- :r tite 5io:::;i:;a rtaix. PUCLICUZID DAILY, ' vn. II BEU:.." ;:, Zlltzr ana Prop'rV Orrioa, Daws 01 r:,r.'s Eulldm;, Front St. One year, in advance... ..... .....'...7 CO Six months, In advenes. .......... ....... W. Three months. In f 1t : ? ............. 2 CO Unt) UlUUkUa 1U ........ The MoawiifoTJ-irilIte delivered la any part of the City at i xb-tksit Cests per jieteoiiolocical xmccmv Time. Bffn mom- Wind. Weather - eie : eter, : ... ,r 7 A. M. 29:83... .73 3. V Brisk Fair. 2 P. M. 29:84 81 S W Brisk Threat'?. 9 P M. 29:91 . : 67 W Light ; Cloudy ; , i . ii ..'.-' Mean TemD. of Aoril 66 dee. p : . - Number of rainy days In April, 10. Tr.tnl rnln.fnll S.fi7.101 inrhea. 4Vv. , ' "''? ' ' ' . f; ':. ;.';.! M-B0BBaXSSsiB0TH,v:j.r. . Serjc t oitrnal service U.iJ. A.. Weather Report. Wab Dbpabtment, . Office or Chief Signal Officer, Washington, May 1.-4:35 P. ' 'A. 3 ;-;:; I PtdbdbUUiei. !itJJ:lAQ It ia probable that a light storm 8 gathering in Missouri, and that a falling barometer with M. E. winds will continue ' to prevail on the lakes, and Southeast and Sonthwest winds In the Gulf States, with threatening and rainy weather In the Central Mississippi Valley on the Atlantic coast. .The weather on Tuesday nrohablv be variable.' with occasional rains and increased cloudiness, in the Middle and Southern States. ' . TSZIB CITY. IIbinsbbkokr's Live Book Store, 89 Market street The Descent of Man, &c. . Robt. M. 1 HouftTOn; . Sec'y. Meeting of Cape Fear Building Association. The Second Monthly Presbyterian Sociable. J. M. Wise. Othello's Occupation's , Gone. Tli Rcvenne Bill.' " Oar attention !waa called, . yesterday, to a rather serious discrepancy In the Revenue bill a passed by the General Assembly at its last session, and one which is likely to prove a source of no littlr inconvenience. See. 80 of the bill provides that if no one will bid for any pleco of real property the amount of the taxes assessed thereon and the charges of the sale, the Sheriff shall bid off the property for the Statu. Section '85, . which provides for the proper reductions to the Sheriff, In his settle ment with the Stata Auditor, gives that officer the benefit of the deduction of the State. taxes and charges on property bid off for 'the State, but fails, probably through oversight, to say a word about the county taxes, as will be seen by the following, which is the article in the section referring to this particular matter : v a M 3. The amount ot State tax on land bid off by the State with the costs attendant on the whole on producing the certificate of the Sec retary of State, a is produced for In Sec. 81 oflhlsact. - v' 1 ' : .. ' , :' Burglary. - Some thief effected an entrance into the giocery'store o Mr. Richard Fitzgerald, locat- ed on the corner of ' Eighth ; and Cbesnut streets, on Sunday nlgbV.Tbe robber consum mitod hU nnmnBfi hv insertinir a knife . or other such instrument through a slight crack between the window facing and the shutter by which the fastening of the latter was loos- ed; then by working, the window sash the nail which was placed over it was jostled out and the window was raised. ,! Nothing was taken, however, bnt a small 'sum of money in the drawer, which leads Mr. F. to believe that the thief was frightened from his purpose by some one passing the street .He knew nothing of the matter until he got up yesterday morning, when he found his front door and window open.