THE MOUSING 8TAU; " . PUBLISHED PAILY, , ii'jl. 11 BERNARD, Editor ana Prop'r. ofmob, Dawson Bank Buildings, Front 8t. oaeyear, in advance......... ......... .....7 00 i months, in advance...:.....- .... 3 60 Throe months, in advance.... ?........... a 00 Ano month, in advance..... . 75 ftio MoaNiwo Stab will be delivered In any r a. 1. .k (llRllt. M,rif1lEII'W Ivim'O JIETEOHOLOUIUAL UBl. July 19, 1871." . " R.rn Ther- t. ..... I 'Time. mom- Wind. - Weather Ta. M. 29:85 j 78 S W fresh Fair 3 i. M. 59:79 89 3 brisk Fair " 9 P. M. 29:81 j 8) aW brisk Fair ivlean Temp, of day, 83 ideff. Note. All barometric readings are reduced to the sea level and to 33 decrees Fahrenheit. --ii - : - UoBKUT sSbtboth, Serjf't Sisrual Service U. 8. A. Weather Report. Wah Department, EHT, er, y umce 01 uuiei Biernai Ufflcer, Washington July 19 4:85 P, . . ..." JYobabiiUies.:.,; .. . It is probable that a 6hort but heavy rain will pass over Maryland and New Jersey, aud possibly Connecticut, but rising barometer aud clearing weather with fresh northwest winds are probable for Thursday from Illinois to Wisconsin, eastward to the Atlantic coast t Threatening weather will probably continue in northern Florida, with partially cloudy weather io the interior of the Gulf States. THEOITY. Hkinsbergeb's 14ve Book Store, 39 Market 6treet-rNew Works. . i "y, '.. -" W. K. French, Cor. Market and Second sts. Fruits, Confections, &c. j C. D. Mtek8&Co.;No. 7 North Front st. Sugar, N. 0. Apple Brandy, Whiskey, fec. Wm. Larkiks, Clerk.-Notice in Bankrupt cy. ' ' ; -. -' : i W. Kercuner, 27, 28 and 29 N. Water st. Distiller's Materials, Corn, Bacon, &c. ;v James & Me ares, Auctioneers. Chromos at Auction. " , ; Positively Selling; Out at Cost at No. i 4A, Market Street. . Having rented the store now occupied by Mr. John G. Bduman, corner Front and Market itreefs. and intending to open there with an jiulire new Stock of Goods, I now. offer my eulire present stock of Dry Goods,' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Notions, &c, &c, at actual cost. I ' Persons wishing to purchass will do well by calling on me before buying elsewhere, as they will certainly be able to get bargains at ; ) S., Levi's, . may30 4in Next door to Patten's Bakery. To City Subscrioers. ... iP Ou the tirst day of July, Mr. D. M. Cobb will succeed Mr. W L. fiarlow as City Agent of the Mousing Star for all that portion of the city North of the centre of Market street. From thai date all subscriptions in his Divis ion will -be payable to him. '.', . All subscriptions due W. L. Harlow, and unpaid July 1st, are payable only to (he un dersigned or his authorized Agents. June 16, 1871. WM. H. BERNARD. To the Seashore. j The excursion to Smithville1 on the steamer Waccamaw yesterday was attended by a large crowd of both sexes. We learn from, several who participated that a very pleasant time was had. A band of music was in attendance and dancing was the order of the day. There will b: another excursion of the fame charac ter shortly. I Hysterics.. ,.: j-v Assafoetida is said to be an efficient remedy, but as some females object to taking such a drug, we copy the following recommendation lor their cure : j.v " " Carraway seeds, pounded with a small pro portion of ginger and salt spread upon bread uDd butter, and eaten every day, especially early in the morning, and before going to bed, are successf ully used in Germany as a domestic remedy against hysterics." . ' The Malls. We are requested to state that the mail for IlarrelFs Store leaves Magnolia every Friday, at 9 A. M., after the mail arrives from this city.a nd the mail from Harrell's Store arrives at Magnolia every Saturday, at 6 P. M. As tuf mail between Magnolia and Harrell's