'.: "itIt TQtfTTTI ATT.V f. ft g' S. f . f Wtf.U BEBNAnD,faiioiIoir; 0yyIoB, Dawson Bank BuUdings, Front Sfc - v W i VI "1' j- . ntiA vear, in adwibe.V..?VA-cvilX V OB0yAa 4n advance........... ........ S BQ ' ' months, In adtan....uiiV;2 00 fXth. in advance.. 1 ;.... 7& i" of the City at FnrxitKtf jaMTfl per weck llJBTEOBOI.OICAI,BECORI. "T Aug. 5,;:'l87i; Barom eter... Ther4 Time. Ta. M. 2 Pf M. 9 P.M. mom 'Wind;- Weather eter; vV'i'f-H.', 30:83 29:8ft i :&3; rt:r : 1 WJ.-Oltf a.W. brisk SW brisk Hazy. . . Fair. ... 29:80 - 4 SO - Mean Temp, of day 83 de A ,ii Note. All baromric readinga are reduced to the sea-level and tp S3 degrees, Fahrenheit, Serg't Siarnal Service U a A. Weather- Reports - unice oi uruei signal Ufficer. . Washington, Aug.. 5- 4; So- P, 1 cxff The barometer wiU probably fall from -Illi nois to Kansas and north ward, and the condi tions for local rain on Sundry remain favorav bie for tne country west oi .indlana and Mich tean. uiouoy and. tbreateulnar weather will probably continna south and cast of Tentrea- buo. i na.nj awuur una-pieasani weamer cjIiuuch: dibectoby i : St.- James', (Episeopnl), i Aritxj Couneu Thibd and Market Stkebts.: ? - Morning Prayer at 9A, M. , Eveninff,Prayer at P M. , f, -Sunday School at 5 P. M. ; - ' St. Johu's Cbnrcbi (Episcopal) j Corneb Red Cross and'-JThibd Streets... Sunday School at AslM. :u.a::;..,;vi.?yfr Morning Prayer at 10 A. M. - . : Evening Prayer at 8 P. M. ii Corner Market and, JFijprii r Streets, V Rev. J. C. Hiden, P&6tort- V c i, , ;:. ... : Services at IVJl'M.' and 8 P. Sunday School at 9X A.iM.-- . ' Young Men's Prayer Meeting Tuesday night . at 8 o'clock in room above Pastor's study. -Weekly Prayer Meeting Thursday night at s o'clock. .; zinmriMm -ml : There will be preaching at the Sixth str ee Mission Station at4P.Mi:rmii.ij.vU'';f-... Second Baptist uarch, ; " ' ' Corner of Sixth and Church Stbbkts. . , Kcv. J. E. Kingfc Pasljor r ?-v ' , ' Sunday School at 9 AV-M; '-.'- .- 'i. f Services at 10 A. M. and 7 P. M. . Prayer Meeting every Tuesday night '.at' ti o'clock!. Mi-Si? ty;-iyj -'Lj'-u-'fir lirst Presbyterian Churchy o Corner Third and Oranob Streets, -,icr. T'. r.: Sin!eton,?Paator.ocii-L: ;a?5 -ef v.l.-:- :itlie usual hours..,. .- ;. s inci -.j .j'jjool exercises commence' at '8 , n c Thursday evening at 7o'clock -hi- imas' CSinreh (Catholic), : i l .-.'u '.K! "kex Second and Third Sts-.M-,-'r uLG; and I0jf A. M Vespers at 4 l M.t Rev. M. S. Gross, officiating clergyman. Frout Street Charcli, South, Corner . Walnut " and "d Front Streets. Kev.-Dr. Moran, Pastor. c.M Services at 10)4 A. M. and 8 P. M.v . w I Sunday School 8 P.'M'?4 f " ' J It Keular weekly Prayer Meeting Wednesday eight at 8 o'clock. Ail are invited to attend; - The pews 4o this church are all free. Gentle manly ushers will be in. waiting to(, conduct" . strangers to seats. ; . i ?. I I" ; Fifth Street irchurh, 1 1 Fifth Between Church and Nun Streets. Kcv. Frank nWoodr Pastor. rys i I'fi 74 i Services at lOAT-M., and atP. M-r 'i Sunday School at 9 A. M. ., ... i .W? i i Class Meeting Tuesday at 8 P. M. .. 4 , frayer meeting Thursday at 8 P. M. 1 t. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Chnreh, Market Street,, Corner of. Sixth,? f. Rev. G: i); BernheimPastbn f Sunday School at 9 A. M, 'f German service at 10 A. Ml A ' f- p t English service at 8 P. M. s.: V yV.Vf '? Seamen's Bethel, Dock Between Frontani, Water Streets, Services at 7 P. M., IjyRev. H. B. Burr, I Christian Chapel (Colored Methoaist), Corner Church and Seventh Streets. Sabbath School 'iifr&f.iCQwi '-rC' I Services at It A. M., P. M. and 8 P.'M. 4 oy tne r;astor, Kev. JblUisJLa vender. St. Padrs'Xolort A EplseopalO Corner Orange and Fourth Streets. Services at 10J A.Jki:and l iflfReV.lb. 0. Brady (col.) ' - , " '-i Positively Selling Oat at Cost ml !j(o. 44, Market, Street, ,:..r r Having rented tne store now occupied by Hr. j John G. Bauman, corner. Front and Market Streets, and inteudiug to open there With aii f enWe1 ne 'StocR of Goods',! now oCFer fm entire present stock. oLDry Goods, Clothing Boots and.Sesr t9itionsv,Sc at uetual cost, $:Al 4s Pctso as wishing .to purchase, -.will do well by calling on me fee fore buying elsewhere, as Uicy will certainly be' able td get bargains at f .