'ITT iV. t it. i f if 1H' . a: I II 1 1" t 4 U5 ; ? i 53f 1 IV! 11 5 v s r i 1 . 1 - r It VH- r 1 VIORNING STAR; Tuesday, November 21, 1871. ; V'jMC SC- BHB25TABD, - Editor and Proprietor. . TffJH flTRMTTtATION OJfl THE -MORN; LVG STAR IS LARGER THAN THAT OB ANY -OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPER POR- LISHKD IN NORTH VAXVIjJUXJL. BIG PAY FOR LITTLE WORK. A Chance for Everybody.!. - i , ,,.: . "ff . . - .''.j- f t i; "In ordef to extend the circulation of our : publications rapidly; we wish- to enlist . ...the, energies pf la numb$rof jactr Jgner prising agents,-and, to4such, agents we are preparedto offer inducements W the most liberal character V'LtAj We have' the' Jforhing Stbhed daily, at $7.00 per year,; the 4Wkekly Stab, published eyery .Friday, at $2.00 per year; and the, Carolina Jarrppub--I lishd monthly; ' at $2.00 per year! All strictly in advance.,; !--f: Specimen copies sent, and tcr vrs to agents made known, cn applicajioj to Wm. H. Bkrnakd, r ; , .Wilmington, . C. THE OABOUNA. FAEMEB. ' Every FaffleF Should -Subsbe. ACTIVE AGENTS WASTER , The Carolina Farmer is now published - -. - ; - . , in monthly magazine orm, with, hand- some cover and elaborate title page; is printed on the- finest paper, and with new and beautiful type bought expressly for it at heavy expense. It contain . 32 pages of original matter, and choice selections, and is. expressly adapted to the farming interests of the two Carolinas. In typographical excellence and variety of reading matter, we challenge compari son with any agricultural j ournal' of the .country. fj Terms of subscription $2.00 per year, in 1 advance. Active agents wanted at every ostoSace in. thjB countryThe most liberal compensation allowed agents., Eor full particulars, and specimen copies, : i Address,l TW& fi. fiERNAiOT,! ,o tf. Wilmington, N. C. ( t When from our own coal-pits we dig the fuel,: fromj our ,own ore-beds we lift the iron, and, with them, from our own rolling mills we turn put the rails , which ' shall be laid in all parts of oar State, lipk ing the 'mountains to the; sea, -and the -. . conntie Tpl the,one;border to.those of the f lerwbenilf e and make our owii machinery for spinning and .weavmgbiai owa cqnfand wool--when we make our. own -agricultural im plements, as well as oar own laws when - t',we": luil4 our pwn ships as well as our own -churches and school - houses when rwe publish our own books and periodicals, '"'and educate our own teachers when we raise all we eat and all we wear--then, and , ,( then only, will we accomplish the possi bilities within our reach. V,a., ' ' The above 13 an extract "from" the able . and practical address delivered at t oor. Fair,, last .Thursday by Hon. Alfred M, WaddelU": happier collQcation of words we fjG&ei&&DxlBt(Thej are reMned gold . .They are a history and a warning. I . A history, in that tbey accurately describe what we have needed , to make us prosv .5; i perous and happy as a people. A warn-i ' ' ing, in that theyvgive us the only key to the portals of a prosperous future for our Only by ; dependenc"enpbn 1 5otirseivesf ' can w be atrolyeatpeopley provi dence smiles upon those who ' help them- a selves Self-reliance is the great principle orsuccess."", : li ' - : 1 onderful ages" e enjoy" in CarblliJflthe ealubrioij rIImaite soil and wnfenience,tb market-rwe are -- Ml - - .:j surpnsea at. jer'iuameieum .; pianuestea by our people and their seeming helpless ' :ness. Mines; manqfaotorjtecpltiva-t HI mVtlQP ie4owtlpB;of:.ottr youth injione-of these things do vpf North Carolina people delight. We must x learn to fake pleasure and pride in tbeni,f ft in theJanciage of2IrrWaddell, we fjpirwould accomplish-the possibilities with- r-rit . :in our reacn . .-. .;-rr.:--:.r , t -i-Jnstfor a-moment -considerJUow j much would send no tnooey -out of-the? State' to neighbor wh,9made with his own hands, L if oujd: do all- 1 r M 1 ' " . ( - - I w.u-riWrttsi TLa inih!in5A nnM ! 4 Nannv Bird, at .it4i:5 J weektrldied ifi , such toptojas he uses ArjrJiis trade. vThe .n'j'i merchtinjtwouldjbyuall his cotton and woolen cloeVthfeidsTboolaTslree, hats nuu uiuci-nitivicui wear anu use irom tne .rrofmanufactuTel-j :sI.,,T ' - - -i:i'Aia tiua an nomiy nqagtryJaMl 11 do T Maskc lawyer; lysicteacher, s i ,j ,7 ui mo xtonn;aro- v- home education, too,, appeals with : Pwerfnl force to our State pride. It would strengthen our confidence iu our selves.' It would give the young genera tion a pride and interest in their State, that few other 'things could give.. We anxiously 'await -the time," when .the educational, system of North Carolina, from common school to University, snal ;.Vff.of n nv State in the Uniou. We ,MIluuf v . --,, can never attain to - the highest reach o prosperity "until we have schools, colleges , And universities ot, our own, wen patro nized'by our people. It is idle to talk o a material prosperity, that shall exist, in dependent of intellectual culture. I We thank our distinguished fellow-citi-ien for hiscnltivated and polished address, which-was as practical jand timely in con ception as it was graceful and eloquent in delivery, f In sounding the keynote, Self Help,' Mrl Waddell has struck theVchord which will nb doubt awaken' a symphony in bur : By steni,: whose magical ; influence shall bo felt in all the coming ages, if the people are not deaf ta its eloquent moni tions:' . Ji :-- -' f ; 5 "POfTEB AT THE CEWTIIE. ? "There is power at the centre, and we are giaa 01 ir." xuero as puwer iu, x u demdnium and the devils are glad of that. 'I'be quoted sentence is from the pen of North Carolina'aapostate, .WW.'Holden, editor jdf the Washington Chronicle; 1 j The tongue of a traitor is the tongue of an - asp. Exasperated .by the merited 'punishment, inflicted upon him for his recreancy-. Dy me xepreseniaiives 01 me people whom he had outraged, Hplden, as one of the editors of Grant's organ, has be come tho central instrument . and spokes man of the most malignant forni of Badi- calism. In his perversion of facts con nected with Southern affairs, in bis bitter spirit 'exhibited towards all Southern Democrats, and , more especially in the dark malignity which distinguishes his attacks upon the people of this State, he makes-himself conspicuous as the fore most m aligner and slanderer of the times. Secure in the countenance and encourage ment of the Administration, he fancies himself aa Ajax Telamon, whereas . he is most at home in the role of Thersitis. But how does it sit upon Northern stomachs to be reminded by a Southern ex-secessionist, renegade and fugitive, that there is power in the centre Will they thank htm for the reminder ? And how do they like such declarations ? Do they mean to tolerate tiis 41 power in the ceHtre" further than t its present term? Pbwerin the centre! Power in the centre !