r' . , - - 1 MiiM 1MMitM MMLI MORNING fJZF CJJC ULATION OB THE MORN ' INO STAR IS LARGER THAN THAT -OF. ANY OTHER DAILY. NEWSPAPER PUR- LISHED IN NORTH CAROLINA. , ; BY TELEGRAPH. THE HOMING STAR. Sunday's TelKrami Condensed, n s. The cotton movement at Now, York for the .week, - a compared with the wees previous, shows a small wiling on in receipisirana ex ' norta. :-; Jv-;: The receipts at all; ports for the week were 130,9 IS against 15U.83U oaies last wees, r6,izo bales the previous weekend 104,740 bales three weeks since. The total receipts since Septem ber 1,1871, havejjeen 1,118,557 against 1,872,657 bales lor toe ; corresponding penoa w wo prevlens year-'-showing a decrease of 254,010 bal es. : -r t.-. jt ? :s 'a-'. - : -" -v-- y-- - The exports from all ports for theweek were 107,473 against 117,598 bales for the same ;week last year.- The total exports for the ex pired portion of the ; year :bave been 593,609 Hcalnst 755,168 bales for the same time last year The stock at: air interior towns - is 71,455. against 104S40;iast year. The stock in Liver- pool is 45000 against 885,000 last " year The stock at all: ports is 406.422 agalnst;463,256 for the same time last year.- - There is of American cotton afloat for Great Britain 147,000 against 810,000 bales last year. The amount of Indian cotton afloat for JSurope is283,04t againft 185,000 bales last year. t .s The weather in the South has been cold in many sections during the week, although few complaints sre made of rain. ; The bark. Ma j Stetson, from New York for Aspinwall, was abandoned at sea. John R. Durff, clerk In the Memphis postr, - office, drew 125,000 iu the Louisville Library - . ...... ....... v- ( I lottery. . . . A Washington telegram says the extension of the session ot.the Mexican, and United States commission does not permit the pre sentation of hew claims. ' ' ! , The Spanish and American commission has done nothing yet on account of the ; difficulty" of getting evidence, "owing to the' disturbed condition of Cuba. :A ! rJ.'TS-'iZ' I From Charleston we. learn that the i small: pox quarantine, established there soma weeks ago against vessels arriving from - New York and Philadelphia, has been discontinued, j ' In the Ku Klux trial on Saturday, the ateu ment in the case of P. H.'Mltehell,accused of conspiracy, -was opened by Mr. Chambcrlfin for the t prosecution. I Mr. Stanberry. replied for the defence, taking the ground that the ae tions or Violence proven were not connected with any organization. The argument will be" resumed (save the Columbia, 8. C, dispatch) Monday. v;.:.:: -t 1 SOON t KEPOBTS 'i--.j;iV-3;'"Froin ffwiTork'Sf:".f i-X ; ' Nkw York. Dec. ,18. -Nothing new In. the Tweed aflair.; It is pro i posed to arrest him from day to day upon new , allegations until some fifteen indictments are exhausted. ? : :-: Henry T.' Tuckerman, ' the veil 4 known scholar, iajfleabVN" 'T " " - - 4 ,; e Brooklyn Board of Aldermen held a meeting to check the smallpox. A Havana special to the Herald says that Castanon's grave was not desecrated. The glass covering of the niche ia not broken and everything bout the giave is in perfect order, nothing having been disturbed. - The lease of Samana . Bay has expired and the American flag-bauled down.' ; ? Foreign Kewa. vj"?.ua v, LojiDOK.Dec.' 18. The morning, bulletin from" Sandringham announces that the Prince of Wales slept well last night, and his condition is in all respects satisfactory. - Prayers were again offered in all the churches yesterday for his' complete res- ' i X r j i From IVasnlncton. -V ' . ;- MSCHXA.MOOT. . if . l l . Auburn papers say jlhat Seward Is low from