the Honr;ir;a gtah, " O PUBLISHED DAILY, ' 1 TS1. H BKXtWAItn, Editor ama Proy'r. Of fioi, Dawson Bank Buildings, Front St. njie year. In advance. .."..'." '...."..: .7... $7 00 Lit months, in advance..................... s 50 Three montns, in advance... ... 2 00 one month, in advance. . n 75 rue Mouniko Star will be delivered in any AETEOBOI.OUIVA.I4 QCOBD. . Dec. 18, 1871. - ; Ther-i eter mom- lnd. : Weather" fer- eter. 1 . i. . 80:84 43 .Calm Fair 80:83. "66 XT Fresh Fair S0-.27- -63 jCalm - Cloudy Time. 7 A. 2 P. 9 P. M M. M. Mean Temp, of day, 53 deg. . " i Note. All barometric readings are reduced to the sea-level and tqS3 decrees Fahrenheit. ' ROBBBT SBYBOTH, ' Serg't Signal Service U. 8. A. : Weat&er Xteport. V IBNT, ) w vuici oiuai vimcer. Washington, - Dec 184:35 P, The barometer will probably rise during to night and on Tuesday Irom the middle: and east Atlantic coast westward to the Mississip pi, with partially cloudy and clear weather ; fresh northwest winds prevail to night north tad east of Virginia, with cluing weather. The storm on the New England coast clearing gwtj to-Bieht,mall area of tow barometer, with raiielMapsurLQni&iana and. Arkan sas, and will - move northeastward;,pleasant weather prevail on Tuesday in 'the' South At laaticand Gulf States. Dangerous winds are not expected to night east of the Rocky Moun tains, unle68 possibly oyer a small portion of Massachusetta Bay g j . ' .w i. OIT-5T. SEW "AltTEttTISEtliSNTSl. Heiksbbhqsb?8l Live JB99X Store, S Market st Exhibition at the Live Book Store. 1 War- M. PoissoN-StLJohnyTodge No;n, F. & A. MiX -;.: tl A XJLf..lC-i,. - j r, Dudlbt- &? TEiti-Ali-Calf Hand Sewed Shoes Just In It is perplexing 8ometimes ' We Have Just Opened.1 ! Willllms & Mgrchisox. At Low Prices City Mess Pork t T r F. W. Kibchneb. Planting PotatoesFire Crackers Glfieand Tobacco, &c. ; A. D. Cazaux. New Line for New York Steamship Metropolis. ; .- ; - . 1 vs;:, J. F. Gareell. Fine Beef afthe Cit'iaens Picture.Framingv in all Its -branches, ar tistically executed at VahOSDKLL'8. tf ' - - . ' Personal., Mr. Samuel Reed, of New Jersey, Supreme ChancellofofltheU:inightaorPythlas, is in this eity and wiil iqstkute ther Gran "Lodge or North Caroiintf-efnesday 'afternoon, at 4 o'clock:. This vil make the twenty ?venth grand juriadiction in the United States. Imitation, Rosewood Mouldings, pretty for kure Frames," at' - Very TddTerUaersl'- :?St:. ) ;: Oar friends will greatly oblige us by handing ia theU" adrertlseaenta as early as possible fec-r-C-rfiayV Issuet LtaWjndc J ' ' maU oac tatior the rush of advertisements Saturday flight, jaearly "all of which .might have been handed in Saturday during the day. " " i3t ::. ' " ' ; ' . ".' . ' 1 Something' new at VanOrsd ell's the Ciystal Card PortesJ ' - tf Fire at Timmoasvllle. A note from a gentleman at Timmonsville, S. C, informs ns that the gia house, together witii thegiD, cott6n, cottoriBeea. eter f Dr. J. E. Byrd of that plac,'ws diatrojed by fire on SaturdayJaaU Estlnedrabutl,0)0, upon whichthere wi the Andes Company, upon which, there was an insnrancpf . 90UO in jfCSnnnaiaOhlo. - - Oval Wainut and Gtlt imes;najiorts; and sizes, afe' ? . ft. :;S 30 AaOMDMa. The following cases were disposed of yester- W. H." Jackaoiv charged with throwing stoues, was found ' gulIty?TFudgme6t bus pended on thd payment 'bffcosts.B 4 ! . .i; A white mant charged ifUetfifplrlirC uous llqaors'oa Sunday, was sentenced to' pay the penalty and costs, r - Cirved and Fluted Carveand piamHyoVngglrl said when she sent the old lady to Walnut Houldings, all sizes, If .' ..'At..... YaxOxsdmx's. Capt. Harper, of the Steam-tug Oldham,. io foros tis thai he Will lake hoafW Savan nah, Qa.', n or about' the 1st of January, where.she wjll hereafter btocated yDapt. 