"THE MORnirJQ DTAIJ, PUBLISHED DAILY, M 11 BRMABD, Editor and Prop'iv -. " . n ten m . 0rFl0, Dawson panic ouuumgs, Toni bu . r. idvance.....;..;... ...$7 C? y months, wavwxw.. a WJ jlx moattts, in advance......... w L osin Stab will be delivered In any part ot tne City at FirrBSK Cbhts pet week - llETEottoL6oi;AL, rxiicoun. ' Nov. 2T,' 1871 " i.. Ther- Barom eter. ' ' 29:74 " 29:83 !ui. mom eter. .Wind; Weather ... 67 ; W Fresh jOloudy ' 78 W Fresh Icioudy ' 65 (E Fresh JCloQdy "vieaaTemp, of day, 68 'deK.n. i '.VT" F. Votk All barometric readings are reduced . the s-leel and to 83 decrees Fahrenheit : H ..ROBJIBT 8lBOTH, Senr' t Sisrnal Service U. S: A. Weather Benvrl. -,.-, S . ' , War IDepIrtmsst, Office 01 sLDiej. piynai untcer, Washington, Nov. iJ7 4:85 P..- , BrUk northwesterly winds, will probably J:(,,uii to oisrht and veer to northeast in the Middle fJlihSff! negsani weaiirer iu uv- uvuui xiuuu , ti.autes: n areaof low barometer develop est ol the 'JMisslsalppl 'with elondyl and threateniog weathjer extehding eastward to the Blue Ridge; partially cloudy weather, with liffht winds, pre? all on the lakes; : , . Caatlonary sienals continue at Norfolk, Cape May,' HtnJP&fZi :sw.Xesn. XL iieinsbbrgkb8 live Book 8tore,,89 arket st.-" The PenfaiMlgntler'thaiStblWord. Mcnson & Co. The'Alexia Collar Wm. M. Poissbt Johna'Lode F & A. M. Emergent Meetln' HcNTmo & lyicQuioo, Auctioneers, Sale Dudlkt & Elus. Bronze Battoned Boots for Ladies and Children 1 Mkrchakt.-A YonnMan, with ' knowl edge of the Hardware Business, Wanted y . There will be skaUng aeqityaliitfiis evening, as usual. .Notwithstanding. the at tractions at the Theatre a large scrowd Is - pected to be present Come out rndtry the skates and you will not. regret It. -i i r i 4 The Troops In Bajnpf: A gentleman at Clinton, Sampson ''county, writing to a friend in this city, whose letter we have been kfndly permitted to,, read, re ports that he haa learned Xrom .a reliable source that over 'one hund red persons have been arrested and are befng examinedby the troops. Some have been .discharged, while others are held and bound over for their ap pearance In, Raleigh. 1 , " - ' ' : f -' ".oyj Assault and Bnttery, t . - David McPherson "colored,T was arrested yesterday, on a warrant issued by W RJMer- rick, J. P., charged with assault and battery ou the person o' Joe Chapman, also colored. lie was committed to jail, in default of security in the sum of $100, to await -an examination before the above named magistrate Ibis morn- 1112. Festival. ..; , "vfWv 4 . Oar city readers shonid reniemberthat there will be a Festival atCity;: Hall :!on Tbnrs dj; ( ThanksgiTlng) evenings the proceed 'to be appropriated to the fVtlinj up and properly repairine: of St. PauPs (Episcopal) : Church, earner of Fourth and Orange streets, waere a ue-v confi;reation will soon commence',' .wbr iiippiuij.. . - . -ij fyis.l : Snperlor Court. By reference to the Legislative proceedings,, in another eolnmni.ttnirDi(,iie senrtnit the bill alluded to by na a few days since, changing the time of h61din'g't'tne''- 8fipe'riorrpoiU jln. New Hanover county, passed its several read-. tags in the House on Sstirday.fee proceed-' ings for the provisions of'te)Tfl.,,, We leam that the TfexnainetBrothtts and Mr. John G. Pvcrson will give a JeneQto the Order ofKn!ghh oflfjtiJrttiWf fn Thursday night next. .Messrs. Jnoi Ji ' Fow ler, J. McD. Frencl ; anoV 'IVodfOfd hare been appointed by the3)rdeaaa Managers, with Mr. J. J, Fotslcr. a Chairman. There , will no doubt be.aJarge c,cowd. jBresent ffisthe occasion. Fine Oyaierv: J '"f- fv, We sat down to as" fine a. tate!!l!oI oysters last night as we have ever seen ihls or any other market, ftiiy fcereJpitiip hy Mr. D. f. Gilbert in his usual good style, and Were not "hard to toke. MrVattberilhAsf let of these large, fat aed luaciows bivalves on hand at his saloon on Son th'Water "Street, and those in want of a splendid " stew'f Shonid give him a call. t How to Preacrve Bmoked XXeatau - Take groond blacky pepper : the.tftner the better ; was.hi.a(f j&&&&tHlfott:-fim the .hatas or beef, and swhite, they areiitfimp, fob themthoniyv1thr ejpefe,Rwo pounds" of pepper wUl'keep thirty pounds of meat free from tie's Pinsectrdf WUInds."'It can remain, a smoke home will approach . It also improyefljhe ilavor f the meat. - - - " - ".:& SlijilOl, "'! A horse, attached to a bogey coptainingbe driver and two !AQTe,niway'lu Vicinity f Union Depot'onr. Saturday night. Soon after starting one of he hj;wheelsHhe bgKy came off, and! the lafilei ijfo.tltijmm. Qt, bnt fortunately received very lUtleJnjury. The hofserwllh fhe aVmageo" Vehicle, rait for some distance lifthe-dfrecUon of the i depot, htn he turned and retraced his ft ep:tQVrd the bridge, being "finally halted In bis mad Uj a uuiureu man uy me wios ui ueu, Merrick, who, tfaus .saTedtthejThdggytrom Probable destrnction and possibiytM llfe'of me Dorse. - - - 7 - ; The indestructible Tae is a zreat convenience to merchants; It' Bwer4he combined puf Kuaa 01 a direction labeV and fb-nsinesaead. La at Ihe Star Printing' and, Pnblishini: 7 A. M 9 F. M or -wood-botse." and mot1 a fly uv u appiy yonrseives, w 1 !.".. T ' 1 li '.J-L ' " " : .:: ... " A rt 1" -"'""- ; ..-- Onesquawcne day, ... tl 0 i r"wl ;i;:m- , , i ... ..The sir Is growing quite chilly as we eoio The turkeys had their confessions. ' . " : r There was no session yesterday morning.1"" ;t- f''' -u We learn that the Tremalne BroLhera win Kite grand nnatinee.ioa the 1 afternoon ?6f Thsnksglvlne Day. J , , 1" There wilt be an emergent meeting of St. J ohn's Lodgd K6;a,F.& A.", tf ., this Tnes day) evening, at 7tq'clock 1 . t ?" The- weather,; yesterday, wns unusually warm for the season and linen coats and straw 1 wsw uqto uccu vruru wiLU perlCCb 1BI- She corner ,i on Fifth street, In the direction ai Church, so thatdenlaeuSilnhalocalUy. soon have " more light on the subject., f t' ,"Tt Tbe oficers and Tjsors. of Jihe iadles iJenegbleni 6bcWy,kre feque'stei tovmeet at the resla of Mr. 4o'hh ;a: ry lor aV 3i oc!?c!r Tc;i.'7-.;aerecpn; Kovetatc? s6tL ilJeaira;anUnsr tSMcQalcrrt anetionfterx. wljl sell! Lai " the!jvAalesroonv No 34 North Oatreet, lhitaornag) JjSirflo2tIock, a u V w-s-t? oayon.siaea ana snouiaers craCKA rschee8e1'&c:r, -:f - i , ; Mr. Jams Harrington, of , Harnett coun ty, was the successful' knight of the tourna ment at FayettevillebySsrhlch1 he gotV fine sewing inaehlne, which he preseu ted Ito Miss Maggie Ppe, whom he crowned; Qaeen of Love and Beautyv tfiriuunn ii'ti" Our friend Graeme, 'Ageti t of " the 'L! ver pool and.London and. Globe Insurance Com-i .pany, Informs ns that this company has paid an additional three-quarters of a million on its Chicago losses, making altoxether $i,830lv 226 41 palrflto; aateT -3' : -l uMnKcini rrweeainiri. t , On Sunday night,' about 7 o'clock, soine mischievous persons cptnjnenced; throwing rocks at a bouse on Castle, near the corner of Fourth street, occupied by a colored woman by. the , name of Cornelia Collins, whosehouse,' near the corner of Third and' Nun streets It will be' remembered, canghtlSreVnd was par tiatty burnedonhursday niKht last, alter which ihe