5 - . v ..." or ADTCSTISZSOl ' 0neyLiaiSadvRCnce! ' "5 58 T-" ' ' ' ' -.. . - " v: ItT .",r , M Jrv moatnsi . udtfance.. ...... ....... a w t . i : : " , '- ; - lJ MilTIbUQI . I 5ne &iai starUI be deUverod in any WS at Fiftkbk Cbnts per week. J?ET pec. JO, mi, ,4, ilier- , Wind. -Weather eter." N Fretfc Cloirdy 3 I 1WU IVIVUV 44 -&W fresh rClear 85 N light -jClear nfHv. 89 desr. i? an ifne readings are reduced tTweland to 83 decree Fahrenheit. 0 tb KOBKBT 8 El BOTH, SergH aijrnal Service U, 8. A. Weather Beport,. ; ' War Department, 1 Office of OhiefnOfficer. Washington, Probabilities. ' vAWrn barometer and cipndy weather, with falli"L.;urtre- will probably prevail on S;st of Michigan andlabatoaib 1U ."mi in Dacotaii ana wyoining ierri ral? . X northwesterly wiuds, with falline torC'rture and clear weather continue from Lem?f, rn Virginia; to area of greateat cold F,Jd over PeoylvanJa and New England, SSinUuned northwesterly wmds Jo the SSuTs Etero State.. . aEIKgBEK0KR'3 Live Book Store, 89 Market gtTbe Walking Doll. Chas. T. Howard. Louisiana State Lot tery Company. , l. :., 4 .-J.- W. M. Wingate, President. Wake Forest College, N. C . Tabgst Shootiso At E. E. Taylor's, near Brunswick Ferry. jobs D. Luva.-Very Sicb, Elegant, Taste ful and Ustful Christmas Presents. y M B. usell. Special Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. W. Whitehead. Notice in Bankruptcy. J. C. SwMrao.. Wright's Ne Pius Ultra Mince Meats. Dudley & Elus. Boys' Boots Give the Baby a Christmas Present, &c. Cbonli & Morris. Great Auction Sale ot Diamouds, Watches, ifcc Saddle and Harness Horses at Auction. " " Mbs. Moclton America's. Greatest Shiger -At the Opera House. '"' J. A. Nbwbll. Christmas Presents Sew ing Machines. - Picture Framing, in all Its branches, ar tistically executed ut VAfcOasnaii's.' tf ... i r- To Adverti&ers. Our Irieuds will greatly oblige ns by handing in fceir advertisements as, early as possible especially advertisements fur our Sunday' issue. Last Suuday, we lost 'our "Southern mail on accouut of tire rush 6f advertisements Saturday night, nearly all of which might !;aveoeen handed in Saturday during the day. y - " i st - Something new Crystal Card Fortes. at VanOrsdell's the tf 1 For l he Ladles. ' ti copy the following from an exchange that gives special attention to the fashions. Ladies who have just returned from abroad report ttiat large pauniers have cone entirely out of fashion, and o.VcrkirtsJUe made short ifiidplaiu. Tliey also report that the latest style oidreesins; the hair, is In a simDle coil at :Iie bick, and the trout hair . smoothed above me torebead and put back plainly behind the g- Fine Gilt Mouldings for Picture Frames tf A . V . w .-nana. . ' m Potato FafiT. Take cold roast meat beef or mutton, Veal aad bam together ctea'n from igtlstle, cut mall, and season with pepper and salt, and cut pickles, if liked. Boil and ma6h some f potatoes, make into a paste With an egg, and roll out, dredging with flour.' Cut round with uaucer; put some of t he seasoned meat upon one half, and fold the other over like a puffj I pmcQ or nick neatly round, and frv a li.ht I brown. This ira: good. met hod of warming up lieat which has 4kea cooked. ' " 1 i -imitation Bose wood 'Mouldings? ery pretty for Picture Frames, at tf VabObsdbxl's.. Held to Answer. W. (J. Robiatou alias y C. Hardy, charged ( with the robbery alluded to in ourlastas hav s; occurre d