- y5e20RKING ; STAB, PUBLISHED DAILY, fy3l M BEBSABB Editor and Propr. owiob, Dawson Bank Buildings, Front St. nae year, in advance..:....... n advance.. ...... inadvaace..i,..;.;.........v w iMmontns, in advanc,;..... ... w Jiie Mornino Stae will befell' ered in any parfof the City at Futtben Cbnt per week.,.; "" Sept. 25, 1871. - . . . Barom eten Wind. Weather Time. t litieatSe (Cloudy 13 E litfhtUioudy !fTm n of dav."73 des."- Mora -AH barometric readiDg, are reduced he sea-level and to 33 dejrreef anrenueiu Serg't Siffnal Service U. S. A.,,, Weather Beport. , War Dkpahtmsnt, LKTMBNT, 1 Officer,: t ? t Office Of tSiief Signal Officer, Washinffton. Sept. too Probabilities, (Cloudiness will probaDly extena very gener aiiVon Tuesday along the entire Atlantic coast Sod ol ie lower lakes, with li.ht rains-io aol.?Diiitie3. as Vireinia and LakerrErie Rilinff1 barometer, with clearing weather, and n n temperature, from Michigan and Snpe. rii ' westward, aud aoathward to the Gulf. No r. !ii-inn. have been issued from this. office fespectiotbe so called waveor.b ahy iuch wave HeinsbehgWs Live Book Store. 39 Market 6treet-StanrdWotks;-te4-vJ jj HoxtEWdORR-Extra -Versamittfang der Gernaar'oge. y.vj&&ji( y. M. PoidSON.1 Masonic ;Notice SU jrtjn's Lodge, No. 1, F. & A. 1L ' , - Fairbanks, Brown. & Co. Bay the Gen- nina Fairbanks Standard ScalesV ; W. R. Kbnan, Supervisor. Widow's and Orphan's Benefit Life-insurance Company. Dudley & Ellis, Noi 4i.i Market street Moquet-Slippers. .. f,; ':;.0 . if.' Dk. R. K. Meadb. English, Classical and Mathematical School, Williams & Mubchison Com, Flour &q. Provisions Bagging and Tie's.- v Don't Forset. ; The public in general, and the ladies in par ticnlar, in their search' for the latest Btyles.. in dry goods, &c, should remember Cohen's I)ry, Goods Emporium, at No, 29 Market " Street. He has juat returned with a complete assort ment of everything that can be mentioned In his line. .'" t'.-yV Rjnmed. We are glad to find on our table once, more the Carolina Watchman, the publication of which has been resumed at Salisbury by Mr. J. J. Bruner, its former Editor and proprietor. The Watchman was always a good paper ad will no doubt keep up its well-earned reputa- tiou. -: " . i CHy Court. , The following cases were disposed of yester day: j .. . ' . . : Wm. T. --GaUar elmrgett tiltli cttraigr quarreling, &c, was found guilty. Judgment suspended-on the. payment of tho costs.. . 4-lbert Williams, charged with -cursing,1 quarreling, &z. Judgment suspended on the payment of costs. ' . - Not Ills First Experience. : Alluding to the assault upon aud attempted robbery of Daniel O'SulIivan in this city a few duys ago, the Kewbern Times says : It wilj be remembered that O'SulIivan was robbed in . this city by Henry Clifton and others some three. years ago, for which tliey w- re sentenced to the Penitentiary for twenty years.'! t J,. It seems that Dan. is i favorite Victini of the "bruisers." . 1 Additional Troops for Robeson Connijr. We learn that a detachment of twenty-four U. S. Troops, intended as a reinforcement to those already on duty in Kbeson"Coanty,J' arrived in this city last evening and will take the cars for the scene of operations this morn-. lag. Col. Mendenball, wbp has been with his " garrison at Fort Johnson for a "brief ; period, will return with the troops . and assume com-' Sadden Ilea tb. ,-. A white man from Bladen county, by the name of Hayes, who was found very sick on a rait at one of the wharves'of this eity on Satur day evening last, ""arid taken to the'City Hos pital, died in that' institution on Sunday morn ing. Coroner Hewlett was notified and f held an inquest