.. .V -, -:" r'--"v ..-- X: ;:-'- ? - X'X--;XXe? XN :':;t' XX:;X-x.,r "-XX ;X .-'Xc:'-' .vV-Xv,,;-; 'XX"'.;- r,"v-XV.- , -:.- X; : -XX. :. :..'X- ;", ':': ' -v . : , . - ' . x . " ' ' ' " : ' ': ' ' ' ' ' MORNING . STAR :-PXBU&UED AT i WILMINGTON. N. C. . By ffH. if. BERNARD. -" j rtgsBy Mail,t7,00 per year ; or 3 60 for Six Delirered to subscribers in any part of the ty at io cents per weez. . T . BY TELEGRAPH. ; .5' .''if- "v- U' J i,.; f F- :)?: . . . i - Sunday's Telesrrams Condensed. V The cotton movement at New York for the - week shows Very light receipts but increase of , . exports,,..,, r , jrtv ti i The receiDts at all Tort. tnr the week were . : 7.680 affalnst-9.454 fcales 1 last ' week, 10,47 bales the previous week, and 10,900 bales three ' weeks since. The total receipts since Septem--, ber 1st, 1870, have been 8.995,420 againBt 2,8'tef 223 bales for the corresponding period of the previous year showing an increase of 1,110, "831 in favorof the present season:- f - . -,: yr The exports from . all ports . for the .week were 17,64b against 5,762 .bales for the same f wcekxlast year.- The total exports for the ex pired portion of tfce year have' been 8,136,607 . against 2,164,830 bales for the same time last year.j' ' f The stock of; cotton at "all. poTts is 114,421 f against 86,768 bales for the same time last year.The stook at allinterior. towns is 13,312 against 18,892 last year. The stock in Liverj pool is 596,000 against 568,000 last year, a ?, 's. There is of American cotton afloat for Great lM tain 57,000 against SOOQbales la?; year. The amount "pf Indian cotton afloat for K;irope : U 6S6.396 againat 515,923 bales last y .!:-.. y ? -The weather; South during thi- w.'k 'has been generally favorable and. the muca nceded; rains have come at last. ' ' L ' r The city of Memphis 1 has Toted $200,000 to aid the Mississippi railroad." ' " . .' , Complete returns from the lycntucky elec tion, exeeptix cpun ties, , make Leslie's ma-: jorjty 38,000. The. other i Democratic candid, dates will have about 39,000 majority. j 2t St. Louis, Mo., A. S. Merritt,1 a 1 promi? nent hotel keeper, was foand dead in his bed . TheAttorney General,' at Washington, has 4V received numerous requests !or an opinion as f he. effect of the Fourteenth Constitutional Amendment. upon jthe eliffibUity of persons to office. Not being able to reply officially to ' these requests, he has issued a circular stating that it is not his duty to give official opinions except at the request of the President or the Heads of Department. He appends a copy of i the Fourteenth Amendment. i : ' - ; v From Nevada. v l! Virginia Citt, Aug.' 21. ififty buildings were burned to-day loss $150,000. it was the work, of an incendiary. ; From New Torb. - ' ' Vsw Tmiir. Anirnst 21. The Fenians will join the proposed Italian procession, if other nationalities are allowed no-r. artfc1p&t&! r -t--- - -.t -, j. A family of six persons was poisoned yes terday by eating fish caught nearly a week ago. It is supposed the fish were mpregnated with "copper. The symptoms were similar to those produced when poisoning is effected with -strychnine.; The Ward. Hospitkl, in Centre street, New ark, has been destroyed by fire. The , loss is 80,000. si : ; The owner1,, captain and. engineer of the ex ploded tug Starbuck have disappeared. The boiler contains fifteen large patches and a sev ea crack on the inside. ; i r i ;: ''"-'; ." O ;;:; ' t From Indiana., ; - Ii J Warsaw, Aug. 21. i - Thirteen buildings including the Baptist Church, were burned by spontaneous combus tion to day. ' Loss $50,000. 5 From, California. -:-.m-: SA3I FRANCISCO. Aug. 21. A sergeant-major and . a privatrof the 3d Cavalry were killed by the Apaches, near Camp Verde, Arizona, and they were horribly muti lated. . . ;-; ; ;''!ijK'-; ' .. . From Missouri. ' St. Louis, Aug 21 . Col. Downing has been elected Chief of the Cherokee .nation by 00 majority. ; I ?" Foreign News. ' ' J London, Aug. 21 I xt is iearea mat tne potato blight will al most destroy the Irish crop. ' John bright is much better.1 v i Queen Victoria is ill at Balmoral. 