,4 V - -7" , 4- iThursdayrReceiDber 21j 1871. : KT rJr -tEil 23 -A. ZD;, ' . r-; -Editor 'nd:gyppriter. r.'X,J L IRQ STAR '- IS IjijRO- 'HJLNTMAJr O i O pure government Is in general fapswing ol the peaple otitsif party lines, .yslgencjfth ui) indeed pressing,- lf js sueh-a crisis as demands alk the moral power ol the, Country to' - meet.r. If the country: goer down ,inlhe .blackness &arktfe& iwcter the foot 'of the spoiler, when shall Yt be redeemed ? w again win occur inepppprtuDijj ii redemption ? The American people ought to wisely consider, the' greaV danger to4 -wujcntne t xtepuouc is eipuscw.- x ucj . should brace themselves for the great con restjvbich is inevitably "cbming'between ihSfi onsUtatilcaiiste--anfd Centralists. The present. r Centralists are monarch ists -tit- heart - or - if ' nbt so now are rapidly drifting that way. . Republican consolidation paves the way surely to im- perial; despotism. The despotism ot the many is preparation to the despotism of r oneThe Constitution; hitherto ourbul , : .warkv' is plastic in the handf the .corrupt men who administer v ths.Tiawa above it. : That great charter of American liberty is trtjated wiih insult r and , con-- tamely: by- the bead of -the government. Te iegardsJtLno more;-that he would a a w'sp of s'raw or a rpe of sand. TNone of ?r, its sage safe guards are binding upon hini, while a mighty washed and unw.ash .., -edfpllow!ngw stand t his back m d Incite bim to go on. The Government is hope lessly corrupt. Thieves, both sleek and sly and open and brazen, fatten and grow . up into insolent importance under its nose -and with its privity and by its aid. No torious scoundrels of all lands and climes claim with impunity and secure with ease the fattegt places under this government. CTheihost font practices meet with official protection. ;Imbtzzlements of Govern ment funds are covered up under the military cloak of our President. He smokes his cigar with the countenance ol a man-whb possesses a serene and lofty . conscience, - To him all things are pure, even as he is pure. With official defile ment so vast,. so astounding, so far beyond precedent that the official carcass rots in the light of day to which it is exposed, can the apathy of good and true men of bjth the great parties be 'accounted for ? There is enough in the picture we have limned to diir the fever in the blood ol" freemen all over the land. "Brothera lhe thunder clood Is black Ui Afid tbWailof tb land rioea fortb j Will ye stand tbe hot tornado's rack And tbe vanvjlre'aor tbe Goth?" "We regret to see that there is a move ment in the Legislature, looking to the resforation of the cd Usury law. Nothing is plainer than that money is a commodity like sugar, coal or salt, and that limitations imposed upon the--price of money are jaa. h arsh and unreasonable as limitations imposed vpon tbe price of these common - articles of merchandise would be. t'he aifHculty UnJ getting men-to bokAt the matter in: any other conventional "Valuein tbSdifference!jn rlocaUonand business, mast -necessarilyj be VBjm'ftiDjdrlo festrictlqnV upon the operations of -Inance' ahdepm inerce. ! The old law in North CaroUna only est. allowed six , perr centum, inier- The legislature ;ef '65-'66 ex- " tended, legal interest n the case of loans to eight per centuro( when that per cent, pvas expressed in - writing in the agreement. ''''TfieB.rYsTrie "ures; annexed bayalwayg beeirvjefed :;Wslal&r 'S l)usmesai meo because thereby .the- operations . :oi ;. business !aie cramped and hampered. There is I no doubt that theoiaterial prosperity of the ; State:hbed7;.tbe existence, of usurjrjws Ca seek such fields for nyestent 8 promise to! be . mosw remuneraiive.. 