- . a; levy's, may 30 4m Next door to Patten's Bakery 1 1 einsbehobr's Live BoNok Stored 89 Market 6t.-paper aud Juye)fiix$ t wo i u i a Aii a uc ujuiinvvicuiawu utuuiatu i . CnoNLT& Morris; Aui5tioncers--Reai Estate at Auction.;' -: Munson & sJ?o,lwt3ty Clothiefs. Bathing Towels. . - V; f M 'I'-l C. D. ; Myers & CpNo. 3 Kortb, FroBt sL' r Fancy Groceri. Jt- r ? a- ' - : 4 H.. BuRESignjol e In4ia. Chief." V Va. and NCi Chewing :4TobacciJ&i F. W. KERUnE78 ahef 29 N. Watecst. -orn... Haj .andpatsi':: ;-g0cM P: W. R. French, Cor. Market and Second sts. -Wliat Everybody says.'-. ' t- . riooTT, Tobacconlstr-Kevlsed-tJo ope- rative Prices. ,. Oudlict & Ellis, No 4l, "Market street. Huskies. ivti4' 'J-''i:,.1'-f-'. Rob't B." Wood," Builder and Contractor Keturn to Wilmington.,; . - ; .4. T. D. -Mearis, Jr., Secretary Special Ex cursion. . . ' : N- B Vincent A ard. f y f I w8- C; 'STEVE'NsoV.MarUet -Street New VlllteFl0?r. oD5n kf ; ; . 11 "I Id r and Contractor V : J la our advertising columns .this morning be found the card of Mr. Robert B; Wood, Builder and Contractor.. Mr. Wood. UOne bf he old8t and most experienced" arcbitects in Jbi8 action of the country, having contracted and constructed many of the largest and Jnest bandings In the city, lnclnd'lng tbe City IIaH. We bespeak for him, among;thosb "who " bo familiar with his qualifications; a large -re 01 the public patronage. " K-r ?p .."i rirn j LECTION RE TURN S. 1 . . .Thr.'.majority j fpr - Con " eotiona la safd to ' Ian!fbrt'ti Wirt 'lTir'1'intihifcr''.'s''ikln list a drfis receiyirpnj'MlH f Mingo' MeKoy's majorityla Majority for .vyuisuHuu Aou,Nwmcu wm -e ,iocreaseu py voto Of MlngotJons Wvatlve ioBs;of abnt250. wenu 4wrjeu8 :;WineOinciaj vote pi au sori,; except tone township, is ,in and stands ' Convention i. .asia iteidi ui IZkii vi 929 s-NoiJoiiventtott.X'.'js-H 'j ii.-4l883 ' Majority for IConventionVV; ? 46 - ; "i".' . "-.''' "i-'i- - J'.-e. J: . r jjinis wiu do increased apogtri yotes jihe -vote for delegates Is-as follows f 4: tmU -M' JCaraWay Refp., .Vvi ; iAViWi.vv "837 J 4i;Majority for, Bennett tii iit?$ Col! Bennett's tuajbriti if whl ?bC',iucreased MISCELLANEOUS, A special Irom Kaleigu gives the following: "Convention majorities Burke; 124; Catarwba, 983; Iredell, 694; Yancey, 150; Buncombe, 148- HaywOpd, 300; Madison, 5; Gates, 841; Hert ford, 22 ; Stokes, reported 300; Moore, report ed 100; Gaston, 190; -Lincoln, .290; .Cleveland, 1,000; JIhlon,;126:?f f) -'r"' ?i h o yon ven ti on inaj orities-i- w ar r e n . .p Ul cial, 1,465; Chowan, 134; Perquimans, 200; Bertie, 400;! Jlecklenburg, Tofficlal, 63;' Chat ham. 20; jGranvilie 943; Cumberland, 231; erford, 600." -srxii ss: .i A special dispatch from Greensboro gives the following as the returns since last report : lhyenUbnXlHudersp dolph 325; Rutherford 000. Yadkin also goes against Convention, but taijVate Is not given. Majorities for Conyentipn r.Martip 186; Gates, 300; Yancy 150; Haywood 300; Madison 5; Gas ton 196; Lincoln 290; Clevelan d 1,000; ' Union 126; Stokes 320. Forsyth, 190. ' r;'x.