'The Kussian fleet, with the Grand Duke of Alexis, left Cronstadt yesterday for New York. 1 x The House of Parliament has been prolong ed to Nov. 7th by the royal commission. j 'i - Relations with foreign powers are friendly, and a hope la expressed for continued tran quility; the last speech, mostly 'devoted to local affairs, dwells? satisfactorily upon the .treaty Willi IVUBUlUgbUU. .. X -r "" f-v ' " . '.'-r y; . , . From Pennsylvania. t ? t ' r. -Wixliamspobt, Aug. 21. j The Waverly, House and thirty buildings were.ournea to-uay. juoss o,wu,uuu. WASHIffOTOX. 1 j. Washington Aug.'21 Thos, W. Conway, signing himself the 8t4te Superintendent of Public Education for Louis. iana,' publishes a long letter to the .Presidents wherein, after alluding at some length to his sertices to the Republican party as an excuse for his boldness, proceeds to narrate, that bn his way from New Orleans the bearer ''-of des patches from Casey Packard and others to the President, read the despatches to the passn- . ers. Conway impeaches the truthfulness f bf Casey Packard, Lowell and the rest. Conway concludes: "No act' of your administration will give more, satisfaction to the menwho oted for you and made you President, than ' would the removal of the officials who . have perpetrated the outrages in question, and that nothing short of their displacement, will ,s4ve 1 the Republican party from defeat In the "coin ing campaign."- y : v ' ; x ' Gen. Sherman departs north for. five weeks. j TliesiBteainerB; Delaware and 'Albany1 have been turned over to the health commissioners .at New, York for quarantine use. t -They, will be anchored in the lower bar for the reception! of the people coming from the cholera Injected regions. - t jlU ti i.ifMh ' ' . ' ?Vrj.fc,?.f jull From Neir Yorte. New Your. A 11 er. 311 j t Stewart Is recoving from a daDgerons CABLE BISPATCJ1ES. , v London,' Aug. 2U 'i" Twenty million of the United States five per cent bonds were taken in advance of tho regu lar opening. vThis indicates that the bonds will be active at premium. t A k r S Vbbsaillks, August 2U Adispatch from ' Algiers announces the "ar-. rival of a large number of French troops. , : -f ' " ' , - - '--' - riOMESTIC jfiABHETS t , , ' : - ' New York, Aug. 21 Noon.;' Financial. l Stocks dull and heavy.' Governments Ann and heavy. State bonds very quiet. Money J percent.: Gold 112.- Sterling Exchange-long aight 108K; Sbort sight 109:. . . '"r ; Commercial ( . . . " -X Flo'ur W cents higher! fWheat 1 ceat hlriier Corn a shade firmer. Pork steady at $13 J7 $13 50s" Lard:steady. Cotton quiet-Uplands 18V cents; Orleans.l9K cents; sales 1,200 bales. Spirits Turpentine firm at. 5252 cents. Rosin quiet at $2 80g)$2 85 ilor Strained. Freights firm. 4 , " , , t ' - y ii- Nbw Yokx, Aug. 21 Evening Money the supply is ample. " Sterlings Ex. amisori:. flnirt.ii2il2W;:Governments quiets-United States ' bonds of 1862, Tennessee's old Issue-- 75f new issue T5. Vinrinia R'a n!H "iaenp ' fisnfiw 72. ; Lou isiana 6's old 65; new 60; leveeea 70; S's 83. Alabama S's luu; o'a.oy. ueorgia o t oo r i 91. . North Carolipa'6'a 45; new. issue o. South Carolina-'s 70; new 5?K- State se curities dull, with Virginia's a litUe stronger. . Ccnmnercial. rtAn afoaAv nnri firm!! -with lixrht ofierinsrs sales of 1,866 bales Uplands at 18 cents; al60 900 bales or Soutn American, uveiysius l 300 nonnds to the bale. Flour Southern a sh.ide -firmer; common to fair extra $5 503) $6 75; good to choice $6 80$9,00. Whiskey 94 cents.' ' Wheat active Winter red. Western $1 43$l 47, ; Corn a shade firmer at 6767V$ cents. Rice firm at X(sya euts. rorit tirmftr at 13 43ra$13 50. Lard steady. Spirits Turpentine firm at 5252K cts.Rosin quiet. Freights firm. j--. - ".! y v I'AVAKNAH, "AQgi SI. Cotton Middlings 1717 Cents. -Net' re ceipt 72 bales. Exports coastwisa.273 bales. Stock' 3,455 bales. Market quiet. , , x Charleston, Aug. 21. r.ni tnn-l.Mildlins 17 cents. x: Net receipts 67 bales. Exports coastwise 7 bales.Sales 5 bales.- Stock 2,900 bales. - FOREIGN MARKETS. London, Aug. 21 Noon. ' Consols for , money 93. j United States 5-20's 93X- LATER. Bonds 93. ; Paris, Aug. 21 Nooq. t ' The Bourse Rentes 55f 82c. . . x v LrvERPOOli, Aug. 21 Noon. Cotton Uplands 8d ; Orleans 9dK9d. Market opened steady. - " ' ;". LATER. :. -'.: Cotton dull sales 10,000 bales; for export and speculation .2,000 bales. 