, l, i y mtRT.Tsnitn niTT.T ' i. .. W&. II BEBJf AJBD, Editor and Propr. t : orI0I Dawson Bank Buildings, Front St.1 " ,, vear. In advance...4i..w.....4.. $7 4)0 9e.iX!SU. in advance S 60 Three m?nt.ln aorance..j....,,.... 00 A"rm0ntn. in adyano.:...;.:........ 75 rim Bloamso Siaji will be delivered. In any part of the City at Firramr Csirrs per week. jieTEOKOLOUICAL ttEGOBD. Jane-21,187L A : k Time. Ta. M. a r. M. 9 p. M. 'Wind.; Weather W Light 8 High' -3 W Light Cloud j i" tt'vy rain Threat'g; Mean Temp, of day,- 82 deg. - Notb. All barometric readings are reduced; to the sea-level and to S3 degree8.FahrtnhiL. t --ROBHRT SbTBOTH, ' Berg t Signal Service, tt. IK, V ' 1 Hveat her Report.'- " . ' ' 4. . . War Dspabtmsht,- - Offloe of Chief Bignal-Officer," "- Washington,- J one 2185 T. til j ' JtTooaoutiu. . . . . It is probable that cloadf "wefclher' and ' ralp will be experienced In the .'uorvh-'west to-ufght. Local storms are' threatening from. Arkansas' to Nebraska. Falling barpmeterwith cloudy and threatening' k weather ajrer probable for Thursday on the Lakes.,. No,, material- change is indicated for the Atlantic and Golf Coasta.( UWiA D VL'ltTlHUn E'S l& ilKiMdBsuasK's Live Book, Store. Market street Fresh arrlrals from the press of Tlft. Peterson & Bros. - GHBEN& Flahnkb, Druggists and Apothecs ries A Supply of Quinine,, Morphine, , &c; r Pollak & Sow, 87 Johi,St.jN.;TK--Iealerr lu Pipes, Cigar ,.&c.' - ; . . S. L. Fkbmont Wilmington and Smlthville Steamboat Company Summer Arrangement. - - f- H C. D. Mxebs ACqh No., 7 North, Front sti GlitteriDg Generalities,- 'J. '. ki4- V. R. Fbbnch, C9r Maiik1etLaud 8econd staj N. C. Hams, Flour, $&cfoz&t. ..-aria'avJ J. A. MebJlNE, Drnggist, &c A fresh sup ply of Turnip Seed-,?? J. C. STKVNS02ff--5Henil Mackerel, rJ5aJ3 mon, &c. . . - roHltively Selflngr Oat at Cost at No. - 41, Market treet.i r,t f Having rented the f tojenoif occ :opia nr. Jobn G. Bauman, corqer Front and Market Streets, and Intending to open there with an entire new Stock of .Q0od3,"QWoft41nJr, entire present tockof Dry GbVdstSoTnfngT Boots and Shoe8,,4IIata. WoUocflj ;j&c.y Ac'at actual cost. - ' . Persons wishing to purchase will do well by calling on rae before buying elsewhere, as i hey will certainly be able, to get bargains at 8. LkVT'8, may 30 4m Next'door t& Patten's Bakery. ' To City Subscribers. r ' - x -k 11 "! ; On the first day off oly, MrD. M..Cobb will succeed Mr. L. Harlow as City Agent of lUe Morning Star for alf thatOrtion of the city North of the centre of 'Market street. From that date ail subscriptions in his Divb ion will be payable to hlmvi' J. v' r, AH subscriptions jdue AV.TjL Harlow . and unpaid July 1st, are payable li!y to ihe; un dersigned or ills authorized Agents. ':;to t .".? June 13, 1871. V, MV; Hi, BERNARD j Important :AnnonJOCcnaeiit. . In order io'. make room for improvements for the Fall Trade, I will offer toy entire 8 tock of Dry Goods; &c, at cos without exception, t No. 15 Market t(reet.r; r':-Mli-i:rtyi .(: i : tjuiyi VTft "aJIanhalt:: WllmiMffton BnUdln jkMoelationi';1 At the regular monthly meeting of the Wil mington Building Association,' held last even ing, 23 shares of stock : were redeemed as fol lows: One share at $10l'60;' five at. $102; fl.ve at $102 50; eleven at $103, and one atlOi, being an averag of abou 103 &i perl share. . "m.m ' ' o ''-.nc; ' wavawav mewamo , - . . c i ne inaesir ucu Die rag is a great convenience to merchants. It enaweft';Uje!lcbm pose of a direction label .and. -business card.; Call at the 8t1r Printing and' Publishing 'House and Bupjply yourselvea;' 1- tf A New Counterfeit.:- - - Counterfeit . notes ;ou the f Ninth National Bank, lof iNew 1 torJt city,' ate. i in! ircuiation They are ingeniously made but cthe vignette on the left corner has tiiejearance of being a woodcut rather than a steel engraving, and at the right corner of thet)ack the ink has a bluish appearance. These notes are doubtless lu 'circulation) here. Vurunechants and! others must be on .their, guard, o as nof to j -.wv.g1C lue couuteneii loruie genuine. m r 7 