'has made host bf trlenda'amoog the' shipping community rhere whn will rtrei his! : de parture fromT amongus but. who will wish him every success ' ln his new field of opera tions. n(fid'ji 5" KJf; I ' - mm j . .. -r 7 bBauUrtoisssortm received at tf ; . ; -i. 2 TheatrleaU . : ,-1 ? ir " 1" late of the Worrell TronDew ave. isade-aa a'4 gagement at the Nashville upera nouser i su Mr. and Mrsy Harj-y Watklns closed thelf engagement in Montgomery- Saturday veo Business good, as it shoultj-be?, : Ella Wren, a favorite- here daring the -war, EaWrbfesnssortiyoaRp in Nash ulei;'tores tbjjb J even more prosperous man nis iaaw ,-linftGUt ilonidnga.fe? Future-rr4ins. ".'fitfuiri-."'!!' "'il v.t jt J T iff .4. ! l Se g(at3)shl J-n. Our enterprising lellow-cltiaen, aptain A bl Calaux, abeift ieiWlaeof steam'-. ( ' hips to run bUnXy Jpti the first of which (the IirooolU) is advertised' to sail from rroMeJjrorK fprJ4ntn Saturday next. December 23d, to be followed . ... L I.... .... v..-.. -Mwin-"' " ii'i'-M by other atei . islrteH "fCr-Cs?-'Sx.; is one pi onr most, energetic and go-ahead, business 1 men accommocating, reliable and prom i. No: n -j .1.1. .LkCTTl cuuugu 10 eci? vv" ""TT, mno.:.: "WHlIiETGTOITJ IT. C.j C:"JZ3DAY, 'DECEIIBEEJlO, ! 1071 i.oaI iuta. -T The- important topicsofconversltion Chrlstmas and" the masquerade -ball. ; I - - The Board of County Commissioners meet this evening, at 7W o'clock. -. Emergent meeting ot St- 'John's Lodge t!1? Y & A M: this evening, at T o'clock, r-Sunday and Monday were reminders of Spring dayspleasant to the general public. w ovyiuuj auu 10 reporters. Those what, witnessed the beautiful sunset. on Sunday afternoon were certainlv rerald with armpst grand and magnificent spectacle; Te trees in the Court House - vard ave been sacrificed to the axe of the woodman 'and' the inclosure now'presents a " naked appear ance. ' Veiearn that It Is Intention of the lessee of the Street railway to extend the Banjo .to theUnlou Depot, jf possible, by the lstof January.;. - , , ; . , - The Government buoy tender Ivy came up to the city yesterday and took her depart ure soon afterwards She came for a ari of coal, we nnderstahd.-' - : t Ewry Saturday is the title of a neat il ttln advertUing sheet, Issused for frej circulation: by our energetic friend, Mr. John.T. Britti-of Goldsboro, who has a flourishing job5- offlee there. , . . " From, what we can learn; it is an estab'- Hshed fact that w6 are to - have a new Ice' es tablishment here on an extensive scale, a com pany having been1 formed" for that purpose. The enterprise, .-we understand, will be ' ma tured early in the coming year.That's cool J The Board of .Aldermen met lastlnlght, but we learn that no business wastransacted, thesouUdpfJthefireeliTbiavinghad a tendency to demoralize the 4,potentvgrave and reverend seigniors" composing nhe guardians of our municipality. ..