x- - ' . ... -- . . . ; ' ... Lr ' - - , ' : ' . -:v -. rgE1ifrPx - 3 ' , a i i , v, r-r .v.-. ;vv-r p.-. : k-.. r-Tr r. - ,. A r-nr", ; : t . i "- - - . s ... - - - -, . - - BATES OF ADTEUTISIHO I V . I . FCDMSnED DAILY.: , .. . j j ; . .; - ' - - " - .1 - ' V -.'.-"i ,1 ' " " " V V' ' . II BEENAKO, Ekfltor nprt Propr. 0iob, Dawson Bank Bulldinjjs, Front St One year. u!tt raontns, in auTsace..n....i..; ; 3 50 Three montns, in aavance.. one montn, .in advance. Tbe Mobwino Star will be delivered in any oart of the City at Fiftbbs. Gbnts per week, y rSSETEOlSOIiOGICAL-BECOttD.-- " " Ther- ....... .. ,. .. . Time. ter. taom" -Wind-- Weatlwri "7 A M. .29:90 j '73 NEffentle Threat's' 2 P. M. 29:8 f 77 NE?entle4L Rain 9 T. M. 29:93 ' ' 77 E gentle lRain"! Mean Temp ' prddy; 75 :AM:. Note. All barometric readings are red need to the Bea-level and to 32 degrees Fahrenheit." ...... : " KOBBKT SSYBOTH " : ...;..: ; ; .Scrtc't ;S:cual Service U. S A.V. . . ; ' ; . . . .' . . .-.'sisvin t-j.Ji irfByirc ' WAR UBPAItTMBNr,' T Oilice-of Chief Sitmal Olflcer, V' Easterly wiuda'wni probabTj c6nUttue!iuthe Miaaie aua eastern aiates,.and it ia probable than.astorm of some severity will couttoue at a considerable custanoo oil the South -Atlantic coast, ; withV easterly winds and tbreatesih weather from Georgia to New Jersey, j Cloudy weaiuer fw,ui;.prooaDiy, contmae tu tbe stew England States. Northerly winds and warm. hazy weather from Michigan to Alabama and Westward. it' foNi t lvely S eli 1 n sr Out at Cost at 'No; - IJaving rented the store no w occupied by Mr. John U.": Bauman, corner Front and' -Market tiircets, aiid Intendjng to open therewith an liulire nevv ijtofi of Goods, I now offer my . (tire present stock of Dry Goods,' Clothing, lioots and Shoes, Uats, Notions, &c: J fec, at et oal '':coai.1?ipfitJ i,-'f'tt " ' ' Persons wishing to puxchasc, will do well ,y calling 011 me, befyre buy ingclsc where as ttiey will certaiuly be able- to get bargains at . f j;:' , -'r- i. Lkvx's, . may 30 4in Next door to l'attcu's Bakery. i EiNsBfiUGBR'8 Lave Book Store, 39 Market st. New Books Just OuU : The Angel iu the .ciuid, &c. ...... :v7r 'yiii-iii (fhhv.;-:iiiV Duplet & Eiiis, No. 41 Market street. LitUes' Gaiters. IlENHY EaKBEGK: -'-Called Meeting Howard R F. Engine Company. . .. .1 . . Bunting & McQuigg, Auctioneers. Sale of llay. Furniture, &c. 7 : Edwa.kd3 . fc , IIalIu Just Received,- 400 Barrels Flour, &c. -v ; . Tiioi. II. WriGUT New Styles of Uats for the Fall. ' '"'v ' " " v ' DeUosset & Co, Agents. The Taylor Cot to;i Gin. , - .; ---f- r States ville American. .- The Siatesville American Icomes to us in an entirely ne w dress, an indication of prosperity and enterprise on the part of oar cotemporary which i- doubtless., very gratifying- to its liuiuerous friends throughout the State. . .. (icrman PIcJfJc. 7 ' " Tbero will.be a German pic-oic at - the Wil mington Garden this afternoon aud evening, (luring which the manly exercise .. of ten pins v ill be indulged in by lovers of the sport. The affair will be confined exclusively to the benefit of ourGefman citizens, and will no doubt be greatly eojoyed by them.' hhootlnsr iu Columbus. , . We learn that a colored man was shot and badly wounded at Whiteville, Columbus coun ty, on Friday nighiyast, by, "a white man, named Somerset,' who alleges that the other threw a stick of wood at him. : There was con siderable feeling la the community ; growing out of Uc.affairi;i;V:V!air:sV- ' -v-r . -;t'' Io Not Forset .'J -: ''''"l"; Tbe excursion on the Waccamaw on Wednes day mornlngi at 9 o'clock. Tickets (50 cents each) for sale on the wharf one hourbefore the boat leaves:', Passengers will hbe required .to show their tickets - before- entering; the ' boat. The Charter party reserves the right to exclude objectionable persons. ; " '. :Tt NkiflT &. Oaylord's Troupe. .