WM. H ,REItNABlI, Edltorana Propr. otrioB, Dawson name Jjuuaingvirront St. ' orie year, in Ta.....IX...tf to Six mbntrainAdvane,.V... 8 60 Three montns, mBarance..,M.WMH. w One month, in, ayance .5 .s..4m& .t Z3 The SIorkiko Star will be delivered in any part of theXity at FurrKBBtjQBjrrs per week. SIETEOBOLOGICAIY HSCOBD. Aug. 11871 Time.; BH: mplnV .Wfid:; Iwcklkei:; c, v eter.. ..i-......... " ' ' i 1 1 "" ' i i r i ' -' ; i v -i 7 A. M 29:98 -78- E light Fair; :? 3 P. M. 29:99 "87 S E fresh' Cloudy ' 9 P. M. 30:03 " '80 IS E light JCloudy '- Mean: Temp., of day: 8l' flegv'" ' v V"?." NoTitrs-All barometric readings are reduced to the sea-ievei ana w ii degrees Fahrenheit r ; Sergt Signal Service U. &Ay. . . . . ...... -.-. - " . . fc .. N rf . - ' 4 'l ...WJLB .DXPAKTanXT. 1 . . . : Office of Chief Signal-Officer,-i . WaBhlngtOBi-Ang; 12-4:85 f The barometer wilt 'probably continue ; 'tti fair north and: west' of Ilimola and to a Teas ex tent from Teraft t6 Flori3a,'and local rains are storms now -prevalllnc on the coast of North Carolina and New England wilf'probably be dissipated, and rising barometer." with warm weather;' prevail on Sunday from Virginia to thelower Takes and New England." 1 V,Cr Joint services in the Parishes of Sf. James andSU. JohnV August I3.n-At ; ? St. John's Church (Episcopal),?:-);; Corner Rep Cross and Thibo Streets. Morning Prater atll A. Mc' : St. James' (Episcopal), CORNEE THIBD AND M ABKET J3TKEETS4 ?? v CKNf. M ABKE,T AND FlFTH TBBETS, key Jiden, Pastpnr Services at 11 A.tMM and 8 P. M, ftf w Young Men's Prayer Meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'clock! la room above Pastor's study. , Weekly Pnyer Meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock. ;r , , , There will be preaching at the Sixth str ee MissioaStation at 4 P, ftC r ' Second 'Baptist Chareh, Couneu 'OF Sixth' and Church Streets. . Ucv. J. E. King, Pastor. Sunday School at 9 A. M.,- i,T l Services at 10 A. M. and li P. M. f Prajei Meeting everyTuesday night at 7 o'clock.. vrli-iisium., -"x I lrsi Presbyterian Church . , COKNEK 'THIRD AND ORAilQE STREETS. xiev. H. L. Sinsleton. Pastor t . n subject Of sermon in the First PresbyterUa Church this 3eping, at 8 o'clock : ? 4The Jto-. uiish Church opposed to the liberty aud ele vation of the people." "..1.5 .1 ii a iSuudav School , -exercises commence at -3 , ( -- f-Sf Lecture Thursday evening at 7Jo'clockJs St. rrhomasVCtourch (Catholic), Ox Dock Between Second and Third 8ts- Mass at$ and 10X A. M. Vespers "at 4 1. M., Rev. M. S. Gross, officiating clergymani lroiit Street M.E Church, South, Corner WAtKtftf "and k Front Streets. Kev. Dr. Morau, JPastor. Services at 10 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School J. M. r - - ifV Regular weekly Prayer j Meetings Wednesday i;iht at 8 b'cldck. All are iu vi ted to attend. , rThe peAjrs.in,tlus church are all free. Gentle-, muuly ushers i.w ill 4fc l& wtjiitlng to "conduct strangers to 6eats. " - ..; Firth Street M. E. Church, ' fc ijfTn Between Church and Nun Streets. Kcv. Frank 11. Wood. Pastor. ' Servicerat,J.O A. AL, and at8P. IL'.fffn J D.Lnt Mt Ii m If , . I . .i, Class Meeting Tuesday at 8 P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday at 8 P. M. St. Paul's Evan. Xutheran? Church, Market Street, Corner of Sixth: Rev. G.D.; Bern helm, Pastor. Sunday School at 9 A. I i i! English service at 10 A.M. German service at 8 P, M. Seamen's Bethel, Dock Between: Front and Water Streets, Services at 7 P. M., byRev. JBL B. Bum ; Christian Chapel (Colored Methodist), Corner CSHRCBt Xnd Seventh Streets.1 1 Sabbath'Schcol -at Ai'M.5 Services atl A. M 3 P. M. and 8 P; Ml by the Pastor," Rev. Ellis yepdjejr. , . St. Paul's (Colored Episcopal), Corner ; Orange and ; Fommr Streets. Services at 10 A.M. and 8 PJ ktf byReY. Ct O. Brady (col ;. , - iW AVi.KTlsjtf l-Hcrr.'" j lljtiMiiiitbtu's Liye Book Store, 89. Market, -Pink and White Tyranny, U. 8.1)ispenaa - . Webster's Unabridged Dictionary0 m lory IJostbtter & Smith Celebrated Stomaen ir Wh. M. PpissoN. Masonic Notice St. ; S. kP.? 2&mA&J- RecQrderrtWilminjtoB ConBcllNo. 