-s'.1, .ciuxsr jV.: a;0 t On Saturday evening last one of our printers had the misfortune to Jose sum of money, consisting of one $5 bill and eight twenty five cent bills. It was lost either on Front, between Prlntsess and Dock streets, or on Market between Front and Second streets. The fi.Qder will be liberally rewarded by leav ing .it at the STAR-office. Festival. .3 We learn that the congregation of St. Mark's (colored Episcopal) Church propose holding a Festival and sale of fancy toilet articles, to gether "with a colfection of nice books suitable for holiday presents; on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of the present week, at the City Hail. They respectfully solicit the pat ronage ol the public The Festival Is held in -aid of the building fund of 8t Mark's Church. To tbe Penitentiary, ;., .,; The following- prisoners; convicted at the late, term ol the Superior Court in this coun ty, leave here this mornioa, la hlarp; of see-. cial deputiea N. Cart and John Bell, - for their aeBtrnatj6h; in the State Penitentiary at Ra- Wm. Bawdcn, colored; larceny, 5 years. , ; John Lamb, colored, larceny, 10 years. Alexander Williams alias Alexander Vander- . . , . . . bilt, colored, larceny, 1Q years. Three voters "gone up." v " ; k. Our Cblp? Basket. 1 A gentleman of fine presence Santa Clans. - ; u Elm wood paper collars are. now all. the ragein society. ; ; ,; Old maids are more politely called "belated sisters." t -j ! , ...... ". " .... .--r.ri, r i' Rocking in a cradle, intoxicates a baby's brain. I , : - ! C'r ' ! 4 A man In Cincinnati Is "organizing a brass band ofweuty Womeni -f A J0nhg inarrled lady of Louisville, Ky., ia the proud mother of a babe born with two -iWhat lilt that has three feet and cannot walk, sixteeaiaalls and cannot' scratch? A yardstick- , - . v Whenever you attack, your jwdghbors character, do it behind his back, so as not to wouna uis iceiiuKB. - . chop some . wood. It Is becomlxrg;fashlanable at this season for gentiaeSopreieJji young ladles with .baskets olruJnsted oJTflowcwn Q j s -The, lady-Mayoress elect of Rome the Marchess' Gatottj, H daoghterof Mr. Davis, of, New York, Jfor many yeare'aresident in Rome. f ' ' J . . . j l;k (ttncibltfatfchhd!,.iUeor c5rape on the door to see if bQ .cattiageajwould come ' to take them "out a riding as it did the 'family across tlie BtreeW KJ', V". 'I Jfa Greenville, icaevSrimajled wo. oe"e vensoilea iaspu to the public seboolfc4. Ia 'tuditw'iildrpn any icne tO'- teach- married' - woolen Hkaythlog hey ?i V no w,VouU;you. liite1 tVjpiiiHar J"'"- ,J . -." - . . IJlJ exkedia wntieunaTor-a 'sirpnj-min5 W!i WWiW' i4Uie!tJl eald. 7 Abbnfe half taat 6 o'clock last night the alarm of fire wai wande;1 m mils we reached ia scene bt tbeoaaigra- 4l6p', Whih Wa oa ;Wooster,f; b t wee i Fifth -arid Sixtbitreeta.; Theballdlng destroyed be- L5nged,'lop;ored'; w6maoy Jha name pf , Hannah Howaa-ayaBa vaiueu : Which therm was, a a iu?aroc -offtbout 45a.,; Tte toose'Warffoaf been md j't k since , rit oddafd -anaadHldd had f cplored; wo'jnjui whostfht6ad went at the ilesars.!, js.aaers -mm, wuero "r. ployed, -atated-.tliat. she exUnuUhed -every ( particle raraia.thlid area U UF ivci nuiyu ou, lf ti'..'T.?-'-T. tM tfer, ;th" shaktf orheromoazine skirC uiiY--- ' '.. ' lAr I 'ira Last I:inu. , . .-f Jt,.(t.r . . r' T ? "Ie" c?1Wre,,; ' "oer, - ;- iCMbVB, . maae bis way out the best he could, "leavitio- nn bed, which was subsequently rescued, with uwu uuacimy, py, a.eoloredwomaU. The 6ou?. was entirely destroyed, together with aU the f urnlture hut a table and a few cMira. B.Tbe owner of the property is poslUve la her declarations that the fire Was the work 'ct tin incendiary, and she says that it was set to the part of the house In which ' her children werm sleeping. - - " -" -1... . , ' r'THB CI3XEBNS;-" On acconrit of the condition of the cisterns .the engines could;do' hbthlng in the -way. of extinguishing the' flames" The nearest one at hand, located aVthe corner of Sixth