Store i only a weekly one, papers or letters must ba eut up Friday morning to make connection with the latter place. . ; Appreciated. f."; We notice that Virginias Ballard, Esq., 'a former citizen of this place, after serving the Carolina Council Friends of Temperance, of Haleigl as President for two terms, has been made the tx-President of the same Couucil for the present term, and that he has also been elected Recording Scribe of Centre Lodge, K. of P., of the same plaee. It affords ns pleasure to know that old Wilmingtonians r are appre ciated abroad. :.. . ; A Brilliant Meteor. - - Last night, about 8 o'clock, one of the most brilliantand startling meteors we "ever saw passed over this city, from South to North, kayiuK iu its wake a trail resembling sparks from the moke stack"; of au engine. The Ule tor resembled a ball of Are, of about fonr wrflve iuches iu diameter, and the streets .in its course were for a few moments as brilliant y illuminated as when the noonday sun shone "ponthem4 , ; - Wihniuffton Building Association. At the aunual meeting of the Wilmington ttuiidmg Association, held at the Commercial ExchanKt5 last even tog, the old Beard of Di 'ectors were re eleeted, as follows : W. L. 8 with, W. H Bernard, W: L. DeRosset, I. B. Grainger, Robert Henning, John Colville, W. A- Cumming, Roger Moore, Jas. Reilly, J. F. Divine, T. H. McKoy: - : " . ' ! At the same tiboe and place 25 shares of 8tock were redeemed as 'follows : Ten shares 101 ; ten at $103 ; four at $108, and one at 109, being an average of 1 103,24 per share. , Huting In. ; V Afull supply of Robinson's Printing Inks Jept constantly on hand at the office of the ,obms0 Star. These inks are equal, if not Perior, to any manufactured in this country. eSa of 25 fts kept in stock for the special itefit of weekly pipers. Cash orders sollc- tf Yoi yni-y0. 101 Cream candy, it is said, is made of plaster or pans. v . . ' . - There was no session of the City Court yesterday morning. If somebody would only turn the cold shoulder upon us this weather. ' t- Two male patients were granted permis sion, yesterday, to enter the City Hospital. " Every voter must remember that he is required ta vote In his own township. Let very one see that he " is reaiste'red in his township.1 - j -. Messrs. J. & H. Haar, corner of Secoru and Princess Streets, were dealing out lager t" thirsty customers yesterday on rather a huge 6cale. . This morning; at 10 o'clock, in front of their salesrooms, Messrs. James & Meares will sell an assortment of Chromos. Litho graphs, fec. K,vBradly Jewett. Eq., has been elected Financial Secretary of Mt. Olivet Council No. 9 Friends of Temperance, of this city, for the pres nt term.- Ttfose enterprising commission inerchantP, Messrs. Worth & Worth, aH having erected a commodious brick office on the corner of Mul beiry aud Nutt Street. Counterfeits of the denomination of $20 are in ciiculation. They are well executed, and scrupulous care should be exercised by our business men that they are not victimized. In the Supreme Court on Tuesday the case of Henry, King, executor, v. Wil. & Weldon R. R. Company, from Wilson, was called and continued under the rules. No counsel. ,' Annie Lee and Mattie Ballard, two white females of easy virtue, whose presence iu our city the authorities concluded they could dis pense with, were shipped to Fayetteville, their former home, yesterday morning. The front room in the Northern part of the City Hall building, formerly occupied by the Wilmington Library Association, was sur rendered to the city authorities yesterday, and will hereafter be used by'City Marshal Canaday as an office. - We were 6hown by Mr. J. C. Lumsden of this city, yesterday, a twin cantelope, being two