at a reStaQralQtbn North Water street a few iiightrsince, w M9 was suise qnently arrested at bisiliOBSo In Brunswick wuuty, was arraigned', before Justice E. S. Woodford, yesterday morning, who required 1 the defendant to give security In ibe'sdm of .W fur his appearance at the next term of the Superior Cour, in defanrt It which he was mmitted to J41. :t -Oval Walnut and ttllt Frames, all sorts & th meeting of the Board ol County Com mssionera, held Tuesday ght. the following Kood aud lawful cittzeus" $ were drawn! as' 01 New Hanover county, to be" beMlo nary next: - w ; Heefc.-L M. Alderman, W. H. Tay lor. J. T U7..1I. . I. . l.V- unner, J. p. Newton. T. Brown? Henry 1 GilherV C WTt JttoltelJr J iniTiHfQ. m . - - - v ti j" -orbtt G- Montgomery, , CQna Wi.Alonao Lovd. Dan'f Klfelri. I , Madden, Iaac Corbett.Coonclfsimm6ns. i w Lark in. V. - . - -- i " 1 JnU. . . 'MO.A- .1 nW u I I M h n MR 1. n 1 n . . .k. . I uu j&urnhv. T. v nj t-....1: ' B4 "a i . Bender, Aione J AVf UrkL bert BaM ' J AFlynh- W.f W. Ben, J08. Ulllagton, Jos. Green, ji W. j Kby -Joba Corbett, ,F. L. Robin onj Jt son ' on oeorge, U.' Robin- H4 DaiM QMxfy Tboa; H. p ' -a i - a3 Cbirlstopber Foster' G. rridgen, M. T, Woodcock. Y inslow i SW ure- " v , , 1 4 - U " Baroia Tinie' f eter. . do It 5:-w:- . . M YAJtOsaDixx's. Pq warns MmsaI Huts. RU.wW"4ih I nights shorter, v " - j Speiar meeting of Cbacaber of Commerce to day, at lift o'clock.- " 1, LMl,wln, Concert Troupe will visit tbisi9ity,bii the 1st 6f January More trereafter.-7 . We Jea.ro that there is a large quantity of otton at the hwdjbifiba. VV.,-C.& R. A. R.? awaltlnir shlpmentT The Richmond Whig, 1h alludicig to the TaroHtta Farm?rt says : "Its contents "are ' arled and nncommonly interesting." 'There were only two trifling cases before i he City Court yesterday morning and they contributed nothing to the city treasury. How many employers are going . to make their faithful 6ervitors Christmas gifts as' evi dences tof an appreciation of their devoted labors'! - " s . -fi' 1 x " .Messrs. Cronly & Morris will sell a fine lot of saddle an t harness horses at auction ot) Friday, the 23d, at 10 o'clock, at Exchange iCorner. . . I There stre unmailable letters remaining in the city postbcetolflliss' C. T. Faison, War 4w, N. C., aDd:8inc(a1rB'ratherar&'''Oo7.'$al timore. : I We learn that Mis's Amy M.BfadJey, Superintendent of the Uulo:i School, designs having a Christmas Tree for the benefit of her smaller pupils. " A subscriber at Keswick Dapot, Va , writes : The Carolina Farmer is really a valuable journal, and 1 hope it will receive the patronage ;;lt deserves.' Clarendon Lodge No. 2, K. ol P., initia- ted members last niht, and Germanic Lodge No, .4 has in hand uew propositions. The Or der prospereth muchly. I We understand that the gas was not lit South of Nun street Tuesday night. "For ways that are dark and tricks that are vain," these lamplighters are sometimes 41 very peculiar." 