THE IIOIXZi IDTQ UTAH, 1 PUBLISHED DAILY, V. ' WH. II BERNARD, Editor and Prop'r. Orrics, Dawson Bank Buildings, Front 8t. one year. in advance ..$7 00 ui months. In advance 3 60 Three months, in ad ranee.. ...... .......... 2 00 One month, In advance The Moehiwo Stab will b part of toe City at Firrwr The Morhiko Star will be delivered in any uwrrs per wees, JIETEOSOLOUIOAL XECOBl). Jane 27, 1871. " " Ther- - - Time. etrfrm mom . Wind. Weather eier eter. " 7 A. M 29:79 77 ,3 E Light Cloudy 2 P. M. 29:91 83 E Fresh Fair 9P. M. 29:91 78 3 E gentle Clear . 1 1 ' Mean Temp, of day. 81 dee. Notb. All barometric readings are reduced to the sca-ievei ana to as degrees jrahrcnbelt. JKOBBRT DBYBOTH, , ; ; ; Serg't Signal Service U. S. A. Weather Report. - i ' Was Dbpabtmbht, umce oi umei signal umcer. ?.rk. Washington, Jane 274:85 P. Probabilities, The area of low pressure in Upper. Canada will probably move southeastward, accompa Died by fresh and brisk winds from Lake Hu ron to flew jersey, 'lne conditions are favor able for local storms In the Ohio Valley and on THIS OII'IT. , ! ., f. .H I , .1 ,,, , , ,M EW AUVERTISEHKS I V Ubimsbkbobr's Live Book Store, 89 Market street New Books from the celebrated house of E. J. Hale & 8on. v :. ymi- VV. M. Stbvbnson, Market 8treet. Coun try Merchants. ' " ' ' J ' Wm. J. Bivws, Clerk. Notics to Tax Pay ersRevision of the Lists. Steambr Wacoamiw. Excursion to Black Fish Ground. . . Positively Selling Ont at Cost at No. 44, Market Street. Having rented the store now occupied by Mr. John O. Bauman, corner Front and Market Streets, and intending to open there with an entire new 8tock of Goods. I now offer mv entire present stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hits, Notions. &c. &c. at actual cost. Persons wlshlng-to purchaso will do"well hv callln? on me before bovine elaewhern J a - r a . . they will certainly ffo able toi get bargains at 8. Levi's, I may 30 4m Next door to Patten's Bakery. I To City Subscribers. On the first day of Julv. Mr.D, M tlobb will aucceed Mr. W. L. Harlow aa CAtv A cr-nt nf tbe Mobkiso Stab for all that portien of the city North of the centre of Market street. From that date all subscriptions in his Divis- ion will be payable to him. ' - All subscriptions due W. L. Harlow, and unpaid July 1st, are payable only to the un- dersigned or his authorized Agents. ' June 13, 1871. WM..H. BERNARD. Important Annonnccment. In order to make room for improvements for the Fall Trade, I will offer my entire Stock of Dry Goods, Ac, at cost, without exception, nt No. 15 Market street, tjuljl A. ANHALT. BpeSiai 1 OliCe. We learn that Mayor Martin baa author- aoa empowered mc conductors ofthe va- . c ta fcu .u uuC cpacuj oi spc- fv.c. AiH.iaaoneio lacimaio the ar- rest of parties who are in the habit of throw- Ing rocks at the cars and otherwise disturbing hu unnojmg passengers. His Name. liThe man who was killed on the Wilmington, toliimbla & Augusta railroad on Saturday evening was Walter R, Campbell, from Chilli- cothe, Ohio. The deceased was in an intoxica- led state, and had been walking up the track. It la supposed that he fell asleep upon it, and did not notice tho approach of the train. His body, terribly mangled, was carried to Flor ence on the train, and an inquest held over it. The deceased was a soldier, and formerly a member of Company R, 7th United 8tates Uavairy. 