1 4 MORNING STAR, uiriuijAJLj.ui , vp -" fVOSTAR IS LARGER THANST2&AT 0E ANT OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPER PUB- LISKED LY'JWRTH CAROLWA BY TELEGBAPH. . ... . TO - . . THE HORNING STAR; From New Yorb. - - c ; ' j . -. Nbw York,' Dec, 15. A Drlvate letter from Havana says it Is be lieved that the late Governor Roberts, brother of the Spanish Minister at Washington caused the arrest of the students for the purpose of extortics money from their parents and unex pectedly found himself unable to control the Spanish mob. The committee of the Clearing Hou60 report the National Baufc Of the COmmonweaiin so.- The Police Commissioners have ' rescinded the order forbidding the internauonansis pro cession next supday. cession next oapuuy, , ; . A mecMnrfof thelnternatlofaalists last night adopted an address, which says "the cause of the working classes,, who always .fought for . T : . rpw ni4iA; a sv Apathy with the-Cabans and denounce the r.. . ... . -t ... . . i . .... .. . s. i .. " " T " . rv .. T,'.." a mppHnr rtftftflra ws hfiiAtwtftivinv tn .uo tn eiwnPA . lanfalotSvA . uniolmonli against quackery and abortion. , . , ; Tne stieriirnas seized tae JNew xotk fnntr York Stationers Manufacturing omce, tor. oqe r. . '.... in me uceau cauit. ; From South Carolina. , , Columbia. Dec. 15- In the Ku KIux trial to-day. the Court was rhipflv nronnied in he&ririi? witnesses fjr the defence, who testified to the alarm and excite - Cnent all clusses iu York county, caused by the organization oi me negro mimiu. j ; j. : . v against several more of the alleged conspira- tors oi xors county. - .-. Foreisn Vev. London. Dec. 155 A. M. J The Prince of Wales is decidedly better, and takes food, with strength increasing. There are nopea oi coounuea progress lunuru rca) erv. Crowds are gathered at the news centres and cheer the favorable bulletins heartily. The Times contradicts the report of Schencks recall. Nearly all the striking telegraphers have re surned work. ; v , - , - 2 P. M. The prospects of. the Prince of Wales' recovery is hourly" growing Detter. There is Increased weakness, but it is believed the fevsr has spent its force. . With increased quiet the. patient is gaining strength m LI I 3 P. M. The summons of Princess Victoria to Sand ringham lrom Berlin has been coun- termanded. '-?.; , , The extreme, ritualists' refusal to pray for the Prince of Wales' recovery without an or- der from their bishop causes a sensation. Ladv Bnrirovne- wife of Field Marshal Bur- goyne, is dead .vneTiadead' ' Sandringam, Dtc. 15 Noon. The Prince of Wales continues tranquil and iJhnt i.t ..-. - 1 I slowly but gradually Improves; U II NIG HT REPORTS. . FROli UA8HLOTOW. Washtngton, Dec. 15. MISCELLANEOUS. Mr. Ela, the new Fifth Auditor, assumed the duties of that position to-day. - There was a full meeting of the Cabinet this morning The war steamer Wabash has arrived safely at Cadiz all well. The. Rerinhlinun Senate RranrnAc.rl thla mrtrn. log and agreed to order the thorough exami- 7aTtmeiiT5anoorancbes oflbe public service. The committee consists of Buckingham, How, Pratt, Harlan, Stewart, Pool, and Bayard. : v ; ' CONGRESSIONAL. House. A petition was presented fram New York aud Botton merchants for a reduction of the tax on rice. " , - A bill appropriating $4,000,000 for a site and public buildings at Chicago, was passed, and the House adjourned toMonday.. From Blaryland, ,. ... . -Annapolis, Dec 15. -rr In the course of the trial to-day, a son of Gen. Ketchum testified to Mrs. Wharton's conversation with different parties, at differ ent times, regarding money transactions, and they agree, but are not in accord with Ketch-' no's statements to his son. From Oeoiffla. . ;;. . Augusta, Dec 15 - . The Mississippi Central Railroad was pro tested Jiere to-day la bonds due 1st of August last. 