, ' - - i f .--.--.. ,." , . T-: v " - ' - i -VT 1 1 mrrzm 1 j. "".jirTT" ""nr!1 Mwmjm:jmmvmAmM,m .jniiwwwiiBBiiiiiif L m , '''''"""w . ' PUBLISHED DAILY. WM. II BE&BJLUD, Editor and Prop'r. Oio, Dawson Bank Buildings, Front St. One year, in advanced... ;:r.';..'..;;.. 17 CO Six months, in advance.. 3 so rhree months, in advance.;.... 2 00 uiuuiiu, in auvance... ...... .... " 73 , The Moenino Star will be delivered in anv 91 KTEOOJLOICAL SKCOXSS). rOcU1i4,.l8tt",k Ther- rime. Barom eter. mom etex,: Wind: Weather 80:44 -80:39 . NE HghCkmdy 73 E gentle Cloudy CTJElight, Fair -ap. m. D P. M. i' J M Ran Tftmn - rtf tan -IRT -. - Hotb.A11 barometric readings are reduced to ibe.sea-level and to STdegrees : Fahrenheit. . - .... . : . 8erK't Signal Service U. 8. A,' Weather Seporf.1 Office of Chief Sisnai Officer, V - 4 Washington, Oct. 1435 PM. ) ihoarea of lowest pressure will probably to-night move overXake Michigan; preceded by briskTBontherly winds,' and extend to Lakes , Huron and Erie on Sunday. s Threatening wcuiucr. witn rain, win DroDaoiT Drevau from u uum vaucj m vermom ana normwara: cloudy weather on the i South Atlantic States ana tne uulf coast. "With easterlv winds. threatening: weather and possibly rain for ike the cdxutiz:. Sundat, October 15. .-.;: 'y V r v. 'V j?. - T , .... . , 3 - . . ' . - vuiuKBctuvcs iu oh aiueB' ana isi, ionn s Churches.- . - I -, 4 19th Sunday after TrinKv. . ' t St. James' Church Morning Prayer at 11 A.-M. T ' St. John's ChurehEvenlng Prayer at 7 P. M ' - WednesdayFeast of SC Lake; "the vEvan gelisi. ' - ' t . . , . St. John's , Church Morning Prayer at 7 St. James Church Evening: Prayer at 5 P. M. ' First Baptist Chorea, . i - CORNKB MABKX9ANB FIFTH STKBBTS, Kev. J. C. Hiden, Pastor. Sunday-school at 9 A. M. -. Services at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M; - ' Young Men's Prayer Meeting Tuesday night ai o u ciuck iu ruuui uuure rasior s siuay. -, Weekly Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 7.-45 o'clock. v - - . "3-, Second Baptist Chorcb, Cokneb or Sixth and Church Strkkts. -Kev. J. E. King, Pastor. . , . : Sunday School at 9 A. M. ' Services at 10 A. M. and 1 P. M. .. f rayer Meeting every Tuesday night at 1 o'clock. . : - x : - v u auui9- vniuwuc; vuurcil, 0T kCKBjBTWXXN Sboow anpuThibb Sts- . Morning service at 7 and 104 A; M- '. Evening ...at5P.M: l! -Daily serTice at 7 A.M., . . . Kev. M. S. Gross, officiating clergyman Front Street M. E. Church, SonthV Corner Walnut and Front Stbbbts. Kev. Dr. Moran, Pastor" " Services at 10 A. M. and 8 P. M. , Sunday School S P. M Kegular weekly Prayer Meeting' Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Ail are invited to attend. The pews'in this church are ait free. Gentle manly ushers will be in waiting to conduct strangers to seats. . - Firth Street M. 15. Chnrch, Fifth Kbtwbbn Church and Nun Streets. r. Kev. Prank H. WoodPastor. - - . . Services at 10 A. nd at 8 F. M.- , - Sunday School at 9 A. M. , Class Meeting Tuesday at 8 P. M. " -' ; Prayer meeting Thursday at 8; P. M. St. Paul's ran. liUtheran : Church, Market Strbbt, " Corner or Sixth. Rev. G. D.' Bernheim, Pastor. . ' ; ,4 German service at 7 P. M. , -Englishlservice at 10k A. M. tSonday School at 3 P. M. , , ' Catechetical Lectures on Friday at 3) P. M. Seamen's Bethel, Dock Between Front and Water Streets, Services at 1 P. M.; by Rev. H. B. Burr. Christian Chapel (Colored Methodist), Corner Church and Seventh Streets. Sabbath School at 9 A. M. Services at It A. M., 3 P- M. and 8 P. M. by the Pastor, Rev. Ellis Lavender. St. Paul's (Colored Episcopal), Corner Orange and Fourth Streets. Services at 10 A.M. and 8 P. M., by Rev. C. U. Brady (col.) - ur- W'AUVUTlBllt,M-h. - Ubinsbbrobr's Live Book Store, 39 Market st. Peterson's Publications. ; - ' Hoctbttbb & Smith Celebrated Stomach Bitters. C. W. Oldham, Secretary Concord Chap ter No. 1, Regular Meeting. . Munson & Co, City Clothiers. We Have rTbem. " i - r ' ' - , : . MtiannR. read the notiee headed ' "Chicago Masonic Relief Fund." . . i L. Flanagan; Variety Store, 43 Market St. Millinery Goods. J. C. Mann, Superior ! Court Clerk Legal Notice. ' ' " i." ' " ' " ' W. R. French,. Corner Market and 2nd st. All I Ask is a Trial, t" . ' .. See notice of a meeting of subscribers to the Wilmington and Northeast 8teamboat Com pany. , ' i" ' John .Wilder Atkinson Andes Insurance Company. 