XHB MOnniWG STAR, PUBLISHED DAILY, . ; wJyf . H BKttNARD, Editor aud Prop'r. orioB, Dawson Bank Buildings, Front St. S1 nwinths. in advance.... 5S rSoStS :iu advance....,.....:.., 75 Mossing Stab will be deli vered in any art of the City aUTErrasH Okwts per week. . UETOBOLOUIVAL ttECOttr. - Nov. 9, 1871. - , TheH tnom eter. Windr Weather 56 .Calm jCloudy ; 64 IE Gentle Cloudy 63 ICalm- Cloudy -- VleaaTenfp. of day, 63.deg. . ;, ; Notb. All barometric readings are reduced ,he aea-level and to 82 degrees Fahrenheit, ' KOBKKX SSTBOTH, SergH Signal Service U. a A. Weather Report. War Dbpaktmjbut" I Ufaice of Chief Signal Officer, r - Washington, Nov. 9-4:35 t M. J - Probabilities, - i The low barometer Illinois will probably more eastward into Lake Erie on Friday, and easterly winds continue " on Lake Michi gan backing to northwest,"; and increasing northwest winds on Lake Erie, veering to the southwest. Southeast winds with raui from Georgia to Virginia. Cold northwest winds and clearing weather west of Alabama and 'Il linois. Easterly windi with" threatening 'weather in New England " Cautionary Signals are ordered for the southern portion of Lake Michigan and Lak Eri. ; 5;-.; iJSVI AUVlHllBi!ifiliir, . ; . liiiiNfcBBKOEK's Live Book Store, 89 Market St. New Goods. ' ' Chas. T. HowAferx Louisiana State Lottery' Company - " ' , - f Wm. M. Poisson, Secret try. Meeting of St. . John's Lodge. " .. V 'CV 1 Read the advertisement of the Worrell Sla ters and Leon Brothers. .' f Dudley & Eixis. Rubber Brogans. Read the advertisement under the -caption of "For dale or Rent." 0. G. Pabslbt & Co.-Sawed Wood, Oak, Ash and Pine. . . .,. ' D. J. GiLBBRT.Bar and Oyster Saloon. Heiuoved. . ' S. Levy having removed to his new Store, corner Market and Front, formerly, occupied .by J. G. Bauman, has just opened an entire new stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, and Ladies and Gents . Furnishing' Goods, which he la offering to- the public, at the very lowest Cash Priees. Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Thank ful lor past favors, a continuance of the same is respectfully solicited, oetll-lm ' S. Lbvt. liovcrnor Lewrey. As the train on the Wilmington, Charlotte aud Rutherford Railroad passed through Lowrey's dominions on Wednesday, that re doubtable chief, with any number of repeaters visible at his belt, was observed by ; the pas sengers at Moss Neck-looking" us "much -at ease as if he was "monarch of all he surveyed, aud his right there were none to dispute. V ' . .. . ' "" ' f-- To Stop Bleealnsr.- ';; v;';V.;; It is said that bleeding from a wound 'on a man or beast, may be stopped by a mixture of wheat flour and common salt, in ; equal parts, bound on with a cloth. It- the bleeding be profuse, use a large, quantity, say from one to three pints. It may be left on for hours, or even days, if necessary. . . , To KemTe EerMne Oil fromEloors; Two or three weeks since,-at the request Of a iriend, we asked some one to Inform us what would take kerosene Oil out of a floor, and yes terday a gentleman fujfnisbei us with a recipe : Take a small quantity jof lime, mix enough water with it to; make it of the consistency oi thick paste, ' spread it on the floor and let it stay from twenty -four to forty-eight hours, remove it and all signs of the oil will have dls appeared. Av.7-.r ' Arrival r Convict - for the 1 Worn House. ' 'j ' . f ," An officer from Goldsboro' arrived in this city last evening with four colored convicts, sentenced at the late term' of the Superior Court ia Wayne to various terms In our Coun ty Work House. 