ioRnn$rGr star. Tuesday ,: November21 1871. THE CIROULA TJON OF THE MORNING STAR -ZS LARGER THAN THAT OF ANY OTHER DAILY JX Ml WXrAJfJUH Jr u BLUSHED IN NORTH CAROLINA. . , X 5Iiac, Xap Tlie End of a fnl Wife wno Watebecl Day and Night ror a Wrecked Intellect aXt t afAvette R. Fish committed suicide In hU house, at iucxs j anui .c uiion streets, lirookljn, VY eanesuay. morning, .air. u isn ,tf, 17 years of age, temperate and indus trious, but ot weak mind.'; Five years ago ie was a prosperous wnoiesaie; grocer, m this city, but so prodigal that Tuih over took hiui. He removed - to Brooklyn and for nearly three years was : a cond octoroon a railroad. The loss of , his property nrayed upon his mind, and the 1 apparent .. . . ...1.;. U Ua. OAmnti rv-.x mbwvSA gJjnrlltS WIIIIU uo wuifeuuin.iGViCITCU It VJUl old associates stung him deeply. ; HertreK ouently complained to his wife that his brain was uwmug, vuav hw uauieit iike threads )f "moltertlekde imade three several attempts to take Kia life, ;iut whs always frustrated -by--his wife's sleepless vigilance.: nis, morbid fancies assumed a torm so alarmiog that his wife i feared to share his room, ana slept on a lounge near the dopr,'Jier ears ever on the alertVor his slightest movement i: her pves watchful of all his actions. Last Thursday Mr. Fish complained oi feeling- unusually ill ana rrom tuat timfeup to the morning of bis death he rapidly , grew worse. Yesterday his wife jelt him for! a fw moments, not without misgivings I to procure medical assistance,' -When she returned a,s great ; crowd was collecjefl about ber house, which' fell back , at her RDDroach and diseloaedjo .'.ber gaze- the mangled corpse 'of,'" he ha8bandTIt Dears that Fish had availed himselt other absence to carry out his cherished,-plan? and, climbing to the root .ot the ' house, which is lour srories nigu, iook iue iaiai leap, dashing out his. braing.f upon;' thai sidewalk. iv. j:. -fiun. r.a i Assassination In Tenaeeee; Oue of the most cold blooded assassina tions in the annals of crime --was perpe-ti-Hted last Thursday week, on Jjie Hender son Ferry road, abeutitwmemtleSfroin Brownsville, resulting in the death of- an honest and well:todo farmer of that.coupty by the name of Elias King. The State siivs that about (Tb'clock in the evening, while he wa lying down on a lounge read-. nig to nis wire, ne was snoi turougn ine window without a. word jofiwaxoing ;j he. did not dream of danger, nor did his wife. He was reading to Jrer;from some favorite book .anrLtbe cat did stand x was between theml'feiirig jthjp window tbo'4uglr builttnal(Utfbrm from the ground, and taking de&aerate aim at his -heart with lt-EafieJdL rifle, tired, shattering Mr. King's left arm ahd shooting v him through : the- bearif He never rose . from, his . recumbent, position, and died without speaking a work." His death was almost inStanUneousV t His wife saw nothing but the flash of the gun. She was overwhelmed with' consternation- and terror; her screams brought the neighbors to her assistance, but not until the unfor tunate man bad breathed hislastandi the murderer had 'resMdv.