11 lae legislature would do A wise thing It voaI(l t remove ;:'la11 jtritibnbhijndn knd alio jg hejender to jget fur is-mone n s xuc icuuer uas ngnis as eil ' as" tbe borrower. Besides, such a law Will makeiteasielo contract Io;than unde aneriry-8ygtem.: J will aeMbW pUileanriss m be man. Business should,be nntrammelledlfney snouid lne. w' . - srs3gr? --.it. , Inibufarucl'eT: of several weeks ago1 on me cocion crop ana pro oa Die advance in price weffiade' certain- predictions biseil a earlvliin the fiea'soW ftnd -tliA "A&it-fa sided iriewr vTbf yvlBee only MsHt MjM;-iea4er;he extor- i ; s-tnects or wweb: tbafc timf tfriSlVi hi -r-. mvm peuuwenr nature as to keep the price down, but that the causes removtd, the staplewould become elastic,, andthe price go up to V'jfrettyjfigure. Our predictionsare. btiog , verified. r The causes that then operated to depress 4he market h avebeen'grad uatly r embVedjf For 4e"vrltiifttyi giijdipr:;! they are so remunerative, iiti.nr ingawaiiijfts tbAoW fbrijetter pllues."' Our u wxipteron, -iu sucbmatterl worth fery liUleathat; higher Tet 'But me have no overwhfflmi : injr, reasons to urge lo support 01 this opinion. ?M t The spirit ofBruce and Wallace, of Koox nd ; Chalmers: of Buchanan and Rcibertsonj of Barns and Scott, still ;d wells in tbe breasts of the bonnie Scots. ;The same pluck, constancy and practical Sense distinguish this hardy people, that has caused the names of Scotland and the Scotch to be known wherever there is a iterature. : . .j:4.i-2 'r-': 'v - 0r Cumberland friends are" noted a much for thei&business " enterprise ? as for their pure morality, noble hospitality and elevated patriotism. Suffering heavily from the effects of the" war, the vandal Resolutions of Shennan having been wide spread and deep, they have nevertheless gone resolutely ; , to work to re establish their broken fortunes, ana from all ap pearances seem" destined soon tp " . succeed in'their purposes . .We hear that ' several of the old factories around Fayetteville are to be rebuilt ; indeed, work -has com menced upon two of the most important of thesel These manufactories, with other contemplated improvements, will give the good old borough a considerable lilt. We are always glad to makei note of- pro gress for Fayetteville and hope to have is in our power to chronicle other evidences of prosperity in that town. Palmetto Leaves." . Georgetown has a plenty ot wild ducks. . . Colnmbia is to enjoy a horse rate to day. - . . A game cock fair commenced in Columbia yElterday. . . . Six and a quarter cents is the price of pork in Laurensville. . . The great Masonic celebration came off in Charleston yesterdiy. Gen. J. B. Kershaw was to deliver the address. .. Two men connected with a show had a shooting scrpein Colombia on Munday evening. No one seriously damaged. ... The Horry News, ot the 12th instant, says : On Wednesday night, tbe Gtb instant, the mill of Mr. S. N. Ander son; five mile from this place, was destroy ed by fire. We have made enquiry into this matter, and ate forced to the conclu sion that the destruction of this property, not only valuable to the owner, but 1 great benefit: to the., whole community, was the deliberate work, of incendiaries. THE CABOUSI PABMER-WHAT IS T1AOCGI1T OF IT. ' Corresppnance of tbe Star. ' BalexghN. C., I)ec. 18, 1871. Win. It. Bernard Esq."lfriimingi6n, N. C. Dear Sir : I have .given the speci men number'! .of the ?t Carolina