.... Saturdays May lo, ,1871. ; V .j . .. -- r . ..reaphrfdrtrit! it writ" 4., ... ,... rf their paper. - - ' -ifiCVJ'l'JtV- (-.'. A7V , LiAMA lliAX 77.'.! Y LVF '' ( 7ulr -vn;;::'t. ';:: rriirjsii- v OfiTlf CAUGLUiA. . - - v - ate of aftotJicr and r.anzhter. lliCfWiJe vof-Hr.- Ilenry Tic3n iMeV ist.,.juy morning at his residence,' corner. JlWrfr street and, Grabara avenue, AViU jUibSg, and when her death, was an iU1,ce,j to her mother, Bho too, expired, f oni tl combined effects of fear and grief, ' crinduced by - the following circom stances On Thursday night last, between the hours of 11 and. 12 o'clock,' three ; or four fellows effected aaicntrajacoUc-' Mts. offAn's sick chamber while she was alone witS her aged motber.P Tir ibtenlion a,i it appears, to rob the store below by . . i i : 41 t -i . -i -I secreting iacuievu luo uuuryomijiu Mr. Biegan' closed up.his business for the iiht. -Their -tintimely , "appeiraoce so edited and alarmed; , Mrs., Biegan and her mother that they- screamed and swoon ed Their screams caused the, marauder ,o"beat a hasty retreat and ,, brought -.lit. Biegan and others from the 6tora . to- the scene. ' At this time the mother 'and daughter, were, completely prostrted,:an,d, although every effort was, made- to rally them, they, expired at the time mentioned; Mrs. -Biegan.waa only twentyfour years of ne. She leaves two young children.' Her mother was iar advanced in lire, and aAlClliu The miscreauts who are-v responsible for the above melancholy-- occurrence, iire'" 'at large ana,unkno;wp.;. x'.-ix. r- ;., Anot er Skeleton Fr.nU la. Pompeii. Another skeletoa haa- been addedjto the interesting collectiorr of ' the; MUseum of Pompeii in which tli ere are now; tho Te maios of six of th&-unhappy ' victims ' of the erupVoo.' Tlio bed of ashes in which this sixth skeleton was found oHralhef wbicli preserved the impress of it, though mixed with lapilli, gives th"forml bf . !ho deceased with an" exactitude which iar surpasses that observed in any other ih stauce. The head is preserved to perfec tion, and the legs and feet so 'well finished to leave nothing to-desire. Apparently, the lorm is that ot a man of the lower class in the flower of youth. In his flight he fell backwards, and bis agony la atronglyJ expressed in the contortions of hisiace, and in the convulsive clasp' ot i -the -left hund. The discovery excites especial in terest, at a time whenfVpsuvius is again in full operation. -! Up to the 2Cth of March the volcano had ceased .almost to ba active fa ten days; but since that date it -has been putting out great torce' Frorja the new cone a stream of .lava- descended tot the foot of- Vesuvius on the i3d of April, while the grand -cone, which t has never been completely silent, fbrexi oii cInmlas A letter from, Paris . saygrWe -hope against hope, in awaiting a bloodless kter. mination of the drama: ; omtxx areiibe ginning tp take.; an . active part, and," ac cording to all past experieacetpt-- French revol utions, yt h enever the A f gentler ,'uzt rouso themisel ve3 to d'oi man-'a . cruellest work, the ebd is sure to be a sanguinary one. lCit6yennesnleet nightly in solemn conclave at their different matries, and is-1 sue appeals ana inflammatory, placards. "When our fathers' swords km hacked and broken, when our sons and husbands have litten their last 'cartouche,-' our" place