-"" , . . , r-", , MORNING STAR. Tuesday. December 19. 1871. THE CIBOULATION OF THE MORNING STAR IS LARGER THAN THAT OF U.NT QTHERDAILYNE WSPAPER PUBLISHED IN -NORTH CAROLINA. i ' . , - Carted Alive. A tradesman o Bristol -died, 'and after a due delays was buried in the family vault of a village church; ,a few miles from the city, Now inthig case there Was not the slightest .suspicion, that there.was any chance of life lingering in the body," but all were satisfiedhe. was, dead,, On the night of the funeral, however,: the widow had a shocking dream, to' thek effect that her husband had been "bnried alive, (and was then striving'to break from hiaf fcdffin- sbe awoko with the fright, but slept a sain. ordering aorseUo be put into a c&ttt aitoouga it"waH stui aarirf arove witn two or three of her, men, provided with tools, to the 'church. " She obtained the . keys irom me sexton, wuo, ton oemg mus un timely roused,-was disposed to object to ine (.ruuccujug, uun a bug u.utrcu iue men to burst open the doors if he withheld the keys! he yielded, and the party entered the vaults The coffin,; iot course, was where it had been Jaid, ;;and .in another minute it was wreoche open The dream was a merciful warning ; that man, reader; j i i e . carrieu on uis uiumqs lor maoy years ai terwards in the house from which he had been borne as dead' and. men now. living- in the . city; Knew !. ni xa,Mngtihwoman a Shocking Etallroaa Accident Two lien Barned.to Aabes. ." Lynchburg, Va,. December 1 6 v On Saturday morniog the material train of the Virginia and Tennessee. railroad en countered a broken rail on he bridgd over Dry Creek. Bfollowi five miles'list i ot 03ig Spring, and two caboose cars and two flats were precipitated over the bridge.? about thirty f et tiiglu One of the caboose bars' caught fire from 0 kerosene lampJbnrning the two cabooses and flats : and also the bridge." "' "uirx:: ; : ; f Conductor Robert .A jFogus , and Wil liam Griffin (colored) were burried to ashesr no vestige ottheirremains being found. Another colored man was hurt, not seri ously. ; Conductor Fogdstwas alive in1 the burning car when the - cpjguieer reached him, but all efforts Ito rescue him were unavailing. He" directed the engineer leave him to bi3 fate, arid 1he last word he wss heard to titter was' &&tniSiecidt io uie -jJttjHi ictt-. : - ti , . A. Tennessee Trajredy. f v . The Mdrristbwd aicZfi says that about a week ago. a man named Jacob . Lewder5 was shot and Xatally wounded on Mother Creekriii Hawkins county; WhileTattempt ing to escape arrest "by a deputy -shferiff and posse. JLowder was cnarged witn' tne murder of rhife5 DTbfacts are given by the Rogerevllle Importer as follows s ' . ; J ;Sdmetime3irthe?fa.a tiring of ' his "wife aVd the slaw process of natural decy, killed . heror j t.he piurpose ot marrying another. lie 1 was arrest cd: and tned beforexthe: magistrate;: but es -, capedo imprisonment.' c.-. Subsequently! be married his second love, and has been hid ing and skulking about the country. Last week, while at his iather-in-law's house, a sheriff, and a crowd suddenly upon hinr. Rusbiog ' from -the; house and across' a neighboring hill he rwas pursued by, the officers and overtaken bv a shot irtJthe back, which brought bim to a bait sHe was taken bacKilattwi housejana louna.to be so badly wounded that be was not ex- pected to li?eTiie ball entered his back and came out through bis breast. . iqartfw '- -" ' ; . .. ; A JfJt?OW Escapes ; A loBo'n paper says: On