-i .V? WeJearn.tbat thagent of Skiff &'Gaylord's celebratel MJoatrel Troupe has applied for 4 the Theatre, and that they expect t visit this ci ty 00 the 13th . of September and - remain two nights.. Those who remember the occa sion of their former visit to Wilmington will liave some idea of,what a rich treat is in " store " them. . : r;..'-' f ;qjfi:ss,-i- iiy Conrt. The following cases were disposed of yester .day tnornins:: : ' : ;. '. : ' ' 7-. ,' Owen Dove" and Edward Gausc, charged with quarreling, flghtlp,!&c.'"Dove-rfound uot guilty and discharged, Edward Gause found tfuiltyand si'hbced to p John Motte, charged wjth st?aling an.'uuv brclla, was found guilty and Vent auced to pay tlie penalty and costs , . ,! . L,? Inaiuli Bconson audCuarJes SJiaw, charged with '; quareno0.aing.fDai wap! foti ml uuild jrequired topajjthe penalty Hiul costs. Brenson ! wus . pronounced not muity and dis-charge.. ,....;.'.,. ; ; ;. - '. h: John J. Kingcharsedwithcursing, swearr iiL', &e., on the street, was fouad 'not-' giiiity 1 wo other cases continued over. fcpteudid Work of Arti .a; . i ?&" Ef We had a ca l yesterday fromMr. Frank Pal mer, Agent for the sale df an, elegant lithograph, HrVexfccuied with pea and ink by Prof. B;. B. Eustonof.Geq. R.E;LeeVo.fthe Memorial Tablet to bo erected, and of'UVFajeweli Ad lrsi. "Mr. PmeriWarafConfederVt sb and bears five wounds received while fighting wider t'hS no6teoiachTe and dumb in coseqttedce.tCfrhe engraving I J a Jac simile ot the one executed by Prof. EustonJ p "esident if the' Gjoigia Practical Business College is equal , to - the ' finest photographs is up to the standard of steel engravinge; A liljeral part of tho sales will go to the Lee Memorial Fund. Mr. Palmer is now stopping at the Parcell House and will call upon ; out . eitiZen3 to subscribe iiop these j baautiful and fiWng testimonials to the great Southern Chieftain. - - i w. ' - . PKHItNo l29 ; lpcal Dota. j ; : Another big rain last night. ; Marsh : hens; were plentiful ,lu market yesterday at $1 a dozen. ; ; : Wo expect to bear of many disasters at Bra, Hie rcsun 01 Jbainraay'a gale. V. Jobntte"and ; Gharlet : Shaw, ' both colored, were sent to the Work House yester "T:.A coored n4IviduaI had an opossum with uine iiiiie ones in -Market yesterday, which he was. prying to dispose ofat25ceuts a head all arjQnd..f-;;l.K - . There will be a Called meeting of the How fu miiei oteam ire isogineKCompany this evening, at 8 o:lock;A -ful attendaace :. is requested..' vr, -'.v-';, ; jj, v..". ... - . ! - 'I "Acoiored woman, an inmate of the City Hospital, having died in that institution, her body was Interred In' the pauper's; bury inTTi . jt t - 1 Superior Court was in session for a while yesterday and a num ner , of civil cases were called over and disposed of. Jmige Russell, we leam. -has left, the bench; but theCourt will .be open for the transaction- of unimportant pusuiess uuring ine nees. ; t r " : To tho Work UOnsc. " r The following convicts of the Superior Court . 1 now In session In this city, will be taken to the County Work House this morning: John McKae, coL, larceny, 18 mouths. Sylvester Price, .col.;. larceny, 18 mouths. r Samuel Owen, col., larceny,-10 months. ' ' ' Ephraim Latham; col., larceny, 12 months Henry Fairclotb; col.; larceny, 9 months. " John Allen, col., larceny, 9 months. : Samuel Reece, col., larceny, 6 months. ' JoTin Alleyes, white, larceny, 6 months. : Martha Daniels, col., larceny, 6 months. . Adam Woodberry, col., assault and battery, 4 mouths. Benjamin Lamb, col., assault and , battery, 4 months. Chas. Spiccr, col., assault and battery, 2 months. ' ' Samuel prince, col , assault and battery, 30 days." ''' ' ' The Confedrrate Dead. In