paralysis. .:..... -,-r v,,- The latest Mexican ,'advfces represent that Juarez maintains a fearless attitude and speaks confidently of crushing Jberebellloji- t 'The Mexican Cabinet remains uochanged, and people complain that the opposition is directed more against the Cabinet than Jua rez. The revolution in the Western States is- extending,"and extraordinary po wers have been given Joarex arid the -Governors of the differ ent States. Bnslness is prostrate and all in dustries paralyzed. A United States protecto rate or annexation is boldly, discussed as the only solution of the troubles. No important enKajjemcnts are reported ln: the Central or Western States. s . r " - - The World special from the Cityof Mexico v of the 9tb, Bays the revolution iarprobf bly failure. Only two States hate risen arid there is np popular exitement. - s Diazia a fugitive and closely pursued, v The country is much disturbed by robbers. The Herald ' special of the 11th inst, by way -of Havana, announces that -the government ' has broken the neck of the rebellion. No par V tlcnlars. '"y: The Elections Committee has determined to ; pass over the contested case of Cessna against ; Myers until after the holidays. ?r H ; r The committee has also refused to extend time to Edwards, - of Arkansas, whose seat Is contested by Bowles. - - : r , v; , ? - , . In the Elections Committee only t Morton favors Blodgett, while the remainder are for : Norwood, as entitled to a' seat in that body from Georgia. 1 J ; COGKXSSZOSAL. o ' f Szhats. The Senate is discussing the re port of the Retrenchment Committee. The . disaffected jRepubllcrns claim that they ara not represented on the committee and the debate is acrimonious. ' - - - Houst The States were called for peti- viCJtX HIGHT BEPOKTS. : FJXOM 17ABXHNOTOI7. 1 - - 'WASHtiOToii,':Decl 18. 8xXATX.-The New York salt manafActarers ' protest against a reduction of the salt doty, to ine enure aay warconsnmea in.aiscuastng the Character of the Retrench ment Committee. Bayard insisted ' that there ' should be 1 two uemocrats on the committee and Sumoer de nounced the exclusion., of his wing . lrpmr the ' committee. .' , ; . TI 2- ..til . .... . AueofuxtQ iuii lD'Bessioo. ' r . , i. uoubb. jno diih oi general interest were " introduced under the weekly call. " J" f i ,,-? naiaeman introduced a reso lotion regretting the severity of the Thiers gqvernmentjtowards "r ' tbe-eommnnifttA - - - .'--'' . .5 Objection was made, wheuHaldeman moved suspension oi tbe rules; which the House re fused to do by a vote ol 95 to 88-not two thirds. ... . ' A 'e8olation sympathizing wlth. foreign, people strueglinje for self government vfa , ..Vi v TTi!'?!' WSEIXAWEOOSt ) i'y , f X" Paymaster General RrvfAhm y,aan ----- '-wmmv VWM W VAS vu. au I his own request.. Major Alvols1 acting pay J Z .i rThe. ComptrolW Wished for -bank state ments at the close of business or the 16thinsL its session immediately after New Tear p 'f-T 8ra,prera'Coart iath of Semms vs. the City Fire Insurance of Hartford holds tbJiiwbe?PrUe8 UtaUaUon by contract y within which an act is to be done and iu per- rrt".t-e?il,l,,D?Be is prevented by War and the time expires without Ua performance e court wUlBFot Interfere to makeT oew contract but will UaVe the controversy to be ?Vl bJT lQl statutes of limltatfon. i From KassaeSmsetta. i oyer ; i;roravSoutn.Caraliiuu-- ; i " ; Columbia; Dec. 18." " In the Xu'Klax trial to-day th encases of Hay and Mitchell was closed by an elaborate argn ment of Rfereidv Johnson. -who exopessed the nt.mn.it. horror at the outrages to which' wit:. cesses had testified, but contended 3 that the evidence bad not