9 -I Twicolored women, named respectfully lester Peterson and Nancey Mark, wre ar rested yesterday for stealing shawls from, the store of Messrs. H. & B. Emanuel, on 'Market street. j Christmas Is almost here, and in our columns you will find a full list of what can be bought, wuere to go for it, and cheap prices. , Study the advertisements and save your money. We are gl d t o be able to state that the condition of "Capt. Samuel Uowland, who was so badly Injured at Laurluburg on -Tuesday porniog last, is now considered greatly im proved, and that hopes are entertained of bis speedy recovery. Sergeant Say both, in charge of the Signal Office at this port, has been notified by the Department at Washington that, from and after tlie 20th inst., cautionary signals (flags and lights) will not be o dereJ at ports upon the Lakes by the Chief Signal Officer until the opening of navigation In the Spring of 1872. A beautiful assortment of Albums just received at ' Vamubadkll's. tf ; Oar Cblp Basket. jTo protect the cheat Pat a lock on it. The voice ot mature The mountain's .peak. A plain white dress 13 the hardest test of female beauty. Feeble minded New York ladies now col- . or their nails vermilion. i The surest way to lose your health is to keep drinkitrgotherpedDle's. d TMrt ariiirhtv seven ftimale editors and reviewer in Paris. j An afflicted Illinois father advertises for his runaway daujjhier, promising her loveT $2 50 If he will Send her home again. j " Ma, -.get down on your bands and knees a; minute, please." What on earth shall 1 do that for, pefe?" " Cause I want to draw an eleDhant. The Queen of Holland lately did Vesuvius the honor of visiting it in a sedan chair. It offered her " summit hot," but she declined its proflered 4 drop of the crater,'. having iironght her own supply of po ter. ' jT 'a nice young man, whose fi ne , manners' and clothes had created a decidedly favorable impression onthe'Warrlageable women of an Iowa town, was shamefully neglected when it became known that be'nad received a dispatch to " coraehome immediately as the baby wes very sick." m, Accident on the WcldonKoad. j We have vrry few additional particulars of the disaster on the Weidon road Tuesday moruing.- The two engines were the "R. R. Biidgers" and the V William A. Wright," the former going North and the latter South. Wm. R. PblllipSTngineer of the "Bridgers," jumped off and escaped; unhart. W. S. Tay- Ibrj engineer of the Wright,' was -somewhat jcald ;4 and bruised, but not seriously. .'. Frac k Henderson, fi reman of the Bridgers,' f.he imputation, of whoso leg we noticed in yester days t tab, has since died of his Injuries. He was a colored man and is said to - have been about 35 years of age. He was Well known in this city, where he passed a part of his time, ut'Bia family resided in GoldBpuro. He run On tbe road for a long lime with the late Col lt''n.iu-.Jk:At.A,1ik kiiii 'At' Jnm.,. the same roadand from the same engine, a yearor sofgot - iAajiwiMumjuiBuwgi W.'ls a resident oi this city.- iWUmJnatM JEalldinic ABAOclxtisn. T At tbe regular Inonihly mee-ting o the Wil ! ' t..si JS ,.l.tlnn k.M .ttlliA 111 UVU1U . .n UIUIUK ABBU!... k.Vlfk MW.M WW ComsrcIaI Excban e last evening, ;iuriy-uve Shares were redeemed at an average of $109 m, m m w su. vo mm . "l. m j'lotai number of siares redeemed, w. rrlntina: nna nk fmper. . --We can furnish prauing paper in ' small quantities,, say from two to tea reams, at xeaaonable prices for all strict n tsbloxOers. i We have on band the following- sixes of sw, I 'i? 22x31Sll anavx38; -Also, floe Book -Paper 21x38 and 2iua; aid a good aasortmeirt tf Shipping arilcleaqfor sale at the office of the ' M6jwWwBir'JVIwa-s -l?r,tf lmDoitanftSAl. v A Attcn6iTicaiied t61thrisVeat " auctlOolale hafat.Hvtas, - .wAMtd;!; 'filambad8, gold and -silver : watchcei gold halnn&c: anew assortment of ; : whtcb will W offered r by Messrs.1 Cro nly A Morris; at their Salesrooms onNorth "Water 'street, on Friday, tfie-iitO'oVlocV , AC.1?, P Mm same dayjHhere w ill be a sale of splendid oil paintings. Persons in want f such articles should .call and examine them previous Jo the sale. - .