hornhstg STAR ' Taes-iay, August 22. 187L ; ., ' j3" Correspondents must ot write on both ' sides of their paper, , 7, THE CIRCULATION OF THE MORNING STAR IS LARGER THAN THAT-OF ANY OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED jy NORTH CAROLINA . '; 7 ' STATISTICS , OF FRENCH BAL - LOOMING. According to a statement which is now going the rounds "of the Prench press; the total number of balloons which -lelt Paris during the seger between September 23d anrl Jarmary 28th; 1871, amounted tosixty- lour, carrying the same :number . ot ro niiuts, three million letters, a large number of oftieUt dispatcher three -hundred 'arid titry-rour. carrier pigeons, and nmety-one passengers. Oi these.sixty-fotfr, ballyon?, only hvej were eapturedpby' the' German i'orcQ3,".tw6 .wer.o I! blown out i to se'a and one; fcro.sscd the North ea', and, after a perilous voyage ot about one thousand miles in. twenty-tour hour, landed in Nor way, .where it created quite a panid among , the inhabitants of a small village in the vicinity of ChrTstiana where it descended. The ballast, consisting of bars and weights of metal, which was yet left.in the basket after its descent, was coined into small medals bearing an appropriate inscription; which were sold all through Norway for -the benefit of the fund ' for the relief of French , .wounded soldiers, widows;and orphans. r. . . , . TIIK NOIiTU CAROLINA CHERO- The Cherokee Indiana of North Carolina vrill, for the most part, accept the provis ions of the law by which they are, in -accordance with their own" wishes, to be removed to a reservation in the Indian Territory. There i are; eighty-nine now in camp at Ljudon, Tenn., thirty-three of wlioin are undar twelve r years . ot. age. There aro two other parties inNorth Caro jiiia, of about fifty and thirty respectively. These are awaiting the arrangements for. 'transportation and other preliminaries to their departure. . Chief James Oabdia'h v,U send a complete roll to the-Indian Office ol those who are to remove, show ing tne age, sex, x;c., or each individual. The Indians ar anxious to get away, as si)n as possible. " COD LIVER OIL BUTTER. f An ingenibus pharmaceutist has 'lately adopted the, method of making cod; liver oil into a buttery for the purpose of being ii iaiinistered t such patients ai . find an objection in the.. taste of the oil itself. This U dyue by combining the oil with' a concrete or butyraceous fat, .thus bringing i t into a -.form iu whieh it can be used as butter on bread,' or made into pillsly It is also suggested that tiy "mixing cod liver nil with mustard, Cg, and the 'other in frredh'nta'hs'ed io Tnainix salad ''dressinsr, the taste ipan be so disguised aa to render it a palatable article for putti-g upon various articles of food. 7 j. Several demonstrations have been made upon thcllockford (Illinois) iail for the purpose of seizing and lynching the negro who committed rape, upon, the little daugh ter of Rev. Mr. Walton, but none . proved successful. It is said that other attempts will follow. Satufdiay r the -Sheriff swore in a3 special deputies several men who were engaged in the first attempt to secure the negro for trie purpose of lynch ing him. H y - ; ' 7 " f The following is too good to be lo3t; lut the best of the joke is that the 4incor-, rit;iblewagvHr -Horace Greeley, who late4 1 y presided.'oWetijbg'ia ,MexsYorTc in which : two' sable Qemostbehcs "no-' rated,"- giyes ita prominent lpkcein thej Tribune's Columiii . of comicditieV7hatt a country add.what a peebies." 