MORNING--' STAR. BY TELEGRAPH. THE 'HORNING1 STAR. finndny'a Telegrams Condensed The cotton moTemcDt at New York for the , week allows acontlnuetf falling off in receipts, y and the total this week la the smallest smCe , early the present cotton year. Exports, on (he. ; other hand, keep us well and are slightly In excess of last week, while, as compared with the corresponding period last year, they are iuuio tftiAXl . ,, , .,, :,r ; r ' V't. ; '.The receipts . at all ' no'rla for the week wcro . . . A A V ft. .. HM W -. . - , 'bales the prerions week, and 67,543 bales three weeks since. The total receipts since Septem ber have been 3,570,759 against 2,579,497 bales .for the corresponding period ot the previous year. The exports from all ports lor the week were 81.823 asainst 37.843 bales for the same L l - - ft . rri . 1 --..ft.- , V. .. m- pi red portion of the year, have been 2,618,091 against 1,755,028 bales for the same time last year. The stock of cotton at all ports is 456.718 against 848,223 bales for the same time last year. The stock at all interior towns Is 57,274 '. against 72,104 last year. Xhe stock in Liver pool Is 052,000 against 563,000 last year. .There Is of American cotton afloat for Great Britain 267,000 against 161,000 bales last year. The amount of Indian cotton afloat for Europe Is 236,000 agalnft 175,000 bales last year. The planting-has now been corapMed, or nearly so, in several States, and the advices from the South generally state that lr- -. ott n and more grain, has been -planted. T u cre vasse in the Mississippi levees has d .mo .much damage and checked the cotton movement at New Orleans. - ' - : - - - From Washington we have tidinga that Mr.. Corcoran's physicians think his condition t is more hopeful. .." Mr. Marisical leaves here on the Cth of May to assume the-portfolio Of foreign affairs in Mexico. It Is thought at the Mexican Lega . . Hon that Romero will return. - ' . The government announces that It will sell two millions gold each Thursday and buy two millions of bonds, on each Wednesday during May, the transactions aggregating ten mil- JIUI13 UUUUS-HUU VlUb UlllUUUB ftUIU" N OON HEPOttTS. From Washington. - . Washington, May 1. . CounsellorE. S. Worthington, of Ky., prom inent In the military courts of the Confeder acy, ia dead. . V v FOREIGN MISCELLANY. A Paris telegram of Sunday evening says : Yesterday witnessed a grand scene at Champs Elysees. Upon the departure of the Free Ma sons to visit Thiers, a 'vast crowd collected, when fire was suddenlv ODened noon them. scattering the people wildly. . The Masons ad vanced,. however, and planted one hundred and twenty flas on the ramparts, one flag for . each .Lodge. 1 hey reached Versailles at o'clo k. with a flag bearing the legend "Af- mons-nouo les uns lea otrfrca.." They were blind folded and sent back, with the exception of the President and two delegates. Their mis slon was unsuccessful. ' At 10 o'clock this morning Damhrowski warned the Versailllsts that hostilities might commence at any hour. Forty thousand men are now ready for fighting in the Champa Ely- Bees. A Sunday telegram from Versailles says : It Is stated that Issy is occupied by Versailllsts. The affair at Maleneaux was brilliant, for Ver sailllsts. Three hundred prisoners were taken and many of the insurgents bayoneted. ' Foreign News. .' Versailles, May 1. Negotiations are progressing for the euren jder of Issy. , The elections at Lille resulted in the. success of the Republicans. , The disturbance at Lyons, Sunday, by adhe rents of the Paris Commune, was easily sup pressed. . : Pabis, May L Cluzeret has been dismissed by the Com ' mnne. Rassel succeeds him. - It is stated that Cluzeret has been arrested by the executive committee with the approval of the Commune. . Durrasler succeeds Okalometz, who Is suf fering from wound. , ' ' .'