. , . . I-- . , . ' v - ; - . ' . .. ' . - - . ' . . -- . ; f: . - Xfgj3 JttORNING .STAR, l . ; PUBLISHED DAILYj ; J rt bKBKABD, Editor and Prop'r. tea, Dawson BanKJBulldlngs, Front St. . , - n iu . . i 17 lift laC yntli9in adv-noe S 60 six months, in advance. 2 00 Vadvanoe 75 0 4nRHiK8 Stak will be delivered In any ,. rt of tbe City at jnmnts Cbkts per week. . "BOKOliOUICAI. BXSCORl. Nov. 8, 197L' . t finer- ' '- - Barom- om. Wind. Weather Time. eter. etcr . . - . , rTvf 30:05 50 iCalra Cloudy ? H' .29:91 71 W Fresh Cloudy ; 9 Pi m! 29:89 . 61 few LlghtjFalr , ,r TraD. of day. 61 deg, vtk All barometric readings are redueed 1 Robert Sbibothj Serjr't Sienal Service U. 8. A. ;,1 Weatber Report. ; " r '.War DpabtmntJi ' Office of Chief Signal Officer, . Washington, Nov 84:35 P. M iVo6a6iZiiica. - . . The low barometer west of the Mississippi ;n nrnhablv move northeastward with south' r.L winds and rain from the Gulf coast . to ntucky and northeasterly winds In Wiscon- f 'r, ' , " l - nn the nuDer lakes Tbe winds will 1 ., .r-?Tho clrculaUon oh on the upper lakes The winds will nrtbably back to southwest on the lower lakes.'J jsor nd weather and Michigan, fartiauy cloudy weather ! oa M h. annth and middle ;AUantic Rlstn? bar-1 i; ometer and clearing weather in northern New England: Da&gerous winds arUinot anticipa ted for oar coasts this evening. It has been snowhig for three days ,in Cheyeni. 3. ' . ; ; USEW ADTBirriE315fT. j HTwRKRQKK'S Live Book Store. KJ Market I.: . i-;--- : :vA xvj-rmr-.-- l New Goods. -" ' C t .-i -v Y " AtcnUon;tl8 MedtoSthe advertisement last. Sheriff McMillan had previously made 8 ? ;. r' I-1 of thePresldentof theCaeFeafAg ,DanLity & ELU3.--BAchalorlJrogaus Association, in relation to badges to be worn bv E. k: Proctor, of Robeson, that the jail in J. Bi Rueckbrt. Flr3t Clas .PUnos-Spe- officer of the Association during tho approach: Lumberton was totally and notoriously Inse ial to Music Teachers. , v - 1 ; Ing Fair. , ':y: ' ''cure, the magistrates having thereupon cial Willumson Whitbiibad. Notice in bank- rnntcv. , W VY. Yopp, R. S.-A called, meeting of Stonewall Lodge. Jos. B. Kcsskll, Secretary. 1 , Regular Meetips of the Chamber of Commerce. Higbie, No 11, Market Street. Cutlery, Crockery, Glassware, &c. CfiAS. D. Mters & Co. French Starch En amel.' . ; - - , F. V. Kekchner. Coffee, Sugar, Cheese, Flonr, Hoop Iron &c. ; ; ';';-' West & Harriss. Thca Nectar a pure Greea Tea. . ' ' " " '.. t. L. FaEifONT. Capo Fear Agricultural Association Fair. ,,7 1 :-' : , , : . T. C. Servoss, City Clerk. An ordinance concerning Boney's Bridge. ' ' : James IL Cabbaway. A Card to the Pub lic. . - . 1 E.C. Doby. Fine Turpentine' Lands for sale. J. A. Maultsbt. The celebrated Powell Farm for rent or lease. Johnson & Crow. Dissolution of Copart nership. ' I Removed. S. Levy having removed to hia new l-Store, corner Market and Front, formerly occupied by J. G. Bauman, has just opened an" entire j He stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, aud Ladies and1 Gents ' Furnishing Goods, which he is offering to tbe public at the very lowest Cash Priees. Call and examine mystoek before purchasing elsewhere. .Thank ful for past favors, a