perfect cantelopes joined together after the manner of the Siamese twin? or the two headed girl. This season abounds in curiosi ties in the vegetable and fruit line. The example of the citizens residing on Seventh street, in petitioning for a sidewalk to be erected at their own expense, is worthy of imitation, but we must urge upon the resi dents of that locality (as we suppose they will Shortly have their walk) to further improve their pretty street by setting out oak or elm shade trees along the proposed sidewalk. From ; Robeson Lower y Still on tbe War' Path The Wives or the Out laws Released. The news, from Robeson yesterday,, though very meagre, was sufficient to demonstrate tbe fict that the outlaws are till on the war path. A colored man, by the name of Abram Mcln ty re, living about a' quarter of a mile from Shoe Heel,, says that he sent his little boy down n the pasture yesterday morning to drive up the stock, and while doing so Henry Berry Low ery came up and asked him several questions. He inquired particularly for Mr: J, N. McLean, declaring that he intended to kill him. The boy bad a horse with him at the time, and Lowery asked if the animal did not belong to McLean, whom he had killed. Lowery theu took his departure, going in the direction of Shoe Heel. This was directly after sunrise. About 8 o'clock he again made his appearance inithe vicinitv of Mclntyre's and repeated his iuquirles for McLean. It Is also stated that the notorious outlaw was seen by a white man in the same neighborhood, but our informant could not give ns his name. ; In addition to the above, we learn that tbe wives of Henry Berry Lowery, Boss Strong and George Applewhite, who were recently arrested by the Sheriff's orders, and confined in tbe county Jail at Lnmberton, were released yesterday morning and taken to Red Banks on the freight train. An Enfflns tor the West Side of the 1 Cape Fear. As the property of citizens on the West side of the river, within the city limits, is entitled to protection from fires, we would suggest to the authorities the propriety of reserving one of the hand-engines advertised to be sold and stationing it on that side of the river. It could be operated in esse of fire by the Rai road em ployees or other volunteers, thereby avoiding the risk attending the transportation of our steam engines in flats which may be acci dentally secured for the purpose, as well as the delay incident to such transportation to the East 6ide of tbe Cape Fear. 4 A Colored Female Co-operative Abko ' elation. . A number of colored females of this eity organized themselves some time since into what they term the "Ladles' Co operative As sociation," which,' we learn, is in a very flour ishing condition. The association commenced operations on the 3d of April last, and its capital stock now amounts to between $700 and $1,000. The only male in any way con nected" with it is J. H. .. Whiieman, who has a sort of superintendence of the financial ar rangements. We are always glad to record any such praiseworty efforts on the part of our colored population to advance their worldly V rbsperity. - . I. O.O. F. , . . . , . The Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of North Carolina began their annual session m Raleigh yesterday morning, quite a number of delegates from the subordi nate" Lodges being .expected. The Raleigh TeUgram learns that the order has been .quite prospeions during -the past vear. more so than at any former period since the war, and is rapidly regaining its old strength and influence throughout the State, iimiHGTOi n. cl, Thursday, jply 20. i87i. auc AOuservatlve Canvassers for New Han over County will address the peoDle as foil Uo Saturday, July 22, at Lee3burg, in