. London, May 1. (,; Sheridan, Forsytheand Mrs. Lincoln depart ed on. the steamship Russia. ' It is reported from Paris that the sisters of ArrhhUhnn Anhrv hnvn hffn orrtp1 j . .It is stated that the German troops in France have been notified that they will hare to re main two years. From New York. , u ;'-:'T;M -:i . New Yobk, May 1. The American Tontine Life Insurance Com pany goes Intoa voluntary liquidation by a vote of the directors. O Utt NIG ITT. -KEPOBTM.' FROM WANUINGTON. Washington. Mv 1. In the Supreme Court- the civil 'rights case from Kentucky, the case involving the consti tutionality of Drake's amendment against the consideration by the Courts of the effect of par dorfand amnesty in cases under the captured .. and abandoned property act, certain gold con tract cases, and certain slave contract cases go over to the adjourned term for decision. ' J ustlce Clifford read a brief paper in the le gal tender cases of Knox against Lee, and Par ker against Davis, as follows : In these two cases two questions were here tofore directed to be argued, namely, 1st. Is the act of Congress, known as the legal-tender , act, constitutional as to contracts made before .Its passage; 2nd. Is it valid . as applicable to -transactions since Its passage.' these ques tiona have been considered by the Court and both have been decided in the affirmative The decree of the Supreme Judicial Court ofMas sachusetts, In the case of Parker against Davis. Is therefore affirmed, and the Judgment of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Wes tern Dis trict of Texas is also affirmed. Chief Justice Cbase, with Associate Justices Nelson, Clifford and Field, -dissent . from the majority of the Court upon both propositions and the result, holding that the act of Con gress, so far as , applicable to contracts made berore its passage, is repugnant to the consti tution and void; and also, that U Is repugnant to the constitution and void so far es applica ble to contracts made sin e Its passage. ' The .opinion of the Court and the reasons-for dlB sent will be read before the close of the ad journed term. .. ' , - ' . Corcoran Is no better; ' ' 1 'x -fi 1 1 i Tue,,debt statement shows a' decrease of Over six millions dollars; the coin lq the Treasury Is one hundred Six and a half millions; the cur rency twelve and three fourth millions. The i Southern Claims Commission intend distr.buting printed lists to all claimants to be bulletined at Southern postoffices for the pur- Po! ?!winsVditlonal evidence concern Ing the loyalty of the moltlplying .claimants. .V . From New York. ' - . New York, May i. The funeral of the merchant Avery D Pnt-?t,-rh- ftB. B"aalted by a ruffian in the Vi tliC rU imposing. Storea along the line ?n Jon ar,8 vlQ8ed. aDd thu clzcna Join ing the procession as It passed . ' MrAnfe Tln"Iene. ' J " ''i- ' ,V Boston, May 1. .TKeAleppo hf prtved froin Queenatawn with the crew of thebark MerrimiSk which . she ran down In the harbor -on the T iW ii of whom were supposed lost? , th. " From rennyiTaiUa ' : ' Philadblphxa,' May 1, Mr. and Mrs. Rlchlngs Bernard-opera peo pie have been declared bankrupt - -if i ..jiMi:-fc,-Tir-.. . , . , .... . . i I I l 'it I f . ' . -mtrx a 1 rHTTTn f T rT70 -- I ' The firing last night was fearful and appa rently utterly reckless. Nothing to compare with it has occurred since the commencement of the civil wlir. - .The city Is greatly excited and alarmed. Groups of frightened people are In every street discussing the "state of affairs. ' General Okolowltz's wound Is a very revere one, and his recovery U doubtful. ? -1 Th.delSgatea'from the Masonic lodges of Paris have returned from Versailles, without helng able to accomplish anything. They re port tbatTbelrs expresses the opinion that a peaceable arrangement with the Paris Com mune is impossible.. . DOMESTIC MABKBTfl. rf .v-.nS.t-r.x Nw Tokk, May 1-Noon ; , Financial. . ., )i ... ' Money easy at 5 cent. Gold strong at Sterling Exchange long sight -110ft short sight Q. Governments are Very strong but dull. Stocks active but not so strong. 