rfranner," sent me, a caretdl perusal, : and candor compeTs me to'say thatT like the "speci men," and it the future numbers are like unto it, the interest of our farmers Will be greatly enhanced by. reading and follow ing its teachings; and net only the farnW, but every one. who has a garden, a cow, pig, or pouuryjajui uuu in ib omemiug lfttableaHZ 1 1. Z,k 1 U : , I have always been an advocate of South-. ern Agricultural publications, for South- rn1arrjaers,not that ! dislike those of the XHortn, duc 1 inins inose ox ine oouui are better yea, far .better . for; our soil hnq climate. We of the South need a great deal of enlightenment on farming ; large nam oer 01 proiesseu iarmers are sua 10 ineir a-b c's andBnnle old fogies say they care n6TSfn"i?TorT)6okTarmini?r I tell vou isir: hwe ranst wake upJfour.tyDiintfl men, HheJ.doipblitieetr Cbicauo, there was a watch, future ho'pe of the' old North State, tare leaving us. to lopk for hetteriands j fMhy, Mr.' Editor, f here is no better btat'e in : t he tJnion, than'North Carolina, andS'lfthey woukl only .goto wirk scientifically and cease their canting, they wonld find . t h at ifijli native soil would return" them as good or better interest Oo their monej thki any other, portion v pt c this f,couniryy forf where can yon find such a climate as; w-e TiaVeln Nortb'Carblina t I am of the opinion that some, think.they t can , find: places wfiere they can farm sucressfhlly without labor, it can't be done, farming means Work t work ! ! work HI -rCoold not the various professions spare pursuits i i ininK so, ,ior mere are many young men wasting their time , and iulents, .ctufchingout their intellect be nind(andl fear a great many of fhem; in. front) orne coTinters, lnour cities ani towns." vIt might very truly be written of a large number Ofltbe cclasslflbtit e men tioned, "mistook his ; :?' liog. fpr Jbere haye; been; a great many and "Mechanics spoiled a n making - - p4or iMer- cnantsiiawyers ioctors esc to the end of the catalogue. Tbeiresonrces of our State veloped by the rising generation, - it fde veloped t all, therefore we appul te jthe young men to remain at home and go; to Wbrk'''"" ' '""r.;,. "!"!.".":' '. ' -r. vTf"'; ' will meet with that snccess it so richlv .j.rvvy.Aijiiving'3xa:jpurii-eaaer f the bVst you, have ingthe sbop'iJSehd roe pevera! copfrs fof diatrihuiion. ? Wiib the;tomrJliment "of thT season lam re spectfolly. :" "- Wax. ' tWlexis i a fine- linguist; . &kl Grali t's; motto Ondv good term deseves another. ,y Q J?x Empress Eugetiie sailed froGjbralta on-theietbtor EnglafJd;r 7 aple ko" supply 4he entire Ssconntry with bananas, ...i-.D-'i v iJ': i 7 Visitors in Northern Italy are complaining of heavy ?ttnd rntkr-unusuai tails or snow. - ' . '-i rWiamanciJcT member of thelichmond bar,ris now an inmate of thecity alms hous& "l'?'m. -X eLO . fTACoi3n nciticri ,papft; tiowrs of severaf persons in tbar State1- who nave burned themselves to death this' yeai; by smokinglinoed. t r Generalf KoscnsjIireVbiing his abilities to bringing into 'practical operation in te8tltni8y8t;'nai. row gauge railways -i XJolonei LaiVrencej- of Elgi n, 111., jumped from A' window of the Ameri can Hotel, Bstonr in a Jitof insanity, Friday, andT died Saturday.", A . 1 ! i Dr. p.3V; HeMiQrjjerjyn "ager of Crosby's OperaHduse, Who at-: tempted To commit suicide aV f ew weeks ago, died on Wednesday' night, at Chica go, from the ffect ifis wounds.. What Masonry Does. - The fqllowingiocidest illpsTates, in a decree, eOme of ibe-coold tfftcts prod uced by the teachings of Masoniy when prop erly understood aud practiced, an i shows how it conciliates true friend.