Sf r, A'i i .1. . 'ji I J ! ,1 v. V ". I- 1$ I 'I -.6 'r .1 i ' , tfOXiNIG STAR. published atvwjlmington, n, , c. By WIT. Ui HJSKaAK"' - . . -SUBSC BJF T-X-tAN : -' By Mall, $7 00 per year ; or $5 50 for six months. - f. . ',v . v - , Delivered to subscribers in any part of tie ty at 15 cents per week. ' ' i3.Y ; TELEGRAPH. .., TO THMOROTTG' STAR. ;'v'.',. Kandaya 'Telegram Condensed. IS ThP ont.tnn mnvement at New Xorfc for the nared with the weeek previous. shows a Blight deerease in receipts and cou- slderable increase in exports ' The movement for the expired portion of the cotton year, ' however, shows a large falling off, both in re ceipts and exports, as .compared with the cor responding period of last season. , s? , , The receipts at all ports for the week were '101,494 against 105,400 bales last week, 90,703 bales the previous wees, ana ityo oaies uiree weeks since; The total receipts since Sepiem ber 1st, 1871, have been 666,608 againsr799,829 bales for the corresponding period of the previa us year showing a decrease of 132,721 bales." ? --.. ?- v.--v-i"- . The exports, from all ports for the week 11 -were 59,889 against 87,655 bales for the same week last year. The total exports for the ex pired portion of the year have been "iS9,435 against 369,968 bales for the same time In i vear. The stoek at all f interior towns i- h8,6C6 aeainst 58,510 last year. The stock in Liver pool is 539,060 against 408,000 ' last 1 HV. The stock at all ports iaj297,186 against i15,W3 for tbe same time lrst ye&r. " v f There is of American cotton afloat for Great Britain 94,000 against 163.000 bales last year. The amount of Indian cotton afloat for Europe i is wsyK against iya,uw bales last year. . -: - The South was visited last week with heavy ? frosts and it is feared considerable damage was done the ungatbered crop." -n Hsa ' V 'A large" number of cotton cases"4 are" before. the Court of Claims which will -soon' assume its sessions at Washington. Some of them " will depend for their allowance upon a decis ion to;velreuderedrby ;theU.'5 8. Supreme court ou au appeal irom the Court of Claims, the latter having decided against & claimant i on the ground that the proclamation of. the President removing commercial restriction went into effect at the time of its publication,' I and not on the day of its date. The non-suited party contended that it took effect at the time ' the original copy was filed in the Department of State.. There having been seizures of cot ton between the date of the proclamation and the day of its publication, the decision of the Supreme Court therefore becomes important. The Russian frigate Svetland, with the Grand Duke Alexis on board, arrived at New X ora: Sunday. - , One cholera death occurred at the New York Quarantine station, on Snndav. Fortv cases remain all doing well... . , . The remains of McDevitt, the. biliiardist, were found in the ruins of theXJhicago Tribune office. . tjl- .t; T , ..Nineteen t commnnists .have" leen found guilty of the death of Generals Lecompte and S nomas, seven of whom were bentenced to eath and the others to Imprisonment. .Yer dagner suffers death. . . . ..,..,-,. ; a - A special detective of the U. 8. sub treasury hal left for Europe to secure the arrest of An- v, drew J. uarvey. IT x - i V BTOOr REPORTS. - & if I II . - e V . From Waiblofton. t Washinoton, Nov. 20. . -After the 1st of January pieces of notes less than half will have no value without evidence via furnished that the larger portion was des troyed. Pieces between half and five-eighths will be worth-half, over five-eighths "will be worth the whole face of the note. . ; .- : ? Prom Massaelmsetto. ;:t Boston, Nov. 20. Daniel Gleason killed his wife with & dirk at 'North Adams. Jealousy was the cause. , From Mlasoncl. .AnjA , :,Tv: 8t.: Louis, Nov. 2a . ..J)r. .nartmanf a . prominent physician, has ' sued the Times for three libels, aggregating -H $14,000. k-"V stfvtf . i.'';54'!Ffom Hew Tork. vs v ' ' ' NhwTobk, Nov. 20. rr" The Russian frigate bearing the Duke Alexis sustained no damage and did not ship a sea t.Atttins the terrible storm. V t ! 