Compliments to a "Cirilmlngrton JLadj-. Iuthe report of thV comnlencement1 exer cises of Virginia Female Institute, which; took place in the chapel of the loaUtutlont Staun ton on Monday, ' Wednesday and Thursday of lastwek, which we find 'la-th'- Richmond 2)ipateA, tne ollowlngdCOmipliiafeaUryJallu' lou is mfde to Mies JElilera, anghterf, pur respected fellow citizen; Mr. H. B. Eilera: Tue musicar Ui'fuliVorom Weber, on iw pianos, was charmlnjcry .rendered by Miss Hternan. of New Orleans ; Miss Wilkin s. of Wabblugton Cay;;, AlUs ;Flaqoagan,.f; Vir Klnltt, and Mis iJiier,1 of North Carolina. ADd further o.h-we fladlta 14;HcUb'na from ust," by Prof. 'Richard were, beautllnlly rendered by; Miss VV'at(maii;MIst" Wllklns Miss FUnnagan' and Miss Ellers', all possessing wonderful execution and taste.' ' - ''r'QtlDc Paper. We do not keep Printing -Paper regularly to tock for sale; but. can always supply our 'rieuds with small quantities, Bay from two to u reams,-;at reasonablcprlcea fbf all strictly 6h orders. Sizes uof paper 22x3l!and 28x40 m0116' and - am quality as that used on' he MoRMiHoST.and CeraityFarma'i a, ,;U Ull A Novel Bnstnoss: ; ' i ' J '''' For two or three days past a strong-minded female, who elalms a paternity in the Palmet to Bute.- has heed going the rounds 6i the dt ta a vallae lu which she.cla)msto have some wonderful picturer, f pra look, at ! whjcb she "Kes the snmtof tencenU. The pertinacity ue displays . in her efforU to get persons to nvet" is worthy of a better-canse. Bha la ell dressed 'and-' is -'apparenll poBseBsed - of """oramary intelligence. - eter;' l eter.; 30:08 . .82 ! i 80:03 .85 80: 04 80 I rowers t-s V k r ' j VoL 1111-7110177. ; ; loealoti. There was no. session .0 the , City, Court yesterday morning.' V ,'". aoij?-U rrrji a V.. :-;:.t::iwi;ci!l: i:-i :l .5 . iThere-Willi be an excursion of; colored A white man wea iuteu.b4! T'lclousdo'g on' the ttreets . yeaterda : the ranlmaL being without a badge, ttr. .u ;,- .tr : ; ft??. J Bv Earle ; was ; ,to have iprea h at the Citadel Square -Baptist Church, Charles ton, ia evening.. ru iu-".i:-l-i-- e-MHiHiuJ. ion'Mlhor, of Fayette tjllle, iaa rece: ceirei the appointment aa one of the Special Claim commissioners for tma ota te.; i tishW. . The wafer .of he mlaUetoe' boiled dowa tintil it gete strong,.applled r . y?6rm , freely, -aa a wasb will work a sure enre. was pouring down In'torrents, the tfun- shone out. as (brightly iaa-if there had otbeen- a ;clend Tlsible'In theheUens'" , j-r- iThe Board of ; Dlrectorj. of r Abe Wilming ton, Charlotte and tttierfotaBircwd!meittt thiaeHy jeBterdtrt. tl0X o'clock, and will (-continue in session for a day or two. Wriw. went'locd ' b 1 I i j, yui, tij,cju, .,(u v conniptions oyer f'prmntyit new'mbirejila a ahoxt time since," because ' lfcj waa the riRST parapluie" that had been in the family for over forty-years T crfoq o 3 : When' on r collector was starting du t "y es terday, .we. toJdAtW iiatirjfem. upj rfie saidthat-inight teirtltf l'tti-rltf Jlack-?eye.- .We , Bnggestedr.t :etterlo.retunVjbi lack. fr Some, enterprising dog owners who . have not the wherewithal to procure badges have i,u,ona plan tosupply the deficiency., They ,seLr(a layorable pppowunlty end. catc,h ,ome other: person's 4ogr-ritta a badgerand transter itke triuket to the neck-of their iiwia ahlmalJ Too Waceamaw SumtiieV ?Arrane. j men..rj.i air. a. ayjlxlh zziiizt.i .Bj adyertisement in.this issue It wll be seen jthat the fine neir amer l wITJ' 'commence herr'iar and BmithyUle on.t,tit 1st day kt Jaiy,' leaving Wilmington1: dallyVndaysxcepted)'; i& oelock P. M. The regular lre'Jbetweeu !-the jtwo points has been very wisely put at such a moderate figure (50 cents) ' 'thaV ,all ..jcaV.jairal themselves of the opportunity of taking an oc casiopai ..trip 10 ine Beasn.0r9.ana enjoy tog tue healthful breezes fresh from MOid ;Ocean.":i:ir , : 1 , f.t-iit't xt Vi."j!.'ir; ' ,,vve are assured, that ample, accommodations will be provided at Smlthyille'or; all Tisltbrs to J that delixhtful" sum mer resort, aad ewe. Vould urge upon rour' pp-e-onnti7rietidV;at6; comejctQ.wn and get a 'whiff of pure and whole BOrneair.. .; 7 ,,,;...,- .i--.v. .iU See advertisement for particulars: -P :- ':"-t '.tt-." t;:-.f,.: ' r :.