TU12 rioi:::i:.a zz:iz -. j UBLISIIE1 DAILY; ? J WH. II BEnNARD, Editor and fopr.. Orrioi, Dawson Bank BollOings, Jront St. Oaeyeat advance. 09 liir months, In advance ..........it... 2 60 Three months, in advance.... .... 3 00 one month, In advance.,.,;..... 75 U V- . . ... V V I I A I - I A i I l ':J FV iTi r,j,71'ffl ' i lit is f f!i.A 1, i 1 .V. TT .JH f f. V.I f lAJzVth:: "l"; V? IUN;: i jy. 5AJ j: f. vy - j a-aa f '1: a a ..-Uvfr T", I The Mobhiho Brxn will be delivered in any TT- I TTTTT TT "f t ! part of the City at Jttrraxs; Cts per week. V 01. ;Y lJJL--Il 0 74 ,T7iminGT0n, II. ;C.,v SUIIPAYiAtftTITE 18.1&7L -in Mi'1 Vaa CaiaBr&raciia flay, tl CO , iwoaiV81...wi, t ..1 w m three days....... 2 CO -.. t" - fonr cays,.....,,..,.. ...;... iw , ; five days," S 00 one weciu...... t U Contract Advfrtifissienta taken at bro portionately low rates. Marriages. IXAti. Tipiirir riineral and Obituary notices -nil be ltinertrt t blf rates JICTEOKOLOUICAL UECOXlD. . June 17, 187L . I! , Time. Bfferm moS Wnd:; Weathei'. "7 A. M 30:07 76 NELIghtHaty 2 P. M. 80:03 8 3 E gentle Fair li ! ' i P.M. 30:03 '80 S E Liajht Fair " a4ct JDota. Violet is Invisible by eas-light. A' The fish market wag jery poorly suVplied Mean Temp, of day; 81 deg.' '"-' Note. All barometric readings are reduced to the sea-level and to 33 degrees . Fahrenheit. , Robert Sbtboth. - Serg't Sienai Borylce U. 8. A. . Apricots in the market, yesterday at 15 cenu perartr Kw.;; ? jr,No caiesfoV trial beforettCiCburt yesterday morning. : r ! A-v'.;vV , ;. V , j Regular meetinjr ot Concord Chapter to- , - . ... . -1 xiia uuunicruust kf 1 iiiii iinir u " inn tiAintr-- Weather Report - Al IsSj"": , -, t-; w wrwjuicapur paxDersnop just now. Washington, ' .. w n v j -vw v.wouv. B Vl Vbl iilVU JUS U WAR DlKARTUXNT,.) - v.. .fn ,;-. .4ir:,',fc..;.-oi-.r Jhief 8inal . Officer.- V - - - The fitrGeorge and St Andrew Society v J"?!;1Jr:?5:?-A? i .aVarthe courts Jngat8o'clock.' Threatening and j-ainy-weather -with' Hirht " AV-' .trSM: fj -uc winds, will probably ctntlnnedurrng-to:niht ' jSfctt: restem-P.re86e fo maungaome and Sunday on Lakes Erie and Ontario, and "terj favorable imprjessions-ri'thV" Globe" is tUeDCO eastward; to ; the ; Atlantic.. ..Cloudy the bst jobber now manufactnred. M P east of toeMissl8slppVwlUi;4igbt wintts.from f fvTTTb..i.Jf.-t4?orneHtr.ormerIy -ibis THE 1 , 3 j ft II is.rumb.rfd thatudge; RdsseUL, wishes ciiuKcu muectouy: ,1 .nK.HTi.j.i UNOAr'ijifne;13;1 improvement which is , expected to have such aq important bearing opoo the; future of our and i explained tons the-, extent.' tofwhat bad already been accomplished toward bind 1h together tho twt) islanda. about which we have lately heard so much, i r'T v i ; Passing Smith vllle, the Wacfamaw; steamed Supreme Canrs., ,iyhe following proceedings of .the. Supreme Court,: in session at Raleigh, en Thursday and Fridsyi and of interest, within the local Juris diction of the Star; we find in ; tbo Telegram : ' T. Covington,' guardian,1 tV N. 6. ' Wall, 'el of.; from Richmond wis called and argued ou thr ough the channel pleading r.direetly .by. Thomas SAahevfoir Hheuplantifi; and lles Fort Caswell, at the month of the rivers Here f Leitch for the derendants;' ; 1 ; 1 it ' .x 1 many would have been glad to bave