- A dispatch from Gov. Caldwell .claims, in fifty counties heard from, 10,000 against Con-" vention.; He claims the State by 8,000. , The figures will b? probably about 5,000 op 6,000. mJ. : -y:- s-,s-., , :;- RICHMOND AND ROBESON. . Passengers by the Charl3tte road reports that Richmond cpunty has,. given, about 300 against Convention.. , They alsp- report that Robeson'rlves about 100 against Convention. We learn from the Observer published at Rockingham.itbe county, seat, that, the Con - Eervatlvs make a gain in that town of 140. r .- n i :' ?:J?wi"jL:.' Fruit is now preserved by evaporation; ? : r. No aession of the City Court yesterday- ) ?The fall trade can't fail to be 'very; gpodi Gin drinkers are liable to liver 'troubles The Board of Aldermen meet to morrow evening, 1 ': .- -. 'The promised shower of brilirant meteors has, as yet, failed to put in an appearance : day's '.length is hoV'aboutfbdrteen hours v and fourteen minutes. During the monlwe will lose, forty six minutes of day? Our thanks ara due-to Mr. R. L. Harris News Dealer, for copies of -Jthe -N. Y. Xedger and the Chimney Cfcrnerj two favorite literary publicaUansCall at Ws News Depot, ; Front Sfreet and ge your sirpply of reading matter. -j We" have been requested to state that Prof. Rucckert will not open-this Academy of Music on M'onday; Aug. 7th, as ' has been , ad vertised, on account of his unavoidable-: ab sene&f rom i tbie; city. Timely notice will be glvotf-his-Tenrnv----::- . German Association. . ?' At I -meeting of the - German ' Association of Wilmington held at Rnnge's Hall on the even- JngjprTbursdUiy, the Silnst. ,the following omcers were eiecieo :-i w resftniPcn affi5.V'; "'CJn '"' --Vce TeeAlWrqnkl Recording Secretary R. Ebecke. litfyrjX BSagen. i-i Collector Henry Ehrbeckv iXKQSiT-rr Stbward QH. Range; Executive? fflmlttee WmX Hottendorf, Henry Ohlandt, J.- Meyer. '3 Meeting or the College or Physicians .jaadv Surgeoiu'y--' y yz ttM On the night of the 3rd, the College of Pby siciansaandi Surgeons met according .40 ad- . - la : The meeting was One of great interest, nO only in the subject matter of discussion before that bod ri put wtneyaeci? gpins mam- fested i by each individual member to make this " ' LJL. i.. ? I jirlglnaommuhlU6nVo nature?atid bf fmncfr- Impo r Importance -.to the coiotniunttj :at large, obcupfed thd attentio the members till a very late hour.v ; . -- J-f :ItXwaS f.cbb .tended byn jthe 1 Vfrlenda, of thlf , movement, thVt.fre prove the life 'iand sonlpf heVprganlzatlonr and from the spirit: evinced spjfar.tituoujd aeenji to indlcaffwisdomj of this forward ate'ptltowardTiienteal rVgress .and '.'reform t The next weekljr meeting whttake place' on1 Thureday,nex AugpsriOth. . rfi.K'l ' - T;'JHA' The members of the bbnaervatlve Executive Committee are notified to meet at .their rooms in the. Journal buildings, to-morrow (Monday )mornIng, at 9 o' clock j on business of very great importance. '.. t " J. A. JS.NGKLHARI), 4 - -(.: j"' t' Chairman.; 4 !-f,' 1 f. The Vote. . - rS . ;4, k In consequence of some alleged informalltiea in the electionin this conniy, rhich will un dergo legal investigation, the oto of New Hanover county has not yet been announced. A.Distnrbanco ,aellel. 1 A disturbance occurred ;on Frpntbe IT? I. ween Market and Princes streets; last iiight, w hicb promised at one tlm e td result in serious con sequence prevailed and the threatened riot was "nipped in . the , bndl'v Tpbinnclil credit cannot ; bb awarded tOsihe poHcemen for, their, effgrty to pre6ervetheeacb,irid -good order forr!whilh our city is so noted. : Marshal. Canaday.iwas also prompt and decided in: the performance ntfik Antv 1 : 1 1 ---v' - A VI UIS'UUIJ;,r .