-Yes, we know there is power harsh, usurping,' tyrannical power in the Jtiu : Shall it remain therefor shall it bo relegated to the people? whence all rightful power originates and dwells, and whence itjwas violently wrested by such rnynaidct and henchmen of Tyranny as this Belf-same Hol'den ? This is the ques tion the people ot the United States will have submitted to them t next Pall, and the latter branch of; this question, if we mistake not their temper and tone, will be answered by them at the ballot box in a thundering afflrmatiye; :" Palmetto Leaves. 1 " -1. .... t l rjC i H .'in :jici. . .Marshall Sharp, of Abbeville county-, jis.deaAii? v ,o2fc viRbert Sickens, of Anderson county, is'dead; I , . Cattle thieves have "been ope- . . Camdcrr opens her new Epis ; ki Darline-ton has another TotiK V" -1 .'''"!.. i'T-v 1 '.'-,' najnenpnne ajbs oi jwecemiJer. i r, 4 i ' Charleston . has had a 1 black frbstL aad'the inhabitants feel relieved.r '! inr ponnd turnips are tufn- ipg"up In " the sanctums loti GFrjeenville editors. : xvm .sU '?nWanj lin i.I6tliseOBaponia,ot Charleston was 1 ottna dead m her bed in that city on young atfpia&3ilt lawyer, and a former l$$Sm Mt$ I The colored inan, 'Jake Beaty", 'y&o ' wa tto over: by. the railroad cars last week, died .taenexVaytafterthecctdent. I to burn the dwelling of a colored man named : Joseph ., Bright, in , ,pharleston, Thursday morning, the occupants banely , escapins with their lives. , . h , f 1 J .". The Chester Jceporter-'psftsz IJfuriJowlWilks and Thomas oLnd4dl6r ed, both living on Major John W. plantation,' near Broad Riyetywent ouf to' kill rabbits'orie day last week. Munrow Jfifks accidet,kmeA; i d p. 1 . . xne uaninffion oouinermr. sava Caroline;JBrow?,a a poMeIwomak H wno was struct on ine ueau wiiu.a,uajm-4 r coiorea . woman nmed Timmon&ville one dajf list Saturday. ' On Monday" cirineHtrtovrrafld was committed lot trial in 'eDruarynnExr n f ji:"JT.:u3:riiA :,ol l WTh(Clarkc6iinty (Wis.,) iwiA says :-?A' short ' umeawoi' ft Doy nameaT Uhnstie, livings in tne town or -weston, went out'squlrrelThiintiog, and came upon two buct'Oei dtli their horns lockedj td jgether so firmly that they couidrxiDOt separate from eachothef: r YourigOhrislle; succeeded in- killing both deer:mth':hU' s.botgnn. ,We examined them the, other day,1 1 and found the horns fastened' tdgetber ' in such a xnahner as to defy itha 'Tkwer human agency to take one from' tno othei without breaking them. fertile 1 PfflWilUa iu aoiJattiiotiSi i-ms-rJ m1 STAR BEAMS. tt: i.