stopped jJobij C.Poe, twR)V.,HardIe, Sheriff; from and wbiled awa a brief season lhr examining Cumberland, was icailed nd., argued." John the tarions scenes of interest, which -.'are to be Hinsdale for. the plaintiff; and B.;& T. iX founi in nd around ttie fort, but t'jflepthof Fuller, Phillips. & HerrfaiooV ahf .W, $fcL.:; Vfter1' would not1 allow of a landing, and to McKay for the defendant. -. Question involved jeqhsolej, s,uch;; for their disappointment the J whether a Sheriff is liable to amercement for opat was run Qown to tue car, just outside or 1 xexaaiog io serine revisiooary interest in tnc ,whkhlay theBarkryfrn, fipm,,C9rdIff, Homestead 2,:: ,,? -..a;;,;' ,4 .,7 j ith:aioaof;raUroadjyron;foY,;thlST Hardie Sheriff,; ;al.,t the iron boll of.the;: steamship rWas!vin$Um, J iMcRao and j3ragg-fc Strong 'for the: plaintiff, which wai-tdln'olr1lTtTaVi yeaf.oelns I-wid-BTi a Foneraud cPbUlip & Mfcni- the southwest and northeast.. Partiallv ciondv r n'Pdl her. With TrPfth RftTlthArlW tl nHt la nrnlw . T,. ... .... V. " 4 . f . . - JhiTor the Qnlf coastJ J ' " 1 is now located at Salem.in this 8late. '1 J,;- Keturning1, tbe steamer landed at SmithviHe, J wneiner, pi several niagistrate's juagments whee an bbur and : aliaM as spent tei-y pleas- A dQcketed-ou' the; same day. the Judgment en-- I'V''' tyb aInTfe'nttOnerrb'mT WnMiiWrt.? Hot- """ u RonWlownvwi4ng.1 Hyvr Vy.rWrir.. - attLs I in a ; .l ii -. w.j . a a ;..?. .t, i.s I iha Brvlenn mui 4 V. a Mnmmr.i r,vi vr1 itv Over the IndTment entered at a later hnnr John DLTavlor can knock him blirber than a 1 """ . ; -r . . ; kite in old Brunswick. - - - i dob gentlemanly and eourfeous of.; XHX'A mr 'r tl3r?riTjy?' !.. flceT.Utrdnin through1 e.emeferT, '&c.V "Civil qcednrejreMgnizes !hA6pecla;e?tmg.oftheffieorge add nubert visea frtedsr.enjoyedhem- ie.JUaeUpi5)C44aj;ss,to priorItj.of-,lle S:Ani fvesbctea thetrtastQsincl; tocketedjudgments;; IH : Cpvrt House to-morrow evening at 8 octock. n-Jiuw ti? fe.... c.Jiuj m Ai.W; Merging ot wL, C; Hubbardefat, Afull attendance Is much desired; S 5 Aiuaf to' kJ Ita trbnxampnrcalUdnd set fori beartngi T ";-Keinclce.L'Arbffep :rv NnorrowHw ili-aim; U;3 ;isij5' Churebrtoiacpal' e1l0hjcWW WilbfelMa turned her prow SUasVlrsiS ! ANi; ,Thtbj ; Sthr ts. i .arT.Me .yestJdsy oy lt4JetectLo Carr, bomewardal! A Th&) vMiijXk meneeal.VThe foUowmff iaa.listV of r claimants, from o'r.-rjf (A1x9?jhl -vti rlaciA .3rti .ui j-iftli.ifO t J ued to whirl In the'giddr mazes-nntll the boat w litt havadeclarctLunder oath'- that. ! the re- . SC. Jfnines (Episcopal y,' Cornsh ThirU and M ARKiT-STKfiaTs1 f- - MorLlng Prayer at l0A.M. - -- Evening PrayerttJ PM !f tiytmlU. m OUUUaj kJVAWA s st.obti'a Corner Red Cross Sunday .School at Morning Prayer i Kvenins? Praver at P. M. mained loyal adherents tothe vgavernment of ICE CREAM i!3 1 Made of o Pore r Creamy -r v - v i (Uasonic iiall;) " ' '- SENT , TO , f ANY PART ? OF TUK CITTa I "RX.!10;3 tttmeron applicants and pu- jrAJVJi.i ... j ,.. ,i open aarm inia vammer, provided a snClci- I.UIIB DEH iB 8 ALOOH, AT I ent number of pupils enter their names be- SewentyWFlTef Centra Quart, .ilu "j. p.rueckert. fine. Linen -Thxe 'Gloves at ..rj '. T WEST T.FTfE rETffTS.1 A' .'' "t. b JS YEN T Y- P I V E O E NT S i T.hePppularBtripp