-' '; v Matrimonial.' According to the records in the office of the Register of Deeds the following licenses were lasued, to parties in this '. county during the past month: ' White. -Thomas Enuett, and Sabrey J. Bish op; Benj. F. Hall, and Margaret F. Sprunt; Dempsey H. Brlnkly, and Ada Gurganus; George W. Gatds and Annie M. CJowe; Arthur C. Rackley and Margaret J. Lewis; Cbas. H. Rlvenbark and Adeline Bostlck; Martin C and Mary E.' rfeisley; E. R Williams and M. J. IliinJ; Jno S. Coilla and Flora Robins; W. O. Shephard and Fannie L. Rhann. Total U. . . ' ' '::-: ;' Mack. Joha Green and Vastl Ennett; Wo. Howard and Eliza Nixon; Wm. II. Falson and Rosanna Ennett; James Owen and Elizabeth Merrickj Joseph Moore and Rene Anderson; Frank Fannin? and Jane Cherry; Frank Helns and Jnne'Falford; Alonzo Birnes and Latlra Elf; John Ilepry Ames and Rhoda Jones; W. Barge and Fanule Henderson; Houton 'Mon roe and Mary Ivery; Henry Blvens and Helen! Richirdson; Moses Brown 'and Jane Hall; Thoi. 11111 and Lydla Conegan; KicU'd T. Nixon and Lucy Wright; Wm. Beatty and 8arah Feunsll; Samuel Gause and Clara Jones; Lawls Lftmb hbd Eliza an, Jordan; Joseph iwugias ana lsiaor sjauaers; nam MeNelll and. Florence Maekej. .Total 30. Total whites and colored 31. ' OnrChlp llasket. V ' -r Mrs. 8oathworth wants. a vote. Somctu ng about woman flounces. The wile a secret her opinion of her hns- band. i r J ", a. Some ladles use paint as fiddlers do rosin, to aid t" em in drawing in a beau. ' ., Paper collars 'are" called a annfry eva sion." ,, Some New York women card 150 & week making faney feathers. ! ... Mrs. Stowe thinks yvomer-inore annoy- ng than men L.-J A young lady in Indiana Is about pabllsh Inga book entitled, "What i Know About ETerythlng. ; -f ':' 1 Look ont for colds and sore throats, sure cuects oi door-step sparking. You ,cknow op . - r.'. . . . - . ' ow it is yourself." in New York, recently, a woman got Into a dispute with a man. which ended bv her nick. Ing him up bodily and throwing him oat of a second-story window. . One o'clock in the afternoon and eight 'cllo5k.lDtbe evening are the most fashion Jble hoars for church weddings. " ' ' : ' 3 T r 1 '., ,7Tlr TTft Local Dots. U ';,;;.;" . No cession of the City Court yesterday., We could hear of no police arrests yfis terday. y - :KrV'V'''' j V'-: : ' . TTje Chapman. Sisters opened in Savannah last night ' Doctors say ' milk- diet 'willcere cen . Sunday was a beautiful day and - all the cnurcnea were well a tended.; t ) s ; -u . . , , - The price ot drinks at the Purcell House Barhas1eenreaucea."-'8ee'idverttsement.?i) LWeHearai'tbat an excursion down the river is proposed for to -night, i. ,-, 'J V1 ' Mayor Martin was-quite indisobsed yes terday and was confined to his room.; ; 1 ; The meeting o( the Board of; Commls sioners of Navigailon and Pilotage, which was to have been held' yesterday, was .'postponed until this afternoon, at 6 o'clock ? r Attention is called to tbe'advertisemenV of Capt. J. M. Wise in this issue. Tt will h I seen that he is a candidate for the position of Harbor Master of this port.' , . . ; The dfflcers and .Visitors pf theLadiesV Benevolent. Society are requested to attend the monthly meeting of the Society, this after, noon, 2nd May, at 5 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. John A. Taylor. v " Rev. Dr. Moran preached a powerful ser mon Sunday morning t from the ,text,' 'Watchman; what of the night?'