5 "A letter tr6m;ailihingtonj,l iTQ:, to: the Buffalo Bxpresitafti We have late-, ly had one of :tbe most ' heated and bitter" cam paigns j in this v State that;! I everhad the fun of; witnessingJhe7,issuV lSeing 'Convention xit jiojjConVention,' Colbred orators were in the field in abundanceand never having heen satisfiedjas! to tthe Abil ity of the negro to occupy, the Itage, I, through sheer curiosity,atte.nfid one f their metings.7Thft jabllttys of( the pi i n c i pa I s peaerXJbsonT' Iw h o lia? the honor of, beinjgHhe first negro admitted to thelES?1 In ilhjs Btatef-caiinot 'e (JoubtedT 1 va3.really 'surpsedlat his ; chain opowicaVirguMehtj fBdt oi meeting conducted by-apeople recently relieved 'rom bonilageimust; Necessarily i present many ludicrous poiotsi rfnd here f one 61 them ; - Allan Denton (colored)' officiated s ch airm ant and the man who had thje ; ;or, after iltng anoLfldweiry: appealwas ; latiiu ; up as, fallows ?-7Aod I iay, ;niy : Wlovv citizens, dat eberytingare changed!; 'Ut-wQia better menp and:4 We :is mdre iptiiouifiti&i, whaVdat you iay ?' in-: irrupted the.Chairman, who eomprehend w tho dignity and "dxttiea ot his psitiop, at dat word you fsajf 13'peaious Ms "J word I WaiOTIsn'tCinnght, : Mr. Yunnan?' 0, spediousj-spediousj yes, all correct. - Please brohlbit to finish y'ur remarks,' which -lie did with the 'meat consciousness.Qf having .'jannihila le'l the nrPQlHinnr ffl.hn . . V. U. Officer Drowned. p telegram fro Colu'mfehv Je, states that .Cdl. fTillebrowne0 JJni J6'' States erigineerdf the Coosa river eur Wa8 drowned on the llSthjinst. The Vey. - understood,' k- ii com plet ed n e Clrcumstances of his drowning are "ot mentioned. Columbus ( Oa. Sun. r h; "" A- Chicagban 'advertises that 8 80d water contains no old bootli1 .11.11 I . Cotton Seed 'and its Products' Hnffnnc ;i ' ow-.- seed is an exception to the T is bought or sold' in this market at, which "comes here beinchicflv con- seed that tracted for nn-thP nlantntinn r af , port of shipment. It is only within the last two or tnree years that the-trade in ' lo5 .oboquite good.- Itis .isoldlaVge,, in England for making soap. Yc rem em- ber the time it began toassumfcsome im- ' to be quite i in EtTo- t tt ' , " . .. 1 ....... . . ou,'4. wnicn quite, stirred,-uoyoncot our subscribers in Cincinnati -nd who wrote TV T"1 , . doubts of the: truth of our report. Not long since it was 'discovered that some of uui weuAuuwu uiuuus, ui juipurieu ouve O Possel. 9tvW3 " " ' oufi'wv,' v w. i.11 v yvv. torn of it: and we have h'eard 'a consumer sav that he likes the one Wweir as the other as a table condinient:" MosYof'the stearinc made jn, the process ( of pressing, etc.,- is as weet and yellow; as butter, and we; have been told that it mixes well with thaVnshV of thVtAhlP . Thorn iTlRn ' -r ' . ," r. , . I . J . . . . praaucea wnat is Known as -coiion seeu cAn ctrolr " n rprv intprinr lnnL-ino-nrtiolp briLing but 1 to44c terl lb. The cake mauu iu iwoiUS, is ouippuu iu j-iiitauu, and there brinss about 7 per ton. iThe seed is also' shipped there in Urge qainti- ties and crushed at Hull and elsewhere, the cake bringing much Vless -than' the . ivmencan maKe,; oemg unaerconicaiea Thl nf tiin 'l ' W,in ii0 : T-." 7.! : " I .r .. - bouth is estimated at 3,000,000 tons, bQmg about double that of the cotton 7 from which it is gained ; but it is supposed . , , :. ... - that utter dennotinrr thft nnantitw npoos- I r 1 J sarv for planting, waste. &c. there will remain about l.OOO'OOO tons, valued at io aaa AAA m,J7 ui,7 r r ' . . I fertilizing purposes, is estimated at $20 toer ton. and it is also estimated that the seccl crop, all utilized, might be nmde to yield a total , value of over $40,000,000 over and aboye the quantity reserved for seeding. Food Medicine. , Dr. Hall relates the case of a man who ' ; was cured of biliousness by going his kipper and drinking freely ot lemon- adei Every morning, says the "docfor," ..thislpatient rose with wohdertul sense .ot I -. 