-3.' --' 'f.WASi'i.i ii ' Benies the. "Soft Impeachment. We havet received a communication! from Mr. O. S. Hayes, of Shoe Heelj Robeson conn ty, stating that we did him great injustice in saying tliaOiei 2 vice, had resigned because p9 waa.calie4.upop to enter, the field " against the! outhW&w IMp says te never was colonel or any 4pther jofHcer in the militia, and that he has been doing all he could, to aid in the capture, ot lhe ontlawsl We simply gave the information as we received, it, and regret if we, have unintentionally been guilty of injustice to Mr. HayesP' . i An Interesting; Pamphlet ;fH. m We are Indebted jta Helnsb'erger. for ;. 1 1 Jjneat pahiphieif of 53 imges Entitled "Thehilian Association of Wilmington ,jjC.s3wth ketches'pf Many ot its Mc'mbers Ba mem ber of the Association. -The work was 'executed at; the office o the ovrjriaJ, presents' j a 'very handsome appearance, and shouw ba , in fetne hands of every Wlimingtoniani - For sale by P. Heifisberger, of the "Live Book Store." .vVti.; . . ..T... v,,,. ; 1 . ...:). ;rc 0-.; , Election Frauds and Informalities The questionVot rtain; informalities and frauds, alleged to have occurred in some ,of the Wards 'and Townships iu this county jp.rlor to and on the laytof election, came npjbefore the. County Commissioners yesterday, but without coming ; to any definite action ' the matter was postponed until Monday mplrnlng,: at 9 o'clock, when Ibe cuarges.wili nndrgo Ijft searching investigation. 'f. ) l hfi fit ?; : Boarders. ' j.f.Ji: 4S ( ' If you. want Boarders, advertise in pur new department, under head of " Wants,1? at half our regular rates, for advertisements not ex- feeding five lines, i " -5. ly m ' '- tf i H .-li: I am . ; on the Spot on the San. t The great spot' now to'' be observed sun forma a striking object seen through a tel bscopef The umbra Us ' pear-shapedand iti length is estimated at 40,000 "mUes,: jbf.five times' the diameter of . theVeart f The bpot can be seen withput , a telescope through a dark-colored glassi or when the 6un is nearly overcast. : -;'- ;. i,t.m;.r ' i' -: . .. i From Robeson. v By passengers on the Wilmingtoni Char- lotte and ' 'Rutherford 1 Railroad," : yesterday evening we learn that Dr. Smith, who was waylaid and shot 'in Robeson , - an account ; of which was published in our last, was still alive at last accounts. w i t '-j jNotmng mrtner irom tne outlaws, i Fxcrsion Tuesday. ; , . The steamer Waecamaw will make a special excursion trip down the river on Tuesday next leaving her wharf at 8 o'clock ,:Thisj we are Aatisfled,.wm be one ot&the moat pleasant andlenjoyabie lx6nrsiori of the seasonL" as pe- cial pains will be tasen to maKOi u sow For Sal or Betrt." - ;'v?;,rA':f If you have a house or farm, for sale) or rent , under advertise it in' our new aepartmen head of For Sale or Rent,", at half of pur reg ular rates for "advertisements not exceeding ' . .-. m . .. ..' ..:..- Oar Chip Basbet. . . , Richest is he that wants least. Pauline Markbam's golden tresses fill a bnah4meajarejj;--Tj55 ;-f I --..Small faults indulged r are little (,thieves. that let in greater. , , .-.i.'i ' A "bridal chamber car" is In course of construction at Schenectady," NJ Yi.j 5 3 . frA Mississippi girl hanged herself a ' re ported," ,,un"der the Influence of quinlne." v: f ' j jrjacg Jadifsal tne:Ne W.England seaside are now accused of a growing fondness tot milk punch'rijtHrV fv:;S-?ayc'jy; 1 , People who fish for compliments do not neea long-iioc. xuey wm scv in shallow water. s.r '.yyi--Ji-1 best bites . 