. .The same evening he continued his remarks upon the same Interesting theme.1 ' :vr ; ; ' A small white girl, by the name of Mollie Canady, out pic nicking yesterday, accident ally tell into GreenfleldTnlll pond and would haye drowned but for the asslsUnce which was promptly rendered by a couple of boys who were near by at the time. - " ; ' Shall iVe Have A Bath IIoase'T We have frequently been asked the ques tion, "Are we to have a Bath House this sea son ?" ; While we are unable to answer the in quiry, we will take occasion to express" the wish that some enterprising citizen may : start ; one something on the principle of the one we had last year,- A good first class bath house, loeated in a place where the water Is clear and wholesome, would almost certaluly , prove a paying institution. f . ., . . , . ' ,i, Presbyterian Haatnly kloeiablc. , By reference to an advertisement in our col umns this morning it will be 'een that the second "Presbyterian Monthly Sociable", will be held at Masonic Hall to-morrow (Wednes- day) evening May 3rd. The entertainment will consist of music and. refreshments. For the benefit of children and others who cannot attend at night the Hall will be opened at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. " The public have on" ly to call to mind the pleasure experienced on the occasion of the inauguration of this praise- I worthy enterprise to Insure a large attendance, van great inducement, ia wa au wno mvess in "e "aociawes- get ine wonn oi ureir moneyj Attention is canea io ine iact mat mere wu be a fine assortment of plants lor sale, "i -'' Ontcdale Cemetery. ' ca TXT 4MwA wvr eaf Aft1nfl t t K a paAArrla In T Vi Jh I office of R. J. Jones, Esq., Secretary; that there were ten InUrments In Oakdale Ceme tery for the'month"ofAprll,"Iof which five were adults, and five children, aged 1 month, 4 months, 1 year, 2 years, 2 years, 22 years, 26 years, 32 years, 58 years and 64 years, re spectively. Diseases : Consumption,'' 2 f ty phoid faver, 2; diarrhoea, 2 congestive of the bowels, 2 ; teething, 1 ; not stated, 1. Of this number 6 were males and 4 females. . ' Colly Bros. & Co. , Colly Bros. & Co., 508 Broadway, New York; keep one of the largest stocks of goods in a8Certain his whereaboutB, and the police their line In thts country. A The Collv Wringer informed of the facts of his escape. ' -and the Dollar Steamngine are among the The cjtizen8 0f Petersburg will attractive features of; their establishment; . , t the ball6t-box whether- will be found In the Stab," and those who wish such goods as they keep will do wellto send for one of their circulars and price-lists, . 2t the woods pear this city, yesterday, met with a severe accident, by tho explosion bthrs'gun Inhll hands. The necessary assistance was promptly rendered and it ls hoped tha noth-, In'g serious will result. The wounds In his arm were quite severe. - -; U. S. District Court. " . 1 - The U. S. District Court, Judge Brooks preH siding, commenced its - session In this city l yesterday. The following are the names ofl the QraDd Jnry which. were drawn ia due form: Samuel Klrby, Wm. 'B..Flanner, Geo. TT.rwir0n A. J. Litchfield. -J" A. Smith. Dan- iel Klein, Jas. H. Carr, Wilkes Morris, A. A. Bayette, John D. Carroll, Thos. J. Carr,; John C. Wright, Jas.,W. CoUias, TbosS. Watson, Isaae B.' Keiley, Edwin ' N. Butler,' Thos. Ar- nold, Gabriel Barbery, ny wood Boykln. After drawing the Grand , Jury the following were leit irom me regular venire, viz : Jonn y. epicer, J.xi. oeaneii Auwsiu.Mcrecr, wonn lC.- Wright," Ho well H. Cobb, Henry 'Moore' An order, was Is.ucd,to tbcMar.hai;te sum TYi n twlv ntherm to an near this mOrniBg. Court adjourned to meet at iu o-cioca iu morning.; A IHtel Prevented,'.,,..', ,,' V .' we learn, that a duel naa oeen arrangea oe- tween Dr. Mullinand a Mr. Williams, both of xheneasest approach to perfection In artl a mi : v I .loo HaiintTrl for kitchen uae. Is that of Doo wariuu, o. v,., wmcu """..Vl near Fair Bluff, jn Columbus county, dtfring the cast week, but on the arrival Of the parties I t v,f nlacA Rherlff Rirhardann. who Tlad re- 1 celved an intimation of their purpose, prompt - ly'arreated them and this 'spoiled the little fun in prospect. . . y X ' : RITR j AN D klAXlilfB KRWS. f i - -; v . -, , 4itV,;v ;t.,t;-r f'uml JlojmAr,-May l.; . rno new steamer town, wih.u jrow. , . day, baying been t owed down Dy ine sveamci . LMe Sam. wnnniGTon, i Kay Day. ;' -';-!