllualnjrtofi Steam Saw Mills, Wilmington, N, C. Ciargoes of Yeuowpino Lumber for any J market fnmiahAri. r ' . I Special attention given to the purchase or sale of Corn and Peanuts. . -oct 4-ly . . . A. H. Neff, MANUFACTURER AND DEALElt IN Hardware, Guns, Stoves, Pumps, Kero sene Oil, Tin and Sheet Iron. . ROOFING DOXK AT-SHOttT NOTICK. ; . Agrent ror FAIRBABriS.SAI.ES, ' '" - No. 19 Front StM Wilmington, N. C. . JunelO-tf '-',..,w.;t : :: N. F&KDKR1UK. : . ' WrC FBEDKUICK. i UEDEKICK d: SON, . COTTON FACTORS AND OCNRAL ;C090IXSION MERCHANTS, No. 22 A'orlli Water Street, TVIUtllNOTOSf, N. C. JanlS-U B. BASS. .J. 1. SOOTT. B ASS A SOOTT Cotton Factors and Commission Her- . cbants, :'; North Water St., under Commercial Exchange "Wilmington, N. C. . Refer to E. E. Bnrruss, Esq., President First National Bank, Wilmington, N.43., and Col. E. D.Hall. aprll6-tf T. II. BURGESS & CO.. General Proince aM Commission MercMs COS THS SALV OF All Kinds or Early Vegetables. Green and. Dried Fruits, Oysters, Fisb, Nnts, ks;s, Hides, Furs, Ac. . No. 153 W. PRATT STREET, " BALTIMORE, Mrt. ;.v' . . 1 S KI I S 1 X O IS .. J .i "V .. Bank of Commerce, Md.; Williamson White- head, Fayetteville, N. C. $ Louis Froelich, Esq., K APT! A T1 R VI IIP.. i, KiVi.; VOi. Jr. aoxary, xu.ii- BlitfN. O. WiHard Bros,, Wilmington, N.C aPnl lUW-romOSeni. MTRfl'Prt 1 1 1 A NTflO -IK 300 HHDS. KNIGHT'S SYBTJP, . For sale' by,' v. mar 26-tl . WILLABD BROS. Wilmington Gardeiij rTlHIS FAVORITE RESOS how pen tor I. the Summer. ' Refreshments of all .kinds constantly on ;hand, aml ng which may; be mentioned r? ' lager beer,'-ale,- ice cueatf, straw , :';v;berries;;&c.';. - Bowling Alley Altaclied. . In' facitr every thing " hai been arranged to of visitors, and the Proprietor earnestly so licits tne puDiic patronage. y k"maT 81-tf ALL KINDS' OF HATS ! JU3T RECEIVED by EXPRESS A NICE ASSORTMENT OF THE NE WEST HATS O UT ' FOR . . , , - . , Men,, Youths' and CMdren, THOS. H. rf RIGHT; , april 14-tf . - No. 9 North Front Bt. OLD NORTH STATE. C. BACON, LARD AND BUTTER, Choice Duplin County Hams at 18 cts in lots. " " . . Lard at 18 cts i -' " Mountain Butter at 35 cents, ; feblStf f H By - EDWARDS ft HALI ;nersliip Ilotice. -r HAVE ASSOCIATED MY SON, DaV GEO. G. THOMAS, with myself in the practice ot-xneoKsine. une or ns can always do. iouna as my reaiaenee or office on iarjtet; april 14-lw WILL, GEO. THOMAS. ; INSXIRANCE NOTICES. 1? Wilmington North Carolina T LIFE HTSIJEMTGE CO. f Office No. 5 North Front Street, ttu Wilihfiigtdn, Nl -CV ' . , "-. 1 . T HIS COMPANY ISSUES all the Ordinary Life and Endowment Policies at LOW BATES OF PREMIUM without restriction as to travel or residence. v - ,-; ..; :. . ,-, ' ; ' ' ' ..'.-- To plaoe Life Insurance within the reach of ALL, It has adopted a system of MONTHLY payments, peculiarly adapted to the abilities ot those working lor i alaries or wages. The Assets- of the Company are invested in solid securities, which are all interest-bearing. -We offer the 'following advantages , to In surers ' A Home Company , .. controlled by V well-known business men. Expenses,. less than any other Life Company, and dividends will be correspondingly large. Liberal ; modes ;!ofielayments of Premiums.' Policies Non-Fprfeitdble after pay ment of two annual premiums. Policies Incontestible for any cause . J after payment ot Five An nual 'Premiums. "We refer to the following Stockholders and Policy Holders : A. J. DeRosset, ' Williams & Murchison, . Rob't II. Cowan, J ndge R. 8.