tjniou Township R. H.. Cowan, W. T. Enuettf - On Tuesday, July 25, at Biddle's Store, in Federal Point J. J. Fowler, S. R. Bunting. Ou Tuesday, July 25, at Humphreys's, in Harnett C. W. McClammy, C. M. Stedman. Op Wednesday, July 26, at Point Caswell, in Caswell Township F. D. Poissou, Dr. Seavey. Oa Thursday, July 27, at Lillington, i i Lin colu Township S. A. Ashe, W. S. Devane. On Thursday, July 27, at Hewett's, head of Purvine's Creek, in Masonboro Township R. 8trange, J. J. Fowler,' Luke McClammy. f On Friday, July 28, at Shakin, In lolly Township Daniel Shaw, W, T. Ennett, 1 3. W. McClammy. ' On Saturday, July 29, at Sandy Run, in 3rant Township J. L. Holmes, R. H. Cowan, S. A. Ashe, C. W. McClammy. v v I On Monday, July 31, at Oaks, in Franklin Township J. D. Powers, J. A. Engelhard.; , On Tuesday, Aug. 1, at Williams', lncape Fear Township Jno. L. Holmes, C. M. Sted man, Daniel Shaw. On Wednesdayj Aug. 2, at Joe Ea kins', in Columbia Township J. D. Powers, W. T. En nett. .' . j -: On Wednesday, Aug, 2, at Rocky Point, in Uolden Township R. H. Cowan, W. S. De- vape. Oar Chip Basket. .' Four seasons Mustard, salt, pepper1, and vinegar. Most lovers like to be alone With iheir sweethearts of course. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe has been nomi nated for Governor of Massachusetts. j , An Oregon toast over a glass of the ardent: Here's what makes us wear old clothes'." A San Francisco paper mentions the ar rival in that city of " Uol.Susan B. Anthony." Mrs. John Allmand, claims to be . the first American lady who has girded the world by steam. The female population of Edinburgh exceeds the male by nearly 19,000. In Glas gow the excess is 16,000. i A delighted hearer observed of a very brilliant talker that the flash of his wit wal followed close by the peal of applause. An old lady from one of the rural districts astonished a clerk in one of the stores aj few days ago by Inquiring if he had any "yaller developments, sich as they did up letters in." A school teacher asked a new boy jwho made the glorious universe ?" but the I boy eouldn't tell; so the teacher got a rawhide and told the boy if he didn't tell he would whip him. The boy looked at the whip and snivel led out, "Please, sir, I did; but 1 won't do it agai ItlVEB AKD MARI9IE NF.WS, Wbdnesdat, July 19. Capt. Potter, of the Waccamuw, reports the Barque Golden. West, from Cardenas, in be low and anchored abreast the quarantine sta one tion. All well. - One schooner and steamer, names not known, are reported off New Inlet Bar. The agents of the schooner John rece v'ed a dispatch from New York this morningjjjan- nouncing her safe arrival at that port. This allays the apprehension which has been! felt In the community for a day or two past for her safety, it having been feared that she was lost. I Capt. John Grifth is acting Harbor Mas ter of the port during the absence of Cppt. Lawton. j If you have found anything, advertise it in ournew department, under head of 'Lostand Found," at half our regular rates, for adver tisements hot exceeding five lines. frf SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE. Watermelous are a druer on the market iu Newbern. Gov. Caldwell left Kale for the West on. Monday evening. Two - convicts escaped from the Penitentiary on Saturday nignt lasr. There is to be an excursion from Weldon to Petersburg on the 2IJtb. The anti-Conventionists of Northampton have nominated Jas. W. Newson and JSdmuna Jacoos. jsani Dr. H. J. Menninger, Secre tary of State, left yesterday for Germany, his "native heath,77 the leiegram says. r The Weldon News continues to bear the most flattering reports con cerning the crop prospects throughout that section. .