-. Oraud Lodge K..af P. . On account of the hon arrival of . Represen tatives from Centre Lodge No.-3, K. of P., at Raleigh, the formation of the Grand Lodge of. Knights of Pythias has been indefinitely: post poned. ' ' 'r-.". :r -l" : Since wrlt'ng the above, we leard a dispatch has been received stating that the delegates from Raleigh started last "evening for this city. The Grand Lodge will therefore be instituted this (Thursday) evening. . , ; ' .v ; Aencultaral Convention. ' ' ' Wo hope, that our friends in this section will Bot forget the State Agricultural Cqnven? tion to be held in Raleigh on the lUh of Jan nary; 1872. ' It, is of the ntmosU importance that ourfarming and planting.interests should be represented, and we 1 hope that steps will be taken at an early day to appoint dele gates to the Convention. In this connection, we learn irom the Raleigh Sentinel that it is the purpose of the Fresideut of thj State Agricultural Society, aided by the Executive Committee, to endeavor to get oar railroad companies to greatly reduce their rates for the occasion. . - - ; Death ora tH-eminent Cllisen. It is with ho ordtuary feelings of sadness and regret tnat we announce this morning the death of Col. Thomas Davis Meares, who de parted this life, at his residence, in this city, yesterday afternoon, about 6 o'clock, in the 54 tb year of his age. No man in this section of the Slate, perhaps, was better known than Col. Meares. Through a long life, a lare portion of which was passed in the service of his county jud immediate section, be endeared himself to bis. fellow-citizens of every shade and party by hi- geaial disposition and un swerving Integrity. He represented Bruns wick county in the Conveution of 1S61 and signed the ordinance of sece sion, . besides which he several times filled a position In the councils of bis State. Previous to the war he was considered one of the leading lawyers at the Wilmington bar and was also one of the most energetic and successful rice planters of the Cape Fear section. In the latter business he took the moot dtli&bt, and It was on the plantation, in the midst of his implements of husbandry, and sui rounded by Lis well fed and content d laborers, who were always hap py to do his bidding, that be felt the most at home; and it was here, too, that his mauy friends often met and enjoyed his genial hos pitality, which wa$ always so freely and liberally dispensed. . But be has gone from anions ns, and the places that have kuown him shall know him no more forever. We tender our profoundet sympathy to his afflicted family aud friends in their sad bereavement. A Da r ins- Bonnet y. - . Tbeeoolest case of robbery that we have heard or read of in some time occurred on our streets yesterday, in open daylight. The victim was a white man by the name of J. P. Weaver, who bails from Harnett couuty, about half way between Fayetteville and Raleigh, and who states that he is on an inspecting tour with the object of buying turpentine lands. He had been in a store on Market street, between grout and Water, and having transacted his business came out with a con siderable sum of money iu his