continuance of the same is respectfully solicited. .. . ' . ; octll lm S. Levy. Roller Skating There will be skating, as usual;, at the rink tbis eveniug. There is no reason why "there Taylor, asking permission to build wharves, should not be a large attendance of spectators was referred to a Committee of two, consist as well as participants present, as the enjoy- D i Commissioners Chadbouro and Murray. ment is mutual. Come out and see the snort. Mustard Piaster . : By using syrup of molasses for mustard plasters, they will keep soft and flexible, and notdry up and become hard, as when mixed with water. A thin paper or fine cloth should any uicucuveen me piaster and the sKin. The I ub uhiiu ui LUG Tilaflrpr U vfl ri Prl nvTtiA tnn 1 I frnrn 'ion of more or less flour. Appointment of Lamplighters. Major Martin, yestesday, appointed J. N. Rumlyr "fVm. JKellogg and Owen Burncy, ap-" VanSoulen asjlampiighter for that portion of pointed to ascertain . - the cost of bnilding a the city North of Market street, and Michael bridge aeifoss Second street,1 reported laf, the cooper for that portion ! South of the same, last "uiutinents toaate irom the loth of fouowlngr effect : iney nave mpioyea ,ie November, Inst. . ges orMrBK feeiaent. As a small white lad, residing somcwhere'ia the Southern section of the city, was" walking alng Bixth, between Orange and Ann streets, Jesterday afternoon, his feet suddenly slipped fom under Mm and he fell heavily on the wement .-He ;got up, lafter a few moments, na Walked short distance, when- he found 1 aJ his injuries were such that hexould go further and he had .to) be 'assfeted. home. fai'ed to learn the name ot the youth. v SethlNew sensational. ,4 i We lc am that a certain sensation writer of this 1 'TL . iy lights ou the street of Wilminff- ton which he intot, t,i-'t'' t ' was? .i; -:M..uuiouuiiiy.iu issue iruiu l"e press of this -ft. t . Proposes to ni ,., :'L'i 4l of IliWcit, " ;-ues oiiuo xu as such it will PrOhihl ' . to . . . T . T tiiv , . 1 uwu.t Smutiv..ur-.--v i " mi. rt. 'he iollowiix; 'if V ' tlajr ; yoict cases tijc uiouubuu ui vehiur- l - t ' Uenry.sr Emily t Wright' la'drMary ' la reacu Ihlm, pWedJ waTaHmg;"anhe waa, "'I colored, charged with'ikeeping a cBeh.xrfehtiydronei: : To evidence came out rIy house on princess,, between i Fifth on the inqnest bj:-wbleb he.totadba ldentlfiear : Rtr,..--':: . J ;-- . ' J . ' ... . - ....... Sni-i....i . . . V "OUSC OU Prinnaa hitni Viffh Ar, ai, o. ""Ail entp 'X ,l 6trPts, ; Were Joujidtjullty. and with Pav the peoaltv .and costa.p?The ifeiirtW emnlovees who was ensrasred at the " i - V (Via ,.f UB "Ptified and f Bfiniahed with a coov camA fttnbwak' stated- that k colored wo- ' the ordinance "ousts." I founri , '. : u"llnff."qnarrellng,; c.; were Vas and n " ana ntinced to pay the penalty "u Costs "'Ph. iki . i. Hit t h ' ' . . Mavor recommended , to, je-.. Penalty oii the" payment 6f costs. "J" ln..-rclaUo"n7td. disorderryt man of this city, pythe name of Henrietta I , yt'-'wi' v. j"-''-'"..'-.!?! - i . - . : ......... ; ... t . . ? : -rrrA - - - - ' ' VoL IXlTo. 