'They were lodged ; in; the Guard House last "night for sale-keeping J and to-day will be, turned over to Superintendent VanAmringe. We werenot able to 'learn their names norths crimes of which they were convicted. The Insane or Onr State. " , We notice from a report of the proceedings or the Board of Directors of the 8tate Asylum for the Insane, held In Raleigh on Monday last, which we find in the Raleigh 'Seniiml, that a select committee was appointed, to 'report at the next meeting of, the Board, on the 29th inst., a strong appeal to the General Assembly to provide for the care Of all the insane of the State, and to recommend the. best plan of do ing so. It was furthermore stated that there are now io the Asylum 245 patientsfive more than the building was designed to accommo date, aud that there are 250 applications for admission for patients, who are now mostly, confined in the county jails of the State. !To aid the Committee above alluded to In prepare "K their report we wul4 state that we have in our city proper facilities for taking care of a limited number of these Unfortunates. Our City Hospital is very : well' adapted to that purpose, and now contains at least a dozen who are there under treatment, and we aTe assured that they not only receive the" kindest attention, but are subjected to skillful ? treat ment for their mental disorders Dr. Winantsi the surgeon In: charge,; Is J peculiarly fitted, through study and experience, to deal with" Patients of this ; class, and we are confident that they could not have better care in the asylum, io any sense of the word; than they would experience in the Hospital here.-; We trust these facts may be taken into considera tion and acted upon at thb next meeting of the Board, with a little necessary preparation about fifty patients could be accommodated owe, and the facilities conld bV gradually ex ded, provided the State is willing to allow adequate compensation to justify it, ... . eter. V A. -Al. 29:3 ; A P. M. l Sr M. 29:93' yoLIS-ITo; 42. ..Xm.T,nnGT0n;-.g; C.;- mmLY. . :0VEHBER 10; 1871., V moib-ITo. X286 t.oeal J9eta j Cloudy, with slight rains, last evening. ! Two fever deaths in Charleston yester day. I r - There was no session of : the Cl:y Court yesterday morning. - Emergent meeting of &C John's Lodge No. t, P. & A. M.; this (Fridai); evening at 7!o'cjock. y . t v c - - - i ' HVe notice that ourth) street is? being liberally sawdusted; apparently its -entire length." ' f f The Steamer Mertfcr under command of Capt E. A. Maffltt, left yesterday on her first regular trip to New River, Onslow county." j Attention is called to the advertisement o( Stj Mary's School, Raleigh, N.,0., the 60th term of which will commence on the 16th of vJtonkr7t1872L -' v . 1 r i r '"j' - '-j Henry Anderson, charged with drnnkefa ness.and assaulting a white woman living on Nuttl street; yesterday, was arrested . and marched to the lock-up. . . , 1 ..'.-A- Eev, X, Branson, pn Wisher, of the North Carolina Business Directory, Is bow: in, the city, He proposes Issuing a revised edition and will receive advertisemefitsjat' moderate rates.w--,-. ,':''f""Vtf j Look out for comets shortly; : The ap pearance of two of these highflyers, Encke's and Puttie's, is announced by the astronomers, the first ip the evening and the latter in the morning skies. . : r , j " The Goldsboro 'Messenger of yesterday says: We have already heard of twenty-eight entries, for ther Wilmington Fair from Wayne cpnnty alone. : .Let thenumber be increased to fifty, at least. Wayne copnty should not be behind any other section. "' ' ' i j Remember , the ' called meeting of . the' members of Stonewall Lodge No. I, Knights of Pythias, .bo lield this evening, at 7X of clock, for the purpose of making arrange ments for celebrating their approaching-aa-niversaryy " v ' - " .