-.. in i i:on1 - v eruiuiii lias j.u,u 1 1 uuhov-u purps. Virginia has ninety 'four news papers. . - Acorn soup is a delicacy in r : Mobile , has J anv K. E. . Lee Dancing Association. , ' - 1 V The small pox js appearing in Garrbtin" is Said to be getting common in the streets of Boston. -,? ... J - Twentv-tWO' BniullS are COn nA in Ma SfitftPrisor, i , man in iWespdrt, '" Ubnn,, inn - DBS naa inree wives in uvc.iuuuiub A, i i - There areX902. --deaf.1 i.dumb, blind and insane, persons rennn in New-, Jersev rsoos ib.xxow ' cic. one Philadelphia. Oranges and lemons ara worth from six to eisht cents a - bushel . in the Brazilian market. , ; nr" " There are said to be Morraon churches ia Providence and several, other jNew Jttogianci; iowds. , , . -i: At DelnhfiUndianathe mav- m hH issneii an edict forbidding anv one TUa ...(, . ' 1 Afl. , Ine present (ieneral AS- nbly of Georgia has twenty-three color- members-six in theSenate and seven- sem ed members six in theSenate and seven teen in the House of Representatives! Mormon Women-Grse Green weods AliiratlAn 'nf ThJihi.i 'ii say, like good aridgentle Christian wo A uwou a un I w tuvt .mpv. m w uivi jl uiuan men. Thev are sinsrularlv simple in dress and modest in demeanor. What saddens children around them vou would think with this world. I am told that the wives of even the hiehest Mormon dieiitaries . - ..... r.-. . . ,-. w-. uuw iuuo pixuu m tucu wt us. x ncjo w a. m ma m tm m m - mmm a a rhaps difficult to feel much pride to th8 tne HT81 wiie oi a weaiiny saint oeirays in her husband and household, thev sav. no. sTnltant mv nf nn59P9inn An inrpsfmnnt . . am at 9 tu B iUUlUIUU uctui uau UUU1S UIU9II .LC rather uncertain stock for a woman. I am assured. thoueW that the second wife is seldom taken without the full consent of the first, i Kot only are the poor woman's religious laith and zeal appealed to, . but her magnanimity toward her sister woman out in the cold. It must be through great suffering that such heights of seli-abne- iat suca neigais ox seu-aune- cation are reached. The crucifixion of the.dmhe weaknesaf 'or s loving woman's neart musrDe a severe process, -as to ine leaders in the churcbnd prominent well- 1U.UAUAVU tutu nuwui a uai iut. 1 to-do-citizens, I must say -that they , look, remarkably care-lree, and evenriouy under the cross. Virgil,! believe, has somewhere the expression, " 0 .three times and four time happy r Well, that istue way they look. 81nrnlar Deatb of m Pennsylvania Magistrate. .The New, . York says : We are called upon io record the sudden deat h of Lebrecht Treager, Esq.V which sadJ event Mvmmd' ( hit tndilraM.n innth nporm occurred' at hisi Residence in South George street at half.past;7. o'clock on Sunday ing. He was an acting Justice ot eace jn the Fourth' ward, and trans- mcrning, the Peace acted business in his office up to ' Thnrs nnn Wamp vnr wim nd 1 rrtmmenr.nd " 111" 'A frknniTTAflr nlrf'TSTfiW' Orlpanai proper to render nptheit thanks to God. , 1 the articles nOvr in use are objectionable, Crys- oc "'-i'' ' ' - , boy accidentally Shot and killed hislittie - y 7";rV"ri0 . t 4 contain neitherfingar of Lead, Sulphur or Ni- .5;.-? uTToA I Tfc rT" Utpr - ui . ; ii :r-:;',vvi : blessed, 'I suggest that the? open their hearts f tf ate of Silver, It does not Boil the xlothes or n ' iiUCOIl ! FOrlr f ., , . - . .. , 1 and assise, oy sunsiantiai' gms to xnose less wwu, oBicoawjr one t' ; - r iilT?in wa,irttntrfn'n?nfpH tmm I . ofthebeat dressin&rs for the Hair in use.' It I I Irvb at moTo,, t . , - . " lavortju, u . wixy4v9.iiumw. t restores theeolorofthe Hair-more -perfect t TT-,.7 7 " ""vuxjsjja House to anotner.Dy a ciomes-ime in on that day !1 i .... ;., , . .anduntfojy than say, other ? prepare .i ..s i t. ji'.