'Tberoad Is leased to the Southern Rail road Association, but both, failed 'to provide the funds necessary to avoid a protest of their matured and overdue notes... - , From Soatls Carolina. . ;' ; ' Columbia, Dec 15.? ;In the Ku Klux trial to day, the defence was engaged in proving by many witnesses the terror existing7 among the whites in the up country at the time of the Alleged outrages. The testimony showed that Jim, Williams, the, regro icaptaiu of militia, had threatened to slay the whites from the cradle np and to. apply the torch. - -".. William Bratten, colored, testified that he was a lieutenant in Williams' company and was reduced to the ranks on account of bis dissent from Williams' violent measures The defence asked further time to, bring witnesses to show that the Ku Klux was or ganized for self protection and had ceased to exist of Itself. ; ' -. . ' - ' . After hearing rebutting evidence from the prosecution, the Court adjourned -The argu ment will begin to:morrow. - From PennaylTanSa. , ts . . "' : Philadelphia, Dec 15. John Ware was huhg at Camden to-day for the murder of bis father. From Wow Tort. t:; t - "I New York, Dec 15. The Jersey City postoc)LwM robbed of $2,000 in money and $300 injpostage stamps lastnisbt. ... -'" Eight children were taken from the Brooklyn Orpban'Asylum to the smallpox hospital to day. The smallpox is decreasing here. From BaMaclrasetts. ' . . BosT05ruDec..l5, . Charles Miller, of the firm ' of 'sMtUer, ,Ward &"Co. sentenced in.1869 to 5 years in the penl tiary and $100,000 fin for defrauding: the gov ernment, has been pardoned and the fine re- mitiea. - - From vaursrnlar ,p1 1 - - Sax Fbancisco, 'Dec 15,. -The body of a drowned man washed ashore at Balutos Bav .with a Jife preserver marked "Corsica, of Tbomaston.' The Bark Corsica sailed from Australia on the 29th Nbvember. -. .' ' - " Lokdost; iiec. 15 ; The following is tit" latest from- Sand riDjf ham; 4,5:30 P. M. The Prince was more tranquil all the evening. The course of the fever continues favorable. , The . Queen will return to Windsor tomorrow:", V, '.'i " " From Alabama V . t JJojitgompbt, Dec 15.;; Both br&octies of the Ahbana UsiiUtsrs t -l T ! r.iiYj-M-.-, , " have resolved to extend the session beydtidSO days. -. 'r 1 tae Governor to isme Aiaoama eisrht percent. bonds to the amount of one million dollars to VJ Ta ,".r.J ,J . . , v From Tlrslnia. Rinmrnnn. Dun. 15 It ho been snowinsr heavily for seven boars and still continues. The snow is nine to tea lucnes aeep. ...... SuelliD who was shot yesterday bv Mon teiro, was so much better this morning that there are hooes of his recovery. Montiero has beea balled in the earn of $5,000. IIOJfttMTIC MARKETS. New York, Des. 13 Noon Money tight at? cent. Sterling Exchange loupe sight 109; short 109. Gold steady at iuy?fc. uoveruuituiB oonus auu ana neavy. f StocKs active. , - , . Commercial. , ,. Flour dull and heavy. Wheat quiet and un changed. Corn dull and unchanged. Pork quiet at $13 50(3$13 65. Lard heavy at 9X(3l v cents, coiioa openea auu ana nominal, with sales or 600 oales Uplands 30. Orleans 20 cents". Spirits Turpentine unchanged at oo(ogto cents. Kosin nrtn at $o for straiued. Ifrpiirhtt atoarfu steady. j " New Yoitx, Dec. "15 Evening. . , , , financial Monev air DTOnrar, commiMUm rriin(r Exchange steady at,10y109Xi Gold 109J$ i mm ! : i4nirRnmAnM mnar null 'NnnThwni I .Torn, no o uu. M . i , O . f U . Tennessee b's-rold issue 65 W j new , issue V irZlOia O 8 OIQ Oil BCW 1SSU6 O. iOU leJt. S! n n r 1, "'ft1" w p I 'f'rt Ina R a iS ma w Lena f 1 1 - . . ) " ; n.tinx waoIt ith ei.t nr q n( h.i TTrt lands iy6. ui leans cents. lour don and J declining Common to Fair Extra $6 807 35: Good to Choice 7 40$9j. r; Whiskey 95W cents. . Wheat very dull Winter Red West-. I era $1 57(3$! 