4. - , - t"- V':" ' . Wsc ? J. BrvENS Notice 'regarding renews ;ofo6aa.W'-:-I 'MsjaSDEN ! BEiHTAdmibistVator R. Erbeckb,4 Seeretary-raGerman Assop.lao Read the. advertisement of situation wauted us Teacher-' ' - - f . z -"-- VtVnWiV-:fef no'::tMt' Clothiers' Trunks prooaoie. ior. taese regions oniHunaay,,. a dis-s luftancbrBOine.exUnt will 4 probably I be 4 veloped W central' Florida. , The lhrht local V Bays, CI8,- aer.-ry: -i fV, t tT lUMmsfcCUNoi 7?Nprth Front st DvohStTUAMSo. 41 Market 3 stfeet.--4 F. W. Keuchner, 27, 28 and 29 N. Water ii- : TmlEAKEs jRtlmlngton Steam File --isngJtteiCDnpauy;rI.l J. F. RjtECjRjcaeniyfMus jsouic Hall). " " , Jbs. 'B WssiLL-T'D tfie meinbers of the Chamber of Commerce.;;.. Read theVdvertisement under the captl6nJ jis vosi as .no. . Having ented the 6tore.no w occupied by Mr. lofin-G. Bauman, corner Tront and Market ill Streets, add Intending to opeo' tberoitJaji- . heJ?:"ewtock;lpliGo.oiiIst X now; oCerxmj eBUre-prescnt stockef DryiGootfs, Clothing; - Bootaud4;hoes4HA81NAtj9ns, Ac, Ac.,' it actual cost. . ' f Perebns' w(siirag7to purchass will do well i callins'.on me beorc buying elsewhere, as taey will certainly be able to get bargains at -r. , i : i a kt l te . 8. Lsvt4s,A K" ' may 80-4m Next door to Patten's Bakery. 7IToXl2 oca Dots. i t-Tbe Revenue Oattefiwm? js undergoing .repairs iAJC m t tt i .5i;3T , :-JUieut. Moore, of the Revenue putter Sew Wf. Is dnite ill with fe'veV J -'l 1 oay, at io cents per quart. i ;i v r i f , 3cil-Thero will be a meeting of Wilmington 5n5)tP;morrog(M etening'.at requested to 'come homa to lheir own fbhick- lbWdles as 1 VnbeUeedlhiriet reigna la Warsawi i f Vi vi - . 000 ? I hB flrai KPirnlliMttMHnir. lrf k Via norm art fAjwdUttoliVf .be" faeltf at Kuuge' tiaii to morrow (Monday) evening, at We are requested to state that Post No, 3, G? A: R., win meet at their Hall on Wednes day night iora.thev, trf neactioo. J)f imporfan! buslnesvi?-' i-'tV ftxvi-J lii ti ? , , Thanka to Mr."R.JL.LHarris1 for copies of the last N. Y. Ledger una Chimney Corner. Al sorts pf reading can. be J)ad (at fcis news depot on Front street 'f " ' '4 - .The Sherifl received the tax lists yester day and commenced collecting the State and County tax. He earnestly requests the people to.como np promptly and settle the same. vThere Js ap old" lsdvfa thi city, - aged 60 years, wno nas never seen a rauroaa, nor a io- tsomotlve though she 'Jresides within- four blocks of one-'-and 6ho is not blind, either .1 if--iAll spirits received or sent out; by whole sale dealers not properly entered I upon the new form stock book; are liable to be seized and forfeited.. This rule will govern hence "Theonly case before the45ity; Cou rt yes terdayiwalJthatCf Richard Joice, charged wRhwctir6tng, qnarreliDg, &c, who was found guilty and required te pay :"'fhe penalty and costs. Two cases were continued over. One of our subscribers f is very much exercised over the '; fact; that, upon cutting open a watermelon a lew days since, he found the letters W A R distinctly visible upon the inside of the . rind. The Guard House is now empty and has been in that condition forthreo days, affording Janitor Cutlar an opportunity of putting t In excellent sanitary condition. This Is a very favorabtif commentary ion -the morality and g'obd ortfef-olF the people,' White and colored. Klesant weoainr. , , .Ont Thursday night, .sa, lUle after- eight ociocK, ays the naietgu eseniinei or ycsieraay, the company i begaiv lto1 assemble ' in t Christ Church o witness the marriage of Miss Han nab' Willard,f daughter of W. iH. Willard, Esq., of Raleigh, to Mr. Samuel A. Ashe,' of