8tate bond ouh.ouh wuj. , t C' . - CotjvnercidL . Flour a shade firmer but quiat Wheat firm er bat very quiet. Corn 12 cents better.- Pork quiet at tl8 S7$18 50. Lard steady. Cotton dull Uplands 14Jf cents: Orleans 155$ cents; sales 1,000 bales. : Spirits Turpentine quiet at 4743 cents. Rosin quiet but firm at 13 40 for Strained. Freights dull. - k. . -i Niw Yoitz, May 1 Evening. financial. - Money 45 cent, premium.' Sterling Ex change 110Kll0&i". Gold 111XUIK. Tennessee d's old 67X; new 67K. Virginia 6's 683 : new Issue 7L Louisiana's 67; new 67; levee Vi 73; 88 85.' Alabama 8's 101; 5'a 70. Georgia 6'a 82 ; Tb. 88. North Carolina 6's 47i; new issue tzx oouia uaronni o i; new 61. Governments closed steady and a fraction higher. Stocks unsettled. Southerns very dull, but Tennessee's strong. Commercial. 1 Cotton steady and demand fair sales 2,509 bales at 14 cents. Flour Southern a trifle better; common to fair extra $6 60 $7 00; good to . choice $7 05$9. Whiskey 93 93f cents. Wheat 13 cents better but quiet Winter red and amber Western $1 51K $1 54. Corn scarce and 1(32 cents better, an 4 selling at 7981 cents. Rice quiet at 8X9 cents. Pork a shade easier at $18(2)$ 18 50. Lard a fchade firmer kettle 115 cents. NSval Storea quiet. Tallow unchanged. Freights heavy and lower. , . Cincinnati. May 1. Corn 57 cents. Mess pork drooping at $18 $18 25. Lard dull and unchanged. Bacon firm and In fair demand clear, rib cents. Whiskey steady and in moderate - de mand held at 87 cents. , ' : '- Baltimore, May 1. ' Flour quiet and steady. Wheat firmer and active nrime to choice red. $1 70$l 90. Corn steady. Pork $19(3$19 50. Shoulders 8 cents. Whiskey 9293 cents. , FOREIGN MARKETS. L i LivxBPOoYft,ftMay 1 Noon Cotton Uplands 7K7d ; Orleans 1 7Kd. Sales of 10,000 bales. Market opened dull. Corn declined to 83s COMIlVrEIlOlX,. WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE, May 1. There were no transactions in Cotton or Na val Stores yesterday, the day being observed very generally as a holiday. . - ARRIVED. , 1 Brlff Waltham, Ilaskell, Charleston, W fcyorth. . CONSIGNEES , Ter W & W Railroad, Mayl. A Oldham, G H W Rnnsre, Willard Bros, W R French, W, C&RKR Agt, B Wei.l, Supt M Dillingham, G R - rench, J S Topham & Co, Aaron & R. Sol Bear & Bro, 8hrier Bros, Express SB Co, W H Turlington, Agent N T 8teamrs, T U Lewis, Williams & Murchison, "Willard Bros, Worth & Worth, Edwards fc Hall, C J Old ham, Sprunt & Hinson.I M Cbason, Adrian & Vollere, J B Hngglns, Yick & Meane, Bass & Scott, E Murray & Co, B fc F Weill, T H Smith, J M Graham, P Murphy, J M Hender son, Mclntyre & French, E G Parmalee. EIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the City Post Office, May 1st, 1871: - - A Frederick Atnory.Ctlvln Arlis. B Mrs Edy Bryant. Harrison Burtt. Isaiah Brown, Joseph Bnrke. Miss M S Benton, Miss Magpe ttrooics, miss Pony ! Brown. CN B Carraway, Wilson Carey. D Mrs Sally Dunstan. E Miss R S Ellis, Wm Ettinger, Capt Wm English. - FB A Fleming, W Firman. G Wm Green, Wm Gorman, Lavinia Gra ham, Ellen Glavln. Allen- Gillespie. ' " H Decatur Hanklns, Patrick Hoiks, Peier tianay, J vy Hodges, John Howard, James Hanaon, Henry Harris, Harriet Hargroves, Zimmerman Howard. " "i i - - - ': J Miss Maria Jones,' Laura Jane Johnson, Miss Jennie Jones, 3eo Johnson, Carrie Jones, Hon a o iones. - . . K Mrs Z H Kitchen. . - L Miss Eliza Ann Lucas, Pavld H Larkins, Geo