-h'p among those who mi?ht have otherwise remained St a perpetual disjtjpce:: 1 Sit i Two young men la oeen last inenas. In an evil hour they quarreled. They did not speak, and had not spoken 'for years. Mutual triends tried the art ot reconcilia tion in vam. They were avowed" enemies for life. One of them became a Mason after the estrangement, and it happened that the other remained ignorant 01 this fact. One evening he, too, was admitted into a lodge. Almost-Jhe firstvdice he heard, and certainly the first face he 6aw, was that of his enemy, who presided over the ceremonies ' of - initiation, and was obliged, according to usage, to address him by the title of " Brother." This was a most peculiar situation, and a severe ordeal tor hoth. After the lodge ws ctoed the A pprentjge sought the Master, Mnd without uny preliminaries, the ioll'w ing cijlloouy ensued, commtneed by the newly made Mason : Are you a member of this Lodge ?'' The answer was, u I am." " Were you present when I was elected?" " I was." ' May I ask if you voted ?" 44 1 did.?' v,,r B :; "Nw will you tell me how many vote it n quires to ri ject a candidate on ballot lor admission ?" The Master answered " One!" There was nothing more to say. The initiated extended his hand, which was warmly grasped by the other, and uttered with thrilling accents, dep emotion mel lowing hi3 voice, " Friend J Brother ! you have taujjht me a lesson I shall never for get' This is a little ray of-Masonic light. No language is as eloquent as the bilent throbbing of a heart full ot tears. While this kind of cement is used in our moral edifice, should it not be endtfring ? Who can wonder that it is so strehg. Bold and 8nccesfnX Bobbery. 1 On Saturday afternonji daring bbpry was" perpttrat ed at Russell's jewelry ..store. No. 21 N. Sixth s'het. A gentlemab and lady were in the sto're selecting some rings. J The tray containing them was p'aced nj the show case, when Mr. Russell was called 10 the rear end ot the; store;' At that in stant the do'ir was thrown-open and a young man rushed in. He at once seixed the tray, thrust4t into his bosom' and lrar- iojaOTddUlrnfaati&tantly givenv Mr!T?us3ell leaned over Tthe counter and followed the ; tbief,Awbo Vran;intofJpdm- merce street and up Seventh, .-Tne speed of Mr. Russell was checked by two mjen, evidently accomplices, who got in-bis way. After beintf pursued into Market street and up to Eighth the tbie'f was lost sight or. .unioe way were, wriy-eignirnngs, diamondnby, pearl and amethysts- The wt)ole werervaluedtit? about $,0W No Policemen were to be jseen in the; vicinity at the time the robbery was committect.- PhUs Inquirer jl)ec. 18;:; f be Dog : thiki Went TUroasli tbe Fire.. rtitrt-- u! -Xi ..... t to tue jrioeiiiy oaie ieposn company, in one ?f thelvaultS; pt ttretrj buildiognezt west .of. the Sherman , House. - When jthe ruins of the build isg were ; removed this .faithful fellow was tound I- with'i)is Hair .unsb'ged, andf no.percfiptibletjbrm exejept that ItU feet had been a trifle toowarm; He has no W resumed ?hti VO-Aion as ias- sistant' high c wateli ma'h " or! rthft'Fiity oaie JuepoMt uommnjiM. a aog'is-pro-taMy theonlT limg creature that rwent through the tire and stood it well. He.i& probably ta good a witness to"; b,;yirtue ot.clay .bricks'for resisting heat as"; can be found anv where. Chi&ioo TrUnini- I ! limine . Mr. Thos. S. Pleasants, an account of. whose ud deri illness happeared infth ese columns, died yesterday "afiernooh 'about 1 tircbiknbthufaW'ssed