- . ; - ; : ' - - ' run ziomm.a u2au9 PUBLISHED DAILY, XI. II BKUBTARD, Editor and Zre;. 0frw, Dawson Bank BnUdin-s, rront St vear, to.idnnc...M..; ...tf CO : ft- months. W aavanoe.. s 3 ? ree months, iaaaTOaw..;......,.i a co A.Kontn, In advance...... 75 The MoaHiwe Sta will be delivered ia any !rt of tne tiicy m iwi weec, ' Dec. 1871. '-;".. TfcMH Barom eter. mom eter. WJnd. Weather 7 A.M. s) F. M. 0 .M Clear Clear Fair : 40 ; N Uiint SO NE light 80:34 . Wb. All barometric reading are reduced , ,iu. M-lcvel and to 83 decrees Fahrenheit. ROBXKT fiSIEOTH, - , ' Srj4t Signal Service U. A A. r Wtlir tteport.- , ; :War Dryar.TMKiiTt i - office of Chief CiicU Olicer, ;Vn3him,'ton, Dec. 3-4;3 P. M: ) i The barometerji. will probably contiuue to falon8anday east of Mississippi. Kivvr; tbs lowest pressure wins ceoirai 13 : -Zzy morning, with increasi52 8oat!:-r:t r.'r 3 r- rain, from-tne.iase roast ; southeast winds cr. ; c. the South Atlantic c&x. , TSB-.GEDY. iiiN3BEKaa's Live Hook 8tore, S9 Market .Peterson & Bros'. Pablications. See ibe adrertUement of Ilostetter'a Stom- Ml-nson & Co. Keep Warm Oar ricks ' i)vercoats or Capra. j ' r r : - BfNT0Ki, CkoW' Co. Copartntirsblp Notice. - , 1 11. UcKKUiMER Wholesale and Retail Deal- rt in Tobacco Goods. , 2- - ' - 3 D. Wallace Meeting ofY Wilmington (!i)UllCll JNO. 4. F. W. Kkchnkr For Railroads and Steam tKMta-Fire Crackers, Cheese, &c, -- ohoxly & MoaKis.Anctioneert 8alef Kt-al Estate at Anctlon. . tv-- f- - Gkben & Flannkb Drugs and I Medicines -Onion Setts, Ac.-, ; . - t Dcdlet fc Kllis Jersey Ties., 0. G. Pakslet & Co. Cash Notice. Vest & Harbiss Fresh Goshen Batter. J. (J. Stevjcnsox Fresh Nuts," Figs,' Kais in, tfce. "' " ' . Loi 13, Davis & Co. Fine Drt-sa Goods, eivri?, v eiveiecuBac. . ...... uiiiuju oirectoixy. ' , -, Susdat. December 3. ' Jt. James (Episcopal), CoKNEii Third iiro Maskkt Stkxets. Advent Bunday. MorLing Prayer at 11 A. M. - , . Evening Prayer at P. M -I Sunday School at 3 o'clock. ' St. Jobnu Chureli (Eplaeopal), , coftxER Red Cboss akdIThibd St&ekts. Advent Sunday. , Mjraing Prayer and Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 11 o'elock.' Evening Prayer at 7 o'clock. . , S inday School at 9 o'clock. L irat JPreabyterian Cbnreb, Couneb Third and Obahok Streets. ?unlay School exercises commence at 3) lecture Thursday evenins: at 7io'clock Second Presbttebiak Church. Services at Brooklyn-Half, every Sonday at 10W A M. Sunay ScBoor,'3P. M;--- ; t . First Baptist Clanreto. , Corner Mabket akd Fifth Stbeets, Rev. J. C. Hiden, Pastor. v :-r'rr , i sr r Sunday School at 9 A. M. ' 8 " Services at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Youu? Men's Prayer Meeting Tuesday night ut ?:3'J o'clock in room above Pastor's study. Weekly Prayer Meeting Thursday night at " Til n'..lnit- Second Baptist Cbareb, Corner of Sixth asd Chcbch Streets. Rev. J. E. King, Pastor. Sunday School at 9 A. M. - " Services at 10 A. M. and 7 P. M. 7 Grayer Meeting every Tuesday night at 7f w nuts. . .. ... .. St. Thomas' (Catbolle) Cbareli, : "x Dock Between Second and Third 8ts Morning service at 7 and 10 