60. ' Corn is a shade firmer and 1 supply light at 77K78 cents. Klce 8CC? cents. Pork $13 50$12 75. Lard dull. Naval i onicsircuaunw. iouw ucavjr oiaiuj via. I ' Sales of cotton tor- future delivery 7,850 ilhsv. x w i, ftu. jvim ;iu if iuf r eo.. . i . " xo io(sgiwi Marca m. April 5WCs0.3..lO. May au. - " ' Charleston. Dee. 151 w Cott6nMiddHiis 19V cents; Net receipts 2,449 bales. Exports coastwise 1,913 bales: to i ureni. oriLAiu . t,tQ uaies; . iv uoauaent tnu bales. Sales 360 bales. Stock 29.262 bales. ' ' 8avxnnah, Dec. 15. Cotton Middllosr" 19 cents. Ne ; receipts 3,655 bales. Exports to Great Britain 5,103 bales; coastwise ooU bales. Sales vou bales. - Stock 73,505 bales. ' - FOREIGN ttABKETS. London. Dec. 15r-Noon. Consolsjfor monby 92. United States bonds c mil. .iiiwnnni A Frahktort, Dec. 15 Noon. United States five-twenty securities of 1862, 97k. " -p.to n ' v m t , 7 u The Ee"e ipthe Bank of France has iu- Lcreased K,oou irancs. LrvuRPOOL, Dec 15 Noon. ulftZi- Market firm. Sales of 15.000 bales: for the JVM44HM TT-1- 3. 1ft J. al 1A1 AlAJ week 132,000 bales, for export 19,000. specula tion 22,000. Stock 458.000 bales. American 69,000. Receipts 117,000- bales, American 03,000. Actual export 15,000 bales. "LATER. - , Cotton quieter Uplands lOd: Orleans 101 10d. Sales of 15,000 bales; for export and speculation 5,0 0 bales. Cotton chipping at Savannah or Charleston 9; at New Orleans lOd. Stock afloat 400.000 bales. American 147,000. - Lard 45s 9d. , Pork 53s. Liverpool: Dec. 15 Eveniofir. Cotton Uplands lOd: Orleans lOraiOd. Market closed quiet. ' Advices from ' MaucheAto ciro uniaToraoie aoso.,ial"c.s8. t-4s. 7ed. Oommln rosin 13s. (313a. 13s. 6d; fine rosin 25s. Bacon rib middles S7s. 6d. London, Dec. 15 Evening. , Turpentine 49a. 9i. OOXLJVIJbliOXJL.. WILMINGTON MARKET.' ; i 7 - STAR' OFFICE, Dec. 15. SPIRITS TURPENTINE.' Sales of 800 casks at C3 cents gallon for Southern packages, 13 days' delivery. i( .' , ROSIN Sales of only 63 bbls at $4 25 for Strained.! CRUDE TURPENTINE Saleft pr 143 bbl at $t0 forward; $5 25 fqr . Yellow ! pip and $5 35foryTrgIa! ; . TAR Sales of 55 'bbls at $2 50 $ -bbl. ' COTTON Sales of 65 bales at foUows : .4 at 18 and 61 at 18KWK cents !&. s " ! , ARRIVED. Steamer A P Hurt, , Skinner, Fayette' vine, vvortn s wortn. Stmt Cumberland, Phillips, Fayetteville, L H DeRosset. i -Stmr D Marchison, Garrison, Fayette ville. Williams & Mdrohison. Scbr John, WUliams, New York, Williams uw Murcuison. . . ..... t 1 CLEARED. - Stnfr A P Hurt, Skinner, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth; Stmr Cumberland, Phillips Fayetteville Li n DeKosset. ' JBECKIPT8. j . - .... - - '- - PER;RiyjER btElaMXRs:! Stmr HurJ 167 Jbls rosin, 20 do spts, 74 do turpt, ou do tar, jy Dales cotton, worm & Worth.'! Williams & Murchison. Blocker A Love," H B Eilers, Willard Bros, Smith & btrauss, j A Alderman. ;' Stmr Cumberland 836 bbls rosin, 88. 36 spts, 104 do torpt, 58 do tar, ' 3 bales cotton, 40.000 shioeles. Willard Bros.: F W Kerchner. L 11 DeRosset, LE Johnson. A Alderman, L n uowaen, cnanes Boutneriand tx a Jailers. List , off easels Cleared Tor (bis Port, f .. :iL v-u , havre;,- - Rufus, Skarre, , Cleared Nov 23 ---'-" " NEW YORK.- . , Schr Saljie M Evans, TUe-, ' Cleared Dec" 2 Schr Lily, Huges,. . Cleared Dec 8 Schr Burdett Hart, Pcarce, . Ctearcd Dec 11 BrBrl Maud Thoraae, Cleared OctrSl tJleared Oct. 17 r Uto, Qrunderson -:.. "f -.- ' boston; Schr Sarah Peters, Hart, , , Cleared Nov SO ir - -.J'J T ..'! r i'tW a V -r r , . "".'..;. .1-.- .c Br Bark Evangeline, Jacques, - eld Dec II '. rr"' COS81USEE8 ' , '"V Per Wilmington and Weldon KaiirOad, Dec. 15 Vick & M, BLnford, Crow & Co, J C Heyi er,H Ahretas, W Goodman,1 Aaron & R, G A Peck, H & B Emanuel, Sbrier Bros. J Lyon, B Weill, J Anderson' & Co,1 W, C & A R R, Bass, 8 i& Co. M W CBrlan, JS.Hijrble, Sprunt & H." Wms & Mur. J A Whltted H B Eller. 