s i rfV- " - , y - vi . ' " 1 " 1 r 1 " .amJ . i m "... ' -i- ulu i Mlj I n ' in i n ; C "; ' " " r r w .. -, . . . 7 -v - . . . -. v : ; - 1 : ; ; -7 x J .V PUBLISHED DAILY, ! - " fftf. If BKBNAItD, Editor ana Prop'r. oyiioi Dawson Bcak Buildings, Front St. PStns. In advance 3 hrflO months, in advance.. ffionth, in advance...... - O.in will Ka do!ii7iifi in B.TW art of tne City at Fa-rasa Cbkts per week. Sept -21, 1871. 1 . . . Ther-mom-eter. Baroca eter. Weatu Tiine. cr . vr S0:QT 80:14 J t 60 :tT2 .ill uveu.viuuujc IN E brisk Cloudy 2P.-M. 9 F. M. 57 : iN E frcshjCloady Mean Temp; of day, 59 deg. Notb All barometric readings are reduced to the eea-level and to 32 degrees Fahrenheit, i T .vr.'-3.-:-A Robert SaiBOTn. . ; U 'Serg'i Siffnal Service U. & 1 Wa&Iier Report. Office of Chief Signal Officer, -V Washington; Sept. . 214:35 p. sMr ) . r An area of very low barometf f ob&bly ex- ista north oi neurwsao, i ..- r'.- , ..-S r Oreeon We' -ay morning. mww . .. oing winds from the southeast ana souiu v - Fridaymorning froo lakea.H iwoa- and Supe rior to the Mlsfottrt river. - Easterly winds for the lower lakes; and pleasant weather n tho Atlantic and Galf States.' .'t.. X AW AlVEBTlJSEEIJCiS3r. HBiisMBGBB'I Live BoWstore89 Market f street-A New FoemEnvelopes. j - . Duplet & Ellis, No. '41-Market 8treet-4 RaDS urn Boot for Y armere. V W. J. Kellocmj, Secretary. Stated meeting. of Giblem Lodge, Mukson d5 co, city uiotniere js ma worn-1 iug, Cheap doming Nath'l Jxcobl Jacobl Axe, Leather, Cut- ,lery and a general stock of Hardware. : . R Tillet. Dwelling on Sixth Street for Rent. , ' Misses Kknkbdt & Ha.bt. School for Young Ladies.; . Care for Cold In the Head. ' .. Inhale hartshorn through the nostrils six or eight times a minute until relief is' obtained. Tben after an hour or 60 repeat, again. - This remedy ismuch used in France and the uscTof it is attended with good resultsr Indestrnctlble Tng. - . " .TJie indestructible Tag Is a great convenience to merchants. It answers the combined pui pose of a direction 'label and business card. Call at the Stab Printing and- Publishing House and supply yourselves.' tt -';-;.-.; ... - . Kew Sally In Cnarleston. '? - ' TheJ9a Advertiser is the name of a new uper just started in Charleston, 8. CM tbe first number of which has come to hand. It wiu oe puDiisnea as an auernoon paper ana will eschew politics-, its only aim being to-sat-" Ufy the natural public' greed for news." Terms, 50 cents-.a month. . : .-' To.be Revived 4 v " . , . The Old NortA State; tit Salisbury, was sold last Saturday by auction to the highest bidder, Mr. J. J. Bruner beepming-the purchaser. We L-arn from the Examiner that Mr. B. will soon revive the Watc7unant which at on 6i-time held' high rank among the newspapers of. the State. Printing Paper. - " We do not keep Printing Paper regularly ia stock for sale; but can always supply our friends with small quantities, say from two to ten reamstajt reasonable prices for all strictly cash orders.' 'Sizes of paper 23x31 and 28x40 ioches, and same quality as that used on the M OBJUNG Stab and Carolina Farmer. - tf Arreat of a Deser ter. " ' 'Z, A warrant was issued yesterday, and placed in tbe bands of Constable Hill, for the arrest of Jos. Bowboy, a deserter from the Scbr Mary A. HdU He was accordingly taken In custody and carried before Win; TUcLaureo, J. P., who, upon examining'the ship's papers, and finding his signature,' which1 he acknow ledged, turned him over to the Captain. . To SmitbTllle Sunday. h - ' ! Bear in mind the proposed trip of the Steam er Waceimate to Smithville on Snndav' for the benefit of those who desire to witness the dedi- cat: on of the the new Baptist Church 4n that place. This will be" a good opportunity for our citizens generally to take a trip to the sea s'jore, Vbje at toe same time it will be the means of aiding a Worthy object. 