A; M. Etfening " at 5 P. M. Daily service at 7 A. M. Kev. M. S. Gross, oflciatlng clergyman. Front Street JK. . Cbarcb, Sntb Couner Walnut and -Front Streets. Rev. Dr. Moran, Pastor. ' Services at 10 A. M. Sunday School 3 P. M. - Regular weekly Prayer Meeting Wednesday cigutat7 o'clock. Ail are invited to attend.' The pews in this church are all free. Gentle manly ushers will be in waiting to conduct straDgers toecats. ' ' " ; : Finn Street H.'E. CTtmreb . iFTii Between Church and Nun Stbbets Sunday School at 9 A. M. . " - Ht. Paal's Evan. JLatberan Cnnrcn, Market Street, Corneb-of Sixth. Kev. G. D. Bernheim, Pastor. tuglibU ssrvice at 10 A. M. German service at 7 P. M. Sunday School at 3 P. M. . . i" Catechetical Lectures on Friday at 3$ P. M. Seamen's Bethel, i'OCK Between FbontJand Wateb Stbeets, Services at 7 P. M., by Rev. H. B. Burr. Christian Chapel (Colored XZetbMlist)9 Cokner Church and Seventh Stbeets. Sabbath School at 9 A. M. Services at 11 A. M., P M. andJ 8 P. M., T the Pastor, Rev. Ellis Lavender. , St. Pant's (colored Eplseopal), okner Orange and Foubth Stbbets. Services at 10 aIm. tnd 8 P. M., b Rev. C. -Brady (col. J ( , j .T . j .. n K 0od Move. " 77 ' -'. x- We learn from the Weldon Newt i that the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Associa tion has adopted a resolution forbidding the 'arious species of gambling In the way of gift iles and such like upon their ground In fu we. This is right, and we hope to see a im r step taken, not only by, the Cap Fear Association, bat by all kindred ones in ths onth. They have been a great dnfwback to agricultural fairs where they have been flowed, and if permitted to. continue .will eventually end in breaking them up alto:- for and m-iner. HuHshUofPytM... - i - Ane jomt committee, appointed to make the Pessary arrangements for, tie recent benefit endered to the Knights of Pythias of this city he Tremalne Brothers and Mr PiersooV qaeRt the members of the three lodges to ueet at, pythian KU11. to morrow, (Monday) n 8ht, at 8 0,clock; ;'A IBll attetjaanc s de- a business of importance will come Defore the meeting : , . ;C - Milwaokea "inrise by the pretty girls who' oGciate 0f ne-. . 7 . - - I 4r fota. ilT The Masonic Grand , j , iut;ui m um eih to-morrow . , 7 The Board f Aldermen' meet in Axmiai. -jr Bcuion to morrow evening. The f?5rnaJ. of th! dt 1.. anceyestercamornin-lffanew dr'e hi.; reduction In el9.. 4 ; 1(I v T V. , 1 There will be an 'EmeWent4 ''nhitin "nf Wilmington Council Noi 4,.t6-uiofr6ir 'evetl-i Jng, at 7 o'clock: ! : .;i-'s iiv'.: ;'V 7 f -.Tlw Drui Stor of Meskral n. James, corner of Finland Princess street ..." - .t. " '"' j -las It tb st ? M ro lvt a j-iiutietlrtn fh tax op theatrical performances; - concerts, &cj : Th Tremalne Brothers left here yester " day morning for Wilson ; from tucrVthey go to Raleigh anj from there to New YorkV; -1 " T f ,! Re v. Thomas Wharey, of; Virginia; will preach lu the First Presbyterian Church to day (Sunday) at 10 o'clock A. M. and 7 P. M.j ; t i t . -y r a 1 j . v ' i 5 We are requested to state that the Grand fCnited Ordcr of Odd Fellows (colored) will have V sotreen the CUy eall on Weduetdav nfght!next. f j - We learn from the City Clerk and Trcas- " up'A-uuwiicsaiew at anc- U on,! to-morrow at 13 o'clock M ; f for city ixe ,01 uennquents lor 1870; ThankSrto Mr. R. L. Harris for copies Oj the Ni Y Ledger and Chimney jcbrner for the curret wetk. Persons in wsnt of late paper8 01 au Kinds should call at his stand on Frtmt street. . .. ; - . , Church evening ImDrovement bo the fcVU 1. ' " " w v awaaa ao v(j v TJIU fore used i - From the report of W. II. Bradley, Clerk of the Market, we learn ;tLst the various butchers of this city, slaughtered, "during the month of November, 295 beeves, 531 hogs, 103 sheepvlOealvesandlOdecr.t j t fuf j y i : T t I Messrs. James A Meare?, aucUoneers, auverise inar. iney will sen a Horse and buggy I at auction tomorrow, at 12 o'clock, in front of the City vHal!.-, They will also sell the citv . . . ,r .... i - . t v T-jYe ieurn that nnw fn i.a p...:n fnTaaniej.BUnt.Dd Friday morMn- last to Tll'v :F?U?h betWeen- Biadenand U 'pth of about flvea'nches. " 1 fDf WWl 'Sn' and r. t5' 7:' . 1 -"' 's-'-' .-r, j Ileved the money .drawer of , What chanizu it - .i.wlt iuia j- on 11 vu r v-v-t r, i be Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal - iy.ful,?.uli was illumined with ga, yesterday P"iecl Cur? enWi w W rvlDffi . for the. first time. This ia a ' mose sraiciea wun sore eyes, it is also! property for laxe,, alluded to elsWhere. "fJrgfiitog is a circle In , 1 J I ' MM-uu"' nw, to an! extern bBvo hi fn, J m hvpr' n.,i Kt a , I peerage;-, and being engaged, also, in I -thi .jirttif Uockm.X-brother freedman'a house, was arrested by the police yesterday afternoon, and lodged in the Guard House. hrtnt hnin.' -nn : - . .Wki . i. tJ 5 . . ' ! I street between Market and Dock, on the site now occupied by the two frame buildings next to the corner of the latter street. Such an improvement would add materially to the anUnprovementwould'add materiallvtothe appearancfij)!" that locality; and we hope the r m - 1 I we hone the I rumor may prove.a reality. . v Superior oort.'V-; ;& The! December term of the Snoerlor Court for New Hanover countv will convene In this citv to morrow. His Donor. Judre Roasell. . 1 presiding. . We learn that none but 'criminal cases will be tried during this term. The bill neiore we legislature, nereioiore aiiudeq to, j which! provides for four terms of two weeks eachihe first to commence , on te 4th Mon- day injJanuarj has, we understand, been so amended as to allow the holding of the ores I eot term. The" Jannarv term, nrovided for in the new bill, will, we learn, be devoted exclu- f Ivelv to the trial of civil cases. Thla ia verv proper under the circumstances, as it will en- I sure the clearing of the civil docket of ail the old cases. , - . , 4 -W - -V fc - - J By reference to our advertUicr columns I tilts MiHiWliinUi'..m h.t Uh,hJ " i . i vuiv f aHvi.iuy. 4. nw w ' vvu auvos. b. i : Walter H. Rlnford. John K. Crow and J.me. derson A Co. have formed a co partnership AndersOn business, under the fim name of Binford, Crow command where their character and business' qoalifica- j tlnni ra wpII tnnarn Th H1 hn InnnA mt :--" . the storehouse under the oQce of James 'An de'rson Co.,' SqutH Water street. ' -A if .;. r "wj , Opera House. :;, .. ; . , v ,The new Lessee of the Wilmington Theatre has changed the name of that handsome.and popular place of amasement to . the 4" Opera , House,? by which appellation it. will hereaf- f ? ... 