7. , rest ana reire ument, anu a leeungas iiiougu me, uiuuu iiuu uetu. Jiiwanjf i washed, cleansed and cooled by the lem- ' LLi j 7-. - -"-ct: - u'i j ouuue kuu i lit; iatu xiis iucuiv ia ,mai toodj win be used as a remedy lor many diseases successfully. As an example, he cures cases ot spitting blood, by the use termclons ; kidney affections, by celery ; J poison, ;i olive or., sweet, oil ; erysipelas, pounded cranberries applied to the parts affected; hydrophobia,-onions, c. bo the way to keep in good health is really A writer in the1 Buffalo Journal savs n .thatfciheMaiiyirit - '77-i btaies is Decommgoi vast imporiance. aretold by him th .uufcru. wiccoo j Bunwai-U " "Vvr OOO.OOO.pounds, which. at 15 cents, per lb., ,iv., )H ..- .- A ---..; amounts . to 0 40,uuu,uuu aoiiars ; ana 01 ; butter 575,000,0001 pounds, which at 25 cents pei .tadi'ainounta'SjOOjOpO r ;dpljari.; while ; 100,000,000 gallons -of milk! sold in cities and towns, and GO . "00000 'nmed-ii7 dubdl?worth"K0000'MoUa together? a diary product or ivou,vuv. Stathaye gb ldoded tock'fi meatliisiaeci-i - " w . I is sure to affect strange or imported cattle ...... i f v" - : .1 at this season of the year7 - . ? 1, Vf.vii.i4 7- a . a - "- ' tie of castor tn;-! ; , 7 j ! Prc8ervat to beinshippQd.fcy.Tail, pas become jso very important a staple in .uuie, over a Keuic nan lull and-drying. 7 AY e therefore advise fruit bur review of the market that any report (,t l,oi,inS water, and let theuv remain un- growers however small may be the extent oa oil, which notice, -iT tc of cotton' - ' '"-roughiy scaidek ;-,bi, is ft .4 I ixt r O ' x . i 4 j l I I rulf. Uut lltt fi r iOm-e its birred every time fresh cream is added, Kai, g :cks, Sieges, &c. present proportions. , At first no one knew and cbnrned at- least- once a 4ek 5 the W . ATfl,r tLr? 1 to what purpose the ml was put, but it bmter will be as sweet, and amost.'as . UWNo..SSst.-' has come frradnftlW t nriUraf,ww rich as. jn June or October.; If an orancre r- l U'Sixes'-Veil with'-iithcVmore costlv carr6t Bratcd wm water DoOrS, iItfland:for. manv inmPr irirWInr' P? on and the juice. pressed 'out, il,v sucn as tfiagniol. liacigalupi and I 1 you-ever iuidk oi xne amount or 7,7.77- 7 "7V7 7 filshadbeencoun(erfeitedaindot- ,4 a W.P .5peaauay - - : , nath L JACOBI, i ' .v-,r-'-: - n,:. three hundred and &ixty-five days m . -nardwari it xn-'e Mkrt at! seed .crushed the bouth, .though we the multitude.of, her carts, and duties SpriDff8t Axles: l3olts, Enarrielled do'not know what proportion of the oil She must rise early to prepare breakfast . ; ' ' 7 -Xaa ia ' 'n,ar-tr,a rtmor,,k or pyer$eCit,;.PerHaps there, are Children . . . Clotli arir? Tiftfttlipp. "Jkn. - '' -. V "' :". ;, ", 77fl.- r;';-.7" .v'P certain iy a wisci mueyiuuu(. uc.iuaug- . BATCBDAT, September otb, 187I. tcte:;u.;;g j -'urated.hythemr:for the English : far iiers 1 iu--a:" 7 u;j;;fci- - ; J t'.';li7''w; rifliraiinfirit. -''?-';?i-';;-':' -J are'tbordugb and scientific, besides be- .; -. vJ:JU'j I'-iiJ A. 7A':; '-;f, . . , f y7 nierer, .:. ...i7..;-:.:. '--, ' w 7.--' - ;.' t7V- " i HOWARD, SIMMONS & CO., CoMTBAOTOttS . --.f .--;: -rr; , . i nttr a , tew, snorfrestions ::,xo,Aiur. . counirv, 1 mizeoi . 1 Lb&feff friends with Jelcrence to ,tho lruit crop.