1 . The Duke Is dressed in the simple uniform : of a lieutenant, is tall, strongly built and has the air of a gentleman, has a clear complexion, light hair and whiskers, bine eyes, and speaks ? s j English quite fluently: but appears to prefer ' French. " K - - . '' . : The frigate met the storm off Hatte ras on - the 10th, which lasted! until Friday night, when observation showed her to be 40 miles -' off Cape May. " - .vr;mf wa-:jv; 1 Edward Schell has been appointed receiver for the National Savings 4Jank. It is believed the National, Guardian and. Bowling Green - banks will ultimately pay in full. . ' . The steamer Mary Powell,-with the: recep tion committee and members of the press. , , started down the bay this morning to greet ' . the Duke Alexis.v Notwithstanding the heavy ' rain hundreds of elegantlv dressed ladien rl companied the committee, and many hundreds' - s f jwraouB re. wuuung ob; therpier io the tornr. There -wfth-be no-parade to-day in consequence of the star m; iThe committee :-. -will board, the Svetland and nsk th amnA Duke whether he prefers to pryceed at once to Washington or remain-here and have a pub c reception to-morrow. Broadway is thronged . sipwwm viBiiors, xne news of the post ponement of the procession not having been M i f t TT For ijra Kwa. The movement of the radical members" of thejCortese resulted ln the defeat of the Mln . . istry pon ft teat question.- -A Cabinet crisis exists. The Cortes will be prorogued without : f ,..,-tt delay. -The question upon which the Ministry ! 'J - - was defeated a permanent Cartes, which the inspectors - have - bee Q arrested and held in $3,000 bail. ! The Grand Doke Alexis has arri ved jat the Clarendon Hotel. , " . " The Gaardian and Bowllrifi: Green Savings Bank is closed. The'National Savings Bank pays all demands. Emanuel B. Hart, a leading Tammany sach em, says Tweed mnst resign his membership in the Tammany Society and the Democratic General Comm'ttee U he doea.not measures will be taken to force him out. V 1 , MadkidNov. 20. ;- Debates in the Cortes during the past week, and their unexpected result, and tfie resigna tion of the newly for.raed minister caused a greafagitation tn this city and in the provinces. The Republican deputies to the Cortes have issued i circular advising their , supporters tbronghout the country to keep quiet, ana aa vocating the maintenance of public ord?r, in the meantime. : - " The labortroubles continue, and tbe bakers and dyers in Valencia obstinately maintain the strike, and make such demonstrations that re inforcements have been sent to the garrison. 1 Asteam transport wills sail from Cadiz on tbe 30th inst., with fresh troops and supplies for Cuba, v 4 v - , I1oD02r,.Nov. 20, : Tbe Count of Cbawboard contradicts the re port that he intends to surrender his right to the throne of France. , , ' - - '." From Ionislaxia.' ;-.. : I i New Orleans, Nov. 20. The corner stone of the Temple of Sinai was laid yesterday. , S. M. . Todd, Grand Master, condacted the Masonic ceremonies. Among the orators was Rev. J." K. Gathiem, of Tem ple Emanuel, of New York. Also, the corner stone of St. Stephen's-Church, in Napoleon. Rt. Rev. Bishop Qaeeuland a n Arch Bishop Perche assisted. . , n. , l oojjttkiiTic 3IABKTS. ' ' ,. s . ; Nbw YoRKt Nov. 20 --Noon. "v;'--s :--v?s Financial; :. . - Money easy at 45 $ cent. prem. Sterling Exchange long sight 109 ; short 110. Gold heavy at 110. Governments dull . but steady.' "'.. Stocks dull but steady. '. Southerns dull and heavy. i J j , 5 :-i OutnmetxiaL V Flour dull and heavy. . Wheat quiet and de clising. Corn scarce and very firm. Pork dull at $13 05$13 20. Lard quiet. Cotton firm Uplands 18 cents; Orleans 19 ceuts; sales of 2,000 bales. Spirits Turpentine steady at 67 cents.' Rosin quiet and .unchanged at $4 15 (pr Strained. Freights firm,,, . The sales 'of. cotton Saturday evening for future delivery footed up 2,900 bales, as fol lows : December 181S 5 16, . January 18&18 9-19, Fbmary 18, March 19 1-16 19J, April 1919 516, May 19 cents. . 