fORNlJN Q" STAR . &. .- - - - - i , ..... i Snnday, November .5; 1871. .a., '. .-.-- vjTS CIRCULATION OF 'THE MORNING Jin J3 LARGER THAN THAT OF ANY twTKR DAILY NE WSPAPER PUBLISHED lrnRTH CAROLINA. : ' -l'--.-? ijy - - BOOK HfOTICES. - rT.mnra announce, as read v for the ;inoi r ; dfet a most valuable compendium of Ancient History? entitled the Ancienl His- of the East We have examined the ' I Hmecare and unhesitatinfflv tt.ork with some care, ana unhesitatingly pronounce it a most valuable, auxiliary to 1, . mudent of History. Under the modest nf a student s manual,, it embodies (vuise . ... , , .1.1- rl rnmnrehensive. diJest of nno I. ail auic r o--- f the most interesting and least studied scientious student oft classical literature l the authors and text books nff.hR ilCl Uiciv-.j c ordinary curriculum, the yalue of a concise position of ancient Oriental civilizations does not require demonstration. As a work based upon independent investiga tion of the ancient writers, and a discreet employment of the best modern authori ties and as an excellent manual for , the classical student and the general : reader, ffe cordially commend this: publication. Its author is Philip Smith, already known, to the world of letters as the author of a teritorioS" History of the World." .. Ms Wife ar is the striking tit.a of . new work of fiction irom the pen of Mrs. Stone. The work is gotten; up rr, very attractive style, and, we have little doubt; will have thousands of interested-readers The moral world has neither forgiven, nor lorgotten Mrs. fitowe's unchaste and brutal revival of the Byron Scandal a subject upon which she employed her ingenuity to create the most sickening" an & horrible novelties; nor have we in the South quite forgotten the autnorsuip ot Uncle- 2 om a COin. Nevertheless, there ii a fascination . . , ' . . -, and real merit in the writings of v this-gift- , . , , ., . td woman, wiucu uo uot xaii oi auequate I rficoMition "in anv section of this country O . . I or in England. J. JFord & Co,, New York, publishers. Ia the line ot fiction, the Harpers this week give us JosJiua Marvel by -Farjeon, author of Grifr This comes' in the old style ot cheap novels paper '"cover but with a generally honest and inviting ap pearance. It is favorably noticed by the Northern press. -11 ' '' All ot these works are for sale by Heins- ber?er. . , . Injcin InJk." Round-the-world Joe was paring apples for his mother to make pies of, and being one of those boys that give all their mind to a thing and even paring apples with en thusiasm, lie had thrown" off his jacket and roiled his shirt sleeves up to the shoulder. "What's that, Joe?"i inquired Charley. - -Which? where?" "On your arms blue things-pictures.' "0, that!" said Joe ; "that's what I call my class mark stands for 'A, 'B ' Able- Bodied Seaman-means I'v been round. i ve got my sea legs on, and don't look for ma to wriggle through thelubber's hole, or spittowiHdward.'' "Let's MR ! sairl wn f nn- or, Tn f.V one arm to me and the other, to Charley HvV jiiuv uau u jjiuluib vi a amy uuacr lull sail, with blue hull and spars and red rig- ,FIV,e Ring, and, underneath, the