1 , Common sense is valuable In all kinds of business except love making. Another Blcpm'ond In tbe Field. : Duncan Holmes, otherwise known as the "Knight of .the Thundering Lungs," ex presses bis determination 'to take the field gainst Convention. He will canvass" some of the adjacent ceuntlei, Including Sampson,' in which latter remembered that on one occasion he went there with the purpose of Riving the denizens of that land of huckle berries and Imaginary Ku JOoxes a lew crude remarks In favor of Republicanism, but, under the prttxurt of ctrcurrutaricetl finally changed Ma mind and treated bis delighted auditory to downright Democratic speech, calling on his colored brethren never to desert their old masters, but to vote with them every time J The following cases' we're disposed of yester day mornlnjr, the docket being weightier than osual: r. .. . r ,, Calvin Blackwell, , charged .with, cursing, qaarreliog, Ac., on the street, and Insulting a Public officer while in the discharge of -bis ty, was found guilty and lined ' f 100 and be imprisoned at the discretion of the Mayor not exceeding 60 days. The Msyor recommended n,)t to enforce the Imprisonment .because the Power is doubtful. : : . . U O A State aod City vt. Calrln Bfackwell, charged s.riklog awoman..' Guilty. Judgment I0' the penalty and costs,' defendant required "ud "curlty In the sum of $100 for his ap Pranco at the Superior Court. ; John Turner, charged with lighting, ouar. u,ln?,&c., with Buck Powell, was found not Ktyand difcharged.-. , :. ; , n Two cases up for throwing stones In the "cets with sling shots, breaking out windows mitteddanRerin,C Ia"erS by; Defendants snb- de?PDVa?,OrdU0rderlJ' cornet, ln- which fendantsobm!tted. , v- r rLTf l0diTMn name twe are ?lihh9 i op In two case, fdr bh and battery and fighting, quarreling. fhICh he rQlred I unJndthe costf.l .-f i;...hfnt u-.-U. T7l .XT TTT TTiV GO" i .vr p am XI vi . VJiW. Local Dot. The Raleigh Telegram comes very irrczu- larlj, - Can either of the Johns assign a reason for it? ' :- " Two colored male patients were granted permission yesterday to enter the City Hospital for treatment. . . ' "t Tt,Cw -a.Blackbarn aBlackwell wasscnt to the Work House yesterday to serve out the! sentence of the City Court. ' t The dispiay.ln the windows of various stores on Market Street InniMtflathA n a ' ' We:are indebted to Mr." Hetnsbereer for a present of one of those indispensable articles to a reporter, a nocket memoLm w The latest curiosity in the! vegeUbie line was a cabbage In the market yesterday morn- Ing with "eleven head,; all' well formed and solid. , s ' . .. - vve notice mat me pump at the head of the Market has been order and. will doubtless prove a-irrcatconvenleneatn wh " lng out the market, &c. to come here from Charlotte on the 3rd of Ju ly are expected to participate in the grand ex cursion to Abbottsbarg on the 4th. - We learn that the dwelling house of Mr. Alex. 8outherland, who resided near Kenans- ville, Duplin county, was destroyed by lire a few days sgo, together with Its contents Regular monthly communication of St. John's Lodge No. l.F. and A. M., on to-mor- row evening, the official notice of which will appear as usual in the columns of the Stab to morrow morning. After the close of the meeting in the 8econ Ward last night, one of the white par uclPanw was n card expressing his disgust, in lanSaJ?o oth emphatic and profane, with the whole d d concern." I Jesse Wilder, Esq., and not J W Wind- I'dcr m lnfnppii. nnKit.k.j i I i uviioui'U iu V u I un?r yesterday, was on Monday evening elected the V. P. of Stonewall Lodge No. 1, Knights of Pythias, for the ensuing term. -u.uS kuDuuies oi iruuiy vouego A tm Ann 4Ua MauJjkA - - fry ft ri t " lD0 ,ai commencement, we notice the name of Mr Alex. . Green, of Wilson county, 80n of Z H Green E3 formeriy.of this city. Mr u i001c tte deree of A- B- I O mm oomo miseraoie leuow, badly pushed for something to gobble up," or intent upon keeping his hands in, pocketed a couple of our fiend uiioert's bagatelle balls on Saturday I and he has heard nothing from them sin. I issue it will be