Lee. Pombev Lontr. Solomon Lnmr M Mrs E JMrri8, Peter Mltcheil, James McCartney, KobtlUcEvey, Thos B Myres,T u jaoore. , N Sarah Nash. i.:'..'i: -O Miss C A Owens. ; V, , , Vy P Miss Annie Powell Jas Pusen. , R Gibs Rl?ht. J J RW&n. Mrs Marv Rowe S Mrs A M Smith. "Frank SeUartf, Rev J B amith, s d Smith, Mrs Leander smitn. . TMlss Emellne Temple, Frank Toomer, Andrew Tnrneff? Emerson 1 Thorndlke,' Miss Emily Murray, care Nancy Thomas.;- - ?;' V J K. VftncrnlUt.. . . ... ' ' WOKoa wc' ima "Fannin Waters. James Williams, Unlce Ward, Mrs Clara Watson, C RWmr Mlu Pnmfnrt Ward. : ' 1 '; ; " ' ' ' - I' Y Amos York; 2. t - , . . Persons calllns for letters in this List will please say "Advertised.". Will be sent to Dead Letter. Office at' Washington, D. C, in 80 days, If not called for. v v . J : -.y, .v;;(i,v.ED. r,;brink; p m.: WilmlnKton N. C. May 1, 1871.' 1 Ar t if ic ial Sp e rm. THE UNDERSIGNED, a practical manu facturer, has lor the past 12 years expert mented with and compounded Itjbiiioatinq Oii. lie has succeeded in producing an Oil which has withstood every teat, and warrants it not to heat or gum, and as durable as the best of Sperm. Judges cannot tell ft from the latter oils either by sight or smell, as it is almost transparent.- He- warrants every gallon ; and it may be returned, at his-expense, it not -satisfactory.1 Actual experi ments has demonstrated the fact that one oil ing with Hall's Sperm is as good as two with anvotheroil. ') This Oil is espisclailv adapted to the use of Locomotives, as it la a very clean oil. - If rail road officers will notify him, he wiU forward 5 gallons free of all charge, if .they will give it a fair test, as he is satisfied that hlsoil hasno superior. s ... . " .i.' ' - TO : ' L. C. Jones. Pres. F. ft Coal Flelds.Railroad. Fayetteville, N O.; Jna Shaw.Pres.B.C.AIanl Co., rayetteyllle, N. C: CoL J. W. Leak, Pres. Great K ails Man. Co., Rockingham, N. C. Delivered m Fayetteville and Wilmington. N. C, at $1 25 per gallpn by the bbL, nochareo for pkgsj.j less than a bbl. $1 60 per gal., extra cbargttforpkg. - ; - H. G.llALL, - - . : - Fayette villeiN.C. marctiS-eod3m-Frl Suit Wed . .vtK -v.r'llotice,- Wot zj rjlll lime, for listing City Taxable has been extended to, the 10th flay of May; 1871 Air property not listed by or before", that day will be listed as DELINQUENT and required n doubll tajc thereon; . v, jr. ai SILAS S. MARTIN, 'J Mayor. Capl30-2t HEIIEY T. HELIIBOLD'S COnPOUITD ELXTIl) Extract Catawba . , . , - . V : ; - V. ....... .. ... .. . GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts -Fluid ' Extract Rhubarb 'and Fluid Extract Catawba Or ape , . : . I Juice. , i ' FOR L1VEU COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE, BILIOUS AFFECTIONS, SICK. OK NKU VOU3 HEADACHE, COSTIVENES3. BTa PURELY NEGETABLK, CONTAINING NO MERCURY, MINERALS or DELETERIOUS H These ant pn: masrnesia. etc There Is nothlns able to the stomach.; They give tone pAnsfi neither nausea nor srrlDintr pains. 3 buunt ouu pains. They a m nnmnngiul rt t.hfl AnMxtilurrmdlerti. " After & few days use of them, such an invlgoration of the entire system takes place as to appear mi. racnlous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from xmpruaence or aisease. a. . liexmDoia 8 iompounux iuiu x,i,r;vuoun uB Grape Pills are not sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar-coated Pills do not dissolve, but pass through the stomacl without dissolving, nnTtdfennantlv do not nroduce the desired ef fect. THE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, being pleasant in taste and odor,, do not necessitate HIGHLY COHCSITTEATKD OOXrOCKD v . FLUID EXTRACT SAB8APABILLA Will radically exterminate from the system 8crofula, Syphilis, Fever Sore., Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, bore