4 Kyou want a clerk, bookkeeper Salesman or porterc advertise in our new department; under the head of Wants," at half our. regn- : 1 A . ' m '- ' m ' A"l . a. A . A. l. .' '-' m jiur rates, ior aaverusemenis not exceeaing nve lines. i ?? ; . t.: : : ' tf Alarm or Fire. :,. '" l- C' 7 The alarm of fire lasfhiight, about 8 o'clock, was caused by the burning of a foul chimney ouJTifth, betwceoJMarketJand Princess streets; It beioer the first alarm our eity has experi euced for some months, people were naturally very excited, and as many " could not find out in which direction the fire was .there was necessarily much confusion. The engines and (Hook and Ladder " were proumptly on the streets, but fortunately their services were: not needed. , r ; From Charleston. i'he iVcrDf-yesterday morning says: VThe wty reglstrarvMVLebby, reports-the receipt .of three certificates of death 'from jellow'fever, uurmg me twentyfour hours ending at noon yesterday; vi: Mrs., Margaret McCable,VMr. Wm. Barnes sndMr.' HueoKioas. all of whom jdied on Tue6dayJast.? thero is nothing new report in regard to the fever, -which has almost dropped put of Sight and thought" -The Augusta' ChrontcU and Sentinel says the people have recovered 'from thtir recent scare, and have come to the bo'hcjirsion that the en 'urcement of the auarantind rprtii4tfnn u nn i - r -r 1 Our press telegram of last night reports ur deaths for " tbe - previous 1 1 wnty-l6u'r. hours, whlcbhbws j an Increase of 'deaths; evidently cauBedby the Change in the weather. AaTertisetnents under head of " Wants," i r Sale or Rent,!, or i Lost and,7 Found " I'posltivelr be Charged fall rates unless P&id for in advance!- tf 61, Vll-no; 15g. v - iWTLIIIITGTOitiT. G.y FRIDAY - SEPT. 22a87L " . . .WlMondd lAtcal Ootsw Grinding tea likecoffee irakes It twice as" livening. o ., , " - - . .. " ' ,s " : s. . The Board I of v County Commissioners meet to-morrow;. 5 V rv "r r , " ' ; The cjires of the day snonid be -flung -off with oar clothes, ' ' Myrtle G rove. Bound ; oysters -flrst of the 6ea,sonrlD;ma'rket yestevrday at$l per bushel.' 51 ,4 udden change Jnthev "weather ; made overcoaU and fires feel quite comfortajjie yes-i terday.v v. ' t-s t, .... " i - ' - i i ; r The bond pase comes'Vp before U. Bv CommUsioner McQalgg this afternoon, - at 4 o'clock. , : ... , - f -r I'Predictions of 'another meteoric shower about the last of this month".are again going the rounds,. --. ...'. J " ' ' r-r Our friend, VBuck' Is still issuing policies in the VWidows & Orphans Life." Buek's a Keen onr; certain; ' ' , 'lr ' 1 " r ' We noticerthat Mr. T. M Haddock, who published a Directory of this city last Year; has justbroughtout a similar publication ln"Savan- nah.' r -- x:' - - . . . ! Misses Kennedy and Hart advertise that they will reopen their school for young ladles on, Wednesday, ; ..October 4th. They will have competent assistants,. - . v rV ... Mr. John M. Caiaux wasthe first tp reach the Hook and Ladder House laV nigbt, on the alarm of fire, being sounded, and conse- quently got the red ball, the merit for prompt-; ness. There was no session of the City Court yesterday morning. There were one or more cases for trial, lacluding that of Charles Was sent, but they, were unavoidably continued over until this'mbrnlng. ? I ; ; i -K The Mayor and Aldermen are constantly annoyed by applications and petitions for po sitions on the police force. We are authorized to state that no vacancy exsits, nor is there any prospect of such' an event l ::: ; A' reform is needed in the manner; of sounding fire-alarms. Every " person knows what Ward he resides in, but very few can be made to understand the fire district he , be longs in, and the consequence is 5'confuslon worse confounded." ; . Terrible Accident Ulan Burled Alive. Yesterday, about a quarter to 12 o'clock, a terrible accident