- French, Win. A. Wright, Harziss & Howell, Northrop & Camming, James Dawson, . E. E. Burris,s, ning, Dawson; Tccl & Hen nt B. EUers, E. Murray, ; W. H. Bernard, Jos. A. Englehard, I. B. Grainger, F. : W. Kerchner, ' Willard Bros., Rob't Strange, . Silas N. Martin Woith & Worth, Sprunt & llinson, Adrian & Yollers. JOUN W. ATKINSON, President. JOHN DAWSON, yice-President. , , A. JOBSON, jW, Secretary. S. D. WALLACE, Treasurer. Wilmington, 'N. C, March 17-tf , PE NS1 O N AGE XC Y (LATE CLERK IN THE PENSION OFFICE, Attorney for the Adjustment and Col lection, of Claims against the Government, , Office, 03 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. Pension. 'Bounty. Enlistment, Recruiting:, Subsistence, Transportation, . Back Pay, and Similar claims promptly attenaea to.. Special attention given Soldiers' Claims of tne war or ibiz xor tension. , . .- . .. MS" Blanks and all necessary instructions will be furnished on application, to those who have pension claims against the Government or claims for suppjies furnished, or taRen by nppjies : during ITU he Union soldiers during th late war. (An act lor the relief of such claimantsras approved MarehS, 1871.) ;i lapn is-3c The Gape Fear. Guano Is a complete Fertiliser, representing bone and meat in proper proportions, to perma nently improve the land. . .. j : , - ' D. M. BUTE, -feblGS&Ftf . .rj -n . ; ; . Chemist. Chiidren'siCajTjiii IniproTemenls In Styles and Redhclion in Prices! i w TTTE ARE NOW MANUFACTURING OVER YY one hundred varieties of . B A BT C A B R I A G I? S , ! and invite the attention of all . buyers to our prices, which range from $3 t o $10O eacb. Having . theIargest manufactory, in the country, we can -compete with any and all makers. Wholesale Catalogues sent to deal ers on applications :- ' COLBY BRQ'$ & CO., apl 8 tf ' - : ' t; .808 Broadway,' N.Y. INSURANCE R00IIS. THE undersigned offers to. the- Citizens of Wilmington indemnity against Firs and Marine losses- by insurance upon favorable terms in tne roiiowmg leaaing companies : security rireuRAE Company. :.j .u v Of New York. CONTINENT AC IN SORANCE COMPANY. ... .i -j . ' Of New-York. NORTH AMERICAN F. I.' COMPANY; - ... uiew xorsr. NORTH AMERICAN F. I. COMPANY, 'andes insurance company, FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE CO., i : Ui oan jrranewcu. home insurance co-f' ondya. I . TTnm 1aaTaM -riflVs WO CaiTV lull luieS, trtes allas those of any reliable and prudent Companies.-. ..-' " ' ' ; 7 JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, ' Geaeral Fire and Marine Insurance Agent, r .. , - - t , . . No. 6 North Front Street. , feb!2-tf -.: , ' s'ir;.?i y.-.i ; f a irRR ttttt.e r a ai . . .. . .... . .. -.,.;,,-.:.', . . . .'- Capt. TL P. PADpIAOlT. XS noir running regularly between Wilmlng I ton and Point Caswell, leaving Wilmington Tuesdays,; Thursdays and Saturdays, at? U O'CIOCK A. JL, ana ruint vjmwci. juuuuaio, WAmAaava n1 FrldilTII'St 9 O'clock A. MM I touching at all intermediate landings forpas- i seneers or iigui ZTl -XCi w n. nn board. sept Sl-SAFtf ! 4 I i . 1 - . .i. 'r ' . 1 " - it -ill ' MISCELLANEOUS. a TAIOTT. . O. H. TAUOTTt r , A. TXLBOTT TAlilOTT A SONS, " (Successors to Talbott Jb Bro.) ' . snocttOB nauiiAJEi wobhs, Cor. Gary A Seventeenth Sts., Richmond, Va. ' - .. . -----f Portable A Stationary Steam Ens;lnos, Cirenlar Saw and urlt ltlia iiv. dranlle fressos And aU kind of Tobacco f ixtures, w rougnt iron w ork; Brass and Iron Castings, Machinery of every descrintion. Ac. Jan 2S4Fly , . , ., : . - - ' - 'The Great Medical Wscptr irj t , Dr. W AXKEa'3 CATJybRNI, J . . VINEGAR - B.1TTEBS, 2 Bear testimony to tbk'fr'Wonder't n p ? 5 ' .lulCuraUTS itflocU. jy , Jg . lis WHAT ARE THEY ?fr? ?2S j',-,(,--, a- .