seen that the Board of County Commissioners will meet at their office in this city on Monday next, J uly 3rd, for the purpose of revising the liBts and for hearing all com- plaints that may be made in regard to valna-1 tion. Left for Ills Homo. CanL OfOPO-ft nvip thn Tl11ah Wl Excel, who attemnted to til! th m,A nf mtel bv cutting hl thm.t iih tniu who was subsequently suspended from hU command by a naval court which assembled in this city and afterwards sent to the Marine Hospital for treatment for Insanity, was to leftVe herB TeBtird.v in MPfl ntnt l o of the British Barque Susie, ior Bristol, 'Eng., I 7 - mf " J w v m MWUi VU his home being bnt-a short distance from that city. It is the opinion of Dr. Winants, In charge of the, hospital, that . CapL Darles Is hopelessly Insane, caused by a softening of the brain. It was found expendlent to 'keep a strict watch over him day and night during his stay in the hospital, and the- same surveil lance will be necessary during his voyage across the ocean. . . We understand that a com- fortable room for his especial benefit has been prepared". for him on the barque and that he will be s:curely Conflned during the trip. Excu''o" o h Blacbflah Grounds To-anorrow. Those who wish to take a very pleasant trip to the Blackfiah Grounds will have an oppor tunity of doing. so to-morrow, .The steamer Waccamaw will leave her wharf, near the' foot I of Market Dock, at 6 A.M., will tonch at Smithville bo as to give an opportunity to those who wish to stop there to do so and then proceed to the grounds, where the usual stop page will be made to allow the fishermen to try their luck.' Retiming, she will again touch at 8mlthvllle. It will doubtless be a very enjoyable affair, and participated in by a large number of ' our citizens. Fare, for the round trip, $ 1. Tbe Excursion to Goldiboro. As Mt. Olivet Council,' F. of T., of this city accompanied by the "Band of nope," propose to be present, they will be glad to learn that the Goldsboro Council is making every pre-. paratlon to render the demonstration and pic nic announced for, tbe fourth of July ., next, a grand success... The . Messenger says several Cruncils have already consented to be present and participate and the Rev. W. W. Dancan, I of Norfolk, Va., is expected to deliter an ora tion on temperance" . it, Complimentary. The Rev. James B. Purcell, formerly of this city, but now Rector of St. Timothy's Church, Wilson, was ordained to the Priesthood in Newbern, on Sunday the 18th. The Ledge of Wilsonsaysr "Dr. Purcell has :wbn "golden onlnlons since his comioer Into thla eommn'nltv and we trust, or we belleve,"that his pastorate amongst us will be productive of greagood to , .,-,.L i.: ' .... -.-j-:. : I Star Book Bindery. It , j , The attention of the public is called to the I bu)viiui iwuibKB uuv nave . ior executing i j cheaply, promptly, and skilfully all kinds of d partment nas steaauy increased, an evidence j that we hate not labored in vain In our effort to establish a Book Bindery equal to the de mands of our growing city. But we are de termined to do still more ; and as onr busi ness grows so will our facilities be increased. Give us trial? ;:'?V"'4 "'StawSw . OTniGTON, IT. C, WEDNESDAY. JUIJE 28. Republican :--:,, Meetings Nfffnf. The Republicans of the various Wards met last night and selected delegates to the Con ty Convention which win be held in this city on the 6th of July. - Prior to these, meetings tnere had been no precepttble excitement manifested on the tart of th ufli.t niiM.' ,clans of this city in reference to the question of nominations for the ' inmnnuri nnn.tntf.i Convention hnt ia.t. io.hfi:if .Sw'i- i . mr v vus viLULiuiiui UP to fever .heat, especially inhe 2nd Ward. i ... .... Passlna- in