5 x J i4i$: x London," Aug. 21 Evening. Consols for money 93. U.S. 5-a)'s of 1S62, 93..- . ,u - " - Paris, Aug. 21 Evening. Paris Bourse Rentes 56f 10c. )xt . Liverpool, Aug. 21 Evening. Cotton easier Uplands 8KdT ; Orleans 9d. O O Mi M3Zl 0 1 Jlu. WHOLESALE PRICES. WILMINGTON MARKET. "' ' " STAR OFFICE, Aug. 21. ! SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Sales of only 155 casks at 45 cents $ gallon for Southern packages:' ;"'. -ROSIN-Sales of only 75 bbls St $3 for Low No1. - 1 :X ."".''. vfiv'x1'1' CRUDE TURPENTINE. Sales of 677 bbls at $3 45 for Teliow Dip and $4 50 for Virgin. '. TAR Small sales at $2 55 bbl. COTTON. Sales of 15 bales as follows : 14 at 16 and 1 at 20 cents $ 3b. ' .' - i ...... .-, J ARRIVED. x ' 21 Stmr Cumberland, Phillips, Fayetteville, A Johnson.. , x . Stmr J uniper, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. . CLEARED. X ' c 21 Steamer Juniper, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. Stuir Cumberland, Phillips, Fayetteville, A Johnson,. Jr. ' : ; Steamship Regulator! Freeman, New York, Barry Bros.- , ' I- ECEIPri X- i X. ;..:'! X, PER R1VERSTEAMERS. . Stmr Juniper 789 bbls ro3in, 74 do spts, 10 do turpt, Williams & Murchison, Worth & Worth, A Aldermaii; H E Eilers. ; Stmr Cumberland 73 bbls spts, 315 do ros in, 91 do turpt, 66 do tar, 85 bales Bheeticg,-A Johnson, F W:Kerchner, t Love & Blocker, A Alderman, Smith Ss Straus, Player, Monroe & Co, Edwards & Hall, Chas Southerland. u . - . vO-t' : exports . ,:V . COASTWISE New York. Steamship Regulator. 1,739 bbls spts, 1,716 do rosin, 335 do turpt, 200 do tar, 50 do pitch, 1 bale cotton, 801 bushels pea nuts, 35 bales sheeting, -4 bbls wax, 10 pkgs mdee. ;':; xxr x ;X- ;--s'-x ::xX: ;; --1 LIST 'OF'VESSEI.S A. T illness. AAbotrtTflfty 'ijiiltSi have "been commenced ragainst tha Staten Island Vertf- COnopanjf jWr damages, on account of the Westfield cxplo-i -sioiVf :-t-tiCCrf?'.t;'ot . llelmbold telegraphs that while out gunning this morning, the gun accidentally went' off .bat b$fc! tdlfnjnredil ins a Ui lvil4 A special from Long Branch says : "About 9 o'clock, this. A:. M., Dr, H., T. Helmbold kti tempted suicid' 'H'e borrowed a double bar rel shot gun, hired a carriage with a color: ed driver and startled out -tin Ocean, avenue, to- , wards Sea Bright to shoot meadow larks, )te-' low ArlintpaHonsVhere begot out of the' carriage,' placed the gun under his chin dnd ftdbut being,a amall Ban th effort to pull -tbe tfrggcr causedThis hand to move 'and his ;ee only was iniuredi: Jn desneratloA;H a'Tta.! peated the experiment with the same resuit.lJ The. driver, in 4h. ...iA.i.: him, caught him "fainting- and bleeding In bis arms andibrougotmm to tK0 Arcade Hotel, from lrhonAn ki ... "wi-. i 7 "wt?t. 'i-J.'5TCl7;iX'iXi" m,1 ,i.' fweLeanI M- D-J Oorste,' t Honi JolS Conner, 8. 0.;. Got. Jacobs, West. Virginia. In tne Port of Wilmington, Ansrnst SI, ur -:-: - eo C v- r yiB ' - x-i-x BARQUES. i Br Nictaux, ldg, Europe, Willard Bros, Br J W Barsi, ldg, Europe, Willard Bros Br Minerva, ldg, J R Blossom & Evans. Danish Peddler.ldg. Europe, DeRosset & Co y'Br Tburmutis, ldg, Europe- Dellosset & Co. f BRIGS. . . ; Alice Lea, wtf, Haffiss & Howell." " 3 ? v . i SCHOONERS. Light of the East, ldg, . Boston, G G Barker & Coi- tft vvjH 4-1 : I H ' ' ' i John, ldg; ."New York; WHTlams & Murchi son. , x '-;:-:.:' -;";;x :;-, Ben, dis, Williams & Murchison. ! nii:iumiVi! .. -' -Bx ; -;V f liisi of Vessels Cleared; for slils Port; Sch r A Godrrey, Godfrey, x Br Brig J L Pye, Pye, x Br Bark Scottish Bride. Geilxer, N G Barksa, Dirise," X ,4"; Schr Milly Potter, Gaskell, v l;llt:.HXfXx',;4:BOST(GfN X'-Tf !'.'. July 28 Aug X 5 Aug 9 xAug IS, Br Brig Firm, Church, " Cleared July 3l Cleared June 12. BrifriVee 'f?0'? ler AVilmtnglbri' andi eVdonirroau'n. 2ir Mitchell &x Hngglns.