41 lper collars are 'no lonKer disposed to win. f . i . - .J i j ,r-,&fk official notice in re-ard tn iU D.ij.J 7 " Regular monthlv meeting of th.hh.m Af f!n)Vini..ii.''ii.i!. . - . ' '1 f C!ftJ,n,.P.-.t.i: 1. 7 , : -l-".".. t : , UnIy one fever death reported In CharJes4 'rt fcU,s.wcPlrIOU" nours ending at noon ,v7,u; ; - : , . - . . " ; , Tight pantalodina. litis said -win, m Into fashion again.jtnd our men of shape and talent Herefore may begin, to overhaul heir old clothes.-- -'-- The Phrase. vou:kno t.n' it ael'f,'.rihas been, traced to Shakespere. 1-he lo.the .JicTir Wives qf . Windsor, .felfiilSir, i I ulaUonofthe Morsin Stab is idea ia found ActIL scene larger than: at any former : period, and ' has -i i. - clue 1. K.;of P. ' will hn ltiiM 4n.mnA.' ftvpniW- f i. K: al;!," -r- t r i a vg ,--r.,. -i ( vurucr o wock aaa south Water streets, wsaonled tome of the best cham-1 Fa6u0."uCi -uiuu ik u ever peen our pieasuro tO taSie.sv.1-4--?,':;,--'v.S L I We were showxfa day or two since some fino lahje strawberries jdst from their beds in tbe Wjlmlngton Garden, where apple blooms anTl apples of the second crop are still to be found ton the; trees. I' lis is the last week of tho indulgence to parties, owing city real estate taxes, and all such are urged to be in haste If they wish to avoid; he consequences which will result from neglo'cting this little matter. Jrhe attention of persons in want of tur pentine lands is called to the advertisement of Mr. Cj C." Doby, of Camden, 8. C, who offers some! fine bargains through our columns this morning, some of it Is also good for corn, coitonj or stcK raising, with residence, &c aR conveniently located. t; On Castle strert, yesterday afternoon, a horse, (attached to a cart loaded with sawdust, sudden ytook it Into his head to runaway, wnicu p eak ou the animal's part soon resulted In spiMing thetdriverl, and the sawdust to-' getherjnto the street, i In the fall the boy got his month full of sawdust, and his efforts to dislodyfe the unwholesome "food" was a source of raucii cmusement to spectators. Nobody I hurt.! Wharfage. !i ij Many! complaints are made In reference to the rates charged for wharfage on goods land ed at the wharves of this city. The present rates nejed a revision, and the establishment of a lower rate of wharfage would be entirely In j the interests of commerce, by reducing' the tariff o f expense on articles imported here. Cannot something: be done to brine: about this desirabie Improvement at bnce ? Commissioners of Vt i.i- - rlgratlon.' At a meeting of the Commissioners of Navi gation and Pilotage, held on Tuesday night, the following proceedings were had : Petition of Vick & Mebane and , Colville & Petition of David F. Brown for a nine-foot branch, was granted. ; " Onej pilbt, charged with intoxication, was - . suspendejd for thirty days. It Was brdered that tbe Chairman of this Board, beiauthorzed.to .suspend for thirty days Pjlotj known; to be undecthe influence of liquor - to ucn an extent as 10 incapacitate mm 1 rlntQi a Kl I AT. . r Report on Bridges" ; The: Committee, consisting of Aldermen D. meeting of the Board - -- . ( , - " j - . - . I : cost, which cost will , amount to f 16,000. He i-L-ii- 1..