-Oijrcmtances point unerringly to a1 hegtoi imme'd Ed-4 inond, who was a.laborer on the place, as the guilty party. The stable door was broken open a little while! aiter the mur der, and Mr. King's fine stallion taken out, and neither the horse nor the negro has been seen sipc&Ywj&UffieM - The JT ext Presidency.. , - : The reDort that the Democratic, leaders are in arresrwndenije.withifregar6l to' the1 propriety or. aoaraoning a nouuaawon lor President, with-a"viewTiriupporti8gIaJ Conservative Republican ; camlrdate .in opposition to Qjant, has not, on inqulfyj in New York and ofraembers otl.the Democratic committee! ?Ja; Washtbtt assumed positive' Uhape.- That aC'a number of Democrats here faTorsuc&xa; course is openly' admite Schurz and other Republicans, whol are opposed to .aT contionance of the present Administration, declare that the only hope of success is fount iii lUjt' How such a convention-is too bewailed, and who is to call.iarp.quesdoas, St is stated, that must be left for the future to decide, as there is time in whlctUhe Dem ocrats of all sections can discusiU The National Democratic Executive Commit tee, appointed by the last National Con vention, wi 11 meet, ashingtojijn JJan uary, earlicf lhansual, ta .. "decidp. on the time and pU''otii)06n-vention.-fBy ihatmVtbelpolicf of the Conservative Iteirabiicina andi tbrtent of the co-operattotf aef ?tbeDemoCratic party ,wilfillypd committeei an dectd osutetheraiiiiBtbis; wisest couree'ndT1issW?alr: simple in naUonai.counciI.nsA cSta VOtr that the Greeley ' faction 'jitfieeepbbli cans intend td bttfg:Pf4tt:iiax for the Presidency turns Out ife f The Vice President writes -that - he- is pot a 4 selt he adheres to his -resolution to reUNMj to private life; fhe&fd ol las term" of office. Wash. 'CrBmrSun i . .. vuisiiJgjioi ; candidate fcpnf bmcevq5uf Iivtfarthe ref tlection of Grahft irfd iadtisN&at Wr ihimf: Oovfcrninent and Insnreeri XTep3if.nUr The, lfeorko?asadv Montere 16 tbahiltstintiTwo (hun dred cavalry, sallied frona galtillof ooMj forces.! Hie v government V troops) we driven back with losi of half their number.- Two regiments of cavalry soon after, aiM "vea at aalUllo, Gen. Tr? TaQ,,jtne repel leader, has 1 imYiiIIj Fill liHi ii 111 1 iiinTfTuil a;Bellos Mueftos icoiimiiarag the', road as; placed at ihdisosal bt 'the feavera- ent all ,the forc. toto1 J . au juouis. jtiis cavairy is now a.jua-n camasion, on the borders:!Th6"taveri-t ortma, haye, adytneed into,ITeuTO Lectot; Cortina is " now - af :uCamtiloi, ' bavti advanced twenty teagnel Howard 'Montow re7. It is said that Carnanal I will, head the revolution in Tamanlipas at the proper timi " - v 1 f sj Old John Jlbinsoa!s circua rsustained'a serious loss on the morning of his arrival t 8avannah;-'ih' tb aekthrdfra' spletidid Airicanlion, and thean.enight-tba Ben" gai nger, a hage gpeQimea of its tribe was tquite ill of the sarnVMisease-f pneu,- 5 MESOMZiANEaUS. j' . THE if C , t JACOB I A X E!' T-H E J A 0 OBI AXE, ASD ACCEPT NO OTHER. fof you will then be certain you are getting t, .'tbe tt for yoar money. , . Cvcnta Axo , iVarranted ! . For sale Wholesale, and Betall, at i NATU'IJACOBl'S, : ' ' t;.2 .;aar.aware Depot, JXo. 9 Market fet, Ana wIealer Tbrontcliont tnT state. EL f ,Hiar d7areV; , ?: JBL- - , . Agricultural Implements. Cutlery, Iron, Sttel, - Nalla, tuition, e. We would resDectfuUv call the au tcy