neaa, kers, Running from the Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancerous Affections, Nodes, Rick ets, Glandular 13 wellinga, Night Sweats, Rash, AOiibCl, UULUUftO Ui nix x.AJftv.i9. u.v...w matism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that nave been established hi tne system xor years. , Iielner rtrenared exoressl v for the above com plaints, its blood-purifying properties are m-ARter thah'fe.nT) other nrenaration of Sarsa- narilla. It erives the complexion a clear and healthy color and restores the patient to a state or neaiin ana purity, i orpuniymg wio hlnod. Temovinsr all chronic constitutional diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, and the only -reliable and effectual known remedv lor tne cure of Pains and Swel ling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the Troat and Legs, Blotches. Pimples on the Face, Ery sipelas and all; Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, ana jieauuiying tne complexion. M HE NUT T. UELMBOLD'S ; CONCENTRATED FliTJID EXTRACT BUCIIU, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Irritation of the Neck of the Blander ana inflammation oi tne Kidneys neyi r, R( Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, . tention ot Urine, Diseases of the Prostrate B rick-dust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Dis charges, and for enfeebled and delicate con stitutions of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms : Indisposition to Exer tion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Diffi culty of, weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness,' Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassi tude or tne ainscujar system, etc Used by persons from the agf of eighteen to twenty-live, and from thirty-live to fifty-five or in tne decline or cnange or Jlre : after con- ilnement or labor pains ; bed-wetting In chil dren. B HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU is Din retie and Blood-Purifying, and cures all dis eases arising from habits of dissipation, and excesses ana impruaences in me, impurities oi tne Diooa, etc., superseding copaiba in af fections for which it is used, and Sypnilitio Aireetions in tnese diseases nsea in connec ion with UELMBOLD'S R03U5 WASIL .. LADIES. ' ' In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the EXTUAC1 BUCHU is nneqnalled by any other remedyas in Chlorosis or Retention, lrregu larly, Painfnlness or Suppression of Custom ary Kvacnauons, Ulcerated or scnirrus state o' tne uterus, leucorrncea or wnues, steru Ity. and for all complaints incident to the sex. whether arising from Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It is preset ibed extensively bv the most eminent Physlelans and Mid wives for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of both sexes and all ages (attended with any of the above diseases or symptoms). O H. T. UELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU C trass Diss as S3 Akisihq vaoic iKPBxnDBjrcxs, 4 nBiTS or Dissipation, Etom In all their stages, at littlo expense, little or no change in diet, no Inconvenience, and no exposure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Instructions, Preventing and Curing Stric tures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and In flammation, so frequent in this class of dis eases, and expelling all Poisonous matter. - Thousands who have been the victims ol In competent persons, and who have paid heavy fees to be cored in a short time, have found they have been deceived, and that the " Poison" has, by the use of v powerful astrin gents, been dried up in the system, to break out in a more aggravated, form, and perhaps after M arriage. Use HELMBOLB'S EXTRACT BUCHU for all affections and