Wilmington. By 9 o'clock the spacious church was crowd ed with elegant ladies, gentlemen, and sweet iookingi sweetly dressed school girls. , , At twenty.' minutes, past, nine, :the bridal party entered the church byjtha western dppr, n the followingr order: ;FirsV '"groomsman, Mr. Junius Davis, of WHminston, with Miss Josephine Ashi, sister of- the bridegroom; Second,, wMr. Thomas DeRosset, of Wilming ton, wfttiisslJove- GRobt, brRalelgh'i Third, Mr.aul A. Nash, of Hillsboro. with Miss f .Wiggins, of r Halifax; Fourth, Mr. John KfCrow, ofcWlimingtfrbjwith Miss Ella Creecy;Of Enzabeth City; Fiftb, Mr. E. F. Page;6f;RaleieU, wfth.Mlsi AUc Nixon, of Wilmington; Sixth, Mr. James Stephenson, of Wilmington. with.MIs3 Mollie B. Greecj, ,.pf Elizabeih,;iy . , j:hea3came the j oriae ana groom, followed by, Mr. Wm.; H. Willard anil Mrs. D. Martin. ' ' The ceremony was performed ty Rev. R. . 8 MasonVP. D tbe bride'aifatber giving, her -a wtf Vr u e o r ly a I party eoierea ana-reiirea from the; :ch arch while the organist, Prof. Bohman, played the bridal march. From the church, ibe: bridal 'partyan Vriend,0paiT to the i 'house f Dr. Martin rrtm i Hillsboro' street wnere. thef hid a Jfp)' ftntf friends in great numbers called to congratulate the pbyatf And5atkeZofrrereshments.rt At Aiycellh took the car for .aonr north in' .'Wrf.T ? bride, the bridesmaids, the elegance of dress 'ahd irtesen&'bnt that would be to imitate 4ur shoddy brothers north, and that we ilfhbt rJ ,H;mH i.l:i)i-US., ; K f Fashion Notes. For youths, from nine to fifteen years of age, an English walking coat, vest and panta loons. . "The coat is single-barasted, fltsithor figure easily, covers the hips well and is made aSerW English fashlon'bpen1 beldW1' waistwitb overlapping flap, side body-seains, tWffiW ACftton on each- seam- tdi MefrnYraeaiSt;Kaff flaps;hest' mgteBRtaow'l pantaloons with eensiderable sprlag at aukie. j For dress suite blneblack and dark green cloth are used A pvetty-loumdr suit Is bine, diagonal4 cloth jacket ahd white pahtaloot s. - White ducksbd: twilled flannel suits are made for the seaside. Gray or brown cheviots are nsed as everyday antshUwli the side and For ladlesthe nexjt season's goods will v; be nerayfeilililac will be-more oTSbahJ ever ,8oft.flexibl fabrics command great at JtetrtfoWV Solid rdrstybaiA1 the iprVference !For epteUb&rbUsIlK; suits will be worn lilplanase;d6klrt has a single ;fi6nVcerbdeFelywide, The black alpaca 4 - f . . . 111 . - - 1 mohair ana.casnraer,? suiis win uave,,;i uc. and;frjpif)tj three jerj broad double box-pleats, with;: loose shirredfrlonse;: Alpaca blouses should be-liied wita-i oft Muslin; 'shoulder Yearns short,4 neck high' and sleeves; half flow- ; ing.'1 1The?oversklrt is loh'g,! and fastened'sPP gracfefuny'byapesTrom tho belt k z u-fl .cat' ; i. I 7 ir It fan hatyon'nd any thing, advertttfeHi! In t onr new department, nnder head pfl vtofeCandf ttnh&Hvi&W'Hsii&'&tel tor .adver. : tleniAtiMbexteedina: flye lines. r jurin- loe not 6eason, says the rirenoloffical Jiherndlfltii excessive use'onced Water is one ifeosi-fprolifiS SoufceV of 'disease and auddCBi d eath. flu very i hot -weather, w,hen water is rendered extremelvcold bv the use of rendered extfemelycold by the use of ice in the cooler, ho person should. drink.j it lh that.condition but jbqhld pour nj as much; w.aer PId MPrdARry; j tem pgratura- iascwiil modify the Iced water ,to atioofc i an' October tenjpfirarrThen he mayi cjrlpk without damaeNothing is woje fqrjhe teeth tbaW extrem-ly col4 te a acquireddyspepsiabyjtsd upn the stomach. Not a lew have suffered from.con ge8jtionBf which, ere daogerous $r deathly.y j Eisewbere will be foundY the advertisement of the Secretary of St -John'V Lodge,, Vuest ing the fraternity to assemble protnptly at. the Lodge Room at 3 o'clock this Sabbath) after jioon to attend ib'e funeral of Mr. William H. KelleY. a deceased member.