anltCastle streets, had only about two or. three .feet of fWater in It. , In fact, we learn that all tho new cisterns (about five or six in number) are out" of repair and that they have been condemned by the city authorities, who a fewr days since conditiaa; and ir as:-we understand, all 'he newrtiisterns are deficient to ' that extent that they vrlll hot: hold the water which is regular ly. pumped'-1 into 'them'' then s' immediate Btep3 Should be taken to remedy the evil, provided the matter has not already' received the proper attention. The safety of , the city from the ravages of the devouring element requires that the facilities for supplying plenty of water in every portion, of the city - shall be rigidly looked after by the authorities, fx,,. . Our city has f been peeuliarly fortunate in respect to fire for some time past but this should make us only the more careful to guard agaiusMhe occurrence. ; C J " r. LEGISLATIVE SuilLIAIlY. ICondcnscd from the Raleigh' Sentinel U i ?v: ,1 Fb&xt; Dec 15, 1871;'. The Senate met at the usual hour,. Prea-? ident Warren in the chair. .-: .-,-J.. Mr. Qrahanvof Orange, chairman ; of the finance committee, made, a report em bracing the ieiptiandcUsbaTsemeats of the State government for ' the past thrte years. - 'jw On motion of Mr. Worth, five copies Of the report was ordered to be printed for thense.of each member of the Senate. n House resolution instructing the State treasurer to pay witnesses summoned - by the housefrelative to Tchargea, preferred against Judge G. W. Logan, ' was taken up under a suspension ot the rules.' . ' Mr. Worth moved to lay the resolution on the table. ' " v.r r The motion prevailed yeas 19, nays 3. ... A resolution introduced by Mr. Cowles,' calling.for a printed, report of the census ontrta-gioto f iggQaa-AfloDtfefl. 1 t Thn hour of 10jp having arrivedi7bllls relative to ihe! Statevdebt were -taken Up. ' 'Mr.Graham, of Orange, oflFered! several amendments, among them one submitting the question of levying a tax to pay the interest on-tb debt, to be voted on in Au gust, 1872; those "who . vote for the tax, shall vote a ticket with the word "com promise1 on it those who vote against the tax, shall vote a ticket .with the word "repudiation" on it. ; Mr. "Love moved to strike out the words "Compromise? and? LVRepudiatioo, and insert the words t'Tax" and "No Tax.", The yeas and nays were called and the amendment offered by Mr. Love was lost The yeas and nays were called and' the amendment as offered, by Mr, Graham,' ot Orange, to'submit the tax question to the people, was voted down: by a vote of )yeas 17, nays 21. ; i,',--.-.--' if The substitute offered by Mr. Love was The substitute ottered by the finance committee, was lost by a vote of . yeas S, J After 'ther fote '-was announced; ; Mr. Worth moved to reconsider the Toto wherebv the - substitute offered by : the finance committee failed to pass its second, reading. The motion prevailed by the iollowingvote I'-years 29, my s ?t$' " Mr. Worth moved to strike out that. ar p the bill which provides for levying the tax to pay interest on the debt and re duce the bill to itspriginal character , as introduced by him. Adopted. . : . The bill passed second reading by vote of yeas 32, nays 4. 4 -."'' HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES I " , , i Saturday, Dec. 18. j The House was called5 to order ? at Lko usual hourVr ' - n ' i ' '" " By Mr.