Sack IM. CQ1 3IO-TIE EIYELOrE Civ POK LAWTEHS, BANKEE3, llEltCII . ANTS, Business Zen. Insurance Compa nies, Kaiiroaa uompanies ana otner ixrpo rations, for filing or mailing valuable papers, For sale at i;f!A. !J :;t, ' tune 17-tf ; lIEIKSBEBGEIfft x! 3- a 'i.Liii-Llv Book; Store, v r r -" ;"' ,. A - A. ' Osiljr Osta-DatMr and Twiity.FlVact., J ; 3 Piall03a'; 0lTwll3t 5 ouij- nunc iui6&n ulu uau uLM&dr. .jvl"w v ror sale at - ' - - . w w w e w . T . ;V , ALPACA SACKS and DUCK STllTS 5.' I c JmrtM' ' CTTT CIX)TIirRRSs 1 June 17-tf. v .4 tvr ' NowSaZTarket Su t. t, A . regular1 habit of ,body is absolutely esaeR I .V -' By .CROMI.T. A.HOnnia.V. : , J , Vit;j pnysica ueaiui juj. ciearnesa px in- telleprj vthJa alUBeanty poraon, TJ V A C U t Tl 51 K I ft!. If f cannoi cxist witaan. ;omatura4 eonaitign, ;LA.'TTi .TfT ''a ifj of the bowelsu A free passage of the ref;ap jrN SfJESDAT. toth iost: at'lo- clock A V inaner of ItnaaUmihrVwsrk 'tnese vjr- II4 1 will sell as Exchange Corner,' v Indieestion is the prtoarrcanse or most of I l?oW r, 43 and &3 ia Bt JTo&a'si Cia . tthyyrea Barw Capital Bt?ei Of tu. XJlU ,MI city through its sewers iSj necessary to jtha r xxwaraaea apaay. uoitsEB iviA.KK.jsr A-Cti jj afth oTRKi!Ts2f s JJ"" vixTtuouri f Tiuay morning oi quarreling i f""us,ve rge numoer. parucipatea tnoumtea ewtesauring me me wartH '5-ut7A snnda v Scboei at i$3- CrT :t : 3 S : jsjamps to pay ms nne, was sent to . r!f)?r r" 7 7 " ; : 'ty W ; " : - 7"VU ertUbr 0ou?gyMeu?. MWrHf Jj .sbBmiMW ffiM m n'oivrir in MAiMPaa.nlv wrt.r-fwt.r'. Wf Jt.'r-nwM'nw 1 exDerienccd. . Too ,mneht. nraise 'cannot he. i'-A , v. t, I.10101.. ".".w r7v" .7. -.T 0 ""r .1 A wnue man lost his balance acdieii over 1 - - r -"T.-"-' -Lvnwwwrwa, vuswn tvypwo-v, ilii .-.i 1 properties in ,y eeK y rrayereeung nursaay, mgnt u rVniU -k' awarded to Col. Fremont. .JUrtdeo. Bellamy,' Anson Countv.-ixoRimVram, ? Jfl5rri.f ???. ' ia: " .- . . I T.A.vit 'fii.j-f.- 'riiv.v-' 1 1 Esq.. and Mr-T. IXvMeares. Jr.. for the man-T tu nrtTin im vtrioir HnrnnAtTtn: w AAvn mm asm n v mm m n 111 1 iiiimr rv ir - iriRnn k ri hii iim i 1 ii mm m - . . . .v.. -. . - .-. . r . 11 a. mm mu w waWM . 1 1 the d9easeof the. discharging, organs,; and VlzbieonMJ . if one Of Its most common " results la eonnMna- I A tioa.u This complaint, besides being danger I '? i TIIOIS Sii -months credit for approved tants-ncb as an nnnleasant breath, a sallow I Wdorsed notea m k i4 iJ.i.-..s,!i . il onHtnuimimg 0100a ana Due, nemor 1 .i '!.. $ -;.. r'riw,waas,.-,' headachei loss of memory and seneral f v-CuilWt 15 is 20 5 ' i f ; ICxecntrlx. removing their immediate cause in I - srI -TlChTi5 Kf? rl tTA-TJ --'i' ; stiveorgans, and regulating tho ao- ( 1 AiOUiJL uUU i. WiU ther Intestines. - The oombinatioit -of lil 'A'K$ir& Zrrr&. 1 H 5i " this celebrated preparation is I w I L"ffV?T ,-; ,a Wa A- burglar rigor to,the inert and enervated I AvJttnW &tv S3 (irs v, 4t f r ires the aUmentaiy canal of its L: . WrTTTiwflV,imnmnv and gives tone to ihemembrano .1 'Uf J.v .WUAWS rAirjRQHISON, iku udus ii, geiimy Buxauiates me liver. 1 , . , - A .r iees t the -nerveao and sheers . the . animal I " r" mu. ;fn, . ah, .v.. w r r,. 