shown theseToutrages- w oe the result of any conspiracy, nor had It con nected the acensed with their commission. After thirty eight minotes consultation the jury returned a verdict of guilty on the second count or the indictment, dmucij, cuubw-w to injure Bill Williams for .having voted in 1870 " ' 1 L "y ' ' - Ttfe defence gave notice of , a motion for a n6 vr trici t ""; i ' ! " ' . In the House of Representatives to-day the report of C. O. Bowen's investigating commit tee. arraigning the Governor and other State officials for alleged .fraudulent overissue of State bonds; was hotly - discussed for lour hours,-: The Speaker ruled a two-thirds vote was required to adopt the report; as the sense of the House, because the adoption of its final recommendation would be the first step to wards impeachment.' , The decision was overruled .and the report adopted as the sense of the House. ' - At 6 o'clock, Bowen-introduced a resolution that1 R. K.r Scott, Governor of the State sof South Carolina, be impeached of hlgh crimes and misdemeanors. ,He also Introduced a res olution l Impeaching State .Treasurer Parker. The resblotions were laid over under the rules. There was a large attendance and great ex citement,. ft, St FronvJXarylAnd ,r s , . Annapous, Dec 18. - V v Pavmaster Brvce testified during the trlal of s i. Mra. Wharton that General Ketchum was a healthy tnanV temperate and notvln the habit 6f taking drn.48. - ; ; ' ' -f i From New Yorfc.V r ' ? - 1 1 -y- Nkw York, Dec. 18. J 'ThVinnrt Af the committee examinlne the affairs of the Ocean Bank shows a surplus f over half a million. , , CABLE DISPATCHES. "J, V.j.:". .V.- .LONDOS.vDec. 18.f Thft'OueW has left x Windsor for Osborn. wbere sae'proposes tepend the holidays. f Eugenie ha8L,saued irom uioraitar lor Lon don: 1"V & " . ; I c'An unknown vessel trun- down the French bark Costa Rica from Havre for Buenos Ayres. Seventeen lives were lost, the vessel 4 passing OA regard.le.ss .of the cries of the drowpkng. , . ' -i a offiidAl telesrram. from Sandrincbam says the Prlooe of Wales had passed a qulct night. f Blegg, the groom of the Prince, , oled or ty phoid to-day: ' ': ."':. ' " . Pabis, Dec. 18. The members of the RettQbllcan Left and the Union Republicans have had a meeting in op-I position, to seating tne.urteana rnnces. wim betta presided. . , r.:,:;s;''i -- v. r Count Selopis,' the Italian- member, was cho sen President of the arbitration body to-day, when an adjournment was had to June lSth.- i, -I.;. -i'LV :::::r::. Dublin, 'Dec.45. : Processions or assemblies in Londonderry are forbidden, No trouble is - apprehended from the Catholic inhabiunts but it is feved that the Bos of Derry may make offensive demonstrations. . : DoaissTiv aAB&xrrs. v-Vrv. . New York. Dec. 18 Noon. Financial. ' Money tight at 7 $ cent. Sterling Exchange lone.sight.109K; short 109J., Gold heavy at ;iOU109i. ' Govemmentsbonds. dull but steady. r Stocks Tery strong. ' .; ; ! Commercial. Flour dull and declining. Wheat dull and heavy. I Corn quiet and unchanged. Fork quiet mess $13 S5fl3 62. Lard dull. Cot ton dull Middling 19X cents; Orleans 20 cents; sales 1.2CQ bales. Spirits Turpentine firm at 678 cents. Rosin very Arm at $5 20 for Strained. Freights dull. i -v NjB,r Y0 Dec. 87-EvenIng.. financial. Menev 7 9 cent. and a fraction commission. Sterlimr Exchange firm at 10910y. Gold 109109K- Governments dull. Southerns clused dull and heavy at the following prices : Tennessee 6's old issue 64 ; new issue 65. Virginia 68 old61W; new issue 67. Lou- isiana 6's old 61; .new 60; .levee 6's 64; 8s 75. Alabama 's lUQi O's 05; Georgia 6's 77; 7'8 83. North Carolida'6'a 34; new Issue 12. South Carolina 67s 48i; new issue 33. , COrntfierctal. Cotton steady Uplands 19?, Orleans 20 cents; sales 2,047 bales. Floor dull and declin ing. , Whiskey cents. Wheat very dullWinter Red Weaiern f 1 55$1 60.L Ctorn la in fair export demand, and. a shade firmer old afloat 79(380 cents.