PUBLISHED DAILY, H IlKBNAflPi Kdltor and Propr. Dawson Bank Building. Front St. .r m advance..;, i.; ....,...$7 00 ineynStks m advance.................. 3 60 months, in advance.................. 2 00 J,6nth, in advance " 75 0 -f AiiNiM STAa'will be delivered in any fli0tha City at Fo?tbn t?N-ra per .week. rl V . : .... Nov. 22, 1871. ' . Tber- - - r Barom- mom. wind. ; Weather eter-' eter. , Time- 30:88 29:93 41 ; A. M. M. M. 57 ISWRtntle Fair . 49 (W Light Cloudy iieaaTeuip. of day, 49 deg. . , - ; vnTB All barometric readings are reduced .hi sen-level and to S3 decrees Fahrenheit," ,be Pe KOBXKT 8BIBOTH, . - Srict Sijrnal Service U. 8. A. weatner Report. v :. : War Dxpjlrtmbnt, i office of Chief 8hmal Officer V , Washington, Nov. 234:85 P. ty. j FrobabilUk. ; jr .JL'i." ,,.,, barometer will probably rise oa Thurs-. ,'oB the lakea an in- New England, with ii westerly winds and cloudy weather, fail the Southern and Golf States, with south "Utrlv winds and rlslug temperature. The EdT weaher prevailing lu the Rocky Mouutains extend, with falling Urometer and temperature, into the Mississippi val l v Diugo0 winds are not anticipated for 0r coasts tnis eveuiuy. THE CITT. auv aat a tn km u I si NSBEKGKiXfH-kNito 89 Ma rket .t r,.pf. Peus of every description. S - West & Habriss Layer Kaisins;; t rench Prunes, Currants, Jellies, Ac. W ilmington Tiieatkb Tremalne Brothers ndJohn G. Pierson. ' - Mrssos & Co. English and French-Cloths an, Cassimcres. . T. A roPE-Wihn1ngton .Wtdadft and Wil., Col. & Augusta Railroad notice. ; y Dudlbt E Ellis Ransom' 4 ' Home Made Calf Boot, Oak Calf Back.t' ' " CHAi. D? Mters & Co. B Select 'Wilis kVy, Groceries, &c. -V Kkat 1 a To-NlgHt." ;. . 'V- .. , ,. - Jaditsand geutlemeor who wish to spend an evening brim-full' of enjoyment should not fail to Ik present at the skating rink this evening. A glorions time is expected, and we urge all who can do so to cpa out and participate. iiwr.K lam WaI. The members of the three Lodges, viz : Stonewall, Clarendon and Germania, are re quested to meet at Pythian Hall to-morrow (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. Important business to transact, i ' t W. C. fc R. R. B. - 1 . " The Re Dee Herald of Wednesday says : 'Be it known that work on the W. C. & R. R. Rail roiJ lias been resumed,' A gentleman came up the Road on Monday with a nnmber of hands to commence laying down nils. Enough nils are at the head of the Road to lay about I 3 miles, and more expetced to arrive as these arc laid dow n. We also 'noticed cars loaded ith cross ties on their way up. y ' ' - & . r . ' r . ( . Ta l!nrl Hair. - ' ' nf nam Senegal, oue quart of hot water (not boil ing) ; mix, and as soon as the Ugredlants are dissolved, add two ouncies of spirits of wlne ht rontjly impregnated with camphor ;,tn re tiring to rest, wet t he hair with the above mixture and roll it in papers as asn&l ; leave them antil morning, wben.nntwist end form into ringlet?. Frait Sale. .-. vVd zi 3! ' 4 Th ?ale of fruit by Messrs. James & Meares, Auctioneer?, yesterday, resulted 'as 'follows : iD.OOO oranges sold at f 2, ?2 75,! $3 and 13 25 i-er hundred, the first price being to close ,le on a lot of 10,000 ; 65 bunches bananas sold at prices ranging from 37 to 63 cents , per handred; and 20 dozen pine apples at 135 per dozen. This is the first cargo of West India fruit of the season and the prices a,re thought to be very good. r i . . tlty Court. :, rt " ! The following cases were disposed of yester- ij : ' r iirntoO f , Virgil Wilson and Annie Wilsdn,v charged with stesriing, taking and carrying away in other words, Butlerizbtg a lot of spoons, etay frorn