'KpH I , ,Injbw Yokx,. Nov.' 20 Evening. St-K& .''"", ! Money easy'at56 cent prem. Sterling Exchange firm. Gold weak at 110, closing, however, at 110. Governments closed steady Southern securities inactive, and Tennessee's very - weak : t Tennessee . 6't old issue 64; new Issue 649. Virginia Cs-old Issne 60; new issue 65. - Louisiana 6's old 65: - new . 55; letee fPa 63; 8's 75. Alabama 8's 98; 5's 65. Georgia 6's 80;Ts 86. North Carolina 6's 38X; new issue 20. South Carolina 6's 70W: new issue 27). . - " . UJinmercial. iCotton strong, with sales of 4,029 bales Uplands 189, Orleans 19M cents. Southern Flour dnll and lower Common to Fair Extra $6 80$7 5J; Good to Choice $7 55$9 25. Whiskey closed heavy at 94 cents. Wheat irregular and unsettled Winter fled Western $L 60$l 62. Corn is scarce and firm, with a speculative demand, at 7980.centa. Rice is firmer at 8K9 cents Pork heavv' at $13(3t $13 20, Lard heavy at 9 cents Naval Stores ana laiiow steady. J) reights very firm;4 i. Sales of cotton for future delivery, 4,029 bales November 18 5-16. December 189a 18 7-16. January 18 9-16(318. Feb'rv 18 13 16. March 19 M619, AprU 19X19, May 1919X cents. FOBEIGM MARKETS, r , - . i . Lokdon, Nov. 20 Noon , Consols for money 93W. united States bonds --20's of 1862 91. . j i Paris, Nov. 20 Noon. Paris Bourse Rentes 56f. 70c. I Frakktobt, Nov. 20 Noon. J United States five-twentv securities of 1862. 97K97. t . Livehpool, Nov. 20 Noon. Cotton Uplands 9Kd; Orleans 99d. Market opened firm. , , ,. v j ; ; vft. ct' iA"'4iv&' . LATEBV Cotton firm, with sales of 15,000 bales; for export and speculation 5,000 bales. Liverpool, Nov. 17 Evening. Cotton Uplands 9d; Orleans 99d. Market firm. . . . t : -. . t . , ABTIOI.ES. 11 A. G onrO-Gvaxny,. . . ... yd BA CON North Carolina, liains,.... .5 S Shoulders,... .......j., ..W ft. Hog Round,.. ,.V......J ft ' W ESTIBN Hams, ft . 8ides,. ; iHp bhoulders,..... ft BARRtiLSSpirits 1-urpentir.e. Second Hand,.. ........ .each New New York... ...... each New Cityi.; ... .each BKESWAX-1 ft BRIOKB- Wilmington,. . . .fj I M. Northern....... BUTTMR North Carolina, ft Norflhorn, ... ft OANDLES-Grserm..,. ft V - Tallow, ........ .. r.v , .9 ft Adamantine,.;... ft OSEW? Northern, Fac'y, ft Dairy.w...... ............. 19 ft ' State,-.... 4i. i..'.f ft COFFEJ-Ja.Yf . . . . . ...... ft Rio,.... ........ .....W ft Laguayra,. .... ...... bti joniingo,..'.i.kV...p ft CORN iraAjE-i......... l bush COTTOITTIES- . . . . . D032BSrJTC5S-Sheetlng.4-4 yd Yarn......... ...... .. bunch WSfH Mackerel.Nd. r,. lbbl Mackerel, No. 2...... $bb Mackerel, No. 3,.......Tbbl Mullets,.... j. ......... . bbl 1 5 N. C. Herrtttg,liii... bbl Dry Cod,...; g) ft FLOUR . Fine bbl W Sn-Northern,., bbl sijLbra xjo. ......ft uuj Family - W bbl N. Carolina buper,..... bbl ' " Extra ... bbl " t:ftFainiyl:..ybbii ' 8 60 Q.ttOO A i j i n exeat , . Peruvian Guano,. . . 2000 fts Pacific Guano, 2000 fts Patapsco Guano,.. 2000 fts Baugh's Phosphate, " Rhodes' Stan. Manure, Navassa Guano,... 2000 fts PBI0S8. 0 Q 20. 18 13 10 18 v 10, 8 0- 1 85 3 00 2 75 2 25 2 75 & 2 50 ij 30 0 S2 8 00 10 00 H 00 25 HO at (ft -46 50 00 15"6 15 . 20 .. 25,6 22 ,00 v' 25 1 10 . . 6 11 0 00 55 20 18 23 id 80 25 25 28 1 15,' 0 13 1 50 15 50 16 00 : 13 00 18 50 14 00 15 00 6 03 9 00 fO.OO 0 00 . 8 5 50 6 CO . .6 50 7 00 750 8 00 8 75 10 60 7 00 7 50 8 00 8 5U 75 00 77 00 65 00 75 00 65 0 75 00 60 00 65 00 & 70 00 65 00 75 00 MISCELLANEOUS. VARIETY' STORE ! " " VARIETY STORE ! 