-. t also submits a drawing with estimated cost for a bridge over the 1 Railroad on Third street, Z ... K A .ti-v-ii j-i-V-W? Estimatea cost - of said bridge", fT.ooO. JI.he 1 J l " ' 3? i. 7 1 - . ... I. Wilmington and weidon JKanroaa authorities - tl refuse to contribute any tmng tqwaras ; pnuaing these : bri-geVnvTlip: r Comnc itto:frTOamead; that the bfidge on 1 Third 8ee"BrfDuilt and1 that the ayof adveVtigef 6ft. sealed proposals to build the same. . - - - - - The,' matter was laid oyercntil next meeting. i Colored Alan Dtovacdf r - - Coroner, HewletCwas summoned to hold an insuest over the body of a. colored, man who 1 ), 'a!ccid,eintailyf drowned in iJBlack, River, about ftwehty miles frcim thlsity, on Tuesday last week, at seem? .that deceasea, whose i t vU,U,1r,UWn - w, ened in this .cltv i L ' t. TJAn VIK.a frm nliw I cu&cuue iur tup wi iim;vyit .j-.fj. .1,t r.1nnn unit nn nrrlvincr Rt MIA . deStlna I 1 ' 1 rn .i.n.on k. I t hin no maac & uiibBLCu uu vnv t t n i "t 1". "ii i .. - m Vi !V oil 4tomna thd, InnriPet. hv whbh he nttTd be identified.H the exception of the fact .that: one of tti I wabB " I !: JkAiw I - ltir 11 VMVwl - . .. .. doubtless acquainted with hhnX TheMn- Tssq Bales Hay, as quest iwaslield oh Tuesday of this weclo and a VErdJlct.Wsis.ictarned that deceased came to his" death from accidental drowning. . . . , - - - -. . ' WILHIH6T0N, H. C, THTJRSDAY IT07EEIBER 9. Installation oC Officers. t The following list of offigers, recently elect ed for the ensuing-term; were ?daly!nstalled by Q. W. Sealey; D. M.f W. 1 T.on Monday niglit last, in Friendship Temple of Ilonor'and w J! ?-rA! 3-T-5 xvlu v a. Foster. W. R.: Jas. J W.KiDg,W.A.R.: Wm. T. Soooner. w-F W. Hurst,, W. T.j John B. Robinson W u.; jonn ii. Black, -W.'D. U.:G. L. Mintz W u? "o8- vv- aZe W.L ; O. W, Sealey, W. - RT. 's- -? , We learn that order, which has but re- cently been established In our midst, is already in a flourishing condition. XnnHPttrtn w membership.ara almost constantly cbmlnsr io. a?! h0p6S arc entertained that great good will ultImatelJ accomplished through its agency- Arrival; and Incarceration or an Alleeed Mnrderer. , . . BheriffMcMIUan, of Robeson bounty, ar having States . . W4Wi"aMWJr fcUO u,UIie f opueni,0ciuear, which took place at ScuffletowIn that ty.someUmeluthumonthoflSeptemt.eror ed in the Stas, irauiedlatelV . after- its "inrt-nr rehce.' He was brouirht here for tha , nnnimAnif wt he having made a violent attempt rat escape fmm thn latl tnTh..fA. ,v7 j--. su ordered the removal of the prisoner to this cit' n was SiYen a birth in)Nashs Hotel, util Called f-r to appear In Lumoerton for trial at the next term of the Superior Court of Robeson." Our Clilp Basket. . Next to nothing 1 to 10. Permanent headquarters The shoulders. The question of the hour What time Is it? Those that boast most, fail most; for deeds are silent What do great liars do when they die? They lie still. ,, A boy who had read of sailors heaving up anchors, wanted to know If it was sea-sickness that made them do It. ' ' Why cannot two slender persons ever be come great friends ? Because they will always be slight acquaintances. 