will be upon the , barricades; Twftl ; picik "Tind shovels, ahd,iupoDtne. itfttos-hn stones to hurl upon the foev J So runs the concluding sentence of ne of thej 'Jasjt ol their appeals printed on very, red paper to designate the red a ess -bf "their 'sentiments. Othere propose plana tdr a more i elaborate system of btirricades7 suggesO'ng the plant ing of mines at the corners 6fhe streets, so as to burn ali'Parii simultaneously in a Sardanapalian heap jl TUih lnlhe event of failure or defeat "v ' -' ',,. , ' Mrs. M; O.' Urown delivered a tectre at Alexandria, 'V'afew dayssince, in which she said: Eve was taken from the bosom of man ; the djevH.Boon took possession of Eve, and can?" T ler to brjng forth Cain. After he was 1 -rn ihe-aVoke to herfain. nod then broc; f.rth Abel. What: the devil delights in v t'-UrfllcT children. hr0t beccrcs t!; rnd he trans TTc .ai Chid nits her sins to .J" been since tb wc;l ' : lusts or ttab, ar 1 ' brutallylreated.-. it v. longer. Woman wc- ' nan. He would no I "tend to and mir." J. a pr: ' iotlael i taurdcred i&pd-dnotb"3dmwcl- rta1 cD..frotrtJ ::iT3';bcrrttt vd.hita: Tfie, nlTidi God urtti of children MC0minr r.hilrlron w. 1 M would sow the seed ..i-vas dia-J P"u ui iQe meanness ox :a Uutton op their pockets and r ' - ib their ives that they had not a t ; i alfo iigthcm enough money t . .y;:t iglCa J . UUKt Aai was iirjf csv:e.ol so nuch stealing in thc.wori !j Mc: LctaJiaxV 'tcal money to f ro ' ' - '-th; : fortIbev - ''- the vice: trahsnvltt flowed aoy rar .i(Jf. f Chel nksif, '.r puree; - : . r-H ir One oD, l.ri J4rcfeulU oT-the yplusofldcr ! )ut New England 'Vuat cla$3 h-Jighlj-propersec'.: . ped itsclt in that hl3 known as C1r tbpersj." '"Peri put8,at .- tit t f.l 1 s ' t i: pon ' the TOonoftLoJ: x; .luaUtiea "6 u,ven cLeac, r.3 c.; tLa churches, we HiJl .I 8ay Bce sto- Tiiisas while tin ; .WB 'Dfluence of their or ; -Oneofthe SrCS, 0f c.idcr tip&iaw ) Hit; trani- nin . iaing3 to tne stcr.. ; c r an tap. "B beverase. Hence. whrW the staid SSf.?l.ak W checks of the hiM 4i.vl'lulf wemuy Jotlne fruitTofa buierefor. the lar? wvA.'nl.':,.':j ' r ." l i. i--44-t''.i ,--Tiu hiaf' Ander?? .9 Monday shipped, irom lUL ftrberne3' the'fruit3 f one ri,, S fr.m his patch Of cearlv sT,hn. ae ofCtKC! The- ca,ture of strawberries ial' ck trafl. ? ?.es ol the ada fPA. -oiore can be fr. "ia jciuiiy. More can be -44 previous to. ine enocK; tna caused ier Jeath was greatly exhausted by incc9Fam1t ; MISCELLANEOUS. - v :.7 I ;:! J A;,C .0 B I , A. X -E ! Guaranteed to excel all others in hnp.- ami material. Be sure to ask for T 'II E J AGO H I A X , Eye ry , , Axe , XX a r r a nte d 4 For sale at - NATIl'L JACODl'S U Uardre Depot,o .Market 8t ' Ab DmIwi TIiroqgliOH , the . 6taMteH ...... . . . ' ... .. , - . .-" .'.. .. ... , . I Plows. Oar In atvl- oml fnr ; - X. large ana well assorted stock of Spades, Shoyel, foj-ka. loes, aad all f; v A rlcnltiarjj 3:ooLMmd a fall supply i lv ot the most approved styles Qf Mechanics' ToolsnaratmneVat Hardd 1 s ' r NATIl'L J ACOBI'S . Hardware Depot; No. 9 Market St. - 31.DDI.K9, VHAIINES WHIPS, is. . Jfpr.galaat - . NATH'LMCOBl'a fi ; r; " llardware Depot, 9 Market St '- ' 1 v '.' " ""' " -'i'f ? A V tltTNS, PISTOLS,' POWDER, SHOT, POW IT der flaakaGameJBagarSliot EftHr part ridges, Ae.ya complete assortmenv " - Fov-sale at -w . . N A-TIl'i. J ACOBI'S , , 'Hardwaro Ddpot, Scr. Matket Stl . ; dec 13-tf s , '- - ty i t-;?);" a t ;.'