42 jSIarket Street Lister Superphosphate. t " 1 00 00 6T I L.MINGTON 5 MARKET. STAR. OFFICE, Nov. 20. SPIRITS , TURPENTINE Sales of 52 casks at 62 cents" per gallon for Southern packages. Z ROSIN-Sales of 645 bbls at $4 50 for No. 2, $5 $5'25forLow No Lj $550 lor No.l $5 1 lor.Low-Pale and J8 for Extra Pale. ; ' j CRUDE TURPENTINE Sales of 1,018 bbls aifaOraid f5 "25 for Yellow Dip and f5S5 1ttf7tilnsrf;9-:fr.yt; i .AKr-Baie orao bbte at 98S bbK: -t .rtivi ; "COTTpK-No saleB reported.i vvS AKK1VED. 1. The Secretary of War la gone and will ifce absent ten da vs. - . . H ' t ' mMq Edwards ;. Garneret, errb'r'lo the cir cuit Conrt for Louisiana, the Court holds , that . ao qrder of a CireuiC Dourt below dismi8iDg'-a case which was transferred from the provision CZ; Kyowaa,correcttlio1dingrjbat under the uc of July,fc,18C6, it-faerdnx' in thef District .ou' t an.d as never legally transferred Ito ; tbe Circuit Court. "s- J. - : ; . j, - Collector of Cutoins Murphy.'at New York. hArwe!?e(!Che6ter A. ArtliursaccJeda him! ,-. s.4.iiheiPresideofe and Collector Murphy ex- - changed letters expressing mutual confidence in jeaeh other. y, v-au r . . ? r UVUl J V -AM Wl Uf HUVI VaVOOVUVlllV XUU" w'drsjjHall, ith 250 Jbbis fish, '8 do fepts; , . Steamship Benefactor, Jones, NevSrYork, Barry o:4Tav : . j Steamer Wave, Skinner, FayettevUle. WiluamsSK MurehisoiLf- iti! j ? Br Bark Helena. Canninsrhami-Rotterdam. inViek; A;-Mebaue. t rfi'; -i j i .-g - ' '"--.v; Brig Altavela, Cousins, MayaguezE Kidder. From SllcliiKan'. il I Detroit Nov. 20. . ' The scboojier .Twilight fouudered in Lake: ''i. Michigan on'tbe 15lh, and six of tbe. crew yUi'" .weMJoatl.:. ' s' 1 - . Chicago. Nov. 20. The friends of McDevitt are satisfied ttat tbe.remaifiSr(ound in the ruins of the Tribune Duyatfjj arejiof WJlJZ ' "d-i.-,- A "i .Nuw York, Nov. 20; , Connolley has resigned and Mayor nail bat .appointed Andrew H. Green Comptroller. - xt..r , The returns Irom several election districts have been" found defective.- Three election 20 Stnir'' Wave. Skinner'? FayettevUle. Williams Ss Murchison. aeipnia, miiare uros. gehRdsfph? 8egars;gEllis, jmstoD.f J H Cbadbourn &Co. -- -r Schr Martha Davis, Davis, Jacksonville, Ed watdsA Hall, with naval atores.ii 3? ; w filth A f1 VKiWHdfAn.. - 'Tilr.n'nl)1A T?A- RottbdaM Bf Bark Ilelena 3,535 bbQ i MATAQUE2 Brig AItavelar-147,C38 feet lunv Oer. . ! . yr-::::: i.L::-l '.-t ; . C List 'of Vessels Tl eared for this lort " ,,.t :.,r NEVY YQ11K. Schr Minnesota, Phinney, Cleared .Oct . 7 Br Brig Maud, Thomas ' ': ! Cleared Aug. 23 Zippore, Qovertsoo, - Cleared Oct. T7 Ui&i Grunderson, ; ; Cleared ct. 27 '' .1 - PHlLApELPfllA.:g;J; Ger Cark Frederick Scalli, Waiekii Nv- It The sunken brig E. P. Swett, before report-4 lira irrV KiMYii'rr Mo In. li i,1 !l n tho track Of all- liht dranirht . rosaeTa 4onnd in from the Sonth. Tlitf mAIn'niast U shnut 2A JI feet OUt Of watr: Wlt k-maintonmnAtKtan1i'nr; luremosi neaa at low water 0 leet out, and air lux, luree e pars attached to the wreck by their rigaing. The.main lisihthouse on 8andy Hook oBm.ujt compass irom the .wreck,' JN W.'H W.wdifttj)k45i miles j Highland lights SJw!; by W. 4 mdes ; Sandy Hook beach . Z miles. r ; Capt. U. S. revenue steamer Northerner. iiwubuu oiuuiuuiiiau u . Bone Phosph. of Lime, . jv ucox,uioos a (jo's Ma nipulated Guano, ' Phcsnix Guano, . o. Carolina Bone Phoa- hate, i caline Super Phosph. Ammo'd Super Phosph., Ammoaia'a Alkaline Su- per Phosphate... Chesapeake Phosphate, Croasodale's Superphos- 8 hate. a Tela Phosphate .... Ground Bone Bono Meal................ D'lour " Complete Manure ....... : " wnann's nospnate .... Wando ' ......: . Berger A iJuta's Phoe-;. phate.... .......,f GLUTS .........p lb GRAIN Corn, In Store,. W 66 its Corn. Cargo.......... .tf 68 fts Corn, New .w bush Oats, $9 bush Peas, Cow,.... ...fflbnsh IZZZMSSGreen,... ft Drv.. All-astern, 100 fts North Blver. 100 fts HOOT? IRON... ton x4icx--JOTuiern....... n North Carolina......... LIME f) bbl T rTTJlX? Prvrvn T oa aQ1Aa Wide Boards.... SUM ft Scantling........ ft M ft Flooring,..............JMf6 vITT DTiAK OAWID Ship Stntx, resawetL..fl M ft Bxugh Ede Plank.. .. M ft West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality, ipaiix Dressod Fioorina:. seasoned. Scantling ana Beards, com mon, -. flMft MOLAjSSkCuhB., hUda., gsj Cuba, bbls., gal - Sugar House, hhds...) gal ? 