removed toh'er present habitation Becoming frightened, ,she ran out and cried murder I as loud as, he..Jjnnga. rould permit, whlctr speedily 'ttrew tbgethef I large crowd, inetadtaff a nftmber of policemen ; bnt, al though.the iocks continued to fly, and several' persons were struck by ; tthe' . dangerona. "Wis-; siles, the: officers were nnable to discover who threw th;m. It was sard that they came ap parently from some o the lots in the vlcrelty, but as it was found impossible to discover Ihe exact loca Uy of the 44 masked battery," noth ing could be done in the way of bringing tp light: the guilty parties. It is said thaV a sick woman In the houffe, of "the' woman Collins waa struck" by ,a. roekwnUe lying iu bed. 'j'The crowd ; in the vicinity t one time , was ;n estimated , at .near tfoui hun dred, and considerable excitemi-nt prevailed. Conspicuous among the" number was Alder man Howe, who, wrapped in his martial cloak, was seen always 4n the thickest of the fight. He was finally,' placed Aws du eombat however; ? by a big fock," which struck, his beaveijV;?ajad kriockeffittoverliU eyes, sof ter this mishaphjB jer prudently came to the decision) that " discretion was the fetter part bjfalqrM-Ca he mentioned Policet Ofitoers DanleV Hanes- and FredV. Williams elenudfrisrfd And iYaror five colored women, indndlng Cornelia! ColTJnsJfbo was pretty badly bruised abonra& A v WVftA. 3V t A similar disturbance to the above occurred in the iamt Weittt W Satardag lt, jaod , the same1 mystery attended - the operatfo'ns of the aasanUingreyHM supposed to be at the bottom of the alfafr. but a stop slionld be pnf tb-sidn ceeJjjjpT fore serions injury is Inflicted ripon some one :-,gtaf;lHj..V -a V '.mi--' dU QQ j -Biurders. j ) s it von 1 want Boarder!': advertise inf eSr fcew department, under head of Wants"? VnialJ our regular rates, for- Mvertfeemenf ppfes! ceedihg jflve lines. ! ; X U !- Extension rtn Jtres ausiiway. 1 irenei4lrviwllr' Dmdflliarnd that it haa been ' determined by CoL baniel 1 ir i!n: leaaee of the Wlrmnifo' andlaide-1 fiallway, to extend the track to Union epc!t arrangements ior procuring u irui ws., having alreadj been! made. :Vfe Jearnjthatjt is proposed to run if branch 8f the taQpipt the corher of Ninh an,d Bnklnstreesrhelre It turns ifcvtfce'&reciilw CjIMary, to McBiae, a coritlhuatntFgith sreetynd thence jin a straight line to Union Dcpi? ibis is doneUp avo(l the jgrjadlngblchj vfQl, he necessary on. account of the low sw&py,, graailwhlchjihtervenej rAtobe ranln direct line'wlth. Ninth street.Uw j On the route , proposed j there wyihte no grading necessary at all, as the ground most 'perfectly fojiS-fyim eifi- f 'ft f 1 1 f ' This! is an Important and long desfrro'lmV rovemenViWhlefe iwillt gjlytoeRseghei amount of travel on the railway In cbhflec tion whh this project, m are inOribCa tpt a baggage car will be put on theH-oidf which will add largely to tircTpiblic eehvehfengsrtnd Drove a source of no little revenue to tbeYes-; We Understand that the work of laying the track b the depoVwillbe" edmrienc0 $go the: week; and pushed rwjaaro an early; fr , ? - ' Slanpjp AtkinisniB Appoli?tmenta : I lilshoRtiaiaahaA ap pointments : noOoldsDOrtv: "JWifsorfl,' HT;attleb6r6 V paurax better begin .to.WrUe"' " lWL ,1,p(m Ic0lcerti, theaUIcal 'and ; ' ; M (lt operatic exMblttotia.' Tnat paper av: "W Tax on Amnsecents. 1 , Thc Editor of the Raleigb:&nwL like bnr- selves, has had bia attehtlon called toUbei'ex- knew7 how heavy n"he' taxes IrW! The' taxjj State,' county and cJtylV twentv-fivfr dollark' Tof thd firs nlghi apd fifteen" for tobh aubse quen iiightDd; ihe county Is alibwed W lay double the State taxWhenState, cbuntyand city taxare ailrtQbejCoHectqd,. it amounts to almost prohibition.'