over the Jbody yesterday, but : we have not been informed At the nature of the verdict. It is the, generalimpressioDiirbow ever, that he died from exposure. - ' f - Eulararingr. ' , We are glad to see that the-, success of the First Co-operative Store has been of such a character as to call for a material enlargement of their field of operations. With this Object in view the buildingtised by the Company, on the corner of Frontand Dock streetr., is receiv ing a very material additldni' which Will afford them much more -room than heretofore, and wiU'euable them to increase their stock suffi; ciently to'meet the public demand. A Failure.: j,' . ' . The colored excursion which was to have taken place yesterday, on . the Waccamavt proved a "flash id theban.'This'ia attribu ted to the lear entertained' by'-Bome of the might possibly anticipate the period fixed for its appearance by ProL Agassiz' atxdover- ..,1. L '.if ''. . "uciui men ueiore ineyv cpma ; reiurn. xxuw far this may beVtrueJ-je ajre not ' prepared 7 to say. We only'knb-ther'wa-'etctfraion,-and Capt. Ifotter. can bear usnfe.tin this- aa- sertiou., 'L l'r 5 lit tfii.' J n. mi. !',- r.r, ,J. Taken to Columbus, i This ' morning:': poU' Oxcndintf and":'Mollie Wattersv the former charged with- complicity' in the numerous outrages perpetratedih "Kobe; son county by IheXowrey 'gang will be taken , . to Whiteville, Columbus "county, vto-day td , appear before the Superior court ln session there this week. ' .Mollle Watie'rais' an impor tant State's witness in ft murder . 'and' ro'bbery case and has been confined in pur county jail for safe keeping. They'go tQ , Columbus n , cnarge 01 Officer N. Carr. . -f. t 1 ' .:';.!,; .' . ' 7 , . -.,...J - -jJ1 . ;' . s r- .-ft- f-k, ,r , I .or a I Dnta. '' !" -i Overcoats are nearly ripe. , , - -. r-irrapuJlyapproachinsrl -H 75 solution of soda whltens piano keys. ami -t t. ' . ..-..:'; r.- un ecu viucr ja uu w a Bcasuituuic oeveraze. VFlat bands' will be V favorite fall trim ming. . . - 4 - The dry goods merchants are making fine '.Vf Til Germania Lodge; K,,of P., -meet this evening, at 7t o'clock. ' . " r v A White male patient was sent to the City 08pital.yestetdayi;4;-S l!h pan y No. 1 has been christened ''-Willard,' 5 Jrell? of Si. JcAVLod'ge,i?Fl andAvJlthla: evening Marriagelcenses' ot Maryland "bearjthe ,?te esear'with the .State mottQ-rA' vrescfo et Advertisements .under hea.d of ' Wants," For Sale or Kent." or ." Lostand Found " wlIL: itosiUVelyibAfl chargedfvfull? rates unless paid for in advance. i , tf , meut," was observed by bur fellow-citizens of the Jewish faith by fasting and prayer and a total susp.-nsiou of business. y : An advance sheet of the Nort' Carolinian a new Democratic paper to be started at Italeigb; has been received. Wm: A. Hearne, Esq.i is to be the Managing E4itpi. : ' 7 Mr. J. JParkerK formerly employed as a clerk in the'Postofflefei hied on Sunday even- tog, a prey to consumption, with which disease he had been suffering for some time pastr ; VVereIad to see that the artiefe which originated in pur paper a few days since, under the head of "Spinning Cotton," meets the ap prbyaLof the moit rejpecXabiej6f ;pur",Stato press, even if they are inclined' to Ignore: it J paternltyV!.: , -r,Qn the certificate pf iDr J-Fancia King, who examined, into the condition of Rachel Sealey, arrested for. disorderly conduct on Fri day lastaod sentenced by the City Court to pay a fine of $20iand Costs, she'was 'sent the nospit- ,al for treatment Ins 'of being carried to the Work Souse. 'Seni''ibJI.MpItli5.i'?