tentloa pf .Wpoltol Btrraas to our a -y lun iuiu uuuipwie assortuieu'C. em- Good'a in Thiff Trader . -s r" -'3rad Qiages we can pc t ency LCMaer, ii i aaaiit skins; ' v Paints. OllsrGlaaa. fcaah. Donra Anil Blind. c.f &0. neas ball and examine before pui-chasinr, the stock t;, . f tl fNTU'L JACOBl'S, nkvv 'e35Verttsements. a BLISS A. C(X3 FLUID. EXTRACT,: The wonderful remedy for vaneer Syphilis,' Scrofula. Ulcere Pulmonary ComTJlamia. Salt Ataeum and all Chroaio Blood Uiseases, Is prepareu irom tno ubhuiitb uttbdubasoo abk zrom jxja, Ecuador, secured by tbe as sietance or the authorities of that cotmtry; it u toe most eueoitv. pr&mvtjina certain auera tire and:auoo4 vurnsa.jcnowu.i boidoy drUargists, in pint bottles; having on them our nme, trade mark and directions.' send for a eiroular. Oface and Laboratoiy, No. 60 cedar 'liif OlifTON KCXtSK, N e w Southern ovel, 1$JL by the author of ., Yajei'ie, a yinier, 8 to. If. la Q q ixrkr t li'a !n.ith t. tmii vo j a and the scene is laid entirely In that region. xna young autaoress, woo is laay pt wortu Carolina has in' her second effort improved upon the firsts Ben tfretbymail to any aduiess on the receipt of the prices' " - St. r.lary'G School, ; ?B.IghtKev. Tabs.iATaisojr, D, D .V14 or. Bev. AuaaT bxiDXs 1). v., Beet' r. ttev'BBrfXT9 sxbdkL A. M., Assistant. 'I he Slxtiethaarm. otvthls School will com mence on the sixteenth of January. 2872. and xmUaoe natU thotaeyeath.of j une, t ( 1 The charge, per term, lor board ana English tuition is one hundred, and twenty dollars. Jror a circular apply to the Sector. ; , IS IT T Til? rk W A in? ras Aaleap, II 1 xrii 'H if H 11 it t-a aiu.vo ; v pm'rof superb i-renon Oil Chromos subjects Aarju siziis exquisite jae nmuet 01 original Oil Paintings tuVJSN A WAX to every sub- 8crlberto . Henry Ward Beeclier's G BE Vt LITER m: EELlQlOTJS." WEEKLT WKWSPAf au.-Agents having great success. One t Jvk 1 A 0 name- in 3 months, another 872 in 3 day&,i$iouier 118 in one week, one 47 In one iay, afcd many oibers equally well. uak iiig from 5 aud $1Q to $10 pec day. ; Takeaon sight. An old agent who knows says : "I think Sorry 1 did not engage sooner." Pays better than any book agency. A rare chance to make money. . .... , - IjOCAJL agents wanted. In; elligent men anu women wanted every- where, if you wish good territory send early for circular and terms ! J. B. FOUD & Co- 2 Park Place, JS. Y.; 11 Bromneld street, Boston, Mass.; , west taflison street, umcago, w. WinnJO MOUSEllOJLD , MAGAZINE la if uUU U'bffe red' free dniinarXhe coming year to everySuhseriber ot AlerryB Jttuaeum, the Toledo Blade, PPmeroya Uemocrat etc. vnicn is an evidence of Its worth ank aWtyVHOtfted ureeiyi James ; par ton. dore Tilton, cutH Hainiluii, etcwrite tor ev- ry in p.iohhlng' it offers. 'three first class periodi'ials lor the price of one of them. A variety of premiuma- om equallyi liberal terms. It is an original, first das magazine. Volume X begins with JanSsaFmejaaec ., . ., , .v.i, u- t K.i : ' JmmtmTm men copies free. - Address S.iSaiiMau, iew- - r " . " f .'iO-SXTtfI..: -S burgh, m, Z 1 Cv, t : I . . The Year! iJof Battles. The Historv of the WexbeUWtm France and Germany, embracing1 also Parts sunder the Commune. 