Messrs. BTock & Webb; Annie .Wilson was adjudged guilty and required to enter into iond in the sum of $200 for her appearance at the next term of the Superior Court. Virgil Wilson was found not guilty and discharged. Henry Wtlkins, charged with enrsing, quar-l reiing, &c, was found gijty andpseatenced ito pay the penalty feid -WW.Mpealed tto the Superior Court and discharged on glviag se curity in the sum of $50 for hts appearance. LUesviiie Academy We learn that the exhibition of Liles ville Acndemy, ynder the management of Col. Hadger, which came ofiL recently, was a great success, the building being crowded with, the friends and patrons of the ySchooL jXhe ad dress of welcome; fras4!ieejl .by itr. John Birmingham, which was iollowed. by otbeaad dresies, dialogues, etc.; the paplls all acSqult ng thetnsei'vei very creditably. f 'The regular address waa delivered by Mrt'JohnD: Fember ton of Wadesboro, whleh we have heard high 'y commended : as : bring appropriate to the occasion and ' admirably delivered During he address he took occasion to pay a high COm DtirnAiir. tn VaAtrT Shft TrinciDal of lin9llourt8h1n'clr6oTf,,, iH nnmpson County. There was a rumor on the streets yesterday ' the effect thatanambet of troops had? sr "ved in- BamtJson-eountTr'that they"had"the uarues of :'eomo-.; eight hoadreck cUizens who ere charged, with .sfiliation or connection wuh the alleged Kn Klux oreanization, and hat several arresttF til alrerfdy1 beetf "mJde, While we werd.isppepd o heljev that ther?. was a certain amount of truth in this report, we should not bateSlludedtoJf't n. ppr'Ja bVcoiivlncedl u'uus uniu we naa receiTeu.. buujc.uju , "iore dcflniie aadiAnizible front that-quarter, W fcr taw fad that -bapt.AMosfef Of mis city recived a telegram from Warsaw, yesterday afteraielWhlet the matter al , ft, Aeast orbepresentj jTheobugge W. quiet, -:- . , mis aispatch was as follows: au No troops WiSambs3ft.v -?f: Vol. IZ-ITo;. 3 lo Dots. Thl4 day week is Thanksgiviug Day. Our, city -officials" tftonld 'mend their ways." . ' 8e fourth page (or leRislatlve summary, list of letters, &c-. Madame Brignoll ns McCullough; -will probably; soon visit Wiiminjttoor s" ' PhUilp PhUUps,Hhe singing Wlgrira, is slowly wending his way blther, "singing as he comes.;; , , , ;', , : t ; Jhq showbAls of theTremaine Brothers nd- John G. Pierson adorn the walls and fences. The. Nw York Eixnwg Jbt thiuks that adtertisiag is the champion reaper which se cures the largest .harvest. V.l . lne storm M6t - week . wt ibo severest knownalong the coast i for -years., The' pre cautions tof the signal . officers, ; :ho wever, averted many shipwrecks. -T i he: mud on Morth s Water, ; between Chesnut aud Mulbery, yesterday, was a foot deep,as!maoy can tesUfy who were compelled J to walk the whole length of a square ' to cross the street: : i - : ' j r .1 "th box aheeUarh J f cmnatoe-B'rothrav entertainment, which opens on Monday even-' log, is now open at Iieinsberger,8 Live Book fitorel All who wish to attend should secure their seats early.' t r- Robert Iiaggett, - a seaman, who waa placed in the Guard House about fwo weeks ago, at the instance of the captain of the Bark f Helena-lar salre keening :.wm.ihimi frnmi confinernent yesterday, the vessel having left without the prisoner being called for.'j v We tender our thanks to - Duke Alexis for a specimen v of "Russian " hard-tack," a cariosity, In the bread floe, which , was baked fn "hts 'native country. . Samoles of this bread can be seen at Thorburn's bakery, who has JLjidies Benevolent Society. The pnblie have already been notified that the annual meeting of the Ladles' Benevoleni 