-i-'i 1 s:i ' ; -There were the - usual1 number; of, pic! nics and excursions yesterday and w we presume eTerythirig' passed off pleasantly. - It was f a little showery in the afternoon, but njot enough ioconTeience::f Pic nics will be in order for several days yet and we hear of several on the tapis for the present ;week,; :v,.-iiii o-'Jrwv o.?;5: j r. -a i -w.-..v-.-.-- vlously announced, came off yesterday: at the old Tournament erounds near thisr city nU- rteB Int entered etiste vThe 'following raV won the first prize.' a line stiver watch . . ..V. . , : ? --1 ana cn&in. ine secoua nigaebv prize, .a cnam-j, paighe sppper, was won by Washington Howe.' The crowning took place at City Ilall. llook and Ladder Company, ' At the regular meeting of tb.Wilmington Hook and Ladder Company No., l.held, last evening, iuo iuuwwiujc uiuucr vrtcvtu lur the ensuing year; vi. i-..'c'. . President H. H. Munson. ' Vice President H. C. Brock. ' Secretary T. C. DeHosset. ; y Treasurer T. CT Lewis. ' ?' Foreman Col. Roerer Moore. - ; - V. 1st Assistant Foreman Jas. J. King.' . . ... . . " . -a ,'2d Asiletant Foreman C D. Myers. . ' Pnblle address Last Nliclit.. '; ' . i:; ; In accordance with previous announcement Capt. R." Y;' Trevelllck, President of the Na tional Labor Union of Detroit, Michigan, delivered an address on the subject of Labor Unions at.the Theatre last ; evening, to a very respectable audience:: Capt. Trevelllck is an able and entertaining speaker and la thorough ly posted on the . relative merits, of labor and capital and; their bearing; upon the material prosperity oi our uuuiry. no uw imreieu , extensively in this country and ..Europe, j: and is devoting , his earnest attention to the interest of the laboring classes. His remarks - - . I : last night showed that he had given the mat- j ter under consideration much earnest thought. He was listened to attentively by .those pres- entand the impression made upon all was ex ceedlnely favorable. Capt Trevelllck will, this evening, at the Theatre, again address our citizens upon' the Important subject of 'his mission and we hope to see a crowded house. J . '. ' County CanmlMleners. ' AVthe regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners; , held last evening, the following business was transacted : v The monthly returns of S. VanAmrlngc, 8u- peilntendent of the County Workhouse, were received and ordered to be filed. The report shows 23' males, and 2 females, a total of 25 convicts on hand with the close of the month, engaged. I n makln brick. j ' y D. Otten was allowed to retail spirituous li- quort F. C. Burnett, L. D. Cherry and John Bell were appointed Inspectors of Election in the town of Lirington, and they were instructed to hold an election for .Mayor and Commis- --j.- i . j ...X.. ',. sioners according to law. u ?. ' Adjourned to meet on Friday night nexti at a a. rr-f SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE S! son, of Goldsboro, who has recently be come deranged, was .brought to this city, for the - purpose of -being j placed in the Asylum. On the way from the depot to the notei, oe escapea irom ms aiienaaBt, and ran into one of the back streets, and has not since been . heard from, although vi0ilant Bearch haa - ien ingkirtited to JJcth . the ' Petersbarg papers favor' the appropriation. r r:J,.;r'i -';: J i f 1 ,T?lftven - white ' and : twelve colored marriage licenses issued i daring 1 ' - ; - Crop prospects Nortb, Soutll, Jlast and, West were never, better at this wasen.