130 illustrations t MSjpages ; price 2 60; 60,000 copies already eoia J .Nothing equals it 10 seix. iwmjr-wjiM?o wwj. Making 10,000 copies 'per montltnow, in Eng. lish and German. Term unequaled. Outfit $1 25. Address H. 8. io0D6PJitD A CO.,' 87 Park Row, ew Yortcti-; y vtvi c : - I,. 1 1 I ' j V 1 i $pUcltd MB3rjr A Co., HrtyTeSaiel f , ' p&Tnnhieta contalnlniT Patent Laws, wiih failed UeetAoiis-faow'te-ootaia Patents, free. ft!eupvoJtBai ot'mpasesi eonjalning the A aw vaasxnpy counties aa au ; mrgv vimcuh 140 ' Engravlhgs v of Mechanical Movements, Patent Laws and rule for ootalnlirg 'Patents, aUonrecetpt ol 23 cents. - - ftlllEAI'.ilSIIUtia FAUILT4OBK SHEL -1 t-,LEX tX). want-asents to fell their Fam ily Cornshellers. Best invention oj the kino,., Bens at signii. rruuis largo. - cuuio, addresaICUGENE-rDEK, Treasarer, Lock AOJCJIyWtf-.agents make more- Basiness4igbt and permanent. Partic Nilartifreei, femSQif4JUO.,Flne Art Publishers, PQrJtJsd. Ale. , A j ri t kKOaFia I otbb famished. Ex- 4pensea pald.r JI, g.AWrrAlXred, Me. advertised remedy, has discovered a simple roeanaot,peiMarefwaicikne wiu sena to ni feUowfeerersTAddTess;j; H. BEEVES, 78 1 1 . . - ' '2IGELI1IEQIJS.': ' T " : J - : ;,GRATJ1 and Steamboat, and Smith's Coal, vira-i :'J'Af f-al ajO PAESLET .CO s rl '".1 I 11. ' - . . , i. . Ceal and wor a 1 ara, near root oxjooj; bj v "' 1 -'i ! - - -i v'U i ' J !T tAi'M 'i 'JIJ .. .. A I L Notions Boots; :SlHHats, &c. roct29-tf ? Extraordiuarjr, Success X , IN THE SALE dp-' MILLER &" CO''S FlttST-CL'ASS - . -- - .-.. PIANOS. . , V1 aiTABUSHED IN 1853. 100 to 200 SAVJED I - , i v uwuuwcuio, n biiouv 5 VERY DEGT. - Only Piano Forte Wareroom Known south .where Pianoai are.sol the NORTBERtfPRlCES ' THE FAMOU3 - WEBER PIMTO." Which la ' used,' and: pronouncedly all '.the LEADING MUSICIANS AND COJTSER a VATOntS OP MUSIC r - of Ke w York Brooklyn, ami else Where to be : , 1b Jest. Plso. iw.llantfactei,". i at the , , s Piao FoaTaWAxsabok Majbokio Hall, WxucfiteTOS, N.'C ( J. F. BUECKEBT, ,octaMnj-; jX-.a-;. .."sole Ageat Visitors to the Fair 'W'ttjL find it to their ad vantage to buy their TOBACCO; SnUPF, ' " , . . tjj.. 4 . . : . t - SEGARS AND PIPESy AT., 8!n otihe Indian Cblef, Holasses and:8vrup. i X t Muscovado Molasses AND EL SYRUP -1 -For sale very low by .june-tt . (-".r.r.j LL1.AAD BBOS. w . -oi.... t. , ,; , , , Wilmington fi; Seaside Railway ' . CJXASGE OF, SCHEDULE. ' ' C'KAKiy'AFTEE THIS "BATE, the folio w 'J Ing schedule wilt be run on this railway : Commencing at A. M4 at Wilmington Gar den, corner or Bankln and Eleventh street, and arrive at corner of Front and Bed Cross street at 5:22 A. M. 'Betumlng, leave corner of Bed: Cross and Frontr street at 9324. and arrive at Wilmington Oarden at 6:5,- and will continue to run at the same rate during the day,' allowing 15 minutes between each turn out. ; Under this arrangement a car will pass anv given point every 15 minntes, each way. - The cars will be run regularly from 6 A. M. antUlOP.M. - - 0 1 . SUNDAY SCHEDULE : " On Sundays the cars will be run from 9 A. VL xmtU 11 a. M., an1 from 12 M. until 10 P. M. AnVcamnlaintski 16 netectareleisness or improper conduct on the part of any of the employees of the railway should be made to me either in person or through the Postofnce. J 