bands, includ ing in tbe amount a $10 bi.l. H? laid his mou ey ona goods box for thepurpbseof straighi- euiug it. As be did so a colored individual approached him add, stooping down, picked up a small padlock (which he no doubt dropped .himself) ahdasaed MrWeaVer if it was bisT'Mr. W; Informed him'that ft was not, whereupon the darkey commenced examlniug it and remrfked that It worked with a Spring. Upo j Mr. W.' replying that he kuew uotbiug, about It, the man asked him if he didn't want to buy a good gun. Mr. W. answered tbat he did not. At this moment another colored man came up and the one with the lock proposed bet of $10 tbat be (the new comer) v could n't open it ; up n bis refusing the wager he made the same proposition to Mr.. Weaver, and upon his declining, tbe uegro with tbe lock seised the $10 bill belougiugto Mr. W. aud made ofl with it. Mr. V. was so mueh surprised at tbe coolness of t e transaction that he made! no effort to stop him, but finally sung out to him to return bis money, when the thief replied by inviting him with an oath to v sit a warmer latitude, and then disappeared around a cin er. At last accounts the sharper " had not been arrested. , . . . . ! - u - - -:- - . - 4 - 'i. )' SPIRITS OP TUKPN TINE. 'Secretary of State, Merininger, has gone to New York lor medical treat ment. The colored people ot Raleigh are making preparations to celebrate the 1st of January, ,i: , . ! The Raleigh : Carolinian j pt yesterday says : We learn that just as the train; left (rdsroiytsterdjiy" evening Bordeia's cotum iowas on fife. The tire was' soon pat but. ; - ' Some incousider able amount of cotton was burnt. . ; yihe Raleigh ' Sentinel says ; CaDt. Liiron Hut.fftMjd, ol GrauyiUecuua ty, seven wiles aoutu. l Oxford, i inform- ed that Ins wile, Mrs. tioug.oa, ana eldest son. Joseph, were both seriously mjure-l by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. She was refilling the lamp at the time ot the exoloslon. . Anyptrsun reading this, will caufer-a -favors upon tno family--' by inform inff Mrl HobirtHd of tb. s accident. Mr. H. is in the eastei n part ol this ritate, bat ol his iXact whereabouts1 his triends are iiri.ori.ntL ' The accident , occurred last Thursday night at sii home, v it imAzx HDorvrell,tormerly-of the RaleisifrtesfttL is tojBtart s new bawr in Washington, to be called the TYtwadnl Tue Vdnicm infbTtiied that two Brien virf Alamance named 'Btockv artl and Faucett' have confessed lW the tnuroer ot the negro Oatlaw.' who was J,Ka Kluxed" in tbat couuty some time ago. ' ' . .. 4.. - Y PrMPLKD, Blotohbd ajtd Ulcbbated Vic Ttjfsof Bcrofuloui ulsases who urag your un clean net-ttons into the company of better men, tak AYKK'd &ARSAPA KILLa, and purge out the foal corruption from your blood. Be tuore your health, und you will not only enjoy lire , better, but make your company more tolerable to th jse w ho m ust keep ft.. It fboplx who sctm frotu the dull tu piiiity t,hai mt-etti us ..everywhere in snrintr, ami too oftn in all seasons of the year, knew how qmclc it could be cured by taking avkb s Sabsapabilla to purge th bi e from 1 heir pysteiuM, we slioula have better neighbors a well as clearer heads to den with. ' : MAJtUIED. T " DRAT OWENS la this city, Dec. 19th, 18 1, by Milder J, O. Uiden, Mr. James J.Ditt aim Miss Uary Owens. " AU VEKTISEMjLNTB. ELEGANT, TASTEFUL AND USIFUL '' ARE . The Christmas Presents . : ' . . at JNO. D. LOYE'S