-r. t. 'jfiMembers of other lodges in r good "standing who may toe In the city are Invited to attend.' t r Use)fslnfectans. Chrorlde of lime, carbolic acid and oth er dUlnfec'tahts should be "freelV t used.3 This prebqtlon is'inore'necessary just at this lime beatand the closed murky weather, yptil breed uiscase, . nowever careiui people may . oe Whatever is lying about premises, or in eel lars; that will corrupt, should be removed, at a moment's notice of t he fact of its existence, Knlfhts of Pythias, x ' - At' aji meeting of Germauia Lodge No.. 4, KmtSf PythTasrh'rron Friday night, the Lodge was duly institutod, when the following officers were elected for the present term and V PejvtyjJradjghanceH T i i i, tt-.W .i 7!;!; t--!i:s:'::; w uusou, as&ibieu uy oiuer rLDiguis : -. . Oes Johnd;KxchIv. p. 3i W. H. Ger'ien, W. C. -rf . i - ; v, W Hottendorf, R. S ,.bIiM, J. Dingelhofi; B. :', j George Popple, I. S. ; G.C. W.MillcrOvS. As r . Four; - iPastT Chancellors were elected and Thursday of each week selected Of meeting. for the time ' We learn (bat the Deputy Grand Chancellor has., forwarded applications for three new LoggeslJ) JhiS; State;Jln addjuon tuted here. to those insti Domestic Market. , For the convenience of families we give the following lfst of prices for articles in the mar feet yesterday : r u ft-fivsf cA Beef, 16 cents tt.; muttod and Jcmb, 15 to 16 cents $ ,Jb.; -pork, ,10 ;ents -4? n.; ?rown fowls: 80 cts 39 pair: 'chickens. 20(3)25 cents apiece; eggs. 30 cents j dozen; Irish not fttoes. 50 cents Teck: SDDles. 30fSi75 cents peck, peaches 50 cts ? peck, pears 50 cts peck; tomatoes, iu cts quart, or vt cenis peck; cabbages, 3(5)10 cents 39 head; snap beans, 3040 cents peck; ..green - corn, 25 .nt. m'4,..r..nntnAo' 141ioof 11 nnnrt ni Aft cents a pecK; squasnes, iajao cents -gj uuzcu; beets, 20 cents dozen or 10 cents bunch; whortleberries. 10 cents quart; water- HtfihTBsi 13(2)40 centsior choice; I mnskmelons, 5 to 15 cents: sturireon. 405 cents w lb.; hrlmps,i0cent8 quart; Sweet potatoes, new, a cts a peck! Old 30 cents & peck; clams, $1 bushel ; Salt mullets, 50 'cents$ dozen; Okra, 5 cents dozen: scuppernong grapes 15 .cents a quart; t Northern cabbages io(cgp cts. a piece; cow peas 4U cts. a pecK; ngs, ou cts; &, pecK-, Isabella grapes, 10 cts quart Butterbeans suets quart; jn. nams, cis & w. appointed Auctioneer. ; ' We are glad to learn that our bid friend, ex Sheriff Bun ting," 'has obtained the necessary pr edenttala for plying the avocation of an auc- tioneer in this county. His means of Inform -1 . .- c i ation necessary to an auctioneer certainly fit him for the position, as no man in the county bp or a familiar with all the deti IU connected wrtheaFcsfate,ye, or more thoroughly ac- irnaincu Wivau veuwcux ri t 5-,r.,-; r ir TMr. Bunting expects to commence; jftpera-j tions Immediately.' Board of Countjr-Ctwmmlssioners At an. adjourned meeting ot ;ihe Board', bl County Commissioners, held yesterday, the following business Was transacted ruifi: It Was ordered that samu el R. iunting ne granted a license as auctioneer Tor tbp;Gounty Sher iff an v tax that the law requires , -"5-'' uraerea inai me viera; oi iui iuaru uouiy the county officers 'required' renew their bonds (by advertisement) to appear before the Board on the 1st Monday of Se t ember, ;o7ir and renew the same. 1 VTi ; lE Gerkin was granted tail spirituous liquors by jthe.snsill measure, -i The balaaeunf thascstiioB.wAs devoted to iff ii:s Asault-nd Battery .-.' -Ji '.-t "W? H4 Workman,5 residirg on one of -the Sounds, was arraigned before Justice wvM. Harries, y esterday morning, r charged with-as. 4tault and battery on tho person of Thomas Thompson. ..AHe was required toj give security in the suni of f lou ur tis appearance at court hext wesk.; " i . 