? at the people are wining Aot pay .their money, - let them be Amused, especially when less tax would irlng in mdre reyepue thilnone amounting 4o prohibition." The presents encral Assembly will nodouftt fredacelha lajAc vnvV. rWt 1ft je Th're jtouse ouixnnrsaay are expected to- be- of a vlutestlngiihacV;; St. John's Lo;4Ko 4 Free' and Accepted present an oppbrf uhTty of attending the various churches rwhere rettgousexerclses- are exA pected to-be eondaetedTbe address on the occaelen will, be i deUt ered by Honil Ab f M. WaddeC .tost. 4;;i'5;;;1::, ';r;y Vi : :V If yo,u have lost anything, advertise it In our, new department, under ead of Lost and Found," at half our reguTar rates, for adter-f tlsements not exceeding five lines. ; If : The celebrated Tremalne ' .Brothers and Mr. John G. Piers 00, eommenced their engage- 'meat at Thatian all last.nigh befpi-e a very large and appreciative a udienee.'- f -The leading members olthla"; "excellent Company a !uo strangers to the juiuslc-lovlng pprtloh j pi the a community, .who were ' prepared j iu ,advancet6enj;;afeiTich!n la. y this theyi i wereu ; not disappointed, sis the frequent . plaudits of ' the large i assem blage abundantly testified. Thd singing ot the Tremalne Brothers, Piersoh, inslee and Master . Willie Kellogg was simply splendid, while the accompaniment on, theyfine Burdeit .Organ belonging to the Company padded- greatly, to thegeq'eral eflfecL : Mr. Piersbn's leeture: waa exceedingly hnmorpua, rhile in theBarfesque Opera of .Tha.Two Lovers,'. ; 'which- conclu ded the entertainment, and which Wai,admi-; rably rendered. Master Willie Keilogg played the part pf ..." LlsettejthbCuUtry,; jGlrl,' ' to perfection: : a 1 s a? ; ? - i i j " 1 v t , s ? - r They give another of their superb entertain ments this evening, when no doubt they will be greeted by a crowded house tin Tbe Fayettevllle Fir;. "One of the Editors of the Raleigh, Caro linian. whp was present, speaks is? follows of the Fayette vllle Fair:- The stock exhibited was fine, while the many agricultural, implements,' Ho f improved ma chioery,S:e.iCompared favorably with that on exhibition at many StatftolnM tmit. The trotting was good. We noticed Loaf er," driven by Mr. Pomeroyrnd-Bo6 Xe,' with Mrr Paxsbnr ' haadflifg the ribbons.' The latter was the wlnnlnpagj--tline first bea S:ba8won a-ttflrSfi2:50 Th e inuch talked of iroad steamer was at the Fair, and on Thursday a rush .was, made to see It.' The steamer Ts cbfilderedv practicable by many, whilst one are disposed to doubt the successful working of It. However, it moved around the track at a goodly pace: Star Book Blnaer. . , r , , - f $l TheattenttOB U theiatii:c ia; called to the superior facilities we aowhavei for executing "Blbdfng and Kullog. Our business in this de partment has steadily ' increasedan evidence that we have not labored in Jvain in our effort to estabhsbiaiSoQk. Bindery equal to the de mands of. our rowinff city But?weai,e4e-' termlned to do still more jfttd "as" mr fusi-J '8o,ll StitJjtAcilitiM bireie,. JlS3ftjpnwi Vraddea insteps " are announceu ns ib . . . . . 