Diseases of the Urinary Or gans, whether existing in male or female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE. r Henry T. Ifelmbold's Improved " ' -Rose Wasli. : ;, cannot oe surpassed as a FACE WASH, and will be found the only specific remedy in every species of - Cutaneous Affection. It speedily eradicates Pimples, Spots, Scorbuitio Dryness. Didurations of the Cutaneons Mem- Drane, etc, uispeia Redness and Incipient In flammatlon. Hives. Rash. Moth Patp.fiea. nra ness of Scalp or Skin, Fi ost Bites, and all pur poses for which strives or ointments are used ; restores the skin to a state of purity and soft ness, and lustres continued healthy action to the tissue of its vessels, on which depends the oggiccttuio clearness ana vivacity Of complex ever valuable as a remedy for existing defects Of the Skin. H. T. Helmhnld'a Rasa Wool, ,.,, long sustained its principle claim to unbound-. u patronageoy possessing qualities .which srendtr .lt a Toilet Appendage of the most oupciiauve wm congenial character, oombin. mgin an eiegant iormnia those prominent xiuaiws. Baiety ana emcacy the invariable accompaniments of its use as a Preservative .and, Refresher of the ComnlBTinn- it i excellent Lotion for diseases of a gyphllltio ; . tut u uijeeuon ior aiseases or the urinary organs, arising from habits of diss! Bation, used in connection with the Extracts uchu, Sarsapanlla, and Catawba Grape Pills. in sueh diseases as recommended, cannot ba CtUU D 'O Ul OOI Vlft . Fnll and explicit directions accompany tiie medicines. " - Evidence of the most responsible and re liable character furnished on -application, with hundreds of thousands of Jiving ,wit- uvoaco, ami upwaruui ow,uw unsolicited cer tificates and recommendatory letters, many eminent jmysicians, Clergymen, ilmeiit.etc. Tne proprietor has never, re- ,. x -fti4 jruxn tue j act mat nis d?iot nSl114511 Treparatlons, and oo not need to be propped up by certificates. IIenr,r T' Delmbold's Genuine ; Preparations. ervaSoT4 la HENRY TTnELMBOLD3 j IAJSS.ff Pills are the most delightfully pleaa- rgatlve, strperseding castor ou, saiu, in.. Tr 'i nprA in nninins mure huuouu- JTJ0T 0PE1T2ED! AT A . I) BROWN'S Exchange Corner. THE LARGEST and HANDSOMEST STOCK OF lil l L L I N E R X v";; EVER nnnrnn r to . TIIIM , citx i .ft ,'; . : v. ' -i3 1 - '- " "i ALSO . - -- W H I T E D R E 8--B--Q O O D S Of Every Description. Corsets. Kid Gloves, uotiery, na- kerchiefs, Paraaols, : 1 LADIES UNDER GARMENTS, AHD A SPLSHDID ASSORTKBHT 0 :,. LINEN AND LACE COLLARS AND CUFFS - AND SETTS. ..-.--- ' Also, every article usually ept in a ; First-Class Millinery and fancy Store. ' TEEMS CASH ! ;'; . ;A.D, J5KUVY1N, . march 31-lm xchangr Corner. MAY, 1871. MAY, 1871. tobacco goods CAN SAVE F I EEiER C E N T. By P u rchaoi ng for Cash 1 ' D, PIGOTT, april20-tf , : , I Tobacconist. 50 Fifty Cans 50 CHOICE BRANDS' CLA.RET, V ' Imported in Glass Lafitte, St. Emillion, Morgaux Medoc, Haut r Medoe, Floirae, Richard Pere and " ; Fils and St. Julien. Those are standard brands. We buy tlfem direct from the importers and offer them at New York Jobbers' prices. Casa, can or bottle, at ' CIIAS. D. MYER3 & CO.S, , ; aplSOt - 7 North Front st. A CARD. WiuciiTGTOjr, N.s C.,' April 4th, 1871. THE undersigned wishes to acknowledge the receipt of three thousand ($3,000) dol lars, Life Policy of her husband, Thos. J. Wil liams, who was Insured in the Piedmont and Arlington Life Insurance Company. .. With many thanks for the promptness on the part of the Agent and company, I remain Yours respectfully, -v . CLARISSA A. WILLIAMS. To JUr. W. M. Stsvshbov, Agent. : . Piedmont and Arlington Life Ina. Co. The above Company, always prompt in the adjustment of its losses, respectfully 'invites' the attention of all persons desiring Life in surance upon a safe and economical plan.' Call on W. M. STEVENSON, Agent, ; aprH25 tf - 80 Market St. " . 