0, - . -. - . .' Read the notice of H. J. Brissenden regarding - J)anolng and Calisthenics. , - ' " John Hootor and others Administrators Notice. ' . ' . . ' : -i ' C. D. Mters & Co.No. 7 North Front sL Pale and XXX Ale. DeRossbt & Co. Double Anchor Bagging, Western Hams. . vs- ' ; - ' Geo. G. Barker & Co. 1,700 A No. 1 Rockland Lime. , .. - ' - : ' F. W. KeRchner, 27, 2and 29 N. Water st. Molasses. Corn. "&c i' -'V, our Chip Basket. : Bridal veils are now trimmed with via oMUUsof the valle. " ' , . "f' ' T . a At a recent New York wedding $1,000 was expended inrflowersiL -' .. ' ,s . i n An American Jady U now - selling testa ments in the streets of Rome. f Some Georgia, ladies propose to play the k piano for the championship at the State? Fair..' dalla, the other day,"because vher young; man refused to allow her golden tresses to press Isf20ye:.;Vr '-j:; ' V - A cooperlDliidinipicid .Iil8 son inside a cask to help him put in the; head. He Is ra ther puzzled how to gji him out of the bung- - UWiV. i ' t- - " ,1 The Mayor of Macon, Gav ''has-ofiered a silverservice premiunf worth C50 to the pret- tiest gtrl In the -,State,Mundeal71l wh6- appears at the 8tate Fair in a homespun- dress, y : - -y In th Southern' Cultivator A Youthful Wld V ow" furnishes a good receipt for making i ..it i les.' Young widowers," who may f not , under stand the receipt perfect, can call upon her, ' we suppose; for particulars t-. . ; XMM$ii:: laical ;iotp. - - ' - -;R!gi.lar,meeting Concord Chapter No. 1 -aionaajr evening, at 7 o'clock.- ' N 13th is announced as ; the, occasion of the, grand free exhibit! on of shooting stars - J olore4 male patients were, granted .mission to enter the City Hospital yester- Messrs, George G. Barker & Co, have just received 1,700 barrels of Rockland Lime ' See advertisement. v -v J - Tne Majr will be absent for a few days attending the Stockholders' meeting at Char lotte p the. W., C. fc R R.. R. Company . Te fJrstf'hopV: of 4he ' Eclectic Soiree Club for the presentseason was well attended and passed off pleasantly to all concerned: TtU county, we learn, pays al-;3ts " debts as soon as .heyean be reached The Treas urer is jglad to see the creditors of the county now. -- - f.r ' yj ' O.jP. Snyder and vMichaeI Dorr," white, and Louisa McColler and Ann Maria Gibson, colored, were sent to the Work'lfouse yester- Mr. H. J.' Bri8senden, the ' accomplished Professor of theTerpsfcborean art, has arrived and will soon open his school. Sec advertise ment. . . U - . ' At a called meeting of the Board of Al dermen, held yesterday afternoon Alderman Geo. Chadbourn vwas appointed Mayor 'pro. tan , to act during Mayor Martin's absence. Thanks to Mr. R. L." Harris's for copies of the New.York'Zeder and' Chimney Corner for the current week.' He keeps a constant supply of &11 the latest publications on hand at his stand on Front 6treet. - - . The county jail'needs further ventilation. It would be a good idea for the Physicians and Surgeons of the city to give an opinion as to the. best iaethod of giving the" necessary air and light to the institution. H. E. Scott, Esq., Superintendent of the County. Poor House, who has been absent sev eral weeks in the West, .has returned to the city, much improved in health. The Dr. " left Chicago two days b"eforethe great fire. See the letter of the Episcopal