- ! '. i Committee of Beception. The President of the Cape Fear Agricultural Association, the Mayor of ' the city and the Chamber of Commerce have appointed ithe following gentlemen to act as a joint Commit tee of Raceptio for the Fair next week : i . ! Members of Agricultural Association. Maj. M. P. Taylor, Maj.' F. Janney. S Aldermen. Maj. R; P. Barry, D. Rumley, Esq.! , , ' Chamber of Co,nmerce. Dr. W. W. Harriss, (the other to be appointed.) Worrell Sisters.' .! By reference to our advertising . columns this morning it will be seen that the celebra tjed Worrell Sisters Will fill sn engagement at the Theatre in this city during Fair week, commencing on Monday evening. The Com- pany is a strong one, consisting of the Sisters Sophle, Irene uhd Jennie, assisted jyJtoejPro tean Comedian, Mr. Harry Jackson, Jeniiie. Willmore Frank, the Leon Brothers -and" a i. -: -. .... 1 - " most powerful Comic Opera Company. - The engagement will open with the Spectacular Musical Extravaganza of "Cinderella, or the Lover, the Lackey, and the Little, Glass Sllp er,V to be followed by the last sensation of fit ejver I Cease to Love," with the Farce of the fFooioJ, the Family." This company is fghjy commended by the press where they have'performed, and we think we can safely promise the pnblic a week of genuine, unadul terated amusement. Oar Qilp Basnet. - A carpenter is seldom as handsome as his Wife, ibecause he is a deal planer. As late as 1790, girls were hot permitted to attend public schools in Boston. j Beauty ia said to be worse than wine it intoxicates both the holder and beholder. The latest : method ) of suicide t U to fill one's mouth With gunpowder and then chew ' l. i T"vimnt"tt t-Yia osaartlrkn that. rafflA will T " stray into strange places, we may say that we have een a cow hide in a shoemaker's shop. , 1 A Missouri lady advertises for the person who is in the habit of serenading her to stand -hearer the house so that she can scald him. An Illinois undertaker advertises that he keeps: on hand "an elegant stock of neat and nobby shrouds, warranted to give.sausiacuon to the mpst particular,V- j . ' .. Mr eecher, in sstirising pompous, talk ers,. says, Language,, like window glass, should not stop, the attentionon Itself, but on that which i passes through IV1 r ; ' j t'Snsleldarlihg,V 'said a mother to her lit tle daughter' of five summers, "what would you do without your. mamma ??y J&'f pnt on iustsucli a dress as I pleased every day," was the affectionate reply.' ., 'I ilneical Soirees. We sro requested to announce that the first jof the series of -Mdsical Soirees to be , given during the present session at the Academy of Music, under the able management of Prof. J. F. Rheckert, which was to 4 have taken place this WMyf evening; has been postponed until further notice. We tender our thanks ifor complimentary tickets. -- v etltleAaJteMioa. - I Certain parties Jn this city having sent a petition to Gov. Caldwell, praying the release of one Jeremish Forbes, Of this piace, unucr sentence by Judge Russell for five years in the Penitentiary for lareeny, 6n the ground that he ha served one year and is the only support of !aged parents whose sole support he is, ,the CdrUwian says : . this petitibu-comes not signed by any of the jury, judgeTori the ' solicitor, and- it is but so much waste paper in the executlTe of- fice.L P- " ' t " Believing that the judge, solicitor and jury are th best judges of such. matters, Governor Caldwell- has .determined that , hereafter he in iirdon no one out of jail', ox penitentiary Iwhose petitions are not signed by some of the 'inVv. and either the judge or solicitor, togeth- ef with a goodly number of, .respectable gen tlem'en of county." " " Tlie Xtoad