copying a notice from the Greensboro' Tiilriotot the handsome donation made by the Eclectic Club of that town to aid in removing the Confederate dead at Gettysburg to this Stateihe Newbern Jvurnal of Commerce says : In thi3 connection, wewould state that the Ladies of the Memorial Association of this city, through their Secretary: and Treasurer, sent to the Ladies of the Wilmington Associa tion, twenty-five ($25) dollarf, and thus far no notice has been made o it. ' Our ladies would have contributed much morefor this laudable purpose, but-they are now raising a fund for tbeerection of a splendid monument to the memory of the gallant dead whose remains re pose in our own beautiful cemetery. V ; ; s Excursion Wednesdny. . I Our citizens are reminded that there will be Another family excursion on the Waccamaw to morrow (Wednesday) and that the boat will feive her wharf at, 9 o'clock. These excur siona have been 60 pleasaqt heretofore that no one who can 6pa re the time will lose the op portunity of participating in the one now making op. : - f . v , .;j:J ' . j We learn that about two hundred yards of extra canvass has been added to the .awning, Which will add greatly to the comfort and con venience of passengers. ? ' " f BccbTerlnjr. ; y JQ, : K We were much pleased to learn, yesterday afternoon, that Fletcher Manning, the youth Who fell from the top of the City Hotel build ing, now "occupied by Capt. Manning as " a boarding bouse, on Saturday last, is rapidly improving: 4 It is now quite certain - that -be received no Internal injuries, and consequently there is little doubt of bis soon being all right again. ; .A Beautiful Fiour. v : We are indebted to MessTs. Smith & Old bam, Na 6 South Water street, for a' sample of their choice family flour," for. which those gentlemen have ourjthanks. We have tested it ind fauffd IJiaajto nrXf 0aretr1ed K bur family in a long time. All in want of' gqod flour should give them a trial lTew1 Cotton, j ";'-tf. -r. kiu r- 5 'Another bale of new cotton made Its appear ance on the market yesterday., , It was raised pn the plantation of Mr. W. B. Cole, of Ricli inond county, under the superintendance of Mr. John T. Ussery, and was : consigned to .Messrs. Yick & Mebane. It was classed as midling and sold.at 20 cents per pound." ; Our Chip Basket -A WestOi n t belies no Ion get wear cadi buttons.:-L jj-ii-.---t-Ui;'--.'V j ; ; " -. " ' ' : Western; belles!: plaj' .cTroquet in striped hosiery. ,. ,". ; . I ' -Toung ladies sulrering from a pane inttbe side may relieve U by weariu,? a sashV & . ! f f ' The groqma ikiissoun maarriage., , . .. , , 1 'Maria Antoinette alipper'arc consider- ?ed rechercho out West.s: u:; I --Thcy ruu.a ;by!DOt1airHrjt f : An illiterai? manbvierided for that "which, in manaWalr education wins ap Ipla'uie-making' bis mar 'IWf ' i-Mlnnoto1spTO fol lnE Invalid; far wtplif wUhinfl ve;ear$, have 1 cteeafprtjr aef Jblwdland, fenced land cuilivated it without male ; "intervention. J - A gCnlthjmaii of SJaterayilleiijR, ; I.,; states 'that an old lady, .a iiarmcra .wiuuw, icecuvy sent bim 'teni;ents; saying it was " overpay takta for-produce thlrty-nlhe year's ago.'r ; The young -tnetit iritfwalering-place have i discard da wbite vesf si ThVjonng ladles use so'inuch oil on their fialr Jhat a Vest Is only irood for one'evening on the piazza. " - ... - i Boarders."' ' If you want Boarders, advertise in our new department, under bead of Wants1," at half our regular rates,- for advertisements not ex- J tf j eedlng five lines. 'J J WILMlif 6TQN.T U. CL, TUESDAY. AUGUST 2?. f Attempted Bobbery and Murder Tbe !- ItnbhnV KhA( . 