1 1- 'ill'A'New Orleans woman has supplied ihrf world wMh jk;Mpltyin the matter o: suicide; by trying to kill herself by stufilug nigs down her tbroafcii TniUiflt' ssai. ':";:' H'-: living when you-get to be a man ?" ; "Well, , 1 reckdnl'il get'marriedi and board with my .wife! mother." vmwJ ?iirt! Sallbr habare'gbihgbiatof fashion among :taib;nablels too . IV TaaA S m A hmmm n Ia ilia e4 sAA a ' aA t8V .u"7i "T . . t , . I ' - e-. "t .14 AMHaawnntf eAAisftf! n n t A W 'tKepuMxfra?tpQung ardent spirits, hoping by this "means to re ! claim themfij-f,- .j Orf: Dom estic Marltetv For the convenience of families we give the following list Pf prices for articles in ket yesterday : ! t the - mar 1 . r5 s ' Beef; ! cents mutton and lamb, 15 grown lo wis; 80 cts pair; chickens," 2045 ents a piece; eggs, 25 cents . dozen; Irish potatoes, 0 cents & peck; apples, 3075 cents $ peek, peaches 40 cts peck, pears 50 els. pepk; tomatoes, lO cts quart, of. 75 tents :rW peck; cabbages, 3l0 centa ; head; snap beans; 3040 cents . peck; green j corn, 25 cents $ dozen; onious, 10 cents a quart or 60. cents a peck; squashes, 2025 cents 19 dozen; beets, 2a cents $ dozen or 10 cents U bunch; whnrtifthfirrie 10 cents 18 quart; water meloHs,1540 cents for choice; muskmelons, ,5,toJ.5 jcente;t sturgeon, 45V cents Ib.X shrimpa, 20 cents quart; sweespoiawes, new; 50 cts a peck, old 30 cents & peckyclams, tl'V bushel ; Salt mullets, 50; cents , dozen; Okra, 5 cents & dozen; cucumbers, 10 cents V dozen, eowneas40 cts.: .aDecki flffSv ,50 cts' 58 peck; Isabella grapes, 10 cts quart; Butterbeapa go cts y quart: . V uams, cis y w. " ' - ' ' ' ' 711 ' " . ' 1 ' ' 1 1 " 1 1 1 11 1 1 I 1 i' ' 1 u ' -XtJyM s .UM .Y Jui A ApiiiiJiX; A O- r BILIOUSNESS A NO INDIGESTION. I? These two complaints are- more- general at this season of the year titan at almost mny: other.'. They are closely akin ; for bilionsneiss always involves an 'Unpaired4 digestion, .and indigestion is necessarily an accompaniment of a aisbrdered or 'torpid liver: Happy the man or woman who can boast of a stomach, tfia has never feltthe horrors Jot dyspepsia,' and to whom that great, secretive ageojt, the liver, has never given pain or trouble. Not onein a thousand can lay claim to entire im munity from irregularity in tbese organs. How, then, shall ihey. be;regnlated rNot by powerful cathartics, alternatedtrith ordinary stimnlants, but by . a medicinal invirant, like Hostetter'sStomach Bitters, which"com bme in due proportion the tonio and4 altera tive principle. Wherever there is a ehnrchta school-honse, and a general store, this famous medicine may be procured.; No village mer chant finds It prudent to be without it, for it is enquired for every day by every class. .The workintrman buys it because It increases his capaeity for toli, and is followed by no reac tion. The effect of the salubrious roots, herbs, etc,, of which it is composed, diffused through his system by the pure stimulant which forms the basis of the Bitters, is most healthful and invigoratin g. . The scholar, the merchant, and , in fact, ail men whose, minds or bodies, or both,- are i constant exercise, will derive benefit from its use. To persons of sedentary habits it supplies, in soma measure, that ac tivity in the circulation which is obtained by physical exertion, and is the best known remedy for constipation. - -tt-i;,; :. :.?;.' .Ask for Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, and do not be coaxed into purchasing any of the imi tations and frauds sometimes offered in its stead. ; . . ,aug 6-lw Sun Wed Fx If ewl "White IFldiir, -;.;..t.-. JrT E; S:Hf "VTC. BA30N ALWAYS ON, HAND, . , S SELECTED. WITH GREAT. CARE. . i.-'!.,'i.i'';v1at saug -ft-tf 1 J. C. STEVENSON'S. r;r. Gent's L. 0. Hank'rcfs CMJXIBENIXI CMte's .ClotMng and Hats at Ccst! tauge"';'5l";j CITY CLOTHIERS, A CARD:: AVING left the employ of F. A. Schutte, I am prepared to execute all work in the s - , UPHOLSTERY, SHADE and CARPET LINE, Orders left at Messrs; Grant & Cowan's, Mr. W. Rw, French's and J. S. Topham & Co.'s, will receive prompt attention. ; . it . ; , aug 5-St N. B. VINCENT. S t efim ' . Job Printing f Housa THREE STEAM-PRESSES jl i . t.,:':- i . - d5ifiK4iS COMPETENTWORKMEN;' .":,1'-'' THE BEST MATERIAL.'; " REASONABLE ; PRICES . 