Wednesday, morniog;rSamaeltHarrts;t HJi v., ot ss e w Haven, who is staying s.at ; the Marlboro Hotel, went up tojns room. He lighted the fire and drawing up his table near the stove began to write. t Jtansinga moment for want of a word,' be placed hishand? over his head and tilted back his chair. He had just leaned back, when with a horrible aod thundering crash several ton of brick and mortar came through the plastering-ioverbeaA scarry ing everything befoW it; fell ttpofytlfe tableland about.the room, breaking downr everything n which Had , Mr Har0nt tilted back his chair althemomenTKe did, he would in evitably haye been, killedr.It seems that a husre cbimnev Jiad blown "over .from the adjoining building, carrying ;rect and , destruction before it, and through roof- and rooms, making , a clean Jioie ten py fourteen felt.1 MrV" wrtis' escape irom death was most wonderful and miraqofj ious. -"ine smeu uamago i ow" Fw fc the: Bear- Mi 9. Mary Clemmer Ame in w letter to the iAdeptKdentji thus describes thd Grand "His bandaar simply huget-and-ha,ve the srrin ef;a rolaT bear at-Ieast; they are capable of bearipmprtbsnsteikn man ordinary bands, i , saw; nwn igo th roughs with 4hisi American) ordeal ftbe. tbreyninISH and grace, if not . with enthusiasm. I it " srave a Rtord: nhaenttmental erdso td the daintiest kid gloved hand outstretche4 toJ nm. unt tne tace oi Aiexis jqiu mfi ' stotiei mrtr1rrififoessne4tr oleaaQdrkaiAxtfajefirvthcj(!8XtIidifie ent, and 1 the jiet. wqu!brightea,Ag4in. : ' He Is Verti handsome and agreeable. said I i a yimoafladr wBO tlanceawitn uimi-pt U.. 1 Tl- -. L..J T- AWrl: ii sne makes tne tuin, snsuiye,rcrTvu American hand -her -criterion, it-is ibt strange thatjjicalls Bis giant nst ugiy, ElooementofiUJorfollt Editor A TVlfe Again sneareamea tne Bame tlream,'and otintess Hid arranged to go to the thea- ' '"- TTTtTTe ATrYCf T - Trebled Y - oaief ana tne Agraffe xjteslncontestible.r: f:: ?rtmay 14f awoke slept a third timey Md a third I tm&Ketnraing t th' hotel frottf tbeir U JW 1. V J2iAOilJUioilJU I -.wewnid call .twwi 1 " , v- , , , - ; , St SSSSH LIVERPOOL AND I0HD0N AHD 6 0 BE cited, vand, Relieving thisto be a super- ;Count upon reaching his apartments, M tpabiishedbFthe New-YorktatcSL in no SS AwSSi JtoS u& ;t- ; :: - natural warning, she rose, hastily, dressedj! proceeded ttv a roombere he keptloaded llrnn017!188' fontaininff the- nearer perfection thahJms yet been atuS r-TriSTimilCe r ComtlflnV ! -herself,iIed viiponShCTCforerrian: the Countess f eHer r'A::fi every piano ruxi.T warranted V f?HtW VV111,1J! X hon?st . haaj,n4. : JookSjaaifyit had day when the Rpjnanofls were bo royaL? " "',i?-:'aiscMldreitiesert4 '. 'The-grealsetsiitronfiforrolil the i elooeiiifintiof llr Tlevrr Gbiselinev bne of the pforinetors, an5 editors f f the Journal: city, and leavirTUid a wife and kix SiCbildren!-ri!;V former extremeiyUr;r. a,. " jrLY6theifby the Day Bool .that Mr, aoonts wereTTDKnowDDnf aoililil nnrsqav last ft leaked" odt tbat he had fled id JOasiarriedTady.. of thai Ghiseline had several thousand dollars worth pt bonds in hand belong? to hb mi """o uj acciaent.. Ihe name of the youns ladv involved ia not given, but she is mentioned as a aangh- l.eS' ??Jw0t tho-most. Prominent plantera ; ! ' " 7 - '. A great sensation was caused .in Lu-- cerne, Bwitzer and. thr c sucde of the Count jGirgenti brother of tne e3t-KiD2 of NanTes. nnri 'nn in.ianrr the ex Queen of Spain. Mt appears thdtThe AmerfhhFnrrTiPr the Count and Countph rn I Jiilr 'r?cun . r arm ert for a mnnfh ,ra;oi" "T rrrirJVw?"