44 . bbls.,.... ga! SyTup.bbls.. f?ga) TtLS--Cut, 4d to 20d, ft OJXtf Kerosene,.. ...w gal Lard,.. ...... ............ gal Linseed, V gal Rosin, gal PRANUTS-. W bush TYJJBS-Sweet, ? bush Irish, Northern, f) bbl POJe-JbftAern t City Mess...... ........ bbl Thin........... Wbbl - Prime... .............. ..W bbl Rump...... ........... bbl 2tfC-Carolin&,... fl ft . ; East India,.... ft Rough, .p bush ROPE lverpool,. .......... sack American........ .....w sack flrrJiS-Cuba........... V Porto Rico, ft A. CoQee,... Wft o .i'B.x u a .v.....;...... j ft : C. ' - . . ...... .y ft Crushed.. ..ft ft aroLP-Northern..'.; .... . ft Wllminerton..i...........wft aEnzVGXtE Contract v. . . . V M i ; Coiiunon,.. ....... .......) M flTul FJE-W.O. Bbl.,....... M k. o. ma., y j Cvnress M TIMBER Shipping,. V M Mill Prime p Mill Fair, y M Inferior to Ordinary,.. . W M ITHZSffI-Northern.... gal North Carolina,;....... gal 70 00 80 oe 70 00 Q 85 00 60 00 Q 70 00 00 00 Q 40 00 00 00 0 60 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 70 00 00 00 70 00 00 00 Q 60 00 CO 00 60 00 00 00 Q 40 00 00 00 C9 45 00 00 00 3 67 00 00 00 67 00 00 00 70 00 00 00 Q 70 00 60 orf 00 00 16 20 1 00 0 1 05 0 00 92 00 , 85 1 10 1 25 ou 1 60 1 0 1 20 & 1 85 030 00 115 00 12 15 16 18 1 40 0 CO 06 00 a 00 00 00 00 0 00 Co co 00 0 00 00 23 00 0 25 00 21 60 0 22 00 18 00 20 00 20 00 So 00 15 00 Q 20 00 15 J 40 X 40 0 4f 22 0 28 23 0 27 60 0 1 00 5 00 0 6 75 SO 0 33 1 10 0 1 45" 1 10 0 1 20 30 0 40 2 60 0 2 75 0 60 0 0 60 4 25 0 7 60 ? f -- t. . 00 00 0 16 60 00 00 0 16 00 00 00 0 00 00 00-60 13 00 9 00 0 00 0 00 0 1 35 7 0 : 15 75 CO 1 45 1 50 1 35 1 40 10 HX 13 14 14 a:i3U0 IV l40 I 18 ' lSw i 15 " 6 0 18 0 0 CO 4 00 0 6 00 9 60 0 3 00 SO 00 0 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 18 00 0 00 00 11 00 0 12 00 9 00 0 10 25 7 60 0 8 60 6 00 0 6 00 1 25 0 4 00 8 00 0 00 WILJIINWTOJI MONET BASKET. OOBSBOTSD DAILV BT JAKES DAWBOX. Bimiro. biuixs, Gkldt...v........v.......,...H.i i 114 8ilver, 105 108 Exchange sight on Northern Cities, M tRc. dis. KTChange 80 daya on North-. , - " ktm. OttleftUV-... f ir.'C.Bondfl,Old,6TKJi..,.ul.ii...i -44- 1 " Do. new6.Vc 27 Do. .Special Tax 6 ftc 18 W.& W. R fiTBonds 7 Vc(Gold Int.) 91 i (Wilmington City Bonda 8,fte..... 73lfj a " " " new6Vc. 60GoldInt New Hanover County Bonds (10 1 ;i years) 6 fJc (Gold Int), ......... .60 5 Xr -HaooaadaiC, vears 1 6 We (Gold Int.1 t! W.A Wv R&ii Road Stock. fPar 100) 40 O WmCAR. Rail Road ' r 60) 4 '? ; r ' uape j ear. ; . . . . . . ; . . .spi jrarvm. . . . ; . ......... North Carolina 20 Farmers' .;......;...:'.15i Merchants'.;. .15 Charlotte........... ,0 Wilmington. .... . : . . 23 Commerolai. . 5 K FayettevUle , .u...... 3 JuoxDoro'.i.... s Washington.......... 0 f 1 5 Lexington....:. joiners1 ri Wadesboro Commerce. . . . 5 Greensboro' Mutual.'; 0 Clarendon ...... Yanceyville.,..,.. ft JtATES OF FBEIUIIT. er Perc-Sailing f ToNxw Yoxk viif-wi..T , rMMn mam vWI IrtA tn. ! r pw w ou 0 w (& 0 go 4) OOV l 2 00 e 2 sn cotton uooas oaief 0 w 1 00 Crude Turptper bbl iar...........; " . SnixitTurDtr H HRosin-. A f.hl JM 1 Cotton . ....... W bole Flaxseed..... bush 1 Crude Turptper bb Tar.; . i Spirits Turpt. Rolin v" Cotton........ bale Cotton Goods bale FeNaiSfi1ii.i.l 00 CT 10 To JUi.TinrnpH Crude' Turpt.'.1 W bbl iBpirtTurptl " Rosin i.. ...... cottonu7 . bale J"ea jm uts. w bus. stunner. ...... sa m ruae xnrpt.. W bbl SrTurjsU.i, Cotton.;teoTale 00 0 15 0 00 0 60 0 00 1 10 0 00 0 70 : 0 0 .2 U) 0 00 75 tfi $ 60 45 0 60 00 1 CO 35 60 02 00 . 75 00 0 15 '000 afio 0 00 s50 O0 0-JIOO .: 00 ll L DO V S00 WSPIFB 0.O,' ,0M .0,00 00 '.jroo -' .oo ..y...Mco0,op . 00 40 ! iO0 40 00 100 .i,0O 60 OQ 2 00 0 00 0 75 00 12 00 00 0 8 00 0 m ovus 0'45 1 00 0 75 00 ' '45 jOO & 2 0 00 00 .6,50 7 Off r Of w a TO 75 000 1 15 ---"' til . 