occurred on Fourth, between Annand Nun streets, by which a colored man; by the name of Alfred Howard, lost Ms life. Deceased, together with another colored man, named Peter Curtis, were, engaged on the premises of Elias Halsey. colored, in digging a welL. They had proceeded to the . depth of about twenty feet and were talking that the well was of sufficient depth, when, all . of a sudden, the earth on one side of the .aperture commencedcaving in and came down iu such quantity and overwhelming force as to bury Howard, who was in the bottom of the well; for several feet beneath the surface before be could make the least effrt to avert his fate. There was a temporary curb in the bottom of the well, Howard being inside at the time the accident occurred, shoveling the dirt out, and Peter Curtis standing oh the curb which was about four feet high, attending to the duty of hoisting it out. .When the earth commen ced caving In the latter ; got hold of some planks above his head and pulled himself clear of the avalanche which buried bis unfortunate companion beneath its ruins.' As soon as' he recovered himself, and the earth temporarily ceased falling in, Curtis attempted to dig the dirt or clay from around 'Howard wtyh the view of rescuing him, he bein vthen about three" or four feet beneath the surface; but- -says .that - he ; had -r Jbarelv f com menced his labors when' the earth began to cave in again, burying him up to bis waist, when he was compelled tot relinquish his ef forts to reach the poor fellow beneath. n In the meantime information of the disaster had been sentto City Marshal Canaday, who hastened to the scene and organized a force to fd,S ine Doaj.cpur; uwing,wrne. aoiiuecs i the earth, and 1 its ? tendency to cave in, by which the lives of others wer endangered, this was -.only accomplished .after ; nearly three . hours of --bard i labor, thev - body beinff bronebt to the surface about 3 0'cIocK,,rwhen, of course; life was extinct. The bod v was then taken to the. residence of ..... :.v. , . . . - . deceased on Fourth, between Church and Cas tle Streets, where Coroner Hewlett held an In quest at 5 o'clock, the jury returning a verdict In accordance- with the facts. - - " ?j (''dtrtd Howard, who was between 50 and 60 years old; was a well known colored man of this city, having" formerly belonged ttb tbe Northrop family; and at the time of his -death was employed as sexton of the Fifth Street M." E. Cburctn He leaves a-family to mourn ' his untimely fate.i a fate watch should be a warn ing to others engaged in his perilous, profession to take proper precautions toprevent the pos sibility of a similar disaster to themselves.. ' ' Since wrltine tbe above we"1 learn that . the funeral of the deceased will be preached at the LFlfth Street M E.' Church this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, Rev. F. H. -Wood offlclating. - An Assault, Willi its Consequences . Peter WrfgBt.'a seaman, tn$t , up with one Daniel O'Sulllyan, .a . well" :kaown character about town, in. albar-room Ton ! .Water street, yesterday afternoon, and, as he alleges find ing that be had considerable money about bis persoriysucceeded In enticing him on board ojf bis vessel laying at one .of the .wharves on South Water stieet, when he attempted 1;o ob tain forcible possession of it In his efforts to accomplish hIspurpose struggle ensued be tween the paitleS Which t resulted in O'SullI van's being badly.'b'eaign,1 especially about the face; which was a mass of bruises, from which tbe blood flowed freely and . rendered "the ap pearance of his. physiognomy anything but attractive He subsequently procufed a war: rant for the arrest1 of ' Wright, which was placed in the hands of Constable Hill ?ho bon effected his arrest. . He was thereupon taken before Wra. McLaurin, J. P., who re quired hfm to pay $25 and the costs, in default of whi$h he was conmltted to Jail. ' : . 