- pV'': ' Tne ' QodBboTo M 3essenger ofihla inbrntng'fajs ; Just .a wc i are preparing this issue f our ; paper Tor the press a very severe ami . ueitructive . hail -i i - i as hen's 1 ungmg iw:..6o fgg r V ri r-yih . A severe hatl ; Storm over the section about 3 ta 4 miles north of this place orr Thursday afternoon last, doing, some .aamage to luopeaci crop. -So says the toaX)orp jueim9er. h o 1 d 8 D pr 0 Uornet-JJand, numbering 25 instrumentswill attend the grand temperance celebration In Raleigh on i nureciay. Craven .Superior .Court is iu o? t Tcrpwhern. Jndcre Watts Dresid - at Newbern, Judge Watts presid o . -t ; i ng . wa rAraf in TiflVn t huf t.hA Rpv R. xuo , uwiwiMiH j.if twi. 1 ' of the T.r X.I a.,. nigut, at bis residence in lilncolnton -tie was universally esteemed for his christian character and many noble traits. ,f , prfeetin lev's Yeast Powder, now generally recojrnixed j ajfthe most economical -and reliable Baking Powder Jn ine 007 - - if ronnirfia bnt one-half or two-thirds I " .7 HlUM other Baking Powders, while unilbrm success Is enaranteed. ! Recommended solely on its - a v-v rhi a riwfl.fi msniLHa uosuji ea New St., New York. oi saie oy ""J- cers. may 2 eod Tu Th Sat. MABItlEO. " In Goldsboro, on Thursday evening, April nui, or taeiHTnii a. unuiui. i i denceof the bride's parents, ait. oamuei r, I nA.l. tn Mini INnmo Wtllrllfc. Co.lier to Miss Emma F. Knight. Tuesday, hay 2. 1071. vNEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lit-, in r nOTICE INCONSEQUENCE OF THE SCAKCITY S1&jS has reduced the price of drinks. He inTites fin!lh 'ff1 nfllcita aP?tnof -, ; . , T . . ' ; OIIibUd's Occnjation doneV: .'. : the oyster reaso w expired to-day. Persons harine buckets (Ihara loaned out nearly 800 that have never been returned, will PJ..-; centthfir face. . .v JLJJ ed to the Hon. Beard of KaTisration for their consideration as the. next Harbor Master of our -Fort; vJ" 1 : J. M.WISE.,, may 2-tf Caije earj;Biillfliii THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF tthe above Asaociatirm will be held at the Cty Court Room, this evening, at 8 o'clock. Robert m. Houston, THE SECOND n PresWBilaii llonttly SociaWe'! : - WILL BE HELD on Wednesday, T. M., May 3d, at the Masonic Hall. -i' i- -:' ; ; Music and refreshments for entertainment. . Doors open at 7H o'clock. ' Tickets 25 cents. Five for ti to be had at the door,' or at tb e Bookstores previously. - ).'"-;; ' I ".' Also will be open at half-past five ' for-chi dren and those unable to attend at night. . . Afternoon admisslon-lOcens;' ' ' The publie invited to attend. ; . N.. B. Fine assortment of plants for Bale. ;;tnay2 St ; ::;.r-'f:.,:ir.ij':'iT :.':i;r..--i ' The-Descent of Man AND. SELECTION .W RELATION TO SEX, ,; -.At . . .'v.: , ., . ; ! : ' , . UEINSBERGER'S . .aprll 27-tf . k . . Live Book Store. ON THE ORIGIN O. SPECIES : :; HE4HS OF NATURAL SELECTION ; ; '",':' ;.- 'ow:,th:;'"'V,-7 '-'.( i?. ' PRESERVATION bF, FA VO BED RACES IN t r THE STRUGGLE FOR LIFE, t i, ' '' By Chjlklbs Da win, M, A., f.'K, S. . .: Pkiob $2 00. - For sale at ' ' . 'h J ' - 1 ' HEINSBERGER'S. PRIVATE. AM. TRANSIENT BOARDING BY THE Building known as-the CITY HOTEL has been thoroughly repaired and re-. arranged, ana we j&ooms lurm&nea wnn an ENTIRE NEW- OUTFIT. The Iieatlon is Desirable - for Bail ' ness men, Resident and Transient. CHARGES FAIR AND REASONABLE. CALL AND SEE US, North Side Market St., near the; corner of Second, Wilmington, N. C. Open Slay 1st, 1871. ' ' Ilolasses knd Syrup. -1 ..' 650 HHDS. i.'i lis-.