- Sparrowt A bill ta encoursge working on the roads : referred. , ' v-. . SBy Mr Bfrbadfoot A bilr to incorpo rate the Literary and Dramatic . Associa tion of Fayett'eville ; reterred. By Mr. McNeill : A bill to repeal chapter 104'Iaws of 1868-'69 ; placed pn calendar . t -J, . By 31rj Buck worth : jAbiirin relation to indictments in assaults and battery;' re- 'By Mr. Loftth: T'A resolution instruct ing the attorney general bring suit", on the Ijond of Xhe-publie printer for Over charges; placed on calendar. -;On motion of Mr.-vlKJelch his resolution adjourning on Saturday December 23rd at 12 M. until Tuesday 26th December,' was Afrpr an interminable .'debate Vnd numberless substitutes s and lamefad-7 ments being offered, the originate resoiu limit the Tights of m eoterUy referred The! bill to raise ret ehueV Th consid- for a tax of icents:on tne .gMViioc pu tan tr r " TiirnosM was ., resumed I The question recurred 'upon "Mr: Rankin's ,ment gtriking out 5 centa", -in llr amendment was btit to a vote and losti The question tecarribg upca llff-Waring's I nays were - cauea anu; m failed rJy ft-voter of-yeas! notified the contractor that thev mnst lie imt PpJy J in proper order.l It is a matter 6f the nteist .. i 1 J - . ( ft ' . . . - 1 . -f ' ' I ImDOr.tATinftt.hftt'. olotcpni ahnnU KatnWnA4 hqpai- Mr. Womack', .utaUtati. for the section which provides for;-a tax of 1 8 cents to be applied to the payment of '-all necessary expenses 6t the government of the institution,': the 'support lof - the con victs, the construction of rwark shops and a permanent external wall. 'i . Mr. Woaack thought that this was me dium ground; five cents, being top little and twelve cents too much. ?: It was " pro posed to suspend, for the present, opera tions under the contract, for if persisted in would cost State millions. '- ; . ; -"J. j. . - The substitute was put, to va vote' and lost; .. .. ' . - ; . . -' '; -"' V .Mr. Anderson moved to strike out "12", and insert "9;'? lost. , J'; , . . Mr. Robinson moved to strike out "12' and insert "10." He1 thought 10 .cents amply sufficient. ; He bad no disposition to break (the contract, bnt -t there were other matters ; to be taken into considera tion.1 - An additional appropriation was asked for to enlarge the lunatic asylum," fid he was in favor ofgiyinsv.9 cents to tha ; Penitentiary,-and let the remaining three cents go to the asylum, &c.' ' l' 1 On , motion ot Mr. Ashe the previous question was ordered. . , : t The question recurred upon Mr. Robin son's amendment, making the tax 10 cents. The yeas and .hays were : called which resulted, ia the amendment . being rejected by -vote of 49 to 52.: 1 , -. The section was then adopted. VT f Mrv Mills offered "the . following as an additional section to be .known as sec tion 4 : i . v - . . -' " A special tax of one and one-eleventh per cenk to be. expended, in the payment ofhe interest on the recognized part' ot ihe ,, public debt." The yeas and nays avere called, aud the amendment was , re- jectea py a vote ot 13 to 77 SENATE. s:..-v.:.::M?, .' Amessagd'was received irom his Excel lency, -the governor, transmitting resolu tions adopted by the Virginia legislature appointing two commissioners;- who' shall, in conjunction with a corps bf TJvTSi sur veyors, lay otit and establish the boundary lines between .Virginia and - North c'Caro lina.?. Referred Zl tr ? j - - ; s Mr. Graham, cf Orange, - in trod nded ,s till relative to the - educational fond no w in the State Treasury, f , Referred; ; " -. Instructs the treasurer to return the ap portioned to each of the different counties Rep. - Mr. i Cook introduced it resolution ,that - the Senate take no recess c for s Christmas holidays,and that no farther leave of ab sence be granted to, any. Senator.: - : On motion of Mr; Gilmer, the resolution was said on the table. r,?i .uvtr? j Mr, Gilmer moved to ' to take from the table a resolution to pay certain witnesses summoned by - the-7 House committee to 'tc-tifyrektive to 'the capacity of Judge CLr V.; Lc-an, ssd ths tzez sender-who was The rules were suspended ana the reso lution was taken up. ' Mr.