Bishops in attendance npon the Triennial Convention in relation to the taking up of collections in the various churches for the benefit of the Chica go sufferers, which will' be found In another column. - ' i Narrow Escape, t ' 'Z:. -.. ? r A gentleman of this city informs us of a narrow escape from the breaking of a kero sene lamp, which ocenrre i at his residence on Friday night last. The lamp was sitting onla table,! which was accidentally tipped over, when the lamp was broken ,into a thousand fragments, the oil, of which there was about a pint, jt having just been filled up, - completely deluging the floors ; At the moment of its Tall ing he had the presence of mind to spring for ward j&nd snatch the burning wick from ' the midst of the oil before the fir Jjd -. commaBi- Our informant was surrounded by his family at the time, and but for his remarkable pres ence it mind the probability is that all would have perished.. The1 question next arises (for the benefit of the gentleman alluded to), what will remove the stain, of kerosene from the floor ?. Will some jbneinfornjis? ' Boiler Shatipx. r ' Thef skating season In this city will.be inau gurated by, a grand j skating reception on Tuesday evening next, the 17th Inst, on which occasion there will doubtless be present a large number of both participants and spectators. The) regular skating- nights thereafter will be Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, from 8 to 10 o'clock. The terms of admission will be made known hereafter. wTe reception on Tuesday . night will, of course, 'Vfreeatoairiv' . J. Coanty Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners met on Friday night, at 7 o'clock; but there was no, quorum present. , -U t ;h - -", ' ; The Finance Committee destroyed $4,500 in bonds which had been hypothecated for loan and returned. They were burned in' presence of Commissioners Martin and Shoemaker and County Treasurer Owen Fennell,. - ; ' v s City Court. Thfe following cases were disposed of yester- dav 5 5 . f " i ' St. 7- Jlsie Bunting, charged ' with drunkenness, cujsln&and 'parrying on.f'jjr ousdjguilty, and required to pay. the penalty and costs. ; Louisa McColler; (charged : wlths tb same offenfie as above, was found "guilty and sen tenced to pay the penalty and costs. A.iP. Bnydar, charged with the same offence asahbveVwas found guilty.' Judgment for the Density and costs. v. .-( . - Michael Dorrcharged. with the same offence as above, was foumlgullty. - Judgment for the penalty and costs. . r , j - i ' J State and City t Ann Maria Gibson, charg ed with stealing a bed spread, the property of Wm!, Berry required ; to t find -security in the sum 1 $200 f qt her appearance at the next termoi-ihe Superior Court to' ansWerio the charge of larceny. W' - ' Frank Hayman add J uli- Hay man; charged wltn cursing, ; quarreling Aejf were - found guilty. ' ; Judgment for the penalty and posts in each case, the Mayor being recommended to -remit one-half the penalty in the case vof the former.. . j r..-. -j ..'- - Louisa Welch charged ; with j contempt ot Court, jnterrdpUDg'the.proceed'.ngs by' loud talking; and disorder. ' J udgment imprison ment for onenourafterwardslischarged and summoned as a witness. . ' f ,v . . ? Interestias Ceremony. - V - The interesting ceremony of a-religions re cepUon of "anovice into" tberderbf the Sisters of Mercy will take-place at 5 o'clock thfs (Sunday) evclin-, la'Et Ttrcmas church. 4sthis is the first time fsuch" a ceremony has been performed in this, city .there .will doubtless be a large 'number of our citizens - present; -p.'-' 1 , J, ' 1 ' SUIIDAY, OCTOBER 15. 187L ' - Whole ITo. 1,264 Hie Proposed Blspeusary 'ahti InfTrm. The Committee appointed" by the city and .rjJpard. 