1 i Our Chip Basket. ro-Ji 3 i Jl 4 tT one A a irl.l VftnAtlieKAil i CI villi nAT single-handed ; - i & -JmItale a good man, hut never pounterfeit The man who couldn't a PbintcB Went to ped in the dark. . ii Economy for adlelfVou' aitta-morn-H tier wrsDoer to last forever never. Wear II otiti The man who popped the questibri lby ttatarilghti'Vgot his sweetheart' consehf fh (.k V i-..' !-.. . v. .1. . i - ''V1 T ij -JtXiJiur UUMaW vuo are mqkiest in oye. The ladles are all Jn.fayor of Hy tneiu-r 1 "il X tnan at Mount Vernon, IlJL,wbo recent-1 n Jin MinniTinn uul im idehi liio iiibi nil 11 b i 'PredieV h corTecl Vred caleIs .not. From -'Kobeson'. -'W ' Ykj-UJ. It IsTrswJ ass'ried : tbafcSthe bolored man Hqand dead.nearShoaHeel,, Robeson county" I inn nrrrnnt nf ivhfph urn nnKMcTiorl luro iluvs 1 ago, , waa; the indiyidnal whqUempted the r n:Ti.s.i "os.i. ii.-V'Js.s'ij.'' I inurder of Dr. - Daniel .Smith in that vicinity on the evening of ileetiod day.;:; It is said that was takeh from the premises if oneHngb 1 Tilinon.' vJ 1lUTT - 41.: . T.l,l4.- buuuouu, h((cid uc iivcu, uu iuc . xucBunjr :Blght following the attempted ''mnTder' and that his dead body was found in an old 'field; about a tnile i from Flofal College, on Wednes day morning. Information of the discovery of tbelbb'dy was .conveyed te Coroner Barton, who summoned, a, jury and proceeded to the place indicated, but .when he arrived there the body Was missing, and at last accounts no lrP dlcatiou of its wh ereabouts'liad been " obtain ed, although a number of persons had been earnestly engaged in searching for. itj 1, : We giytfthe aboye report as we ' receive Hj not vouching for' its entire correctness. - Gone from Among- Us. ' ;; i ' Our cbmmuijify' was very much , shocked yesterday, by' the announcement 6f thejdeath of. Mr.', William H. Kelley, a young but highly esteemed citizen of this place. "Mr. Kelley had been in declining health .for some time past and went some weeks since to one of the Western counties with the view of, benefiting himself.1 Gradually sinking, however, under the effects of consumption, with which he was afflicted, he started for home, where he arrived on Friday night, just in time to pass his last moments surrounded by' the loved ones who com osed his family circle.'.' He breathed his last yesterday mprniDg in the 29th y ear of his The members of Wilmington Steam'Fire Engine Company No. : 1,1 of : which deceased Was a worthy member, are not fled to meet at their Engine House this afternoon, at 3f o'clock. in full untfortn, for . the purpose of attending the:f uneraT.l"( The Chamber of Com merce, of which' he- was an efficient officer; are also notified to. meet at the 1 Commercial Ex-' eiiange, at 3) o'clock, with .the aarne object a 0 Yil 6 HCs,mwititfc mwmtf m imm j . ".- - " ' i :' - : ; : : ..; : -cn Another Jf ad Boar Killed. , Yesterday.. morning citizens residingnear the corner of Sixth and Htrnett streets north 'pthe Wjlmjngtbn & thrown into the fmost intense excitement by the knowledge that a mad dog was running at large In thVstreets inlhat vicinity ' 'Informal tion of ,the fact, was conveyed to ' Sergeant Kuhl,'of the police" force, who happened to be at bis residence not far off, who soon arrived at the 6cene.3He found the dog in an advanced stage of hydrophobia, and immediately opened upon him with his jpistbi, from which he fired four balls into the body of the animal without producing death. lj IIeJ then procured ; a shot guni with which he finally succeeded in - kill ing the infuriated beast after firing four broad sides into him. This is the second mad dog killed in this city during the past four; or five day?, j i ,,' i i Services To-Bajr , " V-" ' ;: '0 in consequence or the absence of Rev; Mr. Patterson,. Rector , of St.,, John's (Epislopal) Church; there wlll;bc only one service in each of the churches tq-cJflyi viz : ' Morning; service at St. John's and Eveniog service at St. James', at the usual hours. " ' ft: IndeafmettMIaJ'X--v:;VV-';Vrffi';y V The indestructible Tag is a great convenience' to. merchbnts. lt answers r the combined pur pose of a direction JabSlr and business jcard. Call at the StaA? Printing and Publishing House and supply yourselves.7' ' 1 '. ";..v: ftf NOTICES: 1 MEMBERS OF THE 'HAMBER OF Commerce are request d to mee.Cat tbQ "COMMERCJAL EXCHA!' 