1 1 . On Saturday night, about 11 o'clock,a delib-' crate attempt at highway robbery an murder was made in this city. It appears jhat earlier in the evening a party, including MrL Daniel H. Russell, a carpenter of this city, and a col ored man who gives his n me as Chls. Was sent, met in a store at the corner of Third and Orange streets, where a conversation of some length was indulged in, 'after which Mr. Rus sell arose and took his leave, paying that he was going home. He was followed by Charles Wassent,who joined him on the strejt,f arid the two walked down In the directioSn of the Market House As they were" passing a bar room near the .corner of Front and Jdarket streets Mr. Russell informed his dusky com panion that he "was going in to get j U drink. and asked Wassent to loin him.'" Ha acceded to the proposition and the two - went in, Mr. .Russell taking outra roll of bills and display ing themr unsuspectingly- to his" : companion .when he went to pay for the drinks, j Leaving the bar-roim Mr. Russe.l was still fol owed by Wassent, who Btated that he was a spa faring man and that he belonged on board of a vessel lying at the wharf of Messrs. Blossom & Evans Proceeding on their way In the direction of tlie' railroad they 'came Hch Bedf Cross" street, when Wasicnt asked Mn'.'Russell: the nearest way to his vessel. He received ; the requisite information and decided to accompany Mr. R., who lives just beyond the Railroad ' on i Third street. . Arrived at the , Crossing, and as ;;Mi Russell was ascending the slight acclivity caus ed by the' railroad,' bis : companion . suddenly dropped behind him and drew from its conceal mcnt about bis person a rope about eight or ten feet in length, with a running noose at one end, and attempted to throw it over; Mr. R.'8 head, intending to get the noose over his head and then draw it tight around b s neck: Fortunately, for Mr. Russell, how ver,: the noo6e caught on his hat,' which fe 1 to the ground and the robber, was , thus foil d in his intentions; but before Mr. Russell cou Id make any attempt at resistance Wassent ha I closed in .upon , him and eized, Jbimjf jj -the throat. ; He halloed 'murder" as oud as as he could, but the grip of the robber on ; his throat prevented him from making muc b noise. The parties struggled for some time, rolling f on tbe ground, and anon rising to' their' feet, the victim writhing and struggling frantically to release himself from the grasp of bis burly antagonist, and the latter all the time 1 ighten ing his grip upon his throat, when Mr R. fi nally succeeded in tearing open his . v:st and drawing fiis pistol, with which he com nenced firing upon bis assailant. The latter, however, still kept his bold upon the thorax of the vic tim until the fifth shot, when', he released hi grasp, made an exclamation as if in p lin and fell back 'upon the ground as if deal. Mr. Russell, believing this to be the case, started for homey which was about one hundred yards off; but on bis way he came op with Policeman George W. Davis, who had been attr'a :ted to the spot by.the firing, and to whom he stated the facts of the case. Ou : returning to the apot where the struggle took plate, however, Wassent had disappeared; but the robe, Mr. Russell's hat aud the hat of Waseikt were found on tbe ground. , 1 ; : It was not until Sunday morning : th it Was sent was discovered. It seems that he became impressed with the belief that he was going to die and sent to the authorities to take him to the City Hospital. He was found In n small house on the corner of Front street and what is known as Hager Nntt's aliey, between Han over and Bladen streets. He was apparently suffering intensely. Dr. J. F. King wa called in, who, upon examination; stated that! two of the balls had penetrated the left lung and one the spleen, the three wounds all in close prox imity .to each other , and in a line w th the heart. He pronounced the man in a critical condition. He was