8 J WeV-Worth --W, J C Stevenson, Willard I ros, iu cjpiio, u D Myers, J U Keithlev, J B Southeiland, Murphy, H A Co, Frederick & Son H Brunhild, J A Parker, MoStt & Co, J M Henderson, uade, Boykio & Co, M U iTin lavson. Robt Nixon. E pMi.haii w fe .in CO Jones, L H Bowden, P Doncan, J H Dnr Bam, . . ... , WUOJLJESAIiEl lItl12S. ABTIOLBS. BA O GING Gunny, i f) yd BACON Nobth Cauolika, Hams , & : Snoulders,.. .......... ... ft Flog Hound, i Wbstkkk :":? ' i Y : ; Hams,... ;.......;.m!H & Sides, ..,. g)fi ' "Shoulders, v.........f) & BARRELS Spirit lurpentine. Second Ilancl,....., each Hew New York, ...each - New City .r. each BEESWAX Uib CO Q . "10 28, 13 13 18 10 2 25 2SS 2 75 3 00 2 50 & 2 75 - 80 83 ; 8 00 & 10 00 02 & 14 00 25 if 0 St & 4 . t 60 tS 65 00 & 'M 1a q is . 20 '23 . : 17 18 25 SO i 22 & k. 25 . 00 , 25 25 28 1 10 I 15 6 0 11 --- IS 0 00 Q 1 60 15 50 & W 00 Mjuujvs vv umington,. . ..yt m. Northern BUTTER North Carolina, W 3B Northern, OANDJLE&-snevm ..si a Tallow:, ..."... I? Adamantine,. ..... a CJiWiS-Northern, Faoy, W & airy,.. ............ ft state, ...... b COFFEE J .....13 ft Rio ....ft Lacruayra S3 ft St. Domingo,.! 9 ft CORN MEAL. ?9 bush COTTON TIES " DOJfBSrOSJ-Sheetlng, 4-4 yd Yarn,...i...; bunch FJSH Mackerel . No. 1, t W U bbl Mackerel, No. 2, fpbbl . Mackerel, No. S, bbl Mullets bbl N. C. Herring,... ......$ bbl Dry Cod,... ..... ft FLOUR- :,:..-- . Flne...i.... ......fbbl L. Super. Northern,. w bbl Extra Do. bbi ' Familv W bbl l13 00 18 50. 14 00 15 TO 6 SO 00 0 00 & 0 00 bclO: e 00 60 0 7 00 7 -60 t 8 00 8 75 Q 10 60 7 00 & 7 60 8 00 8 50 8 60 0 11 00 75 O0 Q 77 BO 65 00 75 00 65 00 75 00 Q CO 00 65 00 4i 70 00 N. Carolina Super..... . bbl i4 . v . .. uxtra. W bbl " Family,. .fJ bbij MFC- f I litSlltiJity Peruvian Guano... 4$ 2000 fts Pacific Guano, V 2000 fts raiapsco uuano, . . w 'awo us Baugh's Phospliate, Khodes' Stan.Afanure, i it 65 00 75 00 Lister Sperphophate, t 1 OO OO Q 6f Wonlflt,nna Ammnnliit.M Bone Phosph. of Lime, Wilcox, Gibbs & Co's Ma ' nipulated Guano, J Pncenix Guancv " o. (JaroUfla Bone Phos- 70 00 O 80 00 70 00 85 00 50 00 Q 10 00 hate,5 V 00 00 40 00 Orf 00 60 00 00 00 65 00 aime super jnospa; j - Ammo'd Super Phosph., Ammonia'd Alkaline Su- " per Phosphate ...." Chesapeake Phosphate, Croasodale's Superpbos phate.... ............... " 00 00 70 00 00-00 70 00 ooob 60 00 00 00 Q.60 00 00 00 Q AO 00 1 00 00 Q 45 00 00 00 0 57 00 00 00 Q 67 00 00 00 70 00 00 00 Q 70 00 60 00 00 00 16 ti -20 1 00 O 1 CS 0 00 Q 92U 1 00 1 05 00 O 85 1 10 0 1 25 9 0 S : 16 0 00 1 50 0 1 0 1 20 Q 135 Attar Vela Phosphate, . ,. Ground Bone " Bone Meal " . Flour. Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate .... " Wando " Berber A Butz's . Phos phate....... " GLUJS .....ft ORA.IN Corn, In Store....... .. 56 fts Corn, Cargo,.. $ 08 fts corn, new.. .......... 1 Dusn Peas. Cow.. . .... bush SLDES-Gieen,..., .....f) ft Drv.. ft Air-Jastern. ..9 100 fts Mortn urver.........ii iw as MOOF IRON. fl ton 000 00' 0115 00 ImAMD Nortnern,.,.. ...... . 13 0. . 1ft. 16 0 IS : 1 40 0 0 CO 00 00 0 00 09 oo oo oo e 00 00 0 00.00 23 00 O 25 OO ' 21 00 0 2? 00 18 00 20 00 20 00 Q 85 00 15 00 0 23 fo 35 0. 40 - 40 0; 42 22 0 2.t 26 0 27 45 1 CO 5 00 5 70 . 30 0 33 1 10 Q 1 43 1 10 0 1 20 30 0 40 JMortncaroana,..........i LIME ....... ............ ..V bbl LUMBER BiVMt Last sales. Wide Boards V M ft Soantlizur..............W M ft Flooring fcMft ClTT ST M 8AWID- Ship Stuft, resawed,..W M ft Bough Edge Plank,. ..frM ft West India Cargoes, accord log 10 qpauiy At rx Dressea rioonnur. seasonoa. Scantling and Boards, com mon,. ...........w mn afOLA&SfiS-Cuba,hlids,, gaJ Cuba, Obis...... .........fl gaJ Sugar House. hhd8.,...n gal T bbls-....Wfiral Syrup, bbls- ...lgal NAILS Cut, 4d to 20d, V & OILS Kerosene,... .......ft gai Lara,.. ............. ....w gai Linseed,.. ........fjlgal Rosin... ...... .......... V eal PEANUTS .i............fl bush 2 50 0 2 75 0 60 0 0 60 POTA TOESSweet,.....?! bush I Irisb.NortheiMajUJll- 50 CitTMB9...............P bbl 00 00 0 16 50 Thin. VI bbl CO 00 0 16 00 00 00 0 00 00 oo eo 0 is oo , gi0 9 00 0 00 U 00 0 1 35 7 0 15 Prune... bbl Bump,... ............. ..w DDI &TCiS Carolina,. ........... , ft jast xnaia.... w s Bough,.. .......... bush i MUJfJS ............ i SALT Alum. ....W bush. 75 0 1 45 0 00 Liverpool,. ............ sack American... ........... sack 1 50 1 35 " 10 18- a 1 oo 6 00 1 Ml 0 SUGA R Cube...M........V) ft Porto Bico...... & A. Cottoe,.... .......... :J ft b. c. - - ,w ft Crushed,.... ............ .w ft flfOAP Northern,.. . . : . . ... . . ft WBmington....... ........ ft fl5X.V&2JE-Contract,.....V M Common, M fiTKA VESW. O. BbL,....... M uu0 lag 14 0 0 0 0 4 00 0 2 50 a 8 60 89 00 0 00 oa R.-0. Hhd.,.. ......,.. Ml Cypress. ...... ...fl Ml 00 00 0 CO. to 18D0 0 00 SO TIMBER ampping,....... m MiU Prime...... ....... .'. M Mill rair,. ... M Inferior to Ordinary. . . . 1 M WHISKEY Northern,... . gal . North Carolina, ...Vgal 1L 00 0 12 OO 9 00 310 25 7.50 0 8 60 DVUKI ttuv . 1 25 0 4 00 i 8 00 0 00 RATES OP FREIOIIT. per Sailing t Per(Steftmer . vessel. : To Nbw Yokjc. Crude Turpt per bbl 0 00 $0 60 t$ 00 $ ea Tar............ , " Spirits Turpt. ' " ROSin ...... mm ii"' u vu 0 o 0 00 1 25 00 0 45 45 50 00 e 1 co Cotton bale Cotton Goods bale 00 2 50 0 CO 1 00 00 15 , 2 00 00 75 f00 15 00 10 Flaxseed.... '.ft bush reamnts To Philadelphia. -00 e. fc Crude Turpt per bbl 000 0 60 OOOil '60 00 00 40 40 aar........k... Spirits Turpt. - " v. 0 00 es 1 60 O OB fii " 70 00 0.100 rtff 4? " 60 Cotton f)baleWi4 U i-bQ , oo ij? 9 00 Cotton Goods ft bale 0 00 0 00 . 0 75 rea Auts......... Lumber... To'BAXf lKOBST. 1 00 ; 00 G ' !12 00 00 8 0C 00 00 8 00 Crude Turpt.. DDl 0 00 060 0 00 0 0 45 i-ar.. .......... . " Spirits Turpt. " Rosin... ; " aooe osoioooed 0 45 0 sot 00 0 75 ,0 00 ... .50 ' 00 45 Cotton .. ... i i . bale W 0 2 001 f 00 9 2 00 rea Nuts.-... ous. Lumber; ... . . . t M. TO BOSTOH. - 00 ea. . 11 00 en ., 00 w 6b 8 00 8 00 0 TOO Crude Turpt.. ft bbl 000 00 0 79 xar - Spirits Turpt. u Rosin Cotton ........ ft bale Pea Nuts.. .. bus. 0 00 Gt 0 00 0 75 0 00 O 00: 0TJ6 1 15 9 00 0 00 4" e 75 . ovt tr oof 2 50 00 00 00 00 00 Lumber;..... ...V M. 1 00 a 00 00 00 11 00 OOKBXOTX9 OAIX.T BT tAWSO. ' T i ; lZ 'Jl" ! v mmummmr. i 4 ; -iJ ,Ji - ? , Gold,.. ....... .112 114 8ilver,i..... 105 Li ' ' -108 CiUea.... Id. Wc dis. s Exchange 80 days on Norths ..- . tmth i . era Cities.. a. ......... lii lelhv j 'f ? N, C. Bonds, old, 6 e 44- Do. new6c. ... 27 Wilmington City Bonds 8 pc..'.t.t 13 , " " vo. ...... 70 J -"'neweVe.. eOGOldlht New Hanover County Bonds (18 new , niuiuvot vuuiivy jouhus : to ' Jears)6e(GoldInt.) 75 W. Rail Road Stock, (Par 100)ir 40 z't W..C & R.RallROaa. ( 50) "T WiL Gas Light Co. ( " 50) 65 . Cape Fear.:..:. so 'l.i-rf AK Bute. Graham... ............ 1 North Carolina... ....20 Farmers' ......r..,.,,15 Lexington 1 Miners1 A Planters'. 5 Wadesboro ..........15 Commerce.. 5 Greensboro' Mutual. . o Mercnants'...... 10 C har lotte ........... ..30 Wilmington. 25 Commercial 5 Fayette ville... ...... i 8 Roxboro". 8 Wash1net,on, ......... 0 Clarendon ... . Yanceyvme.;.;. 0 Thoxnasville ...V. . .. .18 TUB VEBY BJCST TTP2S ANJ FKI T 1NG MACHINERY, at - - - WM H BEJBNAEDS v Printing and Publishing House, , , . r - . - And General Book Bindery 1 ; ccl-tf Dawson Sank Buildings, Front. MISCELLANEOUS. TIIE LIVING AGE has no eqnal iir- any country." Phila. Press. , tt it stands at tne head or nlneteentn ?etnry 1 1 tera tn re. Chicago .