4 , .tit, i i ' nov3-tf DANIEL JTLEIN. THE, CAPE FEAR ; ' FLOOR iAHD-PEEL HOIHY HILIS. ' WILMINGTON,. N. C. O - HATE CONSTANTLY ON HAND : Eitra Famtly and Super Flour, Fearl Hominy, Seed Bye, JBeecL Wheat, Seed Oats, Corn, Cow Peas, White Peas and all kinds of 1 Horse, Cow' and Hog1 Fee-' , J ALIir6oOD3 OLD DRATED FEKE. nov 12 tf ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. " JOHH 8. XVB. K. B. W1XLIAJI8. a. 9 J WrLOPKH. JOHN 8;uLEE & CO., DEAI&RS IN NAVAL STORES, litbrndVAdTanoes madpi m -onaignmepf " Of f wiJNkvalStOYeand fiouthern Products . Refer toiMeasrslIarriss & Howell,; Wil mington, X4. c. irtf Pair! ALIj SIZES AND COLOBS. . - "V ' j 1 ' 'iiEVERYi-PAIB WAaEANTED. - Call and examine them for yourself. ; ." , f f - ; ? s AVltf BROWN, Exchange Corner, f , aov 14-tf J " t ?; v5 SoleAgent. A NOTHER CHER 7 SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED, superierlty and economy; isj attested, XXrltS by-every Cranberries. Apples, Raisins, Malagra Grapes ' n.-i andolher delicacies at f "V' . . JAMES C. STEVENSON'S. J nov 16-tf - Market, bet. Front and Second . -i.n i.i..' !.. . i' l . ,nj,. 1 1. . t TOE TURNER would respectfully inform pxepareit, with the best ot workmen, to ae- oommoaaui ius cuHbuinera in an lue vrioui branches of his business, sach as shaving, hair-cutting, shampooing, Ac, in the neatest manner and on as reasonable terms as any itp ''; l fj nis men as ana me pnoiio generally vnav I hA ha thorousrhlv refitted hia establishment in the rear cf Air. Hunge's Saloon, and is now .wahoplathaeity. , ? : : . r.oct'T.-tf - -MISGELLANEOUS. -,THE .;STAR" JOB PRINTHIG HOUSE, Book Bindery, " AND ' V, Blank Bdok-hctory,. WMi II. KEllN Alt I, Pronator, -v -t-f 'IT V1 --- - - -- - - -l -- - f- A- WILMINGTON; C. ' The Only Establishment in the .-.;- . if- -- -. . - -.. . - .. ; -j . . . i-sr . - . : Stale liaving all these lad 1 1- ' ' - - . .'J.V'i , . -, . -j ' lies combined. IMPROVED MACHINERY OF ALL D .8,! 1 :i: THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF TYPE, PAPERS, CARDS AND INKS f 's. J ri) SICILLED .WORK WEN IN. EVEkY,. DEPARTMENl ! N? O'T: T H E Ii O W E S T PRICES, BUT AS L O W" PR I C J?S AS Aiiy J Other Etablishment FOR THE BEST IQUALITY OF WORK! PB7JKTING, BVLING AND BUJDISiU OF EVERT . DESCRIPTION, Executed Promptly audi SkllfnllyX a . : ..SINCE. ADDING we are enabled to jfili so ders with' THE UTMOST DI8P. iTCfl. -1.''' May 6-SAFtf h . FAIL lAND .OTTO2CIPPBTATI0N 107-1 . Zi fflSoK-lffillBW ran'i"' Vim' fab. ArmstingSCWior -Co. ., rxxsMaraaijiroBafra n i4.' kstojL law. .a & .'j y ' Bonaet TrlimlntcMl TervetITlJlHu neipiRh . ; rOxnamant BtlwiaeiaauIAdies, ...... so rihaker.HPp,.QI4iaoJ f - -lAl.TlioMBrM.w',; . OlTer the largest Stock to- be foaad in this country, and unequaled in choice variety and cheapness-, comprising the latest European novelties. -1 - Orders solicited, aiud i prconpti' attention gtven. t u: w r; , t -jcisT iaag26-tf Xi , . ,- :-, , ... , u , t! H.r BRUNHILD BRO .: Xiqaors, Tohaccos &ad Gesars. IJa Merchants willdo well t examine bur stock.' . s1. .:.