?. The IUn-aintesIster.- - f t jvvioijr at buo xiuici uu ViT T- from timo tp time, like the stf the iworld. 0' "u, i:""" Ils"uo luo meaire rrom tin: the daK of the suicide, the Count divined 4iispurpMei-andha3tened-too"b ' toin'itillicptlng h$i absence the Count locked.the door, and instantly shot No'cause is assiffned ;for the- act The re lations between the Counted Countess vvcujcu vcijj picasftui), as usywer.ei always. Wn together:-'.- -ii -r I Singralar Effect- vt Ir'efmJ A remarkable, insiatice of the effect of fnahHn n Irm. ;M to- V- town of Wisconsin recently.-A-youog man. a school teacher, just married, snent eyeciiigin teadingta hii wife incidents :fltldith-f.h? ...... M w, vjyvvj mv UJlif- JnGPAOTTlA nf tlA 2inpnc0 lin Karl Kann pAa inff oiclnrinjr which He ijrt lnHtiafln atiUeh'ajidg ofa;redarmciitidgiherebv a lernoieingniii vn oeing-awaKenea by found h.imself unable to snealc and -could onjy .c?mmttnicate,wUb. tba others by wri-.f tingthus relating his dream,; At last ac: Counts he hadiaot recovered his speech. The- Grand Dake'a BaffUlo Ilnat. . - f.;;v Chicago, Dec. 15. olt is definitely- atransred tbat the Grand Duke Alexis .will reach this 'city on the 29th and leave tor at. Louis on.tbe :Sun4 wenerai pnenaan.. na3. exteuaea.. to une "&v w, gfinyuuMyuuuiv... A buffalo exist in large numbers;? Thousands of Sioux Indians under -'Spotted Tail will ,be on pand. "i a. sait laie overtuott. seven iv uve Alge rian pilgrims in the port cf Alexandria, in Egypt, on 'Noyember , i -i These ' pilgrims had' just' arrived in the steamer Assyria, jivui xv-igieii", aun. hub i'u . iucii way iu Mecca. : While, the Algerians were being transferred tdthehprB'pntf lighter, a passingiWsel struck the! lighter Amidships cutting her down 'to the wafer's edgd and oi ieatn .wereTnaae,p5ore certain xrpmine fact that' 'eAclipiigryn was loaded d6wn With' cold, carried in a leathern belt around biswaTslLVThe-'disaster caused no sensauou wnatever in -a-iexanMria, sap a corresponaet writing oi toe occurrence. MISCELLANEOUS. J?A'C0'Bl-iAXE! Guaranteed to excel all others, both in shape antf material. . Be sure to ask tor . . T H E-J A;0 O B.I. A X E , and Accent no otueb I .; ; mi ATllr: iTACOBI'S, Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St., And. ; Dealers nropKliout , tbe ,Stae. , IX. , ixHarffware. IX.r if- Agricultural s Implements, I - intidnjic. M ife ;ftT6ouia resfeglfully calLthe fat- Tentaon or w holes alk duyekb wour ' T .i .n..l i M ! Mill t I I III II 4 ATVl. Xi.sr rae4ng all and every description or Goods in mexraaet anpr io. w v.airAftJffa .can offer from ha o' several leadjngaS. ,TWf3 Leather Kip And Calf JSkins, j k,ViiW5lv i'-. ' Unai t0 -r I T ! " if .' ".71' r l Please-call ani examine, before purchasing. BArdVare ljepot, No. 9 Market St. ; Cri ,i .'.'-U-ifMt j - .-- 1, ' 9-" fj.i'j p4' .-ZfTJfS I 901,1 x t-5it2L 4 , : I ; ; AGEITS:rOIM;OI3I,7KnOirjA..a GUARANTEED PEBTECTLY PUBE ANDjOF iort?fi I .nnea-tf WILLAED BROS, vjgutr, lu -uucerne, living YerYquiet v and I ?y wasbs Jsoh. it unosentatibu9lv;ria f!Wseif jn tntkheaci UianUhjeotight ;ear. He lingered Benseiess forve sorsix hours. proposed f h at;tte party shall proceed ta pes kxoaax. tjidb in the-Worldr AU for Tkx pLkca fc t-toiti 'Dtk.X t i fert lfcPherson and from that fort six tv Cwrra. to those who think of buying 8eed f.W.h MtyJ iPht&s I ai8- d ort jyrcrnerson ana iromtnaiort, sixty Not a quart the cost. o200jOM sold of isn. ' 'tl--t .,, miles south oo borseback to, a point where Address, . James vick, t w nkmia w& tYfiM&&,l&i?'Hr- " ' r : v , . , - . .