1 ; chief merits, y It is ot merely:, a jnic, orau anuouions axre&t. Curnsr SrifHri tHURCk 'Streets. sltuaUoind HuallyaucceBdediupnUing him 7 W5CS,,! b Bampsoii Oo.bjaKHuasou. JSSSffl fSSSkSl CO kcv. j. ji. jving, rasior. out. .Be, was badly frightened and not at all rr" "'-hr . .rrc'r ; do'r?'ifi I "T"r;. ..::, v . .i 1 wiroysutoi Prayer Meeting Cvefy Tuesday night at 7f o'clock. '.a " I 1 rat Preibytfiplkn riinvM . . . n p 1 eeeoea in-camuni Ao MH: .rrr.LVi-.iw 71W:i,"2.; omwav u. ooorj urpaDj nave nwea;up YKXrUfati&&&n Rkher Sevboth ousehpld medicine. Bxperiencehas-prorsd PL vrVk aov. 11. u.-Dincieion, rastorr 7 I iw.j;.iiWuw4;,H1,iwiy, rtVTkrt.-AArn. t.Uh -kVW'W1 tfnAA I - r "". : f". .. v ,T t t ,. 7 t I that it is as harmless a it ia efficacious and I r" rf r.Tr''" 1 Services at the usual hours bv Her. Mr. Unrr. I 1nlnirl rtnrrtnni !ts katIhh iW!'iir 1 1. .i-,.-.?a' .. -, rv.-.-. V,-.iT1 1 U."A. Slsrhal ofacer In chares OL this station: I hence it ia as Txronlar with the weaker rax mm I JiLl'r 12. ' wVJll. t Ann. MUMnkM .'imA.--1 " . . a . iicr machinery -worcs smazuincenuv: vne r A'iVii '-i.' wi.it '4'-v'iLLJiJ 1 with thaatrengerv - ,r.rrrrTrjr'rrrri f,1 pi.umw r -wuwa v aws vmm wuiuiuuLo cab i a!im a. . M i.i, . tu, 1 Ik.!. i i , 1 . . . . . : . i . . . . - n. .- . 'i varrnT RTwrimRn ni rrliibp m a us iuiuisu 1 . t. . - - a a " ' v " - l a P. Ll. cimmm)imub uni u owes lis prestige as a l-rif?, - - ' 1 .:; vv'i -t. t--.i r -m i a t r i- 4-v city have rascalitr Lecture Thtfrsday; evening at o'efock.' i. inomitt' vnorea tuasnoiAei. ' ' 1 -: !" . . - 11 r ' .' f;V, ON DOCK BKTWE?5SRC0NDANITHIRI STS- ThO'Exrstan: W! nmilatlA; f aui wfc rfil Mass aiox ana io A. M. jt. Vespers at 4 Steamer Waecamaw. Jt1 fHi , ..;iJ ;1 . rT&XrmrT.zrrrj r . v . m mm . . a I ,v" I wi a a a . a. r. m., uev. Af. o. uross, omciating clergyman. ' 'The stockholders oT ;the Wilmington and t rout street sLsr EChnrch, Soath, , SmUbville team'boat Compaby, together with UORNER V Hev. Dr. Services Suuday School 3 P.'M, Uegular niiilit at o liostetter's Stomach Bitters arS sold la bot- and the trade-mar ar blown ia the of the Jiull is staunch ''A u.-l'Jni h.Mfbir"iuiiMj lass aod engraved on the label, is the test of nVemPnti for the.' U .WWiTJjfapswm.htwaftejrs .iasai g,nnineness. Beware of oounterfei s. : i mmWi&Ki ?1 ailjAndar6arjgedato;lndlcAte clearlj iJpellv.u WeBji,L .j 37?s?la . rein.- when enmniAteri J . . . . . .. , ; , . L wr-?',"--r; nfthfinvMtnprin lflprani aecuons ir -. -i. . . . . . --. , atat ... . - --- i , f w -.w. . - . : ; ii i tf.ti .i i rj: iil." -. . ? . v jL.i t. it . . . .: a . . k ,nAi at rm m am -rain nn w n mm m v r ari ri rHiiTH iip.b a.i r I ' ra " . i "71 : t . : j - ? . ' , h J ', J - - I UllUliWU wa tuw aMtv a w vmwww : , i i . , . - a .... i m l iwrnn inn. ssmir mviiia in tota nnnrri mm a waa 1 1 " i "i i : .i- ' i t.... i. . . I .. at 1Q A. Af. and 8 P M. .,. . . - mciuame a-iarze numoeroi :iaaiea ana icnu- I rrrr-7r rrwr-r'"'"rT "-t,- rr. ?i i wherA raltoV. the fllreclion or the wma; xns i Tt-, a A i-;.- x . i. QBn, aascinoeu at luo waar io': ot fJf ae.: - . . v y; i una pi tne tnennomeier, uarumefccr, wue i Township, at the office of the County Com- ilL-yy street, vesUrdsy morning, for the purpose of morning and aherarrlyedj at Smlthville la two; VeiocitVofwibdin mUes berRo'ur.