1 1 j - 1 . 1 : Eeceiving Daily;: v lar'ge lots of r FINE AND COMMON Smoking aud Cbewinc Tobacco AND SELLING THEM AT REDUCED PRICES. SlKn of tbe " INDIAJf COLEF." i april 18-tf r i No; 6. Market S How landing;; (i; in Store : 15 000 BUSlU White and MLxed Corn, ITQQ BBLS. FLOUR, aU grades, 200 &SS Rf? and I'AQ1cnfEA COFFEE, 200 BBLS 3EFINED SDGAJIV HHDS. P, R. SUGAR, :s 1Q A BOXES DRY, SIDES, Q Hhds. Smoked Sides and Shoulders', 1 i. - JQQ BARBELS ioRKj-i if : A Q TONS HOOP IRON, 10 0 Bhl3 DfulerV Glue.r 'i' "7. f; ill': 7 - OnA B0XES SOAP, v 200 ! esB - Kf fk Bales Selected HayV s ' C1 VKwi'fX 300 'SeCOndfand Spiri,l Barr.el3 r-i. j 111 ' U rjUVIAN GUANO gQ ales Sljeetlng and Yarns, Ci -a.-....'. 100 BOLLS COT TON BATTtNG, ? rU-'o .. .. Ac.V4fv Vor sale by - WILLIAMS. MURCHISOIW april 20-tf Broina; Cocoa 'AT -T v J. O. STEVENSON; aprU28-tf jaloe aiid iim;gio:i V7c c C t c amohi p L i no , y ... . - if Composed of the First plass steamships 11 PRICE, Commander, V., ' - : ; i h . . . .. -. . . - ..i '.v i. REBECCA CL2DE, DANIEL C. CIIILuS, Commander. 17'. iU'i '..I,,, Hi- ; - " 1 , '.. (V..J. . ; :'''The SteamsMp BEBECCA CtTDE WILL LEAVE WORTH'S WHABr at the foot of Mulbery street, for Baltimore, ftn FTtTTJAY. Mav fith. u '... For Freight engagements apply to aprilSOtl .1 1:-VA.iD. CAZAUX. ; ; LORILLARD'S , , STEAMSHIP LINE :. . , : r h - . . for-; :' '.' ' ; SAILING TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS FROM NEW YORK, AND WEDNESDAYS AND C SATURDAYS FROM WILMINGTON. THROUGH CONNECTION WITH ALL RAIL- ; ROADS LEADING OUT OF- WILMINGTON. : l INSURANCE ONLY 1-4 PER CENT. WMm ": NO PASSENGERS TAKEN. .. , , ""For Freight arplyto' ? - . , . t ,. -: . ; - ... ... :-. . BARRY BROTtlERS, sept 16-tf v Agents. Fhiladelphia an d Southern Mail Steamship Line. THE FAST AND FAVORITE STEAMSHIP PIONEER, Capt. VAKEIiEY ' LL RUN THE ' FOLLOWING SCHED- ule between Philadelphia and Wilmlne- con, n.v.i ... .. . . : ... .. Leaving Wilmington, . 187L Thursday, Jan. 5th 19th Friday... .......Feb. 3d Leaving Philadelphia, . 1871. Wed'sday, J an. 11,6 a m Thnrsday 28 Friday, Feb. 10 i m 54 ti ' " March 10 Saturday,. M : - tt it Saturday...... March 4 .,;-" 18 Sunday April 2 - - t , .t is Tuesday... ...... May 2 Wednesday . "17 Thursday....;. June -1 : " : 1 . ' 15 Friday ; ",;.-,?.. 80 Sunday, April 9 " Monday,' 04 tt "9 Tuesday, May Wed'sday, 24 Thursday, Juno 8 " Friday, i; July , ; . 7 w . Losurance at low rates. ; , -;" , v , j , ; For Freight, - . -: ' - s . WQRTH tb W ORTH, Agents, ' P . . Wilmington. N. C. W. L. JAMES.- General Agent, 13d South Third Street, Philadelphia. .? -. lanG-tf ., ., .! ..' . , ; Louisiana State Lottery COMPACT. Incorporated August 17, 1808. CHARLES T. HOWARD.. ......PRESIDENT. SINGLE NCMBEH LOTTEBT. . 1 - . . SPLENDID SCHEME ONLY 20,000 NUMBERS CAPITA!. PRIXE... 50,ooo. .'rp'.i- Arr';; r')T i-'-j ..ti nl 1 I. :vf ' ';" TO BE DRAWN AT NEW ORLEANS rON 8ATCKDAT, May 6tb, 1871. HOWARD, SIMMONS A CO., Comtractoss. ' SCHEME : 1 prize of $50,006 la.. ... .. .. . .fbO.000 - 1 prize of 80,000 is...,...............;. 30,000 1 prize of. 0,000 is ... 26,000 ,v I prize of -10,000 is....................... 10,000 " 1 prize of 9,000 is.....,....,, ...9,000 prize of -8,009 i8.........:;.......i.. 8,ooo .5 1 prize of: 7,000 -is... ........... -7,000 1 prize of r 6.0C0 is... 6,080 1 1 prize of 5,000 is...........;;......,.. 5,000 .1 prize of 4,0J0 is... .......;. ....... ..4,000 .1 prize of 78,000 is. ..,. 3,000 1 prize of 2,000 ia......... ...... ' 2,000 prize or i,uuui .1 1 prize or i,uuo 1 prize ot 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 l prize of : : 1,0001 . x Diizeoi 1 LWW fftftfttW V ft ,wv i t prize of 1,000 .1 prize of , lgooo ' I prize of,. 