1 art wmw kiii.h.i t mnpM. ..n ii.nl n n u a c..uf..uH . f. ; , " . il doubt join us is: the opinion that the change Is I a very approfriate .one.: . By the way, it must not be forgotten that I Vyyocan, tne eeieoratea juagician ana ven.ru 1 oqulst, ppens at the Opera House to-morrow evening with a series of his unrivallsd ;enter 1 tainments. '1 The Force of Habit A colored IndlviduaV known as Jim Petes- son, who was-transferred; from i'the' Work sgo'.Vor treatment In that' Vn'sUtutipn, was sent to ihelock-upyesterdajon ihecharge of ndulglog in hU favorite amusement of steal- n'' He was sent to the Work House on the charge 9f larceny, anon Fr day niSht he was detected la the crll of iteallngsome artlcles f of clothW -"-- ne ot his fellow patienU.in tne uospiuu. .,; u wuih nuu.tuiii w i teiw t : N i ' " CJ r1, r. 1 ' fc 1 : Lhtn. t mum anttodntroT onr :t)lece I oi-uUhan.to hare Another give us a piece ; . .--t 4 j iA--,-.! .rL I 4Co.?Thl. is a strong flrmand wlU 5? t0 V?Vy : lhe fltlff Weill niTltoftlf ? the confldenee of the community Jranaama vi -a ue tiiKrfufc w - -.vwmm. of the public generally in this section, ; JEtevjMrXWelker, -Of- tireeflS- ONION SETTS, GARDEN SEED,-HAGAN'S WCei Qrol oa; teal. . 1 ?'!!'.''.' f - - n iwu sergeant "Robert fteiwffc'7rfKA"ii: . li, j S 5 tQr ' "" report show- xuepauyand monthly mean nf bmn, f and thermometer, -rflionthlv velocitv nf wtmi n! oon of , rainfall. ith airewn fthe wind,, for the-month' of-Noi VetQbe The report shows the monthlr feKa:'t- Karometer- to hkve' been 80.07 !?5.'"4 of Thermometer '65JI degree's.5 To. 1 ta .f10;11:1: tbe mtb;- 4.48 Inches. Pre! -IZT..0"0 W Ea8t- .'Total I "53V2,?.,ltt: 1. Bobbery f; ' Some thief entered tie Btu'ro'ofJMr. Claus btrr,: was committed Mr Shriver was near the 1 fire-place talking wlth'eome iriends , .the ihM f In the maaarlmentBrfW. th-Wnp l.r,i4 behind the counter and secuttng,' the mOney tlta h haftt retreat. t ;The' per. Petratpr of the theft has not yet been arested. a'cwims. -''''r v'V - Yesterday arteraopia,. as 1 the ! Norwegian! Barque Bmikatist, Capt. 'John Hanson, waU bout leaving the railroad Wharf on the west side of the river, in to w of the steamer jVacca- 8n accldntal,y came in collision with 'n? of Mr .rrell'.fltVon which was about; forty one barrls of r98,D- Tt nV Bon .andflTbirrels.ofntUefrosto l6aL!a.Wo lL"?!!1! ll h6m ": . ... . i Hore Eyes The following receipe for the cure of inr 1Umcd ye gen i Take a potato, and after o.arterlng It, grate the heart as fine as posBi- j ,e and place the grating between pieces of I caaDric muslin, riace the poultice, over the eye inflamed and keep It there fifteen minutes. Ltrdngly recommended for horns. Our CtiLP Basket. 