- Ev. Journal. . , ": The toest periodical In America." Rev. Theo. L..Quyler. - " Litteli's Living Age, , Issued ' every" Sainraay, gives fifty-two numbers of sixty-four pages each, or more tSknThiee Tnousand Double Column - . Octavo Pages ; of i-eading-matter yearly j and is tbe only compilation that presents, with a satis faciorv completeness as well as freshness, the best Jfissays,. Reviews, Criticisms, Serial and Short Stories, Poetry, Scientific, Bio trraphical, Historical and Political lntorma tion, lrom he entire body of Foreign Periodi cal Literature, and from the pens oi the ABLEST LIVING WRITERS. jr u therefore indispensable to every One who wishes to keep pace with the events or in tellectual progress of the time,Trio cultivate in himself or his family general intelligence and literary taste, , ... . , , t .. Extracts from Notices. ' " Were I; la view of all tbe competitors that axil X1UW Ul UWUi UV bUVUOUt . tainly choose The Liviko Agb." Rev. Henry' Ward Jseecner, , . ! in no other single publication Can there be found so much pf sterling literary excellence," N. Y. Evening Post. The best of all odr eclectic' publication." The Nation, NY. - , r , The ablest essays, the most entertaining stories, tbe finest poetry of the English Ian guage, are here gathered together.'7 Illinois State Journal. . ,;i For thinking people, the best of all the eclectic publications, and the cheapest.. : -It is a monthly that comes every weeJ."--TAe Ad vance, Chicago. --. ' .-- J ' " It gives, to its readers more than three double-column octavo pages a year, of the most valuable, instructive and entertaining reading of the day. 1 History, biography, fic tion, poetry wit, science, politics, critiam, art, what is not here V It is the only compila tion that presents with a satisfactory com pleteness, as well as freahnes8,.the best litera ture of the almost innumerable, and generally inaccessible, European quarterlies, monlhiies and weeklies a literature embraeing the pro ductions of' tbe -ablest Hand most cultured writers living. It is, therefore, indispensable kto every one wbo desires a thorough compen jdium or all that is admirable and noteworthy fn the literary world.. Boston Post. Published weekly at S a year, free of upstage. Address LITTELL & GAY, Boston. ThbBsstHohs aot Fozmav Litxbaturs at , ClttTB Psicjss. , f " Possessed, of Lxxtxex's Lrvrso 'Aqb' and of one or other of our vivacious American month ies, a subscriber will find himself In command of tbe wbole situation." Philadel phia Av. Bulletin. . -..-' For Ten Dollars, The Liviko Agb, weekly, containing the cream of Foreign Periodical Literature, ana either one of the leading Mag azines ot Home Literature named below, will ne sent to one aaaress tor one year, vi.t - Uar per 's Monthly (or Weekly, or Bazar,) The Atlantic Monthlv, Lippincou'a Monthly, The Ualaxy, Old and New, Scribner'fl Monthly. The Overland Monthly, or Appletoa's Journal (weekly); or, for 88 60. Thb JUViao Aoa and our Youko Folks. Address as above, dec 8-Weow2t 1)9,16,23 ent Principal Office 101 W. FIflh Street, Cincinnati The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the country ! - ' ' L. D. SINE'S EIGHTEENTH GRAND ANNUAL, DISTRIBUTION, TOBBDBAWK :, , MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1873, - $200,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS ! TWO GRAKf); CAPITAIj PRIZES ! 10,000 In American UoldX ' - i . n - 0)iO,Od In A inert can Sll verl PIva Primes of al.OOO ( m ! 2 5rcenbaclts! Ten Prises ok 8)500 Cm" - One Span of Matcbed. Horses, with Family Carriage and bilvei-Moanted Harness, . 11 Knn i .. .. . Five Horses and Buggies, with Sllver-Mount- ed Harness, worth 8500 eacb I Five .Fine-Toned Rosewood Piano?; .worth t j. , . , w$50& each V v : 25 FamUy ewIng Machines, worth 85p0 each I 2300 Gold and Silver Lever" Hunting Watches . . - (in all,) wortb from, $20 to $m eacblTIf Ladies': Gold Leontlne and Gent's Gold vest Chains, Solid and Double-Plated Silver' Table and Teaspoons, photograph Albums, JCewelryt OC, ACf AC. . . r trf Nwbber of Gifts, 25,003. lT-r't-Jtr-niJ: . Tickets Limited to loo.ooo. Agents wanted to sell Tickets, to whom Lib eral Premiums will be paid. Slnsla Tickets, $2 ; Six Tickets, 8)10; , Twelve. Tickets, 820 j T weptyq vT . a Sj'JII ii Jtx Ticbets -40.