Steamer. f Col. S. L. Fremont, President of ithe a F. Ai Association, received a dispatch from Pat-" terson.'New Jersey, of yesterday's date. from D- B. Grant, President of the Grant Locomo tive -Works, stating' that the Road Steamer, to.be exhibited at the approaching Fair in this place, was shipped on Wednesday night, the 8th insi .,' u . . BITEB AHD MABIlfE NEWS. ? : Th Steamer Cumberland arrived "at her wharf yesterday afternoon, having left Fsy etteville on the day previous. Capt. Phillips reports the river in good boating condition, with a rise at Fayetteville of about three feet. SPIRITS OR TTTEP35IITIIIE. - v : - Tho Baplist State Convention met in Charlotte pn Wednesday. - iThirteerL students are attend Jud'ge Pearson's law schooL at Richmond Hill. - .- - i Reports from Beaufort ; and Hyde, tay that the corn crops are coming in full, and cotton more than average. ,vtt The real estate rot the entire county of Dare is not valued at near , so much as thajreal estate of Newbexn; ,s CoJ. Itf W. Humphrey, Presi dent of the Planters' Railroad, gives a very encouraging account otthe prospects of the same. , ' '-. --- A French Company haa- pur chased the Russ plantation near Raleigh, says the Carolinian, and are settling ' their families thereon. s f The real estate ot s Raleigh is valued at nearly a million and a half-dollars. "While Newborn real estate is valued a little over $800,000. - The Raleigh Era says : "We learn it'is the intention of' a few gentle men, at no distant day, to tender a supper to the members ot the Typographical: Union, in this city. Rev. John S. Long lectures in ' Newbein on "r Wednesday , night on 'Love and Ambitroir,M the proceeds to go' to the benefit of , the M.tE. Church.1 So welearn from the Times. .The Raleigh. Carolinian says : A Oolony ot Italians is settling on a tract of land adjoining, Mr. Bennett, on the Hillsboro road, seven miles from the city. They will cultivate the grape. ) ' ' We are glad to learn, says the Newbein Journal of Commerrs, that the cotton in this immediate vicinity is being picked very rapidly, and forwarded to New York. Look out for a large crop. 1 In'consequehce ot the resigna tion of R. 8. Xedbetter, .Esq., there .will be an election to fill the vacancy, in the 28th Senatorial District, composed of the counties oK Moore and v Richmond, . on Tlrarsaay-extr4flthun: - ; jr. . , . v iTheJKewberf;5iev i says : On the nighV ofthe r6tb, the burglars entered the bouse of James A. Pridgen, and stole $600 or $700 in money. A sus- Eected party has been arrested at Golds oro and brought to Kinston.; J- j . The Raleigh Carolinian says: There has been some late Ku Kluxing in Harnett, of a mild but mischievous charac ter; Two parties were measured for their coffins by being stripped and Jaid out on the ground; and a young lady, a member of the Baptist Church, was made to dance for the edification of the crowd, which, to say the least, was ungallaht and ungentle manly." - " . . , - - Yesterday afternoon, Bays the Carolinian jof the , 8th, the, Raleigh; and Oaston pars brought down the, pleading New York members of the Clegg' Copper and Smelting Mining Company, all ; of Whom took: the Chatham train and pro ceeded to the Clegg . mines in Chatham county. v To-morrow afternoon this party will return to Raleigh and lie over in our city all night, and the day , following. From here the party go to their Garden Hill mines in Guilford, and. the Silver mines of Davidson. . This company has been operating in , our ' State' for: twenty years; Mr. Frank Osgood, ot New York, son-in-law of Commodore Vanderbilt and a leading member of the Clegg Company, is of the party.'; I 7'" ' - RUBBER BOOTS, ' . ( ; ' RUBBER OVERSHOES ! ' t -i J.. '4, ii h i ' .i DUDLEY KLLIS, movl(Mif,i: 1 sign of theBig Boot. 