- i -w A'Preeaut!0Ji -'f.nl ir; : I The Seson.sQUtApenJiditherijiis si-xprize-ott U, 7H; 7 i7:fii -7ti; Jt jravife 1 Lpa ? eVenr; ireasbmtd bclieve'that a, richh Arrest; lprizeof 7 1, J-feat.ourr jfricnds, itWt -Gu f Ja fot thoseiwholil prbberlv cut: 7' -V'. . ' . . iaf. Li "it'i..i.J!n ft.. -ii Anton ff; jne most eneciuat Temwiw tae war nnd it is natural to y suppose tnat fhn rtinrrain'Wd which has been,generally1fb us5d istMii Za&fatt ielfM f toieJestedJthCT It - ; f-nrfrn4'yj?jH 7 . . here.' alwavs ?wide awake, have hitherto gnuuB ux.xuuiuiuu daiv, ,X7" :j i 'paid gpddji pnces ipn iruitfiior snipmeni iiiAx nt ?ymfWr knfl'nnl'f t yown the aui-1 north; anoV ar doubtless now:: readv to iV:iii.. g? Kid fv iwitrk Hakeiiold; of. any and aii, that MIK I M-l.Illl.JBli. .. LJiA .UU UAO U11WJ a K.AIW.'-wvw 1 . . ... ' "K. ...milK, ore,viuuB; tqsldcgrc boihea or an tion will prevent the butter.-irom separat- codnt.rvi3;woi:sjears,ago.j;ne cropya forward and make payment; and all those inff a's well' as to produce a Meposit of ;jfflM SKW&ffiiSS,1 caseine A iorther requirement is to Jrave halfjnillionrof doJiars.;if J..Hi8 year, , At the time prescribed by law; otherwise.. this the vessels completely tilled withthemilk, is handled with the care which its im- noUce wilfbe plead In par of their recovery, and closely 'fastened. portance demands, it will probable exceed aug20-tf GEO. H. Kelley, Adm'r. Eittep Butter.; . I " 4 ' '. t . . '. .. :. . v'J ' i:' ' ' '. ... wiuraponaent or trie American Agn- writes as. follows l ",Whert the milk is bfoudit in and strain PtK the milk then Set aside in the Pantry adjoining the sit,ing rom or kitchn and k ;Pfc co- w"iMJ twarm SV" HC tO ; SKim J. the I .:1?",-k -inylposcli.covored M "rV'jP" "CI1 ttSS WUIU1,&; U1,e vu wi ocoi a jeautiiui g:den ePow- - ' " ' " , I ' '-. rarmers wives. . . s " " v-."-, v viwui o "Vf . viiv-o 1a . - i v ;:nl'1;iV i . M,.- ' . ioterest.to the meetings of the Splingfield V t. 'JJ armer'8 -U mb: Jf'rom on ot the - a'Lulj, VcrmVnt Parmer,' we copy t&V Allowing r paragrapn ; -. . 1 succession f a l o prepare j f too much, and for those living at a distance from the village,- to remember that the lifff-SL i?R5 to wish, dress And fftpd . nrntn.; erof. rfindv for school with tbeir dinners. . There is baking, sweeping dusting, making beds, j "uncn ior tne men, may bo dinner, supper Prt be; made ready at the proper tir ae-the a - . - . . wasning, starching, lolding and lrdning or ciotues tne care or .milk, ".including the making of butter and cheese and the inevitable washing of dishes. In utumn thete is! an additional work of picking, preserving, canning ot Iruit, drying ap- pies: Doiunor cider, making appid sauce with the still more unpleasant task which there isliaying, harvesting, sheep-s iearing etc.,; when more help is nteededf .hinging a" '"wsasu u .wwio,- j.jv,ont jca comes house tjleaniDg. :;Byrtlieval, of all the foes a house-keeper has to dontend with: dirt is the greatest. She maV gain a complete victory, and think to repose upon ner laureis alter ner semi-annwai en- gagements but it is only temporary. w.. J . , I ,J . l he enemy soon returns, and event daily skirmishing does not keen it rat itoav' There is the mending, too. Sewing mach- ines are great blessings, but they a n't set in a natch or darn the stockings, ldon t mention these things bv wav of complain- ine of woman's lot in general or ksking for be.r:any, rlS whichshe does not medy in the present state of the wc rid. It seems to begone: of the evils1 of :life which must be borne as we bear other ills, but what I do ask is a due appreciation of the important part that woman acta, and a concession that her labors, mental and nhvsical. are as great, all things cbnsid- are not so childish that a' little ''sympathy now and then, or., acknowledgment of T?1" l;au 7 trrwi W imagine their case worse than, it is. j I .tell men and. husbands, it doeth good HKe a meuiuiuu. aau uiauy a puur, uusueu, ed, broken down wite and mother is dy ing for want of it. 7 r . : - ; Labor from England. There are hundreds of farmers in Eng land, who wjpuld be glad to emigrate and follow the same honorable ecu- pation here, had they the means to pay. the expense of the journey. 