-Worth.moved to strike out all that portion of tho resolution which refers to witnesses. ;' ' , 1 - " .The. yeas and nays were called and the motion did not prevail, yeas 7, nays 27. r Upon the passage of, the resolution on second reading, the yeas and ; nays were called, and the resolution passed second, reading, yeas 27, nays 7. - The resolution was read a third time and passed. ' On motion of Mr... Graham, of , Orange, the rules were suspended, and 1 the house resolution that the General Assembly take a recess irom ; Saturday, the ..27tb, ; was taken up and adopted. , j v , v Senate bill to exchange the .. stocks of the State tor ; bonds r:with which such stocks were obtained, and for other-, pur poses, was read a third, time. .. 4 iMr. Brpgden offered a, substitute I for the bill; j f '''-j'S-rt-f-.i ll ! ; ' Mr. tGraham,t of Orange, said the Senate had been engaged three weeks, on , this bill, requires three weeks for the Senate to consider and pass a bill of this . kind, he wanted ihe people to know it. Therefore he moved the previous question, - of. ; The motion prevailed. The substitute as put to i vote and lost.; ; . i.-y ;r The bill passed third reading by a vote of yeas 36, nays 2. lt . :..-,,:t ; T Senate resolution authorizing 1 the com mittee on printing to contract , with a party in this city who proposes to do the printing at. 62 cents per, thousand em quads, or at 41 cents per thousand letter ems ;, was jread, q j r i:-?Tj ? l-n ct ' "'T & jMrr Mauqey "moved, to -lay . the resol: The yeas and nays 'were called, and the motion tajay on the, table did. not prevail -ajsitrgf .-..': Ri M jheresolalfen,edi pom-' mittee on printing. Vr mMH&sr(fi ip J Senate bdl to authorize tbe formation of raijroad; corapiniei , an4 tta-regulate -thf samp, was posiponfdj.untii Monday, night , , Qnrnotion oi Mr.t Robbins. of Rowaif, Senate r bill -- relstiye . , to constitutional amenomf n was maue specraj orqer ior U o'clock. , 1" Afbill to eti eo tirade the ffrbwth of peanuts is' seriously Jtdlkedu of1 int jthe North Carolina Legislature' . vn J(?r, cPntchard or Ilaleigh - is Jo deliver a spries of lectures ,on;Ltemper- anqe. , t L or f .t j i;,fc"4 .;-vSnow fifiS 5nff Ooldsbbro'i Ion! PridaV morning td the depth of -three .or IUU1 1UVUVCH i ttnirKtrv in the best Dollev-in medicine as welt as to other thimjs..AYEa,S bAESAPA &ILLA is a genuine preparation of that .un equalled spring medicine and blood, purifier, aecidediy superior i trtheipoorAirinitations lefor pf the taagket, atrial proves t:-A 1 ' AVER'S CHERRY JECTOSALr-the worlda. great remedy for Golds; Coughs; Consumption, and all affections of tie Lmand.Thraat.i y Ht ... frcJ? 3ril inrt .-..-.n -T."w; CKff V- S7, 3 and CJrrCiTris i. 1 d13-tf T7holo ITo. 1,010 IEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. - Ai L6x7PricDS ! Q Q Q BABRELS CITY MS3 PdSK 4, ri5 0 350X68 Dry 8alted Sili', ' ' -1 ' , v Shda Bacon Sides and Shoulders, : td 1 800 I?SLS: ?L9UE a11 Sades, " ' : r g Q 0 I5AGi CdPfE E, f I lil- j JgQ Bbis Bellned Sugars J0Q Hbds and Bbls Syrup, 1' 1 1 0 il 0 BUSHEL CORN, : IJJ TONS COTTOJTTIES, J"' O ft fa KEGS JfAILS, Tf W - r 100 .... . 