&c "The. rnMmJZZAmV;r&r-L ltiii. ii i. n ii piiick Mil m rm invirf-nvianTvarii . . " i l , i i i . - - w tt : t . - ; . ' ' . - - ' m v -ww w a . -w a a w w tw wrv m The pews in this church are all free. GentW earUngfcn tfr bndiV',nexifc,i ;Jnbo 'stni 'itimf oonRtTimtit anly ushers will be' in waiting- to conduct 1 villeand other points below--od the Steamer Uon , .atcfppdgs ;of a few minutes on 'the wayJ the bnsmess eommbnity bere and elsewhere I July lstjtiiaithey.wfflbom&t BroixChoclat Coooa, ; . v v.- llLi tr-i li;v' . L A " i,. J -(.i .C'.'A.'i - Dc2lcrairiiidrCoz2iiz:cr3 f.-i-a-'i pd e v .-aiVi "' -.fijjr man strangers to seaw. ..hv,.;,- Wnamaw . PrecWerv t 'half 11 nVloelc'l an,, she Is; considered; b those-wboU; a,,i- -f : .. i day (Suirfays exeeptedl from 9 o'ctock.A.irA Flilli Street Jf. J3. Charch, hthc'boat cast'lbose from the wharf and steamed ought to be Sbd jboeslt nntU 8 U&Rd o 'Wednesdaystor o -Jr;r". "t ;m1lriln the river with It afi tinman dOSIS Ou the river. . . -r.L . . i I -aanu y 5-- KV. Wr. 1 ' t I iwf iwr-y t .w-wwrui www, neT.rreuKn.nwa, jrasiqrv. , .,. i- t ,T"TT;; 7 "AV , a; VTi "'V.-'r. . -.T r ; Jil-2tJ-kilL-L' 2 iAVi-iL'J.i J ar.'ivi- tte. ' anin nm1nv I from 8 o'cloclcl. M. until 10 o'clock P. M. SCrvices at lOJtf A. .1L. ahd at 7 Vfi P. M- freLrht. the Wnmlnerton c fcoloredl Band, en ' ' "ere some oeucicncies nouceaoie in , : "l;r,v.,T "Tn::" 'uj usauu ;... -.-i a ; AAa a unaay acnooi as v A ivi.. -: . Ciass Meeting at 3 .PAlj.'..':ft . a. .-. ,- . .wj, .rt i-r- r'iXi?V gaged for the oeeasloh, stHklbg up a?Ttautt-' "e management or 5h,t Wffl yesterday, r.j"r 'Vu,u As "'.j, il ' iii ' 1 ?., -vj j c-i'vu-' Lf f. .a 'i ' a- I .in v- v.aa u-rf. .. .Tk...'.mKJ I-- i Bavadere wblte Batinls the newest thing: lut fur. Aue Doan oenavea tuagniaeenuyanai .v".5. Bi.wM-ia iv, vti, . inati vrrn nt, The Board of Trustees hereby notify all -A;- - -.- , persons in terestea-that they are listing Taxes for State wad County7, and tosittvlt cannot extend the time specified above; . By order of the Board. ".?!:. &r.?i rraver meetinaf Wednesday at 7 P. -si. St. paara "lafiiWDMii"'1 the large crowd on board Enjoyed :. themselves Temeaieo, ana auina unnnianeaworic xom Trv7P - -v'!. ' kdnftoV :bugelrivitgoffthe tiV Is presumedby. the, 1 f Rext V KV Rev. a 'DBernheimPaito'v ; .rtonjf i!f;eenmiles Iromthc citaciugi ecfe. whentmd6f commaijdbf tbAt etcelleut .feAf. SuudavSchoor i1 iHx- WW. Pbtter.WlircOmi rTheecfeo.qb.perfecUonJntoiiet EngUshsemce at , 10 imLtysntt- Tferihhre weripMorie lliAt11 mW lTefre1a trips: f ' ' -v x mir"intwv .Seamen -BetHel U'; "W: JunelS-tJlyl " ; : . - Clerk. 1 Frost ot WatbrStrkkts. ProTWea Ior lue WterstljiAt,jJoH i2 AtnU stonrTCTidbiina''TrtiMa nnt .-U- :ikil, Wniia" . 7: . . rr Mi11tButf Mt wldpateln itohion ir.W Ito BWGWfge and Andrew So: CliaipeMColaWWesfcodlst); gazedRpan lha beantifutsefenery spread; STkR.Tese!nWequalmU oeitelT' v a rffa's i !lmRTKs'T&;8TRWTie.-,- out before the vlewum-caca side of tbe-rlfer.l..-j.- LiULlZ12JtZ.s:JlZL : a .w;':;..; :AVcim;a: . I-atIi ,n to f frn-! a rihfiU J a - ' I . . - 1 . II BUlkil AV. . l,lr u& w w 4 111 ,uw VrV MU V. J . 