-i . i SILAS n: MARTirr.r vu and aiwavsfloftHHn lnfrrtm tnrAAtn tflrt nav uiear: xrrfcftitii day -Of list-weet, ana jnany Ot nis ' ac- :nth'vj?yr.,ji. s. j8 perfectly ironderfalt Call and examine i.Clrenlnr &w and Grist Mills, Hy- quainUnceiiaetand conversediwith him Axrive at, Wiinitag...w,.r4:40 iito aewlng MWnes , j "t ; i-W. :d an kind of Tobacco oh the streets up to that day. A.wart oa ifti tA :8ISvf4,lH;- and aU kind of Tobacco rthe thumb Of JiiS right hand annoyed him nect by DOWK DAY TltAlN. yitli accpaimo; PtW ; yo.98 Front Si, Wilmington, rixtures-Wrought :Wn W6rk, Brass a.d Iron ITry mucxL, ana ue anemptea to rtiBoyext i - '"SiWwiv -w uaSu ;k Kio TinAof Vr.;fa .n iho wmind j at 3 P. MJ asusual. ' ' J . '' i r swelling very rapidly, : spreading over, his 1 connections by trains, arrivlngat WUxing arm and ( chestJ-and finally mortificatidn 1 ton "at 5:60 a. M.- and learinr WBfaidnrton at iuub uiave. nuMu tauu , um,.uvmi a. was. atteaea py .several, pij our leaamg phyaician9,,'who did all in their po wer to save his life, buttheirf efforts were of no avail. Th e deceased was a Jarge muscular tnan.'Oi strong physical constitution,- in he 54th year of hiaage. a'-; . . ' . Bxtrme oi Fortune. A rather singularao stance of the . ex tremes bt rfune cdmts 1 from thePacific slope. One of tEe early pioneers, or tian Francisco was William Ellis, a 1 printer by trade." By his industry tifcei accumulated 4ite W sunt of qmoney, which he seat to J . . ' mm ' . m 1 a A- ms wne mdunicago xo oe Dy ner xnyesieu in real estate. In 1864 :property t in i the latter place toik a sudden rise and ; Ellis cago, . wnexe uetixas x-esaeix ppux reueuujf , When he tootlt'lnBsthead' to revisit Biin Francisco, taking witl? him Ms wife, who was a sufierer froih phlmbnarv ali ments. u Soon ; 'alter his arrival the Chicago fire Occurred whereby' ihe wa s hea yy oser? Wml prepariOffJta return: thdme his wife died. To completer his ill- luck he was a passenger on 'trliff which was ue wasa passenger OT'atraia wnicn was i..r t 04,;. g 9di zHtiK VjJi aj.jj jBT?lAuclttdrr, d ; Jff .ir?hT?Kh'JiPoo e. thrown from the track-whexebv; he was Ta.! 3u :nv,frw j?S 8?f?' a fl&.Wi iDtVTie'utw7J- ORK;olBlA:GCW"IB CPT'T Kl w bus .a iJ.-v.t.H..gjrui3i?j 200 Acres )f Open Land, lw,ltbok?orai :-The .aJui3ytowoiti!.?-rt x-'t ' ' - -Wliai0T03,VCt.1f ;anaasifeTery fabilfV'fof imtrovemen $y&B Courweleai-iiMiust'refdsed -.N Vv4t ..T .,a.,3- -MCf Hf -fibC6xiE;i to admit to theJbar'KisAltaj ' TjQiett,f ai IJiRIHM'O lift S-SES' 1 BA"Gf iH ,J,oa,tio" aisi-w-.i taofisu Bxyrdint ' .jf; A.MAULTSBT. law student of this city,"6;ficcountof her , fjryia-j ot i; f, . . -I70TI()or'&TOCII1102iDB ;ttu.eyi .1 f f..-; seyik inis we'regretj aswe-uucierstanAi ut -h,aiu t..f jim wnio-ti'rWy.t ro x? V J - " MleBU'ftod tUiUffleittwlixalined f . v ti b., 14MDBlc u prorided for by Charter, are noUCad lJIIdtvi:.i. - t enter Ifif he pfefisob '6fr. her choice. . :& -i- ..