- Rice . 851(29 cents. Pork firm at $13 62(3?13 80. Naval Stores are firm. Tallow dull at 9a9& cents.' - - Sales of cotton for future delivery 5,700 bales r-Dec? 19 3 1619 11 16, Jan. 19 7 1619, Feb. 19 1L 1619t JUarchlV 15 16, April 20 816: -; ; s-. -r-, , - vxyxsvAMi'uee. i. Cottori-Middlings HXmX euts? Net receipts 4.564 bales. Exports to Great Britain 4,167 bales;' to France 362; - to Barcelona 600; to Geneva 612; coastwise 998. Sales 500 bales. Stock on hand 70,255 bales. Buyers and sellers are apart. -., I'-.vr;-' -V- y i;XXXM fO' Charlbstost, Dec 18. 'k Cotton Middlings 19A cents. Net receipts 2,936 bales. . ExporU coastwise 1,538 bales. Sales 100 bales. Stock 31,791 bales . t-.g-T? vv ; jxwdoii. Dee 18 Noon. ; Consolsjfor money 929. United States bonds 5-20'sof 18Q292K. - j - v . F&AHxroRT, Dee. 18 Noon, United SUteS five-twenty securities of 1862, 97. E.i;;.-J.uiy ;;-jnriiL. , ' , Paris, Dec 19 Noon. 1 Paris Bourse Rentes 66f 55c , T ' V LrvxRPOoiM Dec 18 Noon, Cotton Uplands 10d; Orleans 10d. Mar ket opened quiet. - T - , . . ; T ' -LATER. - . . - - .Cotton sales 12,000 bales;' forxport and apeculation. 3,000 bales. J (.,-.. Tallow 45a. r -4 , ... 1 Cotton-TiplandslOapOrleahs WXdMar ket closed dnlL. ., ,.'1. uiivf- f .- s S I It I .iM-rjurjuf STAR t)FFICEletlf 13. V gnRITSTURPENTIE.-esoil50caik af M cento gallon foif nth'ehpaqkji EQ3LN. Sales 1 0 424 bblr t U S3 3fqP Stfalneu; for TLdw7tlfo.fan4 $T 75 t3 forrfw' Pale . -r. , . j ' CRUDE TUKPENTINE Salesof 770bbl, at tao Hrd,7t5 25or Tepow CIp and 000 ror virgin. y n , COTTQHr-Sale8 ?f :oaV?8 fPHT' I75 At 1815 atlSj, 10 atl8 andl2!PeleH AHKi VED. 1 -a, . . I Si Steamerr Wave. Skinner..; avettevllle. ..A .w-.j.4."i. .i lid; wnnams B Mnrcnison. - uor rSteamshipanita vioanejr-ewi,'?'or.k' jjarrv JO roe. . , .c Schr LUlv.ilnrhes. Nevr York. Harris n . . . .. 1. 1 J II Chadbouro & Co. with ;Willara Bros. . j'-riA 600 Ranlta ntnlt. in Vimri Bros. ; J v 5 , . - Schr Burdett Harf, Pierce, ew-yoak,"-W jliaoossMarchison'. iff fwyi j, Scfir Clani BankTb, Falconer. New ork -Wj UoweU with gtaap. . - SchrOEbOTB,vMoore,; Jacksonvlller JSd wards Hanr wHh59T)bls rosin, 240 bush elspeannts 15 bbls fish, 3 bales cotton. 8chr Martha Davis, Davis, Jacksonville, Ed wards & Hall with 151 bbls rosin, 20 do spts, 20 do fish. . .. . . ( SSt CLEARED. - V - v-Stmr Wave, Skinner,, Fayettevllle . Wil liams' & 'Murchison. v - . ; Schr Z Steelman, Price, New Yorki WiHard: Bros. v -" - . ;.;,:EXPonTS coastwise! VNlcW YoKK.-Sch'r. 2 Steelman. 2,607 bbls rosin," T ' rl CI ,t . Llt of Teasel Cleared tor ttiU Port, HAVRE. Rufus, Skarre, ' Cleared Nor 23 "v ; . SALEM : t . ..4, . . Schr C C pearse, Hodgden Cleared Deo 13 ' ; ' . ' LIVERPOOL. : t 1 Br Bri? Maud. Thomas. Cleared Oct. 21 Zippore, Govertson, : - f i -.Cleared Oct. 17 .--t Cleared Oct. 27 uto, urunuerson, bosTon.u: A ! Schr Sarah Peters, Hart, ' . ;r-::r;-V HALIFAX. 