1 DUK ITUUI A .111.11 111I1IL AUU .JLIC1V II IU LUD I .:'.;(. -rr-br. i ana coaimenieaoD ine oia rana-raaras . wnicn Dock Betweek Serviceti'at Christian ; Corner Church SaBHath Mehrnl at9 M Wl-jl 'm ? : . a i 5T.3 s. ana commented on .xaevia wna-marks, wmcn ftf 9JS iitiin .3-. , .1.1 . tt. jtrAn aA.. 1 O aI wa a a r.r - a : . ai m I . - " . - ' - " 1-1 X" r 1 utVt - .a-awaJW - ve w - J I ----r,--.A-AA-ww,,, these may emaationed the rums, or Sn-old tini -' ir'mi "i.-' t-! h." t " ."""--iAAT' T:r-jr r:rn Corner Orangk ajsd Fourth STkaiisJ I't 5 "i '. 'aitr.u vn- --Sf .V v , . - . .... ; sons and one 'daughter, bar married" all of a Gxo.D; Services at 10W AJM. and 8 P.Miht P.etrj:f I : a .:.,TT,A. ': V..: .A ... .v:. i I T " " X"" ,T f - J inelffhbbrPs childreri. four daughters and a son. Mm? O.Bradv (col V- 7 T VT ? 'Xi:; o ?bich cpRid be dimly discerned m wu n The flrtttWhgtoremember Is thatlacftjand Ko"?; J , .1 f f. j -as v- ItTri CWrnlil v.nraaycoi.j . . ..... . ,..T.;. A .:V - WiJ- ;tTl-i-w2i:iiV-A'wJA4 :1--fcJi..lvi'fvt -rfTT.. ..iA. , u rr A matronly cat In care of her aitteRsU 146-01111 - - a 1 . " - . jaiiKvti.iMciB iu wuui)visuii,Kiv4ni'u iu. 1 bu iucu um tuavrai, towuu iw ruacu m I - A SPECIAX, MSXTIKQ of thia Socittv will .tJL'be held at the Court -House, on ' Monday vjui mss j at ao'ciocx. , Ju.em.Ders are reqnested to attend.' i ' . , fwi aa WMiMvant . . .- V tj1 -aw w 7 . vtwvt a a. miuvu u ALKX- SFRTTNT. FiAcx,vSec'7. ( ; ?.t -Ifi ?TfS ilOt -f- 1 'A ;AUVCRllSniNTfiv; .! 1 1 KINSBRRQRR'S liVS BoOk ,ia if ;.-' si. ... t. .. . .s . c r . .i ,c : . v. . j 1 - determined taestabHab thetown of Wilmlng-I tot,.ott:weKveUip't l?.wWcrBeyc5e;m TO spending yow money for what, you ea Ll'iiZ-tn. IV--;" .. .!. . a a a L is lickinir.her .oflCiorinir :nrettv louch all th 1 bur tout snnnlles where van can not onl get the most. for. the .least but where .the n i n 1 n mmt n m n - ni nnii ttv ma a i i o on i 1 . street iRe voogTess lie , j;ureiope,rianos, 'VrW peav vheiBeluwzMg!anarsnaxing ecu gain ' f-" V rl . - .V. pX'i5ff.7.'?v.xt00" '"H4 '"'ir, uujmwt 0,&r,a' i-ioT: ouceshwntoftaatyorthe: uuUrthRtecleariottetRndel OT.di-oB.PRltoJ tofcbatibnOdelR &nieacha We'gul14. I llSiacll 3 h; WbirtMftMo sfltbeWuiw-at twentj.t5MiUiitde is conf pffexto.Btryerfdfocerl Munson & -Co . C l CthiesLlnea hieausWHhW mbrUr "and brick which constM iaie b 40. iR&fe 36 CSJtt good. forFAMILT TA VS IhreadtJloW 5fl;BtVt;K ' - tVwhaVnbwrtm fUFllf itBPSS flPiWP3SS gJeW nosT,OTRR & SMITH-Cclebratedtomacb fice to(becomcM petri&d tii .Mris I U U w OLPHAMecretarv-ioncbrd Chan. .WStfrj? tiWbiW W'friM?.'? 'SSSitEM candidate infiyde wuntrl i&feitf W$e i , J ' v!Tr 7f waalR(progress .tbR;:Confeaerate.a Vul "wr'- w i 'V1! " r ,5,-,J" rHA n ' 7 MCB4? Ssoldrelieofaby-goneandlWo ' ' 'f TT j -ASlde Jemarfc.1: tri ju.tes it did at the commencement of bos J a'mil- --aii iIA-gj COHCOM fiktltGr 5ITff U Gbebn&Flarser, Druggists and Atheca- tllltlesn--A-fV . .frt 1 1MI5 &di ries-Drugs,Aledlcnes, Acr- HTt. FurtliMowntheTiver AereAs 'much! :iWoto eeattBR?Pr .tRlrlJ "ihspeech'.iii 'Ajamaii?eruntjl a lew -nsGbtAB MBZTINQ MONUA ; B Vk"x- Jork Q. BULCRRN-Nbifcetofix.paytrsof WRtt.theilttwUoR.cttbeitWtt In ttijck fsrssi butIfalalwsTaio'dij ejrp ; T,,: a J Wilmington Township.;;; x?.;.o- . go d0Wn to the sea In ships," when viewed Wends with smaU.Rtltfeay from two to- tJ&e &Qvrbcttvimes .'always y.ojderttfai h'-jvXzml . Albx. Speurt, PresIdent-St.'riGebrge and ln connection with tbeVmembraWs of the e m8!