- Huscovado Holasses AND' S. H. SYRUP, For. sale very low by J -;t. ?apl 27-tf WILIiARD BROS. Sorndthing You Ought to Have Harpel's Typb OR, BOOK OF SPECIHEIIS, An ExcaanofaLT Chkap aitd Vai-uablx Mahtjai or IvroxxATiov Aim Elko ah t Exkkplab or iirrTxar ana Work ik Black Colons, Bsonzbs, bot roa' . . 5 ' THVtrSB or, .; ; ', ! PRINTERS AM ATKURS PUBLISHERS, BUSINESS MEN, AND PEOPLE OP ' u:. . i. . Ai f TASTE GENERALLY. . . .. -VfEARLY att entire year haa been consume JN in unremitting labor ai; superintend- ince to produce this book. .The presswork . ABLY an entire year has been consumijd LCeYdMAtenty with3 tPyfoSs 1 made up of the choieeat and latest produe - J tions of the foundries, etc) amounted: to as,. xl tvm imnrAnnlnna. to nvoduoa a limited edition. I TtTimnfu and at the same time lit to be pre- i Baw ideas. thoroughly nracucaiiornuuuuruua itne ".5, I 0i"rj7rjr sheets PI0iTO v Price to guDeenDw .frj-rrj iT tha rn.rtAr which an advance will pe i maaej,ior ine SeoMUon. printed on white paper and lo?mSifJaiS 'cloth, with Develledxovers, S&&VSia onex. tra flesh-tinted paper, and elegantly bound in calf or T urkey morocco antiqu e, S 1 0 per copy. - All orders must be accompanied with the n c vi . p. O. Order, or Draft on Cincinnati or ?T - Vr vt; -mall. - - . Of I. in ). nn4- 1ui 'aiuutrriTTi4aiI with i in cash. CoUeCUon charges , will, be. added wa i -a vwifH mi iirsiiir- k L , parties ? desiring r their names beautifully I ext ra Those wishinsr f nrther "information corern- ing this volume will- please address (with stamp) the publisher, a ; ; .' c ? v : OSCAB H. IIABPEL, ahd Printer. ' est Fourth Street, Cincinnati. febl-tt - VI '"."1 r;;u vnl i-i Wholo Uo. 1,123 1 n a MISOELLANEO US.1 Soups. JJi OT TUBTLE ; SOUP every, day, but a VARIETY" OF SOUPS, can be had every, day (Sundays excepted) at -.ther -u ; : JihlV:-'';' ".liafiir B BTHMTXTT HOUSE, aplSO-lw - if i North Water 8t;: SH. C. JBacoii Lard.' I A, CHOICE. LOT OF N. C. BACON HAMS ; tr.: v JTUJttJS UIAf LARD, ; ' . ' For sale by april30-tf , ,; , DeROlSET, Jk CO, Cut Herring; TTTINSTON'S No. 1 ROE HERRING in half TT barrels. Choice CUT HERRING, In i For sole by ; j.. , c : apico-tf. i -j: -vh ?; dbrosset & co. Notice C(aPT. R, F. TREVELLICK, PRESIDENT J of the National Labor Union of Detroit. Mlcht, will address the citleens of Wilming- " .MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, .. at 8 o'clock, at the Theatre, on the subject ef Labor unions, xne puduc are invitea. ; aplSO-2t., 'i ::..f.--: : :'i ' 3'; Latest Styles TXATS AND BONNETS.- 1 n . s FLOWERS, RIBBONS, ! K -5 - w- CHIGNONS, CURLS, Ae., just receivea at - " MRS. S. W. ANDERSON'S Millinery, ; J ap!30-it. n j - ; 51 Market street. YAEKTY STOBE ! VAEIETI STORE ! ; : 42 Harket Street. ! n v r .! - ! ., . , . . I T;.e Mil T A A i A IV! I 'ILL Y.PEN ON TUESDAY, APRIL 18tb, the largeati, neatest and, best selectee .stock of. ' - , , ' Iu- l'u'-i-.r', J.w, jj CiCU-Wi'3 1 I illLLlNERY. NOVELTIES -v i. fi. ..... .: - ' . ..-. . . -. I that a tborputfx knowledge of th business and long experience, can anora, wnicn.wiu i embrace a line selection oi me newesi.ami most fashionable styles of Mil Straw uooui, jiiuuuui, nucucai j f " -:;?v3 !',?. O.".'! t r spaces, Crapes, Blonds, Silks . , and Satins, and. the greatest specialty ot all, n r ; . ; EREHOH: FLOjVERS ! ' : t cr. i i AQQnuTiivwT nr Fancy Goods, Including Lace Shawls, Parasols, French: Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Silk Mitts, Kid Gloves, best brands and most de-. slrable shades, Linen and Lace Sets, , , ' ' ' Collars and Cuffs, best material; y . .' . '. Embroiderings, Edgings, ;. 