- I General M. W. Ransom ajnd TTnn T -A. Barnes are the Conservative nominees tor Convention in Northampton. Well done, Northampton I The Weldon News says: A in "Rantist Colored Association was held TTiifylast week. The crowd in atten dance .there on Sunday was extremely large. . ' . . On Monday night some rascal stole a whole boat-load of watermel ana near Newbern, carried them to tbe cfty, sold them, and turned the hoat adrift. So says tbe Newbern Timet.. j The Weldon News says : The hia nlApp frnm Petersburg (AV. aOVM WW f - w . - on last Saturday to bring the darkey element to hear the big dogs irom wasu- innrtnn 81) arl brought three passenseis. and they were good old honest Conservsi- tives who came 10 aiteuu w uusiuc. 4 FTnnrv Edds. colored, Smith and James J. Goodwyn are he Radical nominees in Halifax tor Conven tion. The Weldon iew says : onouia seats in the Convention, we can safely assert that no county in he State will be representea. oy moits iguw him onn nlpd with a decree of villainy that is acknowledged by the Republican, party, than will this accursea county. ' 1 he people of Alamance have invited Maj. Robert Bingham to deliver an address on Convention, go: says the Sentinel. Wm. Underwood, a resident of Elizabeth City, was arrested in-Norfolk on Friday last, charged with obtaining, goods from a merchant of that city untjer false pretences. He was committed for felony, bail being refused. j ; V: ' The Southern Home says: A din ner was given on I the 13th on the grounds of the N. C. Military Institute to the colored Conservatives of Charlotte. Ad dresses were delivered by Gov. Vance, Gen. Young, Col. Jones, Col. Osborne, and Rev, Mr. Hood, colored. Everything went oft pleasantly. We hope that the day is not far distant when the colored race will feel that their interests are identified with ours, and then they will vote for respectable natives, instead of carpet-baggers of the Pike and Littlefield stripe. i V::v-.; : ', The Pee j Dee ' Herald says We notice that a gallows has been erected, upon which will be hanged the criminals convicted at the special term of the Su perior Court for the murder of Mr. James W. Redfearn. The gallows is at the north end of the jail, and within the jail enclosure. A high screen has been built on the side fronting Dr. Ramsey's resi dence. The gallows is on a very good plan, and is built in such ; a - way as to give them a very sudden fall which will break their necks without causing them to. suffer but one pang. : f I'OOT. Ateb'8 IiABORATOKYxiMtfciiaa done such wonders tor the sick, now issues a potent restorer for the beauty of mankind for the comeliness which advancing age is so prone to diminish and destroy. -His VIGOR mounts luxuriant locks on the bald and grey pates among us, and thus lays us under obligations to him, for the good looks as well as health of the community. It is saddening to see our hair blossoming for the gravo too early. More especially wo men feet this affliction, and it is even a greater deformity to them than to men. AlER'S HAIR VIGOR removes it and restores the hair sometimes, butits original color always. , KEW ADVERTISEMENTS J. T. JAMES, Auctioneer. ! . . f ' BY JAMES & MEARES 1 :11BOMOs"aT AUCTIOJV. THIS MORNING; at 10 o'clock, in front of our salesrooms, we will sell, without re-, serve, a large assortment Fine chromos, Lith ographs and Steel Engravings, all elegantly fiamed, besides a loo of .Bacon, Crackers, Crockery Ware, Ac. July $0 it Bankrupt Notice, j NOTICE is hereby given that a petition has been filed in the district Court of the United States, for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, by John H. Cook and Rob ert Johnson, partners in the firm of Cook & Johnson, of fayetteville, in the County