-& Vr'lKd ; XTwo white parishioners who "-ha ve Jxeen in mates of the Poor House for 6ome time past, named respectfully Beccy Blood worth and Labora'Brinkiey, were transferred to the City Hospital yesterday for treatment, they having been pronounced in a condition'to require it. Onr Chip Basbet. v:'v : - .' The fir6t person singular Adam.4 ; --.EveryTtooih ia worth aiambn EWfiat&ai a Cheerfoi spirit.; 7 Happiness is a perfume," and . "every man should 6hed some. . j 7 "Go it while you're yoong' has been the ruin of thousands. ; v. ;7.7:" : .1 '.: , -- A lovciy mode of reasoning Man and woman putting their heads together. . vW; Female newspaper carriers are the latest development of the woman question. . , Two women jn Kansas have gone as part ners into' the law business. They propose to be sisters-in-law. -.V, A Sensitive old bachelor says that pretty girls always affecti-him jnst as ornamental confectionery does they give-him the heart burn. .,.,. ' v " --- ' :A '"". .' Lia'Glenwobd isa new Western 'lecturer of considerable promise. :; She is . blind, which will of itself provoke curiosity to hedr her. I t-iThou rainest in thia bosom," as the chap said when a basin of water was thrown over m by leladyheas serenading,, ( Ioofc Out fpr tne. Outlaws. : - vWe have been furnished with the following description of the notorious Robeson county outlaws: k 'It- would 'be j well" for our readers generally to preserve -ttveopy of j thia descrip tion :"". i' i:m' As it is possible that the Lowrey gang of outlaws, now infesting Robeson county, North Carolina, may' singly or in a body, ' attempt to escape from that ? section, ine ipuowing ues printion of the gang is given, in order that the "ttubHC may , lie posted in 'regard to them. There are rewarus uuervu,r uum - ujr iuo omw and county authorities, for their apprehension, amounting,' in tne aggregate, 10 o,ow ior me gang1:-- jienry-jserry juuwrejr buuuii ux teen eigui. inches high; weighs about 145 or 150 lbs, is straight ana square ouuv, una biraigub uar&. hair, dull blue eyes, and is so nearly white, that he might readily pass for a white man. He has a black marK immeumtejy uuuer uis leiu eye, made by falling on a pot in his youth. At present he wears.fnllJjeard andinostache on his face, of a dark color, not very thick. He is about 27 years 01 age ana is siow in fiDCCCll. " T' : i "' . ' ' ' ' Stenhen Lowrey is 31 years of age, five feet peven or eight inebes high, deep black hair and eyes, is 01 a.swanny, uarit uruwn com plexion, thin visaged, rather, stooping habit, and is; quick -apoken.- He baa a bad counte nance. At present, he wears a moustache and goatee, very black but thin. '- Thomas Lowrey is about six feet highf tolerably heavy built,? weighs about -200 lbs, has a dull blue e frand" a pleasing counte nance, is nearly white and will readily pass ae such; b4 has a foil .face, ; dark hair; and beard and is rather quick spoken, with a low and pleasant voice.3 He- has 1 been wounded by gunshotia his left arm And back. He is about twenty-five years of age. ' ; ; Andrew Strong is a tall 6lim man, over six foothin-h hHjrht mulatto -complexion, black eyes and dark straight hair, and is quick sdoken. He wears no whiskers,' and has but little beard. He is about 20 years 01 age. y v no. it rnnir Ahrtnt 5 feet 7 inches high. thick set, full face and will weigh . about 170 lbs. He is obly 20 years of age;, and has .no 'k... T7 . think down on his upper lip and temples; , He is nearly white and will, readily tto innt. dUnnAed to be .: talka tive, His hair is black, with a disposition to cnrl: he wears it ehort. f Hennas voiac . eyes,, m a -hART'v evfr-bro wa which nearly tneec.. ' tt vtaa-ln flhnt.h f!