3E j this biokv Bftci attend ;theF'ierai;Mr, .W ausr l$:tt - ? V, J i : : ' f j Se iv tiro tmn,'. . . ' - f,- rn-HEWR JPOJtt THE JSIE1 :VOUS. Where is it to bb found t cries the trembling victlmjof ie'rvous dbbiiit yi d Jfot In the tavern, dram.r.Uiatfirishipftb.eclrenlatlonXoi; ajuo- ment,aid is succev detL 'byieollitpse,,: ffot; in. purgative pills,' oe a: ien ten . diet,' but in an luvlgbrant audTeBtorativbln'wliicb the tpnio. elements Bre united with gentle aperient, and alterative ;. prppertiesj,- I Whenr; Hostetter's Stomacbitters was Introduced nearly twenty. years ago, this Important brjecti'was flrst, at speele s jasy, celebrated for its, cures pf nerycHis iseasess asJ"Qr:theabsOl,ute certainty .wfffMi.lfSdlfpRSla and bilious-- Jfea-zCThAinpt iwetherStpyiiraathe close of summery gfUtcraUyw pggray at s dlf eases of. a nervous typeereang.a oegredor feebleness which is beyond, ineaqvire jdi stressing. Under such clrcumstauces.raUyrthff bodily; energies with; a course pr Aiosteuera stomaen Jiitters, pi all tonicsits the mo it satJefctory ini ,ita oprtionand th least excliing. - It brace's the nerves up to heir.naturai tension, butnot beyond it, .so theje; is no reaction. It has other properties, however, than those of a nervine, and as a. blood depurent and moderate aperi ent, is superior to any .other.;mediclne of the ' , Fraud, oweverVis en the "aleir.! The cele brity of -the original medicine' has given rise' ta scores or counteneins ana imitations.. jkx aznine the label, and the fae simile of the' sir- nature of the firm ; see that the Spelling is all correct; and thus make sure Of the genuine- NEW ADVERTISEBfEN TjS: jgora 3 loAtROtirdF DtTUfeLlI ATtfCifb'R BAQlb? I 50,00-YardVof light and Heavy" Bagging,' isnfVAnknf Artiwla.HA fanttel&'Tif? 'HUii t"? ugl3-tf 33 1 2S and 29 irorth Water St.'r'' BOOTS IB00TS ! fine Extra Fi no. Calf noots, . f. r r : i . r c .-. tess oj ;tne ariioieyeuony -i-.a. iiostettcr's Jiitters are never spld' in Kegs or bairels,- but in bottles only. : '4i:augl3'eodlwSu AYe Fri " '.ff,IyERTISEMENTS.- ffWtnungtonCbimc J-;e7iufv; Ic n -k-i :(ls ;'J" ",,J5' in sv2j;5vt);:vO d? d Pf. ri t i I i "DEGULAIt -MEETING MQlDAY, 11th, at It 8 o'clock p. M.r? t i t1; S. P WALLACE, a ng 13-lfe ' ti : -i In 1 w v i ... Recorder: ?. German Association. rpnE FIRST REGULAR MEETING of the JLf German ( Association will be held at Range's Hall on Monday, the 14th Inst., at S o'clock P.-M.'--- - - ijjvv.v it . . w "was wn nvf TB aug 13 It . secretary. ; t anteidi. i" Af J ill. J r - 't 1 "(: Xjl Situation, as Instructor In Instrumental Music, in some 'Academy or Institnte, by a Toune lady of, ample experiencv Unexcep-. .tionaireierencesiurnxsnea.,-, ;r. - For further particulars, " t Address c1' - ; TEACHER, , j . r, :. U'i i .Ncu 312 West Clay Street, ? aug 13.10 t Flni fr-.f, . .Richmond, va.. St. Jolin's Lodge, No. 1. 'sfc A. 4 BT.' 1 .r TRETHREN : You are hereby red nested to 'J assemble prompt at St. John't Hall tviis avteknoon at tnree o'ciock, ior me purpose of paying the last tribute of respect to tho memory of our deceased' Brother, j WILLIAM arft Byorder of the W. M -i 1 ; .r V" : f Wm. M. POISSON, s; aug 13-1 1 . . if ifr,. ..'r'; V, .. ', Secretary. nil- r - ,5 (Me Notice. L OFFICERS i WHO ARE REQUIRED byJtw to ? renew.. their. Official Bonds, are hereby notified to appear before the Board of County; Commissioners r- of ;;New ; llanoyer County, on tbe first Monday iu September next, and submit their ponds for the approval of this Boardi.rgp2.2jt0l Jtji 0 V aug'ttstMSep'' ,:!T'? f Wltti Those Whi Pnrcliese Fainily Supplies we give tnem me vaine or tneir money in T -.7 -JLl. i l?;;i0!