of Cumberland, in said District, who havo been duly declared bankrupts under the Act of Congress, of March 2, let7, for discharge and certificate thereof, from aU debts ana other claims provable under said act, and that the 8th day of August, 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the office of William A. Guthrie, Register in Bankruptcy in Fayetteville, N. O ,is assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors, who have 'proved their debts, and other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer ox the petitioner should not be granted. Dated at Wilmington, N. C , on the ioih day of July, A. D. 1871. - WM LABKINS, 1ulv20law2w Clerk. N. C. APPL.E BRANDY, N. C. CORN WHISKEY. We have1 consignment of the above, vkbt choice, which-we sell low for cash. . . ' i ' - ' CilAS. D. MYERS CO.? julySOrtf 7 North Front St CHOICE SELECTIONS of Jld Government Java Coffee and Prime Laguyra and Rio conree, sinewy pure. Fresh Roasted and Ground Java Coffee. gQ BARRELS SUGAR IN STORE, fer at very low figures. J Weof- CHAS. D. MYl.itS & CO luly20-tf ' 7 North Front St. Send to French's For FRUITS and CONFECTIONS. YOU will always fljid the best brought to this market. Orders for Fruit (for preserving or Brandy ing) will be filled That saoao good flour always on hand. "Fresh Sugar Cured Hams. Fresh Crackers. TUE FINEST WHISKEY IN THE CITY. I Can's be Undersold. , ; W. R. FRENCH, Jaly20-tf oor. uarKei aiu aewuu bw. Distiller's Materials. 1,000 Bdla. Hoop Iron, ; 300 Papers Rivets, 100 BBLS, GLUE, Euglish and American; SO BBLS. BUNGS, IO BBLS. RED OCHRE. 10 BBLS. LAMP BLACK, For sale by , F. W. KERCHNER, July 20-tf 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Corn! Corn: 10,000 TtfIRTTRT-8 i PRIME WHITE CORK. In stare and for sale by . - . F. W KERCHNER, 27, 28 and 29 North Water St-1 i luly 20 tf Molasses ! Molasses ! 30O HHDS. and BBL9. S. H. "MOLASSES, 2SO HHD3. and BBLS. CUBA MOL ASSES, For sale by v " ; -F. W. KERCHNER, j uly 20-tf 27, 28 and 29 North Water, St. Bacon and Fork. SO Hhda. Smoked Sides and Shoulders, 100 Boxes D. S. Sides and Shoulders, -150 BBLS. PORK,- r . l - . 1 . For sale by - ' V : F. W. KERCHNER, ' July 20-tf 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. New WorksTust In i JUJLIUS CJISABy 2 vols.xHistory of Civ ilization in England, by Buckle vols. Ra tionalism in Europe, by Lockeyj SVols.' Gil bon's Soman Empire, 2 vols.' Historyof: the Great Reformation, by D'anblgne, Illustrated. Pardee's Louis XIV ad Court of France, a vols. The Recovery of Jerusalem, by Capt. A Wilson, 11. E., Capt. A Warren, B. E. Liter ary.and Historical MisceUanies, by Bancroft. Biographical History of Philosophy, by Lever. Recollections of Busy Life,' by Greeley. Life of Bismark," by Hezekiel ; Illustrated. - Lifo in Utabyby Beadle. For sale at i IIEINSBERGER'S Live Book Store. r i MISCELLANEOUS. ; ' Has long been regarded as the best and cheapest B&khlg Powder in use. . Perfectly pure and healthy. Xt makes, at siort notice, , delicious Biscuits, Rolls, ko. There need be no waste of food prepared with it, as it is always of the best quality We would say to those who nave never used it that a very few trials will enable them to use it, not only with entire satisfaction, but with economy. , ' Put up full, net weight, as represented. , Grocers and'Dealers sell it. . ' . DOOLEY & BROTHER, Prop's, . 69 New- Street, : NEW YORK CITY. april 11-eod 6m Tu Th Sat Cotton Ties! i Cotton OAA TONS MOST OUU ' APPROVED COTTON TIES. DOUBLE ANCHOR BAGGING, Best and Most Desirable Manufactured. 