(imHna find v th ' faoutntry immediately around Robeson County should be on tbe look out for these outlaws. as -they frequently leave their haunts singly, for pur nA.o. r.f thoirnnn: and it ia Possible that they mv attempt t.ft flee the countv. It ' is ' also possible that they : may , attempt to disguise fi l .Inita tVia vltrlliinM flf t.hft IftW. IimiHGTON, 1J "OS BTTHDAY. : SEPT. 24. i 1871.: From -CfcaestqnjT: The News of yesterday morning says ! .-'."', 7 .'The number of deaths from yellow fever, during the past week, a& shbwn by the daily, reports of the city registrar,7.ls 20, .vizr Mou'- 5.! These deaths : bequrreiori tne following idays; On Sunday 1 on Tuesday 5j on Wedqes-i day 8, on Ahursday o, on. F riday 4, and on at-( nrday S total .'"Theso5 figures: shoW ;that the heaviest mortalltyj as was expected to be -the case, was ' immediately after iha sudden, change in the weather from sultryarmth to damp coolness V In pnj last weekly reprt we showed that the number of deaths up to the 16th inst (including the death on ' that day re ported by the registrar on ' Sunday), was ;56. 1 Adding the, subseaueht' deaths to date, we ! have aj total of'82 deaths this y ear, , against 464 1 for.tlie Hcorre.sponding period in jlSoS, 96 J h J 1856,nd 365 jn;l85C2 WfeS-JSy 1 The citv registrar reports 5 deaths from the prevailing oi6ease xor in.e,'iweniy-iour nours ending at 12 M on Sntiday, and oar press tet-' egram last night reports 6 for the twenty-four nOurs next ensuing . J. !. . - ' I - ' - ,1 fj.. Printing Ink. VtiVs? A full supply . of Kobin8Qn;8 1 Printing 'Inks kept constantly on hand at the office of the Morning Star;:: : These inks are equal, if not superior, to any manufactured in this country; Kegs of 25 fts'kept in stock, for the -special benefit of weekly papers. ; Gash orders solic ited, i - :i ' , k 'i .'. Printing: Paper." :v : ' :i 7' ..We do not keep , Printing Paper "regularly in stock for sale ; but can always supply our friends with small quantities, say from two to ten reams, at reasonable prices for all strictly, casli orders, fizes pf paper 22x31 and 28x40 inches, and same quality as that used on the Morning Stab and CmolMdFann The TT. S. District Court-Trial of tlie -7irV: ,BIs:icerstftir Cases. Ae s: -jfi - i'j'A' '4:7 a "77:: Special Dispatcli tbhe ; Petersburg Index, 7; Raleigh, JX. C, Sept. 23, 1871.7 ' liast night the court sat until rather a late hour, and one of the Biggerstaff cases was dlspossed of It was . an indictment against J. H. Witherlow, Wm. Mclntire, W. Teal, Jas. Hunt, ; and Thos. Tomes, for waylaying Aaron BiggerstafF. and assault ing him while on his , way to testify, as a witness, under process 01 law before a United States 7 Commissioner. The 2nd count charge of conspiracy fo intimidate Baggerstaff away from his political princi ples, about the first of May last in Cleve land county. The District Attorney, Star buck; and'Assistanfc District Attorney, S. FPhillipiAndLuskprosecuted, and MesslTi fiStrongiv IPerncbecdHCarson fordefeooeViV J. H. Witherlow, Wm. Mclntire. and W. Teal pleaded guilty and the remain ing two, Jas. Hunt and Thomas -Tomes, ,' -.11 i.,' 1-11 were ciearea on tneir eviaence, astoey an testified that Hunt and James were not on the raid on .Biggerstaff. 7 Biggerstaff; his wife and daughter all swore directly contrary, saying that they recognized them both. Both Hunt and Tomes were dis charged from: custody. - ' Mclntire t and Teal are both under sentence, haying been convicted in the Justice case. ' This morning another case of Bigger staff was taken up, charging Amos Owen, woo was convicieu aua senieuueu, m tuo Justice case and some 20 others' with as sault upon him for voting for tbe Republi can candidate for Congress, - in' 1870, in that district. At this hour, 6 Pj M., only two witnesses have been examined; ' : . ( SPIRITS, OE TURPENTINE. 