'l: ., ..;-.:.i - f .it;-'.,. :.:-S, : K-. . . sfi t . . . .. -.'Jr , .- M..f. if .-. .- fit- -t-TiH-1 SrJPERIOR WORK. Give Usai Trial, Y "- "ft-. '& i uno 21-nactf Specials Excursion T BLE,.WACC AMAW, WiU. make a SPECIAL Excursion Trip down the river on. TUESD AY VEiTi ieaVinfe her wharf t S oclbck A, M. -' f For tickets, apply to the nndejsigneds f a 17, -s uo a JiJ:ua : ji;iaoiT.,PvMEAltESi;jB.s 4 ;Iuaugfrtf;.v;t;ivi&4;i Secretary; " ROBERT 'Biv700D! ("T ' and . resumed.; hia old business., solicits -the it, r-u s.'KftP.ns t ft :rn jr'f t-i rr t . ? . patronage of , the public ,in his line of bnsl- , .-JS- Special, attention , jpaid, to ' furnishing " s. Plans and Specifications pi-y- i ; ing frlm I iwiat;ve HE general opinion of the people is that French's, groceries, are as good as can be llought in the City ; There is nbetU$1fiov& Butter,. Cheese, Crackers, Hams, . Wines, Lii quors-and Cigars brought to the market, v . C ALL AT FRENCH'S and .get - the WORTH : OF YOUR .MONEY, . .. t 7. " yrJ. R. FRENCH aag6-tf . Cor. Market and Second sts. Fancy Groceries, TfK GREAT 1 YARIETY I' English. 1 French, JL German, Italian and American Groceries. Welelieve our assortment comprises every article 'nsnall'y found , in ' first-class leading Grocery Houses, at prices proportionate to the quality and co3t o? tne articles; ; ,1 ; .; aug Mi - , x CHAS. D, MYERS CO.V . .--.J ". -r', v. ;- ' . r Jl-3 fy;'Ai ,OJ U AVAAAAAAIAAUAf . Nor 6 ; IV1 aiicets WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER IN or ted and Domestic Segars. Virginia ana Norttt Ca., Gtewtog n 'AND t ' Prices rKeduced, f p Snit; the .primes. b-.ang.6-1 it M 12,000 BUSUELS.JCQRN,, 500 Bales Eastern Hay; -i:; 1 0 0 0 BlISHLS BULK oats, 5y l F. W. KEUCHNER, . aug 6-tf 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. f?1-S .'--1-V-- '"vfiit rX" i j& ;J.:t 'M-- :-' AKD vi;v-;i"- ;.i ji0' c Desirable Real i Estate N WEDNESDAY, 16th August next, we will sill at Exchange Corner, at 10, o'clock Aj M' (unless previously disposed of at private sale) thbiollowing mentioned -and described REA L ESTATE IN TJDLIS CIT Istl' BRICK' DWELLING, Containing Seien Rooms, 4 situated on the east side of Second, 'between Chesnnt and ; Prinbess streets, Ritchen, Ser vant Quarters, Wood House, &c. (all of brick) upon the premises., Siza ot. Lot, 41x140 .'feet. Part of Lot 2,. Block 179. ; TermsHalf Cash, balance 12 and 18 monthsi with interest. ; ; 1 1 , r : -.1 2d. FRAME DWELLING, Containing: Seven Booms, with Gas situated on the east side of Second,1 between Chesnnt and Mulberry Sts Kitchen, Stables, Water, Ac, upon the .premises.- Size of;Lot, 83x165 ieot. . Part of Lots 4j and. 6, Block 192. TermsHalf Cash.bajance 1 and 2 years, with interesjti.'3r.iffT:: - st.' -.f. t-, l'--;. 3d. FBAME DWELLING, i- Contalningr Three Booms, with Gas, ;s 'Sv'Utl t "':' y -.l'i - -rf.-i-;-?'. -'.'-- vi situated on the east side ef Second, between Dock . and Orange streets, Brick Kitchen, Stables, Waterv&cV on the 16t.! - Size of same, 63x165 ft. Part of Lot 8, Block 140. Terms-H casa: balance 1 and 2 years with interest.? :! 1 ' T ' ' - - ' ! , . ..-fth; FBA IBE DWELXIS O, " p ' '-t-t'TT i y':1- fv,s f .' f.-jrT'' i v-'-'j'; 'f .''!., ,''.:f !'? situated on the north side of Walnut, between Third and Fourth streets, Kitchen cj, npon the premises. The lot has a front of 70 feet on Walnut , street, running; nprth along Sher wood's Alley 160 feet; the satnebeirie part of fXet( S, 4 and 5, Block. 