-.T-r:JU . limits. ' 1 ' v -? ' ""'"l'i,!!iT ' V T -1 ru ! j ! . r... o , .di.l !' 1 ; - . 1 .,.,7:lil -IT, vw. mam" i r 9- 9 av wa AAir a m. trmi a tm anixin w t . . . , . - t vi iw J o i mina ana'Doay, witu,Tne aamor's pian oi i suuias witnout a rival. ,, , v. - .the best for your money I treatment-the only i rational and successful I ' r-'.Wr 'Aa - t"FVM4Arl T modeof curias shown by a report of cases 1 - The great increase in the sale of UCiifi .vuwiiu treated. A truthful adviserj to the married ments, has enabled us to reduce aa BupBuwiiw i - ; tainingr ; a ieaaer ii vlnsthearenoy l tinmfi elrele.- Unsumasse .i 1 !! a v j m :. , ; , THE HRHEST GBADE. i rartilinA tflJW, eiroulfttioa eaual that en- h ,anCV U0QQS XiepaTJJniCIll. LJ COHSCd Pis'S Feci arln ?dT-tC f . oyedby the Mabiow Stab. k- . 5JU CALX- AND EXAMINE THEM.. T B V3,2.; y,.,:;iv.'ilVJ A inaiJ'J II H". -;W'""r-- ; .TEEMS LITBEBAL.n i f cv tfiMJ , J PUT UP VEBY NICELY yoajrAlIXLY US?. r,?1 iLiJiPCOn 'l- l ,J' "i:rtrcaEBALV STEDMAN, Editors f ao,ilV?m-i ....i.m f . ;SW'X PrV' Vt WA4iU5 t lofcocMfes!' : 'UlV St1 'Tft.1'5 JfrMyTTiVf and SIDES,! . W-CABDSr printed in th st -elegan , , . . csfiri J 1 witUwwBi. ,V -4Vftir iwifa - V MU-tVtArit w WM. H. BEBNABU'o 1. - ;- . - . ( NEW "A DVh RTTWMPNTQ" r AHV ItllS.bMEJN lfc. i-a-.4"ana,cDt3?piete history of Ctoicogo, her Pa.st' Present and luture. With graphic .pTu.OTWSft "tSf SKXS.-S ;?"kJ?'",4 fiE:ix.s WAWTE:v Send $1 c6 for outfit ft?AL? :?sUng 6,4Uii, Wrpnia,fa, ; l PLkNTEfcs, FARMEES-tfltD 'aedekebs f & v" .' f stmiqbtk - -sc- I " putisMteu woniniyat w 9 Worth -rttreer, SeTTtnr h v r? years oyj oar eniori.. Nowserles begins JaouaTW-lnw 3871. . u . v. i . SeTdp? rrum , i.aa.jLrjijs, lass uroaaway, N; T. City : TV17W VHD IT rkxcsr3irirT JiV,;. JL URKaOBSBRlER .$3 per Annum, Including Tea Book for i72.aTilI11ra4ed Catalogues- and s rrlce-Xlsts SIDS12T C 3XQBSE, JR. A CO., l UUU O "Dffered free dnrln thA Mmrmr H2222MWrt S S 3 ' woica waneviqeiwa;orits Trprtti and popu- Parity. Horace Greely, James Faxton.Lec- " ' " " - 1 ' " SiSSBoMii ietX PL6?1 umson equally libera: VClilla. AV Ig I .-. r: e" wixwoix. -i. u.w-specK men coplps free. Address S. S. roOD, ew- ur-J ki "V t' .Vff P r-7 nrtTTtriiSd-ii vvjsu ojib uvinmED paoijs, I FrintedIn Two Colors, on superb -TiiTOl:15iirAn-i - 'i'V( l nni.f iRTT.n Tr. A TPQ i Lawns, uaraens, c -xne handsomest attd PETERS Thelec No . Price 80c.riia8l9 lieeesYocal and Instr'l Piano UnSlft. worllllcl In eh Ant. fram f J USlRALr$,,OT 3treRular iirloe, fcs.) "WMlwnU 'Boundtsoplesior 1871 Hgilt sloe A compound of Cofo-w Oil, c. Ackno wl- 'A 'GEJfTS bunted Agents make more J. money at work for us than at anythintr else. Business liebt and permanent. - Partic- nlars. free, G. STINSON & CO., Fine Art Publishers, Portland, Me. - - - - - I inn, (MAU penses paid. H. B. SHAW, Alfred, Me. A discretion. causinTnervousdebUityfpre A VOID QUACKS. A victim of early in- motnN Honav otn . having tnIl in ramnnnr advertiaedremeay, nas-aisooverea a simple ipie means of self -cure, which he will send to his fellow-aufferers. Address J. H. BEEVES, 78 Nassau St, N.,T.:';:Tii.i:,L -:, n 1 -, A i - -: THIBTT TEAKS EXPEB1E3ICJB I- a thtc TBBATJtaaT or ; Clirouic and Sexual Diseases. 