1 . . . Pufliaga,,,: er;; : , ; : ,' Rufflings, Bows, Tidies and Slipper Patterns. Zephyrs, Dress Trimmings and Buttons, , Fringes and Vailing Materials, and H THE GREAT HEADQUARTERS FOB HAIR- : ; .j FIXINGS IN THE CITY I Chignons, Curls, Switches, Bolls, Bats, Ac and great variety of other goods well known Jn the city that are kept, but too numerous to 1 mention. .. ' -:- - " ; :'r -. , ' Tarlely Store, 43?, Market St. L. FLANAGAN. ' : a-nrl 16-lmnac S W ' A Fresh Sup . Extracts Vanilla. Lemon, Rose, Orange and Almond. ' Eldxs FItOwsb SoAr. . BAY RUM, " GENUINE. Florida, Rose, and Magnolia waters. .- . Jndxixibu Imc and Pkbtoils, Brown .Troches, Ilostetter's ' Bitters, Tar Soap Ae., t&c. For sale at GREEN A FLANNER'S, ; .-. . ... : '.. Drug Stores. aprilSO-tf What I Will Do. TWILL SELL GROCRIKS AS LOW AS me Am a nruvwi cun he bought elsewhere, and deliver them at your nouse iree oi cuargv. a. have lust reoejvea & smau pacxage oi mat . i "': WKTir flT t irPir.wr'lT TIR AWT1 1 Do try it, If you want something good. UCi v f . . . large tvtw ' ' v tMnihu U'4-i Tomiltr ITlrtni -! -1 -J . ' New Butter sweet and nice; in English and J Factory Cheese Fresh Crackers, Mustard, Plekles, Ae and my B9Qai stoek of fine Imported J Wine3 and Liquors, always on b&ndrery for cash ?r-t V. Kv'KKNCfi. ffig . I y , , "cor. Market ana Second ats. -y- A C! G' HC' i C! ; I, IVI ' I I "! rt' Til n K - -; : ' - iSOO JSARBEItS 175 HOHSUBADS, choice new At rwl 'arisr' rittfinn tThe lt of the iseason,:no landing Ex. SCHOONER DOKN A ANKA, .Direct Ironi Havana: ,rs worth worth. aprl 25-2w: v nountain flitters A SUPERIOR ARTICLE of Mountain But ter, at thlrty-nv (35) cents per 3 -"' 4 JXSO . . , . , ASiiXiAiaT FtoiJi:,, Fox sale by UOV 22-tf ED WARDS A HALL. KATE3 Or( ADVEHTI3IUO I -ft One Square one day, .1. ........... - ..r- 1 0 . .... . twodays,. . .. ''.:. . three days,.,... .......... .: 2 wjv Z. I ' -our-day a,.... M A -. five day a,, one week. .............. Contract Advertisements taken at pro ? IT arriaea, Death. Religious, Funeral amd; v f bltnarv noticM will ho inam-t .l half rates I when paid for in advance i otherwise full rates h f ' will twi rh.TO-fv1 . Traim rann on aexoaaa. . - - - 1 SPECIAIi NOTICE. : H :;; ; ,b READ ;. v-7 .v CAREFULLY i Ague and Fever. The only pi MTsntW Imnwn fIlla in1 - tV Fever is the use of Wolfe's Schiedam ..V-t v ; Schnapps, j t IFolfe'a Scliledam Schnapps ''. v : Is good for Dyspepsia, -i :.: ' - WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is a preventive of. Chills and Fever. v, v I Wolfe's Setaledam Schnapps C Is good for &n kidney and bladdefcomplalnts f i ' 4 WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS . t Is used all ver the world by physicians in . . , i iinir iiinuiiuD Woire's Senledam Sennapps : " . , - Is good for Gout, . . V, ; v WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM, SCHNAPPS ' is good for all Urinary ' complaints. Wolfe's Behledam Sennapps Is recommended by all the' Medical Faculty. ' '. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS , 'Is good tor polio and pain in! the stomach. . Wolfe's Schiedam Sennapps , r Is imitated and counterfeited; aad purchasers ; W AAA UAVO IAJ UOV UBUUUU AAA Li tlAVAABj0AAA 1 . I beg leave to call the attention of the reader tyw bVOUlUVluaiO AU lTi W VUV iViiaa - I feel bound to ' say that I regard 1 your Schnapps as beinjr ia every respect pro-emi-nently pnreand deaerving of medical patron -age. At air events- it Is the purest possible able, and as such may be sately prescribed: by j pnyaicianr., , xia.viJLHj.muxi-, ju.. - - Louis viliaKt.,' 8ept. 1. I feel that we have 1 1 ' now an article of rem suitable for such cases as j V ' ' that remedy is ad apted