43 Liberal Terms to Merchants and Dealers. i DeltOSSET & CO., july29-SlwFlm Manufacturer's Agents. Assignee's Sale, LITTLE RIVER, SO. CA, Talnable Real Estate, Turpentine Distilleries, Saw Mill, Portable - Engine', Cotton Press, Peanut Thresher, and other Ma- - . v '" chinery. . , THE UNDERSIGNED, Assignee of Thomas C. Dunn, will sell the following propert y, at Little River, S. C, on Thursday, the 20th day of July next, namely: one Tract of Land in the County of Bruns wick, North Carolina, known as the " Wolf Neck Farm," containing five hundred and forty acres, more or less. Also, one tract of land in the County ot Horrv, South Carolina, known as the "Mont gomery Place," containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less. - - Also, one tract of land in the County of Horry, South Carolina, containing eleven hun dred acres, more or less. Also, one tract of land in the County of Horry, South Carolina, containing two hun dred acres, more or less. Also, eighty acres of land, more or less, cov ering the greater portion of the site of the village of Little River, S. C, divided into Eighteen Lots. No. 1 containing 1 acres, on which is a Circular Saw-Mill, with engine, boiler and necessary appurtenances, to be sold .with the Lot. No. 2, containg 1 acres, on which is located Two Turpentine Stills and Appurtenances, to be sold with the Lot. No. 4, containing 2 roods, with small store building, eligibly located lor business. The other ixts averaging five acres, and un improved. A Plot of these Lots may be seen at Little River, by calling on Capt. Elishu Davis. Terms of Sale of the -foregoing property ; One-half Cash, balance on a credit of one year. Purchaser to give bond, with good personal ieecurity, and a mortgage of the property pur chased. The subscriber -will also sell at the same time and place, for cash, 2 Flats, 1 Portable Steam Engine and Boiler. 1 Peanut Thresher and Cleaner 1 Ingersell Cotton Press, 1 Griss Mill, Waggons, Boats, and other personality. JOS. T. WALSH, June 20eodlm Tu Th S Assignee. 1 ,003 GIFTS, GRAND GIFT - CONCERT r AND .. . : ; DISTRIBUTION, FOK TUB BSBBTIT OF TH Fonnilii Asylum of tne Sislers of Charity IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, and Soldiers' and Sailors Orphans' Home, v WASHINGTON, D. C, To be held in Washington, D. C, under and by virtue of a j ermit from Hon. Commissioner of Internal revenue, on THURSDAY, JULY 27th, positively. '' '' v; ; ''" - . After the Concert, the Commissioners will award to the successful ticket-holders l.OCS PBTZES amounting to $200,000. 52,000 Tickets only will be sold, at $5 each. Hon. H. MoCuxLOXJOHV of ' Elkton, Md I Com Maj. Gw). T. Castlk, Baltimore, Md., ) Hon. Jas. S. Nbolbt, M. C, 5 Pittsburg, Pa., Trustee. References MaJ.-Gen. D. Hunter, U. 8. A.; Washington, D. C; Hon. Jas. . Negley, Pitts, burg, Pa.; First National Bank, Hagerstown Md.; Appleman & Co., Bankers, Hagerstown UpdegiaffA Sons.JHagerstown; Hon. R.J. Brent, late Attorney-General, Baltimore; C.F. Abbott, Esq., 20 P. O. Avenue, Baltimore; Jno. H. Fowler, JCsq.; Wi H. Myers, of W. H. Myers & Brother, Exchange place, Baltimore. Deeds of the Real Estate, certified to by counsel, in hands of the Trustees Tickets and circulars can be had of P. C. DEVLIN, Gmtebai. agent Stationer and Printer, No. SI Nassau Street, N. X. Tickets sent C. O. D., if desireo. . Send for circular containing description, of prices, etc. . ' Orders by mail receive prompt attention. July2-S&Flm TTTEDDINO CAAD8 AND VISITINO W CARDS printed In the most elegaa Style, at WM. H. BERNARD'S Printing and Publishing House, BATES OF ADVERTI8IHO : One Square one day, .......... J o. ' . " twodays,...M. . 