'Efforts are being put. forth, by the planters of I-the Southt to secure this" class of labor; and ?uu,,aw.T8'-1'- - ,:7': ,. -. -.. '- 7 'Jute monuis, icu ee. uigi,- uau ui the lower Mississippi, and this 'toowith ... - T' ...(.r-r .--,v.-.t ' .V: j -'-17. j 1 ntue-tor no cultivation, 'lueyiuny ana. tureddrpucfed; ialiunance. of' sbed, thu3feh:dwig; thrpaghi)ut all the' su'gar-growing portion of this Valley: ; l: ; 7 " -;.;-) ffr - . ,J'..:,;r'V.':',.';,t,-. :S3SI'StrleU rFrUItS '5ivi .;,; - w v 1 :api pettbiefmiti marketyVIn'jthe' years past dried fruit his become: a sot rce' . . . J a business than ever Deiore experieuceu i" m.rlpaf ( ln i n tnrmfttl fin . Wfi I TonnnfiO I from differed vimip f!nn of thW State; is that lUO'UvaVU VA W 1 wo uvvitJ "T r."T "I may DO I -MwMWo1irmaTKetr.r7Tiieiruit grower i in in rfnnTflri fho no- h. 2n.oush and not . ,7 , :.. IgillJC: .very uesk. wiieu luicuiKcufc l '7 if "K;"7 ' i I ' -7 7' ; ' 7 i Ii i 7? i-"J 2 VAnTrl r-m Pmber that the DfOdUCe Of bBe:iW'4-xV.wu,4HBW acre well cuidvated in ;frnit wilt pay.fns is - taken careiof and offered to the country J j two '.million .and & half so that a lame ,1 . . . .7 O- amount 01 me iniey lost to the State by ?.ue laiiureoi yneat, may t:e recovered by l"e,er "wwwwi. uesiowea on trait, necessary care in Us' preparation ducer and the merchant' just at a season when it is most; need tfMshville A U' - V" Amerr MISCELLANEOUS: , Bar Iron and Steel. Sash and Blinds AX. ifAijFAOTtJRER'KIOES! , . Palnls; OPs at;d Glas. . r NATU'L JACOBI, ' ? Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market t-t.' au-is-tf, ; . . ' jr: - 6rlilI::CradleS, ci,7 a n 04.1;- "-n IrtI0 w uu .xveup i Hooks,' Scjthe StODes, &cv, &c. I BUUGY AND WAGON RimS. HllbS aild Sl)OkeS: o w est: c a s ii PR I C E S NATH'I JACOBI, ' Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St. H. BURKHIMER, . . NO. 6 Market Street, WHOLESALE and 11EPAIL DEALER IN Imported and DbmbstlcSegarg, yip dflU-XIUllIl . ba. . ulld W 1k 1 UDdbbU . and . : OLD VIRGINIA LEAP TOBACCO . - Prices Reduced to Suit the. Times auge-tr : TTftftnn O L1C6 V. .LL OFFICERS WHO ARE REQUIRED hvkv t.n nmv t.hp.ir nffloia.1 tathIs. rta hereby notified to appear before the Board of Counfy Commi3sionr3 of New Hanover County, on the first -Monday in September - - next, ana suumit meiruonasior tne approval , ' WM. J. BiVINS, augi3-tistiisep uegister. TmilGiari'a 'QtotA T A ft aW XiU UIldrlld Ota LP JaVhWLy h I A I fVl K A i Y" I : .i7VVfTIr"- .-;T-:- iocorporated Angost 17,1868. CHARLES T. HOWARD. ...... .PRESIDENT '. ! '. . KINDLE IfCJIBEK LOTTERY. SpLEND1DScHEMEloNLYioooNUMB capital pkize. ssoVoou CIjASS M to BE DRAWN AT f NEW Orleans ON . 7 .: - SCHEME : v .i-7 :- it; 7 l prize of 50)00071s.ii....ii..U.a50,000 m prize of : ;ao,o.siSi....,.'.yw.-....i:i 30,poo , 1 pnz0.orr.w.OOO:tiau;-.w.,4;....4-' JnfMM 1 prize of fl0,000vis........ ..10,000 A IJ. WW W . v.wvf ... . . . ............... ' ) " " 1 prize of s 8,000 H8.;.........i. 8,000 1 prize of 7,000. is 7,000 prize of ; 6,000 is.... 6,000 "l.prizeof .6,C0Q is.................,... 5,000 1 prize 01 s.,iwv i8,,.......t.......... 1 prise' bf srisJ::...:..::." 