220 Terms Half Cash,. h balance 12 and la montnswitnpiterest..T$, j' 5th. DESICABLE UMMPIIOVJED LOT, situated on the east side of Fourth,' between Orange and Ann street, having a Front on Fourth of 68 feet, running east 220 feet; known as a part of Lot 3, Block j23. Terms H Cash, balance 12 and 18 months, with interest. ..,;. 6th. FBAJHE.DWELUU. t,. situated on ..the west side. f Third, between Church and Castle streets. Kitchen; Ac, complete-Size of Lot 61x100 feet, known as part of Lot 3, Block 884 .Terms Half Cashbalance 6, 12 and 18 months, with interest. " :, -.t : .. . j i a .ni'. v ,i;.i;-S,ip . -.; :;KV Tth'FBAME DWELLING, . , f j' J c bir t Ii irfa''iv!Bi"B aoii situated on the sontheast intersection ot Wal nut and , Seventh streets, Kitchen, Stables,: Water, &e.L upon the premises. Size 'Of Lot 1S2 feet on Seventh street, running east 165 ft., and known as part of Lots X and a, "Block 21Q. Terms $"jC0 cash, balance on a credit of 1, 2 and S years; with interest; i vui mat t:. .1 - - .-. ' ' t ; .- . f . ... i JA i .' situated on tie west. slde pf Third, between Castle and Oueen streets, fronting. b6 leet. on ThirdtTunning Vest" 110 feet,' known as part of XiOt 2, BlocK 74. Terms liaucasn, Daiance 12 abAACa Aq VTAWM wyys --ff 77 'J''-H 9th. FK AM DWELLING, c oNfA iin a: t e n;r'ooii s j situated on 'the northwest' intersection of Market and Eighth streets, Kitchen contain ing 5 rooms, water, &o., upon, the premises. Size of lot 100 feet on Market street, running north along Eighth street-165 feet. Also,, va cant lot north of and adjoining , the above, having a front of eet on Eighth street, running west 100 feet ; and lot situated on the Southwest intersection of Eighth and Princess street, 82x100 feet, part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 171. Terms One-fourth-Cash,' balance on a credit of 1, 2 and 3 years,. with interest. - -lO'to FBAME B WELLtG9 I l - 'Mi ii-vifoi'sfta'siCijr ' tT- CO NT A IN I N;G ! S I X j RO QM S, situated on the east side of Fifth, "between Market and Princess street, Kitchen, Water, Ac, upon the .lot. Size of same 50 feet on Fifth street, running east 230 feet, known as part of Lot 3, ' Block 169. Terms Half Cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months, with interest. : " Parties wishing to -purchase would do well to examine the property offered above before the day of sale, as the ' t l. f? rr 4 --t '' ' T B R.M S E E AST ,'""'' ; and we are instructed to selL ; Purchasers to pay in all cases for papers and stamps. De- f erred payments to be secured by mortgage aug 6-2t 16th "KSTW- AD.YEKTISEMENTS. RATE3. OP, ABVEKTinirra t v. . One Square one dayi. ........... .m... ; l 0 " two days,. x f" three days,.:.................. 2 00 " " foor days,..... 2 60 ; T Ave days,....;.. 8 oo ( J"43r Contract Advertisements taken ft pro portionately low rates, v . ... j . p - - . Ilarriages. Doaths, Religious, Funeral and'.'. Obituary notices will be Inserted at half rates -when paid for in advance ; otherwise full r ites -will be charged." v : -r . '.:. , - v , , - vvTJBKTOCash on demand. ; 'Sj, , , ; v, ; StIWertise ments M By CBOKLT '. MOBllIS. -r;' .-..H" Tlpdriihj'Stnpw :fhi PPnt I of irrr fH r 1 nv BesiraMe .Stores Er'-Eeiit at" Actlnv: .v J WEDNESDAY, 16th August next, we ' ; f V will - Rent at Exchange Corner,4 at IS , i f V ck A. M.; for one year from the, 1st ay of u y ' A ber, l87ithosQ:.v k,;:-,.;Nj; y:y& --' $ j - : BESIBABL1B iSTOttES, f i situated bn the North side of Market St, and, well known as Nos. 13 and 15. These stores are' fitted up in a No. 1 manner for the Dry -Goods and Clothing Business, centrally located, and . are capital stands for trade. Notes With good and sufficient seeurftj quired. ,;; ; j ljnly 28-3t aug 6 and M. CRONLT, -Auetloneer. . : r , f 'f c i - - i ; " ' - j. By CttOSLY A SIOBBIS. ' ' ii t 1 T. r- v.