-"li A fv , i,29"h&o Under-ariatjtfoihtffleatvwi Uiexi circuit xlrfi JostttiY-m-Airrajia , J " ! tfrt.t ,.n hrtur iudhereisi fiulettiexaihmeibr M j. Ar50WJP7ii,,9rf : -Z" "Wof IWiftM urJ' 1 . admissidti Wttettotfal.faelw)MM?fW ts.iuei,Ji. , 9tls " WFlshtilleraffBrafefifi' lolithff Bock;f y?:,?!8 T?B5 ixjP.l broVbar;w62etlflfed td lieitorple'quaU-. Htiaiiuuw. - liut the - Ouuieme - 6onriyh as agaiff; JHOthd miifipplication .bf fthe gifted and aeeomplisbedditresS: of th6 pi icv?7VW, rCidd agatnsfe:the: aamlssicanor womeirto'tficy e Itg&i1 profes sion. .2 . : 1 i t ;F4fo74 con- Brooks county .had, been, completely cured ot a cancer oh her right cheek, of eighteen years standing, by applying a decottkm' of cloter ttwice ef day, and .drinking'a quart ot the decoction each day. . Jlr. c&iD9TjobirtwniicaaLiit, 1 vvaucins, 01. - pen tec, of; thaticityi: statms jthatalady 01 Watkins had applied to Major Carpenter inr fhA nlnvflr whirh workprl f hia rnre. find nnw orrlfPfl flfTAin fnr fiVA nH,Pr CpfTprPr r,r" :vr.71;B" i mat viciunjr. SPECIAL NOTICES. PROCIAITATIOIT. : Eldybr'd 01ficer : J . . . NOYEMBEE SD, 1871. WMiaAHlSt:eeIieBcy th0 Presl 'PS dent 'of the Valfed'8tateiad Bis Ex tcellene ttie QdvoniorJOf fbeetate or North Carolina, have each designated tne- SOth dav oir,, WA Hi TnanksglTlnganiCli'ratsetotioaiOrUlamany - MAoainM VAnhnfAi dnrin t.n ntt "'ri: T:;. Nowjtherefore, laTOntormJtwth these. proclamations and customs, L, ilaa, jr.. Mar- tin M&vor of the Citvof WUminffon "do call tin, w im uiy w wuwpgKHi, can I nnonthecltizensthereof.onthatdav.tOsus T,ehd au'busmess so fa I M...nna ,, ,, i tnkfi sncn measures as mav seem meet and nor S-lawt89 San : ;i Mayor.' BATClTELOll'S IIAIB DTE. it. . This superb Hair Dye is the 6efnt'TTorfd -Perfectly HarmlesrEeliable and 1 t-mWwrtiiiiwWim . - - - W - A. iatcheior?s Hair xye produces imjcleiji ATELYaspiendiaiack statural rowrt. I Does not StahJi theSkJn, butaoaveajSthe Hair rww- wwBgiwj w Bond street, New TorkV feb7eodi - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ,;', u,...: j... .,.;, ,,. ,, i n Starch ! Starch ! I , f inn BOIES PKAKL ST ABCH, - 1 - - -'va- isot irit Wif.f- I m m -7 ft w ty ni- 'U ON MARRIAGE. TTAPPT BELIEF lorTOUNO MEN from the h&:c jiuuittwu 8ioreu 'orvoHB ueuuiiy cureu. a . . - - I xmpeoiments to Marriage removed. Aew aKScK& r v uu ijbu xosuuuniufl, 1 ; ., "V.tt21i; MM,. .1. i 1 u. a ., , , I aw... p. a 1 .H.. av.... I : Noticed LSLPPLlCATloar ivnx B.riiADE'Td next General Assembly of North Carolina for the passage of an Act to corporate, the I "uape rear -xowing ana Aiianue coast wrectc- f ing company" or, wunungton, riov-.5'- - Oct.iith,im-tf; a.oviuU.xtH 1 u L wrT ,'m.rrtmnT'-,,-i V!-"iu iyf A-rf v TTrrr urnvrlrrxr i! -WTHxf " xuumwxvxi i..ii'IWMtti. i . yii t.v n Awiy t-. ndj sAi ld 7, Ln. lwr t x n limmM mil. , IjUlUlUUiai. Ui;iIU n ,,.sT ' : . ac: gl Cl ' OiSee Gen. Frelsnft aad TiclMt Agent ' WitworoTOw, N. C.i Nor. 15tb,' 1871 ffl - " ' --. .. .!? formed that close connections are now made between .Baleigh: and ""Wilmington and, all points on the WilmiD&ton and Weldnn Kn.fi. JL.X1JC X'UBLJU ABU. xtESPECTFUxYLY IN- pomts on the WilmiDgton and Weldon Bail- road and Wilmington. Columbia and Augusta Bailroad, by the following schedule f , . Leave Wiimington.....j.....:.6.