- Marriage an altar on which man laja his pocket-book, and woman her love love-letters. Capo Fear Asjrrleultural Association. ' f, There will be a meeting of the1 members pf the Cape Fear AgriculturalAssociatioe, ' In xnis cuy, on j riaay eveping, ynneth, t at o'clock, at the Commercial Exchange, This meeting Is specially called to take into considT e ration am endmeetc proposed. tQ bemadtci the Constitution of j the .Association. V A full- attendance Is Tesperctfuliiollaited. a w u , n it 'i Jii tl i r -i b. a . J rxmont. President. f ! Immediately after the adjournment ' of this meeting" the officers and Executive Committee will meet to consider ' matters of 'Importance .. a.r :r J;t . vO U- General Secretary. Star xtook-Illndenr' i tiod"utttJTj he atjtentlba ol e p superior lacniiKS wpw'Tjaye or.execttting cheaply pro rap tlyi andr skUfaily?all kinds of Binding andKbllngO pax tmejitilas steadUy: 1 increased au evidence thatri T'e'nooVedXii7, Vain lourisffori to establish a Book Bindery qual ' tb the de mint's of bar growlng'cityi ' Ba ' we are de termined to do Btill more; and; asoar busi ness grows bo wiirouir.vfaciliUea pe lucfeased. Givetis atrial4 ', 'V .. 2taw2w J ' lot v;i"-.r "'.si'''' m Capo Fear' Academy. ' . X'i oiiio'i ! The Commencement exercises of the Cape Fear Academy, under' h enable 'niaageQiev( of GrRj Coiatonwlll'ihegi 'ind'oirihe 28th Inst. ltrsS' ; The examination to-day will be in Latin and Greek.; . ' kt '' L J- ' The prJiWiiejjflBSfuljcadeQIjwill be awarded at Thallan Hajl 09 ThurBday, . the ;29thAlQ8tr : The Commencemeu.t BalLw(U)akei place at 'the City Hall on the evening of the 29th or 30th, due notice 'of wolcluwul De givea la good .time. - ... ' -i We are Indebted to'-'he' Plnclpal JofT tnll flouriahiiig. institution foi?aiiIovlUtloii ' lo ''be present during 1 the jexaminstloo j of. the students. . i - r-, . .'. .--.iv ;k.BIVK AaDHABlMKIIK'rt'Hr1 a Witl3lif,',Jdue5r:au -NEW STEAMER. The work on tee new steamer C'awetf, .under the superintendence of Capt. R. P. Pad- dlson, Js rapidly apracalpx compleUonand'J the finishine touch is expected to be given her byifrlday1 next,' when t is expected that atrial trip will be taken. Her machinery is all In and properly connected and to-morrow the boiler will be teted.-ller.clbk, fllalDg room, &c, are nicely; arranged and tbeujTicanej deck baa been tinnedand,palnledj Jisideer cab Ins she , wDV'becapae ,ofyaccomm9datlng about fifty pataengen, -ibiilono hundred and fifty )c tatt bec thVboat. The Uafitdl was built to run bp the Northeast tvcr, bdt CapLPaddUo.Uih'as pow ; decided to "put her on the line between here 'and Point Caswell, VhUVthe XSfiftt 'Stiini will" be run ov the former route. The Caswell will commence 5ier regulartrfpaod Mondyeira4e tit Sam will be put ptt the nevfllnen the 10th -of iuljl.;;h'(f u,$y aiauicUiand l'.baai tlfut ateamerf well anlted for thd;urjiej for whlch'she la intendedaiid hei djjnWlo an donsiderably larger thin we( iiaae -y. . s WIMraG( rayettenile ! Enterprise The Patent nlJmbrliari rOK'uIi iFrom tbofolltfwmg-from the : Richmond patch,lt will beeenL4iattheJfplritftf JJiter- priae in tne. gpodjOld ' town. 0 Fayetteyilie, which has' lain dormant for some tlmg.pAatt has begun, umbrella fashlonv to spread and dlffdse itself again;, . - - K;b W. Walter Watson, of Fayettavale,, C has; ust obtained a patent for notable Improve menta to the frames of umbrellas arid parasols, and he designs; visiting Richmond spon to Bee If he can find enough -enterprise here to join him in establishing-a factory for the! manufac ture of umbrellas and parasols on a large scale, uhderhW patent1 Should' he "not succeed In Obtaiotng the. proier' encouragement ill 4hli city, he will carry his iuTfentlou further North; The main featurea jn this patent umbrella (rime of which we'bare aeeu full drawtues) seam to bethat It, ntterly dispenses iwHb rwires and.rlyets andthe