'Di-Ji Gilbert, r 1 (Late of the Clarendon Bar and Oyster Saloon) HAS removed to if o.'4 South Water street, next door below . ltd wards A Hall's, where he will continue the same business, and hopes, by. prompt personal attention, to receive the patronage heretofore extended to him. He also has two good Billiard Tables for sale or rent, which can be purchased very low.for cash, with aU their fixtures. : " novlu-Sm -.-'. i" GAED1TEE IIAITOPG CO. Miii-GM, ail' PtoteMi GABDKEBS y Patent - Adjustable Piers, Mantel Frames, Window Cornices, Port able Book Backs and Writing Desks. V, O. L. 6 ABDNB, President ; vAorounu ; Glen Gardner N. J. 110 Bowery, JS". T. may 28-tf ;ri;.;"rniit Gro7crs :: . : AT T EN T I ON . ; -VBDEBS for sU kinds of lYult and Orna II mental Trees, Grape Tines, Berry and other plants, &a, Ac, from the celebrated Ercildoun Nurseries, will be received bvv- -77 . i - GEO. Z. FBENCH. . - sept 12-naceodSmos St Wed Fr 4 ' ' ,NEV; ADVERTISEMENTS r I7iT Ingtbn sTKcatre. SOPIII OBSELL, Olreetresa. For: oirE wbbk only. " COMMENCING-v i i . SXonC. j Evejnini:. Nov. ICth. -Uf "2ELL SISTERS! S0PE1J, IRENE AND JENNIE, - t A ss : . : : 1 by the Protean Comedian, Mr. 5 . IIAXUXT JACKSON, . je:::;is -yillmore franck, ' " s JLeon Brothers ,r And a most powerfrl " , - - CO! "1 OPERA COLIPAinr ! When v ill 13 presented the 8 peetacialar Mo : , - sical Extravasuiza of -. ; . . ) G I.N D BELLA ; .7 J .. v. or, the , " , Lover, Vz 3 Lackey ajid the Little Glass Slipper Introdcr'r jtieLEONS In their specialities. ' And the last sensation of - , ; ' IP EYEB I CEASE TO LOVE," . . ' " With the Farce of the tool ; qpff JTHE JFAMILT. i CHANGE OF PBOGBAMMR RIGHTLY; I Admission $1 ; Beserved seats In Parquette and lress Circle, $1 25; Family Circle 69 cents. Gallery f 23 cents. Private Boxes, (.3 to $3. Seats reserved at Heinsberger's Be oka to re. ; - nov HWt . s . , - Louisiana: State Lottery COMPANY.": .: , Incorporated August 17, 1808. CHARLES T. HOWABD.:......PBESrDENT . MINGLE NUMBER LOTTERT. SPLENDID SCHEMES-ONLY 20,000 NUMBEBS CAPITAL PRIZE... ....... ........ 950,000 r --. CJLASS 7- TO BE DBAWN AT NEW OBLEANS ON ;,-' - ' ' SATURDAY, December 2d, 1871. HOWABD, SIMMONS & CO CoxtkaotoSS - , i-. '.' . SCHEME: '. 20.000 Knite Tickets Mi' $20. l prize Of 50,000 is ........'........fbO.OOO ; 1 prize of 30,000 is...... 30,000 1 prize of 20,000 is.. 26,000 1 prize of 10,000 ' Is.. .. 10,000 1 prize of 9,000 is........... 9,000 1 prize of 8,000 Is.... ............ .....4 8,000 1 prize of -7,000 is .' . 7,000 - 1 prize of 6,000 is.. 6,000 '1 prize of ; 6,000 i Is...................... 5,000 1 prize of 4)00 is............. 4,000 1 prize of . ' 8,000 . is.... ...... 3,000 1 prize of 2,000 . Is . 2,000 l prize or a,uuu i i prize oi.wu 1 prize ot 1,000 , i prise of?. i,ooa l prize of r i,ooo lpiize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 l-prizeof 1,000 1 -. . ; :. -j. v - 1 prize of 1,000 '1 prize of 1,000 l prize ox , 1 prize of i 1 prize of 1 prize of i 1 prize of 1 prize of ;'. 1 prize of : 1 prize of ? 1 prize of ? ; 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of lTrizeof 1,000 1,000 l.ooo are.. 25,000 1,UW 1,000 1,000 1,080 1,000 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 lorizeof-r 1.0001 lonze of 1.0001 50 prizes of 600 are..'.................. 25,000 817 prizes of 200 are 63,400 . 86 Approximation prizes.. . . ......... : . 12,600 440 prizes, amounting to........ 280,400 Whole Tickets, $20 ; shares in proportion. Frizes payable without deduction. . " Orders to be addressed to .,, , :,.,r r ,-.....,! .