'bf,County;.Commissloner'to, ; confer .wjtia ine; pnysicians, regarding the, proposed .Dispensary will, we understand, report favoi" ably to giving them assistance for a - term of four years of $100 per month, for the county and city tbgetheror $4,800 payable monthly, tobereturned toHhe county and city in medicines and medical attention. It is alsb'' Suggested "that In connection with tht3 provision should be madefor accidental injury "of gather mishaps, .wjjJcb areo ...liable to befall mankind. Stretchers should be In readi ness and the jholifia at any time be ready to pick up the sick and wounded. This would be. a humane provision and one which most cities have in operation. " ' - , I , -. ,v - How to Treat a st f. The sty is a small noil "protruding from the eyelid. .. Jt will usually pass away Of itself, but its Curt maybe hastened by applying a warm poultice of bread and water in a small linen bag. Apply three or four times a day, and each time foment the eye with warm milk and water, " " - i Waeeamaw. . ;. We clip the following paragraph from the Rockingham Observer "sWe -think it was writ ten with a Steele pen : ' "From a poetical communication in a recent number of thenar, we regset to learn that a fcyclone" proved very disastrous to several of our friends, . who have been : sojourning, for .some time, on the shores of that lovely sheet ol water-ttLake Waccamaw. ' .: We grieve to an nounce that short work was made of one of them, another spilt his feer in the water, and had almost made the Lake his bierl whilst the third was so terribly terrified that, in hls'dis-Kj tress, ne would have taken reinge in any ark-he-saw, :z Wetrnst that celebrated little bird" did not perform his usual evolutions over the scene "of their disaster, and carrcll a sad re quiem to their memory." . Removed. - 8. Levy having removed to his new Store corner Market and Front, - formerly occupied by J. G, Bauman, has just opened an entire new stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, and Ladies and - Gents Furnishing Goods, which he is offering to the public at the very lowest Cash Prises., Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Thank-, ful for past favors, a continuance of the same is respectfully solicited. t oct 141m . " S. Levy. , New, Steamboat Company. The' subscribers to the Wilmington and Northeast Steambpat Company are notified that there will be a meeting of said subscri bers', at the Commercial Exchange, on Wed nesday, November 1st, at JL1 oclock, for or ganization and election of officers. All who desire to take stock are invited to be present. rjnmailable abetters. . " The following is the list : of unmailable let ters " remaining ? in; the city Postoffice, Oct. 14th : '4 Miss Annie Hamilton, care Col. Bald win, Whiteyllle; Llney Brown. Dr. Wm. CI08s;MagnolIaJAl E. Potter, Marion. The Bape Case. - John Freeman, colored, charged with com mitting an outrage upon the person of a small colored girl by the'lqsme of Sylvia Sauls, an account of which we'gavein yesterday's Stab, was arraigned before" Wm. McLaurin, J. P., yesterday inoTning; an investigation of the case resulting in the defendant-being bound over in the sum of $500 for his appearance at the next term of the8aperior Court. BITES - ATO J.HK WB. ; 'pf he steamer :LSZ U&rt arrived here yes terday at 5)4 o'clock M.; having left Fay etteyille at2 P. M. on : Friday, making pretty, good; t. time considering the lowness . of the river. Shereports a rise in the river of about 3 inches at Fayetteville. v - Ponds ' - ' In riding out a few "days - since, beyond the Eastern limits ol the city," about where 20th street will at no distant day be located, the Mayor,and City Marshal discovered a row of. about half a dozen ponds oi water, wnicn were previously not known by , them to be In ex istence; -They will be' drained at an ealy day. The city force is now engaged , in draining a pond in the rear of ..the? City tBospital. " Correspondence of the Star." -. , , ; THlT: HEM DEBSON FAIR. .