1 Why is clargymen like a locomotive ? Becaase yu are to look out lor him when the beiLnngs. It is somewhat strange that a man who can neither read nor write is one who Is bound to make his mark. To flatur- persons adroitly one must Know three things what they are, what they think they are, and what they want other people to think they are. Advertising for the People. We would call the attention of the public to the Morning Stab's charges for short adver tisements, especially for the accommodation of the growing demand for the publication of brief notices such as r wants." "10 iet," "For Sale," etc. Most advertisements of this character can be reduced to five lints space, and the charge for them being but' half our regular rates when paid for strictly in advance This offers increased ' Inducements for ser vants wanting places, for families wishing do-j mestics, for farmers having a horse, or a cow, or an old wagon for sale, landlords wishing tenants, and tenants wishing landlords, to use the Morning Stab as a medium for commu- Mil iUUiUllilU UU mm u, ww wUK thir .Pri w nnVnnwn cm. tomers. storekeepers can also make equal : avail of these rates for short advertisements, to invite blic aUentioil to any specialty In trade,' or' chance In their places; The use of the daily newspaper, as the agen cy for communication between people of all classes, is constantly increasing, and illustrates one of tho ways in which modern civilization is saving time, labor, and moneyr inj carrying 1 on the business of life. '40 iritis I'll V ACER'S CHERRY PEC AYER'S CHERRX JfJSUTUKALi tno World's great remedy for colds, 1 w-fifelS (Jougns ana consump- 10 AM AlAriiBUSJAVAUnAAf Aill UAIVAAAIJH- V V tocs of scroiuious aisases, wiio-arag your ra- clean persons intothe company of better men, tga AYER'S BARS APA RlLLA , and purge out the foul corraptionrom ypur blooa, - iie- store your health, and you' will iiot only enjoy iif better, but make Your company more xIamVIa t 1iaa tvhnwincf Vaun ir. ' wiumw- HiHHsK - ansBSBSBBsasni OIJSD GREGORY In this city -on the 8th inst., Sue L, daughter 0 f ' Wm. II. and 8 usan Ai Gregory,' aged 9 years, 3 months and 28 days. Her funeral will take place ' at 3) bclOck; P. M. to-day from the Second Baptist Church. Farewell t sweet onein: Heaven, where thou - art shining now, . , -. -"v-,; I know that sin and sorrow are banished from . thy bpw.i.-i'V':"W'W"-;''- y'n- "ii'l ' And though It Were worse thsn death to part, I yield thee up tq uoQj yfho hath takeff jtheef m darling, to his4 ever DiuurTl. j inee.oacK w ayeu, uiy pure uuu genue . - .f nr. I .4.1 1! -xny sanas 01 nip uuuiusjcu j auj niuc rto IS rUU i . " -, :- ? ,,'.---.:-- ind thou art joiningnow in the anthems of the Diest,'.. r';V'::-; ? t-r r.? " neflce and rest. - - JlOOPOXljL SpiTlX OaSKS BdjaHoonlfon,''"- : -'Iri ...i v. , ...... -t -1. 