- rW Danieia & Co, vick x ju.eDane, uass, acott p co, Sprunt Se Hinson Williams & Murchison, J M Chasten, .1 R Hn .irtno VAmarAa A Hn T T TCo Worth & WOrtp, MJoflitt Sr-4,X M' neoaerBon,jL.ore-t36 uiocKer; w mard ?Br os r R ' ajohnson, T?H Smithy J O Heyer, J Q,Bow Xden, W I Gore,Dc WW;Lane, R L Harris. A .'Oldham, Heide Bros, Melke & J, J Lyon.fG R French feSoo, fearon & Rheinstein, J S T6p ham; W &W R Co-on AsRolfltlnn. Mvia Co, Leak & Co, E T Williams," , ASTIOZ.BS. TKIOBS. OOmO GuUny,.. yd JBAOON North CABOtHAj. X Hams, ................... -V :i Shonlders, , i Hog Round, ft Hams,..' ...V V , , Sides,. shoulders,. .... i'j. .JP- v v Second Hand,...u....;each New New York...... .each : : New City, . ............. .each BEMjiS WAIL, i. i-i . . ... k .... . J JSOfi-Wilinington, . . . . M. Northern.....-;.. BUTTER-North Carolina, W ft Northern, . , Z. ............ vl ft QjLPTDZJS&-Spermt fl ft Tallow,. . . . y ft e Adamantine... ft CmSJB9Northern.Facy, !3 ft Dairy,,..... ft . State, ...... .............. ft COFFEE Jva ft ft .Rio $ft .. . Lauayra.....,....ff .f. ft ' St: Domingo... ft CORN MEJLL-. bush COTTON TIES..... 0OJrcOSU5heeting,4-4 f?yd Yarn, ; . . M bunch FISH Mackerel.No. 1,.V Jbbi Mackerel, No. 2,.....'l jiW ' " Mackerel, No. 3,;...bbl v,v Mullets............ W bbl N. C. Herring, & bbl Dry -Cod...... ......... ft WIaOTTR- Jij Fine . .. . . J ..... 1 ..... . ... bbl ,:.. isuper. in ortnern,.-. .... . ddi Extra Do. " bbl Family " ....... bbl N. Carolina & uper,. . . . . 1 b bl b,xtra.... Dui . " Famjlyi.v hbi FERTILIZERS r; Peruvian Guano... .$! 2000 fts Pacific Guano; ... .. 2000 fts Patapsco Guano,... W 2000 fts v vBaugh's Phosphate, " ! " JRhodesStan.Manure; . , Navassa Guano,... M 2000 fts : ; Xiiater' uperpnosptiate,-A . Wool3tonsAmmoniatd ',- f Bone Phosph. of Lime, " Wilcox, Gibbs & Co's Ma " ; ; nipulatod Guano, w . . Phoonix Guano, " . o. Carolina Bone Phos- . phate, "i - - " Alkaline Super Phospb. Ammo'd Super Phosph., ' v Ammonia'd Alkaline Su-- perPhosphate " ' Chesapeake Phosphate K Croasodale's Superphos--; nhate " Afta Vela Phosphate j... Ground Bone " , Bone Meal................ x" Flour i Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate ..... ' Wando ...... Berger & Bntz'a Phos ite... ................ " ................... ... ft GRAIN Corn, In Store, Jt 66 fts . Corn, Cargo,. ...13 66 fts '- CornjNew.....V....;. bush , Oats, .....ft bush reas, cow,.. ........ ..i ousn HIDES Green........ f ft Dry,. yt ft Eastern,....,..,. 100 fts North River,.. .....ft 100 fts flOOJ IRON ton LudliiD-fNorthern,.; . i ...... .33 ft : - North Carolina. . . . . i .U ; . ? ft LIME ....3 bbl LUMBER 111 VBa Last sales, Wido Boards WMft Scantling,.. W M ft Flooring....... ..Mft City Stb am Sawed Ship Stuft, resawed,..$) Mft Rough Edge Plank,...Mft West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality, p M ft Dressed Floorinsr. seasoned, Scantling and. Boards, com- mon, Mft: Jtf02L4S8--Cuba,hhds.,a gal CnDa, ddis.... lgaJ j. 23 0 - 0 ; . 10 2 25 0 2 3a 2 75 : S 00 . .' 2 50 0 2 75 . -3t' 31 8 00 0 10 00 02 14 00-: 24- 18 13, 14 18 '834 'lb tv su St 0 40 5Q 0 55 00 0 ,20 15 18 "17U0 18 20 0 - 23 if 0 - 18 25 0 30 IS 0 20 20 0 21 2$ 28 1 10 0 J 23 -11 13 0 o3 0 1 50 15 50 0 16 00 13 00 0 13 50 mSGELLANEOUS 14 .00 0 15 00 6 60 0 9 00 0 00 0 80 5 50 0 6 50 0 6 50 0 8 00 11 00 7 00 0 7 60 8 0q 0 8 50 0 11 00 0 00 5 75 6 75 6 75 i'8 CCJ 75 00 75 00 77 00 Sugar House, hhda ( ... . .. XhhlH-.,..- o-al bbls.,.. w gal ut,ldto20d,w....Ss) OILS Kerosene,..'. ...... .33 gal Lard,. ft gal NjUL&6 Linseed, ...$3gal Rosin, Vt K&l PEANUTS bush POTA TOES Sweet,"" . oush Irish, Northern, t bbl FORK Northern City Mess, ....ft bbl Thin, bbl Prime bbl Hump,.. bbl 2C-CMOlina, ft East India,. ft Rough, ttt bush ROPE SALT Alum,.... ft bush Liverpool, ft sack American, .......ft saok 6,T2&-Cnbar.... ...V ft Porto Rico,;. .i... .f ft . -A. Coflee, ....J ft v, B. - .';.i,..ii....fft! C. ...............Sft Cruahed,. ......... .......l ft SOAP Northern, W ft Wilmington,.., ft AETCVGiElS-Contract, M Common,... ......ft M STAVES Vf. O. Bbl.,....... M R.O.Hhd.,. .... M Cypress...... .M TIMBER Shipping, ft M Mill Prime........ f M Mill Fair, M Inferior to Ordinary.... V M WHXSJST-Northern..... gal North Carolina........ . V cal 65 0C 65 0C 65 0C 65 00 00 OC 70 0(1 70 0C 50 00 00 0C 00 00 00 0G 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 oa 00 oo 00 001 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 ,16 1 00 vo 00 1 00 00 1 10 X.5 9 16 60 20 1 1 106 00 12 ? 