weakening eflectsof the lafc ter,'ls easily laken;'a part and put together, and ia'eo'ddrable that one of then! will outlast a number of covers. - The joints are formed" by ballaattbe ends of the ribs and braces, which work la elitted'ipherical -cavities 'prepared to receive thfemab Dtrb either in tle'aUlfTl i-fb or braces having to jbe. weakened byshoieaifixo wire-or rivet , Should a part, by any accdent break,-It can'b6feadllt . removed apd.,a new one substituted. The inventor is' a practical man, and he haa found vn-experiment that he can manufacture, hiairame .m cheapljl th L present , bungling, frail,., and unsatisfactory umhrfcHahas so many obvious advantages over the old style that it Is bound to utterly super cede it?. Umbrellas and parafcols are novmere-ly"-lttXrieB, 1the-'have ecm'-neeefesattes' throughout cthe: cfviQzed biBo,in3 arern steady; ,'demabd .at,, ait seasonsojevetywherdi When we caq, get them of a kind that gives na fdUMBuraiiae that they; will noWT'w,retc!hed wrecks the nav afteFire bnt-ehaaa them pie, will begin-to look Upon the theft 6f theitt as a larcedy, and we may xetalnf a ; property .la. i"MV.a.ti6nH8leVn.rihaa sary steps to have his excellent1 iuvhtion-! e,uted5 Eogland;iJ wcjtjoa voa ioiii:i4 .qui ! i d-2 n i.I'u,:a . 'pewn ' ,n ''a tf t bora ymyPWi ta-ii aotn ,..: Aetna TheBU'vernOtea-f Nnssoi'Vrlnga golderf Bbowera.'-" pw auiiytai a flaiw. .iroo irage a oeiu .L-oiIOCTl KvKi O fsa biaorr The bitter end the-last half-inch of a :pWnyelgaK-i i moil ilcj EstberKHaddieatbfte W ooebf tfie-inew can dodge enemlea by trying U -please : exeryj hody-ij - ' i; jn :.it;0 : .'-J mou u:uc3 A man with a scolding wlfdsays-he f ha leas fears Of the jaws of death than of the jaws' -'iirl'or; fir :'. o: ,j UdllC.. . , , .jr. ...... ...,, t.rs.,..'t fun; . Miss; CyStewart, of North Carolina Inflicted. a female suffrage, lecture ; upon ; the Knoxvilliana last Frldav ntoht. - --rA T.ai ' 8ongofthe season! bn; what's 7the' 'u&e or signing - cause aust is on ine. wjng, we can't prevent Its flying1, leVsVaotejrad . r A heartless old. bachelor schoolmaster at Ithaca, the other day unmercifully flogged sv little girl eight years old because she'sald- her0 Bister would'nt have him because he had Bach an ugly nose.' ! ,0.1? Waa ici7i Jjri spirits' of timpEimNE; - - I 4- Nr wanUiftlbraifeHband. i , Hon. Wm. A. Smith is being ;biographed'for tW ChU$ '-CiiM4 .The .Commencement ezercisea orwakeiotrest College Hoegaa,;iuead ay. h- r- There lire at present 6ne( hun? 'HnrT,Ch,eIQrored people of Baleigh Are to excursion totNorfolki and xFortress (Monroe on the 28th.'-o? .j-mfmoii j. Dr. John Taller; zen of Halifax, died & his residence on .Wednesday fc.WIV'i I ,f' ' - .There .will ba aaexcursionJ over the Western 2!ii"fLj&R&Jzami SaUsii hury to MarioD, on tho 7 th prox. tFour hffiiJrVdinlTe1. larr and seYentynfheJ cehtshayd been collected in Salisbury for tbe purpo&e bf enclosing the Lutheraa Cemeteryirc ji v The Raleigh Sentinel -says : Haywood Bobbitt, ot Mcre . countjwas ronght befdre V. S.a CommissibVer 'Test yesterday afternood, charged itfciVgo1ri rnaske,on jtbe jiighway and committing assaults, 'and 'waving -examination, was bou'nd-'oJcHbtDrnffof $500 ttf;ippeai kt the present term oOheXJ. 8. Circuit Court. ;-?::..,20IT0il Tuesday-the case.ot David .Scbenck, Eaq pppn thejeAuniof the wnt.olwertiorari: directed tpv tbe; ; glerk-ol the. Snperior Court of Gaston county, was taken .up and irffuejarBr.aggnii Strong and J&Ioore & Uatling jor.Ane penwoner, ana;xrxuiups.e6 Merrimq.ft.and BUckfir;& McCorkle for the respondents no hra ,;U .'I Jioo lii Wlearrf 11 frbta:he?nffniZ hat th ftiliofng' tusibesi waSdispdsed of in .the ..U.Circait Court 4n Tuesday I J. B. Hussey, of .C.atswba, countj..and,P Meares.' of WilmihgtonV were admitted as attorneys of thifr Courfi 3cIn hd tjase5 ol Mathe w Bard, aarviying partner,, t. the Western N. C. B. R. ior debtr a judgment was obtained in favor of the plaintiff' ior $25,000. . In the case of the U. S. tt. R. M. Orrell and J. D. Smith, sureties, of a distilleryJiand, the.ury-returneia-yer- diet tor some, $300. In another case of the TL Sti lv it 'Orrell,"" Smith and Mo Dufly,for the same, the. jury, rendered, a yerdictlbr th?defetrdkn'- lnra"fcase"of the same kind'.tx Johnson And .Johnson, the jogyl1,! I It is sApnmmro to see oar hair blossoming for the grave too early. 