- fitW ixas local teoMbWff.W 'R biff fire in .!l foft: C.taiILirtr St. Andrew Society ;:ff; .Urriug scene. whlch,werf enacted along those 6li C, ffei??!?0 :llcwbexfl.?nl totfi;iperiV- i. TSariT whi:e,other.,:,wboook an WWbed -EIi:!?I?l Hated'llien iJS"1 fUi Jhn G.i Bautorhrrb'Market W &Dal,J Iq I'' fapr"maCy Prof. Raeckert Informs the public in tbls is- hh-- John SchenrCohj iDti Char. -SSfl 'Z ' i Street.. . i,JJ,fc .I-i f.' which made le hmi khd TalleisTeirotlnd with ,ue that by wauesrbf RRia sptdicanW lbttelhke beempoointod-lili Heebf bit 47HMkf T? "f V -w anrav m W W IVH as I cOnfllct'ibe- he will keen 4ie abtfMtitntloa'oben' dnrlnk 1 w:Tefn libe'sttmeWvideda'tfEclen Rubber of h 1L . . k a - m - . eutir .., atll.i.-..f h.a f . i toe reveEDerauonaw.AUe i nerce r.u. A vvn VI lIJ UUUU8. VIUIUIOIT. I . A -..... Boots and 8ht;UaU, Notion &6 &c at f ? nerwwDaMIB wn!CQ ' CMracl putilqler jheir .names.beforo-tbs Srd.pf cbunty were buiy last weekVfindiog trae actuslcoit. a ' " " th?4WcUmington, while they JnW' r r.; i vh bills agaiiist Holcfcn;' Klrk 4 BurgS aid Persoos'wlshiu wilt wii P?ited out to their less experienced friends ; ;.Theiast mRsieal'soivet pLthe Academy will others of ibat estimablecrew . , ' calling on me before baying elsewhere.1 as V f' they wiircrt.l6lyabie w:rerbAWl.t -.-.i w.:; . . i'V?. T neny. - ,T "7 Yr ' v., TentionuttBere-ainV moai-sting-to -v..a . . ' ?.r - "a ' .A. . A tfie wreckofithertmJl1rti(yawbiA. Joseph NU J"im-. extaoorturausu; Bakery. under the COmmandf Commodore Lyjjfibl day night, about 9 o'clock, by Detective Carr,' I u" -1 v 1 Y-f- jft "porta Anuonnecueuf.' 1 . bid fair to do signal service for the Confederate chsrged wittth IHo Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Kailroad, I Hanover greets, The Graifd Joiy inliAlamabce H viwm, iiibd k wteasscxt- - i . - A r.-.r . .. DBUGS and CHKlfldAtS PATEUT MKOI- f; A;- . . V ' ' "" A .:aa D-nnmnnr TT-n p-odafji' Rnndrl Al ' vuiwi a winn.v.j i - a o . j - Mineral "Waters; ftegars, Tobacco, in order to make 'room' for improvements -cause in our waters, ut. which jonfortunately son, alluded lo In ;yeAterday'a paper. In de- -4 -red njj This is m spe- lur the Fall Trade,' I w 111 "offer my entire Stock WM atrtkaded on the- shoals where she now lies fault of security in the sum of $200 be -was a Klbxery that ought not to be ' Dry Goods, Ac., at cost; without exception, tl n arli taKeIiejr career and .wasneyer committed to jail to;await sr fexamiaation be- 'tolerated. 'hfmm.i., ik&ntt t No. 15 Market street; 'U f l ? -.V'S i - oUen oiC .There are , various .Qtber,. wrecks fore Justice SlcQulg?" " a : a m.ft jii -T ft WasliiTio'tnn -P.r,.r c.,.i ' : - S'Si- W. B. four u..8x -deru tepprt. :He; pot. i ... i. . r.. ,., . r.-?v --.juopeis of ths work accotopllshed during bid -sM the late session of ihe'Sooerlor Cowfabowi a nkeles and snlstfenflrlittlk'otf tf.. heketr- .type tm Kortt.-Cayoniia. EIw- lwiLlTinnrl -a at there were 103 true' bills and not true -TlueSot remoVd'dUtince: as thste, batop Jt WClr eompetir. m., ' 7,wiF2 "7 returnca to". Cdurt by the Grand uiyt :1U passed New Inlet, was to bs observed the scene . There Wern 4ft aaai r ...u. .i..... I - ..! t ir.i,. n i . t ..