16 1 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 23 00 21 00 18 00 20 00 15 00 35 40 20 23 60 5 00 0 1 10 1 10 80 2 60 0 60 4 25 CO O0 0 75 00 0 75 00 0 60 00 0 70 00 075 00 0 65 0; 0 80 00 0 85 00 0 70 00 40 00 60 00 65 00 ...i , . 70 00 0 70 00 60 GO 0 60 00 0 40 00 45 00 57 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 20 0 0;: 0 1 05 92U 1 ua 85- 1 25 uu i (jo 1 35 110 00 18 0 0 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 25 00 0 22 00 0 20 00 0 35 00 20 00 r 40 X 42 21 26 1 00 5 75 S3 1 45 1 20 4J 2 75 0 60 7 60 0 0 17 0 00 00 0 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 15 60 1 35 15 00 1 50 1 40 10 13 J 14 ,13 -15 8 00 6 00 3 00 0o U 00 1- 7 75 1 45 0 1 35 -9W0 110 X 14 0 13J40 1 UK a 0 00 4 00 2 50 0 SO 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 14 00 CO 00 11 00 12 00 9 00 0 10 25 7 50 8 60 5 00 6 00 1 25 4 00 8 00 0 00 MISOEIiTiANEOTJS. .,, PIANOS, PIANOS. FIRST - PREMIUM PIANOS RECEIVED AT MASONIC II ALL I. v ... ' ' I - JUST RECEIVED, irom the celebrated make ot MILLER & CO., Boston, several fine Pianos, which can be bought cheap. One is a small Cabinet-size Piano takes up less room, has all the latest' improvements, seven oc taves, four round corners, carved case, and costs " over one hundred dollars less1 than the usual price of Pianos. w. Parties wishing to. purchase are 'invited to test the superior tone and: touch of these; instru ment. . Every instrument fuUy toarranted. : GooSecond-Hand Pianos oa hand Chbap. ! H ." " ' J. El BXTECKERT, Sole AgfenV augis-tf Wilmington, I N. C. JE GOODS AND HEf PRICES. '; gQ BBLS. FLOUK, all gyades., " . ! J 10 BBLS EX CIT IESSIi JQ Bags Coffee, different j rrades.' 1 A Bbl3- x C and "(.'' t 1U i ,, CXiellow Suerars. '' ' L s ! Matches, Wooden-Ware, Teaj poap,; - Candles, Starcli,-iLmpty;Kegs, Shot, Powder. &c, &c.x ; I ",; xX ' ; . 1 ' . - - ! j Call and examine before buying elsewhere augl6-tf SMlTn& LIjtAM. For Tuniipsi Jli. . SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME M Is- o 'Hoi ExeeIlbntrTctIllaeir.'v 4,'S ..i.,--; . - i" j-1- J . ; For sale by r. - ' ' aug li-trt : p. ti. Parsley co. B ARTIES, jdesiriog, to visit that thriving trasinessTdwnfwlJl find superiorconvey ance from Society Jllllatatlod, on the Cheraw and Darlinston itailioad. and at reasonable prices a Apply rto the Depot Agent' at Society A- .oc UCUeesI Che'esffi: ELK MyH T AlJJi C, E NGUSil DAIRY, : . ; v,4TWJ)JiAfl'JL,EiXEDAM, i AT 3 j fit W t 3. HENRY T, HELMBOLp'S COEIPOUNP FLUID Extra ct Catawba : : GRAPE PILES. Component Parts Fluid Extract Bhvbarb : and Fluid Extract Catawba - Grape . : . Juice. . r.s , FOR LI VElt 'COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE, BILIOUS AFFECTIONS, S1CKX OR. NER VOUS HEADACHE, COSTIVENESS, Etc' PURELY NEGETABLK, CONTAINING NO MERCURY, MINERALS or DELETERIOUS p&UGS..--;. ; " ' ' . " ' ' ''.- rfv . '-rj! .These Pills are the most delightfully, pleas ant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, magnesia, etc. There is nothing more accepts able to tbe stomach. , They give toneand cause neither nausea nor gripingpains. They are composed of the. finest ingredients , Alter a few days use of them, such anlnvigoration of the entire system takes place as to appear mi raculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from imprudence of disease. uH. T. Helmbold's Compound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pills are not sugar-coated, from tbe fact that sugar-coated PiUa do not dissolve, but pass through the stomach without dissolving, consequently do not produce tbe desired ei feet. THE CATAWBA UlCAJf JS rJLLo, Demg pleasant in taste and odor, do not necessitate tneir Deing sugar-coaieu. s - X. -X.if -'r:j S,:-.;:;';; '.' X . . iv " JuLi''jj VIIE3VU Yx T. ; IIElHIKOID'S . . HIGHLY" COKCBNTKATKD COMPOUND . FJLUID EXTKACT SAKSAPAItlLLA Will radically exterminate rrom the system Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Evef. Sore Lees. Sore Mouth. - Sore Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Salt Rheum, Can kers, Jttunning irorn tne iuar, w mte swellings, xumors, cancerous Elections, roaes,' aick- Tetter, Humors of all Kinds. Chronic Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have