word, Circum TeA navigator joe." Sll.n U1 l . . . v u.,c uau uiue sans ana was ciastnng uiiuugn rea water: : and there was a bine Undies' Gol Leontine Chains, Gent's Gold, nilr,Qi m,.j - , , : I .6w nu itu wings ana a pinK irumpet flygoyer her, blowing. . vuaney 3 arm mat is Joe's, you know had id a blue eaele with r tn nomhoA l.a nlr7S nXT. on a Hue .aacbor, and Tundei ttThTdSS: us motto ot our nat ve land : Ptttdttto TTrO j . rLrmiBUS UNUM?" , isn t it splendid ?" , said I, , 'and so I ? natural! Who did it. Joe ? and how did .a He do it?" Single Tickets, $1; Six Tlcfaets, $5; Pshaw?" said Joe, "that's nothing; if jou want to see richness, look here I" and e tore open the bosom of his shirt, and I slapped his hrpist Tmnii onA Ipescnption oi tne manner or drawing, ana ;; ,,"' V s proudly, like the .sailor lather lniormationin reference to the Slatrfc Ulan in than nn u , t . . jl . 11 1 i ... I ..... in tTL L. , l -Tit. JZ- .uvoj, wueu.ue tears tll sain I ounon. wyi uq wni wauy.onorueriiigtaem. "fore the j adge, and says. "If vour Honor letters.must oe aaaressea to RSot?TAthe p118 8bk: fw.5thk, LD8I5fo, 01 tatlash Jack, your HoiKrf :can jest. ;,fc$ 4-SeodFtNov 20 Wed Fr Sun - overhaul these her on '!. ,ilVc. . i a gridiron" of PhWm, 5m. SUPERIOR! COURT,. NEW HANOVER CO. P"t to his manlv u k ,v Jjng been ploughed over when'; he was The:Merel?Ksuranc asleep. TAnd the iudffe savs:Yon r hand i of Hartford, Cbnn,Defend'tsJ. . . my brave lad! Britannia needs' too -btil. WarKS. no tnworo oi ii.. I 2o "Ko, DO towera alnnr. 1,,. nS t1;3-Brace only said, Josepbf ;my M, didn't I hear a button ? vwa n ii ii i ir . ivr. ch Wei. no .Tfto D . rr ... a court, tone heia at tne vourt nquse in,wu- thpmJ.. u "'utupaanuy.remarKcu i mington, on thef tonrteentn Monday after the i'air, danc ,ttir,aancing a hnmnina ;k T complaint of tne saxa jriamtin. vxr xeienaant hearth vi Wltha red sweet ghallfail td appear at that time,? the Plaintiff tann i j , -e "air on a red cloud, snr-1 will Uke Judgment for ' Eight Hundred Dol- nea rou: thei Tt i snau wiUt lars,; em i3n; Z"aT?Sw' ?J?oia 01. rBiisWetheVmrhthe costsrof this waving the Star SoaDffled Banner 1 ttiZl woo rTD-'r Was this nmiil I,ii.j . X. "0 T Tu G MAY 8HE AVE t' v3T u Joe ! how do you do it ?' ..r-" Said Jop this rr "fcf0!'8 ?lue?" 6ai(i Charley .needless." sairl Jna u ''Hurt ?'' ' t ' a "e i&glia. ' Smo J uoacu- ' ' ' l.n. I UOIrnJ . ., i ...... r . JJf .. I , ' . ii ... ."'' some, said Top HKtiC mt,ot' ,Z a cllaP that's been untmr. 8 t;Im: of which the foregomg is a copy, was OK flAA YABDS DOUBLE'ARCHOR ; -fiuidscni00u oeen round V Uesides, fl,a7?ln the office of the Clerk of; the Superior, I Z).UUlJ - - - - - 'vt Joe " aaiA A. , ' ' " ' T Court of New Hanover, at Wilmington, in the . uuc Said Chni-lr U T - t-w, .,. I sflanf Knrt.h I larr.Hna. on the lith dav Of Mamompntr'. iifEim n action Js-teought , elm,- TMW 1U Private.. It tfiororflv "Will I fl 1 -'1 aMMAM 'e bowed, wifh Jop. Rfrl matter now, chum said W tlai-a Charley "could you stick '6f tearing k tiiij. ' ; ;. .i poking m :e..u? "owdbot AMnirt, :l. "8 ine btlttdns off Aw shirt; 0 his iaoi . 