1 The worst wheelof the cartal ways the a ost creaking, i . s ; ; p A littlemiss in Cam'nrldire iiw 1 sent hir three dolls to he Chicago; Sufferers; f , .""-V :v': . "Vu 5riae4ora siiuaiion; aou aflflsi "NoobiecUon tid.in. ohiMrcm nnr- riWe 1; 'w ';' i 7 t NotwiUlandin- the assertion of mathe- them of making aliqoarew, " - - I - Men are said to be the cause of all the ex- travagance in women's dress, and whim they mmmi-mi - . - ;,vci v. , . eease o pay court f o aliks? velvet panders frills; chignons and furtelows, the womenfni go. over to calico dresses In battalions. ' ; A minister once prayed : 0, Lord, : we thank Thee for the goodly number here to night, and that Thou also art here, notwitb- standing the inclemency of the weather.' An Irishman, who was standing, on Lon- don DrId'"e 8ftI1 to a TO0tn v "Faith, and I tmnK1w . . it. 1 ,aia ine Doy "?"e8i Jones,' saia me insn-1 man ; 'and I knew seventeen ould maids by that name in Dublin." Was either of them yer mither?' nWhP AtsUso- Appoiaismems - .... - s . mm P A.ainson nas maae me louowing ap- polntments: 'JJJq - "I " . " Battleboro.. 7pm Jialuax... ...... " v Jacjtwn. ....... 10 Gaston 1 . '. '. '..!". 1 !. . " 13 Raleigh......... " ; 18&17 SPIRITS OF TUEFENTIHE. Eggs are 30 cents per dozen in fiewbern. 1- .Tho J&vtitherne.r of Tarhoro was 47 years old last ffhorsday.'. r4" . - - ftw.iijf I inrnpi in nniHiirii im i iiiitmiihv iiiviii :r . T".: - , - t . .-y ...... .I'll fty ' f ' ' OnOW iejl 1U AHrUOrO OH Thursday night to the.- depth of three The Goldsboro' people.; had a boro.'has Jecelvacl ard acctpted & call ''to nrPArh thP p-ret ID Lancaster. FSU o . - . I Th'eTremaine1 Brothers per- ' form ioJ I&leJgh on VVcBrieiMlay evOaiog for I j the benefit 01 tnttPtasooic lcmpie-Associa-f i tion, - i. . - . j r . ? w. 1 WAMi frnm .h'f7i!fi!sa I tbDirectors of the Insane Asylum f . a.t?t,r Prid- nhT anrT airrPrl rt fn - ToIlatnre an en- ITT w w - , . if- jarHCUiCUW V fcliW OJ 1UUI tUUUIK BW . I I vna' n c . . i m rm ir.in it u r . u u . Htate. It is Droposed to make the build-1 hng gafficiently large to accommodate fire hundred patients just double the num-1 w : The Raleigh 1 Sentinel saj8 : x band; ot. Plugs," Pickpockets and Thimhlfi r!erS were taken od on Wed noeov loot Viw nrier of h If avnr. ax, an. old gentlaVnamed3uchanaii.from Harnett, had been robbed of sixty dollars, j a $500, bill and two fives. Two of hese the Court Green Hotel.; The remainder of the fSf'i w,u iJ ii SV V" Z7' When interrogated, by . the Mayor, thej j . Ti8ited dif. f ' snlilir-l f.ira nrinc, Hhe au tumn ad as they were over tbey bad come to tne capital to ..see ine . peopie. ThevWere from all parti of - the country nnrth. and when Questioned 0 about1 each ther. klthoash tbev, had Tf been traveling togetbernor weekf, laid they did not Irnnv anh nther'fl names " v iua.ca j the Thfe Weldon. ir . eajs A r days since a nesrro man. namd Kamv J ldmn Ba?lfrom Ba?;' from' Gran villa,' died in " .the county xie 4iau teen piacea , m , jail a lew daya previous, charged ' with fraudulent dealing in purchasing a iiorae. J- A shooting atlray -Occurred, iri Kewbernjon Thursday nightbetween a party -of sailors -and la; countryman' from Jones county, by the' name ol Greene 1 One of the sailors was seriously v wounded and Greenwha did the shooting, wa. beaten nearly to death by Jhe bailors. 