been estaDUsnea in tne system tor years. : : Being prepared expressly for the above com plaints, its blood-purifying properties - are gieaUii; than anp other preparation ot Sarsa- pariiia. it gives tne complexion a ciear ana healthy color and restores tie patient to a state of health and nuritv. Xt'ornurifvinerthe blood,- removing all chronic, constitutional diseases arising f'-om an impure state of the blood, and the only 1 reliable - and effectual known remedy lor the cureof Pains and Swcl ling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the Troat and Legs, isiotches, Jcimpies on tne r ace, Jtry sipelas and all. Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, ana lieautnying tne complexion. . t " . ' . ' M '": .; IIEJi UY T. HELMBOLD'S X - CONCENTRATED " FI.UID EXTKACT BHCH17, THE GBT3AT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Inflammation of the Kidneys. Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Re tention 01 urine, .Diseases or tne irrostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick-dust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Dis charges, ana ior enieemea ana delicate con stitutions of both sexes, attended with the lollowing symptoms : indisposition to Exer tion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difll cuity of Breathing, weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of Disease. Wakefulness. Dimness 01 Vision, Pain in, the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing 01 tne uoay, uryness 01 tne Skin, eruption on tne race, tr aiua countenance, universal .Lasst tuae ot tne muscular system, etc. : Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twenty-live, and from thirty-live to fifty-five or in the decline or change of life ; after cori- nnement or xaDor pains ; oea-wetting, m chil dren. - , - B HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is Diu retic and Blood-Purify in g, and cures all dis eases arising irom nauiis 01 dissipation, ana excesses and imprudences in life, Impurities or tno biooa, etc., superseding copaiba in af fections for which it is used, and Sypnilitic directions in tnese diseases usea in connec tion with HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH. : ; LADIES. In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the EXTRACT BUCHU is unequalled by any other remedy as m cniorosis or .Retention, irregu larity. Painfullness or Suppression of Custom ary Eyacnations, Ulcerated or. Schirrus State ol the Uterus, Leucorrhoaa or Whitea, Steril ity, ana tor an complaints mciaentto tne sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It Is presciibed extensively bv the most eminent Physicians and Mid wives for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, : of Dom sexes ana an ages (aroenaeq witn any 01 xne aoove aiseasea or Bymptorasj. , . " 'STEAMSHIP ' IilNBS. 1 : BALTHIOBE AND ILUINGTON IVeekly Steamship Line, Composed of the First Glasa Steams nips ; LUGILLE, x PRICE, Commander, .." : - i :',. -r ;' :. ''viC'V '"' .- . AND " REBECCA CLDE, DASflKI. C.TJIIir.DS, Commander. The Steamship KEBECCA CLYDE WILL LEAVE WORTH'S WHARF at the foot of Mulberv street for Baltimore; on FRIDAY, August 25th. , ' 1 , . . For Freight engagements apply to ; ; ; , aug 0 tf X . (i ,;r '; ' A., D. CAZAUX. O H. T. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Curbs Diseases 4eisihj vbox Impeudkkcks, fx ; Habits op Dissitatioit,' Etc., ;;i ,X. in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing and Curing Stric tures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and In flammation, so frequent in this class of dis eases, and expeLLL.g all Poisonous matter. Thousands who nave been the victims of In competent persons, and. who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they have been deceived, and that the Poison" has, by the use of " powerful astrin gents," been dried up In the system, to break out in a more aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. ,.. - Use HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for all affections and Diseases of the Urinary Or gans, whether existing in male or female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE. ' Henry