'More especially wo men feel this affliction, and i is evena greater deformity u jtbemltlianto rmens;) 8 1A1B y IGOR removes Hand restores the hair sometimes, butts onginal color always. J- , . , . ,.."t! Zn t, i ! jt.f. jThx oim hare been so much imposed nnon bvaeverai worthless Sarsayarlllas, that we are glad to be able : to recomraend a jpre, paraxionwmcn can oe aepeni ju va m talnlng the virtues of that invaluable modi cine, and is worthy Of the public confidence. jDocT. AYER'S SaRSAPAEILLA cures when anythingoaneare the diseases that require an alter tire medicine.) - - . lights of the pWpltiQXJinciuhati:'" WC i -! ' liMoj-rrfr ;h! !iin 10 f t- Heaven help the man who .Imaglnesrha idred iundls!bf Iho'Triends1 trTcmper ance iirthiar Stated 8 .aui'ii "Jtt a---.. .... 1 r::uX my Wholo ITo. 1,167 ? IFor the Star. . -V'KbcOTHa'RIchnTond .i)4f.-a.M -,June20tbClt Dsjlb Sib : As lam not accustomed to write Toi; newspapers .If Xsh'o'uldf 'jke' 'some, mis uses' Ijbeg to be ecusedr r,I.wod,pot write noVj!& 351. xjo vino i Au;d firat.i'WOdldiJikei to-yknow; of the Superintendent ol the above' named road; if it haa;mora ; tbim: It can- cirrVin the way of freight; or does he intend to cat us off entirely fromiheadvantaees of said road,-and leave ua !out in,th cold ?" To? v;: ; a-'J '.,u: j-M t. The people.np.here ln this dark. corner . had reason td'expect some benefit frorii: the., jfoad. while. they coh tribute: liberally to. its" support. ConsequeaUy,; they have incurred 'consider able expense..-in planting and etdtivutiugtthe bestvatiftiea of r fruit treesj believing that When tne re.i ca'me to bearing, 'the Lrailroad would fumisb Rood facilities for .transporting their frutt40"market. These trees' have now commenced, bearing and hetter o varieties of fruit cauuotr be founds -. But what ; idoes it amount, to;?-, 'Just at the time. the said fr ult , is ripe arjd teafiybi' market we; find' a new; and Increased tariff which 'simply amounts t0' a total prohibition. Eighty ceata Tor 0A0 hun dred pounds ! making about : 58 ;.centaMor a box or. bushel of, fruit I' Let.us -see :ffrJhls exorbitanl!"Erlce will workfor the , advantage, either of the tailroad orthe fruit gdwrs' lu the; first placed the road loses the- freight on four or five bandred bushels of ::frdli and! the farmer Ipses hte Jrult. Tba farmer wouldpur chase goods'iu your city with the money 5-he mkht ffeV for hlsr f full, which goods he wquid ship, over" theroad. -ut atLtheptesent rates oJ ireigbc be cannot afiordAO'shlp hti-f Cult-tt must cot upojthe groundViiHe loseartlt, and the road loses freight both ways. Nor i3 th,ls alL Your.merc.han.t8 loe (he trade rthe-far-mer'U'discbtfrsgedrahd ttgletta 'hia'orchard, tfKJnaraery man i fails, - and' thus the 1 whole ttlng.Ves'bjrithe-JjoardVjf'.io out ivour, .owjwejare all,Mxine,to5ra4eiwlth JtM merihanta pf Wilmington, n and- to , patronise otar o wi tdwnraird ltlest But If fwe- are not treated differently we rmust" of necessity vgd where we can be dealt with justly( and. , where railroad managers consult-the public good as .well as their pwn jntemt BI.A:., Uno. ( Jievf k fC9ppedge, charge as the; prin cirt' ft;ctQ in ithe, j killing j ofMr Jarres W.'ltediearn. by sbme"meaW;dsenMeed blrssell' frcris feiijoiay icigi aau. on juonuayj mornings . .aa.iuo jaiiorj Mr Tbieadgill opened, the , jdoor. , of I; his celt Jtb'ptoner'strnck iraith.vonet ot tualiafllfaDolshoTing hini- aiide inade tisescapa, owii rthe rsteps. ;vThe jaiibrTrecipyering pursued, , o vertaking hirn 1 bef orif be.j Teacned the j loot ; pf the steps, and, caught him by the collar of his coat or shirt. , It; was, however, a-matter 6t life of, death with Lewis, and summon ing all his; strength he left, a part of his garments in the bands ot the jailor . .Some colore ;men in heemploy of