away moi her, of those pld an.d-r. valued, citizens of Peter8tursrf whose reeoni will 12 fe 1remem'erea lor the virtues that.advrned it. Pet. ftoffreMttfrinrt. -u-: j frfvor. Presi , JtncylvmHenty, Harrison. Henrva Clay. J J?nieL Webster, the Whig National Coor; f VentionSvhicb assembled in Baltimore in ISl csJC., a8 . well, as, . vario ua - eminent j liemocrats.j-;. Cfcuntessla Lisbonf Por-ugal, heireel1 a native IUi. floihasieiit (orhetlr uf the Chicago sufierera ;One:thousind : Kunda Were Tecei Vt d bnr Sainrda v '-fthW ;tin)ti;n lrelanda total of 4.500 irom that ditv. I -aa infinitum fiTA m rfrn 1 ? wi mnti i i ii' r af i T TneNew TirK Tribune quotes ip must be .fde?! bfhffheirm Dririclnle ;rorMhe SPECIAL NOTICES. XThilla a seasoitttiat tries the tame and the constttutlon;! lherebaa wealcHot In 'eitherthecbliling dampsi, tbemalarlohOga the varieties ol temperature, that, mark the om(neBjcement of the winter aeaaon are -aura. to fmani out. Tnere re- ww havernotrarwealrrfpotr f.f&Tff&P1? ;risest thinthal jyfva-f UtBtcntifr it Pr acoarae of Hoetetter's Stom ach Bitters, and tirostJteep-the enemy at bay Ja war, when a cifjr ia pienaiRed them wang to be done f to btcengthan the rftoopart8..The same policy sbrfuW beeidopted; with theu man tbody, .when itai Joe, m&i U abrbad lf the'atonoach will lend ft viger if the bbwels are niOrbidly sensitlveihis alterative wUl regulate them j if the liver is inert, this wholesome stmnlant will rouse it ; If there is co r stipation, this aperient will cure it ; if there 4s nervdus de bility.'lhls nervine win replace it wriherv ous vigbrf if there is imparity In the blood, tMs deporent will nentralfae it if thre Is a cloud on the spirits, this exbilarant will dispel ir." These are facts that have been; demon atrated every day for the last twenty years. Can as much be said for any . other medicine- or ratherV can as much b proved t for an j thing may be said by the unscrupulous." Do not ac cept any of tbe local bitters sometimes recom mended by dealers in lieu of the Standard Bestorative. f fCea. Vil - BATCUELOU'S HAIB 0TE. This superb Hair Dye la the best in the World --Perfectly Harmless, Reliable and 'Instant taheous.No disappointment! No Rediculous Tuxts, or .Unpteasant Odor. . The., genuine A'Batchelort's Hair Dye produces IMMEDI ATELY a splendid Black or Natural . Brown. Does not Stain the Skin, but leaves the Hair 'Cretan, sofrantfBeautifui.' The only Safe and Perfect Dye, Sold by all Druggists. Factory 16 Bond street, N ew Tor k. ; . ;.feB7odly-entTu Tb 8at v, KOSKUQ. This celebrated Medicine has ' attained a high reputation, as a reliable remedy for Purifying the B)ood, Bestoiing vbeLlv. rand Kiuneys to a healthy action, and Toning uptfeeKerV'ms System Its numeious au4 remarkable enrsor tbe worst forms f Scrotula, Dyspeps'a, Rheumatism, Liver Com Dlalnt. Kidney iisease, ' Eruptions of tbe kin. Worvous Prostration, Ac, bas caused It to become tL standard remedy, It is aow prescribed' by pnytcians, and recem- mended by our best c itizens. dec 7-UJt WaFly ent ; MISCELLANEOUS. THE JL.AEST and FINEST a t ASSORTMENT OF Goods at Popular Prices H; & B- EMANUEL, 45 Market Street, - . ,. ... . ... . .. . nAVE JUST REtiKIVED a splendid assort ment ot liUY or an aesenpwons, con staling in part of SILK POPLJNS, EEPS, - FRENCH MERINOS, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, And a full variety of FRENCH AND ENGLISH DRESS GOODS, Especial attention of the ladies is called to tneir splendid assortment oi LADIES' UNDER GARMENTS, ' LACES,. EMBROIDERIES, KID GLOVES, Ac , Ao. VELVETEENS & SATINS, all colors. A fine seleotion of - ! v LADIES TRIMMED & UN TRIMMED HATS. A splendid line of CLOTHING, for Mens, Boys, and Youths, of all grades and at prices to suit. '' ' " '" , ; NOTIONS, TRUNKS, VALISES, HATS ft CAPS, UMBRELLAS, Ac, AC, &C. Do not forget the place. . . H. B. EMANUEL. nov Si-tf 45 Market Street. ! Sew Store I If ew Qoofls! door to Willard Bros., W H O LB S ALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, - . . - : whiskeyIs, i tAND ALL KINDS OVAj . f Which '..utib "Will oiler ta4.hie tcadeion. Jthe 'most TERMS, as we are receiving large consignments of the jaiiBESTfGOODST IN THE COUNTRY - ... ' Please call before makiniryour purchases.' aeeutfi j rTlte Sumter Newsj ? S wroceu w roiiuos, AgricuituTeT ana gen- : 1 An tewervlhgdv6eate of the Booth and f UetJfa&l&ttUL : Its motto la t:7i TI r integrity i the VounxHt t itk HONOR ; ""ANir tiLRtnthe" BlCEVito JProaperUyaBanigliimKPi-e-viiilnenee A SPLENDID AD VEKTISING MEDIUM jfi; .a-r-i an 3. , V --li 1 1 JARItOSEEN; VT HBcaa Aiur A g , -&amter 8. : Wilmington, N. C.': ; :- - augSO-tf V. miscellaneous; , CaU and:Biiy a Pair of 3!HE CELEBRATED ;::; 'VJCTORM KID- GLOVES - w.ur Jrv" - -a. - r. - . f i 'tVf 3r X - Only One 1)oliara?Pdbr. ! --j;. EVERT PAIR WARRANTED " jl i. BROWNExehan'ge-Corner, -deo20.tf ' ' " TBole Agent. Coal and Cash ! : ; E ACH COMMAND 3 THE OTHER," and we " will in future sell. r . . - COAL FOR' CASH ONLY. Our patrons will please bear this in mind. The prices are :. . For One Ton, $9 00 Delivered. For 1-2 y Tori; ' 4 50 dec 17 lot WORTH A WORTH. . Provisions ! rff BBLS. CITV MESS PORK, Full OUU weight. 100 Bo ies Dry aited sides 3 0 Hhd ' Bacon sides and shouidersi Per sale low by v " dec 2-tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. J. F. R ueckert ; Has the Rest t Assortment : of - FInST-CLASS PIANOS EVER O. fFERE D IN THE CITY AT HIS W A R K R O O MS , . Nos. 07 A 39 Market St., Masohio Hall, ) WILMINGTON, St.C, ' "He Beit Pianos im Haiifdnref ARE THE PAMOU8 .' "WHBER PIANOS," TE3y are used and pronounce! superior to arty and all others now made, by all iLe LEADINCK MUSICIANS AND CONSER "S ATOIRS OP MUSIC. The musical profession, and all amateur performers, are cordially , invited, .to eall at the above J Mano Wareiooms and test the su periority of e WEBER PIANO 3. AlO, Other First Class Pianos ot all styles and prices, to Vuit purchasers, constantly on hand. . No ex orbitant pi ices. . - ., 49s All Pia 103 Warranted for Five Years. Pianos 1 uned, v Repaired. Moved. &c. A choice selection of Sheet Music on hand. Wiljcikgi'ON, N. C. J. F. RUECKERT, dec 17-tf '';-'"-' ' Have You Examined THE ;:;' .:: ACES, EMBROIDERIES AND TRIM MINGS AT w ' J. & H.SAM SOFT'S , STAPLE AND FANCY DBX . GOODS of all descriptions, ! Hosiery, Dress Goods, Blankets, ; c Cloaks, Shawls, R"ihbons, Collars and a complete: assortment of everything kept in our line: ' " ' ' " 1 43" Citizens and strangers desiring the )at est styles at the lowest prices if ill do -well to examine our stock. J. A H: SAMSON, No. 43Markt street decl7tf CLEAR ADD HARllLESS-AS WATER ! CRYSTAL BlseOVBRY FOR ! .?r. wj Arthur, Ncdtan Inventor, and, Prjepr j A PERPHCTLY CLEAR- PREPARATION -PL- one bottle, a eally applied aa-walr, lor restoring Gray Hair to lU natural color youm.ai appemunee, eradiate anl prevent dar.druir, to. piomote 4ne growth t the Hair aad etOD its i-mhk oat. 1 im n. akLT HAaHLasaand peifeetUfree; from any poisonous eubbtauee, and wiU Lharelere take tbe place of all the dirty and unpjeasaat prep ;arat.iona now. in vta&a&ivu