. ki Something-Yon Ought ta Have I NOW READY ! - .... ;, . ... : .-V ' n :? r :- t , " ... . Harpel rTpgraph ; i i BOOKaOFvSPECIMENS, Ah Exckkxikqlt Ch kap xhd Yaltzabub MAkcAx. I V - v V - ! Jnf pXATioji;aji1 IioA)ttoki'AiCll . " Colo&s, BsoBzsa, botm tob ' i - f TBI 178B OP POINTERS, AMATEURS, PUBLISHKES .y m . BUSINESS MEN, AND PEOPLE OF ; -y TASTE GENERALLY.' ' NE ARLY an entire year haa been consumed In unremltttug labor and superintend ence to produce this. lokTb press work alone (done almost entirely .with type forms made up of the cboio6t- Hd- latest produc tions of the foundries, etc) Amounted, to 616, ooo impressions, to produce a innltea eaiuon. i ne vook. is new ideas FTJfltn grade paper ; contains "upward of throe hun- I - irea imperial octavo pages ; nas larger sneets Infolded and numerous embeUUhments, tte. I in addition to the resrular matter. ' Price to subscriDere until January 15th. 1871. 1 (after which an advance will be made), for the nenu eaiuon. onnieaon wniLS Daoer ana i undinsuDer cloth, with bevelled covers. ' 8T8?fdttfoiSoles.winteao tra flash-tinted paper, and elegantly Ixrana in f Calf or Turkey morocco antique, 81U per copy. 1 Ch n nrdr n r i r fri r T tTo in na t i 7t 1 cash, a P. u. Order, or Draa on Cincinnau or I ?t Dbrdera iaa'be accompanied with f iStSSSfc -S2t ehar6e9 WiUl b? :a4letl to price tr oooe. ... - fv.' Parties desiringf their names beautUaHy stamped on their books will. Bfind 6U.ceaU J OAili ' I Those wishing further tnfermattoirconcerir lng thia tqlmn wmJpleaseMares twiUi Staihprthe publlSTier,. .'Aj.V'P81' V HABPELi I Typographic Designer and Printer, , 6S West Foil r th Street:Cinclnnfl.t.l. I i h1 . ;. . , . . :. I eU I'll . j f , -... I fSnAni ol YT , OUoCllIiJJ V wiir; : To Consniim iiitMeK; feTclacco. 7C7-OJbR ATMNTIONliP called to iVrAt7T aCTreTnttlarlco" I TO BrArOOO f E GARS,!' i .'at..; u - - 4- .i .'-4. , -i TIlTl?Ii,i WTVfVtl 13 i- I W Uf a I 1- AI 1. AL, J ... . , r- tVA : -;- -; -" . - 1 ' f rrxv---fr -t-f r r r8.tf - " ' "-ftn NoV Market StC ' may v;Jflfti:jolinsbn,H''' THE VERT LATEST STYLE D F HAT Out ? i EGIiTSU BljaXrOllYAES, ' .-. 'iTJTfTtnzy 1 nn j 1 imported CiOOllS, made UP in 4 L ' " ;t ' r. r.',.. ryf J :.Y... 4 iU. EiUfMAIl At AlliVM J OA JL AX spttiScovEiiorM - mayll-tf CITY CLOTHIERS. Stqjekgener ,7ante.d,,X RITTEALJ9ATIOJf fo?tposition of Storekeep effor tn e Wilmington Co-opera- L tfv A aarviai Iftn Set 1 -r(T1 K. .analirail h Vi4k I J t - - - f . J i- , , ij.a. uaivui, jrresiaeni. ewebnd batheCapltal Stoclr;"of,the Association, and i payable on or before the ?4th lnsWto ':-;;U7uv;rDAiD'PIGOTTi- Corn ! Com - t- . a. fc " - rr T?noli XVh 1 r n rl f ! ir A1 fVira... tT in i in .ir'r-i. r. T 7 . ' . M M W r .... . . . ;rGpirit)IJaiTels Vd 300 Selected Second-Hand, ..Oil 1.X..-1 Ad.J ..xortsaae uy ;v.. i;?;x Ml !t t (. m. T t. . .. ; . ; " . ; . - ; - . .r v. iresn, eieffanx, aemonscrauveoi i , f vvn AAr(JLN .uivuvuiujv yiiwiiuaMui uiuiuuutu l i Rt . -s ii- i v F v ' r i . i 2 r i and at the same time fit to'be ore 1 rlnYnittfnit 5TinVi3Af4Jt TTAtrr Tr any library. It. Is printed on hi2h UCUUDlllDi DuTuDU S ilBW iUlDlirJiiluULS. V-vw on 1 a -m - . ' 4 . - I v - . V f "i'lU f-ti POll rifTfc rT'T V' .. ': . iWILLLAMS A MURCHlSONr, ESaH. . arraLK ... may(mflf),vi u -,f,-nr inavlfctfi cior.irarEet and Second sts.