1 Brark Evangeline," Jacques, Cleared 'Nor 30 eld Dec 11 1 , , 1 CONSIGNEES . , PerAVilmington and Weld on Railroad; Dec 18. A Oldham, Vick & Mebane, 8 H Manning, W Railway Co-Operative Association, Binford, Crow & Co, J C Heyer, 'J Nesbltt, J S Top bam, diamond B, Dudley & Ellis, ; Aaron & Rhelnsuln, G W Price, D A Smith, J H Gar rell, W W KG, H Brunhild, DeRosset & Co, D Piggott, OA Newell, H Burkbimer, Worth & Worth. M Spertna, J C : Stevenson, Austin Curtis, JT Mclver, W IL Turlina;tooK Johnson ifttK Ed wards fc Jlalf.OTjler,3 D Perry, Chasten, Williams & Murchison, Bass, Seott & Co, Sprunt'dj HInson, Murray & Co, John R Smith, J B SOutherland, Hart fc Bailey, Jaa Anderson & Co, Murphy, H & Co, Frederick & Son," T. H Smith,1 J B Iuggins," Geo Myers, Moffitt & Co, J M Heodersoo, G Boney & Son, F.WKerchner; JR Garris, VV, C & UR Agt, W U Finlayson, Maj. ' Tate, L McClammy,' T C Ward, R Spicer, T Allen, R Marable, y;D. 8parkmanH Williams, Adrian 6 V611e'ri,vP Sampson, SW V Lane, Jj.J Pjcket. y f f The Qoldaborb'i 'Messenger says : few, weeks go chronicled the accident in which Mr Jegse ones, ot Greene county, Tbroke'a leg.', i Wo regrefc to learn that amputation ; hadtoi be re sorted to.;.;;t, -Mm- iij I'm w.' i : Tbe Washington Jjress h&i tb 1 follewing 1 . Om last Stur3ay; Mt. James'Moore, of Pitt, with his Vrife and a little child, were crossing the bridge over Tar river,, at Greenville. ., At a distance of aDOUtxwfinty iees rom we n?er,h ana where the banisters had been ,taken down by workmen then eogaged in repairing it. Mr.. Moore's horse took fright and. back ed with the baggy off the bridge down a dizzy fall ot about twenty-five tcet.- Mar velous to-tell, none ot the occupants ot the baggy. were injured, and none of the horses limbs were broken or sprained. MTSOFJ1 1 A NEOUg. J. F. Rueckert rjAs.t,ho Pest f Assortmeat of FliiST-CLASS PIANOS VES OFFEBED IN THE CITY AT HIS ; J I Wi REROO MS I NOS. 07 & 89 IfAEKR Stm Masokio HALL, WILMINGTON, A. C. "Bib Best Pianos di KamiBcliirei"- ARK THE FAMOUS WEBER- PIAHOS," They are used and., pronounce 4 superior to ' any and all others now made, by all iLe LEADING MUSICIANS AND CONSI&- - ' VATOIRS OP MUSIC. , The musical profession, -and all amateur performers, are cordially invited to call at the above Piano Ware rooms and test , the su periority ot the W EBERPIAN03. JUso, other First-Class Pianos ot all styles and prices to suit purchasers, constantly on hajad.i,No ex orbitant prices. " ' All Pianos Warranted for Fivo Tears. Pianos Tuned, Kepalred, Mored, &c A choice selection of Sheet Music on hand. r WrunnaTO,N. C. , J. F. EUECKEET, deol7-tf - . i - Have You Examinee! ; ; X ACE3, EMBBOIQEBIE3 - AlTD TRIM MINGS AT , ; STAPLE AND FANCY i ..1 DBT GOODS , - of all descriptions, -Hosiery Dress Goods, Blankets, i Cloaks. Shawls. Ribbons, Collar! and, a complete . assortment of everyUiiilg kept In our line. I CitSenj sad strangers desiring the lat eatrstyles at the lowest prices will do -well td examine our stock. ; v J. A H. SAMSON, v kt A3 Market 8tret. g M H ,. afiquerade Isall. ; A.1 PEUSpffS deeding to attend thf Mas- qaeradQ isau, tare giyej Jijrsaay 01 unTist ma3 weei uiider, the. (ausplcea sof Mr. James M. Brown, as SPJECT ATOBS ON JLY willf please leave their names on the LlstatHeins rrge'r I'liiH toptfrti tol e.T Names must be eDtered cn the list on or before Saturday, WcGiaferxi; &3 n? 611 .received after that date. -: . r - r.J , ja-tjfdtiCitETaBdriDXTTfiooR. -ea Ms M taiwiissjoar vSL"1 SiT t ; , Single Ticket.............:...,...............!! C GenUemariand Uady.iXl UiX...'..4. ...... 1 50 dec 17-2t Lubln's Lavender :Water, - Carriage Sponge,' ?Tnas3sX2Kxas, Perfume Sltbniiaersr Cod 5 ' Liver Oil, Castile Soap, WhiteandMot- i f r tied Sachet Powder, acAe., il JS1ISCELL ANEOUS. IVilmin&tonVColambla and An- OFFICE GENERAX TICKET AGENT, - - - WiiJcriroTOK. N. Ci Dee. 18, 1871i, 4 ....ImPficait Freight , Notice. w93 The .Wilmington, Columbia A Au- IfcS gusta . Railroad being completed to Columbia', a hew route la opened to Charlotte and all stations on Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. Also, to points on Green ville and Columbia Railroad, and to Augusta, Ga., and all points South and Southwest. v -Freights moved in' car-load quantities to Charlotte and Augusta without transfer." Rates anJ Classification Sheets furnished on application., - - '. vjt -j v. a. POtE, Gen. Freight Agent. ... J, C.'WINDER, Gen Superintendent. deol7-St " - , WILMINGTON fee .WELJDON " : , RAILROAD. 