BOOK STORE. , dec21-4t BOYS' BOOTHS ! BOYS' BOOTS! v BOYS' BOOTS! FOR MISSES. DUDLEY & ELLIS, Sign of the Big Brot. dec 19-St Scotch! SCOTCH SOLE GAITE Tbe most easy, and durable to be una. at DUDLEY & ELLIS, Sign of the Big Boot. dec!9ii Give the Baby a Christmas Present. CUNNING LITTLE BLUE, PINK OR WHITE KID SHOES, FROM DUDLEY & ELLIS', dec 21-lf Sig of the Big Boot. Wriglu'a fte Plus Ultra HISCED HEAT The Beat In Market I S0O lbs. White Sugar cured Hams, Tongues and Dried Beef. The superior quality of these meats have gained for them, a wide repntation. dec2l-tf JAS. C. STEVENSON. Wake Porest College, N. C. TH". SPRING TERM OF THIS INSTlTfT- X. ' lien commences tn tbe first d iy of, Feb ruary, and ends on the fourth 'xhursday in June. - Tuitimi, per Term of five mouths, $ '0 ooara . " aino ww . , vv riie ior a iiaraiogue to W. M. WiN GATE. President, ' dej 21-D& W t ent ' Forestville, N. C. Target Shooting, s fTIHERE WILL BE A TARGr T S1 OTIN'G JL tor Turkeys at . R Tayloi'.-, near Brun w ki Kerry, on ennstmaa aayn jair n not, the next talr day. . Dinner and Refreshments furnished those who wUb it. ,fIdec2l.2t in the Blatter of 8. T. H a wley -A, aovt. VTUT1CK Is hereby given tbat there Will be 1 a general meeting, of the cretUtorA of ala ism Erupts on tne nn aav or Jaituary, 16 2. UtTl o'clock A. M , 'at the offioi of W. A. Guthrie, keKlsierin Rankrupte, in Irayette ville, C, according to the rovisions rf, tne 2.th and 28ih sections ot the iUauki upt Act ot . W. WHITEHE AD. Assignee. Fa tettxvi . lb N. 0 , Ltc. j9, i67I.-2l , OROISJ.Y & MORKlb, Auct'rs. Good News for the Ladies A Special. Sale tor the Hoi idays iu :.bmall Jjots at Lippett s Hall. jTVN Friday mbrniBe, Deo. 22d. at lOVtf Al M. J Goods opened for inapection before the tale 1 he fct ck bonsist-i ol i ench aud ' En. nan uress uooajusi ianaeu,.MiBs, ropiins, scotch 1 PI tids, Empress ; Cloths, Bl ck and colored lustres, t'renuhsMerinof, nlaek Bran (jlotha, (Jloiks, .tfaaqufiirom Pa'la. iait styli.8, bcotcn faisieys, "rfpocni-, liiatx nto ;i, Oiioui ijr-btripes, Plaid "Woolien. Xung and bona re snawla. ur betts, Moik, ; Victoiiai Er nilue, Cc'l are an.i iioas for ladies, misseo and euiidren, and a lar&e astwrtment or other goous.-'v --';? . neexi'Z MRSr MO ULTON, t AMERICA'S GRE TEST 8INGER, AT. tbe opeia House in uou Urana JU.oui.on concert, : ' MONDAY. JANUARY 1, 1872, assisied iy Mk Brboklionie Bowler, Tenor; big, reiraiiti, world renowned Bamone Bono, SDJ OX. vas. jo. vivu.il, wit vuiuMwii fiiuiiai Mr. ino. W . coloy, Musical 1irecior. Ghaniber of: Commerce. SPECIAL & EKT1NQ of Ihauiber of Com uueice wiU be held ut cooiuierctal jEx iliAOge 10-aay vee. z.s ) at i wcioea jl m. yfefj'r, .s-t ".hiy jos.b.russeLi:. dee2l-H '!-.Vr.' rfeecrttary. Hotice. It XT AVB atynointed'Mr. John B.- Tarrentine JL to aid uw n collecuog ail due me toy note auu account. ' He or l wUi be at tu, otttce, iu m. HtruAr ury uotKis More, every day auring busiueu.at. .;iaopeall tuooe in dcOi. lome Ui piompUyjjay, j ixcquueoiw ioney, octaeUl TB Sat Tu J0 1SEW ADVERTISEMENTS Incorporated A ti gust 17, 1808. n - miH OUB NCHBEB tOTTEBT. SPLENDID SCHEME ONLY20.0W NUMBERS capital ppizx:.. ....... $50,000 CLASS A.