2 physio log icax tie WOP M ABBI AG E.: The chamst book ever published contain- I ina nearltihree hundred Pages, and one hun- dred and thirty fine plates and engravings of J the anatomv-or tne human organs in a state i of health and dlsase, witha treatise on early I tertain doubts of their physicals condition. of twentv-flve cents in stamps or postal cur-1 rency, by addressing DbLCBOIX,. m 3J f Miii.icn i.ona. ai rtun i iut.Hiii.iiiH mav i beconsulted nton any of the diseases 'Uton wuleh nis nook treat world. . .. ortnuaronnaiimus iS A- i.ii.i lively, spicy, .enter- l politics, ft Joy to the 1 sa as an - moaths, 3 w t ia months s ta uu? ---n - ' d; moneill, WL and Prop4.,i Wadesboro, N. 0. Z77 j AlzJJ In' Stare; tina ta nnivBr t: o.'j e ei lJ m;1 I Sugar Cured Haras,,.: t Drv Salted ' Meats. Pork; xi i i , . Vr. ccr c uf-TL3 -13? i 1 1 J3utter.,Oieese,X,arawl'otatoesj. ., . Apples t)nions,&c.,'fec., f Just receivea- ; - A NEW LOT FLO OB, and.M ACKEREL, " . InBbls,4tbls,andK:its. yl OXOJu At low rates. - f L,E JOHNSONr 4 dec7tf Worth Worth's new Imildmg r j r .vi The Harion Btaii established bVEk' V a4) 1 THE4M'CT'pdPlJLAB JOUBNAL IN THE EE-jDE SECTION, 0 Circulates among the wealthy planters arcing the w., c. aatb: BdyAlso,'haainunr iub ,0 ! 9.1 eeribera alojig thellnoj.the Wtt C B. BL b a riiR-4 'Vtffftfrf smsoial ia'nvoxiacDrTS to i printing and Publishing House : . ' --.; BochesteiiN, Y. r "rfAr'JI'i'.! ;. ' 11 11 1 1 "i. - -..i- i i i i iii i and edges, $5. The Music is by lrnW ipni Vi etc. Address J; L. PJCTEK, : jsiUlliuui isroaaway, xx. x. if. u.uoxw. i t clf?etl Ac best promoter nf the growth and bemdy. of ihe tot?' JCSj BVIIXT & CO., Boston. Jlnss Hold by nil druggists. Beware of imitations. 'srat aarrWihe f Kaas tlme,Bpeclal ibtectTto fiirnlsh Our MEBCHANTS & MECHANICSiOtBJchmond, i - - - - ' I tO the " 'i. i.--. .. -J.J-. i ! -'U.; '. . ' ...... . .. 1 - ' ."TllTELX.elreuJated,- Vi 4 I u vuovcuou. Ulan uv tuvv. I - - f i . i ; j. r"- ' .- - ... i i 65 FIRST. EBIZE MEDALS AWARDED toe cheat 9ontnern risno ' MANUFACTOEY, GRAND, SQUAB E AND UPRIGHT ' P l-A N 6 FO RT E S mv , . . . - i iuese Auairjimenxs.- nave Deen before th.J uuiiu uicjiii iuiFiy x ear .ana upon their Biueuenceaione auainea &naunryur chased ore- eminence, which pronounces them nneqnaled. I in iowh Tnrt w wi iu . TO ..'3u1.vf ..w-r All onr Square Pianos have onr New Im- FIVE TEARS. 'We are bvnAnin.l Itrninframanf.naMiJ po lurHisn fASLoa QaaAirs and Mklodbohb of bS. S"1?. maker,i Wholesale and J Beta.at lwet Factory Prices. ; J promptly furnished on application to 'V ' : I . 001 A-oa m SaTuTh '; ; . - ; ; 1L T V ' pAM A VX1A4C1 AAl ULO pi CorneiJSetsonddPrincess StS ? ? :UAJ!t::LV' A?" ff''"-' Wines, Liquors,: Ales andForfer, Lager Beet : Clg&rs and Tobaocoof aU kinds. " O T S I B R ft I N' S E A S O N . ) 'j. . , JOE TUENEtt . rwonld vrespeetfully inform his friends attd! the public generally that he haa thoroughly refitted his establishment in the rear of Jlr.Bnnge's Saloon, and la notf commodatehlsCttstOmersin'ali the Various branches of his, bnsineas. nfth . a h . tri n cr hair-cuttingl shampooing, Ac, Inthe.neateat manner and on as reasonable terms' as any shop in the eltv. - r - . r . opt.7-tf F IIME f C OMFEGTI ON S 1 1 ? -y 9, - -r-W M.STEVE2fS01!rS jTr0ntT3treet, v loafer In Crockery and Confections. it Ar' i vrf- s- a. FIAH0S! 0EGANS ! 435 JBBOOUi: STIIEET BEAR BROAJDWA T ST T. U-K C.ftTremaltte1&ron: MANUFACTUBEJSS AJO DEALERS IK PIANO FORTES. - AND AGENTS" FOB THE ' I T)nTrlAf T!iriWiKfrio4f k-n Avn -- v6u, - rnvTAivrva .1 .