1 OFFICE GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT, Wx'ucnraTOX N, C ',' Decvl6, 1871. Iiaporlaut Freight Noiice. REVISED THSOUGII FrelgTit Tariff has been ; arranged ' petween v Wilmington and Stations upon the N. C. Division of the Rich- mend and Danville Railroad, and will be worked on and after December 18th. It is hoped that it will be acceptable to all Ship- Copies furnished on application. f ' - a: pope, '. deo 17-St - General Freight Agent. XVllininston fc Ueldon It. R. OFFICE OEX'I. TICKET AG EXT, v - s WixxrjroToy, N. C, Deo. 16, 1 871." VfK AND AFTER JANUARY 1st, 1872, Third Class Passenger. Fares will be discontinued and Third Class Passenger Cars will not be run upon the Wilmington and tVeldon R. R. ; .-v. ' A. POPE, General Ticket Agent. J. F. DEVINE, Gen. Sup't. dec 17-St Due Yesterday: KING WILLIAM OVERCOATS, BOY'S OVERCOATS, ; YOUTH'S OVERCOATS, BLACK DRESS FROCKS, ; BUSINESS SUITS, JIVNSON 'Jk CO., . .City Clothiers. deo 17-tt XXX FAHHY FLOUR For Christmas I.- 4 "Hi .ir 111 is H1 1 n . t .i!"r,H'..iiti! 1S1 ail Ml I i - IF "ALL HANDS AND THE COOK would be happy, buy a bairel or ba? of my .fbesu GROUND FLOUR, and vou will have a cake you can eat and a roll that the Cook will not be bsnamea or. - Wheat Grits and Pearl Hominy, the admira tion of ail; isoitea sieai rrera Jtauroaa uorn, MAs. to the bushel; Seed Oats, White Table reas, coin, mixea cow jreea, ac. ALL" GOODS SOLD DRATED FREE. ' " dec 17-tf ALEX. QJLD HAM, Proprietor. . Coal and Gash! E ACn COMMANDS THE OTHER, and ....... . - w wiU In future sell f X COAL TORJCASH ONLY. x patrons will please bear this' in mind. The prices are l'V 1 For One Ton, 0 OOJDelfTetedi Fop 1-2 Ton. "4 50 " , ' i ii;.'i.i i. , ; . 1 . r - , dec 17 10t WORTH WORTH. ,,:'-.:' ,.i'f 1 .a .S-:i.C ' f AA BBLS. C. M. PORK, - j 1 i! A PACKAGES BUTTER, all grades,! 1(30 -?MC r:i !.' "t.t. KTRA FAMILY FLOUR BOXES D. SIDES and SHOULDERS, Oflrt Bo:x:ES STARCH,' ;:w.iiW . 'ix ff rt BARRELS GOLDEN STRUP,1 ' 1 : ; Th? aboyg bei og, ppTcbpsigri nien t, fhJ T' r T I ij,i.i!iMi'-rj ... - 'ffe 'Si; ' 'Til can DO DOni?nt at 'Koniw mo Huoscncr. oertrvery 1 uiK aAX!;7A J'rpnirry AOW5f PargeaDytneFu V H , Kav iTfl'Ji .Rt wfliitt ifc.-tf'a ii. iijii--'.4- tt . . MiAuy, ...... 1 STEAMSHIP XilNES. BALTIIIOEE AND Vcckiy Otcamohip Uine, v,t , Composed of the First Class Steamships LUCIIiliB, r PRICED Commander, . - 1. ! ' - AND ' EEBECCA GL7BE; y DANIEL C. CHIEES Commander. -1 , 'v? ... s The( Steamship ECCIIXE .- -, s ; 1 II TILL LEAVE WORTH'S WHARF at the YV r foot of Mulbery street, far Ialtimore , For Freight engagements apply torrt , , deo 17-tf . " 'i A. D. CAZAUX. M1SOELLANEO IJS. the; nvna age Uas - no ' cqiiHl in nny euuntry." jfnua. jfress. . " It BtsnOs at tbe bead of nineteen tn cent nry itteraiinre.'r-CAtcafl'o JSv " The beat uerlodlca I n America." Rev. Theo, L. Cuyler. s Issued every Satarday, gives ufty-two N; numbers or sixty-tour pages each, or more - than Three Thousand Double Column , . - OctaTO Pasres . of reading-matter yearly ; and is the only rompiiuuvD iuai prvseuis, wnu a hhiu factory completeness as well as freshness the best Essays, Reviews, Criticisms, Serial and Short Stories.1 Poetry.5 Scientific; Bio graphical, Historical and political . Lntorma- tion, irom tne entire Doay or oreign fenoai- cai literature, ana zrom tne pens 01 tne i ABLEST LIVING WRITERS. v His therefore indispensable tor every one who wisnes to Keep pave witn tne events -or in tellectual progress of the time, or to cultivate in himself or his family general intelligence ana literary taste.' 