-oo ajm; Axrireat Baleigh.......4.......t.l p: I llPassengsTS from-line of the Wilmington I84t Genelek?S'gLnL nov ksj. ' r ' " - ' -'- Peanut' BagG m Am Mmy A OXn V fTIB T SO ' 1 J For sal , i .!nbyi9-tf "OT.aianaaf isorui water bci Mi m. IT 9 HIlVXXXlXmt .t-. v Denizens and Citizens Ana Other SmoKet'g' A'i'llCie, I. ' PIGOTX; JTOlCCtfniStiuif wt' r"0" DE0SS3Tft COi H M i.:r.n.Tfi.rtnf jn., , aBr, 11 iiil-l ! 'i iii " W tOd.iUP0riiU ! V ;renidvea t6Ny.4 idiftli.Wat9r street, where ho trill continue tha ta.irihr,ain.a andJialpe bjf proxoptf personal attention, to him. .Healsohas two good Billiard Tables iiir naic ?u icuL. w 1111,11 i"lii iih nnrnnasBn vorw enc. lowwareaamywi nov.iu-ami f.v r: .:i t HHfi 190109 rfWffMii:i .1 f JL EliY4sc r!: "I'i ?i.-r.fT.i5-.vr4 and i is !n hare -of one of thk ikiiLfni flTTITilBTa .T All . Y-n n v. k aNa n w. rv fi)ointanettts.-r" jWorkmen, in the State. 0 All kinds of -Binding citsuuteu ueuuy, oneapiy ana expecutionsiy. may23-x00-tt : v !. PURCHASING .,THEra,SUPELIE8; -I thaHtBeiMllare.' r . i w.-v.-xarar x?inxeif$iuj siiZiJj'r' -p -fj i"'.-iai!w..ir ' : "l iuneese,i;oucaTarh.tEe5SJirscl:4ts. Ess-t,, ,H,jH nl- : H; Vl n'IY it mSOEliT.AMEOUS. in.! HI TAD A1ITI U4DTTI TOC! AQ UATPP uuuiiU IUU uauuuiiuu xiu .iumu :r,IT2ITTAlTS' . ORYSTAX. DISCOVERT FOR rHEvHAIR . .... '. - Otir. 1 Avf Jiuv Wntft.na :, Tnwntnv and . "Pnvryrifitnf - ...:... , t r - . u iWaMnqton.: D; Oj - ' A PEJJPECTJLY CLEAR PKEPABATION Xa. la noole as easily applied s water, J m , " 1,Ui" lor restoring Gray Hair to its,, natural color l':'' Watches, Clocks and.T. and youth appearanco, to "eradlcatend -i'r - c,ry ful! prcyent rtaiyirplTV promote, the ; growth the Hair and stop its falling oat. It is bw- ,. , w"-7- habjcless and perfectly freeYrom any The Premiums for the Cape Fm. poisonous substance, and will therefore takfc i , ,4. - ar .tihnniiiAf Aiit.hAdirt WBpWllh' ave DeenBenctis"Jrom:many "of our I Y.T,0t j ! yirtnally feeding the roots of the Ualr with all the nourishing, qualities necessary, to growth and healthy condition? it restores :Halr more po r AOAOOM Ann innnooa a . nanr nmnrth f produces a pleasant and cooling effect on .f 'u. aiim - j r ;.,( - i . , f" pwiiiienugn w tie uim hadbTtwisto ticethat in pursuing this course our aim is WRIGHT, Wholesale" and fietaU at Proprie- ''rcilTi r tors' rates. V ; , noyftf - Western, Clear Rib Sidvj . : r j . wues, Haro-V CliaiMjo f Tor: Bargains I r. iCni Uylf.' Cti - S '.lui . Mtistt Hp. Sn H. Within 'Via At,J & ::i : tJ .5, i - - " V-X y: t; v-v. -r ' -.-' :f ;J zr-:L, 7 :.: " " ; ? U B 3?fi P9K HP V HhflG TTnTTATTS rJT.O AKfi iftHAWm OxjUIVO, E1AW.L, r " . 'i ' i i ; .vi - t i1 - . .i 7 t 1 k i , ,, ,, . 1 Blankets, Boots and 'ShoWHats, " . -j 5 m v f SjM r .! 11 1- III .f-f I'H I MIJ- .. , , m Mm Mm Mr, BB B. BB a. -av m ... . :! . -.- - .,-r-" F " Tf VXLjW-LX1D . , " rt s v .-tis .-.j-u li ..i.iiA- o w. .?- 5; j. at.vPRE3Ent. contained in, Kos. 8, 4jb 5, I -i a-.iswcfitaiHk.jviJ .. u 'l. - ,0 , ... octmJ,t,, t.., ;Daj;tf Rpciii -for tie-Laflifis !' . :u ,.A,U TVHO HAVE SEWING MACHINES, I ' : r- A cannow buy Tor Three Dollars, I 'f oitBOTt. o.h. ' A'fiasteriuia Quiaer?.,L..C:wirai i6'l ; r 194)01 I A Tuck Jlarkejr..... ....... ......... lStoWeGxlSaSer '! ! s An Adjustable Binder.. .":.'ri.wnr:! ; ! ' 1 : 1: :. .-.