8,000 1 prize of . 2,000 . is. .......'I2,0OO l prize of c 'l,oan 77' '777,7V, 1,000 l iirize o77l.000 17 ; 1,000 1,000 ii! .f -7 f' 1 Drize of 1 prize of .1,000 f?.07:7t.''l"i ''..-;" - Mis ' swa: r 77 . : ,000 000 000 ,000 000 r7l- c"f-: lpri: Jgjj prize of .M 1,000 -are..... .......... . 25,000 eor--;fW" :.77:,v :,,v,,7..,,,:. 77 prize of . l,oo (AW ,000 000 ,7- r..-: ; :7;7 1,000 oou 1 Uf lit) UI f A.vw Z i fl . . i prlze of ' 1,000 iJi' - 1 nrir.fi fTT' l.W) 1 Prixe o? ' 1 w w-xw v i""" -.-A M . ( 4W prizes, amounting to..'. ...i 2S0.400 "Whole Tickeia, 20; 'snares in proportion, j prizes payable withput deduction. jTjT y 7 I TV f '.-..t'. - ' tiack.Bbx 692. PostrOfflee. New Orleansi i . i,,t- i.viifiuimiur , er-yinxr Letter. aug 17-tr JtLUlUliilU tltt IU1 U -1 J U IE undersigned having qualified as" Ad ministrator noon tbe estate of Wm. H. ey, deceased, hereby gives1 notice to aU. persons lnaeDiea 10 saia intestate 10 crane fc 2 : r . A COMPLETE; A SSORTMKNT: . -NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -T-r-,'! r-T!-!, f taw-mi uk . t For Asthma. Rose CalA. tin, - .Nothmg . so i3uccessfai.T. Metcalf, Druggist, Boston. Recommended by Dr. O. W. Holmes. It always relieves. JQ2. BtJSHEXT & CO gostem, Mass. Sold by all druggists. VIRGINIA FEMALE INSTITUTE -.k ' -; ' STANTON, VA. ' - ' Is one oFtbelargesf; FirstvClass Jnstiintiong in the South. There are itrbt Setaools, ub der twenty-two offlcers. Pupils from every Southern State. Special advantages in Jtln sle. , Bnlldfng's nnd Qronnds are spaci ous and elegant. 49 For i circulars of 45 pages, address . , kkv. ii. uu jthillifs, f . ' , Principal. v "a", new; era in 7 : ' WASH I--N G' v LABOR, TIME, JLOTHES Md FDEL SATED , BY THI TJS8 OF WARFIELD'S . . - j . - -; i COLD WATER , Self-WasMiiiSofj.'. "SEND for CIUUTJJTAR arid PEICE LIST. . w.f .;- -'iAOENTS WANTED." I . t 7 WILSON 'LOCK WOOD, ' EVERETT 1 ; CO., 51 Murf a St.. Nw;Tort;' .'. Sole 'Agents for the States' of VJrglni&VNorth ; aaa.souxa Carolina, ucorgra ana rioriaa. , t - .... i- ... .. , lt , i-,., 1 i. . DR. COLLINS' PAIHLEB3 CURB FOB THH .'' OPIUM HABIT. - Enables the patient to discontinue "the use of Opium in any lorm, at once, without pain or inconvenience, and without any- interrup tion or ordinary Dnsmess. it reouiias tne broken constitution and restores tne nervous energies. :' ; .-7-. -'" w -!y..:--.' ..'V':7; ;i ; DISCOVERED rjf 1S6S. j Thb Only Faiklbss Cueh Evkb Discovered, : v5 v T H E R I A K I : ; 7 f : 4 ' . . . ' . 1SD -' ;.; 7-;; 7 THEIR LAST DOSE. A book of over 100 naeres, containing letters of FITZ-HUGH LUDLOW, the well-known letter ot G. A. T:, exposing the intrigues of uAKrjsB's MAUAZiiM ju ana IjUVLiU w, ana a full description of the Antidote, sent free to any aaure&fl. -fAaurssv ;. t,. ' JB. SAMl'EL BVCOtUNS Laporle, Indians. WE WILL PAYnAGENTS A SAL ABY of $30 per week and expenses, -or alio w -a large commission, to sell our new. and wonderful inventions. Address, M. WAG NER Jb. CO., Marshall, Michigan. . . Agents '$30 perrwek tn 'Sttllj;ouv;great)and valuable discoveries. If you want perma- f nent, honorable and pleasant-worlrapply for particulars. Address ,-, . , i D 3TER & CO., Jackson, alichigan. ; .AOEJTTS WANTED for the TRANSMISSKIN of LIFE. " -r .';'..!.-; '. ; '.'' .' " COUKSBLS OW THB NATUSB AHD HTOJBNB OF THB AlASOULIlTB FUHOTIOW. ' 3j DR. NAPHBT8, author or iTAe Physical Life of p Woman." It relates to A male sex; Is full of new facts; delicate but outspoken; practical. and popu lar; highly endorsed ; sells rapidly.