75 V T .12 60 Sw&r : p5 00 0 1100 lJU INGMACHINERY. at; .rvMT?LM.i- f i . . . .. .nrir. xr m. mi mW k m. m. . n . VP,- ? JtL. iiiir A.rtlJ' :iv4i A. '.P3?ntinFail5 Publishing Honses 3 iJT f t lit And General Rrtnlr TTirt-w eel4-tf . Dawson Bank BnUdtogs, Front.; . . F L A II A G A II MpVht) INFORM HIS FATSONS THA5t ON iFednesdayrociober IStli, lie will open one of the largest and best select " -k I ed stocks of,. , , . J ; M JLililNERY GdODS : TO BE.flAO I1C.T1X CITf V consisting of everything new and.fashibnable 111 French Pattern Bonnets and Sats, plowrs Feathers, Blonds, . Wreatns Baches, SasuT "Bonnet and -Belt r Bitobons, of alTwidtiis and most desirable! 8hadefltand ? y, , a 'fine line of--. ? - VELVETEEN for CLOAliS and BOY'S SUITS, o- Al80,afullline of- o , Black t Fringes, Velvet - Bibbons; press, and : Cloak Uuttona ana xrimmingSj waen anu ' Lace Collars and Sets, Plain and Em- '-'j bioidered Handkerchiefs, EmbroicP- , 'a erinsrs, Edgmgs and InSertiifgs 4 Eld Gloves, best quality; Hosiery 1 Hoop Skirts, Corsets j Sewed, Woven and . theCele-t -brted Abdminal Corset, and every variety " of 'LADIES' UNDERGARMENTS, and "! ; the great headquarters in the cityJtSr j. j; 1 all the nQyelties4 in 11 VARIETY STORE, 42 MARKET STREET. L,FLAAGAN. - STEAMSHIP KLINES. 3ALTIK0EE MD ILM(T0ir V7cokly Ctea msh i p Li net J ; Cora posed: of Ule First Class steamships f PICE, Commander,' ;. j 4i AN.D y - "". REBECCA CIiDE, l-t,: -. i Coxiander. 1 D ARIEL C j. Th Steamship UDCILLE it LEAVE iWdifcTH,8 WEtAltF a thO foot of Mulberv street, for Baltimore, RID AY November z4uu- - ;,v.t. Tor Freight cngageMents tpply td KAIL ROAD LINES. I7il. & Wcidon Railroad 1 ; : Corn panyf fe:?;S?T'N; JUne ". 171. w.i flW'WMS.t , . TTTlLl on FELL octl5-lm naS W-J . Kanlirupt Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that a petition has been filed in the District Court of the United States, fox, the Cape Fear District of North Carolina." bv Jeremiah, H. Rob-' erts, of Fayettevilie, duly declared a bank- rupc snaer uis jl oi vmiKresD, vi juiui;u 2, 1867. for discharge and certificate thereof IrOm-alf his debts and other telairas prov able under said act, ana mat tne iota aay of November 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M. 1 at the ox ce of Wuliam-Guthrie, Register tn Bank ruptcy in-Favettevilles NJ C.,fs assijrned lor the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors, wno nave proveaineir aeDts, ana other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any they havewhy the pxayer of the petitioner shalula not fie granted. I . Dated at Wilmington, N. C, on the 14th. day Of November, A. D. IWk U - - noviwawaw uvea r . . cierfiu liai4lTiipt, JVoMce "VTOTICEiiitlhereby eiven. Uaaf a petition Jl1 has been filed in the District Court of tne united states. for the ' CaD& Fear Dls trict of North Carolina, by William H. Por- a ter, 1 of Bladen County, duly declared Act or con cress. March. 2, 1867r for discharge and certificate .thereof from all his4ebts:.and 'other claims provable under said act. an J that the 25th dav of November, 1871, at 10 o'clock' A. M., at th omce 01 . w imam a uuuirie, register ln JianK ruDtcv in FayettevUle. N. C. Ih asaisnexi for the hearing of the same, when and' where all creditors, wno nave proved their debts, and o thex persons In interest, may , attend and show cause, If any they have, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. V Dated at Wilmington, N. c, on the 14th day VliilVIWllKllAliilOlli - ... . nov 15-law2w Wed 2 3- HsMtiykU- Clerk. Fall and Winter Millinery AND 1 . Wli:UHiftYi&OlODS! I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE North with one of, the largest and handsom est stock of Millinery-Goods ever brought to 1 this Market. 1 Also, COR SETS, H OS I E RY, DRESS TRIMMIMGS, And Buttons Meal dnll Imitation and everything that is new ia the MILLINE- RTand v Pancyu Goods Department. M CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. Onef Price X -Xcrcts Casta v;P. s. New GoC'ls received every week dux- nap T n a aaaiVrt . B M-W wv.i 1 1 1 1 . .1 . ' . A. B. SHOWN. " novl4:tf Exchange Corner. Shields EyeWash, - r f!M". o ' Wilmingtori 0.V ? ,1 i ; NE, of the. most, .effective remediesrfor 1 a - INFLAMED, SORE AND WEAK EYES, . ever onerea to tne public - - t.v. For sale by all Druggists in the city. TWce PREEN AirtfeJ -JJ : rT W-W '-v xVWJiolesale,Agenta,r'tK ,i i i " gift; . yfj.' r DEALEB'IN' isf oVt Snip Stores; Groceries,' U1SLH ovl -.,, . . WILMINGTON, N.:,CU MainXaetorfcrs, xli purlers and OCt 22-tf P0 ; i .