Dr. Ramsey wereby the aiUdopr, when2Lewig K;anie out. , Tey.,mediabely v made'5 puruit with some dogs and .aopn oyertookfiand recabtured the.Tjrisoner. P Great credit! is . due to; those colored meol- and ? ther de serve (to pe .weu revyaraea ior : mis ;nopje ac aitd every ipiti?en should be.i allowed to .'contribute, r something. vFive Spt- teft cents from every man in the; comityf de posited, with some person to ; be r paid : to them, would be expressive of .approbation of their conduut iq this, matter. bskimni , Since pur last issue another colored, caan; has been sent -to prison for. being -connectr e; with, - thiS fiborrid, jrnurder.c He? .was: ; commi tted.upon th e statement pt some Pf the prisoners. heretofore confined In jaolt AltlllED. j I-T -frOWMJRi-FOLSOM.-At he residence of T the bride's fatheivm Sumter, S. Ca on tne tlst :lnst by the Be v. w. Flemmliif. Mr. Rowland IM Fowler, ot this cityto MissXou PFolsom. daughter of Benla'miaFolsom, Eaq.r of . Sum ter. ut'ji iitt3l z:i 'yoa xnijiuh. uid'ostuf NEW ADYERTISEMENTSi taT ihnl .fSit-svP.HATK qoiinjs,.a; , &TJP1T ATE HOBPHXNE; ftf-lSlt f- -"Ji '''.: i.ii.J S- .' -Epsom Salts, Flowers 6ul- i phur, Sal Sbda,! BTue Mass, - ius fc-phorjiJSaltpetxe,! ,s?: Laleohofi :J Wy' iBmni,' Patent rMediclnes, - Bed 4 OA 4T rugglsts.i.J -w r " w m w wt- mw ar-a liesh r&rrivals : ' (J rjgT frpm.UierPrea of T. sL FKTEESON A BEOTU Ktt : JLfabs Bjreitinan. in Enrope with Other. Balladaby Cbarlea: Gi; Xeland.' ;Baall j or the Crossed Path, a at orx-of Modern t Life, by, Wilkle 90I jlnSjUrimir ,a' Xdrst Btc7r by George jSan&j Paveupprt - Duna; iyl Charles iver.j Arthur t O'Leary, by .Chaxles Lever. I 81ghts at F ootby Wllkie Collms. -. The Black -fujip, oy jLe,xa.naei .unmask - aw. .uonnxers Of Monte Christo. . 1 For sale at y m a Ui. '" ' ' - ." ' tf " L GUttdring GeheniUtiesi BOBJrBTTS A DUNKHE'S EXTRACTS, ..v TheBe8t. V-OtOSSB ft BLACKwiLlS PICKLES, U 'Vcilvii.-J- i 4 - i cTheBest. -OEXK FEE AH CO.7 McEenslelfesrencie JL . ana unniiey 'jraimers C'racirers, Huniley Palmer's Crackers. Bl. cult ana sugay. n aier,, ,,,, 1, The Best. "I BAB. D. MYEH3 ft COS TABLE BUTTER. XHA3 D MTESS ft CO MILK BISCUIT tJTEKFECTED arrangements for new, choice I J and lresh Family Supplies, by eyery bteamerana xnrongn JExpress Freight; r .3, J. rTr o t rvTni rv. : X . 1uhe23-lf 7 North Front SL !1 3sei ! 1 W 4 A U O V j iKEVrt Xl VERTISEMENTS.1 ilO ntfftit of r Pare f7ren.ni. v A2T. fakt; ; or,, thjs mix 1 , I4TJMSDEM S S ALOOIf AT 8eTeVity-FiTO ; Cckits a ' Qaarf . bus ymOHGTOH fMD lIUiimiE T I STEAMBOATCOMPANTT. Sii m oj(e A rra rtgie m e Hit. -II -I - nriHE FfNE LAS6K. NEWIiTFITTED and :A fast .Steamen LAKE;: WACCAMAW. will commence her regular daily trips on the 1st of July between "Wilmington; and the Sea Shore, -J ceDtedi tttl.Vi..'.V.::..:.U.V.. 6 O'clock P.M irrivgat sUithuWai.;:;?i ,7a5P.;M. Leave Simth ville at. . ; . . Li..'.'. . .'. . . . . SrlSAiMr Arrive h Wirmfaigion ati.1?.4.?. if'ftW A.;MJ Jtixisa. Tuurs win tre maaerwnen aesirea; fbr-ileiitsioiilparues;.; t -f J f 4 ; -j I 'if desfred by any nfumber of busmesa m'ed' an exti-a tiip w'iti "be made1 oA Saturday," leaV m'ffWilmiygtatjoP.'M; 'Theri regular trip on Buturday wtinw atiP; Mr'; r-'f "IfilOliBSldi PABTJiisrrWheV'BWeral Bail way Mnes- will be "carried -upen'accommo-o!atmgtermsl1-'1 Ivjud ef.tj. ;v yi-o JcMOOKllGHTVAETlES onthebeatitlfuiBay 6f Bmttlfville will be'taken at moderate iratei. -Sailboats' and Bathing Houses will be 'found atttntfthfili.' ' 't1. ftfc?vJ iu c-4 ; E Beula fare FiPTt V&Ct' feacli way.'. ,1! niin.UiiM . ; , . , t Oi to JsTi Stfckttoiders can purchase Reason Tick- June'aa-S X'-S'Lf' FB'ElfbjfT. POLLAK & S0I1, rota" ILIana&teturcrs, Importers and j.! 9'A ',40EALEBSrIli,'' -'J- " :' -"'r r.i n-v;-t.v.tw - .tiil J "-tH omj Mpes SmoteV Mcles and ; Ctars, .WlTOIxEiSALE, 43 Maiden iEaneV fra .Ion cu i BETAILO.NLY;r,7 Gnine "Mcerscliaum Go'c Is nt r2T JOlTir STKEET. TS. T. J 1 jili-incur - i.