th nlrMnn Af fsa ita auer our ears were saluted by loud crIes' and uPon oinS to Ue do6r leading into the Court room from whence thev nroceeded. i . - t . . B uuu,UBr OI olQr T"6 iath ffforts to drown ;his t """o wkuers Bwii were urging mm on "a Birmng to put down his opponents. : Al. together the scene Presented waa oneVnn. lt,rW,h,,f.. ' , 'tu''VJZ -,ii-fc. ;.; -t -r i -w i ft vuw uvnuvio uoo nibucsscu u u lh Ki n ci i Pandemonium. C Finally harsh words were in. dulged in and from that it came to blows, or attempts in that direction, and at one time a general row was Imminent. At last, however, quiet. was in a measure restored and we took our departure. , : . ; r ; In most of the other Wards, we learn, there was no disturbance of any magnitude, and in some of them everything passed off quietly. The following comprises the list of delegates chosen In the several Wards : ' ' 1 - 1 lsi wara. S. T.' Potts, white: Dancan Holmes, colored, and Henry Bruington, colored. 2nd Ward.-E. R. Brink, white : C. TL Mai- lett. 8r.. colored Jtm. a r.nar ol, rxr y""7, ' vwwu. - 3m Ward.-Charles Ponir. whftp. v.thnn bampson, eolired, and Allen J. Denton, coiorea. a wara. ueorge W. Trice, colored; K. 8. .waldron white; and Charles Southerland, colored. 6A Ward. J. C. Hill, W. H. Thurbur and J. R. Rubs, all colored. :l -- """-f mw iviiuniug ucicgBics i tne fni In Winer rtlArrotAa were chosen: A. H. Morriss, Deleware Nixon " o and John McCabe. Tne Concert. There was a tremendous crowd present at the Masonic Hall last evening on the occasion of the last Musical Soiree for the season f th Academy of Music, all the seats belns- full and la number being compelled to stand durinr the exercises. The concert was a decided success n va - uivi ui .uw uiuoiu nag ujguijr BpprcClalcU oy ail r " " ivuuwcui but Due Tranmerd, with flute and organ, and Md. Beq. 'Gallop elicitedpecial encomiums from the audience. The feats of Master Sam- my Carr on the Cabinet Organ attracted much attention. He is certainly a musical prodigy, being only abnt five years old. " AdoWcia, a Soprano 8olo, was also deservedly applauded.' Altogether it was a very interesting occasion,' very creditable to.Prof. Rueckert, the Princi pal, as well as to his. pupils, and highly enjoy ed by all present. Our Cbip Basket. Generally speaking women. Why are some women like facts?..? Be- cause they are stubborn things. . n '-. Of course when ' our, better halves rise from the dinner table and leave - us, we are "half gone." ; ' , ?: It is said that 'marriages ' draw better than theatres, and the interest felt In them by ladies nevergrows cold." . : '', A new'American prima donna, Miss Stet- 80D$ 8 wInDln gldcn opinions in London, where she has just made her debut.'. Iowa contains a venerable couple who were married in 1798, and who are nearly 'two hundred and five years old collectively. , ASaratoga 1 belie who dresses nineteen ' ; " r ' I times a day has gone into a decline. SO-has her father. , He declines to pay bis notes. "What are you doing ?ll said a father to a 8n ""bo was tinkering an- old watch "lax- proving my time," was the witty rejoinder. It has rained so hard in Milwaukie for four months that the Chicago .Republican vas- serts all the children born there are web-foot ed. -' - SPIRITS i OF .TURPENTINE. Halifax own has a Thespiari corps in full blast. The Rev. Mr." Earle' preached in uoidsDoro on JTriaay last. . , Urops in the JJewbern section have now all the rain tbey will? need in sometime. ' , - : 1-lRev. J ohii Powell has i been nominated for the Convention in Cald- well county. ;r" 'j l ... i r V -R. K. Clanton, , ot Warren; county, had cotton squares in his field on the 11th lost. - , -A The First National Bank of Charlotte has declared