1,400 Spirit "Casks, i . . . t c t . . : 275 Papers Rivets, rot'toieby l .Vi iH it, J t- ' ' nov 9-tf 27, 2a and 29 North Water St. ,, Black Se For sale by " r . . F. W. E1SRCHNER, 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. " nor 9-tf NEW ADYi-RTISEMENTS: Extraordinary Success I IN THE OP MILLER' & -CO'S FliiST-OLASS PIANOS. B3TABLIBHKD IK 1853.) " 100 to 8200 SAVEO! eflTiff SeT! not inferior to the - , .r By purchasing these instruments. Warrant- - l. ' VERY BEST. Th& Only Eiano . Forte 1 WareTOOm Etnpwntomth, where Pianos, are sold a' the ? , - afo r TFTPWWP 7?frWq 1 AUltliUJS. "tSS THE FAM0XJ3 i WEBER PIAH0," Whiclii' Is, used, and pronounced by all the IJCAJ1NQ.MUSICIANS AND CONSER- - V VATOIRS OP 1TUS1G of KeM Yorfe, Brooklyn, and elsewhere to be r i:. - attne, - ' , 3PiUrcl Fobts Wakieoom, Mabohio Hall, Wxlhihotov, K. C. ' i J. F..RUECKERT, I I . .. ' ' Sole Agent. , . SPECIAL TO MUSIC TEACHERS, Pupils and the Music-loving. Com znnnity. Uust received the finest collection ,: of ' SHEET MUSIC. Ac.. To suit all purposes, at publisher's prices at ine ,. PIAXO WAREUOOII, Masonic Mall. nov 9-tf ' J. F. RUECKEET. CAPS FEAR Agricultural Association Fair, NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 AND 17. OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATIOK AT J the Annual Fair will be known by their wearing Daages as xouows : : . . . r . The President, aWhlte Rosette, The Vice Presidents, Blue Rosettes, " ' The Executive Committee, Fink Rosette, The General Secretary, Crimson Rosette, The Treasurer, Green Rosette, -.n The Marshals, Yellow Rosette, ' - s . ; , The Officers of Tournament, Red Cross. All to be worn on the left breast of coat. Each officer will provide himself with tho proper badge as above nov 9-1. S L. FREMONT, President. OFFICIAL AN OKPINANCE CONUERN- ING BONEY'S BRIDGE. WHEREAS,' It is considered unsafe to drive or ride on Boney Bridge with any horse, cart or carriage, or any conveyance whatever, out of an ordinary walk, the Mayor and Al dermen so ordain that, If any person, by him. gelfj agent or 8ervant, shall ride on any horse or mule, or shall drive ' any buggy, dray, car riage, cart, omnibus, or any other vehicles over or on said Bridge, out of an obdiwaby walk, the proprietor or owner of said horse or vehicle shall be subject to. a rnra or Frva Dollars; Any. ordinance or part thereof conflicting are hereby repealed. . ' The above ordinance was passed by Board of Mayor and Aldermen of city of Wilmington oa Monday evening, November 6th, 1871. . ; Attest : T.C. SERVOSS, Wilmington, Nov. 9-2t ;, ;. City Clerk. French Starch Enamel GriVES a fine delicate finish to linen or muslin, and makes old linen look like hew. Will not Injure the most delicatd fabric Fntuoin boxes. wwn iuii airections ior nse. fWce-25 cents. ' - - CHAS. p. MYERS & CO., n " Sole Agents, y "7 North Front St., "hovD-tf H IGB I E 'AS THE LARGEST STOdK OF THE KIND ; r1 IN THE CITY. . Velvets Alpacas, BlantetSjOatlery, f Crockery1,7 Glassware j and a ' , GREAT VARIETY " OF FANCY GOODS, nov 9t No. 11 SOUTH FRONT STREET 5aBEeloif Bf ogistns ! S Bachelor Brosrans ! Bachelor Br ogans ! - A Guaranteed; Article. ; . . . ' ? i. ri DUDLEY &.EXIS:- 0o.v9-tf. ..j,, . Sign of the Big Boot. I' ColReaiidS : A Sacks Rio Coffee. -' .-!--.f r cruiga lag., Java arid Moch'o CoffeeV i- j 1 o Hh4sfemarar nd PvRi Sugars, 4? Bbls Refined ugars'5" '; i.VT.-irij"i:i "'V.Vff F- Wj KERCHNER, u I npv 9-tf .r, 23, 28 and. 2 North Water St, I ' !