8 Dand der the Mt side m no ?" Well a touch 'n!u 8eer cbunlf". said Joe: "that's lament lines yef meJ rmoit! ;inte Mihigh la87aorthisMtlccw pay- evpn ' 11 a 8tar nnv. .' nr hPrk-! ni- I tnnt.i , I -Jn 6 C' -f 5i "if I ; wuld ,1 name, with an anchor' 16 it,'f J round three 'times, mate rrV-Hows' ever I'yecotVishipt ! "'t; JOHN ilOQPER, Tnk ' Tbv SnliPo aAt rnJwZ -f.'.S ' " JOSEPH E. 'SAMPSON, btin I v.... 5i!.f! bi put ' vuu .1 in innrii i ion nririii : r - s .v i.- "Would she haye to si for"it'$de ?" in .4mreu . unaney, .very: anxiously; X "Do which ? said Joe. "Sit fob it ; said Charley, '"so that Tobv g uvi cApicasiou, correct, yon Know ? uui nL aw, saia joe,. "I'll do that myseir." "Do wl hat ?' said CharlevS 4 i( Gil- 1 'T ". J '- : J1 ucl . pressjon., '. said Joe. "wny, jjve sat lor seventeen Lone may she-waves .and every one wa a V perfect likeness. 4 O, that's all light.1' P! Joe" whispered Chartev, "I'm so much ,d totJOU ! 1 I'm your friend forever ! It's a relief ! Always next your heart, you? knownever can fade ; 8te father xjan't take it from you, and : V T T1UU15 . ,ruo1 8P"eiul owtci vn t set fifoal if n rA utt nr.. .li. 1 1 il. rfln j - . , yuuv-i gu b, nun uiase iun ; ; noDodv can narrow your feelings,-you know. O. it's 3 A Q 0 B I AX E! T H EU1.0 OBI A X E , foryou wiltthen be 'certain you are getting &JS ! , ; nathl jacobis Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market tV- AndBeMerWlmiiKbaattlieBtte. IX. . Hardware, i IX. i Agricultural Imnlements. vutiery, ironn ateei, Kails, vruiis, i istti a, jvmmu- . i nition, &o. v We would respectfully call the at tention of Wholesale Butkrs to our fall andi eomnleta ftsflnrt.mnnt. nm. braciner all and nvrv dnarrtntian n-e vantages we can offer from having the agency J6"T iJ tUe fcsf L Always onhand Sole and Harness ' Leather; Kip and Calf Skins, Patat8, Oils, Glass, fcash, Doors and viwua iu ma iraiic, unu io me superior ad- fiiiinu, c., c faaand examine, before purchasing, IIUOgLWtt ftl;! 4'. i Hardware Depot, No. 9 Mavket St. The only .Reliable-Gift; Distribution in the ... i . , . j country ! 'S60tft)0 00 IK ' TAtiTfABLE GIFTS ! TO BS" DISTRIBUTED IN ' -l.: I'D k : SJIE ' I. s GIFT EN TBR PR I S E To l3 drawn Monday, Nov. 27th, 1871. TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF $5000 Eacli in Greenbacks ! Two Prises 8I.OO0 u l " 1Teuxe2 55 J GREENBACKS Ten "rAf .ei 10-,. n ' JY?8ff TO - OH.GirxS, 1,CW I savy uum vnauis, worm 5W eacn i Gold,4merlcf251,eacn1i,S Watcnes' wortn Ladies! Gold Htmting Watches, worth h 4100 Each! 803 Gold and Silver Hunting Watches (in all) , worth from $20 to 300 each. vest Cnains. Silver-mated Castors. Solid ail- I ; - j i! THE " . ' ver and Double-Plated Table and Teaspoons, Ivory - Handleder Knives, 8ilverSd Tr"r,T"?'t"&r SMSw?aik E T " 7. Whole number Gifts, 6.C03. . , j Tickets Limited to 60.000. Agents wahtfed to sell Tickets, to whom Lib I Premiums will be paid. Twelve Tickets, 810 ; Twenty-Aye H 0211 -'-Tickets, $20. i - '- ' Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a Aucb Hbathcook. Plaintiff, r THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, iTie Sheriff oJVeur Hanover, Oonntu. QveeUttaft V7"ptrare hereby Commanded to summon tne JL 'Merchant's Insurance Co., of Hartford, ri - j - . Conn., to aoDear at tne nest term of said Court, to be held at the Court Hpuse in ,Wil- IU ill juuBuajr ill augusii) ioiii uu uisnct tus complaint of the said Plaintiff. .If Defendant nf t.hlA Biimmnni malted lie return to the Clerk of said .otrrt fer the. County of New Hanover. 