2 i Warrenton has a chain gang 'The Warrenton Gazette is a live paper. Chicaken Cholera is raffing in Warren county. 7 Beef is retailing at 8 cents per pound in Warrenton. - Newbern has iust had its first sausages for the season. 7 ' '--Fresh -pork is retailing at ten cents per pound in Newbern. " - Deer r are 'more numerous, in Warren county than for many years. ' The 7 farmers of Warren are trembling with fear of au early froat. " v A distemper is prevailing among the cattle iu Henderson county,: i . J Warrenton boasts of a one pound tomato and an early Rose potato weighing 211 ounces. The grand reception, at the skating rink ia Raleigh dna Friday even ing was a very brilliant affair. j " 1 o . 7 ;j 'Rates dt fare- have --been re duced on the North Carolina Division ef the Richmond & Danville Railroad to 4 cents per mile for first-class, andS cents per mile for secpnd-classu.i . ".. . , . On Wednesday of last week, between the hours of 12 and I P, Mi, the residence ot Dr. J. W. Wiseman, in Farmirigton, Davie county, wastotally destroyed, byjre,; -The origin of the fire was accidental'."" . I The -Raleigh Sentinel - says : A number of the marshals of the state fair met in-this city bn Friday to make ar rangementa for a grand ball during fair week. We understand that all the neces sary'preliminaries'were arranged .: 7. Bacon and Pork. 40 HHDS D. , S. l& SMOKED SIDES and SHODLDIRS, - -" 100 BBLS. PORK, ' - j. r For sale by sept 24-tf - - F. W. KERCHNER, 27, 28 and 29 Nprth Water St. day'a report 1, Tnesdays report i, Wednea-j aay'sferlL3 Thursday' repp1t;t8Saturdas 7 Purge out the Morbid Hnmors of the Blooa, by a dose of two of AYER'S PILLS, rand you Will have clearer, heads as well as bodies, No Bkkept nr thb . Would ever came into such universal use, or has so fully -won the confidence of mankiud, as AYEli'3 CHEKBf PECTORAL for the cure of Coughs, Colds and Consumption; -:7:v7v'v-S:'; '?7--'-vv':,7;'7;;- f 1WJB,'J'.-M..U, . I i jMil!HiL.-,l,LU.J.J .. .1. l.JHJ .Jl u II DIED. - POLLfiY-At Moorcsnlle, ..Morgan coun ty, Indiana, on Thursday, the 14th inst., Ste phen Vhiteford, eldest son of H. B. and Mary J. Polley, aged ?6 years. -, , ' -1 j. Widow's? & Orphan's BENEFIT Life Insurance Comp'y . . OF.JTEIV YORK. ; 7 A GIRL of 17. in Schoharie countv. N. TV. i Jl. was asked,' a few days ago,- by a young mn wno uaa no means out Ms salary, to be come his spouse. ' Is your.life insured 1" asked she. "-No," said the swain. 'Then yumust have it insured," rejoined she, "on the. Bb SBftVs Plan, for 1 am not going to marry you and have you die, and leave me to beg for-& living, nor xo nave you live into oia age witn ut a competency for me.'? -':'J T . : ' - ym , -R. KENAN,' - . . , - ' - ' SUPERVISOR." Office, MurphyTBuiluing, -Princess Street, ( sept 26-tf . , , , , , sEitfa-VersammlnBa der Germania Lege ' " 0.4 R3D. P.. DIE MITGLIEDER WECDEN ER suchtsich am Mittwoch Abend Uhr puenktlich in deren Halle einzuflnden, well Geschaefte von Bedentung vorliegen. - sept 26-lt W. HOTTENDORF, E. S. St. John's Lodge, No.4 1. EMERGENT MEETING THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING and regular monthly commu nication Thursday evening at o'clock. 77 By order of the W. M. 7 ; ' . - WM. M. POISSON, Secretary. sept 25-1 1 ' SUNDRIES. , 800 Second Hand Spirit Barrels 20O New York Spirit Barrels, 100 Bales Hay, 250 Bags Rio and Laguyra Coffee, 150 Bbls Refined Sugars, Ac, &c, ; . For sale low by r . " sep23-tf WLTiLIAMS & MURCHISON. MOQUET SLIPPERS, AN ELEGANT ARTICLE FOR GENTLEMEN Equal to Embroidered Slippers. DUDLEY & ELLIS, Sign of the BJ Boot. sept26-tf DR.H. K.MEADES Engllsli, Classical & MatlemalicM7 Sclioal, . Thikd St., between Maskbt & Pkikckss, WILL OPEN MONDAY, OCT. 2d "'sept26-tf, ' " , Provisions. 