thereu. on removec to the City Hospital. r . ; , . ' In the meantime Mr. Russell bad delivered j himself up to the authorities, by whom he was released yesterday on his own recognizance.; .Wassent is man of powerful frame: He tells a great many contradictory stories about the affair; and also as1 ta' where be ' belonged. He informed us that , formerly jived at Camp Holmes,' near Raleigh whilebe has told! others that he came ; from South' t darolina; Atfrlast account's it was thought , he may; possibly re cover. ;. t- vj-j -,my.:). sfiUa i(:tA &i I r KIVJEIt AND MABINE SKWJi. j ij: ;:t : MONDAT, -Au ; 21." During the severe storm' on Saturday after-' if noon last, as we learn from Capt. Potter of the Waccamaw, a lighter belonging to a Mr. liieger and loaded -with naval jstores, was capsized ! near Smithville.-T.-A fishing-smack; belonging Mrlaflto;,!jnteudeat pj ewsaT OjilWprka aKoil jb isncr, was aiso capsizea on Smlthvilte.i No.lives lostUttitberi.inytanc though the cargo of the lighter Is sad to nave BUbVp Atkinson's Appoint menti. Bishop Atkinson has made the following ap pointments :.-:-.-UKi:-.-la?;' ..:( n i Lenoir.ravT v. i j 4 -' t. iAagnstJ 1 vaueA-irupisj.,.....-.?!,--?? .J rt.t J ..II C4 16. 18. lirove uuapei, AaiMi"lt;,iuv m,J 120. T ll&CBUUIUUU, .....- ... :. Gwinn's Chapel. ; rr.r. .V. .IV. H Turner's Factory, JredeU county, a .-. it it' 4 22.J 25. 27. 30. 8tatesvUIe:4 .v.i-v; Lincolaton;.v.ri ti. i... I .:? High ShoalsGaston county,,. ; Septal. Charlotte . ... . . . . . Leaksvillc . . . . . -',"; .,6. 'm o . St1 Mary's, Orange codnty,; . . ? . . ' " i- Hillsborough,. 13. - 17. . 18. 20. O x f o r d , . ' . . . f : s. t f 4 : Williamsborough...... .......... v Warrenton,.. ................. ... " The Charlotte Observer of Sat urday says! : Od yestefda jwhileH the work men1 at tbe Fair Grounds were ehgaged in placing the rafters'!! a building, some of the timbers caTO-way ' precipitating I six men to the ground-and severely- -injuring them alL Une, we eari is nat; e.xpt5uieu to i'live.-'! WeV were anable t to learn the names of the men that t?ere hhrti mostof tthmr we belieTe, were colored. Kittrell's Springs; branville co.f. ' He oderson X i .'i3 if . A- cz&t? SPIRITS OFf TURPENTINE; r Ghariotte' hasu fchain gang working on the streets. '! , : ,, V. 7 ' ' Warrenton- is to have a baby show on the lOthbt November. - s . '77, Fresh peaches are ; begging in "Warrenton at 50 cents per bushel.- ' ; Fivp dollars per-barrel is the market price for corn in Warrenton ' : It is said that the "Eiedmpnt Springs has over, two hundred guests, this HiS;; :t "t i mi i h tit--'KeV.vG.'Bi) Wctmore listO de liver a temperance lectul-e'atStatesville on the 4th proxitaajvy--3$ iwm: ; No V less i h an 200 votes ' w ere' pol led f i 1 le gal ly against a Cob ventiori in this county. rrbr-ruThe tobaccorcrop itiSRocking bamtand Caswell counties is said to'have been seriously injured by the long .drought ; AsHeyille! 'ariipSerapnasQ Ball Clubs have had !a -match ganie, which resulted in a ..victory ior-tne -A-sneviiie T--G0I. Isaac Gibsony, 'popular and respected citizen of Salem, fell dead, on Monday last.while on the porch of his resiuence. - - ' A man by the name of Weslev Carlisle was lodged iu the Stokes -county jaii last weeir, lor an attempted rape upon the personot a Miss Harr. xhT-VThd Sentinel regrets '. to learp that Dr: W. R. Miller died Saturday about noon at hisr residence, six' miles north of that city.u Dr. Miller was' a most estima-: ble citizen. k . . . -: ; . v Tbe Sentinel says VfWe regret to iearn oi tue deatb, recently, ot ex Gov: Retd's oldest son; David, who was a young man pt great promise, studious and steady -. ) The "Warrenton Gazette says : The rite of baptism, was administered to eight;' candidates 'by .the