(oct29-lm . Li Bacoii: aacon ! t A A A fl IV USS. 8HptflDERS j .JJJUUv' j "" 1 '--" . SIDES, ; Jorsaleby June 2l-tf i' WILULBD BROS. BnmsT7ick ''(teiinfyClaiixuk TBxaS'bs Omci or Bsvas wiok Comrrr, r J J ; 8JCTHV1XI.K, N. &,mh Oct 1871. ; . $ t T Alt INSTRUCTED, by the connnlssloners 1 -of Brunswick Connty to ask all persons Holding claims against the- Connty of Brunswick- to nresent taem as earlv as practicable rto the tmdersismed. - And I am further. ,-J .1 . . V III strneted to say that an early arrangement wm be made for their adjostment and settlement, and that they- will, be settled according -to their priority of presentation. mTTWwa octl9-lm -Treaaof BrnnewlckCOrniH .li3Xi.;2 y H. BERNARD INSURANCE NOTICES. . Wilmington North Carolina LIFE HTGUEAITCE CO; OFFIOEBBt John Wilder Atkinson, . . .': .President. John Dawson. ...... 1. . . J ...... .Vice Pr esideaU S. D. Wallaee.f. ........ '...7... V. .'. . .Secretary Dr. E. A. Anderson........ ..Medical Director. ' . SPECIAI FEATUBES: j No restrictions on travel or residence, new mode of monthly payments of premium, no extra charge apon the lives f females, P0II7 cies incontestible. , ' ;-' : Insurance Company ! c apitX, ''6 UBpiLirs Ann jsE$EnvE FUN DS, GOLD, OVEC 2O,000,006 00. Assets n xji hver. - ' ' ' !; ' - Chicago losses amount to a little under 42 9 C,0.0, Currency, and are nowbeingf, paid in fulL 49" Assets held in; tbe; United States, amounting, to .ovet a3,Q00,0D0 00, , wlli. not 'bo used in payment of above losses. l: - : This Company, pays its- Ijosses da.vash promptly after presentation of proof, without deduction for interest and nbt'as is usual with the great majority 1 of companies, sixty or ninety days after proof. - - ADVISORY BOARD WILMINGTON is U JUDGE R. S-FRENCH, Chajumaw- . - ;q B. G. WORTH, Esq.j I G. W. WI1LI AMS, Esq. E. MURRAY, Esq., W. H. MCRARY, Esq. - - Gn'IA great,- Wilmington. 1 P. F. Pescud... . ... ..Agent.. . ........ ..Raleigh. Graham A Naali,... .'' uav. Charlotte. A. w oieeit.........,;uu ...,. ,uycii,cviiio. Gen1!. R.B. Vance, . : . d 0 ' . ... . . . . . Ashevllle. W; H. Oliver,.. ..i.... do ........ U.Newbern. A. Wi Arrington,. ... do ..i... Rocky Mount: B. Frank Pittr... do ...... ..-BatUenoro. J. H. Hill, i do r , .......Clinton. Ur.i, uogaeii,... ... . ao .... .... , .wuusiwru v W. H. Holderness.... do VV 1U8WI1. .. . . ... .. .Plttsboro'. .Plymouth. Washington. Magnolia Henry A; London, . . . do Chas. Latham, .. ..... do John G. Blount, do F. A. Newberry....... do CooDer A Williams...: do ......-...'-' VIVi VI. Alex. Niooli,. ..,. .. ;,do Kinstpn, S R00I5S. il tiO -ti U 1.1 ill CI i . :'IAjiiIfe-J kini! i W "j nrH E nnderaigheu ,fi'ers wl thencyizens ol I . Wiiinintrion imlemnitv aeainst. Fire and lttarihe lossesl'by- laeuraiice,' upba favorabln lerms in the rpiioyiag leaaing uompanie 8ECUKITY INSURANCE COMPANY, ... J " Of New York. CONTINENTAL' IN adltANCE COMPAN Y ."K t -l-i. 3UiP:.ti.n--k Ot New York. NORTH AMERICAN F.i; COMPANY, I J - v : . i ... . ..w -: t;-. i . Of New.York. NORTH AMERICAN F. L COMPANY,' ' i .ax'i . j ; jh rrj.i ws;.3 Of -Hartf ord ; ANDES, INSURANCE COMPANY; - ' ! tu.. t.ii .