- 4 VSHW&WvW NEWAIDVEHTTSEMENTS e win uieri au aavemsement O N E M O N T II i 1 ; tn Thirty-thrcps Firsts 4ss LJi'-.' ! Including Five Dailies. . - : " We refer to the publisher of this paper,.to AuvertlMlncr Aurntn. - 40 PrR Uow, New' YorK.' II 0 1 CRT-VK ftf !J f? r Papers for Ud,Eerereens. Shrubbery, (it sorts for Ilalbs, Vlnep, Ac. end lor ca alogucs to xj. a. D iflNSON Pittsboro, N. U. 1826 ' USE the-Vegetable 1870 PVLMONABT BALSAM." Fragrant Sapoliene Cleans. Ivld CUovea ad all kinds of Cloth irrrtiCi vuiu u uiuv, uxcou, acm., auiin- stantly, without the least injury to the finest fabric Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Fragbaht Safolibitb Co., 33 Barclay gt., New ,orfe Ljaaf f fr ff ; Buy the Apple Parer, Corer and Slleer. Price, 2,pjy,-r, ;.-: .,;:;,.. , C- A A DAT FOB ALL with Stencil tPXV Tools. Address, -A. E. GRAHAM, Sprliigflold Vt. Q Q Q A MON TH, Horse and Carriage fur DJdCitM nished. . ExDenses raid. I. shaw. .! Agentd ! Read This ! 'W'lOTI1 i AGENTS Am SAX Tv ATtlTof $30 per week and expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell our new and wonderful inventions. Address, M. WAG- CUT THIS OUT ! And send Twenty-five Cents for a Ticket and draw a Watch, Sewing Machine, Piano, or some article of value. No blanks. Sixfor caof " THE GREAT SECRET That every Lady should possess. Infallible. Price, 50 cents. Address Box 81, Richmond. Ta. lv aprll 27-SAF4W PIAH0S! ORGANS ! NO. 435 BBOOME STItEETT NEAR BItOADWA F, N. T. . C. Ms cTr cmaino Br o. , - - MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN PIANO FORTES. AND AGENTS FOB THE Burdett Combination Organ, U. . . ' J . ' . Greatest SUCCeSS Ol the Age! ' -. . . . ; miTPvi.c,n.oi,i I ."fjr"0'1"0: piANO FORTES are noweadv at toVS forash; ?0,T ?ea?y &t lo w price8 The New York TndepedderU of Sept. 16th, ays 0f the BURDETT ORGAN : tru Aehad no Wehated'in'srument b?ouht uhcherf! rrhir.o.nii nnYi4. i, had op Wrtuity r.i flfrofno4 nrrt. fhifVerfm If ViaV 'nnniialMAii tstands withouta rival. """" fiT1 Ur ivf ; - The ereat Increase In the inle of mVimtni ormmvfll hnf nTthaoftaHiKvlw AAiAAt V 4 ments, has enabled us to rednce our prices for - ' FIBST-CUaSSl PIANOS, 1 . - ' ' ' "VUl tCU IA l TT CI1LV-U.TCJ JJOT- CCUl. ltJS3 Ul&Q BJiy nflmi. hAnaA rnfTerlho tha ooma itlaea ln.4. While we act upon the maxim of quick sales and small profits," we make .lt. at the same time, a special object, to furnish our customers witn iniruments in no way inferior to tho ! CSt I IT the T-latket. x ynisa t y y a t, ijai : t ; r , many iamiiies nave naa a aesire to ODtain a pl$nb but could not afford to pay the dealers aprodt of from $100 to $300,: neither do they that would COSt more to keen In rena.ir than U 13 wortn. hence a large class of our music lov- fromM0to250. New Cabinet Organs, 45 to 11,000. PRICE LIST SENT TO-ANY ADDRESS. C. M. TREMAINE, L Jne6-SAFtf Riiuvi?v? rriHE only perfect dollar engine, vltn Stiver PjatedFly W heel, Piston, Cyl- lad.takmgBteAmatblbtn'endsr, Steam Chest, Brass Boiler and Lamp. All complete by mail. post pain, on receipt ox 91 ou, oy ; i ' .- - COLBY BKO'S A CO., Bt.1 K-tr fU)S Rrnnrlwa The Great Attraction ! 