-:.;.. , . , ... AXiraiaer. AihV-i . -AAJS.,?f Sfft f00' tinJTJw. 1, 5 v( , $15 anotner 1 arrival ! : T JJ A,i.., . ST,Y jL'E S mm . Um I I , " ,'.- r j .y;; ic it't c L-j;xfmna.at-- ' I 't-ltM-tf TK. M J-U-KM a MAittn M I 8.1 f ,i l) ' i .HtDi... Kill Th6 ChrTorf Sfer1 " Jl,llM.AA5f4i:l545 ESTABLISHED OVER 20 TEA138 AttQ THE WBTJ'PPDIlAl5 dUTtSAlIN PWrikrife'retf ASvstiii3tl ;i -uvL t kvyiti 6ycrfiy -t fctrii. tliv ? ni f wins. .u --"iai?3-Jim . riio .u.U.itf Wif i;jf4rtvi 1 p'?5-7"MERiBg, . octrfys..-. - a .- f 8ecretary.f .Anlce-ftock vMMM? J. ..i! .vi .M" . ' y,.w , , -. f ' ' ,71- vlTTff T?fSftTAf1-; .. Ma Wt ' iaiHWhJ4nL ' . Mxii.px.wpr, . i- i, . ,. .... r . L'X V v"B jrxour, , 10 Bass Prime Rio cfcffi i . l,., t? i cu ;yj; ottio vA-i! xioiesaj.e.p naxsvexau. ! 'M k -ml Jviitt iixBATCItCAII 17 sept 16-u . , No, 5 North Water street. - I ... t.w.browk 4 suoobssor to- Jewelry, Silver Ware FANCr goods, acsPEca, all ages. " . , No. 87 Kx8KST WILMINGTON, N. C. oi j -repaired, most """""wnnHJwuwrRnd itrniBhi u I """uuieii buui. ed bytbi, 'SCleto.Dry ' its ' Salt Short Clear.. Drv sitArt nv the I a' K oii.li , . f C E,b- th. I , . - - ;Mess PU o J . niked the ola 1 : . i . . I -w---. ----. .. -ir . " , - 1 . j f tvioiv. oi'!'i a r,.";41 "UUAUere Smoked to ' ' .vWk ' .;.1M " ' ; ; iwuu, i-oi xvil 0 HAMS 4 is-if .1 For sale bv V.' octlS-tf ADRIAN A Tor, H- thibty tears experience 3 "r ' tkkatkest o ? Chronic and Sexual Dispn TAlL EPHA-coniain. dred and'thirty fine platesa ISVISK QnH Ann 1 . or neaittt diaase, with a treatise on eariv ,J,errors,ltsdeploraWecoii8equencMB i min wui, "tu ' " 1 - - - mi Lfu v wv 11.11 i,iih HiiTnnwia i z..V"'u"1 0 ot and those contemplating marriage, who en. tertain doubts of their thvsirm Sent free of postage to any address on receipt of twenty-live Cents In stamps or postal cur rency, by addressing Da. La CKOlX, no zi Maiden Lane, Albany, N. T. The author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his book-treats, either personally orby mall, and medicines sent to any part of tb world, uj :. . :r- - loct -SAfiw "i. 1 't 1 . r CLIFFOaD HOUSE; TLlfB WIT SAMPLE ROOM, . , ..... -IWTI1E CITT. ERE SUPEEIOE 6EGABS AND B0T- I W mT T T TnTTAPa v.j HIG TOBACCO. ' : ' """ '"Also, -; -Furnished Rooms', by Day; Week or Monti. OCtl6-tf "J" J. A. CLIFFOKP, ProjVi TAXBOTT X. TXLBOTT rpAJLBOTT A SOKS, S t r ?uc 00 e "gnoCKI Successors to Talbotl ft Bro.) SIIOCKOE MACHINE WORKS, 00 J j.. Cary & seventeenth Sts.,Kichmond, Va 001 XAVmrAOTUBXAS 0 Portable A Stationary Steam Engines, Castings, Machinery of every description, Ac. w. r. r a. . 1 ' - "SamueJtjrCnno .f ; (WITII MEIDE BROS.) ..i iui.r, ii? y-j-t.'v.ir? a- , I .J A nv it. . t nam jm ..nrftv, At 1 .. ..r- . 1 feesceanbekbies, Anrt TnLUjWtW kali "fi; j.or.3x e,j non-i v t? J?P9tH -Whngtcm, . P1.EASE ter bargain' " ""To II Y.m streets. Vtrrvfa IT-V Trinnpn V11 flrat ClSSS gw- .oidxm. 1., examine Youtcan eet a BotUe of Good French's, and have it always convenient. i - ; "tJ! IvI city HotelCorner. WdiviLtt tez.iwtiii! -wty.'-ILr yRlNCU 3s cv. concrro teffi'ftttftimii import1' I nov Mm , ' ;. WlLMlNaiu . a-kvr TLA fi- r. at "- , . UXiXXIgO XVA - I , noyU-tf IvAlIfcdCCStteVfiKSON'S. ! H. 1

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