80 we learn from the, Times.!';, .",. ! . SPECIAL NOTICES.- Warm clothing alone will not motect tha oody agataxt the consequences of the sudden tant of early winter. - Flannel next the skin ; , . -. 7 iT7 - preserves the animal he-t, tt it does not Imptrt animal vlaor."? That' mOnertvlJtia V4 uBiBviex-a.BTOxnacn Hitters which la therefore a specific- jwjtee - ' ... .. majority 01 tne complaints which are most common at this season. For example, aeourseof the great vegetable in- vlnrant onminAnMri mr mm 1,. .1-;. . w , ; ' (i 1 nu Lv lUUimb sore to preclude chills and fever, bilious colic. disorders ol the stomach, f constipation, and iuuijr uwicr vuuipjamut wuich are oxten tne direct or Indirect effect of an atmosphere surcharged Ith.ctfJ, 'unwholesome vaipor. Moreover, the system tonerfaDd regulated by fthis means is much more'likelv to mohary disease tnarr it would otherwise for th influence of searching medicine per. vades.ali the organcC and every fiber, and tlsvl sue of the frame. Persons whose vital powers are wea, espeinaily Invalid ladles and the ased. am n,.tiv vmH ... - 'the winter's rigor without having reoaurse to this safe and sufficient means Of re enforcing enfeebled nature. Much 5 sntferiug may be SJSLTS6 Dy f?"owlng this council. Better late than nftpr. via a proverb, but It is better to be eai ly than late, dee S-eodiw-Son Wen Frls tr.xuri:.i JJIEJO, "I -tits i . ( . ' EDlscooal MethotllRt African I'hnnth rw NEWAlpIgE J HAVING CONVERTkiUHj-J BUSINESS ikto "We will sell the balanee of our Retail Stock at greatly reduced prices, consisting of ? i LADIES" AND QETSID bLOVES- : XACE "COLLA VELVETS AND VELVETEENS, FINE CLOAKS. ,,, . ..... ... ....... ; ... - : ; ' 5,- i. i J Pino Linen Handkerchiets... u Fine Dress Goods, a-:.; Jinn nil j'hi r.v rari, - - . XOUIS, DA Wis A CO., dec3-2t 23 Market Street. WEST & HABBISS. FRESH G08HEN BUTTER, in S,' 10 S 15 : S Cans. LARD, Extra Leaf, 5, 10 A 15 ft Buckets. ALSO, A choice lot of N. C. Hams and Should era, Breakfast. Strips, Cod Fish, Mackerel, Salmon, Ac, Ac, eo. r , dec 841. H. BU BEHiriEB, WaoLxsaiii and ' WiilMin,' DiAtMi I- I Tobacco; Snuff: ?iAND ; - i SEGAES. .m fllara of the Indian Chief, - - dec 3-tf No. 6 Market St. BALM, ,8 A LAD OIL, TAERANT'3 f ' v- i ArAitlBa 1, oUAfb, rj--K , " ' . ...IrfTHBinV. In : In Foraieat ' .dec 8-tf , u OREEN aflanner's. ." ' . , MjfiJN'b J,littiiil -TlEtt 1 J?W Ties i I.. or - - I : Men's Jersey Ties no Tnr -r.v0 - " ; , . . , . ; r M - ,'nr rh in riv . DUDLEY A ELLIS . I ..i; . , Sim of the Big Boot. lf;;C . J 'II : t " FROM AND AFTER THIS DATE NO ORDER r. 1 FOR GOAL OR WOOD nntu, There will be no exception to this rule, tnftt E or oni; wmfautowmemberth A 0;e f 'u,t:- o.G. PARsist A C0.: r ' ' " d4e g.tt , Neax foot of Dock street. EEE3H ITTJTO, RAISINS,1 .-HQS, ! 