- DESIRABLK residence if FOR S ALE; ATnqTION. ON WEDNESDAY, 16th of August aext at 10 o'clock A. M.f we will sell at Exchange Cornervtniit v--r-- ELEGANT FRAME RESIDENCE, :.;rii :Krvi ? i t y ...j ; j 1 . . 'j ; . . . situated on the west side of Second "between Mulberry, and Chesnut streets, , at present oc cupied byHenry Reeder Esq:, . ' l This house contains 9 large rooms; including kitchen (which is attached tc the nuildlng). pantry, closets, c, wnn gas tnrougnout, ana is one of the most, desirable dwellings, from its location and finish, in thACity. '' There are npon the premises ' a fine cistern holdin g' ; 200 barrels of j water, ; wood-house, flower and vegetable gardens, and everything complete. i-'scy intft-q vri rwy;': .'-j. . (Persons washing to obtain a No. 1 house would do well to make an examination before the-8ale. The neighborhood is All that, could be desired. t; ; ; . :.; y ' ;w ': :. f'Terms-i.OOOcashbalkhbeo'nafe 6, 12 and 18 months, with interest. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. f .' . augl l8tj6th16th;..,;Jj,:;n',-.::',--'--' ' ' Pipex's Heidsicfcf Clianipagne. M )r 1 f BASKETS of this Choice Wine at Im-i . , . jU , . porter's prices for. Quarts and Pints. , v ' - ; j ( ;': v- ... v- ,.; i v":'.'.vt7') Vri A --. . il 1; i t . riitO' t xrTr-tr r a . nr .... , . f I CHAS. D. MYERS ft CO.,. I'UiVVit-. nag 6-tf , : 7 North Front Street 1 EVlorocdo, and . Cloth; AT NIOE ;f LOT , JUST JtECEIVEB - AT j . ... .. .(' - . : " - ,' !'. i H-if T p icy i, :y 'y- ryrjDLEY & ellis, tfaugU.I.'f- "Sign 6f the Big Booti l Flour ! Flour ! f -5 750 AAAJ. J iiUU A) . ' ..i v v. . K' F. W.KERCHNER, ; aug 6-tf , 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. :-'Salti;-Salt:i48alt1- 1,5b oittf f if, For sale by ' y--r - - s ', -.; -;f -'v F. i W.KERCHNER, H ang 6-tf "r ; 27 23 aijd 29 North Water St. Molasses ! JKKlajsses 265 HDS. and BBLS. CUBA MOLASSES, 1 280 HHDS and; BBLS, H.J MQLASSES, i J! or saie Dy '',-i '-'' . rW KERCHNER, aug 6-tf ; 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. OUR REVISED i :M'v:.irr;eio;raT;i? !:.?.'Mf.;t-:-,--i !vv.-i -. Co-0 piera tiv.e P r i c d s JL. TJL-r 'V- 'V -v-r v- a- is-r i, j ; i CROWDS ' OF' C. ' 0.,sD. -CnS10UEES; - i f to No.i 12 r.larketSt i; ! i aug 6-tf : 4. Tobsceon Is t . v raper ana envelopes. . j i TUST RECEIVED BY STEAMER a Largo tM auppiy oi raper ana xsngeiopes at i-; ; HEINSBERQER'S. . ,AiUiUU0t 1 V4ilUMI - For sale at - T I .HEINSRERGER'S rARD, CASES, for sale at, - . ' ' - ' ? . r 1 'i .' HEINSBERQER'S. r1 OLD FENS 1 EveVybofly ought to nave . iounu at -i rl of-. - . . - - -- - . ? -.:?;rm;. ,.r.l: iUfilNBBERaEibi .,fi anSS-tf-, , , y ;i';7 Liye Book Stoxi MISOEllLAlSrEOXTS: ;: Spirit Barrelflj Glue and fen A NEW and SECOND-HAND JQQ BARRELS GLUE,;: , ' -' 'i ; For Bale lows by'i . v o c; ( ; : . July 2Mf - WTLLLAMS ft MURCHISON. i3'i'i?'-&0?tfi' 7AWT0. "TTTTAlfTEB Purchaseis to call at S. Levy's, YY 4 Market street, and examine his stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, fchoes, Hats, Notions, Ac, which are. now. selling at actual ' cost. ,. ' .' may 304m LOST A HP FPU U D. TnoiJW-A place where Dry Goods, Cloth J ing, BootSr Shoes Hats, Notions, Ac, are being sota ac actual cou. a, ievy'S, i Jiaricet street, is the place. : y . may 80-tm , FOR GALE OR HCrJT. TT10XJ SALE AtiibmAi, Cost, by S. Levy, Jj 44 Market street Dry Goods, Clotiiing.' Boots, Shoes. Hats, Notions, fto. Call ana secure bargains; v ,' .pnaySO-ixn ... . 1 1 Mi" t h. f.' -. '! L ' i IV ' '.it"., - i'- PIT ..!?.' 1 5 s 4; i if in -5 I ! If 1! if ill .1 ' - 1 J ! Ill 1!' j i m y 7 t! ( , 'I- .3: I? .dr.. 1 .4 .'

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