-.....: e. i,u j Of CinelnhatL. FIREMANS FUND INSURANCE CO., ' ;.' ; " ':'u , ,o v Of San Francisco. HOME EISURANCE cCO'A' t)f Rlchmbnd,' Va, ' Upon desirable risks" we, carry full lines, with rates as low as those of any reliable and prudent Companies " '' ' l? Apply to - - . - JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, General Fire and Marine Insurance Agent, : -No. 5 North Front Street. febia-tf .. Nortli Carolina HoinB Isurence Coipy. OF RALEIGH, N. C. 5 i ol B. H. BATTLE. ...Presiden ................... SE ATON G AXES. .................... Secretary JNO. W.ATKINSON, Wilmington, Agent. HIS reliable State Company pays its losses fairly and promptly. It is. managed y well known business men. - Its -capital -and earn ings are invested in the State, and tend toward building up and fostering the financial pros perltjy of ..North Carolina, y f . aug 1-ti IW' & Oifm' Benefit Life Ins. -Co, uJ:J,- iJ CjJJS ;i j i mHE man who has provided against the con JL tingency Of "his early decease,' has! done a simple act-of.' justice and. -prad.eae which will be source, of mental comfort to himself, and regarded byHis family a a 'ptoof of hia . wise aSection for t kern. Bathe Wao desires a prevision for his old age. and-it. can. be ef fected In no other way; with o little expense, as by taking a Reserve: Pcy' CwhJch Wili yield at the end of ten. twenty or-thirtyyears aU the money heas1 invested, with more than seven per cent-i eeniponAd 4aterst ; besides assuring him ail through those years that in case he died; titer Tuny amount of the policy would at once be payable to the beneficiary under the same. It seems too good to be true, but it can be proved if you w ill take .the trouble to inquire of . . oct 13-tf. i-i W. E-JtE NAN Supervisor. .Pied mbh t & i ihgto n .aojli t till if .i.'ii?-7Ti ' T.TW.fmsnnAcmxrAiTPAirr. PKuaoti v&u oy cna . v jckkwstsiv au Insurance JoHsxnaiioPilladphiaj to be aprod.'gy of suoees8rnd: model of econ omy, caution and security," Invites respectful comparison with any nrst-Class company in the ceuntry.'-'-'-i-i- - I itJ- )i v. ...AI ,-i ., rs r. .'.,,- ..i'J. . .i .fll future hopeful and the management take pride in presenting a Company in a condition equal to any. superior. to rnairytapd, surpassed iby.honed;:r ,rauJ, tvAll rfitJI ill ' Persons desiring Insurance Willi please call on W. M. 8TEVENSON;" Agent,1 . .. so Market St. 1uly 8-tf Plour,Tjiard, &c, &c. Choice lots of Floor, Batter, Lard, '.U i- 1 Cheese, Apples, Potatoes - : 4 and, ' Onions, t-'i ,r . M . . i , 5 Just received and for sale by -., i" s I ' - L. E. JOHNSON, oct2-tf. .Worth A.Worth's new building, TpEIME FACTORY CHEESE," r NEW; YORK STATE BUTTER and , ; CHOICE WESTERN BUTTER, l oct 13ltf I J"a' ADRIAN & VOLLERS. vfONSEDEi: I ir you have an aid BSk j that has lost a back, or been otherwise in; rarea. nsve it re-uounu a Ji. H. & T. C. DeEOSSET, CJE1VEUAE INBUBAMCE AOEHTS a " rice; MAnriTE, iife, North Water Street,' " . oct' r i ir.:; WUJnINaTON, N.C. SPEUITT & BHTG0IL Cotton Factors, and General Commission,' Ilcrchants, WILIOiaGTON, w . d Full cash advances made on Cotton consign ed to them. Thv wjirr&nt full market rtrleas. nromnt sales and immediate remittance of the pro. . . ceeds.- - . TheV refer especially . toJ James Dawson , . Esq.,.Banker. '. y ; u, i,u.8.;r.?o3 , PORKiUjity 'Mess in . Barrels BAGGING . iv Assorted ; TIEsVAasorted. , : ', ; ' aug31-3m s t .4. v, av vowa A D. R J A W r&; ,vp I- i-K?? 'jfij :,t-n..-r-nfi-5 :t.''" '.'