1. f Gopd lusiwkreVamo he lik do ATbungfaii her baakjbair onev-eo nje it look A young lady who went to Europe last summer, taking with her only a small carpet big, has returned with sixteen weir filled; tfeuksX T H J .1 A 'A' ? ft Men are frequently like tea, the real 6tren$th!hd jnjisare bt ftopt rly drawn' outof them until they have been. for a Short time in Jqt wajter, i j. , ij .c- .r. i-.ia ; ! " There is a young lady living near Albioi, Michigan, whose grandmother's graudmotheK is sUUyripffrta halejsctlve bid lady and (the yoang lady herself is old enough tof bioar- It iC(iiiifedjtfie thing lor young gen itlemen tohaviheir overcoats made tiWttb pocket , jnpneside Jined with flannel or iflJjr m for the' grave too early. ' More especially won Oken feel this a3iction. and it is even a greater d eformity to them than to . men. AY Ell's Pair VIGOR removes it and rea tores the hair sometimes, tttts original color always. 1 LTi P-toyaBTiae been so mucb; imposed T nnnn tpon by seye WOTs Sawiiias, tnw r we are glad to be able to recommend a pre- Deration yrnca can vm aepenaea ot m w. tainins the virtues of that invaluable medi cine, asS i v worthy of the pnblio confidence." DoCT. AYEIfS 8AJiSAPAILLIiA cures when arrtvjr-rcl3 oral tia diseases that require ItaaUsxwUve medicine. - j..y-.. - tlasontralrer, cci'to meeVaOhelr Pall at SCAU ctt ,-f:i?atl9 ,WttW W IUUW WUBQ WUU HUT VO. Anv T!liin Btet. ,.'.;r.' f..-i jt! ,'I A 1 . I 5 !Xcowardlattimlt77T6. Beait'retfial anined stand,-.--u i;AA -Jr jhh:ha1idy inaislip heu' hand when wilkin HHMrticc-the luotioa lmlellmt.ly : ... rt-, 'f,,. 1 'mvii' ' ?r. 1 -&9Tr 5 --Mr. Houston spoke at length, and con- LEGISLATIVE iSXTlIIIAIlY; Jr.-' r , SENATE. . The Senate met at 410 A. M., President 11 aucu 111 iuo uuau. ' Price, col., .introduced a series ot reso lutions adopted ' at a public r meeting in New Hanover co'uhty. 'f The Ko Kltix res Dlations.1 . .0 - r J.J . r z1" ii ..t'l - - 1 4 rMr. iathatn rose, to a -point of order s riuai lUB.ruies oi, vue oeaaie; require i,uai the ihtrcdiieer "of 4wh resolutions bq re ocired7to preface them by the statement tnat they' are respectful' to every member nt'thefienate. ' ' ':'3 J f- ;-t"- .-.-t. ft. The Pregidlnt sustairieotHlie point Kf prepared r tai say what r- wciuuer oj taer .enaie nugnt consiaer r.especixuu.4 rne resolutions wpre sent ntm to' present to the Senate. -r, t. v,.Tf ! A . Mr. - McClammy concurred with Mr.. rettrrned to Price that he might exam ine then and add the requisite statemem. Agreed to??" 1 '""s - mminwxU bd entitled M arf act tor commute, compromise, compound and adjust ; the debt of the. state.". i Kead first time and . ordered to be priutedrf - jI h . :. Ji o ' J : ?Tbe bill to reqolre .the commissioli on jhe Western 'Korthliparolma irailroad to,' report, passed its third reading , by a. vote Of 25to:a j J li-i, ViirluX biViyv?,iZr? ! i; f. , TThe J I concerning j, probate of jdeeds and th e private examination of .w6meu beyond; the limits of; the I Statey passed its second reading. m. "C'M: 'tf-.'-' t-ia' v The bill extending; the time forheriflB, &c., lor the collection of taxes ;waa laid on the table on its second readiDg; l.-.-.l 0 r v: The bill to give enterers of vacant lands iurther timeo. perfect titles was : laid on the table, ' : i-h'-. ..' 1 :: f ,. A message, was received from the gov exnor: transmitting communication: from Prof. Maury in relation to the proposed international meteorological system and crop report.. , Referred . to the committee on agriculture.- (; ; , ,:t,2 r On motion of Mr. Linney, the bill to provide for a chattle mortgage in lien of a I personal bond - in L civil cause, was put r '' . i - i iUpon.ts. passage, a uu H if'ytnrt? a Xi JUx,( Ppwles . thought : the - mortgage sKouJd J confined to real estate that as it now, stood, it would I have.the effect r of covering, up all the personal ' property in the State. ; - : .JH 1 - nu-Ahyii') J' 'ip, On motion of Mr. Graham of Orange, the further consideration of the. bill was post poned till Tuesday at 11 o'clock. 