v a semi-annual dividend 'of five ner enl; ? rrr x . . Q. v - ' euciier, oi mis ? paper at Santa Pe, New fc"rTM J-"0 lat "River Baptist AsSO- ciation wiU meet on the 8th of August ? l0Q ?ch . Qr1? ,." V " . t -; . " ' V. . ' . - inouier unsnccessnw attempt was made. ion. : Wednesday night, by a prisoner, to .breakout of the Warren coun- : C&det ' 'Henry Kiupbnry of AAiuiu. was i;ruuiiKu at it est x uiui. - a few days ago. He will enter the i cavalry service as Brevet Second Lieutenant. The convention campaign in Warren county is Teetting liyely. , Messrs. D. R Goodloe .and W. R. Montgomery. the conscrvatiye candidates, aref earnestly zz : - Rev. C. C. DoaW of Wilson. l1.verea e Amj" Oration at Trinity Gge on, lasfc Wednesday evening. ; The Governor has ordered a Special- Term of Mecklenburg Superior w ue ueia Ior lwo weeks, commen cInS on the third Monday in July. ' The Salisbury Emmirier 'says it is curcentlv renorted that h ro,'.oi i r- wuw a waw&aa ;l assessor of internal revennA rf-that ia. CB,1IJ Henderson,) has been assessed in inn enm f anw : jm r r r - a. v . i " . nttwrttt (WHar rowaras I , , rru r.- ' ' 1-T , , i i iiH w w fw ri i"r t d n ttd " inn iota form n7 xrlni X 7 ' . x?6 v ?"5e 01 tfle pourt. : Let us have a Convention. Eeform must be. inaugurated, no matter wno it pleases or displeases. . . , ,,- On Rarnrrlawloat r:":J"1 X?Z Pwo? oi ine .a., "A. s ,U, Iir, -"-."r:.- i if in k n nrn a r Knonovn'ei v ismW t J dell conhtv. The nwwto n says there were five or six thousand per- son3 present. Speeches were made by a-oa- onoDer, wm. Johnston, UJsq., ' Brown, Esq., and Gen. J. A. Young. The close Railroad connection between Charlotte and Statesville was a theme of congratulation by all, and we are sure it marks a new era in the increasing pros perity or tne two places. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Stmr. Waccamaw II TILL leave wharf, near Market Docfr. for . . o. urpunds to-morrow morn- ing axe o'clock, touching at SnlithvUle going 1 and comine. - . - j . . . .... . FAKE, FOB BOUND TKIF, fl. jrassage so smitnviue at usual rates. it COUNTRY . MERCHANTS. T HAVE now in Store, a large stock of ju , JUVf irttLvmv r Alia, and will be prepared at all times to. fill your oruers ior riates, craps ana saucers, jbowis, I trta GsmA u-... .rnii nnAnw i ii li era rirnnsra 'I'vivn niAi I Jt. uioj uwuv V LiUl lAO ItUU Ck 1UU lUlO Jl V AJkVOAX i Mroia, clone nurns, ana JmSF2?Da- i ttuix J au a specialty. w. m. STEVEKSON, Jne 28-lt Dealer In Crockery, Market St. ce Conntr Commissioner, NEW HA NOVER COTJSTT, UffcH PA f.n TflV PavDVa i " fltSeP 111 cordce with the Revenue Law, uw the County Commissioners will meel i County Commissioners will meet I m Ann a v naf Jntv ft .nnn.. visine the tax lima, and for heftnn ii plaints that may be made In reeard to valu- ation. By order of the Board. .. , WM. J. BIVINS, June 2S-tJ3d Clerk. NATIONAL hOTF.LU5 -L.o w p k ice s WILMINGTON, N. C,, REUBEN JONES, Proprietor. REDUCTION OF FARE. v . In consideration of the general decline in cost of all necessaries appertaining to "Hotel Keeping, the price of Board will be reduced onandafter July 1st, 1871,to ;;I V 82 Per Day for Transient and $23 00 Per Montbi for Say Board, Being determined that nothing shall be left undone in the future to make the m National1' wnat it nas been in the past, second to none mmeciiy. june 25-nac'iw New Books. T JtROM CELEBRATED HOtJSE OF , . J. RALE & SON, NEW YOHK, . W OR L D ESSAYS. S3, 000 COPIES of this Book have been sold . . Another snpplyj ust received and for sale at HEINSBERGER'S : iune 27-tf . Live Book Store.' Pianos. Organs, gyELOpEONS AND CHROM03, ; ; ' Tor-sale at ,- June27:tr ,c; . .'