4 s ' ;5 v 5 1 , Extracts from Notices. Were I, in view of all the competitors that are now in the field, to choose, 1 should cer tainly choose 'The Li vis g Aoi."-Rev.: Henry Wara jseecner. "In no other sinsrle publication can there be found so much of sterling literary excsllence.' jx. r. niventng Jfost. ...f - ,r, f- -rr .:v ; "The best of all our .eclectic publlcation8.,, The Nation, N.Y2--' 1 -''"M : '"' j . - "The ablest essays,1 the most entertaining stories, tne nneat poetry 1 tne Jtneiisn lan gnage, are here gathered together." Illinois exaic journal. For thinkinar people, the best of all the eclectic publications, and thf cheapest.... It is a monthly that comes every week." The Ad vance. VMcaao. M It gives to its readers more than three aou Die-column octavo pages a year, of the most valuable, instructive and entertaining reading of the day. 4 History, biography, fic tion, poetry, wit. science, politics, critlsm. art. what is not hereV It Is the only compiia- uuu buttw prestssnvis wtuu a eauBiaciory com pleteness, as well as freshness, the best litera ture or tne almost mnumerasie, ana generally inaccessible, European quarterlies, month ies and weeklies a literature embracing the pro- auctions or . tne aoiesc ana most cuiturea writers livinsr. It is. therefore. indispensable to every one who desires a thorough compen dium of all that is admirable and noteworthy in tne literary wona. proton xvsc Published weekly at S a year, free of postage. ; Address ' LITTELL Sb GAT, Boston; Ths Bxst Horn xkd Forhov Litkbatums at j CX.TTB Pmcas. "Possessed of Littkix's Lrvnio Aob and one or other of our vivacious American month ies, a subscriber will -find -himself in command 01 tne wnoie situation.' jrnuaaeir phia&v.BuUettn. For Ten Dollars, Th Livnro Agk, weeklyy" containing tne cream or iroreign ierioaioai Literature, and either one of the leading Mag azines or Home literature namea beiow, win do sent to one aaaress tor one year. vi Harper's Monthly 4or Weekly, or Bazar,) '1 ne Atianuo siontaiv, juppincou's sontniy, The Galaxy. Old and New. fccribner's Monthly. Tbe Overland Month ly, or Appleton's Journal Vweeitiy;; or, zorcsou, xhi iJTlia AOS ana oar xouko Fous. Address as above. dec8-Weow2t D9,16.23 ent lfj ,C V.N BElblEDlL': Principal 1 Offlee 101 W. Flfin Street X Cincinnati. The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the fX-: : : Vi'iix Country Tt L.D. SINE'S EIGHTEENTH URAKD ANNUAL , DISTB1BUTION, : tfOXDAT, JANUATXT 1st, 1S72. . , 0200,000 OOj ' IN VALUABLE GIFTS ! 1 1 TWO ; GRAND CAPITAL PRIZES I IO,oOo in American Uold j - - " : 1 . k : , 10,000 lnAmerer.VcilTerl Flv Prlaea of 81.000 ( W t 4 - 25 Greenbacks! Ten Prises of $500, (2.. . vua opau vi uausneu norses, -wit a Jfamily ' ' :M L- r.S WOXth $1,600 ! Five Horses and Buggies, with SilVer-Mount- rc tea juuune88, wortn f3C0.each! ; . FiveFineToned Rosewood Pianos, worth . -i each! 25 Family Sewing Machines, worth 1500 each'l 2300 Gold and Sllve Lever Huntra r Watches tin ail.) woxu from t to tjyj each- - .lXfdles Oold Leontine ar 3 Gents Gold Test . iXhains, Solid and Double-Plated Silver Table wju.Hspoons, traoiegrapa Albums, Jewelry, iTumber of Gifts. Sirci 1 ! ' '- -. v. , . . aavjkols Ajimitea to iw,uuu. .agents wanted to sell Ticets. tn whom t.in.' eral Premiuma will be paid. - ... 