- aw A ,A Circular's containing a full list of prizes, a description s of the manner of drawings and other lniormation in reference to the Distri bution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All letters must be addressed to , Avmmatrrm . i. i: . I ..... T - n .STUD 10lW.5tbSt., CinclnnaU,0. noy 21-DAWeodtDec 25 Tu Tb Sat - Coal ! Coal I ?. i?J -M- Xi TgEST QUALITY RED ND WHITE6 AS&t j any paiif 'the city. 1 !, WOOD!-- WeIIAXf kinds on hand, and aro now prepaied to T deliver it vux to ajm x iiisuTH DicsiRED at any and alltimei.:f decli-tf .-j rTQp Q; PARSLEY 4 CO;f H'; Itearfobt of Dock street, w " . " -irf-iTs-iTrJ KID GLOVE. Aiit siifisf and -qoloaf " ii .il .Ji" W Sill . j 'i:tj t,T-.U'; rl EVJR Y .PAIR . W ARRANT FLFM .: Cfi.11 nnd BTmninn thnm fni . ' a. vf d jsu w. i JKxeaangs Corner, 'Sole Agent, : W. C. DURHAM. ThoCarolina Biifii6rl S3 BVJBBYr SATURDAY, AT IBHELBYV T.,CJ vt evBSORimoir Rates One ftlx I uvma y 1 I. .. .- ' Year,.i.U...v.....;;:i;;. i'i::llvs'iw I U.vUU'Balt,- - -- -Kil'trm An r -fln rotttherN BBLS, rVfl " WHam: MoDCffie, : r ! 1 -' , . V;. pepected iuidfdr falobir, ;. ; deeie-ti. A t ii Eds, and proprietors; j t i ;deca.tff.H WILLiAira a imrmnisr v - J 4 V n-wAsstET A COJ STEAJMBHIP .LIOTS. ; BALHIIOEE AND WILMINGTON : IVcekly eteamship Line, composed of tbe First Class steamships ::V,.L.U'0ILLE, -PRICE, Commander . .V AND '""i REBECCA OLSTBE, " DANIEL C. CHlXlMi.; Commander. Tbe Steamsbip REBECCA CLYDE : xiriLL LEAVE WOBTH'S WHABF athe VV f oot of Mulbery street, for BaltiBaore, on FBiDATi December 15th. " For Freigbt ejigagements apply to ' declO-tl- ' A D. CAZAUX; ' MISCELLANEOUS. Louioiana State Lottery' COMPANY. Incorporated Angust 17 1808- ckABLES T JflOWABD .V.'. IPBESLDENT i SUra&B JfUMBEB LOTTEBT. BPLENDip 3QHEME ONLY 20,000 K UMBERS ' CAPITAL PRIZE....... 50,O0 TO BE DBAWXf AT NEW ORLEANS ON - SATURDAY, December 23d, 1871.; HOWARD ,! SIMMONS & CO., Coktbaotoes SCHEME : 20.000 Komhers Tietets OnU $20.' 1 prize of 50,000 is..... .............. r..fb0,000 1 prize of 80,000 is... ......... .......... 80,000 1 prize 01 wajw is... aw 1 prize of 10,000 is 10,000 1 prize of 9,000 is......... 9,000 1 prize of vi prize of I prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of I prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize ot 1 prize of 1 prize of 'lpiizeof 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of l prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of - i prize or 1 prize of 8.UUX IS..... 7,000 is 6,000 is 6,000 is.. 4,000 is.... 8,000 is.... 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 8,000 X,UOU 13. ym l,UOUl 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 J-are...... 25,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 fl prize or 1 prize of 1 prize of 1.000J oo prizes or eoo are............. 25,000 817 prizes of" 200 are..':................. 63,400 36 Approximation prizes. 12,600 440 prizes, amounting to... 080,408 Whole Tickets, $20 ; sbares in proportion. Prizes payable without deduction. ' Orders to he addressed to .t , .h CHAS. T. HOWARD, Lock Box 692, Post-Offlce, New Orleans. tar Send Post-Offlce Money Older, orBegis- ter your Letter. . . r : , , de6 1-tf Provisions ! ".4 600 BBLS. -CITY . , weight. mess Pork, Full infl Boxes, Dry Salted Sides, Hhds. Bacon ides and Shoulders, For sale low by aec&tf i. ve-f -a" WU-LIAMS St MURCHISON. Uotice. FIRST .4JO-OPERATIVE STORE, of J WILMINGTON, Noy. 25th, 1871, A A - .v ,i O i DESCRIBEES TO CAPITAL STOCK ARE notified that nnless amount .Injhscribed! is - paid in full within 20 days, front date hereof, their interest will be disposed Of as provided for in Chaiter;, v m y f $t By order Board of Directors. , itUtTtlli JAMES DARBY, nov 26-2taw30d Sun Wen President. m III I ' I r " I . , i ii . Fall and Winter Millinery A!ND ' ' " njmni?iiiGooDsj I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE North' with ioneiof too largest and handsom. est stock of Millinery Goods ever brought to VUUi AUUTJCI - , AlSOf j r.f ,. .X7HITE GOODS, l TTT?