4 .tit , . T T!"f" f 1 f IS THE PRICES AT WHICH WE ARE SELLING CHINA, QDEENSf AEE 1HD' GLASS. rorceufcftnw itaMi&tiper. a- Porcelain Breakfast CO cents per set Porcelain Tea 1 .,- 40 cents per set Pqrcf lain Ice 'Croat! ft f25 conts pis e1 & 'We are offering extra Inducements In all goods In ouf Jine.j. t rt X3 . 3 1Y .may io-iw Aiarjcet st.,BOutaaiae- .;y y xTwpU& (q ( L.1 V v I VJ 'PX O' t "; f f . lTJ V0 ilK3UKn-(Trtlit . . i rsw.i.n.-H -r.riii great Varieiy.todfi liTciniart4 w vwtM lisejBojiaa ljuttreaiii si r A '. . -.-sj..". i. ?r:Jir r'T IO-t-t tpl PliTT RC1 setter riourinaJk x re ,siifit,i. . i v Vi . 1 J .Vi. - - vi-ctiiitto. , :Srit-telirHoo3:Ii 'SSO'NEW YllsSJIlSKl,!! !. i Address GKO. 1. KOWEI.I. ine om Bianuara remeuy ror UoughS, Colds, Consumptlcn, u Nothing bettevj jCUTWfiU BU03s,QOjestPiHI itOOU. yiliiilix can't De Dougnu. ujvkkg& if :i'inayAw-u -- a7, x ana 29 Norm water bt. AtRX. Spaviry v' i W. snrftos; aicss erarirr.'. Ul O U l"fAyV- &MM&tfiltfiZrhl&: hCklij. Front iind IoIf Bfi . Its bxan?2icAi-l. . Z j COUNTRY MERCHANTS (will :-,C?',wtt In' caUing on us anl exaiAtnliri oV StockKii? Will klve prompt personal ,attentlott' to3 the sale or shipment of - Cottoiv avaltdreav General Produce; etc, et, -Also to receivter 1 and.' forwarding goods.. cuoiwu w --vJTiVd A3- Orders soIioiWA and proraptlV ItOlea1-, ,1 sept23l-u Gmers : mm (wiissioir ::HcriH!fe. I 1 .deaiv jn. &t:mxn&QE,.:i And keep constantly, on hand- funime ftl V Ana keep constantly, c ; "i Groccricesat jow ';' WUxnmga,.'jrannaty i vrruccneea nowenaga inneea,-- - i S. NaRTHJlOT --., : : Wir: a.- Cinorrmi. And Xropretors -or the TViinvlnctou J9tera Ssw ixmavAlmlasn.O. CARGOES' ef Yellow Pine Xuiifber for any market furniahedi- .. . . . , . epeeiai attentlon-giverr. to the purchaee 1 A.!a;;neff, Oil1" ' n 0V w Aeent for:FAIBB ANIL'S CALS,' . " T 3T. I9 Front Stu ,WllliimfitxXiC,,I . June 10-tf -j." 7r-- -- fyy- i t'COTTOlU FACTORS AND GEXEttAt ICOHHTSSIQai MERCHANTS,! , No. 23 Worth -Water Strct, Jan lfrtf " .-...'.. 4 ..!- .... - i . i ' - 4 . i- r ;,,.. f': i 4. ( - v i I w. R.'BA8s.tv ' J J. BOOTT. - -. B AS SAVSC O.T.X, Cotton Factors and. Commission Her ' 'i ir J- U fent9 r. .... . North Water Bk, under Commercial Exchange Refer to E. E. Buxruss, Esq., President First xx auonai iiaaf, vx unuagxon, jm. ana uoi. jsi. k. aau, - , c , i. ;r v v : ....... t.iapu4int . i i r . I., i i - L i . ... iii' XJ5m RURGESS 3fc-CO. ; -jj.-J ! ro. B 8AI.B O All IXAnf atJEarly TewWli'Owmi and Drfed; Frnlta, Oyitera;FJato v i ' IfntBV Xsra;s IIldeB, FwM, c No; 158 :V JlfliEir, Am 4 - -iJ MANUFACTURES AND E DEALER "IN ' Hardware, Guna, ! Stores, Pinnps,' Kero Bene Oil, Tin and Sheet lhVjp-L & -' . T ROOFING DONE afotjW r -12"::;., .... w . il.fl -' - -". wwrta.Tt.wPTn.IT',,, . Bank of Commerce; MV1.V Williamson Whlte head, Fayette Keena.nsvllle. Bluff, N. d WillaraBrjd.VWnjiiing apru lizw- smoa ,ea.,.. .........sri r -i . 1 i . - 300HHEDS.- it ,14.1". 4 if ji to s-s n?.-.4.;vt.'.';-. iForsalepx :.t..jJ. rXnBJrQ&-tit C4 i- ji-ji A WILLABD BRO?.if t ' -' ' - t IT J -4 ..... .... lifi v- ryuns favorite reO.m now opeitAor JL' the Summer. jRefreAment$of -au -kinda constantly oa ihahd.amQnisrwhicA-nax-iPO 3nent4pae4 1V1 if r. ,..,nw!T: LAJGEB BEBB; ALE, F ICJ&CRBAaT, STRAW, Bowling AlleF-Attocne" in fAcr, Werytli)tog?TjL)Wfee contribute, to the comfort ATiAiimtartamment of ylsltdrsiandtJie'?Pr6priee;t m"m,.,v,. tiS'mw all man&wwm f- ;mh-- ". .'J ..,.tM.lt.i JUSTiraCEIVE y, A NICK ASSQRTLKNT OF.u..a - ".. .. .'