- . i . i .mi j r :at WlSST&lRllISS? Apore Black 'TewreeeVW'TrV J TiBAS AND COFFEES, nov 9-tf - L SALE 1871. Whole ITo. 1,285 , NEW ADWRTTSEMENTS. Stonewall Lodge, IIo; 1, K. of P. A CALLED Meeting will be held at XjL Pythian Hall to-morrow (Friday) evening at 7Vi o'clock, to make ar rangements for the celebration of our approaching anniversary. - !!nov9-lt ' f;t W. W. YOPP, R.S. TT Chamber of Commerce. TTIHE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of . JL tne unamberof Commerce will be held at tne uommercial Exchange, at 11 A. M. to-day A full attendance of members is. requested, as business of importance will be transacted. . , , ' : :jos:b. russell, jiov9-lt .V j - ; i. J- Secretary. : l J IN BANKRUPTCY. In the United States District Court for the .: Cape Fear District of -North Carolina : . Tbe undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee in the case of Samuel T. Hawley and" Isaac B. Hawley, of Cumber land County, in tlie Cape Fear .District of North Carolina, and who nave been ad Indeed fHJTOisHfaCoutof saldbistricC : ' 1' - WILLIAMSON WHITEHEAD, nov9-law3wf , .Assignee. ToTthelPublic. vXEORGE W. PRICE, Jb., having insulted me, and having failed, when called upon eith er to apologize or give any satisfaction, I hereby denounce the said G. W. Price, Jr., as a coward and scoundrel. i JAS. H. CARRAWAY. Wilmington, Nov. 9. it ; For Bent or Lease. THE celebrated Powell Farm; on -Wacca-maw Lake; a good dwelling and cotton gin are situated thereon. It contains : 200 Acres of Open Land, ; v and has every facility for improvement. ' A good bargain will be given.- Address me at Whitevlile. or H. B. Short, at FJemington. nov 9-eodlm Journal copy. Fine Turpentine Lands For Sale. 5iff Acres in Kershaw county, S. C, UUU on Wateree River, 12 miles be low Camden. Steamboats runnin g from land ing to Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta R. Ji.; 4,uuu acres nneiy timoerea (rouna iiees; within 4 miles of . landing ; 1,000 acres riyer lands, fine for corn, cotton or stock raising; fine residence, negro- quarters, under fence. Map can be seen at Willard Bros. or Col. An drews. Great bargain given if application be made soon to , E. C. DOBY, nov 9 Iw Camden, S. C.r Notice. THE copartnership neretofpre existing un der the style ol Johnson & Crow is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The busi ness will be continued under the name of L. E. Johnson, who wiU settle all the debts of the late firm and who is authorized to receive all monies due them. , L. E. JOHNSON, J. E. CROW. Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 8, 1871. lw Flour and Cheese. QgQBbls Flour,; 2oO xe ese' For sale by - F. W. KERCHNER, nov 9-tf 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. New Goods J ust In Theological, Sunday School, and Juvenile Books. . A large and . varied assort- " ment of Pocket and other Diaries, V "I Photograph, "Writing and ': ; Autograph . Albums. . . . The variety in stock of these beautiful articles are unsurpassed and cheap. . . ' .. For sale at ' : - . HEINSBERGER'S ; ? , v -Live Book Store, nov8-tf Caje Fear Agricultural Association. : THE THIRD ANNUAL FAIR, of this Ass elation will be held on the days of November 14th, 15th, 16th iand 17th inst. ; Every effort will bo, made c to & secure thq comfort and convenience' of exhibitors and other .visitors I,, ' '.i-r- T he Executive Committee have reason to expect an exhibiiioqof more than usual Inter est. r.i! fX'iis , .. ,c-:i.a ;U.ty:ff5:;u.. Prices qf'mTmssioh'ir : Single Ticket, r-j' t fe-r ? i!.?;-,r.7:"f -0 Three SingieTickejts, .,-v . : c - ; TPomilir rPlrtVo o ilmff.t.fti or fliro. - . I fin I ;i ; jT 1 50 A ..111 .1 J WW,. WMAUWWU M. . V, .