-j"-i r:- Lock Box 692, Post-Office, New Orleans. Mf Bend Post-Office Money Older, brBegis er your Letter. , z nov 10-tf Cape Fear Agricultural Association. . r ! . e v- u : . i : '- ;1 " I , THE THIRD ANNUAL FAIR of this A8S ciaton will be held on the days of November 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th Inst. : , : T Every effort will be made to secure the comfort and1 convenience of exhibitors and other visitors. - v',n' 1 11 " pi r ' : ; -ill The Executive Committee have reason to expect an exhibition of more than usual inter- est. ; - Prices of Admission : - - ' , . , r ' Single Ticket, F;r;;'" i t". - - 1 to Three Single Tickets, . . - . rf I CO Family Ticket, admitting five, " - 1 59 " " " , ten. a 59 Season Ticket, adniitting one person dur-" ing the Fair, (not transferable) :M vr . 2 00 LIFE MEMBERS . MUST . PROCURE FROM THE TREASURER A TICKET FOR - f i- families; . f 'i .Tickets for sale at all the Drug and Book Stores, at the entrance of the Fair Grounds and at the office of the Treasurer. - . . JOHN WILDER ATEXNSON, 1 iov 8-lwnao K . rf Treasurer. ? St. Jokn'o Lodge, ITo. 1. Emergent meeting this (Friday) evening,' at 7 o'clock. - By order ef the W.AL ... - ''- :- whm. poisson! i St. Jemr's Haxx, Nov. 10, 187Mt " 8ecy.'! Saved X7ood AK, ASH AND ITNE; - "2 ' ' , ANY LENGTH DESIBED. At reasonable prices, at A : : i O. G. PARSLEY ft COS nov lo-tf Near foot of Pock street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CUnDUEAIIGO! BLISS, EEENE & CO.'S FLUiri EXTBACT, The wonderful remedy for Cancer,' Syphilis, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pulmonary Complaints, Salt Bnenm, and all Chromic Blood Diseases, is prepared from tho GmrtrruB Cvspvbmsqo jtSAJBK, from Lcja, Ecuador, scoured by the as sistance of the authorities of that country. It is the most effective, prompt and certain altera tive and blooo ruBinxs known. Sold by all druggists, In pint bottles, having on them pur name,. trade mark and directions. Send for a circular. Office and-Laboratory, No. 60 Cedar street, Now York; z.&'J IZ 1'i MORTON HOUSE, a New Southern Novel, by the author of "Yalerie Aylmer," 8vo. paper, four illustrations. Price $ t ; cloth $1.50, it is a story ot the Sooth thirty years ago, and the scene is laid entirely in taat region. - The young authoress, who is a lady of North Carolina, has in. her second effort improved upon the first. Sent free by mail to any address on the receipt of the price. i' : r - D. APPxJlTON & CO., Publishers, N. Y.i 8t. Mary's Ochool, BALE1GH, N. C. . ,M; :f Bight Bov. Thos. JtTXiasos, D. D., Visitor. Bev.luxxT Shsdb?, D. 1)., Bector. . Ber. Bxsdxtt bKXBss, A. M Assistant. The Sixtieth term ot this School wiLl oom mence on the sixteentn of Jancwy, 1872, and continue until the seventh of Jane. -v The charge, per term,ior board and English tuition is one aundred and twenty dollars. - - Fo a -circular apply to the Bector. pair of Banerb FreneH, Oil Chromos Subjects LIFE 8IL.E exquisite facsimiles et original Oil Paintings, GIVEN AWAY to every sub. scriberto . . , , Henry Ward Becclier's GBEAT LITERARY, BELIGIOUS, WEEKLY NE W SPAP.4R. Agents having great success. One took 1,0C0 names in 8 montns, another 672 in 35 days, another 118 in one week, one 47 in one day, amdmany others equally well, mak ing from ( 5 aud $10 to $10 per day. Takes on sight. An old agent who knows says : "I think it the best bunnets for canvasser ever -offered. Sorry I did not engage sooner." Pays better than any book agency. A rare chance to make money. r ' lV :.)rt v f " LOCAL AGENTS WAHTEJD S J Intelligent men ana women wanted every where, if you wish good territory send early for circular and terms ! J. B. FORD & CO., 27 Park Place, N. Y.; H Bromlield street; Boston, Mass.; 23 West Madison street, Chicago, 