'Societyofthis city wUl be held at the hall of 8. F. Engine Company No. 1, corner of Fourth and Princess streets this (Thursday) morning, at 11 o'clock. All members and those interest ed are desired to attend. It is now a befitting occasion for all who have the means at command to interest them selves In the truly philanthropic efforts of the ladies of this society to provide for the neces sities of the poor and destitute in our midst. The cold blasts of winter have already com menced their ' melancholy dirge around the rnde tenements of this numerous class of our j cilitcni, many of whom are but poorly pre pared frith the means necessary to protect ; themselves and little ones from their pittiless rfnrv." ! Let those who are blessed with an abundance of this world's goods take this im portant matter into consideration and resolve to aid their less fortunate fellow creatures, if j not to the extent of their ability, , at least so far ae it may seem to them convenient and v K ' . i, . . . . 1 will surelv havf their, reward. But a small pittance from each .in the way of money, or wood, or provisions,' would accomplish more good In the hands of the noble ladles of the society, tn the good wofk to which they are ending their energies, than many would Im agine, j; ' l: We hope the meeting to-day will be largely attended. 'Frlnflng1 and Book. Paper. ' We can furnish printing paper in small quantities, say from jt wo , to ten reams, as reasonable prices for all strictly c sh ordewrr We have on hand the following sizes or news. viz : 2ixSl, 24x36 and 24x38. Also, nne Book Paper 21x38 and 25x39 i and a good assortment of other papers and cards. tf. Tbe Tax on Pvolle Amasemeata. A. memorial to the General Assembly of this State, how in session, is in circulation in this city, graying that body to reduce the tax on concerts; theatrical and operatic exhibitions, with a view to encourage a more liberal intro- dnction of these exhibitions ;.the memorialists taking the ground that this policy will In the end ensure an equa amount of revenue with thafchdwlricefvea fHndTthlt paitlcolar source, .whlla'our peoplevin have an opportunity 01 witnessing not, only, a larger, number, bat, fenerallv speaking, a better class of exbioi- " ' . 'r. iV...:.f" ' W.' t-l tlons than now visit .us. .me .uiciuviwi u received, nnmerooa algnatures, including a large number of our most promlaent and In- -ManagerSpanIdlng;of the Wirmingtoh The atre. who has the matter m chargei.wilt retain TKJSsessioo of the memorial a few days Jonger nt will be pleased to receive the flames of those who nave not aireauy n. . Committed Tor Trial. John coaaer, coreo, wrcBwu ju vj ' , ... .- t ikl. w.U recently tentfv on the charge fbf contplidty-in?tbe robberv of Mr. Daniel,-of rBriuujf ick county, on the 8th iust. an 'account of which appeared in theBTiBwas' Vetbrnea to Brunswick on neA trnm that coontv. a day or Ktnophero he underwent an examlna tio'tt before JBSllce Al 1. SfAnsbn, w who com mitted hkalot triat.ft -the next; term of, the - a 4"tJE : m i-haf i hah turned here'vesterday, be , .r onveyed tahis - ." 'V.--.'- .. I'-'IJ ..1.1. destlnatlonw His COmpanioir in gum nas . nos yet been taken-. 1 mh iieet.r '?Ttian1ts toMr, C. D. Myers, & Co.. No. 7 North Eont Btreefor.a 8ample,pottle of their huMiikt Mi fully equal ft!bectlBg toth immerrs famfus'paker, elf popular w ItirthitthpnDni)rthe To Newsmen. . , j ..vv?-ft.A 'Hereafter, no papers will.beol4t i the pressroom1 of this oAce. ITewsboys and" othr era who wisn - the cbuntingroom eaeu daV.W for the num - bncWh6indulge'f noad;tMjad is Inid at thclowv price of fffber gallon. Try it .M wantl fouowing rho f ng, land 1 get auorderoathe maUmg-cllr fo same. TS ;V " I nor.7, 187i.