-'.'It ,1 DEALERS IN sJ(sitel;ArMes ani Cigais WHOLESALE, 43 Maiden Lane4.il 6 Genuine leerscUaum Goods at -ios.- 27' JOHN STBEEIPN. ;-i teifBci L1i AWSfmPm &c;, Lelt- "TJTTTT? fiune22-tf cess uNGElTATEthe despejof ourAgent to EUROPE to furnish supplies. He has orders toy Tin:, iaauieaividing he can get oap.enohgb) and sVipQ a a tor " nov 18-tf ;nbvl9tl 1 , A. D. CAZAUJ. -MISOETiTiA-HEOtJB.-: " teFlRSTPSlZE-MEDALS AWABDED.., . M JUI t , Wfc Jit f 1, M. fjoatHera Ft n ; MANUFACTORY. dEAND, . SQUARE AND UPRIGHT . PIANO FOR TE S w; , Baltimore. .H"Jd. f 1 These Instruments have been before the Public f orjiearly Thirty Tear ,and upon their Tcnasea tmedua in- ri'ONE, i TOCCH WORKMANSHIPt AND 1YTTRARI171TY- . 1 . : - . ...... . ; ' ezoeUence alone attained and unpurchased pre eminence, wmcn pronounces tnein-nnequajea : All our Square Pianos have our Now 1 m proved Overstrung Scale and the Agratte Treble, j r! Tts,j : aioti f'tafcvt j " "I'MSti we wbnld call special attentloni td our late "Patented Improvements in UXAN1. PIANOS and SQUACE tiKAHDS, found In no other piano, which' brings the; Piano nearer penecnon tnan nas yet been auamea EVERY PIAJJO ULLT,;WARRANTEDFOR V WYE YRARS;-il-l .f 4- We are by special arrangement enabled to furnish Paslok Okqahb and Mexodkobs at 1 a. " u j , L.a' inemosb ceieoraxea raa&ers, vy uoitNmie anu netaii, at uoweai factorsr jrncea. - i Illustrated , Catalogues and, Price ' Lists promptly furnished on application to i , U i v: 4 WM. N ABK & CO., Baltimore, Mil. Or;to P. HEINSBERGER. Sole Ag't, ' ;H v Wilmington, N. C. oct 14-eod m Sat Tu Th r . 4 - ir t . .... 1 m ,11 -a . 1 Louioiana State Lottery i IK. ( ;- bidr-i'tt suit - -r?'r Incorporated Accust 17, 1808, CHARLES T.5 HO WARD . . . . .PRESIDENT! ' f 'siNtflJE NCMBEB LOTTEIIY. 1 .r.t SPLENDID SCHEME ONLY 20,000 NUMBERS capital phi . . 0so.ooo TO BE DRAWN AT JfEW ORLEANS ON SATCBDAT, December 2d, 1871. -.1 ey.;-i.- : "t ..:;?:'' -'jj-.i-j! j-i-jr i:-.-V j it A ;. - HOWARD, SIMMONS A CO.t Cohtoaotohs SI . .V:;4 f,,rvfi. w ,4 V. . s J.t.,Jl. ' V ... :i.:;t .i.;-..;;.f: 20.000 Knmfiers Kctets DhIj $20. i prize or kooo ls-ir..-.:: "":.-i-..-i.Kio. ; 1 prize of ; w,ooo is..........:..n.i .v.;-. so,ooo 1 prize of 20,000 'is..... 20,000 I . i a wist J- 1 Ul OjVW IS., i. .......... C,UUU l-prizeoi i,uw is..; 7.BU0 1 prize of 6,000 ; ls.........;...... 6,000 pnxe 01 ow ia........ ..4. .......... , o,uuo 1 prize of 4,000 laMSESa: I ,WQ 3,000 2,000 1 prize of 8)00 is...... ....... I prize of 1,0001 .1 nrize ocf; i,uou saDrizaoirJUOOO f 1 prize of .1)00 xjinzeoi i,uuu lpEizeof 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 lprizef12l,000 x prize ox iuw h 1 pMee of "LOW V-nrizetaf . 1 .000 T ' je ; f twtilfitvw ; a prize ox i.ww tl prize of ,1,000 ;lprizeof 1,000 . i prize or vi x.uoo a prize of 1,000 r 1 prize of c-l,0W i prize or y l.ooo til prize of i yljOW l prize or i,wu i-1 prize of LOW Vilprlze of 1,000 innznm i.uuu Wprizeeof - eood ' 1 1 ki I ? X If i W- TfiOI-si-tt -( r !?&, '.f-..o-'.-.t '.f.v j Oiil i 11 25,000 Oill 7 prizeVof s ,2Qe arciiii...! 