1 , : Mr. : Graham, of Orange, from the Com mittee on the Judiciary, submitted ar re port in reference to that part of the mes sage of .the Governor which alludes to the Constitution in connection with the high salaries and fees paid to various State and county officers, in : which they, take the ground that there is something in -the Constitution which, in the .opinion of the committee, prevents the reduction of such I salaries. during the' term.; ot... the.? present l V The report of the committee was .coof curredin., , ,-- f, ft '.' t Mr. ?worth -r introduced ar :bill to ; ex change the stocks of the State ibr bonds with which such, .stocks were obtainea, and for otheR.purposea-v- s ' ' HOUSE bP REPRESENTATIVES.: ; : fc ' - S ATTJKD AT,? Nov. 25, 1871. ; v House called to order at 10 'o'clock. ; , ? By Mr; Harris, of Guilford : . A bill to drain low&roundst referred. w . . . i . Te !re8bIutiou7 dirpctiog . tHe treasurer no&fa.jjf& to5 be received from Sheriifis btnhbi State to the repayment of moneys borrowed under chapter aa taken up7 t (tr Asbe, the introducer, took the floor jiplwatibn of jts , He said that, unless some such action. was.J taken .-by; the :Hb6,!t6bwasbrer 'Wqul' be cbnpellbd to'appropnatfl5p,(WO.otqfy(accra jjhdeth?, present revenue actir t. I replace mdney borrdwed from the special tax fund .tfeiislaiure 61186971). . 1' . u" The resolution passed its, .several, read logs ana was oraerea 10 oe eogrosseu aau ' transmitted tofhe Seriafe. , X r :iCrI-. - .rr ttJ L. ;terwlreading8.j' ftr.Hj ; rfotitr'ma Weacli, yeartc" twof weekg- :iiv. -ic:- t-. fc.xi a -1- x. ." ir.. U COUriSp-PJueii oti 1.JJ0 j,u I u,yj4jr xi jjii1WMwiiy 5 af tes the 4th,. inx 5Jertfary; th4r6th' Monday .m June and tbVsth 'Mboaay'after the 4th' in Angus t ??6jijfe rolhttpa instructing (:comeit- tee on military anairs xo report a duiiook ing. towards the "organization, of ( the inl litia; of the" State. failed' to pass its ; second " By'Mr.:vW4ring ; A pui to protect oona fide purchasers pfjearestate ; eferred j i i 'J ( l iriT. spkciaj; oepbb, .3 s tcf j. to-wltf the resoltftibd toTraise a Committee of thre to- investigate iber Origin of ; the resolutions reflecting on cef 'talnr members' of tbb Iegilature, passed bjr jp New Han over, county Radical meeting, and. seht 'zmdsr sthe-1 pretence of - a memorial,- .was taken tip. si- Lavm rtisl- ,V'4'" i Cawthqr, c6lM moved to; indefinitely bcotpone thd resolution. 'it - -5 i 111 f if.Mr.Millsi thintrodueeri said that, on reflection he now believed that the resolti- tionwould jot- answer: tne. purpose tor which it was intended, uerelore, be had indeflnitelv$Dostpone: would urevail1 and establish a precedent for-'4be disposal of all such improper and angry subjects. -M 1 I -r . 1 I Al .' . L !'. ' defaitely postpone. 51 .mi,-inTi naviimTlMl Tacf the f -'17 .11 ; IT .ly motion prevailed ,X)J -ai5tofe of peaafS,' a0-Ui2.TrJt. i42oSrtfcol . tot By KfCsttl lfl Horccr! Clerks ot the Superiof Cburtfd niide'at their respectiTe cotinty 'kziii relvrred.. Ci :IT3 OF TUBPEUTIIIE. J '.(jTh"o WtrenSQonnty; .wheat crofj is promising.. -,:, ; : r.iKeYMr.Xucaais lecUirir the Chinese in Greensboro..,: .:.-' t Prot Brewer leaves A3 Consul to Athehs in Qreeqe in about three weeks.' . -i Sweet potatoes are Belling I for 40 cebts per bhshel in the Raleigh market. 1 l,V The LJ. SrCirctat Court; Judge Brooks presiding, convened in . Raleigh yesterday, , . s r , r ' v f. 7. Miss Harjj"VV;tray .clied at her hoiiie ln'Jtash cbnuty last week, .from ,tb effects. of f burn received tbei day jbe-: fT?