- TO BE DRAWN AT NEW ORLEANS ON ' 8ATDBDAT, January 13th, IS? 3. HOWARD, SIMMONS & CO., Coittkactobs SCHEME: 20.000 intkiiW 1 prize Of 50,000 IS............... ..50,000 i yviu of jjo.ooo is. ao,ouu 1 prize ot 2Q,QU0?4b.. -6,000 1 prize of ' 1 piize of 1 prize of 1 pr-ze of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of I prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 onze ol lo,uuo is. iu,uw a.ooo la. 9,000 is.... 8,000 8,000 7)00 6,0-0 6.UO0 4,0 10 B.OuO 2.000 IB. 7,000 la. 6,000 is 6,00o is 4,000 is..... ..: 8,oou is 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1 prize of 0,000 i piize or i.uou l p'izeof ' 1,000 1 prize of l,00u 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of l,ooo 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of -1,000 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of . 1 prize of 1 prize of l prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of l,ooo J-are .5,000 1,WU 1,000 1,000 1,000 I S ,A 1,00X1 1,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 J 60 prizes of DUO are.............. 25.000 117 prizes of 200 are 63,400 so Approximation prizes..... 12,60H 140 prizes, amounting to... 9 280,406 Whole Tickets, 20; shares in proportion. Prizes payable without deduction. Orders to te addressed to CH AS. T. HOWARD, -. Lock Box 692, Post-Office, New Orleans. : 3T Send Post-Office Money Older, or Regis ter your Letter. dec 2l-lJanl - 51. CRONLY. Auctionocr. By CRO.VLY & MORRIS. GREAT AUCTION SAIE OF . . 1 Diamonds. Gold A Stiver TVatebee, SOLID GOLD JlillAlNS, BROS ZES, , - - table" and "pocket 1 " cutlYery, ) . Commencing witiia nev aeportment Fiiday, 2i l instanr, at 0 o'clock 'A. M. ;- r ---! ' v x-'zr? L Sale of Oil Paintings, Friday, 22 J inst , at 8 P.M PERSONS who tiave purchased durinsr .the wek w 11 piease call and settle their utlls and recoive t..eu goods. r .3. P No sale to-day, as we desire-to deliver what has been sold and not called :or. f.r:. dec2t-t. ,, . . I M. CRONLY, "Auctioneer By Cronly & Morris. SADDLE &' HARNESS HORSES At Auction j Peremp:.cry Sale! rv?T(;i; RIDAY, 321 inst., at ,10 o'clock Aj M , Vf we win sell at txcuange vomer, wun out reserve, . . " ..i, ? . ::' ' . 32 Saddle and Harness" Horses, 1 , 4. - -. . - . . selected'wiih 'great care especially for jthls market. I dec 21-2t ; t i i Christmias: PresentB V t 1; xlL(RE sometimes quite dllHcuit to select and man do lays are very focljshly invested in nonsense, but a nToe'and acceptable' pr cseW to an industrious housewife would be a SEW .';. ' I j, 1NG MACHINE alieOmpleteVrjeady for doing op sewing in the best style, wh'lclr can od 6b- ; " ; ; ' t ;'-. . i , f : A i iained at 9 South Fi pat street, or corner Third and Chesnut streets.- - ' G. A. NEWELL, Agent. , i. ....... ..i- i -. - - ; ' No. 9 South Front street. iri dec2t-tf THE W ALK I NG DOL t : " ', lias arrived and will be on exhibition At the Live Book Store, TTTH e RE will also be -found .the greatest fir variety of articles autta lor , , i;'y CHRIS TMtS (O IP T S i to r latlves. friends and others. The asort ment consist ot Six-rtlded Puzzles.Toy Kook. 11 -ntiai ted BHka auci coaipu-M-1 tonu's tor iBu oa me. Wriiinir-Deka. Writtna Paper Hoxt-a, Work Boxer, Portfolio, and a jcreat many nthr tnsty and elegant nrt.clea that are only 10 ue been u we aunurca , i . , . - For ale at -,-! : :r ' y . ; y HElNSBERGER'S -dec2l-tf... - rj- s-.VLive Book Stored BMeldtf Eye "v7aoh. n c; jiAinrFAOTtJftx s-i" Mao. SUE W. CSHVELL, WUmington, N. C. N B of tb" most effective-remedies for IS I. AM K 1 , aOR k AND WJtAK ET, ever onereo to Uie puiHte ror bale by all ltruarutts tatoe'city.;.PrJce.Wfrof A an, 2ai door ft out corner, onisi 25 cents per bottler -j - J I id Klng eoutn. Terms moderate, by tiKnKM st r La NNEB, Wbolesaln Ageats; ' tf or moottu 'dUxess uox, 24 City x. Oy deeli-naclaw Tb 47 Market street. dec 7-lm . ii, MiUoar U73,...i..... ............ a ca it-j .j pne weeicr ...... ......... .w 43r ffttfraci Adverlisein ents taken at pro portlon&iely low rates, '. ,v UarriagW Death, BelVriona," Funeral and Obituary Notices will lbe Inserted at "half rtitea wnen paiaror in aoTWejuwawuwiiuM wiUJOeaargea. -- -a , :rrhV:i -' . Txxaos Ca&h ca acsisaa. . .UJI. Jf.t'i.. A if ol her IiiTOloi watt drve'y'onr boy a (hrietn- as Present. , "; ' DUDLEY A ELH3,' dee iwt ' :o ' sign of tho Big Boot, Jill To Planters. Ofl A AAn BUSHELS OF OYSTER UUUtUUU SHELL LIME, . FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES,' . , For sale by t " " ; v ; ".V ...BO WEN & MERCER, - Lime TrnfnTS, R So. Gav it., Baltimore. ,nov xi-DAWjttaalm.Tufri i , Nice Fresh Buckwheat AND GOiDENSYR UPt FRESH BUTTER, CANNED TOMATOES, I'- ' PEACHES AND CORN ' FRESH SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES, andT&s good Flour as can be found in the olty. And if you want GOOD BUTTER try ; "' - ": ' ':" " .' ' ' FRENCH'S; .. dc 8-tf -Corner M.rket and Second ?ta Fine Beef ! Fine Beef ; ORDERED EXPRESSLY FOR CHRISTMAS, Can be had every day this week at The Citizens' Market. Next door to A. Oldham' Grain Store, on north side of Market street. , J. F. GAREELL, Prop'r. P. S. Do not forget to call and supply your selves at once. decl92tTuftTh ' ' ' .. I Have on Hand A FULL LINE OF JADIE3 GOODS, LATEST 8TYLES; oCfH Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Corsets. Hoopskirts, Bustles, Victoria Lawns, Jaconet, Swiss, Nainsook and Mull Muslins in striped plaid and plain Hair Platts, French Twists and Puffs-in imitation and real hair NECK-TIES AND BOWS, And a splendid assortment of Millinery and MILLINERY G 0.0 DS! .:,!. ... m ; i . . - t i" Call and examinVmylBtoekoeJore purchas ing tlsewhere. i ; s . - r J't mk'pMcErTEBMs'vAs&i .' A. D. DROW.t. , Exchange corner. dec20:tf ' t- BUY THE GENUINE am fi wta A -oiri Oh A TT?a 1- More Than 250 Differ: ntModlflcatloos. AjXBTS- AiSO fQ& THB BEST : ALABJC KOHT PBAWXB. , FAIRABNltS CQ y 'r K'. 1 ' 2 2 BROADWAY,' NEW YORK. pairbai'brown & car : 4 ' I 1 US MILE' STREET,- BOSTON. .-" ; id f L ' i' - For Sale by leading Hardware Dealers, sept Sfviaw .m Tu Fr ent" - " Iteml-iiieior KewYork THE A NOv 2 STEAMSHIP f, r. ; J 1. - M E t lt O P C X I S TTTI' L sail from New York for this port On t W- Saturday,. December tjrrd, ' and ' leave WllmWig o j on Tbursdav, Iecember 28 b. Other oteamships ft low the Metropolis. For Freight engagements apply to ' ': ' ' ! ' . A. D.CAZAUI. . ' . rr ' . i ;.", Wasbtvo'toy A Ca, Agts In New York. r' deci9tf ' ' ' V-' i-- " - ' ' '.-.OlTOaiidi' ToliaccQ. JQQ BBL8 GLUE, I ' .U -' JQ Boxes and Caddies Tobacco, ' ' For sale by " :- s f ' J : i K - wi w. exschnxr, ; deo 19-tf tliV and North Warr ftt. VVAWTQi WAHTED-a tew aobolara to learn rn maasnip, as taoght in onr Coxnnai rcid Colleges. -"The undeiLcned will give ins true t km to a; class r Those ;deiring to Joln must apply at once aa tmt a Limited numoer can bo MoomuKKiaied.'. Terms mpderatn. ' - -dee 14 1 E. U, McQUIGG. T30ABPI.QH ; TTATEDUooa" J JL w.tti or without i ooiua on xud, sea ..V Jaifi, e m

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