86 Approximacprizft..., 12,600 . nvUP T'V'ff tO-4tM9 ' Whole Tiaiet3, C20 ; shares in proportion; ! ?wu9.caaaressBatv s mrwt ssIT tofu Lock Box 692 PoaQSfeei ffeOrean jmHE' ABt5VE rikviNfi lftShfiT1&n tttm. A '5112 Captl BMspen, 4n ie of-. tteconsiniBfef iimr, proposes tCl vui v Jiuci b,w lLii a iiBWKnHTiftr itt tv mM fldvac 4eryingyk e interests puttie ,i,tf J tngm-toeJtyoforth-aToi and while:laTafiV reoonlrea. ?dead issues semt of the 4o.ts tfoira that havd been of great prac tical purport- in party differences. National and tate, fqr.th lastflre years, lie pledges ic pirfciple3"6f the lathers of our Constltu tior to a fearless and unhesitatir i denuncia tion ox extravagance. wa?te ft' - . sulation in office and to retrenchment andrrefdrm in the administration dfgoy ernment. - ' -J As a newspaper, no pains will be spared to? renuerme jsarQuiasar a periodical ' worthy of its readers, by a careful attention to th fiteQ rary selections, dillgenee in inserting thelat can vwLieaii jiijwa ox.uie aav. nor.n cwipni anri The design of the Editor isid make the Ew- yuiiLSK in eye: ry respect a peoples- naDer. ana to that end he opens his columns to the Xie9di2?r 4 nof ell anblf :ts. -nreH.l. riTi cation alKol and religious, except eofar ar they may be nerscmalajid' libinn in tKof-f tendency or in theimature such as to be snb-verstj-e of its prime objects. Jw ? ' - ; -On account of accumulated business In the offloe the Ehquiezs wiU not, , be isaqed before the 1st of OctoberT J '"jf1 f .Tenosta in adtdace $2 60 if paid at expi TpASSENGER "TRAINS will leav it StaUon at 6K A. M. and 6:45 p. jj . r Arrive at vmon station at 8;40 A u ; FREIGHT TRAINS leave at 10:30 and ,., ,. at 20 P. M, t ; . . r . ; ; ; ,ull',Vt ON SUNDAYS the 6:45 P.M. and Ms , train ONLY-will be ran; ' ' ' M nloi: in 8. L. rEEWtivn i . Chief iEng. and Gen. Superintend' :i Wiimington. June 13, 1871. "( ( " Wiimiiiritdn, Columbia & .v CKange'bf Schedule; r FTER THIS DATE THE FOLInu .v - VAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily!; Leave Wilmington (Union Depot) 'u'-. . Arrive at Florence....;.;;....: I i AxriTeai jBiorence..,. JJ. v. Arrive atMumingtoH;,:::;::::::::;;- j NdHT'PkESS TRAIN DAILY (SCMli 16 -r'EXCEPTED.V l Ir0IPin8t0n" ' 7:1;- V Arrive atriorence........ i.. . Arrive at Kingsville.. " l"l f, Leave Kingsvllle - a. f Arrive at Florence i .. ' . ' Arrive at .Wilmington. ;;;;;; 6 ; iftugae-ti -i-s-, JNO. 0. WlNDf.R Sccretary'g Office, ' a VILMtNGTON, N. C, October 27ih, ? ANNUAL MHjT- XHE : THIRTY.SIXTH IG of the Stockholders of the Wilmington t '. w t , : , -. . 4 Weldoh Bail Road Company will be held In Wilmington on WEDNESDAY, the 15th of November next. , HP. t oct23tm j f , . .. J. W. THOMPSON. ... ' ' Secretarj. VJTTTOGTOK, CHAELOTTIi AND RUTHERFORD RAILED AU. Sill ETfli' S CPEK1NTEN DTS OFFICE, ' WILMINGTON, N. C, June 10, 1871 SCHnEB AIlRAJfGEMEST of TRAISS. ir Eastern! Division. PASSENGER and FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Wilmington at 7.-00 A M. and arrives at 3:30 P.M., daily (Sundays excepted). These Trains arrive at the Head of the Roan at 4:00 P. M. and leave at 6:30 A. M. Western Division. ry k t . V' i r Passensrer and Freht Trains leave Char lotte on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at8:S0A. M-'.tv , Leave Cherry viile at 13d P.' M. EXCURSION TICKETS from Wilmington ta Cbeiryville, good for the season, at$:s KOUND H:Mr?&:M J S. Sll FREMONT, abisiii .-Cnlei Engineer and Gen'l Sup't. fftnE TJNEITALLED ARTISTS ARE STILL 'Xr . offering the best inducements to our cm- zena, and the publio generally, for tneir vav ronage at the Purcell House. ETerythln)tpe ' .!. II Illy Ml U1B J&M.CQUUU IS JWJIKWU""-( " - iiand,-in order to give comple satisfaction w fno mostiasuoious. also- iakeptekanQre in informing them elegant shaver, well and favorably known W our ciuzpns, wno win be glad to Bee u Ureads,' iZ d-iu ;..?,, ..- ? oct28-ti 300HHDS. KI7IGHT?SSyBTIP. ForsaleTy i :.( - i J it W.l- - townmhscnur Y. LENGTH v ssa usill 'iiiAtl reasonable prices, t j'16 Cjoe vta ,Cv G.; PARSLEY to oVlf? Near rbotofpoekjtreet. ' i 1 1 r r 1 1 1 ' ''Mil t 4 sia FB.' JDEMPlQRA XIUUIU "Sevofedfto'Poiiticsl iericuiture, an.i fc i-fl WOn -vjli till - .el vl ii..-" eralinformatipnj ...jj f o , . . : fAW nnifireVing advocate of the Sontn THE,COffSTITCT?ON BB INTEGRITY ; the COUNTRY- W iw AND GLORY ; the RACE to its Yrompetlty and Kfgfatf! Pre-e iA,PLE2rQIp APYERTISING MfiP Addesl - oirssK . .11. Wiltnlnerton. N. C. . "' " I. .its.-.--

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