-tf - -n , ;. v'... v. , . ,- J";: . '.; Ti ' " YTILIIIITGTOIT, IT. C, THU SP IRITS -OPnTUKPENTniE. IThe firemen of !Ne wberrj r 4ero to ijave a'muaeeade. ball ast night. 1 ' A second growth and bloom of a chinquepin bush,' astonishes ' States- Hie.; , - t - The Governor's messatrfi ma! - nearly seven coluraos, solid matter, in t lto,eign kenUnel. r -r-The, ilaleiffli Carolinian. Jo Holdcn is editor ot the Daily Tir.: : svenworiu,.Ji.an8as. : f 2i , . , : The Newl)ern Journal of Com- merce is talking hard for a Craven Count" Agricultural and Mechanical Fair. " Only nine Sheriffd have thr: far settled with the -State Treasurer. II. - Daiance nave untiltbc Jst Monday in De cember. "-"'. The excursion train from Nor folk to Payette ville. which' passed Rale; OQ e?nes(iay, contained W or 70 f :t- u?t wing uewrrea irom going on " - .uvtCwwiu . . J - . -?.Mr John G. Chrycr, lormcrly f-mtmrn, aailiKt-grqaa . Ccrp-3 CLxiati Jbr jfmladelphiaoB -the Schr.; Joel van Zandt, which he had purchased, on the ' luaiey 55-Jtuuissoieiieaiuer auu can mrs j i Ji.engeuay, xiew uauu.ver-cuuu-80th of July last: since which time neither skins, .diploma; boots and shoes, diploma, ty pen and ink drawiogsilver. his vessel,' crew, or himself bav& been ITeard from, and it is supposed alt were lost in the crreat storm ot the 15th of Au- gust last. The time that has intervened since he was last heard from, leaves little doubt nf this. He leaves an interesting family. So savs the Temes. mi r 7 rr , 7 JLlie X ee-JJee lieram saVB : The dead body of Mr. Martin Terry, of Kichmond, come up the roaa on Monaay. " wa Btt4 "ia uiy . uu uuiufi w day or two previous, where he hadgonejr home-made boots and shoes, diploma, jaw, the bones of which weie in a curious condition, producing frequent hemorrages. TK o 1mm. ..,M.nn' V. I A. Alii. I. orl j t V,m I Aue mot ftvwuuv uw iuiij i previous tq the arrival of his remains was that be was improving. Don't forget the large 4 sale of Kentucky horses and mules to take place: at Exchange Corner this morning, at 10 o'clock. , m Messrs. Cronly & Morris are the auctioneers. Oar Chip Basket. To Mend bad sherry Have a sherry cob bler. v-.-S A Stamp you can't buy The stamp of a gentleman. Schoolboys hear with pleasure of the de cline in the whaling business. A bachelor is politely described as a man who has neglected his opportunity of making some poor-woman miserabie. . A rural paper remarks: "Cold nights have put a stop to gate sparking. If she doesn't ask you to come in now you had bet ter quit." . A writer''. describing the exodu3 frqm TT.dpn v Th flnvll drovo woman ant at J" ' TnAa hntii. ftnM nnt Hrtn- p.rftiUft nnt nrm-'ni. - . " v . ..... . . . A Western editor informs a correspondent that the words, "no earns" accompanying a . .. . t- n hum,. tlil. her Idea of . J " ' raii uiaui uu a w. " - 1 dou't drink spirits, kin read the Bible without spoiling the words, and eat a cold dinner on wftfthdav without rnmoiinz." .j- ... . cnnniT mnrrind man was . remaraioi; w some Jadies that it'was always the women who MJw. a " ran after the men, when his wife indignantly said, "Ton know, my dear, I never ran alter you."1 4,That may be," he replied, 'Dat Joa tnnk mlffhtv eood care not to set out ot the " ' ' O " s. . way."- - . ' , , . . Bishop Atkinson' Appointments. Bishop Atkinson has made the followrag ap pointments: Goldsboro... .... . . . .....December 5. 0. Wilson .;.......... . attleboro. Hatifax................, Jackson .. Weldon... .V. ...... ..-V 7pm 11 13 Balelgb . . ............. 