-1. VO.i ''ri jl i-V'' Groceries, We keep ouly, Frst-plas3 Family Supplies; and we .sell thorn as low) as we can afford. . Our assortment '', covers everything usually kept or called for in a :v - jr. FAMILY GROCERY. , u tf. f.'lv-; : ' ClI AS. D. MYERS & CO., ' :aug ia-tf Y-T!f'$fii, 7 North Front Street. ' BALANCE OFi -5 T7 ,' Pi'r ii WILL BE) SOL.D VERY LOW. r -.ii ' TRUNKS, ; ' J - JT BAGS, CAPS, DUSTERS AND GIove for Travcliog Purposes 'au13-tf 'i CITY "CLOTHIERS --.mil na-i v Administrator's Notice; ! ii HE undersigned having QtjaJiflod ' as Ad . ministrator de bonis non,cu7it,testarAenioannexo, of HenryiMcLlPi deceased, hereby notifies all persona . indebted ,to, tho estate of . said de ceased to mako immediate payment $ and all persons having clalais against said estate to present them. for payment, duly authentl- catea, on or ueiore ine ium aayt oi ua.utzusT, 'l87l,c&,in!nbWeIwitf hVplfiad 14 bar of their reery5.",33S .': & 4- 0 &.iaJsioq.. --amA ' a sid V us ? t o , m maus tEirBELAMY--xIj. "AdrnV dibl n Vc.ar:of ! Henry McLin, Dec'd; . 4 if ':( MA SONIC, XT A LL.) -v-. j ILL OPfijf ' TO-MORROW, MONDAYr i V V- AUUUSx' Mui. j jue Acnueiuy oners, ai a small cost, iacilities-, for the acquisition of a complete MUSICAL EDUCATION, in all its branches." Pupila may enter al any time, but it is very desirable thy should commencs at . nee. ..... .:-tlt.'r.1 J- V- RUECKJSKT. . , .- " auirl3i2t'-"-''!. DJi'ector and Instructor. in Ann U SJ1E 18 cok nt L6)UUu 600 1 i 'Fbr salelby Boapi Candlesi & j Soda.1 109 BOXES SODA, bn:t U oJ J , , :-.tj:J : v For sale by i t t , KERCH Ktt,v''J ' 1 ii: "-ftzzzriL'i. 't.27, 23 and 2 Kbrth! Water St. iOA BARRELS: and'TTJBS bt LARD, 1 tieajJbls.tM Bbls. and Kits Mackerel, . J'".;i50 Cases'Brandy Peaches, !J I E , , , pJH: nJf;..:'i;FY'KERCHNEB,H C i J aug 13-tf 27, 48 and 29 Nortli Water St. rrt Wilmington Stea 4 1. ;n Enniho . Co? Tdl j H MEMBERS': You are hereby notified -to 'AJA: appear'at'the Engine Houseithis Sun- iay atteriioon at o'ciocje,; u rou uuuurui. pJ? Wni 'WeU de8ed 110Wtoo'ALIVAt ACTUAL CoaT.by 8. '.S. ..'?e?'-fl TilSARES Jn. nD - 1-arket street. Pry Goods, Clc Secretaryi 'hates of ADViiitTisrww ; OaeSquarcbne dayi . ' ' ) ' twodavsi...-..... ti " . three days,... . ; i...roGt days,. ? ; A . -five days,...:.... 3 w .-. r- : one week ...- . w1. 4ar Contract Advertisements taken at pr- .' portionately low rates. 4 Marriages, Deaths, finnt, ' i''inral rdj Obituary notices wl H ftc 1 n r 1 s U 8 when paid for in advance iothr"'? 'Hi nVKj will be charged. vk V ''Tsansr-Cash Pd domanrt '"pl? ; v W-AD VEimSTS7; , fK ." .'.I il . .: ' ; til? i-A v Stednv5 Job Printing:5 House), : 't .MM . , !,t THREE STEAM-PRESSES ; rJ : COMPETENT WORKMEN; 7 7 A v,J'!:,"i THE, BEST MATERIA L; s : REASONABLE PRICES A-.-r -SUPERIOR WORK Give Us a Trial. S June 2I-nactf . - , " pink TprrrE yranny.Ii -Jg"r MRS.k if. B. STOVE, fbr sale atr . t . .-i . ) IIEINSBERQER'S. 'j. YJNITED STATES ' DISPENSATORY, r ' George, B. Wood, M. D. and Frankliif V- : J -: revised 1871. , ... J. For sale at. ' ;: HEINSBERQER'S XITEBSTER'3 Unabridsred Dictionary. Wor TV cester's Unabridsred Dictionary, WebJ ster's Counting House Dictionary, Webster'4 Academic Dictionary.. For sale at i ' ; . it ,? ' tA""J -A 'HEINSBERGEK - ; If. qaug:10tf t v lonLive.Bopk Stoi ; " HEINSBERGEK - -' f.f.iflPJ ! AUCTION SALES. BY JAMES & MHARES. . - . City Real Estate for Sal ' TY vlrt.n of a dflftrPft'of t.hA Snrv.i-J-iT nnnr LD of New.' Hanover .county, : lsned Jun 'A jLrm, ioii, ao ui uirectea, ior iorecjosure o a certain mortgage deed executed to the Wif uuuuuig aoovubuiuii u;,vuuuni A. lliltimfc V ' ' 1':. Ishall proceed to sell, on Tuesdav. Ancnat i : ! 