- ' 's ' y Hndebsos N. C, Oct.: 13, 1871. -' Yesterday was very pleasant just a little cool in the morning, but atterwanj in the mid dle of tlie day " warm enough' to make the sbade desirable, y ew , f; ). The crowd, somewhat less tliari tbat of last year on the blg day," wus: probably 1,500. The large number of beautiful young ladies Sas noticeable. We think, witbout disparag ig ibe clalma 'of- jHuT; Cape Fear section, famed for its pretty airls. that this Henderson region can justly boast of a very large number of beautiful, 5.-ln telligeut-i And -frefined young ladies who would do credit to any section. Besides the beanty,jtnd .wit, several bounties and several States were congregated here. From the best we proceed to the next best! 11:30 A. M., Hon. Sion HT Rogers of Wake. HhespeakerT arrived in the Raleigh train, and was escorted .by the ; uofflcers of the Society, marshals, band, ' and some others to the speaker's stand. His address was a brief, but ebaSf ercompaet and practical effort and was listened Ib'Wlth' ittentlon. It embraced these ,,nii j-After a neat 'introdnction.r s suc- clnct historical account of 4heN. C- Axricul- tura SOcietythe exalted dignity ana ; useiui ness of agriculture, and here, Mr.. Rogers said: 'Men play with ; Mars', and Venus, they worship Ceres and Pomona." The address was the shortest we ever listened to on ; such ot casiona and Mr. Rogers has certainly et an example that could be followed; With profit by Among the distinguished gentlemen we ob served Kemp Battle, EaqHon, Jpsiah Turner, Jr., of Raleigh, jCap. J. ;J. Dayis -of, Louisburg, Mrr Mason L. Wigginif Esq., of Haiifaxxountyxln addUisn to the editors men tioned . in my first , communication, I saw Messra.:FObtei of the NorfolkwrnZ, -Turner, of jthehRaleigh Sentinel, WcodsoiKtof the War renton Gazette and Hanes of the Raleigh Era ; also, Mr. J. LLablaux, a correspondent of several. papers' in .and out of. the Btate. ,Fannle,f beat Leet; agaia yesterday in the trottingjnatcv-i"-. - 1 The principal attraction of the day will be a grand pigeon shoot. - But your correspondent, leaving on the early train, will not be able to report it. I shall also, miss the grand ball to- " - V - Hastily, , . -,;J :' ' . - MOBBI1XB.-J. SPIRITS OT TURPENTINE. ' ; Salisbury ; sskateth on the wooden rollers."--. - - ; , , The Express says that Wash ington Js building up. rapidly. ;- " '- Jesse A. "Waugh, a prominent -citizen of Porsythcbunty, died last Friday. : , - A dark Cloud passed - o ver AsheYille last Tuesday. It was-Hi3 Hon orhe ."Jedge." v-, - . ; vr- Mr. Jesse Cox, of Pitt county was instantly killed by the upsetting of a cart last, Monday. - v ' J. r-r Some Radical proposes" Clirr ton U.' Cobb for Governor of H"orth Caro lina. G-r-a-c-io:u-s ! . -J ' ; 2 The" Chicago losS groweth rap idly: The Asheville Pioneer has - figured it up to $500,000,0001 r The editors of the Salem Press is seeing Sites in the shape of hen .'eggs weighing 3 ouncea each.ur , Heavy frost 8 in Yadkin, For syth and Stokes counties have played hav oc with the ' tobacco crop.; ; . - Mr. R. S. :Ledbetter" having resigned his position .as Senator from the 28th. District, composed of the counties of Richmond and Moore, the Governor has ordered a special election to 'fill the va cancy to be held November. 