16&17 orriciAi. rBEMiuat usts Of the Tblrd Annnal Fair of tne Cnf Fear Aarrienltnral Association. Aaron &.RheinsteU, bests table- covers, niano covers and rugs, diploma. . . t.:i l . . Oreafe Pails Manufacturing Company. t) tMef & Co, Agents, bale sheeting, dinloma. i j' - r jars j? aftuigu, u6vwu.uU , Mrs Aiomsa jving, jvugeuuuiuc vmu"Jj I . . sp . .s : -A.ttsi , domestic carpeiing; ueruucaio. Raleigh Manufacturing Company, ging hums, d i nloma : shirting, di ploma. Little River, Manufacturing Company, 'H & B ?xSmanuei, best aispiay oi ury eoods, diploma.. s.-. i - ; o" ' r, ttt:v:. .no jaCODl,"' iriluliugiuu, uisjiiai v '6V' toolsrsectiad bestertificitev ) f Plummer of'Touhg," Petersburg, Va., Sarii. v nf edtre tools. diDloma : car- penterf tools," diploma. a M ftnmmerell. New Hanover county, riikr' nPf.iTYtfn of hand made Jvood work, Dawson. .Teel & Henning's premium of 10.i MThe Committee xecommena ine a? tinn Medal in addition. ... - H -. r . , , . ' ..T J J! ' 1TTL .Wt .1 " r" C made br mend1 aimejday .- Jporltt. atovfs. diploma:-reyer n .A. ismitb. n&rior fnrnitare. aipiom.. diploma. Trn:TeerHeininff for minm was offered by themselves: best as- ,rttnent 'of tools, vi2i : edge, coopers, car 1 J0rttt 0 ITOVEIIBER 23. , u J . Creekmur & Henry, Norfolk, Va,,- air-ti-lt oyster bucket diploma. ' J N Carr, New Hanorec connty, wood I: :I:cts, made 'by boyrlljyears old, di-; plcma.''"-'X' " ' T7 : E XJraigV'New" Hanover county, best barrel (hand made barrel) -Dawson, ..I & He'nning's premium ot $10, and . ::ociaticn premium, silver. , Tl E-Jcnes & Co, Wayne county, best : 2i men buggyi Dawson, - Teel & Hen i fs premium of $10, and , Association ; : aium, medal. Also jump seat buggy, Cape Fear Building - Company, bopk c . : wood mantle, lot; of 4 balusters and t ::tradesi newel " post, firsts premium, : ' J ; lot mouldings and window frames, ' patent attachments and 2 brackets, . C Richardson, Halifax; N. C iron : and and-irons, diploma. .r Smith, Halifax, N C, 2 - horse a. diploma.' J , Ji' s - ' : L Taylor,' 7adesboroV hand-made . : shoes end blacksmith tools, diploma. c ohna Pump Company,' Cumberland j, lores pump, diploma. . . 1.. Arn.ld, GufTolX"Va.,-tehiTe.diplp-1: : Al n:. ' Toth aia&.Co, b::t display of harness J and leather work,..ueaaw rr ? - Mrs. u wen r enneii, new xxauover eouu- ty, best piece of home made cloth, not less than three yards, (the cloth was, made into a suit ot boys clothing) Munson & Cos premium ot 5; Association pre- mium. silver. . , ,f i? F lleinsberger, lor tne Dest assortment oi dooks ana enromos, silver aau uipioma. ron n.n rliBrlftv of r.lnthintfdi- vom . " Sol Rear & Bros. disnlafof home made 'X clothing, diploma. JamesrA Leach & Co,' ThomasTille, N home-made ooots ana snoes, aipioma. A ft- TTnll fiamnlpjx of nrintincr. dinloma. ;N jaCobif Wilminston. steel pea sweep, diploma: one horse plow, diploma. L ' . n -mm ft " DeKosset & Co. asTents ior mcuomD, Liverpool, England, arrow cotton tie, cer- tificate. ' ; DeRosset & Co. agents for C 6 John- son, New Orleans, La, buckle cotton tie, certificate. 8 Z Hall, Mystic, Conn, and Sing Sing, New York, best cotton gin and feeder, medal. R D Long, Edgecombe county, cotton planter diploma. r James Wiley, Duplin county, best wrought cotton plows, medal. . - Peter Smith, Halifax county best cotton planter, diploma sulky plowy medal; cast steel -two horsejlow, diploma; cider mill, Qipioma. D C Richardson, Halifax county, Dest corn plow, medal. . Geo A Peck, New Hanover county; best subsoil plow, diploma. n V. a rrr t l. ..4 Jr armer-o: vv ainwrigutj iv iibuu uuuutj, best cotton plows, medal; two horse plow, medal ; turningplow, medal. J T Graves, Wilson