Revs. Messrs. Boon and Purefoy o'f the Baptist Church, at the4)aptismal Pool on Sunday evening last. ' At Wilson's mill near Sharon Church in a Haw tree 'Township,! fourteen were; baptised by the Hev. Jame3 S. Purefoy, of Wake Fcrest, and admitted to Sharon Baptist Church: The revivals which have been in progress at the above named churches, .closed on Sunday. If you have found anything, advertise it in our new department, under.head of ' -Lost and Found," at half our regular rates; for adver tisements not exceeding fivelines. tf o .... Doot. Atib'b Laboh atoky. that r has done such wonders for t he sick, now issues a potent restorer for tbe beauty of mankind for the comeliness which advancing age is so prone to diminish, and destroy. Hia VIGOR mounts luxuriant locks on the bald and srrey pates among: us, and thus luvs us under obligations to bim, for the good looks as well as health of ine community. ,: , , ; -., It is saddening to see our hair blossominer for the grave too early. More especially wo men feel this affliction, and it is even a greater deformity to them than to men. AlEK'S HAIR VIGOR removes it and restores the hair sometimes, but;its original color always. . . Facts Worth Knowing:. During a recent trial or comparison of ordi nary Baking Powders in New York, with Dooley'a Yeast Powder, it was shown conclu sively that better results were attained with from one-half to two-thirds the quantity of the latter, than with any other in the market. The secret of the success lies in the care witn which Dooley's Yeast Powder Is prepared, and its entire freedom from substances that. are inj urious to the system. we challenge comparison at any and; all times. The verdict of the consumer is always in our favor. For sale by all Grocers. - -. ...... fa. 1 M ii , NEW ADVERTISE MENTS. S. ! BUNTING, Auctioneer, By BUNTING A McQUIGG. A u c t ion Sal e I JT OUR SALESROOM, THIS DAY AT 10 o'clock A. M., we wilt seU, ' .. ; ; 5 t':': ! .". 4 . l'x,v:.i . . ..: . ;'-. - i: iC: 1'.', s 200 Bales No. 1 Hay. FtiVniture. &c. :--f fmi-coBw-BEEraiid1:' rf--SUNDRY fOTHER ARTICLES. aug 22-1 fc IIo ward Relief ?Firo V Engine Com pa n jp-.-lVo; 1." ,XT,OTJCE is hereby given to the Membeis of J3I ; Howard it. F. Engine Company Ho. 1, tuat acaiieu meeting will be neiaito-mgnt at 8 O'clock.',.-, r. t I "Is-M . iO.'StrJ.i:lT Every tnemberia particularly requested to attend, as veiy" important - business will be Drougnt oetore tne uompaay.;. ; ic . 5 . uy oruer 01 vice-rresiaent. . 5 ' r nENKY EHEBECBV t - .an2Wt Ss:' .. ifiecretaiy r. 400 BBLS. FIUK'.Ocf bilLSPOBK, 100 "Bbl j. ?Molaasest' 6"0 TJbls. Sugar, 80 Bbls. Crackers, SO Sacks Coflee, 1,000 Sacks Salt, 100 Boxes' Soap 100 Boxes rd ash " andJLyelOO BoxesStarch andJCanr.. die?, i S3 Boxes: Bacon,' 25. Boxes " f Tolacce, &c.tx&c.yi&c. . 1 h For sale low by :.t.' 'v .ff ' HH. E i'.A.ni.A. it i-H A aug 22-tf UVYAttlJSSllAliU New Books Just Out; HE ANGEL IN THE CLOUD, SONG Tide, and other Poems by -Philip BurkeJIarston ; John . Jerningham's Journal j Sarchedon, a Legend of Me GTii Qaeen ( The Pupil bribe Legion of Honor; 'JLl Terrible Temptation Crumbs S wept .Up encb. Beyolntion, Svols. by Thomas . Caxlyle$'iDelaplane ; Gallirhoe ; Pink and White Tyranny, by BJ,B. towe ; The, Island Neighbors, a Novel of American Life Eeglnald Archer. . . ... r For sale at - " 1 HEINSBEBGEiv'S ' ans82.tr jive Boole stoic. 