- . . ' 5Jado or Poor Itqni, ,'WhUkey, Prott Sfrirltn and Refuse Llquuri doctored, feplced sad sweetened to plcaso the taste, called "Ton. ica,,"Appetllcr8,,,cBtoor8,,, c, that lead the tippler on to drankennesa and ruin, but are . ctrao Medlctnc.mfttlo from tbe Native Roots and ' Ilctbs of California, free from nil Alcobvllc ' Stimulants. TUofaro tlie GREAT BLOOD rtlitlFIElt nnl 1.1PB GIVIXU PIIIN C I PLE a perfect Tienoralor and luvlsotator ot the System, carrying off alpolsoaous matter and rcstoflngthe blood ton healthy condition. No ', pir8ou tau tas' JJlUcra according to dJrce tioa and rpr-iairi long uuwtll.; ' 'r , Fiiy In;iuinut'oi'y itiitt Chronic Itheu Kuttiwii nud, liouf,' Dyspepsia r ! Indl . t?stloH, Ttllle'., Iti-iuUtcut nnd later ,' mi t icni vcTKp D icae of tho Blood, . Jfver, ;ItiJjicH,an.l Illadder, these 'Bit- ,,uil..av ' b;2i 'itiobtbtiecsiscfat ',. acU'DIs "4 raHCS t.J c.f.ircl by. Vitiated Blood, which is e '.cCl2:;l jd-jranemsnt of tM liVriiHV.'lA Oil J N DIGESTION. 1 ..iaafiii'. i'a ih ; (VoutdeW, Cou(jU3Ti.iht ; ; m crV"Ci68t,)'k-:3::.Vc3,t6ur EfuCt'atloWO.." , . the ft i:iv "i, "ad.t.-t J t'a Mouth'BinduA tuzls, Z'ai ion' jl'tw licaft,-Inflammation o. the I-us-i.I'Auiln f'tcr'.ions of tho Kidneys, an1 '.aliiudivti otficrp.iiiUnl pyinptoius, nri tho off- Spr.:P.of OjT0pfeiA. T . ; )' . . 'i'u y Invigorate 'ilio Stoiunch iuiid atiihulate'ths torpid liver a'd Lo wVr?. vfdeh render fh'eto of un oqnaiUd c'Osacy U eleajelng the' -Mood of all lmpnritlo.8, a;.4 fiupartluj nevr UC and y)k -the wholo system (-,, .';. ' f,' -,.., , , i fc'OIt SStlN DISEASES, Eruptlons,Tetter, Bait Rheum, Blotches,, Spots Pimples", , Fas tales, Boi'.s, Carhnncles, Ring-Worms, Scald-Head, Bors Eyca.EryslpcEia.ltoli; ScorlsDlscoloratlons of theSkin, Ha;nors -and Disoases of the. Skm, of . iXbateyer fta:n3j.dc nature, are literally dog up . - oni carried out of the system in a short time, by the -use theso Eitters. ( On bottle In snch . coscawlll convince the most Incredulous pf their curative effect., n 'v - ) -, :: ; r i Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Us impurities bursting through theslda in Pun ; pics, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when you . . find it obstructed- and j sluggish In. the reins; . cleanso- ft when It is fdul,' and your feelings will!waea.iIeep thd'bloed pttre and the " health of the system will. folloW.". - PIN, TAPE and other WO R3IS lurking in the system of so many thousands," are effectually destroyed and removed. -For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. WALKER, Proprietor R. H. McDONAlD S$ CO., Di ufrslsts and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal , and 32 and 81 Commeroe Street, New York. SOT,D BY ALLT DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. HEIDE BROTHERS, Commigftlon. Blcrchaiitrt and i - !I .--rh DEALERS IN:?c-v.:.;-;; ; .f?i2 dCERIEB yu42$'!?6faMQTIQN8. 1 CiderJ Candy;: Smokeci i (Serring - .1 n oii r, CrackerSylDari h ei Goods, aprill4tf.Hv?,--f:l i w .; rj .. r Xjl oiirxtfriii n ' Sixt;tjCis' . SLPEEl6i 'ARTICLE of Moutiain But ter, at thirty-five (35) cents per ft.' ASULAN1 FLOUR, nov 22-t EDWARDS A ILALL. I II II . I ,, i u. hi I. I V NOTICE! THE UNDEBSIQNKD 'HAVING WITH drawn from the' flrxn of Cannon, Oldham A Ca will eontinne to do a General Commission Business and' t?1U give' his personal and prompt attention of the purchase and sale of all kinds of Country Produce. :..,nl v-; iT -' ' SAU'L. X. CANNON, . 1 mar 26-tf -: - ! TXd. 6 South Water St. E GO CREAM BISCUIT," T - CHAS. D. MTERS CO., -1 .-7 North Front Street. ftp2(Wf Tne i C1mite(lb K H 1 6 H V S C0dKlH& " EITBACTS, AT V . JC STEVENSON'S. ' aprui-ti r.i CAS H H O IIcE jY! PLUaTOBAOOOS, i ' ; ' ! " TWISTTOBACCOS, Fine Cut, ; Chewing . and. Smoking, . . . SWTJFFfl AWO PIPES, D. PIGOTTf Tobacconist, WfucnraToW, k. C April 15-tf " T " ' O 0 fs ' ii L ' Si' rt a -- f- .,- ' -'j"s. PfcS at ; . ii'.- t'Ji 6 Til J II 15. m m hi 1 1.1 Hi '.'1 1-f : ' .k 1 !'ifj V,,.,' 1 1 i1; fl If:-:! Ki- k 'V '.Mi? I H Ii 1 i i' : . i : I"