-5 Greatest iStlCCeSSroTtlie AgG ! I - r -r; sj . . . rflHB disagreeable reedy tone entirely over JL come in this instrument. The verdict is unanimous. We challenge the World to equal 1r I fYl-11 TfeAW OAoIa trln'm.B'lvAi4 4 AAfnwA PIANO FOBTE3 are now ready, at low prices jipatiety IO(Sfr v-L r ,iA-i!o"'ii. building trj) and fostering the financial pros ofljl&E perity .of North rbnna f ; tavg It.is by far the most perfect reed Instru '- Ji ,,r '"i U'A' - i -.. j men t we have ever seen. The CArMiem iwferof Oct. 2d. says 5 ' "We had no idea that n. reed, inst.rnwmnt. could be brought to such perfection. - - o Th press and publie everywhere who have naa an onrortunitv oi ustenine to its beanti. ful strains, not only give it their unqualified approval) dui unnesiutxmgiy concede that t OUT instru -1 ourpricesfor mtST-CUkSS PIANOS, ' . iro 'eu 10 iwemy-nve percent. less tnan any hoVfferlngtha s) in the United States. i . v - . ileet-upqn-the: maxim of quick Ta amwuvw fiestln the KlaWqfi EVERY INSTBVMEKT FULLY UAB ft-cL' i .? f ASTEED t-Ofi srSf TfiAES. Manv families have had a desire to obtain n. Piano, but could not afford to pay the dealers ID that would costmore to keep in repair than it AO TT VI VJU JAOAIA Ck JUUgw ciasa Vl UUI UlUBlU IUY ing ieopienaxi??2SW We -can. furnish .New Seven-Octave Pianif f 'ottes frenr275 to"950f 'Second-hand Pianos sw nP prm Mt us I TRTr!TC t.ist rtcvt rrv w,rTfns!a ' tjdtpw t iht aw'P pfv-wT nTvi ' i junertf tbkmainZ,' I Lzrrzr ." aH ana lvinter jiiiiincrj AND Ga'OD SI ASIJPisJSXlL 4 i have 'just : betunei? "iioir rnis Northrith One of ihe largest and 1 handsom est 8toek of Kllllhery Goods evex" Drought to f m v -, ?. T7HITE GQQDfl; i : " ! COHG CTO, H C GICnY. DRESS tXRTMMTMGSK ; 1 ? v't v - r -7 ' j . r L I And . JiUttOn$. tMeat ana imitation I and everything that is new in the mxlxan js- I I nnT14f K-rcfTftTI trft f ytrnir. 1m f-TT Wit aiul BiuiMl " ; USTSTIItANOE , .NOTICES. Wilinmgtdn Ilorth;1: Carolina a 1 T TTnrn 7f TnTT-n n Ttirm ; n . .1 John Wilder AtklBSOti,.......... .President. Joan DawsOT.:.iUv;i.,...,.;.VIce President, S. D. Wallace.. ... . Secretary Dr. E. A. Anderson...... ....Medical Director. fU SPECIAL FEATCRES I No restrictions pn travel or xesidence, new mode of monthly payments of premium,-no cxtra charSe uPn lives f females, Poll- CAPITA!.. SBUPLUS AND KESE Y FUNDS, GOLD, OVER $20,000,000 00, ASSTtt IX 17. S., OTSIt $3,000,000.00. Yr- VT ,, -., ' ,v , :, CMcago losses amount' to a little tinder 2,- 5 3C,t)C6(, Currency, and are now being paid in fuli.rj;sets'Jieid" In the United gtates, amounting to over $3,000,000 00, wi; not be used In payment of above losses. : ' This Company , pays its Losses in . Cash after presentation of proof, without --vv for interest and not as is Usual with 1116 &reat majority or Ninety days after proof, - Arrvm'w t great majority of - companies, sixty or ADVISORY BOARD, WILMINGTON l : J UJJUci li. S. JK i&lfiMUU, UHAIBXAK. 1, Esq. ! G. Wi WILLIAMS, Esq. , Esq,; 1 W.H. MoJBARY, :8q ; TIIOS. GHEBIE, 1 Jtt. JUUlUtAl, &;if 5j ;'GeDl Aeent, IVilmiBffton. ; A; '-.r-.3-v.:i-;; y.elT '"? :.-'; .! lirii j' P. F: Pescud.'l. ..i':..Akent,l ; J.: v7aleigh. Graham Nash, vvf up ' ..- ..Xharlotte ' Ai; W Steely .t da vFayetteville. wn'l, B.B Vanee,... oo Asheyllle. WHOUvef,....M.,. do .......... Newlern. J ?' -m do BatUeboroV 1 J "i ; ? uo .............Clinton hS? i.o-oid8boro. i ? ..?iaerjie8sHV , xiu ...;wmswn. 1 Henry AyiAnaontlti aa- .w..i..i.PlttDoro'. John 6. Bloant....... do Washington. .F A. Newoerry, do .......... Magnolia. Cooper A Williams,., do. ......... ....Oxiord. Alex, Nicol,.. 