1 i Irintlqsrlnli. : 'A fun supply of Robinson's Printing- Inks kepi constantly; on ban d,at the office of the Morning StatO These inks are equal, if "mt superior, to any,manufactured in this country KegsTof 25 &s : lcept in stock for the special benefit of weekly , papers Cashorders solic- 4 Our Chip Basket. ; ; 7 ,iV'ell5lBed alienee is more eioqueut than speech. ' t , ; ;. - In Kansas7City a-coupW were married by matchllght.C ::-; t :'; vr::: ; r , A Northwestern bride received as a wed ding gift a silver saw mill7 ." A Chicago lovr pressed his suit- with a little revolver, wounding her faUlfy. 'i,v- i j1 "A man callidg nimseif Lord Harvey is be ing chased out of Wisconsin by four wives, ; Two brothers were married to two sisters In a church in Jndianapoli.on Thursday even" inglast. - : . - -A Des Moines parent offers; 55 for a name, for his yotrng son, and has rejected 300 already offered. :--.v. u . , " 1 l i t !. An exuberan f 'New Orleans brfdegrdom recenfly applied to an' officer of an artillery company to fire a. salute in celebration of. his nuptials. v . ,'-- . ir- ..."', Washington Irving, In conversation, Qnce alluded to"a man of superior pomposity as "a great man; and in his .own estimation a very great man a man of great weight. When he goes to the West jthe East tips up." Star Book Bindery. : ' The attention of the public is called to the superior facilities we nowhave : for executing cheaply, promptly . and. skilfully all kinds of Binding and Ruilng. Our business in this de partment has steadily increased, an evidence that we have notlabored in vain in our effort to establish a Book Bindery equal to the de mauds of "our growing city But we re de termined to do still -more; and as our busi- ness grows so will our.' facilities be Increased. Give us a trial. ' v - ' . -.i 2taw2w ' SPIRITS OF TtJEPENTINE. Robinson's circus is to - visit Raleigh shortly. 4 .'"'... Mr. A. L. Longee, a promi nent citizen of Raleigh, is dead . . . v-; A shark, eight feet long,' was caught in. the river near Washington, a few days since. - - Mr. Hugh MaNair, formerly TaV.mn ' tit Vi ore Viio fo milir nnvo rpQirJpq vii iwuuiw, uw "J " " I I died suddenly in Washington,, O.,' on Monday. So says the Express. The Charlotte Democrat says the Pair in that city, to commence on the 24th of October? will surDass aavthmg 01 the kind ever held in North Carplina. . ; The Newbern Times says : Work upon the Episcopal Church is now very rapiclly progressing ; the roof being nearly all slated, ana tne most 01 tne duck work being done. . ..r Rev. S. O. Alexander Evange- f list for Wilmington Presbytery, informs the Presbyterian oi the organization 01 lopsau Church, New Hanover county, near Top sail Sound, eighteen miles from Wilming ton. ' Dougald McMillan was elected and ordained ruling elder of the new ; church, and everything indicates a? prosperous .fu ture for'the organization.. I - 4 We leaVn from the Newbern Journal of Commerce that at a meeting of the Directors of the iL & N, C. Railroad f held in thut city on Tuesday night, Thos. Powers, Esq.V of Craven, and Walter Dunn, Esq., of Lenoir, i were appointed-to fill .jjhe vacancy in that body, caused by the "re signation of Messrs. J. Bryan and -A. G Hubbard. William Loftin, of Kinston; was k appointed Conductor, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation T Of that prince ot RaUroad; Conductors, John A -Richardson. - - " 1 ; ' A correspotidenjtJof the" lyteriani writing from")his city, says : Having maae a very, pjeasani inp uuwu Black and Cape Fear Rivers ; returning from PresBytery;"we wi8h to say to all "who may-have occasion to go up or down from Point Caswell, that a mora careful, atten. tive and agreeable gentleman than CapC Paddison we. , never traveled witht it a worth while for any one to -make a trip with bim, if fortnothing else just "to see how successfully. he makes everything move The Sentinel ot yesterday says: Yesterday the argument in the case ot.the U;8.'