4 . ; : u- v Bbls. DlsQller'a Glue,..; ' f) 0 'lQm 1 'Peruvlai1 Guano, RAAA Sacks American and Liverpool For sale by 'deo 19-tf , WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. ITey Lino for IIct7 York "-TPB A NO. 1 STEAMSHIP : ; II E T Ii OPCLIS W1' Wilmli IX Ball from New. York for this nort on Saturday. December 23rd. and leave I mins: to a on Thnrsdav. December 28th. Other steamships follow the Metropolis. , For Freight engagements apply to '; 1 , -5 . ,n v ,r .u ,A D.'CAZAtJX.; WASHnraToar ft Co., Agbs in New York.''l At deol9tf -.-.o T-,iiiv-" : . '. I rJPine Beef I Fine Beef f ORDERED EXPRESSLY FOR CHRISTMAS, ; ; ; Can be had every day. this week at The Citizens' Market f. Next .door to A.. Oldham's Grain Store, on j north side of Market street.' 1 i . - C1""- ' : J. F1. QARRKLL, Proper.1 ' ifrt l' -rrfi '-r . P. S. Do not' forget to call and supply your seives ac once. . .. , ? .- -. ' . WJT HAYE7 "JUST OPENED ; V - A' BEAUTIFUL LOT OF ' BOX'S -G'Alitf 'jEX S , t - ; - '''.f'c " ; - ? . J. - - dudleV ft ELLIS, - , . 'dec 19-3t Sign of the Big Boot. : -1 y -1 ITotice. I HAVE appointed Mr. John B. Turrentine to aid me in colleetiog all due me bv note and account. He or I will be at my office, in mv xormer ury uooas store, every aay during business hours. Hope all those In debt to me will.promptly pay;, as I require the money. bet I9-nactJl Th Sat TU ''Hli 1XOBERT L. HARISS, RESPECTFULLY inlorms the public ; that he is now prepared to give- every satis faction in his line ol business. -' - i n-Hausekeepers are- respectfully Invited to call and. examine my work.beiore sending their work elsewhere for repair, v ? Pictures Framed, Chairs Reseated, 4 c. - " 8bop located on fcecpnd, street, between Market and Princess streets. . - j . ' Wilmington, N. C , Nov. 11-naceodlm. ' .?. mcaE;Bueliat T vjrjr? QOLDEN SYRUP y FRESH BUTTER", CANNED TOMATOES, 1: J91 'PEACHES AND CORN- PRSflt SlLMQjff, ' LOBSTERS, 'flARDINES, and as good, Flour as can bjuuna in tne- ciiy Aid 'if y6u Want about- BUTTEBTtry' - k , . i , , . . . JJWA Jif ,n4e4Mf ,i f :39rner Market and Second at -To Piontorc. i 1 V U II V U U '-V' ' SHELL LIME, r'V FOB AQRICULTURAL PURPOSES,' :' - FOTsaleby k VJ 'v;4 "1" ' 7 , : 'il'BOWEN ft MERCER, j "-.n' Xime Burners, SS So. Gay St JBaltlmore. - fvHJV-D4W2tawlm Tu Frt' ! ' '. - t-k A ' KlTRTlKLJl US' OYSTER v. Lid 7 W" i ! ,'t."J XTTArsrr:3A few Scholars to learn P-n-. W'. manship, as tausht m our Comm"rcil liauf to a ilass' Those desiring to Join juust apply fttioncev as but a limited numuer can be a-Tommodated. Terms pjaoderatv., . f t ' v 1 l4-lw-:--fc'U.KW3a it .,:, ii i,"DAniCI o TfAJSTJCZ.4-Cocd. - Board X with or witnout .rooms on xaa, uer cor ner cf auu, tad door from; corner, on 1; ft iad Sd coins South. Tterms moderate 1 7 weels OTEGtiSdessBoxiSCitrP. o.; ; ; "f 0r. A Gold Breastpin, ij tLj forci Cf a I a Cnalu.T-rThenu'"'- -"Vh3 lirrrally rewrri, i v J by UTk; it t.i ..;rx -'dect Wjhi wm 'IP "W fcii w yf je-j . . ., ....... C 3 ivTlXe CC3 "T, ............. .m w . . . ftl 0 . : " two dav s,. ........... 1 W - ( three days,.......... S OU : I roar day., 2 W i it nve fiays,; 8 CO . -. ! oneweeiv 3 68 -43 Contract Advertisements taken atrpro portlonatdy low rctca.- - ITarrlaes, Deaths, Relifrlous, Funeral and Obituary notices will be Inserted at half rates when paid for la advance j otherwtza full rates will be charged.' - Tzs3 Cih on demand." n " - """ f -NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EXHIBITION . 