1 -Given under my hand and seal of said Court 12th day oi uctoDer, lbvi. , . v o. C MANN, Cieirk of sairTCourt.' tneiresio of tM Insurance uompany oj nanjora, vonn.: . " 1 ... - Totrfl nntfoA that t.ho HummAna inthls ac- r,; Wmm -A Alrh Hn1rfl rimiam M V VSnnJr,r: - A MAI1 jrtVT AT 1 Tl 07110 Tina a D-uinuT, miimii ; lUair Snn " - - Plt'ffS Att'v. W W aw-4W ?T y Tf . ;(-.. v- ... . -I''' .,-.f. 'Slfo'tice'. feat THE UNDERSIGNED j HAVING; QUALI- fied in the Probate Court as Administrators upon the estate Of George W. Green", deceased, thff i$ to nptify. .all; persons having' claims against said estate to present them - for pay- on bxl before ifho ;iitifday of October, ii personshAVing any property ; belonging to- Wilmington, N, C, Oct. 15th, 1871. NEW AD VERTISEMENTS. C M -BCD" E AIGO!. ' w THB WOWDBaytTL KHBtY FOB sat ShSSSS scrofula, ulcers, tuugu tu omciaj recommenrlatA on,l oV Jllency the Pi'eslaent of licwe afe prepaea iZ mi, EHSE small supply oomperi urto rhi111 v??v snnnlxTna in. aV-X: X.V.V'2 uunei oi our inVtTrt;"ne? the erenu- KEENE A CO., - Bum M n Washington, D.C.: 2. E. Solicited by Munn & CO- Pl,3'se7?tfc Ameri- can, 87 Park fiov. N.T. Twenty-five years experience. " l'r twwii containing Patent Laws, with rill pa frif nhtorln r 4. bole Girdleston1 and Doolittle's Patents. The oulyblosets that have proved effective. The Earth CloseVby itsdiainfection of faeces, is the most valii atJe means of preventing spread of cholera and other contagious diseases. Send for cir culars. Agsnts wamtbdevkkywhekb. Salkb KOOMS : 19 Doane St., Boston ; 696 Broadway Nf T.; .122 Market Street, Philadelphia. . -- A. NEW ERA. IN WAS H X N G : f . LABOR, TIME, CLOTHES artfl FUEL SATED ; - - - . BY THX TTSB OF , WARFIELD'S COLD WATER ., , , M Washing Soap. SEND for CIBCULAB and PBICE 1LIST, . ,s , " t -i -to1-- . Q E O B O E M T E R S , WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, . Agent for the State of North Carolina." A comiouiMl of eocaMut Oil, d& T Aeknowl edged the best promoter of the growth and beauty Wthehavr; JOS. BUSNEfZ 4 C0 Boston, Mass. bold by all druggists. JDeumre Qf imitations. CHEAPEST ADVERTISING Iti Ibo World ! fjlor $24 per Incb per Month, we will X? - insert an Advertisement in 35 first class Worth Carolina Newspapers, in cluding 6 Dallies. Proportionate rates for smaller adv'ts. List sent free. Address GEO. P. BOWEIL A CO., 4Q and 41 Park Bow, Kcw Yorlt. 