1871, at the Court House, dt 11 o'clock A. MJ i' ; , thati certain? piece or property depciibed 1 1 f tv ,f said mortiage deeL:to. wit ; Beginning on thn' i western jine of Fourth street, at a point 13 5 i t', fet South of the south western' intersection P , j f with said line of Fourth street 68 feet, thenc.f !i t , X ' wpstwardly in a parallel with Bladen streer, J 165 feet, thence northwardly in a line paralle'i i f 1 1 with Fourth street 68 feet; and thence east fin. 105 ieet to ine oeginning, neinfr east part Lot 3, Block-278, per plan of City of Wilminp' ion, .wren i i . ngm and appurtenanc , with all right, title; interest, privilege..' i' i appurtenances belongrlng to or in aoi ' i i b appertaining to said land. - : f V J V ':t;i ,v' . EM PIE ?AE' il Com, j July - J T. JABIjES Auctioneer, j Br JAMES A MEARE8. :'Tv4 ai.jiiJ4'-.-,;5! &;r-.i;I ?; Plantation for Sale. ! B for New Hanover county. Issued at Jun ii Term, 1871, for foreclosure of a certain mon frage executed oy a. c liemoangn to v. w-i' 'oster, and by him assigned to E. R. Brink, j i shall proceed to sell, on Tuesday, the 2 2d da of August, 1871, at the Court House i oor, b , A 11 o'clock, to the highest bidder for Cash, atf ! ' )j of that certain tract or parcel (of land in th 1 t ' f town of LilTington, described in said mor ) 1 'i( gage deed as; follows: Beginning at an iroi wooa tree at tne junction uanord's Jrfranc and Riley Creek, thence "by lands of Jamc , ! u) Garrason, S. 68. W. 198 polea to a light woo 1 i i f f tree; thence "Wi n. "lai poles to a stake I ' the main road, thence 8. 74V, W. 65 poles to 1. . f ' U stake,' thence -by lands of Burnett, 8. 21, Vs i ' ' t XJAtblU. 1UU Ul OCUV4 IAS tUO UtSlUUlU. lj ,T BB M S sC AS H f -1 W. U, EMPIE, " ' ' ' Commissioner. July23-tds ' MISCELLANEOUS. 'rvFor'Turnips ips, t rTjl,:F.-.COEa All Jl SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LMi ' M Is a Slost Excellent FerfJUger, '"iji-'i I i... - . -t. For sale by,: . ihi.'i- j aug lMfq;ja Odi r Ovi.I PARSLEY CO.i'; ' ' ' , .,,.r.:. ....if ' - . Spirit Barrels; Glue an( u ki. v -.. Mi v a Hoop-Iron. Cf(XKWttna SECOND-HAND f " If 1 KA'BARRirrjrcrEUE,' QA TONS HOOP IRON, I: ; For sale low by . ti i : t i t'.i July 22-U ,,.WHXJAM8 JICKCII1SON.:, y - ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ; i SCHOOL. NOTICE. T 'y.'," ti ...... i ... . .;.".,... i UE subscriber wilt Open', during the e suing Autumn, a School for Boys in. tb city. The number of pupils will bollmltei v Hwwity-ttverrAg'Brteaded .experience in i i! j.nai,fwiujouivj; yuuuu, &jeei tu ue I lie Dei; . pipage can pavr u ine puDiic. t 3 r'fet-Jf.JT3V..T . K..K. MEADE. uxvebjsvces ; Bishop Atkinson, Revds. A. J ' Watson,' D. D.VH; Jblnsleton and Geo. Pa 5 'For terms, apjfcly to'Col. y, W. Atklnsoa.' rJuly llreod4a;Tb. 8i.tTn! ; in? i. YIT ANTE D Purchasers ibcall at S. Levy 'i - l-!L.IUsIa?kJ5t etieet, and examine his stoc Of Dry Goods. Clothimr. Boots, fchoes. Hat Notions, Ac which, are now gelling at actuc .. . st . ii ,'TjiOA7JfI--A place where Dry Goods, Clotl' lC ine, Boots, ShoesIiats, Notions, Aa, ai being told at actual cot. 8. Levy's, 44 Alarki street, is theplace. - . 4 - mayKMmj FORi OALE -OH RENT UOIl KENT That ne w and pleasantly lc X cattd cottage near. John f. Ive, ovc the Railroad. , it has six rooms and pantry and a nice well of water on the premises. " aug llt v?-- DR. VfJ J.' H.' BELLAMY . n 1 . t . ' 1 1 1 Lev Clothli Boots, Shoes; Hats, otio Ac. Call ai. secure eargaws. t . . 1 , - . I may jwm t M n si n .! '.y n it i 4:.f.! 1 V '(5 m tt i I , i .. r 1 ,H i IV ' 1 ' ' i . ! - ) Jtf: in the woods and ran aVay theiiedayv I , ugl3Tf;;;; a$lgnMiteW3Jkoi;ivr;Jy- j 1- .j;- f T i .. --r- . fc . A.. fV.j. 'JZ rr Tt I 1 I " ' " ' " ' ; . .t ..t . " . - Vi - " ' - : i I .. .. . . j . . - ' - ..... v:i (n vi .:r.i.itT mum l ' '11 '(-'.'' ill .,'( 1 1. V. lh Jji - j