-4-riai ti;. w 1: a-ij .io.'i.; 43-t Addresa, for Entail Circulars, Ae Letr- teBox:5 V;' :!,:;dJ; Haiiis-ITa!i 0 Hams. r ml v jl For Sale VERY LOW; "i - J Flour,. ,Sugax-Curedr Hams, Breakfast; Strips, .Smoked Beef, ftc; &v, tb.i Finest , Green; ; V: " Tea brought to the market;. Call arid vy ihzjzuii- .ivit , yjiiftfo i:i -taiu no er eve PCBLOTJB-o) :,yvVt A!' new! HICtdBY-BUGGirmaa by:Ai vA. McKethariV' 'jdj'jnu "liti ;ikhe 22-tf . Cor, Market and Second ata; e foT 1ULL sxipply of .FBSH, TUBI, SEED t . ' 41 M m M ' -4 4. 4ft. 4 rVLk tut j u usi. received ana. ior saie cawp w - vwau Buyers', W ' itT'eriTft'i! ny.ctt't inil. .. ;S . . niSil-SJifffa '1; L ' AMEBANE, Druggists;" -T. voilT Corner: Front and. Princess Streets, jmiQititf H1' ;;winington.N.a;; d. i i full d j0mdf t,HB'ft8T?A.Rw! 's i-'?iqa? 'i't Jo irtq-ofiJ ko e-vsrv:r r . . .3 oft; nt n THREE STEAM-PRESSES ; ' " - '.J i .::i1i -ai ucija. Jc:&u oJl-n;d3 i.d i;-ivi -JTioijo zr COMPETENT bBKMEN'j !-?-;-:THEBET MATEliL.;)i,i! 'id Jri.-i i : r . mt , . r li - I 4- 4 V 44.: '- V 1 -faos i?.vr dlfK .liu." : . v.oa c ,1'lr-?-.- BKASONABLE, PRlCESJ'asfr.is enl oaw-: FOB r ...: . ADPERIOB WORK. CiveUca-;Trial:. hd-rm ,-ivoi'oll isiK' ivaMfr i -jnne.il-aaetf , VliTt '!.f.:MTT .!r;'f::vrr .i.'i; i...:.: i'. -V-". i i7liri fill M J AiriftAr-wxTiOa tA.'f'i . a - TT. tut . . . 1 ! I persons are nert irsons are hereby cantdoned. against harboring or trastlnsr any of the crew of the British Brig"Cleo, Hilton master, from New; York., f V" Debs of their eontmctlnar-wUL npt .be. paid by the Master or Agents.' ... , t junefl-St , .r HARBI&S 4 HOWELL. J ; ; Lard j ; tard ! 5 lard ! i.'. t i wr w fv a "w m vjvi i a-- " - - - Mm..AM. Ja nil, ; .itt. For sale by' . .. i - ... , 1 June zl-tf ' BsROSSET ft CO , Hoiir IEloiir ! ; Flour ! .',. For. sale by - .- . I ? I o i i r'tf -- -'V .KsJ-Vf r J'.W.KERCIINEfL i ' June 154f 17, iW and 29 North Water St. J L f t t ; i - " r fllOi BALES' HAY, ; .C- T"' "' i i fctiForsalebyj...; .vr: f-N.;;"e;J t: i WILLIAMS ft ttUBClUSU. ,? juneiaof . ;w I KATES OP ADVEKTISIIXCl t One Square one fyt .......i " 1 hreo daya,.;.......:.::... 3 11 00 BO 3 CO , -tour days,.w. ... .; one week, ...... IM. Contoact Advertisementa taken at p-o 1 fllTM IT utru. ' .............. 00 portlonately low rates. . , -,,.,,,.,.,.-., Obituarynotloe8wlll .be !- '; !f rntes wnon pata ror in advtasvti otnfT we en u rB mil be cnargtHi. . tbjcs Cash on nmawi. ' " THE;GE0D;iIKO3tt-Gff 1'. . wha! rosmyxi,T m hku nr t A " . Wasbins;ton;.40.. C.,: Jnly 7 Stn? ; 1871. . i a Tne Fronts or wnicnwiii oe devoted to t7 THE BELIEF OF 'i- .iiB :. , TDE VICTIUS oir the FBEX Clt WAR, .v.. y!i;nvx;7 ; j t :c .t-1?.;: ;1 i - J . r-.' J' ' lQO,C00 Tickets only, numbermg from 1 x 190,- 000 wlU be spld for the entire series. f ?.?-J'"-c'; amounting to t!,l40,0C0,' and 1 i.j 860,000 Worth or DIAMONDS of the VERY FINEST QUALITY, All Justly and fairly appraised, will be given to holders of Tickets; whether absent or r present, without reservation. v , v rriHiS Magnificent Catalbgue, which .is un f "X. ' quesUonably the largest; atttf most valu- T able oollectlon of Diamond Jewelry in the . Worln, comprising ,0t0 setts - and - distinct articles, all in Diamonds. ranging In vatno from $? to G0,000 each, which are' catalogued as follows , ;:h:y.nj.iiu.M , One imperial 8ett, Breastpin and Earinjr, Warranted the finest In America, worth $10,000 One Magnificent Full Sett, Breastpin, Ear rings and Bracelets, worth'..-.0.4..v;;'..:.v.$r7, 00 ; One Similar Sett,yery snpertx wortli-.aS2,000 One Solitaire Diamond King, worth. .. $18.0 jo ?t One Magntaoent,Sett of .&oUUlre:4Wamond Studs, worth : ...,..M. .$10,000 :u One Beautiful Ladles' Selta, Cluster, Breast- i- 45 Setts and Distinct Artielee, 'Ladle and ,uenuemen's, consisucg or uiamona jewels. -ana of Cameos, mounted in Diamonds and Pearls, worth from $00 to $1,200 each. 200 8etts and Distinct Articles, Ladles' and : Gentlemen',- oonsiatinfr of Diamond Jewels, and of Cameos, . Emeralds, - Turqoises, , and v OnyX ptonea,.' mountea m uiamonos, worth from..,. .......4 .....