--IA. . . 1 : . -. jiuyuo iBiauiacau- i gioperauoci vi ij-r jriiwuj, m icuirzq oi l xjkas. A; ' TTvn TT "XT TT oliii -. -- A : I nmilcnt f NnnrtlV ..m ..!.. V. ,a .u ui larceny inea ana aisposca the liar ana liiver improvement, ana, as tne a if you bave lost anything, . uiuum oi aenience to lm- 'Jiiajor .was wiiRc.us.t i-iAaeiaer wiu our i new ' department, under hea p sonment are equal to aperiod ofSO years friend Henry Nutt, 'c.;; Vho es ai.pftiiii J Tound at Hair bur regular: 7 5ua'a -t A. party,boinieabuttbe copeof thecproiectedl tisemeata toot exceeding five CoaTeation caa tiye-the coplr- of Kcrth adverUse it in gxa CaxoUns:fforj'Jtbeimpea;naa? which . - . . . . 'l 1 T , II- I . . . . . . i oi jliobs ana i jiaaicjuiaa iias orouat upon tae state, raiesi for ailyer- J If. he were a citizrariTorth Carolina he lines. tf J .wouia RuTOCRte &aa Tote ior uonreation Alcohol &o, AeM Ac TOB SALE LOW FOB CASH -i -jnnel84f - siti?if.e-a ;:.-a4i-'i. FTI ' , "-. - ' ,' 'i' : V JLnOSB Extra Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Strips.' Smoked Beef and Salmon at rrench's are the best. Almost ,as good as his ; JTlour and Bnlterr whicli'is attnbwledged to be the best in the city.1 rGtre French a cali, and ybit will get the worth of your money.. Jfobody caabuy better gocHis than he keeps. ui "... .. . . . j -ff --Wlnes!and .Iduors of Superior Grades" uooocye wnisxey iotjmpw"V" A.t;tf . '- . V -. "tv - . t .... .. a l J one 18-tI - 7 JJor. aiarae au pw ? : "111 U Hi 1 i i Fa : L J 1 J 1 1 1 V "--W- - a". WV-s.-. ' (.ANSK SDTPLIED ! A.T" ' '""''-? Grcaitfes Hcducccl . Prices, a at i '. - v' t "" " '.- ' ( T : '"2m SlKn af the , IHDIAH CXXIEF, ' JT o. e Market St. ;HBu,:Pacen; aWo'tft" 'Ui;.: SX;J!AMIIT and FAUILY. - . . -.. .'. .-.-.. OA TUBS CHOICE GOSHEN BUTTER, . ' BAHltELS OFFLOtJIt, A"-..j it' jeiTATAatt.' Bo?".'! UI.u iivu .oU v ii-,i5JA?;:tvi-..Ai '!;- Ll'iMk t.-.-at :.. '-.it'-Jj'-.o. ri l 1 .Ir. JAVIA Oil 'AS, ... ijh ofJdst received and for sale bylx.i -; 1b Jnnel5-tf 'i ' i . IJOaXtOSSSrWcO.. 1 I f -t TTT t lid'H t "tfYrfs'ftfTfttR-sif i y ' ''' , i 1437 5-i -iamgtoajfc'cj - 9af XE 'Of 'the 'most effective remedies for ' E lttiiIi!dcD,ijBA ever offered to the pupuc f , - r 25 cents per bottle. - r..rtr rV ..yf ; GOZl'trTLAKNBS, uTBhl tok-i liox ;?. Jt i -1 - - i - - V 1- j: 1.150 9.;5a:;i ; ift'ft'fcttaSugar ' T J : AU.VU;-A.I, -nTCi tin-- ' fOfl ?Chde and Bbls. VelaseesJ 5u ' i ' a-- T A A- j 4 1 .i x-i Tor 4aleby: V .It. ;c.ai witiiliis-i iiboisnirl June U-tf :..i,rA. .-.arAX i:, i.;- 1 . i :.;3 i Binglir. in 0 chobl. -A rpHE FALL BESSI01T of 1S71 opens ulySSth. For CataloiTue address,' . . t unel4AFl'm Cox. Wx. ElKGHAlf. f - . . ! TlTAlJTEl-Furchaseis to call at S. Levy's, , V ; 4 Alarket street, and exai .a his stock of JDry Goods, Clothin?, Coots, ahor' i:ts.. Kotiona, Ae which are now S4.l.-n ? t. nc . iwf eott. . A-,- -.ySMaa ., & l c GT-nnorc : : : : D; ' TrnoIJZlt A plfce wh'Te Dry Goods, II ing, roots, Loes, JLj 1 ct,lozi3, i x,' r re bng sold at civcl eott, 8. Levy's, 4 1 1 -t"-.' street, is tie xac. fa Va a A Vrf A IaA S Va A a kALlk J M 'TT.-3 CAr---.At',AoTtTsxC-'T,lry 8. Xery. V iii'iii-st .f-mt,-Brr t..:.i, C-ct-l-Loots, tioes. JLats, JfoU, is. CMl t surotugainsl jaIj- ... cjy a ii ' K.s-nr;i.r.: -a R A