.'R'Av Shot well and others, as'resumed by Mr Phillips for tbe, gov ernment Hon. T.'C. Fuller for- tho de fence, arfd Col. Mark. Erwirr lor the indi vidual prosecutor; Justice, having spoke the previous evening who spoke. till the hour ot recess. ; At four oclock George V. Strong,' Esq.; concluded' the argument for the defence. At the hour ot going to "press the case hadnot been given to the jury:;v' : f - : - "V ..- "Itobeson Couuly AtratrsV t r " We observe thatfeebv German has' re--turned from the u seat of war in Robeson county; but we are infornied that it is his intention to return as soon as he can ar range some private business which needed attending to. -It is said he is sanguine of eventual success in the-capture of theout laws, but hdmits that it is no easy under, takjng, ; being -J oppbsed, and Jiisr-eflorts towards that: end tueutralized, by the mulatto and Republican element pi that section, who are almost unanimously in svmDathv with the Lowrey. gang. At present only " about fifty United States trooDS and a score or two 01 ciuzens: ars OTeratinsr under his command,' and he is j hopeful of obtaining further iederal aid. He represents me muma as euwrey iv ficient, many of whom he thinks in sym pathy vrith the outlaws, " and the larger portion of the balance, demoralized by the farcical attempts which have heretofore been made with'tbeir aid. Raleigh Senti nel.'; ,'; J". - - '..T a 1 , .... - :, . ..' n : r ; , . . , , , ,. , r I FUNERAL NOTICE. 7: The funeral of ALFBED HOWAED 'will be preached at Fifth Street M; E. Church, South; this evening at 3 o'clock, '..- j ' - Fkask H. Wood, Pastor, DIED.' DENBY la this city, on Sept. 21st, Effie G. Denby, adopted daughter or Mrs. Mary E. Denby, aged 14 months and 16 days :; -The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend the funeral thiaeyenin at 3 o'clock, from her residence; on Hanover street, between Front and Second. ' ,r ' ? NEWi ADVERTISEMEKTS. HISSES KENBEDT-iBD HABT,- ': WlTH COMPETENT ASSlSTAJJTsFwiLL reopen, their School? for .ToungLadies,on Wednesday; the 4th of -October. L ' -h.hiotok, Sept. 22-nactf ' ' -- ' " -" Hasonic, " . STATED COMMUNICATION Of GIBLEM XjLT Lodge will be held at their Hall' Monday evttning, isept. 25th, at 8 P M. , ,v , ... " Members are notified that lnaportant busi ness will be transacted.. -l ' By order of the W.M. ' - ' ?. ; k i Wm. J. KELLOGG, f .. sept22-lt Secretary. Entirely ITlew ! INE CLOTHING, CHEAP CLOTHING, JUS T I N STORE! Latest Style Silk-Hats, DBESS AHD BUSINESS i gTJITS. Goods made into Beautiful Fitting Suits of " V " - - - Frencb, JSuKlisn and. American Manu- -" j , - facturers. , ft.-.i Fine Assortment Of FGBNISHLNG GOODS. MUNSON & CO., Clothier, 88 Market St. 1 ,. sept 22-tf f THE J A C 0 -B I A X ,E ! Guaranteed to excel all others, both in shape ana material, ue sure to ass: ror.,,,-;,'' THEJAOOBI A X ? V AND ACCEPT NO OTHER. for you will then be certain you are getting tne oesi; ior your money. Every Axe Warranted I For sale Wholesale and Ketaii, at ( NATH'Iy JACOBl'S, -y " Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St., And Dealers Throughout , the - State. IX. Hardware. SIX. --"' - : I 1. 1 Tw-.1-.A- Cutlery, Jron, Steel, Nails, Guns, Pisto 8,. Ammu nition, AC. Afw We would respectfully call the at-, 'Sin tention of Wholesale BtrxaBS to our TV. full and complete assortment, em- ? v bracing all and every description. of eooas in tne xraae, ana to tne superior ad vantages we can offer from havingthe agency o. several xeaaing factories w tne xraae. Always on hand Sole and Harness Aw Leather, Kip and Calf Skins, t,- Paints. Oils, Glass, bash, Doors and a My. Slinds, 0;, &c. P Please call and examine, before purchasing, tne stocK at ,.. ; r--: . . NATH'L JACOBPS, ' ' Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St sept 22-tf, - For Rent. rrVWELLlNG on SIXTH STBEET, XLr between princess ana cnesuut, now occupied by Mr. J. T. Petteway. House contains seven rooms, and aL necessary out-houses. . - ; ; 1 11 Apply at this office, or to :j3ept22-3t' V. TILLEY." JParmersT "tr TOU WANT A STOUT BOOT for HAED X: - , SEBVlOifl, getthe,. j : iA,MS'0,N B O.CXT f Sol4onlrby - 1 ' . 