1 .1' UJJI. !)J'. Jill t 1 And many other good things at !tA'.'i. r r JAMES C. 8TEvENSON"SciZJ dec 3-tf Market,bet Front and Seeoad. " - I life "BfJ J?2' the morning of the 2nd inst; . A f.BOBT. MOERIS. asJ 69 VfSrtt. - Tht firnmil -llr l will take place on Mondav. 2 o'clock. ml. m . - : . . ; . i j ;'-r,v. : . Wholo Ho. 1,305 EW- advertisements; DAVID PIG0TT, J TOBACCOmGT, 1 sr , J WILMINGTON, PBTEKSOW A DUOS'. PUBLICATIONS, The latest Just received"; who seek foraieally good and perfect novel.? I Among which axe r - s . t; crr"M . i 1 Or tTi IT-- - i in the whoiArealm of oodern Action, ttere r re nn better or more ciaraiDs books than CvrUIa lend ThR Initials . r j . " . f. : THE UFE.OF BILVT VIDillNS, ' i " Being Illustrations of the Poets." Bead?-and I enjoy youraeil. f For sale at " " 'I H IfKINSBEBOEU'S' I ( I .dec 8-tf ... .... Live Book Store, i i' " n r-; i 1 ' 1 " T71 Ttll Tl frtnTl flfi1T nfl.. i u 11ub,'v wviuiwu,, 'JfO-4 '"' ' TjlMEEGENT MEETING To morrow. Even- tafifvHlr j ; , . ,. .; V " ": '-. eCor er - I For Railroads and Steamboats. I bri refined tat Triw r 1 A BBLS BEFXNED TALLOW, : ; For sale byv -- -UHl f: f x P 7 ' - TT dec 8 tf K 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. - Fire Crackers, Cheese, Ac. 150 BOXE8- FIEB CRACIElis" ISP BOXES CI1EESE. ; 150 CASES BRANDY PEACHES. 1 ,For sale by t v - Fi WJ" KEBUHNER, 27, W arid 29 North Water BU dec 8-tf i 'Mltffil 160 Hhds. Cuba Molasses. " li V: SOO Bbls S.- II. and Cuba Mola-se-. - v . For sale by r; . r- ,.: :- F' W. KERCJiNEU, ' 1 Ii? dec 3-tf f ; ;T7.'28 and 29 North Water St. 7,000 'BACKS SALT, . 2,000 BUSH OATS. 000 BtTSHELS MEAL. 2 , A J . . . tf.v . 4 - l' Forale try SKZ - . . . F. W. KERCHNER, :i dec S tf; 27,28 and 29 North Water St. K E E P WASH, INSIDE OF ONE OF OUR SUPERB 'W. CWncU" orBeaTer.Onrrlcli OTercoaiS or Capes. HEAVY, DURABLE, GENTEEL Suits of Clothes, CAN BE FOUND, AT LOW PRICED AT MUXSON fCO.'S, dec 3-tf 38 Market St. Go-DartnershiD ITotice. rflHE UNDERSIGNED have formed a Co- JL partnership lor the transaction of a , . WHOLESALE GBOCEBY nUSIIf ESS, unaer tne nrm or iuaruBD, CBuw - CO., ana vui occapy me siorenoase unaer tne or We will keep on hand a full line of GRO CERIES, and buyiag from first hands, we are prepared to sell at the t lowest market prices. Country orders given special attention. T l - BINFORD t ROW A CO. , - WiLjcrssTOH, N. 0:;'DeS. 2d, lSTMta A ' 1 - . ' . .. f V'7 .Fruit' (3rfbVersXl;,'i f-? AT,J;E:N!TT0;.:;: aRDERS for aU kinds of Fruit and Orna-1 V-f mental Trees, Grape vines, Berry and omer plants, Ac,, Ac, from the celebrated Ercildoun Nurseries, will be received trr, ? i " GKt. Z. KR KNOTT. sept 12-naceortSmos 8u Wed F,' " , . I HAVE appointed Mr. John :B. turrentine h a. vo aiu me in couecung au one me by- noiea tinA o Annnntji ' lf rT I will h ,t. mv nMA u my former Dry-Good Store, every day duriDar uusuioBB uuuro.. - uuiw tui tuosem aeDS to me wiu promptly pay, as x require the money. JOHN DAWSON. ootl9-nactJl Th8atTu AUCTION SALE& -i r. JAMES, Auctioneer. By JA3XES A MEAIIEJS. Horse and Uugy 'n& Auction. TO-lfORROW (MONDAY) at 12 o'clock. In i front ot tne City Hall, we will sell lor account j of whom it may concern, One Horse and Basr gy.i xenuuua. . r.i aeo s-iv : Real, Estate at Auction. ' ,' ' k ' XI. cnONI-X, Auctioneer. i r. ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, 6th lnst we will sell at Exchange Corner at 10 , o'clock," A. IU j that very desirable ' : ! . i ' tJ house ad lot, 66x83:feet, oisiMivu wo o. f f .. vurner or. oeventA I J ted Qaeen Sreets.- House contains Eooimv J kuchen andL aU'necessa outuouWs - H 1 1 1 1 1 1 One Square one day, i 0 ! J 1 three day8,....;....;.i...t. a 00 1 .H, Aril rfowa ..... ; . - Rn tour daTa..i..i..........TT' a M .-. fl Vf diva. - - vx s- J v . ... .............. ... o iv one week, ,'.;... 3 10 Con-tract Advertiaementa taken at pre portlonately low rates Obituary notices will ,-tiiSettr-j&t tulf fates 3?ipaidXor advncA othei-wlsituu rates will be charged. . Tebics Cash oa niaAd. ' 4 CUUv "AirSGEIiLANEOUS OPERA? HEOUSE ! -A Wilmington. : ifionis mu'-i: - Monday. :2iedayl IFiy, December 4tb;.5th6th vfe 7th. ' THE O BIG IN A LAND FAFAMED Wizard aiid VentriloqnUtl :" A XADIES GOLD' WATfJl GIVEN A W a Y at the close of each performance, besides 811. yer Watches, Family Bibles, Table Sets, Silver -.f -r . r-J. - Ware, prv Good, and other useful And Fancy utivics. : .. . ... . .- A PEE3EST GIVEX tW EACH ana EVEUV person ! i?o r r,:.r : 3 ! : S-Ziz'-r' no qaiiz oc.,o-s njTrr.,l;T IGRANp MATINEE, onThursday, at $ 'tfeioc&V . Auuiisiun juress circle and Frguette 5( cents ; Gallery, :t5B ntstra.Tor -a at 7 o'clock. Performance .0 commence at 8 o'clock, v 3r Tickets may be had at the Theatre dur lngtheday.'vr'U r ' iriV;..' - "-deoSWt : IlQfJT. IivHAURlS,' c RESPECTFULLY Informs the public that telmoviinDandto sivn !. taction In his line of business , , t " CD 4-, 1 tiouse Keepers ere especially Invited to cs li and examine my work before sending their work elsewhere for repair. ? Pictures Framed, Ohairs Reseated, A c. r Shop located on Second street, between ' Marketed Princess Street." ,. - ... , ; : WUmington,N. C., Nov. ILnaeeodlm. '. 'r - . jo b FPnuiTina house. J Dlankookaniafact Wilmington, n. o.1 The Only;establisliiiieiit in the ...'"'' -- , . J x. State ifaTlngall these faclll. ties combined. , ;i-ii IMPROVED MACHINERY OF A KIN- D S ! THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF T7pE PERS, OARDB AND IN KB I iv-v-- y;. jfri.Tr:-Tn.r.- ?$itiii oai of st .f.rl.t:'y?'oaji "xiw - nEVERY DEPARTMENT f-' 1 !) .'j4.-q '-sdT . V -j vrQ dip I, O W E $LTd JRiU l Xfiia RTTT - .q t-ti 4 ."ifv f;; i 1 , s ; AS"Cifr "io't.:? i yi'i e; Any v O'iber tElahUXiniCXlt ;!t FQR, THE ,f'.. . - , BEST QUALITY oiP1 Voniti f ' ; :.-.f;c .f.7:K v, .f f phiivtihg, rolinq aud biudiii , OF EVERY DESCRIPTION W ''tit. ',H Exeeatedi Proautly d Skilfully t SINCE ADDING ;: ; S T E 'A M -P 'O IV E R f 1 we are enabled to fill orders with .TUB UTUCST 'DXS?ATCH. IZayO-SAFtf foq OALn; dg::7?- Kw : ua 4 tte" HratC.M32' tja.- vi t Pnlflr HI nam uo. uu lot v. engine) ceo feet or Rood pme,Vy cTsr SwSe?. tf 2 t "1 i -.1 vKr carriers 1 7 u v'XH of hi.- ,- - 1 ..vw-w - 1 fWiHin Wilmington, N. C,

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