1871; Whole Ho. 1,219 JSTEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . , TAYLOR COTTON GHT m - 5 MANUFACTURED BY ' W. Gr. Clemons, Brown & Co., 1 "COLUHBtS, OEOKGIA. , THIS ISTHEMOSTCOMFACTand SIMPLY constructed Cotton Gin made. It has no attachments to inj are the Cotton and cause the Gin to-run heavy. It has run a successful competition wit'.i iha best makers of Gins in the world for the past Twenty-live Tears, and -we believe now stands Unrivalled as combining:, the merit of SPEED, LIGHT DRAUGHT and GOOD SAMPLE in. a greater degree than any other Gin. Descriptive Cata logues forwarded on application. r ; ; . DeltOSSKT A CO., Agents, : Wilmington, N. C. aug 22-S&Flawtf Tu Hew Styles of Hats ! FALL ST Y L E.S OF SUk, Stiff and Soft Hats JUST RECEIVED. TIIOS. H. WBIGHT, No. 9 North Front Street. aug 22-tf ladies Gaiters ! Buttoned, raced and Congress - i 1 Vv :l: IN GREAT TABIETY ! ' -:; - DUDLEY & ELLIS', " : r aug 22-tf ; v sigh of the Big Boot. , MISCEIiliANEOUS. GOOD SWEET TABLE BUTTER. . j r , At 40 cents per cent ' C1IAS. D. MYERS ft CO., ' s aug 20-tf ; 1 ; 1 North Front Street; "Cape j Fear . and Black; Rivers. THE STEAMER' LITTLE SAM; IS now running regularly between Wilming ton and Point Caswell, leaving Wilmington Tuesdays,- Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 o'clock A. M., and Point CasweU Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 o'clockt A. Un touching at all intermediate landings for pas. sengers or freights Fare, Jtl niealst extra. Freight charges very moderate. ' '1: . , For freight or passage, apply to Captain on bWHiijut. mld ,B io j.lseptl-S&Ftf : "(JEOCEREpWINES ail 7LIQU0RS. ;. INE GR0CERlE3i,ArlNES . and L1QUOB3 -1 rr lAH lift IHilJtlUl AX His $3 00 .Wliiskey is Pnre arid 5 "! i" TV. B,- FCEKCH. t '' t.. aag 20-tf Cor Market and Second sts SCUOOL, NOTICE. '4 rriDEsnbscriber'wllI open; during; the en--. 1 . suing Autumn, a School for-Boys in - this city." The number of pupils will be limited to. tweniy-ilve. ' An extended experience in t ie instruction of youtb, I leelto bethe ybeat pledge lean offer to the public, r-;' , -j Bxtxkksoss i Bis hOD' Atkinson. Revds. A. A. Watson, D. D., U. L, singleton nd Geo., Pat terson - ' r " ''. For terms, apply to Uoi. j; W. Atkinson.- - JiUyfreodSm TUSatTu?; ,r 0.11 jit 1 " HE STOCK LOT AND STABLE, onr Prin- cess Street, west or and adjoining ;ther' Jail, aid opposite the Theatre. - ' ; , y- ,-' Apply to ; . ; : .--.'I , aug lWm , . WILLASD BBX)S.; (ip? J ''' ; One Square one day, .; .. .. two aa 1 " two days,..... '5 ;;- . " ' three days................ 2 1 . . ronr days. 8 5? 1 53 ronr daySj . .. .. nTflaayB,. ' ' tone week...... 8 00 8 CO 4ar Contract Advertiseroents taken at pro portionately low rates. . ' Marriages, Deaths, BelieioiiH.' Funeral and Obituary notices will be insert at blfrat when paid for in advance : otherwise full rates wiUbecbsjged, 3 x. n v.v.r.'V ' ; .. Tbsxb Cash ca demand. -. , AUCTION- SALES.-' K J. ;7.' JAMES, Auctioneer. By JAMES fc SIEABE9. , Elegant : City . . Besidence AT AUCTION. .i- .,;u . M V . VERY EASY TERMS. " ; ON THURSDAY MORNING, Sept 7th,' at II o'clock, at Exchange Corner, we will sell that EtEOANT XTOUSX: AND LOT, desirably and centra llv located on tbe North east CORNER SECOND and CHESTNUT ST3 , well known as the ill VERA PROPERTY. ' The h0use is large and roomy, containing seven fine apartments. Including a brick bns ment on the street level, besides Closets, Pan : tries.,' C'V"-' . iuic ,,)- !".:;:-..:-. l.-c.'..-... ; 'iH'Hii: TJIBJLOT IS 66x135 FEET, :. 61I feet on Second, and 133 feet on Chestnut street, leaving ample space for tbe erection of another dwelling on Chestnut street. There are on the piemisvs a large double Kitchen house, wiih four, rooms, atore-room, wood house, well, Ac.'- ' - . TEKMS me-fourth cash, balance 0, 12, v 1i and 30 months, with Interest from date. July 25-ts Tn Tnand 8at .2 : ? . w . f :TJ ' JAMES. Auctioneer. : '?'. -huff-. ,!;?. '.'