- Sold by subscription only- Exclusive territory. Terms liberal. Price, $2. Addres, for con tents, &c,J. G. FE KG US & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. ?-; ; 7' A MILLION DOLL AKS. Shrewd but quiet men can make a fortune by revealing the secret of the business to no one Address WM. WBAY, 6$$ Broadway, New York. auglS-S&Fiw . . ; . 'MISCELLANEOUS. , ; v FURNITURE 7- At Co st for Cash! . 1 ,. To AVOID REMOVING MY IMMENSE :7. .. STOCK OF',,, i.-v,7 7;:,,.i , F U R r,T IT R E I have determined to offer the same, for the . next. Sixty Days, commencing. , Atdstlfar Cash Ohly 1? The stock embraces "every variety, of ,7" I CABINET F0KNITIJRE; ; 7 CHAIRS, &c, &c! Parties In want can now supply themselves at jhanufacturer's prices, y.j ,r ; L ! tia (D; a;. SMITH,' Granite Building, ; july 16-tf ;' 7--.' '-.;,,.. ; South Front JStJ i Liverpool and London so1 ... 4 7; ; '777i)niii:. ;.' :.7.7:.;:v: INVESTED IN THE IT. S.,4....3.0p0.p00 ir-L, 7 5 s .3 l.jf V Gen,I. Agent, WilmiDgton; .:-:': - ' - '-'i i--j- .-.'!;"'. t;.'..:-7 : ' ? Office Nortli Side Princess Street, Be A r.fr.T wiii''J .yC'iil-i'i A-:-i--'j tween Front and Water Streets. 1 - P. O. BOX, 114. aug 15:1 w ' i 1 1 1 r ROBERT WOOD. i Builder and Contractor, HAVltoRETURNJEiJ TO 'WLLl&GTON,i and resumed his old . business, solicits the patronage of, the, piiblfc in his line of busi-. peSS-iJ! iii-U imi.J i.v;.r:...i!i - .... 43-Special attention paid to furnishing I'laiis ana pecuicationa.ra"ji;5" ig o-iai v ? j-. :Bov7nt7itn:;tlAea 1 nrniMlilES itf' wXnT.O GR6c'ERtE3, of jD itheabest quality- anifuU wela:ht'an be accommodated at the-: FIRST COrOPEBA-i TIVEtore corner Dock;' Fronfc Streets.: Quick sales and small profits is ourAPOttO-i Goods 1 are arriving fresh ' by' every tmer. Call and see for yourselves. ' " J J. H. MOGARITY, Sup't. aug 15:tu4sat tf ? rrf"ai W INSUBANOE NOTICES. Wilmington- Ilorth Carolina LIFE iiISUR'MTcETC0. '. ' I r i 't- ' -' - ' ' s j "". o f ri.e i?'b .n.i ... John Wilder Atklnsoir.;.U?.....Tprestdent. John Dawson,.u...4.- ..Vice President. S. D. Waaiael.V..;....;..;.i4,...:SecieUry , Dr. E. A. Anderson....... ...Medical Director. I I .'.ltLLI i t ,f 'SIECIA1, FEATURES l No restrictions on travel or residence, hew mode of paonthly payments of premium, no extra charge upon the Uvea of females, Poll clea tnconteetible. 'I ' ' I8 tf msxiRMTCEiRoons. THE undersigned ofrers to Ihe Citizens of Wilmington indemnity against -Fire and M arine losses by in surance . u pon favorable terms in tbo following leading Companies : SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANTi; -' V Of New York. CONTINFNTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, i v-.,; .-;.r:i; .'m'J 'it.- : . , Of New York. NORTH AMERICAN T. I. COMPANY,' ' ,;7 ...i tu ,j - -'--Of.New York. NORTH AMERICAN F.' L COMPANY,"-1 1 ..f -i.i.t,o.....w. of Ilartfqrd. ande's Insurance company,'" 1 ; :; .. ; ; 77 : t)f Cincinnati. FIREMAN'S FUND XnRUAaNCE CO-', : of San Francisco. 'Home insurance copr Richmond, , v. ; Upon- desirable; risks , we carry full lines, with rates as low as those of any tollable ana prudent Companies. 7 7.: ...... , . - '-Apply to 11 -' . : ai! t ,1 JfOHN WILDER 'ATKINSON. : General Fire and Marine Insurance Agent,- yi;ili! c no. o north front street. ; (( febl2-tf;;,i ; ' .7 ,.7' .- . f u .r NoM Cawiina Hoie feumcrcoiajany, oi'n7;i7 iJ(.,t;-i;iM y J 7, ;.:.-'. - T OF IlAI.EIGlf , N. C. '' 7,;; .y.Hii.-iO V'(i? i-'-v-j- :,i.t---;' ' ;7 7i ',''7 -7.:.j -u,'i; i'j.fi i. tiai. 7 ' '' 11 f ' ' it' i..' ... i'i . - ;.' .: v . 5'- . vH.VI'i fell 70:-H!inr-.'7.1 ; R. II. RATTLE.?............;.....;. President SEATON GALES7,i7;;.77.7......... .'