-?f y laf '.:;i ; ; ;t" v'v : V' :-TfThe iTremaine Troupe played in Charlotte for; the' benefit o the Fire .Departmentfrom which ;each company ing t Crbelctbwi.h! jrren county, killed ' buckThursdaHo last "$?;epk' weishinff '310; noun ds. "tt-i, ft.. - A11pjhair';Wied iTrinki Dtmcan-was. killed jvear iStateaville on Saturday aftrnoou-by being run over, by a lumbpr train. So .we.rlearn from the :Amerton..,l 'j; hY. :: ,.,ci j 10 -v The newbell ior the Episc pal Church' in Kewbero has arrived.0 Thb Time Bajrsltaspre?entd by Miss "Ami Donald, and1 weighs 2,474. pounds or four times asr much as the fire bell; It is com posed of fineraetal, and -is no1 doubt one of the finest bells in the South.H '1 ; Three whiternen, names un known, waylaid and attempted to assassi nate Mr. John Hollabaugh, on. Saturday night of last week, , near Salisbury. One yof, the balls fired at him ' passed through the lapel of his coat. . Mr. H. escaped ; by the. fleetness of his horse. So .says .the ' The AshVille r iV7"; :ot the 23rd, says : A letter was received here; on yesterday morning from Mr. Woofdfin, statinghat he had effected a compromise with Hopkins, Littlefield & Co. Terms 'not stated ; bat supposed, by thbse familiar with the matter, to be $300,000 cah,uanc $300,000 secured by railroad interests, lands&b itf Pkridai- 1 icn ' day say s:s,A, so d oif something oyer two hun,dred pHsouers iand witnesses, supposed to be' KuJliix under charge of the Scrbg gin's, passed through this place on Friday afternoon oh their way ; to Raleigh, j If this thing continues much , longer: there will not be If ft in ;, our esterni '.counties able bodied men enough ,tp. t:e care ! of ;theTvelpleM.'.i'.'a;ys.'4, has . NEW AD VERTISEMENTS. jstSJohu:s;dgeifn Li.--,-; .? -'ftvirfivt H:rTf4'-'.vJr.;.fe-'fl;.,.;:.-fii-05!'J!5 - EMERGENT MEETING TUIS (TUESDAt) EVENING, at T O'clock. , . .'r 1 ' By order or. tne wcjim ;m. tuaras St. John's Hixi; Nov. 28,: l8n-lt 8ecy.. S; JitoVNTiiffi Anctioner, Bj BUNTING McQVICG. i ? , . . 1 . . '- i j TTTE will sell at onr Salesroom.' No. 34 N, YV Water street, at 10 o'clock A. M. tonlay, Lot N. Q. Bacon Sides and Shoulders, Craok- eri Cheese, Soap, Mackerel, Cook an 1 . uiaases, xoya, cc, ac v-,.. , noy 8S.lt : tv w n BUNTING A MoQUI30. BroxizVButtdned, Soots , Uf AN ELEGANT ARTICLE- FOB f 1 1A1):IES AN0;':J I S.S E S v For sale by - f ? " : , V J)UiJLEY Jk JfiLLIS,a,.; ;' nov28'tf y 'ri ft rf . sign or tne -Big P9 The Peu Is ElicUtier than tbe I imffi' TS'.' 'W;w:.. . iw- w r i JU IJE GQLD PEN tbe BEST OF ALL PENS, SJiett Nc-QuBKNibbedt and long nibbed, fine notnted. Dezus.'; : Elastte.-! well ttnlshedi well boimed an4 4 very idntoblejv Vastiy; sartor and cheapen Uux.theIm.or Steel Pen. q U A good Gold Pen is always ready and re liable, aud if adapted to tbe hand, makes writing aplarjratjtha-a task. L A Etegant Asswtment o Gold Fens and llOiaeijasireceavBUfuc-i jor bjui. ,i;: : ju ' Also, a new lot Steel f and Amalgam Pens- all slzesand trices.; , . .... 4.. (novjss-u j a.'i ..'v ; -- ; VBDERS for all kindS of Fruit) and; Onu imbntatTree, drape Tines, Berry ad ouisr rpianis, 1 A rrom tae ceie urzuea ". ' 1 " " ' -. .'.GEO,. Z. FBE. ? sept 12-naeeOd8QO sn -wea ft - HOBT.IiiErAIlRIS, ESPECTFULLir informs the - publie thai Xv iis is now prepared to give every satis; lacUoninMslijaeoC bnainessw House Keepers ere especially Invited to call and examine my work before seeding their work elsewhere for repair:. rrsd i ..a'.