30. WE WIIL PAY - 830. Agents $30 per wek to sell our srreat and valuable discoveries. If . you want penna nent, honorable and pleasant work, apply for paiticulars. Address -DYJKR & CO., Jackson, Michigan. $425 A MONTH ! Horse furnished. Ex penses paid. ; II. B. SHAW, Alfred, Me. ATOID Q17ACKS. A victim of early in discretion, causinsr nervous debility, ore- SVSSSffiS means of self-cure, which he will send to hia mature decay, etc., having tried in vain every fellow-sufferers. Address J. H. BEEVES, 78 Nassau St., N. Y. .. . . . , THIRTY TEARS' EXPERIENCE IK THE TBBATKSirr 07 Chronic and Sexual Diseases. A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE. The cheapest book ever published contain in&r nearlv three hundred oases, and one hun dred and thirty fine plates and engravings of tne anatomy or tne numan organs in a state of health and disase, with a treatise on early l1" errors, its aepioraDie consequences upon tne .r"rrrMy.'.:vyr" - ''.t - "XPBS" S armyJS ?o u?i t cow; "port . ofcagj and those contemplating marriage, who en- tertain doubts of their physical condition. JyaSSfifflll.Sa rency, by addressing PiuXA CROLX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, nTyT The author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his book treats, either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world. . toctl3-S&F4w MISCELLANEOUS. St. James' Church. HE PEWS UNDER CONTROL "OF THE Wardens and Vestry will be rented, for one year, at Public Auction, atvthev Church on I : jaonaay,ocn insc., ai iu o'ciock a jjx. nov4-2t j Wm. u DaROSSET.Treasri .utteIard;;- TUBS GILT.EDGEH jy j . . , - ,-. -. :; j i ' i 1 ' 'iW .GOSHEN BUTTER. 20 rfcv tubs nobth uaeolinaxaeix : ijii t ji.:,. H nov4-tf . "tT-T.-DattOSSBT & CO. Starch: I Starch ! 10 0 ' -TARUHf Just received, not4-tf ". , r .DxttOSSET A CO. DpuWe Anchor S.'X 0 s ,iJt ;T m tu ; ; ; BAGqtW . . wJJAUWUtW, , , ; --' l -J: ,7 At WANOFAUTUBEB'S PRICES. ; 4i H i nov 4-tf RsROSSET & CO. - 2. .. ... i - ; , r - i. -fcl-'y.- Wanted! A STRICTLY RELIABLE FIRST-CtASS Cook Washer and Ironer, for a small family. Apply .atCthis twificer hov 4-2t Fresh Lemono, lew 'Raisins : and ;Citron, Smoked 1 Salmon arid Herring, Apples, r fKOrflalelow at - . novil-tf JAMES C. STEVENSON'S. or7tliZei?SS Jh B1ndS' Nett8' Crape8 Kuches' Flo8. Featb Plant crows, so rfirntorl rer? lno I ers.OrnamAntfi.' fttrn.xr' r -riii N ; .r """ vuuuueg ttuu mi larere Olt.lPS. 140 n-ngravings of . MechanicaV Mnvnm Ants patent laws and Yr? ?iato oteV tiartrord, conn., X v w III VJ UJU k7a IXVIXiO dy MISCELLANEOUS. FALL , AND .WINTER IHPORTATION 1871. ..?.- ; Millinery ,.ani straw Goods. Armstrong, Cator & Bo. onnet Trlmmlnsr aud.Telvetllibbons Hats, trimmed and .jintrimmed, Shaker Hoods, &c, &c. o7 and 239 JSAIiTISIOBE, B1LTIMOKE, Md. Offor the larcfiat. RtvTr tn Tw fnntiri . v.4 cheapness, comprising the latest European j Orders solicited, and prompt attention given. -- ,aug26-tf Shields' Eye Wash, , ' ? 1 , . MTJ AOTUBBD BV - 5IUS. SUE W. CA8HWELL, ' - " ' WDmingtonNC., ' X3ne of the most effective remedies for t INFLAMED, SOKE. AND WEAK ETESfl , ever onerea to tne puoiio , , -r . . For sale by all Druggists in the city. Price 25 cents per bottle GREEN & FLANNER, - Wholesale Agents, 47 Market street. : may 25-tf OUTMARRIAGE. HAPP Y RELIEF lor TOTTNG MEN from the effects of Errors and Abases in early life. Manhood restored. Nervous debility cured. Impediments to ? Marriage' removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, : , .. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth street; sep3-3ment Philadelphia, Pa. Extraordinary Success X IN THE SALE OF MILLER & CO'S P S FlhST-CLASS PIANOS. B3TABLXSH-I TS 1853. $100 to 200 SAVED ! By purchasing these Instruments. Warrant ed in Tone, Durability and Workmanship equal to the VERY BEST. The Only Piano Forte 'Wareroom Known south, where Pianos are sold at' the -j-original NORTHERN PRICES THE FAMOUS "WEBER PIANO," Which is used, and pronounce! by all the LEADING MUSICIANS AND CONSER - VATOIRS OP MUSIC w o w . uift( t vuaijtu, nuu tuBonuaia m uo i ' VlUfcft TJnnt T5inni TiftTrr lfnriTifn ntnTiftil me Dual rifluu liuw ffluiiuittULurcu. expected shortly at the Wilmington n.c. j. f. rueckert, J. F. RUECKERT, oct 22-lm Sole Agent' REMOVAL I ' MIX FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS, ARE hereby notified, that X have, removed my ' - , . - .1 " Grocery House ; TO NO.: 5. SOUTH WATER STREET, where I will always be pleased to see them : and to sell the latest and freshest Groceries at tho lowest living prises. . OCt 22-l"W TS0S. C. LEWIS; r ; DEALER IN ' J Ship Stores, .Groceries, Provi sions, Fish and Fisli Roe. NO. 5, SOUTH WATER ST., OCt22-tf WILMINGTON, Nj, C. 1u JSi u.' uhjn mts. wouiu respecuuuy lniorm i " i ills incuuo nun ijjo jjuuiiu gwierauy inai he has thoroughly refitted his establishment in the rear of Mr. Runge's Saloon,, and is now prepared, with the best of workmen, to ac commodate ms customers in an tne various Vk-wo rY as a Via. Knalnnca ' tiaK n a ali a -wrl rw hair-cutting, shampooing, Ac, in the neatest manner and on. as reasonable terms as any shop in the city, v - oct 7:tf P0LLAK &S0II, it! 4 t Elanufacturers, Importers and . ; . . DEALERS IN Pipes. SMer's Articles -ani 1 Cigars, WirOLESAL'i;, 43 Maiden Lane, RETAIL, ONL v ,1 - ' - . rv"-i , -r . ; : Pennine JJAeerSQnnni.UOOas at , 49 Address, for Retail Circulars, Ac, ; Let ter Box 5846. y , - f)une2a-tf .' r - ... .. -j ' .-. . : : . iu ffc...i .' ti y . ., -us" Holasses and Syrup. 650 HHDS. For" sale very low by- - V ; vV ' , June31-tf . : ; I WliLABD BROsl:. '. '.til I ' V ' 1 1 t .. Only Ono Dollar a Pair ! " THE -'VICTOR" ;V; KID GLOVE! ALL SIZES AND COLORS. fV ; ' Clrtv? WAEtRANTED' Ca"r " Call and examine fhehi for yourself. : A. D. BROWN, Exchange Corner, octl2-tt Sole Agent. I , ' pw j rW.H r ' WW AJCAUXCO INSURAJSrOE NOTICES. 5 Wilmington Noirtli Carolina LIFE IITSTJRAIICE CO; OFFKI.fiBH: - - v- John Wilder Atkiiison,r............rreaulenU J oku Dawson. . . . . ' . , Vice Trosident. S. D. Wallaee...... ...........Sociotary Dr E. A. Anderson;, . . .Medical Director, SPECIAL, FEATURES : " No restrictions on. travel or residence, new . .. . . :.T :. . - .v . . mode of monthly, payments of premium, no sales and immediate remittance of the pro- cies incontestible. ,,, jrinay 14-tf rpHE undersigned offers' to the Citizens of -L. Wiiminsrton indemnity airoinat . wi Marine losses by insurance upon favorable terms in the following leading Companies : SEC fJRITT INSURANCE COMPANY, ' - ' fl -l ' Of New York CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, , , . - . Of New York. NORTH AMERICAN