16th; " --- Why will our Korth Carolina papers persist in "puffing' the - American Stock Journal, when N. P. Boyer & Co., its proprietors, u have been ; proven arrant swindlers through the columns of nearly every agricultural paper jin thefiouth? :, The Raleigh -Error says :, "We assert, upon , the evidence of the official documents now lying before us, that Jos. G. Hester is clothed with more power las an agent of the Government of the United States, than any man in Vie tohole Souths He holds commissions from every .Depart ment of the Government civil and military -with greater discretionary, power, than any officer in the State." It is a "sweet'.' government that wilt pi ace so much power in the hands of such a fellow as Hester 9 '. SSa-S M-M , - r . If you have found anything,- advertise it in our jaew department, under head of 4 'Lost and Found," at half our regular rates;, for adver ti8ements not exceeding five lines ' tf III. about 80 vears. ' The funeral will take place to-day at 1 F M. Friends and acquaintances aze invited to at tend. - - : SPECIAL NOTICES. : AN AHGUOB TO WINDWARD. It is good seamanship, when there is reason to expeet heavy weather, to drop an 'anchor to windward. : , ' We are in the midst of the season of chills and fever. The sure preventive of this dis tressing malady is Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters. A course of that , wholesome vegetable tonic will render an attack Impossible. Take the hint and drop an anchor to windward ' Weak stomachs are mogt liable to be dis ordered late inthe autumn, when the changes of temperature are marked and. frequent Hostetter's LlDitters fortifies , the r stomach against the effects of these varlatiens. Let dyspeptics make a note of the fact, and drop an anchor to windward. ,,',. The liver is more sensitive when the weather Is continually alternating between the warmth of summer and the cold ot winter than at any other period ot the year. This is peculiarly the season of such alterations. Let the bill ons remember that Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters is essentially, an anti-bil ous medicine, and drop an anchor to wind wa- d. . The wisest plan Is to fores call" evil. The nexbest thing is to arrest it. For disordexs of the stomach, lrregnlaritlesl of the towels, and all periodical fevers, take, as soon as the complaint developes itself, Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters, i ' oct 15-eodlw-Sun Wen Fri NEW AjpTERTISEALENTg. : CornK Pork and BaGon. 6.0O0 BUSHELS CORN. .." v i -v' ' iOO BBLS. PORK, . " ;; " . -i -150 Hhds Smoked D. S. Sidej and Shoulders, I 60. Boxes Clear C 11. aud i). . Sides. i-.'i- Foraaleby . I ' , a r- ' - K- w- KERCHNER, -" oct -Vt , . 37.and 29 North Water St. Concord Chapter, ITo. 1. R EGULAR, MEETING MONDAY I EVEN- ING NEXT, at 7 o'clock. . . , 4 ' r . . - j - . . t . ,v f ' C W. OLDHAM, oct 15-lt " '" - " Secretary - WE H AVBMBtEM : If t . The? Beaver - Suito ! if riflHIEtf STILE . DIAGONALS 1. .. THE LATEST STYLE HATS ! ; SHU and Alpacca Umbrellas Oct 15-tf . city Clothiers. Chicago llasqnic, Belief rnnd. MUsons hresidentVnot MEMBERS," who desire to contribute to the above fund. can do bo by calling at the Court House, or at, ZXUK20H CCv'S, OCt 15-tf -1 - 88 Market St-S At he residence of Mrs. R. King, on Queen, between 6th and 7tn streets, on Friday night, at UK o'clock. MRS. FJ5KREBEE KIRK, aged NEW ADOTRTISEMENTS. E.:s. Bbls. A SMALL LOT EX. BEN. Tor sale by1 DbBOSSET a oo Oct 15-1 1 Double Anchor Bagging v' A rCJETHEE SUPPLY , ,i"V . PE B SCHOONER BENj To close the consignment, will behold low by Oct 15-lt DsROSSET .& -CO. I -WESTEEIT HAns r A LARGE SUPPLT OP A " 1: VRY S UPERIOR -BRAND, - , - . l"or sale by -.- '.- -. . Oct 15-lt' ' ' a DaROSSET & CO. YABETT. STOBE ! VARIETT, STOBE! 42 Market Street. L . F L ANNA G A N WOULD INFORM HIS" PATRONS THAT ON ' Wednesday, October 18lli, he will open one of the largest and best select 1 - - edutocksof T ''"J' . MILililNERY GOoWs M TORE HAD IN THE CITY, consisting of everything new and fashionable In French Pattern Bonnets and Bats Flowers, Feathers, Blonds, . ' "Wreaths, Ruches, i --'" '- Sash, Bonnet and Belts Ribbons, ' of all widths and most desirable shades, and , ' . a' fine, line of - Ar VELVETEEN for CLOAKS and BOY'S SUITS. Also, a full line of " ' BJaek- Fringes, Velvet Ribbons, .Dress and X Cloak Buttons and Trimmings, Linen