4" - " -. ; DUDLEY & ELLIS, : i ' ; sept 22-tf r Sign of the Jiig Boot. A Hew Poemr - ING ARTHUR, by LOliDLYTTON, V ' ' Forsaleat. ' . ' ' . T ' - HEtNjSUERGfiR'SAJ sept 20.tf : . live Book Store. Just Received by Steamer. 100,000 ENVELOV.ES, of all kinds and t izes. Official Letter and Note, at .HEINSBERGER'3, -Live Book Store, - No. 89 Market St: - 'A sept 2-tfo :, -' Commission Merchant, Will give personal &nd. prompt attention to the purchase and sale of Cotton, Peanuts, Fish and all kinds of Country Produce,- ' septSl-tf No. 6 South Water St , Depiarara Sugar. FINE LOT IN HOGSHEADS, : A Suitable for the Retail Trade, , For sale by .,s. , . , :- sept l2tt ADRIAN TOLLERS. Gommlssibn Business fTIHE undersigned bSer their services to the JL public to do- a Commission eBusiness in tbe1 sale of all kinds of produce, and the pur chase of supplies, and will make advances on consignments, , - . s . Thev solicit a share of patronase, and hone by punctuality and attention to merit It. - - . sepl9-6w -. U ; " ;; v MLSCEI ,T,A NEOTJ&.V ' THE -"CTAtt"-;; , S T - E A- M- ; JOB PRINTING : HOUSE; j Bool; Bindery, v ; .AND 'Blank Book Hanufactory, WM. II. BKUN Alll, Prop'tor, WILMINGTON, N. O. . , . 1,. Tbe Only Establishment in tbe JState having all these f acili- 1 ) ties combined. A- if- IMPROVED MAOKLNERY I; THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF s TYPE, PAPERS, CARDS AND INKS I SKIL L E D 75 R It LIEN .... V IN EVEEffliEP ARTMENT ! 1 ' "N O T T ' II;'E - S LOWEST P RICE S AS L 0 W P R IQ E B IS;. v AS " " Any Other Etablishment IV- FOR' the:.. BEST QUALITY OF WORK X PBINTINO,' KTJLING AND BINDING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Executed Promptly and Skilfully t SINCE ADDING S T E A M 'tOJ E R , 'V-11 . , . f: - "" "i . , ? a. " . - ? - ' , " we are enabled -1 fill orders with - fS.' ''v-i; v : . J':"s"..v.--".' ? '"v--... UTi' THE UTMOST DISPATCH. , . MayB-S&Ftf '"' ' PIAIT0S': OF SUPERIOR MAKE; showing certificates of excellence in every respect, from the most eminent musicians in tne united states. h New 7 Octave Pianos from (275 to 900. ' Good Second-Hand Pianos from $50 to $25 ). - " : MASONIC HALLWILMINGTON, N. C , aug 24-tf J. F. J1UECKERT. Coal ! Ccal ! 50 TONS BLACKSMITH'S ' - . NOW LANDING, For sale by sept 17-tf , , O.'G. PARSLEY ft CO. A Day of BejoiciDS I for le Lalies ! A LL WHO HAVE SEWING MACHINES, rrV can now buy for Three Dollars, - .A Baster and Guider., f...... .worth $3 00 a tuck jnarjeer... s w A Braider. .' M - 1 50 A Rnnler and Gatherer..'........... , 1 60 An Aa jus table llemmer..r..ft w , 3 00 An Ad j as table Binder. ....,;....... 3 00 x " ) . ' , - $1500 $15 00 Worth or Attachments for 3 00. .: S ASK FOR HALL8 CoalsinaMSera2 QaMce AttactzeaL It is perfectly wonderful 1 Call and examine it Fits all Sewingjlachine&i; ' - G. A. NEWELL, Agent, sept 20-tf : No. 9 So. Front St., Wilmington. Carraway Clcapo?. ; fTTHE UNRIVALLED ARTISTS ARE STILL l offerinflT the best inducements to our citi zens, and the public renerallv. for their rat- rcna'je at the Pnrcell House. Everything per taining to tne proiession is xept constantly on hand, m order to givev comple satisfaction to 1 V . 1 Cri3Sqnar80ndayt;....M......;(U,;... i o : 11 . , v tvndim : 1 " three days,M...... ; 2 C3 "t: " foar days,.... ......v.;... 