111. mnnmo household magaiise is H UUil U offered iree during the coming year to every subscriber of Merry's Museum, the Toledo slade,' Pomeroy's Democrat, etc, ' wnicnia an evidence of its wort a and PU laritv. Horace Gieely, James Pa rton, Tbeo- ddre TiltonTranSKurete., write lor ev ery numoer. in citibbjntf it offers three first class periodicals for the price, of or 9 ol them. A variety of premiums on eqtuVly liberal terms. It is an original, first clas ma?8 zine. Volume X begins with Jan. xneeBoeoK men copies free. Address 8. S. . t Oii, New burgh, JM. 1. ,., . - ' . ... AGENTS WASTED FOB.j The Year of Battles. The History of the War between France and Germany, embracing also Paris under the Commune, in illustrations ; 642 pages ; price $2 f ): 50,0: D copies already sold. NOtaing equals it io sell. - The only complete work. Making -Id copies per month now, in Eng lishrana Girman. Terms tmequaled. Outut $t 25. Address H. S. GOODSPEED A C037 JarLScrsr X&mvs 'l.jv-'y" Solicited by Mcro & Co., Publ'ers Scientific Ameri can 87 Park Bow, N. Y. Twenty-five years experience. . s "Pn-m-nlilAta containing' Patent Laws, With full directions how to obtain Patents, free. 1 -4 A bound volume ot no pages, containing xiie Nkw Cbnsus by counties and all large cities, 140 Engravings of Mechanical Movements, Patent Laws and rules for obtaining Patents, mailed on receipt of 25 cents.1 t - fTIHE HARBISBUBG FAMILY CORN SHEL l ljsr CO. want agents to seutneir f am ily uornsneiiers. isest mvenuon oi tne zona. Sells at siaht. Profits large. For circulars, address EUGENE SNTDER, Treasurer, Lock Box 9, Harrisburg, Pa. . . 1 ( A GENTS Wa ted. Agents make more J. money at work for us than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Partic ulars free. G. STINSON & CO., Fine Art Publishers, Portland, Me.- ' 1 . a mr $4ZD penses paid. H. B. SHAW, Alfred, Me. 4- . A VOID QUACIXS. A victim of early in J, discretion, causing nervous debility, pre mature decay, etc., having tried in vain every adverusea remeuy, nas aiseoverea a sun means of self-cure, which he will Bend to his fellow-sufferers. Address Ji H. REEVES, 78 Nassau t.,JN. X . s . ,; -nt! i3 V, llewGoods. GOLD PENS and Holders with Pens and -rr f Pencils; t, .st -!,, Gold Fountain PeDS, Ink and1 Pencil Rubber , vw-o-:'' .; v Erasers. - - ' .A Elastic Rnbber Rulers, pronounced to be the best JtuieriHventea ; xnaeiiDie ana .w India. Ink (Camel Hair V: . .Brushes lor water - Colors. - 1 Water Color Paints, a very line assortment of - oara uases. tu eiegant variety t i of above goods Just re- - " : . ; ,r oexved, ana uiz ) ' ' ..... . , ! I'L 4? For Bale at HEINSBERGER'S .. nov 10.' Live Book Store. 'j'r nr HAVE appointed Mr. John R. Tnrrentine a to axa me in ooueecmg au ana ma and accounts. . He or l wiu oe ai my former Dry-Good Store, evei and accounts. . He or I wiU be at my office, in ry day during business hours. ; Hope all those in debt to me will promptly pay, as I require the money. JOHN:DAWSON." oct 19-naeUl Th Sat Tu ; , MIISGELLANEOTJS. Jnot Ecceivcd: jL new supply of ' MichiganFine On-jydWineJ ? : Sap and other brands of i ' i FINE CHEWING TOBACCO. i-s!!3 Tsra ol Mniim'Z' : V Slnof tbe Indian Cilef, oct 22-tf B. EarZtet'Ct.- for oalg ,on ncrjT. -T7IOZS BEHT OB SALE One first class JD Circular Steam Saw Mill (S5-horse power engine) ; 2,1 JO.OCa feet ot good pine, very easy ox access.- xeams, y agons, o. Aaaress tne WO W. AUU1 COO I Jj TL SPRLKGEB. owner; novl0-lm Wilmington, N. C. , i BATES OF ADYEBTISraO I One Square one day, ............... .... V . ii two days,... I 50 S 00 "if - i i threerdays..................... four days,....................- a J ii i maveek.... 