county, cotton plan- ter and guano distributor, diploma. Dawson, Teel & Henning, best fanning mills, diploma ; feed cutter, djploma ; corn shelleT. dibloma. " 3 , . I , j. ' . . . t s - - .... TLT ffc 7Bf . , Wilmington, x. u., jxov. io. a. . , !"""BUfc -TtrT u 1 TAm-tmonf V. Cloaa 2. rirort that we nave aSM--vSi. CUIDB. ilUICUliO ooriUftiuiH,uuv, , , .v... 1 auu. w iiBuu ocmug ju.avuucr. uu iuua the Wheeler and Wilson the best family machine, aitnougn ine omerutumcB a. z oi rt e a WAavnvoci nT dtpoi isinrH i cuumw " v,w w-. r - . . . n Trri i onri th nnnnc eenerauv. i uiu iiiut being indifferent about it. :? John Colvillb, John IT. urviNE. TheUixecutive v;ommuiee awaru jueuai. .. s. L.jiir-Ji WE Tanner uo., Jticnmona, va, ior the best specimen of. steam power ma- chinerv. Dawson, Teel & -Henning s pre- m nm siu. ana tne Association premium, medal t ? - - :r -f Williamson's Boad steamer. v ine uaucRugucu, wwiumiB, w .nformi tha ahnrn nnmpri machine fM o fnll renort nnon its merits and de- VU3 IGitfcu uv w . v WH rffl .T,pntfnllv renort t .. r V " r - i-.u.i A full tost pf its capacity" waS, made on trrmmds of the Association.' around ineSdkrih of a mile to and Iro'overthe country road, across one "branch" and out ?of; the road tho rin tpnnrlq tin a declivitv of into the Piff0-,;. about one in five, and back again into tne Voir flrnnndg v .w,.. t & air wrounas. . mnana. nf The race track is built ot a surface oi clay about Synches, thick, upon a bed of BonA . inkd' atYached to the steamer com- posed of a 10 horse engine on wheels, and track and the narrow ir - oi tne wagon wheels. With the engine i above referred to f weight about 6 tons) the steamer mov- ed readily around tne tracx, ana axcerwaru arew im wm "8wua n"u people easily. :." 1 I Wo nnilPNtanil 4hfr mnnnetors claim We understand -the " rbnnetora claim that On "roads in'ordiriary godoTcondition, j that the steamers will draw in the wagons with broad tread wheels adapted to tne work. 12 tons dead weight We believe that this machine will come, fully up, to the claim. ...V- 'M - i . ."We further believe that in , charge ok competent mechanics, these steamers will be useful, and economical, as ieeaers to ine railroads in this section of the State, and I:: for railroads.-where there is difficultyJu procuring capitalor ih construction ot the latter. - f ic lafctci. Without load on the 'race track, the ' . - - j j u.n :u t i i iwuuw u w .. . ..... I to the honr.--- --- - - . ; . wguk. -u oruer.": " uo 8teamer; passic uuux ou levei iwu YL T. I polntj arid adapted y every sryie orwriung roau- urqn j -i - TTOdandfoxaleai., : W( l;Wble.'pf doing all .- 4 - . , i think the steamer- v ? ?s s usjs ss that is clairae4tfbr it. 107L ,7hdle IT6. 1,297 Water tanks are attached with capacity to furnish water for six -miles ran ; and bunkers I for coal sufficient for half days Tun. f uoropetent engineer ananremau are all the. labor required for a full train., : ' The steamer is well adapted lor draw in a gang ot 5: 20 inch, plows, (or ,7 12 inch,) and-we think will do well in this re- spect. . ; ' 7'i f' : Arrangements are provided for using the power of the engines for driving cotton-gins, threshing machines or other farming implements rt quiring steam or horse power. . jIn consideration of the great success of this machine, .and its eminent adaptabili ty to work required in this section of the country, the committee recommend an award ot the highest premium of the As sociation the medal of the Association. v Jno. C. Bailet, f - - - - - C. 8. Sebvoss? -" J. F. FiHGEn; - ' 1 : . John Bissrr, - , .wm: l. deRosset. - Arch. Pae, 4 John Colville, II. J. RlSLEY, , - fL