T. Itelmbold's Improved Rose Wash. .cannot.be surpassed as a FACE ' WASH, and will be found the only specific remedy in every species ( of : Cutaneous Affection. s It speedily eradicates Pimples, Spots, Scorbutic Dryness, Indurations of the Cutaneous' Mem-, brane, etc, dispels Redness and Incipient In flammation, Hives, Rash, Moth Patches, Dry ness of Scalp or Skin, Fiost Bites, and all pur poses for which salves or ointments are used ; restores the skin to a state of purity and; soft ness, and insures continued healthy action to the tissue of its vessels, on which depends the aggreeable clearness and vivacity of complex ion so much sought and admired. But how ever valuable as a remedy for existing defects of the skin. H. T. Helmbold's Rose Wash haa long sustained its principle claim to unbound- eu patronage, Dy possessing qualities .which render1 it a Toilet Appendage of the most superlative and congenial character, combih.; ing in :an . elegant formula those - prominent requisites, satet. . and efficacy-r-the Invariable accompaniment of its use as a Preservative and Refresher, of the Complexion. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases , of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection for diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dlssi-' Sation, used in connection with the .Extracts uchu, Sarsaparilla, and Catawba GrapePills, in such diseases as recommended, cannot be a us w $ '1 D 5. ji1 ::X r ? r ' - Full and explicit directions accompany the nedieine3.i'i m-tyx, uui!'& -iiWjiilto. ujh: ... j!vMience,or tne most responsible and re liable character furnished on- application, with hundreds- f thousands- of Uving wit nesses, and ud ward of sno.Mn nnannitri tiacates and recommendatory, letters many eluding ..eminent Physicians,- t-Clergymen, Statesmen etc ,The proprietor has nerer re sorted to their publication in the newspapers ; he ;dOes not; lol this from tha fMt that 'his articles rank, as Standard Preparations,, and ""r" , u?.P;ryPpea up uy oerip.cate3. 300 HHDS. ;: , KNIGHT'S , SYRUP, ' For sale by June 21-tf ' ' WILLARD BROS. ' V t Hotice GITIZENS AND STRANGERS will consult -their interest by calling at the Shaving Saloon on Market st, six doors from the cor ner of Front, where they will be furnished with every accommodation Tin our line of bu siness on reasonable terms.- We are assisted by J. W. Pearson, former proprietor of the sa loon in Runge's Alley, who will be pleased to have his friends call and see him at any time. . , Chas. ATKINSON. iJnneSI r - C.U.WARD. ' - X.X ' '. ' . U r- r The Bridal v Chamber ESSAYS FOR YOUNG MEN, ON GREAT Social ETils aad Abuses, which Interfere with MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief lor the Erring and Uniortunate, diseased and debilitated. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, tree of charge. Address, . HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCIATION, , No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. v may 13-3mos-ent . BUSnELS ... W11IT13 and MIXED CORN. In Store and to Arrive: g QQQ BBL. FLOUR, 10,000 Q BOXES D. S. SIDES, " ' X00 Bbl8, Clty ess ' ..... 150 Baga Coffec' " aJjgg BBLS. SUGAR, jgQ BBLS. SYRUP, 2QQ BALES HAY, Oft HHDS. BACON SIDES :x. vX :;i-'-v and SHOULDERS, ' 2,000 SACKS SALTl TONS -HOOP IRON, X X 100 ARacLS gluje 400 SPIBIT BAiaiiELs 25Jb6Ga --xJ 2 QQQ BUNDLES COTTON TIES, gQQ KEGS NAILS, ZIANDY, CANDLES, LYE, ' : ! POTASH, SODA, STARCH, Ac, Ac, - For sale low by aug lS-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Piedmont & Arlington LIFE INSURACE COMPANY, PRONOUNCED by the " UirDBEWKiTBijt," an Insurance Journal of Philadelphia, to be "a prodigy of success, and a model of econ my, caution and security." Invites respectful comparison with any first-class company In the country. . , ; . ;. .,. X: ; Its record, nast and present, is slorious. . its future hopeful, and ihe management take pride in presenting a Company in a condition equal to any, superior to many, and surpassed by none. . . . -. , Persons desiring Insurance, will please call on ; x . xx : v . , . ' W. M. STEVENSON, Agent, ill ; inly 8-tf - ) Market St. The "Codch" COTTOK .TIB! Is (he strongest and most easily