.: IS -Ji"4f t ' '-.MI J . - ' '-- FOR. ? " , - ' Ieiv Yontlis' . and: ChlldreiL -- ' r . jirnfto tf iirbtntiir. il - r , .... a ... .r . . - . w ii.i. a t ...... T . i !a.rrii 14-tr . ; : j,o. a Aona itoth cu. - s - i - ; ' ' T - ". " , ..i- ' '. TfliT Jlllj nil Li I n P Q fni 1 AiUfl.imii.1 u r i i ... .iJBYtrfKt- -.. j 1 J f j r ( h ? i - ------ - - neu MenvTieien nnOJ-frranalenfrT UllAtliiJSiS a lli AND REASONABLE. corner of Second, Wilmington, N C. O lieu, Zlay .lst X871i KITIGH apl27-tf O ; JL" lricsrporaipcr Angnst 17, 1S08. ARXET;(Tn0WARD ui..-t. .4 i'.. i - . . f . : t -i .v r - - -i : T,W.'V. 4,- SPLEND1DS(IEMENT20,OOONUMBERS f50,OOtU TO . BE DRAWK.Aa NEWiORLEANS' ON i.- j--t i " . 20.008 Kimtors Titt Only $28." t l prize orooooo is.v.v.,...........fbo, 1 1 prize of r so.ooo ls.vl!l,!:.fck..!rm m 000 000 1 prize of 20,000 taw-,........... 26,000 8.000 I prjzaoi.7ijrtMr.4is.,.i...,.v..-.J 7,ow I pxie.of Yft a;i..Jii.i,jai.ivi-6,ooo 1 prize of k.WOO llja,rt!wMMk,M1.il 5,000 1 prize Of A.0J0 Is. . 4,000 i prize or b,ooo is...;..; 8,000 1 prize of r v. 1,000 jipiizeof 1,000 1 1 prize of 1.000 1 prize of I,eoo 1 prize of 1,000 fl-nrtKnf ' 1.000 lprlzeofr lo r; 3.s 11 prlxePtjo 1,000 l urizeor .u uow ."i4.....-;'t 25,000 ,ooo ,000 hoi'ov ft J iifr taf.'t t"-v o . -. f,i 000 000 l prize of 1,000 lprueof.x i,ooo 1 TrifTf 1 nftft 1 prize of..;, lWO, 1 '.C- t:''"1- a prise or J , i prize or r i.ew l txruof& llooo '.-l- 3wi i-5'i'Vli 60 nrixea of v. too are..3lt;i4i .'.If;.:.'! "&L8091 on prizes 01 - - zuu are..i.4..A.i.. ........ E3.toa m ruvA 1 - i aa Approximation prizes..,...,... 12,600 4aiBaoqffltJj4g....iv.44$ 280,400 .Whole-Tickets, 20 shares in ppoportlgn; 4 'Prlaleonl 1 ih "Lf .. OraersmeadreedW 'lt 3 . 5,T.- !- n. CHA8;'Tt-BOWARD7Ih' (SsSend Post5fflCfrMoney rder,' orRegig-i -i .,1 ar i.' - kiaitr is'. A-siri! l-TITVnUU---:.--' i . , i nm nnriyi( 4-. vy. A.y&4X 4lUi 40l(. THE ier9liiid,Beii itd acktioVlcdire i the reeefot of three, thousand fS.OOOV dol lars. Life Policy of her husband, Thoe. J. Wil liams, woo was ins urea mine pieamonr ana ArltntrtoillAfe Insurance Company. ;: i f .m:i With many thanks for the promptness 'on the part of the Agent and Company, I remain v x I Yours respeotfully, , 1 . ... , CLARISSA A. WILLIAMS. ' To Mr.' W. at. Stbvenbos, Agent, y ' ' - - , i Fledmmtan Atlton . LlftjlnSjlCo. v. The abpye Companyaltf aya. pifoiapui. t hja' idjnstnaeni of4Lta los'sesespectfHliy jivites. the attention of all persons desiring Life In surance upon ,a aafe. and, economical plan. Call job, - V) .iSTVENSpN, Agents f21.1 Ll-:nlt- . -. 1 - yl-l . J-',i 4 J ' - ' . - - ; , JUST receive; fc2argo:lotofLia f - ..s.v: r.'7.i.3ori,'-.v. i f . ,,t ALSO STRAW HATS FOR MEN,' BOYS AKD '' 11 CHILDREN.. 1 ,?yfvl lXX 4: Now 9 North Front sti Thft fianfiFfiar, Guano tfcoinnietfi TCerfiUlzeri reptesiatmg "hone and meat la prober proportions- t&ern&ar: kently Improve the land. i febl6SAFtf T i 1 1 ! 1 Chemist: ; Ofifltltetfs CSmages,' improTOueiitsO Iki i St jles and ."1 IfE ARE NOW M ANJJFACTUBINQ OYIE f f one hundred varieues or ,, andylte tho atteaAtgn of jOlByeraito.owf pieswhrangefrojn 3. to. ft4A9ifa9 TTatHniy tfiA. lnrivAof. jmanwftilFiwTti rYi mm country, we can, j compet with rany nd. 1 j takers. J Wholesale Ca'talogues'sent., to deak I ml application. , . , , f . i -ha itb t' w COLBY B .'