4 At the Live Ceo!: Otorc, Gift Goods for tho Holidays, .-.; Commencing Dec 18th. " Darwin and his Descendants . slso, Writ ing Desks, Work Boxes and Albums, all kinds and new styles ; Toy Books. Chatterbox. Pio tar Puzzles and Block Pnzzles for Children. Special attention has been paid to Selections In the Juvenile Department. t - -; v A large assortment of Christmas Gools just received and . . - - r For sale at . HEfNSBERQER'S dec 19-tf s . xave isoos store. 8t.;Jo 1. JTjTMERGENT. Meeting THIS (Tuesday) even-i JCU Ing at 7 o'clock. . ,: ,-. 7-; - -Byorder of thevW.'M.'" ; . - ' . ,: .V; - ' : :WK.1irvrQXSOXl ' ,'$Tt John's HAtiDoc. 19, 187Wt . . Sec'y. HAND-SEWED SHOES !.:.; " 'THE OLD-MBHIONED TIE I ;f;- DUDLEY & .ELLIS, . .. Sign of the Big Boot. jdeo 19-tf i i'JfJST IN'!:' - -; fioft, Coinrortablo Ilnsktus, Heeled and No-Heel 1 A most acceptable r . present for ELDERLY LADIES'! .DUDLEY, ft ELLIS, dec 19-St ,;: ,i Sign of the Big Boot. ir.IS.PEBPIEIDI&SOMinES To SELECT PRESENTS! ' You can't miss ." , -J . .. i C ........ i , . , . ', i- i . .' ' . .. '''' '.0' youbu? a pair of our - . 7 HANDSOME BOOTS 10R) SHOES. DUDLEY ft ELLIS,-' li. -. Sign of tn Big Hoot. Brandy Peaches, Pickles; &q. 150 Cases Brandy Peaches, " .1 1 , in:.-:'.;i ,;-.',,)'' ') ... 100. Cases Qt and P(;. Pickles, , . r 15 Barrels Pickles, .. .. J--. " ' "-. ' ' t 1' . ' . f - ; -j 130Boxfs Candy, ' For sale by r . . 4 v F. W KEECHNEK, v dee 19-tf r t7,t28 a,nd 29 Jforth Water 8 ' ; Planting Potatoes. JQQ BBLS PLANTINQ POTATOES, , . - For sale by . ,' ' ''.' ja2afina29JforhWater St. Glue and Tobacco. -jq q' Bbls glue, - T pr f Boxes and Caddies Tobacco,' 1 For sale by t F. W. EERCHNEB, deo 19-tf 27, 28 and ?9 North Water St.? f . ATjrCTION SALES. 51. CRONIjY, Auctioneer. By CROLY 3IORKIS. .GREAT; AUCTION" SALE . js : ? of ' - Valuable Oil Paintings APPROPRIATELY MQUNTED IN FINE i iftk' : GOLD LEAF; FRAMES,, . ', ' ' DIAMONDS, set In SOLID lSIL&BAT GOLD, u , j.jRJNpsPJNS, STUDS, etc. ; GOLD and ' SILYER WATCHES, from the ' best known mtkers In EUUOPJ and AMEBIC A,, onnsisting of Quarter Seconds, Howard, English Patent-Lever, Waltham, United States 'and other American Compa nies ; Fine English and Swiss Lever Watches, for Ladles and Gentlemen, Pendant and Key Winders set with Diamonds. Enameled, Richly Engraved and Frosted 18, 14 and 10 Karat Gold and SUver Hunting Cases. -(f; f , , . ' SOLID GOLD CHAINS, of -the latest styles Of Opera, Leontine and Vest. OPERA AND FIELD GLASSES of tho FiNEST .T . ,-' r rr niRnittPtfOir. .'.V ii Artistic Bronses, Hall and Elt9n's first quality Spoons and Forks, Fine Table and Pocket hauci r ;.',-"CuUpryjRtci3eto,?,,: Jiy Every Articled naranteod to be as Rep Teeeated. or tbe Money Betarned." i . . We will offer , tbe above-stock of strictly First-class Goods', from a well known estab-" llshmfntpn, Broadway,. ;Y ,Yi lAT; ATJ.CTJON.WlTHOm. RESERVE. , T On Tuesday, Wednesday, Tharsday, Friday -andaturdny, December l9tb, sotb, 21st, 22nd and 23rd, at 10 A. AL, 2x2 and 7 B. IL. and to be continued until aU are sold, at our Salesroom, "- ,Awn' Wi)An4. C CRONLTArMURRia. Anfrtioheer. . Ladies and.ihe-PubBa are invited to call and examine this splendid collection of Fine Ar ticles which wlil tw on exhibition on Mohuat prior, tqtheday of. eae. , . u Jdeci7t , & I 1 Askarrs Alio- s6a t-rr-'ALAKfxoaxT EAI4BNKS & CC v A o.f it S 1 t 5q BROADWAY; NEW, T0RK. . 1T3 ?:iLH STREET,. BOSTON. tsptius-zat.i.i'iu ir cat . iV'lj 0 ''i" ' ' ;,V "" M " -? - ' -I V' FrUe.

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