W, Skinner. H G Latimer, New ' Ilanover county, land:;ape r ciplcr rcrtriit. oipioma ; pasteue drawing, suver; , miss jvate iurrt-xicw. nauover cownty, water color painting, diploma. v Miss MW James, New Hanover county, crayon drawing, Bilver; pastelle drawing, diploma. , , Miss Jennie Meares, New Hanover coun ty,pastene arawing, ceruncaie ; crajon jirawiDK, Biiver. i ' Miss Atire .Tones. New Hanover mirintv. crayon drawing,' silver. - .a Miss Kate Barlow, New Hanover coun- ty, pencil drawing, certincate, ,Mra B V L Hutton, Wayne county, pen and inkilrawing,xertificate; sample wri i ana idkatswi I tins, dioloma. T A Darby, New Hanover county; ar- chitectuTal drawing, diploma. .1 : I trm T!..l yt m 1 2 1J IT I i jmss jjiiue uramin, 14 yeara 01a, new Hanover county, pencil drawing Uc frame, silver. . ana rus- Master Reiley, New Hahover county, pen aninkdrawing, silver. , MissS S Spencer, Wilson Collegiate Seminary, oil; painting, silver :r pencil drawing, diploma. : . ... : Miss Minnie Daniel, Wilson Collegiate Seminary, drawing, diploma, t ; : ; Miss Sarah Earp, Wilson Collegiate Seminary, drawing, diploma. . . Miss Kate Conner, .Wilson Collegiate Seminary, drawing, aipioma. - Miss E S Soencer,i Wilson Collegiate Seminary, pencil drawing, diploma. I ; -u x'xwciiiiu, ' xjuynu. wuutjr, (inufo grapes fo; grape vines, f 3 f strawrjerry plants, $3. ''. - , r Mrs;D Klein, tipe strawberries ana ap- pies, silver. - ." i I T" T " 3 ..4.U.n i iwiwy iiu, oauipuu tuum), suumwu seedling apple treesy silver. Airs Jfo wen, Jagecomoe county, rea beet, certificate. . , T A-Grainger, Wayne counjypumpkm, certificate., . ' Jag RThigpen, Edgecombe county, Eu- ropean squash, certificate. W H Cobb, .Wilson county, radishes, I r'i ceruncaie. W W McRackin, Brunswick county. 1 yam potatoes, certificate. - . . H ? . - -r. ....n. t -l Sest collection oi nowera, meaa . . n. T T Mm llenniror nnnntn mo rrnn. i tree diploma I L FroeliU pupiin C0Unty, best native ertmB wine. $3: largest collection of w . a . . -r-' i - T- . tt a 1,1 T W T,r. Wilmintrton. best disnlav -lw rro.,, ,iin w " 1 " T) McNatt. Kinastree. S. C fine rosin. I ... r P i diploma. T , j Cvrus McNeill, liobeson county, virgin gcraDe rosin, certificate. p Heinsberffer.TVirminffton. best piano i TTnahtV mMjirZd best ao. Btein. amioma: -best combination btgan l?urdett's,-medai i , Mr Jad r. Thiffnehl Edcecombe? e i on piantauon economy, uipiuuia. I - - : :i tm ; ; . i I ; it is sAiDmroro to see onr 'hair blossomlnsr I ior tho grave tmaany., or wpsraaiiy. w I men feel tms amiction, ana it is even a greater j deformity to them than to .men. Alt pa's I HAIR VIGOB removes it and restores the hair yyyt j '; i b jiave ieen so much' imposed npon by several worthless Sarsaparlllas, that we are glad to be ablex to; recommend a pre paration which can, be depended or as eon- faining the virtues of that' toTaluable medi? cine, ana is wonny oi tuo tjuuhw wiw.uw Doot. AYJt'S SaBSAP AfilLIA. eurea whi anything can cure the 'diseases that reqnl anaiterativemediclrje-; " --,,"yy, i ' " . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS jtU,' ViVl n. blOtUU ailQ acsimcros MADB UP IN THE MOST' FASHION- ABLE STYLE with PROMPTNESS at the CITY CLOTHING knd lt- . - s mLi ifDfoMj.W.t tf lOWL IiaU.-ii . w 1 ''' re-"!' s it.. t tttrtrsoa col, HVut Market E.t, novS3-tf Pom !" Fct3 lyPons 1 n BTew.fine'and most elegit assortment ;5f'i nAmmi&l TAfll'-Extra rrr,i s "pJi rurnrrM Penr'ank Pen, Cnstom! ' .sing Pen aad Artlstia Pen,. n . 1 9 -,(i.--c 4 - -.V-" " O ' " - j6"rlW I nov 23-tf live Book PCSrte, g o lib s'tto Kiftf akd tiii iialoa3I -o.r fltrrariTiir 1A flexlbilltv and fineness bf f 4 RATES OF, ADTOUTf RllvaX.