3 j. . ji rrinsle Tlct-ts, ; C3 1 Six Tickets," 10t Circulars containing a-fit nt. rfWAi description cf the manner or'drawmir. -arid other lniormation in reference to the Aistrir buticn. Will be Bent to &m nnlt rtrdArinar t.hm ' ft 1 I lattflM IWN ft. ftA M . . loDTCS, x 1. SINE. EOX88.- ' 10lAv;6th Stn -t - 4 Cincinnati, O.- noy 21DAWeodtDec 25 Tu Th Sat Eic6!lRico ! -JT- ., f ' . . xxjs.aiis ana uaisu1j - , - -For sale by - - - - ""v. . sept 12-tf t v , , ADRIAN A ROLLERS.' AVE TI2HS"AlXTj TitoiT n v.urr nttmbr. chants wishing ,to advertise In any paper Nprth Czj- inaoSc-thC .-crmaysava themselves' iuuuu unnecessary trouDieiD ' 1 mrma v 1 , 1 mu mm RAIL-RQAIjN Vil.;&voldongn Company. WILMINGTON, N, CnJDne9th t t 4 ..... . miVmuMiW I A ft' T Chans of Schedule PASSENGER TRAINS will 1-0 r Station at 6.-00 A. MTandilli P.Mf Unlon Arrire at Union Station at 8 40 J FREIGHT TRAINS loaf o at 102o,t,V , ON SUNDAYS the 5:45 P; M. and m train ONLT will be run.,,: A. M 8. L.yRKrnxT Chief Eng. and Gen. BnYr.. " A Wilmington, June 18.. 1871. ' . " . ' ; " '" ' .' ftl v ' GENERAL SUPTS OFFICE Wilmington, Columbia & An gusta , aA irK.. Company. g-y: e of Schedule. A JTB THIS DATE THE FOtToWivr, Schedule will;be rbySon7 V . DAT3F?SS TRAIN, (Daily., Arrive at Florence Arrive at Wilmington....... .....".; p' J HTE -EXCEPTED.) '' Leave Wilmingtonr...... .......... 7.1,, P , Arrive at Florence.;... i .'o? V S Arrive at Florence................. y S Arrive at Wilmingtoni..............; g J; J ; JNO. C. WINDEtt. angr2&tf WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE i.-'v.,;"' AND . : TI1S feOED' RAILROAD. f ate rr? t GEN'l SUPBnrTKD!rS OFFICE, ''" :, 7 WILkDXGTONN. C, June 10. 1871 SUMMER ARRATTOEMEIfT of TRAIXS ... ". Ts- ;?-" a' wiu - - Eastern Division. F PASSENGER and FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Wilmington at 70 A. M. and arrives at 830 P. M., daily (Sundays ezceptel). These Trains arrive at tbe Head 0 the Road at 4:00 p. ji. and leave at 60 A. M. ; v Western Division; Passenger and Freight Trains leave Char lotte on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 8:30 A. 21. ; . . ' Leave Cherry viile ait 130 P. If. , EXCURSION TICKETS from Wilmington to Cherryville, good for the season, at $18 BOUND TRIP. . ..' A. I a- -..: . ' -XX1':' liZ Ju S L. FREMONT, oct 20-tf " Chief Engineer and Gen'l Sup't. MISOELlLjANEOTJ8. N ; THE '"STAR" Steam Job; Printing House THREE STEAM-PRESSES ; competent woskuEx . .. ; THE BEST MATERIAL. REASONABLE PRICES ... TOE 1.7 flil SUPERIOR WORK ,4 U - Ttelv ;h;c';!Qiye''',Us;.a;iTrial. June 21-nactf - -- ; BEIIOVAL. WE HAVE REMOVED OUR WHOLESALE Liquor ' Establishment7 and ; Mannfactory of 'oi. 2J, firnnWA.tlov. . Formerly occupied DlA. Smith, as a Fur niture Store, where we will be pleased 10 re ceive a oaU fronvotir old friends and custo mers, a well as tbe pablio generally. iWe receive rfewji eonsignments of Fine lv quors everjar,.irhlch.we wq seU chetp. dec 7-lm f - HiBRUNHILD A BRO. PTAXBOrri; 0.t TiXSOTT.'.. J ' A. TAIBOTT rriAi.sd'rTsdss, j VI (Successors to Talbott ; ' stioCrioE iiAfJiiiwfi works, Cor,' Gary 4 Seventeenth Sts Richmond, Va . f ..,..4 1 Portable & Stationary Steam okd i Clrcnlav iSaW'tfna Clrfat Mfll,1 ..Qil.it 'JU-fti.'t!fi .Mil.'5t':lil ( -. - -' rixtnre!, ushVIrcai Uock, Draw aau CastmssriraleyUevwdescriptio Ac- ConfectioneriesFraits. CrackerB, qidertAppl-Nnts Oranges, . Imbi3t?4iidik.6dfi8lJ,! JMCk 1 1 r:rir.v J 1 . 11 . y a vv. v. www- Dawson Dank Ezlit,j,Fjront g 1 k.-:,;i -f .Sv:'SV,..'-v'v1...::::y..;';.'v'c--;: iww :-..it'v.-?:i ..i'N--.ir; , '.T, . I:'." :. ::-,';v.:-:- - ;y v. - : j.n.-. v.; in ti ji 3 4 1 1 .