. i BY JAMES & MEAEES. ' H. City Real Estate for Sale BY vlrtue.of a decree of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, issued June Term, 1871, to me directed, for foreclosure of a certain mortgage deed executed to the Wil. Building Association by Clarissa A Williams, I shall proceed to sell, on Tuesday, August 22, 1871, at the Court House, at 11 o'clock A. M., that certain piece of property desciibed t- said mortgage deed, to wit : Beginning on tbe western ilne of Fourth street, at a point 132 feet South of the south-western intersection of Fourth street with Bladen, thence 8outh with said line of Fourth street 66 feet, thence wfstwardlyina parallel with Bladen street 165 feet, thence northwardly in a line parallel with Fourth street .66 feet, and thence cast wardly in a line parallel .with, Bladen street 165 feet to the beginning, being east part of Lot 3, Block 278, per plan of City of W ilming ton, with all right, title, interest, privileges and appurtenances belonging to or in any wise appertaining to said land. t .... f .W. B. EMPIE, i,l y.yi'y- Com.- f july2ts' X. T. JAMES," An ctio iieer. I,.. By, JAMES AMEARES., PlMibn.fbr Sale. BY' virtue of a decree of the Supeiior Court for New Hanover county, issued at Jun Term, 1871, for foreclosure of a certain mort gage executed by A. C. Rembaugh to F. W. Foster, and by him assigned to E. R. Brink, I shall proceed to sell, on Tuesday, the 22d dav of -August, 1871, at tbe Court House Door, at 11 o'clock, to the highest bidder for Cash, all of that certain tract or parcel of land In the town of Lillington, described . in said mortgage-deed, aa follows : Beginning at an iron, wood tree at the Junction Gafford's Branch and Riley's Creek, thence by lands of James Garrason, S. 63. W. 196 poles to a llgbtwood tree, thence W. 37, N. 161 poles torn stake in the main road, thence P. W. 65 poles to a stake, thence by lands of Burnett, 8. 21,t W. 207 poles to Riley's Creek, thence with tbe main run of said creek to the beginning. TERMS CASH. ' ' ' V 1 W. B. EMPIE, July 23tds f Commissioner. , OUR REVISED . ...... j.. , ..... . . ... ,; . . Co-0 p eratiye Prices OF TOBACCO -GOODS IS YET DRAWING i . CROWDS OF C. 0.' D. CUSIOIIERS, To No. 1 2 Market Gt. - -" -y:.yy - '.A J'!:,V'i- -r'' ' - , . - By f, D, PIOOTT, . " an'gft-tf ' J J Tobacconist. - Pine Linen' Shirts, CLOTHI N G AT THE LOWEST : PRICES X Half Hose, Handkerchiefs, Clolhs and ;0"i " SUITS'MADE TO OllDER. 1; ' CLOTHING and FURNL5HING STOBE, : aug2Hf ruouio i 3 i-;i38 Market Stooet. .... . t Wanteds h ; , 0,i?'.-'.' : .j:'.-J . CjL Situation W Instructor In' Instrumental Music, in some -Academy or Institute, by a young lady t)f ample experlenei: Unexcep tional references furnished. For further particulars, ..: --.i Address , . ..... -f TEACHER, - " v J No. 81 West Clay street. ,ftugl310t Flna .oi ;ro ?: f r fiiebmond. Vs. I'U To .. U Auctioneer;- i;' .- THE underafgneil respectfully eollclt pat ronage as Auctioneers and Real Ksiate, Agents ..;. ....- . ', ' 4- Personal attention to business." -Office at the office of 8. M. West,; Deceased, until October 1st, 187L ' , . .. - - SAMUEL Tt. BUijTING auff lSt :s -v . I E; IL.MoQUlGG. v , ; ? uacon s nacon j 100,000 ?OUIfs ""i"'af;:j7'V. and SIDES June?ttf A? fciJ -r,Wltl?ABD;BB6s. V7AfJTS. TfTTAS TED Purehasers to call at 8. Levy's, YY 4 Market street, and examine bis stock of Dry Goods, dothing'Boots,'1 fc hoes. Hats, Notions Ac, which are now, selling at actual cost, '.,.,. .s.i if t-T v..-ciaayWo DT ArJD.FOUnDi 'XlOinSD A place where Dry Goods, Cloth P.: ing. Boots, Sboes, Hats, Notions, Ae., are beins old at actual eotl, 8. Levy's, 44 Market street is the place ,Xmay SO-tm Forr oALE on nnrjT. nOB SAEE At AcrtTAX Cost, by S. Levy, k ; 44 xiarxet street, iry uooas,' uioiuiag. Boots, Shoes. Hats, " Notions, Ac. . Call and secure bargains t s .-. , mayUJ-4 .1 "4.. 1 1 p V) m H .! ft- m v 1' h Km i 11 ' mm i. 1 ( . V I I. 'hi ? 1 . 1; -; 1 M . ; t 1! t:

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