$J00to$T00each ( 9.3W et(s and Dlstiect Articles, Ladies' ami Gentlemen's, consisting of Diamond Jewels, . and ofCameos; J Emeralds, Turquoises, and Ontx Stones. . mounted in Diamonas, worth ' from.;...............v. ....i... .$55 to $100 each. , 1 11 Every' Gem ir warranted by' a Wholesale Diamond uonse, second to nonenn enstenoe, to be genuine and of the finest' quality the -eettlag of each vt warranted to be of the beat 18 carat gold, and all accurately described. .The proportion between, the Glita and Tickets -is unquestionably the most favorable ever presented, securing a better average than one Gift to twenty Tickets I v No article will bo Issued without a special warranty ; and any one receiving a Gift not covered by a full warranty answering to the description given, on returning- it, will reoelvo its published valne In currency. ($50,000 In jrold will be offered by us to tae Drawer of the Capital Gift) . ( -: JO" The most satisfactory and authentic proofs of all our assertions, and of the com-' fdete protection of the public, will be found a the hands of .Agents in all principal cities. - Ticket-holders & all principal cities are re quested to select a trustworthy citizen, to at tend, at our expense, the Concerts, as a' mem, ber of a Committee to suplriniend the' draw ing. -jrhe jeaterprlseu will. certainly be brought to a conclusion at the time appointed ; and all gents are -Instructed. to return any unsold Tickets on July 4th.- , All French Aid -Societies are invited To coi respond. .. . -, , '-Every Agent IS instructed to remit direct to the National Bank of theBepablic, New Yoi k, , whete all 'funds realized uom the -sale 'of .Tickets will be held beyond the control of the Management until the successiul termination of hO:enterpri8e.fti m nfij 10 ;i'ilT' Agents in all principal cities, to whom or ders froni individuals, or cmbs,' will be addressed.- Liberal commission allowed to lnbs;;t JI SU -'. h .'l s ii.3K'i.lrJ-iU -Applications for Tickets or information ad--dreased too.urNew York Oflloe wilt receive prompt attention... - ..r .TICKETS, , 00. k ' t 'C r.c - v ; .yxi. ROBEBTSON- ft tti A'ients?- ;' k'-'t" - - 78 Broadway, Mew York"! -National Bank Of the Bepubllo, Depository, iij haveVosidve;assurancethat'he scheme, will be drawn on the 6th of July,. Af fidavrtsof some of the best business men In . New .York can bo , seen at the ofHce- of W. L. Smith ft Co., and at Mr. T, W. Brown, Silver smith. Those desiring Tickets; must ap ply at once, v , JuneSO-tf - E.D.HAfJU gliifeld ;Eye; Tasltf :; f lolEipftbe most tffecilve remedies,, fo - INFLAMED. SORE AND WEAK EYES: A ' ever offered to the pubiieYr i irt dis 3.'!flj" ' V ; V, ( t Fbr'sale by all Druggists in the city; '-'Price " , sacenMperbotUe:' ' ;: lry ; V' ' ti;...VJ. -..at. ' GREEN ft! FLA&NERt ' iuMs yi : iviv.ti;i wholesale Agents, -' ', may25tf jo, i J i'J hi', 41 Market street. Iron aiid: Glue; lOb BBL8. DISTILLER'S GLUE : " ' rpg.saiejr., ."; ,-;, , L'"- " June lit Il4LIAMS44 MTJRCniSON. ii V Coffee, Sugar, Ilolasscs. lJii 100' Slaif''V '2,'' 2 " 3(.Q Q-Hhds and Bbls Jfohvsses,.? f, . . . . . " . , ' ; i--,"'. ' 'iu' iror sale by - WILLIAMS ft MURCHISdN: rnalltfi"' iniii. i 'r ;''-. --" . B lraS';o o 1 , 4- N.mC. rpEE FALL SESSION br lops Julymh.'' ' Junel4-SAFlm COL, Wx. BINGHAM. irAITTE D .Purchasers to call at S. Levy's, TV 44 Market street, and examine his stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, hhoes. Hats. Notions, Ac-, which are now selling ai actual t cost, ;w ;.. r-i r-r:J .v.. -:.'; may 83-ina AfJD FOUfJD. "T7WTJJI D A place Where Dry Goods, Cloth- jng, xwu, ouuoai "awi a vLiuiui, clu., are belnjr sold at actual eott,'- 8. Levy's, 44 Market 4 C OLA4.J. -Va.Ia "4L ta, ar Jarke may SO-im FOH GALE OR U E U T. C Tjlon BEJfT A fine large house, contaln Jj ing 8 rooms, Just East of the Garrison, on ront street, bmlthvllle. Apply to -4aneSd-lw - JAMJ A MEAEX3. . , TT7W3 RALE At AcTtrAL Cost, by 8. Levy, : JU 44 Market street, Dry Goods, Clothhigy, Boots, Shoesi Hats, Notions, Ac. Call and', secure bargains. . - may 804m v Jn 1- it fti I' I. j?! f. r- 'V -'i ,11 1 1 15 if! it- .a i

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