4,. u do. ..... ...Kinston. M W-eddelL... ....... do?... ..i.Tarboro. Rufaa-lC. apeed,.. ?:.do. .Elizabeth City. Llarine Insurance. , WE ABE PBEPABEP:,T6 ; XSSVE ; OPEN Policies, and Certificates to' cover shipments by Steamer '-and Sailing vessols to Northern ports AT XOWEST LIVING BATES in the UNDEBWBITEB'S AGENCY, of New York, 'ttii- Security IOOandln the' k I GBEAT WESTEBN ABINE INSTJB ANCE ; ... .. . , - - . , COMPANY, otNewYork. J ; j ; : 'Security, $3fiO0,CQO. - Tr1 j ; .:i.;"v1':a' r nohr 24-tr-: General Insurance Agents. Nora Hoie toence Coipy OF BAUSIGIf N. O. .-?.fi j j B. H. AITifi".... ..Vit Mi.ifPresJden; 'S . ri.'.f .. . . Secretary JNO. ATKINSON, WUmtQgton, Agent t - XHIS reliable State Company pays its losses fairly and promptly; It' ls managed' by; wall known business uien, - Its; capital tand earn lags are Invested in the State, and tend toward INSURANCE EOOLIS. The lollQwfng leading Companies are repre- ...... - - - ' ,m; , i V J'JB'lb lwau uaa w jsi u wju.jr Afl i , I - ,; ; t.-; . Of Liverpool and London. I ANDES FIBE INSUBANCE COMPANY,' . -Of ClncmnatLJ CONTINENTALTriBJBANCE CO't; V, . Of New York., TrrCuTw rwern? i vtc rn iwrori W jiThejOld, and. Favorite Marina Company, t THE MERCANTILE MUTUAL, it : -ti .r.u ,ha) i. . of New YorkV insuranue ai lair rates iu iuu uuuvu ujbl- ciaSs-CtfmpahifiSw' rzv ?a .S.V.-'j.. JOHN WILDER ATKINSON.. deo6-tf General Agent. Si.!jj'l'-'.. I i37l. I-? tinsency ortiis- earry ' decease,-has one t4Vjaaeeggeif mtiuiatccnnfoTtrtotrlmself;7 H. tumult) uuii ui juaiixuv auu viuucuva niuvu and regarded by his lamiiy ar a proof or pis wis.aiisnionaarneiB-o aiw aesire iBSXywiStrla yield at the end of ten, twenty or thirty year 'seveir rsrcest: combouad. interest! hesides jilngiiiiirauthroagu thastyears thati in case ne;uea theiniryamouoii.,Iwippiiey wouht arotxea ije"puyable to -the bencflclsry sader the same, ilt sdemstJwiifQodtotietrtt bnt it can ba-nroved ir vout 1U. take the oct i-u ; . - w . ii. jix,aA,naperTi3PT.f ; T Piedmont Arllrritdn IIFZ3(IlTSimACE C0IIFAinft T!dN0TJNCTSy ihe ' tfi JLv-rlastiranee Journal f Philadelphia. xoe a prod'gy ot saccesa, antLa.model -of econ mv. eantiOD and seenritT. invlLes reanectfnl omy, law witirmay nrsT--ciass"cgmpaayin the orantry.- ''-' ? '?". fir,.-.-.:---f . Its record, oast and nresest. is elorlous. ita "future hopeioli and;ib management - take xofcure nopciiu, utu.iM management iaKe pride In presenting a Company in a condition equal to any, superior vj many, ana surpassea by none. .', . y.cu'...i-t, e4...iftf , ; ?F J Persons desiring Insurance, wr . , .... .: ;., -r nm.r.M i . - on 1 J; Cz ::E.': CHUG01T, u WH0T.K3i.LB AND KBTAXL DXiXBSS IK . Staploj Fancy: Dry Goods, Notions,-Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. V riarlxct Ctrcet. Uoct23-tf .'. -t .-, y-- ' - -' . J0BK 8. LXK. .- E. B. WILLI AKS. B. T. W. LOriK. johk; s;:lee &J CO., i I DEALERS IN NAVAL STOBES, No. 47 Wortlj Watei-st., Pblladelpbla. Liberal Advances made, on Consignments of vj -ttT otores anu aoniaern irroaaexs. r Betet to Messrs, Harrlss & Howell, Wll- jjatogtonli(.q.Tl--.f,...1ii.(,4- y . nov 12-ly THpSJC. LET7II3,: . DEALER Dr' . StQrSf'r QroceHca4 Provf sions Fisli and Fisli Hoc. a. NO. 5; SOtTTH , WATEB ST., bct22-tf ; : WILmingtonn. c A.AMAjr." A-. w'V - 'v .H. TfllUM A OR I A n &;VOLL ERS "tTrnoEraAEE gbocebs, 'm aix Itsbranches;1:1 M!f 1 ' C0UNTBY MEBCHANTS will dp well by calling on us and examining onr Stock. IIOFFITT & CO.; G ETf EB AT. COTTmsSION Merchant . NOBTH WATEK STBEET. A'T7ilmingtonf JT. C.; Will give prompt personal attention to the gale or smpm pment of. Cotton. Naval Stores, General Produce, etci, etc. JUS lso to receiving aiiu iorwaraing erooas. I in or eroodfl Orders solicited and promptly filled. TTTTt IT! . : ". ::.'