. . HEINSBERGER'S. THE " STAR" Steam Job Printing House, TU?lEE steam-presses. COMPETENT WORKMEN; TIIE BEST MATERIAL. '.Jilt';i "-'' i- 1 HI'S ... j. , REASONABLE PRICED 1 ' ; SUPERIOR WORK, ' r t i J" ' .a ; ; Give Us a iTrial. June 21-nactf . . . : " MISCELLAHEOCJS. i Iff; Bacon and Pork. 3Q HHDS. SMOKED SIDES.-- anu oiiuui.uxs.U3, KfBC vV BOXES D. S. SIDES, , For sale by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON, ; June Ifc-tf - iiilnother liiYoIce, JALF CONGRESS GAITERS j - Forsaleby!! ';' ' : DUDLEY & ELLIS, June 27-tf it Sign of the Big Boot, 1871. Whole Ho. 1,172 MTSCELLAJSTEOUS. THE " STAR" JOB PRINTING HOUSE r ' . . ... , ; ..; : ' , . .. j li ..'4 Book Bindery. ' AND Blank Book; Manufactory. WM. H. BERNARD, Prop'tor, TTOLMLNGTON 1ST. C. I Aiie 3y Jtablisument in the State having all these facili lien combined. IMPROVED MACHINERY OF A L L KIN JD JS ! THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF TYPE, PAPER8,!ARDS AND INKS ! SKILLED WORKMEN IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ! NOT THE LOWES T P RICES BDT, AS ,. Any Other Etabliglinieiit . FOR THE., ': ,:- is-iZ: BEST QUALITY OF MVOUKI PRINTING, BTJI.INO AND BINDING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Executed Promptly and Skilfully I i - i . SINCE ADDING . '..JJil. ji,:S T E rA M P; OW E R " ' rr ui,,i, -i,'..V;r :C l,:c -..: -r we are enabled to fill orders -with THE TJTMOST . DISPATCH. May&-SAFtr , - . , PRO SIP.E C T U' S ' O "F " The Southern Appeal? ' A' WEEKLY JOURNAL OF NEWS, POLI- TICS AND LITERATURE., - ; fc v xi ine requisite nnmDer or snDscriDers can I be obtained, a Weekly paper, with the above I name, will be publisher published at I oxford, n. a,,...,,-:'-:: - . , . . . . , , . , on or before-the 1st of July, under tbe Edi torial Management Of T. B. Kingsbury. M , . it will be the constant effort of the Editor to make 4 THE SOUTHERN APPEA t. -r. cellent NEWS paper a 'repertory of current! events a sort of weekly man or record of a I ousy vona, . . :.:.; - - . itecognizmg dub two National -parties, the Republican and Democratic, THM SOUTH- jsitM ArrBAi' wiu advocate and defend the doctrines and principles of the lattbr, as the Editor is in hearty accord with all the living issues of that irreat ratriotlo nartv. it win fight no questions that are settled, but will expose ana aenounce in proper terms corrup tion, peculation and fraud, whether in bleU or low places, whilst strenuously advocating reform and retrenchment In the administra tion of Government, State and National. -Whatever of taste the Editor mar have, will te brought into requisition in the Litxbabt selections of the paper, although the literary element will be subordinated to the other leading- features the News and Political De partments. ...-. -. ; THE SOUTHERN APPEAL'1 will be found the fai thiol any oi virtue, good government, and pure literature, and a true sentinel guard ing vigilantly the rights and Interests of the Southern people. rnr . m. t I riu De a nandsome twenty-eight column paper, and will be furnished to subscribers at a so ior one year, tl 60 for six' months or 75 venu ior uaxee monins. ; r : r ' Every friend of the enterprise Is urged to pestirbimseir At once In its behalf.: send on TiRTTi rh cit BTinn ctinannnoTa rm l . ... ri m A l lied upon for prompt payment. ment that will be complete ' In its appoint-1 mere wiu De a Henderson Local Depart menta. The Editor will be under special oblisrationa to those of his personal friends who have con- iroi oi newspapers, if they will give this Pxo- spectus a few lnsernons. T. B. KINGSBURT. Editor. 111 JkUlWt, , v Publisher. OxroKB, N. C., June 7th, 1871. June 13-tt. OUfSIDEIt ! .' If you have an old Book that has lost a back, or been otherwise in jureu, nave i re-oounu ai . - - ( i. ' ' WM. H. BERNARD'S Printing House and Book Bindery SAXES OF ADYEKTISIHG l OneSqnareone day, ................. 