30 HHDS. BACON SIDES .. . oTTAm Thvna 1 AA B0IE3D. S. SIDES, inn BBLS C. M. ' PORK, For sale by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. sep26-tf ; Bagging and Ties. 200 Rolls Heavy Bagging 2J4 fts, 100 " Llgnt ".. 2 lbs, 50 "7 Dundee Bagging, 40 Tons Gooch'8 Cotton Ties; ' For sale by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. sep 23tf FLOUR AND CORN. l.OOO Bbls Flour all grades, 0,000 Bushels Corn, 1,000 Bushels Winter Oats, For sale by - sep28-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON For Rent rilHAT VERY DESIRABLE, CEN- traliy-iooatea uricK . uweuing on Dock between Front and Second Streets, now occuDicd bv G. Rosen- thall. Contains seven rooms, and is in thorougn repair. . , : - Apply to r: sept 21-nac tf ; : I. B. GRAINGER. : MISSES KENNEDY AND HART, - WlTH COMPETENT ASSISTANTS, WILL reopen thelr: School : for Young Ladies, on Wednesday, the" 4th of. October. " : -. -- WitMiHGTOir, Sept. 22-nactf Only.One Bollair a Pair ! V THE ''ViCTOR" KID GliOYE. ALL SIZES AND COLORS.'' IT J -EVERY: PAIR WARRANTED. if-: Can and examine the nf or yourself. A. D. BROWN, Exchange Corner, sept24-tt - Sole Agent. Fancy Canned Goods. XITE have just received (direct from Bos--ton,) per Schooner "Mary J. Wood," a very select assortment of - ... Green Corn, Devilled Ham, Toma- toes, Devilled Turkey, Peas, " Roast4 1 Turkey; ( Brans, - Tomato Catsup, Champignons, Ass'd Pickles, -i. Asparagus, Chow Chow, Ac, Ac, irom the celebrated factory of Wm. Un - de.rwood & Co. "Consumers - ' , 7 would do weir to try." ; , For sale by ; CHAS. D. MYERS ft CO., '.: aept 24-tf 7 7 North Front Street. !!!! 11 i v. . 7 :WHole6.v 1,248 mSCELIiAJEOTJS. 1 07COUNTX , CJLAISXS ALLOWED ,; .. For' Tear Ending Ansast : 3Iat, 1S71. . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA I U : 1 ' ' ' : NKW UAKOyfcs COtTHTY. 77 fHE following claims against the County X, from September, 1870, to September, 1871, were presented to the County Commissioners and allowed, and ordered to be paid, to wit : .'' 1S70.''' '" .Vi'- ' ,'" Xi ;; , :.': - Dec'r 11. E. M. Shoemaker, 16 days "J""- - service as County Com- - missionerv$3 per diem. . .$48 CO 3 days Committee duty at - '- . $ i per diem 3 00-57 00 - 7 - A, R. Black, 18 days ser 7 7 7A - .vfbe as County Commis- " . . sioner, $3 per diem. 48 01 ; ' 3 days Committee duty, ; : ' V , lper oliem 9 00 7; 632 miles travel, 5 cicnts ? . per mile.. 26 60-83 60 l' ' - S. N. Martin, 15 days ser-i 7 ; . 1 7 vice as County'Commis- " - sioner, 3 per diem. 45 00 i fc7 3 days Committee uuty, : $3 per diem. .19 00-5400 - John C. 'Heyer, 16 days service as County Com- ' - r c ; missioner, $3 per diem. . . 48 00 ,1. u - iayA Committee, duty, J,-, $3 per 4iem....:.....v.... 9 00-57 CO JTas. A. .Lowiey, Iff days ' 4 . service as County' Com- missioner, per liem... 4800 v - 2 days Committee . duty, - f3perdiem..r.;..........." 603-54 00 Jas. Wilson, 6 days ser- ' - vice as County Commis- -. sioner, 3 per diem. .-. .... 18 CO ; v 3 days Committee duty, ' " $3 per diem. 9 00-27 00 1871. A;. '---r"-' " r- March 4. A.: r; Biack,.l0 days ser- 5 vice as County Commis- j , . sioner, $3 per diem 30 CO ' i . : - - 280 -miles travel, 5 ceuts . - t per mile.... 1400 " r 6 days Committee duty. I " $3perdiem.i..:......i.... 1803 ; - 112 miles travel, 5 cents , ' per mile...... .....,"V.,.. ' 5 60-6760 John C. Heyer, 9 days ser- 7: ,: T'' vice as County Commis- T; 7 sioner, 3 per diem...... . 