..') ..i ''I i 1 - C O p 3 TRY: B RO iU C E , And keep constantly on hand a 'folMlne ol urooeriees at lowest cash prices. Wilmlngtaa, Jannary 4, 1870. s ' tf S. NOBTHBOvF; m;Vi f W. H. NOKTHBOP . S. v-;:t 'WJ.-A- CvxxiNe. - COMMISSION MEBCHANTS And Proprietors : of the Wilis Injctoii Steam Saw SXills, lTlImlngton, Iff, C. .. CABGOES of YellOTf Pine Lnmbef 'for any market famished. . I ; 4W? Special attention eiven to the nrnhaB or sale of Corn and JPeanuts. . ' , axsx.' omrso, jb.: ; . f s. b. bi&dsst. ' Commission Merchants, wiu give, prompt and personal attention to the .sale, ox shipment :of . Cotton and Naval - 8tores. -- "i. w ; .: v.. -v,;.-?-.,- : ; : WrLiirKOToy; N. C Sept. Tthi 181-tf -' a'-. K: r f 'Mr liHH I ii i Ar Kfi IV COSXSXISSIODT IIEUC1XANTS. . V..-:r'-- 'ASDXAiai IN-': GBAlIS-i FlOtJC, JXATand '! Fresh Ground' Meal,' Fearl Ilomfny nd Grits, 9os. 9 nnd 10 No. Water , V; Btret , VlImipgton, jr. C. : Proprieowi o ;e;Mewhants'8 Flouring Mills. bouse Frusisniuu goods, 3fo.'l9 front Street, Wilmington, Iff. c. QunS ; Stoves, Lanterns,-; Pumps, Kerosene 3 OH, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware." f - BOOf-INQ DONE at SHORT NOTICE.- J.'"s!; ' .AqBJTX FOaFA 1KB AHK'fl 60AX9, 'decl3.tf v .:r,;i 1 ' " ' - 'r - 1 ' 1 ' 1. 1, . . : i' '1 1 WiMington & Seasi Railway ' CUANQE QP SCII EDULIS. fK AND AFTER THIS BATE, the follow ing schedule will be?un on this raUway : Commencing at 6 A. M.., at Wilmington Oar den,, corner-of Eankln and -Eleventh, street, and arrive at corner of Front and Bed Cross street at (t:22J A; M". Beturoing, leave corner of. Bed Cross and. Front street at 6:22V& and arrive at Wilmington Garden at 6:S, and will continnejto run at the. eam ratedaTlng the day, allowing 15 minutes between' each tnra outvt Under this arrangement a car will pass anv given point every, 15 mlnatesj eaoh way. - Theears willbe runreiznlarlvfromfi a. nr. V SUNDAY Rr-TtKnTtf.wV ' . ( Am aunaays tne ears will - be run from 9 A. M. until 11 A. M., and from 12 M. until 10 P. M. - Any comnlalnts as to netr)ect. ctLrpipaant or improper conduct on the part of any or tho employees of the railway should .be made to me either in person-or tbropgh thePostofflce. mHE UNBIVALLED-ABTISTS ABE STILL JL - offering the best inducements to onr nit 1. sens, and the public generally, for Jfchelr pat ronage at the Pureell House. Everything per taining to thsr profession Is kept constantly on hand, in order to eivebomnlete aatlafactlnn tn the most fastidious- XHtfLKJStOWN ad.'PGPULAB HO- TEE? wltf W'Tepefieof r'ifif.retlon of travelers an&daxfccaf&rsmthlsth" of Oc- bsgejropor promes. to. sus taht tlie enviable' reputation the House has oyea la the past, and leave nothingundone that can contribute to the pleasure an d; com" lortof hia guestsry vut -v u a Lwl .ics a ' ...... 1 .. . - - n . .. . . . - '-r: COBNEB OF Trp;A2;D CHESNUT 8T3., 3iiQtat&z.-r9 ...wilh aall putfit of t)A 0ewip r Ilachina Attsclitncats, Silk or the eccOEuaoCatloh cf r-rti: j rcsldlnsr in tii tiil v i: that part cftte city, i'' ''''".'.. t j4trBV?; T?? PI" .timiachines and Attae&neU ol .V4rfcifcd tCA. :trT7rLVAcnC V v 2.o. 9 South Front street. r Lv.i2J Priatiaand Puiishlnr I' -3, And General lck l,i-derr ecl4tf Dawson Banl; tuildln-s, lront. BUSI1JESS CAKDS.' Y