.Secretary JNO.ATKINSONi i Wilmington, Agent. T. 'vt'i'A f T-,'i'';iV ' HIS reliable State Company pays ita losses f alriy and.promptlyyr it,; la managed toy 'W11 known business tnen.7 Its capital and earn -ings are Invested iri the State,' and tend toward building up and f osterin g tbe flnanc la I pros perity pfNprth Carolina ;cy " V, c' ang'vtt DHUl NT TiVO ..t l t A A D R I A ffTsmO.U L ERS; Co r . Fro n ( n ttl Iof 'U ;4 TT . .1 BlO EENiTrJB OKOCFR8, . tK t fit jilt COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do welf b calling on ur and examining onr Stoelr. novl9-8-tf . ? ; ' ...... 7, .;.. . iff'-,'' r-i j n I1 .v "'-moffitt Mrco,;;.';; GENERAL COMMISSION Itlmhanl : NORTH WATER STREET, t i',:,'L--t0ii: 10x7:71 Wilmington, N. C, Will givertrompt personal attention 'to tli sale or shipment of Cottonj Naval Storen, (General rroauce, etc., etc.. Also to reeeivtui and forwarding goods. ':.''. 7 JK3- Orders solicited and promptly filled -' ... sept2a-l-ti . . or. J. pvrABp.;;i"( I..r , . .;.. haia. Grocers an! - ComHnssIon Uercliaiits. 7 I DEAL IN JLLL: KINDS OF -1" il . COUJT TR t PROD UCE , And keep constantly .on hand a ; fall line ol , Grocericea at lowest cash prices. Wilmington, January 4, 1870. , . , ; ; , tf J3. NOBTHBOr. 7 . -nr tt . . Nortlrop & Ctimmiiiff, COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Proprietors -of 7 the Wllm Ington Steam, Saw. SXllls, Wilmlagton, Jf , c. eLRGOES or Yellow Pine Lumber for apy market furnished. . 1 49 Special attention given to the purchase or sale of Corn and Peanuts. OCt4-ly . . ....;.., 7. .7 MANUFACTURER AND . DEALER IN Hardware. Guns. Stoves. Pumns. Rero. sene Oili Tin and Sheet Iron. - J ' ROOFING DONB AT j6H0RT. NOTICE, ; ' " Agent for FAIXtltANBS SCAXES; . 1 vi4.'7l "NoCld Front St.. Wilmlnrton.'N. C N. FKBDZKICK7 '9 -"V; W. CTFiKDMlCK. i .$ FREDERICK S Qjrt:P-.1 COTTON FACTORS AUD-vQENERAE a ';coMMissi6iir'MBCj.jnre , ; .n'l.l's.UliOWtt -10. jJwOr. . a.i,. ...IK. . . WUtSIlAUlUN, JI. r ... I,', M7f? t V.vv '77Ii n 'ilOfl 'ifj.'?"'1-.!- w.' SAjbs. .7 . ; ii;t.. scott.. r 1 1 ; -p.. i.. avu. B'' A S S V' S'C 'O T .T " '.';C ;0 :. Cotton Factors and: pnunlsslOH JTler- JbClCC Si. All. m X UBS, JUO.. AT I CUUVUIl C IX l National Bank, Wilmington, N. C, and Col. E. D. Bali. 7 7 . , - i aprii twr ' 2i 't ' , ' V 1 . ff'.I r V i UG1- 3 ; K . yH cl IiHEITlT Y , ol'q'x-j L:'ii-.iY i-iii; -V i.':t.ttwr 06 ts',:..(ni.fc (SUCCESSOR TO. w. lippitt cd.) itvti airs 3 fu.H.! :.' Js-ui- tii'j-'rj-. j . , it.j it97t -'uwiavbiooft-- stif '.rntnioui tiw , tW UUlCHUie UUU AfcVUtll vruiiftlBI, 1 !....'7i t is nstr t r'r, '.-t " OIJ) ,' STAND, ; NV; &f JCOIt.lfEit JMARKET "V 7k4 AND,FRONS. STREETS, :i? 7J, !"'.;ui. ;w ubi'O-il ' j-oi."? .ol . Jrfi-jJi' toy fcv;:. 1 - Turnip' iand Cabbage' iSeed on .Xland. -3ii itHtl''ii" ... .. c. u '..v ........ ... t, -Particular, and . prompt attention paid to --f.j :7fW"7aL.t.';--.'",,'-.i 7-?.: " country ordera;- c rj ,; r(J w fi ang 6-tf . :- J i. 7. t n j -. - r ... U -..5 '.';"77. THE UNDERSIGNED .HAVING WITH drawnfrpm the ''oCanon, Oldham Jk Cq,; Win eontinue to dq a general .Corneals sion BiMpi iani-ii .igi personal.-and pjrompt Attention tb.the purchie aid sale b r all kinds br Country Piodtiee..' SAII'L. N. CANNON, mar28.tf Jfa South Water 8, North Water St under Commercial Exchange 7 ii. mm t : A 1 r f .16 7" 1 'jr . f t 1 ( 7 ' In 1 it ,! ; - I h m 1 1 1 0 'CrU:-. 'f77 tf ".;v-:;ti.7';v77r7.j. x.7:7-'7.77;;77 777777;. ' ?'-7 t''li'77.t7;7-;V7y7;..7:;"'r7;:''.'7't- S;;.;';.;-;''1-';;''?''' ;--ii'77'J7.j7. 'r7;--'-7,';7::'7v.''.'7:-;:':

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