F. L COMPANY, Of New York, NORTH AMERICAN F. L COMPANY. . -. - Of Hartford. ANDES INSURANCE COMPANY, : Of Cincinnati. FIREMANS FUND INSURANCE CO ? . ' ' ' Of San Francisco. . HOME INSURANCE CO., of Richmond, Va, upon aesiraoie .risks we carrv full lines, with rates as low as those of any reliable and prudent Companies. .. Apply to ' - , , JOHW WlUjUPiH ATKINSON, . General Fire and Marine Insurance Agent, . ' . No. 5 North Front Street. febl2-tf . North Carolina Home Israce' Cflipy- OF RALEIOII, N. C. s R. H BATTLE : ; Presiden BEATON GALES. . . . . . ...... Secretary JNO. W. ATKINSON, Wilmington, Agent. T- HIS reliable State Company pays its losses fairly and promptly. It is managed hy weU known business men. Its capital and earn ings are Invested in the State, and tend toward building up and fostering the financial pros perity of North Carolina. !' augl-tf WUowi' & MM Benefit Life M. Co. OF NEW YORK. THE man who has provided against the con tingency of his early decease.1 has done a simple act of justice and prudence which will be a source of mental comfort to himself, and regarded by his family as a proof, of his wise anection for tbem But he also desires a prevision for his old age, and it can be ef fected in no other way, with so little expense, as by taking a ."Reserve' Policy,' which will yield at the end of ten twenty or thirty years all the money he has invested, with more than seven per cent, compound interest ; besides assuring him all through thoseyears that, in case he died, the fully amount of the policy would at once be navfthln to thH hfltipflckrv uuuer uw same. i.h seems loo goou to do true, 1 " can be proved if you will take the "P6 miQire W. R. KENAN, Supervisor. Piedmont & Arlington LIFE INSURACE COMPATTV. I n. rrnn crxr t omy, cauuon and security ,. Invites respectful comparison with any first-class company in uuuuiry. Its record, past and present, is glorious; its future hopeful, and the management take pride in Presenting a Comnanv in a condition equal to any, superior to many, and surpassed by none. ... Persons desiring Insurance, will please call on ..-ivt..- X "'Jfl iSXJJJ VJBiNHUN, Agent, 1uly8-tf . , - - 80 Market St. OTJEEN LNS. CO Of Liverpool and ronclon. ; CAPITAL, $10,000,000 C H I C A CO XJ. S, Office. 1 17 BroadwaV. Ni i"'"7vT ' viuii j ,m. , ' ucv.v, . INSURANCE ROOMS, "v nov 1-1 w No. 5 N. Front St.' HE FINE NEW SCHOONER,' Mil" , litJOIiA JHURCHISOX, - (600 TONS),,: -Wm.' C. JONES, Master,' K ' - For freight engagements, apply to . nov 1-tf .WILIJAMS & MURCHISON. niPOBTED rciGAES!! v . uymcutiu.uiguru:: ,; . j 1 OtJIlfASdRTMENTi IS1 N Q W. CM PJL JI-T E : ' D. PIOOTT, ' 1 J. . ,. Tobacconist. oct26-tf r Bntter and . t -. , ..... . . . . . w , npBIME FACTORY CHEESE, - " ''NEW TflRK "STATE 'BUTTER and ' ' J t CHOICE WESTERN BUTTER, For sale by OCt 18-tt ADRIAN A VOLLERS. TjuuNUUNCiiiD Dy the " UBrDBawEiMB," an stores. ot success, ana a model- of econ.