1,000 -11 prize of -; 1,000 , 1 nrlee of , 1.000 - iV I prize of r-1,000 J-are.. " l prize of 5 1,000 1 25,000 prize or i i,ow 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of . 1,000 I prise of -1,000 1 prize -of f 1,000 .1 prize of 4 1,000 ; ; 1 prize of 1,000 ' 1 prize of , 1,000 lprizoof-i 1,000 lorize of I.000 4 1 prize of 1,000 J 50 prizes of 600 are. 25,000 517 prizes of . 200 . are..... tit inn L.'S3 Approximation prizes... 12 600 j-140 prizes, amounting tov.i.t.;.,;;..... 280,400 whole Tickets, 20 j shares in proportion." Prizes payable without deduction. Orders to te addressed to Lock Box &2i Post-office, New Orleans. Send Post-Office Money ofder, or Regis ter your Letter.- - april 15-tf W. G. j& G. & Thomas, PHYSICIANS, .t . - :;r. .u . r . Once, on SlarXict , ; Street, one i Door Bclew Fourtli, - april.U-lm 7 RAIL HOAIi LJoSTJ r -Vjlvci-ycidph; company, Ovrica Chibv EKema ft Gi V.. WitMUfSTO. N. C, Jan. tt, sjj j Glianso of iScIiedule, Jn8tM TBAINS on this BoW SSN ilminaon at 6:C0 A. M. and S p ninaon at o:w A. iU and H-Mi P , lt arrive Xi The day train willot runon y -: -' 8. L. FREMONT ' ''' ftorandSuparintOft,,,, Wilmington, Jan. 22. 1871., . t , GENERAL SUPyTS OFF.C' Wilmington,) Columbia & i ' gnsta R. Company ' :1 . OK.N., March 81, Vi. Change of Schedule. A FTER TUTS Tli A TW ' OfU V vrTr,.'.. Schedule will he run by Trains on DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Dally.) Leave Wilmineton rtinlon T4viW 4., . .. Arrive at Florence... . lo-isii Leave Kingsville. ...,...... 2:2Sp'S Arrive at Florence...........; 5-44 p 2 Arrive at Wilmington......... nj p NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILYSUNDAY8 ,':v. !: EXCEPTED-) ; .. Leave Wilmimrton....-..;. ..... ....... 7-11 1 Arrive at Florence ' J Leave Kingsville 8:4!, p'S Arrive at Florence .................... n p' Arrive at Wilmington.... 6:iO A ij JNO. C. WINDER, ' Gen'l Siii)-,, march S-tf v ' WILMINGTOK; 'CHARLOTTE :::, . . : ,' '. . V ' '' '' .' . '. ; ; - AND",;. - ;j . : . ' RUTHERFORD RAILROAD. 2 4 v k i Schedule for Eastern Division, , - v General SnuerintentleiiVs Office, WILMINQTON, N. C, Feb. 16, 1871. . - 1 ....-. .t v-" PASSENGER TRAIN leaves WilmlDgton daily (Sundays excepted), at. ...7:00 A. M Arrives at Head of Road........; 4:00 r. .m. Leaves Head of Road, in Anson Co..T:S0 A. M. Arrives at WUmington.i. ............ .8:30 P. M. .- Passengers, leaving. Wilmington on Hon da js, Wednesdays and Fridays make clou connection with Stages at Head of Road, and, stopping at night in.Wadesbpro', arrive In Charlotte the next evening. Through tickets to Charlotte,- $10. ,, . , Five hundred mile tickets can bepurchaied at the Ticket Offices in Wilmington.-Lnmber-ton, Rockingham, Laurinburg and Wades boro, for Jlflem dollars. These are especially useful for business men and famines. ' Two regular Freight Trains per week will leave Wilmington at 7:05 A . M. on 1 uesday s and Fridays, and arrive, in Wilmington on Mon days and Thursdays at 5:00 P.M. ' t ' S. L. FREMONT, feb 17-tf ZT-zrChiet Engineer and Sup't. 4 MISCELLANEOUS. g-; Ty rT'"1" ' ' , :. THE CLIFFORD HOUSE, .'..: : .y y :; ANI ON I.T SAMPLE KOOM, "ITrilERE SUPERIOR SEGARS AND BOTj YV- TLED lilQUORS canalwajB be had, 15 connection with that Superior Brand of mCHIGAN CHEWING. TOBACCO. '. LlteL Eurnished Rooms, by Day, Week or Montt. oct lo-tf . - !j. a.' Clifford, prop'r. L-.7. vi Ebfflncs,i Boilers; Satr; Grist -' , r y . i flf. v..'!." 1- "J I and Plaster Mil!?, Castings, Steam" Pumps, 'Wrongly Trnn T'inn and ''Sron'm Fit'tinTS, 3dJ ' ".v"..."."!!!!' ' r.r, ' 'yii ' - r .--.intrls,.. n-'V' f : m iiii . ... O ssp 1 .;'' "ji ft GO , j:' I : w 8 l: ' W SEND FOR CIRCULARS. april 9-8 AFOmos