27 00 : 7 3 -davs Committee duty;"- v- (3 per diem:..... . ..... ,.y 9 00-86 00 April ; 5. Jas. A. : Lowrey, 13 days ' service as County Com . . - missioner, $ per diem.. . 39 00 4 davs Commitiee duty. $3 per diem............... . 12O-5100 E. M. Shoemaker, 14 days service as County Corn ' missioner, $3 per diem... 42 CO ' 13 days committee auty, vi per diem......... . 3900-8100 Account Jail Fees, .r7 1 4,682 15 Sheriff Fees,' " 1,119 97 . Court Hoase, 1,041 04 " Advertising, . ., 403 65 Commissions, i - 128 26 Coroner, ; , . 69 10 Register's Fees, " , . 686 91 Tax List, 652 34 Registration,. , 7 fc 31 'Poor House, " T -7 1,511 40 Hospital and Poor, . v 34 00 Outaoor Paupers, . , 640 00 Work House1 2,170 94 Elections, ' . ! 43 80 Stationary, 346 85 Solicitor's Fees, "' i:- - 690 00 Justices' Fees, . 324 93 Officers' Costs,- - 541 64 Attorneys' Fees,' 79.) 0 County" Commissioners, . 568 20 Sup. Court Clerk's Fees, "280 12 Interest, . r 659 99 ornt an Asylum. . 144 03 (( 1 - ;' Treasurer of Pub. Buildings, 830 CO u. ?. "Bridses, , . , .. 537 00 4 TJX!axeia Remittei.i - r 100 92 - 7 'T-WtnesTlketv. - -tr :-Tales Jurors, -. : " . JurorsV-KegularVenire, " ' Officers of Court," " Fin. Claim Co. Court, . t 611 CO - V" 793 85 . 815 60 45 37 ' - . 7 7 $23,692 97 .-.- - l' : x "-. - i This report does not include the interest upon Bonds and Notes owing by the County, which was paid by the County Treasurer, and appears in nis account, and for which orders are not issued from this office. X 11 u VVuxiby uuuucu Avuy,ia. .. ..ivvw Notes to Individuals.. 10,500 Total... ................ .............70,50D Notes to the amount ot $4,030 have been paid since Sept. 1, 1871, reducing the amount to 10,500. . W. J. BlVENS, Clerk, : ; : per W. H. Gbbkbst, Dep'ty Cl'k. sept 2S-lawlwTu . . - $500,000. $500,000 Eeal Estate Distribution OF MEMPHIS FOR 1871. Drawing Oct. 3 1 v 1 87 1 . SHAEES $5 EACH. r ' . !-.- . : ... . ;".(.". 467,000 IN HE All ESTATE!..-' '. $33,400 IN PERSONAL PROPERTY 28 Valuable Realties, embracing among the most important pieces the new Memphis The atre, costing $35,000, now under rent for $5,000j a $32,000 Plantation, eligibly situated and very productive; Residences, from $4,000 to $5,000; desirable Business Property, $40,000; splendid Building Sites ; Suburban Homes;. 128 Prizes in Personal Values, Diamonds, Watches, Sil ver Plate, Pianos, Organs, Ac. ? ' .; -! ..-; : v: - -'-.i- - f i" -i' . & - ' - . i . : r i . " ' n . NOTICE. - . : i ' v All the shares unsold at the . time of distri butJon will be surrendered and their corres ponding numbers not allowed any representation.- The managers will not hold a ticket, 'thus guaranteeing the shareholders the foil oontroL r y f -. ? V PAS3MORE & RUFFIN, Managers. . For information and shares, apply to , , . t - ,'r .i - - 'A , v -NATHAN MAYER, -" V ' , With L. Weill & Co., Wilmington. : gept23-3tawtillOrt31-SatTn&Th r v-iV i- Just Keceived : 400 BBLS. FLOUR,' 100 BBLS. PORK, .100 . i Bbls. - Molasses SO Bbls. Sugar, 50 Bbls. Crackers, 50 Sacks Coffee, 1,000 Sacks SaltlOO Boxes Soap, lOO Boxes Potash . ' and Lye, 10O Boxes Starch and Can- dies, 25 -Boxes Bacon25 Boxes ' ' ToVacce, Ac, Ac, Ac. , ; f . . For sale low by - - ' ' ' aug22-tf : - ; z J EDWARDS A IIALL. BATES OF ADVERTISING I One Square one day, ..........'.... w..... 0 - II II tvniirg 1 Efl 11 ; 11 three days........ 2 CO . roar davs......:. 2 50 it . 1 11 five days,. . 