-1 BUSINESS CARDS. . L. H. & T. C. DcBOSSET, iHWvBkif cb agents FIRE, BXABINE, LIFE, North Water Street, :r: octll-lm " 1, WILMINGTON,. C. SPRTJ1IT & HIIISOII, Cotton 'Factors and General -Commission Merchants, , wioiiflGTOW, nr. c. Fall cash advances made on Cotton consign- vu ijyr iiiir-.m. They ' refer especially to James Dawson, Esq., Banker. ' : II A If t pOBK-City Mess In Barrels j BAGGING , l. Assorted ; TIES Assorted. aug si-Sm A. AftBIAK. , . ... " "1 ' i'J' ;". VOLf f ADRIAN :&.VOi.Lrl Cor.. Vrmii kinl ,?o l4 f-i W IZ M IJVGT O N , zV "TT-HOlJBSAI.15! 4?KVK. IN At.t ' ! ,'. v its branches. '. COUNTRY MERCHANTS wHl do w!i calling on us and examining our Stock. " r novis-48-ti MOFFITT A CO G1 ENEBAE COSIJIISSIOW merchant NORTH WATER STREET, J - " w Wilmington, w. c, Will give saie or General! and forwarding eroods. 4 Orders solicited and promptly filled. isept23-I-tl " J. 9. HDWABDS. ! 8. V. BALL. Edwards .& Hall, Grocers and ComissM Mants. deal in all kinds of. COUNTRY PRODUCE, And keep constantly on hand a full line ot . t r. Grocerices at lowest eash prioes. - j Wilmington, January 4, 1870. - ;tf . 1 1 - - i L - ' - " ' J S. NOKTHKOP. ! W. H. NOWTHROP v Wm.' A. CtrimiKO. , lt. I , , Horthrop & vChumming COMMISSION HEBCHAKTS ' ' ' ' Ana Proprietors of the Wilmington Steam Saw Mills, Wilmington, N,C. CplARQOES 6f Yellow Pine Lumber for any. J market furnished. 43f Special attention eriven tAthA nnwaea Lor sale of Corn and Peanuts. - X N. Fbbdbbiql , w, C. Fbxdxkiok. FREDERICKS SOW, ;' COTTON FACTORS" AN CtENBRAl. COMMISSION MERCH ANTS, . No. 23 JtforUi: Water Street, WILUHKQTOjr, ur. c. t. w . JanJ8-tf . ALXX. JOHNSOW, JK. ( . - t. .S. S. XIRDSBTj JOHSOJV r&iBIRDSEY, . 1 , Commission Merchants, . wm prompt andJperSonal latteiition to Wilmtkotoh, N. C., Sept. 7th, 1871-tf SAMUEL N. CAX1STOJT, , Commission Merchant, Will give personal and prompt attention to I the purchase . and sale of Cotton. Peanuts, j ' i - . ' ' s 01 ountry produce, , : , sept2i-tf m Na 6 South Water St. FUENITURE Alt C 0 s t for cd hi T 0 AVOID REMOVING MY IMMENSE . ' .STOCK OF .... Ihave determined to offer the same, for the next Sixty Day s, commenting Monday, ltn inst., 'T 'v Thesto'emDraceseverVvaty.w- " - .- - 'ii.'; i a5a sjsJ itiij j CABINET ' FUBNITURE f ' Parties in want can now supply .themselves " - t. i vP- A .SMITH, Granite Building, p . Julyl6-tf , . Vl , lf1;i,8outh'Front U i. Office Wilmington c" iLilfe - Insurance Company. .. . . i,;.:::fY :OCTOBER : 1871; prompt personal attention to the shipment of Cotton. Naval Stored", Produce, etc.. etc. ' Alan tn rAftAlvlne t Order of the Directors, subscribers are - f notified that unpaid.installments due on Cash n portion for Capital Stock must be paid within 9B days from date, or said stock,will be dc- S. D. WALLACE, OCt28-10f 'VSec'retary.V SCEEVEIi; HOtTDE, rp .HIS WELL-KNOWN and, POPULAR HO- , TEL1 wUl be re-opened Or the -reception of f . ... -.t. . , S. D WALLACE. v - uMTcxaiuiuuaji noaraers on tne litp. qr. pc- . :. y . tobe'r mstj; The Proprietor promises togu.''' 54 " ' tain the enviable reputation'5 this House has " '!' enj oyed In the past, and leave nothir redone -; i x. . - 4 1 that Mil MmtrihitiiA fn the nlMsmrA iri.t 'mh ' .' ! ' lortof hia guestSLU-U' - . - j li 1 r oc ic20tf j;'E.' SnTRuiqrr iris at iritu For sale by ADRIAN A VOLLERS, 1 . - , ii .4 . J 1J 1 i t i 1 H '.t .S