.A. 4W v.twi.J 'mi -" t VULiii solvo at uy.m t.Capl 8-tf k ;tnf.:iiio yp.J C08 IJrbaway; 1?. T. "c K f . ..m. iun P:. .A' t- t;lfti( .VlOT'i'O nmnii-AiTGEitoona rtHE underslimed ffers 'td'tlle VMflriT.H o 1 rTTHmBiJfCon'TllTrBiliiilty airainstTbire and Marine losses by insurance upon favorable terms in the following leading companies ; SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 -1 ' ' J' ;t)f New York. i . - Of New-Tor NORTff AMERICAN F. LJ COMEANYv r Vf 7 tra ? ........... , .-"-or nartfdrd. ANDES' iksURAlNCE COMPAliV,1;: - 'flTi- - .tv v -. Of OtnCInnatl. FIREMAN !S FUND INSURANCE CO., - i . a - ? ;i.OfSan Francisco. HOME JNSURAN.CE CO.,, of Richmond ' Va. Upon desirable risks we carry full liilesj with rates as low as those of any reliable and prudent Companies. . .-'A- :-xy i JONWTLDEil' ATKINSON. -. General Fire and Marine Insurance Agent, y, No. 6 North Front Street. feb ll-tf .t 4 Capo -Pear tmd Blaclt vEivera; iTHB - STEAMER LITTl' Si Capt. C p, PADDls01V. IJ3 no runniiig regularly between Wilming ton and Point Caswell, leaving Wilmington -Taesdays, Thursdays aud Saturdays, at il o'clock A. IL, and Point Caawell Mondays, Vednesdays and Fridays at o'clock A. M., tnr-.b tTTt.i. in termediate landlnrs for paa- sengera f or i frelghty s Fare, $l--xneala extra Fret ;t charges very moderate jj . - m ' For freighter passage, apply to yayuunun. board. Isept 21-SAFtf j. prize oi ju,uw is. f........,... 10,000 1 prize ofJ''B,ooa lsf'....i..;U ,ooo a criza ox 8,009. taA i.'i I w w. . i . !ipo?CTnnea;:s p-vv 1 1 prize of i 1,000 j w Tf Jo .tjli: In;. 1 1 Prize of lwl.00d h.i! :O ,.ti :!.:.! v? : MKCELLANEOUS. XAABOXTXX X O. H-TA-iBOTT. A. TAiBOTT , f ' (Successors to Trllftf-'Tiro.y T)1: V.: Cot. Cary & Seventeenth Sts., Richmond, V'a. - " . - irAXTTTArrrmrRRS o H ' ; " ....... ill' V4 1 1. LCtJVj Fixtures,' Wrought Iron Work, Bra ss and Iron 1 Castings, Machinery of .evmxaw'cripUon, Ac. ' jan 26-SAFly . . ; j t ,. j rr. n-.r n:-, :;- f V.4 -4!4'rl4ii ff.4v i-X.J4 L.-J i'". .- J ' 'J "i i f t , 'Pr W 6 J"gTt,a,XQXLKOP.ni A91U-S-4. . !-viNiJtraiT.: 2 Hiindrcd3 cf -Thousands 2, i r BeaTttdrn04Tyto1JilrW6iierl ' ' f So, IulCwcsU Effects. . g ; , , . 8 Ji"iJW0i , ,4i9i t, ; HplrIttittnlltcf:i.9bIii:nur8aoctorc4,picei '. j. u.i J 8wecteuod ta plcasa the taste; feanodTou. !" Ios.w" AppcUacvs-'SyaicBtbrcra", tliat lcal " - ' t . t'ao tlpplqr oii'io drrinkouncB8 and rain, but r Li a rraov.MedlcinA,telo from tlieTstivo Roots and 1 rstimuiants. iiioycra inouafiAxuiiuuii j PUUIFlEit and CjyiN PHIN-. - j p'JIDVll Vail .IIV WI.WWB V v ...w . . i Yei-s' tata' Dccii iii'Q .WcSVr VSncU;JpJa 3 ,u i i eases ara caueca bj v iunteu.uiooafWu.cu, i f ' 1TA.1.iliA .Inn tltA'&lvAnlilai-a ZiMiarHs - TJartlf. . n'ssa of ti'o iiMtnpas.ur; Ernctatlpa p-rfV I $lic'jPjiaats la ta H9Vpk Bllioaa (t 1 j " I tackfl, Palpitrilon'of tho Heart, InllAinmatton.e -A A :; . AUo LungBxPaLo.la ercelons.ef ilia Kidney. and T t "a hundred other paiufal symptoina, are tUa cu-a-: y They invigorate tho Stomach and sthpnlatoths y. ;; , torpUlKeriraaiDO!Wliajl7WcniTnuiBruix.im.,4. ' i . . . . . .. .i. ,V... .M I toptrttl(3j'Aid:;iiiiTTartIaffh 4ndvltforrr3l3 -thewlibTesyltemJo -. tie t-U ..1 J-rrr Wdil , FO&llLlN:miAS,ErapttonTettBrt; I Salt KheniniBtotclitm. 