8 00 i AMVAnlr i. . '. II RQ sr Contract Advertisements taken at pro portlonatelylow rates. ; 7 . Marriages, Deaths. Religious, Funeral and, Obituary notices will bo inserted at half rates when paid for in advance ; otherwise full rates will be charged. . , TBMts Cash on demand. ' " ' NEW AD VERTISEMENTS. BUY THE CErJUirJE 9 SHI MiWiV stAitdard scales, HoreThan 250 Different SfodiflatiODs. A 9 EITTS ALSQ TOS THB BEST ALARM MOHBT 7 . '.7..;': 7,- , DBAWXB. 7-. -; ' IAIRABNKS 5 CO.,:7 7 'y- ' r r -7. 212 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., : , 118 MILK STREET, BOSTON. 7" s 7, . For Sale by leadmgHardware Dealers. : ' -sept 25-2aw4m Tu ent ; ' . : . v m Standard Wbi. Airibone's Dictionary of Authors, in 3 Volumes; : Anthon's Classical Diction ;iary- Dictionary of Political . ; - Quotations. .- , " :'.' -: 7 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiqui- ties, Wooster's Unabridged Dic- , , ; tionary .for 1871. ? Webster's Unabndged Dictionary forl871 For Bale at .'." '"v .-" ; : :"';: ' HEINSBERGER'S : sept' 23-tf ; V : 7 Live Book Store. ; AiJOTION SATiES. ; ? M. CRONIVT, Auctioneer. By CRONLY & KOBBIS. . ..- ,-. . j , ;-v..: - r FURNITURE I'Olt SALE AT AIJCTION. '.; ): ON Tuesday next, 26th inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M., we will sell at the residence situa ted on the south side of Red Cross between Front and Second streets, all of the Household and Kitchen i Furniture 7fi' -i ,:7 ' i ' ! ' ; : ' '. . contained therein, consisting in part of Black Walnut Parlor Set, ' - Black Walnut Chamber Sets, ".Extension Tables, DininglChairsV . -':.-; ' i'.V;..vir-M!;'s s " . i" Carpets, Matting, Mattrasses, Beds, 7r.7Bedding, Crockery QltkwkrQt&o -vv-': .' --v 7 --?vi';'r ? is tV: 7 aleppsitive.H Terms TJash. ; '' ' The ladies axe respectfully. invited to attend ' , - 7'" f .'. "., '- .-' . ' Parties wishing to examine this Furniture . -.-s ... . .j .jl.- . can do so the day before the sale. sep23ts . MISCELLANEOUS. 7 NOW OPENING OUB STOCK OF ' C L0THING And Gent's Furnishing Goods. A VERY HANDSOME LINE OF j 3 Ties, Sons, Scarfs Gloves and j Hosiery. ' . . OFFERED At LOW PRICES. . J7:r::,7;-7;f ,j . SIUNSOBT dt CO., :' " sept 24-tf Clothiers 88 Market St. , O. TALBOTT. " O. H. TAXBOTT .' A. TAXBOTT TALBOTT ASONS,"" "" ; :r (Successors to Talbott A Bro.) ( SnOCKOE MACHINE WORKS, Cor. Cary A Seventeenth Sts., Richmond, Va. - , ;v ? - .. .....;.; ;'."''-i Portable & Stationary Steam Engines, r Circular Saw and Grist Mllla, Hy- draallc Presses, and air kind of Tobacco Fixtures, Wrought IroWotki Brass andiron Castings, Machinery of every description, Ae. The ;Pleasaht - A PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT' In McDowell Co near Marion, ; 1 WILL BE OPENED by the 1ST or JUNE. For a pleasant and delightful Summer re- ' ,,' -i-r.-; ;': M sort,' the Pleasant Gardens cannot be excelled. . . ' :.. ;. i a j There will be a daily conveyance from Ma- rion, a distance of four- miles. I.- wiU .make every effort to please and accommodate cus tomers. . Terms are reasonable as possible.-. may 25-tf .. 't : GEORGE CHAPMAN., ai?r A T C5 50,000 Segars of every va pl PilTi fLk. rletv and prices, for sale by CHAtt. D. MYEK A CO.. sept 24tf lr . c r , 7 .North Front St. FOR GALE OR RENT. THOU BENT Five desirable residences for H Tpntt.wn on riftk street, two on Seventh street, and one on Fourth street, all desirably located, iror terms, appjyio . !,-.,. sept 17-1 w . CAT. W. J.PENTON. VANT8. WANTED. One No. 1 Teamster for driv ins timber teams. Good wares and per. manent Impioyment. No regard to race, cot LOOT AND FOUND. XjIOUND. At Springer's Turnout 8.0CO feet Jj -inch "White Cypress Weather Boards, easoned. 'AnvDersod win please -call, pay charges ana take tne same away. - - v sepW-lw . , r - J H.,8 PRirror"' i' 1 ,

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