8 50 Mr Contract Advertisements taken at pro portionately low rates. . Marriages, Deaths, Beligious, Funeral and Obituary notices will be inserted at lialf rates when paid for In advance ; otherwise full rates wiUbechargedi v . , '.:X' -' ' ': - . -V-.."' TntxB-Cash on demand. ' r ' ' MSOEIJANEQ : : -, Extraordinary Bncccga X " A in the Sale bp miller & co's iltXCLASS PIANOS. S3TABXJ8HXD XX 1853. . ' $lQO to $200 SAVEL ! V By pttrchasfng these Instruments.' Warrant ed in Tone,-Durability and Workmanship nof inferior to the . , : : VERY BEGTV The Only" Piano Forte Wareroom Known south, where Pianos are sold at the ;''.'o',mH -xY ) -Priafleal-Tr j ::)'L ' . NORTHERN PRICES THE FAMOUS "WEBER PMI70," Which, is used, and pronouoced by all the LEADING MUSICIANS AND CONSER- -' t vATOPgror jmjsiQ -iV ;v.; m. ot New York, Broeiij-rTi elsewhere to- be V ."j - ' at the 49-Piaho Forts Wabxkook, Misovio Hall, ; WixxinoTOir, N. C. J. F. BUECKEBT, ' ". ; v SPECIAL TO MUSIC TEACHERS, Pupils" and the Music-loving Com. ., munity. N . Just received the finest collection . Of : ... : V r f SHEET MUSIC. AC To suit all purposes, at publisher's prices at - PIANO WAREItOOSI, Slosonic . nov9-till novS2 , J. F. BUECKEBT. CAPE FEAR AgricTiltiixai Association Fair, - t NOTEIIBEB 14, ilBj 16 AND 17. OFFICERS OF hE ASSOCIATION AT the Annual Fair will be known by their wearing badges as follows : J ' The President j a White Rosette, " r- . J The Vice Presidents; Blue Rosettes, v The Executive Committee, Pink Rosette, ,,The General Secretary, Crjmson Rosette, The Treasurer, Green Rosette, . , ; - ' The Marshals, Yellow Rosette, . " The' Officers of Tournament, Red Cross. All to be worn on the left breast of coat. . ' Each offloer will-provide himself with the proper badge as above . " Tnov9-lt S. L. FREMONT, President. , WHEREAS, It is considered unsafe to drive or ride on Boney's Bridge with any horse, icart ttr carriage, or any conveyance whatever, . out of an ordinary walk, ; the Mayor anxT Al dermen do OEDAUr that, if any person, by him. self, agent, or servant, shall ride' on any horse or mule, or Bhall drive any buggy,' dray, car. riage, cart, omnibus, or any other vehicles over or on said Bridge, out of an obdijtaby walk, the proprietor or owner pi said horse or vehicle shall be' subject to a vara of Fiva Dollabs. v Any ordinance or-part thereof oenflictlaff are hereby, repealed.'. .1; w '1 ' ''The above ordinaboe was "passed by Board of Mayor and Aldermen of city of Wilmington on Monday evening,.November 6th, 187L !4 Attest : 1 - : T. C.'SEBVOSS, ' -WHmlngtbii, Nov.' 9-2t- 1 0 au-City Clerk. Frencli Starcli i I&arael G TTTVEa a flne -delicate finish, to linen or muslin,' ahd makes" old' linen' look J like new. i oilyriViii io -jnJ oi .vjj .!. Will not injure the most delicate fabric. ( Put up In boxes with full directions for use. Price 25 cents. f. inn V; ., hYV : ei wn lciiAS; J. MYERS' CO., ::i : T f-.) ''-'-'Jiioie AgenU, ;'hov 9-tf - - "s ' " V "5 f North Front St. Flour. Lrd, (C:c, :c. Clroide Iots! ol Fionr; Butter Lard, : CheeselrAppTesJ' Potatoes1 ; and Onions,' . , - Just received and for Bale by '." ' L. E. 'JOHNSON, oct23-tf Worth A Worth's new building. OOce TTIImlnsrton IT; C. Ufo Insurance Company, f fsrj OCTOBER t7i 1871. SUBSCRIBERS who have failed to execute O Notes for the 9 jer cent, due on Capital Stock, as provided usx by Charter, are notified to do so within 80 days from date, or forfeiture of Stock to the Company will result. ByOrderof Directors.' ' !. . , yr.,-' r,:.i sJ'wALLACE, ,ifc ! ' " oct2i30dys Secretary, Flour end Chczzo. 080 Etta Flour, r ': Boxes Cheese, rorsaieby nov9-tf 27, 23 and 29 North Water St. ( j cr ftili TJnirl tilnmn mivr '!TnirTfiifnwo4 tt : - IliU UUdt 1 liLUil LJII r ! I: y ?