-': one Square one ly, ,i. .iL. L. o . twodAys,..w. 1 M) J three davs...... ...... .....i... 00 - it t 11 11 1 11 toar dars..A........ -60 .Ave days....... s w one weak...'. - 3 60 Contract Advertisements taten at pn- portlonately low rates, r v; , rt . - , Obituary notices win be lsftri--i at ruit rates wnen paia ior in aa vanre t ot nerwise run rau wlllbeciiarged. i wf . xaaxs casn on carnaim. , t NEW iLD 7ERTISEMENTS. Wilmington Theatre. Mo nUay 4 T uesdny f lYedneHtlty Nov.. S?lli, S8tb, 30th aud 301 It. The Tremaino Brothers . . AND . . JOilN G. PIEUSONa? Burlesque Operetta Troupe oriental; bell' mkofeEs ! Will appear on the above dates with the fo' lowlng artistes : , " Wiu B.' TREil AtKE, JOHN G." PIERSON, . ALOSZO TREMAINE, WlLLtE KEL i LQPU.'JTRAKKH. lKSJKE. ' O. S. ROBINSON. 4 I j . , , FANK BAERt, Ja., nov 23-4t , Business Manager. .WILUIJTGTON"- &-1 T7-LDON, itusta IlnllrciwJf. v. (L sL. a OF rips GEN. FREIGHT and TICKET ACT., WmenreTOs, N. Nov. -J, 1871. The attention of Merchants and Ship- j pers is respectfaUy invite, .to the fact that the, "Wateree Steamboat Co.'a'1 Steamer " Islsn will commenoe her regular trips upon Water ea River, between W.,C A A. R. R- station, there, and Camden, 3. Cand fOl landings, as far as river is navigable, on Wednesday, NoyehiberSyth Her trips will be at first semi-weekly, and as soon as regular and convenient landings are established, best suited to wants of ship pers, a ' schedule of tri-weekly trips will be arranged, connecting closely with Passenger and Freight trains on W., C. A A. S. Hd., both to and from Columbia and Wilmington. Through Bills of Lading given and. prompt movement of freights assured. . Bates always as low from Wilmington to all points on river as from Charlestbni ,,- ,v ; For copies ot Tariffs and Classification, ap ply to undersigned. J " . : , a popk; nov 25-1 w . . General Freight Agent. The B Select Whiskoy NTKODUCED BY US grows in favor tfaily. We can furnish It In, anyilP.alred quantity, and are now tottlmg It in handsome style for. , FAMILY' USE. . CUAS. D. MYERS A CO., , nov23-tf , ,,7 North Front St. : a 4f . DAILY ADDITIONS TO OUB STOCK Or CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, at" 7 North Fron t St. i i. i ' C'HAS. D.MtERW6o. nov 23-tf WEST '& HABMS3 HAS JUST RECEIVED i.s " . . .... , ; . .".l j WfO."' Layer Raising, French Prunes, Currants, Dried Figs, Preserved Ginger, Jellies, a fine, assort ment of French Candy and a variety of other articles. M f, tv . inovs 23-tf JEL HOME MA'DELFfi 3wi ThalMSHeavjBoot temai;e efpav " imteed to ne durable and to give satisfac- haul tnoV23f' W6t& lot fthe"i61itio6u T iTATEmppblfitea ilriTcTiVu; ITCtlne 1 toaldjnelncollectlniralldue mer rotes and accounts. He or I 'will be at mr cloe. in business hours. Hope all those in dbt to' me wiUprppayaIfsacjreJber? M. CnOIfl Atxciioniecr;1 JJ 7 di,:f t-jT.'.'a -raiW BTdrces! gprilija! 0-frr,l '..! rtfV Jtr? t . N TJJ-MOROWljnfnUSDAY) morning, at 10 o'clock, we wIH terECSange' Corner, SO Fine TOUSa fXZOSSES A HEVUZ&. ifc ijusT lAfeRrrtrirRdir Kentucky. All sound, and in good Order ana cdndltion. Sale to continue ttlti&X and SATURDAY. -i ntri tits' " l'i ,U Ar;3:.'q -5 da fcliic WMKtotoH ill Ii iti 1(11 i i till H i ii .ivatjto:1'- 7rTTA12TEDi-SlxFIr3t-C,ssrtad Ehoe t V y J Uakers J con . t xipli tc1 Etven aacmpriscapsiiDjijKri Jli-7 - nor 22-lw f.,rV. ic'ar r: DlPbO n d. Jkj Depot,aLe-i Vs. c'.srrt i owner iuay have fey calung at tJ o---, for this advertisement, ar3 a rcpr a 1 .ard i-OV22-8t to tpe Anaer f f lass wer VAonsie)vC JTCC31?t ct siTc: easy owner! nov 10-lm if t