to. ' ' ' I OlPi 4:v'.)nPRJ.W. BRIGHT. JJ; t Schnapps" la a remedy in chronic catarrhal 1 ' ; complaints, etc.: . . , i v i I take great pleasure in bearing highly cred- $ f ' , itab e-testimony to Its efficacy as a remedial w ' agent in ther diseases for which you recom. $ i ! mend it. Having a natural tendency to the I . , . i mucous surfaces, with a slight degree of i' Btlmulation, I regard it as one of the most Im- t ) portant remedies in chronlo catarrhal affec- ; ! lions, paru unmratna. With much respect, x rvunmucii respect, your oueuient $ . , ., t UnoxrHe WotM.'ESQ , Pre tent: Dxaz6vbl i i $ 1 h,.Te iade a chemlctfl examination of a Hi) if HJ nBSBTSSKT . I., iMUV. H lOO. sample of your ? Sehiwiam Schnapps," with H , the intent of determining 11 any toreign or , u nlnrubatanM.; added xo the f I ! simple distilled spirits. . ; , lriZS " 1 1 ! or harmful admixture. ' l rave Deen unameio discover any trace of the deleterious- sub-" stances which are sometimes employed In the ainitATn.ttnn of linnors. I wetild not hesitate to use myself, nor to recommend to others, for medicinal purposes, the "Schiedam Snapps" as an excellent and onobjectionable variety of irin. i .very respectruiry yours, k , (Signed) 7 CHAS. A. SEELY, Chemist. Chxkmux wk.HD Tkobsioax. Labobatobt, 18 ltTniTisa PtAOB. Nsw. York. NOV. 25. 1867 Udolpho Wolfs, Esq.; Dear Strf The under- signed have carefully bj lyzed a sample of your ? ana.inorougniy ana lyzed a sample or your " Aromauo ocuieuwu KohnannR) snlftcted bv ourselves, and have found the same free from all organic or inor ganio substances, more, or less injurious to health. From the result or eur examination we consider the article one of sirperlor quality, P healthy as a beverage, ana eneotutu m iu t medicinal qualities. Respectfully yours, (Signed) al.i?,s vi? a XTPTS -bl m,ELUAED. M. D. jt9- For sale by all respectable Grocers and Druggists. ;'UDQHOWOLrE.'8KST.. mar 21-S4F8mos-ent 23 Beaver St., N.Y. MISCELLANEOUS. -r In Store aiid For Sale : 1.000 BUSHELS CORN,' 800 BBLS; FLOUR, 150,BBLS. PORK, ' . v yt t,:,, -, ',-'.'., ': tvf.i iWTK 90 Boxes D. S. and L C. Sides, . ' ' 30 Hhds. D. S. arid S. Sides and Shoulders, 460 Sacks Rio, Java and. Laguyra uoffee, -20 Hhds. Pcmarara and P. B. Sugar, . ISO Bbls. Sugar, all grades,,, . j ? , S30 Hhds. Cuba Molasses,"; ; ; '.ft!l" ISO Bbls, Cuba Molasses, c ' ?i ; V ? ISO Hhds. Sugar House Molasses, - i : '. lOO Bbbls, S. H. Molasses, -i A S0O Bales Hay, iiy-i 2,000 Sacks Salt, ISO BWs. and Boxes Crackerst !!" . SOO Boxes Soap, 1 100 Cases Lye and Potash i? . .T Ml SO Boxes Cheese,' ' 15 Tubs Butter, uru Rhii.' and Tnha Lard. tT " . t 4 75 Bbls. and Kits Mackerel. : 1 ... . . 75 Boxes Tobacco, ' . ." 80 Boxes Soda, ;,v,v.t; 150 Kegs Nallsi i Forsale.by yui, .irU A . . vF.W.KERCHNEB,' april 28-tfi i 7, 23 and 29 North Water St. FuimturerB and A i i :S H A D E S . OR STOCK lor the SUMMER and SPRING I TRADE la how complete, having tbe largest Furniture Warehouse in the State and always the lareest stock on" hand. We can olfer in- T I"! l':'1' .v. v .nm. tedwith., rTU mtiib gxf' ' peiore mwm ywvuw , t r .. ...'. . . D.- A. SMITH, Granite Building, . t march tl-tf., 7 ! f 8out2i Front St. . , FOn OALC CH HCHT. 17,311 REHT. If you have a house or a f am 1 to let. advertise it tinder thla bead.. J only half rates will be charged. the advertlsemenx aoes not exceeu ui uw T75DB BALE OIX rtEUT That large and Jb Valuable plantation on MMdJe bound, 8 11 a from the citv. known as the Mott tract. will be rented or sold on resonahie terms, x or particulars, apply to eoSS-tf CW. OLDHAM, Ex. 9K r, - - r r r ft r.. -5

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