&C3 moTirirTirnn . ! --- -r . - . tt rr : y- -. - t0iy,WS that is new in the 'MTLLXNE RYand ; ,: : . Fancy Goods i Department, f f r ALL ANI EXAMINE THEM. One Price I vJ8 Terms Casli I P. 8. New Goads received, eyery week dur lngthe season! ". , ,"4 r - A. . 11KOWJV. Exchange Corner. .i. m . t.i.i ., in . i Salt! Salt! ili.: trt. '. -.-.-t -'i P AAA QonlrD A "j. .: .. . I RAIL ROAD UNEsT vilUAXJel do n R a rlroaa -" Company, WILMINGTON, N. C, JUne sth . Change of Schedule. PASSENGER TRAINS will eav n Station at 6)0 A. M. and 5:45 p. ijf Un,n Arrive at Union Station at S;o m ani P.M. !.;. i .- ' ' a7wi ; FREIGHT TRAINS leave at lo:so ana at 2:30 P. M. ON SUNDAYS the 5:45 P. M. and 415 train ONLY will be run. ' " M ' - , 8. L.FREH0MT , . . Chief Eng. and Gen. Superintendent Wilmington, June 18, 1871. , f J GENERAL SUP'TS OFFICE, 7ilmington Columbia & An ".5 gusta ;R, R. Company. ; . WllMlHOTOH,- N. C., Aug. 56th, wn 1 MM. - a Changoof Schedule. ? A' FTEB THIS DATE THE FOLLOWING Jj Schedule will be run by Trains on road: ,jt-;,' f , ; DAYl EXPRESS TRAIN; (Daily.) -Leave Wilmington' (Union Depot). 7Tw"a v Arrive at Florence...... J ; Arrive atKingsville........ ...... .....12-20 p u Leave, Kingsvllle.....i4!.... .9.15 V f 'Arrive at Florence. Arrive at Wilmington...; ,5:30 pi S NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUNDAYS ' EXCEPTED.) aXSSf""""''"" 7:10 p- 'Arrive at Florence... I'M iw Arrive at Kings ville...... s'a a! m TaveKWvjSle 8:45p g Arrive at Florence...;. . 11-05 p m Arrive at Wilmington.........; 5:30 A. M JNO. C. W1NDEE, aug26-tf Gen'l Sup't. Wilmington,: charlotte AND KUTHEKFORD - RAILROAD. GEN'L SUPERINTEND'T'S OFFICE, -j 1 WILMINGTON, N.C., June 10, 1871 SOraEB ARRANGEMENT of TRAIN Eastern Division. PASSENGER and FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Wilmington at 7.-00 A. M. and arrives at 80 P. M., daily (Sundays excepted). , These Trains arrive at tbe Head of the Road at 4:00 P. M. and leave at 6:30 A. M. Western Division. . Psssenger and Freight Trains leave Char lotte on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at8:S0A.M. . i , f ; Leave Cherry ville at 1:30 P. M. , . EXCURSION TICKETS from Wilmington to Cberryviile, good forthe season, at $18 ROUND TRIP. : 43. L. FREMONT, oct 29-tf Chief Engineer and Gen'l Sup'i . THE "STAR" Steam Job Printing House THREE STEAM-PRESSES ; 1 COMPETENT WORKMEN TnE BEST MATERIAL. SEASONABLE PRICES U JJ l i FOB SUPERIOR WORK Give, Uo a Trial. June 2l-nactf .I'M EEII0VAL. V . . WE HAVE REMOVED. OUR WHOLESALE . Liquor ; Establishment . and Manufactory of CIgari,t;o.j!,; tr, -. ,.J 3 ' : ..' Uo. 3 : Oranlte Row, . Formerly occupied by D. A. iSmlth, as" a Fur niture Store, where we will be pleased 1 o receive- ball from our Old friends and custo mers as well as the public generally. :.'W teoeive new" consignments of Fine Li quors every day; which we Will sell cheap. dec7:lni Hi BBUNH1LD A BRO. .i j Vi-fflnpifii .iiii-i a. 1 ' '' CTAUSOTX. 4 O. TBC. TAXBOTT ' X. TAtBOTT rriALBOTT & BOSS, ; snocaoB zxaciiins wobhs, Con Cary & Seventeenth Stsi Richmond, Vi f).AftnTAjOTCRl 0 - Povtabie A Stationary Steam Engln CIrcnIar Saw and GrUt mils, Jly dranlie Presses, and all. kind ol Tobacco Fixtures, Wrought Iron Work, Brass and Iron Castings,. Machinery of every description, Ac I Jan 28&Fly:.n,V.v .! . 4 - X 200 !BBLS; riiPUB' a11 STftdeS' -Forsaleby . , : , ! ' dec ? tf f ' -WlLlit AMS MURCHISON' . Spirit Barrels !V O f f SECOND-HAND N. Y.' BBLS. m mmi . L"t r ..... . rS-lT,'i'iili,iiTM y. , ! r-fraifa ...-. . ? 5

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