-i Ita brancbea. o- ':t;,!v! ' COUNTRYj M KRCHANT8 v will do- well bjr calling on ui and examining our Stock - ' ' If, ' ; MOFFITO CO;, !v GENERAL COMMISSION Merchant k . . NORTH, WAXER STREET, . l.l iv.VJxv' c.j?qtttyt?ifttogtn N C, WHlglvei pTOmpVpersbiial' attention;:to the" sale or shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores, General Produce, etc etc.' Also to recelvinr and forwarding goodav.' t! ; ' J( AST Orders solicited, antl promptly filled ; gepfz$-i-tr v ,- j : ,- r ; . t." KDWAHDS. I b; r. hall. EdwardG i Hall, 1 rj v; ' DEAL IN ALL' KINDS OF ' country:' produce, i V And keep constantly, on hand a. full line ol .f) Groceriees atlowest cash prices. x Wilmmgtpiv January '4, 1870. . v:i ) .' ti 8. NOBTHKOr. W. H. Nothbov ffn. A.' Cumcnre. 4 , ITorthrop & Gumming, i' COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Propria toiral of ;tllef Wllmingtuu ;t steiWk saTtlilu; MlnuVgtoii, N, c. yAR6dfis"of Yellow Pino Lumber,' lor any J market -furnisbett.. . . - v , 99 Special attention given to the purchase oreale of Corn ahd Peannts.' v " -oct4-iy uo-dw ;ci ,. -'--ij. - N. FBKDEKICX. c W. C. Fbbdxbick. V 5 FREDERICK aGON, COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL ' iCOMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Xo. 22 north Water Street, ' WILMINGTON, N. C. Janl8-tf ... : . - in jomnsow, jb. '; ; - - : f ; s. a. bibdsby. JOHNSO& mDSEY. . I Commission Merchant, r. Will give prompt and personal attention to the sale or: shipment of Cotton and Naval Stores, i. 'Oil ' .-':-' 'j 1 WmmrgToir, N1. Cl' Sept. 7th; i8714f samueiv n;Vcannox, m , , Commission Merchant, Will givejpersonal ! and proniptf attention to the purchase and sale of Cotton, Peanuts, Fish and aU kinds of jCountxy Produce, . sept21-tC r.vT-sJ.;. .Na 8-South Water St. . RendvatcibiiF Beds 1 mHEj PROPRIETORS, 0,the ! ClTX .ST BAM 'vT'fcAta U-ilUU -t- -wtu ,a;Tai.ii (i ' ..wit ROBIN'S PjftTENTEXOSXSIOR :rjA!fnEE:TiEK6.viToit, ; "3tl of-3'5.'i.--'bawO(f iwtit-nwfo a-ainx - . Are now prepared to renovate Feather Beds, ' Pick and Renovate Hair and Moss IXattrasses onShOi niee.; ' lki !t .' - O0-v , Orders may be lef t at the Book Stores, Chas. D. Myej')re0s atoplafeof bus!-, aegs, Nntt itrjeet, WUaiiagtoa, N Cr . i - . . , f -c , re. 4uavu4 wjhm w w nqyiaaw -a-d U ;oprietore. TTf TT, UpltlKarpUna .House, 1 OnAA I. .4 Tw . Ann, fit. " J. ifc HAAlL2..v...,..ii... Proprietors a fcjTi t -8aTi3plerRoom,) ' 1 . -) . Wlnsi LlqtioW'Aefsjahdprt ex Lkger Beer OXXSISql; 1J5JCA.S O N. nov 12-tf Ji ri 'I SQBOTSir HOU0E, t buoioiT'l Jjtw vi-ioi v.J' ' . , ... -XniS WELL.KI?pWNJi4irOPULAR HO-' TEL will be re-opened' for 'the reception of , travelers and day boarders on the 15th of Oc- : tober, Inst. The Proprietor promise to sus- ., tain the enviable reputation the House has " enjoyed in the past, and leave nothing undone ' that can contribute to the pleasure and com- fort of his guests I OCtSW-tf . .-i la .1. ' .' V . ' V J. R. DAVIS. 'v.M.J :.! TIIB 'STAIln . . Bterim ; Job Printing 7 IIouco ' 4" ' "."y ' ' ,', THREE STEAM-TRESSES t' 1 ' ? t , ) , COMPETENT WORKMEN THE BEST MATERIAL. ' SEASONABLE PRICES i 1 v " ' SUPERIOBWORK GivolUda Trial. June 2l-nactf ' : . . n- ;Ilico ! r.:co ! TTRE3IT BEAT RICE, -.; ... ' 1 IN TIERCES and BARRELS r'aepftlitf. i?v- 7:;. . ww. if '