1 o " twodays...... 1 60 ' - three days,...... ...... ....... 200 " " four days, SM " " live days, 8 00 " " one weeky 8 60 Contract Advertisements taken at pro portionately low rates. . , . Marriages, Deaths, Religions, Funeral and Obituary notices will be lnorfd at hi if rates wpon paid fox in advance ? otherwise full rates Tracs Cash on demand. . . . MISCELLANEOUS. " P0L1AK & S01T. SSftrii Imporlcrs and u'il.fD'ii iv: DEALERS VBiyJ ilr-rl'A" ' . Sioter-s-Mcles ani Cigars, 1VHOLESAXE, 43 Maiden Lane, RETAIL ONLY,, Genuine JBIcerschanmOonds at 27 JOHJf STREET, N. T. , ' Address, for Retail Circulars, Ac, Let- III. I J.... Uirttla ?YIT The "Favorite Flour IS SOLD ONLY BT' " : ' H i , : , CAS. D. MYERS A CO. FT1HE "FAVORITE FLOUR" costs less and' is superior to any brands sold in this market. CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., , , Sole Proprietors. June25-tf BUYERS OF FAMILY SUPPLES SHOULD. try the "FAVORITE FLOUR," . Sold only by ; , ,;. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., ' tune 25-tf ' 7 North Front St. CARD. WE, the undersigned hereby acknowledge the receipt for losses at Lanrinhnrirh from the North Carolina Home Insurance Co., from their agent at this plaoe, Mr. John B. Buchanan. Also, the promDtness which nald losses were paid to us. , , . A. F. BIZZELL, ' june25-St ; r;: J ( MoKAT A MqCALL. Bacon ! Bacon ! X0 0 000 L,BS snou:LDEBs For sale by June 21-tf : WTLLARD BROS. 1 - : . 1 1 ,. ' , .. r .... Turkey Morocco Satchels ' FOR LADIES' USE. ' ; - PACKING trunks; at TWO dollars. Sum mer H ats at Cost. T CLOTHING CHEAP. " . ; " munson & co., June 25-tf CITY CLOTHIERS. Lime! Lime! Jr-O. I BUILDING LIME, r . ;(jgJXTRA WHITE PLASTERING, v ; For sale by v . c : June23-tf ' O. G. PARSLEY A CO. Butter! Butter! 5 KITS MOUNTAIN BUTTER, . . , FRESH AND SWEET, ,,: Just received and f or saleby.f?;, itf June23-tf ' ! - O. G; PARSLEY A CO. - ' . i i The -t Bridal Chamber. ESSAYS FOR YOUNG MEN; ON GREAT Social Evils and Abuses, which interfere with MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief for the Erring and Unfortunate, diseased andl debilitated, sent in sealed letter envelopes, tree of charge. Address, i . aATia'ABI AID A&SUUl ATION, No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. may 13-3mos-ent 1000Lbsr C. HAMS N o .1 ; tVl a c k er e I f " , Iune 22-tf Notice T, , HE Interest on City of Wilmington Bonds due July 1st, will be paid on .presentation at the oflSce of the City Treasurer, on and after Monday, 26th Inst , ' jj ' . . ' t; b-; :h;b June 23-1 wf Treasurer, Corn! Corn; 4 s s s BUSHELS CORN; now; landing M.UU 11 , Z. fyrxm SVi-ra Vlnr44o nnl fa a XfaA nil " For sale by ""' T:"'.'- ';. i.'ii it ,s h u; r; P W.KERCi1NErVm Juno 25-tf v r 27, 23 and 29, North Water at. QOH TXTT"PsG' tJXJKJ in JiTI- KNIGHT'S-SYRUP, For sale by June 21-tf ' ; WlLLARD BUO$. f Sugar aiidCpffe 100 Bbls.Beflned Sugars, all gradesi , 15 Hhds. Dcmarara Sugar, " ' 550SAcks Rio, Java and Laguyra Coffee, : . xuiMueuy ,, .. ... r, F. W. KERCHNEE, 27, 28 and 29 North Water at: rjune 25-tf WANTS. "llfAHTED-Purcbaseifl to call at S. Levy's, W : 44 Market street, and examine his stock '0r 'noir 'SntaTa ozDryuoods, Clothing, Boots, vnoes, Hats. . . - L O S T A fvl D 1 F.O LT T J D . FOUWO A place where Dry Goods, Cloth ing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Ac,, aro beta sold at actual cost.' 8. Levy's, 44 Market street, is the place. - ' , may S0-4m FOR GAL E O H HETJ T. TjOQ SALE-At AoTUAi. Cost, by S. Levy, 'JD 44 i Market street. Dry Goodslothiag, Boots, Shoes, Hats, potions, Ac. Call ana secure bargains. maySUm

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