'Spots; PimpVs PunUlea, : -t " t Boilf,CranelRlns-orm8,Scald-HeB.d,S6re. i 4? laJIiM.oi ftna:ni8a8ea..ttne.tipn,-r u.: r' whatever nara twratnt o. We HttoWljl ;dQR' Wl'i ,;, f and carried out of the system in .a short time by , , ! tho use, of these Bitters." One bottle In each y j cases will eonTnootUoraost lncredolo ef their v enr atwro enecis. - . ; . . Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its imparit3&bursU&4 through thk akin 14 rim 0 j pies, Eruptions or Sor4-cleanfle It when .you f ' . a. . .-J . .L.nk In 4 a. Vain! . '. t l'i:-'y !-; T - u wtt&iv wSt , ..... IS.-.,? ? i-om-V ?If-i k 1 R;atlsm' ccHST ' .4; -CI PLE a pcrrof6t:ireaovaf6r'ariaInvlzorator of ' j tfie'iystemv rW4i5"eir all jQlsonpua patter and j . ' ! rcatbrtagftwi tofooiJ to' 11 Healthy condliioni,'d- . . ecstioo, Bnie-tW,biowtefatriufiirf y - & ,V i : . ..i . ..... iii.. n. i iiiihii.ii.fi I .r.i ..-i 4 I cleaiisffltwlienltis'fouLapdTonr feelings will T v , il I . PIN, TAPE aWAthcr, RQ JtSCH;fratltlnarto. ' i the 6yt8txi,of so ttfaif thoafiatiA,' Jit efiTectuAUt , . ; r, i aebettiintitpiW J cttfemilytci$ f ; 'j. WALKER, ProprieWri;MOir4 M ;o f coDrujrgi8ttnd(AfBtJ9n,Ftaclsovl Cali,adan.d8tqpBMaerwitreVXew;rK.j 11 1 SOLD- 5jY ALL' ORtTOOlSTS 7 AND DEALERS ' ' ;:jan20-tf aym x-.i . .. . c ..... . , 38- f rtftj NOTICE !-: ' ' . 4 1 ' rjf To Moiibsio'- efh5-3- saii3fn "iU'o 3 4rawn framr th 'flifafrf 'tianttoW Otaham3 't m fconr th flrtaf-df 'CamlWUJlfsy'i Km eontihu'e VVjd' aGenerai CpiiisfoW-r 5-; aes.anafl.gtvaifpe and,, 0i Busmc .(... mv-,. I ,! 4C ,:i I insir.') 'i t ' v Commission ;51ercliait(s!7 nMll:n ; ; ; vv'iHJ ,irAEAXER3'JN'M-KA V.Z?J,ys . Mn0Cmi$HtJiilD,uCOItFSOTI0NLy i ! i .i.itiili-.:' r " "iU xufd r.n ,.: . i ; 1 i;ij ,045 ;Tln-tf4lri;?,'r'- 1 - 1 Uvf-SV TfL?-cV! 1!T:lSi:Sn;mrll iroihpt.altentio01 hej?nwUaelUMialedf .& , f . aUklndaof CantfytPrddiice; nfi Mswi' i ' 'PEOITIGIOnsr'Ur. : ';i . TrrCAVY1 Vty M:s&pdf A . SUUtUUCn UA1U.9 AA(A MVJLCO J fc'ijr , 1 Sides, hhds. and i boxesjmoked Western ;,' - Shoulder, hftds,L.6mokea westerji uio ! - YL i ' i' a. . t tr . i tlarces. barrels and tubs. ,i ' .::; ' J t- w Ji Sldes.,' Unas.: .lireaaiasiv ou?p i , ia.tuf , coTeTedanaked , n SyAt tuU.,M lRDFuretxijnevato and: Extra,; la. ,Jt EXTRA FINE TABLE BUTTER, tubi.- 'J J ; ; ' BEST FACTORY CHEESE, ,! M 'V '-Wf t :;Slmarie3.i;:;:';': COFFEES Java, Lagnyra, Rlo all ' grades ,' "" - FLOUR all grades ;y5UGAR3 . allxrades ; .... - MOLASSES and. SYRUPS aU grades ; ' : CRACKERS, aU'klncU,- In ybla. and,. ' 7-' .. .;toxiljmS(i Choiofi'fjtmi -: urfrt . : "' I ona'aod' Oranges ! Bottled ;'. i-'-7..;f , ' .f. , Ale xa Porter; Enigllslx 7777 ... V ' and .American 'lrf ""' ''; ' ; '-j ; ' .. ,; eases and bbls-s n 4, . . . . '.y . Chewing .Tobacco,' caddies, quarter and half v , h boxes' ; Catawba, Wine, . Choice Ectrrrr- -, ? 1 J , aoitgjt 'Iloclc ...Tea.V;' 7" " 1 (Cjkre' Jltaiplix Ejrtik : nack? uiie'x. ' ' berry Brandy, Jellies, Esscrecs, "j Iv' -i ''i f ; and Grocers Drns?,: Lye and , " , .ml ' Potaihi : ant a goneral ' " 7; . - . 'r '' ' I 1- - ass6rtment ot ; r'. ''' y'y,' ft: JJnorsi Grcccrfc Ccjari r.iitlt;: iK.i "-7'-7J .5 TotdVco.VvU7r;i7;3v(i 'For sale, at wholesale only by I: v ' aprU7-tf ADjOIAN TOIjLEjUS. k 1 -I -y a' - J- 4 : . net y v. v.w "' V ,'i,4 y I'.'-..V;'.- .1 1 ' r n 1 1 v. f. ' i 1 . ;.ni. i ; 111;' ; I ( ':.--lf:;,; ."d-i y :' n . 1 '.7;;

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