1 so ' three days...... 2 00 " onr days...... 2 CO " . " five days, 3 00 " " one week, ...... t 80 3r Contract Advertisements taken at pro Marriages, Deaths. Religious. Fnneral and t v '4 Obituary notices win be Inserted nt half rates .. A wnen paid for In advance ; ofir'wlo fulT rates will be charged. . Tsbks Cash on demand. . MISCELLANEOUS. ' St. Paul's r GEMAH AUEBICAH INSTITUTE! The SECOND SCHOLASTIC YEAR of this Institute for both sexes will commence on the . First Monday in October Next. with an efficient .corps of teachers. - AU branches in the English and German langu -ages, Including the rudiments of Music, thoroughly taught at $t per month. Primary Class, $3 per month. No extra charges. J. F. RUECKERT, Principal. July 16-tf LANDRETH'S t Few Crop Turnip Seed. A LARGE SUPPLY or TURNIP CABBAGE SEED For sale, wholesale and retail, by GREEN & FLANNER, Druggists, 47 Market Street and cor. 4th and Hanover st., July 16-tf . i Wilmington, N. C. orth Carolina Argus, WA DESBORO, C, "liriDELY circulated, lively, spioy, enter YY taining : a leader in politics,, a Joy to he home circle. Unsurpassed as an ; ADVERTISING MEDIUM. ' " SXTBSCRIPTION. .....3 60 a year. . Advsbtisikg Batks-t-1 square, 8 mos., $5 CO ; 6 months, (3 CO ; 12 months, $12 00. D. MoNEILL, Ed. and Prop'r., Wadesboro, N. C. Carolina Banner, SHELBY, N. C. i TERMS, $3 00. jg-ON. PLATO DURHAM and other able . writers engaged upon it. v Address either ' D. MoNEILL, Ed. and Prop'r, Wadesboro, N. C, Or, H. J. MoDUFFIE, Pub., July 6-tf ; i Shelby, N. C. ' In Store and For Sale : LOT OF THAT ; Fine Bee Ilivo Sy rnp, Flour, Sugar, Cieer, Yineq ar, Crackers, Tea, Canned Goods, Brandy Peaches and Cher ries, Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, C&ndy &c, &c, &c. 1IEIDE BROTHERS, Z ' : No. 6 South Water St. June 14 tf CONSIDER I ir yon have an- old Book that has lost a back, or been otherwise In jured, have it re-bound at ' . WM. II. BERNARD'S Printing House and Book Bindery - Bacon ! 0 aeon ! inn nnn LBS pnouLDERs . For sale by tune 21-tf C l. V. W.ilifl) WILLARD BROS. PRIVATE AHD TRANSIENT BOARDING BY Capt. E. V7 . a n n i n g. THE Building known as the CITY HOTEL iias been thoroughly repaired and re arranged, and the Rooms furnished with an V " ENTIRE NEW OUTFIT. V may 17-tf V ' 1 JUST BECEIVED: Per Steamer : 25 BBLS. BALTIMORE FAMILY FLOUR, 25. ' EXTRA - , " 25 SUPER ; " 25 Bbjs. Heavy Mess Pork, 10 Bbls. Extra C and C Yellow Sugar, 10 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, ;.; ; , Lard, Butter, Tea, Soap, Starch, Candles, all for sale, wholesale or retail, cheap for cash. SMITH & OLDHAM, No. 6 South Water St., Wilmington, N.C. July 16-tf New Store! The SUBSCRIBER having purchased the : BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS, - : ' - . ;v. ' i " lately owned by,Mr. James A. Bradley, at Fx change Corner, Afafket street, respectlully Informs his friends and the public generally that the Stock has been replenished, and ad. ditlons will constantly be made to make a complete assortment. . ). Having engaged Mr DAVID- H. WALSH-, (formerly with Mr. Jas. A.; Bradley), to super. intend my business, I respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. ; V'. ;; ' ; .... '-"A. L. PRICK, ; . . Late of the Wilmington tforavAL. July 15 8t Sat Sun Th VAIMTS. WANTED Purcliaseis to call at S. Levy's, 44 Market street, and examine his stock oi Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, fc hoes. Hats. Notions, Ac, which are now selling &t actual cost. v may 304m ; LOST AMD FOUHpT FOUNO A place where Dry Goods, Cloth ing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Ac., are being sold at actual ootL S. Levy's, 44 Market street, la the place. may 80-4m FOR GALE OR RENT. OB SALE At Act it ax CosT.'by S. Levy, 44 Market street, Dry uooas, uiotniug. Boots, Shoes, Hats, ITotions, ; Ac. Call an a secure cargains. , t" O 7 :' f, V A i i r. , . TV- buys -mis FT Hi -"Ji .t'f Si ' j i i U s s '1