and ; .; . Lace Collars and Sets, Plain and. Em- . bioidered Hand kerchiefs, Enabrold erings,' Edgings and Insertings, ' : , Kid Gloves, best quality ; Hosiery, Hoop Skirts, Corsets ; Sewed, Woven andtheCele--brated Abdminal Corset, and every variety Of LADIES' tyjDERGARMENTS; and ' the great headquarters inlhe city for all the novelties in . . t H A 1 K F ri'T.TJR E.S ! VARIETY STORE, 42 MARKET STREET. oct 15.1m naS W- I FLASAGABT. "All I Ask is a Trial ! T FRENCH'S $3 . Virginia Whiskey1. It is Pure and Good. W. E. FRENCH, r octl5-tf Cor. Market and Second Sts. r CubaHolasses! 20O Hhds. CUBA MOLASSES; IOO Bbls. CUBA .' -V For sale by P. W KERCHNER, oct 15-tf 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. v.Hullets Irrllullets ! SOO Bbls PRIME MULLETS. ' . For sale by -.'-- , " " F. W. KERCHNER, : - oct 15-tf , , 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Cheese and, Raioins ! ioo BQXE3 cheese ..;;, " t 150 Mi i and WHOLE BOXES RAISINS, t For sale by . , . ' V W. KJ2RCHNER, . , 28 and 29 North Water St. OCtt 15-tf Lime" ! f Lime I ! :Lime Iff I.- NOW LANDING i Wbm Scbk uromB; at our Wharf A " South Water S W between Market V Dock. , T 1700 Bbls A. No; 1 RffiPC I folSt O TjTIVTTC . , . ki; ra i ?'r . oct 15-tf " G&O. G'. BARKER ft' CO. - SUPERIOR . COURT! NEW: HANOVER CO. Alios H4ATHC0CK. Plaintiff, n ..; . '.. i s;;ri n,fl rrehaf iSsurance: Co.- f FM0NS oiuaruoro, uonH,xeieu'is., .. . ... 4 THE STAT1S UJf JSORT1I UARUlLMA, To the Sheriff of New Hanover County Greeting? Mehana 0, to appear, aMhe nextjterm o oourt, to do neia ax ine uoun uonse m . w 11- mington, on the lonrteenth Monday after the cplalntTf thrsaJd-Ka If Defendant shall fail to appear at that tlme,! the Plaintiff -wut cajce inazmem ior j&izm iiuiiaxea iwi- lars, witn mieress rrora ine tn aay ox juarcn, A. D. 1871, together with the costs of this ao- -. oi this summons pue aae return to tne Clerk of said Court for the County of New j Given under my hand and seal of said Court, tms lztn aay oi ccioDer, itsn.. -r.. , , . J.C. MAHN, Clerk of said Court. uurane Cbnpany o iirbr(VXbnnM i Take notice that theirommona In this tion, of which the foreoin!' is a copy, was I filed in the ofice of the Clerk of the Superior I Jvirt of New Hanover, at Wilxalisrton.in the State of North Carolina, on the lith day of nther. 1871. and that this action is brought nTtnn & noUev of insurance a.inst fire issued I by your Company.: I; i , iLXONDON. oct 15-law6w w ' p 3 C " rs c.ie day, ........ 41 0 :, twodaya,.v......i; 110 - r , : ti:ree days, ' a CO- :;'.;.: ., fonr days,.. ...;..,.... ....... 2 60 five days,.... 8 C3 , ' ; ' , 11 cneweei.. 8 13 jr Contract Advertisements taken at pro ' portlonatcly low rates. ,r . . Harrlages, Deaths, ReUlous, Jruneral and Obitwiry notices will be Jnf?erti at half rates when paid for in advance? otherwise full rates wiUbechargedt i . tT223ts Cash on demand. - ; ' J B tOOD, 70iiFE & CO'S " PAIE -AIID XXX: ALE ) 1 v 'AND ' ' -; BKOWIS STOUT. J WET HAVE PURCHASED. FROM , THE 1 M- porting. Agents, the f3tire shipment of theso Goods from Liverpool, Ex. Steamship "CRU SADER," now due in New York-. We trust tobb; able" to meet a,ny demand that may be made - for Blood Wolfe & Co'a Ale and Porter hereafter., : -. . : . ? CIIAS. Tt MTER3 A CO., . : 7 '-'7 North Front street, r 'octlMf llotice. THE UNDERSIGNED ". HAVING QUALI- fled in the Probate Court as Administratoi s upon the estate of George W. Green, deceased, this is to notify ' all persons haying claims against said'estate'to present them for pay ment on or before -the. 14th. day. of October, 187 or this notice will be plead in bar of pay- t ......... i .... , i . .. ment.. . .. ' . .. (..