2 n ' - fivedays,. . - oneweeky , i Contract Advertiserncnts taica at pi J poruonatelylowr,t'. . . v , -Marriages, Deaths, Keligious, i'uneral era Orinar- - --3 will be inserted at half rates when paid lor in advance ; otherwise full rates will be charged. . -. . , . Txbxs Cash on demand. v " Iff 4- 4 a n n AUCTION SAL.ES. i T. JAHES, Auctioneer. . . . . Y JAMES & MEARES. TTUACTIVi: SALE FTJ.R;ITIJR OZWAXNlNG NEXT. commenv w iuk 4wjwtiii nm-Bfid to hpII tne enure sto ? 01 .v--' : HOUSEHOLD and U " FURNITURE contained in residence -N! ,V rrm ni . Dock and Fif Sts. consis a part ot uiiBinui uunnui) u--. carpets, . Xeunices, Tables, Xlalr a; Ioss . i IXattrasses, Curtains, CrC5 . 'it; . ana Kltehen Vsenalls PATENT SCHOOL DESKS and SEA and a variety of useful and ornamen articles too numerous to mention. Bept 20-3t TERMS CASH. -' - At low Pricea : 1 6AAA BUSHELS jUUU WHITE and MIXED CORN. 400 "AY, . 300 Second-Hand Spirit Barrels,' ' 50 25 BARRELS DISTILLER'S GLUE, TONS HOOP IRON, v 150 Rolls BaggingLight and Heavy. 25 TONS GOOCH'S" COTTON TIES, t 1 250 KEGS NAILS, Barrels Refined Sugars, IRA BAGS COFFEE. 50 BOXES-D, S, SIDES, . nn tiUDH. BACON BIDES - t HHDS. BACON SIDES "' -V 1 and SHOULDERS, 3,000 SACKS SALT, ; . , r ' 4c' 4c, &o-t ,. : Forsileby V . . -V m. . -t .,.) . -1., . 't - f, 11 sep 17-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISONfN Only $3 00.: T :i . v. HATT YS WHISKEY AT FRENCH'S Is 1 -Si "Wlt'lirmf. a. 1ifnVt. t.Via BEST.. LIQUOR FOR ' THE MONET EVER tPCf j BROUGHT-TO THE CITY, . ' ' v' . s' oiiljkejrA foV.'oti try. it your ielfiiiit is only"$argaUon;anii;;Juro and '..... .."!? vSJ tpM'-- ' . ':'- sept iv-ti cor. jnaret ana becona sts." "V .Olce Haster-of Wsjortaflon Wilmington A ; Weldon Tt. R., r . WILMINGTON,' N. C.', Sept. 16, 1S71." ;p ON t AND AFTER MONDAY, SEPT , . 18th,' the Freight Trains will run as followsi: , . : .,".' - . Through" Freight will : leav9 Wilmington , dairy (Sundays excepted) at 4.-00 A. Zl. Arrive at Weldon 8:30 PM. - ' - Leave Weldon 4:30 A." M arrive at Wilming ton9P.M. O - ' ' 7 Way Freight will leave Wilmington Tnes- U A'U1 . ImiThn . irm -r , . , , I ,,0 days, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7:03 A. M. I Arrive at Goldsboro at 45 P. M. r: ! : Leive Goldsboro Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:15 A M;; making close connection with N. C. Railroad, and arrive at Wilmington " 2:25P.M. V . . i There will be a Passeneer Car attached to this train for the accommodation of way-pas sengers. ;N V Pl; fillyaw. : ' ftsept 17-tf ."; : ; ? , Master Transportation , . The : Pleasant Gardeno, ,v A PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. ; ' i- - . . ... . I . WILL BE OPENED by the lSTor JUNE. ! For a pleasant and, delightful' Bummer re I sort, the Pleasant Garden b eaimotha excelled, f , Therq will be a daily con veyance from lit- rion, a distance of four "miles. I. -will make every effort.to please and. accommodate cus tomers. Terms are reasonable as possible. V may 25-tf GEORGE CHAPMATT. Lime I. Lime! ! ? A. CARGO OF LIME Fresh lrcm Kiln, Just arrived and for sale by , , ? 'sept S0-3t "WORTH 7TOSTH. TnoB KENT Five desirable resiclencea for AJ rent two on Fifth street, two on fivnth street, and one on Fourth street, all dftsirahiv located. For terms, apply to sept iHT - . i. opt.. Vf . J. PENTON. AI rAITT ED- Twenty 1 Shares Mechanic's ?V Building and Loan Association StocL. . i Aj. .i . -, - AW'J Ut-UHJ. - , afr y- y" -J :4 LS?pt 1Z-1W I "ANTED. One No. 1 Teamster for driv y lng timber teams. Good wses and per. manenb employment. ISO regaru to race, col or or former condition. Adaress - " Sepl9-2w : i J. 1L SPRINGER.- LC3T:AC;FOUr:D. f7;3UirD.-.At Crrtr-r's Turnout 8T0f:a J 5I-Irch White ?yrre.i Veatlier J ia. seasoned. Any pei.i -will please c .11, jay charge 3 r. J. tIia tLo tisie away. - sepl'J-lw . . ; v t . .. i J. II. S mi .f ' 1

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