-. i i - I " r- ?W 'fr:'";: ten, T-v Season Ticket, admitting one person dur , - ing the Fair, (nottransferrable) K 2 00 IJFE MEMBERS MUST ; PROCURE -FROM ' - THE TREASURER A TICltETFOR . . -.EACH MEMBER OF THEIR 4i:C;-. ? -I.. FAMILIES. : ; l Tickets for sale at aU.the Drug andBook Stores, it the entrance of the Fair Grounds and at the omce ofhe Treasurer. , ; , t , r.V; nOv 8-lwnao - ;-v -j.,4t Treasurer. , '" 'a:t,T;E:.n,.T,U'P Ni. it; At "VRDESS for U kinds! of rruu ana virna 1 f .TnATitjU Trees GraDO Vines, Berry ana other plants, &c, from the celebrated, donn,Nnrscrfesr will recoiveUby - - 'sepths-naceo&inos Su Wed Fr - . a- s - .ii'jj'lm t s'j.'lTbticea v-cv I HAVE! appomtodMr: John "R. Turrehtine to aid me in coUeeting all due me by notes and accounts. He or I win pe at my omce, in my former ury-uooa. bmtt. every nay uimug business hours. Hope all those in debt to me wiU promptly.paytas I require the money, j ; . 'H,.r'H fi f :iv . "if JOHN DAWSON.1i Oct lSt-nactJl Th SatTu ,y tt Y jutsx XrA A2il PBU3T INGMACHINERY. at 3NERY. at -- - WM. H." BERNARD'S - 4r J ... Printing and Publishing House, d General Book Binde: ry OClft-tf Dawson Bank Buildings, Front ; ;J RATES OF ADVERTISING i One Square one day,-t 0 -two days,. l ou three davs..... 2 00 i ' : toot days, 2 60 h " five days,..-, S 00 " - " one weehv s 60 4tar Contract Advertisement!? taken at pro portionately low rates. : Marriages, Deaths, Religions, Funeral and Obituary notices will b9 inserttl at half rates when paid for in advance ; otherwise full rates win be. cbargod. r - .) Traa-Caab on demand s H HISCEILANEOIJS. THE STAR" E-. A ':,M JOB PRIfJTIHG HOUSE. Book Bindery, 4i AND" Blank Book llanufactory, WM. II. Ki; II IV AUD. Prop'tor, L. L h; The Only JCstnbllshineiit in the State Having all theseTacili ties combined; ft- i ... .' IMPEO VED ; MACHJLNEli Y 1 1 OF . A' L L K I N ' D: S . '' r .,. 'i 5 .. THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF rZP, PAPERS. CARDS AND INKS ! SKILLED WORKMEN EVERY DEPARTMENT N O T T H 'E '.,--',- - !.. 'if PR1 C13S LOWEST "; -.1.-, ' j. . BUT L O W - IBIR I C E S - V.U.J i. ! " .. , "AS Any Other EtxtbliBlitaent for the i'.'Xr.-t :., r ;. " ; BEST QTCTAMTy, OF tTTOIXK X PEINTING, BDUNQ AND BIHDINU v.v:;iyyJi:.rtV..,:-',ij '' 1 -w ; -'ts"'.1 ', ;-;! ' ':-:: W r i:i'vr gov Executed Promptly and Skilfully fr i1 .i.V.ih: '.'-ilo :) iitj j.;: t V.SINCE ' ADDING V. 4ff J V- ,'..'.? '' Vrt-':''-,';":4".'bisi'o 1Iil;r ziair S :T, E A; M ; P O E R:, t wo are enabled te. !fill orders i with THIS UTMOST DISPATCH. May 6-SAFtf ' T BOYTHEcnnuinEr 1 f i V i ,"r';',f-' . staitdard , scales;: EXoreTnan 250 Dt-erent IloCcatioas.' EHT8 - Atso 'wai;-m Aif JKhm- FAIKAUNKS.& CO., . ; ;.. ,, t,;..VJ : : 118 unr.TT STREET, TJOSTdir. For 8ale by leading Hardware Dealers. 8ept83.2aw4mTu Fr ent : ; - , 1" iT5An-;r:rT I. r :i i1 17 ; j 'i it?-; ! 'I