-. AH persons having any property belonging to said, deceased, or owing said estate are re quested to make immediate settlement. ; . . . JOHN HOOPER, JOSEPH E. SAMPSON, ' " . t ; Adm'rs G. Wash. Gveen, dee'd.. Wilmington, N, C.;OCt. 15th, 171. ,law4wa v Auletiiiuice. Co'y. I HAVE THIS DAY.RECEIVED THE FOL lowfng dispatch from the above Company. ' "Losses will not exceed 800,000 dollars. We are one of the . strongest companies on the American continent sate souna ana suosuin- tiaL - r J B. BKNNETT, Pres.iaent.H ;. As rapidly as accurate information of the extent of losses sustained by', thedifferent . companies represented by me can be obtain ed, it snail be promptly published for infor mation of Policy-holders. JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, oct l< " General Agent. Notice. SUBSCRIBERS TO THE WILMINGTON Land North East Steamboat Company are here by, notified that there will be a meeting of tiA sAiri frnhflftrlhers at the Commercial Ex- change on Wednesday, Nov. 1st, 1871," at 11 o'clock, for the purpose of organization and election of officers. -k ' , ; Persons who desire. to take stock in .this company are invited to attend, as the books .... .. ( .. ,: . ........... . . f- ., , , - Jj.-' '!. ,t . i . ' - " will be open for additional subscription, oct 15-S&F td.' Dancing and Calisthenics. - MR. H. J. BRISSENDEN, Professor of Mu sio and Dancing-, respectful Jy Informs his friends and the public generaJlV that he has returned to TV liming' ton -and will shortly commence teaching the elite, Art of Dancing and the necessary accomplishments connect ed with it, of which dne notice will be given. Tor further enquiry call at Heinsberger'a Bookstore.. : octls:lt ; A CARD. TO our many friends and patrons of Wil mington' and Surrounding Country : ' Since our opening In this City, and the very liberal patronage that has been bestowed upon us wa cannot but express our gratitude for the same. By fair and honorable dealing we hope to merit in the future, as in . the past, a share of the patronage. 7 It has been admitted on all sides since open ing our Clothing Store in this city the promise of lair dealing with our Customers, selling them goods by which, their own Interest and advantage" shall be promoted, has been faith fully kept, and that on no occasion, has the confidence reposed In -our Integrity ;betn abused. On the same principle i with undimin ished honesty the business will henceforth be carried, and while expressing our gratitude for the liberal patronage-we have been lavor ed with, solicit a continuance of the' same, promising that we will Btrive to deserve the lavor .of the public. . .. Having removed to that large' and 4 elegant store, No. 80, South Side ot Market Street, for merly occupied by W.MV Stenvenson, as a Crockery Store, we will be pleased to have our friends to call and examine oar new jrau ana w inter. cock j ust receivea. v Jtespectrniiy, . j v.,." "fs i - : 8HRIER BROS. P. Sv Country merchants will do. well, and certainly find it to their advantage .to exam lne our large and well selected stock before . purchasing eisewnere. All orders from conn, K2c?ffi,&aue',-t -s. B, Peterson's Publications: T) . HdLLOW.Yy Mks Ust Wood, Author of 'East Lynne,- Ac , Ac fDENE HOLLOWS whUe, containing Uio characteristic features of its. author's style, , may be considered equaX tf not superior, to anything previously, written by the author of m East ynne.' -The Book. will, no't .lie laid aside without eager pernsal to the end . ? . Just received and for sale at a ' HEINSBERGER'S . j .Live Book Store. oetlf v Fruit Growers ' 5 ) A;TJ'G J T I O H Cl "EJ5!L5 L)'?a7 ArrtrWT ni Knrfwwii hV ?epa?& ' ept lnaceodSmos Sa Wed Fr FOR KE!NT. ; For Eorit. E oCer lor rent two of those x brick, tenements situated on Dock J ! -J Houses are three stories, and contain all the ao-kri. J'lL-J uuuuw-w - , ' '."-LL-.' bath-rocsis, ranges, and are very desirable- . - 'Sm,. "P1 location and comfarts. .. H v . 3 AFi;J7 to s t , ' CrO. K. FEETTCn A 0N. 29 North 1 ront St. mV vlA '