rauateatiSM alula .nave oeen sent, us rozn many , f our- moot thB articles now.in use areoo netaen ible,i;ns tal iiiscovery is perlect. Jt is wrranted 0 o-niam neitder biiArof Lat -Snlnhnr nr Ni. traterMlvr, ituoeenot Mittha fiiOLhes or ca.jp. ia agreeably perfumed a t makes oms ot the bev (tressings for tbe Harm ue It restores the color o the, Hair 'more perJeot and uniformly than anv other preparation,' virtually feeding tbe.root of . the, Hair with nil the nourishing' qualities necesbary fa iia growiu una neanaj conaiuon; iirt-svoreaine 2eesAaact4i4iueea & h4(W'gnjmK. of Abe Hair more ooaitively than anvibinc elae. 9 he appilodtl n of thin wOri(erfur discovery also .prwnccB s ptwmnn t ina eooimg gucv on ine We call eanecdalattentiOAto the i fact that w I limit ed number of small trial bottles can be, nan uf luwrvwiiBing u irylb 1 oa win no tice that in pnrstiiBxaR.eojirae our aim is to convince Dy me aniuai merits or the article. roi saieuvwtimlngton by MclLHENN x- WKIUUT, Wholesale and KetaliaV Proprie tors' rates. r.s.i'x . thOv tt" incited bV HTlNN'Ji Cd Pnb- iBhera Soientine " American. -87 Twentv.nva vears exnerienee. : . - p- Pain tiblets contain! n g Patent7 Latrs.-wit - rr ifllJjUlOl auu uiroaroiis jqw 10 ouiain raienis. tree. " A bound volume of tiSpigea, containing tbe NKW c KNSUS by Conntles and all large culea, 140 Enravtng r Urcbanical Mo vementat Paient t-airaandruhx forotnaiqlnr j?tents, mailed on reeeipt of s cents -- - , ; . dee 2DA WJmos ent , . - Cash NoticeHrTT . COAL AND WOOD-. . would be sold for CASH oki v -Yjpmthi.tfate positt' orderfdrCnaf. r-.-ttr "9 . '-' nwun decj7-tt--? DAVID Picon TOBACCONIST, t WILMIKGTO N.O. Dxcraraas 2-tf WEST &lAMTfi5 fFER a large and selected stock of sale at Lo, Cash Prices. - Call and examine our stock, 59 Market Street, Hard wick'8Qid8tan(l tf ,'- , X H E CLIFFORD HOUSE, - y AND ONLY SAMPLE ROOM . IN THE CITY. ' WlIS8TlR.8AE8 AND EOT. connection with that Superior Brand of ' JX?JZ??Ji0. a.lvav8 be had , MICHIGAN CHEWING TOBACCO , . ' Also, , ' , Furnished Rooms, by Day, Week or Monti. Oct 16-tf ' . J. A. CLUFORD, Propt. . Ghristmas.Doings, WE HAVE ON HAND DfilFD FIG3,CUS. rant?. Citron. Prunes. Nuts o all kinds, Fresh Layer Raisins, Candy, a variety of Choice Groceries. Sugar-cured H ams, ahd a choice Lot of North Carolina Hams, 4c, Ac, decl7tf WEST & HABEISS, H . B TJ BE H I II EE, Wholksau ml V0&li Ketail Diaim Ii Tobacco, Snuff AND SEGAES, : Sljrn of the Indian Chief, ' dec 8 tf No. 6 Market St. D.J. Gilbert, . (Late of the Clarendon Bar and Oyster Saloen) H AS removed to No. 4 South Water street, next door below ,d wards Halls, where he will continue the same bnslneM, ,3 V. n V.IT nrnmnt TtArSOnftl ftttentlODi W receive tbe patronage heretofore extended to him. lie also has two good Billiard .TMa for sale r rent, which can do purcntweu j tow for cash, with all tn eir fixtures, nov j0-3m : Butter and Cheese. TRIME FAbTORY CHEESE, ; NEW YORK STATE BUTTEE and CHOICE WESTERN BUTTEE, Forsaleby OCt 13-tl ADRIAN 4 V0IXKB& J Eice! Rice 120,000 LBS FRESH BEAT Btt Uu FROM HILTON RICE 3IILIS, Forsaleby deedtf - WILLIBDBEOS. : JOLtAK & SON, Xtannfactarers, Importers :: : .' pjcALSBS in Sv'sitert ArlMfis as! RETAIL ONLT Genuine Meerschaum rnnv STREET, N ' . JO- Address, for xtewu vv , &tf 4U tt Kttifl .... .. ' Salt ''Salt! Salt' .... in' '; ' T i .Germania eaiuu; bireets- . , -t Win' -a. tun s.ppiy of cyicw w w SAifrtJaiMid Groceries kPl H.BBEMEE. ilolaijses and SyroP 650HHDS. Slluxcovadq Hoi For sale very to hy wifcAEP

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