acljj as i cd Tie in the Market. : V I -, . r L HE Bands are of the BEST Enelish -make and the Buckle made of FIRST QUAL1T Wrougbt iron. :jFut up in bundles 01 so bands, each band havinrr a buckle securelv attached. thus avoiding all risk of losing the'buckle and saving Planters tne trouble of attaching them. We bave a full stock:ofthe above Tiesin Store, which we can sell at the lowest market ratesi i ' " -: ; "" . . .. A X WILLIAMS & MURCHISON; aug 18-tf ' . X ,r , Agents; yff) -; v-.r. 300,000 Founds 0 A IjIOR sale on reasonable -terms at the Cape Jj Fear Chemical Works.. Castle street. Wil- XftingtOtf,' D. M: buie: 'Lvh ,:' ChemiatJ t I)ssbliiti6n n i Ienaraflons. ! : : .. lit-, t ..-rr no' fx.-; It! Wif 1 !:? : "i'-,)rt Delivered to any address. ."Secure from.pb- servation.if Established uttward of 'twenty years . Scd&.by? DruggistsreverywhereilAcI di esB letters for information, in confidence to HENRY '1 HELMBOLD, Druggist and ChoTU Only Depots : H. T. HELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical AVarehouse, No. 594 Broadway, New York. ortoH.T. HELMBOLD'S Medical rfti pot, 104 South Tenth St.,PhiladeJpliiafPa t r BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ; Ask for hjMuy 'X. HKiMHULiWa i Tatte no otber. lathis day dissolved. , r -H - -,,.!t . . WrLimiT, W. L. SMITHS JOHN K. McILHENN Y. ' Having purchased the interest 0 ratf part ners, I will continue the, business at! the: ol4 stand as heretofore, and solicit the contlnu. ance of public patronage. , . -;.;:': ci, oi ' I have also procured the services of x , 7l'.iVM la-i? -c -' LL.l VMR. J. W. CONOLEY, a well known and competent druggists HAD -a RAID ROA1) LEgr GENERAL WPTSOFFlof Wilmington, Columbia & av !: gnsta R. R. Company. ' Wn-MiwaTow, N. c, June nth, ix7j .r -1.. i Change of Schedule. AFTER THIS DTE TH E Foi 1 1 ,tv Schedule will be run by Train J . WlK' road : .:. . : . , 8 0,1 tlil X : DAY EXPRESS TRAIN , (Lhilly.) Leave Wilmington (Union TnA . ... -Arrive at Florencew . in A J Arrive at Kings ville... n n Ira u mcrawiiiA Arrive at Florence lo.l- 5' iuiiioau m uuuugiiuu II3P ! 5:30 p.j. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN IalLT(SUM,' v , . EXCEPTED.) ,1U Leave Wilmington.,. Arrive at Florence :!(. v A. A. 1 Aim j Arrive at Wilmington T 1 K ATrive at Kingsviile.... Leave Kingsville Arrive at lorcnoe.... I '-June ll-tf ' A, M JNO. 0. V.lNDni . V tin Vil: & Weldoh Railroad Company, ' " . WILMINGTON, N. C, June 9th, 137, . Change of Schedule. PASSENGER TRAINS will leave-Uni Station at 6.-00 A. M. and 5:45 P. M. . Arrive at Union Station at 4:15 A. MJamUiU,, tn m. FREIGHT TRAINS leave at 10:30 ami arriv at 2:30 P.M. ON SUNDAYS the 5:45 P, M. and 4:15 A, u train ONLYxwill be run. : - i'r.x-; V:-l'r:y s. l.frem(.m, ' Chief Eng. and Gen. Spertin-n.-i'-u) ! Wilmingtoh, June 13. 1871. .,, WILMINGTON; CHARLOTTE AND RUTHERFORD RAILROAD r l-tPTlPPQl vnnprintcnrtoniJo - , uuuuiui uuimuiiwimiiiii WILMINGTON, N. C, June 10.-187J SUMMER ABBASGEMEHT of TJ1AIX A TV! !i PASSENGER and FREIGHT TRAIN learn Wllmin&rton at 7:00 A. M. and arrives it 3:30 P. M., daily tSundays excepted). . These" Trains arrive at the Head of tbe Bond at 4:00 p. M. and leave at 6:30 A. M. Western Division. Passenger and Freight Trains leave Cherry ville at 6:00 A. M; on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. . Arrive in Charlotte at 9:33 A. M. Leave Charlotte on same days at 2:0 r. JI.. arriving at Cherryville at.6:(i0 P. M. EXCURSION TICKETS from Wilmington tt Cherryville. good forthe season, at$iS UOILNP TRIP. ' S. L. FREMONT, 1nnel3-tf Chief Enerineer and Sud'i. MISCELLANEOUS. CIIPFORIKHOTISE, SAMPLE BOOM, IN THE CITT. TTTHERE SUPERIOR SEGARS AND HOT W: TLED LIQUORS can always be had, if connection with that Superior Brand of MICHIGAN . CHEWING TOBACCO. ':. ':"; . Also, ;'-y Furnished Rooms, by Day, Week or Mnv.v. OCtl6-tf , ;' J. A. CLIFFORI. .PfT'T ;;.TW rr-v ' M: :: . Ssbd'l l I 1 -Si wlwii h nuvi X'g. s .' li i, a'. u..ja , n.r -. . X:. Jii.-n. ,' ;:X V ;;?;'; ?S'.'-- Engines,) Boilers, Saw, t',!,, and Piaster JSIlIIs. i Iron Pipo ISd Steam ! Fittings, t SEND FOR CIRCULARS- : j; iioiLHENNY;' ! augl-lm ,'1

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