-u t : Pictures Framed, Chairs Reseated, Ac. f, ! ; Mtem located on Second street, between Sfarket and Princess Street. 5, i Wiimiiigixm,). Vt oy9inaeeoawii n.?J ' ".Uii i-t ii-.i Li v i i il ,vi!fJi Jiell CIilCDa ?Sr I ' T irAVE appointed Mr. John. B. Turrentiiie JL to aid me in collecting all due me by notes itncl aeeoBnts.: He or 1 wilt be at-mv afSaal in jmy former Btry-Good Store, every day during. Ircsiness hours. ' Hope all those fa debt to, me will promptly payj as I require ta money.' t ' oct iflbcactJit Th Eat Tu , -, .'.I cjm pl i;tr j r .tvomr..........: 1 so - (oar d&ys,........ ....11.. a EO - five days,.,..... 8 00 m vaav ' . . . . a a 49- Con-tract Advertisements taken at pro poruonateiy low rates. Ifarriasea, Deaths, JEU!ionH. . -Tmeral and Obituary notices will be inscrtttat ialf rates whn paid for in advance ; otherwise full rates will be charged. ..-.. ,v . xmno-cash on demand. ' . N JP VT; ADVERTISEMENTS. 'JL YOUNG MAN VTII KNOWLEDGE of tbXiard wu-e business. A. -t ; : y Address, Ihi own bana writing, 5 rtrjvj fli-l ,:.J'd - MEECIIANT. at nov28-tf .i(;,,l7. STAalOSce. ,Tho AlbxiorCollar.! . TH E A LEX IS COl-i. A It ! V JUST MCE-VHlJv AT THB ,;.C,L" O.T.flU.ft -A UiD Clercbanl TaUoriiis atabllteh ':'rfW,-: :.'..iTT i; .: ' " ' fTt Vl.-tt'-i- nbv3-tf ; ; MCMSOn A CO., . ... ;.t.! Vyrappics JPnper, Axes, ac. -to itco nninnrafl -min 5BBLS PAPER TWINE, V. gQ BOXES TTJEPENT1NEAXES. i;i i aiK'-".i JPor sale byn4;.Uv ..'i.i- ;,; lai'f3lir; . jiff KEBCHNEE, . novJG-tf 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. i j v a. . 1 ... . . ARROW ROOT JUM-BLES, FARINA CRA.C K V;i ER9, X.EON AP PINQEB 8NAP8, Cream, Soda and Oyster Craekezs. s . , Just in and, lor sale by lK, . . JAMES C. STEVENSON'S. , no v 26-tf Market, bet Front and Second. t vj. (?. Rucckcrt' WHas the Best 'Assortment of il FIliST-CLASS " l.iK'v S. n. , :4Apta7os. i-r oj n. rrji.. j jo ;,?' LOOS :.ATjHIs!i Uolii.A'j'iCl'-- W A R1.ROOMS, y.iti.. Nos. 57 A 5 MAJRxrt St., . Uasohio Hall, .,v.yr,,.;.-r; v-'-i ':'t--v i'ii'.; J-.;.; -a oi'l :.; Known south, where Pianos are sold at the -"lowest--"' ..- . ' NORTHERN PRICES S ' .... , r THE FAMOUS ' f ? WEBEE PIAIIO." Which is used, and pronounced by all the u liEAqilTGr MUSICIANS AND CONSER- 7 - e trtmnmn " lrrfnTn -.T: 3 --i tMion mrivi izo.r. i ' If ' fMlLlXnlllofe 'JEr" AU Pianos Warr acted for Ten Tears. ..Pianos .Tuned, Repaired, Moved, Ac A ehelce selection of Sheet Music on.hand. i WmmraTO, N. C.Vj J J. F. BUECKERT, BUY THC CCrJUlUE if . CTAUDAEi) CCALE8. KoreTban S50 DlfTerent Hotflfleationa. isnm ixso iroa th bst ' alakm Wowrr j0ff085iB&didWli'l DffeW-TOltK. FAIRBANKS,' B&OT7N& CO., ; J ptitl f 'Ki -noCi -i.'ll8 JJCZLE. ' SX&ERT, ( BOSTON. ' T'dii all W leading HawiMDeriu :sept 3-3a W1S 2 TON3;TlES.ffi;-: w?, 2vn mo . ' :. For sale by .. - 1004.' DhaT7hdm.: 1GC4. BLUE GRASS KENTUCKY WHISKET. The Finest and Safest Old, Bye Wblskey in the City. ' ' - f .f :-wrAt.'-Dj 'imEZts'. oo.r- h : nov jfiw ; ;ft.tiir ! n n I North Front St. . BARRELS andK BARBELS...- 'it f f4 uuvuvuiiAX -LUUB-Ebls and J Bbls. ATCSITE ' CatTl-BLls. i Ebl4. . and )a aS3 o any desid welt. , UJ t ti? fii . nit a a .ty inrr 'nrt. r i iiiv34fs 4 ''i '-r Nortb 'Front St. Arri---9lxFlrsM3assEotet and Shoe . V V Makers h constant employment . given and best prices paid by T ', 1 ' " ' ITson ncrrr en . cat one firsti&ss I Circular Steam Saw Uill (35-horse power engine) ; 8,C"3,CC3 fct et rood. pise, "very ca sry ox access, xeams, n agOBSf-o. - ao -r' vue owner. J.ILSPIllNUi.-, nov i9-im umisxcn, x, - Hi ,. thMar.tr, " r fy I I I'll i 5, i. : i ... . ... -4 . . V ' j - t . ? r